Word on wedding ring

There are numerous ways of re-phrasing your ring exchange wording and making it especially yours. If you’re finding it difficult to put together just the right words, allow us to help you navigate the waters of wedding ring exchange wording. The significance of a ring in marriage cannot be underestimated, and so the words that follow the exchange of these rings should be special indeed.

You can find these helpful phrases sometimes in sample wedding ceremony scripts or just read below to find out more about the ring exchange wording.


  • Wedding Ring Exchange Wording
  • Traditional Wedding Ring Vows
  • Ring Exchange Wording for the Officiant
  • Real Ring Exchange Wording Examples To Steal
  • Vow Renewal

Wedding Ring Exchange Wording

Most couples who want their ring exchange wording would like to spice things up a bit. Therefore they might be looking for something funny, or heartwarming, or just phrases that embody their uniqueness. This takes a lot of thought and planning; because while they would be written in your words, they would also have to be short and practical.

Here we have a few descriptions of the different types and examples of ring exchange wording you can use.


Unique Ring Exchange Wording

“With this ring, I thee wed”, is how most standard ring exchange wording begins; however some couples seek something unique. Below are a few samples, which might help with this.

The fitting of this ring with its unending circle symbolizes
my everlasting love for you.
The placing of this ring on your finger,
is the fulfillment of my dreams,
to have you as my friend,
my love, my husband/ wife,
to live as one forever.

With this ring, I give you my heart…
From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter,
And my arms will be your home

Ring Exchange Wording Funny

Some couples choose to include something fun and go a different route, even adding special traditions like unity ceremony ideas to their program. If you’re seeking something fun, perhaps some of these might resonate with you.

Do you, with this ring, take [name] to be your husband/wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse,
for richer or for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish until death or zombies do you part? Me: I do.

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side, even when you snore; and that I will always be a faithful partner to you.

Ring Exchange Wording Modern

Out with the old and in with the new, are the thoughts of most modern couples of today. Something different, which still carries the meaning of their union. If this is you, then perhaps some of these samples are for you.

I give you this ring
as a reminder
that I will love, honor, and cherish you,
In all times,
In all places,
And in all ways, forever.

With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours.
It is a symbol of my eternal love,
My everlasting friendship,
And the promise of all my tomorrows.

Simple Ring Exchange Wording

The beauty of simplicity isn’t lost on wedding ring exchange wording. If you are this couple who prefer going straight to the point with no fuss at all, then here are a few suggestions for you.

With this ring, I seal my promise to be your faithful and loving wife/husband as God is my witness.

I give you this ring as a sign of my love, and with all that I have, I honor you and take you for my husband/wife.

Traditional Wedding Ring Vows

During the exchange of rings at a wedding, it is traditional to have wedding vows ring exchange for the wedding. Your religious beliefs sometimes determine the type of wedding ring ceremony vows that you use. Below are examples of traditional wedding ring vows for several religious sects.


Sample wedding rings vows for the Protestant couple.

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love; and with all that I am and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”


Sample wedding rings vows for a Jewish wedding.

“Harey at mekuddeshet li b’taba’at zo k’dat Moshe v’Israel (Behold, thou art consecrated unto me with this ring according to the law of Moses and of Israel). “


Sample wedding rings vows for a Catholic couple.

“In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, take and wear this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.”


Sample wedding rings vows from a Baptist church.

“With this ring, I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, till death do us part.”


Rings are traditionally exchanged during the mangni, a betrothal ceremony, but not during the wedding itself.


Sample wedding rings vows for an Episcopalian union.

“(Name), I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”


Sample wedding rings vows for a Methodist wedding.

“I give you this ring as a sign of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have; I honor you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”


Though there are numerous traditions within different parts of India, this is a sample you can use.

“Praying the Almighty that I am blessed with a long life, I tie this knot around your neck. Oh! Sowbhagyavati, may Providence bestow on you a fulfilling life of a ‘Sumangali’ for a hundred years to come!”

Ring Exchange Wording for the Officiant

As an officiant, you might be looking for a few sentences to say about the significance of the ring exchange for the couple. While the symbol of these rings and the eternal love they represent might not be lost on the couple; it’s never a bad idea to add a few words in the wedding ceremony structure, to buttress this point.

