Word of life rules

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may able able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand – Ephesians 6:13.

A rule of engagement are the commander’s tools for regulating the use of force, making them a cornerstone of the Operational Law. Whether Christians know it or not, we are in a war, a war we can’t see with the natural eye. It’s a war that all Christians will be attacked whether it’s spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or relationally.

Christians are in a war, and they need to be prepared to fight. They can’t fight physically as in a natural war because this war is spiritual. Just like in a natural war, those that will be fighting will be trained and equipped to fight against their enemy. In order to win this fight, the person must be submitted to the Commander-in Chief, known as Jesus. He has empowered Christians to fight in this spiritual war (Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by an means hurt you – Luke 10:19). Empowerment does not mean you will not receive some bruises and scars, but you will not be defeated when you follow the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief. We can’t sleep with the enemy and expect to win because laying with them they will know our every move. When the enemy does not have any hold on you in any form, you have submitted yourself completely to God. Our instructions, are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God. Meaning we are no longer living according to our human desires, lust the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

The enemy we’re fighting is spirit, and he’s powerful, he’s been around for centuries, he was was with God prior to him being thrown out of heaven. When he was thrown out of heaven, a third of heavens angels followed him and they are under his command. Not life the Commander-in-Chief, Satan can’t be in every place at the same time, so he delegate different ranks of angels to be in certain places to steal, kill and destroy. These angels are set-forth to watch Christians to see where they are weak, which areas they can be influenced. If the angel assigned to the person can’t influenced him or her, Satan will send other angels more powerful than the one that was original sent to carry out Satan’s plan. Christian’s can’t play with Satan or his angels neither can they be running-buddies with him, they are to fight with the Word of God, the Spirit of God and the blood of Jesus. God is very much aware that Christians would be in a spiritual war that’s why He armed them, but if they don’t use the weapons He has given them, they will be in subjection to Satan rather than him being in subjection to them.

The Rules of Engagement for the Christian is obedience to the instructions God has given the professing Christian to live by. Christians must know the Word of God to apply the Word of God in their situations and circumstance. Mind you, every situation, circumstance and issues are not brought on by demonic activity. In order to discern whether it’s physical or a demonic spirit, Christians need to be filled with the Spirit. Yes, at salvation the believer receives a portion of the Spirit, but to be filled with the Spirit, Christians have been empowered by God by His Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a gift (If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him – Luke 11:13). This Scripture indicates at the acceptance of salvation, the person has become a child of God, but he or she needs to be empowered that is the reasoning for asking for the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ disciples accepted salvation, but they didn’t have any power until Jesus breathed on them, and prior to His death, He instructed them to go to Jerusalem to be empowered (But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth – Acts 1:8).

In order to fight, one must have the Spirit of God to fight against Satanic spirits. Satanic spirits are ungodly angels, they were godly angels prior to their rebellion, but after their rebellion they became demonic angels, and their leader is Satan. Too many professing Christians don’t believe in Satan or his angels and this is exactly what he wants people to think so he can continue to steal, kill and destroy mankind. People will not fight against something they don’t think exist. Obedience, knowing the Word of God and the power that is in the name of Jesus is the Christians’ weapons. Accepting salvation is accepting to be a soldier, a soldier is one that fights, he or she is in the army of God and they fight through prayer and fasting for themselves, families, neighbors and all those who need them to stand in the gap for them to fight.

The closer our relationship is with God, He will give the instructions, and the Christian is to follow. Sometimes, He gives places such as cities and countries to pray for. Sometimes He will give names and circumstance surrounding that name. Sometimes our prayers will go into warfare and you will know by the Spirit that you’re engaged in a battle. As Christians, we need to come together and fight the enemy. Our enemy is not another Christian, our enemy is Satan and his angels. God is not concerned about denominations that was established by man, not God. His concern is, are we fighting, are we coming together in unity. Have we submitted, committed ourselves to Him so that He can use us at anytime and anywhere. As Christians, we’re to be concerned about all souls, we are to fight until people are released from the bondage of Satan and his angels and the sins that holds them bound.

