Word order exercises ответы

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Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 5

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.   before  they  friends  used  to  be .


2.   go  often to  how  do you  cinema  the ?


3.  do  my  after  I  dinner  always  homework   .


4.   how  sisters  got  brother and  have  you  many  ?


5.  does  cooking  Sundays  on  my sister  the  .


6.    to  always  the  take  bus  school  we   .


7.    man  hat  with  is  the  red  who  the  ?


8.  you  speak  who   to  did ?


9.  lost  bag before  I  my  the yesterday  day.


10.  are  make  when  people  they  sad  I   laugh .


11.   movie  enjoy  did  the  you   ?


12.   was  near  the    there  a  tree  river .


13.   one  like  do  you  which   ?


14.   around  the  goes  the  earth  sun .


15.   on  are  sofa my  the  parents  sitting .


16.   from  you  where  are ?


17.   now  going  am  home I  .


18.   is raining  it  not .


19.   you  do  live  where ?


20.   broke  he  glasses  my .



  1. They used to be friends before.
  2. How often do you go to the cinema?
  3. I always do my homework after dinner.
  4. How many brother and sisters have you got?
  5. My sister does the cooking on Sundays.
  6. We always take the bus to school.
  7. Who is the man with the red hat?
  8. Who did you speak to?
  9. I lost my bag the day before yesterday.
  10. I make people laugh when they are sad.
  11. Did you enjoy the movie?
  12. There was a tree near the river.
  13. Which one do you like?
  14. The earth goes around the sun.
  15. My parents are sitting on the sofa.
  16. Where are you from?
  17. I am going home now.
  18. It is not raining.
  19. Where do you live?
  20. He broke my glasses.

Tags: Worksheet

           Упражнения «Порядок слов в предложениях»
(Word order)

1. Расставьте слова в
предложениях по порядку.

usually / at 10 o’clock / out of the garage / in the morning /
drives / his bike / Fred

a shower / after dinner / often / Mrs Lewis / takes

a parking place / near the library / we / find / seldom

to / I / on / a / night-club / sometimes / Saturdays / go

fly / my parents / to Australia / sometimes / I / in winter /

enjoys / very much / swimming / in the pool / always / Mary

hardly / last year / could / skate / I

is / near / house / there / new / a / our / cinema

got / my / problems / I / with / have / home-task / some

10. well / think / your / very / I / don’t / sister / drives

11. to / parents / once / the theatre / month / my / a / go

12. his / car / two / ago / Jim / sold / years

13. necklace / can’t / anywhere / Cindy / her / find

14. been / to / India / Mike / has / year / already / this

15. lunch / never / weekdays / she / has / on

2. Переведите.

Телевизор я смотрю редко.

На улице темно, и я скоро
поду спать.

Они что-то очень шумно
обсуждают в спальне.

Он медленно шел вдоль реки.

На уроках мы часто поем

Я тихо закрыла дверь и сразу
же пошла в ванну.

Мой дядя очень любит

Анна умеет хорошо играть в

Она все время кричит на

10. Твои книги я положу на стол.

11. Я недостаточно хорошо его знаю.

12. По телевизору много хороших фильмов сегодня.

13. В парке есть красивый фонтан.

14. В прошлый вторник было очень ветрено.

15. Эти туфли я купила в Италии.

3. Выберите верный порядок
слов в придаточной части предложений.

Could you tell us what time … (it is – is it – does it)?

Do you know when … (our bus leave – our bus leaves – does our
bus leave)?

I wonder if … (he is a doctor – is he a doctor – a doctor is he).

Do you remember what … (did Jane wear – Jane wear – Jane wore)

4. На основе приведенных слов
постройте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов:

1. she, won, easily, the game
2. tennis, every weekend, Ken, plays
3. quietly, the door, I, closed
4. his name, after a few minutes, I, remembered
5. a letter to her parents, Ann, writes, every week
6. some interesting books, found, we, in the library
7. across from the park, they, a new hotel, are building
8. to the bank, I, every Friday, go
9. on Saturday night, didn’t see, at the party, you, I
10. brightly, is, shining, sun, the
11. in, lives, my, sister, New York
12. a, became, doctor, good, Mary
13. a, decided, go, on, picnic, to, we

5. Отметьте предложения, в
которых нарушен порядок слов, и перестройте их в соответствии с правилами:

Образец: Tom walks every morning to work. — Tom walks to work every

1. Jim
doesn’t like very much baseball. 
2. Ann drives every day her car to work. 
3. When I heard the news, I immediately called Tom. (immediately –
4. Maria speaks very well English. 
5. After eating quickly my dinner, I went out. 
6. You watch all the time television.
7. Liz smokes about 20 cigarettes every day. 
8. I think I’ll go early to bed tonight. 
9. You should go to the dentist every six months. (should –
10. We went last night to the movies.
11. We go every summer to the sea in August.
12. In the evening my parents go to the cinema with their friends.

