Word of the month ideas


Pick one word on the first of every month. A power word. A motivational word. A word that speaks to you, makes your soul light up. Use your word as a theme for your month.

Small habits like choosing a word of the month can be transformational. Little habits add up to the biggest long-term changes. For more life-changing habits, check out my free mini ebook, 7 Habits That Will Change Your Life.

Shout-out to my mentors (Marlo Higgins + Gloria Atanmo) who first encouraged me to add power words into my life. I hope this power words list finds you well. Pass it on.

Word of The Month - a woman jumping for joy in between trees

Step 1: Pick a Word of The Month

Power Words List:

  1. Accept
  2. Accomplish
  3. Achieve
  4. Act
  5. Add
  6. Advance
  7. Adventure
  8. Alive
  9. Amazing
  10. Ambitious
  11. Appreciate
  12. Ascend
  13. Attain
  14. Attitude
  15. Awake
  16. Balance
  17. Be
  18. Begin
  19. Believe
  20. Bliss
  21. Bold
  22. Boss
  23. Bright
  24. Breakdown
  25. Build
  26. Calm
  27. Catalyst
  28. Challenge
  29. Chase
  30. Clarity
  31. Commit
  32. Communicate
  33. Compassion
  34. Complete
  35. Concentrate
  36. Confident
  37. Content
  38. Conquer
  39. Courage
  40. Create
  41. Cultivate
  42. Dare
  43. Declutter
  44. Dedicate
  45. Decide
  46. Determination
  47. Devote
  48. Dream
  49. Drive
  50. Empower
  51. Encourage
  52. Endure
  53. Enjoy
  54. Enthusiasm
  55. Envision
  56. Escape
  57. Excite
  58. Expand
  59. Experience
  60. Expert
  61. Explore
  62. Faith
  63. Fearless
  64. Fierce
  65. Fight
  66. Finish
  67. Fire
  68. Flourish
  69. Focus
  70. Forgive
  71. Free
  72. Freedom
  73. Focus
  74. Forward
  75. Fulfillment
  76. Free
  77. Generous
  78. Gentle
  79. Genius
  80. Give
  81. Glow
  82. Grace
  83. Gratitude
  84. Grounded
  85. Grow
  86. Guts
  87. Habit
  88. Harmony
  89. Heal
  90. Health
  91. Higher
  92. Honesty
  93. Honor
  94. Hope
  95. Humble
  96. Hunger
  97. Hustle
  98. Imagine
  99. Immerse
  100. Improve
  101. Initiation
  102. Inspire
  103. Integrity
  104. Journey
  105. Joy
  106. Jump
  107. Key
  108. Kind
  109. Kingdom
  110. Lead
  111. Learn
  112. Legendary
  113. Live
  114. Limitless
  115. Love
  116. Massive
  117. Magic
  118. Meditate
  119. Mindful
  120. Mindset
  121. Mission
  122. Meaning
  123. Momentum
  124. Money
  125. Money-making
  126. Motivate
  127. Motive
  128. Move
  129. Nature
  130. Nourish
  131. Now
  132. Nurture
  133. Obstacles
  134. Open
  135. Opportunity
  136. Optimistic
  137. Overcome
  138. Passion
  139. Patience
  140. Peace
  141. Persevere
  142. Persist
  143. Persuade
  144. Plan
  145. Play
  146. Positive
  147. Possibilities
  148. Power
  149. Powerful
  150. Practice
  151. Pride
  152. Prioritize
  153. Prosper
  154. Purpose
  155. Quality
  156. Queen
  157. Question
  158. Quiet
  159. Reach
  160. Rebrand
  161. Reflect
  162. Relax
  163. Release
  164. Renew
  165. Reset
  166. Retreat
  167. Revive
  168. Rise
  169. Risk
  170. Role
  171. Safe
  172. Satisfaction
  173. Secure
  174. Security
  175. Self
  176. Self-care
  177. Self-love
  178. Self-worth
  179. Shameless
  180. Spark
  181. Speak
  182. Special
  183. Spectacular
  184. Spirit
  185. Still
  186. Strength
  187. Stretch
  188. Strong
  189. Success
  190. Surge
  191. Sustain
  192. Surrender
  193. Teach
  194. Time
  195. Today
  196. Treasure
  197. Trust
  198. Truth
  199. Understand
  200. Unlimited
  201. Unity
  202. Unstoppable
  203. Value
  204. Vast
  205. Versatile
  206. Vibrant
  207. Wake
  208. Wander
  209. Wealthy
  210. Will
  211. Wild
  212. Willpower
  213. Winner
  214. Worthy
  215. Wondrous
  216. Wow
  217. Yearn
  218. Yes
  219. YOLO (!!!)
  220. Zen
  221. Zest

Step 2: Put Your Word of The Month EVERYWHERE

Make sure you can see your word everyday.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Set a reminder on your phone to get an alarm twice a day
  • Set your word as your home screen on your laptop or phone (click here for a free Canva template)
  • Put your word of the month on the bathroom mirror
  • Write your word every day in your journal
  • Say your word out loud in front of a mirror (or sing it, whatever tickles your fancy)

Word of the month - flowers

*Bonus* Step 3: Pick an Affirmation or Mantra

I also enjoy adding a monthly Mantra that aligns with my power word. Click here for a list of my favorite affirmations.

Need a reset? Check out my 10 Days to Higher Self workbook to dive deep and realign.

My word of the month this month is Forward and my mantra is I courageously move forward. What is your word of the month? *comment below*


spiritual travel

We’re kicking off 2023 with Word of the Month Ideas and monthly motivational activities you can enjoy all year!

In 2014, I started choosing a Word of the Year to help guide my goals, dreams, and plans.

At first, it was exciting to make decisions inspired by the Word of the Year because everything was fresh and new, purpose-filled and hopeful.

It kept me on track for a good portion of the year and helped me accomplish so many things.

Choosing a Word of the Month Activities and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Recently, I was going through old journal entries and realized I had placed a bit too much pressure on one word though.

After all, I had plenty of work I needed to do in other areas of life and sometimes my one word just didn’t fit.

So, this year, I’ve decided to take the pressure off and embrace a Word of the Month.

That way I can intentionally focus on cultivating specific things each week for the entire month while staying within the framework of my yearly goals.

Truthfully, I have no idea if it’s going to work but I’m excited to try a fresh approach. So, grab your calendar, and let’s make this year count!