You have for each other a ring. This most precious of metals symbolizes that love is the most precious element in your life together. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between you will never cease. You place these rings upon each others fingers as a visible sign of the vows which, this day, have made you husband and wife/ partners.

Wedding rings are made precious by our wearing them. Your rings say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that, despite its occasional sorrows, love is a circle of happiness, wonder, and delight. May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.

Real Ring Exchange Wording Examples To Steal

Here we have a few more examples of different types of ring exchange wording, which could help with ideas when crafting your own. Thinking of some ring exchange wording offbeat for a secular or non-denominational wedding? Well, here are some suggestions you can use.

I (name), I give you this ring
This band of gold
To love you always
To have and to hold
I give you my love
Precious and true
You know that my heart
Is only for you.Sarah, SA

I promise to love, respect and honor you
I will always be there for you, with you, beside you
Let this ring be a symbol of our love,
may it represent our today, our tomorrows,
our future & our past.
As I have given you my hands to hold,
so I give you my life to keep.Megs, NSW


This ring is my precious gift to you, as a sign that from this day forward you shall be surrounded and encircled by my love.


This ring is a token of my endless and abiding love. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal.


I gladly accept this ring and will wear it always as a sign of my love for you.

Today I give myself to you and ask for your tomorrows. I promise to love you above all others, to give you my strength and ask yours in return, to stand by you in good times and in bad. I give you all my trust and unconditional love. May this ring be a token of my undying love for you.

I give you this ring as a sign of my love, knowing that love is precious and fragile, yet strong. This ring is a symbol of the vows we have made here today. I give you this ring as I give you my love, for the rest of my life.

I give you this ring as a token and a pledge of my abundant love, and I promise from this day forward, to love, to honor, to cherish and respect you, in sickness and in health, wealth and poverty, for all the days of our lives.

In pledge of the marriage vows made between us, I offer you this ring. Let it be to you and to me and to all the world, a symbol of the covenant of marriage we have entered into this day.

I promise to embrace our life together with compassion, faith, and spirit. I will be a loyal friend, one who will believe in you and stand by you always. With this ring, I give you the promise of my unconditional love forever.

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be a faithful partner to you.

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today.

Vow Renewal

Renewal of wedding vows is a renewal of the promises made on your wedding day. After spending time together in the marriage, faced ups and downs, changes, excitements and even disappointments, you might want to do it all again but with a renewed understanding this time.

Vow renewals have had some of the best wedding vows we’ve ever heard. And this is because before writing your vows this second time around, its good to take some time for reflection. Reflect on the years which have passed, the goods and the bads and all that your partner has come to mean to you. Write all of this down, and you will find that you have material for some deep and thoughtful, full of emotion renewal vows. Below are a few examples.

With great joy, I pledged my love and commitment to you on our wedding day. But a loving relationship does not exist in a vacuum. Our family and friends first showed us how to love, helped us grow, and supported us when we found each other. I hope they will continue to love and support us as we love and support them. Therefore, I am delighted today, in the presence of these witnesses, to reaffirm my commitment to you, and once again, to promise to love you, honor you, and comfort you, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better and for worse, as long as we both shall live.

On our wedding day, I made a choice. It was the most important and significant choice of my life and I made it only after a great deal of consideration. On that day, I chose you to be my husband/wife. I thought then that such a decision, once made, as final and irrevocable. Now I know that the selection of a life partner is not a one-time decision but an ongoing process.

Many times in the years since then, I have chosen you again. Faced with changes and alternatives, I have become keenly aware that a marriage lasts only so long as both partners desire each other above all others. As our lives have been affected by the ebb and flow of other lives and events, there have been many times when I could have chosen to go in a different direction. I did not.

The reason is simple: no other person has ever aroused in me the feelings of tenderness, joy, and caring which you elicit. I elect to stay with you not because I feel obligated to meet your needs but because you continue to meet mine. I live with you not because a legal document says that I am your wife/husband but because, in my heart of hearts, I still want to be by your side more than I want to be anywhere else.

Choosing to embellish or write your ring exchange wording from scratch is choosing to put a piece of you into the words. As you decide on how to re-phrase this, it might help to remember why you love your partner and the new journey you are embarking upon. Including these extra phrases in your wedding ceremony order of events shouldn’t pose a problem.

