Word of the month english

Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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Every month, we take a look at a word in the headlines, in English, for your English. See more at The Word of the Month.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Our Word of the Month for November is TOGETHERNESS.

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Word of the Month «Courage»

Word of the Month: Contexting.

Word of the Month: Contexting.

День ТВ: Контекст.

January’s word of the month are determination and resilience.

Feminism is without a doubt, the word of the month.

To avoid mistakes, we are going to specify what the word of the month actually means.

Чтобы устранить эту ошибку, разберем в деталях, что означает слово «мезонин».

You can even do a word of the month!

The word of the month is restraint.

The word of the month is to Reach.

Word of the Month for January A new year always begins with expectations: What will it bring?

Новый год всегда начинается с ожиданий: каким он будет?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 12. Точных совпадений: 12. Затраченное время: 44 мс

Learn the Meaning and History of Australian Words

The Oxford Word of the Month is written by members of the Australian National Dictionary Centre (ANDC) and published each month by Oxford University Press. Each Word of the Month looks at an Australian word or term in some detail, providing a history of the term and its role in current Australian society.  

2020 Words of the Month

Nutbush — January
Green nomad — February
Sausage sizzle — March
Fauxgan — April
Pet shop galah — May
Carpetbagger — June 
Postie bike — July 
Bum nut — August
Zebra opossum — September
Dunny diver — October

2019 Words of the Month

Pinkie — January
Fair dinkumness — February
Tassie tuxedo — March
Rolled-gold — April
Stack hat — May
Mud map — June
Cruisy — July
Schmiddy — August
Burnt chop syndrome — September
Dog shot — October

2018 Words of the Month

Egg flip — January
Doing the doors — February
Magic — March
Temp — April
Harbour bridge pass — May 
Picfac — June
Anzac Day rule — July
Green whistle — August
Dog act — September
Cultural burn — October
Chicken salt — November 
Flog — December 

2017 Words of the Month

Turbo chook — January
Black caviar odds — February
Corflute — March
Thongophone — April
Smashed avo — May
Kangatarian — June
Shoey — July
Honey joy — August 
Cubby house — September 
Lady tradie — October
Platypup — November
John Farnham — December

2016 Words of the Month

Koala diplomacy — December
Melbourne Cup field — November
Baggy green — October
Hip-pocket nerve — September
Bush bride — August
Deso — July
Convict class — June
Tag dag — May
Kangaroo mile — April
Bush politician — March
Field day — February
Australian tea — January

Click here to find out Australia’s Word of the Year for 2015.
Click here to find out the International Word of the Year for 2015.

2015 Words of the Month

Humidicrib — December
Schmick up — November
Flagfall — October
CUB — September
Tip turkey — August
Hoon operation — July
Hubbard — June
Spill — May
Big stoush — April
Ned Kelly beard — March
Eggshell blonde — February
Fridging — January

For archived issues of Word of the Month, please visit the Australian National Dictionary Centre’s website here.

English is increasingly used for communication all over the world. For the latest set of words that we’ve added to Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries online, we’ve chosen to focus on English as it is used worldwide, or World English (or even World Englishes). Many of these words are related to food (see our last blog post about banh mi), because people everywhere like to try new foods, and popular foods spread quickly around the world.

Foods that change when they travel – tikka masala and schnitzels

Banh mi is a tasty Vietnamese sandwich resulting from a mix of different cultures, and it is now becoming popular outside its native Vietnam. When food is exported in this way, it often undergoes changes, sometimes because some of the ingredients are not readily available in the new country, and sometimes because people have different tastes there, or have an idea for fusion food, mixing it with another ingredient or dish that is popular in that country.

When many people began to move to the UK from the Indian subcontinent in the second half of the twentieth century, for example, they brought with them their culinary traditions, and some people opened restaurants. The food they made quickly became popular with British people, but of course, the British at that time were not used to spicy food, so this food was adapted to British tastes. Yoghurt or cream, for example, were added to create milder dishes with a more liquid consistency, like our word of the month tikka masala (a combination of the existing dish tikka and a masala sauce. In due course, tikka masala travelled back to India and to other parts of the world and became popular there too.

Chicken Tikka Masala - Word of the month

Chicken Tikka Masala

Another example of culinary transformation can be found in the schnitzel, which in its native Europe was originally made with veal. When German immigrants took it with them to the United States, veal was not easily available, so they started to use beef instead. And when German Jews migrated to Israel, almost a century later, they began to use chicken, because that meat was cheaper there. So today, in the different countries where it is eaten, a schnitzel can be made with a variety of meats.

Foods that change over time – pigs in blankets

Tikka masala and schnitzel are terms that are entirely new to the English language. Sometimes a term that already existed in English evolves and the meaning changes as the dish’s popularity spreads. Take the snack food pigs in blankets, for example. It’s more commonly called pigs in a blanket in the United States, but then it isn’t actually the same thing there – in Britain, it’s sausages wrapped in bacon, but in the US the sausage is wrapped in pastry, rather like a British sausage roll.

British Pigs in Blanket - Word of the month

British Pigs in Blanket
US Pigs in Blanket - Word of the month
American Pigs in a Blanket

It seems that, in terms of sausages, the American meaning may have been the first one. When the pig in a blanket first crossed the Atlantic sometime around the middle of the last century, the meaning was adapted, possibly because Britain already had the sausage roll. Looking back at the origins of pigs in blankets, though, things get even more interesting. The first evidence in the Oxford English Dictionary goes back, as we can see below, to 1880, but it has nothing to do with sausages –  the term was originally used for oysters wrapped in bacon!

Oxford Learner's Dictionary definition - Word of the month

Oxford Learner’s Dictionary definition

This oyster and bacon combo, however, was not in itself an American invention, as it is mentioned in British cookbooks of the time, under the rather strange name of angels on horseback. It seems this name may have come about because the edges of the bacon turn upwards when it is cooked, looking a little like the wings of angels.

A masala of languages – chakka jam

Sometimes, too, an English word is used together with a word from another language to create a new expression. Take chakka jam, for example – and despite what you might think about jam, this one has nothing to do with food! When blocking roads became a popular form of protest in India, this term was coined from the Hindi chakka (meaning “wheel”) and the English jam, as in traffic jam. A chakka jam, though, is a type of protest, a new meaning that does not exist in either of the words chakka and jam.

So, as we can see, in all the many varieties of World English new words are constantly coming in from other languages, the meaning of existing words is changing, and words

Masala pizza

Masala Pizza

are being put together in new ways to create new meanings. Masala pizza, anyone?

Discover more words and their meanings at our Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries!

Mark Temple worked as an English teacher in Spain, Italy and Latin America before becoming an editor in the ELT Dictionaries department at Oxford University Press.

Vibrant  Image result for image vibrant



Someone or something full of energy, colour and life.        

1. An example of something that would be described as vibrant is a bright, cheery and colourful yellow.

Adding the new wall hangings and the colourful pillows to the living room makes it more friendly and vibrant.

2. An example of someone who would be described as vibrant is a smart, lively and engaging person who always gets the most out of life.

She is such a vibrant person; always ready and willing with a smile on her face.

Rumble in the Jumble

Word of the month

You’ll need a pen and paper to solve the randomly scrambled letters of the words/phrases
(all from the word of the month in the English Magazine).
Write them down correctly.

Click in the box to see the solution.
Click again for a new word.

If you see this text, your browser doesn’t support Java.


Months in English with pronunciation — seasons

как по английски месяца года

›Useful› Vocabulary ›

Remembering the names of the months in English for Russian speakers is usually not difficult, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

Still, sometimes English learners have doubts about how to pronounce January or August in English, what pretext to put in front of the months, and how to correctly spell the English months in abbreviated form.

Months in English with transcription and translation

Today, most countries in the world use a calendar with twelve months. New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Month table in English with transcription and pronunciation

Since the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, you can easily remember them. As you study the English months, first of all pay special attention to pronunciation so that you can learn new words correctly right away.

Month in EnglishTransferTranscriptionSound in Russian

January January [‘ʤænju (ə) ri] [jae’neweri]
February February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery]
March March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah]
April April [‘eipr (ə) l] [ayprel]
May May [mei] [May]
June June [dʒ u: n] [june]
July July [dʒ u’lai] [julay]
August August [ɔ: ‘g Λst] [August]
September September [sep ‘tembə] [septambe]
October October [ɔk ‘təubə] [oktoube]
November November [nəu ‘vembə] [novembert]
December December [di’s embə] [disembe]

Seasons and months in English

In the UK and the USA (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months

In some domestic and foreign sources, you can find information that in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons in a slightly different way. They have two seasons (spring and autumn) for two months and two others (winter and summer) for four months.

The version about the uneven distribution of months over the seasons is not very popular, but we still offer you an extended version of the seasons table.

Months by seasons in English

Season in EnglishTranscription and transliterationRussian translationMonths by seasons(US, UK)Months by seasons(UK)

Winter [‘wɪntə] [screw] winter December, January, February November, December, January, February
running [sprɪŋ] [sprin] Spring March, April, May March, April
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer June, July, August May, June, July, August
autumn (BE)fall (AE) [‘ɔːtəm] [oem] [fɔːl] [foul] autumn September, October, November September, October

Abbreviations of months in English

Knowing about the addiction of the British to abbreviations, it should be noted that in calendars, diaries, official documents, travel tickets, they very rarely write the names of the months and days of the week in full.

As for abbreviated spelling of english months , then there are two types of abbreviations — two-character (two letters) and three-character (three letters).

It should be noted that the three-character abbreviation is typical for American English, and the two- and, in some cases, four-character abbreviation for British English.

Full month nameAbbreviation (British English)Abbreviation (American English)Transfer

January Ja Jan. January
February Fe Feb. February
March Ma Mar. March
April Ap Apr. April
May May (not abbreviated) May (not abbreviated) May
June June Jun. June
July July Jul. July
August Au Aug August
September Sept Sep. September
October Oc Oct. October
November No Nov. November
December De Dec. December

Remember the basic rules for abbreviating months in English:

  • month names in English are always capitalized. since they are mainly derivatives of proper names;
  • a full stop is put at the end of three-character abbreviations; a full stop is not required for two-character abbreviations.

Source: http://learneng.ru/polezno/clovapnyj-zapas/mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-proiznosheniem.html

Seasons and months in English

как по английски месяца года

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
Winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
running [spread] [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [otem] autumn (in UK)
case [fɔ: l] [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Etymology — a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

  • Word month (month) associated with * mænon — Moon, month.
  • Month names in English originate from the Julian calendar. The original Roman calendar had 10 months. The first month of the year was March.
  • Julian calendar — a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced into the Roman Empire from January 1, 45 BC. NS. The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it is on this day from 153 BC. NS. the consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the year count from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. So, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365,25 days: usually a year lasted 365 days, once every four years — 366 days.
  • In the Roman calendar, the four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the rest of the months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the XNUMXth century BC, the Romans reformed and added the eleventh and twelfth months: January, (from Latin Jānuārius) — in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and beginnings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February (from Lat. Februārius mēnsis — month of atonement), the name of which comes from the Roman festival of cleansing from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15.
  • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war Mars.
  • April (April) — the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, perhaps because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is an abbreviation for the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.
  • May (May) — got its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and the land of Maya.
  • June (June) — the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage bonds. To this day, some people believe and choose to get married in June.
  • July  named after the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from Lat. Fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
  • August originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

The names of the following months come from Latin numerals:

  • September —  from Latin septem (seven).
  • October(October) is rooted octo (eight).
  • November (November)- novem (nine).
  • December — decem (ten) respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjective suffix, therefore, literally months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

Month names in modern English

Month names are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorizing due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

Name of the month in English English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
January [‘dʒænju (ə) ri] [janyueri] January
February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery] February
March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah] March
April [‘eipr (ə) l] [april] April
May [mei] [May] May
June [dʒu: n] [june] June
July [dʒu’lai] [julay] July
August [ɔ: ‘gΛst] [August] Aug. Sept
September [sep’tembə] [septambe]
October [ɔk’təubə] [oktobe] October
November [nəu’vembə] [novembert] November
December [di’sembə] [disembe] December

Using prepositions with months

The following prepositions are used with the names of months in English IN и ON.

  • in January — in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
  • on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
  • last january — last January (!! note the absence)
  • next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • in July last year — last July
  • by next month  — by next month.

Abbreviated names of months

In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May — not contracted
  • June — June — June — not contracted
  • July — July — July — not reduced
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

We wish you success!

Source: https://engfairy.com/vremena-goda-i-mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke/

Months in English, seasons and days of the week

как по английски месяца года

In this collection, you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on the days of the week, in which the topic is considered in more depth: idioms and expressions with the days of the week are given.

I also recommend the article: Telling the Time: Telling the Time in English.

Seasons — Months in English — Months of the Year Days of the Week — Days of the Week

season [ˈSiːzn] season
Winter [ˈWɪntə] winter
running [spread] Spring
summer [ˈSʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈFɛbrʊəri] February
March [mɑːʧ] March
April [ˈEɪprəl] April
May [meɪ] May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤulaɪ] July
August [ˈƆːgəst] August
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] September
October [Ɒktəʊbə] October
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] November
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] December
Monday [ˈMʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈTjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈWɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈΘɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈFraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈSætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈSʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

In writing, the names of the months, like the days of the week, are usually abbreviated to three letters. Only May, June, July are not abbreviated. September is abbreviated to four letters: Sept. Note that the days of the week and months in English are capitalized and the seasons are capitalized.

  • January — Jan.
  • February — Feb.
  • March — Mar.
  • April — Apr.
  • May — May
  • June — June
  • July — July
  • August — Aug.
  • September — Sept.
  • October — Oct.
  • November — Nov.
  • December — Dec.

The names of the days of the week in English are shortened to three or two letters:

  • Monday — Mon. — Mo.
  • Tuesday — Tue. — Tu.
  • Wednesday — Wed. — We.
  • Thursday — Thu. — Th.
  • Friday — Fri. — Fr.
  • Saturday — Sat. — Sa.
  • Sunday — Sun. — Su.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. Word season can mean not only “season” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year, suitable for some kind of activity, work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. — Spring is my favorite season.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season… — Opening tomorrow season duck hunting.

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (seasons):

  • Raining season — rainy season.
  • Dry season — dry season.

3. Seasons other than autumn can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter — wintertime.
  • spring — springtime.
  • summer — summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: springtime, summertime, wintertime.

Autumn — Autumn or Fall?

Word case (autumn) used in USA, UK spoken and written autumn.

By the way, when talking about the seasons, especially if it’s a school assignment, the phrase “favorite season” is often used — it has differences between the American and British spellings: favorite season (Br.) — favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (Br.)

It is noteworthy that the word case did not arise in America, but is just the original term for the season, which arose in England no later than the 16th century.

It was originally short for Fall of the year (fall of the year) or fall of the leaf (falling leaves), but by the 17th century it was fixed as one word, long before the development of American English.

Therefore, although the word is used primarily in America, it is neither exclusively American, nor even a word of American origin.

Word autumncame to English from French fall in the 15th or 16th century, but only became common in the 18th century.

In Canada, as in the United States, they use mainly failed, and in Australia — autumn.

Different meanings of the word fall

Word case has two main meanings: 1) autumn, 2) fall. Because of this, a fall-fall pun is sometimes used.

Photo from http://www.imdb.com

For example, the title of the American film Legends of the Fall has been seen by some viewers and critics as ambiguous. On the one hand, the title can be understood as “Legends of Autumn”, on the other, as “Legends of the Fall”, because the film tells a story from a family with a very difficult fate.

The name of the computer game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is considered in a similar way — it can be either “The Fall of Max Payne” or “The Fall of Max Payne”. Both options are well suited to the plot and style of the game.

Source: https://langformula.ru/top-english-words/months-in-english/

Months in English. Translation, pronunciation, exercises, poems

Today we will study the names of the months in English. Since there is a lot of information, I decided to break it down into the following sections. You can immediately go to the one that interests you specifically.

Month names with translation, transcription and pronunciation

English months by seasons.

The names of the months in Anglo-Saxon are given in brackets.

Winter месяцы on English: December (Ærra Gēola), January (Æfterra Gēola), February (Sol-mōnaþ)

Spring месяцы on English: March (Hrēþ-mōnaþ), April (Easter-mōnaþ), May (Þrimilce-mōnaþ)

Summer месяцы on English: June (Ærra Līþa), July (Æftera Līþa), August (Weod-mōnaþ).

Autumn месяцы on English: September (Hālig-mōnaþ), October (Winterfylleth), November (Blōt-mōnaþ)

Exercises to memorize the months of the year in English

Exercise 1. Match the transcriptions to the names of months.

1.[meɪ]2.[ʤu’laɪ]3.[ʤuːn]4.[‘ʤænju(ə)rɪ]5.[mɑːʧ]6.[‘eɪpr(ɪ)l] JuneJanuaryAprilMarchJulyMay 7.November8. August9. February10. December11. October12. September [‘febru (ə) rɪ] [ɔk’təubə] [dɪ’sembə] [‘ ɔːgəst] [sep’tembə] [nəu’vembə]

 Exercise 2. Guess which months are encrypted.

  • creDmeeb = December
  • ailrp = _______________
  • nJeu = _______________
  • yMa = _______________
  • chraM = _______________
  • lyJu = _______________
  • metbreSpe = _______________
  • uugAts = _______________
  • aynuJra = _______________
  • removeNb = _______________
  • euFayerbr = _______________
  • reOtcbo = _______________

Exercise 3. Write the months.

Source: http://grammar-tei.com/mesyacy-na-anglijskom-perevod-proiznoshenie-uprazhneniya-stixotvoreniya/

Months in English. Remember their names once and for all! ⋆ Speakingo

So it happens that you confuse the months in English? Prefer to peek at the calendar to make sure which month is June and which is July? Below are some interesting facts that will allow you to remember the entire 12 once and for all.

The power of the chain associative series is the main memorization technique. With the stories of the future below, when you think of months in English, remembering the stories below will suffice. You can hide a calendar or dictionary deep in a drawer.

I invite you to read!

Months in English — Translation and Pronunciation

Attention! Unlike Russian grammar rules, months in English are always capitalized.

Of course, this is not the end of the controversy. Most of the names have nothing to do with their Russian counterparts.
The exception is March — March and May or May.

Other names are also very similar to ours.

See for yourself.

How do we translate months into English?

January — January
February — February
March — March
April — April
May — May
June — June
July  — July
August  — August
September  — September
October — October
November — November
December — December

Months in English: January — January

The first month of the year was named after the Roman god Janus, who was the patron saint of all beginnings and the keeper of doors, gates and passages. It is no coincidence that we are entering the New Year this month.

Janus was usually depicted with two faces facing opposite directions. The people called the two-faced god many-faced. The image of the god symbolizes the turn of the year. It is at this time that we turn to both reviews of the past and goals for the future.

Read also: Three Habits of Successful English Learning. (Coming soon)

Months in English: February — February

It was formerly the last month of the year in the Roman calendar. Its name — Februarium refers to the rites of purification (lat.Februa), which took place before the beginning of the new year.

See also: Days of the week, or days of the week in English (coming soon)

Months in English: March — March

Initially, it was the beginning of the new year and the time for the resumption of hostilities. The name of the month was given to Mars — the god of war and the keeper of agriculture. In the first month of the year, after the winter break, they returned to the battlefields, and at the same time the agricultural season began.

«God save the queen?» God save them from me!

Read also: Speakingo’s exclusive interview with Queen Elizabeth II.

Months in English: April — April

According to traditional assumptions, the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means open. The expression refers to the awakening of nature, which, under the influence of favorable weather, begins to «open up» to the world.

In some sources we will find the second meaning of the word April. This may refer to the name of Aphrodite — the goddess of love, beauty and flowers.

Months in English: May — May

It was named after the goddess Maya, who was the keeper of growing vegetation in Roman mythology. She has been identified with the concept of growth and fertility. May is often associated with the birth of something beautiful.

Read also: Why Shakespeare says learning English for beginners should be easy and enjoyable. (Coming soon)

Months in English: June — June

Another divine month. The name June comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Interestingly, in ancient Rome, the period from mid-May to mid-June was considered unfavorable for a wedding. Where does this thought come from? Ovid, an eminent Roman poet, after consulting the date of his daughter’s wedding to Flaminica Dialis (high priestess of Jupiter), heard that he must wait until June 15th. The end of the month is still considered the most favorable time for weddings.

See also: Herbs in English that bees love (coming soon)

Months in English: July — July

Julius Caesar is responsible for organizing time according to the Julian calendar. Making many changes, he named one of the months by his own name. Why did the politician choose this period? Not too many whims — in July the ruler has a birthday. Previously, the month was called Quintilis.

Months in English: August — August

The name of the month was given in honor of Octavian Augustus. The first Roman emperor was a relative of Julius Caesar. They say that the grand-nephew did not want to be inferior, and he followed in the footsteps of his uncle, naming the next month after him.

Months in English: September — September

It was originally the seventh month on the calendar (before January and February were added). The name comes from the Latin word septem meaning seven.

See also: Learning English Successfully — 5 Polyglot Tips.

Months in English: October — October

In this case, the situation is similar. The name comes from the Latin ôctō, which means the number eight. In the old Roman calendar, October was the eighth month on the calendar.

Months in English: November — November

The picture continues. The name «November» comes from the Latin novem or «nine» (nine).

Months in English: December — December

It was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar. Comes from the Latin word decem meaning ten.

Also Read: Holiday Words in English (Coming Soon)

Months in English — Abbreviations

In calendars and not only abbreviations that define specific months are very often used. All fortunately relate to the names. You shouldn’t have a problem remembering them. In general, abbreviations are the first three letters of a word. The exceptions are May, June and July — we do not abbreviate them.

January — Jan
February — Feb
March — Tue
April — Apr
May — May
June — June
July — July
August — Aug
September — Sept
October — Oct
November — Nov
December — Dec

Are you wondering if there should be dots after the cuts? We will answer diplomatically — they may be there, but they shouldn’t. In American English, we do not put dots, in British English, on the contrary, this is most desirable.

In any case, both versions are correct. It depends on us which one we choose. However, let’s not apply this principle consistently.

What to insert before the month name — in or maybe on

  • Speaking about the fact that something happened in this month, write in before the title.I am moving to Cracow in December.I am moving to Krakow in December.
  • When we want to specify a specific date, we add the adverb on.We got married on August 8.We got married on August 8th.
  • The exception is situations in which the words next or last appear in front of the month name. Then we skip the preposition.I started painting last November.I started painting in November.

Read also: Internet English, maybe it will come out?

What to do to memorize months in English?

In addition to working with associations, we can use several other techniques to get months in English into our brains.

  • It’s worth setting up English on your phone. We often have a calendar displayed on the start screen. When we come across names every day, then they will become something natural for us.
  • The method by which the youngest remember all the names is to make a calendar with the children on their own. Play combined with learning. It’s a great idea to spend the day together.
  • Of course, don’t forget about the regular lessons with the Speakingo online English course. The sentences are based on useful words. During the course, you will not only be able to test your memory, but also practice your accent.

A good way to remember something is with jokes:

Months in English with humor:

Perhaps this picture will help you remember at least a few months in English:

Can — can
February — February
March — March, but also march
No, but — no, but
April — April
May — May, but it can also

Or: Can February march? No, but maybe (may) April

Source: https://speakingo.com/ru/mesyacy-na-anglijskom/

Seasons and months in English. First lesson. Seasons and Months

This is English lesson for beginners, and today we are studying the seasons and months in English. Learning will take place with the help of songs, so you will not only learn how to pronounce their names, but hopefully remember them for a long time. So, the first lesson on the topic is waiting for you. Seasons and Months, which is part of the «English for Beginners» section.

Lesson one «Seasons and Months» from the cycle «English for Beginners»

1. Step one. Try not torture!

If you are a beginner, then most likely you will not be able to read these sentences in English. But try it!

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3.  In Russia each season has 3 months.

2. Step two. Let’s listen first!

Now listen, how to pronounce the seasons in English.

3. Step three. Learning to read!

Learn to pronounce names of seasons in Englishusing the transcription:

  1. spring [sprɪŋ] — spring
  2. summer [‘sʌmə] — summer
  3. autumn [‘ɔːtəm] — autumn
  4. winter [‘wɪntə] — winter
  5. season [‘siːz (ə) n] — season
  6. year [jɪə] — year
  7. each [iːʧ] — each
  8. month [mʌnθ] — month

For self-test, click on the word with the mouse 2 times and listen to the pronunciation of the words.

4. Step four. We use it in practice!

Exercise 1. Read.