Tips and Tricks for Choosing a Word of the Month Activities and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Here’s a look at our Word(s) of the Month, Activities to Enjoy, and How You Can Create a Similar Calendar Too…

January Word of the Month:

  • Simplify

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Create Simple Systems That Work
  • Set Goals and Intentions
  • Craft a Vision/Motivation Board
  • Find an Easy Skincare Routine You Enjoy
  • Start Quarter Challenge

February Words of the Month:

  • Connect & Encourage

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Send a Card or Flowers to an Old Friend, Loved One, or Someone Special
  • Take an Elderly Neighbor or Friend to Lunch
  • Have Dinner by Candlelight
  • Pay for the Groceries of the Person Behind You in the Express Lane
  • Keep Sundays Sacred
  • Listen Intently Without Distractions

March Words of the Month:

  • Cultivate Healthy Habits

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Make a Healthy Smoothie or Juice Recipe
  • Enjoy Movie Night with a Friend
  • Go for a Walk on the Beach or in a New to You Trendy Neighborhood
  • Prioritize Sleep
  • Stretch Before You Get Out of Bed
  • Fill Your Water Bottle and Place It in the Fridge Before Going to Bed or Place a Carafe Filled with Water on Your Nightstand
  • Do a 15-Minute Clutter Catcher Clean-Up Each Night
  • Organize

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Declutter
  • Go On a Digital Detox
  • Create a Capsule Wardrobe
  • Donate One Box a Week to a Local Charity or Community Food Bank
  • Safely Toss Expired Beauty/Wellness Products/Stained or Tattered Clothes
  • Get a Wall Calendar or Magnetic Meal Planner for Your Refrigerator
  • Find Ways to Automate Weekly/Monthly Tasks
  • Hire a Personal Chef or Food Delivery Service
  • Sign Up for a Newsletter That Motivates You

May Word of the Month:

  • Nourish

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Prioritize Self Care
  • Create a Simple 5-15 Minute Makeup Routine
  • Buy New Undergarments
  • Sign Up for a Local 5K, 10K, 15K, Half or Full Marathon
  • Take a Power Nap in a Dark Room
  • Buy Flowers for Yourself and a Friend Who Least Expects It
  • Put Together 7-10 Outfits You Feel Amazing In

June Word of the Month:

  • Experiment & Explore

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Try a New Recipe or Restaurant
  • Experiment With Fresh Makeup/Hair/Outfit Ideas
  • Ask Someone New to Lunch
  • Play Tourist in a Nearby Town
  • Enjoy a Concert or Play
  • Cross Something Off Your Bucket List
  • Visit a Farm or Botanical Garden

July Word of the Month:

  • Celebrate

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Celebrate Independence Day
  • Hike a New Trail
  • Picnic at the Lake
  • Read a Book on the Beach While Listening to the Waves
  • Watch an Epic Fireworks Display
  • Plan a Christmas in July Weekend
  • Go to Your Favorite Bakery for Coffee and Dessert

August Words of the Month:

  • Listen & Learn

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Watch a New How-To or DIY Video
  • Take a Class and Learn a New Skill
  • Rediscover Your Favorite Childhood Hobby
  • Host a Mini-Retreat
  • Listen to a New Podcast or TED Talk
  • Make Reservations for a Random Date Night

September Words of the Month:

  • Refresh & Renew

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Simply Your Current Routines
  • Refresh Your Bedroom or Your Favorite Room in the House
  • Renew an Old Friendship, Habit, or Hobby You Once Loved
  • Read an Empowering Book
  • Put a Puzzle Together or Host a Family Game Night
  • Listen to Classical Music
  • Get a Facial or Deep Stone Massage

October Word of the Month: 

  • Inspire

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Implement Cozy Routines
  • Buy a New Candle, Essential Oil Scent, or Create a New Simmer Pot Recipe
  • Make a Pot of Soup and Fresh Bread for a Family Member or Neighbor
  • Visit a Museum
  • Pick Apples or Find an Amazing Spot to Watch the Leaves Change
  • Journal on the Porch with a Warm Blanket and Seasonal Drink

November Words of the Month:

  • Plan & Prepare

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Deep Clean and Prep for Holiday Guests
  • Give Loved Ones or Trusted Neighbors the Gift of Time by Babysitting the Littles So Their Parents Can Christmas Shop
  • Host a Cookie Swap, Favorite Things, or Wrapping Party
  • Spray Lavender or Deep Sleep Mist on Your Pillow at Night
  • Safely Scatter Candles Around the Bathroom and Take a Bubble Bath

December Words of the Month:

  • Abundant Gracious Joy

Activities to Enjoy:

  • Donate to a Sweater Drive or Family in Need
  • Craft Christmas Ornaments or Attend a Wreath Making Party
  • Host Someone New for the Holidays
  • Do One Thing Your Future Self Will Thank You For
  • Stargaze at Night
Word of the Month Activities and Ideas for One Full Year-The Crowned Goat

Simple Ways You Can Create Your Own Word of the Month Calendar…

Choosing Your Word of the Month:

Before choosing a Word of the Month, look over your goals for the year if you have them so they can help guide you.

For example, if you’re starting to train in January for a marathon in June, you’ll want to use words that motivate you to reach that goal each month.

 If you don’t have goals for the year just yet, no worries, I’ve included a list of ideas down below.

Keep it simple by thinking about your priorities and your values, how you want to feel, what you want to fully focus on, something your future self will thank you for, habits you’re excited to create, or things that have been on your bucket list for far too long.

Word of the Month Ideas:

Now that you know how the Word of the Month works, I thought I would share these ideas to help make choosing your own easier.

Abundant * Accept * Achieve * Act * Add * Adventure * Apply * Appreciate * Attitude * Balance * Beautiful * Begin * Believe * Best-Self * Bold * Boundaries * Brave * Budget * Calm * Caring * Celebrate * Champion * Change * Collaborate * Commit * Communicate * Compassion * Confident * Connect * Consistent * Consolidate * Contribute * Courage * Craft * Create * Cultivate * Declutter * Delegate * Design * Determination * Discover * Dream * Emphasize * Encourage * Energize * Excellence * Experiment * Fearless * Finish * Focus * Forgive * Fun * Future-Self * Give * Goals * Gratitude * Grow * Habit * Happy * Heal * Healthy * Honor * Imagine * Implement * Improve * Inspire * Intentional * Joy * Kind * Lead * Learn * Less * Listen * Love * Manage * Master * Meditate * Mindful * Motivate * Move * Nature * Nest * New * No * Nourish * Nurture * Open * Organize * Overhaul * Overcome * Participate * Passion * Patient * Peace * Plan * Practice * Prepare * Present * Prioritize * Progress * Prosper * Purpose * Rebuild * Reclaim * Recognize * Redesign * Rediscover * Relax * Release * Renew * Repair * Repurpose * Rest * Reset * Resolve * Restore * Ritual * Routine * Self-Care * Shift * Shine * Simplify * Slow * Steward * Streamline * Strengthen * Success * Support * Talent * Time * Transform * Travel * Trust * Try * Upgrade * Value * Vision * Wealthy * Wise * Wonder *

Making it Visible…

Once you’ve decided on a word for each month, make it visible!

