Word of mouse book

Praise for Word of Mouse:

A New York Times Bestseller!

A 2017 Parents’ Choice Award® winner!

Barnes and Noble’s Best Book of the Month for Young Readers!

An Amazon Best Book of the Month Pick!

A 2018-2019 Louisiana Readers’ Choice Award Nominee!

* «Patterson and frequent collaborator Grabenstein offers this charming tale of Isaiah, a blue (yes-bright blue!) mouse, and his effort to break his family out of a very bad place. Sutphin provides black-and-white spot illustrations that recall the great mouse protagonists of the mid-20th century. With smart witticisms to launch each quick-paced chapter, Isaiah is truly a mouse that roars.«—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

* «Children’s literature offers a long tradition of clever mice who accomplish amazing feats, and Patterson and Grabenstein’s Isaiah seems destined to join them. Here’s hoping this unique hero returns soon with further adventures.»—Booklist, starred review

*»Though this story has strong messages of accepting differences, finding common ground and the courage to be yourself, and loving your enemies, it remains lighthearted and funny. Young listeners will love it.»

Booklist (starred review, audiobook edition)

«Brilliant, fast-paced, and loaded with wisdom, humor, and boldness, Word of Mouse is pitch-perfect in every way.»—The Times Herald

«As Isaiah comes to recognize his own skills, courage, and self-worth, he emboldens others….Isaiah’s friendship with a human girl named Hailey (it’s implied she has albinism) further drives home the novel’s themes of celebrating individuality and belief in oneself. Sutphin’s detailed line drawings pair perfectly with this sweet tale.»—Publisher’s Weekly

«A fun, relatable tale with…a strong message about focusing on the things we have in common, not the ones that divide us. Word of Mouse will tickle the funny bones.»—Common Sense Media

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Паттерсон, Грабенстейн: Честное мышиное

На складе

Word of Mouse


ID товара: 786863

ISBN: 978-5-00074-271-6

Страниц: 288 (Офсет)


Масса: 340 г

Размеры: 202x140x22 мм

Аннотация к книге «Честное мышиное»

Это история о честном мышином слове. Исайя — обычный мышонок (правда он, его братья и и сестры — разноцветные), но он умеет говорить, смеяться и читать, а грустит и радуется так же, как и ты. Но на большую дружную семью Исайи обрушивается беда, и теперь мышонок должен спасти своих родных. Неожиданно на помощь ему приходит необычная девочка по имени Хейли.
А при чем тут ты? Какое отношение ты имеешь к этой истории? Ты — читатель, поэтому прочти (а потом перечитай) эту книгу, которая однажды вполне может стать классикой. Исайя в этом не сомневается!
Джеймс Паттерсон и Грис Грабенстейн — авторы бестселлеров «Нью-Йорк таймс», каждая их книга открывает новый мир, с приключениями, удивлением и интересными персонажами.
Для мальчишек и девчонок 8-12 лет.

1 акция по этому товару сегодня






40 %

Иллюстрации к книге Паттерсон, Грабенстейн — Честное мышиное

Рецензии на книгу «Честное мышиное»

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рецензию на эту книгу,
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— до 30 рублей на баланс в Лабиринте!
Или оставьте заявку, чтобы кто-то другой написал ее скорее.

(рецензий 15 / оценок +96)





Куплена в коллекцию Книг о Мышах ))
Не определилась, себе или ребенку ;)
(Ему, наверное ближе будут более мальчишеские «Пустомеля и Балбес» и «Дом Роботов», х2).
При покупке смущала только цена (788 руб.) — ну оооочень завышена.
Наверное, в ней благодарность Издательству и авторские…

Бумага сероватая, просвечивает…
Сначала показалось, что газетная
Но, нет, в выходных данных значится «офсетная».
В высоту издание со школьную тетрадь, в ширину на пару…

Читать полностью


(рецензий 2854 / оценок +7488)





Очень милая «мышелюбивая» книга! Действительно, почему вокруг все котиков восхваляют? Мышки заслуживают обожания ничуть не меньше! Книга не только хорошая по содержанию, но и с отличными черно-белыми рисунками на почти каждом развороте.

