Word of the month for august

Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.


A game: an amusing activity, a pastime, a sports match. 

To game: to play games. 

To be game: to be willing or ready.

Game in the news

This month, the 32nd Olympic Games in Tokyo concluded under protest, in front of thousands nobody. 

Meanwhile, the US finally declared Game Over in Afghanistan, taking their guns and going home.

Gaming expressions

Fair game: acceptable subject for criticism or attack, like politicians and pheasants. 

Hunting big game: Hunting large animals, or figuratively: targeting something huge. To an ant, a bread crumb is big game. 

To game the system: to manipulate or exploit a system. What hackers, tax evaders and Olympic dopers excel at.

Famous Game

Monopoly: Teach kids early that capital is the name of the game. 

Solitaire: Better with a friend. 

Hide and Seek: True champions are hard to find. 

Olympics: Fraternity and fair play vs infrastructure headaches and chauvinism. Paris, are you still game for 2024?

Get This Collection While It’s Hot!

We’ve fetched a collection of well-groomed words for August. There’s a list related to the month’s name, a list of words for being happy, and lists for August’s many special events: National Dog Day, Women’s Equality Day, and National Book Lovers Day. These words are sure to get tails and tongues wagging!

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Intention. It’s a word with multiple meanings, and it’s one that can inspire a bit of guilt, too. “It wasn’t my intention, but…” is a phrase uttered by everyone at some point. Life happens, and many things don’t go as planned. Embracing improv as an important life skill brings peace of mind and perspective.

And yet. Sometimes we bring the guilt of missed opportunities and missed connections on ourselves through overscheduling, overthinking, and overworking. Maybe what we need is a radical reduction of ambition, a purposeful desire to do less, but with more focus, more love, more attention; more, yes, intention.

In what ways would doing less with more focus change our lives?

What if ― rather than scheduling ourselves down to 5-minute increments ― we plan to accomplish just a few, truly important things each day? What if some of those things are quiet and unseen, but influential to our souls and relationships? What if our focus deliberately becomes less global, but more specific to those we love and influence directly? What if we pay true attention to individual people, close-to-our-heart pursuits, and the satisfaction of creating goodness right here, right now, where we are?

Such a life is unlikely to make the news. The victories are too intangible, too cosmic to tell a compelling “story at 10pm”. That’s precisely why such a life makes such a difference.

Intentionally living small is really living large. It depends on how you love, and where you choose to focus your energy and attention. It brings about what’s true, what’s dependable, what’s beautiful, what’s honest. It creates healing and hope.

Intention is the only road to home.

Voting was close for the July Hall of Fame Poet. Steven Withrow, V. L. Gregory, and Silindile Ntuli finished in a tie. However, both Steven and Virginia are previous winners and cannot win again during this twelve month period. Therefore it is my pleasure to announce that Silindile is our July Hall of Fame Poet.

A special thank you to our one and only July young poet, Taylor McGowan, for her good poem. Several people have commented on how much they enjoyed that. We’re always glad to see your work, Taylor.

Congratulations to you, Silindile, and my thanks to everyone who contributed a nice, itchy poem during July. It was a month of many chuckles.

For August I decided to change the subject entirely. Our August word is LOVE. What can you do with that? I look forward to seeing what your creative minds conjure up!

August marks the 11th month for Word of the Month. September will complete the first year. Starting in October, all previoius Monthly Hall of Fame Poets will once again be eligible to win. Starting with October, I’ll announe a new system for selecting the monthly winners.

Also in October, we’ll post the winning poems for each of the first twelve months so everone can vote on our first Hall of Fame Poet of the Year. That should be exciting! We’ll have two ballot boxes up, one for the adults and one for the young poets.

Thanks for the ideas about how to celebrate my first blog anniversary on August 9. Please keep them coming. I leave town Sunday for five days but will do my best ot stay in touch.


If you’re in Europe, it’s likely you’re taking an extended holiday during the month of August. If you’re anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, you might just be trying to stay cool.

August, a word that means “inspiring reverence or admiration,” is the name of the eighth month of the year in our Gregorian calendar. It’s the sixth month of the ancient Roman calendar used by the Roman kingdom and republic. Back then, the month of August was known as Sextilus, Latin for “sixth month.” In 8 BCE, the month was named in honor of Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor.

