Word of walk to remember

alma mater the college from which a person graduated.

Blackbeard the pirate a notorious pirate during the late 17th- and early 18th- centuries, who plundered ships in the waterways around the Carolinas.

Bloody Marys a drink commonly consumed at breakfast or brunch that is made with tomato juice, vodka, and spices.

blue-haired referring to elderly women.

brigadier general a high-ranking military officer; in the Salvation Army, one of the highest-ranking officers.

bun hair gathered up at the back or on top of the head.

burning bush reference to a Biblical passage from Exodus, in which an angel appears in the fires of a burning bush.

Chinese water torture an Italian practice of torture, in which water is dropped slowly onto the victim’s forehead, eventually driving the person insane.

A Christmas Carol a play by Charles Dickens in which a greedy, miserly, unhappy man is visited by three ghosts, who encourage him to change his life.

Cold War tensions and hostility between the former Soviet Union and the United States, beginning after World War II, that never erupted into outright war but was often on the brink of it.

communism the system of government in the now-defunct Soviet Union, in which a single party holds all power, and wealth and property are divided equally among the people.

confession a Catholic sacrament, in which a person formally declares his or her sins to a priest.

cow working her cud «Cud» is partly digested food that cows bring back into their mouths after it passes through the stomach; they chew their cud to better digest their food, and the chewing motion tends to be an exaggerated version of how humans chew their food.

Diner a local eatery and hangout popular in the 1950s and ’60s.

Et tu, Eric a play on the famous line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, «Et tu, Brutus?» in which Caesar responds in disbelief to the idea that his friend had just betrayed him.

Fornicator a person who engages in premarital sex.

Hoos in Hooville characters in Dr Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas; the characters all have rather long, slouchy bodies and round tummies.

hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel by this name featured a large, hunchbacked, misshapen man who rings the bell in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

hushpuppies small, round cornmeal breads that are deep fried and very popular in the South.

Ivy Leagues a group of eight prestigious universities clustered in the Northeast: Brown; Columbia; Cornell; Dartmouth; Harvard; Princeton; the University of Pennsylvania; and Yale. This group is generally referred to as the Ivy League (singular), not Ivy Leagues (plural).

Job an Old Testament man who was severely tested by God.

Lindbergh baby the baby of aviator Charles Lindbergh and his wife, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, who was kidnapped and murdered in 1932; the abduction was the biggest news story of the year.

Mount Sermon a fictional college that would likely be small, Baptist, and Biblically based.

National Historic Register a listing of historic sites deemed worthy of preservation by the National Park Service.

nor’easter a heavy storm that blows in from the northeast.

Paul Bunyan’s bowling ball Outside the Paul Bunyan Bowl in Baxter, Minnesota, stands a giant statue of Paul Bunyan and his ox, Babe. In the statue, Bunyan holds an oversized bowling ball.

penance atonement for having sinned, usually by performing a religious act (such as reciting certain prayers) or by doing a good deed.

RC Cola a soft drink developed in 1905 that become popular in the 1950s; it is still available today as an alternative to Coke and Pepsi.

sinewy lean and strong.

theory of relativity Albert Einstein’s famous theory about gravity that revealed the formula E = mc2.

the willies a deeply uncomfortable feeling that may result in a physical shudder.

