Word of the week record

Dec 24, 2019

Let The Yule Times Roll — WOTW #50

This week’s word is YULE — how related to Christmas is it? What’s it got to do with winter? Where does it come from? Why am I singing about it? Happy Merry everyone!

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Dec 9, 2019

In The Dark, In The Light — WOTW #48

This week’s word is SOLACE — because finding comfort in times of sadness is human and necessary. We welcome back our guest, who chats more in depth about her role as a nurse. Also, Liz makes a big announcement! NOTE: Some audio has been cut due to technical difficulties. Sorry!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Oct 14, 2019

Tell Me: Who Do You Love? — WOTW #40

This week’s word is FEALTY — a historical noun that maybe we could use to our modern advantage. Also, an incredibly special guest chats with Liz about growing up a bibliophile, “tugging the forelock” (listen and find out what it means!), and how she spends her time as a retiree. **NOTE: the Magna Carta was written in 1215. sorry!**

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Sep 30, 2019

Shine Bright Like A Diamond — WOTW #38

This week’s word is ADAMANT — a word of strength and power! Something we could all use a bit more of, don’t you think? Also, Laurie Ann shares her book recommendations, reveals her preferred job title, and tells more about her newest business venture: Side Hustle Show & Tell!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Sep 15, 2019

Channel Your Inner Chatty Cathy — WOTW #36

This week’s word is GARRULOUS — an even balance to last week’s deep feels! Also, friend Sam talks with Liz about being a Brit in America, the beauty of a serif font, and how words lose their relevance over time.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Sep 8, 2019

Dream a Little Dream — WOTW #35

This week’s word is ISTIQÂRA — a beautiful Arabic word that is very new to me, but based in a very familiar concept! Learn what this week’s powerful full moon has in store for us, move through your emotions with grace, and utilize your dreams to your advantage.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Aug 26, 2019

Whole Lotta Kindness Going On — WOTW #33

This week’s word is HALE — something I wanna be when I grow up! A brief Liz update, followed by how easy it is to be kinder every day. Also, Stephanie drops by again to chat about her knife skills, Thanksgiving dinner, and why kale is something people talk about now.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Aug 18, 2019

Clear the Decks, Light the Lights — WOTW #32

This week’s word is OPEROSE — a steady and industrious approach to this week! Also, Mo joins us to chat about creative disruption in a corporate environment, inherently biased words, and being a long-term PNWer.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Aug 11, 2019

Come Together, Right Now, Over Me — WOTW #31

This week’s word is UNCONVENTIONAL — a word you use often, maybe… hopefully? But we dive deeper into how being and living unconventionally is radical and necessary in today’s world. Just ask the WDS attendees I interviewed! www.worlddominationsummit.com

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jul 28, 2019

I Have A Vision Of Love — WOTW #29

This week’s word is AISLING — a Gaelic word, a Gaelic poetry genre. We dive a bit deeper into Irish poetry! This week’s new moon in Leo is all about affirming and envisioning what your heart truly desires. A new partner? A new career path? Make it come true by creating a vision board!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jul 21, 2019

Value Is In The Eye Of The Miller — WOTW #28

This week’s word is a PHRASE! ….drumroll… GRIST FOR THE MILL — all about finding value in every last bit of our human experience. Also, Mary-Jayne talks with Liz about assimilating into work culture and being a former English major. Plus! MJ gives a mini-masterclass in how to be impeccable with your word!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jul 14, 2019

I Am Iron, Man? — WOTW #27

This week’s word is METTLE — stuff you’re made of and gets tested! Must mean you’re human… Also, Stephanie gets Literary AF with Liz about working with dogs, growing up a reader, and starting her own blog: WabiSAB Stories. Bonus cameo by Addy the dog!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jul 7, 2019

Like a Rolling Stone — WOTW #26

This week’s word is VAGARIOUS — cousin to vagabond, vagrant, and vagus nerve… when life seems to be wandering and slightly out of your control, maybe take a breath and find your own version of “balance”. Also, fellow WDSer (www.worlddominationsummit.com) Iggy chats with Liz about Midwestern passive-aggression and how a single word can bond a group.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jun 23, 2019