The reason people do what they do because they have been influenced by satanic spirits, and because of their non-belief and submission to God they are led by Satan to steal, kill and destroy. Just as God needs a human agent to show Himself through so does Satan. As Christians, our responsibility is to be sensitive to the Spirit of God to know what areas we need to pray in, who we need to pray for. Allow the Holy Spirit to engage us in warfare to set the captive free. When we allow the Holy Spirit to pray through us, it’s Spirit fighting against spirit, the Holy Spirit knows what need to be prayed for, He takes the authority over demonic spirits.

We’re in a spiritual war for souls, communities, cities, countries and the only way the fight can be won is through the Christians’ obedience to God, submitting to His Word, allowing Him to be in control. When we are fully submitted to God then can we fight, because it will be Him fighting through us and He has never lost a battle. As Christian, put on the armor, arm yourself with the Word of God, be concerned about souls, be persistence in prayer until the walls of sins and bondage has been destroyed.

Life is beautiful, it teaches lot of lessons; these lessons can be treated as life rules to pursue. These life rules helps as guiding principles and be more conscious about the real meaning of life.

In this article I will be sharing with you the principles which I use to guide everything I do. These thumb rules have helped me to understand the life meaning and living it more meaningful and purposeful.

Life rules which make you more conscious about the real meaning of life

These are extremely basic and small-small things, which if you imbibe in your day to day life, you can fill your life with happiness and success. Here are the 31 life rules; which makes you more conscious about the real meaning of life.

Life Rule #1 – Gratitude

Gratitude does wonders. Count your blessings. Say Thank you to at least 5 people every day..!


Life Rule #2 – Accept mistakes

Never hesitate to accept your own mistakes..!

Life Rule #3 – Respect others

Always respect others. Do not laugh at someone’s dreams..!

Life Rule #4 – Give chance to others also

Give the person standing behind you; a chance to go ahead sometimes..!

Life Rules #5 – Cap your cost of living

Ensure that your cost of living is always less than your own income..!

Life Rule #6 – Borrow consciously

Do conscious borrowings. Borrow something only when necessary..!

Life Rule #7 – Request with discretion

If you want to know something from someone, ask twice … with discretion!

Life Rule #8 – Debts and enemies

Never let your debts and enemies get bigger..!

Life Rule #9 – Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself. Always have complete confidence in yourself but be aware of your limitations..!

self-esteem quote

Life Rules #10 – Prayers

Never forget to pray, prayer has immense power.

Life Rules #11 – Mind your own business

What other people think of you is none of your business. Always mind your own business..!

Life Rule #12 – Importance of time management

Time is most precious; do not spend it in unnecessary or useless work..!

Life rules- time management

Life Rule #13 – Satisfaction

Learn to be happy in whatever you have..!

Life Rule #14 – Never do evil

Never do evil to anyone, because evil is like a hole in a boat, evil is small, but the big boat only sinks..!

Life Rule #15 – Positive attitude

Have a positive attitude and look for the bright side of things. Always keep positive thinking..!

Life Rule #16 – Show your talents

Every person is born with a talent, one need to just bring that skill to the world..!

Life Rule #17 – Make efforts

To get something, you have to do something, not to lose anything..!

Life Rule #18 – Drop Emotional baggage

Get rid of your emotional baggage Make peace with your past, so it won’t disturb your future..!

Life Rule #19 – Karma importance

Success comes only to those who do something..!

Life Rule #20 – Work-life balance

Spend quality time with your family and friends..

Life Rules #21 – Don’t run after money

There are few things which you can’t not buy through money, don’t keep running after money. Work to live; don’t live to work..!

Running after money

Life Rule #22 – Comparison with others

Don’t compare yourself with others; comparison is the biggest thief of joy..!

Life Rule #23 – No work is small

No work is small, every work is big, just think what work you are doing, if you do not do that work then what effect will the world have ..

Life Rule #24 – Control your anger

Learn to control your anger to find peace in life. Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it. So, control your anger before it controls you…!

