Word of the month for october

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 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

This is going to be a quick little post revealing what my Word of the Month for October is…..

 POSITIVITY is what I chose as my Theme for this Year……


Little did I know how important it would be to remain POSITIVE this Year!!!!

I am choosing to maintain this theme by only posting positive things here on my Blog and also on my face book page…..

  I continue choose to post Positivity on this Blog and
especially out there on social media like face book,over all the
Political Rants, Mask Pro and Cons Rants, Naming Calling and Making Fun
of Political Leaders no matter what Political Party they belong to,
sharing of Fake News without checking the actual facts before posting
bashing of Businesses even though those businesses may be barely

 I choose to take the higher road, rising above
all that nonsense and frankly, childishness, and not feed into and spread the anger and hate!!

I have had enough……

I am CHOOSING to scroll through and not read any of these posts…..


 I choose POSITIVITY!!

And yes, at times it has been hard to remain POSITIVE but I think back to my Mother who always looked at the Glass as half empty, always waited for something terrible to happen because things were just going too good, always waited for the Shoe to drop……

And I remember how that attitude ruled her life and put her in a constant state of anxiety and I refuse to do that to myself and to my family because I doubt my Mother ever realized the effect her Negativity had on her family….

  My Word of the Month for September was……


 Why did I pick JOYFUL as My Word of the Month for September……

I chose JOYFUL because I was thrilled with the end of the Summer with all it’s heat and humidity….

I was JOYFUL because, to me, September harkens the beginning of the Holiday Season…..

The Holiday Season for me starts with Halloween and continues on until Easter….

I LOVE to decorate for the Different Holidays and this is the time of the year when I am in my Glory so to speak….. 

And I did have a JOYFUL September because I had so much fun changing the look of our home and decorating for Fall and Halloween…..

Now I know many of you are wondering why do all of this especially this year when get togethers with friends are cautioned against by the CDC….

I do it for ME!!!!

It makes ME happy, it keeps MY imagination flowing, it inspires MY creativity, it keeps ME active physically and it sure does keep ME from getting bored….

All of this is very important when one is retired….

I absolutely do not think of it as «WORK» or «TROUBLE» like many have referred to it as….

I view it as «PLAYING» and «HAVING FUN»!

So in September, I JOYFULLY did this…..

I changed the Living Room from this….

To this…..

 The front porch from this…..

 To this…..

And the Dining Room from this…..

To this…..

And there is a lot more that I changed and was JOYFUL doing so……

I will be sharing all those changes in future posts…..

So now that we are already into October, I thought long and hard about what word would I chose for one of my favorite months of the year????

I thought about what I normally do in October….

And I came up with the Word IMAGINE!!!! 


What does IMAGINE mean……

1. form a mental image or concept of.

 2. form picture of something in your mind

Now why did I choose IMAGINE for my Word of the Month for October?????

By the beginning of October, I am done decorating our home , both inside and out, for Fall and Halloween and my thoughts then turn to CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

I have told you all for many years now that I start to decorate the upstairs of our townhouse in October for Christmas……

I get out all my Christmas magazines and books and start looking through Pinterest for ideas and inspiration…..

October is the month that I always start to IMAGINE what the coming Christmas Holiday will look like in my home…..

 I start to «picture it» in my mind’s eye……

Now this year is no different, even with the Pandemic….

As I mentioned before, I do it for ME and I do it for my family…

And maybe even if I can not have friends over this year, at least those friends will see pictures of our home decorated and can maybe feel as if they were able to visit…..

I know that is how I feel when I get to peer into the  homes of fellow Bloggers and others who post pictures of their homes on Face Book Groups that I belong to…..

I IMAGINE that I am there, visiting with them, maybe sitting down talking and having a cup of Tea…..

I think about how awful it would be if everyone stopped decorating their homes because of what is going on in the world today…..

There would be no inspiration, no creativity and no IMAGINATION!!!!!!

And most of all, no Delight in the eyes of children!!!

And since it is October, GUESS WHAT???????

These are not last year’s pictures……

  I even unboxed this brand new Tree that I bought in Boscov’s on Clearance last year……


Anybody there? Olly olly oxen free! October’s Word of the Month is something we usually do when were happy, angry, or just looking for someone! Curious? Check it out after the jump!

Credits: vas_vas

When you have a problem or are very ecstatic about something, there’s really no way to express it other than shouting it out from the mountains! If a mountain is too far a rooftop will do. Our Word of the Month: October is bellow. So give us your biggest cry, shout, yelp, and what have you! The five loudest Lomographs win Piggies! HOLLER!!!

Bellow: a very loud utterance or other sound.


