Word of the day thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Words!!! Here is a list of 160 best thanksgiving words you can use for the holidays and throughout the year.

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in Canada, the United States, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia. It began as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.

Useful Thanksgiving Words List

  1. Centerpiece
  2. Apple sauce
  3. Yams
  4. Wonderful
  5. Tray
  6. Cornbread
  7. Corn
  8. Traditional
  9. Cook
  10. Bread
  11. Bountiful
  12. Appreciative
  13. Blessing
  14. Travel
  15. Happy
  16. Ham
  17. Savory
  18. Sauce
  19. Plate
  20. Planting
  21. Manifold
  22. Maize
  23. Plantation
  24. Piping hot
  25. Merry
  26. Meaningful
  27. Rolls
  28. Roast
  29. Meal
  30. Pilgrims
  31. Pie
  32. Wishbone
  33. Winter
  34. Pecan pie
  35. Past
  36. Home-cooked
  37. Historical
  38. Parade
  39. Pans
  40. Oven
  41. Sail
  42. Religion
  43. Serve
  44. Seasons
  45. Recipe
  46. Puritans
  47. Pumpkin spice
  48. Pumpkin pie
  49. Thanks
  50. Thankful
  51. Gratitude
  52. Grateful
  53. Tablecloth
  54. Sweet
  55. Stuffing
  56. Home
  57. Holiday
  58. Stir
  59. Steaming
  60. Wild rice
  61. Welcoming
  62. Leaves
  63. Lavish
  64. Joyful
  65. Grandparents
  66. Gracious
  67. Indians
  68. Walnuts
  69. Voyage
  70. Vegetables
  71. Turkey
  72. Treaty
  73. Squash
  74. Spinach
  75. Mashed potatoes
  76. Dinner
  77. Dessert
  78. Special
  79. Delicious
  80. Maple syrup
  81. Spiced
  82. Pumpkin
  83. Prosperous
  84. Nutmeg
  85. Nap
  86. Mayflower
  87. Privileged
  88. Prayer
  89. Pots
  90. Thursday
  91. Thanksgiving
  92. Potluck
  93. Plymouth
  94. New World
  95. Celebrate
  96. Casserole
  97. Native American
  98. Feast
  99. Black Friday
  100. Fall
  101. Biscuits
  102. November
  103. Baste
  104. S’mores
  105. Bake
  106. Canoe
  107. Candy corn
  108. Family
  109. Candied
  110. Platter
  111. Plump
  112. Snow
  113. Noble
  114. Sleep
  115. Settlers
  116. America
  117. Acorns
  118. Classic
  119. Abundant
  120. Creamed corn
  121. Massachusetts
  122. Colonists
  123. Golden
  124. Brussels sprouts
  125. Bread pudding
  126. Gobble
  127. Cider
  128. Leftovers
  129. Honey ham
  130. Creamy
  131. Hipped
  132. Gravy
  133. Generous
  134. Carve
  135. Fun-filled
  136. Carrots
  137. Apple cobbler
  138. Dish
  139. Apple cider
  140. Eat
  141. Ample
  142. Glazed
  143. American
  144. Harvest
  145. Fortunate
  146. Elegant
  147. Cranberries
  148. Cornucopia
  149. Drumstick
  150. Drowsy
  151. Croissants
  152. Crisp
  153. Giblets
  154. Cheerful
  155. Caramel apples
  156. Buttery
  157. Buffet
  158. Autumn
  159. Apple pie

