Word of english about love

Когда любовь сбивает нас с ног, мы говорим искренние и нежные вещи, думаем сердцем и ведем себя наивно. Когда вы действительно влюблены, заветные слова кажутся самыми сложными в жизни. Что, если человек не впечатлится вашим признанием, или, что еще хуже, речь вообще идет только о friendzone? Лучше получить отказ, чем удерживать свои чувства в бутылке. Why? Потому что вы сможете узнать, будут ли отношения развиваться в правильном направлении или нет. Достаточно простого и нестареющего «Я тебя люблю»… Или не достаточно?

На самом деле, вы способны сказать гораздо больше, чем простое «I love you». Поэтому мы предлагаем вам набор фраз, в котором каждый сможет подобрать себе что-то по вкусу. Совершенно не важно, каким уровнем английского вы владеете — смотрите и запоминайте, пробуйте и открывайтесь! Ведь любовь актуальна всегда. So bring it on!

Поэтичные фразы

Раньше признаться в любви было гораздо сложнее и… дольше. Любовные письма доходили так медленно, а иногда и вообще не доходили! Зато это все равно было гораздо эпичнее sms сообщений. Но, поверьте, вы тоже можете быть эпичными! Даже если вы не писатель или поэт, эти фразы добавят разнообразия в ваши любовные признания.

I yearn for you. – Я скучаю (тоскую) по тебе.
I’m under your spell. – Я  очарован тобой.
I’m smitten with you. – Я сражен тобой.
You turn me inside out. – Ты переворачиваешь мой мир с ног на голову.
You’ve put a spell on me. – Ты околдовала меня.
My heart calls out for you. – Мое сердце замирает при виде тебя.
You make me feel young again. – Ты даешь мне почувствовать себя снова молодым.
Come, let us make love deathless. – Идем, сделаем любовь бессмертной.
With you, forever won’t be too long. – С тобой вечность не будет слишком долгой.
If you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night. – Если тебе нужно услышать, почему я люблю тебя, я могу говорить всю ночь.
I never knew how joyous life could be, until I saw your face. – Я никогда не знал, как можно жить счастливой жизнью, до тех пор, пока не увидел твое лицо.
So, fall asleep love, loved by me… for I know love, I am loved by thee. – Так, засыпай же, любовь моя, либима мной… ибо я знаю, любовь, я любим тобой…
I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then. – Я люблю тебя и буду любить до смерти, а если после нее есть жизнь, я буду любить тебя и там.

read also

Читай также

100 крупнейших городов Великобритании и их население

Честные и чувственные фразы

Вот такие вещи вы можете сказать самым серьезным образом человеку, который просто обязан знать о ваших чувствах.

  • I’m yours. – Я твой.
  • I adore you. – Я обожаю тебя.
  • There is no other. – Такой, как ты, больше нет.
  • You complete me. – Ты моя половинка.
  • I’m totally into you. – Я полностью запал на тебя.
  • You’re my ideal woman. – Ты моя идеальная женщина.
  • You mean so much to me. – Ты значишь так много для меня.
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart. – Я люблю тебя от всего сердца.

Будьте актерами
Копируйте персонажей из фильмов, телепередач или книг! Представьте как бы
они вели себя в той или иной ситуации и попытайтесь скопировать их
поведение. This can be fun!

Элегантные фразы

Эти фразочки совсем не звучат эмоционально. Если у вас проблемы с выражением
эмоций, можете сказать что-то вроде этого.

  • I’m rather partial to you. – Я неравнодушен к тебе.
  • You’re not bad. – Ты неплоха.
  • I kinda like you. – Ты мне вроде как нравишься.
  • I’m fond of you. – Ты мне довольно сильно нравишься.
  • I have a soft spot for you. – Ты мне симпатична. 

Старость в радость

Люди, которые остаются вместе напротяжении многих лет используют фразы менее
пылкие, но все равно довольно милые.

  • You’re my darling. – Ты моя дорогая.
  • You’re my sweetie. – Ты моя сладкая.
  • I’m devoted to you. – Я предан тебе.
  • You’re my sunshine. – Ты мое солнышко.
  • You’re my other half. – Ты моя вторая половинка.

