Word of the day beginning with a

Lists of words starting with A including those most commonly written / spoken, definitions, part of speech, a printable, and a very long list arranged by word length. Also includes countries that start with A, household items that begin with A, and more. Skip to the section you’re interested in by using the Table Of Contents, or scroll down to see more Amazing A words.

Table of contents

  1. Most common A words in alphabetic and frequency order
  2. Printable / Infographic for common A words
  3. Glossary including part of speech and definition for top 200+ A words
  4. Questions and Answers, including household items beginning with A, and list of A country names
  5. More complete mega A word list arranged by word length / number of letters

Most common / frequently used words that begin with A:

Top 10 most common written words ordered by frequency:
and as are at an all about also any after

Common written words in alphabetic order:
about after all also an and any are as at

Top 20 most common spoken A words by frequency:
and a at all about are as an any around always alright anything after another actually also again away anyway

Printable / Infographic A words:

Most common Words Beginning With A

Here is an infographic of the most common A words, in jpg format / click on image to see full size. And here is a pdf of the same image: a-words-common.pdf, and here in black and white is a printable version: a-words-common-bw.pdf

Glossary with part of speech and definition for the top 200 or so most frequently used A words:

abandon noun the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry
ability noun the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment
able adjective (usually followed by `to’) having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something
abnormal adjective not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm
aboard adverb on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle
about adjective on the move
above noun an earlier section of a written text
abroad adjective in a foreign country
abruptly adverb quickly and without warning
absence noun the state of being absent
absent verb go away or leave
absolute noun something that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things; something that does not depend on anything else and is beyond human control; something that is not relative
absolutely adverb completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers
absorption noun (chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another; a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solid
absurd noun a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless; –Albert Camus
abundance noun the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply
abundant adjective present in great quantity
academy noun a secondary school (usually private)
accept verb consider or hold as true
acceptable adjective worthy of acceptance or satisfactory
accessible adjective capable of being reached
accident noun an unfortunate mishap; especially one causing damage or injury
accounting noun a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes
accuracy noun the quality of being near to the true value
accurate adjective conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy
accused noun a defendant in a criminal proceeding
achieve verb to gain with effort
acid noun any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt
acquaintance noun personal knowledge or information about someone or something
acquisition noun the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something
across adverb to the opposite side
act noun a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
acting noun the performance of a part or role in a drama
action noun something done (usually as opposed to something said)
activity noun any specific behavior
actor noun a theatrical performer
actual adjective presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible
actually adverb in actual fact
ad noun a public promotion of some product or service
adapt verb make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose
adaptation noun a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form
addition noun a component that is added to something to improve it
address noun (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
adequate adjective having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
adequately adverb in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree
adjacent adjective nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space
adjust verb alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard
adjustment noun making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances
administration noun a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group’s business affairs)
admirable adjective deserving of the highest esteem or admiration
admiral noun the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral
admiration noun a feeling of delighted approval and liking
admire verb feel admiration for
admission noun the act of admitting someone to enter
admit verb declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
adopt verb choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans
adult noun a fully developed person from maturity onward
advantage noun the quality of having a superior or more favorable position
adventure noun a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful)
adverse adjective contrary to your interests or welfare
advice noun a proposal for an appropriate course of action
advocate noun a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
aesthetic noun (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful
affect noun the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
affection noun a positive feeling of liking
afford verb be able to spare or give up
afraid adjective filled with fear or apprehension
after adjective located farther aft
afternoon noun the part of the day between noon and evening
again adverb anew
age noun how long something has existed
aged noun people who are old collectively
agency noun an administrative unit of government
agenda noun a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to
agent noun an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect
aggression noun a disposition to behave aggressively
aggressive adjective having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends
agitation noun a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance
ago adjective gone by; or in the past
agony noun intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain
agree verb be in accord; be in agreement
agreeable adjective conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature; ; ; – Disraeli
agreement noun the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
ahead adjective having the leading position or higher score in a contest
aid noun a resource
air noun a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of
aircraft noun a vehicle that can fly
airport noun an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo
alarm noun fear resulting from the awareness of danger
alcohol noun a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent
alert noun condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action
algorithm noun a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem
alike adjective having the same or similar characteristics
alive adjective possessing life
all adjective quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class
alliance noun the state of being allied or confederated
allowance noun an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period)
alone adjective isolated from others
along adverb with a forward motion
aloud adverb using the voice; not silently
already adverb prior to a specified or implied time
altar noun the table in Christian churches where communion is given
always adverb at all times; all the time and on every occasion
ambition noun a cherished desire
ambitious adjective having a strong desire for success or achievement
amendment noun the act of amending or correcting
amino noun the radical -NH2
ample adjective more than enough in size or scope or capacity
amusement noun a feeling of delight at being entertained
analogy noun an inference that if things agree in some respects they probably agree in others
analysis noun an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
analyze verb consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
anchor noun a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
ancient noun a very old person
angel noun spiritual being attendant upon God
anger noun a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
angle noun the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians
angry adjective feeling or showing anger
animal noun a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
anna noun a former copper coin of Pakistan and India
annual noun (botany) a plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year
another adjective any of various alternatives; some other
answer noun a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation
anti noun a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.)
anxiety noun (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic
anxious adjective eagerly desirous
any adjective one or some or every or all without specification
anywhere adverb at or in or to any place; ; (`anyplace’ is used informally for `anywhere’)
apart adjective remote and separate physically or socially; ; – W.H.Hudson
apartment noun a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
apparatus noun equipment designed to serve a specific function
apparent adjective clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
appearance noun outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
appendix noun supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book
appetite noun a feeling of craving something; ; – Granville Hicks
apple noun fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
applicable adjective capable of being applied; having relevance
application noun the act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose
appointment noun the act of putting a person into a non-elective position
appreciate verb recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
appreciation noun understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
approach noun ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
apt adjective (usually followed by `to’) naturally disposed toward
arbitrary adjective based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
arch noun a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening
architectural adjective of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture
architecture noun an architectural product or work
archives noun collection of records especially about an institution
are noun a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters
area noun a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography)
argue verb present reasons and arguments
argument noun a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
arm noun a human limb; technically the part of the superior limb between the shoulder and the elbow but commonly used to refer to the whole superior limb
army noun a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state
arrange verb put into a proper or systematic order
array noun an orderly arrangement
arrival noun accomplishment of an objective
arrive verb reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress
arrow noun a mark to indicate a direction or relation
art noun the products of human creativity; works of art collectively
artery noun a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
article noun nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
artificial adjective contrived by art rather than nature
artillery noun large but transportable armament
artist noun a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination
artistic adjective relating to or characteristic of art or artists
ashamed adjective feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse
aside noun a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage
ask verb inquire about
asleep adjective in a state of sleep
aspect noun a distinct feature or element in a problem
assault noun close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
assembly noun a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
assert verb state categorically
assertion noun a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
asset noun a useful or valuable quality
assets noun anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company
assignment noun a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces)
assistant noun a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
associate noun a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor
association noun a formal organization of people or groups of people
assume verb take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
assurance noun freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities
astonishment noun the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising
atmosphere noun a particular environment or surrounding influence
atom noun (physics and chemistry) the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element
atomic adjective of or relating to or comprising atoms
attachment noun a feeling of affection for a person or an institution
attack noun (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons)
attempt noun earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something
attend verb be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.
attendance noun the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)
attention noun the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
attitude noun a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
attract verb direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
attraction noun the force by which one object attracts another
attractive adjective pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm
audience noun a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance
audio noun the audible part of a transmitted signal
aunt noun the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle
authentic adjective conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
authority noun the power or right to give orders or make decisions
autonomy noun immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence
available adjective obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service
avenue noun a line of approach
average noun a statistic describing the location of a distribution
avoid verb stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something
award noun a grant made by a law court
aware adjective (sometimes followed by `of’) having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception
away adjective not present; having left
awe noun an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration
awkward adjective causing inconvenience
axis noun a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions

Questions and Answers:

Q: What is the longest A word and how many letters does it have in it?
A: One of the longest A words is anatomicophysiological which is 22 letters long!

