Word of the day blog

Archive for the ‘Word of the Day’ Category

September 20, 2017

Russian Word of the Day – snack (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

закуска (zakuska) snack (noun)

Я набрала вес постоянно кушая снеки.
Yа nabrala ves postoyanno kushaya sneki.
I gained weight by always eating snacks.

Фрукты представляют собой отличный перекус во второй половине дня.
Frukty predstavlyayut soboy otlichnyy perekus vo vtoroy polovine dnya.
Fruit makes a great snack in the afternoon.

Не ешь слишком много снеков.
Ne yesh’ slishkom mnogo snekov.
Don’t eat too many snacks.

eat a snack

ночной перекус
nochnoy perekus
midnight snack

popcorn snack

дневной перекус
dnevnoy perekus
afternoon snack

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November 8, 2016

Russian Word of the Day – calendar (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

календарь (kalendar’) calendar (noun)

календарный день
kalendarnyy den’
day calendar

один календарный год
odin kalendarnyy god
one calendar year

календарный месяц
kalendarnyy mesyats
calendar month

Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

February 18, 2015

Russian Word of the Day – surf the internet (phrase)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

сидеть в Интернете (sidet’ v Internete) surf the internet (phrase)

Мужчина сидел в Интернете за компьютером.
Muzhchina sidel v Internete za komp’yuterom.
The man surfed the internet on the computer.

Мужчина сидит в Интернете за компьютером.
Muzhchina sidit v Internete za komp’yuterom.
The man surfs the internet on the computer.

Мужчина сидит в Интернете.
Muzhchina sidit v Internete.
The man is surfing the internet on the computer.

Я сижу в Интернете каждый вечер перед сном.
Ya sizhu v Internete kazhdyy vecher pered snom.
I surf the internet every night before bed.

сидеть в Интернете в течение часа
sidet’ v Internete v techeniye chasa
surf the internet for an hour

Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

December 11, 2014

Russian Word of the Day – carrot (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

морковь (morkov’) carrot (noun)

Перец, брокколи, цукини, лук-порей, морковь, баклажаны и салат – это всё овощи.
Perets, brokkoli, tsukini, luk-porey, morkov’, baklazhany i salat – eto vso ovoshchi.
Peppers, broccoli, zucchini, leeks, carrots, eggplants, and lettuce are all vegetables.

Морковь обычно оранжевого цвета.
Morkov’ obychno oranzhevogo tsveta.
Carrots are usually orange in color.

Морковь – очень популярный и полезный корнеплод.
Morkov’ – ochen’ populyarnyy i poleznyy korneplod.
The carrot is a very popular and healthy root vegetable.

Мини-морковь обычно более нежная, чем та, которая покрупнее.
Mini-morkov’ obychno boleye nezhnaya, chem ta, kotoraya pokrupneye.
A baby carrot is usually more tender than a larger one.

оранжевая морковь
oranzhevaya morkov’
orange carrot

baby carrot

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April 28, 2014

Russian Word of the Day – older sister (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

старшая сестра (starshaya sestra) older sister (noun)

Наша старшая сестра сидит с ребёнком, когда наших родителей нет дома.
Nasha starshaya sestra sidit s rebyonkom, kogda nashikh roditeley net doma.
Our older sister babysits when our parents are out.

Старшая сестра держит свою младшую сестру.
Starshaya sestra derzhit svoyu mladshuyu sestru.
The older sister is holding her younger sister.

иметь старшую сестру
imet’ starshuyu sestru
have an older sister

старшая сестра и младшая сестра
starshaya sestra i mladshaya sestra
older sister and younger sister

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December 16, 2013

Russian Word of the Day – sweet potato (phrase)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

сладкий картофель (sladkiy kartofel’) sweet potato (phrase)

Ямс также называют сладким картофелем.
Yams takzhe nazivayut sladkim kartofelem.
A yam is also called a sweet potato.

Сладкий картофель хорош печёным или жареным
Sladkiy kartofel’ horosh pechyonym ili zharenym
The sweet potato is great baked or fried.

засахаренный сладкий картофель
zasaharenniy sladkiy kartofel’
candied sweet potato

печёный сладкий картофель
pechyoniy sladkiy kartofel’
baked sweet potato

целый сладкий картофель и нарезанный сладкий картофель
tseliy sladkiy kartofel’ i narezanniy sladkiy kartofel’
whole sweet potato and cut sweet potato

Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

June 19, 2013

Russian Word of the Day – bread (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

хлеб (hleb) bread (noun)

Каждым воскресным утром мы покупаем хлеб, торт и печенье в пекарне.
Kazhdym voskresnym utrom my pokupayem hleb, tort i pechyen ‘ye v pekarne.
Every Sunday morning we buy bread, cake, and cookies at the bakery.

