Word of the month for january

Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.


To supply: To provide or furnish something, like snacks, wood, or nuclear weapons.

(Oil) supply: A quantity or reserve (of oil), (preferably olive).

Supply Chain: System of people and logistics moving materials and products from suppliers to customers.

Supplies in the news

Covid-related disruptions in the global supply chain including delays, shortages and increased prices are inconveniencing our consumption. That’s a bummer.

Will anyone be able to deliver my dog’s organic hemp shampoo? Bezos?

Know your supplies

School supplies: Paper, pencils, surgical masks, you know, for class.

Power supply: Make sure your phone outlasts your capacity to concentrate.

Medical Supplies: Bandages and alcohol. Doubles as a party gift.

Supply & Demand: The holy pillars of modern economics.

Solutions to supply chain problems

Increase self-sufficiency: Surely you’re capable of pasteurizing your own cheese.

Shop local: Your corner store probably sells advanced semiconductors.

Limit global pandemics: Sometimes the toughest problems have the simplest solutions.

This two syllable word might come across as self-explanatory but when we dug deeper we learned that courage is a little more complex than we initially thought. Surface level: courage is doing something that is scary. Deeper meaning: courage is being able to do all kinds of difficult things without being defeated by them. Did you know that, according to the all-knowing Thesaurus, ‘spunk’ is a synonym for courage? Spunk! Can you think of a more fun or energetic word? When we think of the word spunk we think of charisma, fiest, enthusiasm. So yes, while being courageous and doing hard things can be sooo draining (as we all learned first hand, thank you 2020) it doesn’t have to steal our spunk. That might be the most difficult aspect of being courageous, the part where you have to keep on keeping on even after you’ve done something hard or survived something scary. True courage is being able to maintain your sense of humor, your passions, your zeal for life even after overcoming the trial. It’s knowing that you’ll probably face something difficult again in your lifetime but that it’s ok because it won’t break you.

Another thing we learned about courage? That you need it in the most unpredictable times but that you can find it in the most unassuming places. We asked you “how do you find courage?” and were in awe at your answers. Many of you find courage in your children. How beautiful is that sentiment? The most innocent and inexperienced beings inspiring courage and strength in their much older caretakers. There is something about the fearlessness of a child that certainly encourages our own desires to face fears but there is also a sense of power and strength that comes all on its own when we enter parenthood. It’s knowing that there is nothing we wouldn’t or couldn’t do to provide for and protect our little ones. It also goes without saying that as a parent you just end up doing spooky things you would never do otherwise, ever changed a blowout on an airplane? Caught throwup in your hands? Took a toddler to Target during naptime? Parents are some of the bravest people. 

Of course, you don’t need to be a parent to find courage. Many of you answered that you find it deep within yourself, through your faith in a higher power or by purposefully facing fears head on. All of these are perfect places to find courage because truthfully, anywhere you can find more courage is the perfect place. Recently, we’ve faced a lot of fear surrounding our desires to grow our business, serve our community, and love our neighbors. We have tried to find courage as we take bold moves as a company, knowing that we may fall short. We have tried to find courage as we reach out to our customers, knowing that we may say the wrong things. We have tried to find courage as we pick up the phone, knowing that we may feel uncomfortable as we work through a difficult conversation. And yet, we dig deep. We look at our children, we say a quick prayer, and we move full-speed ahead. Standing still does not require courage, but we can’t grow if we’re not willing to stretch and take action. As one of our all-time favorite lady boss role models, Brene Brown, has said, “You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both.”

So with that said, may we all choose courage. Finding it wherever you can and using it to not only overcome and do difficult things but to thrive! Walt Disney said that “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” 2020 showed us that we’re facing a pretty steep learning curve but with some courage we’ll be able to find joy in the journey and be a first hand witness to all of our dreams coming true, because we’ll be the ones making them come true. 

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There are twelve months in a year. English words for months begin with a CAPITAL letter.

this lesson has sound - click on the pictures to hear the wordsClick on the pictures or the text to hear the English words for months of the year.

English Words for Months of the Year. A vocabulary lesson with audio for ESOL Beginners: January


January is the first month of the year.

It is winter in the UK in January. The weather is cold.

The trees are bare. The sky is grey. Snow sometimes falls.

Learn English Words for Months of the Year - February. Click on the image to hear the word spoken


February is the second month of the year.