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3. Each season has 3 months.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Each season has 3 months.
  2. There are four seasons in a year.
  3. It is spring, summer, autumn, winter.

5. Step five. Self-test.

Check yourself if you can answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name (name) the seasons.
  3. What season is it now?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. What season is between autumn and spring? winter and summer?

The exact same steps need to be taken to learn the names of the months in English.

Step 1. Read and try to translate!

  1. December, January and February are winter months.
  2. March, April and May are spring months.
  3. June, July and August are summer months.
  4. September, October and November are autumn months.

In Great Britain it is a bit different.

November, December, January and February are winter months. March and April are spring months. May, June, July and August are summer months.

Source: http://englishstory.ru/seasons-and-months-vremena-goda-i-mesyatsyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike-urok-pervyiy.html

Source: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/days-of-the-week-months-dates-english/

Months and seasons in English

Months and seasons in English

Months and seasons in English

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

Theme: Four seasons

Theme: Four seasons

Theme: Four seasons

Four seasons — Four seasons. Related article: Seasons in English and Seasons in English lesson

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over, snow covers trees and ground a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. Lakes and rivers freeze, snow covers trees and land like a white fluffy blanket. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and does not give us warmth.


Name of months in English

Name of months in English

Name of months in English

The words in English that are responsible for the names of the months, in many respects coincide in written and oral versions with similar words in Russian and many European languages. This fact is not at all surprising: all these countries use the Gregorian calendar as the basis for calculating the year by months. Therefore, learning how to write and how to pronounce months in English is not at all difficult, but there are some nuances that are difficult.

Historical knowledge about the origin of these words will help to understand how months are written in English. Then memorizing them in writing and in speech will become meaningful and easier.

History of names

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle.

Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and follow how the names of months appeared in English. 
All modern names of months in English date back to Latin.

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle. Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and trace how the names of months appeared in English. All modern names of months in English date back to Latin. However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.


Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let’s remember how to spell «month» in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in the English language have very interesting naming histories, and today we get to know all of them.

But first, a few subtleties of the calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • “Six months” translates as “6 months” (6 months in English). The phrase «half a year» (half a year) is much less common.
  • Instead of «Autumn» (autumn) used in the USA and Canada «Fall».
  • The date is also recorded differently in the UK and the US. Compare: 5 April 2016 (UK) and 5 April 2016 (US).

Here is the title of each month with translation and transcription:

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Autumn, winter, summer, spring — the names of the seasons. Both in Russian and in English are exactly the same. Is that a different spelling.

Mention of the seasons can be in a dialogue between acquaintances or friends, in e-mails, on social networks, and so on.

But, as a rule, in communication, each participant talks about his weather conditions, so it is necessary to know an approximate list of phrases and words that will help to give a short but understandable description to the interlocutor. In English of the month — examples of use.

Seasons in English

Months in English with pronunciation — seasons

как по английски месяца года

›Useful› Vocabulary ›

Remembering the names of the months in English for Russian speakers is usually not difficult, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

Still, sometimes English learners have doubts about how to pronounce January or August in English, what pretext to put in front of the months, and how to correctly spell the English months in abbreviated form.

Months in English with transcription and translation

Seasons and months in English

как по английски месяца года

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
Winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
running [spread] [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [otem] autumn (in UK)
case [fɔ: l] [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Months in English, seasons and days of the week

как по английски месяца года

In this collection, you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on the days of the week, in which the topic is considered in more depth: idioms and expressions with the days of the week are given.

I also recommend the article: Telling the Time: Telling the Time in English.

Seasons — Months in English — Months of the Year Days of the Week — Days of the Week

season [ˈSiːzn] season
Winter [ˈWɪntə] winter
running [spread] Spring
summer [ˈSʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈFɛbrʊəri] February
March [mɑːʧ] March
April [ˈEɪprəl] April
May [meɪ] May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤulaɪ] July
August [ˈƆːgəst] August
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] September
October [Ɒktəʊbə] October
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] November
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] December
Monday [ˈMʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈTjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈWɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈΘɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈFraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈSætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈSʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

Months in English. Translation, pronunciation, exercises, poems

Today we will study the names of the months in English. Since there is a lot of information, I decided to break it down into the following sections. You can immediately go to the one that interests you specifically.

Month names with translation, transcription and pronunciation

Months in English. Remember their names once and for all! ⋆ Speakingo

So it happens that you confuse the months in English? Prefer to peek at the calendar to make sure which month is June and which is July? Below are some interesting facts that will allow you to remember the entire 12 once and for all.

The power of the chain associative series is the main memorization technique. With the stories of the future below, when you think of months in English, remembering the stories below will suffice. You can hide a calendar or dictionary deep in a drawer.

I invite you to read!

Months in English — Translation and Pronunciation

Seasons and months in English. First lesson. Seasons and Months

This is English lesson for beginners, and today we are studying the seasons and months in English. Learning will take place with the help of songs, so you will not only learn how to pronounce their names, but hopefully remember them for a long time. So, the first lesson on the topic is waiting for you. Seasons and Months, which is part of the «English for Beginners» section.

Lesson one «Seasons and Months» from the cycle «English for Beginners»

Source: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/days-of-the-week-months-dates-english/

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.

January — January — Jan.

February — February — Feb.

March — March — Mar.

April — April — Apr.

May — May — May

June — June — June

July — July — July

August — August — Aug.

September — September — Sept., Sep.

October — October — Oct.

November — November — Nov.

December — December — Dec.

Using prepositions with months in English

Theme: Four seasons

Four seasons — Four seasons. Related article: Seasons in English and Seasons in English lesson

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over, snow covers trees and ground a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. Lakes and rivers freeze, snow covers trees and land like a white fluffy blanket. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and does not give us warmth.


Winter afford us many opportunities to have a good time in the open air. The people can skate, sledge, ski and play different winter games. One of these winter sport games is hockey.

Winter gives us many opportunities to have a good time outdoors. People can ice skate, sled, ski and play various winter games. Hockey is one of these winter sports games.

The nature is beautiful in winter. The forests look a snowy Fairyland. Different animals prepare for winter in a different way. Many birds migrate to warm countries. Some animals stay active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their holes.

Nature is wonderful in winter. The forests look like a fabulous snowy country. Different animals prepare for winter in different ways. Many birds fly to warm countries. Some animals remain active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their burrows.


Name of months in English

The words in English that are responsible for the names of the months, in many respects coincide in written and oral versions with similar words in Russian and many European languages. This fact is not at all surprising: all these countries use the Gregorian calendar as the basis for calculating the year by months. Therefore, learning how to write and how to pronounce months in English is not at all difficult, but there are some nuances that are difficult.

Historical knowledge about the origin of these words will help to understand how months are written in English. Then memorizing them in writing and in speech will become meaningful and easier.

History of names

These words — they are all not purely English in origin, but have Latin roots. Here is the evolution of the name of each month with a brief background, writing and pronunciation in modern English.


Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle.

Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and follow how the names of months appeared in English. 
All modern names of months in English date back to Latin.

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle. Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and trace how the names of months appeared in English. All modern names of months in English date back to Latin. However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.


January — January is the first month of the year. The word «January» comes from the Latin word «Janus» — «Janus». In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of time, the god of the beginning and the end.

He was always portrayed with two faces, usually young and old, looking in opposite directions. He could look back into the outgoing year and forward into the coming one, i.e. could see the beginning and end of the year.

Not a bad name for the first month of the year, isn’t it? Indeed, on the eve of the New Year, we always sum up the results of the outgoing year and make plans for the coming year.

In Old English, January sounded like «Wulfmonath», which meant «themonthofwolves», i.e. «Month of wolves». Once upon a time, many wolves lived in Foggy Albion, and on frosty winter days they came in search of food to the settlements of people, therefore January began to be called their wolf month.


Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let’s remember how to spell «month» in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in the English language have very interesting naming histories, and today we get to know all of them.

But first, a few subtleties of the calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • “Six months” translates as “6 months” (6 months in English). The phrase «half a year» (half a year) is much less common.
  • Instead of «Autumn» (autumn) used in the USA and Canada «Fall».
  • The date is also recorded differently in the UK and the US. Compare: 5 April 2016 (UK) and 5 April 2016 (US).

Here is the title of each month with translation and transcription:

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let’s say there is no “v” sound in the middle, as in Russian.

February is the most difficult month to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with the sound [r] in the middle of the word. Two [r] s side by side are often an obstacle for language learners. However, you can often hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are capitalized. This is done because almost all of them are derived from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored this month.
February comes from the word «Februa» — an ancient Roman rite of purification, which was held on February 15th.

March, April, May

Three spring months sound like Russians. Additional associations for one hundred percent memorization:

March named for Mars, the Roman god of war.
April — in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May — the month of Maya, the goddess of spring.

June, July, August

This is the summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse «June» and «July» in Russian? In English, there is no such problem; in the words June and July, even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno — the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and he had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, the reforms were continued by Octavian Augustus, and also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

Three autumn months in English are named according to their ordinal numbers: September — the seventh (septem in Latin), October — the eighth (octo), November — the ninth (novem). Stop, why don’t the numbers match the modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, a year consisted of ten months. The first month was March. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, there were twelve months, but some names remained.


Falls under the same principle as the fall months. According to the old calendar, it was the tenth month (decem — 10 in Latin).

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Autumn, winter, summer, spring — the names of the seasons. Both in Russian and in English are exactly the same. Is that a different spelling.

Mention of the seasons can be in a dialogue between acquaintances or friends, in e-mails, on social networks, and so on.

But, as a rule, in communication, each participant talks about his weather conditions, so it is necessary to know an approximate list of phrases and words that will help to give a short but understandable description to the interlocutor. In English of the month — examples of use.

Seasons in English

In the United Kingdom and the United States (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months.

Times of the year:

  • winter — winter [‘wɪntə]
  • Spring — spring [sprɪŋ]
  • summer — summer [‘sʌmə]
  • autumn — autumn [‘ɔːtəm]

In the United States, instead of autumn, the word fall is used to mean autumn.

Months in English

Months in English with pronunciation — seasons

как по английски месяца года

›Useful› Vocabulary ›

Remembering the names of the months in English for Russian speakers is usually not difficult, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

Still, sometimes English learners have doubts about how to pronounce January or August in English, what pretext to put in front of the months, and how to correctly spell the English months in abbreviated form.

Months in English with transcription and translation

Today, most countries in the world use a calendar with twelve months. New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Month table in English with transcription and pronunciation

Since the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, you can easily remember them. As you study the English months, first of all pay special attention to pronunciation so that you can learn new words correctly right away.

Month in EnglishTransferTranscriptionSound in Russian

January January [‘ʤænju (ə) ri] [jae’neweri]
February February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery]
March March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah]
April April [‘eipr (ə) l] [ayprel]
May May [mei] [May]
June June [dʒ u: n] [june]
July July [dʒ u’lai] [julay]
August August [ɔ: ‘g Λst] [August]
September September [sep ‘tembə] [septambe]
October October [ɔk ‘təubə] [oktoube]
November November [nəu ‘vembə] [novembert]
December December [di’s embə] [disembe]

Flash cards with months in English

Seasons and months in English

In the UK and the USA (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months

In some domestic and foreign sources, you can find information that in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons in a slightly different way. They have two seasons (spring and autumn) for two months and two others (winter and summer) for four months.

The version about the uneven distribution of months over the seasons is not very popular, but we still offer you an extended version of the seasons table.

Months by seasons in English

Season in EnglishTranscription and transliterationRussian translationMonths by seasons(US, UK)Months by seasons(UK)

Winter [‘wɪntə] [screw] winter December, January, February November, December, January, February
running [sprɪŋ] [sprin] Spring March, April, May March, April
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer June, July, August May, June, July, August
autumn (BE)fall (AE) [‘ɔːtəm] [oem] [fɔːl] [foul] autumn September, October, November September, October

Flash cards with seasons in English

Abbreviations of months in English

Knowing about the addiction of the British to abbreviations, it should be noted that in calendars, diaries, official documents, travel tickets, they very rarely write the names of the months and days of the week in full.

As for abbreviated spelling of english months , then there are two types of abbreviations — two-character (two letters) and three-character (three letters).

It should be noted that the three-character abbreviation is typical for American English, and the two- and, in some cases, four-character abbreviation for British English.

Full month nameAbbreviation (British English)Abbreviation (American English)Transfer

January Ja Jan. January
February Fe Feb. February
March Ma Mar. March
April Ap Apr. April
May May (not abbreviated) May (not abbreviated) May
June June Jun. June
July July Jul. July
August Au Aug August
September Sept Sep. September
October Oc Oct. October
November No Nov. November
December De Dec. December

Remember the basic rules for abbreviating months in English:

  • month names in English are always capitalized. since they are mainly derivatives of proper names;
  • a full stop is put at the end of three-character abbreviations; a full stop is not required for two-character abbreviations.

Source: http://learneng.ru/polezno/clovapnyj-zapas/mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-proiznosheniem.html

Seasons and months in English

как по английски месяца года

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
Winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
running [spread] [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [otem] autumn (in UK)
case [fɔ: l] [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Etymology — a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

  • Word month (month) associated with * mænon — Moon, month.
  • Month names in English originate from the Julian calendar. The original Roman calendar had 10 months. The first month of the year was March.
  • Julian calendar — a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced into the Roman Empire from January 1, 45 BC. NS. The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it is on this day from 153 BC. NS. the consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the year count from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. So, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365,25 days: usually a year lasted 365 days, once every four years — 366 days.
  • In the Roman calendar, the four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the rest of the months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the XNUMXth century BC, the Romans reformed and added the eleventh and twelfth months: January, (from Latin Jānuārius) — in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and beginnings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February (from Lat. Februārius mēnsis — month of atonement), the name of which comes from the Roman festival of cleansing from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15.
  • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war Mars.
  • April (April) — the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, perhaps because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is an abbreviation for the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.
  • May (May) — got its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and the land of Maya.
  • June (June) — the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage bonds. To this day, some people believe and choose to get married in June.
  • July  named after the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from Lat. Fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
  • August originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

The names of the following months come from Latin numerals:

  • September —  from Latin septem (seven).
  • October(October) is rooted octo (eight).
  • November (November)- novem (nine).
  • December — decem (ten) respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjective suffix, therefore, literally months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

Month names in modern English

Month names are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorizing due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

Name of the month in English English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
January [‘dʒænju (ə) ri] [janyueri] January
February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery] February
March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah] March
April [‘eipr (ə) l] [april] April
May [mei] [May] May
June [dʒu: n] [june] June
July [dʒu’lai] [julay] July
August [ɔ: ‘gΛst] [August] Aug. Sept
September [sep’tembə] [septambe]
October [ɔk’təubə] [oktobe] October
November [nəu’vembə] [novembert] November
December [di’sembə] [disembe] December

Using prepositions with months

The following prepositions are used with the names of months in English IN и ON.

  • in January — in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
  • on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
  • last january — last January (!! note the absence)
  • next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • in July last year — last July
  • by next month  — by next month.

Abbreviated names of months

In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May — not contracted
  • June — June — June — not contracted
  • July — July — July — not reduced
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

We wish you success!

Source: https://engfairy.com/vremena-goda-i-mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke/

Months in English, seasons and days of the week

как по английски месяца года

In this collection, you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on the days of the week, in which the topic is considered in more depth: idioms and expressions with the days of the week are given.

I also recommend the article: Telling the Time: Telling the Time in English.

Seasons — Months in English — Months of the Year Days of the Week — Days of the Week

season [ˈSiːzn] season
Winter [ˈWɪntə] winter
running [spread] Spring
summer [ˈSʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈFɛbrʊəri] February
March [mɑːʧ] March
April [ˈEɪprəl] April
May [meɪ] May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤulaɪ] July
August [ˈƆːgəst] August
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] September
October [Ɒktəʊbə] October
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] November
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] December
Monday [ˈMʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈTjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈWɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈΘɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈFraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈSætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈSʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

In writing, the names of the months, like the days of the week, are usually abbreviated to three letters. Only May, June, July are not abbreviated. September is abbreviated to four letters: Sept. Note that the days of the week and months in English are capitalized and the seasons are capitalized.

  • January — Jan.
  • February — Feb.
  • March — Mar.
  • April — Apr.
  • May — May
  • June — June
  • July — July
  • August — Aug.
  • September — Sept.
  • October — Oct.
  • November — Nov.
  • December — Dec.

The names of the days of the week in English are shortened to three or two letters:

  • Monday — Mon. — Mo.
  • Tuesday — Tue. — Tu.
  • Wednesday — Wed. — We.
  • Thursday — Thu. — Th.
  • Friday — Fri. — Fr.
  • Saturday — Sat. — Sa.
  • Sunday — Sun. — Su.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. Word season can mean not only “season” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year, suitable for some kind of activity, work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. — Spring is my favorite season.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season… — Opening tomorrow season duck hunting.

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (seasons):

  • Raining season — rainy season.
  • Dry season — dry season.

3. Seasons other than autumn can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter — wintertime.
  • spring — springtime.
  • summer — summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: springtime, summertime, wintertime.

Autumn — Autumn or Fall?

Word case (autumn) used in USA, UK spoken and written autumn.

By the way, when talking about the seasons, especially if it’s a school assignment, the phrase “favorite season” is often used — it has differences between the American and British spellings: favorite season (Br.) — favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (Br.)

It is noteworthy that the word case did not arise in America, but is just the original term for the season, which arose in England no later than the 16th century.

It was originally short for Fall of the year (fall of the year) or fall of the leaf (falling leaves), but by the 17th century it was fixed as one word, long before the development of American English.

Therefore, although the word is used primarily in America, it is neither exclusively American, nor even a word of American origin.

Word autumncame to English from French fall in the 15th or 16th century, but only became common in the 18th century.

In Canada, as in the United States, they use mainly failed, and in Australia — autumn.

Different meanings of the word fall

Word case has two main meanings: 1) autumn, 2) fall. Because of this, a fall-fall pun is sometimes used.

Photo from http://www.imdb.com

For example, the title of the American film Legends of the Fall has been seen by some viewers and critics as ambiguous. On the one hand, the title can be understood as “Legends of Autumn”, on the other, as “Legends of the Fall”, because the film tells a story from a family with a very difficult fate.

The name of the computer game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is considered in a similar way — it can be either “The Fall of Max Payne” or “The Fall of Max Payne”. Both options are well suited to the plot and style of the game.

Source: https://langformula.ru/top-english-words/months-in-english/

Months in English. Translation, pronunciation, exercises, poems

Today we will study the names of the months in English. Since there is a lot of information, I decided to break it down into the following sections. You can immediately go to the one that interests you specifically.

Month names with translation, transcription and pronunciation

English months by seasons.

The names of the months in Anglo-Saxon are given in brackets.

Winter месяцы on English: December (Ærra Gēola), January (Æfterra Gēola), February (Sol-mōnaþ)

Spring месяцы on English: March (Hrēþ-mōnaþ), April (Easter-mōnaþ), May (Þrimilce-mōnaþ)

Summer месяцы on English: June (Ærra Līþa), July (Æftera Līþa), August (Weod-mōnaþ).

Autumn месяцы on English: September (Hālig-mōnaþ), October (Winterfylleth), November (Blōt-mōnaþ)

Exercises to memorize the months of the year in English

Exercise 1. Match the transcriptions to the names of months.

1.[meɪ]2.[ʤu’laɪ]3.[ʤuːn]4.[‘ʤænju(ə)rɪ]5.[mɑːʧ]6.[‘eɪpr(ɪ)l] JuneJanuaryAprilMarchJulyMay 7.November8. August9. February10. December11. October12. September [‘febru (ə) rɪ] [ɔk’təubə] [dɪ’sembə] [‘ ɔːgəst] [sep’tembə] [nəu’vembə]

 Exercise 2. Guess which months are encrypted.

  • creDmeeb = December
  • ailrp = _______________
  • nJeu = _______________
  • yMa = _______________
  • chraM = _______________
  • lyJu = _______________
  • metbreSpe = _______________
  • uugAts = _______________
  • aynuJra = _______________
  • removeNb = _______________
  • euFayerbr = _______________
  • reOtcbo = _______________

Exercise 3. Write the months.

Source: http://grammar-tei.com/mesyacy-na-anglijskom-perevod-proiznoshenie-uprazhneniya-stixotvoreniya/

Months in English. Remember their names once and for all! ⋆ Speakingo

So it happens that you confuse the months in English? Prefer to peek at the calendar to make sure which month is June and which is July? Below are some interesting facts that will allow you to remember the entire 12 once and for all.

The power of the chain associative series is the main memorization technique. With the stories of the future below, when you think of months in English, remembering the stories below will suffice. You can hide a calendar or dictionary deep in a drawer.

I invite you to read!

Months in English — Translation and Pronunciation

Attention! Unlike Russian grammar rules, months in English are always capitalized.

Of course, this is not the end of the controversy. Most of the names have nothing to do with their Russian counterparts.
The exception is March — March and May or May.

Other names are also very similar to ours.

See for yourself.

How do we translate months into English?

January — January
February — February
March — March
April — April
May — May
June — June
July  — July
August  — August
September  — September
October — October
November — November
December — December

What is the origin of the English month names?

Months in English: January — January

The first month of the year was named after the Roman god Janus, who was the patron saint of all beginnings and the keeper of doors, gates and passages. It is no coincidence that we are entering the New Year this month.

Janus was usually depicted with two faces facing opposite directions. The people called the two-faced god many-faced. The image of the god symbolizes the turn of the year. It is at this time that we turn to both reviews of the past and goals for the future.

Read also: Three Habits of Successful English Learning. (Coming soon)

Months in English: February — February

It was formerly the last month of the year in the Roman calendar. Its name — Februarium refers to the rites of purification (lat.Februa), which took place before the beginning of the new year.

See also: Days of the week, or days of the week in English (coming soon)

Months in English: March — March

Initially, it was the beginning of the new year and the time for the resumption of hostilities. The name of the month was given to Mars — the god of war and the keeper of agriculture. In the first month of the year, after the winter break, they returned to the battlefields, and at the same time the agricultural season began.

«God save the queen?» God save them from me!

Read also: Speakingo’s exclusive interview with Queen Elizabeth II.

Months in English: April — April

According to traditional assumptions, the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means open. The expression refers to the awakening of nature, which, under the influence of favorable weather, begins to «open up» to the world.

In some sources we will find the second meaning of the word April. This may refer to the name of Aphrodite — the goddess of love, beauty and flowers.

Months in English: May — May

It was named after the goddess Maya, who was the keeper of growing vegetation in Roman mythology. She has been identified with the concept of growth and fertility. May is often associated with the birth of something beautiful.

Read also: Why Shakespeare says learning English for beginners should be easy and enjoyable. (Coming soon)

Months in English: June — June

Another divine month. The name June comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Interestingly, in ancient Rome, the period from mid-May to mid-June was considered unfavorable for a wedding. Where does this thought come from? Ovid, an eminent Roman poet, after consulting the date of his daughter’s wedding to Flaminica Dialis (high priestess of Jupiter), heard that he must wait until June 15th. The end of the month is still considered the most favorable time for weddings.

See also: Herbs in English that bees love (coming soon)

Months in English: July — July

Julius Caesar is responsible for organizing time according to the Julian calendar. Making many changes, he named one of the months by his own name. Why did the politician choose this period? Not too many whims — in July the ruler has a birthday. Previously, the month was called Quintilis.

Months in English: August — August

The name of the month was given in honor of Octavian Augustus. The first Roman emperor was a relative of Julius Caesar. They say that the grand-nephew did not want to be inferior, and he followed in the footsteps of his uncle, naming the next month after him.

Months in English: September — September

It was originally the seventh month on the calendar (before January and February were added). The name comes from the Latin word septem meaning seven.

See also: Learning English Successfully — 5 Polyglot Tips.

Months in English: October — October

In this case, the situation is similar. The name comes from the Latin ôctō, which means the number eight. In the old Roman calendar, October was the eighth month on the calendar.

Months in English: November — November

The picture continues. The name «November» comes from the Latin novem or «nine» (nine).

Months in English: December — December

It was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar. Comes from the Latin word decem meaning ten.

Also Read: Holiday Words in English (Coming Soon)

Months in English — Abbreviations

In calendars and not only abbreviations that define specific months are very often used. All fortunately relate to the names. You shouldn’t have a problem remembering them. In general, abbreviations are the first three letters of a word. The exceptions are May, June and July — we do not abbreviate them.