Q: What is the shortest word that starts with A?
A: “a” can be used as a word in a sentence, and it is a very short word at only 1 character long.

Q: What countries start with the letter A?
A: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan

Q: What are some household items / things / objects that start with A?
A: aftershave, air freshener, aluminum foil, antiperspirant, apron

More complete list, by word length:

2 letter words beginning with a:

aa ab ad ae ag ah ai al am an ar as at aw ax ay

3 letter words beginning with a:

aba abb aby ace act add ado adz aft aga age ago aha ahi aid ail aim ain air ait ala alb ale all alp alt ami amp ana and ane ani ant any ape apl apt apx arc are arg ark arm art ash ask asp ass

ate att auk ave awa awe awl awn axe aye azo

4 letter words beginning with a:

abba abed abet abib able ably abri abut aced ache acid acme acne acor acre acts acyl adar adaw aden adet adit adjt adze aeon aero aery afar agar aged agee agha agio agla agma agog agon ague ahem ahhs ahoy aide airs airt airy aith ajar akan akee akin

alar alas alba alee ales alga alit ally alms aloe alow also alto alum amah ambo amen amex amid amie amir ammo amok amyl anal anda anew ango anil ankh anna anoa anon anta ante anti anus anyu apes apex apse aqua arak arch arco area ares aria arid aril arms army arse arte

arty arui arum arvo aryl asci ashy asps asta atmo atom atop auks auld aunt aura ausu auto aval avas avdp aver aves avid avos avow away awed awry axes axil axis axle axon ayah ayin ayus azan

5 letter words beginning with a:

aalii abaca aback abaft abamp abase abash abate abbey abbot abeam abele abhor abide abmho abode abohm abort about above absey abuse abuzz abyes abysm abyss acerb aceta achar acorn acoup acred acrid actin actor acute adage adapt adati addax adder addle addnl adeep adept adfix adieu adios adman admit admix

adobe adopt adore adorn adown adoze adult adust aedes aeger aegis aerie affix afire afoot afore afoul afrit after again agama agape agate agave agend agent agger agile agist aglet agley aglow agoge agone agony agora agree agria ahead ahold ahunt aidoi aillt airan aisle aitch aiver aizle akala akene alack alarm alary

alate albin album alder aldol aleph alert alfet alfin algae algid algin algor alhet alias alibi alien align alike aline alive alkyd alkyl allay alley allod allot allow alloy allyl almes almug aloes aloft aloha aloin alone along aloof aloud alpha altar alter alula alvus amain amass amaze amber ambit amble ambry ameba ameer amend

ament amice amide amids amigo amine amino amiss amity amoke among amour ample amply amuck amuse ancle ancon andor anear anele anent angas angel anger angle angor angry angst anigh anile anima anion anise anjan anker ankle ankus annal annas annex annoy annul anode anoil anole antic antis antre antsy anura anvil aorta

apace apart apeak aperu apery aphid aphis apian apish apnea apoop aport appal appel apple apply appro april apron apsis arake arbor ardeb ardor ardri areca arena argal argil argol argon argot argue ariel arise armed armet armor aroar aroid aroma arose arpen arras array arris arrow arsis arson artel arter ascan ascon ascot ascry ascus asdic ashen

ashes aside askew aspen asper aspic assai assam assay assed asses asset astay aster astir asura atame atilt atimy atlas atman atocs atoll atomy atone atony atour atrip attar attic audio audit auger aught augur aulae aulic aulos aural aurar auric aurum auxin avail avale avast avens avert avgas avian avion avise avoid awacs await awake awane award aware awash

aweek awful awing awoke awols axial axing axiom azide azine azoic azole azote azoth azure

6 letter words beginning with a:

abacus abaser abasic abated abatis abbacy abbess abcess abduce abduct abidal abject abjure abkari ablate ablaut ablaze ablock abloom aboard abodah aboded abolla aboral abound abrade abrico abroad abrupt abseil absent abseys absorb absurd abulia abunas abvolt abwatt acacia acadia acarid acarus accede accent accept access accord accost accrue accuse acedia

acetal acetic acetum acetyl achene achill acidic acinic acinus acnode acoasm acquit acrasy acrawl acrons across acting action active actual acuate acuity acumen acuter adagio adalat adapts addend addict adduce adduct adhere adjoin adjure adjust adjute admass admire adnate adonai adonin adoors adopts adorer adorns adream adrift adroit adsorb aduana adular adults adusts advect advent adverb advert advice

advise adytum aecium aedile aedine aerate aerial aerify aerobe aerugo aesces aether afeard affair affect affeir affine affirm afflux afford affray afghan afield aflame afloat afraid afreet afresh afront agalma agamic agaric agaves agency agenda agenes aghast agisms agists agleam agnail agnate agones agonic agoras agouti agreed aguada aguish agujon ahimsa ahmadi aiglet aikido aikona ailing ailuro aimers airily airing

airman airway aivers ajowan akimbo akmite alalia alangs alarge alarum alasas albata albedo albeit albert albino albite alburn alcove aldide aldose aldrin alegar alegge alerce alevin alexia alexin algins algoid alible alight aliner alines aliped alisma aliter aljama alkali alkane alkene alkyne allege allele allied allies allium allody allude allure almond almost almuce

alpaca alpine alsoon altoun aludel alumna alvine always amadou amarna amatol amazed ambans ambary ambush amends amerce amidst amimia amises ammine ammino ammono amnion amoeba amoles amoral amotus amouli amount ampere amphid ampler amrita amtman amulet amused amylum amyrin amyris anabas anabia anadem analog anarch anatto anchor ancona anears anemia anemic anergy angary angina angled angler

anglos angora anguis animal animus anklet anlace anlage annals anneal annist annite annual annuli anodic anodon anoint anomic anomie anonym anorak anorth anoxia anoxic ansate answer anthem anther antiar antica anting antler antlia antrum anuran anuria anyhow anyone anyway aorist aoudad apache apathy apiary apical apices apiece apisms aplite aplomb apocha apodal apodia

apogee aporia appair appall appeal appear append apples applot appose aprons aptate arabin arable arames aranga arango arawak arbalo arbith arbour arbute arcade arcane arched archer arches archil archon arctic arcula ardent ardish areola arette argali argans argent argosy argues argufy arguta argyle argyll aright ariose arioso arisen arista arking arkose armada armful armill armine arming armlet armory armour

armpit armure arnica arnold aroint aromal around arouse arpent arrack arrant arrear arrest arrive arroba arrowy arroyo arsine artaba artery artful artist arusha aryans asarum ascend ascent ascoma ascots aseity asemia ashcan ashlar ashore ashraf ashram asians asideu aslant asleep aslope asmile asouth aspect aspern aspics aspire assail assent assert assess assets assign

assise assist assize assoil assort assume assure assyth astern astert asthma astoop astral astray astuns astute aswarm aswirl asylum ataman ataxia athink atokal atomic atonal atonic atopen atopic atrail atrium atsara attach attack attain attend attest attire attone attorn attune atwain atween atwist atypic aubade auburn audial audile augend augite augurs augury august auklet aumaga

auntie aureus aurify aurist aurora aurore aurous auspex auteur author autism autoed autumn avails avatar avaunt avenge avenue averse aviary aviate avidin avocet avoset avouch avowal avowed awaked awaken awarer aweigh awhile awhirl awmous awning axenic axilla axseed ayless azalea aziola azoles azoths azotic azrael

