Word of the day idea

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas meeting agenda templates word images sales meeting agenda template 2023

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas toastmaster of the day themes idea wedding ideas 2023

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas taman sri nibong toastmasters club taman sri nibong ra log 2023

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas 22 images of toastmasters word of the day template kpopped 1 2023

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas 22 images of toastmasters word of the day template kpopped 2023

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas 22 images of toastmasters word of the day template kpopped 2023

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10 Fabulous Toastmasters Word Of The Day Ideas 125 toastmasters meeting themes or theme meeting ideas part 1 2023

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We aim to feature words from a broad range of vocabulary levels so that we have something to offer each of the members of our wide audience. Some words are…


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Word of the Day is an educational YouTube channel. It was created on June 22nd, 2023. Matching its name, it introduces the word of the day, which changes every day.

Words that were the words of the day on this channel

June 22, 2023

  • Word: exact
  • Meaning: precise, as opposed to approximate
  • Example: He got the exact sum on a math question at school.

June 23, 2023

  • Word: interesting
  • Meaning: engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity
  • Example: That book was interesting!

June 24, 2023

  • Word: unique
  • Meaning: to be the only one of its kind
  • Example: Zachary’s dance moves are very unique!

June 25, 2023

  • Word: bellowed
  • Meaning: to shout something with a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger
  • Example: Our teacher bellowed with rage, when we forgot to do our homework.

June 26, 2023

  • Word: significant
  • Meanings:
    • rich in significance or implication
    • important in effect or meaning
  • Example: The effect was significant.

June 27, 2023

  • Word: xenophobia
  • Meaning: a fear of foreigners or strangers
  • Example: My friend has xenophobia.

June 28, 2023

  • Word: predetermined
  • Meaning: set in advance
  • Example: The party was at a predetermined time.

June 29, 2023

  • Word: pester
  • Meaning: annoy persistently
  • Example: He continued to pester me.

June 30, 2023

  • Word: kiwi
  • Meaning: fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
  • Example: I had a kiwi for lunch.

July 1, 2023

  • Word: anxious
  • Meaning: causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
  • Example: I was anxious when the teacher asked me a question.

July 2, 2023

  • Word: pumpernickel
  • Meaning: bread made of coarse rye flour
  • Example: My mom is making a big loaf of pumpernickel for me to eat.

July 3, 2023

  • Word: predicament
  • Meaning: a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasent or trying one
  • Example: I’m having quite the predicament!

July 4, 2023

  • Word: paleontologist
  • Meaning: a specialist in paleontology
  • Example: My brother is a paleontologist.

July 5, 2023

  • Word: paleontology
  • Meaning: the earth science that studies fossil organisms and related remains
  • Example: At school, we learned about paleontology.

July 6, 2023


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Click play to hear additional tips from author Bill Brown, DTM.

Have you ever stopped to consider the life span of a Word of the Day? Does it last until the end of your meeting before it is forgotten? Does it last until the end of Table Topics®? Or does it last only as long as it takes to announce what it is?

Shouldn’t it have a life after the meeting ends?

In theory, we select a Word of the Day to expand our vocabulary. More times than not, at least in my observation, it is merely something we do because we always have. All too often, it is not even used by anyone.

Why not? One reason is that it may not be a priority for the club. Some clubs require using it to win Best Table Topics Speaker. Others just want the word to be used and the use reported on, but they don’t really care if you do or don’t. It’s just there.

Personally, I usually forget to use the Word of the Day. I remember it only when the grammarian gives the report at the end of the meeting.

The word also might be ignored because it’s not easy to use in a sentence. In one of my first meetings, the Word of the Day was garbology, the study of an ancient culture by the study of its garbage dump. I did use it, although it was a stretch. Granted, after all those years, I still remember it, but I can assure you I don’t use it in everyday conversation—or any other conversation, for that matter.

What, then, makes for a good Word of the Day?

I suggest the word should stretch our vocabulary. But stretch it how? If you select a fancy word like acidulate, asseveration, or contumelious, would anyone use it? Probably not. But if they did, they would most likely butcher the pronunciation. Does anyone really learn a word they can’t pronounce? I suspect not.

The words listed in the above paragraph are not easy to say. Better to choose a word that is easy to say and whose meaning is easy to understand. And make it a word that has a high probability of being used in the outside world but is not necessarily common.