It is winter in the UK. The weather is cold and frosty.

The earth is bare. The ground is hard and frozen.

Elementary ESL vocabulary for months of the year - March. Click on the image to listen to the word.


March is the third month of the year.

In the UK, March marks the beginning of spring.

Plants begin to grow again. The weather is often cool and windy.

learn English words for months of the year - April


April is the fourth month of the year. April is a spring month.

Trees sprout leaves. Buds open. Lambs and other baby animals are born.

In the UK, April can be a wet month. The sky is sometimes grey and cloudy.

Vocabulary for ESL beginners - months of the year: May


May is the fifth month of the year.

In the UK, May is a spring month. The days grow longer.

The weather is warm and sunny. Flowers begin to blossom.

months of the year - picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - June


June is the sixth month of the year.

In the UK, June marks the beginning of summer.

The days are long, and the weather is bright and sunny.

months of the year picture vocabulary for ESOL students - July


July is the seventh month of the year. July is a summer month.

The sun shines brightly most days. The weather is usually hot.

Most schools and colleges close for the summer break at the end of July.

Easy picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - August


August is the eighth month of the year. It is summer in the UK.

The days are long and the weather is hot and sunny.

British people often take a long holiday in August.

Picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - September


September is the ninth month of the year. September marks the start of autumn. In September, the summer break ends and students go back to school and college.

Leaves turn brown and yellow, and fall from the trees.

Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL - October


October is the tenth month of the year, and the second month of autumn.

People in North America have a different name for autumn. They call it fall.

October weather in the UK is usually good, though it can be wet and chilly.

Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - November


November is the eleventh month of the year, and the last month of autumn. In the UK, the weather grows colder and trees begin to look bare.

Some animals get ready to sleep through winter, and migrating birds fly south.

Picture vocabulary Lessons for ESOL learners - Months of The Year: December


December is the twelfth month of the year.

In the UK, December marks the beginning of winter.

Winter is the coldest part of the year. Nights are long and days are short.

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Сегодня мы займемся изучением названий месяцев в английском языке. Так как информации много, я решила разбить ее на следующие разделы. Можете сразу переходить к интересующему конкретно вас.

  • Названия месяцев с переводом, транскрипцией и произношением.
  • Упражнения на запоминание месяцев года на английском.
  • Стихотворения и песни на запоминание английских месяцев с переводом.
  • История происхождения названий английских месяцев.
  • Устойчивые выражения с названиями месяцев.

Названия месяцев с переводом, транскрипцией и произношением.

названия месяцев на английском

Английские месяцы по порам года.

В скобках приведены названия месяцев на англосаксонском.

Зимние месяцы на английском: December (Ærra Gēola), January (Æfterra Gēola), February (Sol-mōnaþ)

Весенние месяцы на английском: March (Hrēþ-mōnaþ), April (Easter-mōnaþ), May (Þrimilce-mōnaþ)

Летние месяцы на английском: June (Ærra Līþa), July (Æftera Līþa), August (Weod-mōnaþ).

Осенние месяцы на английском: September (Hālig-mōnaþ), October (Winterfylleth), November (Blōt-mōnaþ)

месяцы в английском языке

Упражнения на запоминание месяцев года на английском.

Упражнение 1. Match the transcriptions to the names of months.













7. November

8. August

9. February

10. December

11. October

12. September







 Упражнение 2. Догадайтесь, какие месяцы зашифрованы.

  • creDmeeb = December
  • Ailrp = _______________
  • nJeu = _______________
  • yMa = _______________
  • chraM = _______________
  • lyJu = _______________
  • metbreSpe = _______________
  • uugAts = _______________
  • aynuJra = _______________
  • removeNb = _______________
  • euFayrbr = _______________
  • reOtcbo = _______________

Упражнение 3. Write the months.

















Упражнение 4.  Write about you and your family.

My mum

My sister

My dad

My brother

My friend

My granny

My pet


was born

in February,

in May,

in November,

in July.

in September,

in …

Упражнение 5. Напишите, какие месяцы идут

после: May, November, February, March, June, December

до: April, January, July, March, February, May.

Упражнение 6. Choose and read the names of winter, spring, summer and autumn months.

