Word of the day for christmas

Christmas Vocabulary and AttributesЕсли вы заглянули на эту страничку, то сейчас скорее всего вторая половина декабря. В эти темные дни в домах и квартирах начинают зажигаться гирлянды и появляться нарядные елки.  Снежинки на окнах, фонарики, красивые фигурки новогодних персонажей, а также сочные красный и зеленый цвета поднимают нам настроение! Мы начинаем ждать перемен, которые придут с Новым годом, и готовимся к Рождеству.

Английские слова и выражения к празднику «Рождество» (полный список)

1. to look forward to the holiday – с нетерпением ждать праздника
2. Bethlehem – Вифлеем (город в Палестине, к югу от Иерусалима; место рождения Иисуса Христа)
3. The Star of Bethlehem – звезда Вифлеема
4. Jesus Christ – Иисус Христос
5. Christmas holidays – рождественские праздники
6. Christmas card – рождественская открытка

7. white Christmas – Рождество со снегом
8. Christmas Eve – канун Рождества
9. on Christmas Day – на Рождество
10. at Christmas – на Рождество
11. on Christmas morning – в Рождественское утро
12. a Christmas Tree – рождественская елка
13. Father Christmas – рождественский дед
14. Santa Claus – Санта Клаус (американский дед мороз)
15. Jack Frost – дед мороз
16. a red robe – красный кафтан
17. gloves – перчатки
18. long white beard – длинная белая борода
19. a reindeer – северный олень
20. a sleigh – сани
21. chestnuts – каштаны
22. the fireplace – камин
Reindeer23. the chimney – дымоход
24. a carol – новогодняя песня религиозного содержания
25. coloured lights – фонарики
26. glistening glass balls – новогодние шары
27. a tinsel – гирлянда
28. a holly with red berries – остролист (его вечнозелёными веточками с красными ягодами по традиции украшают дом на Рождество)
29. Christmas wreath – рождественский венок (в Англии традиционное украшение дома на Рождество)
30. a stocking – чулок

31. to hang up – вешать
32. to be hung with – увешана
33. a candle – свеча
34. to light a candle – зажечь свечу
35. to decorate – украшать
36. special decorations – особенные украшения
37. to celebrate (all over the country) – отмечать (по всей стране)
38. to congratulate – поздравлять
Christmas Attribute. Holly39. to wish each other – желать друг другу
40. to toast – поднимать тост
41. a wish – желание
42. to make a wish – загадать желание
43. to come true – исполниться
44. to tell a fortune – гадать
45. to send greeting cards (Christmas cards) – отправлять рождественские открытки
46. Christmas meal – рождественская трапеза
47. a holiday meal – праздничный ужин
48. Christmas turkey – праздничная индейка

49. Christmas pudding – праздничный пудинг
50. a treat – угощение
51. to wrap up gifts – завертывать подарки
52. to leave the gifts under the tree – оставлять подарки под деревом
53. to sit down to dinner – сесть за стол
54. merry – веселый
55. midnight – полночь
56. a guest – гость
57. to invite – приглашать
58. to give presents – дарить подарки
59. to get (receive) a present  – получить подарок
60. to be visiting – быть в гостях
61. to visit smb/ to go to see – идти в гости
62. popular – популярный
63. popular gifts – обычные подарки (a box of chocolate, books, records, a photo album, computer games, perfume)
64. hand-made gifts – самодельные подарки
65. to prepare for – готовиться к
66. to put up – ставить, устанавливать
67. to put up a tree – ставить елку
68. to represent – представлять, символизировать
69. to listen to the speech of the Queen – слушать речь королевы
70. a relative – родственник
71. to stay up late – засиживаться допоздна

Это основные слова из «Christmas Vocabulary» (уровня intermediate), остальные слова вы найдете в текстах на английском языке про Рождество.

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Below, we have the big list of Christmas words — an a-to-z list of words that celebrate and relate to the holiday season.

Our list is categorized by letter; scroll past the list for a fun Christmas activity using the words listed here!


