Word of the previous day

You can find a previous Word of the Day by going to https://www.transparent.com/word-of-the-day.

On that page, do the following:

1. Click on the language.
2. In the Word of the Day box for that language, click on the back arrow to go back one day at a time.


Previous Words of the Day

  • April 2023

    • Apr 14


    • Apr 13

      lingua franca

    • Apr 12


    • Apr 11


    • Apr 10


    • Apr 09


    • Apr 08


    • Apr 07


    • Apr 06


    • Apr 05


    • Apr 04


    • Apr 03

      force majeure

    • Apr 02


    • Apr 01


  • March 2023

    • Mar 31


    • Mar 30


    • Mar 29


    • Mar 28


    • Mar 27


    • Mar 26

      de rigueur

    • Mar 25

      de facto

    • Mar 24


    • Mar 23


    • Mar 22


    • Mar 21


    • Mar 20

      habeas corpus

    • Mar 19


    • Mar 18


    • Mar 17


    • Mar 16


    • Mar 15


    • Mar 14


    • Mar 13


    • Mar 12


    • Mar 11


    • Mar 10


    • Mar 09


    • Mar 08


    • Mar 07


    • Mar 06


    • Mar 05


    • Mar 04


    • Mar 03


    • Mar 02


    • Mar 01


  • February 2023

    • Feb 28


    • Feb 27


    • Feb 26


    • Feb 25


    • Feb 24


    • Feb 23


    • Feb 22


    • Feb 21


    • Feb 20


    • Feb 19


    • Feb 18


    • Feb 17


    • Feb 16


    • Feb 15


    • Feb 14


    • Feb 13


    • Feb 12


    • Feb 11


    • Feb 10


    • Feb 09


    • Feb 08


    • Feb 07


    • Feb 06


    • Feb 05


    • Feb 04


    • Feb 03


    • Feb 02


    • Feb 01

      fait accompli

Want to expand your vocabulary?

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Today’s Wordle answer is mentioned below so that you can complete the puzzle without any worries! On some days it can be easy, but on some, it can be super tricky too. Today, we have the answer for Wordle #663 and we will update it daily. Plus, if you are in a different time zone, you may be on yesterday’s Wordle Puzzle #662 and we’ve got the answer for that as well.

Spoilers Ahead for Wordle Today (#663) and Yesterday’s Wordle #662!

What does Today’s Wordle Answer Start With? (Hint)

  • The Wordle Answer for Puzzle #663 starts with C.
  • The Wordle Answer for Puzzle #663 ends with T.

Check out our guide on the best hints, tips, and starting words, best strategy to use, or try out some Wordle Solvers if you need assistance. If you want to know the answer, scroll below.

Note:- The puzzle changes daily so you simply need to head over to the official site to guess the word of the day. We will be adding the daily solutions to the list below.

Today’s Wordle Answer #663 (13 April 2023)


Yesterday’s Wordle Answer #662 (12 April 2023)


Previous NYTimes Wordle Answers

We’ve got all the previous answers from the past months right here.

How to Play Previous Wordle?

Here’s how to play past Wordle games puzzles easily. Plus, here are the best games like Wordle that are good alternatives that provide more than one puzzle a day that you may want to check out.

Here are the previous answers from 2023.

April 2023

  • 663 April 13 is CARAT
  • 662 April 12 is BORAX
  • 661 April 11 is QUALM
  • 660 April 10 is UNDER
  • 659 April 9 is SNAFU
  • 658 April 8 is LEDGE
  • 657 April 7 is LOCUS
  • 656 April 6 is LEAFY
  • 655 April 5 is SMASH
  • 654 April 4 is RATIO
  • 653 April 3 is FLORA
  • 652 April 2 is STOCK
  • 651 April 1 is MARCH

