Word on the street present perfect

Учебная улица по теме Present Perfect

Для учащихся 6 классов

Card 1

Complete the table with the base forms and
the past participles. Keys: these words are to be at the table. Check if you
used all of them.

Lose, taken, swim, bought, do,
written, run, eaten, take, won, write, done, buy, lost, win, run, eat, swum














Find 6 tense identifiers of the
Present Perfect Tense.

1. never                 2. yet                                      3.
4. already                             5. ever                                   6.
last week
7. 2 days ago                       8. just                                    9.

(Key: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9)


Write the words FOR or SINCE in the following
You should use each word five times.

  1. Sam hasn’t
    been here ___ a month.
  2. Katherine has
    lived in Ireland ___ 2005.
  3. Bob has been
    in Chicago ___ Monday.
  4. I haven’t
    seen you ___ ages!
  5. They have
    known each other ___ two years.
  6. Paul has been
    in his office ___ 6 o’clock.
  7. Maria and
    Martin have been friends ___ their childhood.
  8. I can’t
    believe! He has been a doctor ___ 15 years!
  9. She has never
    won the games ___ January.
  10. I have stayed
    at my grandmother’s villa ___ a week.

(Key: for, since, since, for, for, since, since, for,
since, for)

Card 4

Fill in the following
gaps using the Present Perfect in order to make this dialogue complete.

Reporter: (you do) Have you done a lot of
training this year? 

Trish: Yes, I have. I have trained six times a
week all year. 

Reporter: Who ______________ (1 you train) with? 
Trish: With my coach, and the team.
Reporter: Where ______________ (2 you play) this

Trish: Mostly in Britain. But we’ve also
travelled to Holland. 

Reporter : ______________ (3 you win) many

Trish: Yes, we (4) ______________ . 
Reporter: And how many matches ______________ (5
you lose)? 

Trish: Only three.
Reporter: That’s great. ______________ (6 you
have) any injuries?

Trish: No, I ______________ (7) . 
Reporter: Thanks, Trish, and good luck.


Look at the pictures. Make sentences with yet,
and the present perfect.
Use yet 2 times and already 2 times.

e. g. She has already
bought some sunglasses.

She has already bought some sunglasses.
The bus hasn’t come yet.
He hasn’t cut the grass under the tree yet.
The daughter’s already had dinner.


Look at the pictures. Make sentences with for, since
and the present perfect of these verbs.
Use for 2 times and since 3 times.

Key: They have been living together for 25 years.
She’s had the car since 2010.
He’s studied at this school since he was six.
She’s liked milk since she was a baby.
He’s lived on the island for 11 months.


There are 36 irregular
verbs. These verbs build their forms in different ways. But among them there
are some verbs that build their forms similar to each other. Please, place
these verbs in 7 groups. There’ll be one group with 2 verbs, three with 4
verbs, two with 7 verbs and one with 8 verbs in them.

Fly, feel, cut, put, buy,
drink, shoot, build, spend, choose, learn, bring, ring, swim, freeze, know,
burst, forget, read, wake, burn, fight, become, meet, let, win, buy, sing, run,
take, say, fall, think, write, eat, catch, begin.






































Say what action was done
before. Combine the two sentences into one. You should use “BEFORE”.

I sent a telegram. Then I met my friend.
— I had sent a telegram before I met my friend. 

The rain stopped. I went for a walk.

I did my homework. My mother returned home.

We met in the street. We went to the park.

They packed their things. Then they started.

I had dinner. I switched on the TV set.

He returned home. The guests left.

We came to the cinema. The film

I read the book. I saw the play.

They lived here. They moved to another place.

We played а game of tennis. We went to my

Ключи / Примерные

The rain had stopped and I went for a walk.

Before my mother returned home I had done my homework.

We had met in the street and went to the park.

They had packed their things before they started.

I switched on the TV set before I had dinner.

The guests had left before he returned home.

The film had begun before we came.

I had read the book before I saw the play.

They had lived there before they moved to another place.

We had played tennis before we went to my place.

Card 9

Ask and answer the questions about people in the table
as in the example.

visit / London

play / the piano

see / a lion

ride / a bike




and Kate








1.       Has Sally ever
visited London? No, she hasn’t.

Has Sally ever
played the piano? Yes, she has.



2.     ……………………………………………………………………………………….




3.     ……………………………………………………………………………………….




4.     ……………………………………………………………………………………….





Has Sally ever
visited London? No, she hasn’t.

Has Sally ever
played the piano? Yes, she has.

Has Sally ever
seen a lion? No, she hasn’t.

Has Sally ever
ridden a bike? Yes, she has.

Have Tom and Kate
ever visited London? Yes, they have.

Have Tom and Kate
ever played the piano? No, they haven’t.

Have Tom and Kate
ever seen a lion? Yes, they have.

Have Tom and Kate
ever ridden a bike? No, they haven’t.

Has Robert ever
visited London? Yes, he has.

Has Robert ever
played the piano? Yes, he has.

