Word order exercises verb to be

10000+ результатов для ‘to be word order’

Word order to be

Word order to be
Привести в порядок

от Taniv

Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)

Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)
Привести в порядок

от Babrasin

Sentence word order

 be going to

be going to
Случайное колесо

от Maiborodaed

to be going to

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)
Привести в порядок

от Babrasin

Sentence word order

Word order 'to be'

Word order ‘to be’
Привести в порядок

от Ageenkova467

to be +? Elementary

to be +? Elementary
Привести в порядок

от Marygorska

to be

to be speaking questions

to be speaking questions
Случайные карты

от Lenageist

7-й класс
to be questions

To Be - Word Order

To Be — Word Order
Привести в порядок

от Rockmasha

To be. Word order

To be. Word order
Привести в порядок

от Elinaeva

2 класс
Spotlight 2

To be - word order (+/-/?)

To be — word order (+/-/?)
Привести в порядок

от Violet7

To be Word order

To be Word order
Привести в порядок

от Violet7

to be: word order

to be: word order
Привести в порядок

от Merinikaabramov

word order to be

word order to be
Привести в порядок

от Englishteacherru

Word order to be

Word order to be
Привести в порядок

от Rosichka1

Word order to be

Word order to be
Привести в порядок

от Omnadya1234

to be: he she it is

to be: he she it is
Пропущенное слово

от Maiborodaed

2-й класс
3 класс
to be



от Ma1204

3 класс
to be

 to be negative

to be negative

от Nataliastrab

to be

Nouns + to be

Nouns + to be
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Volginaksenia

to be

Nouns + to be

Nouns + to be
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Yanabik55


to be affirmative word order

to be affirmative word order
Привести в порядок

от Kostyukovaev

English plus Starter

To be Questions and Short answers

To be Questions and Short answers
Случайные карты

от Englishmood

to be

To be

To be
Правда или ложь

от Lenanikiforova

1-й класс
2-й класс
To be

Am/Is/Are sort

Am/Is/Are sort
Групповая сортировка

от Lenanikiforova

1-й класс
2-й класс
3 класс
To be

to be word order 1

to be word order 1

от Elace44

 To be answers

To be answers

от Nataliastrab

to be

Will or to be going to

Will or to be going to

от Alletisia

6 класс
7-й класс
8 класс
9-й класс
to be going to or will

AS1 U2 Listening and Speaking

AS1 U2 Listening and Speaking

от Mariyagordienko

Начальная школа / начальная
to be
to be

To be questions and short answers

To be questions and short answers
Правда или ложь

от Englishmood

to be

to be questions

to be questions
Случайные карты

от Antkatya8


I am He She It is

I am He She It is

от Maiborodaed

to be

TO BE is am are 24 cards

TO BE is am are 24 cards
Случайные карты

от Antkatya8


to be positive negative

to be positive negative
Пропущенное слово

от Maiborodaed

to be

Go Getter (1) 1.2 to be (2)

Go Getter (1) 1.2 to be (2)
Групповая сортировка

от Mariamikh

to be

Personal pronouns an to be - am, is, are

Personal pronouns an to be — am, is, are
Погоня в лабиринте

от Volginaksenia

to be

Solar system. Sentences

Solar system. Sentences
Привести в порядок

от Ria04

2-й класс
природные науки
Word order


Случайные карты

от Natynaty96

to be

Verb to be. Word order.

Verb to be. Word order.
Привести в порядок

от Englishteacherru

To be questions (word order)

To be questions (word order)
Привести в порядок

от Artlingua

Go Getter 1

Be going to Word Order

Be going to Word Order
Привести в порядок

от Chirukhinat

to be questions word order

to be questions word order
Привести в порядок

от Nastena16

Be going to (word order)

Be going to (word order)
Привести в порядок

от Anyapoletova

to be sentences word order

to be sentences word order
Привести в порядок

от Dmitrivkatia

I'm going to...

I’m going to…
Викторина с изображением

от Yescenter2022

be going to

"be" word order

«be» word order
Привести в порядок

от Allaenglishteac

English File elementary

1.1 Questions SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate

1.1 Questions SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate
Привести в порядок

от Tatimrs

Speakout Pre-Intermediate
word order

Word order in to be questions

Word order in to be questions
Привести в порядок

от Oksi1297n

What are you going to do?

What are you going to do?
Откройте поле

от Irishja84

be going to

To Be Not. Burgers

To Be Not. Burgers

от Antkatya8

2-й класс
3 класс
Rainbow 2
Spotlight 2
Spotlight 3
Spotlight 4

to be negative

to be negative

от Fireflyeltresources

to be

Am is are speaking questions

Am is are speaking questions
Откройте поле

от Arisha2103

To be

am, is, are

am, is, are
Сбить воздушный шар

от Yuliazaytseva

to be

To be Present Simple + and -

To be Present Simple + and —
Совпадающие пары

от Fireflyeltresources

to be

WB_to be

WB_to be
Случайное колесо

от Veralambrekht

Wonderland B
to be

be going to 2

be going to 2
Поиск слов

от Arseniytatata

be going to
Spotlight 4

To be

To be

от Mariyagordienko

to be

Is / are

Is / are
Групповая сортировка

от Mariyagordienko

to be

am, is, are

am, is, are
Пропущенное слово

от Yuliazaytseva

to be



от Antkatya8

2-й класс
3 класс
Rainbow 2
Spotlight 2
Spotlight 3
Spotlight 4

To be - am, is, are

To be — am, is, are

от Volginaksenia

Personal pronouns
to be

Сегодня сосредоточимся на отработке глагола to bе и выполним несколько интересных упражнений. Но вначале предлагаю вспомнить правила употребления глагола to be.

Вспомнили? Отлично! Переходим к упражнениям. Все упражнения на глагол to be даются с ответами, поэтому не забывайте проверить свои знания!

 Глагол to be в Present Simple. Am / is /are exercises.

Упражнение 1. Fill in the gaps as in the example.

Long Form

Short Form

Negative Form

Negative Short Form

1. We are students.

2. He is from Spain. 

3. You are a singer. 

4. It is a picture.

5. They are actors.

A We’re students.

A ______________

A ______________

A ______________

A ______________

B We are not students.

B ______________

B ______________

B ______________

B ______________

C We aren’t students.

C ______________

C ______________

C ______________

C ______________

 Упражнение 2. Complete what Brenda says about herself . Use am,  is or are.

My name (1) ______ Brenda Foster. I (2)  ______ on the left in the picture. I (3) ______  ten years old and I (4) ______ in the fifth form. My birthday (5)  _____ on the first of January. I (6) ______  from Santa Monica, California, USA. I (7) ______ American. My phone number (8) ______ 235-456-789. I live at 16 Park Street. My post code (9) ______ LA 30 SM. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Their names (10) ______ Gina and Paul. Gina (11) ______ 16 years old and Paul (12) ______  only three. I’ve also got a dog. His name (13) ______ Spot. He (14) ______  on the right in the picture. My Mum (15) ______ a doctor. She works at a hospital. My Dad (16) ______ a driver. He works in Los Angeles. We (17)  ______ all   friendly in our family.

Упражнение 3. The verb to be. Insert appropriate present forms.

A: Hi, Alex. How (1)  _________ you?

B: Hello David. I (2) _________  fine and how (3) _________  you doing?

A: I (4)  _________doing fine.

B: How (5)  _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

A: She (7)  _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

A: Not really, why?

B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

A: I’d love to.

B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.

Упражнение 4. Write in is / isn’t, are / aren’t, am / ’m not.

  1. I __________ lazy.
  2. My friend ___________ naughty.
  3. My granny___________ kind.
  4. My granddad ___________clever.
  5. My teachers___________ funny.
  6. I___________ a bad pupil.

Упражнение 5. Fill in is, are, He’s, She’s, l’m, They’re.

  1. How _____ your mum? — _______ fine, thanks.
  2. How _____ your parents? — _____ OK.
  3. How _____ you? — _____ very well, thank you.
  4. How _____ your uncle? — _____ fine, thanks.
  5. How _____ your children? — _____ OK.
  6. How _____ Liz? — _____ fine, thanks.
  7. How _____ your cousin? — _____ very well, thank you

Упражнение 6. Write in am /’m not, is / isn’t or are / aren’t.

  1. I _____ a businessman.
  2. I _____ a pupil.
  3. My friends_____ teachers.
  4. My uncle_____ a driver.
  5. My parents _____ doctors.
  6. My cousins _____ vets.
  7. My mum _____ a shop-assistant.

Упражнение 7. Write in is /are

1.  How much ________ the trousers?

2.  How much ________ these shorts?

3. How much ________ a pair of socks?

4.  How much ________ this scarf?

5.  How much ________ this dress?

6.  How much ________ the jeans?

Упражнение 8. Write in is / are

  1. These trousers _______ £30.
  2. This hat  _______  £5.
  3. The socks  _______£3.
  4. How much  _______ the shoes?
  5. How much _______  the jacket?

 Глагол to be в Past Simple. Was / were exercises.

Упражнение 9. Write in was / were

  1. _________ Jenny at the party?
  2. _________ Lumpy quiet yesterday?
  3. _________ you in Kongo?
  4. _________ your parents in the local gym yesterday?
  5. _________ your friend at school yesterday?
  6. _________ you happy yesterday?

Упражнение 10. Write in was / were

  1. _______ your mum tired yesterday?
  2. _______ you hungry yesterday evening?
  3. _______ it cold yesterday?
  4. _______ your teacher sad yesterday?
  5. _______ your pet hungry yesterday?

Упражнение 11. Write in was / were

The third day _______ Wednesday. The boys _______ in the swimming-pool. Steve _______ the fastest swimmer! On Thursday we _______ at the circus! The bears _______  funny! The fifth day _______  Friday. In the morning we _______  in the zoo.

 Упражнение 12. Вставьте глагол to be в нужном времени. (Present Simple / Past simple / Present Perfect / Future Simple)

Present Simple

  1. Fred _____ thirteen now.
  2. «____ you English? «No, l _________.
  3. Her name _____ Ann.
  4. «______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______».
  5. __________ these men doctors?
  6. «You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right».
  7. There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go!
  8. There ________no more questions, _________there?

Past Simple

  1. «When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I ________. I ________ very happy.»
  2. They (not) ________ ready for the  lesson last Tuesday.
  3. The days_________ cold and wet last September.
  4. There ________20 pupils in our class last year.

Present Perfect

13. I ________ill for the last few weeks.

14. Where _______ John _________ all day?

15. They (not) ________ to this part of the country.

16. «________ she________ to America? » «No, she ________.»

Future Simple

17. He ________ 13 years old tomorrow.

18. I ________ back home at 6 o’clock.

19. We __________ at the library at that time.

20. They __________ here at 3 o’clock.

21. They ________ happy to see us.

Упражнение 13. Вставьте глагол tobe в нужном времени. (Present Simple / Past simple / Present Perfect / Future Simple)


Hello! Му name ________  Alan. I________  thirteen. My friend’s name ________  David. He ________   thirteen, too. We  ________   from Belarus. Last summer we ________   at the seaside. The weather ________  sunny. There________  many people on the beach. We had a good time. I hope next summer it ________  sunny and warm, too. There________   a lot of nice days. I ______ never ________  to other countries. Some day in future I ________   lucky to visit London and my holidays ________   great.


