Word of power death

Слово силы: смерть [Power word kill]Заклинания D&D 5

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  • 9 уровень, очарование
  • Время накладывания: 1 действие
  • Дистанция: 60 футов
  • Компоненты: В
  • Длительность: Мгновенная
  • Классы: бард, волшебник, колдун, чародей
  • Источник: «Player’s handbook»
  • Вы произносите слово силы, заставляющее существо, которое вы видите в пределах дистанции, мгновенно умереть. Если у выбранного вами существа 100 хитов или меньше, оно умирает. В противном случае это заклинание не оказывает никакого эффекта.


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Power Word Kill


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You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the spell has no effect.


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  • Tamakins's avatar

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    Does this mean you can use it on a creature whose hit points have dropped to 100 or below?  Or can you only use it on creatures with a max HP of 100 or below?

  • zellshadowmend's avatar

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    If the creature has 100 HP, it will die. If it has 101 it will not

  • Cecilao's avatar

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    Temporary HP won’t help you.

  • MistakenRhyme07's avatar

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    avada kedavra

  • PadreMontoya's avatar

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    Kill as in 0 HP and save, or kill as in «roll a new PC?»

  • sioehellreaper's avatar

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    Tamakins: If the creature has 100 or less HP, not including temporary HP as previously pointed out by Cecilao, the target dies. Nothing to do with max HP, just the HP of the creature at the time the spell is cast. Additionally, Temporary HP doesn’t apply to this number as the Players Handbook covers that Temporary Hit Points aren’t actually Hit Points but rather a buffer against damage.

    PadreMontoya: Roll a new PC or find a way to revive. This spell is designed to remove the chance of a player character coming back into the fight due to successful death saves or successful Wisdom(medicine) checks by party members.

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  • Bumbledoor's avatar

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    I see it as when a creature currently has 100 hp or less which would mean the total hp does not matter, that’s just how I see it though.

  • DiceFarmer's avatar

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    My next McGuffin will be a Wand of Power Word Kill.

  • RobedSnake7's avatar

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    Note: This is one of the only spells that works against Rage Beyond death and will kill the target instantly, no saving throws.

  • DoovTheBestDM's avatar

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    What about vs. a druid’s wild shape? If the speall doesnt drop HP to «0», does it kill the druid who is currently a bear? Or kill the bear shape and allow the druid to be at the same HP they were at when shifted?

  • Daeg's avatar

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    Doov, instant death if the poly/wildshape form has 100 hp or less.

  • Glavric's avatar

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    I can see that being a rule. Do you have an official source?

  • Antares8001's avatar

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    Ok so I was playing an NPC allied with my party who I gave access to this spell  because, well why the hell not, and when he assisted the party in a fight it occurred to me that this spell is pretty useless overall, especially since it is a 9th level spell? Feels to me like it should be 6 or maybe 7 at most and even then choosing something like Disintegrate or Finger of Death over it feels like a no-brainer in most scenarios, given the low chance of it doing anything.

    At the point where you have access to 9th level spells, a creature with less than 100 hit points isn’t gonna be much of a threat to the party and apart from some fringe cases I can’t imagine anyone wasting a 9th level spell on it. If it is a dangerous opponent who is simply worn down to where they might have less than 100HP it’s still a pretty big gamble and not really worth possibly wasting a 9th level spell on, considering that if they have less than 100HP they’re probably gonna be dead after 2 turns anyway, also if it is a big bad you’re probably not gonna save your 9th level spell until they are already almost defeated.
    Dealing less than 100 points of damage to a single and at this point in the game probably not particularly dangerous creature while providing no other benefits seems pretty weak. At that point you have access to Meteor Swarm, Wish, Foresight, Invulnerability, Prismatic Wall etc. so using a 9th level spell slot to do what at best boils down to slightly more damage than most fighter classes with access to magic equipment can do every round and at worst and far more likely do nothing or maybe using it to take out a cannon fodder opponent seems ridiculous.

    Am I missing something here?

    The only actual use I can come up with is using it as a DM to establish an Opponent as a powerful magic user and being a dick to a low and mid level party.

  • Vaarkhan's avatar

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    The point is more the «the target dies» phrasing. It just dies. No special mechanics to save it, no getting back up due to skill X, no regenerating, no divine intervention.