I find it best to select an adjective. It can frequently be applied in several situations. A verb can also be used. A noun, on the other hand, can often be so specific that it has limited use.

Where, then, do you get ideas for
the Word of the Day? One place is www.dictionary.com . It has a Word of the Day right on its homepage. Other dictionary websites may help as well.

I do a lot of reading. When I discover an interesting word or one I don’t know, I type it into a document on my computer. I then look up the word in the dictionary, logging its definition next to its listing. I have well over 1,000 words on my list. When I am responsible for the Word of the Day, I merely go and select one from there.

But how to make that word last for more than a fleeting moment? Perhaps we can issue a reminder during the club meeting of the word used in the previous two meetings. The grammarian can count and report the use of any/all three words at the end of the meeting. That might develop a habit of usage.

Granted, some words aren’t going to gain traction regardless of how many times you mention them. Garbology might be one of them. Surprising, I know! When that happens, make a note of it and don’t use words like that in the future. Or maybe if a word is not well used, the grammarian can ask the club why not. That could get members thinking about what makes a great word.

And I don’t remember ever hearing a General Evaluator comment on the effectiveness of the Word of the Day. Shouldn’t it at least get honorable—or dishonorable—mention?

I firmly believe that the Word of the Day can be a much more valuable part of the meeting than it is right now. Let’s make that happen.

Bill Brown, DTM

is a speech delivery coach in Gillette, Wyoming. He is a member of Energy Capital Toastmasters in Gillette. Learn more at


Let’s face it, studying vocabulary is not something most children are exactly thrilled to do. Make it fun with this competitive family game! Pick a word of the day and see who can use it correctly the most times. This game will help your child learn new words by getting her to use them in real conversations. Increasing your child’s vocabulary is important for her grasp of the English language, and can also help her score higher on those tricky standardized tests.

What You Need:

  • 20 index cards
  • Black marker
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Bag or box
  • Poster board
  • Invisible tape
  • Dictionary

What You Do:

  1. Prepare for the game: With the black marker, write a different vocabulary word on each index card and then put them all into a box or bag. For pointers on what words to use, you may want to look over your child’s homework or check with a teacher to see which vocabulary words your child needs to learn.
  2. At the top of the poster board, have your child write a title, such as «Word of the Day,» in big block letters. Leave some space underneath for the rest of the project.
  3. Use the pencil to trace an index card 5 times on the poster board, arranging the 5 rectangles like 5 dots on a domino. Leave some room around each rectangle so you have space to write the days of the week, and be sure to leave several inches at the bottom of the poster where you will write the names of each family member.
  4. Above each rectangle, have your child write the days of the week in order. Monday should be the top-left rectangle, Wednesday should be the one in the center, and Friday should be on the bottom-right.
  5. Underneath that, use the ruler to divide the remaining space into four equal quadrants. Invite your child to write each family member’s name in the upper-left corner of each quadrant and be sure she leaves enough space for tally marks to keep score. (Note: for families with more than 4 members, have one or both parents sit out so the kids can compete against each other.)
  6. How to play: At breakfast each day, have your child draw a word from the bag and read it out loud. If anyone can define the word, encourage them to explain it to the rest of the family. If not, look it up in the dictionary and then give examples of the ways you could use the word in a conversation.
  7. Give your child a piece of Scotch removable tape and then have her paste it under the correct day of the week.
  8. The object of the game is to see which family member can use the word the most times correctly in conversation. Have each person keep track of how many times they use it in that day. Maybe add to the challenge by seeing who can come up with the most creative or silly way to use the word in a sentence!
  9. At dinner time, each family member will share how many times they use the word during the day and for each time someone used it, have your child put a tally mark next to their name. Share stories with each other about how you used the word, and with whom.
  10. For the rest of the week, your child will draw a new card every morning and tape it to the poster, and every evening your child will tally up each family member’s score.
  11. On the weekend, the goal is to use as many of the 5 words that were used during the week in conversation. But if you’d rather take a break on the weekend, that’s fine too, just skip to the next step.
  12. On Sunday, help your child add up all the points that each family member received over the week. Whoever has the most points gets the title «Word of the Day Champion!» Reward the vocabulary whiz by letting her choose what’s for dinner that night or what movie the family will watch. Another idea: make a silly «crown» out of an old hat or construction paper that the Word of the Day champion can wear the rest of the week. This activity is a great way to increase your child’s vocabulary and get the whole family involved, but don’t expect to do it every week—you’ll run out of words!  

