Word of the month for november

Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.


A pledge: a promise, commitment or guarantee. 

To pledge (resources to a cause): to commit or promise resources. 

Ex: I pledged a million dollars to my favorite causes: cancer research and horse literacy.

Pledges in the news

This month, world leaders hopped on their private jets to the COP26 conference in Glasgow to pledge their attention to the climate crisis. 

Pledges included lowering global temperatures and recycling a champagne bottle.

Things you can “pledge”

Money: Throw cash at the problem. Always a wise choice. 

Time: Now that the world is ending, dedicate a couple of years to finishing that coloring book. 

Allegiance: Declare your loyalty to a flag, king or warlord. They always have our best interests at heart.

Eco Pledges

Limit deforestation: Trees don’t grow on trees, you know. 

Reduce carbon emissions: Billionaires, consider carpooling on your next trip to space. 

Less fossil fuels: Find a more sustainable energy source, like anxiety.



Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

 I want to mention that since Blogger changed to a new format for
posting, if you can click on each picture if you care to enlarge

Today, I will be sharing my Word of the Month for November…… 

Thanks so much, Marilyn!!!

Thanks again, Marci, Annie and Angie!!

Please stop by and link up to these wonderful parties!!!

I just love that my Cynthia Hart Victorian Calendar depicts a Victorian Election Day scene for the month of November!!!


 I will save this to frame for the Patriotic Holidays of the Summer…..

 Can you believe that it is November already!!!!

 POSITIVITY is what I chose as my Theme for this Year……


Little did I know how important it would be to remain POSITIVE this Year!!!!

I am choosing to maintain this theme by only posting positive things here on my Blog and also on my face book page…..

  I continue choose to post Positivity on this Blog and
especially out there on social media like face book,over all the
Political Rants, Mask Pro and Cons Rants, Naming Calling and Making Fun
of Political Leaders no matter what Political Party they belong to,
sharing of Fake News without checking the actual facts before posting
bashing of Businesses even though those businesses may be barely

 I choose to take the higher road, rising above
all that nonsense and frankly, childishness, and not feed into and spread the anger and hate!!

I have had enough……

I am CHOOSING to scroll through and not read any of these posts…..


 I choose POSITIVITY!!

yes, at times it has been hard to remain POSITIVE……

Especially over the last 4 years, living with a very angry senior citizen who chooses to live his life by complaining about anything and everything…..

Sadly, I have come to the realization that no matter who wins this election for President, the drama and arguments and constant state of complaining about it, in my own home, will never stop…..

 But I think back to
my Mother who always looked at the Glass as half empty, always waited
for something terrible to happen because things were just going too
good, always waited for the Shoe to drop……

I remember how that attitude ruled her life and put her in a constant
state of anxiety and I refuse to do that to myself and to my family
because I doubt my Mother ever realized the effect her Negativity had on
her family…. 

So even though I live with someone who has an extremely negative attitude and has very different views than what I have about pretty much everything, I still choose to be Positive….

I have to to maintain my sanity….

My Word of the Month for October was IMAGINE!!!

And that I Did!!!

I started to IMAGINE what our home will look like decorated for the Holiday Season this year…..

And YES, I call it the Holiday Season because for me, It is not only Christmas…..

The Holiday Season starts with decorating for Fall and Halloween, celebrating Thanksgiving, my son Jim’s Birthday in early December, Christmas, then my son Joe’s Birthday at the end of December, New Year’s, my Birthday at the end of Jan, Valentine’s Day , St. Patrick’s Day, our DIL’s Birthday in March and ending the Holiday Season with Easter!! 

I have been asked why am I decorating because of the Pandemic and now with the numbers of cases and hospitalizations rising again…..

think about how awful it would be if everyone stopped decorating their
homes because of what is going on in the world today…..

There would be no inspiration, no creativity and no IMAGINATION!!!!!!


And most of all, no Delight in the eyes of children!!! 

I think people, at least in our area, went all out for Halloween, decorating the outside of their homes like crazy….

Even one of our local News Stations started showing Halloween Homes, like they show Holiday Homes at Christmas, on all their news broadcasts…..

In October, I did IMAGINE how Christmas will look in our home this year……

You can click HERE if you missed my October Rudolph Day post where I shared a Sneak Peek of the decorations upstairs which I was pleased that I finished by the 3rd week of October….. 