1. The animals ________   in danger.

2. There ________   only a few mountain gorillas in the world now.

3. It  ________  the thirty-first today.

4. The wind ________  strong yesterday.

5. We________   at the end of Cliff Road when Alan fell down.

6. What ________   the weather like yesterday?

7. I hope your leg________  better soon.

8. ________  you________   at home tomorrow?

9. _______  you ever________   to London?

10. I ________    ill for a week.

Ответы на упражнения.

Упражнение 1.

2 A He’s, B He is not, C He isn’t

3 A You’re, B You are not, C You aren’t

4 A It’s , B It is not, C It isn’t

5 A They’re , B They are not, C They aren’t

Упражнение 2.

1 is, 2 am, 3 am,  4 am, 5 is, 6 am, 7 am, 8 is, 9 is,  10 are, 11 is, 12 is, 13 is, 14 is, 15 is, 16 is, 17 are

Упражнение 3.

1 are, 2 am, 3 are, 4 am, 5 is, 6 is, 7 is, 8 is, 9 is, 10 are, 11 are, 12 are, 13 are

Упражнение 4.

1 am или ’m not, 2 is или isn’t, 3 is или isn’t, 4 is или isn’t, 5 are или aren’t, 6 am или ’m not

Упражнение 5.

 1 is / she’s, 2 are / they’re, 3 are / I’m, 4 is / he’s, 5 are / they’re, 6 is / she’s, 7 is / she’s или he’s.

Упражнение 6.

1 am или ’m not, 2 am или ’m not , 3 are или aren’t , 4 is или isn’t, 5 are или aren’t, 6 are или aren’t, 7 is или isn’t

Упражнение 7.

 1 are, 2 are, 3 is, 4 is, 5 is, 6 are

Упражнение 8.

1 are, 2 is, 3 are, 4 are, 5 is

Упражнение 9.

1 Was, 2 Was, 3 Were, 4 Were, 5 Was, 6 Were

Упражнение 10.

1 Was, 2 Were, 3 Was, 4 Was, 5 Was

Упражнение 11.

Was, were, was, were, were, was, were

Упражнение 12.

1 is, 2 are / am not, 3 is, 4 Is / is, 5 Are, 6 are /aren’t /is, 7 is, 8 are /are, 9 were /were / was / was, 10 weren’t, 11 were, 12 were, 13  have been, 14 has john been, 15 haven’t been, 16 has she been / hasn’t, 17  will be, 18 will/shall be, 19 will/shall be, 20 will be, 21 will be

Упражнение 13.

  1. Is, am,  is, is, are, were, was, were, will be, will be, have never been, will/shall be, will be
  2. 1. Are, 2 are, 3 is, 4 was, 5 were, 6 was, 7 will be, 8 will you be, 9 have…been, 10 have been

Думаю, Вам могут быть полезны следующие материалы:

  1. Правила Present Simple.
  2. Упражнения на Present Simple.
  3. Past Simple: правила образования и случаи употребления.
  4. Past Simple. Упражнения.
  5. Упражнения на Future Simple.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Interactive worksheet Verb to be

Verb to be

Grade/level: A1
by NievesPrio

Interactive worksheet AM-IS-ARE and PERSONAL PROMOUNS


Grade/level: elementary
by Evgeniya_F

Interactive worksheet Verb to be: am-are-is-was-were

Verb to be: am-are-is-was-were

Grade/level: Primary
by IgnacioJuez

Interactive worksheet Am, is, are

Am, is, are

Grade/level: Elementary
by victor

Interactive worksheet Verb to be

Verb to be

Grade/level: Elementary
by victor

Interactive worksheet Am, is, are

Am, is, are

Grade/level: beginner
by Room221

Interactive worksheet Verb to be Positive

Verb to be Positive

Grade/level: School
by TeacherSD

Interactive worksheet Simple present negative -to be-

Simple present negative -to be-

Grade/level: A1
by Milagros_Tajin

Interactive worksheet Verb to be - have got

Verb to be — have got

Grade/level: 3rd Grade
by ladyb84

Interactive worksheet Verb to be Positive

Verb to be Positive

Grade/level: School
by TeacherSD

Interactive worksheet The Verb to be ( is, am and are)

The Verb to be ( is, am and are)

Grade/level: grade 1 &2
by Anisha09

Interactive worksheet Verb be - short questions

Verb be — short questions

Grade/level: Basic, pre-intermediate, secundaria
by TeacherErikaLopez

Interactive worksheet Personal pronouns and BE

Personal pronouns and BE

Grade/level: elementary
by pupa

Interactive worksheet Am-is-are


Grade/level: beginners
by Miss Norma

Interactive worksheet Verb To be Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative

Verb To be Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative

Grade/level: Grade 5
by Jessica_Vergara

Interactive worksheet Verb to be

Verb to be

Grade/level: elementary
by evelinamaria

Interactive worksheet Verb to be is am are

Verb to be is am are

Grade/level: Primary
by JirapaIn

Interactive worksheet Present simple of verb to be

Present simple of verb to be

Grade/level: starter
by Isabelcorbalan

Interactive worksheet To Be Reading Comprehension WH questions

To Be Reading Comprehension WH questions

Grade/level: 4th
by mj362180

Interactive worksheet Tobe yes no and wh questions

Tobe yes no and wh questions

Grade/level: 1
by cabeto850913

Interactive worksheet Verb TO BE

Verb TO BE

Grade/level: Beginner
by missMonicaSanto

Interactive worksheet To Be - Interrogative

To Be — Interrogative

Grade/level: elementary
by antonellaalem

Interactive worksheet Sentence building 2

Sentence building 2

Grade/level: Grade 3
by leireperez

Interactive worksheet Verb to be

Verb to be

Grade/level: English 1

Interactive worksheet To be - Present Simple

To be — Present Simple

Grade/level: elementary
by mada_1

Interactive worksheet Listening: To Be Present Simple

Listening: To Be Present Simple

Grade/level: Grades 5-6
by aloren26

Interactive worksheet Verbo to be (I, you, we, they)

Verbo to be (I, you, we, they)

Grade/level: beginner
by MissFlorE

Interactive worksheet To be (Present and Past) - Am-Is-Are - Was-Were

To be (Present and Past) — Am-Is-Are — Was-Were

Grade/level: pre-intermediate
by Evgeniya_F

Interactive worksheet To Be in the past

To Be in the past

Grade/level: elementary
by mada_1

Interactive worksheet V. TO BE and V. HAVE GOT - 1 Multiple Choice

V. TO BE and V. HAVE GOT — 1 Multiple Choice

Grade/level: Elementary
by MeritESLResources

Interactive worksheet 5º UD 3 - At the Castle Ficha 8

5º UD 3 — At the Castle Ficha 8

Grade/level: 5º Primaria
by teachercristinajp

Interactive worksheet To be

To be

Grade/level: primary and high school
by Sarita24

Interactive worksheet To be present simple

To be present simple

Grade/level: PRIMARY 2
by rarean

Interactive worksheet Am Is Are

Am Is Are

Grade/level: Grade 1, 2
by Stelika

Interactive worksheet 5º UD 3 - At the Castle Ficha 7

5º UD 3 — At the Castle Ficha 7

Grade/level: 5º Primaria
by teachercristinajp

Interactive worksheet To be or to have got?

To be or to have got?

Grade/level: Elementary
by victor

Interactive worksheet At the College - 5º UD 4 - Ficha 5

At the College — 5º UD 4 — Ficha 5

Grade/level: 5º Primaria
by teachercristinajp

Interactive worksheet Listening practice

Listening practice

Grade/level: Beginners
by EdnaWork

Interactive worksheet Do, does, am, is, are

Do, does, am, is, are

Grade/level: básico
by MariaGraciaSanchez

Interactive worksheet To be - negative

To be — negative

Grade/level: Elementary
by Evgeniya_F

Interactive worksheet Subject pronouns-to-be verb

Subject pronouns-to-be verb

Grade/level: Ninth
by mayabetty1979

Interactive worksheet Present of the verb -to be-

Present of the verb -to be-

Grade/level: A1
by thechannel

Interactive worksheet 5º UD 3 - At the Castle Ficha 9

5º UD 3 — At the Castle Ficha 9

Grade/level: 5º Primaria
by teachercristinajp

Interactive worksheet Verb to be am-is-are contractions

Verb to be am-is-are contractions

Grade/level: Grade 1
by Aide_Villa

Interactive worksheet To be: past simple or present simple

To be: past simple or present simple

Grade/level: Grade2,3,4,5
by TetianaYaremchuk

Interactive worksheet Verb to be and have got

Verb to be and have got

Grade/level: 1ST YEAR

Interactive worksheet Songs with verb to be

Songs with verb to be

Grade/level: Elementary

Interactive worksheet Verb to be

Verb to be

Grade/level: First grade
by Jenny1309

Сегодня мы потренируемся в использовании глагола to be в настоящем времени в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.

В этом уроке 9 упражнений на to be в английском языке с ответами, и вы сразу сможете проверить правильность их выполнения. Как обычно, задания на to be расположены в порядке нарастания сложности. Сначала – попроще.

Изучать также:

Как правильно употреблять Am Is Are Do Does?

глагол to be в настоящем времени

Упражнение 1. Соотнесите местоимения с формой глагола to be (am/is/are)

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be (am / is /are)

Упражнение 4. Напишите to be в правильной форме (am / is /are)

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол to be отрицательную форму

Упражнение 6. Напишите правильную форму глагола to be в вопросах

Name Paul 👨 Rachel 👩 Sam & Lora 👫
Job policeman 👮‍♂️ teacher 👩‍🏫 cooks 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳
Age 29 27 25 & 23
From Paris 🇫🇷 Manchester 🇬🇧 New York 🇺🇸

Упражнение 7. Допишите ответы, используя to be

Name Mary 👧🏼 Jimmy 👱🏼‍♂️ Colin & Jess 👬🏼
Job painter 🎨 student  👨🏻‍🎓 footballers ⚽
Age 24 years old 25 years old 22 & 21 years old
From Spain 🇪🇸 Poland 🇵🇱 the UK 🇬🇧
Location in the studio 🖌 at home 👨🏼‍💻 at the stadium 🏃🏻🏃🏻

Упражнение 8. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения

Упражнение 9. Заполните пропуски формой to be (am, is, are)

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Тест на to be (am/is/are) с ответами
  • Упражнения на to be в Past Simple (was/were)
  • Упражнения на There is / There are
  • Правила употребления am is are do does

упражнения на to be

Пройдите упражнения на глагол to be, чтобы лучше запомнить, как он употребляется во всех лицах и числах в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Если вы не знакомы с этой темой, рекомендую сначала прочитать статью: «Глагол to be в английском языке» или посмотреть мое видео:

Пройдите упражнения 1 и 2, чтобы повторить употребление глагола to be в настоящем времени в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах. После упражнений даны ответы с переводом.