October, January, December, June, September, May, July, April, August, November, March, February

Упражнение 7.  Правда или ложь. Прочтите вслух и переведите правильные предложения. Исправьте и запишите неправильные.

  1. There are twelve winter months in a year.
  2. In Russia there are three summer months.
  3. There are 30 days in august.
  4. June comes after July.
  5. In our country May is the first summer month.
  6. There are twenty-eight days in January.
  7. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in February.
  8. September is the coldest month of the year.
  9. People celebrate Christmas in February.
  10. Halloween is in December.

Стихотворения и песни на запоминание английских месяцев с переводом.

Начнем со стихов на русском с использованием названий английских месяцев. Эти стихотворения помогут детям запомнить названия месяцев на английском.

Зимние месяцы.


На окнах домов и троллейбусов скоро

December –  декабрь, нарисует узоры.


January у ворот!

Сказка! Чудо! Новый год!


По земле метель промчится,

грозный February злиться.

Весенние месяцы.


За окном сосулек плач.

Скоро март начнется — March


Больше не слышна капель,

April начался –  апрель.


Наступило время мая.

Теплый May апрель сменяет

Летние месяцы.


Сколько солнца! Сколько света!

June – июнь, встречайте лето.


За окном июль –  July.

Бегай, плавай, загорай!


После июля August приходит.

Славный у нас урожай в огороде!

Осенние месяцы


Деревья наденут пестрый наряд,

September за парты усадит ребят.


Срывает листву с пожелтевшего сада

October –  октябрь, король листопада


Давно улетели все певчие птички,

November –  ноябрь, в окно к нам стучится.

А теперь стихи про английские месяцы с переводом.


Birthdays, birthdays, they are fun!

Hey! Stand up when I say when your birthdays come!

January, February, March, April, May, June

July, August, September, October, November, December

Birthdays, birthdays, they are fun!

Everyone has fun when their birthdays come!

Birthdays, birthdays, they are fun

Everyone has fun when their birthday come!

 Дни рождения, дни рождения, они веселы!

Эй! Вставайте, когда я называю месяц вашего рождения!

Январь, февраль, март, апрель, май, июнь,

июль, август, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь.

Дни рождения, дни рождения, они веселы!

Все веселятся, когда приходит День рождения!

Дни рождения, дни рождения, они веселы!

Все веселятся, когда приходит День рождения!


January, February, March – that’s not so much!

April, May, June – that’s the tune!

July, August and September – we are cheerful and slender!

October, November, December- all these months you must remember!

Январь, февраль, март – это не так уж и много!

Апрель, Май, Июнь – вот это мотив!

Июль, август и сентябрь – мы веселые и стройные!

Октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь — все эти месяцы вы должны запомнить!


Are there twelve months in the year? — Yes there are!

There are twelve months in the year! Here they are!

January, February, March, and April,

May, June, and July,

August, September, October, November,

After December they all have gone by.

В году ведь двенадцать месяцев? — Да!

В году двенадцать месяцев! Вот они!

Январь, февраль, март и апрель,

Май, июнь и июль,

август, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь,

После декабря они все прошли.

История происхождения названий английских месяцев.

Названия английских месяцев имеют неанглийское происхождение. Они произошли от латинских названий месяцев римского, а позднее —  юлианского календаря.

Интересно узнать, что в римском календаре было 10 месяцев, которые имели название, и два зимних месяца, которые даже названий не имели в виду того, что в это время не проводилось никаких важных работ в сельском хозяйстве. Год начинался с месяца Martius (современный март -March). Нума Помпилий ввел названия двух зимних месяцев  — Januarius (январь – January) и Februarius (февраль – February) около 700 г. до н. э. Он также перенес начало года на январь.

В 46 году до н. э. Юлий Цезарь реформировал Римский календарь, дав начало Юлианскому календарю.  Он изменил количество дней в некоторых месяцах.

Перейдем к истории названий английских месяцев.

January – месяц Януса. Янус — бог ворот и дверных проемов, изображающийся с двумя лицами, смотрящими в противоположные стороны. Первоначально в январе было 29 дней, при Юлии цезаре месяц “удлинился” на 2 дня.

February – месяц фебруалий – римского праздника очищения от грехов.

March – месяц Марса. Марс – бог войны. Именно в марте, как я уже писала, начинался год, а вместе с ним зачастую объявлялись новые или возобновлялись старые войны.