I did spend a lot of time the last week of October IMAGINING how I would change up my Christmas decorations in the Den…….

Sneak Peek……

And I even IMAGINED how I would decorate this Tree which I decided to move into the Den with all my Thomas Kinkade ornaments……

And that allowed me to change up this Tree…..

Yes, I finished decorating the Den for Christmas before Halloween……

Every year, I start early because my Christmas decorating takes me about 26 — 30 days to complete and every year, I IMAGINE that I will have it all finished by Thanksgiving so I can sit back and relax and enjoy the Holiday Season……

I just may accomplish that this year!!!!

I have also IMAGINED all kinds of Christmas crafting that I want to do this year…..

Using these things……

And these!!

And how will I finish this sled that Joe bought from the Amish Farmer…..

Point being is that I had fun in October with my Word of the Month, IMAGINE!!!

Now it is November……

On Halloween night before we went to bed, we set back the clocks…..

thing I love about Retirement is NOT having to work on the night we
turn the clocks back……

Staring at 2 am for 2 hours was always torture

Working 9 hours was not bad but when I worked a Weekender program
and did 32 hours every Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, that one
extra hour of work was always a killer!!!

I will say that I am very GRATEFUL for not having to do that ever again!!!


I said it!!

GRATEFUL is my Word of the Month for November…..

Pretty much a No Brainer with Thanksgiving in the United States falling at the end of November….

Even though I believe that Canada got it right when they decided to have their Thanksgiving Holiday in October as it makes so much more sense to have it then because that is when the Harvest is occurring and chances are that is when the first Thanksgiving actually did occur and not at the end of November when the Harvest is all said and done!!!! 

What exactly does GRATEFUL mean????


«being grateful is about appreciating what one has, as opposed to what one wants.»

«feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.»

I think it is very important during this time that we all are GRATEFUL for what we have and not for what has been taken away from us or what we lost during this Pandemic….

Good things are still happening and we need to be GRATEFUL for that!!!


 I have been preaching GRATITUDE on my Face Book site for months now especially with all the turmoil in the World and especially in this Country….. 

I have been practicing being GRATEFUL for a long time now….

Many years ago, I read Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book, Simple Abundance…..

In the book , Sarah talks about finding your Authentic Self….

She advocates keeping a GRATITUDE Journal where at the end of the day, you write down 5 things that you were GRATEFUL for even if one was that you were GRATEFUL that a particularly bad day was finally over with….

This is a quote that was mentioned in the book by American Author, Melody Beattie

Being GRATEFUL can change your life…..

It changes your focus from what you do not have to ALL that you do have….

After being told that I had cancer over 13 years ago but it was caught very early and I needed no further treatment beyond the removal of the Grade One Squamous Cell tumor in my right Ureter…..

I became very GRATEFUL!!!!

I was GRATEFUL for the gift of Time that I had been given to spend with my family…..

I felt I needed to show that GRATITUDE so I started to volunteer at our church with various fund raising events……

I became more generous in donating to Church and other Charities….

I also took that Time that I was so GRATEFUL for and did a few things that I always thought of doing but was afraid to …

Like starting an online Craft Business, started selling my Crafts in local shops and at local Craft Fairs…..

Joining a local Victorian Society…

I wanted to show my GRATITUDE for the Time I had been given by making good use of that Time….

I also stopped «Sweating the Small Stuff» 

Another Book that I read was «Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff» by Richard Carlson, PHD. 

This book teaches one to:

««Live in the present moment» 


«Live each day as it might be your last»

Again, being simply GRATEFUL that you woke up another morning to face another day……


 I think we all need to be more GRATEFUL for what we all have…..

So during this month of Thanksgiving, when the focus is on GRATITUDE…..

Won’t you join me in being GRATEFUL for everything that you have?????

And PLEASE, let’s make this……

A November to Remember!!!!

No matter what is happening in the World around us!!

In my next post, I will be starting to post over on my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas….. 

I will be providing links to each post on that Blog, here on this Blog as I have done in the past…..

 So I hope you will stop by to visit again soon!!

Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE 
give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to
reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check

I am linking up to these parties:

November 14, 2011/in Character Education, Monthly Video /

Between the power outage and preparing to speak at last week’s 100th year anniversary/52nd convention for the Girl Scouts, the introduction for Powerful Words’ Generosity Month is finally here!  Let’s encourage our children to give of their treasures, talents, time as well as their thanks to help and to acknowledge help of others.

Generosity Quotes:

handinhand-300x199“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill

“The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.”  –Lao Tzu

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” –Mother Teresa

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” –Albert Pine

“He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

“Spend time. Give recognition. Show gratitude. Generosity can hold great value even when it doesn’t cost a thing.” — Dr. Robyn Silverman


Robyn Silverman


Robyn Silverman2011-11-14 14:05:162016-12-06 19:12:56The Powerful Word of the Month for November is Generosity!

© GETTY156 new entries were accepted into the Open Dictionary in November, a considerable increase on October, which itself saw an increase on the previous month’s figure. Overall submissions were down, which is good news since it means that a higher proportion of the entries submitted met the criteria for publication.

Many of November’s words shed light on the way we live now. The digital world was represented by ad blocker, geoblocking and piquote, while media-related terms include nowcasting and newsbreak. Our preoccupation with putting people into pigeonholes according to their age was reflected in Generation K (named after Katniss Everdeen, heroine of The Hunger Games), screenager (someone who has grown up in the digital world) and hikikomori, a teenager with a more than usual antipathy towards social interaction. Wider social trends were reflected in entries such as black bloc, chemsex and LGBTQ, while domestic living arrangements featured in the shape of broken-plan living and Jack and Jill bathroom.

Food terms were less well represented than in previous months, but still we have added baozi, pelmeni and hoisin sauce to the word store. A couple of interesting and productive suffixes were added: -worthy, and -shaming.

My word of the month for November, however, is foodfie, a blend of food and selfie. We eat, and we record our lives on social media, so naturally we record what we eat on social media.

Thanks for all your submissions and do keep them coming. If there’s a word or expression that you think deserves inclusion in the Open Dictionary you can submit it here. Don’t forget to check first to make sure your word isn’t in our dictionary already.

Email this Post Email this Post

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It’s  November! Usually not a very exciting month. It’s the beginning of ever colder and ever darker days. Though in this dire month, something might just keep people’s hopes up: Apple TV+ and Disney+ launched, and on the other side of the pond only in the Netherlands so far! This leads to our word of the month November – Comakijken.

Click here for previous Words of the Month

What does it mean?

Image by Matthew T Rader at Unsplash.com

Comakijken literally means “coma watching”, and I think you know what it means: “to binge (watch)”. You have heard of the term before – watching a lot of TV (especially the same show) back to back! The Dutch term is a bit darker than the English term, suggesting that watching so much would get you into a coma. It is a samenstelling from televisie kijken (watching TV) and comazuipen (coma drinking), which refers to excessive alcohol consumption that can actually lead to a coma. We also have alternative terms, like anglisering (anglisation) bingewatchen. Or marathonkijken (to marathon watch). Though comakijken actually made it on the 2013 list of Woord van het Jaar (word of the year) candidates of Van Dale, it did not win – that year it was selfie.

The term really became popular when streaming service Netflix started releasing entire seizoenen (seasons) of televisieseries (television shows) in one go, instead of one aflevering (episode) per week.

Relevance to November

Netflix will be facing some stiff competition in the coming years (Image by Thibault Penin at Unsplash.com)

This November saw the launch of Apple TV+ on November 1 and the launch of Disney Plus on November 12. The latter only arrived in the US, Canada and the Netherlands. It was even in a free beta for a few weeks in the Netherlands before that. 600,000 huishoudens (households) in our small country signed up! But why did Disney choose the Netherlands for this?

Ennèl van Eeden, expert on this market at adviesbureau (consultancy) PWC, told the Volkskrant: “We worden vaak gezien als ideale testmarkt. We hebben snel internet en staan meer dan anderen open voor internationale series. En Nederland is niet zo’n groot land. Als het hier misgaat, is dat minder erg.” (We are often seen as an ideal trial market. We have a fast internet connection and are more than others open to international shows. And the Netherlands is not such a big country. If something goes wrong here, it is not such a big deal.)

There you go!