Unchain Your Heart, Your Mind, Your P*ssy — WOTW #24

This week’s word is UNFETTERED — be unburdened, release yourself from restraint! Our guest Lucia Pavone chats with Liz about sexual emancipation, unlearning shame, and why a NO is really a YES. Lucia knows what she’s talking about — she’s experienced over 6000 hours of full-body orgasms!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jun 16, 2019

These Hips Don’t Lie — WOTW #23

This week’s word is COSSET — if you could pamper or indulge someone you adore, wouldn’t you? Isn’t love meant to be shared and shown? Where is the line between care and spoiling? Dear friend and fellow world traveler Amanda chats with Liz about her definition of COSSET, her experience growing up with dyslexia, and how learning a foreign language creates empathy. Plus, find out how you can easily and joyfully celebrate this week’s full moon in Sagittarius.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jun 9, 2019

What’s the Moral of Your Story? — WOTW #22

This week’s word is PROBITY — a little moral guidance, anyone? What are morals anyway? Lucky we’ve got Alexandra, who untangles the right and wrong of it all with me! Hold on to your seats, there’s some explicit language and a whole lotta philosophizing. Small cameo made by Thor and Star Lord, also.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jun 2, 2019

Native, American — WOTW #21

This week’s word is ANIANI — Hawaiian for mirror, or glass. Perfect for this week’s New Moon in Gemini, which is all about reflection and communication. We go into a brief history of how Hawaii became part of the USA, and how the Hawaiian language lives on. Also, Angela returns for a chat about her personal connection to indigenous cultures and why they’re vital.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

May 19, 2019

Give a Little Bit of Your Heart — WOTW #20

This week’s word is CARITAS — let love shine on the week ahead! No matter how you feel about where this word comes from, its essence is still important. Also, Carlee and I stumble through a convo about religion, de-stigmatizing STIs, and what charity means in a modern world.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

May 12, 2019

A Sharp Sting for the Full Moon — WOTW #19

This week’s word is ACERBIC — a full moon in Scorpio deserves a sharp tongue! Listen in for tips on having your own Full Moon Ritual. Also, Lauren Goché fangirls over Michelle Obama, talks about how she became a realtor, and discusses sexist perspectives on definitions and dictionaries. Warning: contains some explicit language!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

May 5, 2019

The Fragrances Of Your Life — WOTW #18

This week’s word is REDOLENT — what fragrance or smell reminds you of your childhood? Let’s celebrate those memories! Also, Leah comes back to chat with Liz about her strongest memories of her mother. Grab a tissue, it’s a touching conversation!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Apr 28, 2019

Tell Your Truth — WOTW #17

This week’s word is AVER — what can you affirm and attest to? What new stake will you claim for yourself? Also, a special secret guest makes a brief but vital announcement! Plus, a window into how each week’s word gets chosen.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Apr 21, 2019

Swipe Left to Spring Clean — WOTW #16

This week’s word is WINNOW — What can you purge and release from your life? What’s no longer needed? #springclean Also, Robin from wanderingaunt.com chats with Liz about how businesses clean house, transforming her daily-used words to feel more empowered (don’t SHOULD on yourself!), and the difference between your head and your heart.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Apr 14, 2019

A Hop, Skip, Leap Kinda Week — WOTW #15

This week’s word is GAMBOL — let’s have one (or two), shall we? What are you celebrating this week? Also, Emily the event genius shares her thoughts on the word, what her next big event will be (you’re gonna wanna come!), and how language reveals more than you think.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Apr 7, 2019

Are You For Real? — WOTW #14

This week’s word is UNFEIGNED — a past participle of the word FEIGN. This week is about integrity and walking your talk authentically. This is also a word with a varied evolution! #wordnerdfun Jen McFarland stops by and chats with Liz about living with an open heart, being genuine, and why this week’s word should be a perfume.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Mar 31, 2019