7 letter words beginning with a:

abacist abalone abandon abandum abasias abatage abattue abaxial abbasid abdomen abettor abeyant abfarad abhenry abiding abigail ability abiosis abiotic abjures abolete abolish abortus aboulia aboulic abraxas abreact abreast abridge abroach abscess abscind abscise abscond abseils absence absolve abstain abtruse abulias abusive abuttal abutter abysmal abyssal academe academy acaleph acaroid acaudal accidie

acclaim accloys accoied account accrete accrual accrued accurst accusal accused acerate acerbic acerose acetary acetate acetify acetins acetite acetone acetous acheron achieve achigan acicula acidify acidity acinary acolyte aconite acquire acraein acratia acreage acrinyl acritol acrobat acrogen acronym acroter acrylic acrylyl actable actinal actinia actinic actinon actress actuary actuate aculeus acutest acyclic adamant adapter adaxial addends

addible address adducer adducts adenine adenoid adenoma adenous adermin adeuism adharma adhibit adipose adjiger adjoins adjoint adjourn adjudge adjunct admiral adopted adorant adorsed adrenal adulate advance adverse advised advisee adviser aeneous aeolina aeoline aeonian aerator aerobic aerosol afeared affable affaire affairs affects affiant affiche affinal affined affixal afflict afforce affront afghani aftmost against agamete agamids agatoid

ageless agentry aggrade aggress agility agisted agistor agitate agitato aglance agnamed agnates agnomen agnosia agnosis agnuses agogics agonist agonize agoroth agouara agraffe agrapha agraria aground aguised aguises agynary ahaunch aheight aileron ailment aimless airbags airboat aircrew airdrop airflow airfoil airgaps airglow airhead airless airlift airlike airline airmail airport airship airsick airwave airways airwise akaakai akvavit alalias alameda

alamire alamode alanine alanuis albinal albumen albumin alcaide alcalde alcazar alchemy alcohol alembic alerion alertly alewife alfalfa alferez alfiona alforja algarde algebra algesia algesic algetic algosis aliases alidade alienee alienor aliform aliment alimony aliquot aliunde alkalic alkanal alkanes alkanet alleged allegge allegro alleleu allergy allheal allness allonge allonym allover allowed allseed allwork almanac almemar almoign

almoner almonry almsman alodies alodium alpeens alphorn already alright alsikes altaian althaea althorn altumal alumina alumnus alunite alyssum amadous amalgam amanita amateur amation amatory amazing ambages ambient ambroid ambsace amebous amenity amental amentia amesace amharic amiable amidase aminase aminize ammeter ammonal ammonia ammonic amnesia amnesty amoebas amoebic amongst amorini amorino amorism amorist amoroso amorous

amoving amphora amplify ampoule ampulla amputee amtmans amtracs amusers amusing amylase amylene amyloid amylose anaemia anaemic anagoge anagram analoga analogy analyse analyst analyze anapest anarchy anatase anatira anatomy anattas anchovy ancient ancilla ancille andante anderun andiron andrite android anelace anemone aneroid aneurin angelet angelic angelim angevin angioma angkhak angling anguine anguish angular anguses anhinga aniliid aniline anility animate

animato animism aniseed anisole anklets anlagen annates annatto annelid annexed annuity annular annulet annulus anodize anodyne anolyte anomaly anomias anopias anosmia another ansated antacid antaeus antapex antefix antenna anthill anthood anthrax anticor antigen antilog antique antiwit antlion antonym anurous anxiety anxious anybody anytime anyways anywise anziani apanage aparejo apastra apatite apersee aphacia aphasia aphasic aphelia aphesis aphides aphizog

aphonia aphonic aphotic apicula apinoid aplasia aplenty apocarp apocope apogamy apology apolune apomict apostil apostle apothem apparel appaume appease applaud applied appoint apports apprise approve appulse apraxia apricot aproned apropos apsaras apteral apteryx aptness apyonin apyrous aquatic aquavit aquench aqueous aquifer aquiver arabana arabica arabize araroba arbiter arbitre arbored arbusta arbutus arcanum archaic archean

archery archine arching archive archons archsin archway arcuale arcuate ardency arduous areaway areolar argeers argulus ariadne arietta arishes aristas arkosic armfuls armhole armiger armilla armings armoire armored armorer armoury armrack armrest arnatta arnotto aroints aroynts arpanet arraign arrange arrears arriage arrival arsenal arsenic arshins arsoite article artisan artiste artless artwork aruspex arustle arvejon asarota ascarid ascends ascetic ascites asconce ascribe

asepses asepsis aseptic ashamed ashrams ashtray asinine askance asocial asperse asphalt aspines aspirin asqueal asquint assagai assault assegai asserve assever assizer assizes assorts assuage assumed assured assurer assurge astatic astilbe astound astrals astream astrict astride astroid astylar asunder atabals ataghan atavism ataxias atelier athanor atheism atheist atheous athirst athlete athodyd athwart athymic atingle atiptoe atishoo

atomics atomism atomize atopies atrible atrophy attaint attempt attinge attired attract attunes auantic auberge auction audible audient auditor augment augural aulnage aureate aureity aurelia aureole auricle aurochs auroral auspice austere austral autarch autarky authors autists autobus autoecy automat automen autopsy autoput auturgy auxesis availed avarice avatara avenirs average avernal averred aviator

avidins avidity aviette avigate avionic avocado avowers avoyers aweless awesome awfully awiggle awkward awlwort awnless axolotl azimuth azotate azotize azurite azygous

8 letter words beginning with a:

aardvark aardwolf abactors abalones abampere abattoir abbatial abdicate abducens abducent abductor abelmosk aberrant abessive abeyance abhiseka abietite abjurers ablation ableisms ableists ablepsia ablution abnegate abnormal abomasum aborning abortion abortive abrachia abradant abraders abrasing abrasion abrasive abrogate abruptly abscissa absconce absentee absently absinthe absolute absolves absonant absorbed absorber abstract abstrict abstruse absurdly

abundant abusages abutilon abutment abuttals abutting academia academic acanthus acardiac acarpous accentor accentus accepted accepter acceptor accident accinged accolade accounts accouter accoutre accredit accretal accroach accuracy accurate accursed accustom acentric acerbate acerbity acervate acervuli acescent acetoxyl acheweed achromat achromic acicular aciculum acidosis acierate acinetan acologic acolytus aconitic acosmism acoustic acquaint acquired

acquires acridest acridine acrimony acrodont acrolein acrolith acrology acromion acrostic actinian actinism actinium actinoid activate activism activist activity actually aculeate acupress acutance acylogen acyloins adamsite adaptive addendum addicted addition additive additory adducted adductor adenalgy adenitis adenoids adequacy adequate adessive adharmas adherent adhesion adhesive adiaphon adjacent adjurers adjutant adjuvant admedian admonish adnerval adolesce adoptian adoptive adorable adreaded adsheart adularia

adultery adumbral adustive advanced advehent adventry adversus advisory advocaat advocacy advocate advowson adynamia aedicula aegrotat aerarium aeriform aerobomb aerodyne aerogram aeroides aerolite aerology aeronaut aerostat aesopian aesthete aestival aetheric afearing afebrile affected afferent affiance affinity affixial afflated afflatus affluent affluxes afforces afforest affright affusion affydavy aflicker aflutter agalloch agametes agendums agenesis agentess agential agentive ageratum aggrieve agiotage agitator

agitprop aglimmer aglitter agminate agnathic agnizing agnostic agonised agonized agraffes agraphia agrarian agrestic agrimony agrology agronomy agueweed aigrette aiguille ailments airbases airborne airbrush airburst airbuses aircraft airdrome airfield airflows airframe airholes airiness airliner airlocks airplane airscrew airshaft airspace airspeed airstrip airtight airwaves airwoman aislings akamatsu akinesic alacrity alamodes alannahs alarmist albacore albarium albified albiness albinism albumose alburnum alcahest

alcazaba aldehyde alderman aldermen aleatory aleberry alefnull alefzero alehouse alepines alerting aleurone alfresco algicide alginate algology algorism algraphy alhacena alicoche alienage alienate alieners aliening alienism alienist aligning aliments aliquant alizarin alkahest alkalify alkaline alkalize alkaloid alkylize allanite allegers allegory alleluia allergen allergic alleycat alleyway alliably alliance allocate allodial allodium allogamy allopath allottee

allspice allumine alluring allusion allusive alluvial alluvion alluvium almighty almsfolk almuerzo alopecia alouatte alphabet alphosis alpinist alquifou alsifilm alterant alterman altheine although altincar altitude altruism altruist aluminum aluminyl alumroot alveolar alveolus amacrine amadavat amandine amaranth amarelle amasesis amassers amazedly amberite amberoid ambience ambition ambivert amblings ambonite ambrosia ambulant ambulate ameiotic amenable amenably amenages amentias amethyst amicable amidulin aminated amirates