Упражнение 1: Глагол to be в настоящем времени

В этом упражнении нужно использовать глагол to be в утвердительной и отрицательной форме в настоящем времени.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. He is a good person. – Он хороший человек.
  2. We are not ready. – Мы не готовы.
  3. I am a doctor. – Я – доктор.
  4. Mary is sad. – Мэри грустна.
  5. You are so beautiful. — Вы так красивы.
  6. Mary and Jack are married. – Мэри и Джек женаты.
  7. The puppy is not dangerous. – Щенок не опасен.
  8. Two girls are absent. – Две девушки отсутствуют.
  9. I am not busy. – Я не занят.
  10. You are not alone. – Ты не одинок.
  11. We are friends. – Мы – друзья.
  12. This is a good place to stay. – Это хорошее место для того, чтобы остановиться.

Упражнение 2: Глагол to be в вопросительных предложениях

В этом упражнении глагол to be используется для построения вопроса.

Кстати, у меня есть бесплатный справочник-шпаргалка «Все времена в английском языке в таблицах» — обязательно скачайте его, если еще не скачали. Это совершенно бесплатно.

Времена глагола в таблицах

Этот справочник включает таблицы глагола to be, общие таблицы времен, таблицы по каждому времени в отдельности, включая пассивный залог, а также подборку неправильных глаголов

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. Is Nick our new employee? – Ник наш новый сотрудник?
  2. Are those two cats hungry? – Эти две кошки голодны?
  3. Am I right? – Я прав?
  4. Are we together or not? – Мы вместе или нет?
  5. Is it a rose or lily? – Это роза или лилия?
  6. Am I at the Times Square? – Я на Таймс Сквер?
  7. Are we ready to go? – Мы готовы идти?
  8. Are you a producer? – Вы продюсер?
  9. Is he your brother? – Он твой брат?
  10. Are Anna and Bill your relatives? – Анна и Билл родственники?
  11. Are they good friends? – Они хорошие друзья?
  12. Are you with us or not? – Вы с нами или нет?
  13. Am I on the right way? – Я на верном пути?
  14. Are we really late? – Мы действительно опоздали?
  15. Are you at the office now? – Вы сейчас в офисе?

Глагол to be — упражнения для прошедшего и будущего времени

Пройдите упражнения 3 — 5, чтобы повторить употребление глагола to be в прошедшем и будущем времени в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах. После упражнений даны ответы с переводом.

Упражнение 3: Используйте глагол to be в нужной форме в прошедшем времени

В прошедшем времени глагол to be может использоваться только в двух формах: was (ед. число), were (мн. число).

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. I was not with my family last night. – Я не был со своей семьей прошлым вечером.
  2. We were disappointed. – Мы были разочарованы.
  3. Mike and his son were in the crowd. – Майк и его сын были в толпе.
  4. You were so polite with people. – Вы были так вежливы с людьми.
  5. I was at the gas station. – Я был на автозаправке.
  6. You were ill. – Вы были больны.
  7. It was not fair. – Это было нечестно.
  8. Martha was in love with Henry. – Марта была влюблена в Генри.
  9. We were on the roof at the midnight. – Мы были на крыше в полночь.
  10. My parents were right about you. – Мои родители были правы насчет тебя.

Упражнение 4: Используйте глагол to be в прошедшем времени в трех видах предложений

Глагол to be в этом упражнении используется в прошедшем времени в трех формах: утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. Were we in the same situation with them? — Мы были в одной с ними ситуации?
  2. Was I in that car? — Я был в машине?
  3. Were James and Sirius friends? — Джеймс и Сириус были друзьями?
  4. Were we happy? — Мы были счастливы?
  5. Was I sorry? — Я сожалел? (Мне было жаль?)
  6. Were you careful with the cargo? — Вы были осторожны с грузом?
  7. Was he brave? — Он был смелым?
  8. Was Nina your nurse? — Нина была вашей медсестрой?
  9. Were you at the lesson? — Ты был на уроке?
  10. Were they criminals? — Они были преступниками?

Упражнение: 5 Используйте глагол to be в будущем времени

Будущее время — самое простое, возможна только одна форма.

Показать ответы с переводом:

  1. I will be with my parents tomorrow. – Завтра я буду со своими родителями.
  2. Will your sister be with you on vacation? – Ваша сестра будет с вами в отпуске?
  3. Martin will be glad. – Мартин будет доволен.
  4. Will you be honest with us? – Будешь ли ты честен с нами?
  5. Tim and Helen will be at the supermarket at nine o’clock. – Тим и Хелен будут в супермаркете в 9 часов.

Глагол to be — упражнения во всех временах

В упражнениях 6-7 глагол to be нужно использовать в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах. В задании дается сразу и перевод, чтобы вы поняли, в каком времени должен быть глагол.

Упражнение 6: Используйте глагол to be в подходящей по смыслу форме

Упражнение 7: Используйте глагол to be в подходящей по смыслу форме

Читайте также: «Упражнения на Present Simple».


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

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  • 1 Глагол to be в настоящем времени: спряжение, употребление, таблица
  • 2 Тренировочные упражнения
    • 2.1 Подстановка to be в утвердительных (положительных) предложениях
    • 2.2 Составление предложений с to be в утвердительной форме
    • 2.3 Перевод утвердительных предложений с русского на английский с to be
    • 2.4 Составление отрицательных предложений с to be из утвердительных
    • 2.5 Перевод отрицательных предложений с русского на английский с to be
    • 2.6 Постановка общих вопросов с to be
    • 2.7 Подстановка to be в вопросительных предложениях (общий вопрос)
    • 2.8 To be перевод вопросительных предложений (общий вопрос) с русского на английский с to be
    • 2.9 Составление общих вопросов с to be
    • 2.10 Постановка альтернативных вопросов с to be
    • 2.11 Подстановка to be в вопросительных предложениях (альтернативный вопрос)
    • 2.12 Перевод вопросительных предложений (альтернативный вопрос) с русского на английский с to be
    • 2.13 Составление альтернативных вопросов с to be
    • 2.14 Постановка специальных вопросов с to be
    • 2.15 Подстановка to be в вопросительных предложениях (специальный вопрос)
    • 2.16 Составление специальных вопросов с to be
    • 2.17 Постановка всех видов вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный) с to be
    • 2.18 Ответы на общие вопросы с to be
    • 2.19 Ответы на все виды вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный) с to be
    • 2.20 Перевод предложений с русского на английский с to be (утвердительные, отрицательные, вопросительные предложения, ответы на вопросы)
  • 3 Ответы на все тренировочные упражнения
    • 3.1 Задание 2.1
    • 3.2 Задание 2.2
    • 3.3 Задание 2.3
    • 3.4 Задание 2.4
    • 3.5 Задание 2.5
    • 3.6 Задание 2.6
    • 3.7 Задание 2.7
    • 3.8 Задание 2.8
    • 3.9 Задание 2.9
    • 3.10 Задание 2.10
    • 3.11 Задание 2.11
    • 3.12 Задание 2.12
    • 3.13 Задание 2.13
    • 3.14 Задание 2.14
    • 3.15 Задание 2.15
    • 3.16 Задание 2.16
    • 3.17 Задание 2.17
    • 3.18 Задание 2.18
    • 3.19 Задание 2.19
    • 3.20 Задание 2.20

Структура построения предложений с глагол to be: утвердительных, отрицательных, вопросительных, ответы на общие вопросы.

Глагол to be таблица: три формы в разных типах предложений.

глагол to be спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени
Примеры to be:

my mother (заменяем на she) — значит is,

his father (he) — is,

her sister(их много, поэтому заменяем на they) — are,

our toys (they) — are,

Tom (he) — is,

Alice (she) — is,

Tom and Alice (их двое, поэтому they) — are,

the book (it) — is,

books (их много, поэтому they) — are,

I and Alice (we) — are.

глагол to be упражнения

Тренировочные упражнения

Подстановка to be в утвердительных (положительных) предложениях

1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple (am, is, are).

  1. We … Ron and Sid.
  2. He … Bill.
  3. I … Mike.
  4. You … Ted.
  5. They … Don and Fred.
  6. She … Ann.
  7. You … Pete and Jim.

2. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. They … Tom and Dave.
  2. He … Tim.
  3. You … Bess.
  4. She … Jill.
  5. I … Dan.
  6. We … Sue and Jane.
  7. You … Kate and Jake.

3. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. We … twelve.
  2. He … three.
  3. I … ten.
  4. You … seven.
  5. They … six.
  6. She … nine.

4. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. They … students.
  2. He … a pupil.
  3. You … an engineer.
  4. It … small.
  5. She … a pensioner.
  6. I … a teacher.
  7. We … workers.
  8. You … drivers.

5. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. They … engineers.
  2. He … a farmer.
  3. You … a worker.
  4. It … white.
  5. She … a teacher.
  6. I … a driver.
  7. We … doctors.
  8. You … pensioners.

6. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. I … Russian.
  2. She … American.
  3. They … English.
  4. Our teacher … old.
  5. My father … an engineer.
  6. He … my friend.
  7. His friends … students.
  8. You … farmers.
  9. We … brothers.
  10. Her sisters … tall.
  11. My mother … a doctor.
  12. You … a driver.
  13. My dog … white.

7. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. You … brothers.
  2. I … a worker.
  3. My teacher … a tall.
  4. He … a driver.
  5. Her father … a doctor.
  6. You … a teacher.
  7. We … sisters.
  8. They … children.
  9. Their friends … pupils.
  10. My brother … a farmer.
  11. Her cat … grey.
  12. His brothers … students.
  13. She … an engineer.

8. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. She … at work.
  2. I … in the park.
  3. Their teacher … in the classroom.
  4. We … at the window.
  5. You … in the bedroom.
  6. They … in the car.
  7. Her friends … in the garden.
  8. His cap … on the chair.
  9. His father … in the living room.
  10. His sisters … at home.
  11. He … in the yard.
  12. His brother … at school.
  13. Her uncle … in the forest.

9. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. His teacher … at the shop.
  2. He … at university.
  3. Her friends … at school.
  4. His father … in the kitchen.
  5. You … in the living room.
  6. We … in the yard.
  7. They … in the classroom.
  8. My pen … in the pencil case.
  9. His sister … in the park.
  10. She … at home.
  11. His parents … at work.
  12. I … in the forest.
  13. His uncle … in England.

Ответы к заданиям

Составление предложений с to be в утвердительной форме

1. Составьте предложения.

Ann and Sue.
Dan and Mike.
Dave and Jill.

2. Составьте предложения.


3. Составьте предложения.

Her sisters
Our teacher
Her friends
Her cat
My father
a student.
a pupil.
my friend.
his sister.
her brother.
a farmer.
a doctor.

4. Составьте предложения.

His sisters
My brothers
Her friend
an engineer.
a driver.
a doctor.
a farmer.
a pensioner.
a teacher.

5. Составьте предложения.

My mother
His friend
Her children
His parents
His dog
in the park.
in the forest.
at school.
at home.
in the bedroom.
in the living room.
in England.

6. Составьте предложения.

Her mother
His sister
Their friends
Her brother
Her cat
His father
in America.
in Russia.
in the kitchen.
in the yard.
in the garden.
at work.
at university.

7. Составьте предложения.

His grandmother
My friends
Her sister
from Russia.
from England.
from America.
from Africa.
from Greece.
from Finland.
from Holland.
from Wales.
from Scotland.

8. Составьте предложения.

Her books
Her friends
His dog
My father
from England.
in the kitchen.
on the shelf.
a farmer.
a teacher.
from Wales.
a pupil.
on the sofa.
in Russia.