The ring symbioses these things and more; therefore we hope that we have been able to help you with ideas for writing your very own ring exchange wording.

You’re getting married, you’ve already purchased the engagement rings and now it’s time to have some fun picking out your wedding rings. But if you feel like doing something a little bit different, you’ll want something special and unique to just the both of you. 

Having your wedding rings engraved could be the perfect solution. But here’s the tricky part, you have no idea what you want your engraving to be, how you’d go about doing so, or the best metal to choose. This is why here at Diamonds Factory, we have put together a guide featuring ten great romantic wedding ring engraving ideas, along with some helpful facts and tips to help you make your decision. 

Now that we know what to look out for, let’s take a look at ten wedding ring engraving ideas you and your partner could adopt for your rings.

Top wedding ring engraving ideas

  1. 1. Engrave your vows

    Why not include a version of your vows or a short expression of your love on the band? It could something very simple such as, “I love you” or single words such as “Forever” or “Eternity”. You could even have the word “Soulmates” engraved to express how perfect you are for one another.

    If you can fit something in that is a little longer, then think about sentences from your vows such as “To have and to hold”. You should go for a phrase or word that you feel sums up your love the best.

    engagement rings - engrave your vows

  2. 2. Romantic language

    If you would prefer something that is romantic and unique but like the idea of using an older phrase, consider an engraving in a different language. The most popular options are, French, Italian and Latin as they are some of the most romantic languages spoken from around the world. Go for something as simple as “My love” in a foreign language or;

    In French — “
    Pour tous jours” (For all days)

    In Latin
    — “Semper amemus” (Let us always love)

    In Italian
    — “Il mio cuore è tuo per sempre” (My heart is yours forever)

    engagement rings - romantic engraving

  3. 3. Old English inscriptions

    As mentioned previously, the tradition of “poesy” rings began many, many years ago and so having an Old English phrase engraved on your ring could be a good idea. This is something that would have been found on a ring in the Middle Ages and is a great way of carrying on the old
    wedding traditions from Europe
    . Consider choosing a historical phrase that has a personal meaning just for you. Something like, “Let nothing part but death” or “This and I until I die”.

  4. 4. A meaningful symbol

    Now, we’ve all heard the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ and that really can be the case on your wedding ring. If you want to be more visual than verbal then get a symbol engraved on your ring.

    The cost and size will, of course, play a huge role in this sort of engraving but you can opt for something simple like a heart or even choose an icon that represents a hobby that you both share and feel strongly about.

    For someone who loves the outdoors, for example, consider engraving a tree outline into your ring, or if you and your other half share a strong bond over an animal, how about a small engraving of one? It’s a more unusual take on the idea but symbols are the perfect way of representing your love for one another.
    wedding ring - meaningful symbol

    5. Fingerprint engraving

    This is one of the most romantic engraving ideas out there. This concept engraves your fingerprint on the

    wedding band

    , so you can keep each other close by every single day. This is so special because everyone has a different fingerprint meaning that it really is unique to one another and an amazing way to share your specific bond. Get matching wedding rings with the other person’s fingerprint.

    You will need to use ink and paper to get a copy of your fingerprint — your ring finger on your left hand is a good choice — and then take this to an engraving service. Bear in mind that the whole fingerprint won’t be able to be featured on the band, but a small part of it — and to you, it could make it even more special.

    wedding band - fingerprint engraving

  6. 6. Your names on the rings

    Another popular and personal trend for ring engravings is having your names on each other’s rings — but in your own handwriting! Technology has made it a lot easier for jewellers to create custom designs, so engraving your personal handwriting onto a ring is easier than ever before.

    Of course, this idea may depend on your partner’s writing because a messy signature or name can just end up looking like scratches, so be sure to practice writing out names before getting this done. If this works for you, signatures can make for beautiful inscriptions.

    wedding ring name engraving

  7. 7. Your initials and the wedding date

    A very simple way to commemorate your special day and your love for one another is to engrave both of your initials and your wedding date within your ring band. Not only does this look beautiful, you’ll never forget your anniversary — and if you are struggling to remember you can just look on the inside of your ring!

    wedding date and initials engraved

  8. 8. Engrave your partner’s name

    Similar to your partner’s signature, why not just engrave their name? This keeps it short, sweet and simple. Each person could wear a band with the others name on it and if you have special nicknames for one another you could use this instead.

    partners name engraved

  9. 9. Use an engraving to commemorate how you met

    How did you both meet? Maybe you met at a party, or your first date was a movie? Perhaps your eyes just met across the bar. Honour that first moment of your connection by engraving a phrase that links to that special time. It can be a motto or a quote from something on that day. It will be a constant reminder of where it all began for you both and how far you have come since that moment.