Examples of Thanksgiving Words

  • And please have a centerpiece for every table.
  • We eat pork with apple sauce.
  • Make the oven baking even more efficient by roasting the yams as well.
  • The photos brought back some wonderful memories.
  • She set a tray down on the table.
  • Reserve giblets for using in cornbread stuffing, if making.
  • The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven.
  • This beer has been brewed using traditional methods.
  • The cook was an expert at making sauces.
  • He nibbled a piece of bread while drawing a picture.
  • We found a bountiful supply of coconuts on the island.
  • We have been very appreciative of their support.
  • The dishwasher has been a real blessing!
  • Someday I’d like to travel abroad.
  • A card can say more than a thousand words. Happy Thanksgiving day!
  • The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.
  • Do you prefer sweet or savory food?
  • He squirted some tomato sauce on his burger.
  • John handed round the plate of sandwiches.
  • Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds.
  • The reasons for this situation are manifold.
  • We grew maize, rice, beans, and sesame.
  • The plantation was devastated by a typhoon.
  • She carried a piping hot grill of oysters and bacon.
  • I wish you a Merry Christmas.
  • Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful.
  • We stabbed at the roast turkey with our forks.
  • They invited us to partake of their simple meal.
  • Would you like another piece of apple pie?
  • She lived in California during the winter.
  • My favorite way of eating pecans is in pecan pie.
  • Before the parade, the atmosphere was electric.
  • Put the meat into the oven to roast.
  • It was too rough to sail that night.
  • It is sometimes difficult to reconcile science and religion.
  • Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.
  • Life is a natural cycle, just like the changing seasons.
  • You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.
  • When I visited America I loved eating pumpkin pie.
  • I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.
  • She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.
  • Dinner is ready. Spread the tablecloth!
  • Do you like your tea sweet?
  • We had good weather on our holiday.
  • Stir the sauce gently until it begins to boil.
  • She is steaming fish for supper.

Thanksgiving Words in English | Infographic

Useful List of Thanksgiving Words in English

Thanksgiving Words

Thanksgiving Words List in English

Thanksgiving Words

Last Updated on February 17, 2021

Published November 8, 2021

The language of Thanksgiving

How well do you speak the language of Thanksgiving? This popular holiday is known for food, family, and football, but it’s also a holiday with its own unique set of vocabulary words that can be used to describe everything from the foods on the table to the celebratory festivities. Many Thanksgiving words have surprising meanings and origins. Some were even taken from classical mythology. Before the big holiday arrives, read through this word list to brush up on your Thanksgiving vocabulary and get some interesting trivia to share when you sit down with family and friends at the dinner table.


Bounty means “a generous gift.” It’s a synonym of abundance, which is a central theme of the modern Thanksgiving celebration. Many see the holiday as an opportunity to reflect on and appreciate the bounty of food, friends, and family they’re grateful to have surrounding them. Bounty is frequently used to refer to gifts from nature or gifts seen as coming from God, rather than simply gifts from another person. The first recorded use of bounty took place in the 1200s, and it comes from the Latin bonitās, meaning “goodness.”

Do you know the difference between a lot, allot, and alot? Read about them here.


Dressing is the next word on our Thanksgiving word list. Or should we say stuffing? The debate over these terms has raged for decades, but really, they’re pretty similar. Dressing refers to “stuffing for a fowl.” It’s thought to have become a popular alternative to the word stuffing during the Victorian era. Prior to that time, dressing mostly referred to the act of preparing a fowl for roasting. These days, dressing or stuffing are both acceptable terms for the popular seasoned breadcrumb side dish, and which word you use probably depends on which region of the US you live in.


A cornucopia overflowing with pumpkins and other vegetables is one of the more popular images associated with Thanksgiving, but do you know where the concept of a cornucopia comes from? The answer is mythology. In classical mythology, a cornucopia is “a horn containing food, drink, etc., in endless supply, said to have been a horn of the goat Amalthaea.” Cornucopias are associated with Thanksgiving because they’re symbols of abundance. The word cornucopia was first recorded in English in the late 1500s from the Late Latin cornū cōpiae, meaning “horn of plenty.”

turkey trot

These days, it’s common for a 5K race that takes place on the morning of Thanksgiving to be called a Turkey Trot, but did you know the turkey trot is actually a dance? The term turkey trot is an Americanism that dates back to the 1830s, and it refers to a dance done by couples to ragtime music that involves “a springy walk with little or no bending of the knees, and accompanied by a swinging motion of the body with shoulder movements up and down.” The dance was most popular during World War I, but it sounds to us like it’s due for a revival as a holiday TikTok dance trend.


Thanksgiving is a celebration that takes place during the harvest season. Harvest, of course, means “the gathering of crops.” Though most of us do our harvesting at the grocery store these days, rather than on a farm, Thanksgiving is often celebrated as a last big feast before the leaner winter months set in. The word harvest was first recorded before 950. It comes from the Old English hærfest, a cognate with the German Herbst, meaning “autumn.”

