Word of the month for december


   Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

 I want to mention that since Blogger changed to a new format for
posting, if you can click on each picture if you care to enlarge

I am finally sharing what my Word of the Month for December has been…..

I know it is almost the end of December…….

POSITIVITY is what I chose as my Theme for this Year……


Little did I know how important it would be to remain POSITIVE this Year!!!!

I am choosing to maintain this theme by only posting positive things here on my Blog and also on my face book page…..

  I continue choose to post Positivity on this Blog and
especially out there on social media like face book,over all the
Political Rants, Mask Pro and Cons Rants, Naming Calling and Making Fun
of Political Leaders no matter what Political Party they belong to,
sharing of Fake News without checking the actual facts before posting
bashing of Businesses even though those businesses may be barely

 I choose to take the higher road, rising above
all that nonsense and frankly, childishness, and not feed into and spread the anger and hate!!

I have had enough……

I am CHOOSING to scroll through and not read any of these posts…..


 I choose POSITIVITY!!

yes, at times it has been hard to remain POSITIVE……

But I think I have to to maintain my sanity…..

GRATEFUL was my Word of the Month for November…..

Pretty much a No Brainer with Thanksgiving in the United States falling at the end of November..

And there were many things that I am GRATEFUL for…

One of those things was that after 13 years, I remain cancer free, having done a urine test to test for cancer cells which came back negative…..

Once again, I have been given the gift of Time…….

Since Christmas is almost here, I am going to move right on to what my Word of the Month for December is……


My Word of the Month for December is BLESSED……. 

So what does that actually mean……

«If you say you’ve been BLESSED, you feel lucky to have something like a roof over your head, your health, a family, etc……»

In light of everything that has been going on this year, I feel BLESSED that all of my family is still alive and well……

Comparing that to so many in this country and world who have lost family members to this pandemic……


And I feel BLESSED!!!!!

If there is anything that this year has shown people…..

It is this…….

I am truly BLESSED with everything I need…..

And I really appreciate everything I have….

I have my family close by and we never had to give up or change any of our Holiday traditions during this year……

And Christmas will be celebrated the same as it has been for years…..

With the exception of the addition of our new Grand Puppy!!!

This little girl will be visiting us for the Holidays …….

She had her first visit to the Vet and has another appointment with the Groomer before Christmas……

Little Faye has truly BLESSED our lives…….

Many of the Christmas Traditions that I still carry on came from my parents…..

My sister bought one of these framed sayings for each of us the first Christmas after my Mother passed away with the picture on the left being the photo I had in this frame for 16 years…..

It was the last picture taken of her before she died…..

This year, I decided that I was going to replace that picture with one of BOTH my parents together as I truly believe that they are still together…….

 This picture was taken quite some time ago as my Dad passed away almost 34 years ago so when I printed it out , I decided to make it black and white since the colors were faded and yellowed….

I had the experience of having absolutely wonderful Christmases as a child that were full of traditions involving my Polish ancestry…..

And because of that, I am BLESSED with wonderful heart warming memories…..

I have thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas Season as I finished my decorating before Thanksgiving like I always wanted to….

That gave me time to enjoy watching Christmas Movies, listening to Christmas music and baking……

I made double batches because Joe bought so many bags of chocolate, peanut butter and white chocolate chips……

He likes a little bit of baked goods with his candy…

I usually give Jim, Danielle and Joey one of those Rubbermaid containers full of cookies and fudge on Christmas Eve….

I always wish for a White Christmas and even though our temps are supposed to warm up into the 50’s on Christmas Eve before they dive back into the 20’s for Christmas Day…..

I am sure that we will still have a White Christmas after all the snow we got last week……

And for that………


I have been enjoying my retirement this year……

I have gotten to garden, craft, and «Play» in my home without having to worry about going to work…..

Which is what I have looked forward to doing for many years……

And for that I feel very BLESSED!!!!!!!

I have been asked why I still decorated for Christmas this year to the extent that I usually do even though I knew I would not be having all the company that I usually have who come to tour our home at Christmas….