  10. 10. A film or song

    Music and film are important triggers when it comes to memory and no doubt you and your partner have a favourite film or piece of music you enjoy together. Perhaps have some words from ‘your song’ engraved on your wedding band or part of a movie quote.

song lyrics engraved

Having your wedding ring engraved with a secret message is the ultimate way to personalize an already unique piece of jewelry. There’s something incredibly romantic about the inscription of a special date, two initials beside each other, or a phrase that only the wearers will understand.

It’s also a timeless practice: Since medieval times, people have been engraving their most beloved pieces of jewelry with religious quotes and sweet vows stating their devotion to each other. Choosing to engrave your wedding rings is a lovely way to make your ring feel like its truly your own, but the process can feel intimidating. You don’t want to choose the wrong inscription or do something that could potentially change the way your ring looks.

We spoke to jeweler Madeline Fraser to get all of the details on what to know about engraving your wedding rings.

Meet the Expert

Madeline Fraser is the founder and CEO of the try-before-you-buy jewelry site and app Gemist.

Ring Engraving Cost

Your rings might have been pricey, but the good news is that you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get an engraving done. “Engraving is relatively affordable,” says Fraser. “It all depends on the character count of what you want to be engraved. The average cost ranges from $50-$100 and most rings accommodate between 15-30 characters.”

When to Engrave Your Rings

If you know you want your rings engraved before you get engaged, let your jeweler know before the rings are being made or sized. Fraser says, “Engraving happens at the very end of the manufacturing process, so you have time to think about what you want your engraving to say while your rings are being made.”

There’s no real timeline here. If you choose to get your rings engraved even after your wedding, you can do that too (just be prepared to split from your ring for a little bit).

How to Engrave Your Rings

Fraser says that at Gemist, they laser engrave rings, which is really how most jewelers will do it as well. “It’s a very precise and fast process using a pencil-sized laser beam,” she explains. “The strength of the laser changes based on the type of metal.” In other words? This is a straight-forward, quick process.

Once you know that you want something engraved on your ring, you need to decide on the perfect inscription. This is harder than it sounds—for something that can only be up to maybe 30 characters, there are a surprising amount of options.

Ring Engraving Ideas

Now that you’ve read up on the logistics, it’s time to decide what exactly you want your ring to say. From traditional and religious to romantic and funny, get inspired by the ring engraving ideas below.


  • The date you met
  • Your wedding date
  • I love you
  • Always
  • Forever
  • Eternity
  • J&M (your initials)
  • Your nickname for each other
  • Forever begins
  • To have and to hold 
  • Till death do us part
  • The infinity symbol
  • Happily ever after


  • The date of your first date or first kiss
  • The date you got engaged
  • A song lyric you both love
  • The coordinates of the location you met in
  • All my love
  • Never to part
  • To have and to hold
  • To the moon and back
  • My one and only
  • The beginning of forever 
  • Love, honor, cherish
  • I choose you
  • I love you more 
  • Amore mio (my love)


  • A short inside joke
  • Put me back on!
  • A perfect fit
  • Dibs!
  • Non-refundable 
  • Mine
  • You’re stuck with me now
  • A deal’s a deal 
  • Property of (your name) 
  • Finally
  • Do not remove
  • Incredibly lucky
  • Why is this off 
  • Ride or die 
  • Better half


  • Your favorite Bible verse
  • In God and thee my joy shall be
  • Love is patient, love is kind
  • Where you go, I will go
  • Joined under God
  • Do everything in love
  • God unites in love
  • Love is faithful
  • Deus Nos lunxit (God joined us)
  • Do everything in love


  • Ring 1: “After all this time?” Ring 2: “Always”
  • Ring 1: “I am my beloved Ring 2: “And my beloved is mine”
  • Ring 1: “Moon of my life” Ring 2: “My sun and stars”
  • Ring 1: “I love you” Ring 2: “I know” 
  • Ring 1: “I do” Ring 2: “Me too” 
  • Ring 1: “One ring” Ring 2: “To rule them all”

