Word on cloud nine

On cloud nine is an idiom with uncertain origins. An idiom is a word, group of words or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is not easily deduced from its literal definition. We will examine the meaning of the expression on cloud nine, where it may have come from and some examples of its use in sentences.

The phrase on cloud nine describes someone who is very happy, who is on top of the world, who is elated. Interestingly, various numbers have been ascribed to clouds where someone is happy, including cloud seven and cloud thirty-nine. Cloud seven is still sometimes seen, but it is most probably a confabulation of two terms: cloud nine and seventh heaven. The expression on cloud nine enjoyed a resurgence of popularity after its use by Roger Federer, describing his feelings after winning the Australian Open over Rafael Nadal in 2017, his eighteenth grand slam title.  Both Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic had been knocked out of the tournament early. “I do feel like I’m on cloud nine still,” Federer said.

Some ascribe the origin of the idiom on cloud nine to the International Cloud-Atlas, a system of classifying clouds published in 1895. According to this work, there are ten types of clouds, cloud nine being the cumulonimbus. Cumulonimbus clouds are towering, fluffy phenomena. This connection is dubious, as the term on cloud nine didn’t become well known until the 1950s. The source of the popularization of the term on cloud nine may be an American radio show called Johnny Dollar. Johnny was an insurance investigator with an “action-packed expense account.” Whenever he was knocked out in the course of an investigation, he was said to have gone to cloud nine.


When we spoke to Coombs a few days after seeing Lamar, of course, he was still on cloud nine. (Forbes Magazine)

Add in a brace to become the leading scorer after one round of Champions League games and Stones will be on cloud nine for some time we suspect! (Sports Illustrated)

Idioms are all around us, and in fact, we use them quite frequently. But what are they? Well, they are terms or phrases that have a literal definition but also a figurative meaning. One such idiom is «on cloud nine.» Let’s take a look at its meaning and uses in the English language.

The term «on cloud nine» implies that a person is happy or on top of the world, so to speak. It simply means that you are positive or enthusiastic about something. Other meanings include being extremely cheerful, thrilled, or very excited about a person, situation, opportunity, or event. 

«On Cloud Nine» – Origins of the Phrase

When it comes to the origin of this term, it is not clear. Some people believe that it has its roots in the Buddhist faith and, more specifically, the ten steps of enlightenment. There is, however, little to no evidence to support this belief.

Another speculation is that the saying is connected to meteorologists. It is believed that they used numbers to classify various types of clouds. So a number was assigned to a cloud-based on its altitude. For instance, the number 9 meant that the cloud was high up and a cloud given a lower number implied that it was lower down.

The highest reaching cloud was believed to be the cumulonimbus cloud and rose up to 10km. So being on the top of this cloud would make you feel as if you were on top of the world, and so the term arose, or so it is believed.

This idiom doesn’t appear to be as old as other commonly used terms and may have only surfaced in 1949 and appeared in the Denton Record-Chronicle.

While the origin is still uncertain, we do know that it has been used since 1949, and the most credible origin of this idiom would be its correlation to the cumulonimbus cloud.

joyful woman

«On Cloud Nine» – Meaning

The phrase «on cloud nine» is always used in a positive context. It is used to describe someone who is happy, excited, elated, delighted or thrilled about something. It is used to express lightheartedness or even relief. For instance, if you were laid off and applied for various jobs but didn’t receive any responses and then suddenly, out of the blue, you get a job offer that is better than anything you could have hoped for, you would naturally be «on cloud nine.»

The term «on cloud nine» may be used as often as you want to describe a feeling of happiness or elation. This may be pertaining to yourself or someone else.

For instance, if you’ve finally got a job offer that you’ve been waiting for quite some time, it would fill you with excitement or anticipation for the future and ultimately make you feel as if you are «on cloud nine.»

When: Use the phrase to relay your positivity regarding a certain situation or person.

How: Instead of saying that you are «happy» or «excited,» say that you are «on cloud nine.»

Other Ways to Say «On Cloud Nine»

  • Over the moon
  • In seventh heaven
  • Happy
  • Overjoyed
  • Ecstatic
  • On top of the world
  • Glad
  • Elated
  • Jubilant
  • Exultant
  • Thrilled
  • Euphoric
  • Rapturous
  • Joyful
  • Tickled pink
  • Blithe
  • Blissful
  • Cock-a-hoop
  • Joyous
  • Pleased
  • Gay
  • Transported
  • Gleeful
  • In heaven
  • Pleased
  • Upbeat
  • Walking on air
  • Chuffed
  • Exhilarated
  • Gratified
  • Rhapsodic
  • Gladsome
  • Jocund
  • Contented
  • In high spirits
  • Merry
  • Radiant
  • As happy as a clam
  • Chipper
  • Cheery
  • As pleased as punch
  • Sunny

The Opposite of «On Cloud Nine»