9. Составьте предложения.

Their teacher
Her cat
Our friends
Her parents
from London.
an engineer.
on the TV set.
at home.
a doctor.
his friend.
her brother.
from Scotland.

Ответы к заданиям

Перевод утвердительных предложений с русского на английский с to be

1. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Я врач.
  2. Мы инженеры.
  3. Ты учитель.
  4. Вы водители.
  5. Он студент.
  6. Она ученица.
  7. Они фермеры.

2. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Я в школе.
  2. Мы на кухне.
  3. Ты во дворе.
  4. Вы в парке.
  5. Она в саду.
  6. Он в магазине.
  7. Они в лесу.

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Я в Англии.
  2. Мы в России.
  3. Ты в Уэльсе.
  4. Вы в Шотландии.
  5. Он в Лондоне.
  6. Она в Йорке.
  7. Они в Нью-Йорке.

4. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Я из России.
  2. Мы из Англии.
  3. Ты из Америки.
  4. Вы из Лондона.
  5. Она из Шотландии.
  6. Он из Уэльса.
  7. Они из Йорка.

5. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Я водитель.
  2. Она из Англии.
  3. Мы в саду.
  4. Вы учителя.
  5. Ты в Шотландии.
  6. Он дома.
  7. Они в парке.

Ответы к заданиям

Составление отрицательных предложений с to be из утвердительных

1. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. She is Sue.
  2. You are Don and Dave.
  3. They are Tim and Dan.
  4. He is Ted.
  5. You are Mike.
  6. I am Fred.
  7. We are Jim and Jake.

2. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. You are Ann and Jill.
  2. She is Jane.
  3. You are Bill.
  4. He is Pete.
  5. We are Bess and Kate.
  6. I am Tom.
  7. They are Ron and Sid.

3. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. We are seven.
  2. He is three.
  3. I am five.
  4. You are nine.
  5. They are six.
  6. She is ten.

4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. I am a doctor.
  2. He is a pupil.
  3. They are teachers.
  4. She is an engineer.
  5. We are students.
  6. It is brown.
  7. You are a farmer.
  8. You are drivers.

5. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. They are doctors.
  2. He is a farmer.
  3. It is big.
  4. We are pupils.
  5. You are a teacher.
  6. I am an engineer.
  7. She is a pensioner.
  8. You are friends.

6. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. I am in the kitchen.
  2. She is in the bedroom.
  3. They are in the living room.
  4. He is in the yard.
  5. We are in the garden.
  6. You are in the park.
  7. It is on the sofa.

7. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. It is under the table.
  2. He is in the garden.
  3. She is at school.
  4. You are in the park.
  5. We are in the yard.
  6. I am in the bedroom.
  7. They are in the kitchen.

8. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. She is Russian.
  2. My grandmother is a pensioner.
  3. He is English.
  4. Her father is a doctor.
  5. We are tall.
  6. His brother is a student.
  7. They are old.
  8. I am short.
  9. Her friends are pupils.
  10. It is black.
  11. You are American.

9. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. I am from Russia.
  2. He is from London.
  3. My sister is from Leeds.
  4. We are from Africa.
  5. She is from England.
  6. Her sister is from America.
  7. It is from Wales.
  8. They are from Finland.
  9. His parents are from Scotland.
  10. You are from Sweden.
  11. His brother is from Moscow.

10. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. He is a doctor.
  2. They are in the garden.
  3. We are in the kitchen.
  4. She is a teacher.
  5. Our grandmother is a pensioner.
  6. I am from Saratov.
  7. It is white.
  8. You are ten.
  9. Their friends are from Sweden.
  10. His father is Russian.
  11. Their house is in the park.
  12. Our cat is in the yard.

Ответы к заданиям

Перевод отрицательных предложений с русского на английский с to be

1. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Мы не учителя.
  2. Они не водители.
  3. Ты не инженер.
  4. Я не фермер.
  5. Вы не рабочие.
  6. Она не студентка.
  7. Он не ученик.

2. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Она не на работе.
  2. Мы не в гостиной.
  3. Он не на кухне.
  4. Вы не в лесу.
  5. Я не в университете.
  6. Они не в саду.
  7. Ты не в школе.

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Ты не в Америке.
  2. Мы не в Уэльсе.
  3. Он не в Англии.
  4. Я не в Шотландии.
  5. Она не в Италии.
  6. Вы не в Канаде.
  7. Они не в Лондоне.

4. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Я не из Нью-Йорка.
  2. Мы не из Уэльса.
  3. Ты не из Канады.
  4. Вы не из Шотландии.
  5. Она не из Йорка.
  6. Он не из Америки.
  7. Они не из России.

Ответы к заданиям

Постановка общих вопросов с to be

1. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. They are Fred and Jake.
  2. She is Ann.
  3. You are Tom and Dan.
  4. I am Kate.
  5. We are Jill and Ned.
  6. You are Tim.
  7. He is Dave.

2. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. You are Sue.
  2. He is Sid.
  3. They are Bill and Mike.
  4. We are Pete and Ted.
  5. She is Bess.
  6. I am Don.
  7. You are Sue and Jane.

3. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. They are ten.
  2. We are nine.
  3. I am twelve.
  4. She is three.
  5. You are six.
  6. He is five.

4. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. I am a doctor.
  2. They are teachers.
  3. She is an engineer.
  4. We are students.
  5. It is brown.
  6. You are a farmer.
  7. You are drivers.
  8. He is tall.

5. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. They are doctors.
  2. He is a farmer.
  3. It is big.
  4. We are pupils.
  5. You are a teacher.
  6. I am an engineer.
  7. She is a pensioner.
  8. You are friends.

6. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. I am in the kitchen.
  2. She is in the bedroom.
  3. They are in the living room.
  4. He is in the yard.
  5. We are in the garden.
  6. You are in the park.
  7. It is on the sofa.

7. Задайте общие вопросы по образцу.

He is Ron. – Is he Ron?

  1. It is under the table.
  2. He is in the garden.
  3. She is at school.
  4. You are in the park.
  5. We are in the yard.
  6. I am in the bedroom.
  7. They are in the kitchen.

Ответы к заданиям

Подстановка to be в вопросительных предложениях (общий вопрос)

1. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are) в Present Simple.

  1. … his brother a student?
  2. … we tall?
  3. … my grandmother a pensioner?
  4. … it black?
  5. … her friends pupils?
  6. … he English?
  7. … his desk brown?
  8. … they old?
  9. … I short?
  10. … you American?
  11. … her father a doctor?
  12. … she Russian?

2. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … her sister from America?
  2. … we from Africa?
  3. … I from Russia?
  4. … you from Sweden?
  5. … he from Wales?
  6. … your friend from Oxford?
  7. … she from England?
  8. … it from Scotland?
  9. … they from Finland?
  10. … my sister from York?
  11. … his brother from Leeds?
  12. … his parents from London?

3. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … her grandmother fifty-eight?
  2. … they fifteen?
  3. … we thirteen?
  4. … his friend twelve?
  5. … our teacher thirty-five?
  6. … I eleven?
  7. … his mother forty?
  8. … she twenty?
  9. … he ten?
  10. … her brothers nineteen?
  11. … you thirty?

4. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … she a teacher?
  2. … their friends from Sweden?
  3. … he a doctor?
  4. … you ten?
  5. … it white?
  6. … his father Russian?
  7. … our grandmother a pensioner?
  8. … their house in the park?
  9. … I from Saratov?
  10. … our cat four?
  11. … they in the garden?
  12. … we in the kitchen?

5. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … your name Jack?
  2. … her sisters from Chester?
  3. … he in Hull?
  4. … I twenty?
  5. … the house in the park?
  6. … his friend German?
  7. … you in London?
  8. … your desk near the window?
  9. … his name Mark?
  10. … the cakes good?
  11. … her grandfather Russian?
  12. … it under the tree?

Ответы к заданиям

To be перевод вопросительных предложений (общий вопрос) с русского на английский с to be

1. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Я учитель?
  2. Мы водители?
  3. Ты инженер?
  4. Вы врачи?
  5. Он фермер?
  6. Она студентка?
  7. Они ученики?

2. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Он дома?
  2. Ты на работе?
  3. Вы во дворе?
  4. Я в саду?
  5. Она в школе?
  6. Они на кухне,
  7. Мы в лесу?

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Он в Уэльсе?
  2. Мы в Йорке?
  3. Она в России?
  4. Вы в Англии?
  5. Ты в Нью-Йорке?
  6. Они в Лондоне?
  7. Я в Шотландии?

4. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Они из Америки?
  2. Она из Лондона?
  3. Ты из Йорка?
  4. Вы из Уэльса?
  5. Я из Англии?
  6. Мы из России?
  7. Он из Шотландии?

5. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Он из Англии?
  2. Мы в парке?
  3. Вы в саду?
  4. Ты водитель?
  5. Я в Америке?
  6. Они учителя?
  7. Она дома?

Ответы к заданиям

Составление общих вопросов с to be

1. Cоставьте общие вопросы.

an engineer?
a doctor?
a farmer?
a pupil?
a teacher?

2. Cоставьте общие вопросы.

in the kitchen?
in the living room?
in the bedroom?
in the yard?
in the garden?
in the park?
on the sofa?
in the forest?
under the tree?
in London?
in Rostov?

3. Cоставьте общие вопросы.

from Russia?
from England?
from Wales?
from Scotland?
from London?
from America?
from Leeds?
from Sweden?
from Finland?
from Greece?

Ответы к заданиям

Постановка альтернативных вопросов с to be

1. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

She is Glenda. (Wilma) – Is she Glenda or Wilma?

  1. I am Clyde. (Ike)
  2. They are Brett and Cliff. (Pam and Sam)
  3. She is Liz. (Meg)
  4. You are Ben and Kit. (Brett and Cliff)
  5. He is Ike. (Clyde)
  6. We are Pam and Sam. (Ben and Kit)
  7. You are Meg. (Liz)

2. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

She is Glenda. (Wilma) – Is she Glenda or Wilma?

  1. You are Ron and Jim. (Bruce and Gwen)
  2. They are Bruce and Gwen. (Ned and Ben)
  3. We are Ned and Ben. (Ron and Jim)
  4. I am Ross. (Sid)
  5. He is Sid. (Luke)
  6. She is Nan. (Eve)
  7. You are Eve. (Nan)

3. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

She is six. (five) – Is she five or six?

  1. We are five. (nine)
  2. He is nine. (five)
  3. I am six. (twelve)
  4. You are twelve. (six)
  5. They are ten. (three)
  6. She is seven. (ten)

4. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

He is a pupil. (a student) – Is he a pupil or a student?

  1. She is a pensioner. (a doctor)
  2. I am an engineer. (a teacher)
  3. You are ten. (nine)
  4. They are doctors. (farmers)
  5. It is big. (small)
  6. You are a teacher. (a driver)
  7. He is a farmer. (a worker)
  8. We are pupils. (students)

5. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

He is a pupil. (a student) – Is he a pupil or a student?

  1. We are students. (drivers)
  2. He is tall. (short)
  3. I am a doctor. (an engineer)
  4. You are a farmer. (a pupil)
  5. They are teachers. (pensioners)
  6. You are drivers. (doctors)
  7. She is an engineer. (a worker)
  8. It is brown. (red)

6. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

He is at home. (at school) – Is he at home or at school?