  1. Angels
  2. Advent
  3. Antlers
  4. Assemble:
    gather together
  5. Away in a Manger
  6. Announcement:
    angels announced the birth of Jesus
  7. Aroma
  8. Artificial:
    type of Christmas tree
  9. Angelic
  10. Advent calendar
  11. Abominable Snowman:
    character from “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
  12. Apple cider:
    warm spiced apple beverage served at holiday parties
  13. Andes mints:
    chocolate candy found at holiday parties
  14. Appreciate
  15. Aunt Clara:
    character from “A Christmas Carol”
  16. Attend:
    attending church and Christmas parties
  17. Acknowledge
  18. All Is Calm, All Is Bright
  19. Aspen:
    popular holiday destination in Colorado
  20. Anticipation


  1. Bethlehem
  2. Believe
  3. Bring:
    gifts, or good tidings of great joy
  4. Bells
  5. Boots:
    worn in snowy weather
  6. Blessings
  7. Boxing Day:
    the day after Christmas; celebrated as a public holiday in some countries (including the U.K. and Canada) and some U.S. states
  8. Blitzen:
    one of Santa’s reindeer
  9. Bows
  10. Boxes:
    used for wrapping gifts
  11. Belief
  12. Baking
  13. Bing Crosby:
    singer of many classic holiday songs, including “White Christmas”
  14. Birth
  15. Buche de Noel:
    French Christmas cake
  16. Boughs
  17. Balsam:
    type of Christmas tree
  18. Beauty
  19. Blizzard:
    heavy snow storm that brings a white Christmas
  20. Born
  21. Baubles:
    ball-shaped glass or plastic Christmas tree ornaments
  22. Blessed
  23. Best
  24. Benjamin:
    the ghost of the future in “A Christmas Carol”
  25. Beaming:
    Christmas happiness
  26. Buying
  27. Buddy:
    name of the main character in the movie “Elf”


  1. Christ
  2. Cherubs
  3. Calling birds:
    fourth gift in The Twelve Days of Christmas
  4. Cookies
  5. Candy
  6. Cake
  7. Candles
  8. Candy canes
  9. Cards
  10. Candlelit
  11. Charles Dickens:
    author of “A Christmas Carol”
  12. Cozy
  13. Cheer
  14. Chimney:
    where Santa Claus enters the house
  15. Chestnuts
  16. Creche:
    Church display featuring the stable where Jesus was born
  17. Carve:
    what you do to the turkey
  18. Clark Griswold:
    central character of “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”
  19. Cranberry sauce
  20. Carols
  21. Clarence:
    guardian angel character in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”
  22. Caroling
  23. Carolers
  24. Cousin Eddie:
    character in the movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”

See more in our full list of Christmas words that start with C.


  1. December
  2. Drinks:
    served at Christmas parties
  3. Drummer boy
  4. Dressing
  5. Deer
  6. Dasher:
    one of Santa’s reindeer
  7. Dancer:
    one of Santa’s reindeer
  8. Donner:
    one of Santa’s reindeer
  9. Douglas Fir:
    type of tree used as a Christmas tree
  10. Decorations
  11. Dashing:
    moving through the snow
  12. Decorated
  13. Drosselmeyer:
    toy-maker character in “The Nutcracker”
  14. Dickens:
    author of “A Christmas Carol”
  15. Dressing
  16. Deliver
  17. Deck:
    decorating the halls

See more in our full list of Christmas words that start with D.


  1. Epiphany:
    Three Kings Day; commemorates the kings visiting baby Jesus
  2. Emmanuel:
    “God is with us;” the name given to Christ
  3. Eggnog
  4. Evergreen:
    type of tree
  5. Ebeneezer Scrooge:
    character in “A Christmas Carol”
  6. Elves
  7. Entertain:
    hosting parties
  8. Expectations
  9. Elf:
    Santa’s helpers
  10. Exchange:
    trading gifts
  11. Eat
  12. Ebullient:
    meaning “excitement”; describes the joy of the Christmas season
  13. Excited
  14. Elm:
    type of tree sometimes used as a Christmas tree
  15. Eve:
    the day before Christmas
  16. Events


  1. Faith
  2. Four:
    number of calling birds gifted in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  3. Fruitcake
  4. Family
  5. Frosty:
    from “Frosty the Snowman”
  6. Friends
  7. Father Christmas
  8. Feast
  9. Fireplace
  10. Festive
  11. Freezing
  12. Festival
  13. Fir:
    type of tree
  14. Frankincense
  15. French hens:
    third gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  16. Flock:
    decorating with imitation snow
  17. Fun
  18. Fellowship
  19. Figgy pudding:
    spiced pudding mentioned in “We Wish You a merry Christmas”
  20. Figurines
  21. Forgiveness
  22. Fireside
  23. Folklore
  24. Feelings