Discover more about the connection between harvest and the season of autumn here.


On Thanksgiving, people give thanks. Another way to say that is that people express their gratitude. Gratitude is “the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful,” and it’s a word that’s been around for quite a long time. Gratitude first appeared in English in the early 1400s. During Thanksgiving, some people express their gratitude through daily social media posts, by going around the holiday table to say what they’re thankful for, or by doing charitable acts. The theme of gratitude carries throughout much of the holiday season.

Learn more about the language of thanks by reviewing these gratitude synonyms.


Few things symbolize fall quite like a gourd. The word gourd can be used to describe “the hard-shelled fruit of any of various plants,” though it’s important to note that a gourd is not quite the same thing as a squash. Pumpkins, zucchini, and butternut squash are all types of squash. Gourd typically describes decorative varieties of squash that aren’t eaten. The word gourd dates back to the end of the 13th century. The Middle English spelling included both gourde and courde, which originally comes from the Old French cöorde.


Traditions are an important part of Thanksgiving. Every family has their own favorite dishes, games they play, and plans for the holiday. What makes these things traditions are the way they’re carried out holiday after holiday. Tradition is “the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice.” Each Thanksgiving, families practice their traditions and pass them on to younger generations, and that’s a part of the magic of the holiday.


If you battle your relatives over who gets the turkey drumsticks on Thanksgiving, this one is for you. Drumsticks, as in “the meaty leg of a chicken, duck, turkey, or other fowl,” get their name because of their resemblance to an actual drumstick, or “a stick for beating a drum.” As it turns out, people have been noticing the similarities between the two objects for a very long time. The word drumstick has been used to describe the legs of cooked fowl since at least the late 1600s.


Is pie the best part of Thanksgiving? We’d be willing to bet a lot of people would say yes. Pie is, of course, “a baked food having a filling of fruit, meat, pudding, etc., prepared in a pastry-lined pan or dish and often topped with a pastry crust.” Not only is it a beloved food, but it also has a pretty interesting etymology. It’s thought that the word pie is related to the Latin pica, which means “magpie,” possibly in relation to the bird’s habit of collecting miscellaneous objects.


Thanksgiving isn’t only for celebrating with your family. It’s also a time to gather with your chosen family. In recent years, Friendsgiving has grown in popularity as “a gathering of friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with a feast, falling near or on Thanksgiving Day.” Since many people travel to visit family for Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving is a way to connect with dear friends who may not be near on the actual Thanksgiving holiday. The term has grown in popularity throughout the 2000s and 2010s, thanks to the Internet.


Most holidays are about gathering together, but this is especially true for Thanksgiving. The entire holiday is predicated on being with people you care about and sharing a meal together. Gather means “to bring together into one group, collection, or place,” and it’s been in use since before the year 900. Gather comes from the Middle English gaderen, a derivative of the Old English geador, which means “together.”


Casseroles make great Thanksgiving side dishes, but do you know why they’re called casseroles? The word casserole refers to “a baking dish of glass, pottery, etc., usually with a cover,” as well as “any food cooked in such a dish.” The food actually gets its name from the pan it’s cooked in. Casseroles are popular one-pot dishes in modern times, but the word has been in use in English since the 1700s. It comes from the French word for “ladlelike pan.”

Take a turn in the kitchen after you review these essential tools for a delicious Thanksgiving feast.


Turkey is the standard Thanksgiving food, but we can’t forget about the legendary turducken. What’s a turducken, you ask? Well, it’s “a deboned turkey that is stuffed with a deboned duck that is stuffed with a deboned chicken.” The word turducken is a portmanteau, a blended word made from the parts of other words. Interestingly, it isn’t the only Thanksgiving main dish alternative that’s also a portmanteau. The word tofurky is a blend of the words tofu and turkey.

food baby

At the end of Thanksgiving dinner, you might find yourself with a food baby. A food baby is “the bloated appearance of the stomach area after eating a large amount of food, giving the person the appearance of being pregnant.” In other words, you might say you have a food baby when you’re feeling very, very full. As you can probably guess, this one originated as Internet slang. It’s been in use—on Thanksgiving and during any other event that involves lots of yummy food—since the late ’90s.