Who is the man August was named for?

The emperor was a man of many names. He was born Gaius Octavius, the grandnephew of Julius Caesar. He took the extended name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus in 44 BCE after Caesar’s assassination. Though in English texts, he was often referred to simply as Octavian.

Then in 31 BCE, he defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra to gain control over the empire. Finally in 27 BCE, when he was named emperor, he was given the honorary title Augustus.

What does it mean to be august?

When we describe something as august, we are saying it is majestic and inspires reverence or admiration. The word can also take the form of an adverb (augustly) and a noun (augustness).

August also relates to augury, the act of divination (telling the future), particularly by the behavior of birds and animals and the examination of their entrails and other parts. Augurs were the official Roman soothsayers, whose job was not to tell the future so much as to determine if the Roman gods approved of a planned course of action.

Make the trek through this collection of words with Greek and Roman mythical origins.

And here’s a usage not heard often: an auguste is a “type of circus clown who usually wears battered ordinary clothes and is habitually maladroit or unlucky.” May your August be filled with favorable omens and devoid of unlucky circus clowns.

How do we celebrate August?

Of course, during August, we not only celebrate, but also prepare: teachers and students of all ages get ready to go back to school and many start a new school year.

But that doesn’t mean the meaningful holidays come to a stop. August kicks off with Caribbean celebrations in honor of Emancipation Day, which memorializes abolition within the British Empire, a process that began with the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. Many Caribbean countries honor emancipation on either August 1 or the first Monday in August (August 2 in 2021). 

The Islamic calendar begins with Muharram, which falls on Aug. 9 in 2021.  The Day of Ashura is a respectful period of mourning held the 10th day of Muharram, so it falls on Aug. 19, 2021.

In August, you can choose to celebrate a favorite fruit (Watermelon Day is Aug. 3), a beverage (International Beer Day is Aug. 6), or oysters (they have their own commemorative day on Aug. 5). 

August is also special month for Leos (those born between July 23 and August 22) and Virgos (those born between August 23 and September 22). Those born under these signs have their pick of words, from  lionhearted to ardent (Leo) and from elegant to orderly (Virgo).

Like July, August is a quiet month for the news, real komkommertijd. But this month, something exciting happened: Lingo is back! And with it, some of Lingo’s iconic vocabulary. The word of the month is: Puzzelwoord (puzzle word)!

Click here for previous Words of the Month

What does it mean?

Image by Glenn Fleishman at Flickr.com under license CC BY 2.0, edited by author

Puzzelwoord (puzzle word) quite simply refers to a puzzle word. This can be a word quiz in the krant (newspaper), in a televisieprogramma (TV program) or – if you are one of the dedicated puzzlers – a puzzelboek (puzzle book). But why is the puzzelwoord relevant to this month specifically?

Relevance to August

Earlier this month, it became clear that Lingo was coming back! The puzzelprogramma (puzzle show) ended in 2014, and many were sad to see it go. But it is back, and tonight the new season had its first episode at 20:00 (8 pm) on SBS 6. You can find the episode here, though it may not be available in your location. If you are able to receive SBS 6, it airs every weekday at 20:00 Dutch time.

Lucille Werner, who presented the show from 2005 to 2014, tweeted the following last year:

Minister @wkoolmees wil het inburgeringsbeleid veranderen door meteen met taal te beginnen @jineklive Idee: breng @lingotv terug! Ooit leerden nieuwkomers spel(l)enderwijs elke dag Nederlands. #oplossing

— Lucille Werner (@LucilleWerner) July 3, 2018

It says “Minister Koolmees wants to change the integration policy by beginning with language immediately. JinekLive idea: Bring Lingo back! Newcomers once learned Dutch every day in a playful manner #solution”.

And so now it is back! While for nieuwkomers, the game may be a little too challenging, it can certainly help you recognize words and patterns in Dutch vocabulary. Plus it just is a fun experience! Anybody can sign up, and so you also get a glimpse at regular Dutch people from all walks of life.