Engraving your wedding ring is a simple action that can make an already special item even more meaningful. All you have to do is come up with your message, give it to your jeweler, and wait for them to return your freshly engraved, perfectly sentimental ring. Still, that first step– coming up with your message– can be a little daunting. You want to pick something that both you and your partner will love, something that will make you smile each time you see the message for years to come. So, there’s a bit of pressure to come up with the right message. But if you’re feeling stuck on what to engrave on your wedding ring, read on. Below, we’re featuring 100 wedding ring engraving ideas that will give you the creative inspiration you need to come up with your ideal engraving.

Traditional Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas

If you’re a traditionalist who loves all things classic, try one of these traditional wedding engraving ideas.Your Names Or Initials

  • A Monogram Of Your New Initials
  • Your New Last Name
  • Your Wedding Date
  • Your Engagement Date
  • The Date You Met
  • The Date You First Said “I Love You”
  • The Name Of A Significant Location
  • Your Nicknames For Each Other
  • “To My Wife” or “To My Husband”

Wedding Band Engravings Featuring Classic Romantic Sentiments

Short romantic sentiments work beautifully as wedding ring inscriptions, since they can impart deep meaning using just a few words.

  • I Love You
  • Love
  • I Do
  • Forever
  • Forever Yours
  • My Love
  • Eternity
  • Always
  • True Love
  • For My Soulmate
  • I Choose You
  • Forevermore
  • I Thee Wed
  • Our Love Is Eternal
  • Forever Begins
  • Adventure Awaits
  • All My Days
  • My Fairy Tale
  • Happily Ever After
  • With You Always
  • We Are One
  • Written in the Stars
  • Eternal Love
  • Love Endures
  • All My Love
  • You Have My Heart

Note that many of these ideas also work well when combined with the traditional ideas above. For example, “Forever Begins – Jun 10” or “A+B Always” (substituting in your initials).

Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas in Other Languages

Sometimes, another language can express your devotion in a way your mother tongue just can’t.

  • Je T’aime (French: I Love You)
  • Pour Tous Jours (French: Joy Without End)
  • Mon amour (French: My Love)
  • Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li (Hebrew: My Lover Belongs to Me and I To Him)
  • Amore Mio (Italian: My Love)
  • Vivo Per Lei (Italian: I Live For Her)
  • Semper Fidelis (Latin: Always Faithful)
  • Semper Amemus (Latin: Let Us Love Always)
  • Pari Passu (Latin: With Equal Step)
  • Amor Vincit Omnia (Latin: Love Conquers All)
  • Myn Genyst (Old German: My Heart)

Fun & Funny Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas

If you and your love like to joke around, incorporate that lighthearted energy in your engraving.

  • Challenge Accepted
  • Ditto
  • Put Me Back On!
  • A Deal Is A Deal
  • A Perfect Fit
  • Ride or Die
  • Better Than Bacon
  • Dibs!
  • Alarm Will Sound If Removed
  • Non-Refundable
  • Resistance Is Futile
  • The Better Half
  • To Aid and Abet
  • Insert Finger Here
  • No Take Backs
  • Contractually Yours
  • Finders Keepers
  • You’re Stuck With Me
  • I Love You More Than Coffee
  • Us Against the World
  • You’re My Lobster

Two Engravings That Make Up One Sentiment

A sweet, clever engraving idea is to split a saying between your rings. This type of engraving is personal, cute, and symbolic, since it parallels the fact that you and your partner are two halves becoming whole.

  • To Have / To Hold
  • Little Spoon / Big Spoon
  • Love Is Patient / Love Is Kind
  • I Carry Your Heart With Me / I Carry It In My Heart
  • I Am My Beloved’s / My Beloved Is Mine
  • I Found My Other Half / My Other Half Found Me
  • I Love You / I Know
  • To Infinity / And Beyond

Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas From Songs or Poetry

If there’s a song or poem that resonates with you, engraving a snippet of it can add lovely symbolism to your ring.