Write the words in your calendar, stick post-it notes on your refrigerator or create a folder on your phone, listen to podcasts or read books on that topic, set reminders with Alexa, or create a vision board. 

Word of the Month Activities and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Creating a New Soundtrack…

If you’re the type of person that has great intentions, but little follow through (not judging at all, I’ve been there too) set yourself up for success by creating a new soundtrack.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stopped doing something I wanted to do for the sake of something I felt like I had to do.

Guilt and obligation seem to go hand in hand sometimes, don’t they?

The thing is, it’s not selfish to take care of yourself.

After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

And if you don’t make time to do the things that lift you up, it’s tough to lift others up.

You don’t have to do an activity every day or even every week. But I urge you to give yourself something to look forward to each month.

It might not be easy at first, but I promise, the effort will be worth it.

How to Choose a Word of the Month Activities and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Cheering you on as you choose a Word of the Month or Word of the Year and create a life you love!

Other Motivational Posts to Enjoy:

7 Tips for a Successful Week (one of your Top Ten Favorite Blog Posts)

7 Tips for a More Successful Week-The Crowned Goat

10 Tips for Creating a More Organized Life

10 Tips for Creating a More Organized Life-The Crowned Goat

Finding Clarity With Journaling Prompts

Finding Clarity with Journaling Prompts-The Crowned Goat

Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


When you’re a doer and an action-taker, staying focused is of utmost importance. But setting monthly or weekly goals can sometimes be overwhelming and set us on the path to burnout. And no one wants to burn out before they achieve their goals!

One way to mitigate the laser-like intensity of weekly or monthly goals is by instead setting a word of the month. This is a technique employed by many over the last few years, and it’s growing in popularity. Like a word of the year, choosing one single word for any given month can help focus your attention on your goals while still being flexible.

Woman writing in notebook a list of words

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Words Have Power

If you know Wild Simple Joy, you know that I believe words have tremendous power over our lives. They have the power to tear us down and set us into a tailspin of negativity. But they also have the power to lift us to greater heights, to release our burdens, and to help us attract mind-blowing things into our lives.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, the words we use during self-talk are powerful in creating new neural pathways in the brain, effectively rewiring our thoughts and mindset. This can help us create more joy, success, and learn to take calculated risks.

Words also have the power to communicate to others in our lives our devotion and gratitude, or our inattention and disconnection. There is no need to provide evidence that words greatly affect others around us!

But did you know that the words we use in our thoughts and speech are also like prayers to the Universe? The Law of Attraction is primarily what dictates this. When we focus our attention on positive, abundant, fulfilling words, we’re more likely to be given those gifts by the Universe, Spirit, God, or whatever you believe in!

(Learn more about Dr. Joe Dispenza and some of his famous quotes here.)

History of Word of the Month

Word of the year has a very distinct history, stemming from dictionaries that assigned a word of the year for each year as it came to a close. Individuals decided that this was a wonderful practice for themselves, and they started to choose a word for the coming year instead!

This then got narrowed down into a word of the month to accommodate the ebb and flow of life.

Why You Should Choose a Word of the Month

Joy in the dictionary

The premise is simple, really: it’s powerful to choose a word of the year… but life is cyclical and changes with the seasons. Why not embrace that feeling of flow and break down your time period into months instead of just one for the year?

You can choose a word for each month of the year in conjunction with a word of the year, or you can do a monthly word in place of a yearly word. There’s no right or wrong way to do this. Do what works best for you.

You can choose them in advance, or you can pick the word on the last day of the previous month.

How to Choose a Monthly Word

You can honestly choose however you like! I prefer to brainstorm and narrow down my choices to find the right fit. I also like to be flexible when a word isn’t working for me. (Read all about my horrendous experience with my word of the year last year!)

1. Brainstorm

What kind of word do you want your life to embody for the next four weeks? Energetic? Radiant? Calm? Focused?

There’s no wrong choice. Brainstorm a few things that hold deep meaning for you right now.

2. Ask yourself some personal development questions

If you need more ideas, greater focus, or need to narrow down your list, you may want to ask yourself some personal development questions.

  • What words bring me a feeling of accomplishment?
  • What words bring me a feeling of peace?

If you need ideas for what questions, check out this huge list of deep questions to ask yourself!

3. Narrow down your list

Once you have some excellent words, work on narrowing the words down to choose just one for the coming month.

RELATED POST: 20 Decks of Affirmation Cards for You To Utilize the Power of Words

My Words for the Months January Through December 2023

I decided to choose my word of the month in advance (all 12 months at once), and I decided to use my New Year tarot reading to inspire my monthly word. (Obviously this is a personal choice that goes along with my own beliefs, so take it if it resonates, or discard it if it doesn’t.)

Here are my power word choices for 2023:

  • January – Foundation
  • February – Strength
  • March – Power
  • April – Wit & Insight
  • May – Beauty
  • June – Commitment
  • July – Swiftness
  • August – Balance
  • September – Master Artist
  • October – Priestess
  • November – Light
  • December – Rest & Reflection

The beauty is that I have goals to work toward, but if, for example, something happens in March and I need to reset my priorities for the following months, I can always just go back in and change the next few words until I get back on track.

I’ll make sure to come back at the end of the year and let you know just how well these words worked for me!

Always remember that these words are like sending out a prayer to the Universe! Be careful what you wish for!

I’ve selected these 361 words to be widely-varied and applicable to a great many aspects of your life, such as relationships, finances, job or career, community, home, children, spirituality, and so on.

Many of them are the same as those one the personal word of the year list, but there are a few more here.

