Word of life in england

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This article is about a U.S.-based youth ministry. For the Pentecostal church in New Hartford, NY, or the death of Lucas Leonard, see Word of Life Christian Church. For the Swedish-based church, see Livets Ord.

Word of Life Fellowship is an international evangelistic Christian ministry. The headquarters is in Schroon Lake, New York, in the United States.


In 1940, Word of Life Fellowship Bible Conference was founded by Jack Wyrtzen. [1] In 1941, he founded the Word of Life Camp Ministry, and in 1946 he purchased an island on Schroon Lake, New York, and opened Word of Life Camp in 1947. [2] By 2021, the ministry had camps, conference centers, Bible institutes, and church youth ministries in over 70 countries. [3]


According to their statement of faith, Word of Life adheres to the teachings of biblical inerrancy, scriptural authority, the Deity of Christ, the bodily Resurrection of Christ, the triunity of God, the total depravity of man, and salvation by grace through faith alone.[4] Word of Life also adheres largely to dispensational theology.

Notable people[edit]

People who were employees of Word of Life, alumni of the Bible Institute, or otherwise closely associated with Word of Life Fellowship include:

  • Sergio Cariello (born 1964), graduate of the Word of Life Bible Institute and illustrator of The Action Bible
  • Jon and Andrew Erwin, graduates of the Word of Life Bible Institute and filmmakers most known for their 2018 film I Can Only Imagine
  • J. D. Greear (born 1973), author and pastor of The Summit Church
  • Benjamin Laird, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies in the Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University,[5] and author
  • Brandon «Scoop B» Robinson, sports journalist
  • Charles C. Ryrie (1925-2016), biblical scholar, Christian theologian, author and professor
  • Jack Wyrtzen (1913-1996), founder of Word of Life, youth evangelist


  1. ^ George Thomas Kurian, Mark A. Lamport, Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, Volume 5, Rowman & Littlefield, USA, 2016, p. 2519
  2. ^ Ed Hindson, Dan Mitchell, The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History, Harvest House Publishers, USA, 2013, p. 359
  3. ^ Word of Life Fellowship, HISTORY, wol.org, USA, retrieved June 8, 2021
  4. ^ «Statement of Faith» (PDF). Word of Life Fellowship. August 2015. Retrieved October 24, 2016.
  5. ^ «Dr. Benjamin Laird». School of Divinity. Retrieved 2020-03-27.

External links[edit]

  • Official website


Since day one, God has used Word of Life to bring people from all over the world to Himself. When Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback began the ministry of Word of Life, they were committed to engaging their culture with the Gospel. Today, Word of Life remains committed to the purpose of reaching our generation with the Gospel creating opportunities for youth and families to experience their faith, and share the message of salvation with those who have never heard.

From the beginning, it was the vision of Word of Life’s founders that we will do what it takes to reach this generation for Jesus Christ. One of those men, Jack Wyrtzen, fully believed that it was his personal responsibility to share the Gospel with the lost. As a result, Word of Life is still committed to teaching and training this generation to reach the world through camp ministry, Bible Institutes, and world wide missions opportunities.

In 1946, Jack and Harry rented a rowboat for fifty cents and rowed over to what is now Word of Life Island for the very first time. They claimed to be “just looking.” Though the property itself was in shambles, the pair had a vision for that island that far exceeded anyone’s expectation. Jack offered $25,000 (a fifth of the asking price) to the owner, eighty-three-year-old Miss Clark, and she accepted. Since that day, hundreds of thousands of teens have attended camp on Word of Life Island.

In 1970, the first American Bible Institute was opened, following the pattern of the original campus in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Bible Institutes are known for their structured discipleship, world class Bible teachers, and effective ministry among young students. Today, Word of Life has Bible Institutes in 14 countries around the world, each year training thousands of young people to use the Word of God for the Glory of God. God has certainly blessed Word of Life, and the Bible Institute has become a launching ground for students to take the Gospel all around the world.

Become a part of the ministry through serving

Proclaiming the Gospel

We do believe in the importance of Good News of salvation which is given to every human being through the Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel is proclaimed not only through words, but also through the lifestyle of every believer. We see it as our duty to preserve the power, purity, significance and soundness of the Gospel.

Faith teaching

For believers in Christ something bigger is important than just intellectual agreement with certain dogmas and principles of christian faith teaching. We believe that a christian must have personal faith in the written Word of God, he must try to live according to his faith and build live relationships with the Lord

Life in Spirit

The nature of the Lord is unchangeable and He still works in christians’ lives the same way as in the times of apostles. The guidance and leadership He provides through the Spirit who gives us power and grace for life and ministry, strengthens us in our infirmities, guides and leads us, sanctifies and comforts, heals and transforms.


We devote ourselves to the involvement and fulfillment of the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ, which is spoken to us in the Bible in Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18. We believe it is important to support missions, run humanitarian and social work, plant churches in our countries as well as abroad.


We devote ourselves to the involvement and fulfillment of the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ, which is spoken to us in the Bible in Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18. We believe it is important to support missions, run humanitarian and social work, plant churches in our countries as well as abroad.

educational institution

comprehensive school № 3

«Informative project»

«The British Style of life»

Made by






общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа №3

«Информационный проект».

«Британский стиль жизни».


11 класса

«СОШ №3»

Юлия Сергеевна


Татьяна Михайловна

английского языка

«СОШ №3»

муниципального района



. Introduction                                      5-7

. The main
body:                                8-29

1.   The British

2.   House and home.

3.   Food and drinks.

4.   Clothes and

5.   Shops and

6.   Sport and leisure.

7.   Transport and

. Conclusion                                      30-31

. Supplements:

1.   Vocabulary                                    

2.   Questions                                      

The main aim:

To tell about the British family, British
character, British traditional food and British leisure; to help pupils to
learn interesting and useful information for their language education in an
easier way.

