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Word has it on the street that Ventana will pay a lot of money to find out who popped Papa.
На улицах говорят, Вентана заплатит тому, кто укажет убийц его отца.
It remains to be seen which concept car will serve as inspiration for its exterior design, but word on the street has it that some of the lines present on the new Micra will make their way onto the Juke as well.
Еще предстоит выяснить, какая концепция автомобиля будет служить источником вдохновения для его внешнего дизайна, но некоторые линий от новой Micra, все же будут присутствовать.
Well, the word on the street has it that it was by design.
Now the word on the street is that Quorum may be spun out of JPM, and its blockchain lead Amber Baldet has since left the bank to join a yet-to-named startup.
Теперь поговаривают, что Quorum может был отделен от JPM, а его руководитель по развитию направления блокчейна Эмбер Болде (Amber Baldet) покинула банк, чтобы присоединиться к еще не названному стартапу.
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In one of my previous threads I found out that if we can say «X is that«, then it doesn’t mean we can say «X has it that«.
In this thread I’d like to find out whether the opposite change works. I mean:
If we can say «X has it that«, then does it mean we can say «X is that«?
For this purpose I’ve found some examples:
(1a) Word has it that the neighbors are moving next month.
(2a) Tradition has it that the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.
(3a) The grapevine has it that the enemy is from within the camp itself.
My variants with «is» instead of «has it«:
(1b) Word is that the neighbors are moving next month.
(2b) Tradition is that the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.
(3b) The grapevine is that the enemy is from within the camp itself.
Are the b-variants correct?
If they are, do they mean the same as the a-variants?
3b is definitely wrong, to the point of being nonsensical.
1b would be fine with «the word», meaning rumour, which is the same meaning as 1a.
2b would be correct English with «the tradition», but this conveys a different meaning, referring to a particular tradition, probably already mentioned. 2a refers to tradition in general, or folklore.
(1b) Word is that the neighbors are moving next month.
1b would be fine with «the word», meaning rumour
That is, «the word» means «the rumour«.
(3b) The grapevine is that the enemy is from within the camp itself.
3b is definitely wrong, to the point of being nonsensical.
But «the grapevine» means «the rumour» too.
If «The word is that» were fine for (1b), meaning «The rumour is that«,
then «The grapevine is that» in (3b) has to be fine as well because it also means «The rumour is that«.
Why am I wrong?
Last edited: Jan 14, 2022
the grapevine» means «the rumour» too.
No, the grapevine isn’t the rumour — it is the method through which the rumour gets around. You say something to your granny and your cousin finds out. How did she find out? The grapevine is: your granny — tells your grandad — who tells your aunty — who tells your cousin.
The grapevine is all the people it took for the information to reach your cousin (granny, grandad, aunty).
That is, «the word» means «the rumour«.
No. «The word» means «rumour», not a specific rumour. It is a shortened form of «the word on the street».
But «the grapevine» means «the rumour» too.
No. The grapevine is what one supposedly hears rumours on (I have no idea as to the origin of the expression «on the grapevine»). It is not the rumour itself.
Probably because «(the) word» and «the grapevine» are colloquial expressions that come from different sources and have specific usages.
«Rumour» and «tradition» are standard English words and obey normal English rules. They can be used in a wide range of situations.
«The word» […] is a shortened form of «the word on the street».
Do the sentences remain correct in adding «on the street» to them?:
Word on the street has it that the neighbors are moving next month.
The word on the street is that the neighbors are moving next month.
Yes, they are both fine, although shortening the expression to «(the) word» is more usual.
(1a) Word has it that the neighbors are moving next month.
(2a) Tradition has it that the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.
As far as I’m aware, «word» in (1a) and «tradition» in (2a) are uncountable.
b-variants with «the» at the beginning:
(1b+) The word is that the neighbors are moving next month.
(2b+) The tradition is that the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.
Do «word» in (1b+) and «tradition» in (2b+) remain uncountable or they become countable?
As far as I’m aware, «word» in (1a) and «tradition» in (2a) are uncountable.
«Tradition» is uncountable. This means that adding «the» makes it clear that you are referring to a particular tradition, probably one that has already been mentioned.
«Word» is trickier. I think that in a formal sense it has to be countable. In «the word on the street», it appears to be countable, but this is a fixed expression, and you cannot talk about «a word on the street» or «words on the street». Although it is reasonably common to say «word on the street» without «the» (inasmuch as it is ever common to use the full expression), this appears to be just an ordinary omission of an article at the beginning of a sentence, which is reasonably common in informal speech, and does not indicate that «word» is uncountable.