  • At Last
  • You Make Me Feel So Brand New
  • I Carry Your Heart (E.E. Cummings, I Carry Your Heart)
  • Crazy In Love
  • Here, There & Everywhere
  • So Happy Together
  • Only Love Sets Us Free (Maya Angelou, Touched By An Angel)
  • Some Things Are Meant to Be
  • Only You and I, My Love (Pablo Neruda, The Queen)
  • You Make My Dreams Come True
  • I’m Yours
  • I Am Your Mirror (Rumi, When I Am With You)
  • A Whole New World
  • I Would Walk 500 Miles

Spiritual or Religious Wedding Ring Engraving Ideas

If your shared faith is an important part of your relationship, consider referencing a bible verse or including a religious quote in your engraving.

  • Do Everything in Love (1 Corinthians 16:14)
  • Love is Patient, Love is Kind. (1 Corinthians 13:4)
  • God Unite Both in Love
  • Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li (Song of Solomon 2:16)
  • Where You Go I Will Go (Ruth 1:16)
  • God Joined Us
  • In God and Thee My Joy Shall Be
  • Thy Love Is Better Than Wine (Song of Solomon 1:2)
  • Dues Nox Iunxit (Latin: God Joined Us)
  • The Chapter and Verse of Any Personally Meaningful Bible Verse

Final Thoughts + Tips on Engraving Your Wedding Ring

We hope this list has provided you with the creative inspiration you need to come up with your perfect wedding ring engraving. To provide you with just a bit more engraving assistance, we’ll close out this post with a few practical tips on engraving your wedding ring:

  • Keep It Short and Sweet: It can be hard to express the depth of your feelings in a short message, but know that shorter engravings are more impactful. If you go too long, your message may end up being too small to read easily, which could really muddle the sentiment.
  • Consider Your Timeline: Engraving your wedding ring could take an hour or it could take a month. It all depends on your jeweler’s schedule and availability. So, if you want your rings engraved by a certain date (such as your wedding date), keep this in mind and plan ahead.
  • Take Your Time: You don’t need to stress endlessly over your engraving, but do give yourself a little time to come up with what you’ll put on your ring. This message will be on your ring for many years to come, so you don’t want to rush the process. If you don’t allow your ideas to sit with you for a while, you may end up engraving something you’ll dislike mere months from now.
  • Know You Can Engrave Later: If you feel like engraving your ring would put you in a time crunch before your wedding, remember that you can have your rings engraved at any time. Your engravings will be just as special if you add them to your rings after the wedding.
  • Triple Check Your Final Message: Last but certainly not least, we suggest that you triple check your engraving message before finally sending it off to your jeweler. You’d be surprised by how often people spell their message wrong or accidentally mix up the numbers in their date. So, if you don’t want to do the same (and have to spend time and money getting your message fixed), just give your message a good hard look before handing it over to your jeweler.

What to Engrave on Your Wedding Rings

Your wedding rings represent your love and commitment to your partner. Adding an inscription lets you personalize the ring easily. If you’re not sure what to engrave on a wedding band, keep reading to find an assortment of ideas, both serious and funny. You’re sure to find the perfect inscription idea for your spouse-to-be. You have so many decisions to make when it comes to the wedding. Thinking of a sentiment to engrave in the wedding band is just one more thing to add to the list, but there are plenty of reasons to follow through with this wedding prep task.

  • Personalization: Whether you design the ring yourself or chose it from premade designs, engraving adds a personal touch that makes it special.
  • Commemoration: Engraving helps commemorate special moments and significant information related to your marriage and relationship.
  • Privacy: Since the engraving goes on the inner portion of the band, the inscription is a special message between you and your partner. It’s a fun little secret that you can keep to yourself.

Types of wedding ring engravings

How Ring Engraving Works

Engraving takes place at a jewelry store at the hands of an experienced jeweler. Ask your jeweler if they have the tools and experience to handle the engraving when you order the rings. You can also check around with other jewelers in the area to find one with experience in engraving. Some jewelers provide on the spot engraving, while others take longer. Consult with the selected jeweler to determine the timeline to ensure the ring gets finished before your wedding day. The basic engraving process is simple with just a few steps, including:

  1. Decide on the specific engraving.
  2. Write down the words to ensure accuracy.
  3. The jeweler then uses engraving tools to put the inscription onto the ring.
  4. Check the engraving to make sure it is correct.