  • “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”
  • “Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”
  • “I held her close to me with my eyes closed, wondering if anything in my life had ever been this perfect and knowing at the same time that it hadn’t. I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be.”
  • Finally getting control of myself I kissed her again, then brought my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. even now she was perfect. My throat began to tighten again, but as I said, I knew what I had to do. Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted to do was give her something that she’d wanted. It was what my heart had been telling me to do all along. Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I’d been searching for, the answer my heart needed to find. She’d told me outside Mr. Jenkins office, the night we’d asked him about doing the play. I smiled softly, and she returned my affection with a slight squeeze of my hand, as if trusting me in what I was about to do. Encouraged, I leaned closer and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, these were the words that flowed with my breath. ‘Will you marry me?”
  • “It wasn’t that long, and it certainly wasn’t the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever.”
  • “First you will smile, and then you will cry — don’t say you haven’t been warned.”
  • “Landon: im sorry she never got her miracle.
    Hegbert: she did get her miracle, landon.
    her miracle was you.”
  • “The problem isn’t finding out where you are gonna go-its figuring out what you are gonna do once you get there that is! (Jamie Sullivan)”
  • “A sad smile crossed her face, and I knew right then what she was trying to tell me. Her eyes never left mine as she finally said the words that numbed my soul.
    I’m dying, Landon.”
  • “Jamie: You know what I figured out today?
    Landon: What?
    Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I’m sick. To help me through all this. You’re my angel.”
  • “It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember.”
  • “Landon: I might kiss you.
    Jamie: I might be bad at it.
    Landon: That’s not possible.”
  • “There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.”
  • “Jamie: Please don’t pretend like you know me, ok?
    Landon: But I do, I do. We’ve had all the same classes in the same school since kindergarten. Why you’re Jamie Sullivan. You sit at lunch table 7. Which isn’t exactly the reject table, but is definitely in self exile territory. You have exactly one sweater. You like to look at your feet when you walk. Oh, oh, and yeah, for fun, you like to tutor on weekends and hang out with the cool kids from «Stars and Planets.» Now how does that sound?
    Jamie: Thoroughly predictable, nothing I haven’t heard before.
    Landon: You don’t care what people think about you?
    Jamie: No.”
  • “Aren’t you frightened?»
    Somehow I expected her to say no, to say something wise like a grownup would, or to explain that we can’t presume to understand the Lord’s plan.
    She looked away. «Yes,» she finally said, «I’m frightened all the time.»
    «Then why don’t you act like it?»
    «I do. I just do it in private.»
    «Because you don’t trust me?»
    «No,» she said, «because I know you’re frightened, too.”
  • “I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the earnestness of others.”
  • “I hadn’t done any of the things that I normally did with girls, yet somehow I’d fallen in love.”
  • “A surprise trigonometry quiz that everyone in class fails? Must be in the Lord’s plan to give us challenges.”
  • “When I was seventeen, my life changed forever . . . ”
  • “Landon: [voiceover] Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.”
  • “Life, I’ve learned, is never fair. If people teach anything in school, that should be it.”

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To send friends to «scout the terrain»

Отправить друзей на разведку (узнать, пойдёт ли девушка на свидание)

To be well-off

Быть состоятельным, обеспеченым

Urban sprawl

стихийный рост городов за счет сельской местности

By my reckoning

По моему подсчёту

A look of confusion crossed one’s face

На лице появилось выражение растерянности

An escape hatch

удобная возможность увильнуть от выполнения обещания; удобный предлог

Foster parents

Приёмные родители

Strut (walk) around with a swagger

Ходить с важным, напыщенным или самодовольным видом, важный вид

To decipher the theory of relativity

Разгадывать теорию относительности

Goof around

Болтаться без дела, лодырничать

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A Walk to Remember
A Walk to Remember

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average rating, 15,604 reviews

