Word of knowledge training

I wanted to share this short basic training and activation on the Holy Spirit word of knowledge. This is a simple training/activation video and a short teaching. There are many books and teachings that go more in depth. But I hope this will help you get the word of knowledge gears rolling with the Holy Spirit. Blessings on you! Jason

Word of Knowledge-Teaching

– Basic Training and Activation –

“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;..” 1 Corn 12:7-9

This is a very basic teaching and activation on Words of knowledge (W.O. K) focused for physical healing. My desire is to help you start being more aware of some of these ways that the Holy Spirit is communicating to you. W.O.K. are specific supernatural details about a person’s life that are current or past tense. Prophecy is different because it can be futuristic in nature. Words of Knowledge can be answered with a “yes” or “no” response. An example would be if I asked you if you had pain in your left knee. The answer would be “yes” or “no”. If I saw a picture of African over you and you didn’t have a heart for Africa that could be a futuristic prophetic insight or I could be off. Words of knowledge are provable facts past or present tense.

God can give you words of knowledge to powerfully open up the hardest of hearts for ministry. When the Holy Spirit gives us supernatural details into people’s lives that will usually open their hearts for more ministry.

Acts 9:11 is a great example of the word of knowledge: The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.” (See how God gave Ananias several specific details to find Saul. His name, the location and the prayer need)

Words of knowledge come in many different ways. Gods first language is not English. He speaks in many ways. Hebrews 1:1 says God speaks in “various ways”. We will cover some of the more common ways we get words of knowledge. They can be very subtle and slight in nature or be overwhelming. Pay close attention to any slight impression you sense as the Holy Spirit activates you.

Vision Seeing

These usually appear on the inner screen of our minds. Our image center is the same place where we use our imagination. They can be a single picture like a snapshot or viewed like watching a movie.

Exercise Close your eyes and picture a beach in Hawaii see the blue ocean a palm tree and a white hammock gently moving in the breeze. Could you envision that?

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you a body part that needs healing of someone you will meet this week. Take a minute and write down those body parts on a piece of paper.

Physical Impression-touch

These are physical Holy Spirit impressions that are felt on your body. They may feel very slight and be easily missed or they may be very strong in nature. You may sense heat, sympathy pain, electricity, a pressure, a breeze or coldness etc on a body part.

Exercise– Close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to release physical impressions on you. Just relax and become aware of your body. Don’t try to do anything but to just be aware of feeling any sensation on your body. Take 1 minute to do this. Whatever body part you felt the impression on write it down on your paper.

AudibleHearing or Knowing

These can come as quick random thoughts. You may be talking to your waitress and all of a sudden you think of a person you know that suffers from insomnia. God is probably giving you insight into a need that your waitress has. You will never know unless you take a risk and ask her. Sometimes the word of knowledge will be an internal knowing. The world calls that esp. You just know that you know. The Holy Spirit may also speak as a still small voice to your spirit in English. Or He may speak out loud as if someone was talking out loud.

Exercise- Be still and quiet. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about a specific prayer need for someone who you know. Write that down.

Other ways

Feeling emotions-You may sense the emotional atmosphere of a region, location or a person. You will feel the emotions or mood of the environment or person in your proximity. God allows you to sense this so you can partner and release what He desires into that environment.

Holy Spirit highlight-A person or body part on a person just seems to be highlighted. The Holy Spirit is supernaturally pointing something or somebody out to you. It is always a great idea to take a risk and talk to that person or ask the person if the body part that stands out needs a healing.

Activation – Take your paper with you this week with the Holy Spirit words of knowledge on it. Pay attention to anyone that you see this week that may need healing in that area. Also If you receive a W.O.K. as you are about your day ask the Holy Spirit who it is for. Then whoever seems to stand out to you probably needs ministry. I encourage you to ask that person if that W.O.K. makes sense to them. Then ask if you can pray for the. Use short command prayers and have them test it out. Give thanks for any improvement and pray again if needed. Make sure you show them that you and Jesus loves them! And remember with practice (Heb 5:14) our spiritual senses grow. We are training ourselves to perceive the Holy Spirits voice like tuning a radio dial. So I encourage you to take time everyday and engage and see what the great Holy Spirit shows you through the word of knowledge. Then step out and release Jesus on them!