I’ve done to reach the aim:

many sources of information in Russian and English ( exercise-books, modern       English
and Russian magazines and newspapers, Internet sites, TV-News and programs);

a lot of interesting pictures describing life of the British;

and systematized the information;

the text from Russian into English;

some questions to help readers to learn the facts better;

a vocabulary of difficult words to make studying pleasant;

a multi-media presentation to show the audience the main aspects of the work.


There is no place
like home

(An old English

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland (known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain) is a
sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. It is
an island country. It is the greatest country, which have own traditions and
features. The British, citizens of Britain, have also own features such as
clothes, food, sport and others. So, let’s talk about these features.


main part


typical British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but
in recent years there have been many changes in family life. Some of these have
been caused by new laws and others are the result of changes in society. For
example, since the war made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces
has increased. In fact one marriage in every three now ends in divorce. This
means that there are a lot of one-parent families. Society is more tolerant
than it used to be of unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents.

change has been caused by the fact that people are living longer nowadays, and
many old people live alone following the death of their part­ners. As a result
of these changes in the pattern of people’s lives, there are many households
which consist of only one person or one adult and chil­dren.

might think that marriage and the family are not popular as they once were.
However, the majority of divorced people marry again, and they sometimes take responsibility
for a second family.

of a family:  grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins — keep in touch, but they
see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move
away from their home town to work, and so the family becomes scattered.
Christmas is the traditional season for reunions. Although the family group is
smaller nowadays than it used to be, relatives often travel many miles in order
to spend the holiday together. In general, each generation is keen to become
independent of parents in establishing its own family unit, and this fact can
lead to social as well as geographical differences within the larger family

most common type of household in England, Scotland and Wales to­day is two
people, either married or living together, without children. Twenty-seven per
cent of households consist of people who live on their own. Men often live on
their own after getting di­vorced, whereas women often live with the children.
Nowadays, nine per cent of families are lone parents with children. Women are
usually the head of this type of household. Just over 17 per cent of families
with children are headed by single mothers, with about one per cent headed by a

image of the traditional British household in the 1950s was a large family
(with three children). Nowadays, only seven per cent of British families
consist of five or more people. The average British couple today has only 1.8
children. Nowadays the stereotype of the average British family is as follows. The
average British family lives in a semi-detached house with a garden in the
south of England. They own their house, which is situated in the suburbs of a
large town. The house has three bedrooms. On average they have two children and
a pet. The family drives a two-year-old Ford Cortina. He works in the office of
an engineering company for 40 hours a week and earns £200 per week. He starts
at 9.00 in the morning and finishes at 5.30 in the evening. He goes to work by
car, which takes him 20 minutes. He doesn’t particularly like his job, but there
are chances of promotion. She works in a service industry for three days a week
and earns £95. She works locally and goes there by bus. She quite likes her job
as it gets her out of the house, she meets people, and it is close to the
children’s school.

children go to a state school which is a few miles from home. A special bus
comes to pick them up every day. They are at school from 9.00 to 3.30.

THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE FAMILY Relationships within the
family are
different now. Parents treat their children more as equals than
they used to, and children have more freedom to make their own decisions. The
father is more involved with bringing up children, often because the moth­er
goes out to work. Increased leisure facilities and more money mean that there
are greater opportunities for the individual to take part in activities outside
the home. Although the family holiday is still an im­portant part of family
life (usually taken in August, and often abroad) many children have holidays
away from their parents, often with a school party or other organized group.

lion old age pensioners in Britain, of whom about 750,000 cannot
live entirely independently. The government gives financial help in the form of
a pension but in the future it will be more and more difficult for the national
economy to support the increasing number of elderly. At the present time, more
than half of old people are looked after at home. Many others live in Old
People’s Homes, which may be private or state-owned.


British are said to be polite and well-mannered people. Polite words or phrases
such as «Please», «Thank you» and «Excuse me» are used very often in Britain.
Queuing is a national habit. At bus stops and cinemas, in shops, banks and post
offices and in lots of other places you’ll have to join the queue and wait for
your turn. «An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of
one,» said George Mikes.

British are said to be reserved. They don’t like displaying their emotions even
in dangerous and tragic situations. But they are not unemotional. They control
their emotions because they are taught that it is best not to show their
feelings. The English hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell you the truth
either. English people take everything with a sense of humour. You can easily
offend them if you tell them they have no sense of humour.

tend to be rather conservative, they love familiar things. They are proud of
their traditions and carefully keep them up. Britain has more living symbols of
its past than many other countries. Traditional uniforms are still preserved in
Great Britain. There are also a lot of traditional ceremonies such as the
«Changing of the Guard» at Buckingham Palace, «Trooping the Colour»,
which is performed on the Queen’s official birthday, or the «Ceremony of
the Keys», that takes place every night at the Tower of London.

English are practical and realistic, prudent and careful about almost
everything. Everything is orderly: the lawns and the trees are neatly trimmed.
Every Englishman is said to be a countryman
at heart. The English countryside is many things to
many people. It means peace and quiet, beauty,
good health and
no crime. Most
Englishmen love gardens. Gardening is one of the
most popular hobbies among Englishmen. They usually prefer a house with a garden to an apartment in a modern
block of flats.
The British people
are considered to be the world’s greatest tea
drinkers. They drink it at meals and between meals. The English tea
is usually strong and with milk. The
British love animals very much. Millions of families have
«bird-tables» in their gardens. Nearly
half of the households in
keep at least one pet. The English take good care of their
pets. They
are pet lovers.