I think my Blogger Friend Jeanie, over at The Marmelade Gypsy,  summed it up much better than I could……

This is what she wrote……

«I thought (for about 30 seconds) about phasing back this year for many reasons, mostly medical. Then I said, aloud, to myself: «What are you thinking? If this was to be your last Christmas on Earth, would you have wanted to spend it in a house where you didn’t do the thing you loved?» 

You are absolutely right, Jeanie!!!!

You can read Jeanie’s post HERE and see how beautifully she decorated her home and quite a few trees!!!!

And with that, I will end this post…….

I want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

I know some of you may be spending Christmas differently than you have in years past but I truly hope that you will still enjoy the Holiday and celebrate it for the joyous occasion that it truly is…..  

And maybe use it as a time to change or make some new traditions for you and your family…..

One thing that I am looking forward to is, after having to miss many Christmas Masses because of my work schedule which had me working either the night of Christmas Eve or the night of Christmas Day with never having the entire Holiday off, is that because of the Pandemic, I will get to watch Christmas Eve Masses online, not only in my own church but in the churches of all our former parish priests and even in my parent’s hometown and other local towns………..

And for the opportunity to be able to do this and see the beautiful Christmas decorations in these Churches, I feel very BLESSED and very GRATEFUL….

 These are pictures I took of one local
church’s Mass this weekend, while watching it online ,of the Christmas
Decorations in their church…..

I can not wait to see their Christmas Mass with all of this lit up!!!!

Soon, I will be posting my dear friend Anne Marie’s Christmas Home Tour as she will be sending me pictures of her beautiful home decorated for Christmas since we have not been able to visit this year….

The post will be over on my Christmas Blog but I will provide a link here as I have with all my other Christmas posts…..

So I hope you will stop by to visit again soon and


Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE 
give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to
reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check

I am linking up to these parties:


   Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!

 I want to mention that since Blogger changed to a new format for
posting, if you can click on each picture if you care to enlarge

I am finally sharing what my Word of the Month for December has been…..

I know it is almost the end of December…….

POSITIVITY is what I chose as my Theme for this Year……


Little did I know how important it would be to remain POSITIVE this Year!!!!

I am choosing to maintain this theme by only posting positive things here on my Blog and also on my face book page…..

  I continue choose to post Positivity on this Blog and
especially out there on social media like face book,over all the
Political Rants, Mask Pro and Cons Rants, Naming Calling and Making Fun
of Political Leaders no matter what Political Party they belong to,
sharing of Fake News without checking the actual facts before posting
bashing of Businesses even though those businesses may be barely

 I choose to take the higher road, rising above
all that nonsense and frankly, childishness, and not feed into and spread the anger and hate!!

I have had enough……

I am CHOOSING to scroll through and not read any of these posts…..


 I choose POSITIVITY!!

yes, at times it has been hard to remain POSITIVE……

But I think I have to to maintain my sanity…..

GRATEFUL was my Word of the Month for November…..

Pretty much a No Brainer with Thanksgiving in the United States falling at the end of November..

And there were many things that I am GRATEFUL for…

of those things was that after 13 years, I remain cancer free, having
done a urine test to test for cancer cells which came back negative…..

Once again, I have been given the gift of Time…….

Since Christmas is almost here, I am going to move right on to what my Word of the Month for December is……


My Word of the Month for December is BLESSED……. 



Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.


Recipe (ress-i-pee): a set of ingredients, a formula, often for cooking.

Related expressions:

Recipe for success: a winning formula, ex: most years before 2020.

Recipe for disaster: a losing formula ex: the ensuing years.

Recipe for a modern year 1/3

  • In an Earth-sized mixing bowl, add 3 spoons of climate crisis.
  • Mix in 5 liters of rapidly-spreading global pandemic with divisive political implications.
  • Pour in 3 to 4 nationalist outbreaks and shake violently.

Recipe for a modern year 2/3

  • In an oven, light the economy on fire for 11-12 months.
  • Prepare a baking sheet with 6 cups of Internet disinformation.
  • After 100 days, remove any democratic norms remaining.