Has Robert ever
seen a lion? No, he hasn’t.

Has Robert ever
ridden a bike? Yes, he has.

Have you ever
visited London? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.

Have you ever
played the piano? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.

Have you ever seen
a lion? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.

Have you ever
ridden a bike? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.

Card 10

Choose between the
use of Past Simple or Present Perfect. You need to use each tense in 5

 1. Last night I
__________________ (lose) my keys, so I called my sister to let me in.

2. I
__________________ (lose) my keys. Can you help me look for them?

3. I
__________________ (visit) Paris three times.

4. Last year I
__________________ (visit) Paris.

5. I
__________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years. She died when I
was eight. 6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years, and we still
meet once a month.

7. I
__________________ (play) hockey since I was a child. I’m pretty good!

8. She
__________________ (play) hockey at school, but she __________________ (not /
like) it.

9. Sorry, I
__________________ (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.

10. I
__________________ (miss) the bus, and then I __________________ (miss) the
aeroplane as well!


1.       lost

2.       have lost

3.       have visited

4.       visited

5.       knew

6.       have known

7.       have played

8.       played, did not

9.       have missed

10.    missed (x2)

Card 11

Circle the correct
variant. You need to circle the word on the left 5 times.

1.       Micaela has/have
lost her bag.

2.       Have you
tidy/tidied your room?

3.       Paul have/has
written you a text message

4.       They
haven’t/hasn’t gone to the cafe yet.

5.       My father has
buy/bought a laptop.

6.       My sister has/have
watched a lot of TV.

7.       I have given/gave
a new mp3 player to my brother.

8.       Has he ever
use/used a DVD player?

9.       My mother has just
missing/missed the bus

10.    Have/Has you ever
walked in the rain?


1.       has

2.       tidied

3.       has

4.       haven’t

5.       bought

6.       has

7.       given

8.       used

9.       missed

10.    have


Using the words ‘for’ 3 times and
‘since’ 4 times and the words given below make up sentences in Present Perfect

Kate/be/in bed/a long time.

She / not eat / anything / this morning.

She / not see / her friends / a week.    

She / stay / at home / Tuesday.          

She / have / a red nose / three days.

She / not play / basketball / last weekend.

 She / not do / any school work / Monday.


Kate has been in bed for a
long time.

She hasn’t eaten anything
since this morning.

She hasn’t seen her
friends for a week.

She has stayed at home since

She has had a red nose for
three years.

She has not played
basketball since last week.

She has not done any
school work since Monday.

Card 13

Complete the
sentences with the verbs from the box. You need to use each verb only once.

WON             BOUGHT             BEEN                    INVITED                              GONE                    HAD

KNOWN                               TRAVELLED                      SEEN                     LIVED

1.       It’s my friend’s
birthday and I haven’t ____ her a present.

2.       They are having a
party tomorrow. They have ____ a lot of friends.

3.       It’s only eight
o’clock and Nick has already ____ to bed.

4.       Has your uncle
ever ___ to Australia?

5.       Who is that man? I
have never ____ him.

6.       She has ___ in
many places.

7.       My teacher has
never ___ by air.

8.       How many times has
Argentine ___ the World Cup?

9.       My father has ___
this car since May.

10.    I’ve ___ him for a
long time.


1.       bought

2.       invited

3.       gone

4.       been

5.       seen

6.       lived

7.       travelled

8.       won

9.       had

10.    known

Card 14

Use the verbs in
the box and make sentences to describe what Nick has done in his room. Use each
verbs once.


Nick has closed
the drawer.

Nick has emptied
the bin.

Nick has hung up
his clothes.

Nick has put the
books on the shelves.

Nick has tidied
his room.

Nick has watered
the plant.

Nick has made his

Card 15

What has just happened to these objects and people?
Make up sentences.

1. (airplane)

Понятие настоящего времени в английском языке не всегда совпадает с нашим. Одним из самых ярких примеров такого различия как раз является Present Perfect.

В этой статье мы разберемся, что такое Present Perfect, как оно образуется, в каких случаях употребляется, каким правилам подчиняется и закрепим знания на реальных примерах предложений с переводом.

Что такое Present Perfect Tense?

Present Perfect Tense (Present Perfect) — это настоящее совершенное время в английском языке. Оно обозначает действие, которое завершилось в настоящий момент времени.

В этом и состоит основная сложность времени Present Perfect для изучающих. В русском языке нет времени аналогичного Present Perfect. Для нас если что-то происходит сейчас — это и есть настоящее, а если совершилось — это уже прошлое.

Но не для англичан. Они воспринимают время немного по-другому. По логике носителей языка, действие вполне может закончиться и в настоящем или близко к настоящему моменту. Для выражения такой связи прошлого с настоящим и существует Present Perfect.

Из-за этих особенностей в понимании действий и времени — на русский язык Present Perfect обычно переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени.

I have already done my homework — Я уже сделал домашнее задание

В этом примере используется время Present Perfect (have done), потому что речь идет о том, что действие (работа над домашним заданием) закончилось совсем недавно.