Wound, Heal Thyself — WOTW #13

This week’s word is FOMENT — let’s release whatever anger and intense emotion you have in a healthy way! Also, Starr from Radical Revelations discusses with Liz the power of bacon, how to be a loving disrupter, and why words are our magic. NOTE: It was a long chat, editing occurred, snafus also occurred, hence the awkward transition mid-chat. Welcome to podcasting…

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Mar 24, 2019

Be Bold, Be You — WOTW #12

This week’s word is TEMERITY — all about being bold and brazen. This word has so many scrumptious synonyms! Can you bring some bite to your week? Also, Kat nerds out with Liz about reading, being a badass, and how libraries can help raise children. Shout out to all the local community libraries out there! You are doing great work in the world — thank you!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Mar 17, 2019

Rush In, Fool! — WOTW #11

This week’s word is BESOTTED — can you feel infatuated with your life this week? What in your life can you fall back in love with? Also, Jen B drops by to chat about Thumper from Bambi, high school hijinks, and being an English-to-English translator!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Mar 10, 2019

Be Engaged In The Work — WOTW #10

This week’s word is ASSIDUOUS — because with great care comes great perseverance! This week is all about taking clever action. Also, a big thank you to all you listeners. Seriously, thank you! Plus, Anne from creativelyrich.com shares her radically different perspective to this week’s word, along with sage money advice!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Mar 3, 2019

Get To The Heart Of It — WOTW #9

This week’s word is PITH — short, but not sweet! Set some boundaries this week, put your foot down, and be mighty! Also, Haley visits with Liz and shares her pearls of wisdom on motherhood, choosing words carefully, and peeling back language like an onion.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Feb 24, 2019

Feeling Small? I Doubt It! — WOTW #8

This week’s word is INDUBITABLE — for when you feel uncertain, or need a bit of a boost! You know who you are, deep down you already know. That’s what this week needs — your certainty! Also, Bev gives masterful tips on neuro-linguistic programming and intuition with Liz, shares her love of books, and brings her own brand of wonder and positivity to this week’s word.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Feb 17, 2019

Spreading Your Seeds — WOTW #7

This week’s word is PROLIFIC — creatively speaking, here’s to a week full of new babies to nurture! Brainstorm sesh, anyone? Also, Angela giggles her way through a chat with Liz about journaling and spirituality.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Feb 10, 2019

What’s Your Smallest Wish? — WOTW #6

This week’s word is VELLEITY — bring a little imagination to this week ahead, especially with loved ones! Also, Leah chats with Liz about growing up with language experts, and license plate Scrabble.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Feb 3, 2019

I Can See Clearly Now — WOTW #5

This week’s word is ASTUTE — let’s try to observe first, then act during this week’s activities. Also, Leslie gets some herbal help before talking to Liz about whether manipulation can be a positive thing, holiday birthdays, and how she’s a better actress than she realizes.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jan 27, 2019

Reach Your Boiling Point — WOTW #4

This week’s word is EBULLIENT — let some joy, cheer, and laughter into your week! Also, Carlee stops by to talk to Liz about energy management and how language can improve your daily routine.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jan 20, 2019

Sharing Your Bounty — WOTW #3

This week’s word is LARGESSE — a fitting word for this week’s lunar eclipse, as well as the US holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What goods have you harvested in your life? Who can you share with? Also, Charlene from HipShakeFitness chats with Liz about what generosity means to her and how real kindness can leave an impact.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jan 13, 2019

What Makes You Feel Alive? — WOTW #2

This week’s word is DYNAMISM — let’s activate how we move through life this week! A little vim and vigor anyone? Also, Sonja gets philosophical with Liz and ruminates on how we can more authentically communicate in the world. Star Wars fans, you might really love this word!

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jan 6, 2019

New Year, New Moon — WOTW #1

Welcome to Word of the Week! This week’s word is SANGUINE — ideal for bringing joy and glee to the week ahead. Especially as a new moon occurs, can you bring SANGUINE to your new project or tasks? Also, Jen and Liz chat about the difference between being well-read and well-spoken, making up words, and staying positive in the face of negativity.