But what is the weeknight puzzle show, how does it work? The regels (rules) are quite simple, actually. Jan Peter Pellemans, the voice in the studio who verifies whether words really exist and better known as JP, described the regels:

“Het is een taalspelletje dat draait om vijf-, zes- en zevenletterwoorden. Je moet zo snel mogelijk woorden raden aan de hand van de letters die je krijgt.”

(“It is a language game that revolves around five-, six- and seven-letter words. You have to guess words as quick as possible with the letters you are given.”)

When a letter is orange, it is in the right place. When a letter is in a yellow circle, it means the letter is in the word, but not in the correct position. Can you find the right word fast enough?

Here’s an episode to give you an idea of what that looks like:

Did you know all the words mentioned? Let me know in the comments below!

And finally, here some comic relief of some… let’s say, unprepared candidates. Do you know the words they’re looking for?

Do you have a similar spelprogramma (game show) in your country? How do you like Lingo? Are you going to watch more on it? Let me know in the comments below.

Prophetic Word for August 2021 | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

Beloved, could you use some encouragement from the Lord today? If so, today’s word from the Lord–a prophetic word for August 2021–is going to be like a healing balm of Gilead for your soul.

These are the two words the word the Lord spoke to me for August 2021:

1. August is a healthy month.

The Lord said, “You have been listening to me about the health changes I have told you to make, and you are starting to change accordingly. The changes you are making are taking effect; your taste buds and habits are changing.

Change is a long process, but you are doing the work I commanded you to do. Have I not told you to be strong and take courage? I am helping you become strong, and I am helping you to become healthy.

In August, I want you to pursue “strengthening your arms” and body, like the Proverbs 31 woman does. This applies to both men and women; it applies to both young and old.

Physical strength is a virtue; it honors Me and allows Me to use you for more and greater purposes. Physical strength also allows you to fight the good fight of faith, laying hold of that for which I have laid hold of you.

You can run with endurance when I strengthen your heart; but to strengthen your heart, I need you to cooperate with Me. Make yourself strong in the month of August!”

2. It is the month of RESET (R.E.S.E.T.).

The letters of “R.E.S.E.T.” stand for the following:


And the Lord says this about each of these key words:


I have given you a holy premonition–an advance word of knowledge–about what I want to do for you this month. I had to do this because the things I want to do for you are so big, you weren’t even praying big enough at all!

You have been a faithful steward. 

You have asked me several times if you have messed things up, but I tell you today that I see your heart and it is pure. You have been a faithful steward and, although you still may make mistakes occasionally, I am rewarding you for the purity of your heart. 

Remember My Word in Psalm 18:24: “Therefore the Lord has recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight.” You will find in this month of August that I am rewarding and paying you back for all your trouble. According to the cleanness of your hands I will hand out your reward, and I say to you again that your heart is pure.

Count on Me to give you DOUBLE for your trouble!”

“And about ‘Engaging,’” says the Lord:

“In the month of August, you will find Me engaging you in the work I have prepared for you at a greater level.

You just noticed yesterday that “you’re back”; that you feel rested and refreshed and “like yourself” –in fact, better than the concept of yourself that you had gotten used to–for the first time in a long time. And that is in fact true; you are operating as yourself at a higher level than you previously have, and it’s all because of My REST.

In August, you are going to continue resting; in fact, you will never leave this state of rest,” says the Lord.

“Now that you have learned to rest, you will never be able to function without rest again. Rest is a magnet; it is a higher way. Once you have found it, My rest keeps you because I keep you. Remember that I am your Keeper, and that is a very real thing (Psalm 121). As you have asked Me to teach you to rest, so have I done, and you will be resting the rest of your life.

However, at the same time, you will also be engaging in a whole new way in August.

You will be engaging with the things that really matter. You will be engaging with new relationships, for I have heard your cry for covenant friendships,” says the Lord. “Trust Me to set things aright and to lead you in the way you should go. Look to Me for guidance, wisdom, and instruction–but be prepared to plug in and FUNCTION like I always intended you to function. The time is now,” says the Lord; “the time is now!”


“You have also set aside time for STILLNESS, and I am going to honor that,” says the Lord.

When you are still before Me, I can speak to you in a whole new way. During this time of stillness is when you will see the manifestation of My Word in Proverbs 1:23:

“Turn at my rebuke; surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you” (Proverbs 1:23).