amitoses amitosis amitrole ammelide ammobium ammodyte ammonate ammoniac ammonify ammonion ammonite ammonium amoeboid amoretto amorosos amortize amperage amphigam amphipod amphoral ampliate ampoules amputate amygdala amylenes anabaena anabasis anabatic anabolic anaconda anaerobe anaglyph anagoges analcite analects analemma analgize analogue analysis analysts analytic analyzer anaphase anaphora anarchal anarchic anasarca anatexes anathema ancestor ancestry anchusin andesine andesite andiroba andorite androgen anecdota

anecdote anechoic anemosis anerotic anethene anethole aneurysm angareeb angeldom angelica angelico angelito anglings angstrom anguille angulate anhedral anhydric aniconic animated animator animisms animuses anisette ankerite ankylose annalist annexive annotate announce annoying annulate annulose anodynia anorexia anorthic anovular anoxemia anserine anserous anstosse anteater antecede antedate antehall antelope antenave antennas antepast anteriad anterior anteroom antetype antevert anthelae anthemed anthemia antheses

anthesis anthroic anthrone antiarin antibody antiboss anticker antidote antidrag antiface antifoam antihero antileak antilens antilogy antimere antimony antinion antinode antinomy antiphon antipode antipole antipolo antipool antipope antiquer antirust antitank antitype antrorse anyplace anything anywhere aoristic apanaged apatetic aperient aperture aphanite aphelian aphelion aphetism aphorism aphorize aphrasia apiarian apiarist aplotomy aplustre apoblast apocrine apodosis apograph apologia apologue apomixes apomixis apophony apophyge

apoplexy apositic apospory apostasy apostate apothegm appanage apparent appellee appendix appetent appetite applause applique apposite appraise appriser apprizal approach approval approver appulses apronful apterous aptitude apyretic aquacade aqualung aquanaut aquarist aquarium aquashow aquatint aquation aqueduct aquifers aquiline aquosity arachnid araising arapaima ararobas arawakan arbalest arbitral arboreal arborean arborize arcanite arcanums arcature archaeol archaism archaize archduke archelon archival

archives archlets archlute archways archwise arciform ardently ardurous areaches areaways areawide aretaics arethusa argentic argentin argentum arginine arguable argument arillode aristate arithmic arkansan armament armature armbands armchair armigero armorial armoured armourer armpiece armyworm arnement arointed aromatic arousing arpeggio arquated arquebus arrantly arrector arrester arrhenal arriding arrogant arrogate arrosion arsenate arsenide arsenism arsenite arsonist artefact arterial arthemis

articled articles artifact artifice artilize artistic artistry asbestic asbestos ascender ascidian ascidium ascocarp ascribes aseismic askanced aslaking asparkle aspartic asperity asperses asphodel asphyxia aspidate aspiquee aspirant aspirate assamese assassin assecure assemble assembly assentor asserted assessor assidual assignat assignee assignor assorted assuaged assuming astacian astatine astatkis asterisk asterism asternal asteroid asthenia asthenic astigmat astigmia

astomous astonied astonish astragal ataraxia ataraxic athecate atheling atheroma athletic athodyds atlantes atmiatry atmolyze atmostea atomizer atreptic atrocity atrophia atropine attached attemper attercop attested attitude attorney attourne atwitter atypical auchenia audacity audience audition auditory audivise auntlier auramine aureolin auricula austerus austrium autacoid autarchy autobahn autocade autocars autocoid autocrat autoette autogamy autogiro automata automate autonomy autopsic autosave autosled

autosome autotomy autotype autumnal autunite auxobody avadavat avengers averager averages averment aversely aversion averters aviaries aviation aviatrix avicular avifauna avionics avoidant avoutrer avulsion awanting aweather axhammer axillary axiology axletree axophyte azotemia azotised azulejos

9 letter words beginning with a:

aardvarks abaciscus abactinal abamperes abandoned abatement abattised abbandono abbatical abcoulomb abdominal abduction abecedary aberrates abhorrent abnormity abolition abominate aborigine abovesaid abrachias abrasions abreuvoir abrogator abruption absolving absorbent absorbing abstricts absurdity abundance academies acalephan acanthins acanthoid acanthous acariases acariasis acaricide acaridean acariform acarology accentual acceptant acceptive acceptors accessary accession accessory accidence accipiter

acclimate acclivity accoasted accompany accordant according accordion accounter accretion accumbent accursing acetamide acetamido acetylate acetylene acetylide acheilous acholuric achromats achromous aciculate acidheads acidophil acidulant acidulate acidulent acidulous acidurias acierages acierated acinacity aciniform acneiform acosmisms acoustics acquiesce acquittal acrobatic acrodrome acrodynia acrologue acronycal acropetal acropolis acrospire actinally actinides actinisms actinopod actionize activated activator activists

activital actresses actualist actuality actualize actuarial actuaries actuation aculeolus acuminate adagietto adamances adansonia adaptable addeeming addiction addictive addlement addressee adducting adduction ademonist ademption adenocele adenoidal adenosine adherence adhesions adiabatic adiaphora adipocere adipomata adjacency adjective adjoining admeasure adminicle admirable admiralty admission admissive admixture admonitor adoptedly adoration adornment adpressed adroitest adsorbate adsorbent adulation adulatory adulterer adulthood

adumbrate advantage advecting advection advenient adventive adventure adverbial adversary adversest adversing adversity advertent advertise advisable advisedly advocated aeolipile aerations aerialist aerodrome aerograph aeromancy aerometer aerometry aeropause aerophagy aerophone aerophore aerophyte aeroplane aeroscope aerospace aeroyacht aestheses aesthesia aesthetic aestivate aetiology affecting affection affective affianced affiancer affidavit affiliate affirmers affixture affluence affluents affluxion afghanets aforesaid aforetime afortiori afterbody

aftercare afterclap aftercost afterdamp afterdays afterdeck aftereyes afterglow afterheat afterhope afterlife afterloss afterlove aftermark aftermath aftermost afternoon afternose aftertime afterward afterword agateware agelastic agelessly agentival agentives aggravate aggregate aggressor aggrieved agilmente agitation agonistic agonizing agreeable agreement agricides agrimotor ailanthic ailanthus airspaces airspeeds airwayman airworthy aitchbone alabaster alacrious alaiments alarmisms albatross albertite albertype albescent albumoses alchemist

alchemize alcoholic alcornoco aleatoric alepidote alfilaria algarroba algebraic algometer algorithm alicyclic alienable alignment aliphatic alispheno alkalizes alkalosis allantoid allantois allegedly allemande alleniate allergies allergist allethrin alleviate allianced alligator allnesses allocable allocarpy allograph allometry allomorph allopaths allopathy allophane allophone alloplasm allotment allotrope allotropy allotting allotypic allowable allowance allowedly allspices alluminor alluvials almandine almsgiver almshouse almswoman aloeswood

alongside alouettes alpenglow alpenhorn alphasort alterable altercate alternant alternate altigraph altimeter altimetry altissimo altricial aluminate aluminise aluminium aluminize aluminous alumroots alveolars alveolate amanitine amaryllis amaurosis amaurotic amazement ambagious ambergris amberites amberjack ambiguity ambiguous ambitious amblyopia ambrettes ambrosial ambrotype ambulance ambulatio ambulator ambuscade ambustion amendment americium amerikani ametabole ametropia amianthus amidogens amidships ammoniacs ammoniate ammonoids amnesiacs amnesties amoebaean amorances amorettos

amorphism amorphous amortised ampersand amperzand amphibian amphibion amphibole amphiboly amphidisc amphigony amphigory amphioxus amphipods amplifier amplitude amusement amygdalin amylamine amylopsin amyotonia anabantid anabiosis anabolism anabolite anabolize anabranch anaclinal anaclitic anacrotic anacrusis anaerobic analectic analepses analeptic analgesia analgesic analities analogize analogous analysand anamnesis anandrous ananthous anaplasia anaplasty anaptychi anaptyxis anarchise anarchism anarchist anarthria anastatic anatomise anatomism anatomist anatomize ancestral