There are certain stereotypes of national character which
well known in Britain. For instance, the
Irish are supposed to be great talkers, the Scots have a reputation for being
careful with
money, the Welsh are renowned for their
singing abilities, and the English are considered to be reserved. These
characteristics are, of
course, only caricatures and are not reliable description of
individual people from these countries. British
people give a relatively high value to the everyday
personal contacts. Some writers on Britain have
talked about the
British desire
«to belong», and it is certainly true that the pub, or the working
man’s club, or the numerous other clubs devoted to
various sports and pastimes play a very important
part in many
people’s lives. Many
people make their social contacts through work
and, partly as a result of it, the profession is also important aspect of their sense of identity. British people try to
appear as if they belong
to as high
class as possible, though nobody wants to be thought of
as «snobbish». The British have few living traditions and are
too individualistic
to have the same
everyday habits as each other. They are rather
proud of being different. However, this does not mean that they like
change. They don’t. They may not behave in traditional ways, but they like symbols of tradition and stability. The British are rather conservative and their conservatism
can combine with
their individualism. Why should they change just to be
like everyone else? Indeed, as far as they are concerned, not being like everyone else is a good reason not to change.
Their driving
on the left-hand side of the road is a good example to
this. Systems of measurement are another example. The British government has been trying for many years to get
British people
to use the same scales that are used nearly everywhere
else in the world. But everybody in Britain still shops in pounds and ounces.
The modern British are not really chauvinistic. Open hostility to people from
other countries is very rare. If there is-any chauvinism at all, it expresses
itself through ignorance. Most British people know remarkably little about
Europe and who lives there. The popular image of Europe seems to be that it is
something to do with the French. It is probably true that the British,
especially the English, are more reserved than the people of many other
countries. They find it comparatively difficult to indicate friendship by open
displays of affection. For example, it is not the convention to kiss when
meeting a friend. Instead, friendship is symbolized by behaving as casually as

British are comparatively uninterested in clothes. They spend a lower
proportion of their income on clothing than people in most European countries
do. Many people buy second-hand clothes and are not at all embarrassed to admit
this. Of course, when people are «on duty», they have to obey some
quite rigid rules. A male bank employee, for example, is expected to wear a
suit with a tie at work. But on Sundays the British like to «dress
down». They can’t wait to take off their respectable working clothes and
slip into something really scruffy. In fact, the British are probably more
tolerant of «strange» clothing than people in most other countries.

English people are great pet lovers. Practically every family has a dog or a
cat, or both. They have special dog shops selling food, clothes and other
things for dogs. There are dog hairdressing saloons and dog cemeteries.
Millions of families have «bird-tables» in their gardens. Perhaps,
this overall concern for animals is part of the British love for nature.

British are always talking about the weather. Unlike many others, this
stereotype is actually true to life. But constant remarks about the weather at
chance meetings are not the result of polite conventions. They are not
obligatory. Rather, they are the result of the fact that, on the one hand, to
ask personal questions would be rude while, at the same time, silence would also
be rude. The weather is a very convenient topic to «fill the gap».


Englishman’s home is his castle»[2] is a well-known saying, and it is
true that English people prefer small houses, built to house one family,
perhaps with a small garden. But nowadays the shortage of building land and
inflated land values mean that more blocks of flats are being built especially
by the local councils.  About 80 per cent of British people live in houses.
About 67 per cent of the people in Britain own their own houses or flats. Most
of the rest live in rented accommodation (2 per cent live in sheltered
accommodation). People in Britain buy houses or flats because there is not
enough rented accommodation and what there is can be expensive. In towns, there
are three main types of houses: detached, semi-detached and terraced. A
detached house, standing on its own plot of land, is usu­ally more expensive
than the others. A semi-detached house (also called a semi) is similar, but
shares one wall with its neighbour, which is its «mirror image». It
is usually smaller than a detached house. Most of these houses have two
storeys, with two rooms and a kitchen downstairs and the bedrooms and a
bathroom upstairs. A terraced house (or terrace-house) is one of a row of houses,
often built in blocks of four or more and sometimes extending the entire length
of a street. Bungalows (single-story detached houses) are popular, especially
with eld­erly people because there are no stairs to climb. They are often found
in seaside towns on the south coast, where many retired people live. Houses of
all kinds can also be found in country villages, but the tradi­tional country
dwelling is the cottage. This is usually a small, old, de­tached or
semi-detached house, often with old wooden beams inside, and perhaps a thatched
roof and an attractive flower garden. Cottages were originally simple homes of
country people, and often had no running water or other facilities. Today, many
of them have been modernized and are regarded by some people as ideal homes,
not only for their «character» but also for their attractive rural

of the grandest of all houses are found in the country. These are large country
houses or stately homes, which in some cases are still oc­cupied by members of the
land-owning families who originally built them. Many such houses are of
historical and architectural importance, and stand in extensive grounds. Old or
architecturally interesting houses may be designated as listed buildings by the

Flats are found mainly in towns, although
they may also be self-contained units in converted country houses or hotels,
etc. Modern flats are often «purpose-built» in the form of large
apartment blocks or tower blocks, but many large houses in towns have

also been converted into flats. Flats may
be owned by the people who live in them, or rented from a private land­lord or
some local authority. Local authorities are the main providers of rented

IN THE HOME Many homes in Britain now have electrical and electronic aids and
instruments that would have been unimaginable a quarter of a century ago.

percentage of British homes with various types of equipment such as television
sets, washing machines, telephones, freezers (including fridge-freezers),
videocassette recorders (VCRs), microwave ovens and personal computers is very
high. Nearly seven homes out of ten also have a car, and the majority has a
radio. Kitchen and domestic appliances also found in many homes include
electric or electronic clocks, toasters, kettles, blend­ers, mixers and vacuum

homes contain more specialized equipment such as audio equipment (especially music centres, audio systems and
compact disc players) and home
computers (including word processors).
Computers are used for work (or a hobby or interest) and for recreation, in the
latter case mostly in the form °f children’s computer games. As more and more
people are working from home, an increasing number of households now have fax
machines, operating over the telephone line, as well as answering machines for
the tele­phone itself.

