Word of mouth is an example of what

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Ward Gleason

Score: 4.1/5
(40 votes)

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM marketing) happens when consumers talk about a company’s product or service to their friends, family, and to others with whom they have close relationships. WOM marketing is one of the most powerful forms of advertising as 92% of consumers trust their friends over traditional media.

What is word of mouth means?

: orally communicated also : generated from or reliant on oral publicity word-of-mouth customers a word-of-mouth business. word of mouth. noun phrase. Definition of word of mouth (Entry 2 of 2) : oral communication especially : oral often inadvertent publicity.

Why do people say word of mouth?

To put it most simply, word of mouth marketers and advertisers seek to create something worth talking about and then actively encourage people to talk about it. As we noted earlier, people love referrals and they tend to trust the opinions of their friends when making purchasing decisions.

What is an example of word of mouth?

Word of mouth marketing is when a consumer’s interest is reflected in their everyday dialogue. … Netflix, for example, used word of mouth marketing to make binge-watching popular with its organic tagline Netflix and chill. The company promoted it on social media which became a huge success.

Is word of mouth still effective?

Yes. But not always. A great deal of research finds that word of mouth is more effective than other types of marketing. Whether compared to traditional advertising, media mentions, or promotional events, word of mouth is more useful in creating new users and customers.

42 related questions found

Is word of mouth Kumar valuable?

According to Kumar, Petersen, and Leone, your most valuable customers are those whose word of mouth brings in the most profitable new customers, regardless of how much they themselves buy. … High-purchasing customers who say they’ll recommend your firm to others often don’t bother.

Why is word of mouth so powerful?

Word-of-mouth can be defined as a form of communication among consumers based on their personal experiences and impressions of a product or service. This process can be the most powerful information source since it involves friends and family mem- bers, typically viewed as trustable people.

What companies rely on word-of-mouth?

5 Brilliant Examples of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

  • Pinterest. Pinterest thrives on user-generated content. …
  • Threadless. Growing a community is an invaluable way to gain insight about your audience while grooming brand advocates. …
  • Coca-Cola. …
  • Dropbox. …
  • Casper Mattress Company.

Is word-of-mouth a channel?

So, what is word of mouth as a channel? Successful businesses often rely on many different marketing channels. Paid ads, content marketing, social media, and email marketing are among the most popular. But word of mouth is never mentioned as a channel.

Is word of mouth marketing?

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM marketing) happens when consumers talk about a company’s product or service to their friends, family, and to others with whom they have close relationships. WOM marketing is one of the most powerful forms of advertising as 92% of consumers trust their friends over traditional media.

How do you spread word of mouth?

Quick word-of-mouth wins:

  1. Identify and nurture your top customers.
  2. Ask for reviews/ratings when things are going well; don’t wait!
  3. Use social media as a referral channel.
  4. Go above and beyond with unexpected customer service gestures.
  5. Use tools to automate the process.
  6. Make sure you have amazing service, staff, and support.

Is social media word of mouth?

It’s also important to understand that social media itself isn’t word of mouth; it’s one way that word of mouth spreads. Word of mouth is a story or verbal recommendation. Social media is a conveyance mechanism for that story.

What is the similar word of mouth?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for word-of-mouth, like: speech, oral communication, viva-voce, oral, orally, parol, Horsequest, grapevine, pipeline, direct-mail and above-the-line.

What is positive word of mouth?

1. Positive WOM is to provide information for consumers which highlights the strengths of a product or service and encourages consumers to adopt a product or service.

When did word of mouth start?

Originally released in 2010, we were introduced to a product that most of us never even knew we “needed.” Three years later, it’s estimated that we’ll buy 102 million units of the tablet in the coming year.

Is word of mouth a good marketing strategy?

Because word of mouth advertising encourages customers or prospects to share authentic and engaging marketing messages on your behalf, it’s one of the most cost-effective and powerful promotional solutions out there. In fact, a little WOM can improve the overall impact of your marketing campaigns by up to 54%.

What are the benefits of word of mouth in consumer Behaviour?

Advantages Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

  • Free-of-Cost Advertising. …
  • Develop Brand Loyalty. …
  • Online Community. …
  • Build Brand’s Social Proof. …
  • Increase Your Conversions & Sales. …
  • Highlight Your USP. …
  • Create Interesting “Viral” Campaigns. …
  • Visuals Trigger WOM.

Is Word of Mouth hyphenated?

The idiom word of mouth, first used in the 1500s, is an Anglicization of the Latin phrase viva voce, which literally means with living voice but is usually translated as word of mouth. When used as an adjective before a noun, the phrase is hyphenated as in word-of-mouth.

Which is more powerful positive or negative word of mouth?

The short answer is that positive WOM is usually more powerful than negative WOM – and by a wide margin. Two-thirds of people exposed to positive WOM describe it as “highly credible,” while less than half of negative WOM is seen in the same light.

How successful is word of mouth advertising?

In a recent study, 64% of marketing executives indicated that they believe word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing. However, only 6% say they have mastered it.

How fast does negative word of mouth spread?

Negative word-of-mouth reviews have a higher impact and spread faster than positive feedback. According to word-of-mouth marketing statistics, 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain to the company about a bad experience; however, they share their bad experience with about 9-15 people.

What is a good example of eWOM?

An example of an ‘eWOM Advertising’ technique is when brands invite consumers to write product reviews (whether positive or negative) to assist other consumers with buying decisions. The link to this photo or video may be broken, or the post may have been removed.

What is word of mouth marketing quizlet?

STUDY. word of mouth. Word of Mouth or word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing or communication is the passing of information about a brand’s product or service from one person to another.

How does negative word of mouth affect a business?

The «Practical Guide to Brand Promotion» states negative word-of-mouth advertising can have lasting effects on a company. It can cause the company to experience a decline in sales and damage the company brand.

How much of business is word-of-mouth?

Did you know word of mouth marketing drives $6 trillion of annual consumer spending and is estimated to account for 13% of consumer sales.

Asked by: Mrs. Georgette Sporer

Score: 4.3/5
(39 votes)

Word of mouth or viva voce, is the passing of information from person to person using oral communication, which could be as simple as telling someone the time of day. Storytelling is a common form of word-of-mouth communication where one person tells others a story about a real event or something made up.

What is word of mouth communication in marketing?