anchorage anchoress anchorite anchoveta anchylose anciently ancillary ancipital andantino andouille andradite androecia androgyne anecdotal anecdotes anecdotic anemology angeleyes angelfish angelicic angiolith angiology angiomata anglehook anglepods anglesite angleworm anglicize angostura anguiform anguineal anguished angulated anhalonin anhydride anhydrite anhydrous aniconism anilingus anilities animalian animalism animalist animality animalize animation animatism animosity anisodont ankerites anklebone ankylosis annectant announcer

annoyance annuitant annularly annulling annulment anoestrus anomalism anomalous anonymous anopheles anophoria anorexies anorthite anovulant antalkali antarctic antechoir antedonin antegrade antenatal antennule anterooms anthelion anthemene antheming anthemion anthocarp anthodium anthology anthotaxy anthozoan anthozoic anthozoon anthralin anthurium antiabrin antiarins antichlor anticline anticreep anticrime anticults antidotal antigenes antihelix antikings antiknock antilapse antimonic antimonyl antipasti antipasto antipathy antiphona

antiphony antipodal antipodes antipopes antiquark antiquary antiquate antiquity antirumor antiserum antitoxic antitoxin antitrust antivenin antivenom antiworld antluetic anviltops anywheres apartheid apartment apathaton apathetic apepsinia aperients aperiodic apetalose apetalous aphetises aphidlion aphyllous apiarians apiarists apiculate apishness apivorous aplanatic apobiotic apocopate apodictic apoenzyme apologete apologiae apologist apologize apophases apophasis apophyses apophysis apoptosis aposthume apostolic apotelesm apotheces apothegms appalling appanages apparatus apparitor

appealers appealing appearers appellant appellate appendage appendant appenzell appertain appetence appetency appetizer applecart applejack appliance applicant appliques appointed appointee appointor apportion appraisal apprehend appressed approbate apricocks apriorism aproctous apronless apteryxes aquaboard aquameter aquaplane aquarelle aqueously aquilegia arabesque arabinose arachnoid aragonite araneidal araucaria arbitrage arbitrary arbitrate arbitress arboreous arboretum arborized arborizes arcanists archaical

archaizer archangel archcount archdemon archducal archduchy archenemy archetype archfiend archiater archicarp archimage archimime architect archivist archivolt archontic arcograph arcuation arenicole arenosity argenteum argentine argentite argentous argillite arginines arianists armadilla armadillo armangite armigeros armillary armistice arointing aromatite aromatize arrangers arrearage arresting arribadas arriviste arrogance arrowhead arrowroot arrowwood arrowworm arsenical arsenious artemisia arteriole arteritis arthritis arthrodia

arthropod arthrosia arthrosis arthurian artichoke articular artificer artillery artolatry arytenoid arzrunite asafetida ascendant ascendent ascending ascension ascensive ascertain ascidioid ascospore asepalous ashlaring askancing asomatous asparagus aspectual asperging aspermias aspersion aspidioid aspirates aspirator asporting assailant assembled assembler assertion assertive assessing assessory assiduity assiduous assistant assisters assistive associate assonance assotting assuasive assumpsit assurance

assurgent asterixis asthmatic astomatal astraddle astrakhan astrodome astrogate astrolabe astrology astromeda astronaut astronomy asyllabic asymmetry asymptote asynaptic asyndeton ataractic atavistic atchieved athalline athanasia atheistic athematic athenaeum athetised athletics athletism atmogenic atmolyses atmolysis atmometer atmometry atomicity atomizing atonality atonement atrocious atrophied attackman attainder attainers attempter attendant attending attention attentive attenuant attenuate attractor attrahent attrapped attribute attrition aubergine auctioned auctorial audacious

audiology audiphone augmented augmenter augustest aureoline auricular auriscalp auriscope auspicate auspicial austenite austerest austerity australes autarkies authentic authority authorize authotype autocracy autograft autograph autoharps autohemic autoicous autolysin autolysis automatic automaton autonomic autophyte autopilot autoroute autosomal autotoxin autotruck autotypes auxiliary auxoblast available availably avalanche averments averrable aversions aviatress avifaunae avifaunal avigation avirulent

avisandum avisement avocation avoidably avoidance avuncular awakeable awakening awestruck axiomatic axoneuron axopodium azedarach azeotrope azeotropy azocyclic

10 letter words beginning with a:

abandonees abandoning abasements abbreviate abdication abdominous aberration abhorrence abhorrency abhorrings abilitable abirritant abirritate abjectness abjuration abjurement abomasuses abominable abondances aboriginal aborticide aboveboard abreaction abridgment abscessing abscissins abscission absinthism absinthium absolutely absolution absolutism absolvents absorbance absorbtion absorption abstainers abstaining abstemious abstention abstergent abstinence abstracted abstrusely acanthotic acaricides acatalepsy accelerant accelerate accentuate acceptable

acceptance accessible accidental accomplice accomplish accoraging accordance accoucheur accountant accounting accredited accrescent accumulate accusation accusatory accustomed aceconitic acephalous acequiador acertannin acervately acetabulum acetarious acetifying acetometer acetometry acetylenic achondrite achromatic achromatin acidimeter acidimetry acidophile acidulates acolythate acotyledon acquainted acquitting acridinium acriflavin acrobatics acromegaly acrophobia acrophobic acrophonic acrospired acroterial acroterion actability actiniform actinolite actinology actinozoan actionable actomyosin

acylations adactylous adamantean adamantine adamellite adaptation adderstone additament additional addlepated addressors adduceable adductions adenectomy adenoblast adenodynia adenosines adenovirus adequately adfreezing adiaphoral adjacently adjectival adjudicate adjunction adjustment admeasurer admeasures administer admiration admissible admittance admittedly admonition admonitory adolescent adposition adrenaline adriamycin adulations adullamite adulterant adulterate adulterers adulteress adulteries adulterine adulterous adulthoods adulticide advanceman advenience adventitia adventurer adversaria advertence

advisement advisorate advocation advocators advocatory aeciospore aeolipiles aeolotropy aerobatics aerobionts aerobiosis aerobiotic aerodontia aerogramme aerography aeromarine aerometric aerophagia aerophobia aeroponics aerosphere aerosporin aerostatic aesthetics aestivator aethalioid aetiogenic aeviternal affettuoso affinitive affirmable affirmance affixation affixments afflicting affliction afflictive affluently aficionado afterbirth afterbrain afterdated afterdrain aftergrave aftergrief afterguard afterimage afterlives afternoons afterpiece afterrider aftershaft aftershock afterswell aftertaste afterwards afterworld afteryears agamically

agapanthus agatewares aggenerate agglutinin aggrandize aggregated aggression aggressive agonizedly agronomics agrosteral aguishness aircrewman aircrewmen airfreight aithochroi akroterial alabandine albigenses albumenize albuminate albuminoid albuminous alcheringa alcoholdom alcoholise alcoholism alcoholize algebraist algerienne algolagnia algologist algophobia algorithms alienation alimentary aliptteria alkalinity alkalinize alkalising alkylation allargando allegation allegiance allegorist allegorize allegretto alleviated alleviator alliaceous alliancing alliterate allocation allocution allogamous allomerism

allopatric allophanic allowanced allurement allusively allwhither almucantar alodiaries alongships alongshore alpenstock alpestrine alphabetic altarpiece altazimuth alteration alternates alternator altitonant altocumuli altogether altruistic alutaceous amalgamate amanuensis amaryllids amateurish amateurism amazements ambassador ambidexter amboceptor ambulacrum ambulating ambulators ambulatory ambuscader ameliorate amendatory americanum ametabolia amiantuses amidoplast aminoplast ammoniacal ammunition amoebiases amoebocyte amorphisms amourettes ampelopsis amphiaster amphibiety amphibious amphibrach amphictyon amphimacer amphimixis amphipodan

amphitryon amphorette amphoteric ampliation amputating amygdalate amygdaline amygdaloid amylaceous amylogenic amylolysis amyxorrhea anabolites anadromous anagrammed analgesias analgesics analogical analogists analysable analytical anamorphic anaplastic anarthrous anastaltic anastigmat anastomose anastrophe anatomical anatriptic anatropous ancestress ancientest andalusite andrewsite androecium androphore anecdotage anecdotist anemochore anemograph anemometer anemometry anemophile anemoscope anesthesia anesthetic aneurismal anfracture angelology angiosperm angleworms anglicises anglophily angularity angulation