A Walk to Remember Quotes

Showing 1-30 of 124

“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“I held her close to me with my eyes closed, wonering if anything in my life had ever been this perfect and knowing at the same time that it hadn’t. I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Do you love me?’ I asked her. She smiled. ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you want me to be happy?’ as I asked her this I felt my heart beginning to race. ‘Of course I do.’ ‘Will you do something for me then?’ She looked away, sadness crossing her features. ‘I don’t know if I can anymore.’ she said. ‘but if you could, would you?’ I cannot adequately describe the intensity of what I was feeling at that moment. Love, anger, sadness, hope, and fear, whirling together sharpened by the nervousness I was feeling. Jamie looked at me curiously and my breaths became shallower. Suddenly I knew that I’d never felt as strongly for another person as I did at that moment. As I returned her gaze, this simple realization made me wish for the millionth time that I could make all this go away. Had it been possible, I would have traded my life for hers. I wanted to tell her my thoughts, but the sound of her voice suddenly silenced the emotions inside me. ‘yes’ she finally said, her voice weak yet somehow still full of promise. ‘I would.’ Finally getting control of myself I kissed her again, then brought my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. even now she was perfect. My throat began to tighten again, but as I said, I knew what I had to do. Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted to do was give her something that she’d wanted. It was what my heart had been telling me to do all along. Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I’d been searching for, the answer my heart needed to find. She’d told me outside Mr. Jenkins office, the night we’d asked him about doing the play. I smiled softly, and she returned my affection with a slight squeeze of my hand, as if trusting me in what I was about to do. Encouraged, I leaned closer and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, these were the words that flowed with my breath. ‘Will you marry me?”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“I dont think that we’re meant to understand it all the time. I think that sometimes we just have to have faith.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“It wasn’t that long, and it certainly wasn’t the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Knowing there’s one thing I still haven’t told you: I now believe, by the way, that miracles can happen. ”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“First you will smile, and then you will cry — don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“i’m sorry she never got her miracle.
she did get her miracle, Landon, her miracle was you.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“You have to promise you won’t fall in love with me.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Do you ever wonder why things have to turn out the way they do?”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“I may be irresponsible but I am a good irresponsible.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“The problem isn’t finding out where you are gonna go-its figuring out what you are gonna do once you get there that is! (Jamie Sullivan)”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Jamie: You know what I figured out today?
Landon: What?
Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I’m sick. To help me through all this. You’re my angel.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“I know the Lord has a plan for us all, but sometimes, I just don’t understand what the message can be.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“What’s your heart telling you to do?
I don’t know.’
Maybe, you’re trying too hard to hear it.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“A sad smile crossed her face, and I knew right then what she was trying to tell me. Her eyes never left mine as she finally said the words that numbed my soul.
I’m dying, Landon.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“You feel fine, and then, when your body can’t keep fighting, you don’t.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“It all made perfect sense, and at the same time, nothing seemed to make sense at all.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“I might kiss you.
I might be bad at it.
That’s not possible.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“You’re a wonderful person, Jamie. You’re beautiful, you’re kind, you’re gentle…you’re everything that I’d like to be. If people don’t like you, or they think you’re strange, then that’s their problem.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Dean: If there is a greater power, why is it he can’t get you a new sweater?
Jamie: Because, he’s too busy looking for your brain.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Gossip is one thing, hurtful gossip is completely another, and even in high school we weren’t THAT mean.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“She was, in other words, the kind of girl who made the rest of us look bad, and whenever she glanced my way, I couldn’t help but feel guilty, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Jamie: You’re acting like a crazy person, what’s going on?
Landon: Right now, you’re straddling the state line.
Jamie: OK…
Landon: You’re in two places at once.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Jamie: Please don’t pretend like you know me, ok?
Landon: But I do, I do. We’ve had all the same classes in the same school since kindergarten. Why you’re Jamie Sullivan. You sit at lunch table 7. Which isn’t exactly the reject table, but is definitely in self exile territory. You have exactly one sweater. You like to look at your feet when you walk. Oh, oh, and yeah, for fun, you like to tutor on weekends and hang out with the cool kids from «Stars and Planets.» Now how does that sound?
Jamie: Thoroughly predictable, nothing I haven’t heard before.
Landon: You don’t care what people think about you?
Jamie: No.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Aren’t you frightened?»
Somehow I expected her to say no, to say something wise like a grownup would, or to explain that we can’t presume to understand the Lord’s plan.
She looked away. «Yes,» she finally said, «I’m frightened all the time.»
«Then why don’t you act like it?»
«I do. I just do it in private.»
«Because you don’t trust me?»
«No,» she said, «because I know you’re frightened, too.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

“Eventually I came across another passage. This is what it said:
I am not commanding you, but I want to treat the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the earnestness of others.

The words made me choke up again, and just as I was about to cry, the meaning of it suddenly became clear.
God had finally answered me, and I suddenly knew what I had to do.”

