Word of the day phrasal verb

bow out

Today: Fri, 14 Apr 2023


to resign from a job, or to end a career, usually after a long time

For example:

  • bow out After being captain for many years, Paul bowed out so that a younger member of the team could take over.
  • bow out Some politicians don’t seem to know when it’s time to bow out, and they cling to power for too long.

Get the ebook! 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context by Matt Errey (A self-study guide for learners of English who want to improve their knowledge of phrasal verbs. This PDF ebook includes over 1,000 phrasal verbs in alphabetical order, plus over 2,000 example sentences and 1,000 challenging quiz questions. It can easily be adapted by teachers for use in class.)

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слово дня

словом дня

Слово на сегодня

Символ этого дня

Слово в день

Word of the Day

слова дня

Everyday you’ll receive word of the day to enhance your vocabulary.

Каждый день вы получите слово дня, чтобы улучшить свой словарный запас.

It also features an integrated thesaurus, example sentences, audio pronunciations, word of the day, and many more.

Он также имеет встроенный тезаурус, примеры предложений, аудио произношения, слово дня и многое другое.

Let’s make that our word of the day.

When Hirschorn sold the company in 1998 after retiring, international growth was the word of the day.

Когда Hirschorn продал компанию в 1998 году после выхода на пенсию, международный рост стал словом дня.

The word of the day is «go.»

Crisis is the word of the day.

The site also features a «word of the day» as an aid for building your vocabulary.

На сайте также есть «слово дня» в качестве помощи для наращивания вашего словарного запаса.

Many have features such as a word of the day to help expand your vocabulary.

Многие из них имеют такие функции, как слово дня, чтобы помочь расширить свой словарный запас.

I’ve been getting the SAT word of the day on my computer.

Мне высылают на компьютер слово дня для теста.

Transgenic… that’s the word of the day, Otto.

«Efficiency» was the word of the day.

Слово «эффективность» было главным словом дня.

It’s time for Korben to say the word of the day.

Теперь время… Корбену сказать слово дня.

The dictionary also helps you to find antonyms/synonyms, shows sentences with examples of use, displays the word of the day and remembers the search history.

Словарь также помогает в поиске антонимов, синонимов, показывает предложения с примерами употребления, показывает слово дня и запоминает историю поиска.

It has a ton of features, including a word of the day, audio pronunciations, a translator for over 30 languages, and even the word origins.

Он имеет множество функций, в том числе слово дня, аудио произношения, переводчик для более чем 30 языков и даже происхождение слова.

Back in the early part of the last century, an exciting invention called the ‘wireless’ was the word of the day.

Еще в начале прошлого века изобретение под названием «беспроводной» было словом дня.

Language, Russian, word of the day

«No» is the word of the day.

The dictionary’s tweet overlaid his words with a definition for paralogize («to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions»), which was’s word of the day.

Твит словарного веб-сайта был наложен на данный твит и представлял собой определение термина «делать ложное заключение» (paralogize — делать заключения, которые не вытекают логически из имеющегося набора допущений), которое явилось «словом дня» веб-сайта.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 137. Точных совпадений: 137. Затраченное время: 53 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Фразовый глагол: occur to

Перевод: приходить на ум, приходить в голову


It didn’t occur to us that we had left the iron on.
Мы не вспомнили, что оставили включенным утюг.

Тип фразового глагола:

Типы фразовых глаголов (развернуть)

Непереходные глаголы — такие глаголы, которые не принимают дополнения, и употребляются сами по себе.

Although the work was very difficult, he didn’t give up.
Хоть работа и была очень трудной, он не сдавался.

Неразделяемые глаголы — такие глаголы, которые принимают после себя дополнение.

While cleaning the attic, he came across some old pictures of his grandfather.
Когда он прибирался на чердаке, он случайно нашел старые фотографии своего дедушки.