Take the quiz

Are you feeling like a Thanksgiving word expert now? Then it’s time to challenge yourself with our Thanksgiving word quiz! Answer all 10 questions correctly for a perfect score. You can even save this word list to challenge your friends and family on Thanksgiving day and see whose holiday word knowledge reigns supreme.

Thanksgiving Vocabulary Word List 1

Thanksgiving Words! Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Liberia. It began as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Similarly named festival holidays occur in Germany and Japan. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and around the same part of the year in other places. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.

Here’s a List of Thanksgiving Vocabulary Words


List of Thanksgiving Words from A to Z

Words That Start With A

  • Abundance
  • Anxiety
  • Appetite
  • Apple cider
  • Appreciation
  • Aroma
  • Arrangement
  • Assemble
  • Acorn
  • America
  • American
  • Apple
  • Apple pie
  • Ate
  • Arrowhead
  • Autumn
  • Awe

Words That Start With B

  • Baking
  • Bake
  • Baste
  • Beans
  • Belonging
  • Beloved
  • Berries
  • Blessings
  • Bison
  • Bolas
  • Bouquet
  • Bread
  • Brood
  • Buns

Words That Start With C

  • Candles
  • Care
  • Carve
  • Casserole
  • Cater
  • Celebrate
  • Celebration
  • Ceremony
  • Cherry pie
  • Chocolate
  • Church
  • Cider
  • Clan
  • Cloves
  • Collective
  • Colonist(s)
  • Colony
  • Comfort
  • Community
  • Companionship
  • Conversation
  • Cook
  • Cooperative
  • Corn
  • Corn meal
  • Corn stalk
  • Cornbread
  • Cornucopia
  • Cranberries
  • Cranberry
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Crops
  • Crowds
  • Canoe
  • Centerpiece

Words That Start With D

  • Decorations
  • Deep-seated
  • Delicacy
  • Delight
  • Delicious
  • Dessert
  • Dressing
  • Dine
  • Dinner
  • Dish
  • Dress up
  • Drumstick
  • Duck

Words That Start With E

  • Eat
  • Eating
  • Efforts
  • Egg bread
  • Embrace
  • Entertain
  • Expectations

Words That Start With F

  • Fall
  • Familial
  • Familiar
  • Family
  • Famished
  • Favorite
  • Feast
  • Feeding
  • Festive
  • Fireplace
  • Fireside
  • Fish
  • Float
  • Flowers
  • Food,
  • Football
  • Freedom
  • Fried turkey
  • Friends
  • Friendship
  • Frybread
  • Full

Words That Start With G

  • Gather
  • Gathering
  • Generations
  • Giblets
  • Giving
  • Gizzard
  • Gobble
  • God
  • Goose
  • Gooseberry pie
  • Gourd
  • Gourmet
  • Grandparents
  • Grateful
  • Gratitude
  • Gravy
  • Green beans
  • Groceries
  • Groups
  • Guests

Words That Start With H

  • Ham
  • Harvest
  • Hearth
  • Heartland
  • Helping
  • Heritage
  • Holding hands
  • Holiday
  • Home
  • Homecoming
  • Homeward
  • Hope
  • Horn of plenty
  • Hospitality
  • Host
  • Hostess
  • Hot chocolate
  • Hugs
  • Hymns

Words That Start With I

  • Ice cream
  • Immigrate
  • Indian corn
  • Indians
  • Indigenous
  • Invite

Words That Start With J

  • Jam
  • Jellies
  • Journey cake
  • Joy
  • Joyful

Words That Start With K

  • Kayak
  • Kale
  • Kernels
  • Kisses
  • Kitchen

Words That Start With L

  • Laughter
  • Legal federal holiday
  • Leaf
  • Leaves
  • Leftovers
  • Libation
  • Love
  • Longbow

Words That Start With M

  • Maize, Mashed potatoes, Massachusetts,
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Massasoit
  • Mayflower
  • Meleagris gallopavo (scientific name)
  • Memories
  • Meal
  • Meat
  • Melting pot
  • Mince meat pie
  • Minister
  • Mixture
  • Mood

