Word older in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.










Financial support of such people lose the older religious sense.

Le soutien financier de ces personnes perdent de l’ancien sens religieux.

The equipment of the furniture was a bit older but perfectly usable.

L’équipement du mobilier était un peu ancien mais parfaitement utilisable.

Your older half-brother and rightful heir to the von Wolfhausen brewery.

Votre demi-frère aîné et héritier de la brasserie von Wolfhausen.

Emergency Alert System provides a sense of security to older citizens living alone.

Urgence Alerte procure un sentiment de sécurité aux citoyens aînés vivant seuls.

This price list replaces since 01.01.2016 all other older price lists.

Cette liste de prix remplace depuis 01.01.2016 toutes les anciennes listes.

Zero-sulphur fuel reduces particle emissions from these older vehicles too.

Il réduit les émissions de particules, notamment chez ces véhicules anciens.

However the higher values for older vehicles were not retained.

Les valeurs élevées des véhicules anciens non toutefois pas été retenues.

This gives you the possibility to freshen up your older cylinders.

Cela vous donne la possibilité de rafraîchir vos bouteilles anciennes.

There are also a sprinkling of attractive older houses to discover.

Il y a aussi plusieurs belles maisons anciennes à découvrir.

Here the older distinction between natural and revealed religion disappears.

Voici l’ancienne distinction entre la religion naturelle et révélée disparaît.

Productivity increase; introduction of new products replacing older ones.

Augmentation de la productivité ; remplacement de produits anciens par de nouveaux.

Now you know all important facts about updating older production chains.

Vous savez maintenant comment actualiser vos anciennes chaînes de production.

However, the same rule applies to the older generation.

Cependant, la même règle s’applique à l’ancienne génération.

The ruins of this older cathedral remain hallowed ground.

Les ruines de cette ancienne cathédrale demeurent un sol sacré.

As of PHP 5.4.0 these older variables have been removed.

Depuis PHP 5.4.0, ces anciennes variables ont été retirées.

It was intended to replace the older aircraft carrier class Nimitz.

Ils sont destinés à remplacer les anciens porte-avions de classe Nimitz.

Try replacing ADE2.0 with the older but more reliable v1.7.2.

Essayez de remplacer ADE2.0 avec l’ancienne mais plus fiable v1.7.2.

Another example is the proprietary hardware in the older Macintosh line.

Un exemple est le matériel propriétaire dans les anciennes gammes Macintosh.

Most of the older Proceedings exist in English language versions only.

La plupart des actes anciens existent en version anglaise seulement.

Some hosting providers are still using an older version of Fantastico.

Certains hébergeurs utilisent encore une ancienne version de Fantastico.

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  • Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
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Q: What is the word older in french?

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Expressing Age in French is tricky both grammatically and vocabulary wise: I’ll explain the differences between “grandir” and “vieillir”, the different life stages, the tricky French adjectives for old and young, how to ask someone’s age in French, and the difference between “an” and “année”.

How to say your age in French?

First of all, there is a big grammatical trap. In English, to talk about how old someone or something is, you use the construction: “to be + number”.

  • He is 5.
    No need to say you’re counting years.

In French, we don’t use the verb to be (“être” in French). We use the construction “to have (so “avoir”) + number + whatever you are counting”

  1. Il a cinq ans – He/it is five (years old)
  2. Il a cinq jours – He/it is five days old.
  3. Il a cinq semaines –  He/it is five weeks old.
  4. Il a cinq mois – He/it is five months old.

We always specify whatever it is that we are counting, even when it’s years.
You cannot say in French “il a cinq”. You would always say “il a cinq ans”.

To master French numbers, I suggest you study with my free French numbers audio lesson (with plenty of exercises). And for off-line studying, I suggest you take a look at my French number audiobook – study at home or on the go!

Mastering French Numbers

Master All Numbers From 0 To 999 999 999! The most in-depth audiobook about French numbers anywhere

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How To Say “How Old Are You” in French?