What Is Word-of-Mouth Marketing? Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM marketing) is when a consumer’s interest in a company’s product or service is reflected in their daily dialogues. Essentially, it is free advertising triggered by customer experiences—and usually, something that goes beyond what they expected.

What is an example of word of mouth?

Word of mouth marketing is when a consumer’s interest is reflected in their everyday dialogue. … Netflix, for example, used word of mouth marketing to make binge-watching popular with its organic tagline Netflix and chill. The company promoted it on social media which became a huge success.

What is word of mouth theory?

The theory of word of mouth

WOM refers to the oral communication between two people, the listener and the speaker. The speaker who is in the deep meaning would refer to the product, the brand, or the service. And the listener’s role is only about believing the speaker when talking about their experience.

What is word of mouth Why is it important?

The importance of word of mouth.

WOM recommendations are a crucial marketing tool for any brand. This is mainly because since they come from sources familiar to us already, i.e. friends and family, and due to the ‘buzz’ user-generated content can induce, they’re more trustworthy and valuable.

36 related questions found

Is word of mouth effective?

A great deal of research finds that word of mouth is more effective than other types of marketing. Whether compared to traditional advertising, media mentions, or promotional events, word of mouth is more useful in creating new users and customers.

Is word of mouth a channel?

So, what is word of mouth as a channel? Successful businesses often rely on many different marketing channels. Paid ads, content marketing, social media, and email marketing are among the most popular. But word of mouth is never mentioned as a channel.

What is word of mouth history?

Storytelling and oral tradition are forms of word of mouth that play important roles in folklore and mythology. … Another example of oral communication is oral history—the recording, preservation and interpretation of historical information, based on the personal experiences and opinions of the speaker.

Is word of mouth a good marketing strategy?

Because word of mouth advertising encourages customers or prospects to share authentic and engaging marketing messages on your behalf, it’s one of the most cost-effective and powerful promotional solutions out there. In fact, a little WOM can improve the overall impact of your marketing campaigns by up to 54%.

What is the similar word of mouth?

oral message. orally. parol.

How do you spread word of mouth?

Quick word-of-mouth wins:

  1. Identify and nurture your top customers.
  2. Ask for reviews/ratings when things are going well; don’t wait!
  3. Use social media as a referral channel.
  4. Go above and beyond with unexpected customer service gestures.
  5. Use tools to automate the process.
  6. Make sure you have amazing service, staff, and support.

What companies use word of mouth?

Check out how top brands get customers talking with these brilliant word-of-mouth marketing examples.

  • Pinterest. Pinterest thrives on user-generated content. …
  • Threadless. Growing a community is an invaluable way to gain insight about your audience while grooming brand advocates. …
  • Coca-Cola. …
  • Dropbox. …
  • Casper Mattress Company.

What’s the meaning of word of mouth?

(Entry 1 of 2) : orally communicated also : generated from or reliant on oral publicity word-of-mouth customers a word-of-mouth business. word of mouth. noun phrase.

What is positive word of mouth?

1. Positive WOM is to provide information for consumers which highlights the strengths of a product or service and encourages consumers to adopt a product or service.

Is word of mouth Kumar valuable?

According to Kumar, Petersen, and Leone, your most valuable customers are those whose word of mouth brings in the most profitable new customers, regardless of how much they themselves buy. … High-purchasing customers who say they’ll recommend your firm to others often don’t bother.

How is word of mouth used in promotion today?

To put it most simply, word of mouth marketers and advertisers seek to create something worth talking about and then actively encourage people to talk about it. … Word of mouth advertising is essentially seeking to kickstart an exponential referral chain that drives continuous traffic, leads, and sales for the brand.

How do you start a word of mouth business?

Five Tips to Generate Word of Mouth Marketing

  1. Ask Them to Try Your Product. …
  2. Find Ways to Make Your Customers Feel Like Company Insiders. …
  3. Provide a Forum for Influences to Have a Conversation on Behalf of Your Brand. …
  4. Provide Quality Service and Treat Every Customer With Respect.

What is word-of-mouth buzz?

Marketing buzz or simply «buzz» is a term used in word-of-mouth marketing—the interaction of consumers and users of a product or service serve to amplify the original marketing message. … Positive «buzz» is often a goal of viral marketing, public relations, and of advertising on Web 2.0 media.

Who invented word-of-mouth?

A psychologist named George Silverman is most commonly attributed as the pioneer in the field of WOMM, creating what he called “teleconferenced peer influence groups” in the early 1970s.

Is word-of-mouth personal selling?

Personal selling minimizes wasted effort, promotes sales, and boosts word-of-mouth marketing. Also, personal selling measures marketing return on investment (ROI) better than most tools, and it can give insight into customers’ habits and their responses to a particular marketing campaign or product offer.

Which is more powerful positive or negative word of mouth?

Abstract. Negative information normally has more impact on attitude and cognition than positive information, but there is evidence that positive word of mouth (PWOM) usually has more effect on purchase intention than negative word of mouth (NWOM).

How do you increase word of mouth referrals?

8 Ways Retailers Can Increase Word of Mouth and Referrals [Updated for 2019]

  1. Offer exceptional products and customer service. …
  2. Spell it out for customers. …
  3. Incentivize people to refer their friends. …
  4. Identify and engage brand advocates. …
  5. Run an influencer campaign. …
  6. Run a contest and use it to measure word of mouth.

What are some tips for enjoying positive word of mouth?

Here are ten ways to grow positive word of mouth.

  • Provide Good Customer Service. …
  • Make It Easy for Your Customers to Contact You. …
  • Maintain a Positive Image. …
  • Clean and Pleasant Surroundings Are a Must – Even on the Web! …
  • Ask for Testimonials and Display Them Prominently. …
  • Give Lessons or Seminars.

Why is positive word of mouth valuable?

Why is WOM Marketing Important? Consumers trust their friends. This is why word of mouth marketing is the most valuable source of marketing. According to a Nielsen study, 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than they do advertising — this stat alone solidified the word of mouth use case.

What is a difference between advertising and word of mouth?

The function of commercials and word of mouth advertising is to promote the company, product or service the business offers. … Word of mouth advertising involves current customers who talk about your company, product or service to people that they know.

Word of mouth marketing is when a consumer’s interest is reflected in their everyday dialogue. It’s a low-cost (sometimes even free) and effective marketing method.