January — Jan
February — Feb
March — Tue
April — Apr
May — May
June — June
July — July
August — Aug
September — Sept
October — Oct
November — Nov
December — Dec

Are you wondering if there should be dots after the cuts? We will answer diplomatically — they may be there, but they shouldn’t. In American English, we do not put dots, in British English, on the contrary, this is most desirable.

In any case, both versions are correct. It depends on us which one we choose. However, let’s not apply this principle consistently.

What to insert before the month name — in or maybe on

  • Speaking about the fact that something happened in this month, write in before the title.I am moving to Cracow in December.I am moving to Krakow in December.
  • When we want to specify a specific date, we add the adverb on.We got married on August 8.We got married on August 8th.
  • The exception is situations in which the words next or last appear in front of the month name. Then we skip the preposition.I started painting last November.I started painting in November.

Read also: Internet English, maybe it will come out?

What to do to memorize months in English?

In addition to working with associations, we can use several other techniques to get months in English into our brains.

  • It’s worth setting up English on your phone. We often have a calendar displayed on the start screen. When we come across names every day, then they will become something natural for us.
  • The method by which the youngest remember all the names is to make a calendar with the children on their own. Play combined with learning. It’s a great idea to spend the day together.
  • Of course, don’t forget about the regular lessons with the Speakingo online English course. The sentences are based on useful words. During the course, you will not only be able to test your memory, but also practice your accent.

A good way to remember something is with jokes:

Months in English with humor:

Perhaps this picture will help you remember at least a few months in English:

Can — can
February — February
March — March, but also march
No, but — no, but
April — April
May — May, but it can also

Or: Can February march? No, but maybe (may) April

Source: https://speakingo.com/ru/mesyacy-na-anglijskom/

Seasons and months in English. First lesson. Seasons and Months

This is English lesson for beginners, and today we are studying the seasons and months in English. Learning will take place with the help of songs, so you will not only learn how to pronounce their names, but hopefully remember them for a long time. So, the first lesson on the topic is waiting for you. Seasons and Months, which is part of the «English for Beginners» section.

Lesson one «Seasons and Months» from the cycle «English for Beginners»

1. Step one. Try not torture!

If you are a beginner, then most likely you will not be able to read these sentences in English. But try it!

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3.  In Russia each season has 3 months.

2. Step two. Let’s listen first!

Now listen, how to pronounce the seasons in English.

3. Step three. Learning to read!

Learn to pronounce names of seasons in Englishusing the transcription:

  1. spring [sprɪŋ] — spring
  2. summer [‘sʌmə] — summer
  3. autumn [‘ɔːtəm] — autumn
  4. winter [‘wɪntə] — winter
  5. season [‘siːz (ə) n] — season
  6. year [jɪə] — year
  7. each [iːʧ] — each
  8. month [mʌnθ] — month

For self-test, click on the word with the mouse 2 times and listen to the pronunciation of the words.

4. Step four. We use it in practice!

Exercise 1. Read.

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3. Each season has 3 months.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Each season has 3 months.
  2. There are four seasons in a year.
  3. It is spring, summer, autumn, winter.

5. Step five. Self-test.

Check yourself if you can answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name (name) the seasons.
  3. What season is it now?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. What season is between autumn and spring? winter and summer?

The exact same steps need to be taken to learn the names of the months in English.

Step 1. Read and try to translate!

  1. December, January and February are winter months.
  2. March, April and May are spring months.
  3. June, July and August are summer months.
  4. September, October and November are autumn months.

In Great Britain it is a bit different.

November, December, January and February are winter months. March and April are spring months. May, June, July and August are summer months.

Source: http://englishstory.ru/seasons-and-months-vremena-goda-i-mesyatsyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike-urok-pervyiy.html

Source: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/days-of-the-week-months-dates-english/

Months and seasons in English

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

Months in English. Abbreviated form

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.

January — January — Jan.

February — February — Feb.

March — March — Mar.

April — April — Apr.

May — May — May

June — June — June

July — July — July

August — August — Aug.

September — September — Sept., Sep.

October — October — Oct.

November — November — Nov.

December — December — Dec.

Using prepositions with months in English

Using prepositions with months in English

Prepositions IN и ON are used with months in English:

in January — in January (if it is only about name of the month)

on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about date)

last January — last January (!! pay attention to the absence of a preposition in English — using a preposition in this expression is a typical mistake in English)

next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

in July last year — last July

Seasons in English

Seasons in English

Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/mesyatsy-i-vremena-goda-na-anglijskom/

Theme: Four seasons

Theme: Four seasons

Four seasons — Four seasons. Related article: Seasons in English and Seasons in English lesson

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over, snow covers trees and ground a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. Lakes and rivers freeze, snow covers trees and land like a white fluffy blanket. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and does not give us warmth.



Winter afford us many opportunities to have a good time in the open air. The people can skate, sledge, ski and play different winter games. One of these winter sport games is hockey.

Winter gives us many opportunities to have a good time outdoors. People can ice skate, sled, ski and play various winter games. Hockey is one of these winter sports games.

The nature is beautiful in winter. The forests look a snowy Fairyland. Different animals prepare for winter in a different way. Many birds migrate to warm countries. Some animals stay active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their holes.

Nature is wonderful in winter. The forests look like a fabulous snowy country. Different animals prepare for winter in different ways. Many birds fly to warm countries. Some animals remain active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their burrows.



After winter comes spring. This pleasant season is a long-awaited part of the year for many people. The nature awakens in spring. The trees and bushes send out green leaves. All around grows green grass and beautiful flowers burst into blossom. The migrating birds come home from warm countries and the animals leave their holes.

After winter comes the Vesta. This is a pleasant and long-awaited time of the year for many people. Nature wakes up in spring. Trees and shrubs are covered with green leaves. Green grass grows everywhere and beautiful flowers bloom. Migratory birds return home from warm countries, and animals leave their burrows.

Day by day the weather is getting better and warmer. The sky is seldom cloudy and it doesn`t often rain. The sun shines very brightly and the winds are not so rough as in winter.

The weather is getting better and warmer every day. The sky is rarely covered with clouds and it rains infrequently. The sun is shining very brightly, and the wind is not as gusty as in winter.



Source: https://online-teacher.ru/study/four-seasons

Name of months in English

Name of months in English

The words in English that are responsible for the names of the months, in many respects coincide in written and oral versions with similar words in Russian and many European languages. This fact is not at all surprising: all these countries use the Gregorian calendar as the basis for calculating the year by months. Therefore, learning how to write and how to pronounce months in English is not at all difficult, but there are some nuances that are difficult.

Historical knowledge about the origin of these words will help to understand how months are written in English. Then memorizing them in writing and in speech will become meaningful and easier.

History of names

History of names

These words — they are all not purely English in origin, but have Latin roots. Here is the evolution of the name of each month with a brief background, writing and pronunciation in modern English.



The first winter month in England before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar was called «Wulf (wolf) Month» (now and then — first written in Old English). It meant “wolf month”, because during this period in England, due to cold weather and lack of food in the forests, wolves went to villages and began to attack livestock, even people. The name that we have now comes from the name of the two-faced Janus, the Roman god of the beginning and end.



The second winter month was once in Britain called «Sprote Kale Month»: this meant that cabbage (kale) began to sprout in the closets. And in ancient times of Rome, the month of February was a period of repentance, absolution, hence the origin of the name — in honor of the god of purification and remembrance of the dead Februus.



The beginning of spring in the old calendar of England was associated with strong winds, therefore this time was called «Hyld Month» — the month of the winds. The Gregorian calendar system brought with it a word that arose from the god of war Mars: March was the first month of the year in the Roman Empire for a long time, accordingly it was named after the main deity.



April, which with the introduction of Christianity in Britain has always celebrated the holy holiday of Easter, was previously called «Easter Month» (Easter — Easter). The emergence of a later name is the subject of many years of controversy among linguists.

Some argue that the word originated from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Others are more inclined to the version that the progenitor of the word «April» in English was the Roman word «aperio», meaning «to open, to dissolve.»

This option is more plausible, because it is in April that leaves bloom on the trees, the first flowers appear in the meadows.



The wonderful month of May, when the meadows were covered with fresh grass, the British called in the old days «the month of triple milking» — «Thrimilce (three milk) Month». The cows happily ate fresh grass after the annoying winter hay and gave so much milk that they had to be milked three times a day. The Romans gave the name Maya in honor of the goddess Maya, who was very revered by them as bringing fertility and prosperity.



June, due to the beginning of droughts, was called in old England «Dere Month» (dere — the former version of the word dry), that is, «dry month». The Romans gave the name to this period in the calendar by the name of Juno, wife of Jupiter. The ancient goddess, the patroness of marriage, was very loved by Roman women.



The next summer month, the British called «Maed Month» (maed — modern meadow — meadow), «month of the meadows»: flowers and grasses flourished in the pastures. The Romans based the name of July on the name of the emperor Julius Caesar, who was born that month.



«Weod Month» (weod — weeds — grasses, plants) — this was the name of August in old England, because hay was started for the winter. The Romans chose the nickname of Emperor Octavian Augustus for the name of this month: «August» meant «divine.»



Harvest Month is the old name for the first autumn month. The Roman version comes from the number «sept» (seven): since March was once the first in the Roman calendar, September was the seventh, respectively.



October, when they began to make wine, the British called «Win (modern wine) Month» — «wine month». The Roman version is also associated with a number, specifically with the eighth place of October according to the old calendar — «octo» in Latin.



November was once called “Blod (blood) Month”, translated as “bloody month”. In the pre-Christian period, this was the time of sacrifices (sometimes even human) to the pagan gods. The Romans, again, did not become too philosophical and gave November a name by the ordinal number from the Latin word «novem» — nine.



Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the British called December “Halig (holy) Month”, that is, “holy month”: after all, Jesus Christ was born in December. The Romans named the last month of the year again by number, specifically — «decem», ten.



From school lessons, we know that the year consists of four seasons — the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Spelling months in English, using them with prepositions

Spelling months in English, using them with prepositions

The first information important to remember — the month in English is always written with a capital letter, the article is not placed in front of it.

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/vocabulary/nazvanie-mesyatsev

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle.

Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and follow how the names of months appeared in English. 
All modern names of months in English date back to Latin.

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle. Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and trace how the names of months appeared in English. All modern names of months in English date back to Latin. However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.



January — January is the first month of the year. The word «January» comes from the Latin word «Janus» — «Janus». In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of time, the god of the beginning and the end.

He was always portrayed with two faces, usually young and old, looking in opposite directions. He could look back into the outgoing year and forward into the coming one, i.e. could see the beginning and end of the year.

Not a bad name for the first month of the year, isn’t it? Indeed, on the eve of the New Year, we always sum up the results of the outgoing year and make plans for the coming year.

In Old English, January sounded like «Wulfmonath», which meant «themonthofwolves», i.e. «Month of wolves». Once upon a time, many wolves lived in Foggy Albion, and on frosty winter days they came in search of food to the settlements of people, therefore January began to be called their wolf month.



The name «February» — February — comes from the Latin word «februa», which means «purification», because it was in February that the Romans held a festival of purification.

Before borrowing the Latin word, the Anglo-Saxons called February “Sprote-Kale-Monath”, where “Kale” means “cabbage”, and “Sprote” means “sprout, sprout”. Thus, February was the month when “the cabbage began to grow”. As you can see, the Romans thought about festivals and fun ceremonies, while the Anglo-Saxons watched nature and thought about their agricultural problems.



March — March is the month of Mars, the god of war among the Romans. March was the earliest warmest month when the Romans could go to war. Before Julius Caesar, March was the first month of the year in the Roman calendar.

March in Britain usually comes with strong winds, so it is not surprising that in ancient times the British called it “Hyld-Monath”, which means “noisy month” or “month with noisy winds”. Hence the English proverb «IfMarchcomesinalion, itwillgooutalamb» — «March comes with a storm, and leaves with warmth.»



No one can say for sure where the name of the month April came from — April. There are several versions. According to one of them, the name goes back to the Latin root “apero-”, which means “second”, because according to the Roman calendar April was the second month of the year after March.

Some believe that the month was named after the Etruscan goddess Apriu.

The most widespread opinion is that the name of the month comes from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”, because it is in April that the buds and buds of flowers begin to open.

In Old English, April was called “Easter-Monath” — the month in which Easter was usually celebrated.



May — May — named after the Roman goddess of growth Maya. She was the goddess of spring, because in spring everything grows, blooms, blooms.

The Old English name is not so poetic. The Anglo-Saxons called May “Thrimilce”, which means “to milk three times”. In May, the cows gave so much milk that the peasants had to milk them three times a day.

The farmers were so busy with their farming in May that most likely there was a saying from there that you shouldn’t play weddings in May: “Marry in the month of May, and you’ll surely rue the day” — “Get married in May, and you will surely damn that day. ”

By the way, the Romans also believed that May was a bad time for weddings. Perhaps that is why we also have a proverb: «To marry in May is to suffer all your life.» 



June — June — was named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, who was the Roman goddess of marriage and motherhood. Even to this day, some couples prefer to marry in June.

But the Anglo-Saxons called June “Sere-Monath”, i.e. «Dry month». As you can see, agricultural affairs are again in the first place with them.



July — July — is named after the great ancient Roman consul Julius Caesar. It was his birthday this month.

In Old English, July sounded like “Maed-Monath”, which meant “meadowmonth”, ie. “Month of the meadows” because in July the meadows are covered with flowers. 



August — August — was named after the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. This month was happy for the emperor: he won a large number of victories, celebrated three triumphs, put an end to civil wars. By the way, Octavian Augustus was categorically opposed to having fewer days in his month than in July, named after Caesar. So he took one day from February and added it to August. That is why there are 28 days in February, and 31 in August.

In Old English, August was called “Weod-Monath”, ie. “The month of weeds”, which means “month of the weeds”, although at the time “weed” meant vegetation in general.

September, October, November, December

September, October, November, December

The Romans did not really bother with the names of these months and called them simply ordinal numbers: September– from the Latin “septem” — “seventh”; October — «octo» — «eighth»; November — “novem” — “ninth”; December — “decem” — “tenth”, because, as you remember, the first month of the year for the Romans was March.

The Anglo-Saxons had more descriptive names for these months. September was called “Harfest-Monath”, i.e. “The harvest month” which means “harvest month”. October was “Win-Monath” — “the wine month”, i.e. «Wine month» because it was the month of the grape harvest. November was called “Blod-Monath” — “the blood month”, i.e.

«Bloody month», because in November the Anglo-Saxons sacrificed animals to their gods. Another explanation is that in November people killed livestock and salted meat for the winter. December was “Mid-Winter-Monath” — “the month of the middle of winter”, i.e. “The month of the middle of winter”, although the Christians of that time called it “Halig-Monath” — “the holy month”, i.e.

“Holy month”, as in December the Nativity of Christ is celebrated.

As you can see, Old English month names are more representative of the weather conditions or agricultural realities of the time, while Roman month names are associated with Roman gods, emperors, or simply mean ordinal numbers. In general, the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, so English learners usually have no problems remembering them. 

Source: https://www.lingvo-svoboda.ru/blog/temy-po-angliyskomu-yazyku/mesyatsy-po-angliyski/

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let’s remember how to spell «month» in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in the English language have very interesting naming histories, and today we get to know all of them.

But first, a few subtleties of the calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • “Six months” translates as “6 months” (6 months in English). The phrase «half a year» (half a year) is much less common.
  • Instead of «Autumn» (autumn) used in the USA and Canada «Fall».
  • The date is also recorded differently in the UK and the US. Compare: 5 April 2016 (UK) and 5 April 2016 (US).

Here is the title of each month with translation and transcription:

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let’s say there is no “v” sound in the middle, as in Russian.

February is the most difficult month to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with the sound [r] in the middle of the word. Two [r] s side by side are often an obstacle for language learners. However, you can often hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are capitalized. This is done because almost all of them are derived from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored this month.
February comes from the word «Februa» — an ancient Roman rite of purification, which was held on February 15th.

March, April, May

Three spring months sound like Russians. Additional associations for one hundred percent memorization:

March named for Mars, the Roman god of war.
April — in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May — the month of Maya, the goddess of spring.

June, July, August

This is the summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse «June» and «July» in Russian? In English, there is no such problem; in the words June and July, even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno — the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and he had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, the reforms were continued by Octavian Augustus, and also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

Three autumn months in English are named according to their ordinal numbers: September — the seventh (septem in Latin), October — the eighth (octo), November — the ninth (novem). Stop, why don’t the numbers match the modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, a year consisted of ten months. The first month was March. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, there were twelve months, but some names remained.


Falls under the same principle as the fall months. According to the old calendar, it was the tenth month (decem — 10 in Latin).

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

month [mʌnθ] — month

The word «month» — month — formed from the word «Moon» (moon). A long time ago, looking at the changing phases of the moon, people came up with the idea of ​​measuring time by being guided by it. In Russian, the connection between the word «month» in the meaning of «moon» and the calendar month is also obvious.

To learn how to pronounce the word «month» correctly in English, you need:

  1. Pronounce the first three sounds [mʌn];
  2. On the sound [n], place the tongue between the teeth, preparing to pronounce the sound [θ];
  3. Make the sound [θ], the tongue remains between the teeth.

It is important not to hesitate to stick out your tongue when pronouncing the interdental sound [θ]. In Russian, there are no such sounds, so such an action seems strange, but in English it is absolutely natural and normal.

Now let’s complicate the task and say the word «months» (months).

It is important to pronounce not [mʌns], but [mʌnθs] — all five sounds. The difference between these options will be heard by a native speaker.

  1. Say [mʌn];
  2. Already at the sound [n], get ready for the next sound — the tongue goes to the teeth in advance;
  3. Interdental [θ] — on it the tongue begins to return back into the oral cavity;
  4. Move the tip of your tongue gently behind your upper teeth, without stopping the air flow, and make the sound [s].

Say all five sounds smoothly, one after the other, slowly, several times. When you feel some freedom, say a little faster:
Months. Months. Twelve months. three months. three summer months.

The similarity in the sound of some Russian and English words is an absolute plus, of course, the translation is immediately clear. This is the case with the names of the months. Now that you know their origins, as well as the subtleties of pronunciation, you can easily use them in speech.

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/months

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Autumn, winter, summer, spring — the names of the seasons. Both in Russian and in English are exactly the same. Is that a different spelling.

Mention of the seasons can be in a dialogue between acquaintances or friends, in e-mails, on social networks, and so on.

But, as a rule, in communication, each participant talks about his weather conditions, so it is necessary to know an approximate list of phrases and words that will help to give a short but understandable description to the interlocutor. In English of the month — examples of use.

Seasons in English

Seasons in English

In the United Kingdom and the United States (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months.

Times of the year:

  • winter — winter [‘wɪntə]
  • Spring — spring [sprɪŋ]
  • summer — summer [‘sʌmə]
  • autumn — autumn [‘ɔːtəm]

In the United States, instead of autumn, the word fall is used to mean autumn.

Months in English

Months in English

Poem about autumn

Also the names of the months, theirs, as in Russian 12. The New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Months of the year:

  • January — [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ] — January
  • February — [‘febru (ə) rɪ] — February
  • March — [mɑːʧ] — March
  • April — [‘eɪpr (ə) l] — April
  • May — [meɪ] — May
  • June — [ʤuːn] — June
  • July — [ʤu’laɪ] — July
  • August — [‘ɔːgəst] — August
  • September — [sep’tembə] — September
  • October — [ɔk’təubə] — October
  • November — [nəu’vembə] — November
  • December — [dɪ’sembə] — December

In the English language, there are certain peculiarities in the use of words that denote months and seasons. They must be memorized in order to avoid a gross mistake in the future.

Abbreviations of months

Abbreviations of months

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible. The abbreviated form of recording is used only in writing; when reading the name of the month and day of the week, the name is pronounced in full.

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May
  • June — June — June
  • July — July — July
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

Remember the basic rules for writing months in English:

  • The name of the month in English is always capitalized.
  • If it is necessary to separate the day and month from the year, then a comma is put in the date.

For example:

  • Jack was born September 13, 1987. — Jack was born on September 13, 1987.
  • It happened in November, 1934. — It happened in November 1934.

Using prepositions with names of months

Using prepositions with names of months

1. Prepositions with the word month:

  • by the month — monthly;
  • for a month — within a month;
  • in a month — a month later.

2. In combinations of the names of the months with words all, any, each, every, last, next, one, this prepositions are not put before them:

  • March this March — in March this year.

3. In the circumstances of the time, the preposition is used with the name of the month in: April — in April, early April — at the beginning of April, but if the date / day in the month is indicated, then the preposition is used on: on the second of April — the second of April, on a bright April day — a bright April day.

If the date is used in an attributive function, then the preposition is used of: a letter of April the second — a letter dated April XNUMX (dated April XNUMX).

4.The preposition is used with the names of the seasons in: in autumn.

5. In combinations of nouns autumn, summer, spring, winter, year, day, week, month with words all, any, each, every, last, next, this, that or one neither prepositions nor articles are used before them.

  • this month — this month,
  • last month — last month month,
  • next month — next month.
  • You may come any day you — You can come any day.
  • Not arrived last week (month, autumn) — It arrived last week (last month, last fall).
  • We go to the country every summer — We go to the village every summer.



  • He came to London again in the summer of 2010. — He came to London again in the summer of 2010.
  • In autumn, in our country, elections will be held. — In the autumn, in our country, elections will be held.
  • In winter, I love to skate. — In the winter I love to skate.
  • I was born in August. — I was born in August.
  • This November, I lost my phone. — In November of this year, I lost my phone.
  • We will go to Moscow on January 22nd. — We will go to Moscow on January 22.
  • On December 10, I went on vacation. — On 10 December I went on vacation.
  • My parents bought me a bicycle last spring. — Last spring my parents bought me a Bicycle.
  • Next summer I will go to university. — Next summer I will go to University.
  • We went to a restaurant last March. — We went to the restaurant last March.
  • This May I will have my exams. — This May I will have exams.
  • Winter will end soon — Winter will be over
  • I’m waiting for summer — I am waiting a summer

Seasons in English idioms

Seasons in English idioms

Knowledge of English idioms will help you to decorate your speech and feel like a little native speaker

  • February fair maid — February sardine
  • April weather — April weather
  • day spring — dawn, dawn
  • summer and winter, winter and summer — all year round
  • summer lightning — lightning
  • summertime — «summer time» (when the clock is moved forward one hour)
  • winter cherry — physalis
  • wintertide — a poet. winter
  • fall-winter — end of winter
  • slow as molasses in January — slow like molasses in January
  • Maybees don’t fly in June! — May bees do not fly in June.

How to quickly memorize months in English

How to quickly memorize months in English

With these simple tips, you will achieve good results in a short time and learn the names of all months in English.

  • Download a calendar in English to your mobile phone and, looking into it every day, memorize the names of the months and days of the week.
  • Try to compose a story about yourself by remembering or dreaming about the events associated with each month of the year. For example: We usually ski in January. — We usually ski in January. We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in February. — We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February. etc.
  • Tell us about the month in which your family and friends were born. For example: Mu mother was born in August. — My mother was born in August. My sister’s birthday in December. — My sister’s birthday is in December. etc.
  • Write a story about the weather for each month in English. For example: It’s usually sunny in June. — It’s usually sunny in June. The weather is hot in July. — The weather is hot in July. etc.
  • You can play vocabulary memorization games. One of them — make 12 cards with the image of months or with abbreviations, pull out one at a time and name the month in English.

Poems about months in English

Months in English with pronunciation — seasons

как по английски месяца года

›Useful› Vocabulary ›

Remembering the names of the months in English for Russian speakers is usually not difficult, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

Still, sometimes English learners have doubts about how to pronounce January or August in English, what pretext to put in front of the months, and how to correctly spell the English months in abbreviated form.

Months in English with transcription and translation

Today, most countries in the world use a calendar with twelve months. New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Month table in English with transcription and pronunciation

Since the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, you can easily remember them. As you study the English months, first of all pay special attention to pronunciation so that you can learn new words correctly right away.

Month in EnglishTransferTranscriptionSound in Russian

January January [‘ʤænju (ə) ri] [jae’neweri]
February February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery]
March March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah]
April April [‘eipr (ə) l] [ayprel]
May May [mei] [May]
June June [dʒ u: n] [june]
July July [dʒ u’lai] [julay]
August August [ɔ: ‘g Λst] [August]
September September [sep ‘tembə] [septambe]
October October [ɔk ‘təubə] [oktoube]
November November [nəu ‘vembə] [novembert]
December December [di’s embə] [disembe]

Flash cards with months in English

Seasons and months in English

In the UK and the USA (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months

In some domestic and foreign sources, you can find information that in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons in a slightly different way. They have two seasons (spring and autumn) for two months and two others (winter and summer) for four months.