Words That Start With N

  • Napkin
  • Native
  • Native American
  • New World
  • Network
  • New World
  • November
  • November
  • Nutcrackers
  • Nutmeg
  • Nuts

Words That Start With O

  • Oven
  • Observances
  • Occasion
  • Onions
  • Orchard

Words That Start With P

  • Pals
  • Pans
  • Parade
  • Parents
  • Patuxet Indians
  • Peace
  • Pemmican
  • Pecan
  • Picture perfect
  • Pie(s)
  • Pilgrim(s)
  • Plantation
  • Plentiful
  • Plum pudding
  • Plum sauce
  • Poult (baby turkey)
  • Potato
  • Pots
  • Powwow
  • Prayer
  • Pride
  • Priest
  • Priorities
  • Piki bread
  • Planting
  • Platter
  • Plymouth
  • Plymouth Colony
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Pumpkin
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Puritans

Words That Start With Q

  • Quince pie

Words That Start With R

  • Rabbi
  • Reflections
  • Refuge
  • Rejoice
  • Relationship
  • Relatives
  • Relaxation
  • Religion
  • Religious
  • Relish
  • Reunions
  • Ritual
  • Roast
  • Roast turkey
  • Rolls
  • Roots
  • Rutabaga
  • Recipe

Words That Start With S

  • Sacred
  • Sage
  • Satiated
  • Sauce
  • Sail
  • Salad
  • Seasons
  • Serve
  • Settlers
  • Seasonings
  • Sharing
  • Sigh
  • Spices
  • Sleep
  • Snow
  • Squanto
  • Squash
  • Stress
  • Succotash
  • Sustenance
  • Symbol
  • Synagogue
  • Stir
  • Stuffing
  • Sweet corn
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sweet potato

Words That Start With T

  • Table setting
  • Tablecloth
  • Taste
  • Tasty
  • Thanks
  • Thankful
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Thursday
  • Trimmings
  • Tipi
  • Tisquantum
  • Tom turkey
  • Totem
  • Trips
  • Travel
  • Tray
  • Treaty
  • Tradition(s)
  • Turnips
  • Turkey

Words That Start With U

  • Understanding
  • Unify
  • Unique
  • Universal

Words That Start With V

  • Vacation
  • Vanilla
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegetable(s)
  • Venison
  • Viewpoint
  • Vision
  • Voyage

Words That Start With W

  • Wampanoag Indians
  • Warmth
  • Wassail
  • Wattle
  • Welcome
  • Wild turkeys
  • William BradfordWorship, Worshipers
  • Wishbone
  • Wigwam
  • Winter
  • Wishbone
  • Wojapi
  • Worship
  • Worshipers

Words That Start With Y

  • Yam
  • Yells
  • Yorkshire pudding
  • Yucca

Words That Start With Z

  • Zany
  • Zesty
  • Zucchini

List of Thanksgiving Foods


Green beans

Apple cider

Honey ham

Apple cobbler


Apple pie

Maple syrup

Apple sauce

Mashed potatoes




Pecan pie
Bread pudding


Brussels sprouts



Pumpkin pie
Candy corn

Pumpkin spice

Caramel apples








Corn bread



Sweet potato pie

Creamed corn

Sweet potatoes


Deep fried turkey



Wild rice

Autumn-Themed Vocabulary Words

Acorns Festivals November
Apple cider Foliage Owl
Apple picking Football Pilgrim
Autumn Harvest Pinecone
Autumn breeze Hayride Plymouth Rock
Bobbing for apples Haystack Pumpkin patch
Bonfire Hoodie Rake
Carving pumpkins Leaf pile Scarecrow
Changing colors Leaves Squirrel
Corn maze Maple syrup Sunflower
Cornucopia Maple leaves Sweater weather
Fall Mayflower Umbrella

Thanksgiving Words | ImagesThanksgiving Vocabulary Word List 2

Thanksgiving Vocabulary Word List 3


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Design Puzzles, Worksheets, and Activities for Your Students Using This List

Updated on November 20, 2020

This comprehensive Thanksgiving vocabulary word list can be used in the classroom in so many ways. Use it for word walls, word searches, puzzles, bingo games, crafts, worksheets, story starters, creative writing word banks, and other engaging activities to draw your students into the Thanksgiving season and teach them about the holiday. Elementary lesson plans for almost any subject can be created using this complete word list.

