Word of knowledge teaching

I wanted to share this short basic training and activation on the Holy Spirit word of knowledge. This is a simple training/activation video and a short teaching. There are many books and teachings that go more in depth. But I hope this will help you get the word of knowledge gears rolling with the Holy Spirit. Blessings on you! Jason

Word of Knowledge-Teaching

– Basic Training and Activation –

“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;..” 1 Corn 12:7-9

This is a very basic teaching and activation on Words of knowledge (W.O. K) focused for physical healing. My desire is to help you start being more aware of some of these ways that the Holy Spirit is communicating to you. W.O.K. are specific supernatural details about a person’s life that are current or past tense. Prophecy is different because it can be futuristic in nature. Words of Knowledge can be answered with a “yes” or “no” response. An example would be if I asked you if you had pain in your left knee. The answer would be “yes” or “no”. If I saw a picture of African over you and you didn’t have a heart for Africa that could be a futuristic prophetic insight or I could be off. Words of knowledge are provable facts past or present tense.

God can give you words of knowledge to powerfully open up the hardest of hearts for ministry. When the Holy Spirit gives us supernatural details into people’s lives that will usually open their hearts for more ministry.

Acts 9:11 is a great example of the word of knowledge: The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.” (See how God gave Ananias several specific details to find Saul. His name, the location and the prayer need)

Words of knowledge come in many different ways. Gods first language is not English. He speaks in many ways. Hebrews 1:1 says God speaks in “various ways”. We will cover some of the more common ways we get words of knowledge. They can be very subtle and slight in nature or be overwhelming. Pay close attention to any slight impression you sense as the Holy Spirit activates you.

Vision Seeing

These usually appear on the inner screen of our minds. Our image center is the same place where we use our imagination. They can be a single picture like a snapshot or viewed like watching a movie.

Exercise Close your eyes and picture a beach in Hawaii see the blue ocean a palm tree and a white hammock gently moving in the breeze. Could you envision that?

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you a body part that needs healing of someone you will meet this week. Take a minute and write down those body parts on a piece of paper.

Physical Impression-touch

These are physical Holy Spirit impressions that are felt on your body. They may feel very slight and be easily missed or they may be very strong in nature. You may sense heat, sympathy pain, electricity, a pressure, a breeze or coldness etc on a body part.

Exercise– Close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to release physical impressions on you. Just relax and become aware of your body. Don’t try to do anything but to just be aware of feeling any sensation on your body. Take 1 minute to do this. Whatever body part you felt the impression on write it down on your paper.

AudibleHearing or Knowing

These can come as quick random thoughts. You may be talking to your waitress and all of a sudden you think of a person you know that suffers from insomnia. God is probably giving you insight into a need that your waitress has. You will never know unless you take a risk and ask her. Sometimes the word of knowledge will be an internal knowing. The world calls that esp. You just know that you know. The Holy Spirit may also speak as a still small voice to your spirit in English. Or He may speak out loud as if someone was talking out loud.

Exercise- Be still and quiet. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about a specific prayer need for someone who you know. Write that down.

Other ways

Feeling emotions-You may sense the emotional atmosphere of a region, location or a person. You will feel the emotions or mood of the environment or person in your proximity. God allows you to sense this so you can partner and release what He desires into that environment.

Holy Spirit highlight-A person or body part on a person just seems to be highlighted. The Holy Spirit is supernaturally pointing something or somebody out to you. It is always a great idea to take a risk and talk to that person or ask the person if the body part that stands out needs a healing.

Activation – Take your paper with you this week with the Holy Spirit words of knowledge on it. Pay attention to anyone that you see this week that may need healing in that area. Also If you receive a W.O.K. as you are about your day ask the Holy Spirit who it is for. Then whoever seems to stand out to you probably needs ministry. I encourage you to ask that person if that W.O.K. makes sense to them. Then ask if you can pray for the. Use short command prayers and have them test it out. Give thanks for any improvement and pray again if needed. Make sure you show them that you and Jesus loves them! And remember with practice (Heb 5:14) our spiritual senses grow. We are training ourselves to perceive the Holy Spirits voice like tuning a radio dial. So I encourage you to take time everyday and engage and see what the great Holy Spirit shows you through the word of knowledge. Then step out and release Jesus on them!

By Michele Israel

Building Knowledge in a Virtual Context: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever edWebinar recording link

Watch the Recording

What exactly is in a word? Perhaps more than we realize. A well-stocked vocabulary is what helps students make sense of what they read. That comprehension builds their overall understanding of the world around them.

Strengthening students’ grasp of language and knowledge takes more than merely learning a weekly list of core words, contended Dr. Elfrieda “Freddy” Hiebert, Author of Scholastic W.O.R.D., in a recent edWebinar sponsored by Scholastic Digital Solutions, exploring a more strategic approach to vocabulary acquisition.