Nicholas Sparks,

A Walk to Remember

Nicholas Sparks ·


(568.7K votes)

“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Without suffering, there’d be no compassion.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“I held her close to me with my eyes closed, wonering if anything in my life had ever been this perfect and knowing at the same time that it hadn’t. I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Do you love me?’ I asked her. She smiled. ‘Yes.’ ‘Do you want me to be happy?’ as I asked her this I felt my heart beginning to race. ‘Of course I do.’ ‘Will you do something for me then?’ She looked away, sadness crossing her features. ‘I don’t know if I can anymore.’ she said. ‘but if you could, would you?’ I cannot adequately describe the intensity of what I was feeling at that moment. Love, anger, sadness, hope, and fear, whirling together sharpened by the nervousness I was feeling. Jamie looked at me curiously and my breaths became shallower. Suddenly I knew that I’d never felt as strongly for another person as I did at that moment. As I returned her gaze, this simple realization made me wish for the millionth time that I could make all this go away. Had it been possible, I would have traded my life for hers. I wanted to tell her my thoughts, but the sound of her voice suddenly silenced the emotions inside me. ‘yes’ she finally said, her voice weak yet somehow still full of promise. ‘I would.’ Finally getting control of myself I kissed her again, then brought my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. even now she was perfect. My throat began to tighten again, but as I said, I knew what I had to do. Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted to do was give her something that she’d wanted. It was what my heart had been telling me to do all along. Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I’d been searching for, the answer my heart needed to find. She’d told me outside Mr. Jenkins office, the night we’d asked him about doing the play. I smiled softly, and she returned my affection with a slight squeeze of my hand, as if trusting me in what I was about to do. Encouraged, I leaned closer and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, these were the words that flowed with my breath. ‘Will you marry me?”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“I dont think that we’re meant to understand it all the time. I think that sometimes we just have to have faith.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“It wasn’t that long, and it certainly wasn’t the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was wonderful in its own way, and all I can remember about the moment is that when our lips touched, I knew the memory would last forever.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Knowing there’s one thing I still haven’t told you: I now believe, by the way, that miracles can happen. ”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“First you will smile, and then you will cry — don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“i’m sorry she never got her miracle.
she did get her miracle, Landon, her miracle was you.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“You have to promise you won’t fall in love with me.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Do you ever wonder why things have to turn out the way they do?”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“I may be irresponsible but I am a good irresponsible.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“The problem isn’t finding out where you are gonna go-its figuring out what you are gonna do once you get there that is! (Jamie Sullivan)”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone ever had to make. In every way, a walk to remember.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“I know the Lord has a plan for us all, but sometimes, I just don’t understand what the message can be.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“What’s your heart telling you to do?
I don’t know.’
Maybe, you’re trying too hard to hear it.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“A sad smile crossed her face, and I knew right then what she was trying to tell me. Her eyes never left mine as she finally said the words that numbed my soul.
I’m dying, Landon.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“It all made perfect sense, and at the same time, nothing seemed to make sense at all.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“I might kiss you.
I might be bad at it.
That’s not possible.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“You feel fine, and then, when your body can’t keep fighting, you don’t.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Gossip is one thing, hurtful gossip is completely another, and even in high school we weren’t THAT mean.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Dean: If there is a greater power, why is it he can’t get you a new sweater?
Jamie: Because, he’s too busy looking for your brain.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“You’re a wonderful person, Jamie. You’re beautiful, you’re kind, you’re gentle…you’re everything that I’d like to be. If people don’t like you, or they think you’re strange, then that’s their problem.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“She was, in other words, the kind of girl who made the rest of us look bad, and whenever she glanced my way, I couldn’t help but feel guilty, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Jamie: You’re acting like a crazy person, what’s going on?
Landon: Right now, you’re straddling the state line.
Jamie: OK…
Landon: You’re in two places at once.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Jamie: Please don’t pretend like you know me, ok?
Landon: But I do, I do. We’ve had all the same classes in the same school since kindergarten. Why you’re Jamie Sullivan. You sit at lunch table 7. Which isn’t exactly the reject table, but is definitely in self exile territory. You have exactly one sweater. You like to look at your feet when you walk. Oh, oh, and yeah, for fun, you like to tutor on weekends and hang out with the cool kids from «Stars and Planets.» Now how does that sound?
Jamie: Thoroughly predictable, nothing I haven’t heard before.
Landon: You don’t care what people think about you?
Jamie: No.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Eventually I came across another passage. This is what it said:
I am not commanding you, but I want to treat the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the earnestness of others.