However, when «the word on the street» is just reduced to «(the) word», then «word» represents an uncountable expression. Does this make it uncountable? I am not sure. «Word is that…», without «the», sounds wrong to me (although, as I said, «the» at the beginning of a sentence is sometimes omitted in speech). However, I might want the article to be there because of how «…is that…» is used in other situations. Similarly, «Word has it that…» sounds fine because this is how «…has it that…» is used with other nouns (which are generally uncountable).
Unlike with «the tradition», the inclusion of «the» with «word» does not refer to a particular word or rumour, and its omission or inclusion does not change the meaning.
Word on the street has it that the neighbors are moving next month.
The word on the street is that the neighbors are moving next month.
they are both fine, although shortening the expression to «(the) word» is more usual
«The word» […] is a shortened form of «the word on the street».
«Word» is trickier. […] it is reasonably common to say «word on the street» without «the»
In this connection, the question arises, are the next variants correct?:
The word on the street has it that the neighbors are moving next month.
Word on the street is that the neighbors are moving next month.
In the «is» sentence, there is a definite sense that «the» is missing. However, as I said earlier, this sort of omission is common enough in speech.
The «has it» sentence now sounds wrong. I think that what this shows is that «(the) word on the street» does not really fit in a «has it that» sentence, but we accept it if it is disguised as an uncountable noun. Most of the time «the word on the street» is used in place of a countable noun.
Have you heard the word on the street?
Have you heard the rumour?
Have you heard a rumour?
Have you heard rumour?
(2a) Tradition has it that the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.
(2b+) The tradition is that the goddess lies sleeping beneath the mountain.
«Tradition» is uncountable. This means that adding «the» makes it clear that you are referring to a particular tradition, probably one that has already been mentioned.
Could you clarify, does it mean that:
«Tradition» in «Tradition has it that» is uncountable. But when we add «the«, then «tradition» in «The tradition is that» becomes countable.
Could you clarify, does it mean that:
«Tradition» in «Tradition has it that» is uncountable. But when we add «the«, then «tradition» in «The tradition is that» becomes countable.Thanks!
It is uncountable whether or not «the» is added. Adding «the» makes it clear that you are talking about some particular tradition.
word on the street — перевод на русский
Word on the street is you got a beef with somebody in the DA’s office.
Ходят слухи, что на вас точат зуб в окружной прокуратуре.
Word on the street is that Poppers is the new hot spot. Friday night, Poppers goes back to being the pisshole it always was.
Ходят слухи, что «Попперс» теперь новое модное местечко.
Um, word on the street is you’re looking for a manager.
Ходят слухи, что тебе нужен менеджер.
Word on the street is the last person who talked to the cops about freebo wound up dead.
Ходят слухи — те, кто говорит с копами про Фрибо — долго не живут.
Word on the street is, that ever since Lucifer went to the pokey, you’re the big kahuna downstairs.
Ходят слухи, что с тех пор, как Люцифер загремел в тюрьму Ты стал важным перцем здесь внизу.
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Word on the street is, Omar ain’t nowhere near them rises when the shit pop.
На улицах говорят, что Омара там и близко не было, когда всё случилось.
That’s the word on the street, huh?
Значит так на улицах говорят, да?
Word on the street is we should be looking for a Mr Harcourt.
На улицах говорят, что мы должны искать некоего мистера Харкурта.
No, but uh, word on the street is he’s out of here begging must Saturdays.
Нет, но на улицах говорят, что он попрошайничает здесь по субботам.
Word on the street is nobody’s tried to fence it yet.
На улицах говорят, что пока никто не пытался сбыть их.
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The word on the street is he’s back from the dead.
Говорят, он воскрес из мертвых.
Word on the street is, um, you medicate Timmy.
Говорят, что ты лечишь Тимми.
Word on the street is you set a new personal best for low-cut.
Говорят, ты побила личный рекорд по глубине выреза.
Word on the street is you’re gonna be okay.
Говорят, что ты поправишься.
Good, good, ’cause word on the street is he’s looking for a new model… Someone brave, you know, a pioneer.
Это хорошо, потому что говорят, что он ищет новую модель… кого-то смелого, ну вы знаете, первопроходца.
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The other word on the street is that this is the proverbial last tour.
Поговаривают это ваше последнее турне.
Word on the street is that Hannaway Capital, VanBuskirk Black and Company… and Hamilton Partners are all in the front— running for the bid.