April – месяц Афродиты. Aphro – на греческом сокращенный вариант написания имени Афродиты. Афродита – греческая богиня любви и красоты. Она отождествляется с Римской богиней Венерой.

May – месяц Майи. Maia (что означает «великая») – богиня весны, дочь Фавна и жена Вулкана.

June  — месяц Юноны. Юнона является одной из верховных богинь Римского пантеона. Она – богиня брака и благополучия женщин. Она – жена и сестра Юпитера. Она отождествляется с греческой богиней Герой.

July – месяц Юлия Цезаря, хотя изначально получил свое название от слова quintilis, что означает “пятый”. При реформации календаря Юлий Цезарь назвал месяц в свою честь.

August – месяц Октавиа́на А́вгуста, который завершил календарную реформу, начатую Цезарем, и вслед за своим предшественником назвал один из месяцев в свою честь.

September – седьмой месяц. Хотя в современном календаре он уже далеко не седьмой, но ранее, когда, как мы помним, год начинался в марте, сентябрь был седьмым по счету месяцем и на латыни звучал как “september mensi.

October – восьмой месяц. На латыни  — “october mensis”.

November – девятый месяц. На латыни – “Novembris mensis”.

December – десятый месяц. На латыни – “december mensis”.

Устойчивые выражения с названиями месяцев.

В английском языке множество идиом с названиями месяцев. Приводим наиболее распространенные и интересные из них. Идиомы даны с толкованием значения.

  • slow as molasses in January – очень медленно

Can you drive any faster?  — That’s not my fault! The traffic is slower than molasses in January.

  • It’ll be a long day in January (when smth happens) – когда рак на горе свистнет / никогда!

 It’ll be a long day in January when Polly agrees to marry Jack.

  • mad as a March hare – сумасшедший

When someone takes her smartphone, Liz becomes as mad as a march hare.

  • Maybees don’t fly in June! – Перестань менять свое мнение!

Stop changing your mind so often! Maybees don’t fly in June!

  • a cold day in July – нескорое или маловероятное событие

It’ll be a cold day in July before these two get married.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The Spanish word for January is enero.

The French word for January, for example, is «Janvier.»

«Январь» по-английски пишется следующим образом: «January».

The Saxon word for January was Wulfmonath: the month when starving wolves were bold enough to enter villages.

Январь у саксов назывался «wulfmonath»: месяц, когда голодные волки наглели до того, что заходили в деревни.

Другие результаты

Will, resolve, determination — those words are so harsh for January.

Усердие, настойчивость, целеустремленность — вот что будет чрезвычайно важным в январе.

Word of the Month for January A new year always begins with expectations: What will it bring?

Новый год всегда начинается с ожиданий: каким он будет?

The word comes January to Janus.

What does the word January mean?

Attackers have been exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Word since January to infect computers with malware

С января злоумышленники используют уязвимость нулевого дня в Microsoft Word, чтобы заразить компьютеры вредоносным ПО

Microsoft has been ordered to cease selling Word by January 11, 2010.

Microsoft обещает изменить Word к 11 января 2010 года

In a word, January 2002 may be for China’s history as significant as October 1949 was, when the creation of the China People’s Republic was proclaimed.

Говоря иными словами, январь 2001 года может стать в китайской истории не менее важным рубежом, нежели октябрь 1949 года, когда было провозглашено образование КНР.

His words on Sunday, January 21, leads TASS.

Его слова в воскресенье, 7 мая, приводит ТАСС.

The Last Word returns today, January 29.

January‘s word of the month are determination and resilience.

И ключевое слово этого месяца — решительность и смелость.

His words on Sunday, January 21, leads TASS.

Его слова в понедельник, 21 октября, приводит ТАСС.

In his words, starting from January 6, police officers examined cathedrals and churches and nearby places.

По его словам, начиная с 6 января сотрудники милиции проводили обследование как самих соборов и церквей, так и прилегающих к ним мест.

974631 Description of the update for Office Word 2007: January 2010

978951 Описание обновления Word 2003 и Word 2007, выпущенного в январе 2010 г.

She wrote and composed songs, gave several concerts and even produced her first album in English, These Words, in January 2000.

Она писала песни, давала концерты и даже продюсировала свой первый альбом на английском языке These Words в январе 2000 года.