Recipe for a modern year 3/3

  • Toss a handful of incoherent confinement rules into a pot.
  • While boiling, add a pinch of police abuse on film.
  • Melt 2 polar ice caps into the mix.
  • Add multiple Covid variants to taste

Happy New Year. Let’s not make this recipe a tradition.

I am SO excited to show you these…so excited I got a little carried away and did 3 sets and a little something extra.  Are you ready? I hope so cause here they come…

You might recognize this one from my very first post, well, it’s finally close enough to winter to make him available! You can purchase this WOOD kit for $10. The kit includes the letters and snowman cutout, nails to for the face, finishing instructions and patterns!

{shipping is $5/set, $10/5 sets}

Just drop me an email if you’d like a set!

Need a gentle reminder for the kiddos to be nice? Give this set a try!

This set is made from 3 -2×4 blocks, added wood cutout details, and vinyl lettering.

This kit includes 3 blocks, detail pieces, vinyl lettering, fabric for hat, and finishing instructions.

You can purchase this WOOD kit for $10, or finished for $15.

{Shipping is $5/set, email me about group pricing!}

You might have seen these posted last year on my good friend’s blog. I drew up the pattern last year for our craft night and still love it! So I decided to add it to December’s words.

These letters aren’t small- they stand between 8 and 9 inches tall.

You can purchase the J & Y, plus a small base-sorry you’re on your own for the bell in the middle, it was a super lucky find at a thrift store.

Or all three letters «J-O-Y» if you let me know.

{Shipping is $5/set}

Just for fun I shrunk the pattern a bit. You can get a  5-6″ set w/bell. Email me for details.

And last this little guy…


I Love HIM! And yep, he’s a 2×4 block.

You can get this kit {block,nose cutout, felt pieces, and «antlers»} for $5

{shipping is $5/ kit}

So did I mention I was excited! I love this season and love getting ready for it! If I didn’t think my hubby would make me sleep outside-I’d totally bust out the Christmas music. Guess I’ll just keep singing in my head for one more week…

Happy Crafting!

***These will NOT be up in my shop until Wed 11/17/10, please email me directly if you are interested in purchasing something-THANKS***

A new month means it’s time for a national days word search. If you enjoy puzzles, you will love this free December word search printable for the national days of the month.

Search the seek and find puzzle for national days for December. They can be found in any direction, including diagonally.

Give yourself a few minutes of free time to de-stress, or let the kids try a non-screen activity that they will love.

Keep reading to find out more about the December national days and get your free December printable of national days.

Ginger bread man and word search puzzle with blue pencil and words get the free word find puzzle of national days in December.

Monthly observances for December

Not only does each day of the month have a special day associated with it, the whole month is also known for special events and happenings. 

Among many other things, December is known as Operation Santa Paws Month, Safe Toys and Gifts Month and National Human Rights Month. 

Obviously, many of the national days in December are devoted to things having to do with Christmas, Santa Claus, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, but that is not all there is to celebrate.

December is also full of other unusual national days that we can be aware of as we plan our activities for this month.

From Rosa Parks Day to Wildlife Conservation Day, and National Day of the Horse, there is always a reason to honor our special days.Colorful hands behind chain fence with words December is National Human Rights Month.

Be sure to look for food national days in the custom word search puzzle

If you are a foodie, there are dozens of food themed national days this month. Both gingerbread houses and eggnog, along with many other foods, each get their own day this month!

Poinsettias are also significant in the month of December. Not only does National Poinsettia Day occur during the month, but poinsettias are one of the two flowers of December.

If you want to learn more about this holiday flower, make sure to check out these facts about Poinsettias.

Be sure to look for some of these days in our December printable word search.

Learn more about the national days of the year

If you enjoy learning about national days, be sure to check out our national day guide. It gives lots of information about all the pages on the site that give details about these special days.

To learn about what other days are celebrated in December, check out the list of national days of December. There are over 200 days to celebrate this month!

Many of them are featured in our winter word search puzzle.

Monthly national days word search printables

We have a free word search printable puzzle for each month of the year! Each one features national days of that month.

Calendar pages opening up.