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Jan 2, 2019

Word of the Week — Trailer

Welcome to Word of the Week! Each week, you’ll hear about a new word that will hopefully provide some meaning and focus for your week ahead. Hear from your host, Liz Zirk, where her love of words comes from and why she created this podcast. This podcast lives at the intersection of linguistics and positive thought. Because words matter — and so do you! Find out more at wotwpodcast.com

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/liz-zirk/support

Word of the week: ronroco

Word of the week: An Andean 10-string (5 doubles) form of mandolin, baritone or bass charango, this beautiful instrument was invented in the 1980s by Gonzalo Hermosa González, of the group Los Kjarkas from Cochabamba, Bolivia and has been used in many acclaimed film scores

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Word of the week: sistrum

Word of the week: A percussion instrument dating back to Ancient Egypt with different varieties, mostly of U-shaped brass or bronze frame, with crossbars and moving metal hoops that when shaken make a soft clank or loud jangling

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Word of the week: terpodion

Word of the week: The terpodion, also known as uranion, is an extremely rare 19th-century keyboard instrument that, when keys are pressed, creates sound via friction against a rotating coated wooden cylinder

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Word of the week: ululation

Word of the week: The noun of the verb ululate, meaning to to deliver a high-pitched cry, or howl, very much like that of a wolf in the forest, though it can also be applied to the human voice

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Word of the week: vicuna

Word of the week: Also spelled vicuña (Lama vicugna) this, is one of the two species of wild South American camelids living in high alpine areas of the Andes, a relative of the llama and the wild ancestor of the alpaca

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Word of the week: wheeple

Word of the week: A Scottish dialect term dating back to at least the 19th century, meaning to utter a shrill, prolonged whistle or cry, often used to describe the high-pitched call of the curlew or plover

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Word of the week: xaque-xaque

Word of the week: Sometimes also xique-xique, a wonderfully evocative, onomatopoeic term for any kind of Brazilian rattle instrument, but when used in English referring more specifically to the maracas rattle

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Word of the week: yaraví

Word of the week: A broad term for a traditional, slow love song from Peru and other Andean and south American regions, often nostalgic and melancholy, stretching back to Inca culture, and sometimes also honouring the dead

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Word of the week: zouk

Word of the week: In need of some virtual sunshine? Zouk is a dance music movement hailing from the French Caribbean in the early 80s, spearheaded by the pioneering band Kassav’, their zouk béton of Martinique and Guadeloupe originally featuring percussive, fast tempo with loud horn section and later synth keyboards

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Word of the week: angklung

Word of the week: This evocative word describes a rattling but tuneful musical instrument of the Sudanese people of Indonesia, made of bamboo tubes in a wooden frame, tuned to octaves like handbells, and shaken by hand to create a repeating, trembling notes

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Word of the week: byzaanchy

Word of the week: A distinctive sounding four-stringed vertical spike fiddle used in the traditional music of Tuva, similar to the Chinese sihu, but with a wooden soundbox, sometimes cylindrical or cubical, often with a with a carved head

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Word of the week: cümbüş

Word of the week: A 20th-century hybrid of oud and banjo, this Turkish instrument, meaning fun or revelry, has a wooden bowl for resonance, giving it rounder, less tinny sound, comes in fretless and fretted forms, and was created by Zeynel Abidin Cümbüş, who unusually renamed himself after his instrument

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Word of the week: dundun / dunun / doundoun

Word of the week: These evocative, onomatopoeic variants are generic names for a family of West African drums, particularly in the Yoruba culture of Nigeria, Guinea, talking drums that mimic human speech, rope-tuned and cylindrical with a rawhide skin at both ends, and played with a stick

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Word of the week: esterilla

Word of the week: Translated as mat or placemat from Spanish, this traditional percussion instrument hails from Colombia and dates back to the 1960s, and consists of long, narrow pieces of wood or bamboo woven together and played by either bending it or rubbing it against itself

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Word of the week: fujara

Word of the week: A traditional Slovakian shepherd’s flute of unusual length (160-200cm) with distinctive deep mumbling tones, emitted by its lower register and very high overtones, a beautiful, meditative, ghostly sound, emitting melancholic and rhapsodic music, varying in relations to the life and work of the shepherd

