Another solution is, every time you get a word, you get that as fast as possible. If this is bugged, you reload the save game before you get Arcwind. If you are sent to Arcwind, just reload again.
In, my playthrough, Arcwind is the last word that Arngeir points to.
After I use console command to fix the issue, Arngeir says, «There is only silence right now. Perhaps later we will hear one of the lost Words»
That is even though I haven’t found many words. For example, there is a word for slow time in labyryinthian. The fact that others ask how to find those words means they cannot get it easily from Arngeir
Note: This is a bug in dawnguard.
The bug is related to 3 drain vitality shouts
It seems that the «correct» way to solve the bug is to also read word wall in Northwind.
Fortunately, I choose to be a PC master race with the powah of console. So I just clear using console command
PC 360 PS3 NX (Note: This bug does not occur if Dawnguard is
not installed) If Arngeir gives Arcwind Point as the location of a
Word of Power, finding the word wall and learning the word may not
complete the «Find the Word of Power in Arcwind Point» miscellaneous
quest objective. The quest marker will remain in front of the word
wall. The word wall located at Northwind Summit completes this quest,
but only if it has not been previously found.[1]PC The console command
SetStage FreeFormHighHrothgarA 20
can be used to complete the quest, however Arngeir may give the quest again.
Setting Arcwind Point as cleared viaSetLocationCleared fd685 1
prevent getting sent there again.PC 360 PS3 Since finding the word wall at Northwind Summit is the only known way to resolve this bug, this can be avoided by
discovering the Arcwind Point word wall before the Northwind Summit
one. (in PC SSE it greybeards might still give you this wall
if you «fixed» this bug by getting Northwind Summit)
Matt Waller
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 08:59 AM
I’ve been trying for about a week to get Saruman to use word of power. I used:
Saruman’s ini
But in-game the power appears greyed out even at the right level. Here is the code I edited:
Command Button: CommandButton Command_SarumanSpecialAbilityWordOfPower Command = SPECIAL_POWER SpecialPower = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower // Options = TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:CAHWordofPower ButtonImage = Gandolf_radcircle ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipWordofPower_CAH AutoAbility = Yes PresetRange = 120.0 // UnitSpecificSound = InPalantir = Yes End
Command set: CommandSet SarumanCommandSet 1 = Command_SpecialAbilityIsengardWizardBlast 2 = Command_SarumanFireball 3 = Command_SarumanSpecialAbilityWordOfPower;; 4 = Command_SpecialAbilitySpeechCraft;; 5 = Command_SpecialAbilityDominateEnemy;; 6 = Command_SarumanThunderBolt 12 = Command_CaptureBuilding 13 = Command_AttackMove 14 = Command_Stop End
Experience Levels: ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel3 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL3_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL3_EXP_AWARD Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanWordofPower AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage2 Rank = 3 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END
Saruman's ini: ;;; WORD OF POWER ANIMS ON FOOT;;; AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE StateName = Attacking Animation AnimationName = GUGandalfG_SKL.GUGandalfG_SPCK AnimationMode = ONCE End FXEvent = Frame:5 Name:FX_GandalfPreAttackBlast End (then a bit further down) ;;; WORD OF POWER;;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_WordEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanWordOfPower End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_WordStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = Yes End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_WordWeaponFireUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower WhichSpecialWeapon = 1 SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 1700 PackTime = 1 FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 2500 // Hold AI for this long after we fire. AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 180.0 SpecialWeapon = SarumanWordOfPower End
Special Powers: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WORD OF POWER SPECIAL POWER //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpecialPower SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower Enum = SPECIAL_WORD_OF_POWER ReloadTime = 360000 PublicTimer = No End
Weapon: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon SarumanWordOfPower; Big Blue Ring Blast IdleAfterFiringDelay = 0 AttackRange = SARUMAN_WORD_OF_POWER_RANGE MinimumAttackRange = 0.8 WeaponSpeed = 401 ; dist/sec MinWeaponSpeed = 241 MaxWeaponSpeed = 601 ; dist/sec Upper limit on scaling, when attacking past nominal "max" range ScaleWeaponSpeed = Yes; Used for lob weapons, scales speed proportional to range RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NOT_SIMILAR DelayBetweenShots = 5000 ; time between shots, msec PreAttackDelay = 2600 PreAttackType = PER_ATTACK; Do the delay each time we attack a new target PreAttackFX = FX_GandalfPreAttackBlastReal FireFX = FX_GandalfBlast FiringDuration = 1400 DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage Damage = SARUMAN_WORD_OF_POWER_DAMAGE Radius = 250.0 DamageType = MAGIC DamageFXType = MAGIC DeathType = EXPLODED DamageSpeed = 700.0; must match the ShockWaveSpeed below End MetaImpactNugget ; A Nugget that throws things back with force ; HeroResist = .75 ShockWaveAmount = 75.0 ShockWaveRadius = 500.0 ShockWaveTaperOff = 1.0 ShockWaveZMult = 1.000 ShockWaveSpeed = 700.0 End End
Gamedata: ;-----------------------Saruman------------------ #define SARUMAN_BUILDCOST 3000 #define SARUMAN_BUILDTIME 70;; 45 #define SARUMAN_HEALTH 3000 #define SARUMAN_LVL1_EXP_AWARD 35 #define SARUMAN_LVL2_EXP_AWARD 40 #define SARUMAN_LVL3_EXP_AWARD 45 #define SARUMAN_LVL4_EXP_AWARD 50 #define SARUMAN_LVL5_EXP_AWARD 60 #define SARUMAN_LVL6_EXP_AWARD 75 #define SARUMAN_LVL7_EXP_AWARD 90 #define SARUMAN_LVL8_EXP_AWARD 105 #define SARUMAN_LVL9_EXP_AWARD 125 #define SARUMAN_LVL10_EXP_AWARD 150 #define SARUMAN_LVL2_EXP_NEEDED 90;60;; 100 #define SARUMAN_LVL3_EXP_NEEDED 180;200;; 200 #define SARUMAN_LVL4_EXP_NEEDED 270;400;; 300 #define SARUMAN_LVL5_EXP_NEEDED 700;600;; 500 #define SARUMAN_LVL6_EXP_NEEDED 1130;800;; 700 #define SARUMAN_LVL7_EXP_NEEDED 1560;1000;; 900 #define SARUMAN_LVL8_EXP_NEEDED 2110;1200;; 1100 #define SARUMAN_LVL9_EXP_NEEDED 2660;1600;; 1500 #define SARUMAN_LVL10_EXP_NEEDED 3210;2000;; 2000 #define SARUMAN_PREATTACKDELAY 1100 #define SARUMAN_DELAYBETWEENSHOTS 1000 #define SARUMAN_FIRINGDURATION 1566 #define SARUMAN_DAMAGE 250;; 100 #define SARUMAN_FORCE_ATTACK_DAMAGE 500 #define SARUMAN_FIREBALL_DAMAGE 400 #define SARUMAN_FIREBALL_DAMAGE_SIEGE 400 #define SARUMAN_FIREBALL_RADIUS 30.0 #define SARUMAN_FIREBALL_RANGE 300;; 250 #define SARUMAN_FIREBALL_RELOAD_TIME 60000 #define SARUMAN_LIGHTNING_DAMAGE 1000 #define SARUMAN_LIGHTNING_DAMAGE_FLAME 2000 #define SARUMAN_LIGHTNING_RANGE 300 #define SARUMAN_LIGHTNING_RADIUS 50 #define SARUMAN_WORD_OF_POWER_DAMAGE 500 #define SARUMAN_WORD_OF_POWER_RANGE 120
Please help quickly!