  1. You are in the living room. (in the bedroom)
  2. He is in the garden. (at home)
  3. I am in the bedroom. (in the kitchen)
  4. She is at school. (at work)
  5. We are in the yard. (in the garden)
  6. They are in the kitchen. (in the living room)
  7. It is under the table. (on the table)

7. Задайте альтернативные вопросы по образцу.

He is at home. (at school) – Is he at home or at school?

  1. You are in the park. (in the yard)
  2. I am in the kitchen. (in the bedroom)
  3. It is on the sofa. (on the chair)
  4. We are in the garden. (in the park)
  5. She is in the bedroom. (in the living room)
  6. He is in the yard. (in the garden)
  7. They are in the living room. (in the bedroom)

Ответы к заданиям

Подстановка to be в вопросительных предложениях (альтернативный вопрос)

1. Вставьте to be в нужной форме (am, is, are) .

  1.  … they old or young?
  2. … his brother a student or a worker?
  3. … she Russian or German?
  4. … we tall or short?
  5. … her friends pupils or students?
  6. … I short or tall?
  7. … my grandmother a pensioner or a teacher?
  8. … her father a doctor or an engineer?
  9. … it black or white?
  10. … he English or American?
  11. … his desk brown or yellow?
  12. … you American or Russian?

2. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … his parents from London or Oxford?
  2. … you from Sweden or Finland?
  3. … my sister from Wales or Greece?
  4. … he from Sweden or Poland?
  5. … we from Africa or America?
  6. … it from Poland or England?
  7. … your friend from Iceland or Greece?
  8. … I from Russia or Poland?
  9. … they from Finland or Holland?
  10. … she from England or Scotland?
  11. … her sister from America or Africa?
  12. … his brother from Hull or Leeds?

3. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … it big or small?
  2. … you thirty or thirty-two?
  3. … his friends ten or twelve?
  4. … her brothers seventeen or nineteen?
  5. … she twenty or twenty-three?
  6. … I nine or eleven?
  7. … they fifteen or sixteen?
  8. … he eight or ten?
  9. … his mother forty or forty-one?
  10. … our teacher thirty-five or thirty-eight?
  11. … her grandmother fifty-eight or fifty-nine?
  12. … we eleven or twelve?

4. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … we in the kitchen or in the living room?
  2. … his father Russian or French?
  3. … it white or grey?
  4. … I from Wales or Scotland?
  5. … they in the garden or in the park?
  6. … he a doctor or a teacher?
  7. … their house in the park or in the forest?
  8. … she a teacher or a farmer?
  9. … our cat black or white?
  10. … their friends from Sweden or Russia?
  11. … you eight or ten?
  12. … our grandmother a pensioner or a doctor?

5. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. … his friend German or American?
  2. … it under the tree or in the house?
  3. … you in Leeds or in Oxford?
  4. … the house in the park or in the forest?
  5. … the cakes good or bad?
  6. … your desk near the window or near the door?
  7. … her sisters from Saratov or Samara?
  8. … his name Mark or Tim?
  9. … I twenty or twenty-one?
  10. … her grandfather French or German?
  11. … your name Jack or Bill?
  12. … he in Chester or in Hull?

Ответы к заданиям

Перевод вопросительных предложений (альтернативный вопрос) с русского на английский с to be

1. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Они фермеры или водители?
  2. Ты учитель или рабочий?
  3. Он студент или инженер?
  4. Мы инженеры или врачи?
  5. Она ученица или учительница?
  6. Вы водители или рабочие?
  7. Я врач или учитель?

2. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Они в лесу или в саду?
  2. Мы на кухне или в спальне?
  3. Он дома или на работе?
  4. Ты во дворе или в саду?
  5. Она в саду или в парке?
  6. Вы в парке или в лесу?
  7. Я в школе или дома?

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Они в Уэльсе или в Шотландии?
  2. Я в Лондоне или в Оксфорде?
  3. Вы в Йорке или в Нью-Йорке?
  4. Он в Англии или в Уэльсе?
  5. Ты в России или в Голландии?
  6. Мы в Нью-Йорке или в Бостоне?
  7. Она в Шотландии или в Англии?

4. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Она из Шотландии или из Англии?
  2. Я из России или Польши?
  3. Он из Уэльса или из Шотландии?
  4. Мы из Англии или из Уэльса?
  5. Они из Йорка или из Лидса?
  6. Ты из Америки или из Африки?
  7. Вы из Лондона или из Честера?

5. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Ты в Шотландии или в Англии?
  2. Вы учителя или врачи?
  3. Он дома или в школе?
  4. Мы в саду или в парке?
  5. Она из Англии или из Уэльса?
  6. Я водитель или инженер?
  7. Они в парке или в лесу?

Ответы к заданиям

Составление альтернативных вопросов с to be

1. Составьте альтернативные вопросы.

a driver
a farmer
a pensioner
a student
a worker
or an engineer?
a doctor?
a pupil?
a teacher?

2. Составьте альтернативные вопросы.

in the kitchen
in the living room
in the bedroom
in the yard
in the garden
in the park
on the chair
in the forest
under the tree
in New York
in Leeds
at work
at home
at school
at university
or in the kitchen?
in the living room?
in the bedroom?
in the yard?
in the garden?
in the park?
on the sofa?
in the forest?
in the house?
in York?
in Novgorod?
at work?
at home?
at school?
at university?

3. Составьте альтернативные вопросы.

from Russia
from England
from Wales
from Scotland
from America
from Sweden
from Greece
from Leeds
from Oxford
from Hull
from New York
or from Iceland?
from Finland?
from Poland?
from Africa?
from China?
from India?
from Holland?
from London?
from Chester?
from York?
from Boston?

Ответы к заданиям

Постановка специальных вопросов с to be

1. Задайте специальные вопросы по образцу.

Примеры вопросов с to be:

He is six. (How old) – How old is he?

He is from Hull. (Where … from) – Where is he from?

He is in the park. (Where) – Where is he?

He is a worker. (What) – What is he?

  1. They are thirteen. (How old)
  2. She is a pensioner. (What)
  3. They are in the living room. (Where)
  4. You are a teacher. (What)
  5. I am eleven. (How old)
  6. She is in the bedroom. (Where)
  7. He is from Wales. (Where … from)
  8. We are twelve. (How old)
  9. It is from Sweden. (Where … from)
  10. He is in the yard. (Where)
  11. I am from York. (Where … from)
  12. You are drivers. (What)
  13. We are pupils. (What)

2. Задайте специальные вопросы по образцу.

Примеры вопросов с to be:

He is six. (How old) – How old is he?

He is from Hull. (Where … from) – Where is he from?

He is in the park. (Where) – Where is he?

He is a worker. (What) – What is he?

  1. I am from Russia. (Where … from)
  2. We are in the garden. (Where)
  3. He is five. (How old)
  4. It is on the sofa. (Where)
  5. You are fifteen. (How old)
  6. We are from Africa. (Where … from)
  7. She is from England. (Where … from)
  8. They are doctors. (What)
  9. I am an engineer. (What)
  10. You are in the park. (Where)
  11. She is eight. (How old)

3. Задайте специальные вопросы по образцу.

Примеры вопросов с to be:

He is six. (How old) – How old is he?

He is from Hull. (Where … from) – Where is he from?

He is in the park. (Where) – Where is he?

He is a worker. (What) – What is he?

  1. My brother is from Finland. (Where … from)
  2. Their toys are in the box. (Where)
  3. Her friend is a driver. (What)
  4. Your dog is in the yard. (Where)
  5. Her sisters are seven. (How old)
  6. Our books are in the bookcase. (Where)
  7. My friends are ten. (How old)
  8. Her grandmother is from America. (Where … from)
  9. Their grandfather is from New York. (Where … from)
  10. This young man is a doctor. (What)
  11. His parents are pensioners. (What)
  12. Our mother is thirty. (How old)

Ответы к заданиям

Подстановка to be в вопросительных предложениях (специальный вопрос)

1. Вставьте правильные формы глагола to be (am, is, are).

  1.  Where … the cat?
  2. Where … they from?
  3. How old … he?
  4. What … I?
  5. Where … it?
  6. How old … her brother?
  7. Where … you from?
  8. Where … his parents?
  9. What … this girl?

2. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. How old … his uncle?
  2. What … these girls?
  3. Where … I from?
  4. How old … their parents?
  5. Where … his father?
  6. What … that woman?
  7. Where … her mother?
  8. Where … your sister from?

3. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are).

  1. Where … I?
  2. How old … her father?
  3. What … his father?
  4. Where … her uncle from?
  5. Where … your sister?
  6. How old … his grandfather?
  7. What … this old man?
  8. Where … you?

Ответы к заданиям

Составление специальных вопросов с to be

1. Составьте специальные вопросы.

How old
we (?)
you (?)
they (?)
he (?)
she (?)
it (?)
I (?)

2. Составьте специальные вопросы.

How old
this man (?)
that woman (?)
your brother (?)
his sisters (?)
your cousins (?)
her uncles (?)
your grandmother (?)
his grandfather (?)
his aunts (?)
your friend (?)

Ответы к заданиям

Постановка всех видов вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный) с to be

1. Задайте общие, альтернативные и специальные вопросы по образцу.

Примеры вопросов с to be:

He is six. —    Is he six?

                    Is he six or seven?

                    How old is he?

  1. Her sister is a student.
  2. His brothers are six.
  3. His uncle is from Scotland.
  4. Her parents are in London.
  5. Her friends are from Wales.
  6. The box is on the table.
  7. Their uncle is forty-five.
  8. Her mother is an engineer.

2. Задайте общие, альтернативные и специальные вопросы по образцу.

Примеры вопросов с to be:

He is a driver. —   Is he a farmer?

                           Is he a driver or a farmer?

                           What is he?

  1. His grandfather is a pensioner.
  2. They are sixty.
  3. I am in the forest.
  4. We are from York.
  5. Her grandmother is a doctor.
  6. Their parents are in New York.
  7. Her uncle is from Chester.
  8. His grandmother is fifty-nine.

3. Задайте общие, альтернативные и специальные вопросы по образцу.

Примеры вопросов с to be:

They are from Iceland. —    Are they from England?

                                          Are they from Iceland or from Scotland?

                                          Where are they from?

  1. His friends are seven.
  2. Her mother is a teacher.
  3. Their cousins are five.
  4. Her parents are from Hull.
  5. They are at the cinema.
  6. We are in the living room.
  7. Her cousin is a farmer.
  8. I am from Oxford.

Ответы к заданиям

Ответы на общие вопросы с to be

Ответьте на общие вопросы.

name Jim and Bill Liz Max
occupation students an engineer a doctor
age 18 and 19 28 37
from from Boston from Leeds from Oxford
now at the cinema at home in the park


  1.  Is Liz a doctor?
  2. Is Liz a farmer?
  3. Is Liz an engineer?
  4. Is Liz twenty-eight?
  5. Is Liz twenty-nine?
  6. Is Liz three?
  7. Is Liz from Hull?
  8. Is Liz from Chester?
  9. Is Liz from Leeds?
  10. Is Liz at work?
  11. Is Liz at school?
  12. Is Liz at home?