To ask someone’s age, you would say:

  1. Quel âge avez-vous ? How old are you, using vous.
  2. Tu as quel âge ? How old are you, using tu and a street French colloquial question form.
  3. Quel âge a-t-il ? How old is he (formal way of asking)
  4. Elle a quel âge ? How old is she (casual street French way)

Asking A Woman Her Age in French – A Big Faux-Pas

Asking a woman her age is considered quite impolite in French, especially if you are a man. If you are curious and still want to know, be delicate about it: “est-ce que je peux me permettre de te demander ton âge ?” – this translates literally into “may I allow myself to ask for your age” but it would be the polite way to ask a woman her age in French.

How To Say “How Many + Age Notion” in French?

If you wanted to ask precisely how many week, months… someone or something was, you would say:

  1. Combien de semaines a le bébé d’Anne ? How many weeks is Anne’s baby (watch out, remember to use “avoir”, not the verb to be in French: “être”)
  2. Ce fromage a été affiné pendant combien de mois ? How many months was this cheese aged?

Learn more about question making with my downloadable French audio lesson (formal way, street way, complex interrogative expression such as “depuis combien de temps” (for how long) etc… asking question is more complex in French than you think, and will unlock your conversation skills).

How To Say Year in French – An versus Année

This is tricky for French students.

“Un an” (masculine, strong liaison with the N making it sound like “un Nan”) and “une année” both translate as “a year”. But they are not interchangeable.

Books will tell you “une année” is a year span, it’s about the duration. I don’t think it’s clear, so I’ll tell you something else, that works most of the time :-)

With a number (except one) use “an” for year.

  • Il a trois ans – he is three.
  • Tous les deux ans – every 2 years.
  • J’y suis allée il y a cinq ans – I went there 5 years ago.

“Année” is mostly used in expressions that you need to learn by heart

  • L’année dernière – last year
  • L’année prochaine – next year
  • Toute l’année – All year long ≠ tous les ans – each year
  • Les années quatre-vingts – the eighties
  • L’année scolaire – the school year
  • L’année d’avant / d’après – the year before / the following year

Memorize these expressions, and this won’t be a problem for you any longer.

How To Say Getting Older in French?

We use specific verbs to say to get older in French:

  1. Les enfants grandissent (grandir) – to grow up. – children grow up.
  2. Les adultes vieillissent (vieillir) – to grow old. – adults grow old.

Both can also “rajeunir” – to become/look younger.

How To Say Old in French?

The French adjective for ‘old’ is “vieux (m), vieille/s (f), or vieil”… which I’ll explain below.

Now, even the French adjective for old is problematic. It’s very irregular.

The French adjective “old” goes BEFORE the noun, when most French adjectives go after the noun.

  1. Vieux + masculine noun, singular and plural (the x is silent)
    un vieux chien, deux vieux chiens – an old dog, 2 old dogs
  2. Vieille + feminine noun (add an S to make it plural)
    une vieille chienne, deux vieilles chiennes – an old female dog, 2 old female dogs
  3. Vieil + masculine noun starting with a vowel or a silent h = the mutant form!
    un vieil immeuble  – an old building
    un vieil ordinateur – an old computer
    Watch out! “Un vieil ami” means an old (time) friend. Say “un ami qui est vieux” if you want to say “a friend who is old”…
    The pronunciation of “vieil” is the same as the feminine “vieille”.

Be careful that the noun “les vieux” to talk about old-people is pejorative in French. Use instead “les personnes âgées” or “les séniors”.

Instead of calling someone “old”, it may be more delicate to call them “not very young” = pas très jeune, or “of some age” = d’un certain âge.

  • Anne est une femme d’un certain âge. Elle n’est plus très jeune mais elle est restée très jeune d’esprit
    Ann is a mature woman. She is no longer young, but she remained young at heart (notice we say “young in spirits”in French)

4 generations: my husband Olivier, our daughter Leyla, Olivier's mom Cristine and grandmother Geneviève ❤️

4 generations French family: my husband Olivier, our daughter Leyla, Olivier’s mom Cristine and grandmother Geneviève ❤️

How to say Young in French?

The French adjective for “young” is also irregular, since it too goes before the noun, but at least it has only one form:

  • Jeune + masculine or feminine noun. Add an S to make it plural.
    Un jeune chien – a young dog
    Trois jeunes chiennes – three young female dogs.