  1. God
  2. Gabriel:
    angel that tells Mary she will have a son, Jesus
  3. Grace
  4. Gifts
  5. Greetings
  6. Green
  7. Goodies
  8. Garland
  9. Grinch
  10. Guests
  11. Gather
  12. Gingerbread
  13. Gratitude
  14. Gold:
    color of the fifth gift, rings, in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  15. Goose:
    traditional Christmas dinner
  16. Gourmet
  17. Grace
  18. Greenery
  19. Gravy
  20. Gift-wrapped
  21. Gracious
  22. Giving
  23. Goodwill
  24. Glad tidings
  25. Gift exchange
  26. Gloria
  27. Give
  28. Go:
    go to church, parties, and to visit Santa
  29. Glory
  30. Games
  31. Glitter
  32. Gloves
  33. Glow:
    Christmas lights, fireplaces, and children’s faces
  34. Geese a-laying:
    the sixth gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”


  1. Holy
  2. Hymns
  3. Holiday
  4. Hustle and bustle
  5. Ham
  6. Holly
  7. Home
  8. Hugs
  9. Humility
  10. Heavenly
  11. Happy
  12. Hark
  13. Honor
  14. Host
  15. Hang
  16. Ho Ho Ho:
    what Santa says before “Merry Christmas!”
  17. Heritage
  18. Harmony
  19. Hot chocolate
  20. Holiday
  21. Hot cider
  22. Holly jolly:
    as in “have a holly jolly Christmas”
  23. Home cooking
  24. Herald
  25. Hospitality
  26. Helping
  27. Hope


  1. Invitations
  2. Ivy
  3. In a pear tree:
    where the partridge is in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  4. Icicles
  5. Innocence
  6. Ice
  7. Inn:
    no room at the inn for Mary and Joseph
  8. Infant
  9. Incarnate
  10. Illumination
  11. Indulgence
  12. Ice castle
  13. Ice skates


  1. Jesus
  2. Jerusalem
  3. Joy
  4. Jingle bells
  5. Joseph:
    husband of Mary
  6. Jack Frost
  7. Journey:
    Mary and Joseph took one to Bethlehem
  8. Jolly
  9. Joy to the World
  10. Jingle Bell Rock
  11. Jubilation
  12. Jessica:
    Mrs. Claus’ first name in the Christmas TV special “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”


  1. Kris Kringle:
    Santa Claus in “Miracle on 34th Street” and “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”
  2. Kids
  3. Kin
  4. King
  5. Kindness
  6. Kiss:
    what you do under the mistletoe
  7. Kevin McAllister:
    main character in “Home Alone”


  1. Lamb of God
  2. Love
  3. Lights
  4. Little Drummer Boy
  5. Lords a-leaping:
    10th gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  6. Laughter
  7. Lavish
  8. Letter to Santa
  9. Lists:
    Santa’s record of “naughty” and “nice”
  10. Lump:
    coal left in a stocking
  11. Leave:
    setting out milk and cookies for Santa
  12. Let It Snow
  13. Ladies dancing:
    the ninth gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  14. Libation:
    holiday drinks
  15. Logs
  16. Loved ones
  17. Luminosity:
    Christmas lights


  1. Manger
  2. Mary
  3. Magi:
    wise men; three kings
  4. Mail
  5. Maids a-milking:
    eighth gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  6. Myrrh
  7. Music
  8. Mrs. Claus
  9. Mittens
  10. Merry and bright
  11. Mistletoe
  12. Miracles
  13. Minister
  14. Midnight:
    time of Christmas mass at many churches
  15. Mincemeat
  16. Majesty
  17. Magical
  18. Mom
  19. Meaningful
  20. Merry
  21. Miraculous
  22. Mirthful
  23. Make a toast
  24. Making spirits bright
  25. Max:
    dog in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
  26. Meal
  27. Memories
  28. Meaning
  29. Mercy
  30. Milk:
    left out with cookies for Santa
  31. Mood


  1. Nativity
  2. Newborn
  3. Noel
  4. North Pole
  5. Nutcracker
  6. Nutmeg
  7. Nostalgia
  8. Night Before Christmas
  9. Newly fallen snow
  10. Nap
  11. Nuts
  12. Naughty
  13. Night
  14. Neighborly
  15. Nice


  1. Ornaments
  2. O Holy Night
  3. Oven
  4. Observance:
    celebrating the holiday
  5. O Come, All Ye Faithful
  6. Occasion
  7. Open:
    what you do with gifts
  8. O Little Town of Bethlehem
  9. Olive:
    the “other reindeer”
  10. Ox
  11. Objects

See more in our full list of Christmas words that start with O.


