Word of the week dictionary

Each week we spotlight a few of the the top dictionary lookups based on what is trending in the news, and go in-depth about their meanings, context, and origins.

water leaking out of a pipe on top of a water heater

The Words of the Week — Apr. 14

Lookups from fashion, social media, and politics

open faced book with much text blacked out

The Words of the Week — Apr. 7

Lookups from religion, publishing, and politics

pile of blue checks on a table

The Words of the Week — Mar. 31

Lookups from social media, international affairs, and Florida

violent tornado over a prairie

The Words of the Week — Mar. 24

Lookups from the weather, the courts, and politics

people lining up at an atm

The Words of the Week — Mar. 17

Lookups from the law, politics, and springtime

young man zipping his lips in a sign of silence

The Words of the Week — Mar. 10

Lookups from politics, the law, and public opinion

three bottles of insulin

The Words of the Week — Mar. 3

Lookups from basketball, medicine, and politics

snowplow clearing roads in a blizzard

The Words of the Week — Feb. 24

Lookups from politics, meteorology, and the weather

ufo spaceship hovering over a desert road with puffy clouds

The Words of the Week — Feb. 17

Lookups from the worlds of railroads and automobiles, law, and from newspaper style guides

red carpet with golden stars

The Words of the Week — Feb. 10

Lookups from the State of the Union, the Grammys, and Turkey

a marmot or groundhog stands on a field looking worried

The Words of the Week — Feb. 3

Lookups from cyberspace, the environment, and entertainment

alpine newt sitting on rock and bed of moss

The Words of the Week — Jan. 27

Lookups from politics, AI, and the family Salamandridae

us capitol with 50 dollar bills in background

The Words of the Week — Jan. 20

Lookups from Congress, Hollywood, and the Supreme Court

flame from a burner on a gas stove

The Words of the Week — Jan. 13

Lookups from politics, more politics, and even more politics

the united states capitol dome with flag flying in foreground

The Words of the Week — Jan 6

Lookups from the weather, the royal family, and the House of Representatives

family gathering for kwanzaa

The Words of the Week — Dec. 30

Lookups from aviation, politics, and the holidays

couple drinking mugs of hot chocolate in front of a fireplace

The Words of the Week — Dec. 23

Lookups from the weather, the law, and social media

stack of trading cards on a table

The Words of the Week — Dec. 16

Lookups from politics, social media, and crypto

chatbot assistant conversation ai artificial intelligence technology concept man chatting with chatbot via mobile smart phone application with speech bubble on virtual screen

The Words of the Week — Dec. 9

Lookups from American history, artificial intelligence, and the law

lava from kilauea volcano entering ocean big island hi

The Words of the Week — Dec. 2

Lookups from geology, politics, and the world of sports

assorted peppermint humhug candies pouring from a glass jar

The Words of the Week — Nov. 18

Lookups from Dickens, politics, and poetry

hand with hammer smashing piggy bank

The Words of the Week — Nov. 11

Lookups from politics, cryptocurrency, and veterans

elephant or mastodon tusks protruding from a wall

The Words of the Week — Nov. 4

Lookups from social media, publishing, and politics

photo of lower portion of horses legs running on a track

The Words of the Week — Oct. 28

Lookups from Congress, elections, and product recalls

casino dealer shuffling cards

The Words of the Week — Oct. 21

Lookups from politics, education, and gaming

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Word of the Day


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  • hot take or cold shoulder?
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See Wiktionary:Word of the week/current.

In order to successfully nominate a word to be the Word of the Week, it must meet the following criteria:

  1. It cannot have already been Word of the Week.
  2. It cannot be extremely exotic. For example, one cannot nominate the word tsaddiq, as it is not used enough in normal speech.
  3. It must be useful for people who are learning English or who just want to know more about the English language.
  4. It cannot be too common of a word. For example, you cannot nominate the word to.
  5. It must be properly formatted, with examples that exemplify the word being defined, and must have few to no redlinks (this does not include any redlinks underneath the Synonym, Antonym, Related words, or See also headings).

Please comment on the nominations if they meet the criteria.



Nominated by —Barras (talk) 20:35, 29 October 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

  • I support this word becoming the WOTW. Razorflame 02:18, 28 December 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Nominated by —Barras (talk) 20:35, 29 October 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Nominated by Tempodivalse [talk] 20:31, 29 October 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Nominated by Razorflame 20:32, 29 October 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Previous words of the week[change]

See Wiktionary:Word of the week/archive.


Previous Words of the Week

Word of the Week—«money»
Definition—any currency used as legal tender.
Discussion—«Show me the money», a phrase Cuba Gooding Jr. recently made popular in the film Jerry Maguire, reflects our desire for money, and the motivation money can generate.

EtymologyMoney comes from the Middle English moneye, which comes from the Old French moneie, which comes from the Latin Moneta, meaning money or mint. Moneta was the epithet of the Roman god Juno, whose temple housed the Roman mint.

The Italian and Spanish equivalents are also slang terms for money in English, and come from a different latin root, denarius.

   Foreign Translations

German: Geld (nt)
Dutch: geld (het)
French: argent (m)
Italian: denaro
Spanish: dinero

Jane Ellis

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Jalopy is, without a doubt, word of the week.

Play word games: I pick a word of the week and provide its meaning.

Смысл игры: я беру какое-либо слово и даю его толкование.