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Word of the week: garrahand

Word of the week: A modern instrument with a traditional sound, these handcrafted hand and stick percussion “gdrums” are made in Argentina using recycled materials, have a built-in microphone system which allows connection to amps and experimental effects pedals

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Word of the week: huapanguera

Word of the week: This guitar variant eight-stringed instrument of the Huasteca region of Mexico offers a deeper sound than its more conventional acoustic cousin, often played within a conjunto huasteco ensemble, alongside a five-string jarana huasteca and violin

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Word of the week: ikh khuur

Word of the week: This distinctive looking trapezoid-shaped sound box instrument is the two- or three-stringed Mongolian bowed double bass, complete with a ornately carved horse head neck, and related to the better known fiddle equivalent and Mongolia’s national instrument, the morin huur

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Word of the week: jejy voatavo

Word of the week: With a rich, resonant sound mounted on a calabash gourd, this Madagascan instrument is a stick zither chordophone, traditionally with sisal strings and three frets, extra strings strung lengthwise down the sides of the neck and strummed with the fingers to accompany the primary melody played with a bow

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Word of the week: kamancheh

Word of the week: Most commonly tuned like the violin (G, D, A, E) though with variants, though with its own distinct sound this Persian bowed string instrument used in Persian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, and Kurdish music, has a long neck and a spherical body

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The Scottish minister, David Livingstone was one of the most popular national heroes of 19th century Britain. He was known as an explorer. Scientific investigator. Anti-slavery crusader. And Protestant missionary martyr.

The story is told that Livingstone once received a letter from the London Missionary Society inquiring about his work in Africa. They asked the explorer, “Have you found a good road to where you are? If so, we want to know how to send other men to join you?

Livingstone wrote back, “If you have men who will come only if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.”

Livingstone was looking for others who were committed to his cause, not their personal convenience. He wanted men willing to suffer hardship, not those seeking a life of ease. He desired co-workers who were dedicated, disciplined, and duty-bound. Not folks who simply wanted to make a mission trip without any trouble, trial, or inconveniences.

This year our theme is “Let’s Renew in ‘22. We are both writing and preaching about the need to renew, revive, or reaffirm our relationship to the Lord and our spiritual vigor and vitality. Each week, we will use our Word of the Week column to suggest a fundamental area in which we may require renewal.

While the word “commitment,” is not found in standard Bible translations, the concept is taught from Genesis to Revelation.

Righteous Noah was committed, to obeying God’s instructions for building the ark and serving as a “preacher of righteousness” to a wicked world for 120 years.

Faithful Abraham followed God’s leading as a sojourner in a foreign land believing in His promise, leaving his homeland, and passing the difficult test to even offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice.

Upright Joseph remained honest and honorable even though hated by his brothers, sold into captivity, falsely accused by an unscrupulous woman and forgotten to languish in prison.

Devoted Daniel, although taken into captivity to live in a foreign land would not defile his body, or compromise his convictions. Even when his daily prayer life landed him in the lion’s den.

Both the New Testament and secular history record the early apostles, preachers, and disciples being persecuted for their faith. Peter and John were imprisoned. Stephen was stoned to death. James was beheaded. Paul was beaten, stoned, and imprisoned. Yet, like the others, he said, “I press on toward the prize.”

For those of us today in America, we’ve lived a life of ease. We enjoy conveniences and creature comforts unknown to people in many parts of the world. Discretionary income, freedom of choice, and spare time may breed contentment and self-satisfaction that leads to complacency regarding spiritual matters.

Discipleship, however, demands commitment. It’s more than what we profess, it’s what we practice. It’s more than just wearing the name Christian, it’s being a Christian. It’s more than just attending church weekly, it’s daily dedication, devotion, and discipline. Christ challenges His followers to commitment when he declares, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me (Lk 9:23).

Furthermore, Jesus’ sermon on the Mount speaks to the quality of commitment. Commitment to spiritual values. Commitment to nobler virtues. Commitment to a higher standard of living. Commitment to a deeper sense of service. Commitment to a greater kind of love.

