Word opposites in english

Opposite Words in English PDF Download: A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another. Students should acquire as many antonyms and opposite terms as they can because this will help them expand their vocabulary and strengthen their command of the English language. «Opposite words» is an important topic in English Grammar. For competitive exams, in the reading comprehension topic or in the English language section, questions from the Opposite Words in English are common. These terms will be crucial to your academic development as well as the improvement of your reading and writing abilities. However, the list of opposite words in English a to z is provided below. The candidates in search of Antonyms/Opposite Words, frequently want to know about opposite words in English 20, opposite words in English list, words and opposite in English, opposite words in English 100, opposite words in English 10, opposite words in English a to z 200, opposite words in English a to z list, 100 opposite words in English, opposite words in English 20 PDF Download, 100 opposite words in English pdf download, 100 opposite words in English easy, etc., can refer to this article for more info.

Static GK 2023

Opposite Words In English a-z

It is not possible for one individual to study the antonyms of every word in the English lexicon due to the scope of the topic «Opposite Words.» There are many opposite terms that we frequently use in our daily lives, but some of us might not be familiar with all of them. We have listed more than 1000 opposing terms in this post for your reference; browse through them and attempt to understand a few new words with opposing connotations. This article will teach you many of the opposing words used in English grammar, which will undoubtedly improve your vocabulary, especially if you’re getting ready for competitive exams like the Bank Exams, SSC Exams, UPSC, and others where you have to study for the English subject. Candidates aspiring to know all the z opposite words, 1000 opposite words in English, and opposite words in English a-z can read further.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Candidates preparing for competitive exams can make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link provided below. With the help of opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link, aspirants can learn the opposite words easily and also they can download the PDF and take printouts if necessary. Make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link for effective preparation.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Here we have added the list of opposite words in English for the reference of the candidates. Below is a collection of some general and simple opposing words in English. Utilize these antonyms to expand your vocabulary in English. You can read the following general 100 opposite words in English easy here.

Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Words Antonyms In English
Absent Present












Big Small / Little
Cheap Expensive
Clean Dirty


Deep Shallow


Down Up


Early Late
Easy Difficult / Hard


Far Near / Close


Fast Slow
Fat Thin / Skinny
Full Empty
Good Bad
Happy Sad
Heavy Light


Here There
High Low
Hot Cold
In Out
Inside Outside
Interesting Boring
Light Dark
Long Short
Loud Soft
Many Few


New Old




Rich Poor
Right Left
Right Wrong
Safe Dangerous
Single Married
Smooth Rough
Soft Hard
Strong Weak
Tall Short
Thick Thin
Tight Loose






Warm Cool
Wet Dry
Wide Narrow
Young Old


Yes No

Opposite Words In English a to z List

Here you can find out the opposite words in English in alphabetical order from a to z. 

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘A’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter A tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘A’

  • absent — present
  • abundant — scarce
  • accept — decline, refuse
  • accurate — inaccurate
  • admit — deny
  • advantage — disadvantage
  • against — for
  • agree — disagree
  • alive — dead
  • all — none, nothing
  • ally — enemy
  • always — never
  • ancient — modern
  • answer — question
  • antonym — synonym
  • apart — together
  • appear — disappear, vanish
  • approve — disapprove
  • arrive — depart
  • artificial — natural
  • ascend — descend
  • attic — cellar
  • attractive — repulsive
  • awake — asleep

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘B’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter B tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘B’

  • backward — forward
  • bad — good
  • beautiful — ugly
  • before — after
  • begin — end
  • below — above
  • bent — straight
  • best — worst
  • better — worse, worst
  • big — little, small
  • bitter-sweet
  • black — white
  • blame — praise
  • bless — curse
  • bold — meek, timid
  • borrow — lend
  • bottom — top
  • bound — unbound, free
  • boundless — limited
  • boy — girl
  • brave — cowardly
  • bright — dim, dull
  • brighten — fade
  • broad — narrow
  • build — destroy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘C’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter C tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘C’

  • calm — windy, troubled
  • can — cannot, can’t
  • capable — incapable
  • captive — free
  • careful — careless
  • cheap — expensive
  • cheerful — sad, discouraged, dreary
  • clear — cloudy, opaque
  • clever — stupid
  • clockwise — counterclockwise
  • close — far, distant
  • closed — ajar, open
  • clumsy — graceful
  • cold — hot
  • combine — separate
  • come — go
  • comfort — discomfort
  • common — rare
  • compulsory — voluntary
  • conceal — reveal
  • contract — expand
  • cool — warm
  • correct — incorrect, wrong
  • courage — cowardice
  • courteous — discourteous, rude
  • create — destroy
  • crooked — straight
  • cruel — kind

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘D’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter D tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘D’

  • dangerous — safe
  • dark — light
  • day — night
  • daytime — nighttime
  • dead — alive
  • decline — accept, increase
  • decrease — increase
  • deep — shallow
  • definite — indefinite
  • demand — supply
  • despair — hope
  • dim — bright
  • disappear — appear
  • discourage — encourage
  • diseased — healthy
  • down — up
  • downwards — upwards
  • dreary — cheerful
  • dry — moist, wet
  • dull — bright, shiny
  • dusk — dawn

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘E’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter E tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘E’

  • early — late
  • east-west
  • easy — hard, difficult
  • empty — full
  • encourage — discourage
  • end — begin, start
  • enter — exit
  • even — odd
  • expand — contract
  • export — import
  • exterior — interior
  • external — internal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘F’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter F tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘F’

  • fade — brighten
  • fail — succeed
  • false — true
  • famous — unknown
  • far — near
  • fast — slow
  • fat — thin
  • feeble — strong, powerful
  • few — many
  • find — lose
  • first — last
  • float — sink
  • fold — unfold
  • foolish — wise
  • for — against
  • fore — aft
  • forget — remember
  • fortunate — unfortunate
  • found — lost
  • free-bound, captive
  • frequent — seldom
  • fresh — stale
  • friend — enemy
  • full — empty

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘G’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter G tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘G’

  • generous — stingy
  • gentle — rough
  • get — give
  • giant — tiny, small, dwarf
  • girl — boy
  • give — receive, take
  • glad — sad, sorry
  • gloomy — cheerful
  • go — stop
  • good — bad, evil
  • grant — refuse
  • great — tiny, small, unimportant
  • grow — shrink
  • guest — host
  • guilty — innocent

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘H’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter H tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘H’

  • happy — sad
  • hard — easy
  • hard — soft
  • harmful — harmless
  • harsh — mild
  • hate — love
  • haves — have-nots
  • healthy — diseased, ill, sick
  • heaven — hell
  • heavy — light
  • help — hinder
  • here — there
  • hero — coward
  • high — low
  • hill — valley
  • hinder — help
  • honest — dishonest
  • horizontal — vertical
  • hot — cold
  • humble — proud

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘I’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter I tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘I’

  • ill — healthy, well
  • immense — tiny, small
  • important — trivial
  • in — out
  • include — exclude
  • increase — decrease
  • inferior — superior
  • inhale — exhale
  • inner — outer
  • inside — outside
  • intelligent — stupid, unintelligent
  • intentional — accidental
  • interesting — boring
  • interesting — dull, uninteresting
  • interior — exterior
  • internal — external

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘J’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter J tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘J’

  • join — separate
  • junior — senior
  • just — unjust
  • justice — injustice

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘K’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter K tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘K’

  • knowledge — ignorance
  • known — unknown

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘L’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter L tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘L’

  • landlord — tenant
  • large — small
  • last — first
  • laugh — cry
  • lawful — unlawful, illegal
  • lazy — industrious
  • leader-follower
  • left — right
  • lend -borrow
  • lengthen — shorten
  • lenient — strict
  • less — more
  • light — dark, heavy
  • like — dislike, hate
  • likely — unlikely
  • limited — boundless
  • little — big
  • long — short
  • loose — tight
  • lose — find
  • loss — win
  • loud — quiet
  • love — hate
  • low — high
  • loyal — disloyal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘M’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter M tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘M’

  • mad — happy, sane
  • major — minor
  • many — few
  • mature — immature
  • maximum — minimum
  • melt — freeze
  • merry — sad
  • messy — neat
  • minor — major
  • minority — majority
  • miser — spendthrift
  • misunderstand — understand
  • more — less