Разделяемые глаголы. Некоторые разделяемые глаголы принимают дополнение, которое употребляется между глаголом и предлогом, такие глаголы называются обязательно разделяемыми.

His dog woke him up very early in the morning.
Его собака разбудила его очень рано утром.

Другие разделяемые глаголы принимают дополнение, которое может употребляться как между глаголом и предлогом, так и после глагола с предлогом. Хотя, если дополнение является местоимением, оно должно употребляться между глаголом и предлогом. Такие глаголы называются необязательно разделяемыми.

They put the meeting off. = They put off the meeting. = They put it off.
Они отложили собрание.

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2021 is here and If improving vocabulary is one of your resolutions for 2021, you are in the right place. Bookmark our site www.addicted2learn.com in order to read the Phrasal verbs August 2021 Series. Also, remember to go through the Idiom of the day August series and Word of the day August series

Phrasal Verb August 2021

Phrasal Verb August 2021

Check back:

Meaning: It means to return and see if everything is fine.

Example Sentence: Jack returned to the office to check back if the employees were working on the task.

And that’s a wrap for the August series, and here’s the link for the September series, Phrasal Verb September 2021 series.

August 30

Check with:

Meaning: Ask a person for confirmation.

Example Sentence: I need to check with my manager before I approve you for bonus and promotion.

August 29

Get on with:

Meaning: To manage a situation or to achieve something.

Example Sentence: How do you get on with your exams?

August 28

Get across:

Meaning: To make people understand something

Example Sentence: The teacher couldn’t get her ideas across to the students.

August 27

Hold up:

Meaning: Raise; lift to a higher than normal position.

Example Sentence: The winner of the race held his trophy up for all to see.

August 26

Come back:

Meaning: To return.

Example Sentence: At what time are you coming back?

August 25

Kept in:

Meaning: Not allowing someone to go outside.

Example Sentence: Children were kept in the classroom because it was raining heavily outside.

August 24

Keep on:

Meaning: It means to continue doing what you were doing.

Example Sentence: Alicia has to keep on checking the mail for customer feedback.

August 23

Put aside:

Meaning: It means to save money.

Example Sentence: The organization decided to put aside a few dollars aside so that, it could utilize for the various causes.

August 22

Put back:

Meaning: Placing something again in its original place.

Example Sentence: She carefully put the books back on the rack.

August 21

Involve someone in something:

Meaning: To make someone participate in something.

Example Sentence: His friends involved him in playing that prank.

August 20

Help someone with something:

Meaning: To assist someone with something.

Example Sentence: Jack helped me with my project work.

August 19

Introduce someone

Meaning: To present someone to other people.

Example Sentence: She introduced him to her friends.

August 18

Use up

Meaning: Consume all of something.

Example Sentence: Alicia used all the papers in the office.

August 17

Hand in

Meaning: Submit work for evaluation.

Example Sentence: Jack handed in his assignment to the teacher for evaluation.

August 16

Hang up

Meaning: End a phone call.

Example Sentence: If you do not stop complaining then I will hang up on you

August 15

Ask about

Meaning: To ask for information about something or someone.

Example Sentence: He asked me about my relatives.

August 14

Come up with

Meaning: Think of a solution, excuse, etc.

Example Sentence: He came up with a solution to save water at the canteen.

August 13

Excuse someone

Meaning: To forgive someone for something.

Example Sentence: Excuse me for interrupting you, but could you give me a copy of the report?

August 12

Go across

Meaning: Move to another side or place.

Example Sentence: He went across to the opposition.

August 11

Move in

Meaning: Begin to reside in someplace

Example Sentence: Alicia just moved into her new home.

August 10

Back up

Meaning: Make a copy of computer data.

Example Sentence: Ariana, take a back up of your files before you leave for home.

August 9

Cash in

Meaning: Covert shares, bonds etc.. into cash.

Example Sentence: Alicia chased in her bonds and spent her money on a vacation.