In this season of stillness, things may feel like they are not moving at all, but actually I am flying them in to you lightning-fast. I am hearing your total rest; the sound of your peace is ascending to My nostrils like a fragrance, and I am receiving your peace and rest as an offering to Myself.

As you are still before Me in the month of August, I will make things happen on your behalf that you could never make happen at all. Be still, and know that I am God,” says the Lord; “I will be exalted in the heavens; I will be exalted in the earth! I will be exalted in your situation, and My name will be glorified as I break through for you!”


“You are getting your energy back through the healthy choices you are making,” says the Lord. “I am also refilling you with hope, and you will find that a lot of strength and energy will come to your body because you have hope and joy again.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. In August, you will begin to see some of your desires fulfilled–desires you have longed for, but have not thought were possible. This is only the beginning, but you will see it and begin sensing that I am indeed at work in your situation.

I have been at work all along,” says the Lord, “but you did not see it. In August, however, you will see it, and your joy will be replenished. It is only the beginning, but it IS a beginning. Be encouraged!”

About transition:

The Lord said, “I am moving you into a place of My glory. I am bringing you back onto the ancient paths and restoring the joy of your salvation. I am reminding you of who I am and of how important it is to seek Me, and I am making it possible for you to do all these things more faithfully!

This month, I want you to seek Me with all your heart over your transition. Petition Me for open doors that cannot be closed and for closed doors that cannot be opened. Ask Me to show you My ways and to instruct you and teach you along the way you should go. Ask Me DAILY for wisdom; wisdom (now as always) is key!” says the Lord.

I am moving you into a place where you will not always be able to see what is next, but I will give you grace for today.

Only I know how tomorrow will work out. You do not need to know that; you only need to know Me–and to know what to do in this moment, at this hour, right now!

TRUST Me to illumine your darkness as you need to know. Some things are too weighty for you; I hide them in My clouds and they cannot be discerned until My Spirit discloses them to you. You have not been praying big enough; I repeat: YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PRAYING BIG ENOUGH!

In August, follow the leading of My Spirit to pray.

Pray often and pray well; pray the words of My holy Scriptures back to Me. Dig deeply into the Scriptures and search for hidden things; I will make you to know them.

These are the keys and strategies you will need to overcome in August: rest, peace, joy, My might, My guidance, and My wisdom.

I am with you always, to keep you. I will never let you go nor leave you without support. I am your Shelter and you are My child and My beloved servant; My excellent one, in whom is My delight.

Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find Me,” says the Lord. I am right here with you, and I say to you today: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! (Matthew 5:8).”


I don’t know about you, but I am so overcome with this word. Thank You, Abba Father. If this word resonates in your heart and confirms what God’s precious Holy Spirit is already saying to you, then pray this with me as we respond to this prophetic word for August 2021:

“Dear Abba Father in Heaven, in Jesus’ name I boldly approach you and I say THANK YOU! Thank You, Abba Father! I receive and TAKE every bit of this word!

Father God, please help me to remember this word and obey it; to seek You and rest in You; to follow all Your guidance and receive Your wisdom and instruction. Let it be unto me according to Your Word. Thank You, Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name I pray, amen.”

Beloved, is this word for you today? If so, leave a comment below and tell me what the Lord has confirmed for you today! I love you in the Lord, and I am praying for you!

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There are twelve months in a year. English words for months begin with a CAPITAL letter.

this lesson has sound - click on the pictures to hear the wordsClick on the pictures or the text to hear the English words for months of the year.

English Words for Months of the Year. A vocabulary lesson with audio for ESOL Beginners: January


January is the first month of the year.

It is winter in the UK in January. The weather is cold.

The trees are bare. The sky is grey. Snow sometimes falls.

Learn English Words for Months of the Year - February. Click on the image to hear the word spoken


February is the second month of the year.

It is winter in the UK. The weather is cold and frosty.

The earth is bare. The ground is hard and frozen.

Elementary ESL vocabulary for months of the year - March. Click on the image to listen to the word.


March is the third month of the year.

In the UK, March marks the beginning of spring.

Plants begin to grow again. The weather is often cool and windy.

learn English words for months of the year - April


April is the fourth month of the year. April is a spring month.