Редакция рекомендует: что читать вместе с книгой «Честное мышиное»

Популярные книги в этом жанре

Если вы обнаружили ошибку в описании

книги «Честное мышиное» (авторы Джеймс Паттерсон, Крис Грабенстейн)

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Нижний Новгород,

Profile Image for Kate Willis.

Author 18 books488 followers

May 19, 2018

I originally picked this book up because I recognized the illustrator and was interested in seeing more of his illustrations.

This ended up being a really cute book with an important message. The story was actually almost like Stuart Little meets Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. ;)

Obadiah was a nice mouse to follow. I enjoyed his adventures with his new family and his quest to free his old one. Hailey was also a neat character, and their friendship proved to be helpful to both of them. Also, Obadiah had some pretty clever strategies! Smart mouse.

This book did touch on the ethics (or lack thereof) of certain types of lab experiments on animals. There was also the issue of diversity—Hailey having atypically white blonde hair, and Obadiah being a very blue mouse. In both cases, to my great relief, neither got too political. In fact, I was pleased with the healthy conclusion the book came to—respect and care for all of God’s creation—and I appreciated how it made me think. ;)

Just a note, the humans the mice live with are very crude, and their house is stomach-turningly messy. There are also a few instances of made-up swear words and a little bit of feminism.

One of my favorite parts of the book was the quotes at the beginning of each chapter, and of course, the illustrations. <3

Altogether, this was an enjoyable read, and one I didn’t hesitate to hand to my younger sisters.

    animals children contemporary

Profile Image for Nikki in Niagara.

3,834 reviews121 followers

December 12, 2016

James Patterson’s name may be blazing on the cover and spine but it is because of the co-author, Chris Grabenstein, that I picked up this book. It’s a truly delightful animal fantasy with themes of being different, lab use of animals, and the sense of family. I have an affinity for books suitable for the 7-11 age range and this is the perfect sort of book for kids that age ready to move onto a «real» chapter book. Each chapter is 3 to 5 pages long, with the majority of them 4 pages. Each chapter has a header illustration and either a full or half-page illustration. Something actually happens in each chapter and they call out to read «just one more» chapter. Comparable to Avi’s Dimwood Forest series but on a younger level. A satisfying read!

Profile Image for Martha.

1,249 reviews9 followers

February 18, 2017

I loved everything about brave little blue Isaiah, the mouse escapee from the Lamina Laboratory. He has extraordinary intellect and compassion for others, even his arch enemy the red-tailed hawk’s babies. This exciting mouse adventure will appeal to fans of Charlotte’s Web and The Tale of Despereaux, (wondrous classic animal stories). The delightful illustrations of Isaiah and his two «mischief» families beautifully depicted in pen and ink are reminiscent of Garth Williams drawings, adding extra warmth to this tale. Word of Mouse would make a great read aloud to younger grades as well as a perfect match for fans of exciting animal adventures in grades 4-6.

    3-6-animal-fiction 3-6-mystery-adventure

Profile Image for Victoria.

765 reviews9 followers

October 25, 2016

This book will be published in December; I received an ARC a couple of days ago. Chris Grabenstein has done another excellent job of creating a world for kids AND adults. And mice, of course. I look forward to reading this aloud to at least one of my grandchildren. The boys, who are older, should enjoy it on their own—but this is the type of book that they will share with parents (grandparents!) and friends. So much to appeal to their imaginations—mice in rainbow colors, singing mice, life in a mischief, the world from a mouse’s viewpoint, a literate mouse who can type on a computer! While having a good romp though, there is a lesson here—we are all different and that is what we have in common. Can’t think of a better lesson for elementary and middle graders to learn nowadays. The mission of JIMMY Patterson books is to create eager readers. I finished Word of Mouse and really, really hoped that Isaiah would appear in more tales with his mischief. I think young readers will too.

Profile Image for Peacegal.

9,841 reviews88 followers

December 29, 2021

Why am I reading a James Patterson-branded children’s book? The storyline of a special mouse who escapes a laboratory piqued my interest, and I am pleasantly surprised to report that WORD OF MOUSE turned out to be a charming and big-hearted animal adventure.