For the national days word search printables for the other months, check out these pages:

  • January national days word find puzzle 
  • February national day word search printable
  • Word search of March national days
  • April national day word search printable
  • May national day word find puzzle
  • June national days word search puzzle
  • July national day word search puzzle
  • August national day word search printable
  • September national day puzzle to search and find
  • October national day printable word search puzzle
  • Word search printable for November national days
  • December word search printable of national days – this page!

Get holiday word search printable puzzles

In addition to our monthly free word search printables featuring the national days of the year, we also make holiday themed word search puzzles. 

  • Groundhog Day – word search puzzle
  • Valentine’s Day – word search and word scramble
  • Mardi Gras – word search and word scramble
  • St. Patrick’s Day – word search and word scramble
  • Father’s Day – word search and word scramble
  • Independence Day – word search and word scramble
  • Summer – word search and word scramble
  • Labor Day – word search and word scramble
  • Fall – word search and word scramble
  • Halloween – word search and word scramble
  • Thanksgiving – word search and word scramble

Check out the holiday word searches and word scramble printables above for seasonal puzzles the whole family will enjoy!

Please note: These custom word search printables take a long time to make. They are for personal use only.

If you are sharing this December word find printable (and thank you for that!), please link directly to this post and not to the actual puzzle image.

We appreciate your help in supporting the site. The printables may not be used for any retail purpose or for mass distribution.

You can either download the December word search puzzle of national days through the link below, or print it out in the project card at the bottom of the page.

Click here to download the December word search. The puzzle will print out on on a full sheet of paper in the portrait format.

Be sure choose portrait orientation and “fit to page” for the printable area on your printer settings. Printing this way will give you a full page printout.

If you prefer to download the December printable word search from the project card at the bottom of the page, scroll down and press “print”. It will print out the puzzle in a slightly smaller size.

December word search of national days answer key

Some free printable word searches are easy to solve and others leave you scratching your head looking for that one last word.

If you are having hard time solving this winter word search puzzle, you can click here for the answer key.

Share this December word search printable of national days on Twitter

Want to share this December printable word search with your friend and family? Spread the word with this tweet:

It’s time for our monthly free printable. If you like to do puzzles, check out the December word search puzzle printable on Always The Holidays! 🎅🍬🤶🎄 #nationaldays #wordsearch #wordfind #printable Click To Tweet

Pin this December word search printable for later

Would you like a reminder of this free December printable word search puzzle? Just pin this image to one of your boards on Pinterest so that you can easily find it later.

Word find puzzle with pine boughs and green banner reading Get the national day word search printable for December.

Admin note: this post for December word search printable printable first appeared on the blog in December of 2020. We have updated the post to add all new photos, an updated puzzle for this year, and a video for you to enjoy.

Prep Time
5 minutes

Active Time
25 minutes

Total Time
30 minutes


Estimated Cost


  • Heavy cardstock or computer paper


  1. Load your heavy cardstock or computer paper into your Deskjet printer.
  2. Choose portrait layout and if possible «fit to page» in your settings.
  3. Print the December word search puzzle and try to find the month’s national days and Christmas terms in it.
  4. The list of words on the bottom of the seek and find puzzle are found left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top, and diagonally in any direction.
  5. Search for the words, circle them and then cross them off the bottom list.
  6. See how quickly you can do the winter word search puzzle!


    A December word search printable with the word "December" in white block letters over pine boughs at the top of the image and a free word find puzzle of the national days in December in the middle and a word bank in a green box at the bottom.

    Using this print function on this card will print a puzzle that fills about 3/4 of an 8 x 11 sheet of paper.

    To fill the entire page, choose «fit to page» on your printer if you have this setting, or use the link in the post above and print using the browser print feature.

    The Dailey Method word of the month for December is SMILE! This is our 4th and last secondary alignment principle and my personal favorite!

    December Word of the Month: SMILE!

    Smile…. why not? I enjoy smiling, being smiled at and making other people smile. I frequently smile at strangers. No matter how bad things are, if you smile you will feel better and if you’re smiled at by someone else it’s the same result. So why not?