Many businesses consider word of mouth marketing the most valuable form of marketing because it enables you to spread good reviews about your product or service to a large audience, boosting brand awareness and loyalty.

Word of mouth marketing has been successfully used by many companies to get their customers to promote their brand by talking about experiences that they’d like to share with their friends and families.

Netflix, for example, used word of mouth marketing to make binge-watching popular with its organic tagline Netflix and chill. The company promoted it on social media which became a huge success.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how businesses have used word of mouth marketing to connect with their target audience and boost sales. Along the way, we’ll share actionable tips that you can use to engage customers with your brand.

But first, let’s quickly take a look at why word of mouth marketing is arguably one of the most valuable sources of advertising.

Why Is Word of Mouth Marketing Important?

Word of mouth marketing – also called word of mouth advertising – is a modern form of simple word of mouth. It’s one of the most effective forms of advertising for boosting brand recognition and sales.

Many businesses have adopted strategies that encourage customers to talk about positive experiences with their products.

According to HubSpot, consumers discuss specific brands casually around 90 times per week! The same study also reports that around 71% of people trust consumer reviews online. In simple words, consumers trust recommendations made by family and friends.

Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising survey

Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising survey shows that 83% of respondents trust recommendations from people they know.

Word of mouth marketing is an honest promotion which helps you build trust with prospective customers. In fact, The Nielsen Company reports that 83% of customers trust recommendations from family, friends, and peers when making purchasing decisions. This goes to show that people don’t believe advertisements to the extent they trust suggestions from family and friends.

In the context of digital marketing, user-generated content is basically a form of word of mouth marketing that enables customers to promote your brand. And one of the most effective types of user-generated content is online reviews.

This involves existing customers sharing their positive experiences with your products and services with prospective customers. According to BrightLocal, 72% of respondents say positive product reviews boost their trust in a company.

Check out our in-depth article to learn more about how product reviews increase conversions.

Before we dig deeper into how you can come up with an effective word of mouth marketing strategy for your business, let’s quickly step through some of the advantages of word of mouth marketing.

Instills brand loyalty

Successful businesses, whether online or brick-and-mortar – quickly realize that loyal customers lead to positive word of mouth about their product. To make the most of it, they focus more on building customer loyalty.

Wendy's and McDonald's on Twitter

Remember when Wendy’s trolled McDonald’s on Twitter and generated word of mouth marketing for their brand?

The thing is, these businesses know that while people don’t always trust paid advertisements, they are much more likely to heed a recommendation by someone they trust. Trust drives consumer decisions and, in turn, sales.

Associating positive emotions with the brand through word of mouth can help differentiate them from the competition and enhance the company’s brand image.

It’s cost-effective

As mentioned earlier, word of mouth marketing is an inexpensive method of promoting your products and services. While businesses spend thousands (or even millions) of dollars to run TV or online marketing campaigns, word of mouth marketing is a comparatively low-cost strategy.

Moreover, it doesn’t cost the consumers anything to spread the word about your company or your products. This is precisely why more and more companies are relying on their customers to share good product experiences with their friends and families.

Builds a community of brand advocates

Word of mouth marketing can help you build a community of brand advocates. This means when customers purchase your product, they tell their friends, families, and peers about it and share their experience on social platforms. These customers will likely support and vouch for your product online as well as offline.

Shoptimizer word of mouth example

A customer recommends the Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme on Facebook.

Take a look at how this customer recommends the Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme to a first-time online store owner and highlights its key advantage i.e. conversion optimization.

As a result, you can attract more and more consumers that will continue to interact with your brand post-purchase. A loyal community of fans stands as proof of your brand quality. It can help promote your brand and persuade others to buy your products, helping you increase customer retention.

3 Strategies for Word of Mouth Marketing

Here are some ways you can use word of mouth marketing to promote your brand.

#1: Ask for reviews

As a business owner, you should always be encouraging customers to leave a review. Online reviews are engaging, shareable, and (perhaps most importantly) unbiased.

You can use online product reviews to establish social proof. To take things up a notch, you can publish customer reviews and testimonials on your product pages and social media pages. This way, prospective customers will be more likely to purchase from you based on reviews they read from other people.

You can collect reviews and ratings on your product pages, social media, and email newsletters. CommerceKit, for example, is a powerful tool that can help you automatically collect reviews directly on your site.

Along the way, you might receive some negative reviews. But don’t worry, we got you! Check out our article on why a bad review is actually good for tips on how to interact with customers that leave negative reviews.

Online reviews aren’t the only type of user-generated content that can bolster your word of mouth marketing strategy.

Savvy digital marketers use social media to promote their content all the time. As your sales grow, you’ll notice customers sharing user-generated content on their social pages. This includes engaging and shareable content containing images, videos, Tweet threads, or Instagram captions that highlight their positive experience with your products.

Forever21 example

Forever21 Shop the Gram

Forever21 encourages customers to upload photos of their favorite outfit.

Apparel brand Forever21, for example, encourages buyers to share their style by uploading their favorite outfit photos on Instagram. Organic sharing like this is an effective way to boost your word of mouth outreach.

Promotional incentives, like coupons and exclusive discounts, are a great way to boost brand awareness. You can use your affiliate or referral program to give away points or perks for different types of user-generated content – more on this later.

Cluse example

Here’s how Cluse does it:

Cluse UGC

Cluse encourages followers to tag their friends.

Cluse’s giveaway post encourages its followers to tag their friends in a user-generated content post and also asks them to get their friends to follow its Instagram page.

Check out our article on how to ask for a review for actionable tips!

#2: Interact over social media

When brands start or join conversations over social media, it generates many opportunities for word of mouth marketing. Positive and memorable social media interactions help build a community around the brand.

Aviation American Gin example

Last year, when Popeyes Chicken announced a new chicken sandwich, it started an online battle between two fast-food giants Wendy’s and Chick-fil-A. This gave Aviation American Gin a chance to get in the conversation in a playful way, and swoop thousands of valuable retweets on Twitter.

Aviation American Gin tweet

Aviation American Gin joins in on a tweet battle

Aviation American Gin moved quickly at the fast-food heavyweights using other companies’ social posts to its advantage.

This is a great example of why word of mouth marketing is one of the most effective types of outreach. This sort of savvy social media campaign has helped the company attract the attention of a large number of social media users looking for entertaining content to consume and share online.