  • Prize(s): 5 winners of 5 Piggies. All winners will receive a special award badge straight to their LomoHomes
  • Film/Camera Type: Any analogue photo not digitally enhanced or manipulated. Please keep in mind of our Word of the Month theme.
  • Upload Limit: 1 photo only so make it count!
  • Minimum Photo Dimensions: Submissions must be at least 768px in either width or height.
  • Meta data must be completed (camera, film, location & 3 tags)

written by cruzron on 2011-10-03 #news #competition #october #shout #word #month #bellow


maryona, imushie, homer, lu_bettyb00p, whizzkidd, johnmartimaesa, kostas, liberadawilly, psycedelicenabil, frankiewinsor, tuureluure, fpc, button, beatpoetj, christinealves, raquellogs, rudie11, lluiso12, ornella, ordinarian, photomood, koshka, valpera, liquorice, rastablues, mcrstar, awidi, ridwanfals, holygrail, fabo, martie, meryl, lynxalb00, cutebun, tallgrrlrocks, brianvaldezx,
mafiosa, welland, feelux, goonies, sprofishgel, domo-guy, b0rn2b1ush, adzfar, adi_totp, natalieerachel, nicx, _rebecca, tqueiroz & dirklancer

and 14 more lovely people.
Show less, please.

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This is what I sense I received from the Holy Spirit in my prayer for October/Tishrei 2022. I pray this prophetic word blesses you mightily in Jesus’ name and releases the will of God who is Lord over times and seasons. Thank you for reading this word by faith and not as an entertaining word, because your faith that connects to the revealed will of God will make the whole difference for you and position you to see his glory.

I hear in my spirit these words “THE BEGINNING OF MINISTRIES”. The Lord is showing me that many of you have been prepared through A LOT. “The horse is prepared for the battle but the victory comes from the Lord”, Halleluiah! You’ve been prepared and you know that. I see in the spirit now the passage in the bible that talks about Jesus standing in the Jordan River and the Spirit/the Anointing coming on him as a dove. It was the Lord’s anointing time and the beginning of his earthly ministry! What a precious moment that changed the course of humanity.

You too are standing under this same BLESSING in the heavenly realms, it is time, YOUR time. I see you are being mantled and God is launching you for whatever he has in store for you. You are not called to be a superstar but a servant just like Yeshua. You will love it, feel satisfaction beyond words and you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you wouldn’t be happier if you haven’t stepped into your calling and ministry.

It is time says the Lord. Let God anoint you, announce you and promote you for servanthood to carry his glory to where he is calling you. It is a holy time, and I believe you will not miss it and you will be in the right place at the right time just like Jesus was in the Jordan River and God will establish your commissioning and the beginning of your ministry/ministries. You were created for such a time as this and you will make a difference and an impact. Embrace it!

I felt sharing with you this mp3 audio of 30 minutes where Kathryn Kuhlman shares about the beginning of her healing ministry. It is priceless but you can download it for a minimum of $1. Click here if you are interested:

Tony Francis

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  • Thank you for your generous donation to my ministry Healed Nations. I am believing with everyone sowing this month and partnering with me that the LORD will send you the right people and connections to empower you and serve with you as you launch into ministry.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.


A curfew: Restriction requiring people to be off the streets or in their homes at night.

Etymology: From French: “Cover + fire,” a warning to avoid accidental fires. Timeless advice.

Curfews in the news

This month, selected European cities imposed curfews to limit the spread of COVID-19.

The resolution is unpopular among youth, bar and restaurant patrons but a tremendous relief for introverts and owls.

Potential reasons to break curfew

Human interaction: Overrated. All you need is a good mirror to chat with.

Pets: “Yes officer, my ferret needs to be walked 8 times a day.”

Dating: So now we have to wear a condom and a mask? 2020 is truly terrible.

Boredom: Why be bored when there’s so much to panic about?

Pros and cons of curfew


* Spend more time with your partner and children.

* Cook for yourself and eat healthy.

* More time to catch up on current events.

Cons: All of the above.

By Sara Weitz, Staff WriterOctober 28, 2016


Photo credit: Anna Brodsky

While eating lunch during their weekly meeting, Marine Yamada ’17, Sonia Arora, Summer DeVera ’18, Wendy Deming and Lola Wolf ’19, members of the Honor Education Council, discuss an hypothetical ethics situation. The HEC’s main responsibility is to educate the community about Archer’s Honor Code. They also hold hearings when there is a breach of the Honor Code.

Last year, the Archer Honor Education Council decided to pick a different word every month to involve the community and encourage them to voice their opinions. The word for this October is “advocacy.”

Cameron Thompson, one of the 11th grade representatives, defines advocacy as “standing up for something that you believe in or speaking up for yourself and taking [an individual] stance on an issue.”

Thompson’s job on the Honor Council is to educate the community, and she thinks that having a word of the month is a great way to keep the council organized and involve the Archer community.

“[The Honor Education Council] thought that if we had one word [relating] to ethics, it would spark a conversation in the community about different issues,” Thompson said.

Marine Yamada, the senior chair of the council, said, “Archer girls have brilliant ideas and they have so many opinions that are worth sharing.”

According to Yamada, the honor council has been hearing a lot of great ideas and valuable opinions but were seeing that some of them weren’t being acted upon.

“Archer girls do have the power to make a difference,” Yamada said. “[This] starts with advocacy, which goes beyond just speaking out on an issue — it’s doing something with your opinion and with your thoughts.”

Yamada said that they chose the word advocacy because it “correlated well” with the skirt length discussion that the upper school had during community connections. In these discussions, students were given the opportunity to advocate for themselves, and the Honor Council wanted to keep this trend going.