Но на русский язык мы переводим предложение используя прошедшее время (уже сделал).

Как образуется Present Perfect?

Время Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have / has и Past Participle (третьей формы смыслового глагола: V3).

Вспомогательный глагол меняется в зависимости от подлежащего:

  • I / You / We / They → have (для 1-го, 2-го лица и форм множественного числа)
  • She / He / It → has (для 3-го лица единственного числа)

Завершает конструкцию времени Present Perfect смысловой глагол в третьей форме (V3).

Если смысловой глагол правильной формы — то его третья форма (V3) образуется при помощи окончания -ed.

Если смысловой глагол неправильный — то его третью форму (V3) берем из таблицы неправильных глаголов.


  • to try → tried (пытаться)
    to cook → cooked (готовить)
    to finish → finished (заканчивать)
  • to get → got (получать)
    to keep → kept (хранить)
    to see → seen (видеть)


Утвердительное предложение в Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have / has и смыслового глагола с окончанием -ed для правильных глаголов или третьей формы неправильного глагола (V3) по формуле:

  • I / You / We / They + have + Ved (V3)
  • She / He / It + has + Ved (V3)

I have decided — Я решил

You have played — Ты играл

He has done — Он сделал

It has turned on — Оно включилось

В предложениях и повседневной речи часто можно встретить сокращенную форму вспомогательных глаголов have / has. Она образуется при помощи добавления к подлежащему ‘ve (для have) или ‘s (для has):

  • I have = I’ve
  • You have = You’ve
  • We have = We’ve
  • They have = They’ve
  • She has = She’s
  • He has = He’s
  • It has = It’s

I’ve done my tasks — Я выполнил свои задачи

He’s washed the dishes — Он вымыл посуду


Отрицательные предложения в Present Perfect образуется при помощи добавления частицы not после вспомогательного глагола have / has, но перед основным смысловым глаголом. Формула выглядит следующим образом:

  • I / You / We / They + have not + Ved (V3)
  • She / He / It + has not + Ved (V3)

I have not done my homework — Я не сделал домашнюю работу

They have not come — Они не пришли

She has not finished her tasks — Она не выполнила свои задачи

It has not turned on — Оно не включилось

В отрицании частицу not можно сократить путем присоединения ее к вспомогательному глаголу have / has:

  • Have not = haven’t
  • Has not = hasn’t

I haven’t washed my hair — Я не помыл волосы

She hasn’t been to London yet — Она еще не была в Лондоне


Вопросительное предложение в Present Perfect образуется путем постановки вспомогательного глагола have / has в начало предложения. Формула будет такой:

  • Have + I / You / We / They + Ved (V3)
  • Has + She / He / It + Ved (V3)

Have I bought all the presents? — Я купил все подарки?

Have you finished the classes? — Ты закончил занятия?

Has she just arrived home? — Она только что приехала домой?

Has it turned on? — Оно включилось?

Специальные вопросы образуются при помощи question words (вопросительных слов). Таких, как when (когда), how (как), what (что), where (где) и других. Далее идет такой же порядок слов, как и в вопросе.

  • QW + have + I / You / We / They + Ved (V3)
  • QW + has + She / He / It + Ved (V3)

What has he just said? — Что он только что сказал?

How long have you knocked on the door? — Как давно ты стучал в дверь?

Когда употребляется Present Perfect?

А сейчас рассмотрим самые распространенные случаи употребления и использования времени Present Perfect в речи:

  • Завершенное действие в настоящем

В таком случае акцент ставится на результат завершенного действия. Другими словами, когда результат действия виден в настоящем.

I have cooked a good dinner — Я приготовил хороший ужин (действие завершилось, результат — хороший ужин)

I know Nina. We have already met — Я знаю Нину. Мы уже встречались (встреча произошла в прошлом, но нас интересует результат в настоящем)

  • Незавершенное действие в настоящем

Время Present Perfect используется в случае, когда мы описываем действие, которое началось в прошлом, еще не закончилось в настоящем, но результат очевиден.

I’ve written five pages of the new book this morning — Я написал пять страниц новой книги этим утром (утро еще не закончилось, он может написать еще несколько страниц)

She has finished watching “Harry Potter” this week — Она закончила смотреть «Гарри Поттера» на этой неделе (неделя еще идет, но она уже закончила смотреть фильм)

  • Факт действия / личный опыт

Если говорящему важно подчеркнуть факт какого-то свершившегося события без точного указания времени — на помощь также приходит Present Perfect. Часто это время используется, когда мы говорим о своем прошлом опыте или же, спрашиваем об этом своего собеседника.

I have been to Bratislava — Я был (бывал) в Братиславе

В вопросе, когда мы интересуемся фактом из чьей-то жизни — используем также Present Perfect:

Have you ever been to France? — Ты когда-нибудь был (бывал) во Франции?