We are really excited to share this with you!

We just finished and uploaded our newest training session on Holy Spirit Word of Knowledge. This is a supernatural training video where we teach and then have a fun activation!

We uploaded our first Word of knowledge YouTube video around 5 years ago. It was filmed in my bedroom with a free camera and a white bed-sheet tacked to the wall. I felt God asked me to make that video, so we did. Since then people in 196 nations have watched it! It is amazing how Jesus will bless whatever we do that is offered to Him! Praise Jesus!

We are very thankful that we just uploaded a new and improved training video that we now offer to you. 😃 We pray Jesus anoints this video to His glory!

Words of knowledge are supernatural factual details. They may be used to discern a healing need or an illness or pain in someone’s body. They can be personal details like someone’s name, birthday, age, occupation, or other factual details about his or her life.

Words of knowledge can relate to the present or the past. Prophecy relates to the future. (Our new prophecy video will be available soon!)

In this training session, we cover what a word of knowledge is, some biblical examples of it, and then we have fun practicing to receive them!

We pray this training video will help you get activated in hearing God’s voice even more clearly!

❤️ Bless you, Jason Chin and Love Says Go team!

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In Words Of Knowledge Training Manual you will be equipped in words of knowledge, discover the many ways Holy Spirit communicates to you, inspired through powerful testimonies and stories of words of knowledge in action and you will get launched through hands on activations.

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Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео awaken — words of knowledge training онлайн которое загрузил Freedom Fellowship 27 июля 2018 длительностью 01 ч 08 мин 14 сек в хорошем качестве, то расскажите об этом видео своим друзьям, ведь его посмотрели 15 485 раз.

Maren Alexis

Maren Alexis

1 год назад

I feel things 24/7 but didn’t know it was word of knowledge



1 год назад

Thank you. All these time I didn’t know it was a word of knowledge. It is a revelation of truth and it makes me confident in my father’s desire of revealing himself to his children. Thank you.

constance makhula

constance makhula

1 год назад

Thank you for revealing this to us through the teaching. It’s an opener, i will keep practicing

Cynthia Walker

Cynthia Walker

1 год назад

I just found you and I love your teaching! And the way you speak with kindness and love. Baby steps and beyond!

SherryBerry Wollenburg

SherryBerry Wollenburg

2 года назад

I don’t know who this Sally girl is, but she needs to put some clothes on and dress appropriately as though she is representing the Holy One of Israel, the King of Kings.

Yesenia Gonzalez

Yesenia Gonzalez

2 года назад

Wow this just open my eyes to see ALL MY LIFE God was giving me pictures and words of knowledge since I was a kid. I am BLOWN AWAY

Ernie Gonzalez

Ernie Gonzalez

2 года назад

I see colours
Isaiah 11:2

Larry Ekere

Larry Ekere

2 года назад

I really enjoyed this,nice content but please what’s the scriptural back up for the “FEEL IT” form of receiving word of knowledge?

Michael Arkorful

Michael Arkorful

2 года назад

The lady who prayed for the group of blue shirt people. Was your group a group of ladies?

Angelina Birdie

Angelina Birdie

2 года назад

I was already operating in the word of knowledge I did not realise it until now

Angela Jenkins

Angela Jenkins

2 года назад

Wow!!! Thank you!



2 года назад

This was Great God really spoke to me Through this video about how words of knowledge come and stepping out and praying for people regardless of what you think they’re gonna do and The Holy Spirit beared witness while was watching God Bless

J.D. & Jan Hinson

J.D. & Jan Hinson

3 года назад

Her short dress is a distraction.