I kill who I want when I want……… watch your back……..
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 09:51 AM
First of all, that animation thing you added wont work, Its using GANDALF’s skeleton!
And what about the upgrade.ini?
Special Powers:
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WORD OF POWER SPECIAL POWER //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpecialPower SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower Enum = SPECIAL_WORD_OF_POWER ReloadTime = 360000 ///PublicTimer = No ///<----WHATS UP WITH THAT? its not in the original move so why add it here? End
Ridder Geel
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Matt Waller
Matt Waller
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 11:03 AM
I forgot to post the upgrade thing :
Upgrade: Upgrade Upgrade_SarumanWordOfPower Type = OBJECT End
I’ll try the skeleton thing see if it works
I kill who I want when I want……… watch your back……..
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Ridder Geel
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 11:06 AM
Don’t forget to also change the special power thing, that might be the most likely cause!
Ridder Geel
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Matt Waller
Matt Waller
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 11:18 AM
still doesn’t work. It’s just greyed out so I can’t use it.
I kill who I want when I want……… watch your back……..
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 11:21 AM
recheck your entire Experience code and your hero’s ini for small mistakes that could cause this error.
also recheck if all the names are spelled correctly.
Ridder Geel
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Matt Waller
Matt Waller
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- The Fanatic
Posted 15 June 2008 — 12:09 PM
It would help to have a second check from someone. I’m willing to send whole ini if someone needs it. I’ve checked it 100’s of times but to be honest I wouldn’t know a technical mistake if I saw one.
I kill who I want when I want……… watch your back……..
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 02:43 PM
This may sound like a stupid question, but, did you get saruman to level 3 and it was still greyed out?
Edited by Lurtz101, 15 June 2008 — 02:43 PM.
Trying to hold on…
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 15 June 2008 — 05:58 PM
he said Yes a few posts ago, so i assume he levels saruman to lvl 3 every time he checks
oh ya and matt, you can send me the code, ill have a look.
Ridder Geel
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 17 June 2008 — 01:13 PM
I fixed it and PM’d u the code
Ridder Geel
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Posted 17 June 2008 — 02:50 PM
Hurray! Good work once again Ridder and congratulations on being hosted!
Trying to hold on…
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 17 June 2008 — 03:19 PM
I’m happy too that i managed to fix this problem
Ridder Geel
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Guest_Omer Ahiskalioglu_*
Guest_Omer Ahiskalioglu_*
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Posted 04 May 2012 — 07:00 AM
I got problems on saruman.ini. I just get the Unknown Block AnimationState error then crash to desktop.I only copied the code to saruman.ini.The other codes worked good and i tried to open the game without saruman.ini and WOP was there but not usable.Where did I failed? Please Help!
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Posted 27 May 2012 — 01:44 PM
I’m happy too that i managed to fix this problem
I’m happy too that i managed to fix this problem
How did you explain? I did all of the above is still gray.
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 28 May 2012 — 12:48 AM
It has been quite a while… Currently i have no time to help you any more than give you the exact same codes i gave to matt.
Using these are fairly much a guarentee to it working.
The important part is the saruman.ini i suppose, i advise copying it entirely since I cannot pinpoint what point exactly is important…
Good luck!
CommandButton Command_SarumanSpecialAbilityWordOfPower Command = SPECIAL_POWER SpecialPower = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:CAHWordofPower ButtonImage = Gandolf_radcircle ButtonBorderType = ACTION DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipWordofPower_CAH AutoAbility = Yes PresetRange = 120.0 InPalantir = Yes End
CommandSet SarumanCommandSet 1 = Command_SpecialAbilityIsengardWizardBlast 2 = Command_SarumanFireball 3 = Command_SarumanSpecialAbilityWordOfPower 4 = Command_SpecialAbilitySpeechCraft ; ; 5 = Command_SpecialAbilityDominateEnemy ; ; 6 = Command_SarumanThunderBolt 12 = Command_CaptureBuilding 13 = Command_AttackMove 14 = Command_Stop End
;----------- SARUMAN ------------------ ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel1 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = 1 ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL1_EXP_AWARD Rank = 1 SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End End ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel2 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL2_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL2_EXP_AWARD Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanFireBall AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage1 Rank = 2 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel3 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL3_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL3_EXP_AWARD Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanWordofPower AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage2 Rank = 3 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel4 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL4_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL4_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage3 Rank = 4 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX ; ; Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanDominate SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel5 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL5_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL5_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage4 Rank = 5 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanSpeechCraft SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel6 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL6_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL6_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage5 Rank = 6 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel7 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL7_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL7_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage6 Rank = 7 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel8 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL8_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL8_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage7 Rank = 8 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanDominate ; ; SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel9 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL9_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL9_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage8 Rank = 9 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanThunderBolt SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel10 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL10_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL10_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage9 Rank = 10 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_good Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END [/codebox] gamedata.ini (water.ini or an ini named gamedata.ini in objects folder) [code] #define SARUMAN_WORD_OF_POWER_DAMAGE 1000 #define SARUMAN_WORD_OF_POWER_RANGE 150 [/code] saruman.ini [codebox] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Saruman Object IsengardSaruman ; *** ART Parameters *** ; ButtonImage for Heros is button image on Hero Select UI to select hero. HI = HeroIcon or HeroImage. ; This is required for garrisoned objects - please put in all objects. ButtonImage = HISaruman ; SelectPortrait for Heros is portrait behind skill buttons. HP = HeroPortrait. SelectPortrait = HPSaruman DescriptionStrategic = CONTROLBAR:LW_ToolTip_Saruman Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_DRAW OkToChangeModelColor = Yes StaticModelLODMode = yes ; Will append M or L to the skin name depending on GameLOD ExtraPublicBone = STAFFFX DefaultModelConditionState Model = IUSaruman_SKN Skeleton = IUSaruman_SKL WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY STAFFFX End ModelConditionState = USER_3 Model = IUSaruman_SKN WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY STAFFFX Shadow = SHADOW_ADDITIVE_DECAL ShadowSizeX = 200; ShadowSizeY = 200; ShadowTexture = EXGandalfGlow; End ; --- Idle Anims IdleAnimationState StateName = Idle Animation = IDLB ; Bored Idle AnimationName = IUSaruman_IDLB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 20 End Animation = IDLC ; Bored Idle AnimationName = IUSaruman_IDLC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 3 End Animation = IDLD ; Bored Fidget AnimationName = IUSaruman_IDLD AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 1 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Selected" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_Selected_To_Idle") end EndScript End AnimationState = STUNNED_FLAILING Flags = RANDOMSTART Animation = FLYA AnimationName = IUSaruman_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP End End ; --- Dying anims AnimationState = DYING BURNINGDEATH Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_DIEB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 10 End End AnimationState = DYING SPLATTED Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE End End AnimationState = DYING AFLAME Animation = DieAflame AnimationName = IUSaruman_MFDA AnimationMode = LOOP End End AnimationState = DYING Animation = DieB AnimationName = IUSaruman_DIEB AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; --- Stunned anims AnimationState = STUNNED_STANDING_UP Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_GTPA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End End AnimationState = STUNNED Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE End End AnimationState = BURNINGDEATH Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_MFDA AnimationMode = LOOP Distance = 50 End End AnimationState = PARALYZED Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_IDLB AnimationMode = LOOP End End ;;; DOMINATE SPECIAL POWER ;;; AnimationState = PACKING_TYPE_1 StateName = Dominate Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 5 End FXEvent = Frame:6 Name: FX_SarumanDominateAtSelf End ;;; SPEECH CRAFT SPECIAL POWER ;;; AnimationState = PACKING_TYPE_2 StateName = Spped_Craft Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTB AnimationMode = ONCE End FXEvent = Frame:15 Name: FX_SpeechCraft End ; --- Moving Anims AnimationState = MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A Animation = TrotAndFire AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATRA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End ; This is what happens when Saruman gives uses his speech craft AnimationState = MOVING USING_SPECIAL_ABILITY Flags = RANDOMSTART Animation = IUSaruman_RUNB AnimationName = IUSaruman_RUNB AnimationMode = LOOP End End AnimationState = MOVING BACKING_UP Animation = BackingUp AnimationName = IUSaruman_BAKA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = MOVING ATTACKING Animation = IUSaruman_RUNB ;RUNB AnimationName = IUSaruman_RUNB AnimationMode = LOOP End End AnimationState = MOVING Animation = IUSaruman_RUNA AnimationName = IUSaruman_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP End End ;;; FIRE BALL SPECIAL POWER ;;; AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE Animation = Throwing Fireball AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATKB AnimationMode = ONCE End FrameForPristineBonePositions = 27 End ;;; WIZARD BLAST SPECIAL POWER ;;; AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO StateName = Attacking Animation AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATKB AnimationMode = ONCE End FrameForPristineBonePositions = 27 End ;;; LIGHTING BOLT SPECIAL POWER ;;; AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE Animation = Throwing Fireball AnimationName = IUSaruman_SPCA AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End FrameForPristineBonePositions = 48 End ;;; WORD OF POWER ANIMS ON FOOT ;;; AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE Animation = Throwing Fireball AnimationName = IUSaruman_SPCA AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End FXEvent = Frame:5 Name:FX_GandalfPreAttackBlast End ; --- Attacking Anims [Weapon_A] AnimationState = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A Animation = IUSaruman_ATKC AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATKC AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End Animation = IUSaruman_ATKD AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATKD AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End End AnimationState = WAR_CHANT ;Animation = Chant ; AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTA ; AnimationMode = ONCE ;End Animation = Chant AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTB AnimationMode = LOOP End End AnimationState = EMOTION_TAUNTING Animation = Chant AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTA AnimationMode = ONCE End Flags = RANDOMSTART RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End AnimationState = EMOTION_CELEBRATING Animation = Chant AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTB AnimationMode = ONCE End Flags = RANDOMSTART RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End ; --------- Click and Hit Reactions ------------ AnimationState = HIT_REACTION Animation = Hit_Level_1_a AnimationName = IUSaruman_HITA AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; ATTACKING AnimationState = ATTACKING Animation = ALERT_1 AnimationName = IUSaruman_IDLA AnimationMode = LOOP End End TransitionState = TRANS_Idle_to_Selected Animation = ATNA AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATNA AnimationMode = ONCE End End TransitionState = TRANS_Selected_To_Idle Animation = ATND AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATND AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; LEVEL Up Anim AnimationState = LEVELED Animation = Yippee AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTA AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; READY IDLE AnimationState = EMOTION_ALERT Animation = ALERT_1 AnimationName = IUSaruman_IDLA AnimationMode = LOOP End End AnimationState = RAISING_FLAG Animation = Chant AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTA AnimationMode = ONCE End Animation = Chant AnimationName = IUSaruman_TNTB AnimationMode = ONCE End Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End AnimationState = SELECTED StateName = Selected SimilarRestart = Yes Animation = ATNB AnimationName = IUSaruman_ATNB AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 15 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_Idle_to_Selected") end EndScript End End #include "" ; ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Isengard EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = SARUMAN_THREAT_LEVEL ThingClass = CHARACTER_UNIT BuildCost = SARUMAN_BUILDCOST BuildTime = SARUMAN_BUILDTIME ShockwaveResistance = SHOCKWAVE_RESISTANCE_STRONG ;//DisplayMeleeDamage = SARUMAN_DAMAGE TransportSlotCount = TRANSPORTSLOTCOUNT_HERO WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY SarumanWeapon AutoChooseSources = PRIMARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT FROM_AI End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = ToughHeroArmor ; ;HeroArmor DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End VisionRange = VISION_STANDARD_MELEE ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_HERO MaxVisionBonusPercent = 300% VisionBonusTestRadius = 200 VisionBonusPercentPerFoot = 1.0% BountyValue = ISENGARD_SARUMAN_BOUNTY_VALUE DisplayName = OBJECT:IsengardSaruman RecruitText = CONTROLBAR:IsengardSarumanRecruit ReviveText = CONTROLBAR:IsengardSarumanRevive Hotkey = CONTROLBAR:IsengardSarumanHotkey CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CrusherLevel = 0 ;What can I crush?: 0 = small animals, 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles CommandSet = SarumanCommandSet CommandPoints = 80 ; ;75 ; *** AUTO RESOLVE DATA *** AutoResolveUnitType = AutoResolveUnit_Hero AutoResolveCombatChain = AutoResolve_HeroCombatChain AutoResolveBody = AutoResolve_SarumanBody AutoResolveArmor Armor = AutoResolve_SarumanArmor End AutoResolveWeapon Weapon = AutoResolve_SarumanWeapon End ;AutoResolveLeadership = AutoResolve_SarumanBonus ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***; VoiceAttack = SarumanVoiceAttack VoiceAttackCharge = SarumanVoiceAttackCharge ;VoiceCreated = CampOrcCreateSaruman ;this conflicts with his respawn dialogue line -- rehooked to spawn FX ;VoiceFullyCreated = CampOrcCreateSaruman ;this conflicts with his respawn dialogue line -- rehooked to spawn FX VoiceFear = SarumanVoiceHelpMe VoiceGuard = SarumanVoiceMove VoiceMove = SarumanVoiceMove VoiceMoveWhileAttacking = SarumanVoiceDisengage VoicePriority = 92 VoiceSelect = SarumanVoiceSelectMS VoiceSelectBattle = SarumanVoiceSelectBattle SoundImpact = ImpactHorse UnitSpecificSounds VoiceEnterUnitEvilMenTransportShip = SarumanVoiceMove VoiceEnterUnitMordorMumakil = SarumanVoiceMove VoiceEnterUnitSlaughterHouse = SarumanVoiceMove VoiceGarrison = SarumanVoiceMove VoiceInitiateCaptureBuilding = SarumanVoiceMove End CrowdResponseKey = EvilMen1 #include "" EvaEventDieOwner = SarumanDie ;Eva event to trigger on unit's death. NOTICE THAT this is only for permanent deaths ;For deaths you can respawn from, use the DeathFX Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU ;Tie into LargeGroupAudio system Key = Humanoid_Male Man Man_Male Hero End ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKB Frames:39 104 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKC Frames:43 92 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKD Frames:13 29 55 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATRA Frames:9 20 31 43 55 67 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_DIEB Frames:20 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_DIEB Frames:34 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_GTPA Frames:51 75 113 139 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_HITA Frames:12 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_IDLC Frames:116 188 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_IDLD Frames:43 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_LNDA Frames:4 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_MFDA Frames:10 19 29 39 48 57 66 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_RUNA Frames:11 22 34 46 57 69 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_RUNB Frames:10 23 36 49 62 75 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_TNTA Frames:36 49 103 123 AnimationSound = Sound:FootstepDirtA Animation:IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_TNTB Frames:24 111 End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = HERO PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS INFANTRY PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER SCORE NOTIFY_OF_PREATTACK ARMY_SUMMARY ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT HEAVY_MELEE_HITTER PathfindDiameter = 40.0 Body = RespawnBody ModuleTag_RespawnBody CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS MaxHealth = SARUMAN_HEALTH ;BALANCE Saruman Health PermanentlyKilledByFilter = NONE ;Who kills me permanently? DodgePercent = HERO_DODGE_PERCENT BurningDeathBehavior = Yes BurningDeathFX = FX_InfantryBurningFlame CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS End Behavior = RespawnUpdate ModuleTag_RespawnUpdate DeathAnim = DYING ;DeathAnim = STUNNED ;Model condition to play when killed-to-respawn DeathFX = FX_SarumanDieToRespawn ;FXList to play when killed-to-respawn DeathAnimationTime = 5500 ;1133 ;How long DeathAnim will take. InitialSpawnFX = FX_SarumanInitialSpawn RespawnAnim = LEVELED ;Animation to play when respawning. RespawnFX = FX_SarumanRespawn ;FXList to play when respawning. RespawnAnimationTime = 2000 ;Time it takes for respawn to play. AutoRespawnAtObjectFilter = NONE +CASTLE_KEEP ;Respawn at this location -- and at it's exit production point if possible. ButtonImage = HISaruman_res ;RespawnEntries determine the ruleset for how a character can be revived. Some units may automatically respawn, others ;may require a specific revive action performed on him. You can specify different values for each level... or use Level:Any RespawnRules = AutoSpawn:No Cost:1500 Time:70000 Health:100% ;DEFAULT VALUES RespawnEntry = Level:2 Cost:1500 Time:70000 ; ;50% cost, 1x buildtime ;For other levels, only override what is different. RespawnEntry = Level:3 Cost:1500 Time:70000 RespawnEntry = Level:4 Cost:1500 Time:70000 RespawnEntry = Level:5 Cost:1950 Time:140000 ; ;65% cost, 2x buildtime RespawnEntry = Level:6 Cost:1950 Time:140000 RespawnEntry = Level:7 Cost:1950 Time:140000 RespawnEntry = Level:8 Cost:2400 Time:210000 ; ;80% cost, 3x buildtime RespawnEntry = Level:9 Cost:2400 Time:210000 RespawnEntry = Level:10 Cost:2400 Time:210000 End Behavior = AutoHealBehavior ModuleTag_SarumanHealing StartsActive = Yes HealingAmount = HERO_HEAL_AMOUNT HealingDelay = 1000 StartHealingDelay = HERO_HEAL_DELAY HealOnlyIfNotInCombat = Yes End Behavior = StancesBehavior ModuleTag_StancesBehavior StanceTemplate = Hero End #include "" Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Infantry BurningDeathTime = BURNINGDEATH_DURATION_INFANTRY End Behavior = EmotionTrackerUpdate Module_EmotionTracker TauntAndPointDistance = 300 TauntAndPointUpdateDelay = 10000 AddEmotion = Doom_Base // AddEmotion = BraceForBeingCrushed_Base // AddEmotion = FearIdle_Base // AddEmotion = FearBusy_Base AddEmotion = Point_Base AddEmotion = Taunt_Base AddEmotion = CheerIdle_Base AddEmotion = CheerBusy_Base // AddEmotion = HeroCheerIdle_Base // AddEmotion = HeroCheerBusy_Base AddEmotion = Alert_Base AddEmotion = CheerForAboutToCrush_Base End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HumanLocomotor Condition = SET_NORMAL Speed = NORMAL_EVIL_HERO_SPEED End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HumanWanderLocomotor Condition = SET_WANDER Speed = 32 End LocomotorSet Locomotor = BurningDeathLocomotorInfantry Condition = SET_BURNINGDEATH Speed = BURNINGDEATH_WANDERSPEED_INFANTRY End Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 GravityMult = 1.0 ShockStandingTime = 4000 ;msec End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_05 DeathTypes = ALL SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.40 ; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 8000 Sound = INITIAL SarumanVoiceDie ShadowWhenDead = No End Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_06 ;nothing End Behavior = HitReactionBehavior HitReactionBehaviorModuleTag HitReactionLifeTimer1 = 3000 ; level 1 (light damage) hit reaction animations in ms HitReactionThreshold1 = 5.0 ; level 1 (light damage) threshold trigger End ;;; FIRE BALL SPECIAL POWER ;;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_FireballEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanFireball TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanFireBall End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_FireballStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanFireball UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = Yes InitiateSound = SarumanVoiceAttackFireball End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_FireballUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanFireball WhichSpecialWeapon = 1 SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 800 PreparationTime = 1 PersistentPrepTime = 1000 PackTime = 100 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = SARUMAN_FIREBALL_RANGE MustFinishAbility = Yes SpecialWeapon = SarumanFireball End Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_FirBallAutoAbility SpecialAbility = SpecialAbilitySarumanFireball MaxScanRange = #SUBTRACT( SARUMAN_FIREBALL_RANGE 25 ) Query = 1 ALL ENEMIES -STRUCTURE End ;;; DOMINATE SPECIAL POWER ;;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_DominateEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDominateEnemy TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanDominate End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_DominateEnemySpecialPowerModule SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDominateEnemy StartsPaused = Yes UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = SarumanVoiceDominate End Behavior = DominateEnemySpecialPower ModuleTag_DominateEnemySpecialPower SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDominateEnemy UnpackingVariation = 1 StartAbilityRange = 275.0 ; ;200.0 AttributeModifierAffects = ALL -DOZER -HERO -STRUCTURE -ARMY_OF_DEAD -MOVE_ONLY ENEMIES NEUTRAL DominateRadius = 80 ; ;60 ;100 ;150 DominatedFX = FX_SarumanDominateTargets TriggerFX = FX_SarumanDominateTrigger UnpackTime = 1200 ; ;2000 PreparationTime = 1 FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 2500 ; Hold AI for this long after we fire. End ;;; SPEECH CRAFT LEVEL GAIN SPECIAL POWER ;;; Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_KingsFavorEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKingsFavor TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanSpeechCraft End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_KingsFavorSpecialPowerModule SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKingsFavor StartsPaused = Yes UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = SarumanVoiceSpeechCraft End Behavior = LevelGrantSpecialPower ModuleTag_KingsFavor SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityKingsFavor UnpackingVariation = 2 StartAbilityRange = 200.0 ; LevelFX = FX_PorterDeliver Experience = 50 RadiusEffect = 100 AcceptanceFilter = KINGSFAVOR_OBJECTFILTER LevelFX = FX_LevelUp UnpackTime = 2000 PreparationTime = 1 FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 2500 ; Hold AI for this long after we fire. End ;;; WIZARD BLAST SPECIAL POWER ;;; Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_WizardBlastStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialPowerTelekeneticPush UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = SarumanVoiceAttackWizardBlast End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_WizardBlastUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialPowerTelekeneticPush WhichSpecialWeapon = 2 ; SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 700 PreparationTime = 1 PersistentPrepTime = 1000 PackTime = 100 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 80.0 MustFinishAbility = Yes SpecialWeapon = SarumanWizardBlast End Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_WizardBlastAutoAbility SpecialAbility = SpecialPowerTelekeneticPush MaxScanRange = #SUBTRACT( GANDALF_FORCE_ATTACK_RANGE 25 ) Query = 1 ALL ENEMIES -STRUCTURE End ;//---------------------------------LIGHTNING BLAST----------------------------------------- Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_IstariLightEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLightingBolt TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanThunderBolt End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_IstariLightPower SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLightingBolt UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = Yes InitiateSound = SarumanVoiceAttackCharge End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_IstariLightUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLightingBolt SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 1500 PreparationTime = 1 PersistentPrepTime = 1000 PackTime = 500 AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 290; Note: This has to be smaller than the weapon range or it'll never succeed ApproachRequiresLOS = Yes SpecialWeapon = SarumanLightningBlastWeapon MustFinishAbility = Yes WhichSpecialWeapon = 3 BusyForDuration = 2500 End Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_LighntingAutoAbility SpecialAbility = SpecialAbilityLightingBolt MaxScanRange = #SUBTRACT( SARUMAN_LIGHTNING_RANGE 25 ) Query = 1 ALL ENEMIES -STRUCTURE End ; ; Behavior = AttributeModifierAuraUpdate ModuleTag_SarumanLeadershipUpdate StartsActive = Yes BonusName = GenericHeroLeadership RefreshDelay = 2000 Range = 200 ObjectFilter = GENERIC_BUFF_RECIPIENT_OBJECT_FILTER End ;------- WORD OF POWER (BLUE RING BLAST) SPELL ----------------------------------- Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_WordEnabler SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower TriggeredBy = Upgrade_SarumanWordOfPower End Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_WordStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes StartsPaused = No End Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_WordWeaponFireUpdate SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower WhichSpecialWeapon = 1 SkipContinue = Yes UnpackTime = 1700 PackTime = 1 FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 2500 // Hold AI for this long after we fire. AwardXPForTriggering = 0 StartAbilityRange = 180.0 SpecialWeapon = SarumanWordOfPower End ;/////////////////// ; AISpecialPowers ;/////////////////// Behavior = AISpecialPowerUpdate SarumanWordOfPowerAI CommandButtonName = Command_SpecialAbilityWordOfPower SpecialPowerAIType = AI_SPECIAL_POWER_BASIC_SELF_BUFF SpecialPowerRadius = 250 End Behavior = AISpecialPowerUpdate GandalfToggleMountedAI CommandButtonName = Command_SpecialAbilitySpeechCraft SpecialPowerAIType = AI_SPECIAL_POWER_GIVEXP_AOE SpecialPowerRadius = 30.0 End Behavior = AISpecialPowerUpdate WizardBlastAI CommandButtonName = Command_SpecialAbilityIsengardWizardBlast SpecialPowerAIType = AI_SPECIAL_POWER_GANDALF_WIZARD_BLAST SpecialPowerRadius = 100 End Behavior = AISpecialPowerUpdate FireballAI CommandButtonName = Command_SarumanFireball SpecialPowerAIType = AI_SPECIAL_POWER_ENEMY_TYPE_KILLER End Behavior = AISpecialPowerUpdate ThunderboltAI CommandButtonName = Command_SarumanThunderBolt SpecialPowerAIType = AI_SPECIAL_POWER_ENEMY_TYPE_KILLER End ;//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0 GeometryHeight = 19.2 GeometryIsSmall = Yes Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL ShadowSizeX = 19 ShadowSizeY = 19 ShadowTexture = ShadowI End [/codebox] specialpower.ini [code] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SpecialPower SpecialAbilitySarumanWordOfPower Enum = SPECIAL_WORD_OF_POWER ReloadTime = 360000 End [/code] upgrade.ini [code] Upgrade Upgrade_SarumanWordOfPower Type = OBJECT End [/code] weapon.ini [code] ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon SarumanWordOfPower ; Big Blue Ring Blast IdleAfterFiringDelay = 0 AttackRange = 150 MinimumAttackRange = 0.8 WeaponSpeed = 401 ; dist/sec MinWeaponSpeed = 241 MaxWeaponSpeed = 601 ; dist/sec Upper limit on scaling, when attacking past nominal "max" range ScaleWeaponSpeed = Yes ; Used for lob weapons, scales speed proportional to range RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NOT_SIMILAR DelayBetweenShots = 5000 ; time between shots, msec PreAttackDelay = 2600 PreAttackType = PER_ATTACK ; Do the delay each time we attack a new target PreAttackFX = FX_GandalfPreAttackBlastReal FireFX = FX_GandalfBlast FiringDuration = 1400 DamageNugget ; A basic Nugget that just does damage Damage = 1000 Radius = 250.0 DamageType = MAGIC DamageFXType = MAGIC DeathType = EXPLODED DamageSpeed = 700.0 ; must match the ShockWaveSpeed below End MetaImpactNugget ; A Nugget that throws things back with force ; HeroResist = .75 ShockWaveAmount = 150 ShockWaveRadius = 500.0 ShockWaveTaperOff = 1.0 ShockWaveZMult = 2.000 ShockWaveSpeed = 700.0 End End
Ok this is all the code… I hope it helps…
Ridder Geel
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Posted 28 May 2012 — 12:43 PM
I want the opening of 10 levels. But on a per level.
ExperienceLevel SarumanLevel10 TargetNames = IsengardSaruman RequiredExperience = SARUMAN_LVL10_EXP_NEEDED ExperienceAward = SARUMAN_LVL10_EXP_AWARD AttributeModifiers = HeroLevelUpDamage9 Rank = 10 LevelUpFx = FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX Upgrades = Upgrade_SarumanThunderBolt Upgrade_SarumanWordofPower SelectionDecal Texture = decal_hero_evil Style = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL OpacityMin = 50% OpacityMax = 100% MinRadius = 40 MaxRadius = 200 MaxSelectedUnits = 40 End END [/background][/font][/color] [color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)]
I did not like anyway.