angwantibo anhydrites animadvert animalcule ankylomele ankylosaur annalistic annerodite annexation annexments annihilate annotation annotators announcers annuisance annulation annunciate anocarpous anointment anorthopia answerable antagonism antagonist antagonize antalgesic antebellum antecedent antechurch antedating antepartum antepenult anthophore anthracite anthracoid anthropoid antibaryon antibiosis antibiotic antichlors anticipant anticipate anticlimax anticlinal antidromal antidromic antiemetic antifeudal antifreeze antigorite antihectic antiknocks antilepton antilipase antiliquor antilogies antilogism antilyssic antimasque antimatter

antimonous antinature antinomian antipapacy antipapist antiphonal antiphonic antipopery antiproton antipyrine antiquated antiracial antiscians antisepsin antisepsis antiseptic antisocial antispasts antithesis antitrades antitragus antitropal antivenine anvilsmith apabhramsa apanthropy aphaeresis aphidicide aphoristic aphrodisia apiculated apiculture aplacental apocalypse apocarpous apocryphal apocyneous apodeipnon apographic apolitical apologetic apologists apopemptic apopenptic apophthegm apoplectic apoquinine aposematic apostatise apostatism apostatize apostolate apostolise apostrophe

apothecary apothecium apotheosis apotropaic appanaging apparition appearance appendaged appendages appendancy appendical appendicle apperceive appertains appetitive appetizing appleringy applesauce applicable applicancy applicator appointive apposition appositive appraisers appreciate apprentice approximal apterygial aquamanile aquamarine aquaphobic aquicolous aquiferous arabicizes arachnitis arachnoids araeometry araeostyle arbitrages arbitrator arboriform arborvitae arbuscular arbusterin archbishop archcritic archdeacon archentera archeology archerfish archespore archflamen archhumbug archiblast archiplasm

architrave archoplasm archpatron archpillar archpriest arcosolium arctically arecolines arenaceous argumentum arguteness aristocrat arithmetic armageddon armigerous armipotent aromatiser aromatized arpeggiate arrayments arrendator arrestable arrestment arrhythmia arrogating arthralgia arthrogram arthromere arthrotome articulate articulite artificial artistries asafoetida asbestosis ascariases ascariasis ascendancy asceticism asclepiads ascocarpic ascogonium ascomycete ascription ascriptive asecretory ashlarings aslantwise asparagine aspectable asperating aspergilla asperities

asphaltite asphyxiant asphyxiate aspidistra aspiration assailable assegaiing assemblage assertions assessment asseverate assibilate assignable assignment assimilate assistance assistless associable assortment asssembler assumingly assumption assumptive astacology asteriated asteriscus asterismal asteroidal asthenopia astigmatic astomatous astounding astragalus astringent astrionics astrofells astrogator astrograph astrolabes astromancy astrometry astronomer asymmetric asymptotic atelomitic athermancy atheticize atmolysing atmometric atmosphere atonalists atracheate attachment

attacolite attainable attainders attainment attainture attempters attendance attendancy attendment attendress attenuates attenuator attitudist attractant attraction attractive attrapping auctioneer audiencias audiogenic audiometer audiophile auditorium audivision aufklarung auriculate auriferous auscultate auspicated auspicates auspicious autarkical autecology authorhood authoriser authorized authorless authorship autochthon autocratic autocycles autodidact autoecisms autoerotic autogenous autography autologist autolysate autolysing automating automation automatism automatize automobile automotive autonomize autonomous autopepsia

autoplasty autopotent autopsying autostrada autotomize auxochrome auxotrophy avaricious aventurine averseness avianizing aviatrices aviculture avisandums avondbloem avunculate awlessness axebreaker axillaries axinomancy axiomatize azeotropic azobenzene azobenzoic azocorinth azogallein azygosperm

11 letter words beginning with a:

abashlessly abbreviated abecedarian abecedarium abepithymia aberdevines abhominable abhorrences abiogenesis abiogenetic abirritated abnormality abolishable abomination aboriginals abortionist abouchement aboveground abracadabra abranchiate abranchious abrogations absenteeism absolutisms absolutized absolutizes absorptance abstraction abstriction academician academicism acarophobia acatalectic acaulescent accelerando accelerates accelerator acceptation accessorial accipitrine acclamation acclimatize acclivities accommodate accompanist accomptable accordingly accountable accountancy accountants accubations

acculturate acculturize accumulator acervations acetanilide acetaniside acetimetric acetylamine acetylizing achievement achromatism achromatize achromatous acichloride acidiferous acierations acinaciform acknowledge acoustician acquiescent acquiesence acquirement acquisition acquisitive acquittance acriflavine acrimonious acrobatisms acrocarpous acrodactyla acronychous acropolises acrorrheuma actinodrome actinometer actinomycin actinophore actinoscopy actualising actuaryship acuesthesia acupuncture acyclically adaptations adaptedness adaptometer adenoiditis adenomatoid adiaphorism adiaphorous adjectivism adjournment adjudicated adjurations admarginate

admonitions adolescence adolescency adoperation adscription advancement adventuress adventurism adventurous adversaries adverseness adversities advertently advertising advertizing advisedness advocatress aeneolithic aeolotropic aerobiology aerological aeromedical aeronautics aeronomical aerostatics aerostation aesculapian aestivating aestivation aetheogamic aetosaurian affectation affectional affectivity affenspalte affiliation affirmation affirmatory affirmingly affluencies affranchise affrontings aficionados afterburner aftereffect afterfuture aftergrowth agglomerate agglutinant agglutinate aggrandised aggravation aggregation agnosticism agoraphobia agranuloses agrarianize agriculture

agrobiology agrostology aiguellette aiguillette ailanthuses ailurophile ailurophobe aircraftman airsickness airworthier alabastrian albescences albuginitis albuminises albuminuria alcelaphine alchemising alcoholised alcoholysis alcoholytic alcyoniform aldosterone aleuromancy alexandrite alfilerilla algolagniac algologists algophobias alienations alivenesses alkalimeter alkalisable allegorical allelomorph alleviating alleviation allicholies alligations allocations allopathies alloplastic alonenesses alphabetary alphabetize alphametics altercation alternately alternation altitudinal altocumulus altostratus aluminizing aluminotype

amadelphous amaranthine ambilaevous ambivalence ambiversion amblygonite amblyoscope ambuscadoed ameliorates ameliorator amenorrheas ametabolous amethodical ametoecious aminization aminophenol aminopyrine ammochaetae ammonolysis ammoresinol amobarbital amoebicidal amontillado amorousness amphetamine amphibiotic amphibolite amphibology amphibolous amphibrachs amphichroic amphicrania amphictyony amphigonous amphisbaena amphiscians amphistylar amphithuron amphitokous amphivorous amplexicaul amplifiable amusingness amygdalines amygdaloids amylopectin amyotrophia anabaptisms anacardiums anachronism anachronous anacoluthia anacoluthon anadiplosis anaesthesia anagalactic

anagnorisis analogistic analphabete anamorphism anaphylaxis anaplerosis anastomosed anastomosis anastrophes anchoretish anchoretism ancylostome androgenize androgynous androsphinx androtauric anecdotages anecdotical anemography anemometric anencephaly anesthetist anesthetize anfractuous angelolater angelologic angelophany anglophones anguifaunae anhematosis anhydridize anhydroxime animalcules animatronic anisalcohol aniseikonia anisogamous anisogynous anisomerous anisometric anisotropic annabergite annihilator anniversary annunciable annunciator anodization anomalistic anomalously anorthosite answerbacks antebrachia antecedence antecedency