    When relating to class as a student – your Smile is when you get to shine. You’ve found stability and space for your best alignment, gained deep support through muscle engagement, and you’ve balanced effort and ease using your breath – now you get the enjoy the result! Then you start all over again…… your smile is the true pleasure point of the pose or exercise, the place where the results and the magic happen.

    As a teacher the SMILE component of alignment can come from many different means. My smile happens when I love a song, turn it up and cue 50 hips swings or when I look around the room and everyone is focused, aligned and obviously working hard or when I crack a joke and others laugh with me, rather than me just laughing myself (at least I think I’m funny). There are a lot of different high points I try to touch on through class to help maintain the energy and the fun.

    The list of ways to add a smile into your practice can go on and on. You just have to be present and ready to shine out. Here are some suggestions to add more SMILE into your life this month:

    -In your TDM practice: Allow yourself to FEEL that pinnacle moment in each exercise where you embrace your personal best. Appreciate yourself exactly where you are and find at least one thing to smile about. Let your inner you shine out through your outer body.

    – In your life practice: Grab an old mason jar and write down on scraps of paper a few things each day that make you smile. Just notice. At the end of the month, pick a quiet time to dump your jar out & read what you wrote. Allow yourself to soak up all the smiles that accumulated in just one short month. Life is so full of joy; find a way to smile from your heart.

    With love and a huge SMILE,

    — Jill and Lorna

    Photo credit: Shutterstock.com

    Earth in a sunbeam, as seen from Voyager I.

    The Virtue is Silence and the Saboteur is Noise.

    Silence is the absence of noise, not the absence of sound.

    Noise and silence are both different types of sound. Just because your ears do not hear sound doesn’t mean it isn’t present. Sound is always present, and it is everywhere. We don’t have the capacity to hear every thought someone thinks or every breath that is drawn in, but sound is inherent in every motion that exists in the Universe. The journey of the Earth through space produces sounds that we may not hear and therefore we experience these sounds as silence, however, sound is everywhere, noise is not. The biggest difference between sound and noise is that sound pervades and noise invades.

    We wear earphones to reduce noise, so that we may be able to enjoy the sounds of our choice. We tune out what some people are saying because it is just noise to our ears, and likewise, we may also strain to hear the meaning behind someone else’s words. Some words are like music to our ears, some words are noisy and rude, and still other words make us laugh or cry. Words are sounds that create change, they can make us speechless and silent or they can make us want to speak up.

    Silence is filled with sound. Recently, the dam of silence broke and women around the world began to speak about what used to be unspeakable events. These events were loud in their lives, but women were silent about them. Silence can be like a lid covering noise. Break that lid and the noise spills out into the hearts and minds of millions of people. We can now hear what was always there. Their words created change.

    Silence can save us, it can ruin us, it can torture us and it can liberate us. Silence is something we strive for and something we avoid, silence is golden and silence can be a very scary place. Silence can heal us or conceal us, and it can be the beginning of revealing the noisy truth that we have hidden in the recesses of our hearts.

    Silence is a great healer. When we surrender to sleep we enter into the deep silence of regeneration. When we awaken from the silence of sleep we can be stronger and experience the power of healing. If we are sick, we require rest and quiet, when we are hurt from words and events, we just want to be left alone with our own thoughts, we don’t want anymore input. Silence can heal our minds and hearts because silence is the great healer.

    Silence is the great concealer. We hide behind the vision of how we think we should be, we hide our trues self because we are afraid of the noisy comments that will be made by others. Silence is like the night, it is a place of dreams and nightmares, it is a place where we are safely hidden or where we hide the truth from ourselves and others.

    Practicing the loving and healing power of silence teaches us the art of listening. This can be our greatest gift to one another.

    Peace be with you


    • Beginners

      Online Course


    • Months

      Listen and Read

      Read and Write

      Spelling Months

    • Games

      Sort The Words


      Word Search

    There are twelve months in a year. English words for months begin with a CAPITAL letter.

    this lesson has sound - click on the pictures to hear the wordsClick on the pictures or the text to hear the English words for months of the year.

    English Words for Months of the Year. A vocabulary lesson with audio for ESOL Beginners: January


    January is the first month of the year.