Netflix Film example

Netflix Film on Twitter

Netflix Film starts a conversation on Twitter to generate user engagement.

It’s simple, really. Social media offers a powerful medium to communicate with your target audience and build a strong and authentic brand image. You can use it to inform, educate, and entertain your consumers as well as find new customers by getting them to engage with your content.

Another way you can increase your brand recognition on social media is by creating a hashtag. Remember the Forever21 example? The apparel giant tells customers to upload their outfit photos using the hashtag #F21xME.

F21xME hashtag on Instagram

Forever21’s F21xME hashtag on Instagram.

Hashtag campaigns are useful for building brand recognition and driving traffic. You can also use a hashtag on social platforms to start an online word of mouth campaign to share your promotional messages.

In other words, use your business hashtag every time you share a post on Instagram or Twitter and your customers will likely follow suit. Plus, hashtag feeds offer a quick and easy way to get in the conversations around your products. As a result, you can tap into conversations and respond to them in a timely manner. This, in turn, generates positive word of mouth from your customers!

Away example

A branded hashtag is a useful tool that can help you collect user-generated content. Here’s an example of Away using #travelaway in their Instagram post:

Away UGC example

Away uses the #travelaway hashtag to collect user-generated content.

#3: Engage with consumers

A well-designed referral program can help you boost the results of your word of mouth marketing efforts. Encouraging existing customers to share positive words about you with their family, friends, and peers is a great way to attract new customers.

Your aim is to give customers a reason to share your brand with others, online or offline, and referral incentives are just the tools you need. You can offer coupons, credits, discounts, or free products to the referrer that leads to a purchase.

Similarly, you can incentivize customers to share user-generated content by tagging your brand on social posts or sharing product links on social pages.

7-Eleven example

The convenience store 7-Eleven encourages customers to post photos on social media using the hashtags #7ElevenDay, #TFW, and #slurplife for a free small Slurpee cup on July 11th.

7-Eleven Day example

7-Eleven gives out free Slurpee cups on July 11th.

Affiliate marketing is also a great way to acquire new customers. Here’s how you build an affiliate network: after you make a successful sale, ask the customer to refer their friend and earn a commission for the sale if their friend uses their referral link.

Niche bloggers can also help you promote your products on their blogs by including affiliate links in their content. Every sale leading from their referral will generate a commission for them while helping you boost your brand recognition.

You can also organize giveaways, contests, and lucky draws. All you have to do is tell customers to share user-generated content or the giveaway post on their social pages. This way, you’ll be able to get customers to interact with your brand and generate organic traffic along the way.

Examples of Word of Mouth Marketing

Here’s a quick question for you: What does a beverage company, a cloud storage solution, and a mattress manufacturer have in common? Word of mouth marketing.

Let’s take a look at how different types of companies use word of mouth marketing strategies to create positive feelings and emotions about their products.


It’s no secret that Coca-Cola is one of the world’s most popular drinks. Over the years, it has run multiple campaigns which have led to positive word of mouth promotion for the brand and increased the consumption of Coke worldwide.

Coca-Cola Share a Coke campaign

Coca-Cola ran an uber-successful word of mouth marketing campaign in 2014.

Its “Share a Coke” campaign was launched in 2014 to get consumers to view Coke in a way that boosts its consumption i.e. by getting people to share it with their friends and family. Its social media campaign asked customers to find bottles with common names (and uncommon spellings of common names!) on them and share it online using the hashtag #ShareaCoke.


Dropbox is an online storage company that has successfully used word of mouth to attract a lot of new customers. It offered free storage space in the early days with bonus free space for referrals that drew a lot of attention.

Dropbox example

Dropbox offers free storage space to new users and referrals.

It offered 500 MB extra storage space to new users and the people referred by them. This campaign led to rapid growth in Dropbox’s revenue.


Casper is an online company that produces mattresses, bedding, and other sleep-related products. For each of their mattresses, it offers a trial period for 100 days from purchase. Consumers can then decide to keep the mattress or return it.

Casper mattress company example

Casper offers customers a 100 day trial period as part of their word of mouth campaign.

This customer-focused approach has clicked with consumers who prefer testing a product’s comfort and durability. Casper also ran aggressive social media campaigns sharing customer reviews, helping it acquire more than one million customers in eight countries.


Word of mouth marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing that involves giving customers reasons to share good opinions about your products with their friends and family. It helps you influence the customer’s purchase decisions, build trust, and boost brand awareness.

To recap, word of mouth marketing builds a community of brand advocates who vouch for your products online and offline. There are tons of ways to make your business a topic of conversation. Asking for reviews, interacting over social media, and engaging with consumers is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ready to collect reviews and leverage word of mouth marketing to increase sales? Sign up for CommerceKit updates as we build it!

Word-of-mouth marketing is a marketing method that encompasses any and all ways people talk about your company with others. It’s a marketing method that organically drives discussions about your business.

A word-of-mouth marketing strategy is a plan to generate buzz and interest in a product or service through organic, viral methods. This can be done through online channels like social media and forums, or offline through face-to-face interactions and events.


Word-of-mouth marketing is defined as a marketing strategy that brands use to encourage, influence, or impress people or target audiences to organically talk about your brand, product, service, campaign, event, or experience with others.

This marketing strategy is usually used to generate more interest in what you’re offering, to increase sales or conversions, or simply to get your name out there. Word-of-mouth marketing can be a very effective way to promote your business. After all, people are more likely to listen to and trust recommendations from people they know, rather than a faceless company.

Why Word-of-Mouth Strategy Matters for Retailers

There are a few key reasons why retailers should focus on word-of-mouth advertising:

  • It’s cost-effective. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies there is. It doesn’t require a big budget, and it can be done through organic channels like social media, online forums, and face-to-face interactions.
  • It’s credible. People are more likely to listen to and trust recommendations from people they know, rather than a faceless company. Word-of-mouth marketing can help build trust and credibility for your brand.
  • It’s viral. Word-of-mouth marketing is a form of organic or viral marketing. It’s a way to organically spread the word about your brand or product through social interactions. If people are talking about your brand, it can quickly lead to more people talking about your brand.
  • It’s trackable. With the right tools, you can track word-of-mouth marketing campaigns and measure their effectiveness. This data can be used to improve future campaigns.

