Word of the day словари



What It Means

Something or someone described as lackadaisical is lacking in life, spirit, or zest.

// His teachers did not approve of his lackadaisical approach to homework.

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lackadaisical in Context

«A song like the lackadaisical ‘Funny in Dreams’ could scan as too facile—who’d have thought that strange things happen in our dreams!—but she [folk singer, Nicole Rodriguez] deftly uses it as an opportunity for vivid introspection.» — Rachel Saywitz, Pitchfork, 10 Feb. 2023

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Did You Know?

We’re too enthusiastic about the lexicon to be lackadaisical about words, but lackadaisical itself is rooted in the sort of sorrow that can put a damper on one’s passion for vocabulary expansion. When folks living from the late 17th to the late 19th century had one of those days when nothing goes right, they could cry «Lackaday!» to express their sorrow and disappointment as a shortened form of the expression «alack the day.» (Alack is an interjection used to express sorrow or regret.) By the mid-1700s, the adjective lackadaisical had been formed to describe these miserable ones and their doings and sayings. Around the same time, the word lackadaisy was introduced to the language as an interjection similar to lackaday; it was never as prevalent as lackaday, but it may have influenced the development of lackadaisical.

Name That Antonym

Fill in the blanks to complete an antonym of lackadaisical: e _ t _ r _ r _ s _ n _.



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What is the origin of quadrivial?

In quadrivial, the quadri- element is a form of Latin quattuor, “four,” while -vial comes from Latin via, “way.” Quattuor is the source of French quatre, Italian quattro, Portuguese quatro, Romanian patru, and Spanish cuatro, all meaning “four.” Meanwhile, via is the source of trivial and viaduct as well as convey and voyage. Quadrivial was first recorded in English around the turn of the 15th century.


The complicated quadrivial intersection had caused so many traffic accidents that the city eventually closed it off to cars entirely.

An extremely stupid word (i.e. Hungs, Masturbathe, Emotionap, etc.), that is almost certainly made up on the spot, that UD randomly puts on the front page and emails to all of its subscribers for no good reason at all. These «definitions» usually tend to be a pun or play on words and really don’t make much sense.

Every goddamn Word Of The Day that has ever existed on this site since 2004 has been so mind-numbingly stupid that I feel that I’ve lost at least 40 IQ points.

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Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.

The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.

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слово дня

словом дня

Слово на сегодня

Символ этого дня

Слово в день

Word of the Day

слова дня

Everyday you’ll receive word of the day to enhance your vocabulary.

Каждый день вы получите слово дня, чтобы улучшить свой словарный запас.

It also features an integrated thesaurus, example sentences, audio pronunciations, word of the day, and many more.

Он также имеет встроенный тезаурус, примеры предложений, аудио произношения, слово дня и многое другое.

Let’s make that our word of the day.

When Hirschorn sold the company in 1998 after retiring, international growth was the word of the day.

Когда Hirschorn продал компанию в 1998 году после выхода на пенсию, международный рост стал словом дня.

The word of the day is «go.»

Crisis is the word of the day.

The site also features a «word of the day» as an aid for building your vocabulary.

На сайте также есть «слово дня» в качестве помощи для наращивания вашего словарного запаса.

Many have features such as a word of the day to help expand your vocabulary.

Многие из них имеют такие функции, как слово дня, чтобы помочь расширить свой словарный запас.

I’ve been getting the SAT word of the day on my computer.

Мне высылают на компьютер слово дня для теста.

Transgenic… that’s the word of the day, Otto.

«Efficiency» was the word of the day.

Слово «эффективность» было главным словом дня.

It’s time for Korben to say the word of the day.

Теперь время… Корбену сказать слово дня.

The dictionary also helps you to find antonyms/synonyms, shows sentences with examples of use, displays the word of the day and remembers the search history.

Словарь также помогает в поиске антонимов, синонимов, показывает предложения с примерами употребления, показывает слово дня и запоминает историю поиска.

It has a ton of features, including a word of the day, audio pronunciations, a translator for over 30 languages, and even the word origins.

Он имеет множество функций, в том числе слово дня, аудио произношения, переводчик для более чем 30 языков и даже происхождение слова.

Back in the early part of the last century, an exciting invention called the ‘wireless’ was the word of the day.

Еще в начале прошлого века изобретение под названием «беспроводной» было словом дня.

Language, Russian, word of the day

«No» is the word of the day.

The dictionary’s tweet overlaid his words with a definition for paralogize («to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions»), which was’s word of the day.

Твит словарного веб-сайта был наложен на данный твит и представлял собой определение термина «делать ложное заключение» (paralogize — делать заключения, которые не вытекают логически из имеющегося набора допущений), которое явилось «словом дня» веб-сайта.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 137. Точных совпадений: 137. Затраченное время: 273 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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