  • Very upset
  • Depressed
  • Blue
  • Melancholy
  • Down
  • Miserable
  • Unhappy
  • Sorrowful
  • Cheerless
  • Dejected
  • Downcast
  • Gloomy
  • Sombre
  • Wistful
  • Morose
  • Despondent
  • Dismal
  • Doleful
  • Disconsolate
  • Forlorn
  • Heartsick
  • Grief-stricken
  • Heavy Hearted
  • Low
  • Low-spirited
  • Glum
  • Lugubrious
  • Sad
  • Troubled
  • Morbid
  • Mournful
  • Somber
  • Despairing
  • Pensive
  • Pessimistic
  • Infelicitous
  • Tearful
  • Distressed
  • Angry-about
  • Wretched
  • Unlucky
  • Bereaved

happy couple cloud nine

Idioms with a Homogenous Meaning

Some other idioms or terms have a similar meaning to «on cloud nine.» Let’s take a look at some of them:

«In seventh heaven» – This term is often used to describe a similar feeling to being on cloud nine. It stems from the belief that there are seven levels to heaven, seven being the highest place in heaven.

Example: I am so thrilled to be on the softball teams after all these years; I’m in seventh heaven.

«»Over the moon» – This is another commonly used phrase to relay when someone is extremely happy about something.

Example: My mum is coming to visit me after many years; I am over the moon about it.

«On top of the world» – Like being in seventh heaven, this term implies that you feel as if you are floating on air.

Example: I’ve finally been promoted to a senior manager; I’m on top of the world.

«I can’t believe my luck» – This term is used to imply that you are so astonished about a turn of events in your life that you can’t believe your luck.

Example: I was just contacted by a company I applied to recently and was told that I’d been shortlisted from 100 candidates; I can’t believe my luck.

«Thrilled to bits» – Another term that expresses your enthusiasm and excitement.

Example: I’m thrilled to bits about the fact that hubby got me the bracelet I was longing for.

«»Like a dog with two tails» – This term is used when you want to express how enthusiastic you are about something.

Example: Stanley just told me that his girlfriend said «yes» to his marriage proposal. He’s like a dog with two tails right now.

Example Conversations with «On Cloud Nine»

Conversation between mother and daughter:

Mother: Amy, how was your day today?

Daughter: Mum, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me at work!

Mother: Okay, let’s hear it.

Daughter: Stanley proposed to me, and I said, «yes,» so we’re officially engaged, and I am on cloud nine!

Mother: Congratulations honey, I’m over the moon as well.

Conversation between father and son:

Son: Dad, I need to talk to you about something very important, are you free?

Dad: Yes, of course, son, what is it?

Son: Remember that position I applied for a few days ago?

Dad: Yeah

Son: Well, they’ve made me a very lucrative job offer, and I accepted.

Dad: That’s awesome news, buddy.

Son: Yes, I’m on cloud nine!

Conversation between two co-workers:

Co-worker 1: Hi Jane, did you hear that Mary got that promotion she was after?

Co-worker 2: Yes, I did and I heard that she’s on cloud nine.

woman ballons cloud nine

Example Sentences with the Term «On Cloud Nine»

  • Mary’s been on cloud nine since she got engaged.
  • Harry said he felt like he was on cloud nine when Jane admitted that she loved him too.
  • The estranged father and son both felt like they were on cloud nine after being reunited.
  • Maria’s husband was back from a long business trip, and she was on cloud nine to see him again.
  • Enjoying time with my family makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine.
  • Going through my old photos puts me on cloud nine.
  • Mark and Jessica were on cloud nine after the gynecologist confirmed they were having a baby.
  • Mark was on cloud nine to hear that his wife was in labor and they were going to be parents very soon.
  • Every time my son sees his childhood friend, he’s on cloud nine.
  • My dogs look as though they are on cloud nine when they see me after a long day.
  • My mum was on cloud nine to see her grandkids after all this time.
  • I was delighted and felt on cloud nine when I got the dream job I had been waiting for.
  • James was still on cloud nine a few days after his baby was born.
  • When Leah was finally handed the keys to her own home, she was on cloud nine.
  • There’s no better feeling than owning your own home; it’s almost as if you’re on cloud nine.
  • Aubry got lucky at the casino and won a huge jackpot; no wonder she was on cloud nine when she got home.
  • The day I got married was the day I felt what it was like to be on cloud nine.
  • The moment my daughter was born, I felt like I was on cloud nine.
  • Seeing my son succeed at his new job made me feel like I was on cloud nine.
  • I love the way my hair turned out, I’m on cloud nine

More English Idioms

  • Throwing Caution To The Wind
  • To Be Closefisted
  • To Give A Run For Someone’s Money


As you can see, the term «on cloud nine» is still used frequently in the 21st century. While its origin is not very clear, we do know that it bears some correlation to the clouds or a floating feeling. This is why it is often used to describe an elated feeling. And now that you understand what the term means and how you can use it to express yourself, you can use it more effectively in your writing as well as your day-to-day interactions with family and friends.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Идиома: to be on cloud nine — быть очень счастливым, быть на седьмом небе

История возникновения: 1896 год был Международным годом облаков.
Именно в этом году ученые-метеорологи Хильдебранд Хильдебрандссон и Ральф Эберкромби создали международную Комиссию по облакам.
Итогом ее работы стал иллюстрированный атлас, в котором излагалась новая классификация облаков, всего их было выделено десять типов.
Под номером девять уверенно расположились кучево-дождевые облака, самые высокие.
Поэтому “быть на девятом облаке” значит быть на самом верху.
В широкий обиход выражение вошло в 1950-х годах после выпуска радио-драмы “Джонни Доллар”.
Главный герой, частный детектив, часто терял сознание, и каждый раз его переносили на девятое облако, где он и приходил в себя.