While there are themes in this story that will be familiar to those who have read other examples of the many mouse-themed children’s novels, it also has a cozy, classic feel, and there are plenty of scenes of derring-do and narrow escapes to keep readers engaged. Attentive readers will also pick up multiple facts about mice, other animals, and even some historical figures. The sweet pen-and-ink drawings that show up frequently throughout the book bring to mind those in THE CRICKET IN TIMES SQUARE or CHARLOTTE’S WEB.

A major plot point of MOUSE hinges upon our rodent hero, Isaiah, escaping a testing laboratory in which he and his many siblings have been dyed bright colors and imbued with some unexpected abilities, and his vow to find a way to break them out of their unhappy situation. I was curious to see how such a mainstream book would tackle the humane issues involved in such a controversial topic as animal experimentation.

When it comes to handling of animal issues, the Patterson graphic novel ZOO pretty much fumbled the ball at every turn. However, WORD OF MOUSE does a much better job and is much more thoughtful. (Of course, a variety of authors with differing perspectives write under the Patterson masthead—so not exactly surprising.) There’s even a reference to the real-world fact that the U.S. Animal Welfare Act doesn’t extend its minimal standards to mice in laboratories at all. There is a sweet scene in which Isaiah and his young human friend give a speech encouraging a roomful of “eek!”-ers to give mice a break and extend a bit of the compassion they have for larger animals to tiny ones, too.

Yes, the conclusion is silly and much too tidy, especially considering the realities the book had acknowledged previously. But I get it, this is a juvenile novel, and we’re expecting a certain type of ending. It also leaves an opening for a sequel, which I hope we’ll get. It will be nice visiting Isaiah and his mischief again in the future!


Profile Image for Simona Stoica.

Author 16 books710 followers

July 11, 2018

Isaia are personalitatea lui Stuart Little și nasul lui Ratatouille. Dar de ce trebuie să îl cheme pe motan Lucifer?

Profile Image for Josh Newhouse.

1,284 reviews1 follower

July 29, 2016

Chris and James have done it again! This book I will admit started a little slow oddly enough despite a decent amount of action but once Isaiah reached his new mischief it hit the pedal to the metal! It’s like Ms. Frisby crossed with Truckers with a little Ratatouille to boot! And it sets up a sequel beautifully! I could have done without the human friend, who while likable, didn’t really add to much to the plot aside from a parallel story… Loved the ending and the main character especially! This was based on an ARC from ALA and the publisher!


Profile Image for Michele.

Author 3 books12 followers

August 1, 2016

I received a free copy of this book at ALA from the publisher.

loved it! fantastic story and art about a talking mouse, his mischief (family) and adventures. stealing mice aside, it has good morals and is suitable for children who can read picture books (7-12ish) or to be read to younger kids. I’ll be passing it on to my nephew as a Christmas present in a couple months and would definitely recommend it to others for the kids who love to read in their lives.

    animals children-s sci-fi-fantasy

Profile Image for Stefanie.

31 reviews

November 13, 2016

Such a cute book with a heartwarming moral. Would be a great introduction for slightly older children to teach them about being kind not only to each other, but to all creatures, no matter how small. I really like the way that JP uses five-dollar-words to expand a young reader’s vocabulary, but then he goes back to explain what the words mean in a way that is simple to understand. Cannot wait for my daughter to get a little bit older so that she can enjoy this one as much as I did.

Profile Image for Kaye.

90 reviews

December 28, 2016

I found this book really boring and predictable. Honestly I skimmed through most of the book and got the same idea of what it was about. I’m sure some young child would enjoy this, especially if they liked Stuart Little or Mouse on a Motorcycle, but I just couldn’t get into it. Too cliche and force-fed.

Profile Image for Liana.

5 reviews

September 6, 2017

The book was awesome! I really enjoyed it. I loved how the mouse, Isaiah, narrated the story. He told of his life from when his brothers and sisters and him tried to escape ‘The horrible place’ (a lab that tested products on animals) to when he lost his family, and at the end lived a happy life with 2 family’s.