  1. Peace
  2. Praise
  3. Popcorn string
  4. Packages
  5. Partridge:
    the first gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  6. Poinsettia
  7. Pie
  8. Prayer
  9. Prancer:
    one of Santa’s reindeer
  10. Peppermint
  11. Parade
  12. Plum pudding
  13. Post Office:
    where you mail letters and gifts to family and friends
  14. Pageant
  15. Proclaim
  16. Punch:
    drink served at Christmas parties
  17. Peace dove
  18. Pine
  19. Prophecy
  20. Presents
  21. Pumpkin pie
  22. Purity
  23. Philanthropy
  24. Pickles:
    traditional Christmas ornament
  25. Potatoes
  26. Preparation
  27. Pinecone:
    used for decoration
  28. Polar Express
  29. Pipers piping:
    11th gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  30. Plenty
  31. Pear Tree
  32. Phone calls


  1. Quail
  2. Quality
  3. Quaint:
    charmingly old-fashioned
  4. Quince pie:
    traditional Christmas dessert
  5. Quantity:
    lots of food and presents at Christmas


  1. Rudolph:
    Santa’s red-nosed reindeer
  2. Ribbon
  3. Red
  4. Reconciliation
  5. Reflection
  6. Reverence
  7. Reindeer
  8. Religious
  9. Rooftop
  10. Rejoice
  11. Reflect
  12. Roasted nuts
  13. Relationships
  14. Reunions
  15. Rituals
  16. Reception
  17. Reciprocity
  18. Relish
  19. Respect
  20. Regalia:
    traditional garb worn by the Pope during Christmas Mass; distinctive clothes and ornaments
  21. Ralphie:
    main character in “A Christmas Story”


  1. Stuffing
  2. Sleigh
  3. Sacred
  4. Scrooge
  5. Sales
  6. Season
  7. Spirit
  8. St. Nick:
    Santa Claus
  9. Snowball
  10. Snowbound
  11. Star
  12. Serve
  13. Share
  14. Santa Claus
  15. Shop
  16. Shortbread:
    type of cookie
  17. Sing
  18. Snooze
  19. Snow
  20. Surprise
  21. Symbols
  22. Sugarplums
  23. Sweets
  24. Silver bells
  25. Snacks
  26. Snowflake
  27. Snowfall
  28. Snow angel
  29. Sleigh bells
  30. Snowman
  31. Star
  32. Stockings
  33. Stocking stuffer
  34. Sack
  35. Scents
  36. Spices
  37. Stable
  38. Stress
  39. Seconds:
    another serving at Christmas dinner
  40. Swans a-swimming:
    seventh gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  41. Sleep
  42. Skate
  43. Santa
  44. Santa’s helpers
  45. Santa’s Workshop
  46. Secret Santa:
    anonymous gift swap
  47. Snow globe
  48. Sparkle
  49. Songs
  50. Snug:
    cozy in bed
  51. Shepherd
  52. Shine
  53. Sentiment


  1. Three kings
  2. Tinsel
  3. Tradition
  4. Turkey
  5. Triumphant
  6. Toys
  7. Tree
  8. Tree skirt
  9. Tree stand
  10. Trimmings
  11. Trumpets
  12. Thanks
  13. Trim the tree
  14. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
  15. Trips:
    visiting family
  16. Togetherness
  17. Traffic
  18. Tiny Tim:
    character in “A Christmas Carol”
  19. Toboggan
  20. Tranquility
  21. Twinkling
  22. TV:
    where you watch Christmas specials and movies
  23. Turtle doves:
    second gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
  24. Trinkets
  25. Toyland
  26. Tin soldier
  27. Thoughtfulness
  28. Tannenbaum:
    fir Christmas tree
  29. Tolerance


  1. Unity
  2. Understanding
  3. Unique
  4. Unwrap
  5. Ugly sweater
  6. Unbox
  7. Up on the Rooftop
  8. Under the mistletoe
  9. Unselfish
  10. Universality


  1. Vixen:
    one of Santa’s reindeer
  2. Vacation
  3. Vanilla
  4. Values
  5. Virgin:
    Mary, mother of Jesus
  6. Virtue
  7. Vocalists
  8. Volunteers
  9. Visions:
    of sugarplums
  10. Visits


