Name | Word of Winter |
Skill Id | EnchantmentOfWinterWhenHit |
Icon | |
Cast Time | 1.4s |
Level Req. | 32 |
Critical Strike Chance | 5% |
Attack Speed | 100% |
Effectiveness of Added Damage | 100% |
Stored Uses | 1 |
Cooldown | 10s |
Damage Multiplier | 100% |
Unleashes an icy projectile that pulses with cold as it travels. | |
Deals 48 to 76 Cold Damage Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit Damage cannot be Reflected |
Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.
Name | Word of Winter |
Skill Id | EnchantmentOfWinterWhenHit |
Icon | |
Cast Time | 1.40 sec |
Level Req. | 32 |
Critical Strike Chance | 5% |
Attack Speed | 100% of base |
Attack Damage | 100% of base |
Effectiveness of Added Damage | 100% |
Stored Uses | 1 |
Cooldown | 10.00 sec |
Unleashes an icy projectile that pulses with cold as it travels. | |
Deals 48 to 76 Cold Damage Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit Damage cannot be Reflected |
Retrieved from «»
Уровень: 1
Перезарядка: 10.00 сек.
Требуется Уровень 32
Выпускает пульсирующий холодом ледяной снаряд.
Наносит от 48 до 76 урона от холода
Вызывает срабатывание этих чар при получении удара
Урон не может быть отражён
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
Word of Winter
Level Effect /1
Implicit |
Наносит от 48 до 76 урона от холода Вызывает срабатывание этих чар при получении удара Урон не может быть отражён |
Уровень | Требуется Уровень | Опыт | |
1 | 32 |
Cost | iLvl 1: Normal: 3x |
BaseType | Word of Winter |
TargetTypes | Ground, Enemy |
Type | Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Triggered, AreaSpell, Cooldown, InbuiltTrigger |
ActiveSkillsCode | word_of_winter_when_hit |
Copyright © 2014-2023
What is word of winter Poe?
100% Unleashes an icy projectile that pulses with cold as it travels. Deals 48 to 76 Cold Damage. Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit. Damage cannot be Reflected.
What is word of spite Poe?
Releases a circle of projectiles based on your weapon, leaving chilled ground in their wake. Deals 150% of Base Attack Damage. Fires 9 additional Projectiles. Trigger this Skill when Hit. 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage.
What is word of ire?
Some common synonyms of ire are anger, fury, indignation, rage, and wrath. While all these words mean “an intense emotional state induced by displeasure,” ire, more frequent in literary contexts, suggests an intense anger, often with an evident display of feeling. cheeks flushed with ire.
What is the most heavily mined country in the world?
What country has the most unexploded ordnance?
Kingdom of Cambodia
Can the US use landmines?
The Department of Defense’s new policy allows planning for and use of APL in future potential conflicts, including outside the Korean Peninsula, while continuing to prohibit the operational use of any “persistent” landmines (landmines without a self-destruct/self-deactivation function).
Are landmines still in Vietnam?
Vietnam is the world’s leading producer of black pepper. Up to three million pieces of unexploded ordnance and cluster munitions are still buried in Vietnam’s soil.
How many soldiers were left in Vietnam?
Current Status of Unaccounted-for Americans Lost in the Vietnam War
Vietnam | Total | |
Original Missing | 1,973 | 2,646 |
Repatriated and Identified | 729 | 1,062[1] |
Remaining Missing | 1,244 | 1,584 |
How dangerous is a claymore mine?
The M18 directional fragmentation anti-personnel mine, developed by Cardoen of Chile, contains 626 grams of explosives, surrounded by 607 AP fragmentation units providing a 60 degree arc of fire, with a 50-250 metre lethal range.
Posted by7 years ago
Do these work together? It seems to proc all the time. I wasn’t going to pick up these nodes because I didn’t want to waste time casting Orbs… but if this Labyrinth enchant can proc them, that would be insane!
It makes sense that they do, but not everything in this game makes sense.
EDIT: Word of Winter ‘Unleashes an Icy Projectile that pulses wtih cold as it travels.’ and casts when I am hit.
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Thanks! There are something like 400 different helmet enchantments, all with an equal chance of spawning as far as we know.
Then, How do I get offering to the goddess?
You must have completed the six different Trials of Ascendancy found in Maps in order to access this area. Offering to the Goddess is a map fragment received upon completing an Eternal trial. One Offering to the Goddess is dropped when the plaque at the end of the Trial is touched.
in addition Should I use the divine font Poe?
You can use it every time you clear the lab. You can use the divine font once every time you complete the labyrinth. You can get a disappointing enchant for that run of the labyrinth, but you can run the labyrinth and try again if you want to do so.
furthermore What is divine font Poe?