March 2023

  • 650 March 31 is EVERY
  • 649 March 30 is BREAD
  • 648 March 29 is BESET
  • 647 March 28 is HURRY
  • 646 March 27 is GUANO
  • 645 March 26 is UNTIE
  • 644 March 25 is VOTER
  • 643 March 24 is GROUT
  • 642 March 23 is STAID
  • 641 March 22 is DUVET
  • 640 March 21 is TOUGH
  • 639 March 20 is GLOVE
  • 638 March 19 is CREDO
  • 637 March 18 is YACHT
  • 636 March 17 is MEALY
  • 635 March 16 is CIDER
  • 634 March 15 is SWEEP
  • 633 March 14 is SURLY
  • 632 March 13 is BLAME
  • 631 March 12 is BIRTH
  • 630 March 11 is EMAIL
  • 629 March 10 is REVEL
  • 628 March 9 is WHERE
  • 627 March 8 is REGAL
  • 626 March 7 is HORSE
  • 625 March 6 is PINKY
  • 624 March 5 is TOXIC
  • 623 March 4 is TREND
  • 622 March 3 is SQUAT
  • 621 March 2 is ABOVE
  • 620 March 1 is MOOSE

February 2023

  • 619 February 28 is POLKA
  • 618 February 27 is WORSE
  • 617 February 26 is SYRUP
  • 616 February 25 is FIFTY
  • 615 February 24 is ARBOR
  • 614 February 23 is VAGUE
  • 613 February 22 is RIPER
  • 612 February 21 is RUDDY
  • 611 February 20 is SWEAT
  • 610 February 19 is KIOSK
  • 609 February 18 is AVAIL
  • 608 February 17 is CACHE
  • 607 February 16 is MAGIC
  • 606 February 15 is SALSA
  • 605 February 14 is SOUND
  • 604 February 13 is USAGE
  • 603 February 12 is GIANT
  • 602 February 11 is DEBUG
  • 601 February 10 is HEADY
  • 600 February 9 is STAGE
  • 599 February 8 is FLAIL
  • 598 February 7 is APPLE
  • 597 February 6 is NINTH
  • 596 February 5 is DANCE
  • 595 February 4 is UNLIT
  • 594 February 3 is TASTY
  • 593 February 2 is SHIRK
  • 592 February 1 is SCOLD

January 2023

  • 591 January 31 is CROSS
  • 590 January 30 is CRAVE
  • 589 January 29 is FISHY
  • 588 January 28 is FLIRT
  • 587 January 27 is WORRY
  • 586 January 26 is BEEFY
  • 585 January 25 is MAIZE
  • 584 January 24 is COUNT
  • 583 January 23 is ELUDE
  • 582 January 22 is MATEY
  • 581 January 21 is BLURB
  • 580 January 20 is ALTER
  • 579 January 19 is MUCKY
  • 578 January 18 is CHARD
  • 577 January 17 is ADOPT
  • 576 January 16 is FROCK
  • 575 January 15 is SPIRE
  • 574 January 14 is KOALA
  • 573 January 13 is HUMAN
  • 572 January 12 is LEAPT
  • 571 January 11 is SEDAN
  • 570 January 10 is GRIMY
  • 569 January 9 is PIXIE
  • 568 January 8 is OPERA
  • 567 January 7 is LEMON
  • 566 January 6 is BELIE
  • 565 January 5 is SLEEK
  • 564 January 4 is LAYER
  • 563 January 3 is ANTIC
  • 562 January 2 is SKIRT
  • 561 January 1 is WHINE

Wordle FAQs Answered

How Many Tries to get the Answer?

You get 6 attempts at guessing the word of the day.

How to Get New Wordle?

Just wait until it’s 12:00 midnight in whichever time zone you’re in, and you will have a new Wordle to solve!

Wordle Rules

wordle solution today

  • If a letter from your guessed word is in the CORRECT spot of the actual word, it will show up in GREEN.
  • If the letter exists in the word, but if it’s NOT in the right spot, it will be marked in YELLOW.
  • And if the letter is NOT present in the actual word at all, you will see it in GREY.

If you want to know how to play Wordle, we’ve got just the guide for you. Once you nail all the tricks, guessing words can (almost) be a cakewalk!