The words made me choke up again, and just as I was about to cry, the meaning of it suddenly became clear.
God had finally answered me, and I suddenly knew what I had to do.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

“Aren’t you frightened?»
Somehow I expected her to say no, to say something wise like a grownup would, or to explain that we can’t presume to understand the Lord’s plan.
She looked away. «Yes,» she finally said, «I’m frightened all the time.»
«Then why don’t you act like it?»
«I do. I just do it in private.»
«Because you don’t trust me?»
«No,» she said, «because I know you’re frightened, too.”

― Nicholas Sparks, quote from A Walk to Remember

About the author

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Feel the Surge of Love With These «A Walk to Remember» Quotes

Vince Bucci — Stringer/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Updated on March 17, 2017

If you are a fan of the author Nicholas Sparks, you will love the movie A Walk to Remember. Based on Sparks’s novel by the same name, the movie is a romantic saga of love, sacrifice, and happiness. You will be touched by Mandy Moore’s brilliant portrayal of Jamie. Shane West also grabs eyeballs for his passionate performance.

Fall in love with these A Walk to Remember quotes.

  • Landon: Our love is like the wind… I can’t see it, but I sure can feel it.
  • Landon: I’m sorry she never got her miracle.
    Reverend Sullivan: She did. It was you.
  • Landon: [voiceover] Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.
  • Ms. Garber: Mr. Carter, are you trying to be bad at this?
    Landon: Nah, it just comes naturally.
  • Jamie: The problem isn’t finding out where you are gonna go-its figuring out what you are gonna do once you get there that is!
  • Jamie: You know what I figured out today?
    Landon: What?
    Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I’m sick. To help me through all this. You’re my angel.
  • Landon: [Reading from Jamie’s mother book] «Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful».
  • Landon: Jamie has faith in me. She makes me want to be different, better.


20 of the best book quotes from A Walk to Remember

“You have to promise that you won’t fall in love with me.”

“There’s one thing I still haven’t told you: I now believe, by the way, that miracles can happen.”

“When I was seventeen, my life changed forever.”

“Do you ever wonder why things have to turn out the way they do?”

“In front of God and everyone else, I’d promised my love and devotion. In sickness and in health, and I’d never felt so good about anything. It was, I remember, the most wonderful moment of my life.”

“With Jamie, everything was in the Lord’s plan . . . She always mentioned the Lord’s plan whenever you talked to her, no matter what the subject. The baseball game’s rained out? Must be the Lord’s plan to prevent something worse from happening. A surprise trigonometry quiz that everyone in class fails? Must be in the Lord’s plan to give us challenges.”

“I held her close to me with my eyes closed, wondering if anything in my life had ever been this perfect and knowing at the same time that it hadn’t. I was in love, and the feeling was even more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be.”

“First you will smile, and then you will cry—don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

“‘I want to get married,” she said quietly. ‘And when I do, I want my father to walk me down the aisle and I want everyone I know to be there. I want the church bursting with people.’”

“Though I was probably the richest kid in school, I was by no means the most popular.”

“My breathing suddenly went still. I looked at Jamie, then up to the ceiling and around the room, doing my best to keep my composure, then back to Jamie again. She smiled at me and I smiled at her and all I could do was wonder how I’d ever fallen in love with a girl like Jamie Sullivan.”

“In my mind, it was the first time that God had ever spoken directly to me, and I knew with certainty that I wasn’t going to disobey.”

“Without suffering, there’d be no compassion.”

“Jamie helped everyone—she was one of those equal opportunity saints.”

“Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.”

“I began to pray for a miracle.”

“The next day I spent fourteen hours memorizing my lines, cursing my friends, and wondering how my life had spun so out of control.”

“Life, I’ve learned, is never fair. If people teach anything in school, that should be it.”

“It was, I remembered thinking, the most difficult walk anyone had to make.

In every way, a walk to remember.”

Recommended quote pages

  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Gandalf
  • The Cat In The Hat
  • Dumbledore
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
  • The Great Gatsby
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Mere Christianity
  • Becoming
  • The Hunger Games
  • Where the Crawdads Sing
  • The Handmaid’s Tale
  • The Jungle Book
  • love
  • falling in love
  • Landon Carter
  • Jamie Sullivan
  • faith
  • miracles
  • beliefs
  • change
  • life
  • questions
  • memories
  • marriage
  • promises
  • purpose
  • the will of god
  • god’s plan
  • feelings
  • emotions
  • stories
  • love stories
  • goals
  • plans
  • popularity
  • wealth
  • surprise
  • unexpected events
  • decisions
  • direction from God
  • empathy
  • suffering
  • compassion
  • kindness
  • helping others
  • praying
  • death
  • cancer
  • illness
  • dying
  • leukemia
  • chaos
  • theater
  • fairness
  • teaching
  • unfairness
  • experiences
  • remember
  • remembering loved ones
  • life experience
  • difficult experiences

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— Is he here yet?