How to Build Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies

How to Build Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies

There are a few key things you can do to build word-of-mouth marketing strategies

1. Make it easy for people to talk about your brand

Make sure your branding is strong and easily recognizable. Use social media, online forums, and face-to-face interactions to get people talking about your brand.

2. Create shareable content

Create content that is interesting, informative, and shareable. This could be blog posts, infographics, videos, or any other type of content that people will want to share with others.

3. Focus on customer service

Giving outstanding customer service is a great way to get people talking about your brand. Word-of-mouth marketing is all about creating positive experiences that people will want to share with others.

4. Host events and meetups

Hosting events and meetups is a great way to get people talking about your brand in person. This could be anything from a simple meetup to a larger conference or event.

5. Offer incentives and discounts

Offering incentives and discounts are a great way to get people talking about your brand. This could be anything from a simple discount code to a more elaborate referral program.

6. Keep track of your progress

Keep track of your word-of-mouth marketing campaigns with the help of social media analytics, Google Analytics, and other tools. This data can be used to improve future campaigns.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies

Some of the ways to make and use word-of-mouth marketing strategies are

1. Create triggers for word of mouth

Make sure your branding is strong and easily recognizable. Use social media, online forums, and face-to-face interactions to get people talking about your brand.

2. Monitor mentions and responds ASAP to keep conversations rolling

Keep track of your word-of-mouth marketing campaigns with the help of social media analytics, Google Analytics, and other tools. This data can be used to improve future campaigns.

3. Appeal to your audience

Create content that is interesting, informative, and shareable. This could be blog posts, infographics, videos, or any other type of content that people will want to share with others.

4. Provide value to customers

Giving outstanding customer service is a great way to get people talking about your brand. Word-of-mouth marketing is all about creating positive experiences that people will want to share with others.

5. Actively gather and curate user-generated content

Offering incentives and discounts are a great way to get people talking about your brand. This could be anything from a simple discount code to a more elaborate referral program.

6. Tap into emotion

Focus on creating emotional connections with your audience. This could be anything from evoking happiness or laughter to tugging at heartstrings. Emotional content is more likely to be shared than rational content.

7. Get product ratings on your site

Including customer ratings and reviews on your site can help to increase word-of-mouth marketing. This is because potential customers will see that others have had positive experiences with your brand.

8. Encourage user-generated content (UGC)

Encouraging users to generate their own content, such as blog posts, videos, or photos, is a great way to get people talking about your brand. This is because it helps to create a sense of community around your brand.

9. Ask for reviews and recommendations directly

Asking customers for reviews and recommendations is a great way to get people talking about your brand. This is because it helps to create social proof around your brand.

10. Tell your story

Telling your brand’s story is a great way to get people talking about your business. This is because it helps to create an emotional connection with your audience.

11. Extend your brand’s reach through employee advocacy

Encouraging employees to talk about your brand is a great way to extend your reach. This is because employees are trusted sources of information.

12. Create exclusivity

Creating a sense of exclusivity around your brand is a great way to get people talking about your business. This could be anything from offering exclusive discounts to VIP members.

13. Assemble your army of influencers and brand ambassadors

Working with influencers and brand ambassadors is a great way to get people talking about your brand. This is because they have a large reach and can help to create social proof around your brand.

14. Boost positive social comments and customer stories

Highlighting positive social comments and customer stories is a great way to get people talking about your brand. This is because it helps to create a sense of community around your brand.

15. Provide customer service that over-delivers

When customers are happy with your product or service, they’re more likely to tell their friends and family about it. This word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly valuable, as it can help attract new customers and create loyalty among your existing customer base. Word-of-mouth marketing is all about creating positive experiences that people will want to share with others.

16. Create hashtags

Creating branded hashtags is a great way to get people to talk about your brand. This is because it helps to create a sense of community around your brand.

17. Offer freebies

Offering freebies is a great way to get people talking about your brand. This could be anything from a free product sample to a discount code.

18. Conduct giveaways and contests

Conducting giveaways and contests is a great way to get people talking about your brand. This is because it helps to create a sense of community around your brand.

19. Focus on creating great content

Content is king when it comes to Word-of-Mouth Marketing. This is because great content is something that people will want to share with others.

20. Make it easy to share your content

Make sure that your content is easy to share by using social sharing buttons or embeddable links. This will make it more likely for people to share your content with their social network.

21. Use influencers and brand ambassadors

Working with influencers and brand ambassadors is a great way to get your content seen by more people. This is because they have a large reach and can help to promote your brand.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing and Referral Marketing

are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different types of marketing. Word-of-Mouth Marketing is when customers talk about your brand to their friends, family, and acquaintances. Referral Marketing is when customers share your brand with their social network through a link or code.

While Word-of-Mouth Marketing can be more organic and happen naturally, Referral Marketing is more structured and deliberate. Both Word-of-Mouth Marketing and Referral Marketing can be extremely effective in growing your business.

Examples of Word-of-Mouth Marketing Campaigns

1. Coca-Cola’s Share a Coke campaign:

Coca-Cola’s Share a Coke campaign was a Word-of-Mouth Marketing campaign that encouraged people to share photos of themselves drinking Coca-Cola with their friends. The campaign was extremely successful, generating millions of social media impressions and increasing sales by 3%.

2. Ford’s Word of Mouth Marketing campaign

Ford’s Word of Mouth Marketing campaign was a brand-advocate-based Referral Marketing campaign that also channelized influencer movements. Using referral programs was also useful for the business model. The campaign was successful, generating over 1 million leads.

3. Netflix

Netflix understands its customers’ wants and needs by using the data they provide. This way, Netflix not only recommends shows to users but creates entire seasons of new content that is suited to the platform’s biggest interests. Using this data in a logical manner, the firm has been able to improve consumer sentiment, resulting in an army of Netflix influencers who extol the company’s virtues on several social media platforms. This free advertising has allowed the business to expand rapidly beyond its competitors such as Amazon Prime, Hulu, and even YouTube.

4. Sephora’s Beauty Talk Word of Mouth Marketing campaign

Sephora’s Beauty Talk Word-of-Mouth Marketing campaign was a Word-of-Mouth Marketing campaign that encouraged customers to share their favorite Sephora products with their friends. The campaign was successful, generating millions of social media impressions and increasing sales by 5%.