Real Life Encounters

Real Life Encounters

3 года назад

geat teaching

Robert Godly Son

Robert Godly Son

3 года назад

I’m impacted by this teaching

Marc Rodriguez

Marc Rodriguez

3 года назад

Thank you for posting this :)

Ryan Dwayne Neely

Ryan Dwayne Neely

3 года назад

Every since watching this video, my hearing of God’s voice has been on another level. Thank you so much for posting this teaching!

Profound with AeoA

Profound with AeoA

3 года назад

God bless you ❤

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In Words Of Knowledge Training Manual you will be equipped in words of knowledge, discover the many ways Holy Spirit communicates to you, inspired through powerful testimonies and stories of words of knowledge in action and you will get launched through hands on activations.

116 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 11, 2017

About the author

Displaying 1 of 1 review

April 19, 2020


It was a good basic intro to words of knowledge and the many ways that God gives them to us

Displaying 1 of 1 review

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World of Knowledge

Type Education
Founded 2009
Founder Erik Bolinder
Website www.wokcraft.com

World of Knowledge is a global Wikipedia inspired commercial project to enhance learning developed by company WOKcraft based on a community of users creating multiple choice questions for free public use. The abbreviation for the project is WOK and used to market quiz game mobile apps in a social network called the Knowledge Network.[1]

In all WOK apps the connection to Wikipedia is used by in coexistence with the multiple choice questions and Wikipedia content of articles and images using Wikipedia live content.

WOK develops mobile apps in an ecosystem that are connected with the same scoresystem and with Wikipedia articles using the open API from Wikimedia Commons.


The WOK project was started by the founder Erik Bolinder in 2009. During several years he planned to create a system for social network based on learning and knowledge. After extensive travel around the World a team was found in Cairo for developing the first WOK related product called Wokcraft.com, WOKquiz and WOKbattle in 2012-2013. All initial projects were cancelled and redeveloped in 2014 when the app Quiz King was launched.

In 2015 the app WOKwiki was developed and launched on the 15th Anniversary of Wikipedia. In 2017 the app was renamed to WikiMaster. In late 2016 the app WikiFlip was launched as the third app in the WOK ecosystem of quiz apps. All apps have been developed for Android and iOS mobile smartphones.[2]

All apps in WOK are based on the database of multiple choice questions with four alternatives, one being factually correct and three alternatives being incorrect. No direct relation to Wikipedia articles on questions exists other than keywords that are the same as Wikipedia articles.

In the WikiMaster app a full Wikipedia access is to be found in 11 languages. Quizzes exist in 4 languages, English being the largest with 300000 questions indexed.

WOKcraft has also developed an API that could be used in Wikipedia making all WOK questions available in Wikipedia without the need for access to apps from WOKcraft.

Critics among the Wikipedia community project point to the commercial interests the WOK project based on which is not in line with the Wikipedia Foundation principles being a nonprofit organization.

Enhancers to the WOK project point to the fact that learning is in coexistence with control questions in text books at the end of chapters and this would be useful to Wikipedia users if accessed and that WOK has been free to use without any advertising or subscription model just as Wikipedia. WOK has developed an API for the Wikipedia community to implement free public access to the questions in WOK so Wikipedia users could use questions in Wikipedia articles.

The crowd sourced system of content used by Wikipedia articles is similar in WOK. All questions in WOK can be traced to a log file of creators, date and content. Wokers correct questions that are incorrect in spelling or content and are not fact based with a reliable source. All users of the WOK community can create and send questions in the WikiMaster app.
During 2017 WOK plans to enlarge the existing database of questions currently available in English, Arabic, Swedish and French to Hindu, Portuguese and Spanish.