So Many Words to Know

There are many words that students might learn. Still, traditionally, they are required to learn a set of core words, which often appear to be randomly selected and are not connected thematically. The result is a limited foundational vocabulary that deters readers from the contextual richness of texts learners read.

Dr. Hiebert argued that students must be able to do more than decode words: They must be able to understand and link vocabulary contextually in what they read and give meaning to other words.

Her extensive vocabulary research (she admits she’s a word “geek”) got her wondering why certain words are chosen to teach and which words should actually be taught. In her examination of books (she even developed a word zone analyzer), Dr. Hiebert identified word distribution in texts.

She framed her analysis around 12 variables highlighting what influences learner acquisition and memory of a word in reading. And more specifically, what enables them to give the word meaning in the context of the sentence that’s being used (beyond just being able to say the word).

Dr. Hiebert discovered that words selected to be taught are not the more frequent words in written language. She found, for example, that 2,500 families of words accounted for a little more than 90% of the words in all texts, from first grade through college and career ready. Another band of about 2,500 words occurs at least 10 times per million words of text. (These tend to be rare or unique words that find their way onto required vocabulary lists.)

With so many words, Dr. Hiebert wondered: Why in a reading program would certain words be chosen for instruction? Are there some words that matter more in English than other words? Could there be a parsimonious core vocabulary? Might we do more, she reflected, than just saying, “Well, that looks like a good word [to teach]”?

Building Knowledge in a Virtual Context: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever edWebinar image

How to Teach Critical Vocabulary Strategically

“The thing to keep remembering is that these just aren’t words that are hanging out there by themselves,” emphasized Dr. Hiebert. “We don’t learn words as you might think of as a file cabinet; we learn words in relation to other words.”

The same words have different contextual meanings and uses (get in shape vs. shape as in triangle, for example). Words vary morphologically, orthographically, and semantically. Some word families have more words than others.

People learn words best in a connected manner, explained Dr. Hiebert, adding that teaching vocabulary through topical clusters goes hand in hand with supporting learners’ understanding of their physical and social worlds.

Words should be taught in the service of knowledge: Learners build their vocabulary and knowledge through knowledge-centered text. To do this, she advised clustering English language arts reading around informational and narrative texts that share topics.

“Knowing something about topics and how vocabulary works is going to be better than having a diffuse curriculum,” said Dr. Hiebert.

But repeated core vocabulary, with a focus on the 2,500 more frequent morphological families across texts (particularly for beginning and struggling readers), reinforces learners’ grasp of words and their contextual changes. This approach helps students acquire a richer bank of words while developing knowledge. They are also engaged in a deeper level of reading that adds more complex words to their vocabulary.

Where to Start?

If the knowledge-based approach to reading instruction is new to you, fret not. There are tools and strategies available to jumpstart its implementation in your classroom.

TextProject, an open educational resource, provides numerous research-based K-6 resources (including intentional texts that have a greater number of core words drawn from 2,500 morphological families) that drive this targeted approach to reading instruction. 

Scholastic W.O.R.D. (a subscription-based K-5 literacy program) facilitates vocabulary acquisition and deepens reading comprehension by teaching new words in context across theme-based content areas.

This edWeb broadcast was sponsored by Scholastic Digital Solutions.

Watch the Recording

This article was modified and published by eSchool News.

About the Presenter

Dr. Elfrieda “Freddy” Hiebert is a vocabulary acquisition expert, renowned researcher, and author of Scholastic W.O.R.D. She has had a lifelong career as a literacy educator and has scanned and studied 10,000 children’s texts to discover the 2,500 morphological word families students will encounter 90% of the time. She is the president and CEO of TextProject.org and is a research associate at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She is a fellow of the American Research Association and was awarded a William S. Gray Citation of Merit by the International Reading Association for outstanding contributions to the field of reading.

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Ignite Digital Learning is a free professional learning community on edWeb.net where educators, librarians, and administrators can explore strategies and tactics for getting every child to be a better thinker, better reader, and better writer through the use of digital resources.

Scholastic Digital Solutions

Scholastic Education’s digital solutions help educators impact their students’ literacy achievement where it’s needed most. Through access to 1000s of high-quality ebooks and research-based digital literacy tools, their child-centric digital products develop students’ literacy skills leading to fluent readers for life.

Michele Israel writes about the ideas and best practices that are shared in edWeb’s edWebinars so they can spread innovative and best practices to the education community. Michele owns Michele Israel Consulting, LLC, which serves large and small educational, nonprofit, media, corporate, eLearning, and blended-learning organizations to bolster products and programs. Her rich career spans over 25 years of successfully developing educational materials and resources, designing and facilitating training, generating communication materials and grant proposals, and assisting in organizational and program development. In addition to lesson plans and other teacher resources, Michele’s portfolio includes published articles covering a range of educational and business topics.

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