Word of the day look

(verb, noun)

past tense: looked


«Look at this.»

If you look at something, it means that you move your eyes to see it.

  • Look at me when I’m talking to you.

We can use look to say how we see someone.

  • You look beautiful today.

And we can use look like to say that we think something because we can see it.

  • He looks like he needs a holiday. (=I can see that he’s tired so I think he needs a holiday.)

A look is also the way that we look at someone with our face.

  • She gave me a strange look.

If you look for something, it means that you want to find it.

  • I’m looking for a bank. Is it on this street?

Common uses

When we want someone to see something that won’t be there for long, we can say, “Look!” For example: “Look! Nancy’s on TV!”

In pop culture

Do you know the movie Zoolander? It’s about a famous model. He has lots of different looks (ways that he looks at the camera), but they all look the same! In this video from the movie, he does one of his special looks and saves the prime minister of Malaysia. How does he do it?

There are other meanings of look.

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Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.

June 18, 2021

What It Means

: prejudice or discrimination based on physical appearance and especially physical appearance believed to fall short of societal notions of beauty

lookism in Context

As a teacher, Kim’s response to recent studies showing that attractive students receive better grades was to try to be vigilant against her own possible lookism.

«We now so expect ‘lookism‘ that the novelty in TV is shows specifically designed to get around it. On the already popular ‘The Voice’, judges listen to the singers with their backs turned — deliberately cutting them off from the psychological trick that beauty does to the brain.» — From an article by Sarah MacDonald at www.dailylife.com.au, April 23, 2012

What Did You Just Call Me?

  • brown chihuahua sitting on the floor with squinting eyes looking at the camera

  • Before we went to her house, Hannah told us her aunt was a flibbertigibbet.

Name That Thing

You know what it looks like… but what is it called?


Solve today's spelling word game by finding as many words as you can with using just 7 letters. Longer words score more points.

Can you make 12 words with 7 letters?


Did You Know?

There are a lot of -isms in the English language but most people overlook «lookism.» It describes the prejudice or discrimination people have toward others because of their appearances. People first used the word in the late 1970s in reference to how people were viewing others who were heavier set. Today the panorama of «lookism» extends from the «overly» beautiful actor or actress to the homely child. Economists, sociologists, and psychologists alike pay close attention to the lookism that occurs in everyday life and examine how it affects people and society as a whole.

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

to look (verb)

to cast your eyes in a direction or upon something: mirar

to seem to be: verse, parecer

to inspect: examinar

Today’s word is related to yesterday’s word ‘to see’. Both actions can be performed with the eyes, but there’s a difference and this difference is explained very well in the following picture:

enter image description here

This verb also has multiple uses, so please let us find as many as we can.
And no, sorry, tomorrow’s word will not be ‘to watch’ : — )

Mariana has kindly been helping us out with our Spanish sentences these past days. So I’d like to say THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH, MARIANA on behalf of all players!! We appreciate it a lot!

Estamos buscando un corrector oficial de las frases en español para este hilo, así que si estás interesado, por favor envia un MP a rac1 o a mí

Hay muchos hablantes nativos de inglés aquí, entonces la mayoría de ellos puede ofrecer sugerencias a las frases en inglés. Voy a ayudar tanto como pueda, por supuesto.

Aquí están las directrices del juego:

  • Usa la palabra en una frase en inglés y añade la traducción al español. Intenta usar la palabra de una manera original.¡Usa tus propias palabras!

  • Vota por las frases que más te gusten.

  • Escribe solamente frases que tengan, al menos, 5 palabras, pero no escribas párrafos con 4 frases o más.

  • Haz las correcciones sugeridas por el corrector official.

  • El ganador será elegido basándose en el uso correcto de la palabra, así como en la cantidad de votos.

  • Respeta las reglas de SpanishDict.

  • ¡Disfruta el juego y mantén siempre en mente que todos nosotros estamos aquí para aprender!

We are looking for an official corrector of the Spanish sentences for this thread, so if you are interested, please send a PM to either rac1 or me.

As there are lots of native English speakers here, most of them can offer suggestions to the English sentences. I shall try to help as much as I can too, of course.

Here are the rules of the game:

  • Use the word in an English sentence and add the Spanish translation of that sentence. Try to use the word in an original way. Use your own words!

  • Vote for the sentences that you like most.

  • Write sentences of at least 5 words, but don’t write paragraphs of 4 sentences or more.

  • Correct your sentences according to the suggestions of the corrector.

  • The winner will be chosen based upon the correct use of the word as well as the number of votes.

  • Respect the rules of SpanishDict.

  • Enjoy the game and always keep in mind that all of us are here to learn.

Mi frase/my sentence:

If you don’t look closely at this picture, you will not see the Irish girl on the left.

Si no miras de cerca esta foto, no verás a la chica irlandesa a la izquierda.

enter image description here

¿Has visto todas las contribuciones en ‘The Word of the Day’ de ayer? Todos los jugadores merecen tu atención (y votos).

Did you see all the entries of yesterday’s Word of the Day? All players deserve your attention (and votes).

Gracias mi amga! Very funny too. :) — rac1, FEB 22, 2013

Very funny amiga, couldn’t see the red hair though! — pmikan-pam, FEB 22, 2013

Gracias mcl020 y Marianna! — RichSean1725, FEB 22, 2013

Thanks all ;-) — mcl020, FEB 22, 2013

Thanks, Marianna for helping out until an official corrector for the Spanish is found! — bandit51jd, FEB 22, 2013

She hasn’t promised us that! She just did it for a couple of days. It really is a heavy task! so we must be grateful for all help we get … some of us really want to know everything .. — mcl020, FEB 23, 2013

Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.

The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.

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