Маркеры времени Present Perfect

Present Perfect употребляется с неточными выражениями и словами, которые указывают на еще не закончившийся период времени

  • never (никогда)
  • ever (когда-либо)
  • already (уже)
  • yet (еще) / not yet (еще нет)
  • often (часто)
  • lately (в последнее время)
  • just (только что)
  • once (однажды)
  • recently (недавно)
  • before (раньше)
  • today (сегодня)
  • this week (на этой неделе)
  • this year (в этом году)
  • for an hour (в течение часа)
  • for a long time (долгое время)
  • since two o’clock – с двух часов
  • ince December – с Декабря

Примеры предложений Present Perfect с переводом


I’ve studied English since my childhood — Я учил английский язык с детства

She has visited this beauty shop recently — Она недавно заходила в этот магазин косметики

People have walked on the Moon — Люди ходили по Луне.

We’ve just eaten, so we don’t want to go to the cafe — Мы только что поели, так что не хотим идти в кафе

I have just cut my finger — Я только что порезал свой палец


He has not returned from school yet — Он еще не вернулся из школы

I haven’t bought the new car. This is my old one — Я не купил новую машину. Это старая

Jane hasn’t been to Asia yet — Джейн еще не была в Азии

I have not been at university this week because of the flu — Я не был на этой неделе в университете из-за гриппа

I haven’t replaced the batteries in the doorbell — Я не заменил батарейки в дверном звонке


Have you seen this film about space? — Ты видел этот фильм о космосе?

Has Jimmy bought the tickets yet? — Джимми уже купил билеты?

How many deals has she made at the moment? — Сколько сделок она заключила на текущий момент?

How much coffee have you drunk today? — Сколько кофе ты сегодня выпил?

How long have you known Mary? — Как давно ты знаешь Мэри?


Настоящее совершенное время употребляется:

  • для выражения действия, которое непосредственно относится к моменту речи:

I have lost my keys and can’t enter my flat.  — Я потерял ключи и не могу войти в квартиру. (Потерял ключи в прошлом, в квартиру не может попасть сейчас.)

  • если действие (состояние) длилась до момента речи, и возможно, все еще длится в момент речи, особенно при использовании глаголов состояния (to be, to know, to like…)

He has worked at this office for 3 years already. — Он работает в этом офисе уже 3 года.

  •  если речь идет о событиях, которые произошли в прошлом, при этом акцент ставится на совершении действия, а не на времени:

Nobody has ever climbed that mountain. — Еще никто не восходил на эту гору.

Подружились со временем? Проверим!


  • 1 Exercise 1. Выберите неправильные глаголы и запишите их 3ю форму (Past Participle).
  • 2 Exercise 2. Выберите правильный вариант.
  • 3 Exercise 3. Составьте предложения, используя Present Perfect.
  • 4 Exercise 4. В следующих предложениях измените время гла­гола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  • 5 Exercise 5. Сделайте из данных предложений отрицательные.
  • 6 Exercise 6. Сделайте из данных предложений вопросительные.
  • 7 Exercise 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требу­ющейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Con­tinuous или Present Perfect.
  • 8 Exercise 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

Exercise 1. Выберите неправильные глаголы и запишите их 3ю форму (Past Participle).

To arrive, to give, to play, to understand, to blow, to prepare, to wash, to fall, to miss, to run, to know, to talk, to open, to do, to water, to teach, to iron, to brush, to pay, to say, to remember, to show, to speak, to gather.

Answers: Given, understood, blown, fallen, run, known, done, taught, paid, said, shown, spoken.

Exercise 2. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. I have/has watched this film.
  2. We have began/begun the work.
  3.  Den have/has done his homework.
  4.  Molly has break/ broken her toy.
  5.  Julia and Betty have/has cut the vegetables.
  6.  He/we have paid for pizza.
  7.  You have/has ironed this dress.
  8.  Children have has/had supper.
  9. I/she have switched off the light.
  10.  Martin has went/gone.
  11.  The girl has drew/drawn a nice picture.
  12. You/he has returned from the trip.
  13.  They have/has gathered the harvest.
  14. She/they has packed the things.
  15. We have chose/chosen the present.
  16.  The train have/has arrived.

Answers: 1. have; 2. begun; 3. has; 4. broken; 5. have; 6. we; 7. have; 8. had; 9. I; 10. gone; 11. drawn; 12. he; 13. have; 14. She; 15. chosen; 16. has.

Exercise 3. Составьте предложения, используя Present Perfect.

  1. We/to return/from the journey/just.
  2. I/to see/my boss/today.
  3.  Helen/to decorate/her room/already.
  4. My cousins/to be/to this cinema/never.
  5.  Max/to buy/а magazine/today.
  6.  You/to spend/а lot of money/this month.
  7.  Ian and Peter/to repair/the radio/already.
  8.  I/to drive/а car/never.
  9.  We/to get/some letters/this week.
  10.  The dog/to run away/just.