    Just death.

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  • BBC_DnD's avatar

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    my players are going to hate me

  • Antares8001's avatar

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    Yeah but again that seems to be mainly useful for a DM who wants to be a dick to their players rather than being an actually useful effect, at least for a high level party, who will almost certainly have more than enough equipment/abilities to counter essentially all resistances, regeneration abilities etc. without wasting a 9th level spell. And again best case scenario you’ll take out a single weak/weakened opponent, that just seems ridiculous compared to most other 9th level spells. 

  • MyzticManor21's avatar

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    I definitely think that there are some spells that are designed to be more for foes. The specifically powerful thing about PWK is that it’s an instantaneous kill, so if your cleric is less than 100 HP, there is no save or anything, they are just dead. Jeremy Crawford’s SA on the spell is that it kills through Polymorph and Wildshape as well. Most NPCs your party will encounter naturally have less than 100 HP, and if you study in the School of Enchantment, Split Enchantment lets your wizard kill 2 for the price of one. Additionally, the spell requires nothing more than a word, so from a RP perspective, it’s a pretty scary power. No hand waving or anything, just a simple word. Or in the case of a Bard, hide it in the midst of a song. A sorcerer using metamagic can kill a fleeing enemy from up to a 120 feet away. A Chain Warlock casting it through his familiar can kill someone with an invisible sprite while he’s in the next room over.

    But yeah ultimately it may get more mileage as something to be used by DMs to create a powerful enemy, though there’s lots of ways to get creative with it, if you’re so inclined

  • Ozzie's avatar

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     A Chain Warlock casting it through his familiar can kill someone with an invisible sprite while he’s in the next room over.

    That’s not something a chain warlock can do, though.

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    D&D 5th Edition

Power Word Kill

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You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you chose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the spell has no effect.



Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


One creature you can see within range

Simple, direct, and elegant. Who cares about fireballs and lightning bolts, illusions and zombies? This is the point.

This. Is. Power.

Power Word Kill

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • School: Enchantment
  • Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Level: 9th
  • Damage/Effect: Death (if target has less than 100 HP)
  • Attack/Save: None
  • Components: Verbal
  • Ritual/Concentration: No

What Is Power Work Kill?

You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the spell has no effect.

Sometimes, a Boss fight has been dragging on forever. Everyone at the table is like, 18th level, they get perhaps a million actions per turn, and the Wizard just keeps saying, “Let me go last, and get them under 100HP!”

So, the fighter is swinging their sword (four times!), the cleric is keeping everyone alive, and the barbarian is about as spent on rages as a well-wrung dishrag.

The rogue has already looted the chamber, and no one has seen the ranger for at least three turns, excepting the Boss who has about 1300 arrows in him.

Finally, it’s the wizard’s turn; he makes an Insight check to see if the Boss is weakened, and he gets a nod from the DM.

The wizard puffs himself up to an imposing 5’6” and a full 98 pounds, points his long finger at the Boss, and says, “Die!”

The Boss dies, and everyone else is glad it’s over, even if it was a little anticlimactic.

Congratulations! You have entered the realm of Power Word Kill!

Who Can/Should Be Casting Power Word Kill?

Easy answer? The spellcaster. But not every spellcaster is the same.

This spell is available to all arcane casters capable of 9th-level spells, so this rules out the Cleric and the Druid.

But not even every wizard is alike, and not every Sorcerer is flavored for this kind of spell.

The Warlock may be a different type of Warlock, and it’s hard to believe there’s a bard out there with enough levels to even gain 9th-level Bard spells.

Therefore, the best type of caster for this particular spell is the caster who is more of a focused-duelist-style caster.

For example, if your favorite spell is fireball, you would be better off using that 9th-level spell slot to cast the biggest darn fireball there has ever been.

But if you favor spells like crown of madness or dominate person, then Power Word Kill is for you.

This is the type of spell that can take out key enemy personnel instead of spamming them with explosions and seeing what’s left standing.

Other 9th Level Spells

When you get to the point where you can choose from the most powerful spells in the game, you’re hard pressed to pick the right spell for your character.

With Power Word Kill, you won’t significantly change the battlefield as if you had taken Prismatic Wall; nor will you drop a ton of minions every turn as if you had taken Psychic Scream.