Here also, you’ll use into expressions. “Un jeune-homme” is a young man, so he is young for sure, but it’s also an old fashion greeting : “bonjour jeune-homme”…

Same goes for “une jeune-femme”.

30 French Words For Age Stages

La Naissance – birth

  1. Un bébé – a baby – always masculine. We then talk about “un bébé fille” (girl) ou un bébé garçon (boy)”
  2. Un nouveau-né – a newborn, masculine.
  3. Il est né / elle est née – he/she was born

L’enfance – childhood

  1. Un/une enfant – a child – mostly used in the masculine, but can be used in the feminine as well. No e at the end though.
  2. Une fille – a girl
  3. Un garçon – a boy
  4. Grandir – to grow up and also to grow in size

L’adolescence – teenage years

  1. Un adolescent, une adolescente – a teenager
  2. Un jeune-homme – a young man
  3. Une jeune-fille – a young woman
  4. Un ado – a teen
  5. Mûrir – to become more mature

L’âge Adulte – adulthood

  1. Un / une adulte – an adult
  2. Un homme – a man (strong liaison un Nomm)
  3. Une femme – a woman (pronounced fam)
  4. Vieillir – to grow old(er)

La Vieillesse – old age

  1. Une personne âgée – an elderly person (une personne being feminine, this expression may refer to men but is feminine)
  2. Un ancien, une ancienne – an elderly person, very old-fashioned.
  3. Un vieux, une vieille – an old person – pejorative
  4. Un sénior – a senior
  5. Mourir – to die
  6. La mort – death, t silent
  7. Il est mort – he is dead / died (t silent)
  8. Elle est morte – she is dead / died (t pronounced)

For more French death related vocabulary and how to express your sympathy in French, read my article.

Note, in France we talk about “le premier âge” for infancy, and then “le troisième âge” is for retired but physically active people, and we now talk about “le quatrième âge” for people who are old and ill. But we never talk about “le deuxième âge”…

Voilà, I hope this lesson on how to express age in French will be useful to you. You may also like my audio lessons on French numbers.

I post new articles every week, so make sure you subscribe to the French Today newsletter – or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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I knelt beside his cold body and said the old words.

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Je me suis agenouillé près de son cadavre et prononcé les anciens mots.

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constantly being developed(or old words recycled) to capture these growing platforms

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keep one’s emotions to oneself, and the old words which served to note states

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bienséant de garder ses émotions pour soi, et les vieux mots servant à noter des états

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The name is probably derived from an old word meaning»wave.

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Le nom est probablement dérivé d’un vieux mots signifiant vague.

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I can hardly believe that one little, old word.

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J’ai peine à croire qu’un tout petit, et ancien mot.

No Audible Dialogue Leon learned the oldest word in the universal language.

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Under the old wording, the meeting of the suspect with the defence

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The term’sacriana’ is an old word which means the libation of fresh grape must.

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Le terme sacriana est un ancien mot qui correspond à la libation de moût de raisin frais.

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The name Vaassen derives from»Fasna», an old word for a specific rough type of grass.

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Le nom de Vaassen viendrait de»Fasna», un mot ancien pour désigner un type d’herbe rugueux.

one is kûd-dûkan, an old word meaning»hole-dweller», which evolved to kuduk,

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kûd-dûkan, un vieux mot qui signifierait« habitant d’un trou»

parts thereof replaces the old wording with reference to TS50502 Railway applications-

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<<capteur de courant>gt; remplace l’ancienne formulation en référence à la norme TS50502 Applications ferroviaires-

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one finds the powiat led by the Starosta(an old word for‘chief’), elected by the local assembly.

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on trouve le powiat dirigé par le Starosta(un mot ancien qui désigne le« chef»),

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It is a modernization or alteration… of an old word for the inhabited world of Men,

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C’est une modernisation, ou une altération d’un terme ancien désignant le monde habité par les Hommes,

But I remembered the old words of the comrades.

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And we should listen to the old words and remember Leonard.

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in spite of our attachment to the old words and schemas.

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Let me cite here a few old words of wisdom which say,“Success is a journey,

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Permettez-moi, ici, d’énoncer quelques mots d’une sagesse ancienne:»Le succès est un voyage,

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Time: 0.026





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