Answers: 1. We have just returned from the journey. 2. I have seen my boss today. 3. Helen has already decorated her room. 4. My cousins have never been to this cinema. 5. Max has bought a magazine today. 6. You have spent a lot of money this month. 7. Ian and Peter have already repaired the radio. 8. I have never driven a car. 9. We have got some letters this week. 10. The dog has just run away.

Exercise 4. В следующих предложениях измените время гла­гола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The pupils are writing a dictation.
  2.  My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem.
  3. I am learning a poem.
  4.  She is telling them an interest­ing story.
  5.  Kate is sweeping the floor.
  6. The wait­er is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
  7. I am eating my breakfast.
  8. We are drinking water.
  9.  He is bringing them some meat and vege­tables.
  10.  You are putting the dishes on the table.
  11. They are having tea.
  12. She is taking the dirty plates from the table.
  13. The children are putting on their coats.
  14. Susan is making a new dress for her birthday party.
  15. She is opening a box of chocolates.
  16. I am buying milk for milk shakes.
  17. James is ordering a bottle of apple juice.
  18.  We are looking for more CDs with good music.
  19. Are you recording your favourite film on his video recorder?
  20. I am translating a difficult article from German into Russian.


Answers: 1. have written. 2. has helped. 3. have learnt. 4. has told. 5. has swept. 6. has put. 7. have eaten. 8. have drunk. 9. has brought. 10. have put. 11. have had. 12. has taken. 13. have put on. 14. has made. 15. has opened. 16. have bought. 17. has ordered. 18. have looked. 19. have you recorded. 20. have translated.

Перевод: 1. Ученики написали диктант. 2. Мой друг помог мне решить трудную задачу. 3. Я выучил стихотворение. 4. Она рассказала им интересную историю. 5. Катя подмела пол. 6. Официант поставил перед ним бутылку лимонада. 7. Я позавтракал. 8. Мы выпили воды. 9. Он принес им мясо с овощами. 10. Ты поставил посуду на стол. 11. Они выпили чаю. 12. Она убрала со стола грязные тарелки. 13. Дети надели пальто. 14. Сюзанна сшила себе платье на день рождения. 15. Она открыла коробку шоколадных конфет. 16. Я купила молоко для молочного коктейля. 17. Джеймс заказал бутылочку яблочного сока. 18. Мы поискали побольше компакт-дисков с хорошей музыкой. 19. Ты записал свой любимый фильм на его видеомагнитофоне? 20. Я перевел трудную статью с немецкого языка на русский.

Exercise 5. Сделайте из данных предложений отрицательные.

  1. She has found a wallet on the road.
  2. We have tidied our country house.
  3.  The weather has changed.
  4. Liz has left you a note.
  5. They have moved to another hotel.
  6.  I have caught a big fish.
  7.  Pupils have learned this poem.
  8.  Mike has booked the tickets for us.
  9.  The plane has landed.
  10.  The doctor has prescribed some medicine.


Answers: 1. She hasn’t found a wallet on the road. 2.We haven’t tidied our cottage house. 3.The weather hasn’t changed. 4. Liz hasn’t left you a note. 5.They haven’t moved to another hotel. 6. I haven’t caught a big fish. 7. Pupils haven’t learned this poem. 8. Mike hasn’t booked the tickets for us. 9. The plane hasn’t landed. 10. The doctor hasn’t prescribed some medicine.

Exercise 6. Сделайте из данных предложений вопросительные.

  1. We have been to the theatre.
  2.  I have painted the walls in my bedroom.
  3.  Richard has turned on the radio.
  4.  They have explained this rule to me.
  5. Amy and Ron have gone to play tennis.
  6. Molly has made a cup of tea.
  7.  His parents have gone to the market.
  8. Nelly has typed three letters.
  9.  The parrot has flown away.
  10.  The students have prepared for the exams.

кей он

Answers: 1.Have we been to the theatre? 2. I have painted the walls in my bedroom. 3. Has Richard turned on the radio? 4. Have they explained this rule to me? 5. Have Amy and Ron gone to play tennis? 6. Has Molly made a cup of tea? 7. Have his parents gone to the market? 8. Has Nelly typed three letters? 9. Has the parrot flown away? 10. Have the students prepared for the exams?

Exercise 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требу­ющейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Con­tinuous или Present Perfect.

  1. What’s the matter? Why he (to stop)?
  2.  My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet.
  3.  It (to be) impossible for her to feel at home here.
  4. What you (to study) now?
  5.  They just (to give) you a pay rise.
  6.  Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson.
  7.  You only (to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much.
  8.  People (to plant) carrots and tomatoes now.
  9. You (to go) to plant tomatoes this year?
  10.  Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party.
  11.  How long you (to be) sick?
  12.  You (to see) any good mov­ies recently?
  13.  What you (to look) forward to?
  14.  Nancy (to look) forward to this weekend.
  15.  She (to go) to read Shakespeare and she (not to go) to think about work.
  16. Mike (to leave) for work yet?
  17. They (to pay) their electric bill this month?
  18. How long you (to know) each other?
  19. Your car (to make) strange noises. Is anything wrong?
  20. The boy (to do) his homework and (to take) a karate lesson now.
  21.  I (to have) dinner with my friends at the moment and I am very happy to see them again.
  22. Jay never (to travel) overseas.
  23. We always (to have) a dog and a cat. We love pets.
  24. Larry never (to own) a sports car.