Исправьте, если это необходимо, местоположение подлежащего согласно правилу о
порядке слов в предложении.

Curly hair has her brother.                    

Steve likes cakes.

A bad cold has Jessica.

These exercises I did well.

1. Make sentences (составьте предложения).

  • a friend sportsman is my.
  • play tomorrow will he football.
  • love things I beautiful.
  • musicians are parents his.
  • are tea now they drinking.
  • do tomorrow the my morning I in homework will.
  • autumn Barcelona was her in last sister.
  • to evening gym he the going in the likes.
  • to went they yesterday school.
  • teacher week bit boy last this a.

2. Translate (переведите).

  • Завтракаю я обычно в 8 часов.
  • В ресторане находилась его жена.
  • Через 2 недели они поедут в Америку.
  • На вечеринке был Том с друзьями.
  • В Лондоне часто идет дождь.
  • В прошлые выходные погода была ужасная.
  • Выгуливает собаку он 2 раза в день.
  • Мы на следующей неделе поедем в деревню.
  • Ученики на уроках слушают учителя.
  • Вчера в магазине я купила хорошие книги.

3. Find mistakes and write right sentences (найдите ошибки и напишите правильные предложения).

  • I think, I’ll tomorrow in the evening go to cinema.
  • She very much loves her parents.
  • In Paris we were in July last year.
  • I’m sure, they will in these competitions win.
  • Yesterday I too late went to bed.
  • James very well speaks English.
  • I’ll call in private my coach.
  • We don’t like at all cooking.
  • Last Friday very interesting cartoons children watched.


Упражнение 1

— My friend is a sportsman.

— Tomorrow he will play football.

— I love beautiful things.

— His parents are musicians.

— They are drinking tea now.

— I will do my homework tomorrow in the morning.

— Her sister was in Barcelona last autumn.

— He likes going to the gym in the evening.

— They went to school yesterday.

— This boy bit a teacher last week.

Упражнение 2

— I usually have breakfast at 8 a.m.

— His wife was in the restaurant.

— They will go to the USA in 2 weeks.

— Tom with his friends were at the party.

— It often rains in London.

— The weather was awful last weekend.

— He takes his dog out for a walk twice a day.

— We will go to the village next week.

— Pupils listen to the teacher at lessons.

— I bought good books in the shop yesterday.

Упражнение 3

— I think, I’ll go to cinema tomorrow in the evening.

— She loves her parents very much.

— We were in Paris in July last year.

— I’m sure, they will win in these competitions.

— I went to bed too late yesterday.

— James speaks English very well.

— I’ll call my coach in private.

— We don’t like cooking at all.

— Children watched very interesting cartoons last Friday.

Word Order Exercises

Go to English Grammar Exercises

Question 1: In the question below, five words are given. Find out which word will be fourth if these are arranged in alphabetical order.

(1) Scurf (2) Scurvy (3) Scupper (4) Scurrilous (5) Scutcheon

(A) Scurvy

(B) Scutcheon

(C) Scurrilous

(D) Scupper

Question 2: Arrange the following words in ‘Alphabetical Order’.

1. Fear
2. Feign
3. Feeling
4. Feeble

(A) 1, 4, 3, 2

(B) 2, 3, 4, 1

(C) 4, 3, 2, 1

(D) 3, 2, 1, 4

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(A) 1, 4, 3, 2

Question 3: Arrange the following words in ‘Alphabetical Order’.

(A) unimportant

(B) understand

(C) unnecessary

(D) unethical

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(A) unimportant

Question 4: Arrange the following words in ‘Alphabetical order’:

1. Accompany
2. Accommodate
3. Accent
4. Acclimatize

(A) 3,4,1,2

(B) 2,3,4,1

(C) 3,4,2,1

(D) 1,2,3,4



Question 5: Arrange the following words in ‘Alphabetical order’.