AND COUNTRY Some people in Britain have an idealized picture of rural life.
People dream of owning a cottage in the country or retiring to live there, and
they try to create the country in town by the way they decorate their houses
and plan their gardens. While only about one per cent of the working population
is now employed in agriculture, there is a greater tendency for people to live
in the country and commute to towns to work. Many self-employed people now work
at home, with facilities like the computer and fax machine, and this| may be an
increasing trend.

in a rural community is very different from life in a town[3].
The amen­ities that are taken for granted in town, such as shops, schools,
banks and public libraries often do not exist. The nearest secondary school may
be miles away. Remote communities have to pay more for goods because of
transport costs. Public transport is often sparse or non-existent and owning a car
may be essential. City-dwellers who move to the country may have an idealized
view of life there and find it difficult to adapt. Local people may resent
those who have come from cities, especially if they are week­enders who buy a
house and only occupy it at weekends. On the other hand life in the country has
much compensation. In a vil­lage, the sense of community is much greater than
in a large town, the village pub is a friendly meeting place and the proximity
of the countryside provides a better quality of life, free from the stresses
and strains of city life, with its daily struggle to work and back and its
noisy and dirty en­vironment.


BRITISH Britain has some excellent traditional food: lamb from Wales, shellfish
and fresh salmon from Northern Ireland, fresh or smoked fish from Scotland,
cheeses from England and Wales. Unfortunate­ly good English food is difficult
to find. Only 2 per cent of restaurants in London serve British food. There are
many more Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurants.

Foreigners often criticise English food. It’s
unimaginative, they say. It’s bor­
ing, it’s tasteless.

can compare with fresh peas or new potatoes just boiled (not overboiled) and
served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream or yoghurt and
spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious?

serving British food tend to be very expensive and found in luxury hotels, or
cheap and nasty serving mainly fried food. You can eat a good British meal
without spending a lot of money by going to a pub. Most pubs now serve good
value hot and cold meals. They often have family areas where people under 16
can sit and eat. Traditional British food, with its emphasis on puddings, pies,
cakes, meat dishes and fried food, no longer forms a main part of most people’s
diet because of the trend towards lighter, more easily prepared food.
Traditional methods of preserving meat and fish, such as salting and smoking,
are no longer necessary and food such as kippers (smoked herrings), salt pork
and beef, and bacon are eaten less frequently than before. Nevertheless, many
traditional dishes survive, especially those associated with special occasions.
There are many regional dishes, usually named after a county, such as
Lancashire hotpot, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, and Cornish pasties, which
are popular all over the country. There are many different kinds of regional
cheese, including the best-known, Cheddar, as well as Cheshire, Leicestershire,
Double Gloucester, Caerphilly, Wensleydale and Stilton, each with its own
distinctive colour, flavour and consistency. Welsh rarebit is a popular dish of
toasted cheese.

British have always liked meat dishes, from the traditional roast beef to
popular favourites such as bangers and mash (sausages and potatoes), shepherd’s
pie (also called cottage pie), toad in the hole (sausages baked in batter),
steak and kidney pudding, mixed grill, steak, and bacon and eggs. Scot, land
has its traditional haggis. It is the most widely celebrated of all Scottish
dishes because it is always served at Burns Suppers, popular annual gatherings
within Scotland to recall Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. Beef, lamb,
mutton, pork and chicken are the most common kinds of meat. Sauces that
traditionally accompany meat are mint sauce for lamb, horseradish sauce for
beef, apple sauce for pork and cranberry sauce for turkey. Fish and chips is a
favourite fish dish, although fish fingers and fishcakes are also popular,
especially with children. Kippers are eaten either f0r breakfast or supper.
Plaice, cod, herrings and mackerel are the most com­mon kinds of fish. Trout
and salmon are usually considered a luxury, especially when they have been

are eaten boiled, fried, poached or scrambled, with boiled eggs usu­ally
preferred soft, and traditionally cooked for three minutes. Potatoes (spuds)
are one of the most common vegetables, served either as chips, roast or mashed
potatoes, or baked in their skins (jacket potatoes). Breakfast often begins
with fruit juice, followed by cereal to which milk and sugar are added. Some
people, especially in Scotland, still prefer porridge to cereal, and eat it
with milk and sugar or salt. A traditional English breakfast also includes a
cooked dish such as bacon and eggs, but few people eat this nowadays,
preferring a lighter continental breakfast. Toast and marmalade, and tea or
coffee, complete the meal. Puddings of all kinds are typically British, and the
word itself can describe both savoury and sweet dishes, or mean simply dessert
in general. Among the best-known sweet dishes are rice pudding,
bread-and-butter pudding, steamed pudding, suet pudding and Christmas pudding.
Plum pudding (which does not contain plums) is another name for Christmas pudding.
Other familiar desserts are fruit-based ones such as apple pie or gooseberry
fool. English people eat a lot of pies — for tea, on picnics, in the pub. A lot
of pies have meat in them, but there are vegetable pies, too. Most pies can be
eaten hot or cold. If they are eaten cold, you often have a salad with them. An
English salad is usually lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, spring onions and
radishes, with salad dressing. There are fruit pies, too. They are often eaten
with custard or cream. Some pies are just big enough for one person, others are
family size. But they all have pastry on the top and something nice inside.

are many varieties of bread and cake. Bread is white and brown. There are
different kinds of loaf, including the specially shaped cottage loaf and cob
loaf. For a continental breakfast, many people now prefer French-type rolls
such as croissants.

tea, crumpets, muffins, toasted teacakes and buns are often eaten, es­pecially
in winter. Otherwise bread and butter with jam, honey, meat or fish paste or
some other spread is usual for the meal.

A cake
can be large, needing to be cut or sliced, or small, for one person. Gingerbread is not bread but a
ginger-flavoured cake. Bath buns, Chelsea hurls and doughnuts are all made from
bread dough. The many different kinds of biscuit include chocolate digestive
biscuits, ginger buts and custard creams. Water biscuits or cream crackers are
usually eaten with cheese. Some foods are traditionally prepared for a
particular festival or celebra­tion. Christmas pudding is eaten at Christmas,
pancakes are often served (as a sweet course, with lemon and sugar) on Shrove
Tuesday, and hot-cross buns are eaten on Good Friday. Special big cakes are
prepared for weddings and birthdays. Wedding cakes are usually elaborately iced
and decorated, with two or more tiers; birthday cakes are also normally iced,
with the person’s age shown by the number of small candles stuck in the icing.