поговаривают, что Hannaway Capital, VanBuskirkBlackandCompany… иHamiltonPartnersнаходятся втройкелидеров.
Word on the street is you’re the numbe r-one crew around town.
Поговаривают, что вы — лучшие
Word on the street is that Walker is gonna hit the First Unity branch tomorrow at noon.
Поговаривают, что Уокер собирается ограбить филиал Первого Объединенного завтра в полдень.
Word on the street it’s Smiley.
Поговаривают… это был Весельчак.
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And speaking of network, word on the street is they’re looking for a new anchor.
Кстати, о центре. Есть слухи, они ищут нового ведущего.
— Well… — That’s the word on the street.
Ходят такие слухи.
Word on the street give me too much credit.
Слухи мне много чего приписывают.
Word on the street was that you were looking for a new position.
— Были слухи, что ты искала новое место.
Word on the street was that you were looking for a new position, but if I misheard…
Были слухи, что ты искала новое место. Может, это неправда? ..
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Word on the street…
Слово на улице…
Well, Moody, word on the street is you couldn’t teach your way out of a paper bag.
— Ну, Муди, Слово на улице это ты не мог научиться вылезать из бумажного пакета
Word on the street is you’re back on the job market.
Слово на улице и вы снова на бирже труда.
Okay so what’s the word on the street?
Так что слово на улице?
Word on the street is you don’t need much intimidating.
Слово на улице — и тебя не нужно долго пугать.
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Any word on the street where Scott might be?
Любые слухи с улиц, где Скот может быть?
Word on the street is he’s a fucking ghost.
По слухам с улицы, он — блядский призрак.
The word on the street…
Слухи на улице…
Turk, spread the word on the streets… 1 million for whoever can tell me where I can find Fisk… tonight.
Турк, пусти на улицах слух… что я дам миллион любому, кто скажет где Фиск… сегодня.
But if Eddie could take the Captain out himself, why’d he put out word on the street looking for a hit man?
Но если Эдди мог взять капитан вне себя, почему он пустил слух на улицах о том что ищет киллера?
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Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia.
word on the street
The information, or the version of that information, that is currently spreading from person to person, often in a particular setting, like school or work. A: «The word on the street is that you’re pregnant.» B: «What? That is simply not true!» There are so many people stopping by Shelly’s office because word on the street is that she’s leaving the company.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
the word on the street
a rumour or piece of information currently being circulated. informal
1992 Victor Headley Yardie The word on the street was that Roy was hooked and had smoked a fair amount of the crack himself.
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
- the word on the street
- word on the wire
- know where (all) the skeletons are buried
- 411
- 4-1-1
- four-one-one
- secondhand information
- the inside dope
- inside dope
- inside information
Remember Brandon Moore, the extraordinary power bottom who fucked his way into hearts and then retired a few short months into his gay porn career? He’s back, at least for a limited engagement, in the new Dominic Ford series Fire Island: Staff House. The premise revolves around Brandon and his buddy James Key making a video blog of their exploits in, you guessed it, a staff house on Fire Island.
With dozens of willing models visiting the island for porn shoots, escorting or dancing gigs, they’ll have their fair share of men to choose from! The first chapter kicks off when Brandon interrupts Hans Berlin‘s exercise routine for a different kind of workout… And if you’re not catching my drift, this kind of workout involves blowjobs, rimjobs and uncut dicks sliding in and out of a very hungry butt.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Dominic Ford
Watch Brandon Moore introduce his latest fuck with Hans Berlin below:
Enjoy every second of this seemingly hot clip now on DOMINIC FORD.
214 parallel translation
The word on the street is you’re bringing in a lot of yeyo.
На улицах рассказывают, ты возишь горы кокса.
Word on the street is you’ve been clean since you came out of prison.
Ќа улице говор € т. » то ты чист.
Word on the street…
Слово на улице…
That’s the word on the street.
Люди об этом так и говорят.
Самое худшее, это когда ты обнаруживаешь, что тебе дали дерьмо вместо шоколадного батончика.
— Word on the street…… you out of commission.
— Говорят, что ты больше не при делах.
The word on the street is he’s back from the dead.
Говорят, он воскрес из мертвых.
I mean, that’s not the word on the street.
То есть, люди говорят обратное.
They have a miracle flu vaccine that is up for approval by the FDA right now and the word on the street is it’s a shoo-in.
У них есть чудо-вакцина от гриппа, которая прямо сейчас проходит подтверждение в FDA, и судя по слухам она уже почти прошла.