нарезанный хлеб и булочки
narezannyi hleb i bulochki
sliced bread and bread rolls

нарезанный хлеб
narezannyi hleb
sliced bread

Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

April 21, 2011

Russian Word of the Day – silver (adjective)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

серебряный silver (adjective)

серебряная ручка выглядит дорого
The silver colored pen looks expensive.

красить в серебряный цвет
color silver

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January 6, 2014

Grammar Lesson of the Day: The Phrasal Possessive

January 6, 2014 By


Grammar Lesson of the Day: The Phrasal Possessive   We in English have an odd and useful tool: a possessive that can be appended to an entire phrase, rather than to just one word. Look at the following:   Il figlio del re d’Inghilterra (Italian) Le fils du roi d’Angleterre (French) Der Sohn des Koeniges von England (German)   In each case, the possessive applies to the noun alone. In the Romance languages, it must be marked by a prepositional… Read more

January 5, 2014

Word of the Day: brethren

  Word of the Day: brethren.   I like the word brethren. Its specialized use is to denote members of a solemn or sacred brotherhood, sometimes including women too. Nobody would now say, “I have three sisters and two brethren,” unless he was telling a joke; he’s a member of an order of priests, and there are three nuns next door. Brothers will do. But sometimes the older word is more powerful: “Brethren, let us now consider the matter before… Read more

January 3, 2014

Word of the Day: methinks

Word of the Day: methinks   “The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” says Queen Gertrude in Hamlet, watching a play wherein a woman professes, in the most fulsome terms, utter devotion to her husband the king, two minutes before the king’s brother will poison him by pouring poison into his ear, and four minutes before that devoted woman will marry her brother-in-law. Oops! What does the word mean? And why is it methinks? I imagine a Huron queen watching… Read more

January 2, 2014

Grammar Lesson of the Day: Deponent Verbs

Grammar Lesson of the Day: Deponent Verbs   Deponent verbs are the bane of the young Latin student’s existence. They take the form of the passive voice, but they have active meaning. And they are darned common: loquor, I speak; confiteor, I confess; morior, I die. Many of them are transitive verbs, and so they can take an object where the “look” of the verb wouldn’t suggest any. Why would the Romans have such a ridiculous thing? Many of these… Read more

January 1, 2014

Word of the Day: castle

Word of the Day: castle   “A man’s home is his castle!” shouts the fat bus driver Ralph Kramden, trying to bully his wife Alice to get his way. “And in a castle there’s one king! And I’m the king!” And he cocks his head and jabs his finger at her. “I’m the king! And you – you are a peasant! I’m the king!”   To which Alice, utterly unimpressed, replies, “Aaaaah, shaaaadap!” And Ralph fumes with frustration. For all… Read more

December 31, 2013

Word of the Day: new   “There is nothing new under the sun,” said the Preacher. “Get your New and Improved Crest Toothpaste, with stannous fluoride,” said the Huckster.   I like to point out to my students, when we’re studying ancient Rome, that those great architects of government had a nice term for revolution: res nova, a new thing. To call your political opponent an innovator was worse than to cast a shadow upon his motives. It was to… Read more

December 30, 2013

Word of the Day: buxom

Word of the Day: buxom.   In the Beetle Bailey comic strip, the old addled General Halftrack has a dumb blonde secretary with really dangerous curves. Her name, of course, is Miss Buxley. Mort Walker was punning on the word buxom, which is now used only to describe a woman – and not every woman, either! It wasn’t always so. In Paradise Lost, Milton describes Satan as flying through the buxom air. What could he have meant? We need to… Read more

December 29, 2013

Grammar Lesson of the Day: genitive of time

Grammar Lesson of the Day: Genitive of Time   What part of speech is the first word of the following sentence?   Mornings I walk over to the church for early Mass, then I have breakfast at The Gentleman Farmer.   Almost everybody would say, “Noun!” And you could make a case for it. You could say, “It’s short for in-the-morning, and ‘morning’ is a noun.” Well, ‘morning’ is a noun, but ‘mornings’ here isn’t. It answers the question, “When?”… Read more

December 28, 2013

Word of the Day: twelve

Word of the Day: twelve   One of the sad losses as Western man moved from liturgical time to secular time has been the festal season. We have shopping periods, with no special beginning or end, stretching farther and farther out away from Christmas Day or Easter, losing all connection to the feast, and bringing in their wake not festivity but weariness and ennui.   A far cry from the twelve days of Christmas celebrated in western Europe, from the… Read more

December 27, 2013

Word of the Day: yield

Word of the Day: yield   I’m quite aware that this word, in Massachusetts and New York, means “ .” Interstates aside, though, it’s a nice word. It has come to mean to give way, as when a corrupt Claude Rains is trying to shout down Jimmy Stewart in the halls of Congress: “Will the gentleman yield!” “No, I w-won’t yield!” And the hearts of Boy Scouts leap. Its original meaning, though, suggests generosity, bounty, fruitfulness. Recipes in women’s magazines… Read more