  1. Wreath
  2. Worship
  3. Wrapping paper
  4. Winter
  5. Wine
  6. Walnuts
  7. Waiting
  8. White
  9. Warm
  10. Wintry
  11. Wondrous
  12. Wise men
  13. Wrapping
  14. Wreath
  15. Wenceslas:
    character in the traditional carol “Good King Wenceslas”
  16. Whimsy
  17. Wassail:
    hot mulled cider
  18. Whoville:
    town in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
  19. Welcome


  1. Xmas


  1. Yule
  2. Youth
  3. Yuletide
  4. Yule log


  1. Zest:
    citrus shavings added to Christmas recipes
  2. Zealous:
    enthusiastic for Christmastime

Activity: Christmas Mad Lib

For a fun and interactive way to use our list of Christmas words, we’ve created a Mad Lib story below!

With a group of friends or family, choose words from our list or off the top of your heads to add to the blank spaces.

You can choose the words at random or by looking for certain word types, like nouns.

One person should write the words into the blank spaces without showing the story to those choosing the words.

Once you’ve filled in every blank space, read the sentimental (but nonsensical) story out loud!

Little Timmy’s _____ Christmas

Timmy lived on a _____ street in the countryside of _____. Though his parents shared his home, it was the _____ that really raised little Timmy.

As the Christmas holiday approached, he couldn’t wait to give (Timmy’s guardian) the gift he’d made by hand: a _______.

Timmy took the (gift) with him everywhere — on the bus, to school, and to the corner market where he always liked to buy ____ in the evening.

Two days before Christmas, little Timmy was walking the neighborhood with a friend when he was struck by a craving for (item he buys from corner market).

“Hey ____,” he exclaimed, using his friend’s nickname. “Let’s stop here for a moment!”

Inside the store, Timmy couldn’t help clearing the shelf of (item he buys from the corner market).

He couldn’t just get one for himself — he needed one for (friend’s name), one for each of his parents, three for ____, and he couldn’t forget (Timmy’s guardian).

As he placed the items on the counter, the cashier said, “That’ll be $50.”

Shocked, Timmy dug through his backpack, hoping to find a few spare bills. Alas, all he had was his handmade (gift).

“Did you make that? My wife would love it!,” the cashier said excitedly. “Are you willing to trade?”

Timmy shook his head and said, “I know Christmas isn’t about gifts, but this (gift) is for someone very special.”

The cashier understood, and in the Christmas spirit, gave Timmy the hoard of treats and let him keep his (gift).

Christmas is a time for families, friends, and celebrations. It’s also a time to say “Merry Christmas!” and up some cards with your favorite Christmas words. There are tons of Christmas cards, but only a handful are worth buying. Those you believe should speak the truth of how much you care about the person on the front page — the one you will keep in your wallet or even frame.

Some Facts about Christmas Words

Christmas is when words are spoken and written, and we always do this with a certain level of reverence. You want to ensure that we have the right words to say at the right time. Christmas is a time of magic, and the words we use can be magic too.

  • First off, Christmas is a time of year when your words matter because it’s a holiday that involves giving and receiving. This means you want to use the best terms when speaking or to write about the holiday.
  • Secondly, there are several different types of words that you can use when talking about Christmas. You can talk about the name of Jesus Christ, which is why there are so many different ways to say “Christmas” in English (like “Christmas Day”).
  • Thirdly, if you want to make sure that your word choice is appropriate for your audience, you need to consider their age group and gender too! The rules for writing or speaking about these topics are slightly different for each case.

Here are facts about some of my favorite Christmas words.

The word Christmas

The word “Christmas” comes from an old Germanic pagan festival called Christmastide, which was celebrated to honor the birth of Christ. The Germanic people who lived in what is now Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark worshipped a god called Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas), who brought gifts to children at this time of year. This was later adapted into Christmas celebrations for Christians.


Christmas comes from the Latin word “Christes maesse,” meaning the “mass” or solemnity of Christ’s birth. The Latin phrase maesse means both mass and sacrifice and refers to the Roman Catholic Church’s celebration of Jesus’ birth as part of their Lenten period when they fasted and gave alms to charity (see Lent & Easter).

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Feliz Navidad.

The first one is probably the one you are most familiar with. It’s a greeting that means “Merry Christmas.” It’s also used to wish someone a happy holiday season or to say goodnight on the phone before hanging up.

The second one is more commonly used in Spain and Latin America. It means “Happy Holidays,” similar to English but not quite the same.