German Word of the Week: Zukunftsmusik

Word of the Week: Dragon’s Teeth

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 54463. Точных совпадений: 21. Затраченное время: 679 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Перевод по словам

word [noun]

noun: слово, речь, текст, известие, обещание, замечание, пароль, разговор, девиз, лозунг

verb: вести, сформулировать, выражать словами, подбирать выражения

  • in word and deed — словом и делом
  • believe on his bare word — верить на слово
  • compound word — сложное слово
  • word play — игра слов
  • a last word — последнее слово
  • sent word — послал
  • using word — используя слово
  • at the beginning of a word — в начале слова
  • a word of it — слово его
  • word gets out — слово выходит

of [preposition]

preposition: из, о, от, об, для

  • pilot project on problems of coast al transport of pollutants — Опытная программа по изучению прибрежного переноса загрязняющих веществ
  • american federation of musicians of the united st — Федерация музыкантов США и Канады
  • governor of the bank of italy — губернатор Банка Италии
  • prime minister of the republic of poland — Премьер-министр Республики Польша
  • laws of the republic of kazakhstan — Законы республики казахстан
  • constitution of the republic of ghana — Конституция Республики Гана
  • order of the republic of serbia — порядок республики сербия
  • scope of application of the law — сфера применения закона
  • networks of centres of excellence — сети центров передового опыта
  • degree of master of science — степень магистра наук
  • any difference between the proceeds and the redemption value — разница между доходами и стоимостью погашения
  • the url in the browser address field — URL-адрес в адресной строке браузера
  • amendment to the convention on the physical protection — Поправка к Конвенции о физической защите
  • beyond the scope of the copyright law — выходит за рамки закона об авторском праве
  • are translated using the exchange rates as at the dates of t — пересчитываются по обменному курсу, действующему на дату Т-
  • the recipient is present in the other state for a period or — получатель находится в другом состоянии в течение периода или
  • in the traditional sense of the term — в традиционном смысле этого слова
  • on the other side of the coin — с другой стороны монеты
  • in the language of the country concerned — на языке соответствующей страны
  • in the name of god the father — во имя бога отца

week [noun]

noun: неделя, шесть рабочих дней недели, целая вечность

  • within a week after — в течение недели после того, как
  • week -seamlessly — неделя -seamlessly
  • takes 9 hours per week — занимает 9 часов в неделю
  • preferably every week — предпочтительно каждую неделю
  • album of the week — Альбом недели
  • in the last week of may — в последнюю неделю мая
  • end of next week — конец следующей недели
  • for a second week — за вторую неделю
  • third week of january — третья неделя января
  • earlier that week — Ранее на этой неделе

Предложения с «word of the week»

The agreement put the brakes on a spiraling arms race, but this week brings worrying news that — just over two decades later — Russia may be actively going back on its word.

Этот договор остановил эскалацию гонки вооружений. Но на этой неделе появились тревожные новости о том, что спустя два с лишним десятилетия может оказаться так, что Россия не сдержала данное слово .

Word doesn’t get out ’til mid-week.

Новостей не будет раньше середины недели.

I was three-and-twenty years of age. Not another word had I heard to enlighten me on the subject of my expectations, and my twenty-third birthday was a week gone.

Мне исполнилось двадцать три года, и прошла неделя со дня моего рожденья, а я так и не слышал больше ни одного слова , которое могло бы пролить свет на мои надежды.

I just trademarked the word last week.

На прошлой неделе я зарегистрировала этот торговый знак.

Blessed be the peacemakers, word to the meek, the kingdom of heaven is open all week.

Блаженны миротворцы, да кроткие услышат, царствие небесное не на ладан дышит.

When the week is up, I won’t say a word.

Вот неделя пройдет — ни слова не скажу!

Send word to Crescentia that I must move our mid-day meals later in the week.

Скажи Кресцентии, что я должна перенести наши обеды на более позднее время

According to word on the street, Church nearly killed you last week.

На улице поговаривают, что Чёрч чуть не убил тебя на прошлой неделе.

He waited fully a week after his word had been given; and then, one afternoon, when his nerves were worn almost thin from fretting, the climax came.

Целая неделя прошла в ожидании, и наконец, когда нервы Батлера уже напряглись до предела, наступила развязки.

The O’Bannon got word to ship out about a week ago.

О’Беннон получил приказ отчалить примерно неделю назад.

Herbert was rarely there less frequently than three times in a week, and he never brought me a single word of intelligence that was at all alarming.

Герберт обычно бывал там не реже трех раз в неделю и ни разу не сообщил мне ничего хоть сколько — нибудь тревожного.

On its second week, word of mouth and exposure from television performances was so significant that record stores requested another 450,000 copies.

На второй неделе сарафанное радио и телевизионные выступления были настолько значительными, что звукозаписывающие магазины запросили еще 450 000 копий.

After a week passed with no word from the team, search parties were formed by the Aero Club of America, but many newspapers reported that the men were likely dead.

После того, как прошла Неделя без каких — либо известий от команды, поисковые группы были сформированы аэроклубом Америки, но многие газеты сообщили, что люди, скорее всего, мертвы.

As word spread, the interest among slaves in learning to read was so great that in any week, more than 40 slaves would attend lessons.

По мере распространения слухов интерес рабов к обучению чтению был настолько велик, что в любую неделю занятия посещало более 40 рабов.

With the death of Art Donovan this past week, sports lost one of its last genuine characters, in every sense of the word.

Он определенно не их двоюродный брат, и нет никаких доказательств, что он даже дальний родственник.

I know how to word the above in a positive way, and I will, probably next week, if the article is not dismembered by then.

Я знаю, как выразить вышесказанное в позитивном ключе, и я сделаю это, вероятно, на следующей неделе, если статья не будет расчленена к тому времени.

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