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘N’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter N tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘N’

  • nadir — zenith
  • narrow — wide
  • near — far, distant
  • neat — messy, untidy
  • never — always
  • new — old
  • night — day
  • nighttime — daytime
  • no — yes
  • noisy — quiet
  • none — some
  • north-south

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘O’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter O tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘O’

  • obedient — disobedient
  • odd — even
  • offer — refuse
  • old — new
  • old — young
  • on — off
  • open — closed, shut
  • opposite- same, similar
  • optimist — pessimist
  • out — in
  • outer — inner
  • over — under

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘P’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter P tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘P’

  • past — present
  • patient — impatient
  • peace — war
  • permanent — temporary
  • plentiful — scarce
  • plural — singular
  • poetry — prose
  • polite — rude, impolite
  • possible — impossible
  • poverty — wealth, riches
  • powerful — weak
  • pretty — ugly
  • private — public
  • prudent — imprudent
  • pure — impure, contaminated
  • push — pull

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Q’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Q tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Q’

  • qualified — unqualified
  • question — answer
  • quiet — loud, noisy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘R’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter R tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘R’

  • raise — lower
  • rapid — slow
  • rare — common
  • real — fake
  • regular — irregular
  • rich — poor
  • right — left, wrong
  • right-side-up — upside-down
  • rough — smooth
  • rude — courteous

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘S’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter S tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘S’

  • safe — unsafe
  • same — opposite
  • satisfactory — unsatisfactory
  • scatter — collect
  • second-hand — new
  • secure — insecure
  • separate — join, together
  • serious — trivial
  • shallow — deep
  • shrink — grow
  • sick — healthy, ill
  • simple — complex, hard
  • singular — plural
  • sink — float
  • slim — fat, thick
  • slow — fast
  • sober — drunk
  • soft — hard
  • some — none
  • sorrow — joy
  • sour — sweet
  • sow -reap
  • start — finish
  • stop-go
  • straight — crooked
  • strict — lenient
  • strong — weak
  • success — failure
  • sunny — cloudy
  • sweet — sour
  • synonym — antonym

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘T’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter T tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘T’

  • take — give
  • tall — short
  • tame — wild
  • them — us
  • there — here
  • thick — thin
  • tight — loose, slack
  • tiny — big, huge
  • together — apart
  • top — bottom
  • tough — easy, tender
  • transparent — opaque
  • true — false
  • truth — falsehood, lie, untruth

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘U’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter U tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘U’

  • under — over
  • unfold — fold
  • unknown — known
  • unqualified — qualified
  • unsafe — safe
  • up — down
  • upside-down — right-side-up
  • upstairs — downstairs
  • us — them
  • useful — useless

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘V’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter V tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘V’

  • vacant — occupied
  • vanish — appear
  • vast — tiny
  • victory — defeat
  • virtue — vice
  • visible — invisible
  • voluntary — compulsory

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘W’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter W tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘W’

  • war — peace
  • wax — wane
  • weak — strong
  • wet — dry
  • white — black
  • wide — narrow
  • win-lose
  • wisdom — folly, stupidity
  • within — outside
  • wrong — right

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘X’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter X tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘X’

  • Xenial — Inhospitable
  • Xenophobic — Impartial
  • Xeroxes — Original

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Y’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Y tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Y’

  • yes — no
  • yin — yang
  • young — old

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Z’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Z tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Z’ / Z opposite words

  • zenith — nadir
  • zip — unzip

Opposite Words In English Exercises

In the English language portion of numerous tests, including SSC (SSC CGL, CHSL, JE, etc.), UPSC (NDA, CDS, etc.), Banking, and more, candidates who are taking government examinations commonly encounter questions relating to antonyms/opposite words. The opposite words that are requested in the vocabulary part are more complex than the straightforward opposite terms mentioned before. A few significant questions from the perspective of competitive exams are presented below for practice using opposite words.

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word

Q1. Xenophobic

  1. yang
  2. Impartial
  3. qualified
  4. Original

Ans. (b)

Q2. Optimist

  1. courteous
  2. messy
  3. pessimist
  4. sink

Ans. (c)

Q3. Wisdom

  1. folly
  2. Impartial
  3. always
  4. courteous

Ans. (a)

Q4. Ally

  1. enemy
  2. together
  3. repulsive
  4. support

Ans. (a)

Q5. Scatter

  1. disperse
  2. Inhospitable
  3. even
  4. collect

Ans. (d)

Q6. Bless

  1. blame
  2. praise
  3. curse
  4. enjoy

Ans. (c)

Q7. Cheerful

  1. Happy
  2. dreary
  3. Entertain
  4. optimistic

Ans. (b)

Q8. Hinder 

  1. trouble
  2. help
  3. disturbance
  4. pessimistic

Ans. (b)

Q9. Calm

  1. relax
  2. satisfied
  3. Righteous
  4. Windy

Ans. (d)

Q10. Nefarious

  1. Recuperate
  2. Stupidity
  3. Righteous
  4. Sobriety

Ans. (c)

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FAQs — Opposite Words in the English Language

Q. What are the opposing words in English?

A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another.

Q. What is the opposite word of benefit?

Some of the opposite words of benefit are, disadvantage, hindrance, drawback, impediment, minus, liability, obstacle, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of kind?

The opposite words of kind are unkind, inconsiderate, mean, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of tall?

The opposite words of tall are short, small, low, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of fat?

The opposite words of fat are thin, skinny, etc.,

Opposite Words in English - wordscoach.com

What are Opposite Words?

Opposite words in English are known as antonyms. An opposite word can be defined as a word that expresses a meaning as opposed to the meaning of a particular word.

Examples include: hot and cold, up and down, in and out, fast and slow, happy and sad.

Opposite Words in English - wordscoach.com

Word Opposite Word
Above below
Begin end
Black white
Buy sell
Close open
Cold hot
Come go
Day night
Deep shallow
Early late
East west
Easy difficult
Empty full
Enter exit
Fast slow
Fat thin
Find lose
First last
Follow lead
Forward backward
Friend enemy
Give take
Good bad
Grow shrink
Happy sad
Hard soft
Heavy light
High low
Hire fire
Hot cold
In out
Inside outside
Join leave
Jump fall
Keep lose
Kill save
Know ignore
Large small
Last first
Late early
Laugh cry
Left right
Lend borrow
Lie sit
Light dark
Like dislike
Live die
Lock unlock
Long short
Lose win
Make break
Male female
Married single
Meet part
More less
Move stay
New old
North south
On off
Out in
Pass fail
Pay receive
Play work
Pull push
Raise lower
Right wrong
Rise fall
Run walk
Sad happy
Safe dangerous
Save spend
Say hear
See blind
Sell buy
Send receive
Short tall
Show hide
Sing dance
Sit stand
Sleep wake
Small large
Soft hard
Speak listen
Spend save
Start finish
Stay go
Stop start
Strong weak
Succeed fail
Sunny cloudy
Take give
Tell ask
Thin fat
Think forget
Throw catch
Tired rested
Up down
Wake sleep
Walk run
Warm cold

Please note that these are just examples and there are many more antonyms in the English language.

100 Examples of Opposite Words in English - wordscoach.com


Post Views: 638

Opposites: An Important List of 200+ Opposite Words in English

Opposites! Antonyms or Opposites are words that are opposites of each other. In this lesson, you will learn common opposites in English to expand your vocabulary.