Profile Image for Sophie.

1 review2 followers

February 6, 2017

I loved this book!! I definitely recommend this book for you. The story is about this mouse that is the youngest of his siblings. One day they escape from their home Isaiah is the only one left in the wilderness Blue-97. Will Isaiah get caught or be able to rescue his siblings?????…

Profile Image for Snazzy Reads.

110 reviews34 followers

August 30, 2016

This book is amazing and one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s very funny. The part when the main character first started typing made me laugh out loud. I want to reread this already!

Profile Image for Ensiform.

1,337 reviews135 followers

April 19, 2019

Isaiah, an electric-blue mouse, has escaped from a lab which was doing experiments on his family to make them smarter and faster. Fearful and timid, blundering away from cat and dog and hawk, he finally finds a house of squabbling food-dropping slobs where an entire mischief of mice, hundreds strong, live and forage. The man of this house turns out, coincidentally, to be a janitor at the lab where Isaiah’s family remains imprisoned. With the help of a human girl with pure white hair and a female mouse who can sing, Isaiah overcomes his fear to rescue his family.

I read this to my class, and they enjoyed it. I didn’t. It’s so obviously a poor man’s Rats of NIMH, with none of the confident, stately pacing, assured storytelling, or richly drawn characters. Instead, it’s all artifice and false drama. Isaiah is a coward, except he’s not. The human girl has white hair and is picked on, so she gets to the be «it’s okay to be different» plot point. The ridiculous «only boy mice sing» side issue is irrelevant and distracting. There’s little drama, just brief moments of danger; everything comes far too easy, including the army of mice Isaiah rallies pretty much at will. The normal mice are indistinguishable from the lab mice, who have absurd powers (in addition to reading and writing, Isaiah can speak human words, for some reason, despite the book going to great pains to assure the reader repeatedly that mice have ultrasonic voices that humans cannot hear). The villainous lab owners are swept away by the police, for some reason (it’s not illegal for a lab to experiment on mice). Everyone seems fine with super-intelligent mice, I guess? And the authors crammed in some Christian material, which I found out of place. It’s all just so pat and trite, light-years away from O’Brien’s classic in maturity and prose quality.


Profile Image for Gritcan Elena.

321 reviews14 followers

May 29, 2022

Foarte drăguță carte. Se citește ușor, pe alocuri amuzanta, pe alocuri plina de învățăminte

Profile Image for April Thompson Freeman.

385 reviews63 followers

February 15, 2022

It’s very important to have something to do, something to love and something to hope for.

Profile Image for LeeAnn.

600 reviews2 followers

March 6, 2017

5 stars. When you are one very small and very blue mouse, there are dangers like menacing cats, swooping birds, and unfriendly humans everywhere. But there are also new friends, lots to learn and explore, and even a chance to use your special powers to free your mischief (family) from the laboratory where they are being experimented on. Give this fast-paced adventure to readers who liked Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Stuart Little, or Ratscalibur. Or to anyone who likes cheering for main characters who have to dig down deep and find the courage to do what must be done.

Full disclosure: I’ve only read a couple of Patterson’s many adult novels but that has more to do with me having too many other books I wanted to read than any thing else. And let’s face it, he and his bevy of co-writers have more books out there than McDonald’s has french fries. However, if the other books from his new Jimmy Patterson imprint are as good as this one, I say «Write on, Mr. Patterson, write on!»

Note: I received an ARC of this book from the publisher.

    children-s giveaways-arcs middle-grade

Profile Image for Kim.

586 reviews2 followers

December 2, 2016

This book was provided to me as an advance reader copy by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

What makes Isaiah so unique? First, his fur is as blue as the sky—which until recently was something he’d never seen, but had read all about. That’s right—Isaiah can read, and write. He can also talk to humans…if any of them are willing to listen! After a dramatic escape from a mysterious laboratory, Isaiah is separated from his «mischief» (which is the word for a mouse family), and has to use his special skills to survive in the dangerous outdoors, and hopefully find his missing family. But in a world of cruel cats, hungry owls, and terrified people, it’s hard for a young, lone mouse to make it alone. When he meets an equally unusual and lonely human girl named Hailey, the two soon learn that true friendship can transcend all barriers.