The third one is something that Spanish speakers use to wish someone a happy New Year. It’s also used as a greeting among friends who aren’t close enough for them to exchange gifts or cards yet still want to wish each other well for the new year.

List of Christmas Words

Following is the list of 200+ christmas vocabulary in the English language. This list is an excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English.

  • Advent calendar
  • Angel
  • Appreciative
  • Baking
  • Bauble
  • Beautiful
  • Belief
  • Bell
  • Bells
  • Bethlehem
  • Birth
  • Blessing
  • Blitzen
  • Boots
  • Bow
  • Box
  • Boxing Day
  • Buche de Noel
  • Candle
  • Candlelight
  • Candy
  • Candy cane
  • Card
  • Caring
  • Carolers
  • Caroling
  • Carols
  • Celebrate
  • Ceremonious
  • Ceremony
  • Charity
  • Cheer
  • Cheerful
  • Chestnuts
  • Chilly
  • Chimney
  • Chocolate
  • Christmas Day
  • Christmas Eve
  • Tree stand
  • Christmastide
  • Church
  • Cider
  • Coal
  • Cold
  • Comet
  • Cookies
  • Cranberries
  • Dancer
  • December
  • Decorations
  • Display
  • Donner
  • Eggnog
  • Elf
  • Elves
  • Emmanuel
  • Epiphany
  • Evergreen
  • Exchange
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Father Christmas
  • Feast
  • Feliz Navidad
  • Festive
  • Figgy pudding
  • Fir
  • Fireplace
  • Frankincense
  • Frosty
  • Fruitcake
  • Garland
  • Generosity
  • Gift
  • Gingerbread
  • Gingerbread house
  • Gingerbread man
  • Glad tidings
  • Gloria
  • Gold
  • Goodwill
  • Goose
  • Grace
  • Green
  • Greetings
  • Grinch
  • Holiday
  • Holly
  • Hot chocolate
  • Hymn
  • Ice skating
  • Icicle
  • Jack Frost
  • Jerusalem
  • Jesus
  • Jingle bells
  • Jolly
  • Joy
  • Joyeux Noel
  • King Wenceslaus
  • Kings
  • Krampus
  • Kris Kringle
  • Lights
  • List
  • Little drummer boy
  • Love
  • Magic
  • Manger
  • Mary
  • Menorah (Hanukkah)
  • Merry
  • Merry Christmas
  • Miracle
  • Mistletoe
  • Mittens
  • Music
  • Myrrh
  • Nativity
  • Naughty
  • Nice
  • Noel
  • North Pole
  • Nutcracker
  • Observance
  • Opening presents
  • Ornaments
  • Package
  • Pageantry
  • Parade
  • Partridge
  • Party
  • Peace
  • Peppermint
  • Pine
  • Pinecone
  • Plum pudding
  • Poinsettia
  • Popcorn
  • Prancer
  • Presents
  • Proclaim
  • Receive
  • Red
  • Reindeer
  • Rejoice
  • Reverence
  • Ribbon
  • Rudolph
  • Sacred
  • Saint Nicholas
  • Santa Claus
  • Santa’s hat
  • Santa’s helpers
  • Santa’s sack
  • Santa’s workshop
  • Savior
  • Scrooge
  • Season’s greetings
  • Secret Santa
  • Shepherd
  • Silver bells
  • Sled
  • Sledge
  • Sleigh
  • Sleigh bells
  • Snow
  • Snow angel
  • Snow globe
  • Snowball
  • Snowflake
  • Snowman
  • Special
  • Spirit
  • Nicks
  • Star
  • Stocking
  • Sugarplum
  • Surprise
  • Sweater
  • Symbol
  • Tannenbaum
  • Three Kings Day
  • Tidings
  • Tinsel
  • Tiny Tim
  • Togetherness
  • Toys
  • Tradition
  • Tree
  • Trimming
  • Turkey
  • Unwrap
  • Vacation
  • Vixen
  • Wassail
  • White
  • Winter
  • Winter Wonderland
  • Wise men
  • Wish
  • Workshop
  • Worship
  • Wrapping paper
  • Wreath
  • Xmas
  • Yule log
  • Yuletide

Christmas Words with Meanings

Christmas is a time for family and friends to come together, eat delicious food and give each other presents. But that’s not the only thing to celebrate! There are many Christmas words that you can use throughout the season. Here are some ideas for words to use in your Christmas cards and letters:

  • Merry Christmas: This is used at the beginning of the greeting, but it can also be used at the end if you feel like being extra festive. It means “merry Christmas.”
  • Christmas Eve: This refers to Christmas Eve (the day before Christmas) or on Christmas Eve itself. It means “Christmas Day.”
  • Christmas Day: This is used at the beginning of the greeting, but it can also be used at the end if you feel like being extra festive. It means “Christmas Day.”
  • Christmas package: This implied a present wrapped in paper or plastic and delivered on Christmas day or early in the morning after midnight on December 24th.
  • Christmas tree: A tree decorated with lights, tinsel, and presents placed in your home during this time of year after December 25th has passed.
  • Christmas: The holiday season in which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • Winter Solstice: The day that marks the shortest day and longest night of the year; a time for prayer and reflection.
  • Yuletide: A colloquial term for Christmas celebrations. It can also refer to any holiday season or festive occasion.

Wrapping Up

Many words have become associated with Christmas, but as this post shows, many other words were used before English became the global language. Unsurprisingly, these words remained in the vocabulary of nations where English has never been the primary language. Some words are too attached to Love and Peace for them ever to be replaced, making them forever part of the collective vocabulary.

Christmas Words | Image

Christmas Words


Christmas Words


Last Updated on June 22, 2022

Рождественская лексика

на английском

Christmas Eve — Канун Рождества (24 December or 7 Jenuary)
Christmas Day — день рождества (25 December)
Boxing Day — день подарков (26 December)
Сhristmas tree — Рождественская елка
decorations — украшения
singning carols — петь колядки

Репетитор английского языка

Украшения на Рождество

Decorations for Christmas

bell — колокольчик
candy cane — карамельная трость
lights — гирлянда
ornaments — украшения на елку
tinsel — новогодний дождик
at the top — наверху
a star — звезда
garland — гирлянда
candle — свеча
mistletoe — омела белая
holly — остролист
put a wreath — повесить рождественский венок
front door — передняя дверь
red ribbon — красная лента

Выражения на Рождество 

Expressions and Collocations for Christmas

hang stockings — повесить чулки
fireplace — камин
fill stockings — наполнять чулки
Santa delivers presents. — Санта приносит подарки.
travel in the sleigh — путешествовать в санях
sleigh are pulled by reindeer — олени тащат сани
carry the presents — приносить подарки
wrap the present — запаковывать подарки
unwrap the present — распаковывать подарки
spend time together — проводить время вместе
send Christmas Cards — посылать рождественские открытки

Как поздравить с Рождеством

Merry Christmas! — Счастливого Рождества!
Happy Christmas! — Счастливого Рождества!

Лексика на тему рождения Иисуса

Nativity Story

Nativity story — история рождения Иисуса
Jesus — Иисус
Mary — Мария
Jewish girl — еврейская девушка
very obedient — очень послушная
carry a boy — быть беременной мальчиком
Joseph — Иосиф
stable — Хлев
shepherds — пастухи
an angel from heaven — ангел с небес
angel appeared — ангелы явились
3 wise men — 3 мудреца
3 gifts — 3 подарка
manger — ясли (кормушка)

Рождественская праздничная лексика в видео

How Jesus was born

A story about Mister Scrooge

Learning words for kids is an important part of a child’s early education. But the learning shouldn’t stop, even if it’s Christmas. The best way to include learning into a child’s routine over the holidays is to make it Christmas-themed. So, help them learn Christmas-related words and boost their holiday vocabulary. Christmas words play a vital role in enhancing a child’s communication skills. Among all the festivals celebrated globally, Christmas is one of the most famous and is celebrated by people worldwide. 

Christmas Words

Friends and families come together to spread love and grace and show affection for each other during the holiday. There’s fun, food, presents and joy all around. In all this, kids tend to forget all they’ve learned. Parents can use the opportunity to include some learning with the fun and teach their children some interesting Christmas words and phrases.

100+ Popular Christmas Words

Here is a list of Christmas words to help build a strong vocabulary for kids.

List of Christmas Words

Christmas Merry Festive Santa Claus
Saint Nicholas Kris Kringle Elves Jolly
Reindeer Carols Carolling Carolers
Mistletoe Frankincense Myrrh Nativity
Xmas Yuletide Tinsel Stocking
Presents Fruitcake Chimney Jesus
Birth Family Candy Pinecone
Spirit Tidings Tradition Rudolph
Sleigh Holiday Holly Ornaments
Scrooge Sledge Snowball St. Nicks
Snowman Rejoice Father Christmas Christmas Eve
Christmas tree Jack Frost Santa’s helpers Santa’s workshop
Christmas carol Christmas card Frosty the Snowman December 25
Sleigh bells Gingerbread house North Pole Plum pudding
Season’s greetings Celebrate Christmas tree stand Chestnuts
Angel Elf Feast Goose

Download Christmas Words Printable

Christmas Words From A-Z

During the Christmas holiday season, parents can introduce kids to all the Christmas Words that begin with different letters of the alphabet.