Do you need to renew your commitment to…

…Regular Bible reading?

…Persistent prayer?

…Growing in grace and knowledge?

…Developing the fruit of the spirit?

…Transformation to the character of Christ?

…Feeding your faith instead of fueling your fears?

…Ethical behavior?

…Moral responsibility?

…Spiritual fellowship?

…Fervent worship?

…Unselfish stewardship?

…Biblical values?

…Benevolent ministry?

…Unashamed testimony?

Like David of old, maybe we need to pray, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10).

“Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass” (Ps. 37:5).

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman

So what’s all the hype about Word of the Week? It comes down to the simplicity of the idea and more importantly the huge impact it can make in expanding your students’ vocabulary as well as improving reading and writing.

Vocabulary is a critical factor in the development of reading skills and comprehension. Unfortunately, not every student comes to school with an adequate level of vocabulary knowledge to support reading success. The more words your students know, the easier it will be for them to read and understand what they have read.

As we know, reading and writing skills are closely linked and each helps improve the other. Introducing your students to challenging words through Word of the Week can help to increase your students’ confidence to use sophisticated language in their writing and begin to understand the power of words.

If Word of the Week is something that you would like to try in your classroom, read on to access our Word of the Week teaching resources and information that you need…

Word of the Week PowerPoints – Foundation Year to Year 6

We have created a Word of the Week PowerPoint for each Primary School year level. Each presentation includes teacher notes, 40 slides and activities that introduce new vocabulary. Each slide includes:

  •  a new word
  • the definition of the word
  • an example sentence, showing the word being used in context
  • a question or activity for the students to discuss
  • words that are similar or relate to.

The vocabulary chosen for each year group has been carefully selected by our talented team of Resource Content Producers. There is a steady progression in the difficulty of the words across the year levels and the presentations for lower years include illustrations to support comprehension.

Word of the Week Flip Books

Our new Word of the Week Flip Books are a great addition to our Word of the Day/Week Collection. They are a brilliant alternative if you have limited access to an interactive whiteboard and a great addition to a Word of the Week classroom display. There’s a flip book for each year level.

We recommend giving these flip books justice by printing them in a larger size. You can either bind the flip book or punch holes at the top and use card rings or keyrings to hang your flip book.

Word of the Week for Lower Years

For lower years, Word of the Week should be all about getting your students excited about learning new vocabulary, having fun and exploring new words through play and discussion.
Word of the Week activities for lower years should include:

  • brainstorming other words that have a similar meaning
  • putting the world into real-world context
  • making connections between words and the lives of your students
  • exploring new vocabulary through movement, drama and actions
  • games
  • music.

Movement, Drama and Actions.

Can you imagine the buzz in the classroom when you ask your students to show you what sort of actions a beast would make?

Here are some other examples of how you and your students can explore new vocabulary through movement and drama:

  • Word of the Week: giggle – What does your giggle sound like? How is your giggle different from your friends? Can you giggle like them?
  • Word of the Week: paddle – What action would you use to paddle?
  • Word of the Week: dance – What is your favourite dance move? Where did you learn it?

Remember that Word of the Week is all about loving language and having fun, especially for lower years.

Word of the Week Poster

For upper years, we have created a Word of the Week Poster that includes a variety of tasks to give context and meaning to a new challenging word. It is ideal to use as a whole class vocabulary activity or as part of your English Group Activities.

The teaching resource encourages students to deconstruct the word, identify it’s meaning and to use the word in a written context. This activity works very well as an English Group Activity or a whole class activity. You can easily support less confident students by encouraging them to work with a partner.

Word of The Week Homework Activity

Word of the Week provides a great opportunity for meaningful homework activities. Here are some ideas that you might like to include as part of your homework matrix:

  • Create a Word of the Week poster to illustrate it’s meaning.
  • Find and cut out examples of Word of the Week found in newspapers or magazines.
  • Use word of the week in a conversation with your family and explain what it means to an adult.
  • Write a synonym for Word of the Week.
  • Find Word of the Week in a dictionary. Record the dictionary definition.