Answers: 1. Why has he stopped. 2. My cousin is looking, he hasn’t found. 3. It has been. 4. What are you studying. 5. They have just given you a pay rise. 6. She is knitting. 7. Have you only had, you haven’t eaten. 8. People are planting. 9. Are you going. 10. Johnny, who has finally found, is giving. 11. How long have you been. 2. Have you seen. 13. What are you looking. 14. Nancy is looking. 15. She is going, she is not going. 16. Has Mike left. 17. Have they paid. 18. How long have you known. 19. Your car is making. 20. The boy has done, is taking. 21. I am having. 22. Jay has never travelled. 23. We have always had. 24. Larry has never owned.

Exercise 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

  1.  It (to be) very cold yesterday.
  2. When you (to meet) him?
  3. I (not to see) him since 1997.
  4.  How many mushrooms you (to gather)?
  5. Where you (to put) the newspaper? I want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere.
  6.  The new school (to begin) work­ing last year.
  7.  At last I (to do) all my homework: now I shall go out.
  8.  The building of the house (to begin) early in April.
  9. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing.
  10.  We already (to solve) the problem.
  11. He (to come) a moment ago.
  12.  I nev­er (to speak) to him.
  13.  He just (to finish) his work.
  14.  You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your dic­tation?
  15.  What books you (to read) when you (to live) in the country?
  16.  They (not yet to come) from the south.
  17.  He (to be) ill last week, but now he (to recover).
  18. If everybody (to read) this new nov­el, let’s discuss it.
  19. You (to book) tickets? — Yes, I … . I (to book) them several days ago.
  20.  I can hardly recognize you. I (not to see) you since you (to leave) for Moscow. And you (to change) so much.
  21.  You (to read) all the books on this shelf?
  22. I (not to see) my cousin since last year.
  23.  Why you (to put) these things in the wrong place?
  24. Why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch cold sitting in the draught.
  25.  «We (not to meet) for such a long time!» said my friend. «Yes, indeed,»I answered, «and we both (to grow)


Answers: 1. it was. 2. When did you meet. 3. I have not seen. 4. Have you gathered. 5. Where have you put. 6. The new school began working. 7. I have done. 8. The building of the house began. 9. The rain has stopped. 10. We have already solved. 11. He came. 12. I have never spoken. 13. He has just finished. 14. Have you made. 15. What books did you read, you lived. 16. They have not yet come. 17. He was, he has recovered. 18. Everybody has read. 19. Have you booked, I have, I booked 20. I have not seen, you left, you have changed. 21. Have you read. 22. I have not seen. 23. Why have you put. 24. Why have you left. 25. We have not met, we both have grown.



  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.
  2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. — 5-е изд., — СПб: КАРО, 2005. — 544 с. — (Английский язык для школьников).

Итак, вы изучаете одно из самых непростых времен в английском языке —  The Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время глагола). Разбираться с этим временем лучше после того, как вы изучили основные  времена в английском языке  — это Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple, а также Present Continuous (см. Таблицу). Эти времена вы найдете в разделе «Английская грамматика для начинающих». А в этом уроке вас ждут упражнения на Present Perfect (уровень 1), которые помогут вам хорошенько запомнить, как строится это время, а также отработать основные подсказки. В качестве наглядного материала, как всегда, будем пользоваться схемами из книги «Английская грамматика: просто о сложном».


  1. Упражнения на утвердительные предложения  в Present Perfect
  2. Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect
  3. Упражнения на все виды предложений

1. Утвердительные предложения в Present Perfect

Схема построения предложения в Present Perfect Tense

Д3 — это третья форма глагола.

Д3 = Д+ed (для правильных глаголов)

Д3 — искать в таблице неправильных глаголов (если глагол неправильный)

* * *

Упражнение 1. Выпишите в два столбика глаголы в третьей форме. В один столбик глаголы, образованные от правильных глаголов, в другой — от неправильных.

Had, met, written, done, cleaned, rained, seen, said, gone, sung, cut, happened, locked, made, lived, asked, liked, slept, told, fallen.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Составьте предложения с выражениями:

  1. go to bed — ложиться спать
  2. see a new film — посмотреть новый фильм
  3. clean the room — убрать комнату
  4. fall ill — заболеть
  5. write a poem — написать стихотворение


* * *

Упражнение 3. Напишите, что вы сделали.
Now the room is beautiful. (Теперь комната красивая.)  — I have cleaned the room. (Я убрался в комнате) .

  1. Now the work is done. (Теперь работа сделана).
  2. Now dinner is ready. (Обед готов.)
  3. Now the door is locked. (Дверь заперта.)
  4. Now the story is told. (История рассказана.)
  5. Now the song is sung. (Песня спета.)