Microsoft Banned From Selling Word From 11th January 2010

Microsoft обещает изменить Word к 11 января 2010 года

Chicago-based trio CHEVELLE will release a new DVD entitled «Any Last Words?» on January 11, 2011.

Чикагская группа CHEVELLE выпустит свой новый DVD «Any Last Words?» 11 января 2011 года.

In paragraph 13 of the text, the words «January 2003″ had been replaced by the words «February 2005».

В пункте 13 постановляющей части проекта резолюции слова «в январе 2003 года» были заменены словами «в январе 2005 года».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 13140. Точных совпадений: 3. Затраченное время: 551 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

My 2022 word of the year, plus January goals (for setting monthly goals all year round). Plus, discover a tool to help you choose your word.

Click to read also: How to Choose a Word of the Year

2022 word of the year

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Choosing My 2022 Word of the Year

What You’ll Find on This Page

Every year, I choose a word of the year. I use my word of the year generator, but I don’t always choose the first word that comes up. This year I went through seven rounds before settling on the seventh word, heal.

I like heal for 2022. Life has been crazy for most of the world these past couple of years, and I do hope that the end of the pandemic and everything it brought is in sight.

In my own home, there have been additional stressors, but I think that’s true for most people lately! So maybe heal works in homes beyond mine.

2022 word of the year: heal

Before I got to heal, the generator chose habit, persist, purpose, work, encourage, and build. I think those could all make good stepping stones towards healing, and I’ll use them as focal points for the monthly goals I set this year.

Setting Monthly Goals

First, Let’s Look Back at December 2021

I made it through all of my December goals, mainly because they were things that were mostly happening already!

I missed a couple of days of swimming, but overall did well. We should have signed up for skating tickets early, because they were sold out all of winter break so we didn’t get to do that.

My Linus mystery quilt challenge quilt top is done, and I even sandwiched it and started quilting it today! Anna finished her sewing projects. Emma and Lily are still partway through.

I enjoyed going to one Johnny’s basketball games and his choir concert. I wish I could have gone to more games, but there were conflicts for the others. Luckily basketball season isn’t over yet!

Christmas celebrations were lovely, but less focused than previous years. I think everyone was just really tired, myself included.

We played Exit escape room type board game (single use). The kids liked it enough that we will do more. We also played Ticket to Ride, Twister Ultimate, and Q-bitz. We watched some Christmas movies. Lily and Anna had a bunch of tea parties.

It was a wonderful break, and now it’s back to reality.

Now for January 2022 Goals

January 2022 monthly goals

Here are my January goals. I’m using the six words the random word generator gave me before “heal” as the focus words (habit, persist, purpose, work, encourage, build):

  • Finish my Linus mystery quilt challenge quilt. I just need to finish quilting it and then I need to bind it. Should be very doable. Focus: persist
  • Keep swimming and ice skating. These are fun ways to stay in shape, and I also enjoy the meditative nature of both activities. Focus: habit, and build
  • Keep helping my girls with their sewing project. Focus: encourage
  • Go to as many of Johnny’s basketball games as I can. Focus: encourage
  • Focus more on blogging. It fell to the wayside out of necessity for a lot of 2021, but I should have time to work on it more in 2022. Focus: work
  • Organize my closet. Such an annoying but necessary task. Fortunately I can work on the closet in part because I’ve solved some of the other house organization issues (for now, at least). Focus: purpose

Did you choose a word of the year for 2022? What is it? What are your goals for this month?

choosing a 2022 word of the year

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne Kochenderfer

MaryAnne lives is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

Where the Names of the Months came from (text in English )

Откуда произошли названия месяцев (текст на английском языке)January

Откуда произошли названия месяцев (Where the names of the months came from)

You know the names of the months but have you ever thought about their origin, about how they appeared in English?

Here is a story about how the months were called. Compare it with what you already know.

January was called after Janus, the two-faced Roman god. He was the god of beginnings and endings and was the protector of the Roman gates and doorways.

Once February was the last month of the year and came before January, but at about 450 B.C. it came the second month. Its name is derived from Februa, a Roman festival of purification.

March comes from the god of war – Mars. He was pictured in a chariot drawn by two horses.

The origin of word April is quite different. It comes from a Latin word which means “to open”. April is a spring month when nature comes to life again.