The divine font as it is found in the labyrinth. Labyrinth enchantments are a type of enchantment that can be obtained from the Labyrinth. Completing the Labyrinth will allow embuing one piece of equipment with a random enchantment. In the normal Labyrinth, only gloves can be enchanted.
What is word of war Poe?
Level Req. This attack is performed repeatedly by a ghostly imitation of your weapon.
How do you unlock the eternal labyrinth?
You must have completed the six different Trials of Ascendancy found in Maps in order to access this area. Offering to the Goddess. Your fate rests in her even hands.Travel to the Aspirants’ Plaza and spend this item to open the Eternal Labyrinth.
What is blood offering Poe?
Level Req. Consumes a corpse, and sacrifices a portion of your life, granting your minions life regeneration based on the life sacrificed, and a bonus to damage. The skill consumes other nearby corpses, increasing the duration and life regeneration for each corpse consumed.
What does tribute to the goddess do Poe?
Tribute to the Goddess is a map fragment. This item grants access to the Eternal Labyrinth of Fortune from Aspirant’s Plaza. The primary bonus reward is “The Labyrinth’s rewards have been enriched”. The labyrinth itself is area level 83, and both Izaro and traps have multiple buffs.
What is word of winter Poe?
Level Req. Unleashes an icy projectile that pulses with cold as it travels.
What is word of spite Poe?
Releases a circle of projectiles based on your weapon, leaving chilled ground in their wake. Deals 150% of Base Attack Damage. Fires 9 additional Projectiles. Trigger this Skill when Hit. 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage.
What is word of fury Poe?
Level Req. Repeatedly fires a piercing projectile based on your weapon, converting some physical damage to fire. The projectiles form an arc in front of you.
What is ascendancy Poe?
Description on the official Path of Exile website. Ascendancy classes are subclasses that grant an access to an Ascendancy skill tree specific for the character class chosen.
Is Poe a word?
No, poe is not in the scrabble dictionary.
What level should I do first labyrinth Poe?
If you’re lvl 39 you should do it ASAP.
What level should I do labyrinth Poe?
To access the Cruel Labyrinth, you must complete the Normal Labyrinth and 3 prerequisite trials, and be at least level 40. To access the Merciless Labyrinth, you must complete the Cruel Labyrinth and another 3 prerequisite trials, and be at least level 50.
How do you beat izaro Poe?
Try to make sure each is inactive when Izaro hits his threshold. This could involve waiting till all are up, then deactivating them quickly in sequence, then bursting Izaro to his threshold. For high DPS: Run around in circles till all of the conduits are active. Then deactivate them all as quickly as possible.
Why is blood sacrificed in the Bible?
The main purpose of blood sacrifice could range from offering a gift, having communion, making propitiation, cleansing, averting evils or failures to providing nourishment for Yahweh, on the one hand, and as it affects man.
What is feeding frenzy Poe?
Feeding Frenzy Support is a minion support skill gem. It changes the supported minion behavior to be aggressive, causing them to prioritize seeking enemies and killing them. Supported minions have a chance to give the owner the Feeding Frenzy buff on hit, which grants a damage and speed bonus to all friendly minions.
What is Vaal pact?
Vaal Pact is a keystone passive skill that grants doubled life leech speed and maximum life leech rate, but causes life regeneration to have no effect.
Do you keep tribute PoE?
You can’t accumulate tribute points and can’t keep deferring because it is minutely incremental. Before your hot fix it accumulated and you could save up for an item that cost 3000+. Not worth doing rituals, you basically have to buy whatever you accumulate to value you make in that area.
Can you have more than one offering PoE?
Each player may only have one offering active at any time.
What is Edict of reflection?
Creates a clone of you that attacks with your weapon. Base duration is 5 seconds. Minions deal 100% increased Damage. 150% increased Minion Maximum Life. Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit.
What is decree of reflection Poe?
Decree of Reflection – Decree of Reflection – PoEDB, Path of Exile Wiki. Creates a clone of you that attacks with your weapon.
What is word of ire?
Noun. anger, ire, rage, fury, indignation, wrath mean an intense emotional state induced by displeasure. anger, the most general term, names the reaction but by itself does not convey cause or intensity.
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Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit. Minions deal 100% more Damage. When hit creates a copy of you which fights by your side for a short duration.
What is word of reflection PoE?
Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit. Minions deal 100% more Damage. When hit creates a copy of you which fights by your side for a short duration.
What is Edict of reflection?
Creates a clone of you that attacks with your weapon. Base duration is 5 seconds. Minions deal 100% increased Damage. 150% increased Minion Maximum Life. Trigger this Spell when you’re Hit.
What is word of ire?
: intense and usually openly displayed anger. Ire. abbreviation.
What is decree of ire?
Name | Decree of Ire |
Stored Uses | 1 |
Cooldown | 10s |
Damage Multiplier | 120% |
Release a lightning charged spinning copy of your weapon or its projectiles that rotates around a point, damaging enemies in an area. |
What is word of thunder PoE?