Opposites (A-F)

  • About – exactly
  • Above – below
  • Allow – forbid
  • Already – not yet
  • Approximately – exactly
  • Argue – agree
  • Arrest – free
  • Arrival – departure
  • Arrive – depart
  • Artificial – natural
  • Ascent – descent
  • Ask – answer
  • Asleep – awake
  • Attack – defend
  • Bad – good
  • Beautiful – ugly
  • Big – small
  • Bitter – sweet
  • Body – soul
  • Bore – amuse
  • Brave – cowardly
  • Busy – lazy
  • Buy – sell
  • Calm – excited
  • Careful – careless
  • Catch – miss
  • Ceiling – floor
  • Cheap – expensive
  • Close – far
  • Cold – hot
  • Comedy – drama
  • Complicated – simple
  • Compliment – insult
  • Curly – straight
  • Dark – light
  • Day – night
  • Dead – alive
  • Death – birth
  • Deep – shallow
  • Defeat – victory
  • Defence – attack
  • Defend – attack
  • Delicious – awful
  • Dirty – clean
  • Dishonest – honest
  • Distant – near
  • Early – late
  • Easy – difficult
  • Elementary – advanced
  • Emigrate – immigrate
  • Emigration – immigration
  • Empty – full
  • Fail – pass
  • False – true
  • Fat – skinny
  • Fiction – fact
  • Fix – break
  • Flat – hilly
  • Float – sink
  • Floor – ceiling
  • Follow – lead
  • Foolish – wise
  • For – against
  • Forbid – allow
  • Foreground – background
  • Forgive – blame
  • Freeze – boil
  • Friendly – unfriendly
  • Full – empty

Opposites (G-O)

  • Generous – stingy
  • Gentle – rough
  • Giant – dwarf
  • Girl – boy
  • Give – receive/ take
  • Gloomy – cheerful
  • Go – come
  • Grief – joy
  • Guilty – innocent
  • Happy – sad/unhappy
  • Hard – soft
  • Harvest – plant
  • Healthy – sick
  • Heaven – hell
  • Heavy – light
  • High – low
  • Hire – fire
  • Huge – tiny
  • Humid – dry
  • Hungry – full
  • Husband – wife
  • Ignore – notice
  • Ill – healthy
  • Immigrate – emigrate
  • Immigration – emigration
  • In front of – back
  • Insane – sane
  • Lazy – hardworking
  • Lie – truth
  • Light – heavy
  • Like – dislike
  • Likely – unlikely
  • Liquid – solid
  • Lonely – crowded
  • Long – short
  • Loose – tight
  • Lose – win
  • Loser – winner
  • Lost – found
  • Loud – quiet
  • Love – hate
  • Low – high
  • Major – minor
  • Man – woman
  • Marvelous – terrible
  • Mature – immature
  • Maximum – minimum
  • Miss – catch/ hit
  • Mix – separate
  • Moderate – extreme
  • Modern – ancient/ traditional
  • Moist – dry
  • Moon – sun
  • More – less
  • Most – least
  • Near – distant
  • Negative – affirmative
  • Nephew – niece
  • Never – always
  • New – ancient
  • Occupied – vacant
  • Odd – even
  • Off – on

Opposites (P-Y)

  • Patient – impatient
  • Pessimistic – optimistic
  • Poor – wealthy
  • Presence – absence
  • Present – past
  • Private – public
  • Sad – happy
  • Sadness – happiness
  • Safe – dangerous
  • Safety – danger
  • Same – different
  • Satisfaction – regret
  • Satisfy – annoy
  • Save – spend
  • Selfish – generous
  • Short – tall
  • Slim – fat
  • Slow – fast
  • Small – big
  • Soft – hard
  • Sour – sweet
  • Spend – earn
  • Start – stop
  • Started – finished
  • Stay – leave
  • Stiff – flexible
  • Stop – go
  • Straight – crooked/curly
  • Strength – weakness
  • Strong – weak
  • Student – teacher
  • Sturdy – weak
  • Sunny – cloudy
  • Superb – inferior
  • Talkative – taciturn
  • Tame – wild
  • Teach – learn
  • Temporary – permanent
  • There – here
  • Thick – thin
  • Thin – thick
  • Thin – fat/thick
  • Tidy – messy
  • Tidy – messy
  • Timid – bold
  • Together – apart
  • Top – bottom
  • Toward – away
  • Tragic – comic
  • Transparent – opaque
  • Triumph – defeat
  • True – false
  • Ugly – beautiful
  • Useful – useless
  • Useless – useful
  • Vacant – occupied
  • Valley – mountain
  • Vertical – horizontal
  • Victory – defeat
  • Warm – cool
  • White – black
  • Whole – part
  • Wide – narrow
  • Winter – summer
  • Work – rest
  • Yes  – no
  • Yesterday – tomorrow
  • Young – old

Opposite Words | Infographic

Opposite Words | Infographic 1

Opposites: An Important List of 200+ Opposite Words in English

Opposite Words | Infographic 2

Opposites: An Important List of 200+ Opposite Words in English

Opposite Words | Infographic 3

Opposites: An Important List of 200+ Opposite Words in English

Opposites! Opposite (or antonym) is a word that means the reverse of a word. In this lesson, you will learn an extensive list of 100 opposites in English from A-Z with the pictures.

List of Opposites 

List of 100 opposite words in English

1. Ability x inability

2. Happy x unhappy

3. Import x export

4. Interior x exterior

5. Maximum x minimum

6. Include x exclude

7. Junior x senior

8. Above x below

9. Majority x minority

10. Optimist x pessimist

11. Superior x inferior

12. Accept x refuse

13. Civilized x uncivilized/savage/barbaric

14. Big x small

15. Acquire x lose

16. Ancient x modern

17. Agree x disagree

18. Alive x dead

19. Barren x fertile

20. Admire x despise

21. Blunt x sharp

22. Bold x timid

23. Bright x dim

24. Broad x narrow

25. Care x neglect

26. Confess x deny

27. Cool x warm

28. Broad x narrow

29. Bold x timid

30. Clean x dirty

31. Cruel x kind

32. Domestic x wild

33. Difficult x easy

34. Dangerous x safe

35. Dark x bright

36. Death x birth

37. Debit x credit

38. Early x late

39. Earn x spend

40. Empty x full

41. False x true

42. Guilty x innocent

43. Fine x coarse

44. Freedom x slavery

45. Fat x thin

46. Foolish x wise

47. Fresh x stale

48. Fear x courage

49. Guilty x innocent

50. Gain x loss

51. Good x bad

52. High x low

53. Humble x proud/arrogant

54. Honour x dishonour

55. Joy x sorrow

56. Knowledge x ignorance

57. Kind x cruel

58. Lie x truth

59. Little x much

60. Masculine x feminine

61. Make x mar/break

62. Natural x artificial

63. Noise x silence

64. Oral x written

65. Pride/arrogance x humility

66. Permanent x temporary

67. Presence x absence

68. Profit x loss

69. Prose x poetry

70. Quick x slow

71. Receive x give

72. Reject x accept

73. Ripe x raw

74. Rough x smooth

75. Remember x forget

76. Rich x poor

77. Sharp x dull

78. Tragedy x comedy

79. General x particular

80. Victory x defeat

81. Wild x domestic/tame

82. Weak x strong

83. Wisdom x folly

84. Youth x aged

85. Give x take

86. Laugh x cry

87. Smile x frown

88. Buy x sell

89. Here x there

90. This x that

91. Never x always

92. Stop x start

93. Wrong x right

94. Tight x loose

95. Love x hate

96. Throw x catch

97. Yes x no

98.  Forward x backward

99.  Stand x sit

100. Lost x found

Opposites | Image

Opposites: List of 100 Common Opposites in English

Here you will find a table of words and their opposites. Opposites formed by prefixes (dis-, ex-, im-, in-, irr-, un- etc.) are not listed here.

Technical and geographical words are listed only in a very small amount because of clarity.