You won’t add chaos as if you had taken gate or mass polymorph.

But with Power Word Kill, you will be the one who ends the fight, and that is definitely a good tactic to keep in your back pocket.

Furthermore, if your enemy has a trusted lieutenant who orders around the horde of minions, then use Power Word Kill to take that guy out while the flashy sorcerer or druid lays elemental waste to the rabble that remains.

Power Word Kill is for the focused, tactical spellcaster who wants to take the knees out of their opponent.

It is for the magician who seeks the weak point and exploits it, leaving the evil mastermind alive long enough to watch their entire plan crumble.

Restrictions of Power Word Kill

As a 9th-level spell, Power Word Kill is one of those goal-setting milestones, especially if you have necromantic tendencies.

That being said, Power Word Kill is an enchantment spell, but the first step in any necromantic enterprise is the death of your subject. As the dark magicians say here at the Black Citadel, “The sooner they fall, the sooner they rise.”

Here are a few questions commonly asked by travelers such as yourself.

Does the target get a saving throw? No.

Is the target permanently dead? No. They may still be raised or potentially healed.

Does the target get to make death saves? That is up to the DM, but according to the Rules as Written, yes. The target goes to 0 HP, meaning that, if your DM allows it, they may start making death saves.

Generally speaking, the average goon does not make death saves, but if the main antagonist gets to make a few, they can become a recurring villain!

Does the target have to understand the language you are speaking in order to be affected? Not according to the rules, but if you want to weasel your way out of being affected by the spell or you want to weasel your NPC’s way out of dying, you could totally make a case like that.

But we don’t recommend it. It can too easily violate rule number 1, which is to have fun! Robbing your players of a clever win will do that.

What happens if you are polymorphed and then become the victim of Power Word Kill? You die. Power Word Kill says you die. It does not say you are reduced to 0HP. There is a difference.

Because Power Word Kill is such a powerful spell (You die, now! No saving throw!), it has a few restrictions:

  • The target must be at fewer than 100HP. This means you can either use a powerful spell on a weakling NPC for guaranteed success or you can use it to end a Boss that is already on their way out.
  • The spell is 9th level. Just being a 9th-level spell is a restriction by itself. You’ll have to be 17th level, at least, to cast it. Do you really want to use a 9th-level spell slot on a weaker NPC? Sometimes.

When To Use Power Word Kill

With these in mind, here’s the general rule around the Citadel.

Use Power Word Kill on WEAKER monsters if:

  • You need to clear the battlefield of the Boss’s minions.
  • You need to make an Intimidation check and want a social advantage.
  • You’ve got one 9th-level spell slot left and you are about to take a long rest.

Use Power Word Kill on STRONGER monsters if:

  • You are last in the initiative. This will give the other party members time to get the monster below the 100HP threshold.
  • You have been saving back that one last 9th-level spell slot for just this occasion.
  • You have made an Insight check (or the healer has made a Medicine check) to determine how much HP the monster has left.

For DMs: Helping Your Players Determine a Monster’s HP

When your players ask, “How injured does this thing look?”, instead of giving a vague response like, “It’s fairly hurt,” tell your players to make an Insight or Medicine check to determine the level of its health.

Use the following guide:

In addition, it helps if you can do a little planning and change the monster’s tactics depending on their health level.

Maybe at the start of the fight, they confidently engage in melee, and the lower their health gets, the more they either rely on defensive techniques or even start throwing more powerful but wild and careless attacks.

This will let your players do a little “table insight” before they start asking you questions and rolling dice themselves.

A Gift: The Obelisk of Sacrifice

We have a nasty little magic item we like to use in our boss fights here at the Citadel.

Feel free to throw this into your game tonight, and punish those meddling adventurers!

The Obelisk of Sacrifice

Legendary Artifact

This monument of black obsidian stands 9 feet tall by 5 feet wide and glows with an inner light ranging from sickly green to bruise-colored purple.

It was created by the Dread Necromancer Onoveron Tane, whose soul currently resides inside the Obelisk. 

When activated, the Obelisk casts Power Word Kill on a random creature within line of sight. It acts on an Initiative count of 0. Should the target have more than 100 HP, the spell effect is wasted for that turn. 