    It is winter in the UK in January. The weather is cold.

    The trees are bare. The sky is grey. Snow sometimes falls.

    Learn English Words for Months of the Year - February. Click on the image to hear the word spoken


    February is the second month of the year.

    It is winter in the UK. The weather is cold and frosty.

    The earth is bare. The ground is hard and frozen.

    Elementary ESL vocabulary for months of the year - March. Click on the image to listen to the word.


    March is the third month of the year.

    In the UK, March marks the beginning of spring.

    Plants begin to grow again. The weather is often cool and windy.

    learn English words for months of the year - April


    April is the fourth month of the year. April is a spring month.

    Trees sprout leaves. Buds open. Lambs and other baby animals are born.

    In the UK, April can be a wet month. The sky is sometimes grey and cloudy.

    Vocabulary for ESL beginners - months of the year: May


    May is the fifth month of the year.

    In the UK, May is a spring month. The days grow longer.

    The weather is warm and sunny. Flowers begin to blossom.

    months of the year - picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - June


    June is the sixth month of the year.

    In the UK, June marks the beginning of summer.

    The days are long, and the weather is bright and sunny.

    months of the year picture vocabulary for ESOL students - July


    July is the seventh month of the year. July is a summer month.

    The sun shines brightly most days. The weather is usually hot.

    Most schools and colleges close for the summer break at the end of July.

    Easy picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - August


    August is the eighth month of the year. It is summer in the UK.

    The days are long and the weather is hot and sunny.

    British people often take a long holiday in August.

    Picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - September


    September is the ninth month of the year. September marks the start of autumn. In September, the summer break ends and students go back to school and college.

    Leaves turn brown and yellow, and fall from the trees.

    Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL - October


    October is the tenth month of the year, and the second month of autumn.

    People in North America have a different name for autumn. They call it fall.

    October weather in the UK is usually good, though it can be wet and chilly.

    Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - November


    November is the eleventh month of the year, and the last month of autumn. In the UK, the weather grows colder and trees begin to look bare.

    Some animals get ready to sleep through winter, and migrating birds fly south.

    Picture vocabulary Lessons for ESOL learners - Months of The Year: December


    December is the twelfth month of the year.

    In the UK, December marks the beginning of winter.

    Winter is the coldest part of the year. Nights are long and days are short.

    Back to top
    return to the top of the page.

    Walk Heavy in Your Vocation and Your Call!

    Last night I had a dream that I was at this house and I had all this beautiful jewelry. 

    And as I was in the dream, I took a beautiful diamond necklace (this was the most beautiful diamond I ever saw) and begin to chew on it.

    As I went on in the dream, the chain got stuck in my throat and as I begin to pull it out I felt as though the chain was breaking into pieces and the more I pulled on it the more I feared I would choke on it as I pulled on it.

    But, as I went to the second dream, I found a beautiful ring and I placed it with my other jewelry in my purse.  Then the lady Asked me, did I find the ring?

    I feared to tell her and she grabbed my purse and looked in side and their was the ring among my stuff.  I knew I had the ring all the time hidden in my purse.

    Revelation and Application

    I believe that this dream is the LORD giving the saints of God valuable gifts and many of us have taken them for granted and instead of using them as the LORD has told us we have hidden our talents like the wicked servant whom Jesus gave them each a talent, but the one went and hid his until his return,   (Matthew 25:18).

    Help us Holy Ghost!  For, I believe that God is saying that many of you are even taking jewelry that doesn’t even belong to you, placing it in your purse as if it is yours!

    The LORD spoke to me that this ring is the pastoral finger; as well as many other ring fingers.

    He is saying that many are calling themselves Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelist and Teachers, but He has not extended this finger to them in ministry!

    For, in order to be a shepherd you have to have the heart of a shepherd!

    Come on Somebody!  Many have a heart more for winning souls (evangelist) and are more comfortable with gathering souls than they are with feeding sheep.

    In fact, their entire message is about winning souls.  Not only is their message and heart with the lost sheep, evangelizing them, but it is in their hearts to hit the streets, witnessing to others!

    They are constantly making the call to gather them for the Kingdom of God’s sake.