How to Share Today’s Wordle Answer Score Result on Twitter?

Want to tell the world that you’ve figured out the answer in the fewest attempts? You can share the result ‘grid’ on Twitter without spoiling the solution for others.

  1. Once you have completed the daily word puzzle, a pop-up will appear with a SHARE button on it.
  2. Click on it and the results will get copied to the clipboard.
  3. Now all you have to do is head to Twitter (or any other social media site), create a post, and paste the items (Ctrl + V) that are copied to the clipboard.
  4. Voila! You have successfully shared the results with your followers.

That’s all about Today’s Wordle Answer, hints and previous Wordle solutions and cheats. In case this helped you out and if you are a gamer, don’t forget to explore the Wordle content on Gamer Tweak!

Word of the day

[ uhprok-suh-meyt ]

[ əˈprɒk səˌmeɪt ]
Show IPA
Phonetic Respelling

verb (used with object)

to estimate.

  • Origin
  • Examples

learn about the english language

What is the origin of approximate?

Approximate “to estimate” is based on Late Latin approximātus “drawn near to, approached,” which is based on the verb proximāre “to near, approach,” combined with the prefix ad- “to, toward.” Proximāre ultimately comes from the Latin adjective proximus “next,” which is the superlative of prope “near.” Prope is the source of the verb propiāre “to draw near,” which combined with ad- and passed through a couple of sound changes in French, such as -pi- to -ch- because of a phenomenon called palatalization, eventually becoming English approach. Approximate was first recorded in English in the early 15th century.

how is approximate used?

How can we possibly weigh [dinosaurs], and how can we be sure our assumptions aren’t wildly off the mark? Our research, published in Biological Reviews, offers a way to check. We found that two rival ways to estimate dinosaurs’ body size–long thought to be fundamentally at odds–actually offer consistent and complementary ways to approximate the weight of these prehistoric titans.

Nicolas Campione, “How do you weigh a dinosaur? There are two ways, and it turns out they’re both right,” Conversation, September 1, 2020

Researchers have long known that the Babylonians, who lived in what is now Iraq, had considerable mathematical skill: They successfully approximated the square root of 2 and understood the Pythagorean theorem nearly 4,000 years ago—more than a millennium before Pythagoras was born.

Michael Greshko, “Babylonians Tracked Jupiter With Advanced Tools: Trapezoids,” National Geographic, January 28, 2016

Word of the day


[ key-ret-soo ]

[ keɪˈrɛt su ]
Show IPA
Phonetic Respelling


a loose coalition of business groups.

  • Origin
  • Examples

learn about the english language

What is the origin of keiretsu?

Keiretsu “a loose coalition of business groups” is a compound of Japanese kei “series” and retsu “line, row.” As with many words in Japanese, both kei and retsu are originally borrowings from Middle Chinese, which exerted substantial influence on other languages in East Asia, from Japanese and Korean in the north to Vietnamese in the south. Kei is cognate with Mandarin , while retsu is cognate with Mandarin liè—though the common origin is clearer if we compare kei and retsu with Cantonese hai and lit. Because Mandarin gradually lost the majority of final consonants present in Middle Chinese, liè ends with a vowel, while Japanese retsu and Cantonese lit preserve the final “tuh” sound that existed in Middle Chinese. Keiretsu was first recorded in English in the late 1970s.

how is keiretsu used?

At dinner parties in Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs brag about having them. At conferences, investors discuss building them. What’s grabbing all the attention? Keiretsu …. The word originated in post-war Japan to describe the powerful groups of intertwined companies that developed as the country rebuilt its economy. The keiretsu replaced the zaibatsu, a system of large, family-held holding companies.

Sarah Tilton, “Keiretsu: An Old Word Brought Back To Life by Today’s Internet Gurus,” Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2000

The country’s industrial groups, or keiretsu, are chummy clubs, and banks were willing to quietly bail out a troubled firm with “no questions asked” loans. It was not until the late 1990s that the Japanese government stepped in and began forcing banks to come clean about bad loans.