  1. ability
  2. abundance
  3. abundant
  4. acceptance
  5. achieve
  6. admire
  7. adventure
  8. adventurous
  9. affect
  10. affluence
  11. align
  12. alignment
  13. alive
  14. allure
  15. allow
  16. amaze
  17. ambition
  18. ambitious
  19. amplify
  20. appreciate
  21. art
  22. artful
  23. artisan
  24. ascendancy
  25. ascending
  26. aspiration
  27. astonishing
  28. attraction
  29. authentic
  30. authority
  31. awake
  32. awareness
  33. awe-inspiring
  34. awesome
  35. badass
  36. balance
  37. be
  38. become
  39. beautiful
  40. beauty
  41. believe
  42. belong
  43. birth
  44. blessing
  45. bliss
  46. bloom
  47. boss
  48. bold
  49. bouncy
  50. boundaries
  51. brave
  52. bravery
  53. breakthrough
  54. breath
  55. breathe
  56. breathtaking
  57. brilliant
  58. buoyant
  59. buoyancy
  60. captivate
  61. captivating
  62. celebrate
  63. centered
  64. ceo
  65. challenge
  66. challenging
  67. charisma
  68. charm
  69. charming
  70. cheer
  71. classy
  72. cleanse
  73. colorful
  74. comfort
  75. command
  76. commit
  77. commitment
  78. community
  79. complete
  80. completion
  81. connected
  82. connection
  83. conquer
  84. consistent
  85. contained
  86. contemplate
  87. contribution
  88. courage
  89. courageous
  90. create
  91. creation
  92. creative
  93. curious
  94. dedicated
  95. delightful
  96. depth
  97. desire
  98. design
  99. devoted
  100. discipline
  101. discover
  102. divine
  103. dream
  104. driven
  105. dynamic
  106. Earth
  107. earthy
  108. ease
  109. easy
  110. ecstasy
  111. effortless
  112. electric
  113. electricity
  114. elegance
  115. elevate
  116. empathy
  117. empowering
  118. energy
  119. enjoy
  120. enliven
  121. enrapture
  122. enrich
  123. enthralling
  124. epic
  125. epitome
  126. exceptional
  127. exciting
  128. exclusive
  129. exquisite
  130. extraordinary
  131. fabulous
  132. faith
  133. family
  134. fantasy
  135. fantastic
  136. fearless
  137. feeling
  138. feisty
  139. ferocious
  140. fierce
  141. fiery
  142. finish
  143. floating
  144. flow
  145. flowing
  146. fly
  147. focus
  148. force
  149. forgive
  150. forgiveness
  151. foundation
  152. foundational
  153. free
  154. freedom
  155. fun
  156. gain
  157. genius
  158. gentle
  159. genuine
  160. give
  161. giving
  162. glamour
  163. glisten
  164. glow
  165. glowing
  166. goal
  167. God
  168. Goddess
  169. gorgeous
  170. grace
  171. graceful
  172. gratitude
  173. grounded
  174. grit
  175. grow
  176. growth
  177. happiness
  178. healing
  179. health
  180. heart
  181. heavenly
  182. help
  183. hero
  184. heroine
  185. honest
  186. honesty
  187. hope
  188. humility
  189. idea
  190. ignite
  191. imagine
  192. imagination
  193. immerse
  194. impact
  195. improve
  196. influence
  197. innovation
  198. insight
  199. inspiration
  200. inspirational
  201. integrity
  202. intense
  203. intention
  204. intentional
  205. invest
  206. joy
  207. joyful
  208. jubilant
  209. kindness
  210. King
  211. laugh
  212. lead
  213. leader
  214. leadership
  215. learn
  216. liberate
  217. light
  218. limitless
  219. love
  220. lovely
  221. luxury
  222. magic
  223. Magician
  224. magnificence
  225. manifest
  226. manifestation
  227. marvelous
  228. meaning
  229. meditate
  230. metamorphosis
  231. mind-blowing
  232. mindful
  233. mindset
  234. miracle
  235. miraculous
  236. moon
  237. money
  238. motivated
  239. new
  240. nirvana
  241. nourish
  242. optimistic
  243. passionate
  244. patient
  245. peace
  246. peppy
  247. perfect
  248. perfection
  249. perspective
  250. phenomenal
  251. play
  252. playful
  253. pleasure
  254. positivity
  255. power
  256. powerful
  257. prevail
  258. Priestess
  259. priority
  260. progress
  261. purpose
  262. Queen
  263. radiant
  264. rainbow
  265. receive
  266. refined
  267. reflection
  268. release
  269. renewed
  270. rest
  271. rich
  272. rooted
  273. safe
  274. satiating
  275. secure
  276. security
  277. self-care
  278. self-love
  279. self-worth
  280. sensational
  281. sensual
  282. service
  283. share
  284. simple
  285. simplify
  286. smile
  287. soar
  288. soothe
  289. sophisticated
  290. sovereign
  291. sovereignty
  292. soul
  293. soulful
  294. space
  295. sparkle
  296. Spirit
  297. spirited
  298. spiritual
  299. splendid
  300. splendor
  301. spritely
  302. stargaze
  303. still
  304. stillness
  305. strength
  306. sublime
  307. success
  308. sun
  309. supernatural
  310. surprise
  311. surprising
  312. surrender
  313. swiftness
  314. sympathy
  315. teach
  316. tenacity
  317. thrilling
  318. thriving
  319. timeless
  320. trailblaze
  321. transform
  322. transformation
  323. travel
  324. unbreakable
  325. unchained
  326. understanding
  327. unlimited
  328. unstoppable
  329. Universe
  330. vibrant
  331. vigor
  332. vigorous
  333. vision
  334. visionary
  335. vital
  336. vitality
  337. vivacious
  338. vivid
  339. voice
  340. warm
  341. warmth
  342. wealth
  343. wealthy
  344. weightless
  345. wellness
  346. wholehearted
  347. wild
  348. wish
  349. wicked
  350. wit
  351. witch
  352. witchy
  353. wonder
  354. wonderful
  355. worthy
  356. yearning
  357. zeal
  358. zealous
  359. zenith
  360. zest
  361. zestful
350+ Ideas for Your Word of the Month, Vertical Pinterest Image

350+ Ideas for Your Word of the Month

Do you ever wake up feeling like a superhero, ready to conquer the world, only to find yourself deflated and directionless by the time evening rolls around?

Maintaining that morning enthusiasm isn’t always a walk in the park, is it?

I’ve had my fair share of days that started with a burst of optimism, only to fizzle out like a damp firework by late afternoon.

It drove me up the wall!

So, I decided to introduce the “word of the month” as part of my 30-Day Challenges.