Life Rule #25 – Learn to compromise

Life is all about compromises you make. One who has learned to compromise with life becomes a monk/saint..!

Life Rules #26 – Don’t accept negativity

If someone abuses you and you do not accept it, then those abuses will remain with that person only..!

Life Rule #27 – Be persistent

Trust the timing on your life. Be patient but persistent..!

Life Rule #28 – Time heals everything

Time is extremely powerful. Time heals almost everything. Just give it some time..!

Life Rule #29 – Don’t over analyze

More analysis is paralysis. STOP thinking so much. It’s alright not to know the all answers..!

Life rules and life meaning

Life Rules #30 –  Unsolicited advice

Don’t give unsolicited advice to anyone..!

Life Rules #31 – Happiness is within

The only person in charge of your happiness is you. Look for happiness within you, you will never find it in outside materialistic world..!

Share your tested Life rules

I hope these life rules will help you to enhance the quality of life and live a more purposeful & meaningful life. Ashleigh Brilliant has said very well in one of his famous quote –

“Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules.”

So keep learning and keep sharing. Over to you now, please share below in the comment section, if you have any more useful Life rules that have helped you to become the outstanding person you are today.

If you have liked this article, please share it with your friends and relatives at your favorite social networks.

simple life rules

To have a good life, you just have to follow some simple rules.

The world would be greatly improved if everyone lived by some simple rules. The kind of rules that most people learn as kids (but promptly seem to forget the minute they enter middle school). What are these rules? You’ll find them below.

Here are 75 simple life rules to follow to have a better life.

1. Be yourself.

2. Know yourself.

3. Pick up after yourself.

4. Keep your promises.

5. Say please and thank you.

6. Have good table manners.

7. Make healthy food choices.

8. Don’t eat more food than you need.

9. Stay fit.

10. Get enough sleep.

11. Drink lots of water.

12. Keep yourself clean.

13. Wake up early.

14. Wake up smiling.

15. Spend time in nature.

16. Avoid excess.

17. Wear sunscreen.

18. Wear your seat belt.

19. Follow the Golden Rule: do unto others like you would have them do onto you.

20. Mind your own business; if it’s none of your concern, stay out of it.

21. Choose your friends wisely.

22. Nurture your close circle of friends.

23. Don’t give unsolicited advice.

24. Don’t interrupt others when they’re speaking.

25. Be honest.

26. Think before you act.

27. Count your blessings.

28. Don’t gossip.

29. Don’t take anything that is not yours without permission.

30. Be kind to yourself.

31. Be kind to others.

32. Have a positive attitude: look for the bright side of things.

33. Take responsibility for your actions.

34. If you hurt someone, apologize.

35. Spend less than you make.

36. Save money for a rainy day.

37. Budget your money.

38. Budget your time.

39. Be prepared.

40. Plan ahead.

41. Live in the now (this point and the one above it are not in conflict).

42. Make time for those you love.

43. Set priorities.

44. Plan your day.

45. Don’t over-commit yourself: say “no” to things that are not aligned with your priorities.

46. Have some “me” time each day (to think, meditate, or just be).

47. Do your best.

48. Believe in yourself, but be aware of your limitations.

49. If you fail, try again.

50. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it and do what you can to fix it.

51. If you’re in over your head, ask for help.

52. Read more than you watch TV.

53. Be patient with children.

54. Respect the elderly.

55. Be kind to animals.

56. When you’re talking to someone, give them your full attention.

57. Don’t yell or speak harshly to others.

58. Don’t put others down or make them feel bad about themselves.

59. Don’t take credit for the work of others.

60. Develop your talent.

61. Share your gifts with the world.

62. Work hard –results require discipline and perseverance.

63. Set aside some time each day to play, laugh, and have fun.

64. Have goals; go after them.

65. Step out of your comfort zone; do this on a consistent basis.

66. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

67. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

68. Don’t worry about things that are outside of your control.

69. Don’t whine, complain, or make excuses.

70. Don’t take more than you need.

71. Seize good opportunities.

72. Challenge yourself.

73. Take smart risks.

74. Don’t take stupid risks.

75. Don’t break any of these rules.


See how simple rules those are? Why don’t more people follow them? Live your best life by following the 75 simple life rules above.