Preparing to Teach

Because Thanksgiving is traditionally a holiday dedicated to food and togetherness, many Thanksgiving-related words describe these topics. You can use themes of food, gratitude, and celebration as inspiration for creative pursuits and even teach your students about the first feast to build their historical knowledge along with their vocabulary.

Some Thanksgiving words are related to historical interactions between Indigenous peoples and European colonists. If you choose to spend time talking about these, be sure to do so with great discretion—avoid perpetuating misconceptions about the dynamic between pilgrims and Indigenous peoples without going into grisly details.

Certain words from this list will be unfamiliar to students because they are outdated. You may choose to use these to draw comparisons between how Americans celebrated the holiday in the past and how it is celebrated today. Comparing and contrasting American practices during Thanksgiving with Thanksgiving and harvest holidays in other cultures is also a great option.

Thanksgiving Vocabulary Word List

Go through as many of these words with your students as you want them to learn and provide plenty of opportunities for practice. Incorporate these into fun and familiar routines that you already know your students love or use this season of change to try new activities and shake things up.

  • acorn
  • America
  • apple pie
  • arrowhead
  • autumn
  • bake
  • baste
  • beans
  • bison
  • bolas
  • bread
  • cacao
  • canoe
  • carve
  • casserole
  • celebrate
  • cider
  • colonists
  • cook
  • corn
  • cornbread
  • cornucopia
  • cranberries
  • delicious
  • dessert
  • dinner
  • dressing
  • drumstick
  • fall
  • family
  • feast
  • frybread
  • giblets
  • gobble
  • grandparents
  • gratitude
  • gravy
  • ham
  • harvest
  • holiday
  • kayak
  • leaves
  • leftovers
  • longbow
  • maize
  • Massachusetts
  • Mayflower
  • meal
  • napkin
  • Native Americans
  • New World
  • November
  • orchard
  • oven
  • pans
  • parade
  • pecan
  • pemmican
  • pie
  • piki bread
  • pilgrims
  • plantation
  • planting
  • platter
  • Plymouth
  • Powwow
  • pumpkin
  • Puritans
  • recipe
  • religion
  • roast
  • rolls
  • sail
  • sauce
  • seasons
  • serve
  • settlers
  • sleep
  • snow
  • squash
  • stir
  • stuffing
  • sunflower seeds
  • sweet potatoes
  • tablecloth
  • thankful
  • Thanksgiving
  • Thursday
  • tipi
  • Totem
  • tradition
  • travel
  • tray
  • treaty
  • turkey
  • vegetables
  • voyage
  • wigwam
  • winter
  • wishbone
  • wojapi
  • yams
  • yucca

Vocabulary-Building Activities

If you’re not sure where to start but know that you want your students to learn Thanksgiving words, start with these time-tested projects.

  • Word Walls: A word wall is always a great place to start. Use large letters in an optimal location to make new vocabulary words visible to students at any time. Explicitly teach the meaning and application of each new word, then give your students several exciting chances to use them.
  • Word Search Puzzles: Create your own word search puzzle or use an online puzzle generator. If you choose to use an automatic puzzle generator, be sure to choose one that allows you to customize according to school policies, lesson objectives, etc. For example, if your school strictly prohibits religious teaching, modify your puzzle to exclude these words.
  • Sight-Word Flashcards: Improve vocabulary for early elementary students with sight-word flashcards. Using seasonal words makes these otherwise tedious exercises fun and festive. Flashcards used intentionally and often can greatly memory retention.
  • Poem or Story Word Bank: Randomly select a handful of Thanksgiving words for students to incorporate into a story. This will build vocabulary and writing skills alike. Make this a daily routine around the Thanksgiving season to get the most out of this exercise.
  • Bingo: Create a bingo board that features 24 Thanksgiving words (with the middle space «free»). Rather than simply asking students if they have a word, use definitions or fill-in-the-blanks to make students think. For example, say, «This is what we called the people who were in America first,» for «Native Americans».

Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the last Thursday of November in America, is one of the holidays kids eagerly look forward to. It is a time of great food, fun and festivity. In the midst of all the fun, add some learning to the mix by teaching Thanksgiving words for kids. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to teach words for kids related to the holiday. To make it more fun and entice the kids to learn, use fun activities like Thanksgiving crossword puzzles. 

Thanksgiving Words

In this article, explore:

  • List of Thanksgiving Words
  • A – Z Thanksgiving Words for Kids
  • Vocabulary list of Thanksgiving words for kids
  • Why is learning Thanksgiving words so important for kids?
  • Activities to help kids learn Thanksgiving words

We’ve compiled a list of Thanksgiving words for kids. Explore this Thanksgiving word list to improve your kid’s vocabulary.

List of Thanksgiving Words: 

Pie Pumpkin
Family  Corn
Feast  Turkey
Holiday Celebration
Apple Pie Candy
Calendar  Blessing 
Dinner Gratitude
Greetings  Prayer
Desert  Sweet
Stuffing  Voyage
Serve Home 
Traditional  Grateful 
Parade Merry
Cook Yams
Winter Prosperous 
Seasons Spinach 
Leaves Teepee
Mayflower Pilgrim hat
Gathering  Bread
Blessings  Thankful 

Download Thanksgiving Words Printable

Thanksgiving celebrations shouldn’t just be about turkeys and feasting, it is also the perfect time to learn something new. So, use this opportunity to teach Thanksgiving words from all the letters of the alphabet. 

A – Z Thanksgiving Words for Kids

  • Thanksgiving-related words from A
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from B
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from C
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from D
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from E
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from F
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from G
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from H
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from I
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from J
  • Thanksgiving Words that Start with K
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from L
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from M
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from N
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from O
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from P
  • Thanksgiving Words that Start with Q
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from R
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from S
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from T
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from U
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from V
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from W
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from Y
  • Thanksgiving-related Words from Z

Here are some easy, great, and funny Thanksgiving words for kids from A to Z.

Thanksgiving-related Words from A

Acorn squash Apple sauce
Apple cider Appreciation
Apple Pie Autumn
Abundance Acorns
Allspice Apple crisp

Thanksgiving-related Words from B

Baked potato Bread
Baking Bread pudding
Banquet Brussels sprouts
Blessings Buffet
Bobbing for apples Butternut squash
Bonfire Biscuits

Thanksgiving-related Words from C

Calendar Changing colors
Candied yams Cooking
Candles Corn
Candy Cornbread
Caramel Apple Corn cobs
Carrots Cornucopia
Celebration Cranberries
Centerpiece Cranberry sauce
Cherry Pie Creamed corn
Celebration Carving
Changing colors Croissants

Thanksgiving-related Words from D

Dessert Decorations
Dinner Dressing
Drumstick Delicacy
Dinner Duck

Thanksgiving-related Words from E

Eating Effort
Exciting Entertaining

Thanksgiving-related Words from F

Fall Football
Fall wreath Fried Turkey
Family Friends
Feast Festive
Food Flowers
Fun Fireplace

Thanksgiving-related Words from G

Gathering Giving
Glazed Ham Gooseberry pie
Gobble Goose
Grateful Generous
Gratitude Gizzard
Gravy Guests
Green bean casserole Giblets
Greetings Gourd

Thanksgiving-related Words from H

Harvest Hearth
Holiday Heritage
Home Hope
Horn of plenty Host
Hospitality Ham
Haystack Hayride
Hot cocoa Hoodie

Thanksgiving-related Words from I

Icecream Immigrants
Indigenous people Indians
Indian corn Invite

Thanksgiving-related Words from J

Joy Journey
Jello Salad Jam

Thanksgiving Words that Start with K

Kitchen Kernels
Kindness Kale salad

Thanksgiving-related Words from L

Leaves Leftovers
Laughter Love

Thanksgiving-related Words from M

Macaroni and cheese Mashed Potatoes
Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Mayflower
Maple leaves Maize

Thanksgiving-related Words from N

Native Americans Napkin
November Nuts
Nutmeg New world

Thanksgiving-related Words from O

Occasion Oven
Oneness Onions

Thanksgiving-related Words from P

Parade Potato rolls
Pecan Pie Potluck
Pecans Prayer
Pie Prosperous
Pilgrim hat Pumpkin
Pilgrims Pumpkin spice
Plymouth rock Party
Plentiful Plum pudding
Plum sauce Puritans
Pumpkin patch Potluck
Pinecone Pudding