Интересно: У группы «The Temptations» есть песня “Девятое облако”, которая была записана в 1969 году:

ВИДЕОФАЙЛ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp1MRAUw4Uk)


  • We were on cloud nine — Мы были очень счастливы.
  • I guarantee you, within half an hour, you’ll be on cloud nine — Я тебе обещаю, через полчаса ты будешь просто на седьмом небе.

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28 April 2015 в 10:24, автор Софья Михалева

Перевод: быть на седьмом небе, быть в эйфории, испытывать блаженство

Синонимы: to walk on air, to be in hog heaven, to be on top of the world, to be in the seventh heaven, to be over the moon, to have stars in one’s eyes


I have always been on cloud nine at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. (J. B. Priestley)

Mr. Brooks and I have been friends forever. He is on cloud nine with his new success on Broadway. (Dom DeLuise)

The biggest musical influence on me was my mum. We were both on cloud nine listening to jazz. (Johnny Marr)

And the idea of just wandering off to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for awhile feels just like being on cloud nine. (J. K. Rowling)


Считается, что если идиома включает в себя числительное, расследование ее происхождения стоит начать именно с него. Итак, согласно одной теории, идиома “on cloud nine” стала популярной в середине 1950-ых годов благодаря особой классификации облаков, разработанной Национальной метеорологической службой США: по этой классификации, «облаком номер девять» считались кучево-дождевые облака, живописные и вселяющие надежду. Эта теория датируется и более ранними годами: в 1896 году был опубликован первый Международный облачный атлас (International Cloud Atlas), в котором выделялись 10 видов облаков, и девятым были кучево-дождевые облака, которые могли подниматься на высоту до 10 км. Оказавшись на таком облаке, действительно можно почувствовать себя “on top of the world”. По другой теории, в происхождении идиомы замешан буддизм, и «девятое облако» – это одна их ступеней бодхисатвы, восхождения к становлению буддой.

На самом деле, «числовые» теории кажется довольно притянутыми. Более вероятно, что ключевым элементом в создании идиомы был все же образ облаков, уже возникший в идиомах “cloud cuckoo land” – Страна Эльфов, наивно-оптимистичное место, оторванное от реальности, – и “to have one’s head in the clouds” – витать в облаках, грезить наяву. В начале 20 века можно было оказаться и на «седьмом облаке» – “to be on cloud seven”, по аналогии с синонимичной идиомой “to be in the seventh heaven”.

Проверьте себя:

I’m on cloud nine for more than a month because

  1. my husband has filed his petition for divorce.
  2. my boyfriend has finally proposed to me and we’re getting married in August.
  3. I’ve overcome my fear of flying.

Правильный ответ на наш предыдущий тест – вариант A.

On cloud nine перевод идиомы

The phrase “on cloud nine” is an idiom that means a person is feeling happy or delighted.

Example: Will has been searching hard for a job. He’s applied everywhere in town, but nobody has hired him yet. He began wondering if he would ever find work. However, later that week he was floating on cloud nine after finally receiving a job offer. (In other words, he felt delighted.)

Note: The verbs “hovering” or “floating” sometime come just before this expression.

Synonyms / Similar Phrases:

1. As happy as a clam
2. As happy as a pig in mud
3. Over the moon

Floating On Cloud Nine
artjazz – stock.adobe.com.

The Origin Of ‘On Cloud Nine’

Where does this idiom come from? The phrase “on cloud nine” possibly originated from meteorologists, who sometimes classified different types of clouds by using numbers. The number given to a cloud was apparently dependent on its altitude. So, for example, a cloud given a 9 meant that it was high up, whereas a cloud given a smaller number indicated it was lower down. Something along those lines.

Anyways, in comparison to other commonly used phrases, this one in particular doesn’t look that old. It’s earliest appearance (that I know of) is in the Denton Record Chronicle, May 1949. To give some context for the following quote, a woman named Betty Hutton was accepted for a movie role, so she describes her feelings with this expression:

“Let’s look in on Betty Hutton, who says she is hovering ‘on Cloud No Nine’ these days.”

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences of this expression and other, similar phrases:

  • Brian on was on cloud nine after his wife told him that she was pregnant.

Similar Examples:

  • I bought my son a remote controlled car and he was over the moon with excitement when he saw it.
  • I haven’t eaten all day, so once I grab a bite to eat I’ll be as happy as a clam.
  • This problem has soured my mood, but once I solve it I’ll be a happy camper.

Tip: Are you looking for the meaning of more popular sayings and phrases? Well, this site has that very thing, so maybe take a look around. Select a letter from the menu at the top to start browsing through the phrases list. You’ll find all sorts of expressions on there.

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