August 8

Be in

Meaning: 1. Be at home or at work. 2. Be submitted, arrive.

Example sentence: 1. Alicia will be in the meeting, make sure that you arrive in time. 2. The application form must be in by 2 pm on Friday.

August 7

Catch on

Meaning: 1. Used when something becomes popular. 2. Used when someone understands something

Example Sentence: 1. Alicia’s idea of linking pay to performance was caught on by the management.
2. Everyone else realized what was happening, but it took Henry ages to Catch on.

August 6

Bank on

Meaning: base one’s hopes or confidence on something or someone.

Example Sentence: My wife backed me up over my decision to settle in Canada.

August 5

Back up

Meaning: To support someone.

Example Sentence: Jack hoped that Alicia would back him up in the completion of the pending task.

August 4

Barge in

Meaning: Interrupt or disturb by entering a place or conversation.

Example Sentence: Ellie keeps barging in and asking stupid questions when I’m trying to work.

August 3

Bounce Back

Meaning: To recover from sickness, or to regain strength again.

Example Sentence: After the election, our country is bouncing back.

August 2

Embark on

Meaning: To start a new or an important activity or something.

Example Sentence: They are going to embark on this project next week.

August 1

Believe in

Meaning: 1. Confident about something or someone. 2. believe that something exists.

Example Sentence: If you don’t believe in yourself, then no one else will believe in you either. 2. Do you believe in the law of attraction?

Recommended Readings:

Word of the day August 2021 Series: Learn a new word every day
Idiom of the day August 2021 Series: Learn a new idiom daily.

In case you are also looking for more, visit our WORD OF THE DAY Category and learn more.

Suggested Readings: Similarly, you can also learn idioms: Idiom of the day

And moreover, We would like to thank our readers for showing us their commendable support. We have received emails from our lovely readers stating that they enjoyed learning new words every day. Some of them even started saying that they are practically implementing it in their daily routine. For this reason, we have decided to start the same series for this month. And trust us, learning a new word every day is not just expanding your vocabulary, but it’s making you more confident and comfortable using these words in your conversations.

Some Tips to improve vocabulary:

Apart from learning a new word every day, here are some tips you need to consider if you are willing to improve or expand your vocabulary.

  1. First of all, learn new words every day because learning new words will expand your word power. And as a result, you will be more confident with words.
  2. Learning new words will not be sufficient, also try to include those words in your daily conversations.
  3. Besides learning new words, Keep discussing those words from time to time. Furthermore, Discuss them with someone who is interested in vocabulary.
  4. Carry a dictionary. Wait, that doesn’t mean that you carry a huge bulky dictionary, You have many apps available on both android and ios platforms. Download them.
  5. Understand the root words accordingly. This will make your job easier.
  6. Another key point is to use flashcards to memorize new words.
  7. It’s important to realize that reading is significantly important to expand vocabulary; So, therefore, Read frequently.
  8. Make a note of word that you don’t know accordingly and refer that in a dictionary.
  9.  In addition to the above, you can visit us and bookmark our site: www.addicted2learn.com to learn a new word every day.
  10. Furthermore, you can also find many apps that notify you of a new word every day.

In case you enjoyed reading this post, do share it. Because everyone deserves to learn.

We would like to thank our readers once again for showing us so much love. It is all because of your support that we always give our best to bring out the best content for all of you.

What is a phrasal verb in English grammar?

The most simple explanation is…

A 2 part verb, which has a main verb and then a small word added on. These 2 words together give the ‘phrasal verb’ a new meaning.

Common Examples: switch off, come in, sit down, go out

Phrasal verbs can also have 2 extra parts, so that you have 3 words together to make a new verb/meaning

3 part phrasal verb examples: look forward to, live up to, come up with

To start off the phrasal verb series, why don’t we first look at the meaning of a 3 part phrasal verb?


get off with someone

Meaning: to kiss or start a sexual relationship with someone

Example: Jack got off with Claire at the party. They were kissing all night in the corner.