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Life can be complicated and challenging, but you can make it a bit easier by following some simple tips like the 7 Cardinal Rules of Life, developed by Stephen R. Covey. Covey was an educator, family expert, and bestselling author of many self-improvement books, including the well-known and inspiring bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, published in 1989. This book is still read by thousands of people every year, including world leaders, CEOs of giant corporations, and ordinary people, for its transformational and positive advice on using the principles of honesty, fairness, integrity, and dignity in all areas of personal life and business. 

Another of Covey’s books is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, published in 1997. In this book, the author offers practical and successful suggestions for strengthening family bonds and keeping family dynamics healthy and productive. Some of his advice to families includes why it is essential to have regular family meetings, methods for balancing the needs of the family as a whole, and why it is crucial to keep promises within a family. 

The 7 Cardinal Rules of Life is not a book, but these ideas from Covey have inspired other authors to write books on similar themes. In addition, you can find many versions of posters displaying these timeless principles of staying positive and making the most of your life. The 7 Cardinal Rules of Life can remind you what to focus on and where to invest your energy so that you can enjoy life more. Sometimes, it can be challenging to follow these principles but, it is likely to be beneficial if you do. 

Here are Covey’s 7 Cardinal Rules for Life, followed by tips for putting these ideas into practice and making them work for you. Consider these rules to find more contentment and satisfaction with yourself and your relationships.

Let Go Of Negativity And Learn How To Be Happier In Life

The 7 Cardinal Rules of Life

  1. Make peace with your past so that it won’t disturb your present.

  2. What other people think of you is none of your business.

  3. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

  4. No one is in charge of your happiness except for you.

  5. Avoid comparing your life to others and judging others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

  6. Stop overthinking. It’s all right if you don’t know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.

  7. Smile; you don’t own all the problems in the world.

Tailor The 7 Rules To Your Life

Applying these simple pieces of advice to practically every circumstance in life is possible. For example, many people find that letting go of burdensome ideas and unnecessary responsibilities is essential to their health and freedom. In addition, others find that overcoming offenses and being patient with yourself are vital forms of self-care. So here are some ways to apply these helpful rules to your daily life.

1: Make Peace with Your Past

The past can affect your present in unhelpful ways. An essential aspect of mental health is continuously looking ahead to the future and new, positive opportunities. No one can change the past. However, letting go of the past can help you keep moving forward each day. Here are some points to consider on that journey:

Forgive other people for offenses or past mistakes.

Forgive yourself for your missteps.

Let painful memories fade by choosing different thoughts.

Accept what has happened in your life.

Make new commitments each day.

2: Move Beyond What Other People Think Of You

We can never know another person’s thoughts. When we fall into the trap of constantly worrying about what others think, we lose focus on our goals and miss new opportunities and connections. Instead, try to be true to yourself to attract the kind of people who truly belong in your life. When we do what makes us happy, the right people are more likely to come into our lives. 

3: Time and Healing

The best approach in life is often to let things heal without interfering. Life may seem difficult now, but by not dwelling on the past, you can often move forward and find happiness. Of course, it can be essential to acknowledge painful and damaging experiences from the past, but healing is more likely when you do not let the past take over and remove your focus on the present. Sometimes, when we don’t know the correct answer to a problem or what to do about it, a successful approach is to pay attention to what makes us feel better in the present and let time heal old wounds.

4: We Are In Charge Of Our Happiness

Happiness is a subjective feeling that is hard to measure. Nonetheless, one intriguing study found that people who believe they are in control of their happiness also reported that they were more content in life than people who thought their feelings of life satisfaction were in the hands of others. In this questionnaire, completed by 1,154 people, 89 % said happiness is something they control in their own lives. Of these, 32 % also reported that they were happier than the average response in the other group. In addition, the participants who said they were the least satisfied were five times more likely to believe that their contentment was not something they controlled. 