* * *

Упражнение 4. Вставьте глаголы в Present Perfect: уйти — leave, заболеть — fall ill, лечь спать — go to bed, запереть — lock, приготовить — make.

  1. Helen _______________ (ушла).
  2. My sister ____________  (заболела).
  3. My brother ____________ (лег спать).
  4. Father ______________ (запер) the door.
  5. Mother _________ (приготовила) the dinner.

* * *

Упражнение 5. Вспомните формы неправильных глаголов, напишите их и проверьте себя по таблице.

  1. write
  2. draw
  3. drink
  4. fall
  5. give
  6. make
  7. eat
  8. go
  9. tell
  10. buy

been to … — был в (но уже вернулся)

gone to … — уехал в (еще не вернулся)


  • She has been to Italy. (= Она была в Италии, но уже вернулась.)
  • He has gone to Italy. (= Он уехал в Италию, но еще не вернулся.)

Упражнение 6. Вставьте been to/ gone to.

  1. Jim is on holiday. He’s ……….to France.
  2. Hello! I’ve just ……………….. to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things.
  3. Alice isn’t here at the moment. She’s…………to the shops to get a newspaper.
  4. Tom has ………out. He’ll be back in about an hour.
  5. Are you going to the bank? — No, I’ve already ……….to the bank.

* * *

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect.

  1. John (write) his name.
  2. I (draw) a picture.
  3. The cat (drink) its milk.
  4. The tree (fall) across the road.
  5. John (give) his bicycle to his brother.
  6. You (make) a mistake.
  7. We (eat) our dinner.
  8. The train (go).
  9. I (tell) the truth.
  10. She (buy) bread.

* * *

Упражнение 8. Ответьте на вопросы утвердительно, употребляя глагол в Present Perfect.
ПРИМЕР. Are the rooms clean? (do) — Yes, Mother has done them.

1. Does she know the song? (learn)
2. Is breakfast ready? (cook)
3. Do you know how tasty the pie is? (eat)
4. Is she at home? (come)
5. Do you know the melody? (hear many times)
6. Can you speak on the subject? (read about it)
7. Is Ann on holiday? (go to Italy)
8. Are you ready with the report? (write it)
9. Can you finish this work? (finish it)

* * *

Упражнение 9. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слово  just — только что  и слова, данные в скобках.

ПРИМЕР. Would you like to have something to eat?

(no/thank you/ I / just/ have dinner) — No, thank you. I have just had dinner.

  1. Have you seen John anywhere? (yes/ I/ just / see/ him)
  2. Has Ann phoned yet? (yes/ she/ just/ phone)
  3. Would you like to go for a walk? (no/ I/ just/ come home)

* * *

Упражнение 10. Вставьте наречия never*, already*, just* в нужное место каждого утвердительного предложения (согласно схеме ВЫШЕ) и переведите их.

ПРИМЕР. Jack has washed the dog. —

  1. Jack has never washed his dog.
  2. Jack has already washed his dog.
  3. Jack has just washed his dog.
  1. Father has cleaned his car.
  2. Granny has bought me some cakes.
  3. They have painted their old house.
  4. My sister has cooked breakfast.

 * * *

Упражнение 11. Ответьте, используя слова already* — уже, just* — только что.
ПРИМЕР. Will you make some sandwiches, please? — But I have already made them.

1. Do the flat, will you? 2. Why don’t you sweep the floor, please? 3. Please, give Peter this dictionary. 4. Will you send a telegram to Mary, please? 5. Write them a letter, please. 6. Don’t forget to phone Mother. 7. Will you show the children your new books, please? 8. Make fresh tea, please. 9. Bring some more bread from the kitchen, please. 10. Will you wash up the dishes, please.

* * *

Упражнение 12. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными, используя слово never.

Наречие never* — никогда ставится только в утвердительное предложение.

  1. Jack has washed the dog.
  2. Father has cleaned his car.
  3. Granny has bought me some clothes.
  4. They have painted their old house.
  5. My sister has cooked breakfast for the family.

 Идем дальше?

Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения

2. Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect

Present Perfect. Схемы отрицательного и вопросительного предложения

Упражнение 13. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

1.The cat has eaten fish. 2. I have been to India. 3. She has broken the vase. 4. The train has arrived. 5. It has started to rain. 6. We have left our textbooks at school. 7. The city has changed a lot. 8. You have worked here for a long time. 9. I have slept well. 10. They have gone to bed.

* * *

Упражнение 14. Напишите, что еще не сделали это.

ПРИМЕР. I am still doing my homework. — I haven’t done my homework yet.

В данном упражнении используется Present Continuous.

ПРИМЕР. I am still doing my homework. — Я все еще делаю свою домашнюю работу.

1. I am still translating the text.
2. I am still writing the exercise.
3. I am still cleaning my room.
4. He is still reading the story.
5. He is still washing his bike.
6. They are still discussing the book.
7. They are still having lunch.
8. We are still having breakfast.
9. She is still making sandwiches.
10. You are still answering the questions.