Word of the Week Roll a Dice Activity

Rolling dice is a great way to generate six different activities related to your Word of the Week. Use our Dice Roller Widget to take this activity to the next level.

When using the Dice Roller Widget, you could either roll 1 die for the whole class or roll up to five dice to assign different tasks to different groups. Simply roll the dice and ask your students to complete the corresponding activity. For example:

Roll 1 – Write your word in a sentence.
Roll 2 – Draw a picture to express the word.
Roll 3 – Write a newspaper headline that includes the word.
Roll 4 – Write the definition of the word.
Roll 5 – Find the Scrabble score of your word.
Roll 6 – Count the number of vowels and consonants in your word.

For independent fast finisher activity, allow your students to collect a die and work through the tasks, rolling the die until all six tasks have been completed.

Word Tile Total Activity

Your kids will love building your Word of the Week with these Giant Letter Tiles. They are available to download in Giant Uppercase Letter Tiles or Giant Lowercase Letter Tiles.

Word Tile Totals

If you are looking for a more structured task why not try our Word Tile Total Activity? This teaching resource encourages students to think mathematically while developing their spelling skills. It can also be used as one of your English Groups Activities or fast finisher activity to revise and revisit challenging vocabulary from Word of the Week.

Each week, encourage the students to spell out Word of the Week using the word tiles and to calculate the word score for the word. When you have recorded ten words, challenge your students to calculate their overall word tile total!

Word of The Week Revision

Remember that children need to be exposed to new vocabulary multiple times before they understand it. A great way to do this is to use your Word of the Week and revisit it daily by using our Word of the Day Spinner.

Simply add your Word of the Week or create a list of words that your students have learned so far and press spin for instant activities. You can even customise the activities by selecting from lower, middle or upper years activities.

Spin activities for middle years include:

  • using the word in a compound sentence
  • writing 3 clues which would help someone to guess the word
  • writing a list of synonyms for the word
  • writing a list of antonyms for the word
  • brainstorming a list of other words related to the word
  • …and lots more!

Whole School Initiative

Be that person who is brave enough to suggest a Word of The Week whole school initiative. Just think of the huge impact that you could create and the positive difference that you could make by expanding the vocabulary of the students across all year groups.

This is one of the easiest whole school initiatives to implement because everything you need is there at the click of a download button. All you need to do is provide each year group coordinator with the Word of the Week PowerPoint and the corresponding Word of the Week Flip Book! All your colleagues need to do is commit to sharing the word of the week on Monday morning and following it up with a few fun activities.

Big Words for Little Geniuses
By Sue Patterson, James Patterson, Pan Hsinping

Ages: 4-7
Published: 4th September 2017
Hardcover available at Booktopia
eBook Edition on iBooks and Google Play, Kindle edition on Amazon

This New York Times bestselling picture book is a fun book to share with your students. For each letter of the alphabet, a sophisticated word and its definition is given. Your students will love to learn this adventurous vocabulary. You might even have some trouble reading some of these words! But hey, there presents another learning experience as you model how to sound out tricky words and decode them! Here’s one for you…

Arachibutyrophobia (Ah-RACK-ee-byoo-tee-ro-FO-bee-ya)
Arachibutyrophobia is the alarming fear of peanut butter sticking to the top of your mouth!

Research suggests that vocabulary is enormously important to children’s development and you as their teacher can make a huge impact on your students’ vocabulary knowledge.  A wide knowledge of vocabulary improves all areas of communication — listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Word of the Week is a quick and easy way to make a massive difference to your students’ futures.

Don’t hesitate,  just do it. Try Word of the Week in your classroom and spread the word.

We love hearing from you and getting a sneak peek into your classroom!
Share your photos on Instagram #teachstarter

Выпусков: 8

Each week we bring you a short talk, recorded live at the Sunday Service. We hope that it will inspire you as much as it inspires us. Tweet us at @hc3church!

Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom.