Eric Weiner, “What the U.S. Can Learn from Japan’s ‘Lost Decade,’” NPR, March 13, 2008

Word of the day


[ lawr-ee-it, lor— ]

[ ˈlɔr i ɪt, ˈlɒr- ]
Show IPA
Phonetic Respelling


deserving or having special recognition for achievement, as for poetry.

  • Origin
  • Examples

learn about the english language

What is the origin of laureate?

Laureate “having special recognition for achievement” is adapted from Latin laureātus “crowned with laurel,” ultimately from laurus “bay tree, laurel.” Though laurus is of uncertain origin and may come instead from a long-lost language of the Mediterranean, a popular theory is that laurus is related somehow to Ancient Greek dáphnē. This theory is partially based on the occasional change of Old Latin d into Classical Latin l, as with lacrima “tear” from earlier dacrima and lingua “tongue” from earlier dingua. Laureate was first recorded in English in the late 14th century.

how is laureate used?

As an assistant editor on the desk, I wrote to the nation’s many state poets laureate—nearly every state has one—and asked them to provide us with some words of gratitude in a relentlessly difficult year …. The nation’s poets laureate have a real sense of mission. They aim to encourage an appreciation for poetry, to challenge us, to generate some buzz for the art form.

Felice Belman, “In a Dark Season, We Went Looking for Poetry,” New York Times, December 2, 2020 ​

[Joy] Harjo, Muscogee Creek, has been tapped by the Library of Congress to serve a second term as U.S. poet laureate. She said the appointment is an honor, “especially during these times of earth transformation and cultural change.”

Sandra Hale Schulman, “Joy Harjo: Poetry reminds us we’re all connected,” Indian Country Today, May 6, 2020


previous day — предыдущий день
the previous day — накануне
previous day indicator — индикатор предыдущего дня
he slid over the events of the previous day — он лишь мимоходом коснулся вчерашних событий

Автоматический перевод

предыдущий день, предшествующий день, прошедший день, вчерашний день

Перевод по словам

previous  — предыдущий, предшествующий, опрометчивый, преждевременный, поспешный
day  — день, сутки, время, рабочий день, дневной


I had met them the previous day.

Я встретил их днём раньше.

Дополнение / ошибка

Смотрите также: 

Мультитран  Wikipedia(En)  Academic.ru  Reverso 

learn a new word everydayIf you are learning a new language, it is essential to new words each day. Gaining a powerful vocabulary will guarantee that you will be able to express yourself effectively and sophisticatedly. Designating a “word of the day” for yourself will also ensure that you understand grammar to a greater extent and the lengths to which the language you are studying is developed. In this article, I will be discussing websites that are great for learning new English words. Each website has its benefits and disadvantages, so it is better to use several websites at a time to gain the most out of your learning process. Many of these websites have a word of the day app that you can download on your smartphone or tablet for easy usage. It is best to be connected to new words in any way you can!

1. A.Word.A.Day (AWAD)

You can see the word of the day, and yesterday’s word of the day, on the website or through an email subscription. The website is strikingly simple, but highly useful. It provides the pronunciation, meaning, etymology, and usage of the selected word. Below the entry, the owner, Anu Garg, also presents a thought of the day. The New York Times commented that this website is “The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.” In fact, it has over a million subscribers from over 170 countries.

2. Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

One of the most respected dictionaries in the world, Merriam-Webster has a sophisticated layout for its word-of-the-day page. It provides a definition (with sound of the word spoken included), a “Did you know” section, examples of its usage, a “Name that synonym” section, podcasts, and a word of the day calendar at the bottom. Those who are truly interested in words and their histories, this dictionary will be a treat. Its “Did you know” section is expansive, and allows readers to understand the nuances of each selected word. On the left of the presentation is an easy way to share the word of the day through Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. You can even get the word of the day emailed to you through a subscription. It even has a section for learners called a learner’s dictionary. This dictionary also has a word-of-the-day category.

