Word of the day patience


Have you ever sent an email /text that was completely taken the wrong way?
Have you been on the receiving end and your little voice read the message as rude, angry, sad or happy?

In a world like today, everything is communicated through a pc, phone, tablet, etc… Families are disconnected because it’s a internet drug that carries a lot of drama.

So here I lay with a Surface Pro typing. Thinking about the number one frustration, communication. Now it sounds like me but I can’t yell if I am angry. I could use all caps.
I am unable to explain the problem without someone thinking I have an attitude. Facial expressions maybe but if I’m in pain those are misread to. I still have my smile and the best ugly cry.
So the message I am trying to say is don’t assume, there may be an underlining problem.
Seek to understand instead of taking it personal. You are not the problem ALS is.
It happens to me a lot or I get asked a question and they leave because I type three words a minute.
So if you see someone trying to communicate take time to understand even if it is slow. Ask questions to better help.

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Learn how to wait on GOD, His time is not our time nor his ways are like our ways. Learn how to be patient. The best things in life are worth waiting for. (Psalm 37:34) «I won’t be impatient for the LORD to act! I will keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season he will honor me with every blessing.» (Psalm 40:1) «I waited patiently and expectantly for the LORD; and he inclined to me and heard my cry.» Better is the end of a thing than the beginning of it, and being patient in spirit is better than being proud in spirit. I will be full of joy now; I will exult and triumph in my troubles and rejoice in my suffering knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produces patience and unswerving endurance. Endurance and fortitude develops maturity of character, approved faith and tried integrity. Character of this sort produces the habit of joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation and the patience in it all. Just learn how to wait on God! Stop being in a rush all the time, in hurry to go no where. Sometimes GOD makes us wait because he’s working on something. 1 minute early or 1 minute late can cause you your life. Get on GOD’S time and you won’t be out of time. I love you all in JESUS, GOD is my everything!

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