I did not like this book when I started it. I couldn’t understand why Isaiah didn’t know what a trash can was, but knew what bread and grapes were. All he had ever eaten was kibble, and what kind of lab doesn’t have some kind of trash receptacle? Okay, he’s a mouse who can read, so maybe he has read about bread and grapes, but WHAT ABOUT THE TRASH CAN. Then somehow,while obsessing over Isaiah’s wonky vocabulary, I fell in love with this book. It started with the illustrations, which, to me, are reminiscent to the work of Garth Williams, but with more expressive eyes. In my advance copy, the artwork was black and white, and I hope it stays that way in the final version, because I feel the impact would not be as dramatic in a color rendering. The author did an excellent job of bringing Isaiah and the other characters to life, and giving them a depth not frequently seen in middle grade novels. The book isn’t perfect; there is a lot of redundancy in the action, but I can see kiddos appreciating the growth in Isaiah, and enjoying all the heroic deeds he gets up to. Word of Mouse also carries excellent messages to its readers: you don’t have to be big to help people, and being different doesn’t have to be a bad thing. I would recommend this book to kiddos 8 and older. P.S. If your child does read this book, they may very well finish it with impressive additions to their vocabulary.

Profile Image for Liz Logan.

627 reviews4 followers

December 14, 2016

I have a confession to make. This is the first James Patterson book I’ve liked. For a long time, JP books weren’t on my radar as I tended to not read his types of novels. I tried one to say I had and just didn’t like it.

I received a copy of Word of Mouse through my job as an ARC. It is very cute. The illustrations serve it well, and the quotes from the main character are fun too.

My only complaint is that the story began unexpectedly slowly. Other than that, I enjoyed Isaiah’s adventure and his friends.

    children humor

Profile Image for Jamie.

106 reviews2 followers

July 8, 2018

Absolutely adorable chapter book for children. Although I read this slowly (it wasn’t a book that I couldn’t put down), I still gave this a five star rating. The writing is clever. Word of Mouse is a story of a young girl, Hailey, and her interactions w/ Isaiah, a mouse that escapes from an experimental lab. This book touches upon so many themes such as friendship, overcoming obstacles, team work, and self-confidence. I highly recommend Word of Mouse as a read aloud for grades 2+ or children reading at a third grade level+.

April 13, 2017

This book is adorable! It teaches that we are all different and unique. It shines a light on animal testing but not in an obnoxious, scary way. It is about adventures, friendship and family. It teaches that family comes in all shapes and sizes and that family is not all about blood relatives but about the people you care about and that care about you. It was wonderful.

Profile Image for Tena Edlin.

783 reviews

April 1, 2020

Rainbow Challenge: Red

Sweet story. I actually think this would make a great read aloud for younger kids because it would extend their vocabulary and it has nice short chapters. Elementary teachers, take note!

    fantasy young-adult-middle-grades-childrens

Profile Image for Joanna Mounce.

65 reviews4 followers

July 9, 2022

My 6, 8, and 10 year old all LOVED this book.

Profile Image for Becky.

5,126 reviews98 followers

August 28, 2017

First sentence: My story starts on the day I lost my entire family.

Premise/plot: Isaiah is the runt of his mischief. He has 96 older brothers and sisters. As you might have guessed, Isaiah, the hero of Word of Mouse, is a mouse—a blue mouse. The novel opens with his family running from an evil lab. Isaiah gets separated from his family; within hours ALL of his family has been recaptured. But Isaiah learns that there are many ways to define family as the novel unfolds. There’s his new mischief with the oh-so-lovely Mikayla. There’s his human friend, Hailey, as well. Isaiah may be carrying a heavy burden, but, he’s not carrying it alone. He’s loved. He’s valued. Will Isaiah find a way to be reunited with his family?

My thoughts: Isaiah is a great little character. I enjoyed getting to know him. I loved how each chapter starts out with a quote from Isaiah. I loved the short chapters. The short chapters kept me READING. I also enjoyed the illustrations. I found them just as delightful as the text.