3. Wordnik

This website is all about words, with a word community, word of the day, and random word pages. On its word-of-the-day page, it has concise definitions of words with ample example sentences with the chosen word being used, extra notes on nuances, and also stats on its usage and even its Scrabble score. The fantastic thing about this page is that each word is accompanied with real examples from literature, not just sentences made up on the spot that sound unnatural. So, not only will you learn a new word each day, but also become knowledgeable in literature through this website. It also has an easy-to-access archive, and a convenient way of sharing words via social media.

4. Duolingo

This is perhaps the best language learning app and website out there. In turn, it is a great tool for learning new words. You can compete with your friends and family through the app, so you can gain that motivation needed to learn new words. It has a simple but pleasant layout, with many different exercises for learning: speaking, listening, writing, multiple choice questions, matching word exercises, and more. You can either strengthen what you already know, or venture into the world of new words each day. Duolingo focuses on obtaining a streak, so you know how many days in a row you have been learning a certain language (in our case, it is most likely English). There are many other language learning apps on the market, but it seems Duolingo takes the cake in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness, and motivation. It even has a cute owl mascot that cheers you on as you go through the exercises. I think that most people use the app rather than the website; however, both can be useful. It is important to download the necessary keyboards for the languages you are learning, though.

5. Dictionary.com’s Word of the Day

This is another popular option for learning new words easily. It shows the definitions in the form of a meme or picture you can conveniently share on social media (including showing the pronunciation and what kind of word it is). Below the definitions are citations of the word of the day’s usage from literature. Lastly, there is a section that discusses the origin of the word. You can sign up for an email subscription to the page, and seeing the visual archive of the word of the day for the previous day is just a scroll away.

6. Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Day

Maybe the most trusted dictionary in the world, the Oxford Dictionary website also has a webpage that features a word of the day. For each entry, you have an audio pronunciation guide, a definition, the word’s origin, and an easy-to-share picture of the word with a pronunciation guide across social media. I like that the Oxford Dictionary focuses on archaic usages of words as well, as for wordaholics, these archaic definitions can be useful to know and interesting to understand. Like most sites of this nature, it also has an email subscription option. Another section of this website to check out if you have time is “Explore the English Language,” which has wordlists and word origin features.

7. New York Times’ Word of the Day

A standard in the news industry, it is also a fantastic tool for learning. The New York Times presents a word of the day daily, attached with a quiz. What is also useful is that it shows words in context of The New York Times itself. So, they will show how the word was used in news articles from the Times. Each entry has sections for definitions, examples of its usage in news articles, and a quiz at the bottom. After you finish the quiz, you will see a more detailed look into the chosen word, discussing its nuances. A great tool for learning more words, and more about them.

8. WordReference.com’s Word of the Day

The special thing about this website is that it offers two categories: basic word of the day, and intermediate word of the day. The basic word of the day is aimed at beginners and the intermediate word of the day is focused on people who have been learning English for some time. Though each category has entries that are filled with detail, there is a clear difference between basic and intermediate entries. In the basic section, entries have sections dedicated definitions, common uses, usage within pop culture, and a button that reads “see full definition,” which leads a user to an elaborated entry. For the intermediate entries, there are sections devoted to expanded definitions, example sentences, words most often used with the chosen entry, usage within pop culture, “did you know,” origins, and once again a “see full definition” button. This seems like the most comprehensive website for learning words and their background stories, so to say. You can get these definitions sent to you by email, and can also share them easily via Facebook and Twitter. You can scroll through entries as if you were on a common blogging site.

9. Vocabulary.com

This website tries its best to make learning new words enjoyable. It has word games to play, you can look up words, and it has word lists. They say if you start playing with language, you will learn it quickly. This website seems to take this approach. When learning is fun and flexible, words will be retained at a better rate. A great thing about its quizzes is that when you answer a question, it will describe the word in detail. The search option has examples sentences written by humans, not computers (it happens often it seems), examples sentences that are in touch with the real world of how English is being used, and claims to be the fastest-working dictionary. Its layout is user-friendly and intuitive. In the lists section, there are myriad lists focused on different subjects, ranging from baseball to movies. It is a highly enjoyable and engaging website for learning new words, and for studying English in general.