You provide the message you want engraved to the jeweler. Write down the inscription to avoid any confusion. Always check and double check your written message to ensure it is exactly how you want it. You can get the engraving done either by machine or by hand. Hand engraving usually costs more since it is a slower process, but it may produce a look that you like better than a machine. Pricing also depends on the number of characters and the specific font you choose. Once you’ve made your selections, the jeweler completes the engraving. Check the inscription before leaving the store to ensure the wording is exactly how you ordered it.

Significant Dates

significant dates

Significant dates in the couple’s life are popular choices for wedding ring engraving. Dates are simple and easy to fit inside a wedding band. They also carry significance to you personally or to the two of you as a couple. Engrave your wedding date so you and your spouse never forget your anniversary. You might also add other significant dates, such as the day you met, the day you fell in love or the day you were engaged. Writing dates as digits only saves space and keeps the inscription simple. For example, represent the day you were engaged with 05/28/2016 or 5.28.2016. Some people prefer the look of the date written out, such as May 28, 2016.

Names or Initials

The next logical option is to engrave names or initials on the wedding ring. An example of using first names is “Brody + Cammi.” You can also use “&” or “and” to connect the names. This incorporates both partners in the ring inscription as a symbol of the two of you being together forever. Play around with different name and initial combinations. Here are some other ideas:

  • Initials: Replace your full names with your initials as part of the inscription. This saves space if you want to add other words. Use just your first initials or use first and last initials.
  • Last name: Simply engrave the last name on the ring if one person will take the other person’s name as part of the marriage ceremony.
  • Monogram: Another way to tie together the two people in the marriage is to create a monogram using the last name initial and the initials of each person’s first name. The last name initial typically goes in the middle with a larger font.
  • Nicknames: Engrave a more personal touch with your nicknames or a pet name you call one another.

Short Sentiments

Sentiments related to your love or your relationship work well for wedding ring inscriptions. These wedding ring love quotes or short phrases show how you feel about your partner, making the ring special. When choosing a sentiment, think about the things you say to your partner frequently. If none of those phrases work, choose something that captures your personality and the essence of your relationship. If you’re stuck, consider one of these sentimental phrases:

  • I love you
  • I’ll love you, always
  • Always and forever
  • Eternal love
  • You are my soul mate
  • For eternity
  • Forever
  • My heart is yours
  • You have my heart
  • To my wife or to my husband
  • With you always
  • To have and to hold
  • I found my forever love
  • Beginning of forever
  • Perfect fit
  • You are worth the wait
  • My lover
  • We’ll grow old together
  • All my love
  • We are one
  • From this moment on
  • True love
  • Yours eternally

  • To love, honor and cherish
  • My solemn vow
  • Love endures
  • Written in the stars
  • How forever feels
  • You are my lobster
  • Never say good-bye
  • I choose you
  • Us against the world
  • Worth fighting for
  • One love
  • Keeper of my heart
  • Love never fails
  • Better together
  • My fairy tale
  • I am home with you
  • My answer to everything
  • Forevermore
  • Grow old with me
  • Happily ever after
  • I do
  • Love is friendship set on fire

Bible Verses

bible verses

Bible verses often capture the essence of love and marriage. Choose a meaningful Bible verse to engrave on your partner’s wedding ring. A verse that you plan to read at the wedding is a good choice. This reminds your partner of your wedding day always. If the entire bible verse won’t fit on the ring, shorten it or simply put the name of the verse on the ring. Fitting Bible verses for wedding band inscriptions include:

  • 1 Corinthians 16:14: “Do everything in love.”
  • Ruth 1:16-17: “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.’”
  • 1 Corinthians 13:13: “Three things will last forever — faith, hope and love — and the greatest of these is love.”
  • Psalms 34:3: “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!”
  • Matthew 19:6: “So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
  • Colossians 1:17: “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
  • Song of Solomon 2:16: “My lover is mine, and I am his.”
  • Song of Solomon 1:2: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.”