  • A – F
  • G – L
  • M – R
  • S – Z
Word Opposite
about exactly
above below
absence presence
abundance lack
to accept to refuse
accidental intentional
active lazy
to add to subtract
to admit to deny
adult child
advanced elementary
affirmative negative
afraid brave
after before
against for
alike different
alive dead
all none
to allow to forbid
already not yet
always never
ancient modern
ancestor descendant
to agree to refuse, to argue
amateur professional
to amuse to bore
ancestor descendant
angel devil
animal human
to annoy to satisfy
to answer to ask
answer question
antonym synonym
apart together
approximately exactly
to argue to agree
to arrest to free, to set free
arrival departure
to arrive to depart, to leave
artificial natural
ascent descent
to ask to answer
asleep awake
to attack to defend
attack defence, protection
attic cellar
autumn spring
awake asleep
awful delicious, nice, pleasant
back in front of
background foreground
backward forward
bad good
bad luck fortune, good luck
beauty ugliness
before after
to begin to end, to stop, to finish
beginning end, ending
behind in front of
below above
best worst
better worse
beautiful ugly
big small, little
birth death
bitter sweet
black white
blunt sharp
body soul
to bore to amuse, to be interested in
boring exciting, interesting
to borrow to lend
bottom top
boy girl
brave cowardly, afraid
to break to mend, to fix
broad narrow
brother sister
to build to destroy
busy lazy
to buy to sell
calm excited
careful careless
careless careful
to catch to miss, to throw
ceiling floor
cellar attic
centre outskirts, suburb
certainly probably
changeable constant
cheap expensive
child adult, grown-up
children parents
clean dirty
clear cloudy
clever stupid
to close to open
closed open
cloudy clear, sunny, bright
cold (kalt) hot
cold (Kälte) heat
to come to go
comedy drama, tragedy
complicated simple
compliment insult
compulsory voluntary
to connect to separate
consonant vowel
constant changeable
construction destruction
to continue to interrupt
cool warm
correct false, wrong
courage fear
courageous cowardly
cowardly brave, courageous
to create to destroy
cruel human, kind
to cry (schreien) to whisper
to cry (weinen) to laugh
to damage to repair
danger security, safety
dangerous safe
dark light
daughter son
dawn dusk
day night
dead alive
death birth, life
deep shallow
defeat victory
defence attack
to defend to attack
delicious awful
to deny to admit
to depart to arrive
departure arrival
descendant ancestor
descent ascent
desperate hopeful
to destroy to build, to create, to form
destruction construction
devil angel
dictatorship republic
to die to live
different alike, equal, the same
difficult easy
dirty clean
disease health
distant near
to divide to unite
division unity
to divorce to marry
divorce marriage, wedding
divorced married
domestic foreign
down up
downstairs upstairs
drama comedy
dry humid, wet
dull interesting
dusk dawn
early late
east west
easy difficult, hard
elementary advanced
to emigrate to immigrate
emigration immigration
empty full
to end to begin
end beginning
ending beginning
enemy friend
to enjoy to hate
to enter to leave
entrance exit
equal different
even (Zahlen) odd
evening morning
everybody nobody
everything nothing
exactly about, approximately
excited calm
exciting boring
to exclude to include
exit entrance
expensive cheap
export import
exposure shelter
extreme moderate
to fail to succeed, to pass
failure success
false correct, true
far near
fast slow
fat slim, thin
fear courage
female male
few many
final first
to find to lose
to finish to begin
finish start
first final, last
to fix to break
flat hilly
floor ceiling
to follow to lead
to forbid to allow, to let, to permit
for against
foreground background
foreign domestic
foreigner native
to forget to remember
to form to destroy
fortune bad luck
forward backward
to free to arrest
to freeze to melt
frequently occasionally
fresh old/stale
friend enemy
front rear
in front of back, behind
full empty
funny serious
future past, present

Thanks to Alina, Elisabeth and Friedrich.

Antonyms/Opposite Words in English A to Z Pdf! Below is the list of opposite words a to z along with ESL infographics and PDF.

What are Antonym/Opposite Words in English?

Opposite words are sometimes called antonyms are words with different or opposite meanings. Antonyms (opposite words) are an important word type to use in almost any form of writing. Most ESL students don’t know about antonyms and they are using them all the time, without knowing them. Besides Synonyms are the words with the same meaning.

What are some opposite words?

Here is a quick list of some common opposite words:

  • from – to
  • easy – hard
  • part – whole
  • free – arrest
  • monarchy – republic
  • adult – child
  • go – come
  • accidental – intentional
  • useless – useful
  • attack – defend
  • in front of – back
  • happy – sad

Antonym/Opposite Words in English A to Z

Here is the list of most useful opposite words A to Z, learn these opposites and download this lesson of opposite words a to z in PDF:

Opposite Words with –> A

  • add–> subtract
  • all–> none
  • amuse–> bore
  • attack–> defense
  • accidental–> intentional
  • against–> for
  • angel–> devil
  • ask–> answer
  • arrival–> departure
  • always–> never
  • approximately–> exactly
  • animal–> human
  • awful–> nice
  • active–> lazy
  • alive–> dead
  • adult–> child
  • annoy–> satisfy
  • already–> not yet
  • ancestor–> descendant
  • artificial–> natural
  • afraid–> brave
  • arrive–> depart
  • agree–> refuse
  • awake–> asleep
  • answer–> question
  • ancient–> modern
  • attic–> cellar
  • absence–> presence
  • abundance–> lack
  • after–> before
  • attack–> defend
  • autumn–> spring
  • ascent–> descent
  • apart–> together
  • admit–> deny
  • argue–> agree
  • accept–> refuse
  • about–> exactly
  • above–> below
  • answer–> ask
  • allow–> forbid
  • affirmative–> negative
  • antonym–> synonym
  • advanced–> elementary
  • alike–> different
  • amateur–> professional
  • ancestor–> descendant
  • asleep–> awake

Opposite Words with –> B

  • beautiful–> ugly
  • begin–> end
  • build–> destroy
  • back–> in front of
  • background–> foreground
  • brother–> sister
  • body–> soul
  • bitter–> sweet
  • badluck –> fortune
  • bore–> amuse
  • behind–> in front of
  • before–> after
  • busy–> lazy
  • big–> small
  • birth–> death
  • beginning–> end
  • borrow–> lend
  • below–> above
  • break–> fix
  • better–> worse
  • bottom–> top
  • beauty–> ugliness
  • bad–> good
  • boy–> girl
  • best–> worst
  • black–> white
  • brave–> cowardly
  • backward–> forward
  • buy–> sell
  • blunt–> sharp
  • broad–> narrow
  • boring–> exciting

Opposite Words with –> C

  • compliment–> insult
  • catch–> miss
  • cool–> warm
  • courage–> fear
  • centre–> outskirts
  • clear–> cloudy
  • close–> open
  • create–> destroy
  • courageous–> cowardly
  • calm–> excited
  • cloudy–> clear
  • compulsory–> voluntary
  • cowardly–> brave
  • construction–> destruction
  • clever–> stupid
  • cold–> heat
  • careless–> careful
  • cry–> whisper
  • cheap–> expensive
  • consonant–> vowel
  • certainly–> probably
  • children–> parents
  • ceiling–> floor
  • changeable–> constant
  • careful–> careless
  • cold–> hot
  • cruel–> human
  • complicated–> simple
  • connect–> separate
  • clean–> dirty
  • closed–> open
  • cry–> laugh
  • correct–> wrong
  • continue–> interrupt
  • cellar–> attic
  • constant–> changeable
  • child–> adult
  • come–> go
  • comedy–> drama

Opposite Words with –> D

  • defence–> attack
  • dangerous–> safe
  • domestic–> foreign
  • dawn–> dusk
  • deep–> shallow
  • divide–> unite
  • downstairs–> upstairs
  • dry–> humid
  • damage–> repair
  • depart–> arrive
  • divorced–> married
  • divorce–> marriage
  • defend–> attack
  • death–> birth
  • dirty–> clean
  • dusk–> dawn
  • different–> alike
  • destroy–> build
  • dull–> interesting
  • disease–> health
  • distant–> near
  • daughter–> son
  • down–> up
  • deny–> admit
  • destruction–> construction
  • descent–> ascent
  • descendant–> ancestor
  • danger–> security
  • dead–> alive
  • delicious–> awful
  • defeat–> victory
  • dark–> light
  • devil–> angel
  • departure–> arrival
  • division–> unity
  • difficult–> easy
  • drama–> comedy
  • desperate–> hopeful
  • dictatorship–> republic
  • divorce–> marry
  • die–> live
  • day–> night

Opposite Words with –> E

  • equal–> different
  • emigrate–> immigrate
  • exposure–> shelter
  • exclude–> include
  • east–> west
  • evening–> morning
  • emigration–> immigration
  • enemy–> friend
  • exactly–> approximately
  • everybody–> nobody
  • empty–> full
  • exit–> entrance
  • excited–> calm
  • enter–> leave
  • exciting–> boring
  • end–> beginning
  • end–> begin
  • even–> odd
  • elementary–> advanced
  • everything–> nothing
  • expensive–> cheap
  • ending–> beginning
  • early–> late
  • easy–> difficult
  • entrance–> exit
  • export–> import
  • enjoy–> hate
  • extreme–> moderate