Phrasal verbs are a part of English grammar that you just have to learn. They are very common and native English speakers use them ALL the time when they speak.

You can test yourself on some phrasal verbs in the SGI online English grammar test here 

A phrasal verb that combines a normal verb with an adverb or a preposition to create an entirely new verbal phrase is called the phrasal verb. A phrasal verb is a verb like pick up, turn on or get on with.

Common phrasal verbs (with meanings and examples)

back [x] up

Meaning: support or defend someone

Example: Don’t forget to back up your work.

break down

Meaning: stop working, especially when referring to machines

Example: The young man broke down in tears.

Carry on with

Meaning:  Continue

Example: I want you to carry on with the work while I am out of the country.

Carry on

Meaning:  Continue

Example:  Carry on. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.

Carry on about

Meaning: Continue in an annoying way

Example: She kept carrying on about how much money she made.

Carry off

Meaning: Succeed, win

Example: He carried off the first prize in the tennis tournament.

Carry over

Meaning:  Continue past a certain point

Example: The meeting carried over into lunchtime.

Carry out

Meaning:  Perform a task

Example: I would like to carry out the plan.

Carry on

Meaning: Behave badly

Example: My son annoyed me by carrying on all day.

call around

Meaning: contact multiple people

Example: Roy called around to find a nearby mechanic.

calm down

Meaning: relax after an energetic or irritated state

Example: I need a few minutes to calm down after that match.

call [x] off

Meaning: cancel

Example: We called the party off. / We called off the party.

check [x] out

Meaning: verify a person or thing (can sometimes be flirtatious when used in reference to a person)

Example: I’ll check the contract out. / I’ll check out the contract. 

clean up

Meaning: be extremely successful in an endeavor, such as business, sports, or gambling

Example: Our hockey team cleaned up at the tournament and went home undefeated. 

come around 

Meaning: change an opinion or see a new point of view

Example: I never liked seafood, but came around after trying fried calamari. 

come between 

Meaning: disturb a relationship

Example: After more than fifty years of marriage, nothing could come between them. 

come down on 

Meaning: attack or punish harshly

Example: Ever since last month’s accident, police have been coming down on drunk driving. 

come down with 

Meaning: become sick

Example: After sitting in the rain for hours, Chandra came down with a nasty cold. 

come out of

Meaning: happen as a consequence of another event

Example: We missed a day of school, so at least some good came out of our boring class trip. 

come up

Meaning: become the topic of discussion or receive attention

Example: Everyone talked about how much they enjoyed the movie, but the run time never came up in the conversation.

come up with  

Meaning: think of an idea, especially as the first person to do so, or to produce a solution

Example: Sahar comes up with her best story ideas at night, so she writes them down before she forgets them. 

count on 

Meaning: rely or depend on 

Example: If I’m ever making a mistake, I can count on my friends to warn me. 

dive into

Meaning: occupy oneself with something; to pore over quickly or reach into quickly

Example: I’ll dive into that new TV show later tonight.

dress up

Meaning: wear nice clothes or put forth in the best light

Example: Abed dressed up for the award ceremony.

end up

Meaning: eventually reach some conclusion or destination

Example: After thinking for a day, he ended up taking the job.

fall apart

Meaning: break into pieces

Example: My new dress completely fell apart after just two washes. 

find out

Meaning: discover or learn

Example: We’ll have to wait until the next TV episode to find out who the killer is.

Go about sth

Meaning: to deal with something

Example: I want to solve this problem but I don’t know how to go about it.

Go after sth

Meaning: to try to get something

Example: He is planning to go after his friend’s project.

Go after sb

Meaning: to try to catch or stop someone

Example: We should go after her and tell her the truth.

Go against sth/sb

Meaning: to oppose or to disagree with someone or something

Example: The people’s votes went against us.