How to pick a good word of the day?

A good word of the day…

  • IS related to the theme. If you don’t know what the theme is, ask the Toastmaster of the Day. For example, if the theme is superheroes, you might pick the word “temerity” because you think that would work well for superheroes
  • is NOT known by everyone in the room. Using “gold” or “courage” isn’t the best word of the day. It still challenges people to think on their feet and modify what they say, but it’s not teaching anyone.
  • is NOT extremely unusual. If nobody knows what the word means, then it’s hard to use in conversation
  • is NOT an extremely specific word. “Chutzpah” can be used in almost any situation and is a good word. “Echinacea,” on the other hand, is not going to come up in a business memo anytime soon. You want words that the club can start using immediately.
  • IS a word many people recognize or have vague awareness of, but do not use often. The goal is for the club to improve the way they speak and write.

Another tip: adjectives are usually easier to use than other parts of speech. If a word comes in multiple forms, try to mention that fact at least once.

Make sure everyone can see the word of the day AND its definition–and if possible, pronunciation–throughout the meeting. It’s rare, but if you can position it where the speaker can see it too, that can help to remind them when they’re at the lectern.

Here are good sites to find Words of the Day. Just remember, pick out a good one, not just the first one that comes along.

Empirical is an adjective that describes a study or technique that relies upon observation and physical evidence as opposed to theory. It comes from Latin empiricus, “a physician guided by experience.” “Empirical evidence” is a source of knowledge resulting from observation or experimentation. The most common use of empirical in writing for the general reader … Read more

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Hermetic is an adjective, and it is used to described something made airtight by fusion or sealing. It can also be used more broadly to indicate anything isolated from external factors. The adverb is hermetically. Inside the somewhat hermetic Basque community here, which mixes at its own social club and at a handful of small … Read more

Mishap is a misfortune; an accident. All such confrontations contain combustible mixes of the money, power and mishap that seem to bubble out of the ground whenever a huge supply of oil or gas is for sale. (The Economist) The professional wrestler known as The Undertaker got minor burns on his chest and a scare … Read more

Offhand can be used as an adverb, where it means unprepared or brusquely; and as an adjective, where it means casual. President Clinton made an offhand confession on Tuesday night that he had raised taxes “too much” in his first budget in 1993, and the remark drew mockery from Congressional Republicans today. (NY Times) While … Read more

Maim means to cripple someone. It can also be used generally, where it means to damage something, making it defective. Workers at drilling sites are surrounded by heavy machinery that can kill or maim in an instant. (USA Today) Automakers Say Cuts in Duties Would Maim Industry (NY Times)

Ludicrous is an adjective used to describe something so absurd that it provokes laughs and mockery. One synonym is ridiculous. A San Diego stock adviser who is accused of bribing an F.B.I. agent to give him confidential government information may have had prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, a federal prosecutor said yesterday. But … Read more

Subliminal is an adjective used to describe things or stimuli that work below the threshold of consciousness, thus influencing the individual without being perceived as clear thoughts or ideas. For example you can have subliminal advertising. There is, in fact, a subliminal seriousness: The quest for marketing buzz, the worldwide ambition to be more than … Read more

Ostracize means to exclude someone from society or from any group of people. It comes from the Greek ostrakízein, which was the practice of banishing citizens by popular vote. Yet there is still a woeful reluctance in Africa to chastise, ostracise or help to oust villainous leaders, such as Mr Mugabe or Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir, … Read more

A gestalt is a configuration or system so unified that it cannot be described by the sum of its individual parts. In Germany, a country that is home to Mercedes-Benz and the autobahn, life in a car-reduced place like Vauban has its own unusual gestalt. (NY Times) Now comes a fresh, noble perspective from Leander … Read more

Tautology is the repetition of meaning in two consecutive words, or the needless repetition of an idea. A tautology is considered a fault of style. Examples include “free gift” and “extra bonus.” There are scary stories, and then there are scary stories, just as there is writing, and then there is writing. Evidence supporting that … Read more

Cesspool is a pit or cistern, built to collect the sewage or other sediments from a house. It is commonly used to describe any filthy or immoral place. The problem is most Americans agree with Bolton that the U.N. is a cesspool of its own crapulence, stealing American tax dollars intended for global do-goodery while … Read more

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