    God is saying to the people, that it is time to evaluate the call (ring/ jewelry) upon your lives.

    Just because you are a reverend or a preacher, does not mean that God is extending the ring finger of a pastor etc., to that finger!

    The scriptures warn us to wait upon God and to walk worthy of the vocation which you are called! (Ephesians 4:1).

    He said to me that these chains I was choking on, were chains of bondage that the people of God were choking on, that were hindering the voices that He had called them to be, conduits and ambassadors to speak from, as His representatives in the ministry.

    The LORD is speaking and it is time for the people to realize what voice and ring the LORD is calling them to function in, in this season!

    Because, many God has called to function in one office, while others, He has given more than one office, as He sees fit!  Just as He did the Apostles!

    Like the dream, I believe, God is going to use this jewelry to bring forth light like the diamond I was chewing on and the chain got stuck in my throat.

    The light is going to begin to anoint those whom God has called to preach good tidings unto the meek.

    He will use you to bind up the brokenhearted,

    • to proclaim liberty to the captives,
    • the opening of the prisons to those who are bound;
    • to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God,
    • to comfort all who mourn,
    • provide for those who grieve in Zion,
    • to bestow on them a crown of beauty (diamonds) instead of ashes,
    • the oil of joy instead of mourning and
    • a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

    They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor,  (Isaiah 61:1-3).

    Come on somebody!  No more hiding your jewelry (the gifts and office God is calling you to function in!) and pretending it is not for you to speak.

    But God is calling you out of hiding into the light.  He wants you to shine like the diamond you are!

    He wants you to be confident in who you are and whom He called you to be!

    No more shying away from your identity and holding your peace (choking) allowing the enemy to silence your voice, but God is delivering you from the fear of man!

    He is breaking the chains of bondage off you to allow you to shine like the glorious diamond He called you to be!

    So take that ring out of your purse and place it on your finger as the prodigal son did when he came out of bondage! (Luke 15:22).

    For, the LORD said to me the Month of December will be a month of a divine call for many to arise and to shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you, (Isaiah 60:1).

    For the number Twelve will be a prophetic month of,

    • Divine government and election,
    • Apostolic fullness,
    • Discipleship for the Church,
    • People of God to be united, have oversight.

    The LORD is strongly speaking to me regarding three offices in this season (as he had me to point specifically to the bridal ring finger, the thumb which is the Apostle thumb and the pinky finger which is the teacher finger) that He will begin to deal with, which are the:

    • Apostles,
    • Pastors and the
    • Teachers!

    These three offices are very important in this hour, as the LORD begins to build the foundation of the body of Christ!

    We know that the Apostles are sent by God to govern, to commissioned as a delegate or ambassador for Christ’s Kingdom.

    The Apostle is also sent to fulfill the purpose of the commission as one who “apostle-izes”, as it were.

    His or her function as an apostle is to bear witness, or testify to the world about Christ and the things that he is revealing unto them.  Their witness or testimony, specifically relates to the resurrection of the LORD, Jesus Christ!

    In order for him or her to function properly in this office, God Himself must bear witness of His gifting upon them through the following: signs, wonders, diverse miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, (jewelry/ diamond)

    That gifting, must be a conduit, a relay point between Christ and the local church body.

    I believe for the month of December, the LORD shall raise up and begin to use His son’s and daughters in the Body of Christ like never before, in order to fulfill and to complete His plans and His mission in the heart of the earth!

    In other words, there is coming a great shaking in both the heavens and the earth, as God uses His mighty vessels of honor.

    I believe that God in this season is getting His Church ready for His return and He is making a prophetic call to under shepherds everywhere, who are called to be Pastors and who are called to be caretakers, to set the houses in order (take the oversight) and to get His sheep ready for the complete functioning of His right hand.

    The LORD is raising up His end-time army to begin to do a great Kingdom work.  It is time for the governing body to prepare the Body to align itself, for what God is about to do in season, like never before!

    The prophets have sounded the alarm and warned the people over and over again, to prepare themselves, but yet many in the Body of Christ have failed to hearken to the sound of the trumpet!