WikiMaster app was launched as WOKwiki on 15 January 2016 in Google Play and AppStore. In early 2017 the app changed name to WikiMaster. In WikiMaster you have access to Wikipedia in 11 languages. All Wikipedia articles can be found by a search function using the API provided by Wikipedia. On top of a Wikipedia article a function of quiz is added. If questions exist in WOK database and are indexed with same keyword or tag as the name of the Wikipedia article by any user the question is available in the Wikipedia article and a quiz exist to this Wikipedia article. If no questions are indexed, no quiz is available. Only the members of WOK add questions and tags. No bot or automatic procedure is used.[3]

On all Wikipedia articles questions can be created with a five step by step procedure. A question created can be tagged by any other woker enhance the questions in other related articles on a broad and granular level. A question about a football player can be adequately tagged to the Wikipedia article Sport, Associated Football, a club in which the football player play in, a championship related to the question as well as the article about the football player him/herself and so on. The usefulness of WOK is therefore similar to Wikipedia over time in sense the more questions on top of Wikipedia articles, the more useful for the community finding relevant content to be quizzed in for educational purpose like learning a subject in education. Questions can have images attached from Wikimedia Commons. No other images can be uploaded to questions, thus enhance the interconnection with Wikipedia.

All quiz in WikiMaster can be played alone by the registered user or played with other workers in a challenge. Challenges are independent of time for each woker to play. All WOKer get points called WOkbits based on correct questions, created questions, challenge wins and alerts. And notifications of events as common in social media apps. All WOKbits counts in a universal score-system in all apps. A WikiMaster can be reached on allocated WOKbits on article level, in a city, country or the World. And on different time periods.



WikiFlip is an app developed by WOKcraft in the end of 2016 aiming to use the images uploaded to Wikipedia Commons and used as a part of questions in WOK added in WikiMaster. With over 80000 questions in database with images associated from Wikimedia Commons, WikiFlip user can search any Wikipedia article and find questions in WOK related and take them by a click on the image.

Using Wikimedia Commons images uploaded by users in Wikipedia community and questions created by the WOK community WikiFlip benefit the learning process by many students in need for learning in a new way. WOK claim to have «released the images captured by the Wikipedia text». Any answered flips can be reviewed and tags associated with the question can be flipped or the Wikipedia article opened in WikiMaster.

WOKers can reach as many correct questions flipped as possible in a row.

Quiz King[edit]

Quiz King.png

Quiz King is the first app developed by WOK that is still in AppStore and Google Play in 2014. The quiz game is based on questions from the WOK community. Players play 5 rounds with four questions from a main category, chosen out of 22 categories. Each player chose a category and answer same questions in the round. The quicker correct answer is given, the more WOKbits is given.


World Knowledge

  1. ^ «WOKwiki App Turns Wikipedia Into a Game» (Press release). PR Newswire. Retrieved 14 January 2016.
  2. ^ «Wikipedia’s Smart Apps». The New Indian Express. Retrieved 23 January 2016.
  3. ^ «WOKwiki application learning». teknewlogy.it. Retrieved 15 January 2016.

External links[edit]

  • WOKcraft Website
  • WikiMaster Website
  • WikiMaster on the App Store
  • WikiMaster- Quiz to Wikipedia — Android Apps on Google Play
  • WikiFlip Website
  • WikiFlip on the App Store
  • WikiFlip — quiz to Wiki pics — Android Apps on Google Play
  • Quiz King Website
  • Quiz King on the App Store
  • Quiz King — Android Apps on Google Play

How to Study for the Word Knowledge ASVAB

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) multiple-choice test is conducted by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command to determine whether an individual is qualified to enter the United States armed forces.

Completing the ASVAB assessment reveals which army jobs, or Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), would suit you best. You cannot technically fail the exam, but you need to score at least a 31 to be considered for enlistment. Typically, people finish the exam within 3 hours or less.

An administrator will give you instructions and tell you how long you have to finish each of the subtests. Before you begin, you will get to answer practice questions and ask any of your own questions as well. 