Activating the Obelisk requires a ritual to be performed that requires 500 GP of dark materials, at least 2 participants, and 1 hour of time, after which, one participant must make a DC 20 Religion check while another participant makes a DC 20 Arcana check.

A failed check consumes the materials and wastes the ritual time. Should the check fail, roll a 1d8 on the mishap chart to see the mishap effect. 

Once activated, the Obelisk operates until it has consumed 500 HP through its Power Word Kill ability. 

The Obelisk is a construct with a movement speed of 0, an AC of 5, and 900 HP + the amount of HP it has consumed since being activated. It is immune to poison, psychic, and necrotic damage. It is vulnerable to radiant damage. 

Furthermore, any character who deals damage to the Obelisk must make a DC 12 CHR save or be frightened of the Obelisk for 1 minute. A character may repeat this save at the end of every turn to overcome this effect.

Even if overcome, the character must make this save again if they continue to damage the Obelisk. Characters who are immune to being charmed are immune to this effect.

Mishap Chart


1. A random participant has their soul sucked into the Obelisk, and the obelisk still activates.

2. The Obelisk releases the soul of Onoveron Tane. The soul escapes into a clone that Onoveron prepared for himself ages ago that is currently residing in a secret compartment located in the obsidian pedestal on which the Obelisk rests.

Once the clone is revived with Onoveron’s soul, he simply casts mold earth to open the compartment and escape. The Obelisk does not activate.

3. The Obelisk casts a mass animate dead, creating 100 uncontrollable zombies and/or skeletons in a 60-foot radius. The Obelisk does not activate.

4. The Obelisk explodes, dealing 20d12 piercing damage to everyone in 120 feet. Passing a DEX save DC 20 will negate half of this damage. The participants have disadvantage on the save.

5. The Obelisk cracks, releasing the souls inside and summoning 50 Specters that are hostile to every creature in the area.

6. The Obelisk cracks, releasing a psychic scream effect to everyone within 60 feet. Participants have disadvantage on this saving throw.

Onoveron Tane

Onoveron Tane was a warlock who dearly wished to join his patron in the Shadowfell but refused to meet him until they could present a gift of 500 souls trapped in a giant magic jar.

Onoveron created The Obelisk of Sacrifice for that purpose, hoping to present it to the patron. Initially, the Obelisk was meant to not only cast power word kill but then to trap the soul of the victim via a magic jar spell.

Fortunately for the world, Onoveron was betrayed by his lieutenant, and the consecration ritual was never finished. Onoveron and his entire cabal was consumed by the Obelisk.

Once inside the Obelisk, Onoveron’s soul grew in power as it consumed all the others trapped within. A millennium has passed since his soul was the last one, and should Onoveron be released, he will be a force unlike any the world has seen in some time.

This item makes for a great trap to lock in a room with unsuspecting adventurers.

Ideally, it would be an item activated during a major Boss Battle. And yes, the Boss would be affected by the Obelisk as much as any other character in the room, but that just makes the Boss all the crazier!

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I played the game a lot as a kid, back in first edition.  Over the past few years since 5e was released, I’ve really started getting back into it. Currently, I run a campaign online for some friends and my brothers, and we also play a side-sesh just to mix things up.

I was just reading this answer, which introduced me to the Power Word Kill spell:

You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you choose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the spell has no effect (101 hp or more).

Functionally, how does this spell work? If I’m understanding this correctly, a PC can speak a word, and if the target has less than 100hp, they instantly are killed without the chance to save. My reason for asking is that this seems extremely overpowered, to the point where it could be used to kill deities or high-level bosses with little effort (especially those who rely less on having high HP and more on dealing extremely high points of damage — Moon Druids come to mind here).

While I recognize that the DnD system does allow for extremely powerful spells (cough cough wish cough cough), this one in particular seems to stand out.

Thus, functionally, how does Power Word: Kill actually work?

Note: I am not asking whether or not the community subjectively finds this spell overpowered. Rather, I am attempting to confirm how this spell works in practice, in order to decide for myself if it is overpowered.

To add some more specific touch-points to guide a potential answer:

  • Are any saves permitted?
  • Does the spell need to be heard by the target, or seen being cast?
  • How might resistances or type-immunity play a role (if any)?

The purpose of this question is to confirm that this spell works in the way I am imagining, which while to me seems overpowered, if I am incorrect may not be the case.

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