5: Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others, And Don’t Judge Others

Comparing yourself to others can quickly separate you from your natural talents and accomplishments, robbing you of joy. In addition, spending time judging the behavior and choices of other people also moves us away from focusing on our journey and challenges. In addition, we can never truly know what obstacles and problems another person has.  A more productive path is to consider each day as an opportunity to celebrate who you are and what you have. Choosing contentment and focusing on the good in your life are powerful ways to overcome habits of comparison.

6: Learn To Control Your Thoughts

Rehashing negative interactions, continually revisiting the past, and thinking over and over about negative ideas are all unhelpful behaviors. Brain researchers have found that these habits can damage the brain and nervous system, possibly contributing to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. They also discovered that prolonged negative thinking has a measurable effect on the ability to reason and recall events. Repetitive negative thinking is common in people with sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD,) and excessive life stress. All of these mental health conditions respond well to a variety of psychotherapy treatments.

For example, research shows that anxiety and depression can be effectively treated via in-person and online therapy. If you struggle with negative thinking, consider reaching out to a therapist to learn how to control your thoughts. 

7:  Smiling And Letting Go Of What You Can’t Control

There are things within your control and things outside your control. When people or circumstances are outside your control, recognizing this and not trying to control the situation can improve your mental well-being. Taking responsibility for things you can’t control can make you unhappy. Accepting the right level of responsibility can help you function within your limits. In addition, psychological research suggests that smiling, even when you don’t feel like it, can help you feel better, boost your immune response, and might even help you live longer. 

Making These Rules Work For You

By following these rules for life, you might find tension and worries melting away, giving you a new perspective on life and new energy to live to your full potential. However, if you are having trouble letting go or need to talk to someone, consider contacting a professional therapist to help figure out where you are getting stuck. BetterHelp’s unique platform provides counselors who are only a click away, and one of the benefits of using an online therapy platform is its cost-effective results. This convenient process will match you with a highly-qualified mental health professional who can help you integrate these important rules into your life.

Let Go Of Negativity And Learn How To Be Happier In Life

Counselor Reviews

«Amy is caring, understanding, practical and wise. She listens without judgement and helps me to see other perspectives. I value how working with her has increased my self awareness and mindfulness as I continue my journey.»

«Nicolas is very down to earth and relatable. Empathetic and understanding, but sets clear goals for self improvement. I love my sessions with him and when things are difficult I know I can go to hunch for clarity to get me through a situation and to help me cope.»


The seven rules for life are words of inspiration and wisdom from a bestselling and renowned author who wrote many popular books on self-improvement topics for business, family, and daily life. Practicing these ideas might help you decrease stress, increase happiness, and reach your life goals and potential. However, if you find it challenging to make positive changes in how you think and live, talking to a professional therapist can provide the support you need. In addition, online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp.com is a convenient and cost-effective way to get help. 

Romans 5, Acceptance, Luke 7, Rules for Life

Life Rules — wk#3 — Unconditional Love, Unconditional Acceptance

2006-04-06 04:57:40
Spoken word (interviews, readings, etc)
audio (including music)
Tina Parsley

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When I first sat down to write this piece for 5 Rules for Life, I wrote “Live without rules” five times, each followed by a reason to keep your approach to life flexible.

The way you live is largely a reflection of where you’ve been, who you’ve been, and the beliefs you’ve formed. Who am I to create a cookie-cutter hard-and-fast code that makes sense for everyone?

That’s when I realized I’d need to make a sixth rule to introduce these ideas: judge my words, and anyone else’s, against your own reason and moral code.

Buddha said, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.”

The Dalai Lama echoed that sentiment with, “The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual’s own reason and critical analysis.”

Be critical. I invite it. These ideas help me, and they may or may not help you.

With that, I give you five guidelines that have helped me feel happy, fulfilled, and meaningful:

1. Be honest with yourself.

One of the most valuable skills you’ll learn in life is the ability to call yourself out—when you’re playing it safe because you’re scared to fail, for example, or closing off your heart because you’re afraid of being hurt.