Here’s some more information about the structure of the ASVAB:

ASVAB Structure

There are two different types of the ASVAB test: computer administered and pencil/paper. The ASVAB has 10 separate subtests. If you take the test at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), you will get to take the computer administered version. Here are the subtests you’ll have to complete:

·     Arithmetic reasoning

·     Word knowledge

·     Paragraph comprehension

·     Mathematics knowledge

·     General science

·     Electronics information

·     Auto information

·     Shop information

·     Mechanical comprehension

·     Assembling objects

On the pencil and paper version of the test, you will take the same subtests but there will be more questions in each subtest. The pencil and paper version is administered at a satellite location called a Military Entrance Test (MET) site.

To improve your vocabulary, use these helpful tips and strategies before taking the ASVAB:

Learn Common Words from the ASVAB Word Knowledge Section

Taking Word Knowledge Practice Tests is a great way to secure a higher test score. Words from previous years are likely to be similar to updated versions of the test. This is because the Department of Defense wants you to know the same types of words each year.

Here are some examples of ASVAB vocabulary words that frequently appear in the Word Knowledge section of the test:

·     Acute: ending in a sharp point

·     Ambiguous: having several meanings

·     Abhorrent: offensive to the mind

·     Carcass: the dead body of an animal, usually one that has been slaughtered

·     Debonair: being charming

·     Competent: qualified, capable, efficient

·     Vague: unclear or not distinct

·     Slander: false statements that damage the reputation of someone

ASVAB Word Knowledge Pack

Study Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots

Each year, new words are added to the Word Knowledge section. You’ll rarely find these new words in practice test banks. To prepare for these words, you should learn the definition of common prefixes and suffixes. 

For example, “bio” is a prefix which means “life.” You can use your understanding of prefixes to uncover the meanings of words. A biography is someone’s life story. The prefix clues you into this. 

Identify Words that Have Similar Meanings

Another helpful way to study for the ASVAB is to use an online thesaurus. This will help you identify words using their synonyms. The Word Knowledge is all about testing a person’s knowledge of synonyms, which are words that have similar meanings. For example, the word “severe” is similar to the word “intense.”

Customize Your Learning Experience

Not everyone learns in the same way, so it’s important to figure out what learning style is most effective for you and use that method when studying the ASVAB. 

One method of studying that many people benefit from is using flash cards. Flash cards are effective studying tools that work in a number of ways. Writing and organizing the flash cards is like studying in and of itself.  Once they’re created, you can study them repeatedly until you’ve memorized the words. 

Another way to learn is to create a vocabulary notebook. To do this, put the words in question in a column to the left and then put 2 to 3 synonyms for each word in the right column. You can use your hand or a piece of paper to cover the part of the page that has the answers.

Studying Words that You Can’t Seem to Remember

Studying isn’t always a breeze. Most of the time, people struggle to remember at least a few words. Instead of being frustrated, change your study method for those specific words.

One method you can use is to create visual image or rhyme that relates to that word. Creating associations is a tried and true method of studying that helps many people.

We offer a wide variety of ASVAB online courses that effectively teach you the material you need to get a high score on the test. Take an online course on the Word Knowledge subtest if you find it helpful to study using an organized course structure.

Our ASVAB Word Knowledge course is 1-hour long and features engaging interactions throughout the course that help you retain as much information as possible. It goes through what the subtest looks like and how to answer the questions properly, so you get a great score.

The course [can be watched in whatever order you prefer. You can review the online class as many times as you want within your 60-day access period.

First, you’ll cover an introduction to word knowledge. Then you’ll cover prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Lastly, you’ll get to study synonyms and antonyms, and be given word knowledge test insider tips. You can purchase instant access to the course for $8.99 by clicking here. 

Aside from our word knowledge ASVAB questions, we also have other ASVAB study guides, online courses, word knowledge practice tests, and study bundle deals. We truly believe that our coursework can help you adequately prepare for the exam and secure a high score.

We strive to help people who are interested in enlisting in the army to understand all the elements of the test and prepare for it using effective studying methods. You can contact us by visiting the “Have an Advisor Call You” section of our website to learn more about our word knowledge for ASVAB study guide.

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