List of all abandonware games originally developed by Word of Mouse Games between 1978 and 2020
Here is the video game ‘BallMaster‘! Released in 2002 on Windows, it is still available and playable with some tweaks. It is an action game, with a shooter theme.
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Команда Riot Pixels.
Official Webpage:
Word of Mouse Games is a developer of video games.
Word of Mouse Games has been active on the market since before 2008.
Its first and so far only project was game Snood Deluxe.
In publishing its games, Word of Mouse Games collaborates with Tri Synergy. The developer’s most recent work is Snood Deluxe. Production release occurred on 11 August 2008.
Word of Mouse Games | Top Developed Video Games
Completed & Released Games
Snood Deluxe | PC2008
Word of Mouse Games
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- Word of Mouse Games
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- Viktor
Word of Mouse Games develops miscellaneous puzzle games for Windows and Macintosh platforms. One of its most popular product is a game called Snood. All of our games are family friendly and non-violent. Our games are easy to learn but difficult to master.