If you want some Dutch TV and movie recommendations, you can stay right here on the blog! Have a look at the posts here and here and here. Veel kijkplezier!

Whether it is Netflix, Disney Plus, Apple TV+ or any of the Dutch services like Videoland or NPO Start Plus, November is a great month to cuddle up for some comakijken. Or to just sleep more. Stay warm and refreshed, everybody!

Kärwa /kɛr-va/

Hochdeutsch: Kirchweih

English: Church anniversary or country / parish fair

The Kärwa is probably the most popular donnybrook fair that one can find in Bavaria and even Germany. Its origins can be found in the medieval ages when the building of a church took quite a few years and the consecration of the building was considered a big event. The day of consecration would therefore be celebrated each year in what nowadays is the Kärwa.

Kärwas can be found all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland, although oftentimes, with different names (e. g. Kirmes, Kerb, Kilbi and others). Especially in Franconia with its many small villages and their little churches, the Kärwa seems to be one of the only big events each year for the young’uns to get out and party hard. Usually people, even from other neighbouring villages, saunter to the Kärwa in high spirits and, if there are no cabs available, saunter back home with high spirits inside them in the middle of the night. Essentially, imagine Oktoberfest on a way smaller scale and you’re halfway there.

At a Kärwa, young people from the village usually also fell and carry a Maibaum – a tree that gets decorated with colourful bannerets – into the village which will be erected at a suitable place, oftentimes accompanied by gallons of beer, a walking orchestra and the cheers of onlookers. Germany being what it is, this tradition has gone more and more into obscurity because of the mounting regulations on how to safely erect a Maibaum, with it foremost being that the raisers shall not be drunk while doing their work. Franconians, being who they are, mostly ignore that and still honour the tradition to this day.

Building November vocabulary words in the classroom should naturally weave throughout your day. Helping students generalize a list of vocabulary words doesn’t have to be boring. I am going to share with you some fun ways of teaching vocabulary in the month of November. For other November ideas visit my November category on my blog!  

When I was in the classroom, I liked using seasonal vocabulary words to keep things exciting in the classroom. My November vocabulary words product has 20 words outlined for the month of November for you!

What are some ways you can utilize different vocabulary cards?

  • Display them
  • Memory Game
  • Scavenger Hunt

I think its always a good idea to have a November vocabulary word wall somewhere displayed in your classroom. I personally used my vocabulary words at my language arts center during work centers, however they really can be displayed wherever works for you. It might be beneficial to display them in your morning meeting area for a quick morning review of words!

The thing I love about flashcards is that you can use them to play so many games! Simply print two sets, or two different versions (text and picture etc) and play a game of memory.

Another fun way to incorporate vocabulary flashcards is to play a game of scavenger hunt. During recess/lunch or any break when the students are outside, hide vocabulary cards around the room! You can tuck them behind things, pin them up on a bulletin board, stuff in books. The options are limitless and are SO fun. Simply have a student find a vocabulary card and have them either say the word, use the word in a sentence, draw a picture of the word, write the word etc. You can easily turn the scavenger hunt game into a constructive activity!

Picture vocabulary words:

Text vocabulary words:

Picture and text vocabulary words:

Vocabulary Activities

Incorporating vocabulary activities into your day is a great way to help students generalize their new vocabulary words in a fun way. Here are some ideas for you.

  • Coloring pages
  • Worksheets
  • BINGO games
  • File folder games
  • Drawing
  • Art projects

Coloring worksheets are a great way to have fun while talking vocabulary!

Various spelling and writing worksheets are a good way for students to generalize their November vocabulary words. These worksheets can also be used as pre and post test for the month. Simply print and use in work centers or send home for homework!

BINGO is a no brainer. BINGO is a great fun Friday activity. Generalize the vocabulary in a fun way. You can play it as a whole class (20 cards included) or play during work centers!

File folder activities are a go to for EVERY skill. I love them, and used them religiously in the classroom. My November vocabulary words pack includes 4 different file folder games for the classroom.