Christmas Words That Start With A Christmas Words That Start With B
Christmas Words That Start With C Christmas Words That Start With D
Christmas Words That Start With E Christmas Words That Start With I
Christmas Words That Start With K Christmas Words That Start With L
Christmas Words That Start With M Christmas Words That Start With N
Christmas Words That Start With O Christmas Words That Start With Q
Christmas Words That Start With U Christmas Words That Start With Z

How Many Answers Can You Get Right in this Easy Christmas Quiz?

Funny Christmas Words and Phrases for Kids

  • Santa knows who’s bad or good, but I think he already knows about you. Merry Christmas to a great kid.
  • When I see your little cherub face, I think of the Christ Child & all of His blessings. Merry Christmas, little one.
  • Since our children are grown up now, we enjoy seeing Christmas through your young eyes. Thank you so much.
  • To my beautiful child on your first Christmas: This Holy Day, I am grateful for so much, but you’re my biggest blessing in my life.
  • From the moment I saw your sweet face, I knew you were the best Christmas gift I could ever receive. Merry Christmas, Sweetie.
  • Sweet cookies, sweet candy, lovely Christmas carols in the air, sweetly wrapped gifts, and, hmmm, what else? Oh yeah, dear you.
  • Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want, and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want, and their kids pay for it. – Richard Lamm
  • A song was heard at Christmas. To wake the midnight sky. A savior’s birth, & peace on earth & praise to God on high.
  • The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other’s arms.
  • At Christmas, play and cheer. Christmas comes but once a year.
  • Don’t measure the height of your Christmas tree. Measure the abundance of love present in your heart. Have a Blessed Christmas.
  • Giving and receiving love is the only guarantee of having a truly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing you and your family all the best.

Christmas Words and Phrases

Christmas is an ideal time to get innovative, the holiday is the perfect time to make handcrafted gifts and goodies.

Whether a child is creating a signboard, a goody bag, a card or a present tag, use this list of Christmas-related words and phrases (in the sequence of length) to write on their next Christmas craft. Here is an extensive list of popular catchy Christmas phrases.

Jingle All The WayMaking Spirits Bright Dashing Through the SnowRepeat the Sounding Joy
Silent Night… Yeah Right! Sleigh Bells Ring
Merry and Bright A Thrill of Hope
Peace on Earth Jingle Bells
Let It, Snow Ho Ho Ho
Pa-Rum Pum Pum Pum Repeat the Sounding Joy
May Your Days Be Merry and Bright Christmas Comes But Once A Year
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season ‘Fra-gee-lay. Must Be Italian.’
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Believe in the Magic of Christmas
The Weather Outside is Frightful, But The Fire Is So Delightful Are you part of the Inn Crowd, or are you one of the Stable few?
Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in. The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All to Hear
It’s All Fun and Games ‘Til Santa Checks the Naughty List.’ Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire, Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose.
Where The Treetops Glisten And Children Listen To Hear Sleigh Bells In The Snow For Unto You Is Born This Day In The City Of David A Savior Which Is Christ The Lord
And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful, Counselor, All Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. ‘I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.’ – Charles Dickens.
‘Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.’ – Norman Vincent Peale ‘The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.’ – Burton Hillis
‘Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps… means a little bit more!’ It’s Christmas in the Heart That Puts Christmas in the Air
Glory To The Newborn King Have A Holly Jolly Christmas
‘Tis The Season To Be Freezin’ All I Want for Christmas is You. Everything
Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle Be Naughty. Save Santa The Trip.
You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid. Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Parents can teach Christmas words and phrases to children, which adds a colorful vibe at home. Osmo also provides a wide range of Christmas Crossword Puzzles for Kids for the benefit of children.

Frequently Asked Questions on Christmas Words

What are some 4 letter Christmas words?

Christmas words are available from 3 letter words too. But here are some of the 4 letter Christmas words for kids, they are, grin, gift, give, card, snow, sock and many more. These Christmas words help children get acquainted with new words and broadens their vocabulary.

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