In the moment it feels comforting. You can do what you’ve always done instead of pushing yourself into unfamiliar territory. But we tend to regret the things we didn’t do more than the things we did. So get real with yourself and get going.

2. Let yourself be vulnerable.

I once felt there was nothing more terrifying than letting go of control. I held a tight grip on who I really was because I wanted to shape other people’s perceptions of me. I had a very limited list of approved adjectives: smart, kind, talented, successful, awesome.

I don’t love knowing someone may form a different opinion of me, but it’s liberating to honor where I’m at in any moment, and let people decide for themselves what they think about that.

When you’re willing to be seen as someone who makes mistakes and has flaws, you’re essentially telling yourself being human isn’t something to be ashamed of.

People may sometimes form judgments. But they’ll respect your authenticity, and they may learn to let go a little themselves—something that can be a tremendous relief.

3. Live in accordance with your values.

Everyone has a different idea of what’s important and what it means to be a good person. If you try to align your life with someone else’s values, you’ll likely feel unfulfilled.

If your main source of joy is spending time with your family, would it really make sense to take on a high-paying job that limits the time you can spend with them?

Make a list of the cornerstones of your happiness and then take an honest inventory of your current situation. Does it parallel the priorities you listed?

4. See as much as you can of what’s right in front of you.

People often live life caught in two mental strongholds: regret for the past and worry for the future. In looking back on the years I’ve lived so far, I know I’ve spent more time engaging in those activities than truly being present.

Whenever I catch myself, I check in with my five senses and experience what’s in front of me as fully as I possibly can.

I notice the details. Hear the sounds. And seep into the moment. I know I won’t do this all the time, but it adds up to create more time truly living in the now.

5. Treat yourself like you want other people to treat you.

It happens all the time. You don’t get a job, so you start reviewing all your failures. You hurt a friend, so you start beating yourself up.

We make mistakes and we always will. As long as you acknowledge them, make amends as best you can, and learn from them, there’s no reason to stop treating yourself with kindness.

Other people will take their cue from you. You decide how you deserve to be treated.

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Представьте себе листок бумаги в клетку. Подозреваю, что уже на этом этапе некоторые хабралюди догадались, о чем пойдет речь. Что ж, моё почтение им. Остальные же продолжают представлять себе листок бумаги в клетку. Во всех подробностях. В мельчайших деталях.

А теперь представьте, что на этом простом листочке мы создадим простой, но оттого не менее впечатляющий симулятор жизни. Ни больше, ни меньше. Конечно, он будет очень упрощенный, но ведь чтобы понять что-то сложное надо начать с простого, не так ли? Этот симулятор можно применить ко множеству наук и с каждой из них он будет иметь множество достаточно интересных точек соприкосновения. От социологии до астрономии, от биологии до электротехники.

Ладно, хватит завлекалок. Пора удариться в математику.

Когда-то давно, в 1940-х годах, небезызвестный Джон фон Нейман задался целью спроектировать машину, которая может воспроизводить саму себя. Как ни странно, но ему это удалось. Правда правила этой машины были так сложны, что широкого распространения она не получила.

Спустя 30 лет другой ученый по имени Джон Конвей (да, Джон — очень популярное имя) заинтересовался этой машиной и решил её упростить. Как это снова ни странно, но и ему это удалось. Талантливые ученые, что и говорить.


И так. Снова по-быстрому рисуем у себя в голове бумагу с клетками. Правила очень простые:

  • Каждая клетка может находиться в одном из двух состояний: живая (заполненная) или мёртвая (пустая).
  • Каждый ход у каждой клетки определяется ее состояние и состояние всех её 8-ми соседей.
  • Если это пустая клетка и соседей ровно 3, то эта клетка оживает. Во всех остальных случаях пустая клетка остается пустой.
  • Если же это живая клетка, то подсчитывается количество живых соседей.
  • Если соседей 0 или 1, то клетка умирает от одиночества.
  • Если соседей 2 или 3, то клетка продолжает жить.
  • Если соседей 4 или больше, то клетка умирает от перенаселения.