Learn Vietnamese culture and history through stories and insights centred around a daily word

Hotels in Vietnamese – “Nhà Nghỉ” vs “Khách Sạn”

November 6, 2022

Learn the pronunciation, meaning, and crucial differences between hotels (*khách sạn*) vs. motels (*nhà nghỉ*) in Vietnam

Happy Birthday in Vietnam

Birthdays in Vietnam – Expat Guide to Birthday Gifts, Traditions and Expressions

September 25, 2022

Happy birthday in Vietnamese is “Chúc mừng sinh nhật!” Use our handy guide to know how to celebrate birthdays in Vietnam and what kinds of gifts to get.

What are vietnamese mooncakes?

Bánh Trung Thu – What Are Vietnamese Mooncakes?

September 7, 2022

Vietnamese mooncakes are a thick, dense, hearty sweet-bean cake with a doughy exterior. They are eaten only around the Mid-Autumn festival.

How to say "what is your name" in Vietnamese

“What is your name?” in Vietnamese

September 5, 2022

How to ask “What is your name?” in Vietnamese, as well as some fun facts about Vietnamese name ordering and common names.

How to ask for directions as a tourist in Vietnam

How to Ask “Where is?” in Vietnamese

April 2, 2022

How to ask “Where is?” or “Which direction to…?” in Vietnamese, as well as common answers to direction questions

funny names in Vietnamese for tourists

“Bích Phúc Đạt” and Other Vietnamese Names That Sound Naughty

March 28, 2022

What does “Bích Phúc Đạt” mean in Vietnamese? Expats and tourists can learn Vietnamese via its funny (& naughty) sounding names.

Tourists learn how to say mother and father in Vietnamese

How to say Mother & Father in Vietnamese?

March 23, 2022

Expats in Vietnam should learn the vocabulary about family, which is super important in Vietnam. Mẹ means mother, and Bố imeans father.

Happy birthday in Vietnamese

How to Say “Happy Birthday” in Vietnamese

March 19, 2022

The Vietnamese expression for “Happy Birthday!” is Chúc mừng sinh nhật. Learn more about Vietnamese culture surrounding birthdays

ba ong - old people in Vietnamese

Bà & Ông – Grandmother and Grandfather in Vietnamese

March 11, 2022

Bà & Ông are key words to know in Vietnamese, in order to speak politely to elderly people. Listen to the properly pronunciation

how to get help in VIetnamese

How to say “Help me!” in Vietnamese?

February 12, 2022

The Vietnamese expression for “Help me!” is Cứu tôi với. To call for an ambulance, say Gọi xe cấp cứu đi!

How to say kiss me in vietnamese

How to say “Kiss me!” in Vietnamese

February 6, 2022

For Valentine’s Day, learn how to say “kiss me” in Vietnamese: Hôn anh đi (for a man to say to a woman); Hôn em đi (for a woman to…

How to say “You” and “Y’all” in Vietnamese

February 1, 2022

“You” is commonly translated as bạn in Vietnamese. But, there are numerous second-person pronouns, varying by age, sex and familiarity

How to say shut up or please be quiet politely in Vietnamese

How to Say “Shut up” Politely in Vietnamese

January 26, 2022

From dealing with loud karaoke sounds or disciplining out-of-control children, learn how to politely say “please be quiet” in Vietnamese.

Happy lunar new year in Vietnamese - chuc mung nam moii

How to say “Happy Lunar New Year” in Vietnamese?

January 18, 2022

To wish someone a ‘Happy Lunar New Year” (aka Tết) in Vietnamese is ‘Chúc mừng năm mới!’

how to say "a little bit" just a little in Vietnamese

How to say “A little bit” in Vietnamese

January 15, 2022

How to say “just a little bit” in Vietnamese, like if someone offers you some alcohol or tea.

I love you, in Vietnamese

Em yêu anh – How to say “I love you” in Vietnamese

January 13, 2022

There are a variety of ways to say “I love you” in Vietnamese, like “em yêu anh” in North Vietnam, or “em thương anh” in South Vietnam

Vietnamese family name Tran - meaning and pronunciation

What does Trần mean in Vietnamese?

January 9, 2022

Trần is one of the most common Vietnamese surnames. In modern Vietnamese it has multiple meanings, like roof-top, naked, and dusty.

Tuyen Map - Fat in Vietnamese

Calling Someone Fat is Cute in Vietnamese

January 8, 2022

Calling someone béo in Vietnamese (fat) is not considered offensive — it is just a matter-of-fact description. Learn about Vietnamese fat culture.

Other Vietnamese Language Resources

Pronuciation Guides with Audio

Our Series of Vietnamese Language Guides

Listen and study

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