Each week we bring you a short talk, recorded live at the Sunday Service. We hope that it will inspire you as much as it inspires us. Tweet us at @hc3church!

Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom.

    • 10 ДЕК. 2019 Г.

    Episode 8 — Joseph, The Quiet Rock (Pastor Bernard J Plume) — 8th December 2019

    Episode 8 — Joseph, The Quiet Rock (Pastor Bernard J Plume) — 8th December 2019

    In this Word of the Week, Pastor Bernard J Plume gives his sermon titled ‘Joseph, The Quiet Rock’.

    Download this week’s slides and speaker notes at https://www.hc3church.co.uk/go/rock.

    Word of the Week is recorded weekly, Live at Horringer Court Community Church. Each week, we bring you a short talk about the bible and what it means to be Christian. We hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire us.

    Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom. Spoken by Bernard J Plume.

    • 4 ДЕК. 2019 Г.

    Episode 7 — Sheep from Different Pens (Stephen Jarrold) — 1st December 2019

    Episode 7 — Sheep from Different Pens (Stephen Jarrold) — 1st December 2019

    In this Word of the Week, Pastor Stephen Jarrold talks about Sheep from Different Pens.

    Word of the Week is recorded weekly, Live at Horringer Court Community Church. Each week, we bring you a short talk about the bible and what it means to be Christian. We hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire us. Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom. Spoken by Stephen Jarrold.

    • 19 НОЯБ. 2019 Г.

    Episode 6 — Salt and Light (Steve Wigby) — 9th September 2018 (Archived Episode)

    Episode 6 — Salt and Light (Steve Wigby) — 9th September 2018 (Archived Episode)

    In this Word of the Week, we revive Steve Wigby’s talk, titled ‘Salt and Light’. Due to technical issues at the service, this episode is a re-release of a sermon from the Archives.

    Word of the Week is recorded weekly, Live at Horringer Court Community Church. Each week, we bring you a short talk about the bible and what it means to be Christian. We hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire us.

    Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom. Spoken by Steve Wigby, intro lines spoken by Stephen Jarrold and Pastor Bernard Plume.

    • 13 НОЯБ. 2019 Г.

    Episode 5 — Modern Church, Relevant Church (Stephen Jarrold) — 10th November 2019

    Episode 5 — Modern Church, Relevant Church (Stephen Jarrold) — 10th November 2019

    In this Word of the Week, Pastor Stephen Jarrold talks about the Modern Church and the Relevant Church.

    Download this week’s slides at https://www.hc3church.co.uk/go/twochurches.

    Word of the Week is recorded weekly, Live at Horringer Court Community Church. Each week, we bring you a short talk about the bible and what it means to be Christian. We hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire us.

    Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom. Spoken by Stephen Jarrold.

    • 4 НОЯБ. 2019 Г.

    Episode 4 — Sowing Seeds (Nathan Beckett) — 3rd November 2019

    Episode 4 — Sowing Seeds (Nathan Beckett) — 3rd November 2019

    In this Word of the Week, Nathan Beckett talks about Matthew 25:31 and being ready for the Kingdom of Heaven.
    There aren’t any slides to download this week, sorry!
    This sermon was recorded live at our weekly service on the 3rd November 2019.
    Word of the Week is recorded weekly, Live at Horringer Court Community Church. Each week, we bring you a short talk about the bible and what it means to be Christian. We hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire us.
    Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom. Spoken by Nathan Beckett.

    • 22 ОКТ. 2019 Г.

    Episode 3 — Pits (Bernard Plume) — 19th May 2019 (Archived Episode)

    Episode 3 — Pits (Bernard Plume) — 19th May 2019 (Archived Episode)

    In this Word of the Week, Pastor Bernard Plume talks about Pits and how to get out of them. Due to technical issues at the service, this episode is a re-release of a sermon from the Archives.

    Word of the Week is recorded weekly, Live at Horringer Court Community Church. Each week, we bring you a short talk about the bible and what it means to be Christian. We hope that they inspire you as much as they inspire us.

    Music and Production by Thom. Artwork by Nick Burman and Thom. Spoken by Bernard J Plume.

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