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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Posted 28 May 2012 — 01:11 PM
…whut? I don’t really get what you mean… if you want everything to start at level 10 put it there, if you want the character to start at level 10 then make the required experience 0.
Ridder Geel
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Posted 28 May 2012 — 01:22 PM
No. Word of power opened level 10.I’ll have this.
Edited by Dovakhin, 28 May 2012 — 01:23 PM.
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Ridder Geel
Ridder Geel
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- The Dangerous T3A Team Chamber Member
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Posted 28 May 2012 — 04:38 PM
Oh ok So its not a problem?
because that is how you would do that yes
Edited by Ridder Geel, 28 May 2012 — 04:39 PM.
Ridder Geel
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Posted 28 May 2012 — 06:16 PM
Let the 10 levels of skill, such as Gandalf. Can this be?
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Posted 27 December 2014 — 05:00 am
- Members
- 6 posts
I cannot learn the Dragon Aspect word of power with Frea inside the Temple of Miraak or any other word of power. Soul Trap will cast but the soul gems won’t fill and the Wagon Driver won’t take me to Towns as he used to. This is odd I’m at level 28 and I believe I noticed the Soul Trap issue around level 25. TES5 says I have no conflicts or otherwise with my load order and BOSS seems to agree although it does say there are plenty of ways to ‘clean’ the DLC patches. Anyone had this issue or know fixes? Pls help. Will be happy to provide any other information that will aid in finding a solution that doesn’t require me to abandon a character.
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Posted 28 December 2014 — 02:04 am
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- 6 posts
So no solutions out there and no one has encountered this problem? Anyone willing to even hazard a guess? Cause I’m a total pleb.
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Dragon Souls and Words of power not triggering?
I am getting this as well. I killed a dragon at level 22 and absorbed its soul. Then I located and Dragon Shrine were the words of power are found, and they where not activating. So I was like that’s odd, maybe I have to kill the dragon first. Killed the dragon and Kosrith…. still no thu’um word, I turn around and notice that the dragon has not disintegrated and I have not received a soul. So I wonder around looking for another dragon. Find the dragon kill it and again does not dissolve and I do not receive a soul. This a very BASIC and KEY component of the game. If this is broken I can’t imagine what other sort of triggering glitches are present in this game.
helen buchan - Posts: 3464
- Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:17 am
» Thu May 17, 2012 2:23 am
I am getting this as well. I killed a dragon at level 22 and absorbed its soul. Then I located and Dragon Shrine were the words of power are found, and they where not activating. So I was like that’s odd, maybe I have to kill the dragon first. Killed the dragon and Kosrith…. still no thu’um word, I turn around and notice that the dragon has not disintegrated and I have not received a soul. So I wonder around looking for another dragon. Find the dragon kill it and again does not dissolve and I do not receive a soul. This a very BASIC and KEY component of the game. If this is broken I can’t imagine what other sort of triggering glitches are present in this game.
yea, sometimes i also dont get a soul, havent had problems with Tu’um walls tho
Angela Woods - Posts: 3336
- Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:15 pm
» Thu May 17, 2012 4:49 am
yea, sometimes i also dont get a soul, havent had problems with Tu’um walls tho
probaly the dragons souls not triggering has to do with which kind of dragon youve killed
Anne marie - Posts: 3454
- Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:05 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 6:42 pm
probaly the dragons souls not triggering has to do with which kind of dragon youve killed
I killed a «Dragon» and a «Blood Dragon» I don’t see anything mentioned by Bethesda about certain dragons not giving souls anymore? Do you have a link that indicates that as a real thing?
Nichola Haynes - Posts: 3457
- Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:54 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 2:31 pm
I killed a «Dragon» and a «Blood Dragon» I don’t see anything mentioned by Bethesda about certain dragons not giving souls anymore? Do you have a link that indicates that as a real thing?
no, what i meant was that, after lvl 20 you will get new types of dragons maybe one of those is bugged.
KU Fint - Posts: 3402
- Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:00 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 6:11 pm
I’ve had a problem with the Thu’Um wall in Hag’s End. No word highlighted in it, walking up to it doesn’t allow you to learn anything.
I agree, there’s no excuse for broken basics of the game like that.
Michelle Smith - Posts: 3417
- Joined: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:03 am
» Wed May 16, 2012 4:00 pm
I’ve had a problem with the Thu’Um wall in Hag’s End. No word highlighted in it, walking up to it doesn’t allow you to learn anything.
I agree, there’s no excuse for broken basics of the game like that.
I have not tried a second word of power yet since i didnt have time to find another, i will check at Hag’s End tomorrow when I get home from work to see if its ALL walls and or just this one.
Melanie - Posts: 3448
- Joined: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:54 pm
» Thu May 17, 2012 1:17 am
So I just got the bug as well.
I have reloaded and I’m sure I’m the one giving the dragon the final blow. The dragon is fully disentigrating and on the screen the message «DRAGON SOUL ABSORBED» appears.
Then I open my menu and go to shouts, and when I try to unlock that «Ice Form» shout, a pop-up message says: «Dragon souls are required to unlock shouts».
This is really frustrating! Second time this happens.
The dragon is at the Shearpoint wall btw, and its name is simply «Dragon».
Alkira rose Nankivell - Posts: 3417
- Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:56 pm
» Thu May 17, 2012 5:47 am
So I just got the bug as well.
I have reloaded and I’m sure I’m the one giving the dragon the final blow. The dragon is fully disentigrating and on the screen the message «DRAGON SOUL ABSORBED» appears.
Then I open my menu and go to shouts, and when I try to unlock that «Ice Form» shout, a pop-up message says: «Dragon souls are required to unlock shouts».
This is really frustrating! Second time this happens.
The dragon is at the Shearpoint wall btw, and its name is simply «Dragon».
It does not fix itself, I have over 10 dragon souls and over four words of power that will not activate even though it’s telling me I have absorbed the soul.
Elizabeth Falvey - Posts: 3347
- Joined: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:37 am
» Wed May 16, 2012 10:17 pm
I got the same problem folks, 2 dragons in a row. Maybe I am killing them too fast? I’m usually done with them in 3 flurries of my dual wielded weapons. Both times it was a blood dragon.
Mike Plumley - Posts: 3392
- Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:45 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 6:39 pm
Third in a row, a frost draogn this time, all at shrines I cleared before. Maybe that’s the problem?
Sarah Kim - Posts: 3407
- Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:24 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 3:37 pm
fourth dragon, named «dragon» at a location I hadn’t visited before, DID grant a soul. Location related? Another thing I did differently is that I didn’t have my horse with me. It’s a special horse, received during a faction’s questline…. I dare not say more for spoilers..
courtnay - Posts: 3412
- Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:49 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 6:17 pm
The problem I’ve had with shouts is that they won’t go when I activate them. He will say the words but the shout affect won’t happen. This also triggers the recharge time so I get double fisted..
Vera Maslar - Posts: 3468
- Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:32 pm
» Thu May 17, 2012 5:40 am
The problem I’ve had with shouts is that they won’t go when I activate them. He will say the words but the shout affect won’t happen. This also triggers the recharge time so I get double fisted..
Wrong thread?