— ls that the word on the street?
— Такие слухи обо мне ходят?
Word on the street is, Omar ain’t nowhere near them rises when the shit pop.
На улицах говорят, что Омара там и близко не было, когда всё случилось.
That’s the word on the street, huh?
Значит так на улицах говорят, да?
And speaking of network, word on the street is they’re looking for a new anchor.
Кстати, о центре. Есть слухи, они ищут нового ведущего.
Word on the street is, Teddy K.’s on the prowl.
Мне тут нашептали, что Тедди Кей вышел на охоту!
Word on the street is, um, you medicate Timmy.
Говорят, что ты лечишь Тимми.
— That’s the word on the street.
Как в книжке «Уличное слово» Уличное слово?
That’s the word on the street now.
Теперь это «уличное слово».
The word on the street is you need to smoke a cigarette after this boy lathers you up.
Вам нужно будет выкурить сигарету после того как этот парень вас обработает.
Word on the street is that this is the best place in town.
Мы слышали, что ваше заведение — лучшее в этих краях.
Word on the street is you got a beef with somebody in the DA’s office.
Ходят слухи, что на вас точат зуб в окружной прокуратуре.
Some of us queers prefer dancing and fucking to kiddies and picket fences. to kiddies and picket fences. Word on the street is that Poppers is the new hot spot.
Некоторые из нас, голубых, предпочитают танцы и трах детишкам и штакетным заборчикам.
Word on the street is that Poppers is the new hot spot. Friday night, Poppers goes back to being the pisshole it always was.
Ходят слухи, что «Попперс» теперь новое модное местечко.
Word on the street, man, you papered up.
Люди болтают, что у тебя полно бабла.
That’s the word on the street, anyway.
Хотя, скоро никто про нее и не вспомнит.
Word on the street is that it’s delicious and powerful!
На улице говорят, что оно восхитительно и придаёт силы!
Word on the street is that Shiro is looking for a buyer as we speak.
Мы узнали, что Широ хочет найти покупателя
Um, word on the street is you’re looking for a manager.
Ходят слухи, что тебе нужен менеджер.
Find out the word on the street.
Выясните, что говорят на улицах.
Word on the street is we should be looking for a Mr Harcourt.
На улицах говорят, что мы должны искать некоего мистера Харкурта.
Oh on the downside, word on the street is they work their cubs hard.
С другой стороны, они тяжело работают со своими детьми на улице.
— The word on the street since day one of production on Medellin has not been good.
— С первого дня съемок Medellin никто не считал эту затею хорошей.
Word on the street is the last person who talked to the cops about freebo wound up dead.
Ходят слухи — те, кто говорит с копами про Фрибо — долго не живут.
No, but uh, word on the street is he’s out of here begging must Saturdays.
Нет, но на улицах говорят, что он попрошайничает здесь по субботам.
Word on the street is there’s a party going on.
На улице говорят, что здесь вечерина.
The other word on the street is that this is the proverbial last tour.
Поговаривают это ваше последнее турне.
Word on the street is that Hannaway Capital, VanBuskirk Black and Company… and Hamilton Partners are all in the front — running for the bid.
поговаривают, что Hannaway Capital, VanBuskirk Black and Company… и Hamilton Partners находятся в тройке лидеров.
What’s the word on the street?
— Что говорят на улицах?
Word on the street is you’re a little- — little difficult to work with.
Как говорят на улице, если ты ничто — работать будет немного трудно.
Is that what the word on the street is?
Да ты что?
When you saw Lambert on the street, you made him the personification… of every handout, every word of advice, and in a rage you shot him.
огда ты увидел Ћамберта на улице, ты воплотил свою идею. » а каждую бесплатную еду, за каждый совет, ты в гневе выстрелил в него.
The word is out on the street, man, the bottom is about to fall out.
Слово за улицами, дно уже не подчиняется.
Word’s on the street it’s okay to steal my stuff.
Ещё чего.
When the class president starts touching my face on darkened street corners… and talking about my eyes, there’s a word for it. There’s an entire movement in the’20s.
Когда школьный президент начинает трогать мое лицо в темном углу,… говоря, какие красивые у меня глаза, я могу это назвать только одним словом.
Word has it on the street that Ventana will pay a lot of money to find out who popped Papa.
На улицах говорят, Вентана заплатит тому, кто укажет убийц его отца.
He put the word out on the street. He said, «I’m gonna find the Engineer and take back what’s mine.»
Он орал на всю улицу : «Я найду Инженера и заберу то, что принадлежит мне!».