The version about the uneven distribution of months over the seasons is not very popular, but we still offer you an extended version of the seasons table.

Months by seasons in English

Season in EnglishTranscription and transliterationRussian translationMonths by seasons(US, UK)Months by seasons(UK)

Winter [‘wɪntə] [screw] winter December, January, February November, December, January, February
running [sprɪŋ] [sprin] Spring March, April, May March, April
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer June, July, August May, June, July, August
autumn (BE)fall (AE) [‘ɔːtəm] [oem] [fɔːl] [foul] autumn September, October, November September, October

Flash cards with seasons in English

Abbreviations of months in English

Knowing about the addiction of the British to abbreviations, it should be noted that in calendars, diaries, official documents, travel tickets, they very rarely write the names of the months and days of the week in full.

As for abbreviated spelling of english months , then there are two types of abbreviations — two-character (two letters) and three-character (three letters).

It should be noted that the three-character abbreviation is typical for American English, and the two- and, in some cases, four-character abbreviation for British English.

Full month nameAbbreviation (British English)Abbreviation (American English)Transfer

January Ja Jan. January
February Fe Feb. February
March Ma Mar. March
April Ap Apr. April
May May (not abbreviated) May (not abbreviated) May
June June Jun. June
July July Jul. July
August Au Aug August
September Sept Sep. September
October Oc Oct. October
November No Nov. November
December De Dec. December

Remember the basic rules for abbreviating months in English:

  • month names in English are always capitalized. since they are mainly derivatives of proper names;
  • a full stop is put at the end of three-character abbreviations; a full stop is not required for two-character abbreviations.

Source: http://learneng.ru/polezno/clovapnyj-zapas/mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-proiznosheniem.html

Seasons and months in English

как по английски месяца года

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
Winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
running [spread] [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [otem] autumn (in UK)
case [fɔ: l] [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Etymology — a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

  • Word month (month) associated with * mænon — Moon, month.
  • Month names in English originate from the Julian calendar. The original Roman calendar had 10 months. The first month of the year was March.
  • Julian calendar — a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced into the Roman Empire from January 1, 45 BC. NS. The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it is on this day from 153 BC. NS. the consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the year count from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. So, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365,25 days: usually a year lasted 365 days, once every four years — 366 days.
  • In the Roman calendar, the four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the rest of the months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the XNUMXth century BC, the Romans reformed and added the eleventh and twelfth months: January, (from Latin Jānuārius) — in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and beginnings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February (from Lat. Februārius mēnsis — month of atonement), the name of which comes from the Roman festival of cleansing from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15.
  • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war Mars.
  • April (April) — the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, perhaps because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is an abbreviation for the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.
  • May (May) — got its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and the land of Maya.
  • June (June) — the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage bonds. To this day, some people believe and choose to get married in June.
  • July  named after the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from Lat. Fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
  • August originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

The names of the following months come from Latin numerals:

  • September —  from Latin septem (seven).
  • October(October) is rooted octo (eight).
  • November (November)- novem (nine).
  • December — decem (ten) respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjective suffix, therefore, literally months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

Month names in modern English

Month names are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorizing due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

Name of the month in English English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
January [‘dʒænju (ə) ri] [janyueri] January
February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery] February
March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah] March
April [‘eipr (ə) l] [april] April
May [mei] [May] May
June [dʒu: n] [june] June
July [dʒu’lai] [julay] July
August [ɔ: ‘gΛst] [August] Aug. Sept
September [sep’tembə] [septambe]
October [ɔk’təubə] [oktobe] October
November [nəu’vembə] [novembert] November
December [di’sembə] [disembe] December

Using prepositions with months

The following prepositions are used with the names of months in English IN и ON.

  • in January — in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
  • on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
  • last january — last January (!! note the absence)
  • next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • in July last year — last July
  • by next month  — by next month.

Abbreviated names of months

In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May — not contracted
  • June — June — June — not contracted
  • July — July — July — not reduced
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

We wish you success!

Source: https://engfairy.com/vremena-goda-i-mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke/

Months in English, seasons and days of the week

как по английски месяца года

In this collection, you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on the days of the week, in which the topic is considered in more depth: idioms and expressions with the days of the week are given.

I also recommend the article: Telling the Time: Telling the Time in English.

Seasons — Months in English — Months of the Year Days of the Week — Days of the Week

season [ˈSiːzn] season
Winter [ˈWɪntə] winter
running [spread] Spring
summer [ˈSʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈFɛbrʊəri] February
March [mɑːʧ] March
April [ˈEɪprəl] April
May [meɪ] May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤulaɪ] July
August [ˈƆːgəst] August
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] September
October [Ɒktəʊbə] October
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] November
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] December
Monday [ˈMʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈTjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈWɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈΘɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈFraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈSætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈSʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

In writing, the names of the months, like the days of the week, are usually abbreviated to three letters. Only May, June, July are not abbreviated. September is abbreviated to four letters: Sept. Note that the days of the week and months in English are capitalized and the seasons are capitalized.

  • January — Jan.
  • February — Feb.
  • March — Mar.
  • April — Apr.
  • May — May
  • June — June
  • July — July
  • August — Aug.
  • September — Sept.
  • October — Oct.
  • November — Nov.
  • December — Dec.

The names of the days of the week in English are shortened to three or two letters:

  • Monday — Mon. — Mo.
  • Tuesday — Tue. — Tu.
  • Wednesday — Wed. — We.
  • Thursday — Thu. — Th.
  • Friday — Fri. — Fr.
  • Saturday — Sat. — Sa.
  • Sunday — Sun. — Su.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. Word season can mean not only “season” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year, suitable for some kind of activity, work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. — Spring is my favorite season.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season… — Opening tomorrow season duck hunting.

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (seasons):

  • Raining season — rainy season.
  • Dry season — dry season.

3. Seasons other than autumn can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter — wintertime.
  • spring — springtime.
  • summer — summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: springtime, summertime, wintertime.

Autumn — Autumn or Fall?

Word case (autumn) used in USA, UK spoken and written autumn.

By the way, when talking about the seasons, especially if it’s a school assignment, the phrase “favorite season” is often used — it has differences between the American and British spellings: favorite season (Br.) — favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (Br.)

It is noteworthy that the word case did not arise in America, but is just the original term for the season, which arose in England no later than the 16th century.

It was originally short for Fall of the year (fall of the year) or fall of the leaf (falling leaves), but by the 17th century it was fixed as one word, long before the development of American English.

Therefore, although the word is used primarily in America, it is neither exclusively American, nor even a word of American origin.

Word autumncame to English from French fall in the 15th or 16th century, but only became common in the 18th century.

In Canada, as in the United States, they use mainly failed, and in Australia — autumn.

Different meanings of the word fall

Word case has two main meanings: 1) autumn, 2) fall. Because of this, a fall-fall pun is sometimes used.

Photo from http://www.imdb.com

For example, the title of the American film Legends of the Fall has been seen by some viewers and critics as ambiguous. On the one hand, the title can be understood as “Legends of Autumn”, on the other, as “Legends of the Fall”, because the film tells a story from a family with a very difficult fate.

The name of the computer game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is considered in a similar way — it can be either “The Fall of Max Payne” or “The Fall of Max Payne”. Both options are well suited to the plot and style of the game.

Source: https://langformula.ru/top-english-words/months-in-english/

Months in English. Translation, pronunciation, exercises, poems

Today we will study the names of the months in English. Since there is a lot of information, I decided to break it down into the following sections. You can immediately go to the one that interests you specifically.

Month names with translation, transcription and pronunciation

English months by seasons.

The names of the months in Anglo-Saxon are given in brackets.

Winter месяцы on English: December (Ærra Gēola), January (Æfterra Gēola), February (Sol-mōnaþ)

Spring месяцы on English: March (Hrēþ-mōnaþ), April (Easter-mōnaþ), May (Þrimilce-mōnaþ)

Summer месяцы on English: June (Ærra Līþa), July (Æftera Līþa), August (Weod-mōnaþ).

Autumn месяцы on English: September (Hālig-mōnaþ), October (Winterfylleth), November (Blōt-mōnaþ)

Exercises to memorize the months of the year in English

Exercise 1. Match the transcriptions to the names of months.

1.[meɪ]2.[ʤu’laɪ]3.[ʤuːn]4.[‘ʤænju(ə)rɪ]5.[mɑːʧ]6.[‘eɪpr(ɪ)l] JuneJanuaryAprilMarchJulyMay 7.November8. August9. February10. December11. October12. September [‘febru (ə) rɪ] [ɔk’təubə] [dɪ’sembə] [‘ ɔːgəst] [sep’tembə] [nəu’vembə]

 Exercise 2. Guess which months are encrypted.

  • creDmeeb = December
  • ailrp = _______________
  • nJeu = _______________
  • yMa = _______________
  • chraM = _______________
  • lyJu = _______________
  • metbreSpe = _______________
  • uugAts = _______________
  • aynuJra = _______________
  • removeNb = _______________
  • euFayerbr = _______________
  • reOtcbo = _______________

Exercise 3. Write the months.

Source: http://grammar-tei.com/mesyacy-na-anglijskom-perevod-proiznoshenie-uprazhneniya-stixotvoreniya/

Months in English. Remember their names once and for all! ⋆ Speakingo

So it happens that you confuse the months in English? Prefer to peek at the calendar to make sure which month is June and which is July? Below are some interesting facts that will allow you to remember the entire 12 once and for all.

The power of the chain associative series is the main memorization technique. With the stories of the future below, when you think of months in English, remembering the stories below will suffice. You can hide a calendar or dictionary deep in a drawer.

I invite you to read!

Months in English — Translation and Pronunciation

Attention! Unlike Russian grammar rules, months in English are always capitalized.

Of course, this is not the end of the controversy. Most of the names have nothing to do with their Russian counterparts.
The exception is March — March and May or May.

Other names are also very similar to ours.

See for yourself.

How do we translate months into English?

January — January
February — February
March — March
April — April
May — May
June — June
July  — July
August  — August
September  — September
October — October
November — November
December — December

What is the origin of the English month names?

Months in English: January — January

The first month of the year was named after the Roman god Janus, who was the patron saint of all beginnings and the keeper of doors, gates and passages. It is no coincidence that we are entering the New Year this month.

Janus was usually depicted with two faces facing opposite directions. The people called the two-faced god many-faced. The image of the god symbolizes the turn of the year. It is at this time that we turn to both reviews of the past and goals for the future.

Read also: Three Habits of Successful English Learning. (Coming soon)

Months in English: February — February

It was formerly the last month of the year in the Roman calendar. Its name — Februarium refers to the rites of purification (lat.Februa), which took place before the beginning of the new year.

See also: Days of the week, or days of the week in English (coming soon)

Months in English: March — March

Initially, it was the beginning of the new year and the time for the resumption of hostilities. The name of the month was given to Mars — the god of war and the keeper of agriculture. In the first month of the year, after the winter break, they returned to the battlefields, and at the same time the agricultural season began.

«God save the queen?» God save them from me!

Read also: Speakingo’s exclusive interview with Queen Elizabeth II.

Months in English: April — April

According to traditional assumptions, the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means open. The expression refers to the awakening of nature, which, under the influence of favorable weather, begins to «open up» to the world.

In some sources we will find the second meaning of the word April. This may refer to the name of Aphrodite — the goddess of love, beauty and flowers.

Months in English: May — May

It was named after the goddess Maya, who was the keeper of growing vegetation in Roman mythology. She has been identified with the concept of growth and fertility. May is often associated with the birth of something beautiful.

Read also: Why Shakespeare says learning English for beginners should be easy and enjoyable. (Coming soon)

Months in English: June — June

Another divine month. The name June comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Interestingly, in ancient Rome, the period from mid-May to mid-June was considered unfavorable for a wedding. Where does this thought come from? Ovid, an eminent Roman poet, after consulting the date of his daughter’s wedding to Flaminica Dialis (high priestess of Jupiter), heard that he must wait until June 15th. The end of the month is still considered the most favorable time for weddings.

See also: Herbs in English that bees love (coming soon)

Months in English: July — July

Julius Caesar is responsible for organizing time according to the Julian calendar. Making many changes, he named one of the months by his own name. Why did the politician choose this period? Not too many whims — in July the ruler has a birthday. Previously, the month was called Quintilis.

Months in English: August — August

The name of the month was given in honor of Octavian Augustus. The first Roman emperor was a relative of Julius Caesar. They say that the grand-nephew did not want to be inferior, and he followed in the footsteps of his uncle, naming the next month after him.

Months in English: September — September

It was originally the seventh month on the calendar (before January and February were added). The name comes from the Latin word septem meaning seven.

See also: Learning English Successfully — 5 Polyglot Tips.

Months in English: October — October

In this case, the situation is similar. The name comes from the Latin ôctō, which means the number eight. In the old Roman calendar, October was the eighth month on the calendar.

Months in English: November — November

The picture continues. The name «November» comes from the Latin novem or «nine» (nine).

Months in English: December — December

It was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar. Comes from the Latin word decem meaning ten.

Also Read: Holiday Words in English (Coming Soon)

Months in English — Abbreviations

In calendars and not only abbreviations that define specific months are very often used. All fortunately relate to the names. You shouldn’t have a problem remembering them. In general, abbreviations are the first three letters of a word. The exceptions are May, June and July — we do not abbreviate them.

January — Jan
February — Feb
March — Tue
April — Apr
May — May
June — June
July — July
August — Aug
September — Sept
October — Oct
November — Nov
December — Dec

Are you wondering if there should be dots after the cuts? We will answer diplomatically — they may be there, but they shouldn’t. In American English, we do not put dots, in British English, on the contrary, this is most desirable.

In any case, both versions are correct. It depends on us which one we choose. However, let’s not apply this principle consistently.

What to insert before the month name — in or maybe on

  • Speaking about the fact that something happened in this month, write in before the title.I am moving to Cracow in December.I am moving to Krakow in December.
  • When we want to specify a specific date, we add the adverb on.We got married on August 8.We got married on August 8th.
  • The exception is situations in which the words next or last appear in front of the month name. Then we skip the preposition.I started painting last November.I started painting in November.

Read also: Internet English, maybe it will come out?

What to do to memorize months in English?

In addition to working with associations, we can use several other techniques to get months in English into our brains.

  • It’s worth setting up English on your phone. We often have a calendar displayed on the start screen. When we come across names every day, then they will become something natural for us.
  • The method by which the youngest remember all the names is to make a calendar with the children on their own. Play combined with learning. It’s a great idea to spend the day together.
  • Of course, don’t forget about the regular lessons with the Speakingo online English course. The sentences are based on useful words. During the course, you will not only be able to test your memory, but also practice your accent.

A good way to remember something is with jokes:

Months in English with humor:

Perhaps this picture will help you remember at least a few months in English:

Can — can
February — February
March — March, but also march
No, but — no, but
April — April
May — May, but it can also

Or: Can February march? No, but maybe (may) April

Source: https://speakingo.com/ru/mesyacy-na-anglijskom/

Seasons and months in English. First lesson. Seasons and Months

This is English lesson for beginners, and today we are studying the seasons and months in English. Learning will take place with the help of songs, so you will not only learn how to pronounce their names, but hopefully remember them for a long time. So, the first lesson on the topic is waiting for you. Seasons and Months, which is part of the «English for Beginners» section.

Lesson one «Seasons and Months» from the cycle «English for Beginners»

1. Step one. Try not torture!

If you are a beginner, then most likely you will not be able to read these sentences in English. But try it!

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3.  In Russia each season has 3 months.

2. Step two. Let’s listen first!

Now listen, how to pronounce the seasons in English.

3. Step three. Learning to read!

Learn to pronounce names of seasons in Englishusing the transcription:

  1. spring [sprɪŋ] — spring
  2. summer [‘sʌmə] — summer
  3. autumn [‘ɔːtəm] — autumn
  4. winter [‘wɪntə] — winter
  5. season [‘siːz (ə) n] — season
  6. year [jɪə] — year
  7. each [iːʧ] — each
  8. month [mʌnθ] — month

For self-test, click on the word with the mouse 2 times and listen to the pronunciation of the words.

4. Step four. We use it in practice!

Exercise 1. Read.

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3. Each season has 3 months.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Each season has 3 months.
  2. There are four seasons in a year.
  3. It is spring, summer, autumn, winter.

5. Step five. Self-test.

Check yourself if you can answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name (name) the seasons.
  3. What season is it now?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. What season is between autumn and spring? winter and summer?

The exact same steps need to be taken to learn the names of the months in English.

Step 1. Read and try to translate!

  1. December, January and February are winter months.
  2. March, April and May are spring months.
  3. June, July and August are summer months.
  4. September, October and November are autumn months.

In Great Britain it is a bit different.

November, December, January and February are winter months. March and April are spring months. May, June, July and August are summer months.

Source: http://englishstory.ru/seasons-and-months-vremena-goda-i-mesyatsyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike-urok-pervyiy.html

Source: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/days-of-the-week-months-dates-english/

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.

January — January — Jan.

February — February — Feb.

March — March — Mar.

April — April — Apr.

May — May — May

June — June — June

July — July — July

August — August — Aug.

September — September — Sept., Sep.

October — October — Oct.

November — November — Nov.

December — December — Dec.

Using prepositions with months in English

Prepositions IN и ON are used with months in English:

in January — in January (if it is only about name of the month)

on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about date)

last January — last January (!! pay attention to the absence of a preposition in English — using a preposition in this expression is a typical mistake in English)

next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

in July last year — last July

Seasons in English

Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/mesyatsy-i-vremena-goda-na-anglijskom/

Theme: Four seasons

Four seasons — Four seasons. Related article: Seasons in English and Seasons in English lesson

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over, snow covers trees and ground a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. Lakes and rivers freeze, snow covers trees and land like a white fluffy blanket. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and does not give us warmth.


Winter afford us many opportunities to have a good time in the open air. The people can skate, sledge, ski and play different winter games. One of these winter sport games is hockey.

Winter gives us many opportunities to have a good time outdoors. People can ice skate, sled, ski and play various winter games. Hockey is one of these winter sports games.

The nature is beautiful in winter. The forests look a snowy Fairyland. Different animals prepare for winter in a different way. Many birds migrate to warm countries. Some animals stay active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their holes.

Nature is wonderful in winter. The forests look like a fabulous snowy country. Different animals prepare for winter in different ways. Many birds fly to warm countries. Some animals remain active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their burrows.


After winter comes spring. This pleasant season is a long-awaited part of the year for many people. The nature awakens in spring. The trees and bushes send out green leaves. All around grows green grass and beautiful flowers burst into blossom. The migrating birds come home from warm countries and the animals leave their holes.

After winter comes the Vesta. This is a pleasant and long-awaited time of the year for many people. Nature wakes up in spring. Trees and shrubs are covered with green leaves. Green grass grows everywhere and beautiful flowers bloom. Migratory birds return home from warm countries, and animals leave their burrows.

Day by day the weather is getting better and warmer. The sky is seldom cloudy and it doesn`t often rain. The sun shines very brightly and the winds are not so rough as in winter.

The weather is getting better and warmer every day. The sky is rarely covered with clouds and it rains infrequently. The sun is shining very brightly, and the wind is not as gusty as in winter.


Source: https://online-teacher.ru/study/four-seasons

Name of months in English

The words in English that are responsible for the names of the months, in many respects coincide in written and oral versions with similar words in Russian and many European languages. This fact is not at all surprising: all these countries use the Gregorian calendar as the basis for calculating the year by months. Therefore, learning how to write and how to pronounce months in English is not at all difficult, but there are some nuances that are difficult.

Historical knowledge about the origin of these words will help to understand how months are written in English. Then memorizing them in writing and in speech will become meaningful and easier.

History of names

These words — they are all not purely English in origin, but have Latin roots. Here is the evolution of the name of each month with a brief background, writing and pronunciation in modern English.


The first winter month in England before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar was called «Wulf (wolf) Month» (now and then — first written in Old English). It meant “wolf month”, because during this period in England, due to cold weather and lack of food in the forests, wolves went to villages and began to attack livestock, even people. The name that we have now comes from the name of the two-faced Janus, the Roman god of the beginning and end.


The second winter month was once in Britain called «Sprote Kale Month»: this meant that cabbage (kale) began to sprout in the closets. And in ancient times of Rome, the month of February was a period of repentance, absolution, hence the origin of the name — in honor of the god of purification and remembrance of the dead Februus.


The beginning of spring in the old calendar of England was associated with strong winds, therefore this time was called «Hyld Month» — the month of the winds. The Gregorian calendar system brought with it a word that arose from the god of war Mars: March was the first month of the year in the Roman Empire for a long time, accordingly it was named after the main deity.


April, which with the introduction of Christianity in Britain has always celebrated the holy holiday of Easter, was previously called «Easter Month» (Easter — Easter). The emergence of a later name is the subject of many years of controversy among linguists.

Some argue that the word originated from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Others are more inclined to the version that the progenitor of the word «April» in English was the Roman word «aperio», meaning «to open, to dissolve.»

This option is more plausible, because it is in April that leaves bloom on the trees, the first flowers appear in the meadows.


The wonderful month of May, when the meadows were covered with fresh grass, the British called in the old days «the month of triple milking» — «Thrimilce (three milk) Month». The cows happily ate fresh grass after the annoying winter hay and gave so much milk that they had to be milked three times a day. The Romans gave the name Maya in honor of the goddess Maya, who was very revered by them as bringing fertility and prosperity.


June, due to the beginning of droughts, was called in old England «Dere Month» (dere — the former version of the word dry), that is, «dry month». The Romans gave the name to this period in the calendar by the name of Juno, wife of Jupiter. The ancient goddess, the patroness of marriage, was very loved by Roman women.


The next summer month, the British called «Maed Month» (maed — modern meadow — meadow), «month of the meadows»: flowers and grasses flourished in the pastures. The Romans based the name of July on the name of the emperor Julius Caesar, who was born that month.


«Weod Month» (weod — weeds — grasses, plants) — this was the name of August in old England, because hay was started for the winter. The Romans chose the nickname of Emperor Octavian Augustus for the name of this month: «August» meant «divine.»


Harvest Month is the old name for the first autumn month. The Roman version comes from the number «sept» (seven): since March was once the first in the Roman calendar, September was the seventh, respectively.


October, when they began to make wine, the British called «Win (modern wine) Month» — «wine month». The Roman version is also associated with a number, specifically with the eighth place of October according to the old calendar — «octo» in Latin.


November was once called “Blod (blood) Month”, translated as “bloody month”. In the pre-Christian period, this was the time of sacrifices (sometimes even human) to the pagan gods. The Romans, again, did not become too philosophical and gave November a name by the ordinal number from the Latin word «novem» — nine.


Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the British called December “Halig (holy) Month”, that is, “holy month”: after all, Jesus Christ was born in December. The Romans named the last month of the year again by number, specifically — «decem», ten.


From school lessons, we know that the year consists of four seasons — the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Spelling months in English, using them with prepositions

The first information important to remember — the month in English is always written with a capital letter, the article is not placed in front of it.

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/vocabulary/nazvanie-mesyatsev

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle.

Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and follow how the names of months appeared in English. 
All modern names of months in English date back to Latin.

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle. Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and trace how the names of months appeared in English. All modern names of months in English date back to Latin. However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.


January — January is the first month of the year. The word «January» comes from the Latin word «Janus» — «Janus». In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of time, the god of the beginning and the end.

He was always portrayed with two faces, usually young and old, looking in opposite directions. He could look back into the outgoing year and forward into the coming one, i.e. could see the beginning and end of the year.

Not a bad name for the first month of the year, isn’t it? Indeed, on the eve of the New Year, we always sum up the results of the outgoing year and make plans for the coming year.

In Old English, January sounded like «Wulfmonath», which meant «themonthofwolves», i.e. «Month of wolves». Once upon a time, many wolves lived in Foggy Albion, and on frosty winter days they came in search of food to the settlements of people, therefore January began to be called their wolf month.


The name «February» — February — comes from the Latin word «februa», which means «purification», because it was in February that the Romans held a festival of purification.

Before borrowing the Latin word, the Anglo-Saxons called February “Sprote-Kale-Monath”, where “Kale” means “cabbage”, and “Sprote” means “sprout, sprout”. Thus, February was the month when “the cabbage began to grow”. As you can see, the Romans thought about festivals and fun ceremonies, while the Anglo-Saxons watched nature and thought about their agricultural problems.


March — March is the month of Mars, the god of war among the Romans. March was the earliest warmest month when the Romans could go to war. Before Julius Caesar, March was the first month of the year in the Roman calendar.