Trees sprout leaves. Buds open. Lambs and other baby animals are born.

In the UK, April can be a wet month. The sky is sometimes grey and cloudy.

Vocabulary for ESL beginners - months of the year: May


May is the fifth month of the year.

In the UK, May is a spring month. The days grow longer.

The weather is warm and sunny. Flowers begin to blossom.

months of the year - picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - June


June is the sixth month of the year.

In the UK, June marks the beginning of summer.

The days are long, and the weather is bright and sunny.

months of the year picture vocabulary for ESOL students - July


July is the seventh month of the year. July is a summer month.

The sun shines brightly most days. The weather is usually hot.

Most schools and colleges close for the summer break at the end of July.

Easy picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - August


August is the eighth month of the year. It is summer in the UK.

The days are long and the weather is hot and sunny.

British people often take a long holiday in August.

Picture vocabulary for ESOL beginners - September


September is the ninth month of the year. September marks the start of autumn. In September, the summer break ends and students go back to school and college.

Leaves turn brown and yellow, and fall from the trees.

Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL - October


October is the tenth month of the year, and the second month of autumn.

People in North America have a different name for autumn. They call it fall.

October weather in the UK is usually good, though it can be wet and chilly.

Months of The Year Picture vocabulary for ESOL learners - November


November is the eleventh month of the year, and the last month of autumn. In the UK, the weather grows colder and trees begin to look bare.

Some animals get ready to sleep through winter, and migrating birds fly south.

Picture vocabulary Lessons for ESOL learners - Months of The Year: December


December is the twelfth month of the year.

In the UK, December marks the beginning of winter.

Winter is the coldest part of the year. Nights are long and days are short.

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Beloved, could you use some encouragement from the Lord today? If so, today’s word from the Lord–a prophetic word for August 2021–is going to be like a healing balm of Gilead for your soul.

These are the two words the word the Lord spoke to me for August 2021:

1. August is a healthy month.

The Lord said, “You have been listening to me about the health changes I have told you to make, and you are starting to change accordingly. The changes you are making are taking effect; your taste buds and habits are changing.

Change is a long process, but you are doing the work I commanded you to do. Have I not told you to be strong and take courage? I am helping you become strong, and I am helping you to become healthy.

In August, I want you to pursue “strengthening your arms” and body, like the Proverbs 31 woman does. This applies to both men and women; it applies to both young and old.

Physical strength is a virtue; it honors Me and allows Me to use you for more and greater purposes. Physical strength also allows you to fight the good fight of faith, laying hold of that for which I have laid hold of you.

You can run with endurance when I strengthen your heart; but to strengthen your heart, I need you to cooperate with Me. Make yourself strong in the month of August!”

2. It is the month of RESET (R.E.S.E.T.).

The letters of “R.E.S.E.T.” stand for the following:


And the Lord says this about each of these key words:


I have given you a holy premonition–an advance word of knowledge–about what I want to do for you this month. I had to do this because the things I want to do for you are so big, you weren’t even praying big enough at all!

You have been a faithful steward.

You have asked me several times if you have messed things up, but I tell you today that I see your heart and it is pure. You have been a faithful steward and, although you still may make mistakes occasionally, I am rewarding you for the purity of your heart.

Remember My Word in Psalm 18:24: “Therefore the Lord has recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight.” You will find in this month of August that I am rewarding and paying you back for all your trouble. According to the cleanness of your hands I will hand out your reward, and I say to you again that your heart is pure.

Count on Me to give you DOUBLE for your trouble!”

“And about ‘Engaging,’” says the Lord:

“In the month of August, you will find Me engaging you in the work I have prepared for you at a greater level.

You just noticed yesterday that “you’re back”; that you feel rested and refreshed and “like yourself” –in fact, better than the concept of yourself that you had gotten used to–for the first time in a long time. And that is in fact true; you are operating as yourself at a higher level than you previously have, and it’s all because of My REST.

In August, you are going to continue resting; in fact, you will never leave this state of rest,” says the Lord.

“Now that you have learned to rest, you will never be able to function without rest again. Rest is a magnet; it is a higher way. Once you have found it, My rest keeps you because I keep you. Remember that I am your Keeper, and that is a very real thing (Psalm 121). As you have asked Me to teach you to rest, so have I done, and you will be resting the rest of your life.