Opposite Words with –> F

  • forward–> backward
  • fast–> slow
  • frequently–> occasionally
  • foreign–> domestic
  • final–> first
  • fortune–> bad luck
  • future–> past
  • first–> final
  • fix–> break
  • freeze–> melt
  • failure–> success
  • finish–> begin
  • forget–> remember
  • for–> against
  • fail–> succeed
  • fresh–> old/stale
  • few–> many
  • find–> lose
  • friend–> enemy
  • far–> near
  • finish–> start
  • flat–> hilly
  • floor–> ceiling
  • foreigner–> native
  • infront of –> back
  • full–> empty
  • false–> true
  • forbid–> allow
  • free–> arrest
  • fear–> courage
  • form–> destroy
  • funny–> serious
  • front–> rear
  • foreground–> background
  • female–> male
  • fat–> slim
  • follow–> lead

Opposite Words with –> G

  • general–> particular
  • guest–> host
  • go–> come
  • grown-up–> child
  • gentle–> violent
  • girl–> boy
  • give–> take
  • generous–> mean
  • guilty–> innocent
  • giant–> tiny
  • gentleman–> lady
  • good–> bad

Opposite Words with –> H

  • hate–> enjoy
  • human–> animal
  • healthy–> ill
  • host–> guest
  • hit–> miss
  • happiness–> sadness
  • high–> low
  • heat–> cold
  • husband–> wife
  • heaven–> hell
  • handsome–> ugly
  • hopeless–> hopeful
  • hopeful–> desperate
  • hard–> easy
  • hungry–> thirsty
  • hell–> heaven
  • happy–> sad
  • humane–> cruel
  • huge–> tiny
  • humid–> dry
  • horizontal–> vertical
  • high–> deep
  • hilly–> flat
  • heavy–> light
  • here–> there
  • harvest–> plant
  • health–> disease
  • hot–> cold

Opposite Words with –> I

  • intentional–> accidental
  • include–> exclude
  • infront of –> back
  • ignore–> notice
  • interrupt–> continue
  • immigration–> emigration
  • innocent–> guilty
  • in–> out
  • beinterested in –> bore
  • interesting–> boring
  • increase–> reduce
  • inside–> outside
  • intelligent–> silly
  • import–> export
  • immigrate–> emigrate
  • insult–> compliment
  • ill–> healty

Opposite Words with –> J,K,L

  • lie–> stand
  • lead–> follow
  • light–> heavy
  • lose–> win
  • loud–> quiet
  • lazy–> active
  • kind–> cruel
  • lend–> borrow
  • lovely–> terrible
  • left–> right
  • lack–> abundance
  • loser–> winner
  • lower–> raise
  • learn–> teach
  • let–> forbid
  • little–> big
  • land–> take off
  • like–> hate
  • live–> die
  • life–> death
  • late–> early
  • liquid–> solid
  • land–> water
  • less–> more
  • low–> high
  • long–> short
  • love–> hate
  • large–> small
  • light–> dark
  • last–> first
  • little–> much
  • badluck –> good luck
  • leave–> arrive
  • junior–> senior
  • laugh–> cry
  • lady–> gentleman
  • goodluck –> bad luck

Opposite Words with –> M

  • major–> minor
  • master–> servant
  • moderate–> extreme
  • mean–> generous
  • moon–> sun
  • much–> little
  • mend–> break
  • melt–> freeze
  • miss–> hit
  • male–> female
  • men–> women
  • married–> divorced
  • mountain–> valley
  • midnight–> noon
  • many–> few
  • minor–> major
  • monarchy–> republic
  • mess–> order
  • miss–> catch
  • morning–> evening
  • man–> woman
  • modern–> ancient
  • minimum–> maximum
  • maximum–> minimum
  • marry–> divorce
  • marriage–> divorce
  • more–> less

Opposite Words with –> N

  • narrow–> broad
  • notyet –> already
  • near–> distant
  • now–> then
  • nasty–> nice
  • noneof –> al lot of
  • noisy–> quiet
  • nice–> awful
  • normal–> strange
  • north–> south
  • natural–> artificial
  • niece–> nephew
  • never–> always
  • nephew–> niece
  • native–> foreigner
  • night–> day
  • negative–> affirmative
  • nothing–> everything
  • noon–> midnight
  • new–> ancient
  • no–> yes
  • notice–> ignore
  • nobody–> everybody

Opposite Words with –> O

  • occasionally–> frequently
  • other–> same
  • opponent–> supporter
  • out–> in
  • odd–> even
  • often–> seldom
  • open–> closed
  • outside–> inside
  • on–> off
  • old–> modern
  • occupied–> vacant
  • over–> under
  • outskirts–> centre
  • ordinary–> special
  • off–> on
  • open–> closed
  • order–> mess

Opposite Words with –> P

  • pass–> fail
  • public–> private
  • present–> past
  • poor–> rich
  • peace–> war
  • private–> public
  • parents–> children
  • professional–> amateur
  • plenty–> lack
  • probably–> certainly
  • permit–> forbid
  • poverty–> wealth
  • pleasant–> awful
  • protection–> attack
  • partial–> total
  • polite–> rude
  • protect–> attack
  • pupil–> teacher
  • past–> future
  • plant–> harvest
  • powerful–> weak
  • particular–> general
  • presence–> absence
  • push–> pull
  • pull–> push
  • part–> whole
  • pretty–> ugly

Opposite Words with –> Q, R

  • right–> left
  • rough–> gentle
  • reply–> ask
  • question–> answer
  • rich–> poor
  • rainy–> sunny
  • rear–> front
  • rise–> sink
  • quiet–> loud
  • republic–> dictatorship
  • remember–> forget
  • rough–> smooth
  • quick–> slow
  • rude–> polite
  • raise–> lower
  • receive–> send
  • reduce–> increase
  • reply–> question
  • regret–> satisfaction
  • right–> wrong
  • rest–> work
  • rural–> urban
  • repair–> damage
  • refuse–> agree

Opposite Words with –> S

  • salt–> sugar
  • succeed–> fail
  • stranger–> native
  • senior–> junior
  • spring–> autumn
  • stand–> sit
  • short–> long
  • sometimes–> often
  • sunny–> cloudy
  • safe–> dangerous
  • seldom–> often
  • shut–> open
  • sugar–> salt
  • soft–> hard
  • slim–> fat
  • stop–> start
  • servant–> master
  • sister–> brother
  • sick–> healthy
  • south–> north
  • strong–> weak
  • safety–> danger
  • send–> receive
  • strange–> normal
  • satisfaction–> regret
  • silent–> noisy
  • success–> failure
  • subtract–> add
  • strict–> gentle
  • serious–> funny
  • shallow–> deep
  • small–> big
  • scream–> whisper
  • slow–> fast
  • sharp–> blunt
  • sour–> sweet
  • simple–> complicated
  • student–> teacher
  • setfree –> arrest
  • son–> daughter
  • special–> general
  • suburb–> centre
  • sad–> happy
  • security–> danger
  • some–> many
  • soul–> body
  • stand–> lie
  • smooth–> rough
  • single–> married
  • same–> different
  • start–> finish
  • sit–> stand
  • sadness–> happiness
  • silly–> intelligent
  • separate–> connect
  • save–> spend
  • stupid–> clever
  • sink–> rise
  • satisfy–> annoy
  • sell–> buy
  • summer–> winter
  • shelter–> exposure
  • start–> stop
  • shout–> whisper
  • sun–> moon
  • solid–> liquid

Opposite Words with –> T, U

  • upstairs–> downstairs
  • up–> down
  • useless–> useful
  • urban–> rural
  • trust–> suspect
  • unite–> divide
  • ugliness–> beauty
  • ugly–> beautiful
  • under–> over
  • useful–> useless
  • unity–> division
  • true–> false

Opposite Words with –> V

  • vertical–> horizontal
  • violent–> gentle
  • valley–> mountain
  • vowel–> consonant
  • visitor–> host
  • victory–> defeat
  • voluntary–> compulsory
  • vacant–> occupied
  • village–> town

Opposite Words with –> W

  • white–> black
  • waste–> save
  • weak–> powerful
  • wealthy–> poor
  • whole–> part
  • water–> land
  • well-ill
  • war–> peace
  • wedding–> divorce
  • whisper–> scream
  • wide–> narrow
  • warm–> cool
  • wealth–> poverty
  • west–> east
  • wet–> dry