Go ahead

Meaning: to start or to continue to do something, especially after waiting for permission

Example: Why don’t you go ahead and eat it?

Go ahead with

Meaning: to start or to continue with plans to do something

Example: It is a good idea. We should go ahead with the plan and see what happens.

Get (sth) across

Meaning: to make people understand something

Example: The teacher couldn’t get her ideas across to the students.

Get along / Get on / Get on with

Meaning: If people get along, they like each other and they have a good relationship.

Example: I can’t get along with the neighbours anymore.

Get ahead

Meaning: to be successful in the work

Example: I will get ahead at work with this project.

Get at sth

Meaning: to touch or to reach something

Example: The child can’t get at the books on the high shelf.

Get at sb

Meaning: to criticise someone repeatedly

Example: The boss always gets on me. I don’t know why he behaves like that.

Get away

Meaning: to leave or to escape from a place or a person

Example: She usually gets away from the crowds.

go for 

Meaning: try or attempt to achieve something

Example: Carlos trains so hard because he is going for an Olympic gold medal. 

go on 

Meaning: continue doing something (see keep [x] up)

Example: The boys will go on digging until they hit a water pipe. 

go over

Meaning: review or look at it again

Example: Marie went over the study guide one last time before the test.

hand in

Meaning: submit (especially an assignment)

Example: The teacher wants us to hand in our essays through email. 

leave [x] out

Meaning: omit or disregard

Example: Orna left the graph out of the presentation. / Orna left out the graph from the presentation.

let [x] down

Meaning: disappoint 

Example: Kamal let Marco down when he arrived late. / Kamal let down Marco when he arrived late.

let go of 

Meaning: release or free

Example: Don’t let go of the rope until I’m safe. 

let [x] in

Meaning: allow to enter

Example: Close the door or you’ll let the flies in! 

Let on

Meaning: Make clear, evince

Example: You don’t want to let on how rich you really are.

Let off

Meaning: Cause to explode or release

Example: Stand back when you let off fireworks.

Let down

Meaning: Fail to support or help

Example: My friend, don’t let me down this time.

Let out

Meaning: Make bigger

Example: I need to let out this skirt.

Let down

Meaning: Lengthen

Example: My father is a tailor, so he can let my pants down.

let [x] know

Meaning: tell someone something

Example: Let me know as soon as Leslie texts back. 

look after

Meaning: take care of someone or something

Example: Thank you for looking after me when I was sick. 

look up to [x]

Meaning: admire or idolize someone

Example: I looked up to this YouTuber until I read about their scandal. 

Make off

Meaning: Hurry away, escape

Example: The thieves made off before the police arrived.

Make up

Meaning: Forgive each other

Example: Alex and Mary were angry yesterday, but they made up this morning.

Make for

Meaning: Move towards

Example: He was already made for home when I arrived.

Make of

Meaning: Understand, find a reason

Example: I don’t know what to make of his behaviour.

Make out

Meaning: Decipher

Example: Anybody can’t make out her handwriting.

Make up

Meaning: Invent, lie about something

Example: Mary made up a story about why she was late.

Make up for

Meaning: Compensate for something

Example: I don’t eat dinner but I make up for it at breakfast.

mix up

Meaning: confuse something with something else

Example: It’s easy to mix up Chris Pine and Chris Pratt. 

pull [x] up

Meaning: retrieve or bring something nearer

Example: Eugene pulled the document up on his computer. / Eugene pulled up the document on his computer.

put [x] on

Meaning: wear or add something to your person or an object 

Example: I always put my backpack on before leaving the house. / I always put on my backpack before leaving the house. 

put up with

Meaning: tolerate or condone

Example: Somehow Paz could put up with Janice’s cynical attitude. 

run out of

Meaning: use all of or drain the supply of something

Example: Isabella ran out of toilet paper at the worst possible time.

see to

Meaning: make sure something is done

Example: I’ll see to watering the plants while you’re gone.

set [x] up

Meaning: arrange or organize

Example: Since no one invited me to join their study group, I set one up myself. 

show off

Meaning: deliberately display abilities or accomplishments in order to impress people

Example: Panya didn’t need to shoot so many three-pointers; she was just showing off. 

shut [x] off

Meaning: turn off, especially a machine

Example: Don’t forget to shut the water off after your shower. / Don’t forget to shut off the water after your shower. 