However, at the same time, you will also be engaging in a whole new way in August.

You will be engaging with the things that really matter. You will be engaging with new relationships, for I have heard your cry for covenant friendships,” says the Lord. “Trust Me to set things aright and to lead you in the way you should go. Look to Me for guidance, wisdom, and instruction–but be prepared to plug in and FUNCTION like I always intended you to function. The time is now,” says the Lord; “the time is now!”


“You have also set aside time for STILLNESS, and I am going to honor that,” says the Lord.

When you are still before Me, I can speak to you in a whole new way. During this time of stillness is when you will see the manifestation of My Word in Proverbs 1:23:

“Turn at my rebuke; surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you” (Proverbs 1:23).

In this season of stillness, things may feel like they are not moving at all, but actually I am flying them in to you lightning-fast. I am hearing your total rest; the sound of your peace is ascending to My nostrils like a fragrance, and I am receiving your peace and rest as an offering to Myself.

As you are still before Me in the month of August, I will make things happen on your behalf that you could never make happen at all. Be still, and know that I am God,” says the Lord; “I will be exalted in the heavens; I will be exalted in the earth! I will be exalted in your situation, and My name will be glorified as I break through for you!”


“You are getting your energy back through the healthy choices you are making,” says the Lord. “I am also refilling you with hope, and you will find that a lot of strength and energy will come to your body because you have hope and joy again.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. In August, you will begin to see some of your desires fulfilled–desires you have longed for, but have not thought were possible. This is only the beginning, but you will see it and begin sensing that I am indeed at work in your situation.

I have been at work all along,” says the Lord, “but you did not see it. In August, however, you will see it, and your joy will be replenished. It is only the beginning, but it IS a beginning. Be encouraged!”

About transition:

The Lord said, “I am moving you into a place of My glory. I am bringing you back onto the ancient paths and restoring the joy of your salvation. I am reminding you of who I am and of how important it is to seek Me, and I am making it possible for you to do all these things more faithfully!

This month, I want you to seek Me with all your heart over your transition. Petition Me for open doors that cannot be closed and for closed doors that cannot be opened. Ask Me to show you My ways and to instruct you and teach you along the way you should go. Ask Me DAILY for wisdom; wisdom (now as always) is key!” says the Lord.

I am moving you into a place where you will not always be able to see what is next, but I will give you grace for today.

Only I know how tomorrow will work out. You do not need to know that; you only need to know Me–and to know what to do in this moment, at this hour, right now!

TRUST Me to illumine your darkness as you need to know. Some things are too weighty for you; I hide them in My clouds and they cannot be discerned until My Spirit discloses them to you. You have not been praying big enough; I repeat: YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PRAYING BIG ENOUGH!

In August, follow the leading of My Spirit to pray.

Pray often and pray well; pray the words of My holy Scriptures back to Me. Dig deeply into the Scriptures and search for hidden things; I will make you to know them.

These are the keys and strategies you will need to overcome in August: rest, peace, joy, My might, My guidance, and My wisdom.

I am with you always, to keep you. I will never let you go nor leave you without support. I am your Shelter and you are My child and My beloved servant; My excellent one, in whom is My delight.

Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find Me,” says the Lord. I am right here with you, and I say to you today: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! (Matthew 5:8).”


I don’t know about you, but I am so overcome with this word. Thank You, Abba Father. If this word resonates in your heart and confirms what God’s precious Holy Spirit is already saying to you, then pray this with me as we respond to this prophetic word for August 2021:

“Dear Abba Father in Heaven, in Jesus’ name I boldly approach you and I say THANK YOU! Thank You, Abba Father! I receive and TAKE every bit of this word!

Father God, please help me to remember this word and obey it; to seek You and rest in You; to follow all Your guidance and receive Your wisdom and instruction. Let it be unto me according to Your Word. Thank You, Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name I pray, amen.”

Special Note from spirit Fuel: This platform is good soil. We are working hard everyday, full time to add more readers so they too can be blessed. If you are being led, sow into this good soil today and watch God move on your behalf! Obedience is always blessed.

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