antecedents antechamber anteinitial antemundane antepalatal antependium antepyretic anterograde antesignani anteversion antheridium antherozoid anthersmuts anthocyanin anthologize anthophobia anthotropic anthracitic anthracnose anthracoses anthracosis anthraxylon antiangular antiaquatic antibubonic anticapital anticardiac anticathode anticlastic anticyclone antifashion antifebrile antifouling antiguggler antimissile antimonides antinepotic antineutron antinomical antinucleon antiobesity antioxidant antiphonary antiphrasis antiplastic antipyretic antiquarian antiquarism antiqueness antireality antirrhinum antisceptic antismoking antistatism antistatist antistrophe

antithermin antithetics antiwhaling antonomasia anxiousness aortectasis aphasiology aphrodisiac aphroditous aplanospore apneumonous apocalypses apocalyptic apocynthion apologetics apologising apomorphias apomorphine aponeurosis apophyllite aposiopesis apostolates apostrophes apotheosize apotracheal apotropaion appalachian appeasement appellation apperceives application applicatory appointment apportioner appreciable appreciably appredicate approaching approbating approbation appropriate approximate appurtenant aprications aprioristic aquaculture aquaplaners aquiculture araliaceous arbitrament arbitration

arborescent archaeology archaeornis archdiocese archduchess archegonium archenteron archeresses archicytula archipelago archisphere archvisitor arenicolous areosystile argentamide aristocracy aristocrats armipotence aromaticity arpeggiando arraignment arrangement arrentation arrestation arrivederci artefactual arterialize arteriotomy arthrectomy arthrometry arthropathy arthroscopy arthrospore articulable articulator artifactual artificious artiodactyl artlessness aschelminth ascocarpous ascomycetes aspergillum aspergillus aspersorium aspidistras asplanchnic assassinate assegaaiing assemblyman assentation asseverated

assibilates assiduously assignation assimilable assimilates association astaticisms asteroidean asthenopias astigmatism astonishing astraphobia astrogation astrography astronomise astrophobia astrosphere asymbolical asystolisms ataxiameter atelectasis atelophobia atmocautery atmological atmospheric atomicities atrabilious atramentary atramentous atrociously atropaceous attaintures attenuation attestation attorneyism attribution attributive attriteness attunements audiovisual augustinian aureateness aurichalcum auriculares auricularis auriculated aurocyanide autodialing autoerotism autogenesis autografted autological automobiled automobilia autopoloist autopsychic autosuggest

autotomised autotrophic auxiliaries auxiliation aventurines averruncate avertiments avicultures avoirdupois avolitional awestricken awfulnesses azeotropies azoerythrin azoospermia azotobacter

12 letter words beginning with a:

abbreviation abbreviators abjudication ablewhackets abolitionist abrasiometer absentminded absorptances absorptivity absquatulate abstractions academically acanthaceous acatalectics accelerandos acceleration acceleratory accentuality accentuation accessorized acciaccatura accompaniers accompanyist accomplished accouchement accoucheuses accouplement accouterment accrescences acculturized accumulation accusatorial acenesthesia acetaldehyde acetoacetate acetylations achlamydeous achlorhydria achlorhydric achromatized acidantheras acidophilous acipenserine acknowledges acquaintance acquiescence acriflavines acroesthesia acromegalies acrostically actinologous

actinomycete actinostomal actinotrocha activenesses addictedness addlebrained adenogenesis adjudication administrate admonitioner adolescently adoptionists adrenalizing adscititious adulteration adumbrations advantageous adventitious aerification aerodonetics aerodynamics aeroembolism aerographies aeromechanic aeroneurosis aerosolizing aestheticism aestheticize affectionate afforestable affrightedly affrightment aforethought afterburning afterthought agalmatolite agamogenesis agglutinogen aggrandising aggravations agnostically agoraphobics agribusiness agrichemical agrochemical agroforestry aguardientes ailurophiles aircraftsmen albuminising alcoholicity alcoothionic alembication alexipharmic alexipyretic algolagnists alimentation alkalescence allantoidean

allantoidian allantoinase alliteration allocheirias allografting allomorphism allomorphite allophanates allothogenic alphabetical alphanumeric alphitomancy amalgamating amalgamation ambassadress ambidextrous ambitendency ambleocarpus ameliorating amelioration ametabolisms amianthoidal aminobutenes amobarbitals amortization amortizement amoxicillins amphibiously amphicoelous amphidiploid amphipyrenin amphitheater amphitheccia amphithecium amphitropous amphopeptone amphoriloquy amygdaloncus anacathartic anacoluthias anaerobioses anaeroplasty anaesthetize anallagmatis analphabetic anamorphosis anaphylaxies anastigmatic anathematise anathematize androclinium androgenizes androsterone anemophilous

anesthetizer angiokinesis angiomalacia angiotensins anguilliform anisaldoxime anisocarpous ankylosaurus annihilation annomination announcement annunciation annuntiating antagonistic antagonizing antecedental antediluvial antediluvian antemeridian anteversions anthelmintic anthologists anthologized anthropogeny anthropology anththeridia anticatalyst anticathexis anticipation anticipatory anticlerical anticolonial antientropic antiestrogen antifascists antifashions antifreezing antifriction antihalation antijacobins antimacassar antimagnetic antimalarial antimephitic antimodernly antimosquito antineutrino antiopiumist antiorgastic antioxidants antipacifism antipapistic antiparallel antiparticle antipathetic antiperiodic antipodagron

antirachitic antispreader antistrophon antithrombin antitropical antiunionist antivitamins aphengescope aphoristical apiculturist apocathartic apochromatic apocynaceous apophyllites apostlehoods apostolising apostrophize appassionato appendectomy appendicitis appendicular apperception appertaining appetitional appetizingly applaudingly applications appoggiatura appreciation apprehension apprehensive approachable appropinques appurtenance apselaphesia aquacultures aquaplanings aquatintists arachnophobe arborization archagitator archapostate archdeaconry archdukedoms archerfishes archibenthal archimperial archipelagic archiphoneme architecture archphylarch argillaceous arglebargled aristocratic

arithmomancy armamentaria arsenicating arsenopyrite arsphenamine arteriomotor arthropodous articulation articulators artilleryman artocarpeous ascogonidium asphyxiating assassinated assassinator assessorship asseverating asseveration assimilation assimilatory astacologies astigmoscope astonishment astoundments astringently astrobiology astrogeology astronautics astronomical astrophysics asymptomatic asynchronism atheological athwartships atmospherics atomechanics attitudinize attractingly auctioneered augmentation auriculariae auripuncture auscultation australasian autecologist authenticate authenticity autochthonic autocratship autografting autohypnosis automobilism

autoplasties autorhythmic autorotating autorotation autoxidation auxochromism auxochromous availability averruncates avitaminosis axerophthols

13 letter words beginning with a:

abortifacient absinthiating acanthopteran accelerometer acceptilation accessariness accommodating accommodation accompaniment accoutrements acculturation acculturizing accustomizing acetonization acetylcholine achromaticity acknowledging acquisitional acroparalysis acrosphacelus acrylonitrile actinometricy actinomorphic actinomycosis actinotherapy actinouranium adenoidectomy adiabatically adiathermancy admeasurement adminiculated administrator admirableness admissibility adventuresome adverbialised adverbialises advertisement aeolopantalon aerodynamical aerogenically aeromaechanic aeromechanics aerotechnical aesthesiogens aesthetically aestheticized affenpinscher afterthoughts aggiornamento agglomeration

agglutination agranulocytes agrichemicals agriculturist agrostologies ailurophilias aircraftwoman alacreatinine albertustaler alcoholically alcoholmetric alcoholometer alectryomancy allergenicity allochromatic allochthonous allorrhythmic alongshoremen alphabetizers alphanumerics aluminiferous aluminothermy alveolodental ambidexterity amblyocarpous amidocaffeine amidocyanogen ammocoetiform amniocentesis amphiploidies amphiprostyle amplification anachronistic anaesthetises anagrammatism anagrammatist anagrammatize anaphrodisiac anathematized anatomisation anchitherioid androsphinges anepigraphous aneroidograph anetiological anfractuosity anglicisation angularnesses anhydromyelia animadversion anisometropia anisophyllous announcements antapoplectic antecedaneous