Focusing on one inspiring word each month has kept me grounded and motivated, even when the going gets tough.

Amazingly, just one word can reignite that morning fire within me, pushing me towards my goals.

If you’re struggling to stay upbeat throughout the day or feel like you’re wasting precious time, give the “word of the month” a try.

You might be shocked at the difference it can make!

Discover Your Inspirational Word of the Month

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble.

Yehuda Berg

Setting Your Compass

When choosing your inspirational word for the month, zero in on a single term that encapsulates your aspirations.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your health, finances, or relationships, pick a word that embodies your goals and dreams.

This word will act as your anchor, a constant reminder of what you want to achieve and how you want to feel.

It’s not about what others think; it’s about what resonates with you.

So take a moment, reflect on your ambitions, and select a word that will guide you towards a more fulfilling life.

The Power of Monthly Focus Over Yearly Goals

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Sam Levenson

Bite-Sized Motivation

Embarking on something new is exhilarating, but it’s crucial to choose a manageable and motivating timeframe.

That’s why the “word of the month” concept is so potent.

Unlike New Year’s resolutions that often fizzle out before February, opting for a monthly focus allows you to start afresh with a new perspective and goal every 30 days.

This way, you’ll stay motivated and engaged without losing interest or feeling overwhelmed.

By the end of each month, you can evaluate your progress and decide where to direct your energy next.

This approach keeps you fired up all year, so why not give it a shot?

Choose your inspirational word for this month and see how it can propel you towards your goals more effectively than a yearly resolution.

Picking Your Perfect Word of the Month

Words can inspire, and words can destroy. Choose yours well.

Robin Sharma

Reflecting on Your Unique Journey

When selecting your word of the month, consider your individual goals, challenges, and personal relationships.

As you explore our extensive list of 215 keyword ideas, pay attention to any words that leap out at you.

Trust your intuition to guide you towards the perfect word for your current situation.

For example, if you’re feeling scattered and struggling to reach your goals, the word “Focus” might grab your attention.

Alternatively, if you’re dealing with a recent conflict and yearning for healing, “Forgive” could be your ideal choice.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong pick; it’s all about what speaks to your heart and aligns with your aspirations.

Embrace Success with Your Word of the Month

The words you speak become the house you live in.


Consistency and Repetition

Consistency is the secret sauce when it comes to making the most of your inspirational word of the month.

By starting each day with your chosen word, you adopt a mindset that mirrors your intention and commit to focusing on it throughout the day.

For instance, if your word is “Focus,” repeating it to yourself can help you resist distractions and stay on track.

When I wrote this blog post, chanting “Focus” kept me from falling into the black hole of Pinterest and ensured I concentrated on my writing.

Similarly, repetition can help you release negative emotions and cultivate positive ones.

If you’re grappling with resentment towards someone, like a friend or family member, repeating a word like “Forgive” can gradually open your mind to the possibility of forgiveness.

Remember, using your inspirational word of the month effectively demands consistent effort and repetition.

So make sure to repeat your chosen word regularly and reflect on how it’s impacting your thoughts and actions.

With practice, you’ll be able to harness its power and achieve your goals more effortlessly.

Experience Your Word: See It, Feel It

Words are a lens to focus one’s mind.

Ayn Rand

Engage Your Senses

Your word of the month shouldn’t be a mere concept; it should be an experience that engages all your senses.

Once you’ve chosen your word, place it somewhere visible so you’ll see it every day.

You could display it on:

  • Your fridge
  • A whiteboard at your desk
  • A bright post-it note on your mirror or computer
  • Your phone’s screensaver
  • Your to-do list
  • Your bedside table
  • Your journal

This daily reminder of your word and its significance will keep you focused and motivated.

To fully immerse yourself in the experience, say your word out loud as often as you can and visualise it coming to life.

For example, if your word is “Happy,” imagine your radiant smile and feel a sense of relaxation wash over you.

Carry this feeling with you throughout the day, allowing it to influence your actions and emotions.

Remember, your actions create emotions, so keep that smile on your face, regardless of the challenges you face.

Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.


Looking for inspiration for your Word of the Month?

Search no further!

Our list of 215 inspiring words will help you find a meaningful word that speaks to your soul.

Print off the list, circle the words that resonate with you, and then narrow them down to a few.

From there, choose one word for your first month.

Keep in mind that your priorities, goals, and aspirations may shift every month, so it’s essential to select a unique word each time.

With our comprehensive list of ideas, you’re sure to discover a new word that captivates you every month.

Are you ready to embark on your journey?

Choose your first word and start experiencing its impact on your life today!

1. Accept
2. Achieve
3. Act
4. Adapt
5. Add
6. Advance
7. Adventure
8. Allow
9. Amazing
10. Ambition
11. Appreciate
12. Ascend
13. Attention
14. Awake
15. Awe
16. Awesome
17. Balance
18. Be
19. Beautiful
20. Begin
21. Believe
22. Best
23. Big
24. Bold
25. Bounce
26. Boundaries
27. Brave
28. Breathe
29. Bright
30. Build
31. Calm
32. Capture
33. Care
34. Celebrate
35. Challenge
36. Change
37. Chase
38. Comfort
39. Commit
40. Communicate
41. Compassion
42. Compose
43. Compromise
44. Confident
45. Connect
46. Consistent
47. Contribute
48. Courage
49. Create
50. Cultivate
51. Decide
52. Declutter
53. Dedicate
54. Deliberate
55. Devote
56. Discipline
57. Dream
58. Embrace
59. Encourage
60. Enjoy
61. Enthusiastic
62. Excite
63. Expand
64. Experience
65. Explore
66. Fast
67. Fearless
68. Finish
69. Flourish
70. Focus
71. Forgive
72. Forward
73. Free
74. Fulfil
75. Fun
76. Generous
77. Gentle
78. Give
79. Go
80. Goals
81. Gratitude
82. Grounded
83. Grow
84. Habit
85. Happy
86. Harmony
87. Heal
88. Health
89. Heart
90. Here
91. Higher
92. Honest
93. Hope
94. Humble
95. Hustle
96. Imagine
97. Immerse
98. Improve
99. Increase
100. Inspiration
101. Inspire
102. Integrity
103. Intent
104. Intentional
105. Intuition
106. Journey
107. Joy
108. Jump
109. Kind
110. Laugh
111. Lead
112. Learn
113. Less
114. Light
115. Listen
116. Live
117. Love
118. Magic
119. Meditate
120. Mindful
121. Moments
122. More
123. Move
124. New
125. Nature
126. No
127. Now
128. Nurture
129. Observe
130. Open
131. Organize
132. Overcome
133. Passion
134. Patient
135. Pause
136. Peace
137. Permit
138. Persevere
139. Persist
140. Perspective
141. Play
142. Positive
143. Possibilities
144. Possible
145. Powerful
146. Practice
147. Present
148. Progress
149. Prosper
150. Purpose
151. Question
152. Quiet
153. Re-brand
154. Receive
155. Reclaim
156. Reflect
157. Relax
158. Release
159. Renew
160. Reset
161. Resolve
162. Respect
163. Rest
164. Retreat
165. Revive
166. Rise
167. Satisfaction
168. Seek
169. Self
170. Self-care
171. Self-love
172. Serene
173. Share
174. Shift
175. Shine
176. Simplify
177. Slow
178. Small
179. Smile
180. Spark
181. Speak
182. Still
183. Strength
184. Stretch
185. Strive
186. Success
187. Support
188. Teach
189. Think
190. Thrive
191. Today
192. Touch
193. Transform
194. Travel
195. Trust
196. Truth
197. Try
198. Understand
199. Unlimited
200. Unstoppable
201. Value
202. Vision
203. Wake
204. Wander
205. Wealthy
206. Why
207. Wild
208. Win
209. Wisdom
210. Wise
211. Wish
212. Wonder
213. Work
214 Wow
215. Yes