British enjoy eating sweets, especially chocolate, and the many pop­ular types
of confectionery include toffee, marshmallows, mints and boiled sweets. Sticks
of rock are traditionally popular in holiday resorts, as are ice cream,
candyfloss and other «fun foods».

FOOD About 10 per cent of British people are vegetarians. If you are a
vegetarian, eating out is quite easy in Britain because there are quite a few
restaurants. Unfortunately, there are very few good chefs who specialise in
vegetarian cuisine, which means that most vegetarian food is rather boring.

FAST FOOD People in Britain are more likely to eat fast
food than go out
to eat in a posh restaurant. A
hamburger and French fries is the most popular fast food in Britain. The most
successful fast-food restaurant in Britain is the American chain, McDonald’s.
But not all fast food is the American. Kebab houses, often run by Greek or
Turkish Cypriots, are also v
popular. The traditional British fast-food meal is fish and chips. Fish and chip shops are most popular in the
fishing ports of Scotland. This is certainly the cheapest way of enjoying the
taste of the very freshest of fish. Note that in Scotland a portion of fish and
chips (the fish is usually haddock or whiting) is called a fish supper, even
when it is served at lunch-time. Other fast-food outlets include shops,
offering healthily prepared potatoes with a variety of fillings.


By tradition,
the British national drink is tea. It is drunk not only on its own but with or
after meals, from breakfast to supper and from early in the morning (often in
bed) to last thing at night. The tra­ditional way to make tea is in a teapot,
which is first warmed with hot water. When the pot is warm, very hot water is
poured onto the tealeaves, and the tea is allowed to «brew» for a few
minutes before being poured out.  Most people drink tea with milk and many add
sugar. In recent times coffee has become much more popular and for many people
has replaced tea as the usual drink. It has always been served as an
after-dinner drink, when it is often drunk black, i.e. without milk, and cafes
and coffee shops serve «morning coffee» in the middle of the morning.
Other hot drinks are those made with milk, e.g. cocoa, hot chocolate and drinks
sold under brand names such as Horlicks or Ovaltine. They are often drunk as a
non-alcoholic nightcap, especially in winter. Children often drink milk when
adults drink tea or coffee. Among alcoholic drinks, beer is traditionally the
most popular in Britain, especially with men.


is a wide variety of places to go when you want to eat out in Britain. In the
most expensive restaurants and hotels, the style of cooking is often French and
the menu is usually written in French, often with an English translation.
Almost all hotels have a restaurant where non-residents can have lunch or
dinner, and a lounge where they can have tea, coffee or a drink before the
meal. Most towns have a variety of restaurants offering the cuisine of several
different countries, with Indian, Chinese and Italian restaurants the most
popular. In London especially it is possible to eat the food of most coun­tries
in the world. Most of these ethnic restaurants are owned and run as small
family businesses[4]. Many British people, if they go for
a meal or buy a takeaway, go to their local Indian or Chinese restaurant. There
are 8000 Indian restaurants in Great Britain and most towns, however small,
have one. Indian restaurants serve food from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
North-Indian food is the most common: spicy curries cooked in oil and served
with rice or different types of bread. South-Indian food is often vegetarian
since most southern Indians are Hindu and eat little or no meat. Most Chinese
restaurants serve Cantonese food, including lunchtime snacks called dim sum:
steamed or deep-fried dumplings, with either savoury or sweet fillings. Chinese
and Indian restaurants are facing strong competition from Thai restaurants in
Britain. The cuisine is a mixture of Indian and Chinese food, with dishes
ranging from hot to mild often using coconut cream. Other restaurants are part
of a chain, for example Berni or Harvester, and offer a standard menu
throughout the country. Most of these are primarily steak bars with a choice of
other dishes also available. They are often lo­cated in old or even historic
buildings in town centres. Almost all pubs now offer food, which may be snacks
bought at the bar or meals in a separate dining area. Certain pubs have gained
a reputation for their excellent food and service, and a guide to good pubs is
now published annually in addition to the guides to good hotels and
restaurants. Wine bars also serve meals or snacks with a wide selection of
wine, where­as in pubs beer is the main drink. Fast-food restaurants serving
American-style pizzas and hamburgers are very popular, especially with children
and young people. There are fewer cafes than there once were, but they can
still be found in most towns. They provide a cheap place to have a cup of tea
or a meal and are usually open all day. Another feature of British life found
less frequently nowadays is the fish and chip bar or shop, where you can buy
fried fish and chips to eat at home. Other kinds of takeaway meals are provided
by Chinese, Indian or pizza restaurants. Many towns, especially those in
popular tourist areas, have tea shops. Al­though they mainly provide afternoon
tea, with scones, buns and cakes, many also serve morning coffee and lunch. Tea
shops are often in old buildings and the atmosphere is old-fashioned. There are
also coffee shops open throughout the day, which serve food as well, mainly
cakes and bis­cuits rather than full meals. One of the cheapest places to eat
is a snack bar, a type of cafe. It may lot serve meals at all, but only tea and
coffee, with food such as rolls, soup and sandwiches. The buffets at railway
stations are often similar, although many serve alcoholic drinks as well. There
are eating places for the motorist on main roads and motorways. They are
usually large fast-food restaurants that belong to a chain and have largely
replaced the road­side cafes (also called transport cafes) that were used
especially by long-distance lorry drivers.