The word is definitely out on the street on this Bevilaqua kid.
— На улицах про этого Бевелакву все знают.
Now word will get out on the street that we’re looking for Jill.
Теперь по улицам пойдёт молва о том, что мы ищем Джилл.
I put word out on the street to get some info on the stones. Next thing I know, the Wu-Tang Clan shows up here.
Я стал узнавать про камни, как вдруг пришли парни из клана «Ву-Танг».
If the word get out on the street that we weak, how we supposed to maintain our shit?
Если пойдет молва, что мы дали такую слабину… как мы дальше будем удерживать наше дерьмо?
I put the word out on the street that I’m buying tossed-off burners… paying $ 2 a pop.
Я распускаю молву о том, что я скупаю выброшенные трубки. Плачу по $ 2 за штуку.
And now the word out on the street.
А теперь ходят слухи.
- translate «word on the street» Turkish
- Word on the street
Разговорное выражение: ходят слухи…, до меня дошла информация, что…
Универсальный англо-русский словарь.
Смотреть что такое «Word on the street» в других словарях:
Word on the Street — is a book and magazine festival held each September in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, Kitchener and Halifax. Each city s festival features author readings, workshops, information booths and reading and writing related activities.TorontoWord on the… … Wikipedia
word on the street — The rumor or the consensus. Ed: The word on the street is that you hate Mexican food. Ted: What street is that word on? It s totally wrong … Dictionary of american slang
word on the street — The rumor or the consensus. Ed: The word on the street is that you hate Mexican food. Ted: What street is that word on? It s totally wrong … Dictionary of american slang
The word on the street — (formerly the street bible ) is a Bible based book by Rob Lacey that paraphrases key Bible stories using modern language. It is a modernization of Scripture and should only be used as a reference for further study and not to replace The Holy… … Wikipedia
Word on the Street (album) — Infobox Album Name = Word on the Street Type = studio Longtype = Artist = Youngblood Brass Band Released = Recorded = 1998 Genre = Riot Jazz Hip hop Punk Length = Label = Producer = Reviews = Last album = Better Recognize (1997) This album = Word … Wikipedia
word on the street — noun The rumour or news going around on the street. See Also: word on the wire … Wiktionary
the word on the street — informal a current rumour or piece of information. → word … English new terms dictionary
word on the wire — noun The rumour or news going around on the Internet, in business, on the street, or in social circles. See Also: word on the street … Wiktionary
the word on the street — informal a rumor or piece of information currently being circulated … Useful english dictionary
Word on Tha Street — Infobox Album | Name = Word on Tha Street Type = Album Artist = Bad Azz Released = September 29, 1998 Recorded = Genre = West Coast hip hop Length = 70:14 Label = Priority Records Producer = Ant Banks DJ Pooh Kenny McCloud Reviews = *Allmusic… … Wikipedia
Squawk on the Street — Infobox Television show name = Squawk on the Street caption = genre = business news creator = developer = presenter = Mark Haines Erin Burnett David Faber voices = narrated = theme music composer = opentheme = endtheme = country = USA language =… … Wikipedia
1) «Everyone talkin’ about word on the street and what dat nigga said. I don’t give a fuck about what dat nigga said. Ho ass niggaz talk to goddamn much. Stay to yo’ own, get yo’ own…beeotch!» -Snoop Dogg («Bitch Niggaz»)
Bartholomew: «Man deez hoes only out to get da money. Gotta get they hair done and they nails done…damn dogg a playa just gotta get his nob slobbed sometimes. Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks!»
Ebenezer: «Word on the street.»
by Nick D October 29, 2003
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information or gossip derived from sources outside mainstream society, usually judged as more reliable by the criminal underclass and mafiosi/gangster-types.
Carlo Bartolucci: That phone call I got, it came from outside high walls and fancy gates; it comes from a place you know about maybe from the movies. But I come from out there, and everybody out there knows, everybody lies: cops lie, newspapers lie, parent’s lyin’. The one thing you can count on — word on the street… yeah, that’s solid.
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A term used to tell someone of a rumor, it can be of a positive or negative sentiment. As a negative sentiment the rumor is without a source or anonymous and gives the listener the false impression that a lot of people know of this rumor mainly because of the word «streets». as a positive sentiment the rumor is based on visual facts and declare a positive response.
Negative sentiment: «Ay, word on the streets is that wifey’s been with your cousin Rome.»
Positive sentiment: Hey dude, surfs up and its firing-off at the point; let’s go get wet!
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