March in Britain usually comes with strong winds, so it is not surprising that in ancient times the British called it “Hyld-Monath”, which means “noisy month” or “month with noisy winds”. Hence the English proverb «IfMarchcomesinalion, itwillgooutalamb» — «March comes with a storm, and leaves with warmth.»


No one can say for sure where the name of the month April came from — April. There are several versions. According to one of them, the name goes back to the Latin root “apero-”, which means “second”, because according to the Roman calendar April was the second month of the year after March.

Some believe that the month was named after the Etruscan goddess Apriu.

The most widespread opinion is that the name of the month comes from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”, because it is in April that the buds and buds of flowers begin to open.

In Old English, April was called “Easter-Monath” — the month in which Easter was usually celebrated.


May — May — named after the Roman goddess of growth Maya. She was the goddess of spring, because in spring everything grows, blooms, blooms.

The Old English name is not so poetic. The Anglo-Saxons called May “Thrimilce”, which means “to milk three times”. In May, the cows gave so much milk that the peasants had to milk them three times a day.

The farmers were so busy with their farming in May that most likely there was a saying from there that you shouldn’t play weddings in May: “Marry in the month of May, and you’ll surely rue the day” — “Get married in May, and you will surely damn that day. ”

By the way, the Romans also believed that May was a bad time for weddings. Perhaps that is why we also have a proverb: «To marry in May is to suffer all your life.» 


June — June — was named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, who was the Roman goddess of marriage and motherhood. Even to this day, some couples prefer to marry in June.

But the Anglo-Saxons called June “Sere-Monath”, i.e. «Dry month». As you can see, agricultural affairs are again in the first place with them.


July — July — is named after the great ancient Roman consul Julius Caesar. It was his birthday this month.

In Old English, July sounded like “Maed-Monath”, which meant “meadowmonth”, ie. “Month of the meadows” because in July the meadows are covered with flowers. 


August — August — was named after the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. This month was happy for the emperor: he won a large number of victories, celebrated three triumphs, put an end to civil wars. By the way, Octavian Augustus was categorically opposed to having fewer days in his month than in July, named after Caesar. So he took one day from February and added it to August. That is why there are 28 days in February, and 31 in August.

In Old English, August was called “Weod-Monath”, ie. “The month of weeds”, which means “month of the weeds”, although at the time “weed” meant vegetation in general.

September, October, November, December

The Romans did not really bother with the names of these months and called them simply ordinal numbers: September– from the Latin “septem” — “seventh”; October — «octo» — «eighth»; November — “novem” — “ninth”; December — “decem” — “tenth”, because, as you remember, the first month of the year for the Romans was March.

The Anglo-Saxons had more descriptive names for these months. September was called “Harfest-Monath”, i.e. “The harvest month” which means “harvest month”. October was “Win-Monath” — “the wine month”, i.e. «Wine month» because it was the month of the grape harvest. November was called “Blod-Monath” — “the blood month”, i.e.

«Bloody month», because in November the Anglo-Saxons sacrificed animals to their gods. Another explanation is that in November people killed livestock and salted meat for the winter. December was “Mid-Winter-Monath” — “the month of the middle of winter”, i.e. “The month of the middle of winter”, although the Christians of that time called it “Halig-Monath” — “the holy month”, i.e.

“Holy month”, as in December the Nativity of Christ is celebrated.

As you can see, Old English month names are more representative of the weather conditions or agricultural realities of the time, while Roman month names are associated with Roman gods, emperors, or simply mean ordinal numbers. In general, the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, so English learners usually have no problems remembering them. 

Source: https://www.lingvo-svoboda.ru/blog/temy-po-angliyskomu-yazyku/mesyatsy-po-angliyski/

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In this article, we’ll take a look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let’s remember how to spell «month» in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in the English language have very interesting naming histories, and today we get to know all of them.

But first, a few subtleties of the calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • “Six months” translates as “6 months” (6 months in English). The phrase «half a year» (half a year) is much less common.
  • Instead of «Autumn» (autumn) used in the USA and Canada «Fall».
  • The date is also recorded differently in the UK and the US. Compare: 5 April 2016 (UK) and 5 April 2016 (US).

Here is the title of each month with translation and transcription:

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let’s say there is no “v” sound in the middle, as in Russian.

February is the most difficult month to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with the sound [r] in the middle of the word. Two [r] s side by side are often an obstacle for language learners. However, you can often hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are capitalized. This is done because almost all of them are derived from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored this month.
February comes from the word «Februa» — an ancient Roman rite of purification, which was held on February 15th.

March, April, May

Three spring months sound like Russians. Additional associations for one hundred percent memorization:

March named for Mars, the Roman god of war.
April — in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May — the month of Maya, the goddess of spring.

June, July, August

This is the summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse «June» and «July» in Russian? In English, there is no such problem; in the words June and July, even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno — the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and he had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, the reforms were continued by Octavian Augustus, and also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

Three autumn months in English are named according to their ordinal numbers: September — the seventh (septem in Latin), October — the eighth (octo), November — the ninth (novem). Stop, why don’t the numbers match the modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, a year consisted of ten months. The first month was March. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, there were twelve months, but some names remained.


Falls under the same principle as the fall months. According to the old calendar, it was the tenth month (decem — 10 in Latin).

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

month [mʌnθ] — month

The word «month» — month — formed from the word «Moon» (moon). A long time ago, looking at the changing phases of the moon, people came up with the idea of ​​measuring time by being guided by it. In Russian, the connection between the word «month» in the meaning of «moon» and the calendar month is also obvious.

To learn how to pronounce the word «month» correctly in English, you need:

  1. Pronounce the first three sounds [mʌn];
  2. On the sound [n], place the tongue between the teeth, preparing to pronounce the sound [θ];
  3. Make the sound [θ], the tongue remains between the teeth.

It is important not to hesitate to stick out your tongue when pronouncing the interdental sound [θ]. In Russian, there are no such sounds, so such an action seems strange, but in English it is absolutely natural and normal.

Now let’s complicate the task and say the word «months» (months).

It is important to pronounce not [mʌns], but [mʌnθs] — all five sounds. The difference between these options will be heard by a native speaker.

  1. Say [mʌn];
  2. Already at the sound [n], get ready for the next sound — the tongue goes to the teeth in advance;
  3. Interdental [θ] — on it the tongue begins to return back into the oral cavity;
  4. Move the tip of your tongue gently behind your upper teeth, without stopping the air flow, and make the sound [s].

Say all five sounds smoothly, one after the other, slowly, several times. When you feel some freedom, say a little faster:
Months. Months. Twelve months. three months. three summer months.

The similarity in the sound of some Russian and English words is an absolute plus, of course, the translation is immediately clear. This is the case with the names of the months. Now that you know their origins, as well as the subtleties of pronunciation, you can easily use them in speech.

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/months

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Autumn, winter, summer, spring — the names of the seasons. Both in Russian and in English are exactly the same. Is that a different spelling.

Mention of the seasons can be in a dialogue between acquaintances or friends, in e-mails, on social networks, and so on.

But, as a rule, in communication, each participant talks about his weather conditions, so it is necessary to know an approximate list of phrases and words that will help to give a short but understandable description to the interlocutor. In English of the month — examples of use.

Seasons in English

In the United Kingdom and the United States (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months.

Times of the year:

  • winter — winter [‘wɪntə]
  • Spring — spring [sprɪŋ]
  • summer — summer [‘sʌmə]
  • autumn — autumn [‘ɔːtəm]

In the United States, instead of autumn, the word fall is used to mean autumn.

Months in English

Poem about autumn

Also the names of the months, theirs, as in Russian 12. The New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Months of the year:

  • January — [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ] — January
  • February — [‘febru (ə) rɪ] — February
  • March — [mɑːʧ] — March
  • April — [‘eɪpr (ə) l] — April
  • May — [meɪ] — May
  • June — [ʤuːn] — June
  • July — [ʤu’laɪ] — July
  • August — [‘ɔːgəst] — August
  • September — [sep’tembə] — September
  • October — [ɔk’təubə] — October
  • November — [nəu’vembə] — November
  • December — [dɪ’sembə] — December

In the English language, there are certain peculiarities in the use of words that denote months and seasons. They must be memorized in order to avoid a gross mistake in the future.

Abbreviations of months

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible. The abbreviated form of recording is used only in writing; when reading the name of the month and day of the week, the name is pronounced in full.

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May
  • June — June — June
  • July — July — July
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

Remember the basic rules for writing months in English:

  • The name of the month in English is always capitalized.
  • If it is necessary to separate the day and month from the year, then a comma is put in the date.

For example:

  • Jack was born September 13, 1987. — Jack was born on September 13, 1987.
  • It happened in November, 1934. — It happened in November 1934.

Using prepositions with names of months

1. Prepositions with the word month:

  • by the month — monthly;
  • for a month — within a month;
  • in a month — a month later.

2. In combinations of the names of the months with words all, any, each, every, last, next, one, this prepositions are not put before them:

  • March this March — in March this year.

3. In the circumstances of the time, the preposition is used with the name of the month in: April — in April, early April — at the beginning of April, but if the date / day in the month is indicated, then the preposition is used on: on the second of April — the second of April, on a bright April day — a bright April day.

If the date is used in an attributive function, then the preposition is used of: a letter of April the second — a letter dated April XNUMX (dated April XNUMX).

4.The preposition is used with the names of the seasons in: in autumn.

5. In combinations of nouns autumn, summer, spring, winter, year, day, week, month with words all, any, each, every, last, next, this, that or one neither prepositions nor articles are used before them.

  • this month — this month,
  • last month — last month month,
  • next month — next month.
  • You may come any day you — You can come any day.
  • Not arrived last week (month, autumn) — It arrived last week (last month, last fall).
  • We go to the country every summer — We go to the village every summer.


  • He came to London again in the summer of 2010. — He came to London again in the summer of 2010.
  • In autumn, in our country, elections will be held. — In the autumn, in our country, elections will be held.
  • In winter, I love to skate. — In the winter I love to skate.
  • I was born in August. — I was born in August.
  • This November, I lost my phone. — In November of this year, I lost my phone.
  • We will go to Moscow on January 22nd. — We will go to Moscow on January 22.
  • On December 10, I went on vacation. — On 10 December I went on vacation.
  • My parents bought me a bicycle last spring. — Last spring my parents bought me a Bicycle.
  • Next summer I will go to university. — Next summer I will go to University.
  • We went to a restaurant last March. — We went to the restaurant last March.
  • This May I will have my exams. — This May I will have exams.
  • Winter will end soon — Winter will be over
  • I’m waiting for summer — I am waiting a summer

Seasons in English idioms

Knowledge of English idioms will help you to decorate your speech and feel like a little native speaker

  • February fair maid — February sardine
  • April weather — April weather
  • day spring — dawn, dawn
  • summer and winter, winter and summer — all year round
  • summer lightning — lightning
  • summertime — «summer time» (when the clock is moved forward one hour)
  • winter cherry — physalis
  • wintertide — a poet. winter
  • fall-winter — end of winter
  • slow as molasses in January — slow like molasses in January
  • Maybees don’t fly in June! — May bees do not fly in June.

How to quickly memorize months in English

With these simple tips, you will achieve good results in a short time and learn the names of all months in English.

  • Download a calendar in English to your mobile phone and, looking into it every day, memorize the names of the months and days of the week.
  • Try to compose a story about yourself by remembering or dreaming about the events associated with each month of the year. For example: We usually ski in January. — We usually ski in January. We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in February. — We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February. etc.
  • Tell us about the month in which your family and friends were born. For example: Mu mother was born in August. — My mother was born in August. My sister’s birthday in December. — My sister’s birthday is in December. etc.
  • Write a story about the weather for each month in English. For example: It’s usually sunny in June. — It’s usually sunny in June. The weather is hot in July. — The weather is hot in July. etc.
  • You can play vocabulary memorization games. One of them — make 12 cards with the image of months or with abbreviations, pull out one at a time and name the month in English.

Months in English with pronunciation — seasons

как по английски месяца года

›Useful› Vocabulary ›

Remembering the names of the months in English for Russian speakers is usually not difficult, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

Still, sometimes English learners have doubts about how to pronounce January or August in English, what pretext to put in front of the months, and how to correctly spell the English months in abbreviated form.

Months in English with transcription and translation

Today, most countries in the world use a calendar with twelve months. New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Month table in English with transcription and pronunciation

Since the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, you can easily remember them. As you study the English months, first of all pay special attention to pronunciation so that you can learn new words correctly right away.

Month in EnglishTransferTranscriptionSound in Russian

January January [‘ʤænju (ə) ri] [jae’neweri]
February February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery]
March March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah]
April April [‘eipr (ə) l] [ayprel]
May May [mei] [May]
June June [dʒ u: n] [june]
July July [dʒ u’lai] [julay]
August August [ɔ: ‘g Λst] [August]
September September [sep ‘tembə] [septambe]
October October [ɔk ‘təubə] [oktoube]
November November [nəu ‘vembə] [novembert]
December December [di’s embə] [disembe]

Flash cards with months in English

Seasons and months in English

In the UK and the USA (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months

In some domestic and foreign sources, you can find information that in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons in a slightly different way. They have two seasons (spring and autumn) for two months and two others (winter and summer) for four months.

The version about the uneven distribution of months over the seasons is not very popular, but we still offer you an extended version of the seasons table.

Months by seasons in English

Season in EnglishTranscription and transliterationRussian translationMonths by seasons(US, UK)Months by seasons(UK)

Winter [‘wɪntə] [screw] winter December, January, February November, December, January, February
running [sprɪŋ] [sprin] Spring March, April, May March, April
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer June, July, August May, June, July, August
autumn (BE)fall (AE) [‘ɔːtəm] [oem] [fɔːl] [foul] autumn September, October, November September, October

Flash cards with seasons in English

Abbreviations of months in English

Knowing about the addiction of the British to abbreviations, it should be noted that in calendars, diaries, official documents, travel tickets, they very rarely write the names of the months and days of the week in full.

As for abbreviated spelling of english months , then there are two types of abbreviations — two-character (two letters) and three-character (three letters).

It should be noted that the three-character abbreviation is typical for American English, and the two- and, in some cases, four-character abbreviation for British English.

Full month nameAbbreviation (British English)Abbreviation (American English)Transfer

January Ja Jan. January
February Fe Feb. February
March Ma Mar. March
April Ap Apr. April
May May (not abbreviated) May (not abbreviated) May
June June Jun. June
July July Jul. July
August Au Aug August
September Sept Sep. September
October Oc Oct. October
November No Nov. November
December De Dec. December

Remember the basic rules for abbreviating months in English:

  • month names in English are always capitalized. since they are mainly derivatives of proper names;
  • a full stop is put at the end of three-character abbreviations; a full stop is not required for two-character abbreviations.

Source: http://learneng.ru/polezno/clovapnyj-zapas/mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-proiznosheniem.html

Seasons and months in English

как по английски месяца года

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
Winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
running [spread] [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [otem] autumn (in UK)
case [fɔ: l] [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Etymology — a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

  • Word month (month) associated with * mænon — Moon, month.
  • Month names in English originate from the Julian calendar. The original Roman calendar had 10 months. The first month of the year was March.
  • Julian calendar — a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced into the Roman Empire from January 1, 45 BC. NS. The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it is on this day from 153 BC. NS. the consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the year count from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. So, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365,25 days: usually a year lasted 365 days, once every four years — 366 days.
  • In the Roman calendar, the four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the rest of the months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the XNUMXth century BC, the Romans reformed and added the eleventh and twelfth months: January, (from Latin Jānuārius) — in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and beginnings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February (from Lat. Februārius mēnsis — month of atonement), the name of which comes from the Roman festival of cleansing from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15.
  • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war Mars.
  • April (April) — the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, perhaps because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is an abbreviation for the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.
  • May (May) — got its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and the land of Maya.
  • June (June) — the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage bonds. To this day, some people believe and choose to get married in June.
  • July  named after the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from Lat. Fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
  • August originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

The names of the following months come from Latin numerals:

  • September —  from Latin septem (seven).
  • October(October) is rooted octo (eight).
  • November (November)- novem (nine).
  • December — decem (ten) respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjective suffix, therefore, literally months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

Month names in modern English

Month names are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorizing due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

Name of the month in English English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
January [‘dʒænju (ə) ri] [janyueri] January
February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery] February
March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah] March
April [‘eipr (ə) l] [april] April
May [mei] [May] May
June [dʒu: n] [june] June
July [dʒu’lai] [julay] July
August [ɔ: ‘gΛst] [August] Aug. Sept
September [sep’tembə] [septambe]
October [ɔk’təubə] [oktobe] October
November [nəu’vembə] [novembert] November
December [di’sembə] [disembe] December

Using prepositions with months

The following prepositions are used with the names of months in English IN и ON.

  • in January — in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
  • on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
  • last january — last January (!! note the absence)
  • next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • in July last year — last July
  • by next month  — by next month.

Abbreviated names of months

In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May — not contracted
  • June — June — June — not contracted
  • July — July — July — not reduced
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

We wish you success!

Source: https://engfairy.com/vremena-goda-i-mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke/

Months in English, seasons and days of the week

как по английски месяца года

In this collection, you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on the days of the week, in which the topic is considered in more depth: idioms and expressions with the days of the week are given.

I also recommend the article: Telling the Time: Telling the Time in English.

Seasons — Months in English — Months of the Year Days of the Week — Days of the Week

season [ˈSiːzn] season
Winter [ˈWɪntə] winter
running [spread] Spring
summer [ˈSʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈFɛbrʊəri] February
March [mɑːʧ] March
April [ˈEɪprəl] April
May [meɪ] May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤulaɪ] July
August [ˈƆːgəst] August
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] September
October [Ɒktəʊbə] October
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] November
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] December
Monday [ˈMʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈTjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈWɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈΘɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈFraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈSætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈSʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

In writing, the names of the months, like the days of the week, are usually abbreviated to three letters. Only May, June, July are not abbreviated. September is abbreviated to four letters: Sept. Note that the days of the week and months in English are capitalized and the seasons are capitalized.

  • January — Jan.
  • February — Feb.
  • March — Mar.
  • April — Apr.
  • May — May
  • June — June
  • July — July
  • August — Aug.
  • September — Sept.
  • October — Oct.
  • November — Nov.
  • December — Dec.

The names of the days of the week in English are shortened to three or two letters:

  • Monday — Mon. — Mo.
  • Tuesday — Tue. — Tu.
  • Wednesday — Wed. — We.
  • Thursday — Thu. — Th.
  • Friday — Fri. — Fr.
  • Saturday — Sat. — Sa.
  • Sunday — Sun. — Su.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. Word season can mean not only “season” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year, suitable for some kind of activity, work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. — Spring is my favorite season.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season… — Opening tomorrow season duck hunting.

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (seasons):

  • Raining season — rainy season.
  • Dry season — dry season.

3. Seasons other than autumn can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter — wintertime.
  • spring — springtime.
  • summer — summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: springtime, summertime, wintertime.

Autumn — Autumn or Fall?

Word case (autumn) used in USA, UK spoken and written autumn.

By the way, when talking about the seasons, especially if it’s a school assignment, the phrase “favorite season” is often used — it has differences between the American and British spellings: favorite season (Br.) — favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (Br.)

It is noteworthy that the word case did not arise in America, but is just the original term for the season, which arose in England no later than the 16th century.

It was originally short for Fall of the year (fall of the year) or fall of the leaf (falling leaves), but by the 17th century it was fixed as one word, long before the development of American English.

Therefore, although the word is used primarily in America, it is neither exclusively American, nor even a word of American origin.

Word autumncame to English from French fall in the 15th or 16th century, but only became common in the 18th century.

In Canada, as in the United States, they use mainly failed, and in Australia — autumn.

Different meanings of the word fall

Word case has two main meanings: 1) autumn, 2) fall. Because of this, a fall-fall pun is sometimes used.

Photo from http://www.imdb.com

For example, the title of the American film Legends of the Fall has been seen by some viewers and critics as ambiguous. On the one hand, the title can be understood as “Legends of Autumn”, on the other, as “Legends of the Fall”, because the film tells a story from a family with a very difficult fate.

The name of the computer game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is considered in a similar way — it can be either “The Fall of Max Payne” or “The Fall of Max Payne”. Both options are well suited to the plot and style of the game.

Source: https://langformula.ru/top-english-words/months-in-english/

Months in English. Translation, pronunciation, exercises, poems

Today we will study the names of the months in English. Since there is a lot of information, I decided to break it down into the following sections. You can immediately go to the one that interests you specifically.

Month names with translation, transcription and pronunciation

English months by seasons.

The names of the months in Anglo-Saxon are given in brackets.

Winter месяцы on English: December (Ærra Gēola), January (Æfterra Gēola), February (Sol-mōnaþ)

Spring месяцы on English: March (Hrēþ-mōnaþ), April (Easter-mōnaþ), May (Þrimilce-mōnaþ)

Summer месяцы on English: June (Ærra Līþa), July (Æftera Līþa), August (Weod-mōnaþ).

Autumn месяцы on English: September (Hālig-mōnaþ), October (Winterfylleth), November (Blōt-mōnaþ)

Exercises to memorize the months of the year in English

Exercise 1. Match the transcriptions to the names of months.

1.[meɪ]2.[ʤu’laɪ]3.[ʤuːn]4.[‘ʤænju(ə)rɪ]5.[mɑːʧ]6.[‘eɪpr(ɪ)l] JuneJanuaryAprilMarchJulyMay 7.November8. August9. February10. December11. October12. September [‘febru (ə) rɪ] [ɔk’təubə] [dɪ’sembə] [‘ ɔːgəst] [sep’tembə] [nəu’vembə]

 Exercise 2. Guess which months are encrypted.

  • creDmeeb = December
  • ailrp = _______________
  • nJeu = _______________
  • yMa = _______________
  • chraM = _______________
  • lyJu = _______________
  • metbreSpe = _______________
  • uugAts = _______________
  • aynuJra = _______________
  • removeNb = _______________
  • euFayerbr = _______________
  • reOtcbo = _______________

Exercise 3. Write the months.

Source: http://grammar-tei.com/mesyacy-na-anglijskom-perevod-proiznoshenie-uprazhneniya-stixotvoreniya/

Months in English. Remember their names once and for all! ⋆ Speakingo

So it happens that you confuse the months in English? Prefer to peek at the calendar to make sure which month is June and which is July? Below are some interesting facts that will allow you to remember the entire 12 once and for all.

The power of the chain associative series is the main memorization technique. With the stories of the future below, when you think of months in English, remembering the stories below will suffice. You can hide a calendar or dictionary deep in a drawer.

I invite you to read!

Months in English — Translation and Pronunciation

Attention! Unlike Russian grammar rules, months in English are always capitalized.

Of course, this is not the end of the controversy. Most of the names have nothing to do with their Russian counterparts.
The exception is March — March and May or May.

Other names are also very similar to ours.

See for yourself.

How do we translate months into English?

January — January
February — February
March — March
April — April
May — May
June — June
July  — July
August  — August
September  — September
October — October
November — November
December — December

What is the origin of the English month names?

Months in English: January — January

The first month of the year was named after the Roman god Janus, who was the patron saint of all beginnings and the keeper of doors, gates and passages. It is no coincidence that we are entering the New Year this month.

Janus was usually depicted with two faces facing opposite directions. The people called the two-faced god many-faced. The image of the god symbolizes the turn of the year. It is at this time that we turn to both reviews of the past and goals for the future.

Read also: Three Habits of Successful English Learning. (Coming soon)

Months in English: February — February

It was formerly the last month of the year in the Roman calendar. Its name — Februarium refers to the rites of purification (lat.Februa), which took place before the beginning of the new year.

See also: Days of the week, or days of the week in English (coming soon)

Months in English: March — March

Initially, it was the beginning of the new year and the time for the resumption of hostilities. The name of the month was given to Mars — the god of war and the keeper of agriculture. In the first month of the year, after the winter break, they returned to the battlefields, and at the same time the agricultural season began.

«God save the queen?» God save them from me!

Read also: Speakingo’s exclusive interview with Queen Elizabeth II.

Months in English: April — April

According to traditional assumptions, the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means open. The expression refers to the awakening of nature, which, under the influence of favorable weather, begins to «open up» to the world.

In some sources we will find the second meaning of the word April. This may refer to the name of Aphrodite — the goddess of love, beauty and flowers.

Months in English: May — May

It was named after the goddess Maya, who was the keeper of growing vegetation in Roman mythology. She has been identified with the concept of growth and fertility. May is often associated with the birth of something beautiful.