Opposite Words A to Z – Infographics

Opposite Words in English

Antonyms A to Z (1-150)

  • absence – presence
  • absent – present
  • admit – deny
  • ahead – behind
  • allow – forbid
  • amuse – bore
  • antique – modern
  • artificial – natural
  • asleep – awake
  • bald – hairy
  • beautiful – ugly
  • beg – offer
  • below – above best
  • bitter – sweet
  • bottom – top
  • break – fix
  • brother – sister
  • build – destroy
  • buy – sell
  • calm – excited
  • cease – begin
  • cheerful – sad
  • clear – cloudy
  • closed – open
  • cowardly – brave
  • crooked – straight
  • dangerous – safe
  • dangerous – safe
  • dead – alive
  • delicious – awful
  • depart – arrive
  • descent – ascent
  • desperate – hopeful
  • devil – angel
  • dirty – clean
  • discourage – encourage
  • division – unity
  • down – up
  • dry – wet
  • dusk – dawn
  • east – west
  • emigration – immigration
  • empty – full
  • equal – different
  • even – odd
  • everything – nothing
  • exciting – dull
  • exhibit – conceal
  • exit – entrance
  • exterior – interior
  • fiction – fact
  • find – lose
  • finish – start
  • fix – break
  • forbid – allow
  • foreigner – native
  • forget – remember
  • freeze – melt
  • front – rear
  • funny – serious
  • gentle – violent
  • giant – tiny
  • graceful – clumsy
  • grin – frown
  • hard – easy
  • harsh – mild
  • health – disease
  • heavy – light
  • high – low
  • hilly – flat
  • horizontal – vertical
  • immigrate – emigrate
  • import – export
  • include – exclude
  • innocent – guilty
  • interrupt – continue
  • junior – senior
  • lady – gentleman
  • last – first
  • left – right
  • lend – borrow
  • less – more
  • less – more
  • loser – winner
  • low – high
  • male – female
  • many – few
  • marry – divorce
  • maximum – minimum
  • more – less
  • much – little
  • narrow – broad
  • niece – nephew
  • nobody – everybody
  • north – south
  • not yet – already
  • on – off
  • open – closed
  • order – mess
  • outside – inside
  • partial – total
  • poverty – wealth
  • presence – absence
  • protect – attack
  • raw – cooked
  • reduce – increase
  • refuse – agree
  • rough – gentle
  • sad – happy
  • same – different
  • sane – insane
  • save – spend
  • senior – junior
  • she – he
  • shout – whisper
  • shrink – expand
  • silly – intelligent
  • slim – fat
  • slow – fast
  • smart – dumb
  • smile – frown
  • some – many
  • soul – body
  • special – general
  • spring – autumn
  • stand – sit
  • start – stop
  • stranger – native
  • tiny – giant
  • ugliness – beauty
  • ugly – pretty
  • unbreakable – fragile
  • valley – mountain
  • vanish – appear
  • vertical – horizontal
  • victory – defeat
  • village – town
  • violent – gentle
  • visitor – host
  • warm – cool
  • waste – save
  • water – land
  • weak – strong
  • wealth – poverty
  • wealthy – poor
  • wedding – divorce
  • west – east
  • wet – dry
  • whisper – scream
  • white – black

Opposite Words A to Z (150-300)

  • whole – part
  • wide – narrow
  • wide – narrow
  • wife – husband
  • wild – tame
  • win – lose
  • better – worse
  • quick – slow
  • probably – certainly
  • foreign – domestic
  • huge – tiny
  • departure – arrival
  • floor – ceiling
  • spend – save
  • vacant – occupied
  • land – water
  • usually – rarely
  • hungry – full
  • depart – arrive
  • beginning – end
  • enemy – friend
  • son – daughter
  • courage – fear
  • strict – gentle
  • prohibit – allow
  • contract – expand
  • night – day
  • give – take
  • drunk – sober
  • hide – show
  • answer – ask
  • buy – sell
  • polite – rude
  • careless – careful
  • beautiful – ugly
  • from – to
  • easy – hard
  • part – whole
  • free – arrest
  • monarchy – republic
  • adult – child
  • go – come
  • accidental – intentional
  • useless – useful
  • attack – defend
  • in front of – back
  • happy – sad
  • cry – laugh damage
  • disgrace – honor
  • foreground – background
  • husband – wife
  • imaginary – real
  • connect – separate
  • sit – stand
  • night – day
  • former – latter
  • full – empty
  • best – worst
  • hit – miss
  • destroy – create
  • die – live
  • dry – humid
  • deep – shallow
  • known – unknown
  • divorce – marriage
  • all – none
  • female – male
  • last – first
  • heaven – hell
  • correct – wrong
  • alike – different
  • distant – near divide
  • ordinary – special
  • exactly – approximately
  • security – danger
  • upstairs – downstairs
  • expensive – cheap
  • backward – forward
  • midnight – noon
  • tight – loose
  • joy – grief
  • increase – decrease
  • bad – good
  • dawn – dusk
  • hell – heaven
  • sadness – happiness
  • urban – rural
  • defend – attack
  • expensive – cheap
  • ancestor – descendant
  • emigrate – immigrate
  • amateur – professional
  • deep – shallow
  • black – white
  • negative – affirmative
  • friend – enemy
  • moderate – extreme
  • length – width
  • entrance – exit
  • against – for
  • moist – dry
  • good luck – bad luck
  • cellar – attic
  • beneath – above
  • antonym – synonym
  • merciful – cruel
  • death – life
  • constant – changeable
  • girl – boy
  • intentional – accidental
  • sick – well
  • silent – noisy
  • shut – open
  • reply – ask
  • few – many
  • permit – forbid
  • find – lose
  • all – none
  • illegal – lawful
  • life – death
  • sink – rise
  • safety – danger
  • yesterday – tomorrow
  • selfish – unselfish
  • knowledge – ignorance
  • hate – enjoy
  • cruel – human
  • begin – end
  • early – late
  • beauty – ugliness
  • melt – freeze
  • worst – best
  • little – big
  • over – under
  • out – in
  • light – heavy
  • worse – better
  • send – receive
  • worthless – valuable
  • continue – interrupt
  • pleasant – awful
  • alive – dead
  • harvest – plant
  • easy – difficult
  • rural – urban
  • create – destroy
  • occasionally – frequently
  • public – private
  • sunny – cloudy
  • thirsty – hungry
  • country – city
  • careful – careless
  • send – receive
  • black – white
  • heavy – light
  • unique – ordinary
  • pupil – teacher
  • up – down
  • receive – send
  • fail – succeed
  • big – small
  • unity – division
  • approximately – exactly
  • consonant – vowel
  • unite – divide
  • reward – punishment
  • excited – calm
  • wrong – right
  • rest – work
  • answer – question
  • abundant – scarce
  • arrive – leave
  • minimum – maximum
  • in front of – back
  • apart – together
  • off – on
  • failure – success
  • shallow – deep
  • fast – slow
  • set free – arrest
  • laugh – cry
  • sharp – dull
  • above – below
  • sour – sweet
  • parents – children
  • downstairs – upstairs
  • pass – fail
  • in – out
  • humane – cruel
  • under – over
  • end – beginning
  • closed – open
  • disease – health
  • inside – outside
  • add – subtract
  • foolish – wise
  • humid – dry
  • attack – defend
  • boy – girl
  • comedy – drama
  • imprison – free
  • general – particular
  • hit – miss
  • often – seldom
  • lock – unlock

Antonyms List in English (300 – 550)