Set about sth/doing sth 

Meaning: to begin or start doing something

Examples: I don’t know how to set about the work.

Set about sb

Meaning: to attack someone

Example: The crowd began to set about him with stones.

Set forth

Meaning: to begin traveling

Example: We set forth at noon.

Set off

Meaning: to start a journey or trip

Example: We will set off next week.

Set off sth

Meaning: to cause a signal to start something

Example: The loud sound set off the baby’s crying.

Set out

Meaning: to leave a place and begin a journey

Example: We set out on a lonely journey.

Set out ( to do something )

Meaning: to start an activity or something with a special aim or intend

Example: She set out to protect her kids.

take after

Meaning: resemble, especially with parents and their children

Example: Li takes after his father when it comes to politics. 

take [x] out

Meaning: move something outside

Example: Please take the garbage out before dinner. / Please take out the garbage before dinner.

think [x] over

Meaning: consider something

Example: When his parents suggested selling his Pokemon cards, Yosef thought it over. 

throw [x] away

Meaning: dispose of something

Example: Could you throw that old burrito away? / Could you throw away that old burrito?

turn [x] down

Meaning: reject or say “no”

Example: My crush turned me down after I asked them out. 

top off

Meaning: fill something to the top; to complete something in a special or spectacular way

Example: May I top off your beverage?

wait on

Meaning: serve, especially at a restaurant

Example: Billie eagerly waited at the new table of customers, hoping for a big tip.

Read into

Meaning: to believe that an action, remark, or situation has particular importance or meaning, often when this is not true

Example:  Her speech is very clear. Don’t try to read anything else into it.

Read over/through

Meaning: to read something quickly from the beginning to the end

Example: You should read over your exam paper when you have finished.

Warm up

Meaning: Make something warm

Example: I’II warms up some meat for dinner.

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Post Views: 53,820



What It Means

Something or someone described as lackadaisical is lacking in life, spirit, or zest.

// His teachers did not approve of his lackadaisical approach to homework.

See the entry >

lackadaisical in Context

«A song like the lackadaisical ‘Funny in Dreams’ could scan as too facile—who’d have thought that strange things happen in our dreams!—but she [folk singer, Nicole Rodriguez] deftly uses it as an opportunity for vivid introspection.» — Rachel Saywitz, Pitchfork, 10 Feb. 2023

Which Came First?

  • baby chick with a brown egg

  • hot take or cold shoulder?

Name That Thing

You know what it looks like… but what is it called?


Solve today's spelling word game by finding as many words as you can with using just 7 letters. Longer words score more points.

Can you make 12 words with 7 letters?


Did You Know?

We’re too enthusiastic about the lexicon to be lackadaisical about words, but lackadaisical itself is rooted in the sort of sorrow that can put a damper on one’s passion for vocabulary expansion. When folks living from the late 17th to the late 19th century had one of those days when nothing goes right, they could cry «Lackaday!» to express their sorrow and disappointment as a shortened form of the expression «alack the day.» (Alack is an interjection used to express sorrow or regret.) By the mid-1700s, the adjective lackadaisical had been formed to describe these miserable ones and their doings and sayings. Around the same time, the word lackadaisy was introduced to the language as an interjection similar to lackaday; it was never as prevalent as lackaday, but it may have influenced the development of lackadaisical.

Name That Antonym

Fill in the blanks to complete an antonym of lackadaisical: e _ t _ r _ r _ s _ n _.



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Merriam-Webster unabridged

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