5. Dunkin’ Donuts

Not only is Dunkin’ Donuts a vital part of American culture, but it has become a tourist destination for many. The delicious and affordable product has been made into a brand that Americans love, with staunch followers around the world. Thanks to these amazing people, Dunkin’ Donuts have found innovative ways to utilize word-of-mouth marketing. Social media is a powerful platform for brands to connect with their customers. By posting unique content and running competitions, followers are encouraged to engage with the brand on a regular basis. This can involve liking or sharing content, or even creating their own around the brand to show their experience. For example, one company’s hard work paid off with 15 million Facebook fans, 1.5 million Instagram followers, and 1.2 million Twitter followers.

Here is a video by Marketing91 on Word of mouth Marketing.

Benefits of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Benefits of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

1. Increased trust and brand visibility

When potential customers see that their friends, relatives, or other people they know and trust are talking about your brand, they’re more likely to pay attention. Word-of-mouth marketing can help increase trust in your brand, as well as brand visibility.

2. Make a meaningful impact on customers through authenticity

People can smell in authenticity from a mile away. Word-of-mouth marketing is an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on potential customers by being authentic and transparent. When people see that you’re genuine, they’re more likely to trust you and do business with you.

3. Earn long-term brand loyalty

People are more likely to be loyal to a brand that they trust. Word-of-mouth marketing can help you earn long-term brand loyalty from customers. If you can get people talking about your brand, you’re more likely to keep them as customers for the long haul.

4. Get more bang for your buck

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies there is. It doesn’t require a big budget, and it can be done through organic channels like social media, online forums, and face-to-face interactions.

5. Reach a wider audience

Word-of-mouth marketing can help you reach a wider audience than you would with traditional marketing methods. If people are talking about your brand, it can quickly lead to more people talking about your brand.

6. Boost sales and conversions

If done right, word-of-mouth marketing can be a powerful tool for boosting sales and conversions. People are more likely to listen to and trust recommendations from people they know, rather than a faceless company.

7. Get feedback and improve your product

Word-of-mouth marketing can also be a way to get feedback about your product or service. If people are talking about your brand, you can quickly learn what they like and don’t like. This data can be used to improve your product or service.

8. Drive social media engagement

Word-of-mouth marketing can help drive social media engagement. When people are talking about your brand, they’re more likely to share it on social media. This can help increase your reach and get more people talking about your brand.

9. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing

Last but not least, word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing. It’s trusted, authentic, and free. What more could you ask for? If you can get people talking about your brand, you’re on your way to success.


Word-of-mouth or WOM marketing is still one of the most powerful tools in a business’s arsenal to optimize a business or brand presence via positive organic word. In the digital and social media marketing age, it has taken on a new form, but the bottom line is that satisfied customers lead to new customers.

There are a few key things to remember when pursuing word-of-mouth marketing:

  • First, focus on creating satisfied customers. This is the foundation of any good word-of-mouth marketing strategy.
  • Second, take advantage of social media and online reviews. Make it easy for customers to leave positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • Finally, focus on customer loyalty. Once you have a satisfied customer, work hard to keep them coming back.

By following these tips, you can tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing and create a steady stream of new customers.

What are your thoughts on word-of-mouth marketing? Let us know in the comments below!

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Looking for new ways to grow your customer base? Don’t forget about wowing the customers you already have, to generate word-of-mouth marketing.  Think of the last time you recommended your favorite restaurant, clothing item, or other product to a friend. You probably shared because you loved your experience. The same goes for your company – when customers are wowed by your business, they naturally want to spread the good word.

This excitement to share is what drives word-of-mouth marketing (also called WOM marketing, WOMM, or word-of-mouth advertising). And this sharing leads to new customers, because the people who hear your customers’ word of mouth highly trust the word of their peers. So, word-of-mouth marketing could be your secret weapon for growth – especially because it often happens for free.

Athough word-of-mouth marketing depends on your customers and fans, it’s not out of your control. There are many ways to further your word-of-mouth marketing strategy. Below, we cover everything about the power of word of mouth, from what sets word of mouth apart from all other types of marketing to how you can harness word-of-mouth marketing to scale your own business.

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM marketing) occurs when people talk to others about your brand, products, or services, via any medium. It also includes any actions your business takes to encourage people to share their experiences with your brand and recommend others on your behalf. This results in free, or nearly free, advertising for your brand.

Some common forms of word-of-mouth marketing are reviews, social media shares, and referrals.

top 8 ways to generate word of mouth

What prompts word-of-mouth marketing?

Usually, word of mouth is prompted by an above-and-beyond positive experience someone has had with your brand. Think about the last time you ate an amazing dinner out, or tried a cool new product that easily solved one of your problems. You probably couldn’t help but share this standout experience with your friends.

Why is word-of-mouth marketing so important?

Word-of-mouth marketing stands out because of its high level of trust.

Why do people trust word of mouth?

Usually, word-of-mouth recommendations come from friends, family members, and others within someone’s close circles. When someone sees a friend or family member raving about a particular brand, they’re much more likely to buy. That’s because peer recommendations are seen as especially valuable.

the power of word of mouth marketing


Word-of-mouth marketing benefits

According to a Nielsen report, 92% of people trust word of mouth referrals from those they know, more than they trust all other forms of advertising.

Word-of-mouth marketing means your customers and other fans are essentially doing the marketing for you, at little to no cost to your business! They are promoting straight to their network, usually in person or on social media. This makes word of mouth not only cost-effective, but highly valuable.

Plus, thanks to social media, what someone shares can reach millions in mere seconds. And word of mouth doesn’t just stop after one interaction – one person will tell another, and another, and so on. With every share, repost, or retweet, word-of-mouth marketing carries the potential for exponential growth.

All this happens at a very low cost to your business – often, for free.

wom statistics


Word of mouth statistics: How effective is word-of-mouth marketing?

These word-of-mouth marketing statistics further prove how successful word-of-mouth marketing can be:

  • 83% of Americans say that word-of-mouth recommendations from people they know make them more likely to purchase a given product or service.
  • According to Nielsen, consumers are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend, so word of mouth produces high conversion rates.
  • When it comes to products they have purchased, 74% of people identified word of mouth as a key factor in their purchase decision.
  • Marketers rate the quality of leads brought in by word of mouth as a 4.28 out of 5.