Sunnii Bebiieh - Posts: 3454
- Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:57 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 2:09 pm
I got 2 souls but it is not letting me select a word to assign it to. I get a response that it requires dragon,souls. Does it auto asign? Do I need to catch up from the words I got at the throat of the world?
Symone Velez - Posts: 3434
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:39 am
» Wed May 16, 2012 5:41 pm
I first learned the «fire breath» shout, and killed both a fire and frost breathing dragon last night. Both of them had the soul capture animation and on screen prompt that I had captured the soul, yet I am unable to unlock the «fire breath» shout.
mimi_lys - Posts: 3514
- Joined: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:17 am
» Thu May 17, 2012 12:38 am
It does not fix itself, I have over 10 dragon souls and over four words of power that will not activate even though it’s telling me I have absorbed the soul.
this happened to me too. I have two words to unlock and 5 souls. no problems learning the words and no problems absorbing the souls. this needs fixing.
Darrell Fawcett - Posts: 3336
- Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 12:16 am
» Wed May 16, 2012 4:34 pm
Just read some more on other threads, and I will post more when I try this later, but other threads said to make sure you are pressing the actual «unlock» button (x on the 360 i believe) rather than hitting a to select the shout which I was doing. So just try and see, I will too. post results please.
Batricia Alele - Posts: 3360
- Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:12 am
» Wed May 16, 2012 3:52 pm
I killed, reloaded and killed 3 more times, my first Blood Dragon around level 20. It was a Winterhold. I was able to loot the body, but no soul and no skeleton. The dead animation was just a bunch of floating blots of blood. After completing the 3rd part of the mage quests, and returning to the College, I found a Blood Dragon stuck in the entrance. That was 12 levels and 2 in-game weeks ago. It’s still there, in the courtyard. It clips in and out of the ground, everytime the cell loads. It’s a full body animation, no skeleton and no soul.
Scared humanity - Posts: 3470
- Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:41 am
» Thu May 17, 2012 5:40 am
Just read some more on other threads, and I will post more when I try this later, but other threads said to make sure you are pressing the actual «unlock» button (x on the 360 i believe) rather than hitting a to select the shout which I was doing. So just try and see, I will too. post results please.
If you were getting the «you need a soul to unlock» type message do as i did because it works make sure you hit the unlock button. x is the button, as for the not absorbing the souls gamesas has got to fix that.
danni Marchant - Posts: 3420
- Joined: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:32 am
» Wed May 16, 2012 4:41 pm
Okay so i’m lvl 30 now and i just encountered my first dragons with no soul rewards.Tried 3 nests so far «Dragon» , «Blood Dragon» , it doesn’t matter, their body is not burning up and i absorb no souls.Does anyone know if this issue is known to bethesda,so that we can hope for a fix in the upcoming patch?
sarah - Posts: 3430
- Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:53 pm
» Wed May 16, 2012 10:15 pm
I’ve had a problem with the Thu’Um wall in Hag’s End. No word highlighted in it, walking up to it doesn’t allow you to learn anything.
I agree, there’s no excuse for broken basics of the game like that.
This is happening to me as well. Any fix for it? Reloading doesn’t seem to work. This was at lvl 25, just after I killed by first Blood Dragon.
Daniel Holgate - Posts: 3538
- Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 1:02 am
» Thu May 17, 2012 2:44 am
I’ve had issues absorbing souls from 4 different dragons now. Fortunately I have had no trouble reading words from walls, but the soul absorbtion thing is getting irritating to say the least.
Seems the absorbtions issue has been handled in the patch, notes just released.
Emily Graham - Posts: 3447
- Joined: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:34 am
Return to V — Skyrim
Hi, can somebody please help..Im having a problem getting the 3rd Shout..»Learn Word of Power from Wulfgar» I went to wulfgar and gave him the horn, he then presented me the words on the floor..It is glowing on the floor and they are all standing around it, but for some reason i cant learn it…I have tried starring at it for minutes, move from side to side..nothing works..please help
Have you tried reloading your last save? Doing that seems to fix a lot of bugs in the game like this. Is this the part where they teach you the «Clear Skies» shout to travel to the Throat of the World? If so, maybe you need to read all the words from left to right? I’m not sure, I have never heard of this.
You need to place yourself in front of Wulfgar and try ‘talking’ to him. He needs to share his knowledge of the word with you (this is how you learn them without using up a dragon soul).
Make sure it’s Wulfgar you’re in front of and not Argneir (who is the actual guy who takes the horn).
Oh wait, I’m a fool. If you just returned the horn, this is the remaining words of Unrelenting Force. I would suggest loading your last save. That’s all I really know. I will look at the wiki for you.
Its the horn of wind caller, the 3rd word of power..But yes ive tried that and i got back and they just stand around it and do nothing
Hmm, there were no bugs listed on the wiki for this. So the word is on the ground, and you haven’t learned the word at all. And reloading a save didnt help? Man I’m stumped
Ive tried that raven, he just waves his arms over the glowing words on floor, and then nothing happens..I tried talking to all of them and they just stand there..
And the quest journal still says «Learn the word of power from Wulfgar?» Poop, this would be easier if I could see what was going on haha. You probably need someone with more brain power than me to help you haha!
Yes, it stills says «learn word of power from wulfgar»..and Thank you anyways the_deadlie, any help im thankful for.
Here’s one note in the bugs section of the UESP entry you might try:
Master Wulfgar may not teach you the last word for the shout Unrelenting Force and will bow at you when you try to talk to him. A solution is to go outside and close the big gate that you had to use Whirlwind Sprint with. The Greybeards will then follow you inside and you can learn the final word of the shout.
Yes Raven i read that before also, but thats if he hasnt took the horn from you and before he put the glowing words on the ground..I’ve got them to come inside and take the horn from me and said they were gonna teach me the power, but i for some reason cant read/absorb the glowing lettering on the floor.
Have you tried leaving and coming back? Just exiting the High Hrothgar building and coming back in?
Yes, i actually went and did other quests and have like 5 more hrs of time played and went back and its still same thing.
Ive seen that many people have had problems with this, but usually its the cant get wulfgar to put the lettering on the floor or even talk to them..But he actually took the horn from me and said he was going to teach me and put it on the ground..but for some reasoni cannot absorb/ read it..
Have you tried leaving and coming back? Just exiting the High Hrothgar building and coming back in?
That’s what I was going to say next haha. Wow, it looks like you have tried just about everything. Sheesh
What platform are you playing on BTW?
yeah that happens all the time to me ( on ps3 ) but i just start mashing the controller buttons and it works
Hope that helps!
Lol, at this point ill try anything
Mashing buttons huh? Might be crazy enough to work! Trolololo
While this may not be a direct response to your comments, it might help… possibly?
At one point, there was an introduction to Words of Power on the website, but that seems to have vanished during the redesign. Even older players may have read a blog post, that’s also now «gone.» I’ve got a copy of that though, and here it is:Elder Game, October 28, 2011.
Words of PowerI needed something for the Lore skill to do. It’s a prerequisite skill (meaning lots of skills will require it), but it felt stupid without a job of its own, too. So I decided they could research Words of Power. These seem pretty fun so far.