  1.  Are Jim and Bill drivers?
  2. Are Jim and Bill doctors?
  3. Are Jim and Bill students?
  4. Are Jim and Bill eighteen?
  5. Are Jim and Bill eighteen and sixteen?
  6. Are Jim and Bill eighteen and nineteen?
  7. Are Jim and Bill from New York?
  8. Are Jim and Bill from London?
  9. Are Jim and Bill from Boston?
  10. Are Jim and Bill at school?
  11. Are Jim and Bill at the cinema?
  12. Are Jim and Bill at university?


  1.  Is Max a student?
  2. Is Max an engineer?
  3. Is Max a doctor?
  4. Is Max forty-three?
  5. Is Max twenty-one?
  6. Is Max thirty-seven?
  7. Is Max from London?
  8. Is Max from Leeds?
  9. Is Max from oxford?
  10. Is Max in the forest?
  11. Is Max in the park?

Ответы к заданиям

Ответы на все виды вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный) с to be

1. Ответьте на вопросы.

name Jack
age 67
occupation a pensioner
from England
now in the garden
  1. Is Jack fifty-seven?
  2. Is Jack sixty-seven?
  3. Is Jack fifty-seven or sixty-seven?
  4. How old is Jack?
  5. Is Jack a driver?
  6. Is Jack a student?
  7. Is Jack a pensioner?
  8. Is Jack a pensioner or a student?
  9. What is Jack?
  10. Is Jack from Poland?
  11. Is Jack from Scotland?
  12. Is Jack from Wales?
  13. Is Jack from England?
  14. Is Jack from England or Wales?
  15. Where is Jack from?
  16. Is Jack in the yard?
  17. Is Jack in the forest?
  18. Is Jack in the garden?
  19. Is Jack in the garden or in the park?
  20. Where is Jack?

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

name Kate
age 24
occupation a teacher
from Russia
now at school
  1. Is Kate fourteen?
  2. Is Kate twenty?
  3. Is Kate twenty-four?
  4. Is Kate twenty or twenty-four?
  5. How old is Kate?
  6. Is Kate a student?
  7. Is Kate a teacher?
  8. Is Kate a doctor?
  9. Is Kate a doctor or a teacher?
  10. What is Kate?
  11. Is Kate from Finland?
  12. Is Kate from Sweden?
  13. Is Kate from Greece?
  14. Is Kate from Russia?
  15. Is Kate from Greece or from Russia?
  16. Where is Kate from?
  17. Is Kate at home?
  18. Is Kate in the forest?
  19. Is Kate at school?
  20. Is Kate at school or at home?
  21. Where is Kate?

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

name Meg and Ron
age 10
occupation pupils
from Wales
now at home
  1. Are Meg and Ron ten?
  2. Are Meg and Ron four?
  3. Are Meg and Ron five?
  4. Are Meg and Ron four or ten?
  5. How old are Meg and Ron?
  6. Are Meg and Ron doctors?
  7. Are Meg and Ron teachers?
  8. Are Meg and Ron pensioners?
  9. Are Meg and Ron pupils?
  10. Are Meg and Ron pupils or doctors?
  11. What are Meg and Ron?
  12. Are Meg and Ron from Scotland?
  13. Are Meg and Ron from England?
  14. Are Meg and Ron from America?
  15. Are Meg and Ron from Wales?
  16. Are Meg and Ron from Wales or from Scotland?
  17. Where are Meg and Ron from?
  18. Are Meg and Ron at school?
  19. Are Meg and Ron at home?
  20. Are Meg and Ron at school or at home?
  21. Where are Meg and Ron?

Ответы к заданиям

Перевод предложений с русского на английский с to be (утвердительные, отрицательные, вопросительные предложения, ответы на вопросы)

1. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1.  Ты водитель? – Да.
  2. Она в парке? – Нет.
  3. Они из Англии? – Да.
  4. Он из Америки? – Нет.
  5. Твоя сестра дома? – Да.
  6. Твой брат в школе? – Нет.
  7. Ваша учительница на работе? – Да.

2. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Вы из Шотландии или Уэльса? – Я из Шотландии.
  2. Он учитель или врач? – Он врач.
  3. Она студентка или учительница? – Она студентка.
  4. Ты дома или на работе? – Я дома.
  5. Твой дедушка врач или инженер? – Он инженер.
  6. Его дядя фермер или рабочий? – Он фермер.
  7. Ваши родители в парке или в лесу? – Они в лесу.
  8. Её бабушка из Англии или Америки? – Она из Англии.

3. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Где он? – Он в парке.
  2. Где вы? – Мы дома.
  3. Где твоя мама? – Она на работе.
  4. Где ваши родители? – Они в саду.
  5. Откуда твой дедушка родом? – Он из Шотландии.
  6. Откуда его бабушка родом? – Она из Уэльса.
  7. Откуда вы родом? – Мы из Швеции.
  8. Сколько тебе лет? – Мне 9 лет.
  9. Сколько ему лет? – Ему 10 лет.
  10. Сколько ей лет? – Ей 11 лет.
  11. Сколько лет твоей бабушке? – Ей 63 года.
  12. Сколько лет его дяде? – Ему 40 лет.
  13. Сколько лет его отцу? – Ему 38 лет.

4. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на глагол to be.

  1. Кто он по профессии? – Он водитель.
  2. Кто она по профессии? – Она учительница.
  3. Кто они по профессии? – Они рабочие.
  4. Кто вы по профессии? – Мы инженеры.
  5. Кто ты по профессии? – Я врач.
  6. Кто по профессии твой дед? – Мой дед-водитель.
  7. Кто по профессии твой брат? – Мой брат-фермер.
  8. Кто по профессии твой отец? – Мой отец-врач.

Ответы к заданиям

Ответы на все тренировочные упражнения

Задание 2.1


  1.  are
  2. is
  3. am
  4. are
  5. are
  6. is
  7. are


  1.  are
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is
  5. am
  6. are
  7. are


  1.  are
  2. is
  3. am
  4. are
  5. are
  6. is


  1.  are
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is
  5. is
  6. am
  7. are
  8. are


  1.  are
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is
  5. is
  6. am
  7. are
  8. are


  1.  am
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is
  5. is
  6. is
  7. are
  8. are
  9. are
  10. are
  11. is
  12. are
  13. is


  1.  are
  2. am
  3. is
  4. is
  5. is
  6. are
  7. are
  8. are
  9. are
  10. is
  11. is
  12. are
  13. is


  1.  is
  2. am
  3. is
  4. are
  5. are
  6. are
  7. are
  8. is
  9. is
  10. are
  11. is
  12. is
  13. is


  1.  is
  2. is
  3. are
  4. is
  5. are
  6. are
  7. are
  8. is
  9. is
  10. is
  11. are
  12. am
  13. is

Задание 2.2


  • I am Tom.
  • We are Ann and Sue.
  • He is Ron.
  • They are Dan and Mike.
  • She is Jane.
  • You are Sid.


  • We are five.
  • They are six.
  • She is seven.
  • I am nine.
  • He is ten.
  • You are twelve.


  • I am Russian.
  • She is English.
  • Her sisters are workers.
  • They are workers.
  • Our teacher is old.
  • We are engineers.
  • He is a student.
  • Her friends are workers.
  • You are my friend.
  • Her cat is black.
  • It is black.
  • My father is a doctor.


  • We are tall.
  • He is an engineer.
  • His sisters are pupils.
  • It is white.
  • My brothers are students.
  • They are pupils.
  • She is a pensioner.
  • I am a teacher.
  • You are a doctor.
  • Her friend is a driver.


  • I am in the park.
  • My mother is in the forest.
  • They are at school.
  • She is at home.
  • His friend is in the bedroom.
  • You are in the living room.
  • Her children are in England.
  • We are at home.
  • His parents are in the park.
  • His dog is at home.


  •  It is in the kitchen.
  •  Her mother is in America.
  • His sister is in Russia.
  • I am in the kitchen.
  • Their friends are in the yard.
  • Her brother is in the garden.
  • Her cat is in the kitchen.
  • He is at work.
  • His father is at university.


  • We are from Russia.
  • I am from England.
  • His grandmother is from America.
  • You are from Africa.
  • My friends are from Greece.
  • He is from Finland.
  • They are from Holland.
  • Her sister is from Wales.
  • She is from Scotland.
  • It is from Russia.


  • I am from England.
  • She is in the kitchen.
  • Her books are on the shelf.
  • They are doctors.
  • It is on the sofa.
  • Her friends are thirty.
  • He is a farmer.
  • We are from Wales.
  • His dog is five.
  • You are students.
  • My father is in Russia.


  • I am from London.
  • We are at home.
  • Their teacher is twenty-eight.
  • She is eleven.
  • They are teachers.
  • Her cat is at home.
  • He is an engineer.
  • Our friends are from Scotland.
  • You are a doctor.
  • It is on the TV set.
  • Her parents are teachers.

Задание 2.3


  1.  I am a doctor.
  2. We are engineers.
  3. You are a teacher.
  4. You are drivers.
  5. He is a student.
  6. She is a pupil.
  7. They are farmers.


  1.  I am at school.
  2. We are in the kitchen.
  3. You are in the yard.
  4. You are in the park.
  5. She is in the garden.
  6. He is at the shop.
  7. They are in the forest.


  1.  I am in England.
  2. We are in Russia.
  3. You are in Wales.
  4. You are in Scotland.
  5. He is in London.
  6. She is in York.
  7. They are in New York.


  1.  I am from Russia.
  2. We are from England.
  3. You are from America.
  4. You are from London.
  5. She is from Scotland.
  6. He is from Wales.
  7. They are from York.


  1.  I am a driver.
  2. She is from England.
  3. We are in the garden.
  4. You are teachers.
  5. You are in Scotland.
  6. He is at home.
  7. They are in the park.

Задание 2.4


  1.  She is not (isn’t) Sue.
  2. You are not (aren’t) Don and Dave.
  3. They are not (aren’t) Tim and Dan.
  4. He is not (isn’t) Ted.
  5. You are not (aren’t) Mike.
  6. I am not Fred.
  7. We are not (aren’t) Jim and Jake.


  1.  You are not (aren’t) Ann and Jill.
  2. She is not (isn’t) Jane.
  3. You are not (aren’t) Bill.
  4. He is not (isn’t) Pete.
  5. We are not (aren’t) Bess and Kate.
  6. I am not Tom.
  7. They are not (aren’t) Ron and Sid.


  1.  We are not (aren’t) seven.
  2. He is not (isn’t) three.
  3. I am not five.
  4. You are not (aren’t) nine.
  5. They are not (aren’t) six.
  6. She is not (isn’t) ten.


  1.  I am not a doctor.
  2. He is not (isn’t) a pupil.
  3. They are not (aren’t) teachers.
  4. She is not (isn’t) an engineer.
  5. We are not (aren’t) students.
  6. It is not (isn’t) brown.
  7. You are not (aren’t) a farmer.
  8. You are not (aren’t) drivers.


  1.  They are not (aren’t) doctors.
  2. He is not (isn’t) a farmer.
  3. It is not (isn’t) big.
  4. We are not (aren’t) pupils.
  5. You are not (aren’t) a teacher.
  6. I am not an engineer.
  7. She is not (isn’t) a pensioner.
  8. You are not (aren’t) friends.