May was named after the goddess, Maia. She was the most famous of the seven daughters of Atlas.

It is undecided whether June gets its name from the goddess Juno, the beautiful wife of Jupiter, or from Junius, who was a proud man and head of a great Roman family.

July was named after Julius Caesar, who was born in this month.

August was named after the great nephew of Julius Caesar. His name was Octavius, but he changed it to Augustus.

September comes from ‘septem’, meaning ‘seven’. It is a reminder that it was seventh month when the year began in March.

October, November and December are Latin words for the eighth, ninth and tenth months of the year.

As the Roman year began in January, the Christians decided to begin their year at the same time. So the year 754 B.C. became for the Christians the year 1 A.D.

 Лексический комментарий к тексту «Откуда произошли названия месяцев»

  • Janus — Янус (у древних римлян бог дверей, входа- выхода, а также дорог и начинаний изображался с двумя лицами)
  • B.C. — первые буквы слов Before Christ — до рождества Христова, то есть до нашей эры
  • A.D. — первые буквы слов Anno Domini, означающие христианской эры, новой эры, нашей эры.
  • purification – церк. обряд очищения
  • Atlas — Атлас (в греческой мифологии Атлант — один из титанов, державший на голове и руках небесный свод)
  • Juno — Юнона (в древнеримской мифологии жена Юпитера, покровительница брака и деторождения; аналог богини Геры в древнегреческом пантеоне)
  • Julius Caesar — Юлий Цезарь (римский полководец)
  • Augustus — (Октавиан) Август (римский император с 27 г. до н.э. по 14 г. н.э.)

You are here: Home / inkhappi / January 2021 Calendar and word of the month: Preparation

Can you believe it? Its already time to plan 2021 and I’m here with your January 2021 Calendar and a word to focus on for the month. Preparation is the word and I have some ideas as to how we can use this word to improve our lives. 

January 2021 Calendar and One Word Thought

January 2021 Calendarand a word for the month: Preparation! we share ideas on how you can incorporate tis word into your life. #calendar #freeprintables #oneword

1: the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty

2: a state of being prepared

3: a preparatory act or measure

4: something that is prepared

The reason I picked this word for January is to ensure we are prepared to meet expectations and goals for the new year. Typically this should be dome in November so January would reinforce those measures.

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.-Alexander Graham Bell

Preparation is the key to success! I tell myself this all the time when I realize how important it is to be prepared yet I struggle with doing the preparation. I want to accomplish more. This year I’m going to master this! 

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. –Benjamin Franklin

Preparation takes time to do but it will for sure save you time in the long run. For example, In preparing for a new year you may want to keep a schedule to keep on track. You should write things down and check things off. Ask yourself what do you want or need to accomplish? One thing to help in doing this is trying to picture the end goal and work your way back from there.

January 2021 Calendar and a word for the month: we share ideas on how you can incorporate tis word into your life. #calendar #freeprintables #oneword

Can you see what this is a good word for January? I’m not going to tell you how or what you should prepare for but I will share a few more quotes (I LOVE quotes) to get you thinking!

Preparation Quotes:

Live your dreams by setting and taking action on your goals; this will prepare you to live the life that you once only dreamed of. Catherine Pulsifer

The past is behind: learn from it. The future is ahead: prepare for it. The present is here: live it! Thomas S. Monson

While others are dreaming and talking, you can be taking action and preparing for opportunities that are just over the horizon. Catherine Pulsifer

The better you’re prepared, the better chance you’ll have at staying on top of everything that is coming your way. Colin Adams, Parenting for New Dads

Any preparation is better than no preparation. Taylor Pitz

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln

He who is not prepared today, will be less so tomorrow. Ovid

Believing that you can achieve your dreams is a part of preparation. ATGW

Preparation: Just do it!

Preparation: the word pf the month for January. We talk about ways we can incoeporate this word in our lives. #freeprintable #oneword

Download your January 2021 Calendar and Preparation print!

January 2021 Calendarand a word for the month: Preparation! we share ideas on how you can incorporate tis word into your life. #calendar #freeprintables #oneword



Wishing a happy January for you. May you be prepared to handle whatever 2021 brings you! 

January 2021 Calendarand a word for the month: Preparation! we share ideas on how you can incorporate tis word into your life. #calendar #freeprintables #oneword

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