anteclassical antecommunion anteporticoes anteroclusion anthologizing anthoxanthins anthraquinone anthropogenic anthropolater anthropolatry anthropometry anthropopathy anthropophagi anthropophagy anthroposophy anthropotoxin anticalcimine anticalculous anticatalytic anticipations anticlericals anticlinorium anticlockwise anticoagulant anticorrosive anticosmetics antidotically antiepileptic antifeudalist antiforeigner antifrictions antiharmonist antihistamine antihypophora antilogarithm antimalarials antimicrobial antimodernist antipersonnel antipleuritic antiprelatism antiprelatist antireductive antiroyalists antiscorbutic antisemitisms antisepticize antismuggling antisocialism antispasmodic antisubstance antivariolous antivibrating antivibratory aphanipterous apheliotropic aphidophagous aplostemonous apocalyptists

apocatastases apogeotropism apokatastasis apophorometer appendiculate appertainance apportionable apportionment apprehensible appropriation approximation aquaculturist arabicization araeometrical arboriculture archaeohippus archaeopteryx archbishopric archcharlatan archicerebrum archidiaconal archimandrite architectonic architectural architricline archpresbyter archvestryman areologically argentiferous argilliferous arglebargling argumentation aristogenetic arithmetician arithmometers arpeggiations arsenobismite arsenopyrites arterializing arteriovenous arthritically articulations artificiality arundinaceous aspergillosis assheadedness associativity astereognosis asthenosphere astrodynamics astrologistic atherogeneses atomistically atriocoelomic atrocoeruleus attitudinised attitudiniser audiocassette auriphrygiate

authoritarian authorization autobiography autocatalysis autocatalyzes autocephalous autochthonous autoconverter autodecrement autoeroticism autohemolytic autoheterosis autohypnotism autoinfection autonomically autoschediasm autostability autotriploidy avocationally ayuntamientos

14 letter words beginning with a:

abrasivenesses absorbednesses absorbefacient abstractionism abstractionist acceleratingly accomplishment accrementition achondroplasia achromatolysis acknowledgment acupuncturator adenocarcinoma adequatenesses administration administratrix adorablenesses adventuresomes adversifolious aeroballistics aeroelasticity aerotonometric aeschynomenous aetiologically affectionately afforestations affrontingness aforementioned aftersensation agathodaemonic aggrandisement agrobiologists agrostologists albuminiferous albuminousness alcoholicities alethiological alkalescencies allopathically allopolyploids alphamerically alterabilities alternifoliate amaranthaceous amblychromatic amicronucleate ammonification amphiarthrosis amphicondylous amygdaliferous anacardiaceous

analphabetisms anamorphoscope anaphrodisiacs anesthesiology anilinophilous annexationisms antagonization anteposthumous anteroinferior anterointernal anterosuperior anthracometric anthropography anthropolithic anthropologist anthropopathia anthropophagit antiadrenergic antialcoholism antiapoplectic anticentralist anticoagulants anticontagious anticonvention anticritically antidepressant antidiphtherin antienthusiasm antiforeignism antigonorrheic antihemisphere antimedication antimodernness antineutralism antiparabemata antiperistatic antiperspirant antiphlogistic antiphonically antipragmatist antireflection antiscorbutics antisensuously antisepticises antisocialisms antisyphilitic antitemperance antiterrorists antivaccinator apologetically apostrophation apostrophising apothegmatical apothegmatists appendicectomy appeteezements appositenesses apprehensively apprenticement

arbitrationist archaeological archaeometries archanthropine archiepiscopal architectonics arrondissement arsenferratose arthrobranchia arthrographies ascertainments associationism astigmatometry astrochemistry astrocompasses astrogeologies asynchronously attitudinarian attitudinizing augmentationer auriscopically authorisations autocratically autodecrements autoimmunities autoionization autonomousness autophytograph autoradiograph autoregulatory autosuggestion availabilities

15 letter words beginning with a:

absorbabilities acanthocephalan accessoriusorii acetonylacetone acetophenetidin acetylhydrazine acknowledgeably acquirabilities acroparesthesia actinochemistry actinopterygian actinotherapies adenomyofibroma adsorbabilities aerodynamicists aerolithologies aerophotography afibrinogenemia agranulocytosis amaryllidaceous ambassadorships aminoazobenzene amphitheatrical anaesthesiology anagrammatizing analyzabilities ancylostomiasis anemometrograph ankyloblepharon ankylostomiasis anthropocentric anthropogenesis anthropologists anthropomorphic anthropophagite anthropophagize anthropotomical anticholinergic anticoagulation anticreationist anticryptically antidepressants antihierarchies antimaterialism antimedievalist antimilitarists antiparagraphic antiperistalsis antiphilosophic antiradicalisms antirationalist

antirestoration antisabbatarian antisentimental antitheological apocalypticisms aponeurorrhaphy appealingnesses applicabilities appropriateness arboriculturist archaeometrists archidiaconates archiepiscopacy archiepiscopate architecturally argentojarosite ariboflavinosis asclepiadaceous assentivenesses astrodynamicist astronautically astronavigation astrophotometry atherosclerosis atrabiliousness attractableness auriculocranial authentications autocorrelation autolithography automorphically autonephrotoxin autophytography autoschediastic autotransformer azodicarboxylic

16 letter words beginning with a:

abominablenesses acanthocephalous acanthopterygian acceptablenesses acknowledgements acylamidobenzene adenohypophysial aerometeorograph aerotherapeutics alphabetisations alphabetizations alveolocondylean amphisporangiate anagrammatically anarchosocialist anarthrousnesses anesthesiologist anociassociation anopisthographic answerablenesses antepenultimates anthracitiferous anthraconecrosis anthropocentrism anthropomorphism anthropomorphize anthropomorphous antibureaucratic anticalligraphic anticontagiously antidiphtheritic antiecclesiastic antienthusiastic antiexpansionist antihierarchical antiliturgically antimaterialisms antiperistatical antiphilosophism archichlamydeous archocystosyrinx arteriosclerosis aryepiglottidean assimilationists astrophotography asymptomatically atrioventricular autobiographical autodiagrammatic autofermentation autointoxication

17 letter words beginning with a:

aerometeorographs anthracosilicosis anthropogeography anthropomorphised anthropomorphosis antiagglutination antiauthoritarian antiegotistically antievolutionists antihumanitarians antimodernization antipatriotically antipragmatically antischolasticism antistadholderian appersonification archaeozoologists ascertainableness authoritarianisms autoplasmotherapy autoschediastical autotetraploidies

18 letter words beginning with a:

adenocarcinomatous aerothermodynamics affectionatenesses anarchosyndicalism anthropomorphizing antiadministration antiaristocratical anticonventionally aristocraticalness astrochronological astrophotographers

19 letter words beginning with a:

acoustoelectrically adrenocorticotropic anatomopathological anticonventionalism antiecclesiasticism antiparliamentarist antivaccinationisms archaeoastronomical atherosclerotically

20 letter words beginning with a:

adrenocorticotrophic anopisthographically anthropomorphization anticapitalistically antienthusiastically antiprestidigitation

21 letter words beginning with a:

antiauthoritarianisms antiinstitutionalists

22 letter words beginning with a:

anatomicophysiological aquopentamminecobaltic

Summary / wrap-up / next steps:

Glad you visited this webpage containing lots of A words / words that begin with the letter a, and hopefully it helped you find the right 2 letter, 3 letter, 4 letters, 5, 6, 7, 8, and even longer word beginning with A.

April 14, 2023

lacking life, spirit, or zest

April 13, 2023

to make or repair something with materials conveniently on hand

April 12, 2023

the area around or near a place

April 11, 2023

like an oracle in solemnity, or in having wise or divine insight

April 10, 2023

a minor flaw or shortcoming

April 09, 2023

showing or suggesting that future success is likely

April 08, 2023

to limit the size or amount of something

April 07, 2023

ambiguous or difficult to understand

April 06, 2023

a ceremonial dinner held on Passover

April 05, 2023

to divide into political units giving one group unfair advantage

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    salt junk

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Challenging Standardized Test Words, Vol. 2

  • a pencil broken in half on top of a test answer sheet

  • The business’s new computer system proved not to be a panacea.

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Banking Awareness of 11, 12 and 13 April 2023

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Latest Current Affairs

9 and 10 April Current Affairs 2023

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Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.

The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.

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