  1.  I am not in the kitchen.
  2. She is not (isn’t) in the bedroom.
  3. They are not (aren’t) in the living room.
  4. He is not (isn’t) in the yard.
  5. We are not (aren’t) in the garden.
  6. You are not (aren’t) in the park.
  7. It is not (isn’t) on the sofa.


  1.  It is not (isn’t) under the table.
  2. He is not (isn’t) in the garden.
  3. She is not (isn’t) at school.
  4. You are not (aren’t) in the park.
  5. We are not (aren’t) in the yard.
  6. I am not in the bedroom.
  7. They are not (aren’t) in the kitchen.


  1.  She is not (isn’t) Russian.
  2. My grandmother is not (isn’t) a pensioner.
  3. He is not (isn’t) English.
  4. Her father is not (isn’t) a doctor.
  5. We are not (aren’t) tall.
  6. His brother is not (isn’t) a student.
  7. They are not (aren’t) old.
  8. I am not short.
  9. Her friends are not (aren’t) pupils.
  10. It is not (isn’t) black.
  11. You are not (aren’t) American.


  1.  I am not from Russia.
  2. He is not (isn’t) from London.
  3. My sister is not (isn’t) from Leeds.
  4. We are not (aren’t) from Africa.
  5. She is not (isn’t) from England.
  6. Her sister is not (isn’t) from America.
  7. It is not (isn’t) from Wales.
  8. They are not (aren’t) from Finland.
  9. His parents are not (aren’t) from Scotland.
  10. You are not (aren’t) from Sweden.
  11. His brother is not (isn’t) from Moscow.


  1.  He is not (isn’t) a doctor.
  2. They are not (aren’t) in the garden.
  3. We are not (aren’t) in the kitchen.
  4. She is not (isn’t) a teacher.
  5. Our grandmother is not (isn’t) a pensioner.
  6. I am not from Saratov.
  7. It is not (isn’t) white.
  8. You are not (aren’t) ten.
  9. Their friends are not (aren’t) from Sweden.
  10. His father is not (isn’t) Russian.
  11. Their house is not (isn’t) in the park.
  12. Our cat is not (isn’t) in the yard.

Задание 2.5


  1.  We are not (aren’t) teachers.
  2. They are not (aren’t) drivers.
  3. You are not (aren’t) an engineer.
  4. I am not a farmer.
  5. You are not (aren’t) workers.
  6. She is not (isn’t) a student.
  7. He is not (isn’t) a pupil.


  1.  She is not (isn’t) at work.
  2. We are not (aren’t) in the living room.
  3. He is not (isn’t) in the kitchen.
  4. You are not (aren’t) in the forest.
  5. I am not at university.
  6. They are not (aren’t) in the garden.
  7. You are not (aren’t) at school.


  1.  You are not (aren’t) in America.
  2. We are not (aren’t) in Wales.
  3. He is not (isn’t) in England.
  4. I am not in Scotland.
  5. She is not (isn’t) in Italy.
  6. You are not (aren’t) in Canada.
  7. They are not (aren’t) in London.


  1.  I am not from New York.
  2. We are not (aren’t) from Wales.
  3. You are not (aren’t) from Canada.
  4. You are not (aren’t) from Scotland.
  5. She is not (isn’t) from York.
  6. He is not (isn’t) from America.
  7. They are not (aren’t) from Russia.

Задание 2.6


  1.  Are they Fred and Jake?
  2. Is she Ann?
  3. Are you Tom and Dan?
  4. Am I Kate?
  5. Are we Jill and Ned?
  6. Are you Tim?
  7. Is he Dave?


  1.  Are you Sue?
  2. Is he Sid?
  3. Are they Bill and Mike?
  4. Are we Pete and Ted?
  5. Is she Bess?
  6. Am I Don?
  7. Are you Sue and Jane?


  1.  Are they ten?
  2. Are we nine?
  3. Am I twelve?
  4. Is she three?
  5. Are you six?
  6. Is he five?


  1.  Am I a doctor?
  2. Are they teachers?
  3. Is she an engineer?
  4. Are we students?
  5. Is it brown?
  6. Are you a farmer?
  7. Are you drivers?
  8. Is he tall?


  1.  Are they doctors?
  2. Is he a farmer?
  3. Is it big?
  4. Are we pupils?
  5. Are you a teacher?
  6. Am I an engineer?
  7. Is she a pensioner?
  8. Are you friends?


  1.  Am I in the kitchen?
  2. Is she in the bedroom?
  3. Are they in the living room?
  4. Is he in the yard?
  5. Are we in the garden?
  6. Are you in the park?
  7. Is it on the sofa?


  1.  Is it under the table?
  2. Is he in the garden?
  3. Is she at school?
  4. Are you in the park?
  5. Are we in the yard?
  6. Am I in the bedroom?
  7. Are they in the kitchen?

Задание 2.7


  1.  Is
  2. Are
  3. Is
  4. Is
  5. Are
  6. Is
  7. Is
  8. Are
  9. Am
  10. Are
  11. Is
  12. Is


  1.  Is
  2. Are
  3. Am
  4. Are
  5. Is
  6. Is
  7. Is
  8. Is
  9. Are
  10. Is
  11. Is
  12. Are


  1.  Is
  2. Are
  3. Are
  4. Are
  5. Is
  6. Am
  7. Is
  8. Is
  9. Is
  10. Are
  11. Are


  1.  Is
  2. Are
  3. Is
  4. Are
  5. Is
  6. Is
  7. Is
  8. Is
  9. Am
  10. Is
  11. Are
  12. Are


  1.  Is
  2. Are
  3. Is
  4. Am
  5. Is
  6. Is
  7. Are
  8. Is
  9. Is
  10. Are
  11. Is
  12. Is

Задание 2.8


  1.  Am I a teacher?
  2. Are we drivers?
  3. Are you an engineer?
  4. Are you doctors?
  5. Is he a farmer?
  6. Is she a student?
  7. Are they pupils?


  1.  Is he at home?
  2. Are you at work?
  3. Are you in the yard?
  4. Am I in the garden?
  5. Is she at school?
  6. Are they in the kitchen?
  7. Are we in the forest?


  1.  Is he in Wales?
  2. Are we in York?
  3. Is she in Russia?
  4. Are you in England?
  5. Are you in New York?
  6. Are they in London?
  7. Am I in Scotland?


  1.  Are they from America?
  2. Is she from London?
  3. Are you from York?
  4. Are you from Wales?
  5. Am I from England?
  6. Are we from Russia?
  7. Is he from Scotland?


  1.  Is he from England?
  2. Are we in the park?
  3. Are you in the garden?
  4. Are you a driver?
  5. Am I in America?
  6. Are they teachers?
  7. Is she at home?

Задание 2.9


  • Are we drivers?
  • Are you an engineer?
  • Are they pensioners?
  • Is he a doctor?
  • Is she a teacher?
  • Am I a pupil?


  • Are we in the kitchen?
  • Are you in the living room?
  • Are they in the bedroom?
  • Is he in the yard?
  • Is she in the garden?
  • Is it on the sofa?
  • Am I in London?


  • Are we from Russia?
  • Are you from England?
  • Are they from Wales?
  • Is he from Scotland?
  • Is she from London?
  • Is it from America?
  • Am I from Greece?

Задание 2.10


  1.  Am I Clyde or Ike?
  2. Are they Brett and Cliff or Pam and Sam?
  3. Is she Liz or Meg?
  4. Are you Ben and Kit or Brett and Cliff?
  5. Is he Ike or Clyde?
  6. Are we Pam and Sam or Ben and Kit?
  7. Are you Meg or Liz?


  1.  Are you Ron and Lim or Bruce and Gwen?
  2. Are they Bruce and Gwen or Ned and Ben?
  3. Are we Ned and Ben or Ron and Jim?
  4. Am I Ross or Sid?
  5. Is he Sid or Luke?
  6. Is she Nan or Eve?
  7. Are you Eve or Nan?


  1.  Are we five or nine?
  2. Is he five or nine?
  3. Am I six or twelve?
  4. Are you six or twelve?
  5. Are they three or ten?
  6. Is she seven or ten?


  1.  Is she a pensioner or a doctor?
  2. Am I an engineer or a teacher?
  3. Are you nine or ten?
  4. Are they doctors or farmers?
  5. Is it big or small?
  6. Are you a teacher or a driver?
  7. Is he a farmer or a worker?
  8. Are we pupils or students?


  1.  Are we students or drivers?
  2. Is he tall or short?
  3. Am I a doctor or an engineer?
  4. Are you a farmer or a pupil?
  5. Are they teachers or pensioners?
  6. Are you drivers or doctors?
  7. Is she an engineer or a worker?
  8. Is it brown or red?


  1.  Are you in the living room or in the bedroom?
  2. Is he in the garden or at home?
  3. Am I in the bedroom or in the kitchen?
  4. Is she at school or at work?
  5. Are we in the yard or in the garden?
  6. Are they in the kitchen or in the living room?
  7. Is it under the table or on the table?


  1.  Are you in the park or in the yard?
  2. Am I in the kitchen or in the bedroom?
  3. Is it on the sofa or on the chair?
  4. Are we in the garden or in the park?
  5. Is she in the bedroom or in the living room?
  6. Is he in the yard or in the garden?
  7. Are they in the living room or in the bedroom?

Задание 2.11


  1.  Are
  2. Is
  3. Is
  4. Are
  5. Are
  6. Am
  7. Is
  8. Is
  9. Is
  10. Is
  11. Is
  12. Are


  1.  Are
  2. Are
  3. Is
  4. Is
  5. Are
  6. Is
  7. Is
  8. Am
  9. Are
  10. Is
  11. Is
  12. Is


  1.  Is
  2. Are
  3. Are
  4. Are
  5. Is
  6. Am
  7. Are
  8. Is
  9. Is
  10. Is
  11. Is
  12. Are


  1.  Are
  2. Is
  3. Is
  4. Am
  5. Are
  6. Is
  7. Is
  8. Is
  9. Is
  10. Are
  11. Are
  12. Is


  1.  Is
  2. Is
  3. Are
  4. Is
  5. Are
  6. Is
  7. Are
  8. Is
  9. Am
  10. Is
  11. Is
  12. Is

Задание 2.12


  1.  Are they farmers or drivers?
  2. Are you a teacher or a worker?
  3. Is he a student or an engineer?
  4. Are we engineers or doctors?
  5. Is she a pupil or a teacher?
  6. Are you drivers or workers?
  7. Am I a doctor or a teacher?


  1.  Are they in the forest or in the garden?
  2. Are we in the kitchen or in the bedroom?
  3. Is he at home or at work?
  4. Are you in the yard or in the garden?
  5. Is she in the garden or in the park?
  6. Are you in the park or in the forest?
  7. Am I at school or at home?


  1.  Are they in Wales or in Scotland?
  2. Am I in London or in Oxford?
  3. Are you in York or in New York?
  4. Is he in England or in Wales?
  5. Are you in Russia or in Holland?
  6. Are we in New York or in Boston?
  7. Is she in Scotland or in England?


  1.  Is she from Scotland or from England?
  2. Am I from Russia or from Poland?
  3. Is he from Wales or from Scotland?
  4. Are we from England or from Wales?
  5. Are they from York or from Leeds?
  6. Are you from America or from Africa?
  7. Are you from London or from Chester?