10. Word of the Day! App

For people who are crazy about checking other dictionaries for varying definitions, this is the app for them. This app features the following sources:

  • Merriam-Webster
  • Dictionary.com
  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • The Free Dictionary
  • The Learning Network
  • WordSpy
  • Latin Word of the Day
  • MedTerms
  • Yahoo! Education

You can conveniently compare definitions, and discover the nuances of words you want to delve into. In addition, you can “star” and “favorite” certain definitions and words. These starred and favorited words can be shared with friends, and the app will also alert you when new words have been entered into its system. It’s a free app, so it is a catch for those who don’t want to spend to learn. The entries for the words have audio recordings of pronunciation, root meanings, examples sentences, and connotations of chosen words.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

предыдущий день


предыдущего дня

днем ранее

день до

предыдущим днем

днем раньше

предыдущие сутки

вчерашнего дня

прошедшего дня

предыдущих суток

прошлого дня

предыдущем дне


следующий день


Crews will begin working at the location where they ended the previous day.

Экипажи начнут работать в том месте, где они закончили предыдущий день.

The previous day had been 63 attacks.

He told me that on the previous day, she was struggling.

Ее муж вспоминает, что накануне они поссорились.

However, they were informed that the detainee had made a confession to the magistrate the previous day.

Тем не менее их информировали, что задержанный сделал признание судье-магистрату накануне.

Unlike the previous day, everything went pretty smoothly.

The hotel offers a picnic service if you order it before certain time on the previous day.

Предоставляется услуга «пикник», если заказать ее не позже предыдущего дня.

On this day two of the children from the previous day did not come.

No one else remembers the events of the previous day.

Just make sure that they are told beforehand (previous day) there won’t be an adjustment made for late comers.

Просто убедитесь, что они говорят заранее (в предыдущий день) не будет внесена корректировка для опаздывающих.

Suppose you start each class with a 15 minute quiz that covers recent material (not just the previous day).

Предположим, вы начинаете каждым классом с 15-минутным викторину, которая охватывает недавнем материале (не только в предыдущий день).

From our perspective it lasted half of the previous day, 4 billion years.

С нашей точки зрения он длился половину предыдущего дня, 4 млрд. лет.

The questions were divided in two blocks: positive and negative experiences during the previous day.

Вопросы были разделены на два блока: позитивные и негативные переживания в течение предыдущего дня.

If you successfully cope with the problems of the previous day, the day it will be beneficial in all respects.

Если вы успешно справитесь с проблемами предыдущего дня, то сегодня день будет благоприятным во всех отношениях.

And what’s more, she was discovered in a location that had already been thoroughly searched the previous day.

Более того, она была обнаружена в месте, которое уже было тщательно обыскано в предыдущий день.

He speedily found that the deed of the previous day was known.

Он быстро обнаружил, что дело в предыдущий день было известно.

The previous day‘s doji candle indicates indecision in the market.

Свеча доджи предыдущего дня указывает на нерешительность на рынке.

These respondents reported their annual income, and they rated how much they experienced positive emotions on the previous day.

Эти респонденты сообщили о своем годовом доходе, и оценили количество положительных эмоций за предыдущий день.

Dreaming, a side effect of sleep, also helps the brain process the events of the previous day, unconsciously converting them into memories.

Сновидение, побочный эффект сна, также помогает мозгу обрабатывать события предыдущего дня, неосознанно превращая их в воспоминания.

After receiving an electrical shock at midnight, he relives the previous day and finds that things get worse.

Получив удар электрическим током в полночь, он переживает предыдущий день и обнаруживает, что все ухудшается.

The events on the ground followed a similar pattern to those of the previous day.

События на местах развивались так же, как и в предыдущий день.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат previous day

Результатов: 1741. Точных совпадений: 1741. Затраченное время: 179 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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