Read also: Why Shakespeare says learning English for beginners should be easy and enjoyable. (Coming soon)

Months in English: June — June

Another divine month. The name June comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Interestingly, in ancient Rome, the period from mid-May to mid-June was considered unfavorable for a wedding. Where does this thought come from? Ovid, an eminent Roman poet, after consulting the date of his daughter’s wedding to Flaminica Dialis (high priestess of Jupiter), heard that he must wait until June 15th. The end of the month is still considered the most favorable time for weddings.

See also: Herbs in English that bees love (coming soon)

Months in English: July — July

Julius Caesar is responsible for organizing time according to the Julian calendar. Making many changes, he named one of the months by his own name. Why did the politician choose this period? Not too many whims — in July the ruler has a birthday. Previously, the month was called Quintilis.

Months in English: August — August

The name of the month was given in honor of Octavian Augustus. The first Roman emperor was a relative of Julius Caesar. They say that the grand-nephew did not want to be inferior, and he followed in the footsteps of his uncle, naming the next month after him.

Months in English: September — September

It was originally the seventh month on the calendar (before January and February were added). The name comes from the Latin word septem meaning seven.

See also: Learning English Successfully — 5 Polyglot Tips.

Months in English: October — October

In this case, the situation is similar. The name comes from the Latin ôctō, which means the number eight. In the old Roman calendar, October was the eighth month on the calendar.

Months in English: November — November

The picture continues. The name «November» comes from the Latin novem or «nine» (nine).

Months in English: December — December

It was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar. Comes from the Latin word decem meaning ten.

Also Read: Holiday Words in English (Coming Soon)

Months in English — Abbreviations

In calendars and not only abbreviations that define specific months are very often used. All fortunately relate to the names. You shouldn’t have a problem remembering them. In general, abbreviations are the first three letters of a word. The exceptions are May, June and July — we do not abbreviate them.

January — Jan
February — Feb
March — Tue
April — Apr
May — May
June — June
July — July
August — Aug
September — Sept
October — Oct
November — Nov
December — Dec

Are you wondering if there should be dots after the cuts? We will answer diplomatically — they may be there, but they shouldn’t. In American English, we do not put dots, in British English, on the contrary, this is most desirable.

In any case, both versions are correct. It depends on us which one we choose. However, let’s not apply this principle consistently.

What to insert before the month name — in or maybe on

  • Speaking about the fact that something happened in this month, write in before the title.I am moving to Cracow in December.I am moving to Krakow in December.
  • When we want to specify a specific date, we add the adverb on.We got married on August 8.We got married on August 8th.
  • The exception is situations in which the words next or last appear in front of the month name. Then we skip the preposition.I started painting last November.I started painting in November.

Read also: Internet English, maybe it will come out?

What to do to memorize months in English?

In addition to working with associations, we can use several other techniques to get months in English into our brains.

  • It’s worth setting up English on your phone. We often have a calendar displayed on the start screen. When we come across names every day, then they will become something natural for us.
  • The method by which the youngest remember all the names is to make a calendar with the children on their own. Play combined with learning. It’s a great idea to spend the day together.
  • Of course, don’t forget about the regular lessons with the Speakingo online English course. The sentences are based on useful words. During the course, you will not only be able to test your memory, but also practice your accent.

A good way to remember something is with jokes:

Months in English with humor:

Perhaps this picture will help you remember at least a few months in English:

Can — can
February — February
March — March, but also march
No, but — no, but
April — April
May — May, but it can also

Or: Can February march? No, but maybe (may) April

Source: https://speakingo.com/ru/mesyacy-na-anglijskom/

Seasons and months in English. First lesson. Seasons and Months

This is English lesson for beginners, and today we are studying the seasons and months in English. Learning will take place with the help of songs, so you will not only learn how to pronounce their names, but hopefully remember them for a long time. So, the first lesson on the topic is waiting for you. Seasons and Months, which is part of the «English for Beginners» section.

Lesson one «Seasons and Months» from the cycle «English for Beginners»

1. Step one. Try not torture!

If you are a beginner, then most likely you will not be able to read these sentences in English. But try it!

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3.  In Russia each season has 3 months.

2. Step two. Let’s listen first!

Now listen, how to pronounce the seasons in English.

3. Step three. Learning to read!

Learn to pronounce names of seasons in Englishusing the transcription:

  1. spring [sprɪŋ] — spring
  2. summer [‘sʌmə] — summer
  3. autumn [‘ɔːtəm] — autumn
  4. winter [‘wɪntə] — winter
  5. season [‘siːz (ə) n] — season
  6. year [jɪə] — year
  7. each [iːʧ] — each
  8. month [mʌnθ] — month

For self-test, click on the word with the mouse 2 times and listen to the pronunciation of the words.

4. Step four. We use it in practice!

Exercise 1. Read.

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3. Each season has 3 months.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Each season has 3 months.
  2. There are four seasons in a year.
  3. It is spring, summer, autumn, winter.

5. Step five. Self-test.

Check yourself if you can answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name (name) the seasons.
  3. What season is it now?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. What season is between autumn and spring? winter and summer?

The exact same steps need to be taken to learn the names of the months in English.

Step 1. Read and try to translate!

  1. December, January and February are winter months.
  2. March, April and May are spring months.
  3. June, July and August are summer months.
  4. September, October and November are autumn months.

In Great Britain it is a bit different.

November, December, January and February are winter months. March and April are spring months. May, June, July and August are summer months.

Source: http://englishstory.ru/seasons-and-months-vremena-goda-i-mesyatsyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike-urok-pervyiy.html

Source: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/days-of-the-week-months-dates-english/

Months and seasons in English

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

Months in English. Abbreviated form

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.

January — January — Jan.

February — February — Feb.

March — March — Mar.

April — April — Apr.

May — May — May

June — June — June

July — July — July

August — August — Aug.

September — September — Sept., Sep.

October — October — Oct.

November — November — Nov.

December — December — Dec.

Using prepositions with months in English

Using prepositions with months in English

Prepositions IN и ON are used with months in English:

in January — in January (if it is only about name of the month)

on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about date)

last January — last January (!! pay attention to the absence of a preposition in English — using a preposition in this expression is a typical mistake in English)

next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

in July last year — last July

Seasons in English

Seasons in English

Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/mesyatsy-i-vremena-goda-na-anglijskom/

Theme: Four seasons

Theme: Four seasons

Four seasons — Four seasons. Related article: Seasons in English and Seasons in English lesson

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over, snow covers trees and ground a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. Lakes and rivers freeze, snow covers trees and land like a white fluffy blanket. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and does not give us warmth.



Winter afford us many opportunities to have a good time in the open air. The people can skate, sledge, ski and play different winter games. One of these winter sport games is hockey.

Winter gives us many opportunities to have a good time outdoors. People can ice skate, sled, ski and play various winter games. Hockey is one of these winter sports games.

The nature is beautiful in winter. The forests look a snowy Fairyland. Different animals prepare for winter in a different way. Many birds migrate to warm countries. Some animals stay active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their holes.

Nature is wonderful in winter. The forests look like a fabulous snowy country. Different animals prepare for winter in different ways. Many birds fly to warm countries. Some animals remain active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their burrows.



After winter comes spring. This pleasant season is a long-awaited part of the year for many people. The nature awakens in spring. The trees and bushes send out green leaves. All around grows green grass and beautiful flowers burst into blossom. The migrating birds come home from warm countries and the animals leave their holes.

After winter comes the Vesta. This is a pleasant and long-awaited time of the year for many people. Nature wakes up in spring. Trees and shrubs are covered with green leaves. Green grass grows everywhere and beautiful flowers bloom. Migratory birds return home from warm countries, and animals leave their burrows.

Day by day the weather is getting better and warmer. The sky is seldom cloudy and it doesn`t often rain. The sun shines very brightly and the winds are not so rough as in winter.

The weather is getting better and warmer every day. The sky is rarely covered with clouds and it rains infrequently. The sun is shining very brightly, and the wind is not as gusty as in winter.



Source: https://online-teacher.ru/study/four-seasons

Name of months in English

Name of months in English

The words in English that are responsible for the names of the months, in many respects coincide in written and oral versions with similar words in Russian and many European languages. This fact is not at all surprising: all these countries use the Gregorian calendar as the basis for calculating the year by months. Therefore, learning how to write and how to pronounce months in English is not at all difficult, but there are some nuances that are difficult.

Historical knowledge about the origin of these words will help to understand how months are written in English. Then memorizing them in writing and in speech will become meaningful and easier.

History of names

History of names

These words — they are all not purely English in origin, but have Latin roots. Here is the evolution of the name of each month with a brief background, writing and pronunciation in modern English.



The first winter month in England before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar was called «Wulf (wolf) Month» (now and then — first written in Old English). It meant “wolf month”, because during this period in England, due to cold weather and lack of food in the forests, wolves went to villages and began to attack livestock, even people. The name that we have now comes from the name of the two-faced Janus, the Roman god of the beginning and end.



The second winter month was once in Britain called «Sprote Kale Month»: this meant that cabbage (kale) began to sprout in the closets. And in ancient times of Rome, the month of February was a period of repentance, absolution, hence the origin of the name — in honor of the god of purification and remembrance of the dead Februus.



The beginning of spring in the old calendar of England was associated with strong winds, therefore this time was called «Hyld Month» — the month of the winds. The Gregorian calendar system brought with it a word that arose from the god of war Mars: March was the first month of the year in the Roman Empire for a long time, accordingly it was named after the main deity.



April, which with the introduction of Christianity in Britain has always celebrated the holy holiday of Easter, was previously called «Easter Month» (Easter — Easter). The emergence of a later name is the subject of many years of controversy among linguists.

Some argue that the word originated from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Others are more inclined to the version that the progenitor of the word «April» in English was the Roman word «aperio», meaning «to open, to dissolve.»

This option is more plausible, because it is in April that leaves bloom on the trees, the first flowers appear in the meadows.



The wonderful month of May, when the meadows were covered with fresh grass, the British called in the old days «the month of triple milking» — «Thrimilce (three milk) Month». The cows happily ate fresh grass after the annoying winter hay and gave so much milk that they had to be milked three times a day. The Romans gave the name Maya in honor of the goddess Maya, who was very revered by them as bringing fertility and prosperity.



June, due to the beginning of droughts, was called in old England «Dere Month» (dere — the former version of the word dry), that is, «dry month». The Romans gave the name to this period in the calendar by the name of Juno, wife of Jupiter. The ancient goddess, the patroness of marriage, was very loved by Roman women.



The next summer month, the British called «Maed Month» (maed — modern meadow — meadow), «month of the meadows»: flowers and grasses flourished in the pastures. The Romans based the name of July on the name of the emperor Julius Caesar, who was born that month.



«Weod Month» (weod — weeds — grasses, plants) — this was the name of August in old England, because hay was started for the winter. The Romans chose the nickname of Emperor Octavian Augustus for the name of this month: «August» meant «divine.»



Harvest Month is the old name for the first autumn month. The Roman version comes from the number «sept» (seven): since March was once the first in the Roman calendar, September was the seventh, respectively.



October, when they began to make wine, the British called «Win (modern wine) Month» — «wine month». The Roman version is also associated with a number, specifically with the eighth place of October according to the old calendar — «octo» in Latin.



November was once called “Blod (blood) Month”, translated as “bloody month”. In the pre-Christian period, this was the time of sacrifices (sometimes even human) to the pagan gods. The Romans, again, did not become too philosophical and gave November a name by the ordinal number from the Latin word «novem» — nine.



Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the British called December “Halig (holy) Month”, that is, “holy month”: after all, Jesus Christ was born in December. The Romans named the last month of the year again by number, specifically — «decem», ten.



From school lessons, we know that the year consists of four seasons — the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Spelling months in English, using them with prepositions

Spelling months in English, using them with prepositions

The first information important to remember — the month in English is always written with a capital letter, the article is not placed in front of it.

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/vocabulary/nazvanie-mesyatsev

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle.

Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and follow how the names of months appeared in English. 
All modern names of months in English date back to Latin.

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle. Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and trace how the names of months appeared in English. All modern names of months in English date back to Latin. However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.



January — January is the first month of the year. The word «January» comes from the Latin word «Janus» — «Janus». In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of time, the god of the beginning and the end.

He was always portrayed with two faces, usually young and old, looking in opposite directions. He could look back into the outgoing year and forward into the coming one, i.e. could see the beginning and end of the year.

Not a bad name for the first month of the year, isn’t it? Indeed, on the eve of the New Year, we always sum up the results of the outgoing year and make plans for the coming year.

In Old English, January sounded like «Wulfmonath», which meant «themonthofwolves», i.e. «Month of wolves». Once upon a time, many wolves lived in Foggy Albion, and on frosty winter days they came in search of food to the settlements of people, therefore January began to be called their wolf month.



The name «February» — February — comes from the Latin word «februa», which means «purification», because it was in February that the Romans held a festival of purification.

Before borrowing the Latin word, the Anglo-Saxons called February “Sprote-Kale-Monath”, where “Kale” means “cabbage”, and “Sprote” means “sprout, sprout”. Thus, February was the month when “the cabbage began to grow”. As you can see, the Romans thought about festivals and fun ceremonies, while the Anglo-Saxons watched nature and thought about their agricultural problems.



March — March is the month of Mars, the god of war among the Romans. March was the earliest warmest month when the Romans could go to war. Before Julius Caesar, March was the first month of the year in the Roman calendar.

March in Britain usually comes with strong winds, so it is not surprising that in ancient times the British called it “Hyld-Monath”, which means “noisy month” or “month with noisy winds”. Hence the English proverb «IfMarchcomesinalion, itwillgooutalamb» — «March comes with a storm, and leaves with warmth.»



No one can say for sure where the name of the month April came from — April. There are several versions. According to one of them, the name goes back to the Latin root “apero-”, which means “second”, because according to the Roman calendar April was the second month of the year after March.

Some believe that the month was named after the Etruscan goddess Apriu.

The most widespread opinion is that the name of the month comes from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”, because it is in April that the buds and buds of flowers begin to open.

In Old English, April was called “Easter-Monath” — the month in which Easter was usually celebrated.



May — May — named after the Roman goddess of growth Maya. She was the goddess of spring, because in spring everything grows, blooms, blooms.

The Old English name is not so poetic. The Anglo-Saxons called May “Thrimilce”, which means “to milk three times”. In May, the cows gave so much milk that the peasants had to milk them three times a day.

The farmers were so busy with their farming in May that most likely there was a saying from there that you shouldn’t play weddings in May: “Marry in the month of May, and you’ll surely rue the day” — “Get married in May, and you will surely damn that day. ”

By the way, the Romans also believed that May was a bad time for weddings. Perhaps that is why we also have a proverb: «To marry in May is to suffer all your life.» 



June — June — was named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, who was the Roman goddess of marriage and motherhood. Even to this day, some couples prefer to marry in June.

But the Anglo-Saxons called June “Sere-Monath”, i.e. «Dry month». As you can see, agricultural affairs are again in the first place with them.



July — July — is named after the great ancient Roman consul Julius Caesar. It was his birthday this month.

In Old English, July sounded like “Maed-Monath”, which meant “meadowmonth”, ie. “Month of the meadows” because in July the meadows are covered with flowers. 



August — August — was named after the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. This month was happy for the emperor: he won a large number of victories, celebrated three triumphs, put an end to civil wars. By the way, Octavian Augustus was categorically opposed to having fewer days in his month than in July, named after Caesar. So he took one day from February and added it to August. That is why there are 28 days in February, and 31 in August.

In Old English, August was called “Weod-Monath”, ie. “The month of weeds”, which means “month of the weeds”, although at the time “weed” meant vegetation in general.

September, October, November, December

September, October, November, December

The Romans did not really bother with the names of these months and called them simply ordinal numbers: September– from the Latin “septem” — “seventh”; October — «octo» — «eighth»; November — “novem” — “ninth”; December — “decem” — “tenth”, because, as you remember, the first month of the year for the Romans was March.

The Anglo-Saxons had more descriptive names for these months. September was called “Harfest-Monath”, i.e. “The harvest month” which means “harvest month”. October was “Win-Monath” — “the wine month”, i.e. «Wine month» because it was the month of the grape harvest. November was called “Blod-Monath” — “the blood month”, i.e.

«Bloody month», because in November the Anglo-Saxons sacrificed animals to their gods. Another explanation is that in November people killed livestock and salted meat for the winter. December was “Mid-Winter-Monath” — “the month of the middle of winter”, i.e. “The month of the middle of winter”, although the Christians of that time called it “Halig-Monath” — “the holy month”, i.e.

“Holy month”, as in December the Nativity of Christ is celebrated.

As you can see, Old English month names are more representative of the weather conditions or agricultural realities of the time, while Roman month names are associated with Roman gods, emperors, or simply mean ordinal numbers. In general, the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, so English learners usually have no problems remembering them. 

Source: https://www.lingvo-svoboda.ru/blog/temy-po-angliyskomu-yazyku/mesyatsy-po-angliyski/

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let’s remember how to spell «month» in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in the English language have very interesting naming histories, and today we get to know all of them.

But first, a few subtleties of the calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • “Six months” translates as “6 months” (6 months in English). The phrase «half a year» (half a year) is much less common.
  • Instead of «Autumn» (autumn) used in the USA and Canada «Fall».
  • The date is also recorded differently in the UK and the US. Compare: 5 April 2016 (UK) and 5 April 2016 (US).

Here is the title of each month with translation and transcription:

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let’s say there is no “v” sound in the middle, as in Russian.

February is the most difficult month to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with the sound [r] in the middle of the word. Two [r] s side by side are often an obstacle for language learners. However, you can often hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are capitalized. This is done because almost all of them are derived from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored this month.
February comes from the word «Februa» — an ancient Roman rite of purification, which was held on February 15th.

March, April, May

Three spring months sound like Russians. Additional associations for one hundred percent memorization:

March named for Mars, the Roman god of war.
April — in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May — the month of Maya, the goddess of spring.

June, July, August

This is the summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse «June» and «July» in Russian? In English, there is no such problem; in the words June and July, even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno — the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and he had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, the reforms were continued by Octavian Augustus, and also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

Three autumn months in English are named according to their ordinal numbers: September — the seventh (septem in Latin), October — the eighth (octo), November — the ninth (novem). Stop, why don’t the numbers match the modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, a year consisted of ten months. The first month was March. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, there were twelve months, but some names remained.


Falls under the same principle as the fall months. According to the old calendar, it was the tenth month (decem — 10 in Latin).

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

month [mʌnθ] — month

The word «month» — month — formed from the word «Moon» (moon). A long time ago, looking at the changing phases of the moon, people came up with the idea of ​​measuring time by being guided by it. In Russian, the connection between the word «month» in the meaning of «moon» and the calendar month is also obvious.

To learn how to pronounce the word «month» correctly in English, you need:

  1. Pronounce the first three sounds [mʌn];
  2. On the sound [n], place the tongue between the teeth, preparing to pronounce the sound [θ];
  3. Make the sound [θ], the tongue remains between the teeth.

It is important not to hesitate to stick out your tongue when pronouncing the interdental sound [θ]. In Russian, there are no such sounds, so such an action seems strange, but in English it is absolutely natural and normal.

Now let’s complicate the task and say the word «months» (months).

It is important to pronounce not [mʌns], but [mʌnθs] — all five sounds. The difference between these options will be heard by a native speaker.

  1. Say [mʌn];
  2. Already at the sound [n], get ready for the next sound — the tongue goes to the teeth in advance;
  3. Interdental [θ] — on it the tongue begins to return back into the oral cavity;
  4. Move the tip of your tongue gently behind your upper teeth, without stopping the air flow, and make the sound [s].

Say all five sounds smoothly, one after the other, slowly, several times. When you feel some freedom, say a little faster:
Months. Months. Twelve months. three months. three summer months.

The similarity in the sound of some Russian and English words is an absolute plus, of course, the translation is immediately clear. This is the case with the names of the months. Now that you know their origins, as well as the subtleties of pronunciation, you can easily use them in speech.

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/months

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Autumn, winter, summer, spring — the names of the seasons. Both in Russian and in English are exactly the same. Is that a different spelling.

Mention of the seasons can be in a dialogue between acquaintances or friends, in e-mails, on social networks, and so on.

But, as a rule, in communication, each participant talks about his weather conditions, so it is necessary to know an approximate list of phrases and words that will help to give a short but understandable description to the interlocutor. In English of the month — examples of use.

Seasons in English

Seasons in English

In the United Kingdom and the United States (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months.

Times of the year:

  • winter — winter [‘wɪntə]
  • Spring — spring [sprɪŋ]
  • summer — summer [‘sʌmə]
  • autumn — autumn [‘ɔːtəm]

In the United States, instead of autumn, the word fall is used to mean autumn.

Months in English

Months in English

Poem about autumn

Also the names of the months, theirs, as in Russian 12. The New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Months of the year:

  • January — [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ] — January
  • February — [‘febru (ə) rɪ] — February
  • March — [mɑːʧ] — March
  • April — [‘eɪpr (ə) l] — April
  • May — [meɪ] — May
  • June — [ʤuːn] — June
  • July — [ʤu’laɪ] — July
  • August — [‘ɔːgəst] — August
  • September — [sep’tembə] — September
  • October — [ɔk’təubə] — October
  • November — [nəu’vembə] — November
  • December — [dɪ’sembə] — December

In the English language, there are certain peculiarities in the use of words that denote months and seasons. They must be memorized in order to avoid a gross mistake in the future.

Abbreviations of months

Abbreviations of months

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible. The abbreviated form of recording is used only in writing; when reading the name of the month and day of the week, the name is pronounced in full.

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May
  • June — June — June
  • July — July — July
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

Remember the basic rules for writing months in English:

  • The name of the month in English is always capitalized.
  • If it is necessary to separate the day and month from the year, then a comma is put in the date.

For example:

  • Jack was born September 13, 1987. — Jack was born on September 13, 1987.
  • It happened in November, 1934. — It happened in November 1934.

Using prepositions with names of months

Using prepositions with names of months

1. Prepositions with the word month:

  • by the month — monthly;
  • for a month — within a month;
  • in a month — a month later.

2. In combinations of the names of the months with words all, any, each, every, last, next, one, this prepositions are not put before them:

  • March this March — in March this year.

3. In the circumstances of the time, the preposition is used with the name of the month in: April — in April, early April — at the beginning of April, but if the date / day in the month is indicated, then the preposition is used on: on the second of April — the second of April, on a bright April day — a bright April day.

If the date is used in an attributive function, then the preposition is used of: a letter of April the second — a letter dated April XNUMX (dated April XNUMX).

4.The preposition is used with the names of the seasons in: in autumn.

5. In combinations of nouns autumn, summer, spring, winter, year, day, week, month with words all, any, each, every, last, next, this, that or one neither prepositions nor articles are used before them.

  • this month — this month,
  • last month — last month month,
  • next month — next month.
  • You may come any day you — You can come any day.
  • Not arrived last week (month, autumn) — It arrived last week (last month, last fall).
  • We go to the country every summer — We go to the village every summer.



  • He came to London again in the summer of 2010. — He came to London again in the summer of 2010.
  • In autumn, in our country, elections will be held. — In the autumn, in our country, elections will be held.
  • In winter, I love to skate. — In the winter I love to skate.
  • I was born in August. — I was born in August.
  • This November, I lost my phone. — In November of this year, I lost my phone.
  • We will go to Moscow on January 22nd. — We will go to Moscow on January 22.
  • On December 10, I went on vacation. — On 10 December I went on vacation.
  • My parents bought me a bicycle last spring. — Last spring my parents bought me a Bicycle.
  • Next summer I will go to university. — Next summer I will go to University.
  • We went to a restaurant last March. — We went to the restaurant last March.
  • This May I will have my exams. — This May I will have exams.
  • Winter will end soon — Winter will be over
  • I’m waiting for summer — I am waiting a summer

Seasons in English idioms

Seasons in English idioms

Knowledge of English idioms will help you to decorate your speech and feel like a little native speaker

  • February fair maid — February sardine
  • April weather — April weather
  • day spring — dawn, dawn
  • summer and winter, winter and summer — all year round
  • summer lightning — lightning
  • summertime — «summer time» (when the clock is moved forward one hour)
  • winter cherry — physalis
  • wintertide — a poet. winter
  • fall-winter — end of winter
  • slow as molasses in January — slow like molasses in January
  • Maybees don’t fly in June! — May bees do not fly in June.

How to quickly memorize months in English

How to quickly memorize months in English

With these simple tips, you will achieve good results in a short time and learn the names of all months in English.