Check out more word-of-mouth marketing statistics in the infographic below.


What are the types of word-of-mouth marketing?

Word-of-mouth marketing (word-of-mouth advertising) can be divided into two main types or categories: amplified word of mouth and organic word of mouth.

Amplified word-of-mouth marketing is directly encouraged by your business via a marketing campaign. Within the campaign, businesses will usually use some sort of reward to motivate this word of mouth. Amplified word of mouth strategies are also easy to track, since they are tied to a campaign.

amplified word of mouth marketing

Examples of amplified word of mouth include:

  • Referral programs
  • Affiliate programs
  • Brand ambassador programs
  • Influencer marketing campaigns
  • Other customer endorsements you encourage with rewards
  • Other campaigns and contests to encourage social media sharing

In contrast, organic word-of-mouth marketing occurs when someone recommends your brand naturally and without direct prompting from your business.

It is much harder to motivate and track. But this type of word of mouth isn’t fully out of your control. It is usually triggered by an event experienced by the customer. Whether that’s amazing customer service or a free gift with purchase, triggers set your brand apart from the competition and keep you top of mind. Plus, they make for great talking points and organic word of mouth.

We’ll dive into common ways to trigger word-of-mouth marketing in the next section.

organic word of mouth marketing

Examples of organic word of mouth include:

  • Spontaneous social media sharing (user-generated content)
  • Reviews and comments from satisfied customers
  • Natural sharing of a product through any type of conversation
  • “Dark social” sharing in DMs and private emails, that doesn’t have a tracking tag

6 word-of-mouth marketing strategies for any campaign (+WOMM examples)

With the right word-of-mouth marketing campaign, you can successfully create a steady stream of referrals and repeatable word of mouth for your brand.

Fortunately, there are plenty word-of-mouth channels at your disposal: referral programs, influencer programs, brand ambassador programs, affiliate marketing, and many more. Whichever channel you choose, however, it’s important to develop an overall WOMM strategy to encourage organic sharing.

Here are a few proven WOMM strategies to help get you started, along with some word-of-mouth marketing examples that show the strategies in action.

1. Create triggers for word of mouth

Triggers are little cues that remind your audience about your brand, even without any actual advertising.

Wharton marketing professor Jonah Berger gives this example: What immediately comes to mind when someone says peanut butter? Was it jelly? In this case, peanut butter acts almost like an advertisement for jelly.

This is the type of association you want to create for your brand. One famous example is a KFC campaign that ran in Japan in the 1970s. Translated to “Kentucky is Christmas,” it promoted a party barrel of fried chicken as Christmas dinner. The campaign was so successful that until today, many families in Japan order Kentucky Fried Chicken when the holiday season rolls around.

kfc japan christmas

Create your own triggers by finding something your audience sees or does on a regular basis. By associating your brand with these, you increase the likelihood of people remembering and talking about you.

2. Appeal to your audience

Like all marketing strategies, word of mouth works best when it puts its audience first. Think of what digital marketing content would appeal best to your audience – would it be an interactive contest, a behind-the-scenes video, or something else? By continuing to give your audience what it wants, you’re able to add to your social currency and generate word of mouth.

Social currency is all about reputation. People share what they think will make them look good in front of others, because every share puts their reputation on the line. They’ll only “spend” their social currency on your brand, and spread the word about you, if they think it will give their reputation a boost. So, make sure you’ve created something your audience loves, and will think it’s cool to share with others.

stepps jonah berger


3. Provide value to customers

The brands worth talking about are ones that provide value. Whether that means solving a problem with your product or delivering an unparalleled customer experience, a customer that sees value in your brand will both stick with you and share your brand with others.

Providing value is also one of the best ways to gain a customer’s good will. If you can offer value – and in a way that stands out – you may just earn a positive customer review, promote brand loyalty, and maximize your word of mouth.

Pro tip: Remember that the best way to provide value is to deliver a unique experience. What sets you apart from your competitors?

  • Do you market differently than others in your space, like Red Bull does with its extreme stunts and sports events?
  • Meet a need that no one else does with your product/service, like Browndages first did with their bandages and wraps made for darker skin?
  • Solve a specific problem (even one that people didn’t realize they needed solving), like Omsom does with “starter” packets that include all the flavors needed to make authentic Asian dishes?
  • Deliver above-and-beyond customer service that competitors can’t match, like Zappos has built a reputation for?
  • Provide a uniquely high-quality product at a lower pricing point than competitors?

Know, deliver on, and emphasize this unique selling point, and watch the word of mouth roll in.


4. Tap into emotion

Emotional attachments are one of the biggest drivers of word-of-mouth marketing. If people feel strongly about a brand or product, they are not likely to drop it, even if a more logical option comes along.

People respond more to emotions, as well. Whether it’s something happy, sad, funny, or otherwise, they instinctively want to share it with others.

If you can create experiences that result in positive emotions, your word of mouth efforts can go a long way. For instance, think of how Always fought against stereotypes and empowered young women with its #LikeAGirl ads.

likeagirl campaign

And if your brand has a unique personality, this can also stir up emotions. Use your personality for emotional appeal, in a way that stands out from the crowd, and customers won’t be able to stop talking. This works especially well if you’re appealing to humor. Think back to Wendy’s – they went viral thanks to their signature snarky, humorous tweets.

Wendy's roast 1

5. Tell your story

Creating a compelling story goes hand in hand with giving audiences what they want, offering value and appealing to emotions. If customers love the “why” behind what you do – your mission and values – and that “why” is packaged in a story that’s moving and easy to tell, customers will share your story with others.

One example is 4Ocean’s story: they pull plastic from the ocean daily to help marine life, and then recycle much of that plastic into bracelets and other products.

4ocean story: pulling plastic out of oceans

6. Create exclusivity

Making people feel like they know secrets or insider information is another recipe for generating sharing. Think of how Starbucks “secret menu” drinks have gone viral on social media, and how In-N-Out Burger got people talking both online and offline with their own “secret menu” items (which were key in driving the brand’s overall success).

in n out menu

Secrets don’t just work for food brands, though. If you share new and exciting products with your most loyal customers first, or create a sale that people can only access with a code you emailed, people will want their friends to get in on the action, too. They’ll tell their friends quickly, meaning more buzz, and more sales, for you.