Thanksgiving Words that Start with Q

Quality time Quail
Quince Pie Quinoa

Thanksgiving-related Words from R

Roast Turkey Relatives
Roasted butternut squash Roast
Roasting tray Relish
Relaxation Rutabaga
Root vegetables Recipe
Rake Reunions

Thanksgiving-related Words from S

S’mores Settlers
Salad Spinach
Sausage stuffing Stuffing
Scarecrows Sunflower
Serve Sweet
Sage Sweet potato casserole
Settlers Sweet potato pie
Spices Sail
Sauce Seasoning
Stir Sunflower Seeds
Sharing Squirrel

Thanksgiving-related Words from T

Table Thanksgiving day
Teepee Tablecloth
Thankful Trimmings
Thursday Tradition
Traditional Turnips
Turkey Taste
Turkey baster Travel

Thanksgiving-related Words from U

Understanding Unique
United Umbrella

Thanksgiving-related Words from V

Vegetables Voyage
Voyage Vanilla
Vacation Visit

Thanksgiving-related Words from W

Walnuts Welcome
Wishbone Wild Turkey
Worship Warmth
Wild rice Wigwam

Thanksgiving-related Words from Y

Yams Yucca

Thanksgiving-related Words from Z

Zest Zucchini

Vocabulary List of Thanksgiving Words for Kids 

Easy Thanksgiving Words for Kids 

  1. Baking
  2. Apple Pie
  3. Cornbread
  4. Holiday 
  5. Family 
  6. Drinks
  7. Fruits 
  8. Vegetables 

Great Thanksgiving Words for Kids 

  1. Cornucopia 
  2. Tofurkey 
  3. Black Friday 
  4. Blessing 
  5. Joy
  6. Games 
  7. Football

Why is Learning Thanksgiving Words So Important for Kids? 

Building a wide and varied vocabulary for kids is extremely important. It is necessary to help them read uninterrupted. Holidays and celebrations are the perfect time to introduce children to new words. Similarly, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to teach kids Thanksgiving words. These words will help them identify the things around them and learn more about their surroundings. Learning Thanksgiving words also helps children understand the meaning behind the holiday.

Activities to help kids learn Thanksgiving words

Once your little ones have learnt the Thanksgiving words in the list, you’ll need to help them remember the words. Interactive and engaging activities like crafts for kids are one of the best ways to help kids learn the words easily. These activities and games will ensure that the knowledge remains in their memory for a long time. Here are some Thanksgiving-themed activities and games for kids to help them learn new words.

Word search puzzles: Kids love playing games. So, the best way to entice them to learn something new is to use learning games. One of the easiest ways to help kids learn and remember new words is word search puzzles for kids. As the kids search for the words in the grid, they learn the spellings of the words too.

Riddles: Another way to help kids practice the words they’ve just learnt is through Thanksgiving riddles for kids. The riddles will exercise their brains and commit the words to memory.

Scavenger hunt: Scavenger hunt is a very popular game during the holiday season. Take your little ones out on a scavenger word hunt around the neighborhood. Ask them to point out all the Thanksgiving-related words they see. For example, maple leaves, pumpkins, turkeys, yams etc. To make it more fun, you can turn it into a competition too. Ask the kids to take a picture with every word or object they find and get it back to you in a set amount of time. The child with the most number of photos wins.

For more word lists, activities and games, check our kids learning section.

Frequently Asked Questions on Thanksgiving Words

What are some of the Thanksgiving Words for kids?

Some of the Thanksgiving Words for kids are Pumpkin, Turkey, Candy, Gratitude, Home, Merry, Prosperous, Teepee, Bread, Blessings, Mayflower, Seasons, Cook, Traditional, Stuffing, Greetings, Calendar, Holiday, and Family.

What are some of the easy Thanksgiving Words?

Some of the easy Thanksgiving Words are kale, kernels, quail, quinoa, questions, holiday, fruits, drinks, vegetables, baking, apple pie, tofurkey, joy, games, football, bless, blessing, cornbread, quince pie, kind, kindness, etc.

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