Damage Multiplier. 100% Damaging cones of lightning surround you. Deals 71 to 114 Lightning Damage.
What is word of frost PoE?
100% Fire icy projectiles around you in all directions. Deals 72 to 114 Cold Damage. Trigger this Spell on Kill. Fires 8 additional Projectiles.
What is Edict of spite PoE?
Level Req. Releases a circle of projectiles based on your weapon, leaving chilled ground in their wake.
What is word of force PoE?
Release an arc of force from your weapon or fists, damaging enemies in front of you. …
What is commandment of the grave PoE?
Name | Commandment of the Grave |
Stored Uses | 1 |
Cooldown | 5s |
Damage Multiplier | 100% |
Summons three icy skull minions that explode at the end of their duration. |
Does ire mean anger?
Ire is anger. Their ire was directed mainly at the government.
What is Edict of fury Poe?
Repeatedly fires a piercing projectile based on your weapon, converting some physical damage to fire. The projectiles form an arc in front of you. Deals 210% of Base Attack Damage.
What does raise my ire mean?
Ire is another word for “anger.” So if you routinely steal your neighbor’s newspaper, don’t be surprised to be on the receiving end of his ire. Ire comes almost directly from the Latin word for anger, ira. … And if you provoke someone’s ire, you’re probably going to feel their wrath.
What does decree of war do Poe?
BaseType | Decree of War |
Type | Attack, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, Duration, Triggered, Triggerable, Cooldown |
ActiveSkillsCode | decree_of_war_on_kill |
What is decree of Thunder PoE?
Name | Decree of Thunder |
Cooldown | 5s |
Damage Multiplier | 100% |
Damaging cones of lightning surround you. | |
Deals 830 to 1245 Lightning Damage Trigger this Spell on Kill Damage cannot be Reflected |
How do you get a belt enchant in Path of Exile?
PoE Belt enchants can only be acquired from the Eternal Labyrinth of Potential. Dedication to the Goddess is a map fragment. This item grants access to the Eternal Labyrinth of Potential from Aspirant’s Plaza. The primary bonus reward is “The Labyrinth’s rewards have been enriched”.
What is Edict of winter PoE?
Level Req. Unleashes an icy projectile that pulses with cold as it travels.
What is transfiguration of mind PoE?
Transfiguration of Mind is a passive skill from item or skill tree, which “Increases and Reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Damage at 30% of their value”.
What does commandment of spite do?
Level Req. Releases a circle of projectiles based on your weapon, leaving chilled ground in their wake.
Is Bone Armour a guard skill?
Bone Armour skill, a Guard Skill which grants a damage absorbing shield to the user and all their minions.
What is word of grave in Path of Exile?
Damage Multiplier. 100% Summons three icy skull minions that explode at the end of their duration. Base duration is 5 seconds. Minions cannot Taunt Enemies.
What is dedication to the goddess?
Dedication to the Goddess is a map fragment. This version of the offering to the Goddess will open a special version of the Eternal Labyrinth, Eternal Labyrinth of Potential, in which the Divine Font will allow you to enchant belts.
Why is Ireland called Ireland?
So where does the name Ireland come from? Well, the name evolved over many centuries from the old Irish word for a Goddess; Ériu, as she was called, has been described as the matron Goddess of ancient Irish mythology. The modern Irish language name for Ireland is “Éire” and is derived from Ériu.
Is Qi a scrabble word?
About the Word:
Although it’s most commonly spelled CHI in standard usage, the variant form QI is the single most-played word in SCRABBLE tournaments, according to game records of the North American SCRABBLE Players Association (NASPA).
Is IRES a word?
Yes, ires is in the scrabble dictionary.
Does Ireland mean angry land?
Ireland is, obviously, the land of Ire. The original meaning of the word Hebrew means the “people who crossover” and so it is that these people have been all over the world and founded many nations, having lost their identity, hidden in plain sight only to be revealed once again at a later time.
What is the word Choler mean?
Definition of choler
1a archaic : yellow bile. b obsolete : bile sense 1a. 2 obsolete : the quality or state of being bilious. 3 : ready disposition to irritation : irascibility also : anger. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About choler.
Is ired a Scrabble word?
Yes, ired is in the scrabble dictionary.
What does decree of war do?
The Decree of War to the Death, in Spanish Decreto de Guerra a Muerte, was a decree issued by the South American leader Simón Bolívar which permitted murder and any atrocities whatsoever to be committed against civilians born in Spain, other than those actively assisting South American independence, and furthermore …
What is malediction Poe?
Malediction is an Ascendancy passive skill for the Occultist. It raises the additional curse limit by one, increases the effect of your curses, and causes enemies you curse to have Malediction, decreasing their damage and increasing their damage taken.
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