    2017cybilcontenders 2017reviews librarybook

Profile Image for Aaron.

1,689 reviews44 followers

June 7, 2017

This really was a fun and cute tale about being different. Isaiah is a little blue mouse that escapes from a local lab. He and his family were all experimental mice that are smart and talented in so many ways. They have found a way to work together with the hopes of all 97 escaping. Unfortunately for poor Isaiah, he is really the only one to get away. He finds himself on his own in a mysterious world with cats and hawks and scary humans. This is something he would have thought would be overwhelming because he always thought he was someone without bravery, but he finds himself rising to the occasion in a way where he finds not only a safe haven, but a new family that will help him get everything in his life back.

One of the things that I really liked about this book is that it subliminally highlights how being different is not something to be ashamed of. It won’t drive others away. In fact, being different often makes you special and unique and something to be proud of.

Overall, the book is a quick read, but it is also one that reminded me so much of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, particularly if it had been told by one of the younger rats, such as Timothy. It is definitely worth a read … and you might even get a little teary-eyed in the end.

Profile Image for Becky Carothers.

70 reviews

April 5, 2022

This was a wonderful read. I have always loved anything by James Patterson but I really do love reading his books for young readers. The illustrations by Joe Sutphin were truly amazing and really enhanced the read.

A blue mouse finds himself free of the Horrible Place (a lab) but alas he is the only one to escape and has to leave behind his many brothers and sisters. On his own Isaiah must find shelter and figure out how to survive on his own. He meets up with another family of mice and starts to learn how different families and groups live differently. Being a very intelligent mouse because of the results of the testing at the lab Isaiah can not only read but can talk as well. He also meets up with a wonderful young lady named Hailey who herself has some very special attributes.

Very well put together and a joy to read.


Co-authored with James Patterson

Tiny mouse. Big heart.

James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein’s illustrated middle grade story follows the illuminating journey of a very special mouse, and the unexpected friendships that he makes along the way.

What makes Isaiah so unique? First, his fur is as blue as the sky—which until recently was something he’d never seen, but had read all about. That’s right—Isaiah can read, and write. He can also talk to humans…if any of them are willing to listen! After a dramatic escape from a mysterious laboratory, Isaiah is separated from his “mischief” (which is the word for a mouse family), and has to use his special skills to survive in the dangerous outdoors, and hopefully find his missing family. But in a world of cruel cats, hungry birds, and terrified people, it’s hard for a young, lone mouse to make it alone. When he meets an equally unusual and lonely human girl named Hailey, the two soon learn that true friendship can transcend all barriers.

Read an excerpt

5.0 out of 5 stars

Beautifully written, inspirational, funny and charming

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 22, 2016

This is such a lovely story about Isaiah the little mouse. Sadly Isaiah started life in a laboratory and has been bred especially by the laboratory for experimental purposes. He has 96 brothers and sisters and the laboratory has tagged him on the ear with his number, 97. He is bright blue like the sky and turns out to be a very heroic and smart mouse. He manages to escape with his family of other mice but he is the only one that does not get recaptured.

The journey he goes on as a lonely mouse soon turns to adventure with lots of interesting and clever adventures. He is not your typical common mouse but a rather special mouse that has plenty of unique and useful talents.

The book is very witty, funny and touching. It is beautifully written with lots of words and facts that are slipped in that parents would be happy for their 9 — 11 year old children to know.

Each chapter starts with a quote from none other than Isaiah himself. He is a very charming and brave mouse and regularly reminds his fellow mice that they are mice not rats and therefore superior.

The story has of good morals throughout. There are lots of parts that are very touching, cute, compassionate and sweet. He even has a love interest. The illustrations are amazing and really catch the mood of the scene being described.

I highly recommend this book, it is very special and so beautifully written. I read it in a few hours and couldn’t put it down. I was keen to know how it was going to end and the ending was just as special as the rest of the book.

After reading the book it makes you realise that we are all one, we are not that different from Isaiah really ;-)

I have the kindle version and have added photographs.

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