The file folders included are:

  • picture to picture match
  • picture to text match
  • text to text match
  • spelling

Directed Drawing for the Month of November

Now, it may seem obvious, but art and drawing is a PERFECT way to incorporate some vocabulary generalization! I love using my directed drawing worksheets for easy differentiation. When I was in the classroom, I would typically model one large drawing on the white board first, and then have students complete their own directed drawing worksheet at their desk. I love these because all students are drawing at their own level but still drawing the same thing! You can also use these to guide a larger painting activity. Have students draw their picture on a poster and have them paint it! My November directed drawing product comes with 8 different themed directed drawing themes with five levels each!

Tracing directed drawing is a perfect level for beginning artists. Students can trace and color the picture.

4 step directed drawing teaches the students to draw the picture in four simple steps, perfect for emerging artists!

6 step directed drawing teaches the students to draw the picture in six simple steps, perfect for emerging artists!

Copying directed drawing is for those ALMOST independent artists! Simply copy the model of the picture!

Lastly, for those independent artists, students can draw an image all on their own!

November Books and Activities

I love to collect picture books. The more books, the better! below are some of my favorite books that can be used in November.

  • There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves by Lucille Colandro
  • Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
  • Too Many Pumpkins by Linda White
  • The Roll-Away Pumpkin by Junia Wonders

November Holidays

There are a TON of holidays this month. It is important to teach students ALL about these holidays! Here are a few social stories for you!

November Videos

November vocabulary words can also be generalized into various songs and videos on you tube. I love to use morning meeting as a time to watch a quick vocabulary video. I would also sometimes display a video during rest time after lunch! Here are a few of my favorite you tube videos/songs for the month of November:

November calendar song PERFECT for your morning meeting and/or calendar routine.

Fall, leaves and turkey videos are great all month long too!

November is a fun month. A lot of changes, a lot of transitions and a lot of learning opportunities. If you are interested in implementing vocabulary this school year, consider purchasing the discounted bundle!

Like what you read? Don’t forget it, PIN IT!


Where the Names of the Months came from (text in English )

Откуда произошли названия месяцев (текст на английском языке)January

Откуда произошли названия месяцев (Where the names of the months came from)

You know the names of the months but have you ever thought about their origin, about how they appeared in English?

Here is a story about how the months were called. Compare it with what you already know.

January was called after Janus, the two-faced Roman god. He was the god of beginnings and endings and was the protector of the Roman gates and doorways.

Once February was the last month of the year and came before January, but at about 450 B.C. it came the second month. Its name is derived from Februa, a Roman festival of purification.

March comes from the god of war – Mars. He was pictured in a chariot drawn by two horses.

The origin of word April is quite different. It comes from a Latin word which means “to open”. April is a spring month when nature comes to life again.

May was named after the goddess, Maia. She was the most famous of the seven daughters of Atlas.

It is undecided whether June gets its name from the goddess Juno, the beautiful wife of Jupiter, or from Junius, who was a proud man and head of a great Roman family.

July was named after Julius Caesar, who was born in this month.

August was named after the great nephew of Julius Caesar. His name was Octavius, but he changed it to Augustus.

September comes from ‘septem’, meaning ‘seven’. It is a reminder that it was seventh month when the year began in March.

October, November and December are Latin words for the eighth, ninth and tenth months of the year.

As the Roman year began in January, the Christians decided to begin their year at the same time. So the year 754 B.C. became for the Christians the year 1 A.D.

 Лексический комментарий к тексту «Откуда произошли названия месяцев»

  • Janus — Янус (у древних римлян бог дверей, входа- выхода, а также дорог и начинаний изображался с двумя лицами)
  • B.C. — первые буквы слов Before Christ — до рождества Христова, то есть до нашей эры
  • A.D. — первые буквы слов Anno Domini, означающие христианской эры, новой эры, нашей эры.
  • purification – церк. обряд очищения
  • Atlas — Атлас (в греческой мифологии Атлант — один из титанов, державший на голове и руках небесный свод)
  • Juno — Юнона (в древнеримской мифологии жена Юпитера, покровительница брака и деторождения; аналог богини Геры в древнегреческом пантеоне)
  • Julius Caesar — Юлий Цезарь (римский полководец)
  • Augustus — (Октавиан) Август (римский император с 27 г. до н.э. по 14 г. н.э.)

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  • Word of the month for march
  • Word of the month for june
  • Word of the month for january
  • Word of the month for february
  • Word of the month for december

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