Song Lyrics or Poems

Musicians and poets have a way with words. If your feelings have already been put to paper in song or poem form, use those words as an inscription on your partner’s wedding ring. Since most songs and poems are long, you won’t be able to fit your selection in its entirety. Choose the most meaningful parts to narrow down a specific phrase Stuck on what to use? Try these musical inspirations:

  • Lyrics from your first dance song
  • I’ll never dance with another
  • Don’t stop believing
  • Finally found the love of a lifetime
  • I would walk 500 miles
  • I feel so close to you right now
  • Truly, madly, deeply
  • So happy together
  • A whole new world

Funny Phrases

If your relationship is full of laughter and jokes, consider inscribing something funny on the wedding rings. It’s a great way to symbolize that lighthearted, fun-loving connection you have. It’s also the perfect way to make your new spouse smile even when they’re mad at you. Try these humorous ideas when deciding what to engrave on wedding rings:

  • An inside joke that only your partner will understand
  • I’m not done with you
  • No take backs
  • Alarm will sound if removed
  • To love, honor and irritate
  • Legally mine
  • You’re stuck with me
  • No refunds
  • Non-returnable
  • Dibs
  • To aid and abet
  • Why is this off?
  • I love you more than coffee
  • Put your ring back on!
  • Better than bacon
  • Insert finger here
  • You are my person
  • Do or do not, there is no try
  • May the force be with us
  • Finders keepers
  • Resistance is futile

Significant Locations

Some couples have locations that mean a lot to them. Perhaps the place you first met, or the place you realized you loved your partner. You might fondly think of the location where you got engaged or a special trip you took together. Even the location of your wedding may have special significance. Engrave the name of that location in the wedding band to show just how important it is to you.


Words aren’t always adequate to express how you feel. If you prefer to say it with images, consider having a design engraved into the wedding ring instead of a word. Modern engraving technology converts images into engravings on a ring. The image needs to be small enough to fit onto the ring. Simple images typically work best. You might have a simple face engraved to represent each of you. Hearts offer an option as a universal sign of love. The infinity sign also works well to represent your undying love. Alternatively, choose a yin yang symbol to show how you balance out one another. A creative approach to the image idea is to engrave your fingerprint onto the wedding band. You can convert an actual fingerprint taken from your finger and have it converted to an image to engrave on the ring. Use your ring finger to make it more meaningful.

Split Messages

split messages

Emphasize the idea of two separate people coming together to form a loving couple by splitting the message between the two rings. Place part of the phrase on one ring and the other part of the phrase on the other ring. When the bands are next to one another, the phrase is complete and makes sense. Here are some ideas for this concept:

  • Ring 1: I found a reason | Ring 2: And the reason is you
  • Ring 1: To have | Ring 2: To hold
  • Ring 1: You say it best | Ring 2: when you say nothing at all
  • Ring 1: Little spoon | Ring 2: Big spoon
  • Ring 1: I found my other half | Ring 2: My other half found me
  • Ring 1: I am my beloved’s | Ring 2: my beloved is mine
  • Ring 1: I don’t know much | Ring 2: But I know I love you
  • Ring 1: I love you | Ring 2: I know
  • Ring 1: To infinity | Ring 2: And beyond

Tips for Your Engraving

Tips for Engraving

In the grand scheme of the wedding planning, getting your rings engraved is a relatively small task, but that doesn’t mean it’s simple. Follow these tips when planning your wedding inscriptions for your rings:

  • Use a Combination: Who says you can’t have it all? If you like multiple ideas, combine them to create the perfect inscription. Go the classic route with your names and wedding date. Pair a special phrase with a small image.
  • Consider the Size: Depending on the size of your band, the space for engraving is often limited. You can’t put an entire song on the inside of your beloved’s wedding band. If you try to cram too much on the band, the words will be small and difficult to read. Keep the message short and sweet for maximum impact.
  • Keep Inscriptions Secret: Instead of deciding on an inscription together, each person can come up with something to engrave in the partner’s ring. This makes the inscription a bit of a gift on the wedding day. It also makes the ring message special for the recipient.
  • Take Time to Choose: Don’t cause yourself too much stress over the issue, but take your time in deciding what to put on a wedding band. Since you and your partner will wear them for many years, and they commemorate a special moment, you want them to have meaning and have a lasting message.
  • Engrave Later: If you don’t have time to get the wedding bands engraved before you walk down the aisle, you can always have them engraved later. This gives you more time to think about the message without the pressure of other wedding decisions. You can get your wedding band engraved at any time, even long after you take your vows.

Have you found inspiration for your wedding ring inscription? Whether you go serious or funny, modern or traditional, Mountz Jewelers can handle your engraving needs. Contact us to get your personalized message engraved on your wedding bands.

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