  • Download a calendar in English to your mobile phone and, looking into it every day, memorize the names of the months and days of the week.
  • Try to compose a story about yourself by remembering or dreaming about the events associated with each month of the year. For example: We usually ski in January. — We usually ski in January. We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in February. — We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February. etc.
  • Tell us about the month in which your family and friends were born. For example: Mu mother was born in August. — My mother was born in August. My sister’s birthday in December. — My sister’s birthday is in December. etc.
  • Write a story about the weather for each month in English. For example: It’s usually sunny in June. — It’s usually sunny in June. The weather is hot in July. — The weather is hot in July. etc.
  • You can play vocabulary memorization games. One of them — make 12 cards with the image of months or with abbreviations, pull out one at a time and name the month in English.

Poems about months in English

Months in English with pronunciation — seasons

как по английски месяца года

›Useful› Vocabulary ›

Remembering the names of the months in English for Russian speakers is usually not difficult, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

Still, sometimes English learners have doubts about how to pronounce January or August in English, what pretext to put in front of the months, and how to correctly spell the English months in abbreviated form.

Months in English with transcription and translation

Today, most countries in the world use a calendar with twelve months. New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Month table in English with transcription and pronunciation

Since the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, you can easily remember them. As you study the English months, first of all pay special attention to pronunciation so that you can learn new words correctly right away.

Month in EnglishTransferTranscriptionSound in Russian

January January [‘ʤænju (ə) ri] [jae’neweri]
February February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery]
March March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah]
April April [‘eipr (ə) l] [ayprel]
May May [mei] [May]
June June [dʒ u: n] [june]
July July [dʒ u’lai] [julay]
August August [ɔ: ‘g Λst] [August]
September September [sep ‘tembə] [septambe]
October October [ɔk ‘təubə] [oktoube]
November November [nəu ‘vembə] [novembert]
December December [di’s embə] [disembe]

Flash cards with months in English

Seasons and months in English

In the UK and the USA (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months

In some domestic and foreign sources, you can find information that in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons in a slightly different way. They have two seasons (spring and autumn) for two months and two others (winter and summer) for four months.

The version about the uneven distribution of months over the seasons is not very popular, but we still offer you an extended version of the seasons table.

Months by seasons in English

Season in EnglishTranscription and transliterationRussian translationMonths by seasons(US, UK)Months by seasons(UK)

Winter [‘wɪntə] [screw] winter December, January, February November, December, January, February
running [sprɪŋ] [sprin] Spring March, April, May March, April
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer June, July, August May, June, July, August
autumn (BE)fall (AE) [‘ɔːtəm] [oem] [fɔːl] [foul] autumn September, October, November September, October

Flash cards with seasons in English

Abbreviations of months in English

Knowing about the addiction of the British to abbreviations, it should be noted that in calendars, diaries, official documents, travel tickets, they very rarely write the names of the months and days of the week in full.

As for abbreviated spelling of english months , then there are two types of abbreviations — two-character (two letters) and three-character (three letters).

It should be noted that the three-character abbreviation is typical for American English, and the two- and, in some cases, four-character abbreviation for British English.

Full month nameAbbreviation (British English)Abbreviation (American English)Transfer

January Ja Jan. January
February Fe Feb. February
March Ma Mar. March
April Ap Apr. April
May May (not abbreviated) May (not abbreviated) May
June June Jun. June
July July Jul. July
August Au Aug August
September Sept Sep. September
October Oc Oct. October
November No Nov. November
December De Dec. December

Remember the basic rules for abbreviating months in English:

  • month names in English are always capitalized. since they are mainly derivatives of proper names;
  • a full stop is put at the end of three-character abbreviations; a full stop is not required for two-character abbreviations.

Source: http://learneng.ru/polezno/clovapnyj-zapas/mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-proiznosheniem.html

Seasons and months in English

как по английски месяца года

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
Winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
running [spread] [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [otem] autumn (in UK)
case [fɔ: l] [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Etymology — a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

  • Word month (month) associated with * mænon — Moon, month.
  • Month names in English originate from the Julian calendar. The original Roman calendar had 10 months. The first month of the year was March.
  • Julian calendar — a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sozigen. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced into the Roman Empire from January 1, 45 BC. NS. The year according to the Julian calendar begins on January 1, since it is on this day from 153 BC. NS. the consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the year count from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. So, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365,25 days: usually a year lasted 365 days, once every four years — 366 days.
  • In the Roman calendar, the four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the rest of the months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the XNUMXth century BC, the Romans reformed and added the eleventh and twelfth months: January, (from Latin Jānuārius) — in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and beginnings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February (from Lat. Februārius mēnsis — month of atonement), the name of which comes from the Roman festival of cleansing from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15.
  • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war Mars.
  • April (April) — the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, perhaps because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is an abbreviation for the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.
  • May (May) — got its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and the land of Maya.
  • June (June) — the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage bonds. To this day, some people believe and choose to get married in June.
  • July  named after the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from Lat. Fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
  • August originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

The names of the following months come from Latin numerals:

  • September —  from Latin septem (seven).
  • October(October) is rooted octo (eight).
  • November (November)- novem (nine).
  • December — decem (ten) respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjective suffix, therefore, literally months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

Month names in modern English

Month names are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorizing due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

Name of the month in English English transcription Russian transcription Transfer
January [‘dʒænju (ə) ri] [janyueri] January
February [‘febru (ə) ri] [fabrewery] February
March [mɑ: tʃ] [mah] March
April [‘eipr (ə) l] [april] April
May [mei] [May] May
June [dʒu: n] [june] June
July [dʒu’lai] [julay] July
August [ɔ: ‘gΛst] [August] Aug. Sept
September [sep’tembə] [septambe]
October [ɔk’təubə] [oktobe] October
November [nəu’vembə] [novembert] November
December [di’sembə] [disembe] December

Using prepositions with months

The following prepositions are used with the names of months in English IN и ON.

  • in January — in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
  • on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
  • last january — last January (!! note the absence)
  • next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • in July last year — last July
  • by next month  — by next month.

Abbreviated names of months

In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May — not contracted
  • June — June — June — not contracted
  • July — July — July — not reduced
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

We wish you success!

Source: https://engfairy.com/vremena-goda-i-mesyatsa-na-anglijskom-yazyke/

Months in English, seasons and days of the week

как по английски месяца года

In this collection, you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on the days of the week, in which the topic is considered in more depth: idioms and expressions with the days of the week are given.

I also recommend the article: Telling the Time: Telling the Time in English.

Seasons — Months in English — Months of the Year Days of the Week — Days of the Week

season [ˈSiːzn] season
Winter [ˈWɪntə] winter
running [spread] Spring
summer [ˈSʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈFɛbrʊəri] February
March [mɑːʧ] March
April [ˈEɪprəl] April
May [meɪ] May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤulaɪ] July
August [ˈƆːgəst] August
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] September
October [Ɒktəʊbə] October
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] November
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] December
Monday [ˈMʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈTjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈWɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈΘɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈFraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈSætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈSʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

In writing, the names of the months, like the days of the week, are usually abbreviated to three letters. Only May, June, July are not abbreviated. September is abbreviated to four letters: Sept. Note that the days of the week and months in English are capitalized and the seasons are capitalized.

  • January — Jan.
  • February — Feb.
  • March — Mar.
  • April — Apr.
  • May — May
  • June — June
  • July — July
  • August — Aug.
  • September — Sept.
  • October — Oct.
  • November — Nov.
  • December — Dec.

The names of the days of the week in English are shortened to three or two letters:

  • Monday — Mon. — Mo.
  • Tuesday — Tue. — Tu.
  • Wednesday — Wed. — We.
  • Thursday — Thu. — Th.
  • Friday — Fri. — Fr.
  • Saturday — Sat. — Sa.
  • Sunday — Sun. — Su.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. Word season can mean not only “season” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year, suitable for some kind of activity, work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. — Spring is my favorite season.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season… — Opening tomorrow season duck hunting.

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (seasons):

  • Raining season — rainy season.
  • Dry season — dry season.

3. Seasons other than autumn can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter — wintertime.
  • spring — springtime.
  • summer — summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: springtime, summertime, wintertime.

Autumn — Autumn or Fall?

Word case (autumn) used in USA, UK spoken and written autumn.

By the way, when talking about the seasons, especially if it’s a school assignment, the phrase “favorite season” is often used — it has differences between the American and British spellings: favorite season (Br.) — favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favorite season. — Autumn is my favorite season. (Br.)

It is noteworthy that the word case did not arise in America, but is just the original term for the season, which arose in England no later than the 16th century.

It was originally short for Fall of the year (fall of the year) or fall of the leaf (falling leaves), but by the 17th century it was fixed as one word, long before the development of American English.

Therefore, although the word is used primarily in America, it is neither exclusively American, nor even a word of American origin.

Word autumncame to English from French fall in the 15th or 16th century, but only became common in the 18th century.

In Canada, as in the United States, they use mainly failed, and in Australia — autumn.

Different meanings of the word fall

Word case has two main meanings: 1) autumn, 2) fall. Because of this, a fall-fall pun is sometimes used.

Photo from http://www.imdb.com

For example, the title of the American film Legends of the Fall has been seen by some viewers and critics as ambiguous. On the one hand, the title can be understood as “Legends of Autumn”, on the other, as “Legends of the Fall”, because the film tells a story from a family with a very difficult fate.

The name of the computer game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is considered in a similar way — it can be either “The Fall of Max Payne” or “The Fall of Max Payne”. Both options are well suited to the plot and style of the game.

Source: https://langformula.ru/top-english-words/months-in-english/

Months in English. Translation, pronunciation, exercises, poems

Today we will study the names of the months in English. Since there is a lot of information, I decided to break it down into the following sections. You can immediately go to the one that interests you specifically.

Month names with translation, transcription and pronunciation

English months by seasons.

The names of the months in Anglo-Saxon are given in brackets.

Winter месяцы on English: December (Ærra Gēola), January (Æfterra Gēola), February (Sol-mōnaþ)

Spring месяцы on English: March (Hrēþ-mōnaþ), April (Easter-mōnaþ), May (Þrimilce-mōnaþ)

Summer месяцы on English: June (Ærra Līþa), July (Æftera Līþa), August (Weod-mōnaþ).

Autumn месяцы on English: September (Hālig-mōnaþ), October (Winterfylleth), November (Blōt-mōnaþ)

Exercises to memorize the months of the year in English

Exercise 1. Match the transcriptions to the names of months.

1.[meɪ]2.[ʤu’laɪ]3.[ʤuːn]4.[‘ʤænju(ə)rɪ]5.[mɑːʧ]6.[‘eɪpr(ɪ)l] JuneJanuaryAprilMarchJulyMay 7.November8. August9. February10. December11. October12. September [‘febru (ə) rɪ] [ɔk’təubə] [dɪ’sembə] [‘ ɔːgəst] [sep’tembə] [nəu’vembə]

 Exercise 2. Guess which months are encrypted.

  • creDmeeb = December
  • ailrp = _______________
  • nJeu = _______________
  • yMa = _______________
  • chraM = _______________
  • lyJu = _______________
  • metbreSpe = _______________
  • uugAts = _______________
  • aynuJra = _______________
  • removeNb = _______________
  • euFayerbr = _______________
  • reOtcbo = _______________

Exercise 3. Write the months.

Source: http://grammar-tei.com/mesyacy-na-anglijskom-perevod-proiznoshenie-uprazhneniya-stixotvoreniya/

Months in English. Remember their names once and for all! ⋆ Speakingo

So it happens that you confuse the months in English? Prefer to peek at the calendar to make sure which month is June and which is July? Below are some interesting facts that will allow you to remember the entire 12 once and for all.

The power of the chain associative series is the main memorization technique. With the stories of the future below, when you think of months in English, remembering the stories below will suffice. You can hide a calendar or dictionary deep in a drawer.

I invite you to read!

Months in English — Translation and Pronunciation

Attention! Unlike Russian grammar rules, months in English are always capitalized.

Of course, this is not the end of the controversy. Most of the names have nothing to do with their Russian counterparts.
The exception is March — March and May or May.

Other names are also very similar to ours.

See for yourself.

How do we translate months into English?

January — January
February — February
March — March
April — April
May — May
June — June
July  — July
August  — August
September  — September
October — October
November — November
December — December

What is the origin of the English month names?

Months in English: January — January

The first month of the year was named after the Roman god Janus, who was the patron saint of all beginnings and the keeper of doors, gates and passages. It is no coincidence that we are entering the New Year this month.

Janus was usually depicted with two faces facing opposite directions. The people called the two-faced god many-faced. The image of the god symbolizes the turn of the year. It is at this time that we turn to both reviews of the past and goals for the future.

Read also: Three Habits of Successful English Learning. (Coming soon)

Months in English: February — February

It was formerly the last month of the year in the Roman calendar. Its name — Februarium refers to the rites of purification (lat.Februa), which took place before the beginning of the new year.

See also: Days of the week, or days of the week in English (coming soon)

Months in English: March — March

Initially, it was the beginning of the new year and the time for the resumption of hostilities. The name of the month was given to Mars — the god of war and the keeper of agriculture. In the first month of the year, after the winter break, they returned to the battlefields, and at the same time the agricultural season began.

«God save the queen?» God save them from me!

Read also: Speakingo’s exclusive interview with Queen Elizabeth II.

Months in English: April — April

According to traditional assumptions, the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means open. The expression refers to the awakening of nature, which, under the influence of favorable weather, begins to «open up» to the world.

In some sources we will find the second meaning of the word April. This may refer to the name of Aphrodite — the goddess of love, beauty and flowers.

Months in English: May — May

It was named after the goddess Maya, who was the keeper of growing vegetation in Roman mythology. She has been identified with the concept of growth and fertility. May is often associated with the birth of something beautiful.

Read also: Why Shakespeare says learning English for beginners should be easy and enjoyable. (Coming soon)

Months in English: June — June

Another divine month. The name June comes from the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Interestingly, in ancient Rome, the period from mid-May to mid-June was considered unfavorable for a wedding. Where does this thought come from? Ovid, an eminent Roman poet, after consulting the date of his daughter’s wedding to Flaminica Dialis (high priestess of Jupiter), heard that he must wait until June 15th. The end of the month is still considered the most favorable time for weddings.

See also: Herbs in English that bees love (coming soon)

Months in English: July — July

Julius Caesar is responsible for organizing time according to the Julian calendar. Making many changes, he named one of the months by his own name. Why did the politician choose this period? Not too many whims — in July the ruler has a birthday. Previously, the month was called Quintilis.

Months in English: August — August

The name of the month was given in honor of Octavian Augustus. The first Roman emperor was a relative of Julius Caesar. They say that the grand-nephew did not want to be inferior, and he followed in the footsteps of his uncle, naming the next month after him.

Months in English: September — September

It was originally the seventh month on the calendar (before January and February were added). The name comes from the Latin word septem meaning seven.

See also: Learning English Successfully — 5 Polyglot Tips.

Months in English: October — October

In this case, the situation is similar. The name comes from the Latin ôctō, which means the number eight. In the old Roman calendar, October was the eighth month on the calendar.

Months in English: November — November

The picture continues. The name «November» comes from the Latin novem or «nine» (nine).

Months in English: December — December

It was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar. Comes from the Latin word decem meaning ten.

Also Read: Holiday Words in English (Coming Soon)

Months in English — Abbreviations

In calendars and not only abbreviations that define specific months are very often used. All fortunately relate to the names. You shouldn’t have a problem remembering them. In general, abbreviations are the first three letters of a word. The exceptions are May, June and July — we do not abbreviate them.

January — Jan
February — Feb
March — Tue
April — Apr
May — May
June — June
July — July
August — Aug
September — Sept
October — Oct
November — Nov
December — Dec

Are you wondering if there should be dots after the cuts? We will answer diplomatically — they may be there, but they shouldn’t. In American English, we do not put dots, in British English, on the contrary, this is most desirable.

In any case, both versions are correct. It depends on us which one we choose. However, let’s not apply this principle consistently.

What to insert before the month name — in or maybe on

  • Speaking about the fact that something happened in this month, write in before the title.I am moving to Cracow in December.I am moving to Krakow in December.
  • When we want to specify a specific date, we add the adverb on.We got married on August 8.We got married on August 8th.
  • The exception is situations in which the words next or last appear in front of the month name. Then we skip the preposition.I started painting last November.I started painting in November.

Read also: Internet English, maybe it will come out?

What to do to memorize months in English?

In addition to working with associations, we can use several other techniques to get months in English into our brains.

  • It’s worth setting up English on your phone. We often have a calendar displayed on the start screen. When we come across names every day, then they will become something natural for us.
  • The method by which the youngest remember all the names is to make a calendar with the children on their own. Play combined with learning. It’s a great idea to spend the day together.
  • Of course, don’t forget about the regular lessons with the Speakingo online English course. The sentences are based on useful words. During the course, you will not only be able to test your memory, but also practice your accent.

A good way to remember something is with jokes:

Months in English with humor:

Perhaps this picture will help you remember at least a few months in English:

Can — can
February — February
March — March, but also march
No, but — no, but
April — April
May — May, but it can also

Or: Can February march? No, but maybe (may) April

Source: https://speakingo.com/ru/mesyacy-na-anglijskom/

Seasons and months in English. First lesson. Seasons and Months

This is English lesson for beginners, and today we are studying the seasons and months in English. Learning will take place with the help of songs, so you will not only learn how to pronounce their names, but hopefully remember them for a long time. So, the first lesson on the topic is waiting for you. Seasons and Months, which is part of the «English for Beginners» section.

Lesson one «Seasons and Months» from the cycle «English for Beginners»

1. Step one. Try not torture!

If you are a beginner, then most likely you will not be able to read these sentences in English. But try it!

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3.  In Russia each season has 3 months.

2. Step two. Let’s listen first!

Now listen, how to pronounce the seasons in English.

3. Step three. Learning to read!

Learn to pronounce names of seasons in Englishusing the transcription:

  1. spring [sprɪŋ] — spring
  2. summer [‘sʌmə] — summer
  3. autumn [‘ɔːtəm] — autumn
  4. winter [‘wɪntə] — winter
  5. season [‘siːz (ə) n] — season
  6. year [jɪə] — year
  7. each [iːʧ] — each
  8. month [mʌnθ] — month

For self-test, click on the word with the mouse 2 times and listen to the pronunciation of the words.

4. Step four. We use it in practice!

Exercise 1. Read.

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year.
  2. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  3. Each season has 3 months.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Each season has 3 months.
  2. There are four seasons in a year.
  3. It is spring, summer, autumn, winter.

5. Step five. Self-test.

Check yourself if you can answer the questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?
  2. Name (name) the seasons.
  3. What season is it now?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. What season is between autumn and spring? winter and summer?

The exact same steps need to be taken to learn the names of the months in English.

Step 1. Read and try to translate!

  1. December, January and February are winter months.
  2. March, April and May are spring months.
  3. June, July and August are summer months.
  4. September, October and November are autumn months.

In Great Britain it is a bit different.

November, December, January and February are winter months. March and April are spring months. May, June, July and August are summer months.

Source: http://englishstory.ru/seasons-and-months-vremena-goda-i-mesyatsyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike-urok-pervyiy.html

Source: https://www.wallstreetenglish.ru/blog/days-of-the-week-months-dates-english/

Months and seasons in English

Along with the days of the week in English, you need to learn and remember well the months and seasons in English. Both adults learning Business English and children («English for Kids») will need these names. It should be remembered that all months in English are capitalized, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December… I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November«. One of her favorite films is Sweet November.

January — January [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ]

February — February [‘febru (ə) rɪ]

March — March [mɑːʧ]

April — April [‘eiprɪl]

May — May [meɪ]

June — June [ʤuːn]

July — July [ʤu’laɪ]

August — August [‘ɔːgəst]

September — September [sep’tembə]

October — October [ɔk’təubə]

November — November [nəu’vembə]

December — December [dıʹsembə]

Months in English. Abbreviated form

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.

January — January — Jan.

February — February — Feb.

March — March — Mar.

April — April — Apr.

May — May — May

June — June — June

July — July — July

August — August — Aug.

September — September — Sept., Sep.

October — October — Oct.

November — November — Nov.

December — December — Dec.

Using prepositions with months in English

Prepositions IN и ON are used with months in English:

in January — in January (if it is only about name of the month)

on the first of January — the first of January (if we are talking about date)

last January — last January (!! pay attention to the absence of a preposition in English — using a preposition in this expression is a typical mistake in English)

next January — next January (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

this February — in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)

in July last year — last July

Seasons in English

Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/mesyatsy-i-vremena-goda-na-anglijskom/

Theme: Four seasons

Four seasons — Four seasons. Related article: Seasons in English and Seasons in English lesson

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over, snow covers trees and ground a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.

There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. Lakes and rivers freeze, snow covers trees and land like a white fluffy blanket. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and does not give us warmth.


Winter afford us many opportunities to have a good time in the open air. The people can skate, sledge, ski and play different winter games. One of these winter sport games is hockey.

Winter gives us many opportunities to have a good time outdoors. People can ice skate, sled, ski and play various winter games. Hockey is one of these winter sports games.

The nature is beautiful in winter. The forests look a snowy Fairyland. Different animals prepare for winter in a different way. Many birds migrate to warm countries. Some animals stay active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their holes.

Nature is wonderful in winter. The forests look like a fabulous snowy country. Different animals prepare for winter in different ways. Many birds fly to warm countries. Some animals remain active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their burrows.


After winter comes spring. This pleasant season is a long-awaited part of the year for many people. The nature awakens in spring. The trees and bushes send out green leaves. All around grows green grass and beautiful flowers burst into blossom. The migrating birds come home from warm countries and the animals leave their holes.

After winter comes the Vesta. This is a pleasant and long-awaited time of the year for many people. Nature wakes up in spring. Trees and shrubs are covered with green leaves. Green grass grows everywhere and beautiful flowers bloom. Migratory birds return home from warm countries, and animals leave their burrows.

Day by day the weather is getting better and warmer. The sky is seldom cloudy and it doesn`t often rain. The sun shines very brightly and the winds are not so rough as in winter.

The weather is getting better and warmer every day. The sky is rarely covered with clouds and it rains infrequently. The sun is shining very brightly, and the wind is not as gusty as in winter.


Source: https://online-teacher.ru/study/four-seasons

Name of months in English

The words in English that are responsible for the names of the months, in many respects coincide in written and oral versions with similar words in Russian and many European languages. This fact is not at all surprising: all these countries use the Gregorian calendar as the basis for calculating the year by months. Therefore, learning how to write and how to pronounce months in English is not at all difficult, but there are some nuances that are difficult.

Historical knowledge about the origin of these words will help to understand how months are written in English. Then memorizing them in writing and in speech will become meaningful and easier.

History of names

These words — they are all not purely English in origin, but have Latin roots. Here is the evolution of the name of each month with a brief background, writing and pronunciation in modern English.


The first winter month in England before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar was called «Wulf (wolf) Month» (now and then — first written in Old English). It meant “wolf month”, because during this period in England, due to cold weather and lack of food in the forests, wolves went to villages and began to attack livestock, even people. The name that we have now comes from the name of the two-faced Janus, the Roman god of the beginning and end.


The second winter month was once in Britain called «Sprote Kale Month»: this meant that cabbage (kale) began to sprout in the closets. And in ancient times of Rome, the month of February was a period of repentance, absolution, hence the origin of the name — in honor of the god of purification and remembrance of the dead Februus.


The beginning of spring in the old calendar of England was associated with strong winds, therefore this time was called «Hyld Month» — the month of the winds. The Gregorian calendar system brought with it a word that arose from the god of war Mars: March was the first month of the year in the Roman Empire for a long time, accordingly it was named after the main deity.


April, which with the introduction of Christianity in Britain has always celebrated the holy holiday of Easter, was previously called «Easter Month» (Easter — Easter). The emergence of a later name is the subject of many years of controversy among linguists.

Some argue that the word originated from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Others are more inclined to the version that the progenitor of the word «April» in English was the Roman word «aperio», meaning «to open, to dissolve.»

This option is more plausible, because it is in April that leaves bloom on the trees, the first flowers appear in the meadows.


The wonderful month of May, when the meadows were covered with fresh grass, the British called in the old days «the month of triple milking» — «Thrimilce (three milk) Month». The cows happily ate fresh grass after the annoying winter hay and gave so much milk that they had to be milked three times a day. The Romans gave the name Maya in honor of the goddess Maya, who was very revered by them as bringing fertility and prosperity.