* * *

Упражнение 15. Составьте предложения с данными словосочетаниями о том, что уже сделано и что еще не сделано.

  1. drink coffee
  2. take the dog for a walk.
  3. clean the floor
  4. do the shopping
  5. wash the dishes
  6. have breakfast
  7. water the plants
  8. cook dinner
  9. do lessons
  10. paint the walls
  1. Already done (уже сделано): I have already drunk coffee.
  2. Not done yet (еще не сделано): I haven’t taken the dog for a walk yet.

Запомните выражение. Not yet. —  Еще нет.

* * *

Упражнение 16. Ответьте на вопросы утвердительно или отрицательно в краткой форме.
ПРИМЕР. Have you been to Sochi? — Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t)

  1. Have you read «Harry Potter»?
  2. Has your friend been to a football match?
  3. Have they visited History Museum this year?
  4. Have you already learnt to swim?
  5. Has your father had a car accident?

* * *

Упражнение 17. Составьте вопросы по образцу, используя слова, данные в скобках. В ответах на вопросы, используйте наречие never, где возможно.
ПРИМЕР.(you ever / be / to Italy) – Have you ever been to Italy? — No, I have never been to Italy.

  1. You / ever/ be / to South America?
  2. You / read / any English books?
  3. You /live/ in this house all your life?
  4. How many times / you/ be / in love?
  5. What’s / the most beautiful country / you/ ever / visit?
  6. You/ ever/ speak / to a famous person?

* * *

Упражнение 18. Задайте вопрос к предложению и ответьте на него отрицательно, используя наречие yet.
ПРИМЕР. I have seen this film. — Have you seen this film? — I haven’t seen this film yet.

  1. I have written a letter to my friend.
  2. The bus has turned to the right.
  3. She has put on her scarf.
  4. The girls have washed all the plates.
  5. We have been here many times.

* * *

Упражнение 18.1. Задайте вопрос к предложению и ответьте на него отрицательно, используя парные наречия ever (когда-нибудь)never (никогда).

ПРИМЕР. I have seen this film. — Have you ever seen this film? — I have never seen this film.

  1. I have written a letter to my friend.
  2. The boy has ridden a horse.
  3. She has put on my scarf.
  4. The girls have washed all the plates.
  5. We have been here.

* * *

Упражнение 19. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

  1. I have read the evening newspaper. — What…..
  2. She has brought five cups. — How many…
  3. The daughter has dusted the sideboard. — Who….
  4. You have helped me  very much. — How….
  5. We have finished our work. — What ….
  6. Father has gone to work. —  Where …..  to?

* * *

Упражнение 20. Спросите по-английски, используя Present Perfect.

  • ссориться — quarrel
  • болеть гриппом — have a flu
  • дарить цветы — present flowers
  • пробовать авокадо — taste avocado
  • влюбляться — fall in love

1. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне? 2. Он когда-нибудь рассказывал вам о своей жене? 3. Они когда-нибудь ссорились? 4. Вы когда-нибудь болели гриппом? 5. Он когда-нибудь дарил вам цветы? 6. Вы когда-нибудь летали на самолете? 7. Вы когда-нибудь видели такую красивую девушку? 8. Вы когда-нибудь учили французский? 9. Вы когда-нибудь пробовали авокадо? 10. Вы были влюблены когда-нибудь?

 Идем дальше?

Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения

3. The Present Perfect Tense. Упражнения на все виды предложений

Упражнение 21. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

1. He (not answer) my letter yet.
2. You ever (eat) caviar?
3. She already (become) a student.
4. They (travel) all over the world.
5. How long you (be) here?
6. I saw her in May but I (not see) her this month.
7. My friend (buy) a new car.
8. I (lose) my gloves.
9. I never (ride) a camel.
10. They never (behave) like this before.

* * *

Упражнение 22. Вставьте already, ever, yet, just в предложения.

1. Have you … been to Africa? 2. Have you finished writing your essay… ? — I haven’t finished it …. 3. Shall I pay the waiter? — No, I’ve … paid the bill. 4. Have you .. spoken to a famous person? 5. Ann, lay the table. I’ve … cooked dinner. 6. They don’t know what the problem is. They have … arrived. 7. Is it a good film? — Yes, it’s the best I have … seen. 8.The letter hasn’t come … . 9. She has … explained the situation to me. 10. He hasn’t invited me to the party … . 11. Nobody has found the lost dog ….

* * *

Упражнение 23. Скажите это по-английски.

  1. Моя маленькая сестра умеет читать. Она уже прочла две книги.
  2. Ты уже сделал эту работу?
  3. Он уже ушел.
  4. Где Виктор? – Я его еще не видел. Я только что пришел домой.
  5. Ты уже выводил собаку на прогулку (take out)? – Еще нет.
  6. Я никогда еще не видел такой (such) большой собаки.

Вы выполнили 23 упражнения на Present Perfect для начинающих. Ответы для самопроверки даны в конце урока.


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