Britain, there are traditional regional costumes, and styles of dress
associated with particular jobs or social groups. Wales and Scotland each have
a national costume, although there is no English one. Welsh national dress is
seen on such occasions as the annual Llangollen Eisteddfod[5].
Women wear full skirts, laced bodices, colourful shawls and a distinctive tall
crowned black hat, while men have bright waistcoats and flat black hats. The
Scottish Highland dress, worn by both sexes and based on each clan’s
distinctive tartan, is considered the Scottish national dress. For men it
includes a tweed jacket, a tartan kilt and tartan stockings, with a fur or
leather sporran. Women’s dress is similar, but with a tartan skirt in place of
the kilt. Scottish costume is worn at many national events, such as the
Highland Games, but also for everyday use by some Scots. A form of dress
similar to the Scottish one is also worn by the Irish on ceremonial or formal
occasions, showing the common Celtic and historical link between the two

As in
most countries, members of particular professions and occupations often wear
special dress. Among those regarded as distinctively British are the dark blue
helmet and uniform of the policeman, the ceremonial red tunics and busbies of
some army regiments, the 16th-century scarlet uni­form of the Beefeaters
(yeomen of the guard), the gown and mortarboard of university students, and the
wigs worn by judges. To this one could add the bowler hat, pinstriped trousers
and rolled umbrella that were at one time almost a uniform for civil servants
and City businessmen. Many independent schools have distinctive uniforms, such
as the Eton suit worn at Eton, or the boaters (straw hats) worn at Harrow and at
some girls’ schools. Some state schools also have uniforms, with boys wearing a
dark jacket or blazer, grey or black trousers, and white shirts, with a school
tie. Girls usually wear a dark-coloured jumper and skirt with a white or
pale-coloured blouse.

blazer, whether dark blue or with bright stripes, is a distinctive gar­ment
still worn by many present and past members of schools, colleges and sporting
clubs, with the institution’s crest on the breast pocket. Blaz­ers without a
crest are worn as casual wear, as are tweed sports jackets. As well as a
blazer, many groups and clubs have a striped or crested tie to be worn by
members. Some schools and colleges have more than one tie, for example for
members of a particular team or club, or for former members («old
boys»). It is the old school tie that traditionally serves as an
identifying link between former members of a public school, and is sometimes
regarded as a symbol of the upper-class outlook and attitudes of the wearer.

of clothing that are linked with particular social groups are the flat cap
associated with the working-class men and the more rounded cap worn by the
«country gentlemen». Although the British normally dress casually,
there are still a few occasions when people like to dress up formally. Many
weddings, for example, are very formal, with men wearing morning dress and
women wearing extravagant hats. Women also usually wear hats at events where
members of the Royal Family are present. Despite the constant changes of
fashion and highly developed fashion industries in Britain, the majority of
people wear casual and simple dress, with such garments as sweatshirts, jeans,
denim jackets and training shoes (or trainers) worn by both sexes.


has two main types of shops: those that are part of a chain or a group, and
those that are individually owned. Chains such as Woolworths, Marks and
Spencer, Boots and W H Smith have branches in most towns and cities. Woolworths
sells a wide range of goods, from cheap jewellery to ironmongery and gardening
equipment. Marks and Spencer sells clothes (for men, women and children) and
food. More people buy their clothes there than at any other shop. Boots,
originally a chemist’s shop, now sells many other things as well, including electrical
goods and kitchenware. W H Smith sells newspapers, magazines, stationery, books
and records. London and other large cities also have large department stores. Harrods
in London is one of the largest in the world and boasts that it can sup­ply
anything a customer orders. Other famous London department stores are
Selfridges, Fortnum and Mason, famous for its luxurious food de­partment, and
Liberty, famous for its fabrics, especially its art nouveau prints.

typical high street in a smallish town in Britain will contain a mixture of
chain stores, individual shops, building societies and banks. The indi­vidual
shops sell goods that are also available in larger shops, but often pride
themselves on the quality of their goods and service. Typical exam­ples of such
shops are clothes shops, cake shops (many of which also have tearooms),
butchers, bakers, gift shops, shoe shops, newsagents (which also sell sweets),
antique shops, chemists’ shops, pet shops, greengrocers, china and glassware
shops, delicatessens, jewellers, bookshops, florists, hairdress­ers, furniture
and carpet shops, and shops that provide services such as opticians and estate
agents. Most towns also have a gas and an electricity showroom, where bills can
be paid.

special kind of general shop is the corner shop, so called because it is often
on a street corner in a part of town where there are no other shops. It is
similar to a newsagent’s, but has a wider variety of goods, including food and
drink, cleaning materials, stationery, etc. In rural areas a similar shop is
called the village shop, often the only shop in a village. Like the corner shop
it normally stocks a mixed range of goods and may also be the local post

usual opening hours for shops are 9.00 am until 5 pm. Some places have an early
closing day when the smaller shops close at midday on one day of the week.
Newsagents open much earlier, and corner shops, too, often open early and close
late in the evening. Chain stores usually have the normal opening hours, but
supermarkets, which sell mainly food, often stay open until 8.00 or 9.00 pm.

Sunday almost all shops are closed, with the exception of newsagents which are
open in the morning to sell Sunday newspapers[6]. The present laws on Sunday trading
are complicated and permit only certain kinds of goods to be sold. Chemists are
allowed to open (usually for two hours) late on Sunday morning, and wine shops
(called off-licences) may also open at this time as well as in the evening.

largest type of shop in Britain is called a hypermarket or superstore, which is
a supermarket on a large scale and is usually situated outside a town, where
there is a space for a large car park. Many supermarkets have cash dispensers,
petrol pumps and a cafe.


use their free time to relax, but many people also do voluntary work,
especially for charities or political parties, or further their education by
attending evening classes or working for a degree at the Open University. A lot
of free time is spent at home, where the most popular leisure activity is
watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. Many
families have a second television set so that different programmes can be
watched or so that children can watch separately from their parents. People
often record programmes on video so that they can watch them later, and video
recorders are also widely used for watching videos hired from a video rental

is also a favourite way of spending leisure time and many people borrow books
regularly from their local library to read at home. The British also spend a
lot of time reading newspapers and magazines, they buy more of them per head
than any other nation in the world. Most daily and weekly newspapers include at
least one daily crossword puzzle to satisfy a widespread demand among their
readers for this form of pastime. In the summer gardening is popular, and in
winter it is often replaced by do-it-yourself, when people spend time improving
or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after; taking the dog
for a daily walk is a regular routine.