June, due to the beginning of droughts, was called in old England «Dere Month» (dere — the former version of the word dry), that is, «dry month». The Romans gave the name to this period in the calendar by the name of Juno, wife of Jupiter. The ancient goddess, the patroness of marriage, was very loved by Roman women.


The next summer month, the British called «Maed Month» (maed — modern meadow — meadow), «month of the meadows»: flowers and grasses flourished in the pastures. The Romans based the name of July on the name of the emperor Julius Caesar, who was born that month.


«Weod Month» (weod — weeds — grasses, plants) — this was the name of August in old England, because hay was started for the winter. The Romans chose the nickname of Emperor Octavian Augustus for the name of this month: «August» meant «divine.»


Harvest Month is the old name for the first autumn month. The Roman version comes from the number «sept» (seven): since March was once the first in the Roman calendar, September was the seventh, respectively.


October, when they began to make wine, the British called «Win (modern wine) Month» — «wine month». The Roman version is also associated with a number, specifically with the eighth place of October according to the old calendar — «octo» in Latin.


November was once called “Blod (blood) Month”, translated as “bloody month”. In the pre-Christian period, this was the time of sacrifices (sometimes even human) to the pagan gods. The Romans, again, did not become too philosophical and gave November a name by the ordinal number from the Latin word «novem» — nine.


Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the British called December “Halig (holy) Month”, that is, “holy month”: after all, Jesus Christ was born in December. The Romans named the last month of the year again by number, specifically — «decem», ten.


From school lessons, we know that the year consists of four seasons — the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Spelling months in English, using them with prepositions

The first information important to remember — the month in English is always written with a capital letter, the article is not placed in front of it.

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/vocabulary/nazvanie-mesyatsev

Month names in English and Old English | Freedom of Speech Blog

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle.

Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and follow how the names of months appeared in English. 
All modern names of months in English date back to Latin.

However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.

It seems that 2015 has just come, and it’s already February. Before we have time to look back, December will come again, and with it the New Year’s bustle. Since we are already talking about months, let’s look at them from a linguistic point of view and trace how the names of months appeared in English. All modern names of months in English date back to Latin. However, the Anglo-Saxons did not always use Latin names: before Latin borrowings they had their own Old English names.


January — January is the first month of the year. The word «January» comes from the Latin word «Janus» — «Janus». In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of time, the god of the beginning and the end.

He was always portrayed with two faces, usually young and old, looking in opposite directions. He could look back into the outgoing year and forward into the coming one, i.e. could see the beginning and end of the year.

Not a bad name for the first month of the year, isn’t it? Indeed, on the eve of the New Year, we always sum up the results of the outgoing year and make plans for the coming year.

In Old English, January sounded like «Wulfmonath», which meant «themonthofwolves», i.e. «Month of wolves». Once upon a time, many wolves lived in Foggy Albion, and on frosty winter days they came in search of food to the settlements of people, therefore January began to be called their wolf month.


The name «February» — February — comes from the Latin word «februa», which means «purification», because it was in February that the Romans held a festival of purification.

Before borrowing the Latin word, the Anglo-Saxons called February “Sprote-Kale-Monath”, where “Kale” means “cabbage”, and “Sprote” means “sprout, sprout”. Thus, February was the month when “the cabbage began to grow”. As you can see, the Romans thought about festivals and fun ceremonies, while the Anglo-Saxons watched nature and thought about their agricultural problems.


March — March is the month of Mars, the god of war among the Romans. March was the earliest warmest month when the Romans could go to war. Before Julius Caesar, March was the first month of the year in the Roman calendar.

March in Britain usually comes with strong winds, so it is not surprising that in ancient times the British called it “Hyld-Monath”, which means “noisy month” or “month with noisy winds”. Hence the English proverb «IfMarchcomesinalion, itwillgooutalamb» — «March comes with a storm, and leaves with warmth.»


No one can say for sure where the name of the month April came from — April. There are several versions. According to one of them, the name goes back to the Latin root “apero-”, which means “second”, because according to the Roman calendar April was the second month of the year after March.

Some believe that the month was named after the Etruscan goddess Apriu.

The most widespread opinion is that the name of the month comes from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”, because it is in April that the buds and buds of flowers begin to open.

In Old English, April was called “Easter-Monath” — the month in which Easter was usually celebrated.


May — May — named after the Roman goddess of growth Maya. She was the goddess of spring, because in spring everything grows, blooms, blooms.

The Old English name is not so poetic. The Anglo-Saxons called May “Thrimilce”, which means “to milk three times”. In May, the cows gave so much milk that the peasants had to milk them three times a day.

The farmers were so busy with their farming in May that most likely there was a saying from there that you shouldn’t play weddings in May: “Marry in the month of May, and you’ll surely rue the day” — “Get married in May, and you will surely damn that day. ”

By the way, the Romans also believed that May was a bad time for weddings. Perhaps that is why we also have a proverb: «To marry in May is to suffer all your life.» 


June — June — was named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, who was the Roman goddess of marriage and motherhood. Even to this day, some couples prefer to marry in June.

But the Anglo-Saxons called June “Sere-Monath”, i.e. «Dry month». As you can see, agricultural affairs are again in the first place with them.


July — July — is named after the great ancient Roman consul Julius Caesar. It was his birthday this month.

In Old English, July sounded like “Maed-Monath”, which meant “meadowmonth”, ie. “Month of the meadows” because in July the meadows are covered with flowers. 


August — August — was named after the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus. This month was happy for the emperor: he won a large number of victories, celebrated three triumphs, put an end to civil wars. By the way, Octavian Augustus was categorically opposed to having fewer days in his month than in July, named after Caesar. So he took one day from February and added it to August. That is why there are 28 days in February, and 31 in August.

In Old English, August was called “Weod-Monath”, ie. “The month of weeds”, which means “month of the weeds”, although at the time “weed” meant vegetation in general.

September, October, November, December

The Romans did not really bother with the names of these months and called them simply ordinal numbers: September– from the Latin “septem” — “seventh”; October — «octo» — «eighth»; November — “novem” — “ninth”; December — “decem” — “tenth”, because, as you remember, the first month of the year for the Romans was March.

The Anglo-Saxons had more descriptive names for these months. September was called “Harfest-Monath”, i.e. “The harvest month” which means “harvest month”. October was “Win-Monath” — “the wine month”, i.e. «Wine month» because it was the month of the grape harvest. November was called “Blod-Monath” — “the blood month”, i.e.

«Bloody month», because in November the Anglo-Saxons sacrificed animals to their gods. Another explanation is that in November people killed livestock and salted meat for the winter. December was “Mid-Winter-Monath” — “the month of the middle of winter”, i.e. “The month of the middle of winter”, although the Christians of that time called it “Halig-Monath” — “the holy month”, i.e.

“Holy month”, as in December the Nativity of Christ is celebrated.

As you can see, Old English month names are more representative of the weather conditions or agricultural realities of the time, while Roman month names are associated with Roman gods, emperors, or simply mean ordinal numbers. In general, the English names of the months are quite consonant with the Russian ones, so English learners usually have no problems remembering them. 

Source: https://www.lingvo-svoboda.ru/blog/temy-po-angliyskomu-yazyku/mesyatsy-po-angliyski/

Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

In this article, we’ll take a look at what the seasons and months are called in English. Let’s remember how to spell «month» in English and figure out the pronunciation of this and other words. Many months in the English language have very interesting naming histories, and today we get to know all of them.

But first, a few subtleties of the calendar vocabulary:

  • All 12 months in English are capitalized.
  • In abbreviated form, they look like this: three initial letters and a period: Jan., Feb., Jun. etc. May is written without a dot.
  • “Six months” translates as “6 months” (6 months in English). The phrase «half a year» (half a year) is much less common.
  • Instead of «Autumn» (autumn) used in the USA and Canada «Fall».
  • The date is also recorded differently in the UK and the US. Compare: 5 April 2016 (UK) and 5 April 2016 (US).

Here is the title of each month with translation and transcription:

Name of each month in English and how they came about. Some pronunciation features

January and February

These winter months sound very similar to similar Russian words, with some differences. Let’s say there is no “v” sound in the middle, as in Russian.

February is the most difficult month to pronounce. It sounds like ˈfɛbruəri, with the sound [r] in the middle of the word. Two [r] s side by side are often an obstacle for language learners. However, you can often hear how even native speakers, especially Americans, say only one [r] in a word: ˈfɛbjuəri, and this is also the norm.

As already noted, months in English are capitalized. This is done because almost all of them are derived from proper names. Each of these words has its own history and is therefore unique.

January comes from the name of the god Janus, who was honored this month.
February comes from the word «Februa» — an ancient Roman rite of purification, which was held on February 15th.

March, April, May

Three spring months sound like Russians. Additional associations for one hundred percent memorization:

March named for Mars, the Roman god of war.
April — in honor of the goddess Aphrodite.
May — the month of Maya, the goddess of spring.

June, July, August

This is the summer 3 months in English.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to confuse «June» and «July» in Russian? In English, there is no such problem; in the words June and July, even the number of syllables is different.

June named after Juno — the goddess of marriage and female happiness.

This is where the stories with the ancient Roman deities end. Julius Caesar named the next month after himself (Julius), and he had the right to do so, because it was he who reformed the calendar. Later, the reforms were continued by Octavian Augustus, and also named one month in his honor.

September, October, November

Three autumn months in English are named according to their ordinal numbers: September — the seventh (septem in Latin), October — the eighth (octo), November — the ninth (novem). Stop, why don’t the numbers match the modern ones? The fact is that earlier, among the ancient Greeks, a year consisted of ten months. The first month was March. After the reforms of Caesar and Augustus, there were twelve months, but some names remained.


Falls under the same principle as the fall months. According to the old calendar, it was the tenth month (decem — 10 in Latin).

«Month»: translation into English and pronunciation secrets

month [mʌnθ] — month

The word «month» — month — formed from the word «Moon» (moon). A long time ago, looking at the changing phases of the moon, people came up with the idea of ​​measuring time by being guided by it. In Russian, the connection between the word «month» in the meaning of «moon» and the calendar month is also obvious.

To learn how to pronounce the word «month» correctly in English, you need:

  1. Pronounce the first three sounds [mʌn];
  2. On the sound [n], place the tongue between the teeth, preparing to pronounce the sound [θ];
  3. Make the sound [θ], the tongue remains between the teeth.

It is important not to hesitate to stick out your tongue when pronouncing the interdental sound [θ]. In Russian, there are no such sounds, so such an action seems strange, but in English it is absolutely natural and normal.

Now let’s complicate the task and say the word «months» (months).

It is important to pronounce not [mʌns], but [mʌnθs] — all five sounds. The difference between these options will be heard by a native speaker.

  1. Say [mʌn];
  2. Already at the sound [n], get ready for the next sound — the tongue goes to the teeth in advance;
  3. Interdental [θ] — on it the tongue begins to return back into the oral cavity;
  4. Move the tip of your tongue gently behind your upper teeth, without stopping the air flow, and make the sound [s].

Say all five sounds smoothly, one after the other, slowly, several times. When you feel some freedom, say a little faster:
Months. Months. Twelve months. three months. three summer months.

The similarity in the sound of some Russian and English words is an absolute plus, of course, the translation is immediately clear. This is the case with the names of the months. Now that you know their origins, as well as the subtleties of pronunciation, you can easily use them in speech.

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/months

Months in English — translation and rules of use

Autumn, winter, summer, spring — the names of the seasons. Both in Russian and in English are exactly the same. Is that a different spelling.

Mention of the seasons can be in a dialogue between acquaintances or friends, in e-mails, on social networks, and so on.

But, as a rule, in communication, each participant talks about his weather conditions, so it is necessary to know an approximate list of phrases and words that will help to give a short but understandable description to the interlocutor. In English of the month — examples of use.

Seasons in English

In the United Kingdom and the United States (as in Russia), a year consists of 4 seasons or seasons, each of which has 3 months.

Times of the year:

  • winter — winter [‘wɪntə]
  • Spring — spring [sprɪŋ]
  • summer — summer [‘sʌmə]
  • autumn — autumn [‘ɔːtəm]

In the United States, instead of autumn, the word fall is used to mean autumn.

Months in English

Poem about autumn

Also the names of the months, theirs, as in Russian 12. The New Year in Great Britain begins in January, respectively, January is the first month, and December is the last.

Months of the year:

  • January — [‘ʤænju (ə) rɪ] — January
  • February — [‘febru (ə) rɪ] — February
  • March — [mɑːʧ] — March
  • April — [‘eɪpr (ə) l] — April
  • May — [meɪ] — May
  • June — [ʤuːn] — June
  • July — [ʤu’laɪ] — July
  • August — [‘ɔːgəst] — August
  • September — [sep’tembə] — September
  • October — [ɔk’təubə] — October
  • November — [nəu’vembə] — November
  • December — [dɪ’sembə] — December

In the English language, there are certain peculiarities in the use of words that denote months and seasons. They must be memorized in order to avoid a gross mistake in the future.

Abbreviations of months

In British English, the dot is not put at the end of the abbreviated word, in American it is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible. The abbreviated form of recording is used only in writing; when reading the name of the month and day of the week, the name is pronounced in full.

  • January — January — Jan.
  • February — February — Feb.
  • March — March — Mar.
  • April — April — Apr.
  • May — May — May
  • June — June — June
  • July — July — July
  • August — August — Aug.
  • September — September — Sept., Sep.
  • October — October — Oct.
  • November — November — Nov.
  • December — December — Dec.

Remember the basic rules for writing months in English:

  • The name of the month in English is always capitalized.
  • If it is necessary to separate the day and month from the year, then a comma is put in the date.

For example:

  • Jack was born September 13, 1987. — Jack was born on September 13, 1987.
  • It happened in November, 1934. — It happened in November 1934.

Using prepositions with names of months

1. Prepositions with the word month:

  • by the month — monthly;
  • for a month — within a month;
  • in a month — a month later.

2. In combinations of the names of the months with words all, any, each, every, last, next, one, this prepositions are not put before them:

  • March this March — in March this year.

3. In the circumstances of the time, the preposition is used with the name of the month in: April — in April, early April — at the beginning of April, but if the date / day in the month is indicated, then the preposition is used on: on the second of April — the second of April, on a bright April day — a bright April day.

If the date is used in an attributive function, then the preposition is used of: a letter of April the second — a letter dated April XNUMX (dated April XNUMX).

4.The preposition is used with the names of the seasons in: in autumn.

5. In combinations of nouns autumn, summer, spring, winter, year, day, week, month with words all, any, each, every, last, next, this, that or one neither prepositions nor articles are used before them.

  • this month — this month,
  • last month — last month month,
  • next month — next month.
  • You may come any day you — You can come any day.
  • Not arrived last week (month, autumn) — It arrived last week (last month, last fall).
  • We go to the country every summer — We go to the village every summer.


  • He came to London again in the summer of 2010. — He came to London again in the summer of 2010.
  • In autumn, in our country, elections will be held. — In the autumn, in our country, elections will be held.
  • In winter, I love to skate. — In the winter I love to skate.
  • I was born in August. — I was born in August.
  • This November, I lost my phone. — In November of this year, I lost my phone.
  • We will go to Moscow on January 22nd. — We will go to Moscow on January 22.
  • On December 10, I went on vacation. — On 10 December I went on vacation.
  • My parents bought me a bicycle last spring. — Last spring my parents bought me a Bicycle.
  • Next summer I will go to university. — Next summer I will go to University.
  • We went to a restaurant last March. — We went to the restaurant last March.
  • This May I will have my exams. — This May I will have exams.
  • Winter will end soon — Winter will be over
  • I’m waiting for summer — I am waiting a summer

Seasons in English idioms

Knowledge of English idioms will help you to decorate your speech and feel like a little native speaker

  • February fair maid — February sardine
  • April weather — April weather
  • day spring — dawn, dawn
  • summer and winter, winter and summer — all year round
  • summer lightning — lightning
  • summertime — «summer time» (when the clock is moved forward one hour)
  • winter cherry — physalis
  • wintertide — a poet. winter
  • fall-winter — end of winter
  • slow as molasses in January — slow like molasses in January
  • Maybees don’t fly in June! — May bees do not fly in June.

How to quickly memorize months in English

With these simple tips, you will achieve good results in a short time and learn the names of all months in English.

  • Download a calendar in English to your mobile phone and, looking into it every day, memorize the names of the months and days of the week.
  • Try to compose a story about yourself by remembering or dreaming about the events associated with each month of the year. For example: We usually ski in January. — We usually ski in January. We celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in February. — We celebrate Valentine’s Day in February. etc.
  • Tell us about the month in which your family and friends were born. For example: Mu mother was born in August. — My mother was born in August. My sister’s birthday in December. — My sister’s birthday is in December. etc.
  • Write a story about the weather for each month in English. For example: It’s usually sunny in June. — It’s usually sunny in June. The weather is hot in July. — The weather is hot in July. etc.
  • You can play vocabulary memorization games. One of them — make 12 cards with the image of months or with abbreviations, pull out one at a time and name the month in English.

Poems about months in English

You can use short rhymes to better remember the seasons.


January, February, March, April, May June, July, August. Hooray, Hooray! September, October, November, December,

These are the months that I CAN REMEMBER!


January February March, April, May June, July, August. Cheers cheers! September October November December,

These are all the months that I know!


The year

30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, Except for February which has 28 days

and 29 in a leap year.


30 days in September, April, June and November. Everyone else has 31, except February, which has 28 days

And 29 in a leap year.


how many days?

Thirty days has September, April, June, and November, February has twenty-eight alone, All the rest have thirty-one; Excepting leap year — that ‘s the time

When February’s days are twenty-nine.

How many days?

Thirty days from September, April, June and November. Only in February twenty-eight, in all the rest thirty-one, except for a leap year,

when in february twenty nine

Months in English are not so scary if you know the basic rules for using them.

For an even better understanding of the months in English, watch the video.

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Source: https://englandlearn.com/blog/na-anglijskom-mesyatsa

месяцы на английском языке

Из этой подборки вы узнаете, как называются времена года, дни недели и месяцы на английском языке. Обратите внимание, что на сайте есть отдельная статья по дням недели, в которой тема рассмотрена более глубоко: приведены идиомы и выражения с днями недели.

Также рекомендую статью: Telling the Time: называем время на английском языке.

Месяцы на английском языке, времена года

Времена года — Seasons
season [ˈsiːzn] время года
winter [ˈwɪntə] зима
spring [sprɪŋ] весна
summer [ˈsʌmə] лето
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [fɔːl] [ˈɔːtəm] осень
Месяцы на английском языке — Months of the Year
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] январь
February [ˈfɛbrʊəri] февраль
March [mɑːʧ] март
April [ˈeɪprəl] апрель
May [meɪ] май
June [ʤuːn] июнь
July [ʤuˈlaɪ] июль
August [ˈɔːgəst] август
September [sɛpˈtɛmbə] сентябрь
October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] октябрь
November [nəʊˈvɛmbə] ноябрь
December [dɪˈsɛmbə] декабрь
Дни недели — Days of the Week
Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ] понедельник
Tuesday [ˈtjuːzdeɪ] вторник
Wednesday [ˈwɛnzdeɪ] среда
Thursday [ˈθɜːzdeɪ] четверг
Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ] пятница
Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ] суббота
Sunday [ˈsʌndeɪ] воскресенье

Сокращенные названия месяцев на английском языке

На письме названия месяцев обычно, как и дней недели, сокращают до трех букв. Не сокращаются только May, June, July. September сокращается до четырех букв: Sept. Обратите внимание, что дни недели и месяцы на английском языке пишутся с заглавной буквы, а названия времен года — со строчной.

  • January — Jan.
  • February — Feb.
  • March — Mar.
  • April — Apr.
  • May — May
  • June — June
  • July — July
  • August — Aug.
  • September — Sept.
  • October — Oct.
  • November — Nov.
  • December — Dec.

Названия дней недели на английском сокращают до трех или двух букв:

  • Monday — Mon. — Mo.
  • Tuesday — Tue. — Tu.
  • Wednesday — Wed. — We.
  • Thursday — Thu. — Th.
  • Friday — Fri. — Fr.
  • Saturday — Sat. — Sa.
  • Sunday — Sun. — Su.

Уточнение по временам года и сезонам

1. Слово season может значить не только «время года» (лето, зима, весна, осень), но и «сезон» как часть года, подходящая для какой-нибудь деятельности, работы:

  • Spring is my favorite season. — Весна — мое любимое время года.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season. — Завтра открытие сезона охоты на уток.

2. В некоторых тропических странах, например, в Сингапуре, выделяют только два сезона (времени года):

  • Raining season — сезон дождей.
  • Dry season — сухой сезон.

3. Времена года, кроме осени, могут также называться с добавлением корня time:

  • winter — wintertime.
  • spring — springtime.
  • summer — summertime.

На русский язык эти слова переводятся либо так же, как исходные (весна, лето, зима), либо: весенняя пора, летняя пора, зимняя пора.

Осень — Autumn или Fall?

Cлово fall (осень) используется в США, в Великобритании говорят и пишут autumn.

Кстати, в разговоре о временах года, особенно если это школьное задание, часто используется словосочетание «любимое время года» — у него есть различия между американским и британским написанием: favourite season (Br.) — favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. — Осень — мое любимое время года. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favourite season. — Осень — мое любимое время года. (Br.)

Примечательно, что слово fall возникло не в Америке, а является как раз первоначальным термином для обозначения времени года, возникшим в Англии не позже 16 века. Изначально это было сокращением от fall of the year (падение года) или fall of the leaf (опадание листвы)но к 17 веку закрепилось как одно слово, задолго до развития американского варианта английского языка. Поэтому, несмотря на то, что слово используется преимущественно в Америке, оно не является ни исключительно американским, ни даже словом американского происхождения.

Слово autumn пришло в английский язык из французского automne в 15 или 16 веке, но стало употребительным только в 18 веке.

В Канаде, как и в США, используют преимущественно fall, а в Австралии — autumn.

Разные значения слова Fall

Слово fall имеет два основных значения: 1) осень, 2) падение. Из-за этого иногда используется игра слов с «осенью-падением».

fall autumn

Фото с http://www.imdb.com

К примеру в названии американского фильма «Легенды осени» (Legends of the Fall) некоторые зрители и критики увидели двузначность. С одной стороны название можно понять как «Легенды осени», с другой как «Легенды Падения», ведь в фильме рассказывается история с семьи с очень непростой судьбой.

Подобным образом рассматривается название компьютерной игры Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne — это может быть как «Падение Макса Пейна», так и «Осень Макса Пейна». Оба варианта хорошо подходят под сюжет и стилистику игры.

Читайте также: «Как смотреть фильмы на английском языке«.


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Guess What! 4 Unit 7 Buildings Put the words in order.

Guess What! 4 Unit 7 Buildings Put the words in order.
Привести в порядок

от Carnation2000

Guess What 4

Month of the year 2

Month of the year 2
Случайные карты

от Marialazareva3

Guess the Hobby

Guess the Hobby
Викторина с изображением

от Mkurkova1

3B - Guess the job

3B — Guess the job
Случайные карты

от Belankahelen

English File elementary

Guess the animal

Guess the animal
Викторина с изображением

от Gorobets

 Guess What 5 adjective unit 1

Guess What 5 adjective unit 1
Откройте поле

от Tashanova77

Guess What

GW6_U2_good-better-the best

GW6_U2_good-better-the best

от Favteacher

Guess What 6

Guess the animal

Guess the animal

от Natalysergeeva

Guess the cartoon

Guess the cartoon
Викторина с изображением

от Demmary

Guess the movie

Guess the movie

от Brisa1803

Guess the scene

Guess the scene

от Irene68


Guess the room name

Guess the room name

от Lidia59

Spotlight 7
Spotlight 8

Guess the Daily Routine

Guess the Daily Routine
Случайное колесо

от Kasatik94

Guess the food!

Guess the food!
Случайные карты

от Arisha2103

food vocabulary



от Darya91

3 класс

Days of the week + Month

Days of the week + Month
Найди пару

от Senab

AS 2



от Anlova2014


Случайные карты

от Masha29011995

Guess the country

Guess the country
Найди пару

от Prussiate09

Spotlight 4 Guess What4 Unit 5 Food

Spotlight 4 Guess What4 Unit 5 Food

от Carnation2000

4-й класс
Guess What 4
Spotlight 4

Guess the book

Guess the book
Откройте поле

от Polinakordik

Guess the Animal

Guess the Animal
Случайные карты

от Maiyakushko

3 класс
4-й класс

guess the vegetable

guess the vegetable
Викторина с изображением

от Mrspavlovaon

 Verbs quiz

Verbs quiz

от Tashanova77

Action verbs
Guess What

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