    The ax has been laid to the root of the tree and God is thoroughly pruning the trees.

    Those who are ready to submit themselves to the work of the LORD will go forth, but many shall be severed and left behind in the wilderness, for their continued disobedience to the leading of the LORD!

    The woman in the dream was there to get me to speak up and to take hold of the gift the LORD had dropped and I had found.  But instead of me admitting I had it, I was fearful and wanted to keep it hidden, like the wicked servant who was given the one talent and buried it!

    God is surely looking for a return on His talents and the jewelry He has given unto us.

    I believe in this season, that God is going to use the Evangelist to bring in the harvest, but not as much until the Church can begin to become unified!  One hand; with a mighty blow to the plans of the enemy!

    For, what good would it do to continue to send in a harvest of souls and the Church is divided and many have failed to indoctrinate the Church according to the will of God and the plans of God?

    But, instead have continued to teach false doctrines and have continued to allowed Jezebel to teach false truths, enslaving and killing the mouths of Christ’s Prophets!

    However; I believe that God is going to raise up more Teachers to help to build the foundation and to counteract the mouths and the doctrines of the false prophets and teachings in this season.

    For I heard God say, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children,”  (Hosea 4:6)

    Come on somebody, for we must be able to instruct and indoctrinate.  For, its only through what we do that we endeavor to say what we are!

    ~ Apostle Geraldine Fisher

    Geraldine FisherApostle Geraldine Fisher has a World-Wide-Social Media Net-Work Ministry.  As a Missionary, God moved her into the Office of a Prophet, revealing to her the qualities of a True prophet, humility, humiliation, loving others, interceding in prayer, as she keeps her own life clean to accurately hear from God. Since hearing the audible voice of God calling her to ministry, she’s been called to intercede and pray for others in ministry as God speaks, instructs, directs and gives prophetic words for her to give to others. God promised He would bring her to sit and to learn before great men, all of which He did!


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    Ah, December, that time of year when storefronts are festooned with holiday decorations, and another year is reaching its close. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, December might mean pulling off your boots so you can curl up with your smartphone and read Dictionary.com (hey, we can dream).

    But, what does the word December mean in the dictionary? And, where did the 12th month of the year get its name?

    What is December named for?

    December has marked the end of the year and the coming of winter since the ancient Romans established their first calendar. As its etymology indicates, December is formed from the Latin root decem- which means “ten” … but December is our twelfth month. The strange numbering discrepancy is also present for the months of September, October, and November, which reference “seven,” “eight,” and “nine,” even though they’re our ninth, tenth, and eleventh months.

    Why? Well, the ancient Roman calendar only had ten months in the year, beginning with the month of March. January and February were eventually added after December to the end of the year. But, by the time the Julian calendar was established in 45 BCE, January and February appeared at the beginning of the year, which bumped all of the original months (and their originally assigned names) back by two.

    What are the older names for December?

    Before December entered Old English, the names Ǣrra Gēola or Gēolmōnað, meaning “yule month,” were used. The early Germanic people referred to this wintry season as yuletide, a two-month period that spanned December and January. Geōl means “Christmas day” or “Christmastide” (a word for the period from Christmas Eve to related feast days in early January).

    Geōl is related to the Old Norse jōl, the name of the Pagan winter feast lasting 12 days. Many of the customs of the feast of yule influenced the ways that Christmas is celebrated, such as the tradition of burning a yule log at Christmastime. Fun fact: the word jolly may have derived from the same Old Norse root that brought us yule.

    What else has Old Norse brought us? Learn which words trace back to Old Norse here.

    What do we celebrate in December?

    If you’re facing another cold winter, celebrating the winter solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or New Year’s Eve is sure to lift your “bah humbug” spirits! As you revel in the season, you might wonder what the different names for Santa Claus are or what figgy pudding is, or what Boxing Day (December 26) actually is.

    If you’re also celebrating a birthday in December, you might be a Sagittarius (born before December 22) and known as a trailblazer or an innovator. We have more words for Sagittarius here, and we’ve also got words for the zodiac sign of Capricorn, for those born on or after December 22.

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