“As us Archer girls mature into adulthood, we must learn how to advocate — not only for ourselves, but for causes we strongly believe in and changes we want to see in the world, as well as changes we want for ourselves,” Thompson said.

She continued, “If we can’t advocate for ourselves or our beliefs, we won’t see progression that could better the future.”

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There are twelve months in a year. English words for months begin with a CAPITAL letter.

this lesson has sound - click on the pictures to hear the wordsClick on the pictures or the text to hear the English words for months of the year.

English Words for Months of the Year. A vocabulary lesson with audio for ESOL Beginners: January


January is the first month of the year.

It is winter in the UK in January. The weather is cold.

The trees are bare. The sky is grey. Snow sometimes falls.

Learn English Words for Months of the Year - February. Click on the image to hear the word spoken


February is the second month of the year.

It is winter in the UK. The weather is cold and frosty.

The earth is bare. The ground is hard and frozen.

Elementary ESL vocabulary for months of the year - March. Click on the image to listen to the word.


March is the third month of the year.

In the UK, March marks the beginning of spring.

Plants begin to grow again. The weather is often cool and windy.

learn English words for months of the year - April


April is the fourth month of the year. April is a spring month.

Trees sprout leaves. Buds open. Lambs and other baby animals are born.

In the UK, April can be a wet month. The sky is sometimes grey and cloudy.

Vocabulary for ESL beginners - months of the year: May


May is the fifth month of the year.

In the UK, May is a spring month. The days grow longer.

The weather is warm and sunny. Flowers begin to blossom.

months of the year - picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - June


June is the sixth month of the year.

In the UK, June marks the beginning of summer.

The days are long, and the weather is bright and sunny.

months of the year picture vocabulary for ESOL students - July


July is the seventh month of the year. July is a summer month.

The sun shines brightly most days. The weather is usually hot.

Most schools and colleges close for the summer break at the end of July.

Easy picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - August


August is the eighth month of the year. It is summer in the UK.

The days are long and the weather is hot and sunny.

British people often take a long holiday in August.

Picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - September


September is the ninth month of the year. September marks the start of autumn. In September, the summer break ends and students go back to school and college.

Leaves turn brown and yellow, and fall from the trees.

Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL - October


October is the tenth month of the year, and the second month of autumn.

People in North America have a different name for autumn. They call it fall.

October weather in the UK is usually good, though it can be wet and chilly.

Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - November


November is the eleventh month of the year, and the last month of autumn. In the UK, the weather grows colder and trees begin to look bare.

Some animals get ready to sleep through winter, and migrating birds fly south.

Picture vocabulary Lessons for ESOL learners - Months of The Year: December


December is the twelfth month of the year.

In the UK, December marks the beginning of winter.

Winter is the coldest part of the year. Nights are long and days are short.

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Where the Names of the Months came from (text in English )

Откуда произошли названия месяцев (текст на английском языке)January

Откуда произошли названия месяцев (Where the names of the months came from)

You know the names of the months but have you ever thought about their origin, about how they appeared in English?

Here is a story about how the months were called. Compare it with what you already know.

January was called after Janus, the two-faced Roman god. He was the god of beginnings and endings and was the protector of the Roman gates and doorways.

Once February was the last month of the year and came before January, but at about 450 B.C. it came the second month. Its name is derived from Februa, a Roman festival of purification.

March comes from the god of war – Mars. He was pictured in a chariot drawn by two horses.

The origin of word April is quite different. It comes from a Latin word which means “to open”. April is a spring month when nature comes to life again.

May was named after the goddess, Maia. She was the most famous of the seven daughters of Atlas.

It is undecided whether June gets its name from the goddess Juno, the beautiful wife of Jupiter, or from Junius, who was a proud man and head of a great Roman family.

July was named after Julius Caesar, who was born in this month.

August was named after the great nephew of Julius Caesar. His name was Octavius, but he changed it to Augustus.

September comes from ‘septem’, meaning ‘seven’. It is a reminder that it was seventh month when the year began in March.

October, November and December are Latin words for the eighth, ninth and tenth months of the year.

As the Roman year began in January, the Christians decided to begin their year at the same time. So the year 754 B.C. became for the Christians the year 1 A.D.

 Лексический комментарий к тексту «Откуда произошли названия месяцев»

  • Janus — Янус (у древних римлян бог дверей, входа- выхода, а также дорог и начинаний изображался с двумя лицами)
  • B.C. — первые буквы слов Before Christ — до рождества Христова, то есть до нашей эры
  • A.D. — первые буквы слов Anno Domini, означающие христианской эры, новой эры, нашей эры.
  • purification – церк. обряд очищения
  • Atlas — Атлас (в греческой мифологии Атлант — один из титанов, державший на голове и руках небесный свод)
  • Juno — Юнона (в древнеримской мифологии жена Юпитера, покровительница брака и деторождения; аналог богини Геры в древнегреческом пантеоне)
  • Julius Caesar — Юлий Цезарь (римский полководец)
  • Augustus — (Октавиан) Август (римский император с 27 г. до н.э. по 14 г. н.э.)

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