Простой пример эволюции пяти вариантов триплетов (фигур из трех клеток):


Ничего сложного, не так ли? По большому счету, от игрока зависит только начальное расположение живых клеток, после чего они будут жить самостоятельно, а создателю останется за ними только следить. Но тут-то и возникает та самая причина, по которой этой игрой интересуются уже почти 40 лет.

Просто представьте себе количество вариантов расстановки клеток на минимальном поле, пусть хотя бы 10*10 клеток. Это 2100. И каждый из этих вариантов будет развиваться. Какой-то — всего несколько десятков ходов, а какой-то может зациклиться. Что уж тогда говорить о больших полях типа 100*100 или тем более о замкнутых по принципу тора.



В ходе полевых испытаний этой игры, сначала на бумаге, а затем и с помощью компьютерного моделирования было выявлено множество фигур, которые по их поведению можно рассортировать по нескольким классам.

  • Устойчивые фигуры: фигуры, которые остаются неизменными
  • Периодические фигуры: фигуры, у которых состояние повторяется через некоторое число поколений
  • Двигающиеся фигуры: фигуры, у которых состояние повторяется, но с некоторым смещением
  • Ружья: фигуры, у которых состояние повторяется, но дополнительно появляется двигающаяся фигура
  • Паровозы: двигающиеся фигуры, которые оставляют за собой следы в виде устойчивых или периодических фигур
  • Пожиратели: устойчивые фигуры, которые могут пережить столкновения с некоторыми двигающимися фигурами

Самым простым примером двигающейся фигуры является Глайдер (планер):


Тогда взгляните на ружьё:


В таком виде, при небольшом отдалении, когда границы между клетками смазываются, эта анимация уже напоминает нечто биологическое, не так ли? Между прочим, ружье «стреляет» теми самыми глайдерами.

Интерес для науки

Прежде чем я дам вам возможность самим попробовать составлять фигуры, позвольте сказать пару слов о пользе всей этой фигни для науки.

Вообще, если говорить научными терминами, то эта игра является дискретной динамической системой, поведение которой полностью определяется в терминах локальных зависимостей, а короче говоря — клеточным автоматом. То есть решетка, в которой каждая ячейка имеет конечное число состояний, а само это состояние определяется через жестко заданные правила перехода.

Данная игра являет собой едва ли не простейший клеточный автомат. А представьте себе, что каждая клетка имеет не два, а с десяток разных состояний, и их изменения зависят не только от соседних 8-ми клеток, но и от 16-ти на «втором периметре».

Такие клеточные автоматы — это один из самых простых примеров того, что иногда называют «самоорганизованные системы». Эта предметная область привлекла внимание ученых и математиков из различных областей. В ней изучается построение сложных структур и форм поведения на основе очень простых правил. Например, появление лепестков роз или полос на зебре из растущих рядом клеток. Поэтому изучение конечных автоматов может привести к совершенно неожиданным результатам в абсолютно разных науках. Так, например, эволюции некоторых сложных колоний удивительным образом схематично повторяют этапы развития спиралевидных галактик. Равно как они во многом совпадают с законами поведения популяций примитивных организмов.


Ну а теперь настало время самим попробовать это в деле.

  • Здесь можно и нужно почитать про «жизнь» подробнее. Тут описано множество фигур и принципов. Да и вообще много полезного.
  • Здесь можно поиграть в «жизнь» на флэше. Настроек никаких нет. Всё упрощено до минимума. Чисто для ознакомления.
  • Здесь же можно скачать программу-эмулятор с расширенными возможностями. Регулировка скорости времени. Возможность сохранения и загрузки начальных конфигураций. Изменяемый масштаб поля. В общем, полная свобода действий. Для хардкорщиков. К сожалению, только под Windows.
  • Ну а здесь лежит подобный эмулятор для всех платформ (Windows (2000+), Mac OS X (10.3.9+) and Linux (GTK+)). Его я сам не запускал, но судя по описанию, возможностей у него не меньше, чем у предыдущей программы.

Вперед на испытания. И да пребудет с вами random ))

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