Final Thoughts

As you wrap up this journey, remember to choose one word for each month.

Visualise this word everywhere you go and let it permeate your thoughts and feelings throughout the day for an entire month.

Selecting an inspirational word for the month and repeating it daily is a simple yet incredibly powerful practice.

Listen to your intuition as it guides you to that one perfect word.

Embrace it, repeat it as often as you can, and be amazed by how profoundly your chosen word can transform your mindset and behaviours, ultimately helping you live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

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Word tiles to create word of the month and word of the year

Many people choose a “word of the month” or a “word of the year” instead of making a New Year’s resolution.  It is estimated that 25% of people make resolutions.  As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I can confidently say that losing weight, eating healthier, and exercising more are among the top ten resolutions. However, while New Year’s resolutions give opportunities for a fresh start, they can be daunting.

According to one poll, 35% of people keep all their resolutions and 50% keep some of them. One author noted that resolutions often fail because:

  • The focus was on changing a behavior rather than on changing a mindset
  • There was no accountability structure
  • There was a deep-seated fear of achieving those goals

Why Choose a Word of the Year Instead of a New Year’s Resolution?

Many people opt for a word of the year instead of a resolution.  A few years ago, I opted for this approach for a much-needed mind shift.  With this approach, you select one word on which to focus for the year. This word is then used to create your vision board, set your goals and intentions, and empower you.

For example, if your word is “fearless,” you might create goals and sub-goals for:

  • Starting a new job or business
  • Pursuing a new relationship or end an existing one
  • Saying “yes” to things that scare you
  • Saying “no” to people and things that drain you

For example, if your word is “discipline,” you might create goals and sub-goals for:

  • Saving money from every paycheck
  • Contributing monthly to your retirement account  
  • Going to the gym 3 days a week
  • Going to bed at a consistent time
  • Not eating after 7 pm
  • Limiting use of social media

For example, if your word is “grow,” you might create goals and sub-goals for:

  • Reading more books
  • Taking a course
  • Starting a hobby
  • Getting out of your comfort zone

Why Choose a Word of the Month Instead of a Word of the Year?

This year I chose to focus on a word of the month instead of a word of the year.  Last year, my word of the year was “big.”  I really got into the word “big” for the first two months, then several things happened:

  • COVID pandemic
  • Isolating at home
  • Not traveling
  • Zoom overload
  • Death of my father

I journaled throughout the pandemic.  However, I quickly realized that the thing that really got “big” was my fear.  Focusing on that one word was overwhelming.  I finally acknowledged that:

  • Each month was different and came with new opportunities and perspectives
  • The different seasons of the year sometimes require a shift
  • I was more deliberate and reflective during my birth month
  • Emotions and feelings are powerful drivers
  • Life events often require major shifts
  • Flexibility is a gift that needs to be mastered

Tips for Using Your Word

Instead of choosing one word for the year, you get to choose 12 powerful ones to focus on during the year.  Here are a few tips for using them for a successful year:

  • Don’t choose all 12 words at once
  • Choose a new one before the new month starts
  • If one really resonates with you, use it for a few months
  • Learn the meaning of the word and its alternatives
  • Choose a mixture of adjectives, nouns, and action verbs
  • Focus on ones that nourish your soul, refocus your mind, and recharge your body
  • Incorporate the word into your vocabulary
  • Write it in your journal each day
  • Print out the word and place it over your desk or bathroom mirror
  • Make it the screen saver on your phone, tablet, or computer
  • Write a few I AM affirmations using your word
  • Find inspirational quotes or Scriptures that use that word
  • Create a vision board for the word of the month

50+ Words to Consider

  1. Abundance
  2. Adventure
  3. Align
  4. Balance
  5. Begin
  6. Big
  7. Bold
  8. Breathe
  9. Challenge
  10. Create, Creativity
  11. Collaborate, collaboration
  12. Commit, commitment
  13. Confident, confidence
  14. Dare, daring
  15. Discipline
  16. Embrace
  17. Empower
  18. Enjoy
  19. Faith, faithful, faithfulness
  20. Family
  21. Fearless
  22. Flexible, flexibility
  23. Forgive, forgiveness
  24. Freedom
  25. Friendship
  26. Gratitude, grateful
  27. Grow, growth
  28. Give
  29. Harmony
  30. Health, healthy
  31. Help
  32. Honesty
  33. Hope
  34. Humility, humbleness  
  35. Joy
  36. Kindness
  37. No
  38. Peace
  39. Persist, persistence
  40. Play, playfulness
  41. Refocus
  42. Relationship
  43. Rest
  44. Risk
  45. Serve, service
  46. Simple, simplicity
  47. Sparkle
  48. Strong
  49. Survive, survival
  50. Teach
  51. Thrive
  52. Touch
  53. Whole, wholeness
  54. Yes
  55. Zeal
  56. Zest

Woman with journal to write word of the month and word of the year

Now, It’s Your Turn

A new year brings hope, excitement, and opportunities. I hope that you will take the approach of focusing on a word of the month to achieve your goals for this year. Don’t feel guilty if you have to change your word or go in a new direction. Remember, things happen in life and we need to shift and grow. I think you will also enjoy the blog posts on SMART goals to manage stress eating, 9 Sunday habits for a more productive week, fierce quotes on being successful, and 3 top priorities for work-life balance.