leisure activities are mostly or entirely social. Inviting friends for a drink
or a meal at home is the most usual one[7]. Keep-fit classes are often an
opportunity to meet friends. For many people a regular evening out is something
to look forward to, whether it is joining friends for a drink in a pub, or
dining out at a restaurant. A visit to a pub often includes a game, for example
bar billiards or darts. The most popular time for drink­ing or dining out is
Friday or Saturday evening, when the working week is over.

extra leisure time available at weekends means that some leisure activities,
many of them to do with sport, normally take place only then. Traditional
spectator sports include football, cricket, horse racing, motor racing
(including stock-car racing) and motorcycle racing. Popular forms of exercise
are swimming, tennis, ice-skating or roller-skating, cycling, climbing, and
hill or country walking.

often have a day out at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a
local event, such as fete, festival, fair, or show. A country show is an
agricultural event centred on the judging of cattle, sheep, etc. but also with
a wide range of other attractions to give fun for all the family. These may
include displays of show jumping, go-kart racing, country dancing, tug-of-war
contests, children’s fancy dress competitions, para­chute jumping, a brass band
or other musical groups, and demonstrations of crafts as well as stalls with
goods for sale.

visits to country houses, leisure parks, wildlife resorts or the seaside are
also popular. Older people often go on day trips by coach, sightseeing or
shopping. Young people especially go to clubs and discos, while people of all
ages go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

The most popular national sports is fishing which Englishmen always name
«fishery» (angling) because the pledged word sounds more solidly,
meaning certain professional skills and skill. The most part of Englishmen
obviously prefers fishing to football. However the true love of Englishmen to
sports is shown in supervision over those who, actually, and is engaged in
sports. Such supervision gives vent to all their clamped emotions and provides
stability and calmness in that public group to which they belong. Set of
football fans are ready to sit at the TV though all night long, having reserved
by a bag of a crackling potato and without being afraid of bags under eyes that
in 44th time to look repetition of any especial scoring chance. Even if it is
too expensive for them to pay regularly the special sports channel, all of them
will equally buy to the children comic book, devoted to a favourite soccer
team, how many it cost and how many time its maintenance varied. Especially
persistent fans will by all means seem on tribunes personally to suppress
opposition or to push aside its representatives from lateral lines. Often it
occurs at minus temperature, a ten-mark gale or constant threat of a downpour.
But to football fans weight at all! The football fan is accustomed to defeats
and even feels a certain masochistic pleasure when its favorite team receives
on a teeth or if will carry, manages to pull out a drawn game at more toothy the
opponent. The exception is made by admirers of popular club «Manchester
United» who expect from the command of exclusively prizes and awfully are
upset, when it is impossible. At «Manchester United» there are more than fans,
than at any other club in the world. Each number of their magazine is sold by
inconceivable circulation — only on Taiwan buy 30 000 copies!


transport and communications infrastructure is developing rap­idly. There has
been a considerable increase in passenger travel in recent years — in Great
Britain it rose by 29 per cent between 1984 and 1994. Travel by car and van
rose by 38 per cent and air travel was up by roughly two-thirds. However,
travel by motorcycle, pedal cycle and by bus and coach has been declining. In
all, car and van travel accounts for 87 per cent of passenger mileage within
Great Britain, buses and coaches for about 6 per cent, rail for 5 per cent and
air 1 per cent.


A Road
User’s Charter was published in April 1994, setting out the stan­dards expected
of the Highways Agency on motorways and trunk roads. These cover matters such
as safety and security on the road network, maintenance and improvement of the
network, and answering queries and complaints.

oldest roads in Britain are the straight roads built by the Romans. Stretches
of Roman roads remain today as the basic for modern highways. Examples are the
A12 road from London to Colchester and the A33 from Winchester to Basingstoke[8].
Most Roman roads fell into disuse when the Romans left Britain, and bridleways
for horses and their riders took their place. Roads remained basic tracks until
the mid-18th century, when hard-surface roads began to be built. These in turn
were neglected through much of the 19th century, when railways were widely
developed, and modern road-making began only in the early 20th century with the
coming of the motorcar.

Britain has roads of three main types: motorways, A-roads (major motor routes)
and B-roads (or minor routes). The most important roads radiate from the major
cities, especially London, and it is from London that the key motorways run.
Central government is respon­sible for A-roads and motorways. B-roads and other
roads are built and maintained by local authorities.

on trunk roads (A-roads) and motorways has been growing rapidly, and at present
such roads carry not only large numbers of cars but many heavy lorries, often
called ‘juggernauts’. This increase has resulted in frequent hold-ups on
motorways, especially the M25, where traffic is often seriously delayed. This
is a problem that has yet to be satisfactorily solved, but many by-passes and relief
roads have been built to take heavy traffic away from the centre of towns and
cities, and most new roads apart from motorways are of this type.


In Britain, more than any other European
country, maintain a commitment to steady old traditions, way of life, habits.
It affects many aspects of material and spiritual culture of the population. It
remains, for example, the British desire to live apart, in a separate house,
which is reflected in the planning of residential buildings. Folk costume is
still in some areas of Scotland. It consists of a white linen shirt with
collar, plaid knee-length skirt in big folds (kilt), a short woolen jacket with
lapels and plaid that pounced on one shoulder. Legs put on socks and thick
coarse shoes with metal buckles, and on his head — a dark beret with a broad
checkered band. Kilt and plaid made from a special tartan cloth — tartan, or
plaid, used every Scottish clan had its own color of this tissue.

In conclusion I want to say that there
isn’t the same country as Britain in the world.

Those vaunted
traditions, about which so many people write in books about England, especially
the persistently stored in the public life of the peoples of the British Isles.