How do online reviews affect word-of-mouth advertising?

As we’ve outlined above, you can build word-of-mouth advertising in many ways. But one of the best ways is by getting positive customer reviews. A majority 90% of people read reviews before deciding whether or not to visit a business, and 72% will only push through with a purchase after reading positive reviews.

Plus, good reviews help build your brand’s social proof and boost your online reputation – both terrific ways to gain exposure and get even more people talking about you.

Customer reviews also allow you to expand into other channels and platforms. Say, a happy customer writes a review about you on Yelp. That review can then be searched and shared across other channels, as well. You can share some of the best reviews on your own social media accounts, or even post them as testimonials on your own website.

great yelp review

Here’s a step-by-step example of how reviews can play a role in word-of-mouth advertising:

  • Winter season is about to start, and Ken and Val are talking about chimney sweeping services.
  • Val tells Ken that she needs to hire someone to come to her house some time in the next few weeks.
  • Ken shares that he’s also been searching for someone and found a few chimney services with good reviews online (thanks to previous word of mouth). He mentions a few that looked especially promising.
  • Val takes a look at a few of the services, and ends up picking one that did an amazing job.
  • Val starts telling all her friends, including Ken, and even posts a picture of her cozy fireplace with a newly cleaned chimney (further generating word of mouth!).

How to build word-of-mouth marketing on social media?

Stop collecting and start connecting. This is a key guideline for any strong word-of-mouth marketing strategy these days.

Sure, you can have millions of social media followers. But to effectively use social media platforms to drive word-of-mouth marketing, you have to be active and engaging.

This means providing valuable information, responding to comments and questions, and encouraging and sharing some of your audience’s user-generated content (UGC).

The more connected you are to your followers, the more likely they will become true fans and supporters. And what do true fans usually do? Share your brand with others and increase word of mouth in new markets you may not have been able to reach otherwise.

Social proof and social media: Get others to show, not just tell

People decide what to do based on what they see other people doing. If they hear someone talking about how good your product is, this word of mouth will make them more likely to try the product. But when they see someone using your product in their everyday life, this social proof gives word-of-mouth a bigger boost. And social media shares of your product mean many people see how your product is used, all at once.

Ambassadors’ and influencers’ posts using your product, affiliates’ product reviews on social networks, and UGC images and videos from any customer show off your product and further inspire people to try it for themselves.

Pro tip: How to encourage user-generated content (UGC)? Try:

  • Creating branded hashtags
  • Commenting on UGC posts you love to build connections and thank customers for sharing
  • Featuring the best posts about your brand on your own channels (your social accounts and your website), with the creators’ permission
  • Running contests and giveaways, where the creators of the best branded UGC earn valuable prizes or unique features (as Apple did with their #shotoniPhone campaign)

apple shot on iphone campaign

How is WOMM different from referral marketing?

Word-of-mouth marketing is all about getting people talking about your brand or business. It looks for the best ways to promote sharing, often through general consumer interest or unique content. WOMM is all about spreading brand awareness to your audience. Depending on the types you choose to focus on, though, you may have difficulty tracking and controlling it.

Referral marketing is a segment of word-of-mouth marketing. It’s common for word of mouth to occur naturally in the process of referring others. But at its core, referral marketing is a proactive way to gain new customers, focused on key targets and specific results.

grover referral program

Referrals occur when someone who uses or knows your brand recommends it to others in their network, usually friends, family members, or colleagues. Since they are sharing your brand with others, they are generating word of mouth. But this recommendation is direct and purposeful, not just casually mentioned.

Combining word of mouth and referral marketing

Most types of marketing use word of mouth in one way or another. Referral marketing is no different. In fact, word of mouth helps companies get new customers all the time – which is the main aim of referral marketing.

Instead of doing a mass shout-out, however, referral marketing allows you to get more personal.

Referral marketing is all about motivating individual customers to share a product or service with others they know, by offering incentives whenever these recommendations bring in first-time customers. In time, this type of marketing works to build customer loyalty and establish long-term relationships, both among existing and newly referred customers.


Referral marketing also allows you to monitor your conversions, engagement, and other metrics.

With a formal referral program, businesses can incentivize customer sharing and organize their entire referral process. The right referral software can also generate automatic referral links and track each step of the process, so you know exactly where referrals are coming from.

Using referral marketing with other word of mouth strategies maximizes brand awareness and increases the odds of  creating a viral sharing effect. By integrating diverse types of word-of-mouth marketing into your overall marketing strategy, you increase the odds of achieving success.

To learn more about referral marketing, check out our referral marketing guide or learn essential referral program tips.

Other related word-of-mouth marketing terms

As a major business strategy, WOMM can be seen alongside many other marketing concepts. Here are a few common ones you may come across:

  • Buzz marketing: This involves getting key ambassadors or influencers to spread the conversation about your brand. It’s focused on building viral growth around certain products or campaigns, usually using attention-grabbing techniques (i.e., videos, memes) and generating online buzz.
  • Viral marketing: This type of marketing relies on one’s existing network to spread information from person to person in a rapid manner. This often occurs online or using social media, with content so compelling that people can’t help but send it with others.
  • Blog marketing: When used for word of mouth, blog marketing involves blog posts that an influencer or brand ambassador creates. With a few strategic ads or sponsored posts, bloggers create content that quickly travels to their followers, who in turn, share it with their friends. By recruiting the right bloggers, a business can generate fair amount of word of mouth through their content marketing.
  • Social media marketing:  Thanks to hashtags and rapid shares, the content created on social media has a way of reaching people outside of the original group following. And as we’ve seen, shared content has a higher value when it comes from someone people know and trust.

Wrapping up

Don’t sleep on word-of-mouth marketing, because recommendations and referrals are powerful. People trust the word of their family and friends. This makes them more likely to purchase from you when their peers recommend your products.

The best way to use this to your advantage is to leverage multiple types of word-of-mouth marketing, including by encouraging user-generated content, asking for reviews, and starting a referral program.

No matter which marketing tactics you use to generate buzz, it’s key to apply the fundamental word-of-mouth strategies: creating sharing triggers, appealing to your fan base, offering value, and stirring up an emotional response.

Ready to generate word of mouth in a way that’s easy to measure? Check out our complete guide to starting a referral program. 

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