1. Accompany
2. Accommodate
3. Accent
4. Acclimatize

(A) 3,4,1,2

(B) 2,3,4,1

(C) 3,4,2,1

(D) 1,2,3,4

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Question 6: Arrange the following words in a dictionary order.

1. Epitaxy
2. Episode
3. Epigene
4. Epitome

(A) 1, 2, 3, 4

(B) 3, 2, 4, 1

(C) 3, 2, 1, 4

(D) 4, 2, 1, 3

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(C) 3, 2, 1, 4

Question 7: Arrange the following words in a dictionary order.

1. Count
2. Coins
3. Court
4. Courtier

(A) 1, 2, 3, 4

(B) 2, 1, 3, 4

(C) 1, 3, 2, 4

(D) 4, 1, 2, 3

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(B) 2, 1, 3, 4

Question 8: Select the combination of numbers so that letters/words arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1  2 3  4  5  6

(A) 564132

(B) 465231

(C) 523164

(D) 463521

Question 9: Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word.

1  2 3  4  5  6

(A) 6 3 1 5 4 2

(B) 1 3 2 5 4 6

(C) 1 3 2 6 4 5

(D) 6 3 5 1 4 2

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(A) 6 3 1 5 4 2

Question 10: You will find a set of letters with a number below each letter followed by four choices of arrangement of numbers to make the word. Choose the correct arrangement.

1  2  3 4  5 6 7 8 9

(A) 164837529

(B) 146352789

(C) 314258967

(D) 357216849

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(C) 314258967

Question 11: You will find a set of letters with a number below each letter followed by four choices of arrangement of numbers to make a meaningful word. Choose the correct arrangement.

1  2 3  4 5  6  7

(A) 4327615

(B) 1523467

(C) 4531671

(D) 4567123

Question 12: Choose the most suitable alternative in accordance with the correct use of tense.

(A) She just has her lunch.

(B) She has just had her lunch.

(C) She has had just her lunch.

(D) She just had her lunch.

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(B) She has just had her lunch.

Question 13: Choose the correct order of words:

(A) Where you live do?

(B) Do you live where?

(C) Do live you where?

(D) Where do you live?

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(D) Where do you live?

The word order is very rigid in English. The most important rule is SubjectPredicateObject. We usually use this word order to form an English sentence.

Nick bought a pair of skis. He met his best friend.

In questions an auxiliary verb is put at the beginning of the question.

Did Nick buy a pair of skis? Could he meet his best friend?

Adverbs of frequency

Adverbs of frequency (often, sometimes, always, usually, …) are usually put between the subject and the predicate, but they can also go in front position (except always, ever and never) or in end position.

Nick usually buys a pair of skis every year. He often meets his best friend. We don’t visit them very often. Sometimes they go to the movies on Sundays.

NOTE: A verb sometimes consists of two or more words. Then the adverb of frequency has to be put between them.

I can never remember his name. Ann doesn’t usually get up early. Your car has probably been stolen.

NOTE: Adverbs of frequency go before have to.

Example: We always have to wait a long time for the bus.

NOTE: Adverbs of frequency go after am, is, are, was or were. But in questions the adverb is put after the subject.

Example: You are never on time. Are they always on holidays in July?

Adverbs of manner, place and time

Adverbs of manner come before adverbs of place. Adverbs of places come before adverbs of time. We usually write these adverbs at the end of the sentence.

Nick bought a new pair of skis in Innsbruck yesterday. He practiced hard on the ski slope last week.

Adverbs can also be put at the front of the sentence when this information is important.

Last weekend he took some lessons on a ski slope. After dinner he met his friends.

If there are two adverbs of time, the more precise one comes first.

He is going to have a skiing lesson at 10 a.m. on Monday.


Word order with the adverbs of frequency — Exercise 1

Word order with the adverbs of frequency — Exercise 2

Word order with the adverbs of frequency — Exercise 3

Word order in the present simple and past simple — Exercise

Word order in the present, past and future — Exercise

Word order in the present and past simple — Exercise — short sentences

Word order — forming questions in the present simple — Exercise

Word order — Exercise 8 — intermediate exercise

Word order — Exercise 9 — intermediate exercise

Word order — Exercise 10 — intermediate exercise

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