— No.

— You scared him.

— I gotta take a massive piss.

Dude, any excuse for you

to pull that thing out.

Anyone got any beer?

We finished them all back at school.

Besides, you’ve had enough.

I’ve got one. It’s not cold,

but it’s yours if you want it.

All you gotta do is sit up, beg,

roll over and shake that booty.

— Thanks a lot, Eric.

— Anytime, anywhere.

— This is gonna be sweet.

— I’m glad I thought of it.

You’re animals.

Just because he’s new.

You’ve talked sh*t the whole time.

Why don’t you be quiet?

You know how it is.

Nobody’s forcing him to show up.

What if he doesn’t?

I want to go back to the dance.

Belinda, why don’t you go back

to the dance by yourself?

I wasn’t talking to you, Dean.

You know I don’t dance.

It’s true. I’ve seen him bust a move.

It ain’t pretty.

But a brother like me is ready

to get his freak on. What you say?

Put it away before you hurt somebody.

Like yourself.

He’s here!

All right, here he comes.

Hey, check out the Safari Joe truck.

I can’t wait to see you fly!

Hey, nice shirt, Opie.

You’re late.

I thought I said be here at 10,

but you know…

When I say be here at 10, be here.

Can you remember that next time?

If there is a next time!

Dean! Is he always like that?

Always, man. So how about it?

You ready to fly?

Wait up, baby!

Let me get on your back.

Giddyap! Giddyap!

Okay, here’s the deal.

You’re gonna jump

from up there into here.

That’s it, and you’re one of us. Okay?

— You ready?

— Yeah.

All right. All right.

Let’s do this, okay?

It’s cake, man.

Hell, I’m jumping with you.

— How deep is this?

— I don’t really know.

Let’s go find out.

Let’s do it.

Yeah! Sh*t, yeah!

Come on, let’s go!


— You done this?

— We’ve all done it.

— I hope you had your Wheaties!

— You guys gonna do this tonight?

On three.




Oh, sh*t.

Landon, he’s hurt!

— Is he okay?

— Landon, get down here!

— What the hell?

— Dean, what the hell?

— You guys, he’s hurt!

— Come on, man!

— I told you it was a bad idea!

— Get him out of the water!

— Hurry up!

— Is he dead? What are we gonna do?

Help me!

— Get him over here!

— There’s a pipe. He must have hit it!

Get him out of the water!

Watch his head! Watch his head!

Hey, who’s down there?

Tracie, come on!

Central, we’ve got trespassers.

Send a squad car.

Come on, Landon.

Come on!

You guys, just take him!

Give me his arms!

I got him.

We gotta get out of here.

— Go! Get out of here!

— Landon, come on!

I told you not to do this!

Calm down.

Belinda, let’s go!

Come on, get in! I’m driving.

Damn it!


Put your hands on the wheel.

You know, Mama,

my leg really hurts today.

I don’t think I can go anyplace.

— Maybe I should call your father.

— No.

I’m not talking to him.

This has gotta stop between you two.

You can’t do that. You need a father.

Let us be thankful today

that a life was saved by our Lord.

And let us pray for the lives

of the others involved…

…who are clearly not

on the path of righteousness.

— So how’s the leg, man?

— It’s good.

I can’t believe you were in jail.

— What’d you tell them?

— It was a nice night for a drive.

Ended up at the cement factory,

found Gephardt.

Tried to help him, got spooked.

Figured I’d leave before

they thought I was involved.

Gotta hand it to you.

You’re a Jedi Master of bullshit.

Damn, that Jamie Sullivan

sure has style.

Wore that dress in the fourth grade.

It’s the quiet ones you gotta watch.

She might put it on a brother

like a Pop-Tart.

A little maintenance,

she might not look bad.

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