The list of literature

Dictionary of Britain/Adrian Room. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, The: What Every American
Needs to Know /
E. D. Hirsch, Jr., Joseph F. Kett, James Trefil. —
Boston: Houghton Mifflin

 In Britain / Michael
Vaughan-Rees, Peter Bystrom, Steve Bateman.
— Lon­don: Chancerel International Publishers,

Longman Dictionary of English Language and
— Harlow, Essex: Longman
Group UK Limited, 1992.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Encyclopedic
— Oxford: Oxford Uni­versity
Press, 1995.

Paul, Anthony. A
Guide to the English-Speaking World.
— Harlow
and Lon­
don: Longman Group Limited, 1980.

Webster’s New World Encyclopedia. Pocket
edition. Newly revised and up­
dated. — New York a.o.: Prentice Hall,

World Almanac and Book of Facts 1996. — Mahwah, New Jersey: Funk & Wagnalls
Corporation, 1996.

Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий
A. P. У. Рум, Л. В. Ко­лесников, Г. А. Пасечник, А. В. Петрова, Е. Ф. Рогов, И.
А. Сапрыкин,
В. И. Славин, Н. А. Тимофеева; Под ред. Е.
Ф. Рогова. — М.: Русский
язык, 1978.



Abortion искусственное
прерывание беременности


Adoption agency агентство, занимающееся вопроса­ми усыновления

Adult взрослый, совершен­нолетний

вне­брачная связь

of consent, the —

брачный возраст

Age of discretion, theвозраст ответствен­ности


Au pair also au pair girl
помощница по хозяйству



Bridesmaid подружка невесты

Broken home

also nanny
or baby-sitter — няня

Coming of age — достижение совершеннолетия

Cousin кузен,
кузина; двою
родный брат, двоюродная сестра

Country cousin родственник из деревни

Cousin Jackyбратец


Engagement помолв­ка

Extended familyсемья,
включающая бабушек, де­душек и других родственников


Family allowance — пособие на семью

circle, the —
семейный круг

credit —
семей­ный кредит

doctor —
семейный доктор

Family Income Supportпособие
безработным н
a содержание семьи

Family manсемейный человек (мужчина)

Family planning — планирование

Family   Service   unit
бюро помощи семье, семейная консультация

Family tree — родослов­ная

Nuclear familyсемья, состоящая только из родителей
и их детей

Oneparent familyсемья
с одним родителем

Start a familyзавес­ти семью,
обзавестись семьей

Father отец

Uncle -дядя

Single parentмать (или
отец) одиночка

Senior citizenпо­жилой пенсионер(ка)

незамужняя жен­щина,
неженатый мужчина

Separationжизнь порознь

Milk chocolate молоч­ный шоколад

Milk pudding
мо­лочный пудинг

Milky Way — шоколадный
батончик «Млечный Пух

сладкий фарш, сладкая начинка для пирожков

Mince pie сладкий пи­рожок

Minute steak мясо для
быстрого приготовления

сыр из
дешевый, низкого качества


Muffin «маффин», оладьи

овсяная лепешка или блин из овсяной му­ки


Pancake Day also Pan­cake Tuesdayпоследний день мас­леницы, когда по
традиции пекут блинчики

Bread and
butter pudding
хлебный пудинг

ореховый леденец

Butterscotch ирис из
вочного масла и жженого сахара


торт,  кекс,  пирожное, лепешка


Cheesecakeватрушка с творогом

Chip чипсы

шоколадная конфета



Pizza Hut «Пицца Хат»

Place setting
серви­ровка стола

Simnel cake
пасхаль­ный кекс

кусок мяса (или ры­бы), бифштекс

быть готовым принимать гостей

Be/feel/make oneself at home
себя как дома

Come home with the milk
вернуться домой под

East or West, home is best  — в гостях
хорошо, а дома лучше

Home and dry в безопасности


домашняя работа, домашнее задание

House —
дом, жилище

карри,  острая ин­дийская приправа

Father ChristmasРождественский
дед, Дед Мороз

патрон, наставник

тесть; свекор


Father’s Day — День отца

теща; свекровь

Mother’s boy — маменькин

Mother’s Day День

в магазине


First cousin двоюродный
брат, двоюродная сестра


Anorak анорак, куртка
с капюшоном

передник, фартук

белчер, шейный платок

брюки клеш

Bermuda shorts бер­муды


Boxing бокс

Boy scout

платье, костюм

Glad   rags праздничный  наряд


Gymslip mother
школьница, ставшая матерью

100.       Golf –гольф

101.       Moccasin мокасин

102.       Cricket
– крикет

103.       Croquet
– крокет

104.       Basketball

105.       T-shirt, tee-shirt — майка, фут­болка

106.       Tie

107.       Telemessageтелепосла­ние

108.       Telephone

109.       Titanic, the «Титаник»

110.       Traffic offence нару­шение
правил дорожного движения

— такси



is a member of a typical British family?

looks after the older generation?

is a mother-in-law?

many per cent of British people live in house?

is the most famous British food?

often the British eat fast food?

is the most famous British fast food?

call a candy made of sugar or molasses boiled down?

is the traditional British drink?

is McDonald’s?

the British polite? Why?

 Are the British reserved or communicative?


Why are the British people said to be conservative?

 What traditional British ceremonies do you know?

 What are traditional British dishes?

What do the British like to drink?

Do the British keep everything in order?

How can you prove that?

Do the British like their countryside?

What is their attitude towards animals?

Can you describe the British using 3 adjectives?

What is your personal attitude towards the British?

 How different or alike do you think the Russians and the British

What stereotypes of the British national character do you know?

 Do the British like change?

Can you give any examples of the British conservatism?

Are the British reserved?

 What is the attitude of the British people towards clothes?

 Do the British like animals?

Why do the British always talk about the weather?

Can you describe the British using 3 adjectives?

 What is your personal attitude towards the British?

How different or alike do you think the Russians and the British

How often the British go to the shop?

Where the British buy clothes?

What is the most popular national sport in Britain?

What are minimum ages for riders of mopeds?

What are minimum ages for drivers of cars?

What else the British call taxis?

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