Words of Power are randomly-generated sequences of phonemes. (For example, ‘Twimjot’, ‘Fledbydpal’, or ‘Chruggomdye’. The’re gibberish, but not completely random letters, so you can kind of figure out how they would be pronounced.) To use a word of power, you just type it into the chat window. When spoken aloud, the word’s power is triggered and the word is used up, replaced with a new word. Words of Power only ever work once.If you have a high Lore skill, you can research Words of Power via the crafting system. When you attempt the research, you can choose items to sacrifice. The more valuable the sacrificed items, the bigger your chance of success. If the recipe works, you discover one of the current words, along with an explanation of what it does. Their effects range from strong buffs to potent debuffs to killing yourself instantly, turning into a harmless animal, and a large number of other random effects. I’ve only implemented a few effects so far, but I intend for this to be one of the dumping grounds for any crazy effects I think up.
One interesting thing about Words of Power, though, is that this is a shared resource. There are (say) 10,000 active words in the universe and it’s possible for two players to research the same one (but unlikely, given the large number of them). Once anybody says a word of power, it stops being a word of power. So it doesn’t make sense to hoard too many words at once — eventually somebody else will discover your words and use them before you get a chance to!There will be many levels and types of words, their effects becoming ever more arcane and bizarre. Nestled in among the thousands of words will be ones that bend the rules of the game: for instance, there’s a word that can kill everyone in a 20-meter radius, even though this isn’t a PvP game, and there’s otherwise no way to kill players. (So if you want to kill somebody really badly there’s a way to do it. However, it will cost you an exorbitant fee, it works only once, and your victims are likely to thank you afterward because it gives Dying XP from a cause of death they probably can’t achieve otherwise).
Since they’re just words, they can be traded in-game or out… as long as you really trust somebody. Or they can be shouted out in chat: “Somebody say ‘foafulpetzel’, something great will happen!” Words of power are a social device, and not an entirely positive one. I think it’s important for a game to have some sources of player drama like this, as long as the drama is entirely opt-in. But I dunno, we’ll see. Really, this is one of the design philosophies of this MMO: I’m intentionally doing things that are unusual, and combining them together in a complex world where it’s not really possible to predict how things will play out in the end. If it ends up being broken, I’ll just have to roll with it.But anyway, back to trading them. There needs to be some reliable way to trade words of power. So I think there will be another research method that costs more, but doesn’t reveal the word to you outright. Instead, it gives you a scroll. When the scroll is read, you learn the word, and then the scroll disappears. Internally, it picks the word right when the scroll is read, guaranteeing that it’s still valid. That’s important, since nobody wants to buy a scroll with a used-up word on it. But the down side is that you can’t know beforehand exactly what the word will do. The scrolls have pretty generic labels (e.g. one might be labeled as a “Level 4 word of power”). Somebody looking for a very specific word may have to buy quite a few scrolls to find what they’re looking for. That’s okay — words of power aren’t supposed to be a particularly reliable or commonplace commodity.
Guessable Words? That’s Terrible! Wait, I Mean Great!
The words are generated from a list of phonemes. The more phonemes in the word, the more powerful its effect is (in general). Super-powered words are 30+ characters long and quite awkward to type. Less-powerful words are much shorter. For instance, right now on the test server the words “Follyik”, “Taithig”, and “Chrobog” are all bottom-tier words of power.
When I first implemented this, my instinct was that the above words were too short. People could guess them without researching! Especially after players learn the phonemes that are used, it would become relatively easy to guess. There are only about 100 phonemes, and these low-level words only have two phonemes in them, so there’s only about ten thousand possibilities… hundreds of which will be valid at any given time. You could have a 1-in-20 chance of guessing a word — or even better odds!That seemed broken, so I fixed it, making all the words longer. And then it hit me: wait, no, that’s not broken, it’s great. If you’re at the bottom of a dungeon, trapped and out of ideas, and you resort to mumbling random phrases hoping to find a word of power, that’s… kind of wonderful, really, in a thematic sense.
The guessable words aren’t powerful enough to damage the game balance, but they can mimic items you may not have on hand. For instance, a low-level Word of Restoration gives a big health-regeneration effect for five minutes.
The server protects against chat-spamming, so you can’t type too many attempts too quickly (or, just as importantly, hack the client to try thousands of guesses per second). Thus it would still take you a while to find a word of power by random guessing. But there is definitely a real danger to this system because it rewards excessive patience. (This is called “balancing via tedium” and is a big no-no in MMO design, unlike other game types like board games, where it’s often harmless.) So I’ve taken pains to make sure that people aren’t necessarily rewarded for just standing around typing words for hours. If guessing random words somehow came to be seen as the “right” way to beat monsters, that would be tragic.
That’s why I added the nasty effects. No matter what you’re trying to do, there’s an effect that will probably ruin your plans. Some kill you instantly, some teleport you to an odd location, some make you unable to wear pants for 30 minutes, and on and on. It’s true that the “good” combat effects might get you out of a jam, but these low-level words aren’t much better than a store-bought item. A Potion of Regeneration is a much saner survival tool.
Toys For The Rich And Powerful
Of course, the high-level words have a different role in the game: they’re where I stick the really weird stuff. For instance, one of the words polymorphs you into a pig permanently. (Yes, forever and ever, unless you obtain a rare dispelling potion. No, I don’t know why you’d want to be a pig forever, I just had the model handy and needed some insane power words. Ooh I know, I should make it so pigs can detect truffles from 60 meters! Let me write that down.) Other top-tier words permanently affect your stats, randomly raising or lowering your max hit points. Some turn boss monsters into harmless mini-monsters, or turn lakes to blood. But these words are insanely expensive to research. They’re money-sinks, in other words: toys for the overly rich.
(But to protect newbies, I’ll add a skill restriction on them… it’s one thing for an experienced player to be tricked into saying the Pig Polymorph word by a guildmate gone rogue, but it’s quite another thing to trick a newbie into saying it without understanding the dangers!)
The lower tiers of words, on the other hand, are generally more workmanlike. If you’ve got a high Lore skill, it might be worth your time to research some good level-two words for a weekend raid or planned boss battle. They’re for that sort of thing: semi-special occasions.
And the guessable lowest tier of words can be just as detrimental as useful. So if I get the balance right, then guessing words will be seen as a pretty desperate move… but if you’re desperate enough, or bored in town and want to experiment, hey, knock yourself out! Or blow yourself up, whichever happens first.
level 1
· 2 yr. ago
I had the same problem, i ended up saving, stabbing him, loading the save, then quitting to the menu and going back in and he was fixed
level 2
· 1 yr. ago
level 2
· 1 yr. ago
I know this is almost a year old, but thank you. This just fixed me. I was 60+ hours into a new play and had this happen
Continue this thread
level 1
· 2 yr. ago
The usual issue with Skyrim is solved by reloading the game. Some bugs require even further back though
Glyph of Power Word: Shield does not work.
Description of the problem or issue here.
Current behaviour:
Works until 21 million spell power
Tell us what happens.
Once I get 22 million spell power it doesn’t heal
Expected behaviour:
When you use Power Word: Shield you should been healed for 20% of the absorption amount.
Tell us what should happen instead.
Should work regardless of how much spell power you have.
Proof, e.g wowwiki link.