  1.  Are you in Scotland or in England?
  2. Are you teachers or doctors?
  3. Is he at home or at school?
  4. Are we in the garden or in the park?
  5. Is she from England or from Wales?
  6. Am I a driver or an engineer?
  7. Are they in the park or in the forest?

Задание 2.13


  • Are we engineers or drivers?
  • Are you a driver or an engineer?
  • Are they doctors or farmers?
  • Is he a farmer or a doctor?
  • Is she a student or a teacher?
  • Am I a worker or a pupil?


  • Are we in the kitchen or in the living room?
  • Are you in the yard or in the garden?
  • Are they in the park or in the garden?
  • Is he in the forest or in the park?
  • Is she in New York or in York?
  • Is it on the chair or on the sofa?
  • Am I at home or at school?


  • Are we from Russia or from Iceland?
  • Are you from England or from Finland?
  • Are they from Wales or from Poland?
  • Is he from Scotland or from Africa?
  • Is she from America or from China?
  • Is it from Sweden or from India?
  • Am I from Greece or from Holland?

Задание 2.14


  1.  How old are they?
  2. What is she?
  3. Where are they?
  4. What are you?
  5. How old am I?
  6. Where is she?
  7. Where is he from?
  8. How old are we?
  9. Where is it from?
  10. Where is he?
  11. Where am I from?
  12. What are you?
  13. What are we?


  1.  Where am I from?
  2. Where are we?
  3. How old is he?
  4. Where is it?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Where are we from?
  7. Where is she from?
  8. What are they?
  9. What am I?
  10. Where are you?
  11. How old is she?


  1.  Where is my brother from?
  2. Where are their toys?
  3. What is her friend?
  4. Where is your dog?
  5. How old is his sisters?
  6. Where are our books?
  7. How old are my friends?
  8. Where is her grandmother from?
  9. Where is their grandfather from?
  10. What is this young man?
  11. What are his parents?
  12. How old is our mother?

Задание 2.15


  1.  is
  2. are
  3. is
  4. am
  5. is
  6. is
  7. are
  8. are
  9. is


  1.  is
  2. are
  3. am
  4. are
  5. is
  6. is
  7. is
  8. is


  1.  am
  2. is
  3. is
  4. is
  5. is
  6. is
  7. is
  8. are

Задание 2.16


  • How old are we?
  • What are you?
  • Where are they from?
  • How old is he?
  • What is she?
  • Where is it?
  • How old am I?


  • How old is this man?
  • What is that woman?
  • Where is your brother from?
  • Where are his sisters?
  • How old are your cousins?
  • What are her uncles?
  • Where is your grandmother from?
  • How old is his grandfather?
  • What are his aunts?
  • Where is your friend from?

Задание 2.17


  1.  – Is her sister a student?

— Is her sister a student or a pupil?

— What is her sister?

  1. – Are his brothers six?

— Are his brothers six or seven?

— How old are his brothers?

  1. – Is his uncle from Scotland?

— Is his brother from Scotland or Wales?

— Where is his brother from?

  1. – Are her parents in London?

— Are her parents in London or Leeds?

— Where are her parents?

  1. – Are her friends from Wales?

— Are her friends from Wales or England?

— Where are her friends from?

  1. – Is the box on the table?

— Is the box on the table or on the sofa?

— Where is the box?

  1. – Is their uncle forty-five?

— Is their uncle forty-five or fifty?

— How old is their uncle?

  1. – Is her mother an engineer?

— Is her mother an engineer or a teacher?

— What is her mother?


  1.  – Is his grandfather a worker?

— Is his grandfather a pensioner or a worker?

— What is his grandfather?

  1. – Are they seventy?

— Are they sixty or seventy?

— How old are they?

  1. – Am I in the park?

— Am I in the forest or in the park?

— Where am I?

  1. — Are we from New York?

— Are we from York or New York?

— Where are we from?

  1. – Is her grandmother a teacher?

— Is her grandmother a doctor or a teacher?

— What is her grandmother?

  1. – Are their parents in Oxford?

— Are their parents in New York or in Oxford?

— Where are their parents?

  1. – Is her uncle from Hull?

— Is her uncle from Chester or Hull?

— Where is her uncle from?

  1. – Is his grandmother sixty?

— Is his grandmother fifty-nine or sixty?

— How old is his grandmother?


  1.  – Are his friends six?

— Are his friends seven or six?

— How old are his friends?

  1. – Is her mother a doctor?

— Is her mother a teacher or a doctor?

— What is her mother?

  1. – Are their cousins eight?

— Are their cousins five or eight?

— How old are their cousins?

  1. – Are her parents from York?

— Are her parents from Hull or York?

— Where are her parents from?

  1. – Are they in the park?

— Are they at the cinema or in the park?

— Where are they?

  1. – Are we in the kitchen?

— Are we in the living room or in the kitchen?

— Where are we?

  1. — Is her cousin a driver?

— Is her cousin a farmer or a driver?

— What is her cousin?

  1. – Am I from Chester?

— Am I from Oxford or from Chester?

— Where am I from?

Задание 2.18


  1.  No, she is not (isn’t).
  2. No, she is not (isn’t).
  3. Yes, she is.
  4. Yes, she is.
  5. No, she is not (isn’t).
  6. No, she is not (isn’t).
  7. No, she is not (isn’t).
  8. No, she is not (isn’t).
  9. Yes, she is.
  10. No, she is not (isn’t).
  11. No, she is not (isn’t).
  12. Yes, she is.


  1.  No, they are not (aren’t).
  2. No, they are not (aren’t).
  3. Yes, they are.
  4. No, they are not (aren’t).
  5. No, they are not (aren’t).
  6. Yes, they are.
  7. No, they are not (aren’t).
  8. No, they are not (aren’t).
  9. Yes, they are.
  10. No, they are not (aren’t).
  11. Yes, they are.
  12. No, they are not (aren’t).


  1.  No, he is not (isn’t).
  2. No, he is not (isn’t).
  3. Yes, he is.
  4. No, he is not (isn’t).
  5. No, he is not (isn’t).
  6. Yes, he is.
  7. No, he is not (isn’t).
  8. No, he is not (isn’t).
  9. Yes, he is.
  10. No, he is not (isn’t).
  11. Yes, he is.

Задание 2.19


  1.  No, he is not (isn’t).
  2. Yes, he is.
  3. Jack is sixty-seven.
  4. Jack is sixty-seven.
  5. No, he is not (isn’t).
  6. No, he is not (isn’t).
  7. Yes, he is.
  8. Jack is a pensioner.
  9. Jack is a pensioner.
  10. No, he is not (isn’t).
  11. No, he is not (isn’t).
  12. No, he is not (isn’t).
  13. Yes, he is.
  14. Jack is from England.
  15. Jack is from England.
  16. No, he is not (isn’t).
  17. No, he is not (isn’t).
  18. Yes, he is.
  19. Jack is in the garden.
  20. Jack is in the garden.


  1.  No, she is not (isn’t).
  2. No, she is not (isn’t).
  3. Yes, she is.
  4. Kate is twenty-four.
  5. Kate is twenty-four.
  6. No, she is not (isn’t).
  7. Yes, she is.
  8. No, she is not (isn’t).
  9. Kate is a teacher.
  10. Kate is a teacher.
  11. No, she is not (isn’t).
  12. No, she is not (isn’t).
  13. No, she is not (isn’t).
  14. Yes, she is.
  15. Kate is from Russia.
  16. Kate is from Russia.
  17. No, she is not (isn’t).
  18. No, she is not (isn’t).
  19. Yes, she is.
  20. Kate is at school.
  21. Kate is at school.


  1.  Yes, they are.
  2. No, they are not (aren’t).
  3. No, they are not (aren’t).
  4. Meg and Ron are ten.
  5. Meg and Ron are ten.
  6. No, they are not (aren’t).
  7. No, they are not (aren’t).
  8. No, they are not (aren’t).
  9. Yes, they are.
  10. Meg and Ron are pupils.
  11. Meg and Ron are pupils.
  12. No, they are not (aren’t).
  13. No, they are not (aren’t).
  14. No, they are not (aren’t).
  15. Yes, they are.
  16. Meg and Ron are from Wales.
  17. Meg and Ron are from Wales.
  18. No, they are not (aren’t).
  19. Yes, they are.
  20. Meg and Ron are at home.
  21. Meg and Ron are at home.

Задание 2.20


  1.  Are you a driver? – Yes, I am.
  2. Is she in the park? – No, she is not (isn’t).
  3. Are they from England? – Yes, they are.
  4. Is he from America? – No, he is not (isn’t).
  5. Is your sister at home? – Yes, she is.
  6. Is your brother at school? – No, he is not (isn’t).
  7. Is your teacher at work? – Yes, she is.


  1.  Are you from Scotland or Wales? – I am from Scotland.
  2. Is he a teacher or a doctor? – He is a doctor.
  3. Is she a student or a teacher? – She is a student.
  4. Are you at home or at work? – I am at home.
  5. Is your grandfather a doctor or an engineer? – He is an engineer.
  6. Is his uncle a farmer or a worker? – He is a farmer.
  7. Are your parents in the park or in the forest? – They are in the forest.
  8. Is her grandmother from England or America? – She is from England.


  1.  Where is he? – He is in the park.
  2. Where are you? – We are at home.
  3. Where is your mother? – She is at work.
  4. Where are your parents? – They are in the garden.
  5. Where is your grandfather from? – He is from Scotland.
  6. Where is his grandmother from? – She is from Wales.
  7. Where are you from? – We are from Sweden.
  8. How old are you? – I am 9.
  9. How old is he? – He is 10.
  10. How old is she? – She is 11.
  11. How old is your grandmother? – She is 63.
  12. How old is his uncle? – He is 40.
  13. How old is his father? – He is 38.


  1.  What is he? – He is a driver.
  2. What is she? – She is a teacher.
  3. What are they? – They are workers.
  4. What are you? – We are engineers.
  5. What are you? – I am a doctor.
  6. What is your grandfather? – My grandfather is a driver.
  7. What is your brother? – My brother is a farmer.
  8. What is your father? – My father is a doctor.

После ввода вы можете видеть правильно ли вы ответили или нет. Если вы ответили не правильно, то в конце каждого блока с упражнениями можно просмотреть правильные ответы.

При необходимости повторите правила и случаи употребления глагола to be.

Полезный совет. Прочитывайте и проговаривайте фразы на английском в вслух. Проговаривание повышает эффективность усвоения языка. При необходимости пройдите упражнения несколько раз за неделю или месяц.

1. Упражнения на утвердительные предложения с глаголом to be (am, is, are)

В этом блоке собраны задания для тренировки утвердительных предложений в простом настоящем времени с глаголом to be, чтобы вы научились ставить глагол в форму соответствующую лицу и числу: am, is, are.

Упражнение 1.1 Выберите правильный вариант перевода

Упражнение 1.2 Поставьте глагол to be в правильную форму

2. Упражнения на все виды предложений с глаголом to be в простом настоящем времени (Present Simple — am, is, are)

Упражнение 2.1

Упражнение 2.2

Упражнение 2.3

Упражнение 2.4

Упражнение 2.5

Упражнение 2.6

Упражнение 2.7

Упражнение 2.8

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