Opposite Words A to Z – Infographics

Opposite Words in English

  • maximum – minimum
  • forward – backward
  • slavery – freedom
  • compliment – insult
  • mountain – valley
  • native – foreigner
  • attic – cellar
  • little – big
  • lie – stand
  • clean – dirty
  • mean – generous
  • dirty – clean
  • natural – artificial
  • happiness – sadness
  • literal – figurative
  • morning – evening
  • supporter – opponent
  • lose – win
  • certainly – probably
  • generous – stingy
  • bad – good
  • bitter – sweet
  • large – small
  • suspect – trust
  • modern – ancient
  • voluntary – compulsory
  • marriage – divorce
  • floor – ceiling
  • after – before
  • open – closed
  • ignore – notice
  • gain – loss
  • already – not yet
  • dark – light
  • tame – wild
  • daughter – son
  • east – west
  • children – parents
  • always – never
  • exciting – boring
  • let – forbid
  • sweet – sour
  • come – go
  • lead – follow
  • noon – midnight
  • asleep – awake
  • heat – cold
  • advance – retreat
  • man – woman
  • married – divorced
  • swift – slow
  • extreme – moderate
  • genuine – fake
  • outskirts – centre
  • lazy – industrious
  • woman – man
  • miss – catch
  • then – now
  • noisy – quiet
  • occupied – vacant
  • subtract – add
  • in – out
  • nice – awful
  • guest – host
  • hopeless – hopeful
  • success – failure
  • learn – teach
  • him – her
  • sugar – salt
  • suburb – Centre
  • difficult – easy
  • extinguish – ignite
  • catch – throw
  • destruction – construction
  • lack – abundance
  • stationary – movable
  • left – right
  • first – final
  • exit – entrance
  • day – night
  • remember – forget
  • thaw – freeze
  • odd – even
  • terrible – lovely
  • afraid – brave
  • generous – mean
  • death – birth
  • majority – minority
  • temporary – permanent
  • scream – whisper
  • healthy – ill
  • well ill
  • salt – sugar
  • most – least
  • trust – suspect
  • handsome – ugly
  • reply – question
  • fertile – barren
  • rainy – sunny
  • stay – go
  • mix – sort
  • winter – summer
  • raise – lower
  • teacher – pupil
  • teach – learn
  • lazy – active
  • tardy – early
  • kind – mean
  • kind – cruel
  • drama – comedy
  • birth – death

Opposite Words List A to Z (550 – 800)

  • short – long
  • give – take
  • solid – liquid
  • never – always
  • soft – hard
  • smooth – rough
  • far – near
  • ancient – modern
  • close – open
  • lead – follow
  • brother – sister
  • student – teacher
  • city – country
  • broad – narrow
  • now – then
  • fat – slim
  • near – distant
  • friend – enemy
  • different – alike
  • enter – leave
  • inside – outside
  • positive – negative
  • normal – strange
  • peace – war
  • for – against
  • be interested in – bore
  • entrance – exit
  • descendant – ancestor
  • divorced – married
  • before – after
  • host – guest
  • careful – careless
  • strong – weak
  • fat – thin
  • cry – whisper
  • flat – hilly
  • aunt – uncle
  • shelter – exposure
  • ceiling – floor
  • plenty – lack
  • finish – begin
  • dead – alive
  • summer – winter
  • back – in front of
  • certain – uncertain
  • empty – full
  • conquer – fail
  • plant – harvest
  • frequent – infrequent
  • hopeful – desperate
  • brave – cowardly
  • affirmative – negative
  • evening – morning
  • forward – backward
  • borrow – lend
  • cool – warm
  • boy – girl
  • simple – complicated
  • destroy – build
  • busy – lazy
  • man – woman
  • about – exactly
  • future – past
  • changeable – constantcheap
  • few – many
  • here – there
  • morning – night
  • advanced – elementary
  • centre – outskirts
  • human – animal
  • protection – attack
  • bad luck – fortune
  • lower – raise
  • arrival – departure
  • husband – wife
  • men – women
  • interesting – boring
  • high – deep
  • hungry – thirsty
  • front – back
  • like – hate
  • accept – refuse
  • guilty – innocent
  • no – yes
  • mess – order
  • child – adult
  • private – public
  • bore – amuse
  • cold – hot
  • elementary – advanced
  • yes – no
  • lower – raise
  • final – first
  • first – last
  • junior – senior
  • accurate – incorrect
  • moon – sun
  • land – take off
  • animal – humanannoy
  • single – married
  • combine – separate
  • fancy – plain
  • compulsory – voluntary
  • background – foreground
  • complicated – simple
  • borrow – lend
  • ascent – descent
  • authentic – imitation
  • clever – stupid
  • poor – rich
  • early – late
  • live – die
  • ancestor – descendant
  • sister – brother
  • small – large
  • there – here
  • right – left
  • stupid – clever
  • follow – lead
  • forget – remember
  • thick – thin
  • leave – arrive
  • fear – courage
  • cruel – kind
  • body – soul
  • dark – light
  • particular – general
  • brave – scared
  • king – queen
  • dictatorship – republic
  • ill – healty
  • include – exclude
  • exposure – shelter
  • enjoy – hate
  • cool – warm
  • insult – compliment
  • stop – start
  • deny – admit
  • healthy – sick
  • awake – asleep
  • idle – busy
  • agree – refuse
  • fail – succeed
  • daughter – son
  • intelligent – silly
  • bottom – top
  • south – north
  • other – same
  • break – fix
  • abundance – lack
  • awake – asleep
  • increase – reduce
  • harmony – discord
  • exclude – include
  • better – worse
  • admit – deny
  • evil – good
  • complete – incomplete
  • danger – security
  • nephew – niece
  • form – destroy
  • defence – attack
  • professional – amateur
  • come – go
  • everybody – nobody
  • late – early
  • sell – buy
  • repair – damage
  • question – answer
  • winner – loser
  • vowel – consonant
  • loose – tight
  • lose – find
  • sun – moon
  • lovely – terrible
  • throw – catch
  • little – much
  • young – old
  • satisfaction – regret
  • liquid – solid
  • mend – break
  • safe – dangerous
  • gentleman – lady
  • fortune – bad luck
  • import – export
  • end – begin
  • pretty – ugly
  • minor – major
  • total – partial
  • sometimes – often
  • town – village
  • push – pull
  • dwarf – giant
  • true – false
  • regret – satisfaction
  • guilty – innocent
  • fat – skinny
  • accept – refuse
  • major – minor
  • high – low
  • false – true
  • cold – heat
  • divorce – marry
  • against – for
  • autumn – spring
  • comedy – tragedy
  • immigration – emigration
  • after – before
  • active – lazy
  • courageous – cowardly
  • notice – ignore
  • master – servant
  • light – dark
  • miss – hit
  • domestic – foreign
  • gather – scatter
  • tough – tender
  • strengthen – weaken
  • triumph – fail
  • love – hate
  • tragedy – comedy
  • together – apart
  • nothing – everything
  • loud – soft
  • fresh – old/stale
  • take – give

Opposite Words List in English (800 -900)

Opposite Words in English

  • boring – exciting
  • condemn – praise
  • take – give
  • miserable – happy
  • angel – devil
  • catch – miss
  • cold – hot
  • different – same
  • good – bad
  • attack – defence
  • present – past
  • cloudy – clear
  • day – night
  • seldom – often
  • hard – soft
  • laugh – cry
  • beginning – end
  • lost – found
  • rear – front
  • always – never
  • defeat – victory
  • blunt – sharp
  • powerful – weak
  • old – modern
  • quiet – loud
  • construction – destruction
  • rise – sink
  • export – import
  • love – hate
  • tall – small
  • nasty – nice
  • take off – land
  • quick – slow
  • hot – cold
  • grown  up – child
  • large – small
  • work – rest
  • fall – spring
  • opponent – supporter
  • women – men
  • bad luck – good luck
  • argue – agree
  • pull – push
  • finish – begin
  • awful – nice
  • arrive – depart
  • ask – answer
  • satisfy – annoy
  • tomorrow – yesterday
  • top – bottom
  • thin – thick
  • ending – beginning
  • happy – sad
  • rude – polite
  • new – ancient
  • none of – al loaf
  • long – short
  • separate – connect
  • serious – funny
  • long – short
  • arrest – free
  • servant – master
  • accidental – intentional
  • above – below
  • morning – evening
  • dull – interesting
  • straight – crooked
  • behind – in front of
  • republic – dictatorship
  • frequently – occasionally
  • war – peace
  • loud – quiet

Infographics (List of Antonym/Opposite Words A to Z)

opposite words a to z pdf List of most common antonyms a to z list of antonyms a to z Opposite Words A to Z in english

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About The Author

Opposite Words | List of 100+ Helpful Opposite Words in English

Opposite Words in English! An opposite word is a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. In this article, you will find the list of opposite words in English.

Common Opposite Words

Here is the list of most common opposite words in English.