What are some of your focus words?

We look forward to hearing about your experience with intermittent fasting.  And, you can join the conversation on the Keep It Tight Sisters Facebook Page.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your social network.  Your subscription to the blog is also appreciated!

We also have many self-care boards for you to follow on Pinterest.

Keep It Tight Sisters.

Eat. Move. Breathe.

Words are powerful. The way we speak to ourselves matters, and the way we communicate and interact with the world around us matters.  Which is why a focused word of the month can be such a powerful tool in your life and journal.

While many of us are familiar with a word of the year, a word of the month is also a great way to stay focused in your life and your belief systems. When the calendar turns to a new month, it’s something that forces you to take stock of your priorities for the next 30 days, AND it’s something you can incorporate into your journal for the month.

Inspirational words painted on a staircase

Deciding to have a word of the month is similar to having a mantra. Mantras are used in different cultures as a way of bringing different beliefs and ideas into existence. If you say something enough times—eventually you’ll believe it.

Maybe you are someone who wants to cultivate better relationships with the people around you. You might choose the word “community” as your word of the month.

If you want to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new things, you may choose “courage” as your word of the month.

Your world of the month could be something that inspires you and propels you into action in your day to day life, or – conversely – reminds you to take a break and give yourself a rest.

The word chillax written with a tear of pink paper revealing it

How to Choose your Word for the Month?

There are lots of different ways to choose a word of the month…the best method is one that works for you.

An Improvement Word

Think about something in your life you want to be better at. This could be something that affects how you interact with your physical world such as keeping your space clean and organized, spending more time outdoors, or finding a new job.

A Spirituality Word

It can also be a word that drives your spirituality. Maybe you want to spend more time meditating, being grateful, or doing yoga. Or maybe there’s a word from scripture or your religion that speaks to you.

A Thematic Word

Another option is drawing inspiration from the world around you or from the calendar itself.

For example, since September is often associated with the new beginnings of back to school, maybe you choose a word like “fresh start” or “shift” for September. This would work for January, too!

In July, maybe your word is “outside” because you want to spend less time at your computer, and more time in nature.

How Do You Pick One Word for the Month?

There are endless words you can choose your single word for the month.

Perhaps start by looking at a dictionary for the definition, or the thesaurus for synonyms of a word you have in mind. Maybe the word you have in mind is “love.” Check to see if there is a synonym that speaks to you better like cherishing, adulation or passion.

The word Love written in red on a small white heart-shaped rock. Love is a great word month word to focus on

How to Use your Monthly Word?

Once you have found the perfect word of the month for you, start writing it everywhere! 

Write it in your journal (you could even incorporate it into your vision board, scripting manifestation, or 55 5 method), have it as the lock screen on your phone, tablet, and desktop, and write a note and stick it in your bathroom mirror.

When you wake up in the morning, start your day by saying your word of the month outloud to yourself and embracing the weight of the word. Let it wash over you and picture what embracing that word will look like for the day. 

How will it make you walk, how will it make you talk, how will it change the way you interact with the world around you? Will you make your breakfast differently than the day before?

Start believing that you are all the things you wish to receive from your word of the month. Every time you see that word, let it fill you with that belief.

Another great way you can use your word of the month is to make a brain dump. Write about how the world makes you feel and all the associations you have with the word.

Words may have definitions, but they also carry very different definitions depending on who is using them. 

The words Keep Going on a wall in the city against a colorful rainbow background. A word of the month could be a phrase of the month too

108 Word of the Month Ideas So You Can Choose a Different Word Each Month

  1. Achieve
  2. Advise
  3. Advocate 
  4. Apply
  5. Assemble
  6. Balance 
  7. Budget 
  8. Build
  9. Champion
  10. Clarify 
  11. Collaborate
  12. Compassion
  13. Conserve
  14. Consolidate
  15. Craft 
  16. Create 
  17. Customize 
  18. Delegate 
  19. Demonstrate 
  20. Design
  21. Detail
  22. Determine
  23. Discover
  24. Display
  25. Diversify
  26. Document
  27. Draft 
  28. Earn
  29. Emphasize 
  30. Encourage 
  31. Energize
  32. Enthusiasm
  33. Excellence
  34. Experiment 
  35. Facilitate 
  36. Familiarize 
  37. Forage
  38. Foster
  39. Guide
  40. Gratitude
  41.  Harness
  42. Honor
  43. Identify
  44. Imagine
  45. Implement
  46. Improve
  47. Improvise 
  48. Inclusion
  49. Increase
  50. Influence
  51. Innovate
  52. Initiate 
  53. Integrity
  54. Inspire
  55. Invent
  56. Justify 
  57. Launch
  58. Listen 
  59. Maintain
  60. Manage
  61. Master 
  62. Measure
  63. Mediate
  64. Meditate
  65. Mindset
  66. Monitor
  67. Motivate
  68. Navigate
  69. Nominate
  70. Normalize 
  71. Observe
  72. Offer 
  73. Organize
  74. Outsource
  75. Overhaul
  76. Participate
  77. Perceive
  78. Perfect
  79. Perform
  80. Perspective
  81. Plan 
  82. Predict 
  83. Prepare
  84. Prioritize 
  85. Progress
  86. Project
  87. Provide
  88. Qualify 
  89. Rebuild
  90. Receive
  91. Recognize
  92. Redesign
  93. Repair
  94. Restore
  95. Secure
  96. Streamline
  97. Strengthen
  98. Support
  99. Transcribe
  100. Transform
  101. Unify
  102. Upgrade
  103. Validate
  104. Verify 
  105. Willpower
  106. Win
  107. Write
  108. Zest 

Having One Word To Focus On Every Month is Empowering

Having a word of the month is empowering because you are allowing yourself to bring change and intention into your day to day life. 

You can choose to instead have a word of the day, week or even year. That is perfectly acceptable too. Just be sure you’re giving yourself the time you need to feel the change your word will bring you. 

Over the course of the month you may find that your definition of the word will change too. That is perfectly normal! Your experiences and thoughts are constantly re-defining your beliefs about the world around you— just as experiences and thoughts will deepen and change how we define our language. 

This might also help you choose a new word for next month.

Words carry weight and energy.  