  • She made a valiant attempt to laugh.
  • He tried to cry off after swearing he would do it!


  • The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
  • The best fish swim near the bottom.


  • If you’re multiplying by an even number, you know the answer can’t be an odd number.
  • The houses on this side of the street all have odd numbers.

Give………….Take (Receive)

  • It is better to give than to receive.
  • If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.


  • It was a sheer luxury to step into a hot bath.
  • It’s so cold the snow doesn’t get a chance to thaw.


  • The meeting extended late into the night.
  • The morning sun never lasts a day.


  • The office was light and airy.
  • The night deep dark blue eyes.


  • The country has to import most of its raw materials.
  • The islands export sugar and fruit.


  • The post office is opposite the station.
  • The two houses were built after the same model.


  • A faithful friend is hard to find.
  • It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.


  • It is too late to lock the stable door when the steed is stolen.
  • You promised me you’d be home early tonight.


  • It’s normal to feel tired after such a long trip.
  • The radio is giving out a strange signal.


  • Her headaches are becoming less frequent.
  • The more women look in their glass, the less they look to their house.


  • little child is a sweetest and purest thing in the world.
  • Too much pudding will choke a dog.


  • Male workers were made permanently sterile by this pesticide.
  • The contract gives a female executive maternity leave rights.


  • Come on, we’re late – get in the car.
  • It’s bitterly cold out, today.


  • Our children have brought us so much happiness.
  • Her sadness at her grandfather’s death was obvious.


  • Computers are getting faster all the time.
  • She’s a very slow eater.


  • I like chocolates with soft centres.
  • There was a heavy frost last night and the ground is still hard.


  • This is a battered old car.
  • His girlfriend’s very young.


  • I couldn’t stop laughing.
  • We’re moving to Paris.


  • You’ve been a very naughty boy!
  • There was a little girl sitting next to him.


  • I need to fuel up before I begin the trip.
  • I’ll call you when I’ve finished my homework.


  • Is this lift going up?
  • Is this lift going down?


  • The house is clearly visible from the beach.
  • She was invisible in the dusk of the room.


  • The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.
  • Most people write with their right hand.


  • She does not know if he is alive or dead.


  • The region is rich in minerals and coal deposits.
  • He came from a poor immigrant family.


  • The wind shifted to the north.
  • The south of the country enjoys an equable climate.


  • I’m sure he loves his kids.
  • Kelly hates her teacher.


  • Sam is very clever at physics.
  • She was really stupid to quit her job like that.


  • The door bolts on the inside.
  • It was a sunny day outside.


  • She’s always up before dawn.
  • Let’s go for a walk after breakfast.


  • He is a bad man.
  • I’ve just had some very good news.


  • Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
  • The fruit was too sour to eat.


  • Her short hairstyle is very becoming.
  • He was tall and quite good-looking.


  • Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.
  • The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods.


  • Close your eyes and imagine you are in a forest.
  • The museum is open to the public.


  • The child is learning to write.
  • Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.


  • He was a quiet, shy man.
  • There is little of a woman in her.


  • This is a brief outline of the events.
  • Passengers could face long delays.


  • It was difficult to tell his exact age.
  • The system is relatively easy to use.


  • I ripped my jeans on the fence.
  • Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.


  • The room was full of people.
  • The house stands desolate and empty.


  • She is an amateur in dancing.
  • The best professional musicians start young.


  • He stepped aside to let her pass.
  • His parents forbid him wine.


  • The liquid is found in a highly concentrated form.
  • The clothes froze solid on the washing-line.


  • The light is too dim for me to read.
  • I’ve got two bright students, but the rest are average.


  • I’ve arranged that we can borrow their car.
  • Can you lend me your car this evening?


  • The ice will melt when the sun shines on it.
  • Freeze it only until firm but not rock solid.


  • She felt she needed an ally so badly.
  • We attacked the enemy from the rear.


  • The restaurant has a large regular clientele.
  • She touched its tough irregular surface.


  • What time do the fireworks start?
  • He is anxious to finish the job.


  • Kind words are the music of the world.
  • Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.


  • His speech was a powerful spur to action.
  • John is good at French but weak at history.


  • I was wide awake all night.
  • He lay down and was asleep immediately.


  • My hair soon grew back to its natural colour.
  • This artificial fabric has the texture of silk.


  • Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
  • A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.


  • The ground was thick with dead leaves.
  • She’s only wearing a thin summer jacket.


  • He built the house low and wide.
  • They rode along narrow country lanes.


  • We have got wet patches on the wall.
  • Go and rub your hands dry.


  • Gosh, the rain is so heavy!
  • Here, take this bag – it’s quite light.


  • She had just woken from a deep sleep.
  • Put the milk in a shallow dish.


  • The court case will do serious harm to my business.
  • The show was very funny – they were sending up sports commentators.


  • The boats in the harbor were safe during the storm.
  • It’s a dangerous stretch of road.


  • I wear blue-tinted glasses on sunny days.
  • Cloudy sky drove the bathers off the beach.


  • He is a firm believer in total quality management.
  • I could give it only partial support.


  • I got a cheap flight at the last minute.
  • She was wearing an expensive new outfit.


  • Children here walk several miles to school.
  • Altogether there were 38 people in the bus.


  • It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.
  • I hate this stinking boring job!


  • I’ve never been very good at arithmetic.
  • He is always polite to everyone.


  • The room still has many of its original features.
  • Very few students learn Latin now.


  • We’re working to a tight schedule.
  • One of the screws is loose.


  • It can be useful to write a short summary of your argument first.
  • Don’t expend all your time on such a useless job.


  • He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.
  • The bottom line is that recycling isn’t profitable.


  • Your room’s huge compared to mine.
  • The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.


  • To be strong, a country must have unity.
  • There was a division of opinion on the matter.


  • You are a frequent visitor at my house.
  • Our host greeted us at the door.


  • He’s been single for so long now, I don’t think he’ll ever marry.
  •  I thought he would change after we got married.


  • I share a bedroom with my sister.
  • My brother is in his thirties.


  • She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin.
  • The rough cloth prickled my skin.


  • The students sit in a circle on the floor.
  • We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.


  • I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.
  • He had clearly plumbed the general sense of the message.


  • The town is a residential suburb.
  • We live ten minutes from the city centre by bus.


  • The color of leaves is green in summer.
  • We go skiing most weekends in winter.


  • You couldn’t get a supporter for love or money.
  • In debate he was a formidable opponent.


  • She offered to teach me to crochet.
  • You must learn to control your temper.


  • There is a major problem with parking in London.
  • This is a very minor operation and there is very little risk involved.


  • The maximum load for this truck is ten ton.
  • The act lays down a minimum standard for air quality.


  • He made a frightful mess in the kitchen.
  • The children lined up in order of age/height.


  • I have to say I don’t much care for modern music.
  • Marriage became an institution in ancient societies.


  • They rode along narrow country lanes.
  • She grows her own broad beans.


  • We are averse to such noisy surroundings.
  • He was a quiet, shy man.

Not yet………….Ready

  • This new drug’s potency is not yet known.
  • Come on, wake up – breakfast is ready.


  • I couldn’t concentrate on my work – my mind was on other things.
  • The two houses were built after the same model.


  • She was longing for some peace and privacy.
  • His business suffered greatly during the war.


  • He is always polite to everyone.
  • He is so rude that nobody can bear him.


  • She has lived in poverty all her life.
  • His wealth is estimated at fifty million dollars.


  • That’s a pretty hat you’re wearing.
  • I like her in a kind, but she is ugly.


  • The museum is open to the public.
  • The interviewer probed deep into her private life.


  • She gave him a gentle push towards the door.
  • Don’t pull so hard or the handle will come off.


  • regret to say that we can’t stay here any longer.
  • He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race.


  • You must ask permission if you want to leave early.
  • He was too racked by sobs to reply.


  • I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.
  • I tend to forget things unless I mark them down.


My kite flies high in the sky.

He built the house low and wide.


  • It’s too humid today; it’s hard to breathe!
  • I need to change into some dry clothes.


  • My hobbies include reading and painting.
  • She gets very upset if I exclude her from anything.


  • He is junior to me by a year.
  • He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.

Antonyms Word List | Infographic

Opposite Words

Opposite Words Opposite Words

opposite words

opposite words

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