Make Your Word into a Mantra

Another great way to use your word of the month is to write down as many mantras about it you can and say them outloud to yourself. 

If your word of the month is “love” you could say:

  • I am loved
  • I deserve to be loved
  • I love the people around me
  • I have endless love to give and receive

Mantras are powerful. Saying them every day is a great way to fundamentally rewire our belief systems. 

Maybe something happened in your life that led you to believe you were not actually worthy of love, or capable of loving others fully. Just because you have had these experiences does not mean you need to believe these hurtful things. 

You can share your word of the month with someone around you that you trust as well. This will be a great way to stay accountable and truly feel the full power of your word of the month!

Lindsay Aman

Lindsay is a photographer and adventurer based in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is finishing up her 95 GMC conversion van build and then traveling the country with her Australian Shepard mix, Rooney. Lindsay graduated from the University of Utah in 2016 with her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in acting. She is passionate about storytelling, journaling, and living life to the fullest.

Lindsay loves documenting her travels and adventures through photography, videography and bullet journaling.

She is an avid traveler and has been to 13 different countries- with many more to come! You can follow her adventures on her tiktok (@lindsayamanphotography), youtube (coming soon), instagram (@lindsayamanphotography ), and her website.

  • Discussions
  • Themes & Competitions
  • #* words of the month ideas please *#

July 23rd, 2020

Hi everyone,
It’s that time again when I call out for requests for words of the month — I can’t believe we’re almost at the end of July — and in the second half of what has been a shocker of a year…………..hope everyone is safe and well……………….please submit your ideas for AUGUST words in the comments below.

Please do not worry if someone has already suggested your word — I will know how popular it is when I see it submitted more than once and will be sure to include it.


July 23rd, 2020

Thanks Wendy :)

July 23rd, 2020

sooooooo… i went to a random word generator website and got this list:



July 23rd, 2020

At first glance I saw «wench» as the first word on your list @northy :)

How about:

I’ve really enjoyed the month of palindromes in July!

July 23rd, 2020

July 23rd, 2020

Thanks Annie. Hope you are keeping safe, too.

your favorite color
leading lines
candid capture

July 23rd, 2020

So sorry not been playing, phojo very absent, but I’m loving seeing the pallindrome interpretations.

I second @northy ‘s wench!!

July 24th, 2020


July 24th, 2020

A is for…
B is for…

Letter shapes around us: the alphabet in various shapes

July 24th, 2020

That’s right! Let’s resurrect the Alphabet August month!!
Do It
Golden Hour
Ice cream
X marks the spot

July 25th, 2020

@farmreporter i like your word list sooooo much!!!!
I think i will give it a try, even if i am after 2 months of alphabet photography…

Write a Reply

When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.

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English is increasingly used for communication all over the world. For the latest set of words that we’ve added to Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries online, we’ve chosen to focus on English as it is used worldwide, or World English (or even World Englishes). Many of these words are related to food (see our last blog post about banh mi), because people everywhere like to try new foods, and popular foods spread quickly around the world.

Foods that change when they travel – tikka masala and schnitzels

Banh mi is a tasty Vietnamese sandwich resulting from a mix of different cultures, and it is now becoming popular outside its native Vietnam. When food is exported in this way, it often undergoes changes, sometimes because some of the ingredients are not readily available in the new country, and sometimes because people have different tastes there, or have an idea for fusion food, mixing it with another ingredient or dish that is popular in that country.

When many people began to move to the UK from the Indian subcontinent in the second half of the twentieth century, for example, they brought with them their culinary traditions, and some people opened restaurants. The food they made quickly became popular with British people, but of course, the British at that time were not used to spicy food, so this food was adapted to British tastes. Yoghurt or cream, for example, were added to create milder dishes with a more liquid consistency, like our word of the month tikka masala (a combination of the existing dish tikka and a masala sauce. In due course, tikka masala travelled back to India and to other parts of the world and became popular there too.

Chicken Tikka Masala - Word of the month

Chicken Tikka Masala

Another example of culinary transformation can be found in the schnitzel, which in its native Europe was originally made with veal. When German immigrants took it with them to the United States, veal was not easily available, so they started to use beef instead. And when German Jews migrated to Israel, almost a century later, they began to use chicken, because that meat was cheaper there. So today, in the different countries where it is eaten, a schnitzel can be made with a variety of meats.

Foods that change over time – pigs in blankets

Tikka masala and schnitzel are terms that are entirely new to the English language. Sometimes a term that already existed in English evolves and the meaning changes as the dish’s popularity spreads. Take the snack food pigs in blankets, for example. It’s more commonly called pigs in a blanket in the United States, but then it isn’t actually the same thing there – in Britain, it’s sausages wrapped in bacon, but in the US the sausage is wrapped in pastry, rather like a British sausage roll.

British Pigs in Blanket - Word of the month

British Pigs in Blanket
US Pigs in Blanket - Word of the month
American Pigs in a Blanket

It seems that, in terms of sausages, the American meaning may have been the first one. When the pig in a blanket first crossed the Atlantic sometime around the middle of the last century, the meaning was adapted, possibly because Britain already had the sausage roll. Looking back at the origins of pigs in blankets, though, things get even more interesting. The first evidence in the Oxford English Dictionary goes back, as we can see below, to 1880, but it has nothing to do with sausages –  the term was originally used for oysters wrapped in bacon!

Oxford Learner's Dictionary definition - Word of the month

Oxford Learner’s Dictionary definition

This oyster and bacon combo, however, was not in itself an American invention, as it is mentioned in British cookbooks of the time, under the rather strange name of angels on horseback. It seems this name may have come about because the edges of the bacon turn upwards when it is cooked, looking a little like the wings of angels.

A masala of languages – chakka jam

Sometimes, too, an English word is used together with a word from another language to create a new expression. Take chakka jam, for example – and despite what you might think about jam, this one has nothing to do with food! When blocking roads became a popular form of protest in India, this term was coined from the Hindi chakka (meaning “wheel”) and the English jam, as in traffic jam. A chakka jam, though, is a type of protest, a new meaning that does not exist in either of the words chakka and jam.

So, as we can see, in all the many varieties of World English new words are constantly coming in from other languages, the meaning of existing words is changing, and words

Masala pizza

Masala Pizza

are being put together in new ways to create new meanings. Masala pizza, anyone?

Discover more words and their meanings at our Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries!

Mark Temple worked as an English teacher in Spain, Italy and Latin America before becoming an editor in the ELT Dictionaries department at Oxford University Press.

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