Комплименты на английском

  • You’re my king. – Ты мой король.
  • You’re amazing. – Ты изумительна.
  • You’re my angel. – Ты мой ангел.
  • You’re incredible. – Ты невероятна.
  • You’re my princess. – Ты моя принцесса.
  • You’re my treasure. – Ты мое сокровище.
  • You’re my Prince Charming. – Ты мой прекрасный принц (принц на белом коне).

watch a sunset or sunrise together – смотреть на закат или на рассвет вместе

Английские фразы для убеждения

Если вы стараетесь побудить кого-то любить вас.

  • We’re a good match. – Мы отличная пара.
  • We complete each other. – Мы дополняем друг друга.
  • We’re meant for each other. – Мы созданы друг для друга.
  • We’re perfect for each other. – Мы идеально подходим друг для друга.
  • You can’t deny what’s between us. – Ты не можешь отрицать того, что между нами есть.
  • I’d rather argue with you, than kiss someone else. – Я лучше поспорил бы с тобой, чем цеовать кого-то еще.
  • Every day I look at you and feel love and inspiration. – Каждый день я смотрю на тебя и ощущаю любовь и вдохновение.
  • You are my world, gravity always pulls me toward you. – Ты — мой мир, притяжение всегда тянет меня к тебе.
  • Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you. Maybe you just need one person. – Может быть тебе не нужна любовь всего мира. Возможно, тебе нужен всего один человек.
  • If I were spelling out my favorite thing in the world, it’d be spelled «Y–O–U». – Если бы я произносил по буквам свое любимое слово, это бы звучало так: «Т–Ы». 
  • I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. – Я люблю тебя не только за то, кем ты являешься, но за то, кем являюсь я рядом с тобой.

Холодно. Теплее…
Поиграйте в игру с поцелуями. Задумайте место на вашем теле, куда бы вы
хотели, чтобы вас поцеловали, но не говорите его своей половинке. Пусть вас
начинают целовать. Если целующий двигается ближе к задуманному месту,
говорите «теплее». И «холоднее», если будут двигаться в неверном направлении. Узнаете сколько времени им понадобиться для нахождения вашего заветного местечка.

«Я бы точно побрила ноги ради тебя»

Романтичные фразы на английском

Такого рода фразы говорят персонажи в новеллах… Они могут звучать либо 
довольно серьезно либо романтично, а иногда и слегка наивно, если вы будете
использовать их неумело.

  • I’m infatuated with you. – Ты вскружила мне голову.
  • You’re my lover.  – Ты моя возлюбленная
  • You’re captivating. – Ты очаровательна.
  • I’m addicted to you. – Я пристрастился к тебе.
  • You’re perfect. – Ты идеальна.
  • I’ve totally fallen for you. – Я полностью влюбился в тебя.
  • I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life together with you. – Я не могу дождаться, чтобы провести остаток жизни вместе с тобой.
  • Sometimes I can’t stop looking at youYou look too damn good. – Иногда я не могу приркатить смотреть на тебя… Ты слишком хороша.
  • You are the one I want to spend my life with my soul mate. – Ты та единственная, с кем я хочу провести остаток жизни — моя родная душа.
  • I am consumed by the desire to be with you, to talk to you and to feel you near me. – Я поглощен желанием быть с тобой, говорить с тобой и чувствовать тебя рядом.
  • I could search my whole life through and through an never find another you. – Я мог искать всю свою жизнь всегда и везде, и никогда не найти еще одну такую, как ты.
  • When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember that’s where my fingers fit perfectly. – Когда тебе одиноко, просто посмотри на промежутки между своими пальцами, и вспомни, что туда идеально подходят мои пальцы.

pick out a book and read aloud together – выбрать книгу и читать вслух вместе

Чистосердечные признания

Если вы открываетесь кому-то впервые, можете попробовать фразы ниже.

  • I’m drawn to you. – Меня тянет к тебе.
  • I have feelings for you. – У меня к тебе чувства.
  • I’ve got a thing for you. – Я помешан на тебе.
  • I feel something for you. – Я чувствую что-то по отношению к тебе.
  • I love you to the moon and back. – Я люблю тебя сильнее всего на свете.
  • Everything about you turns me on. – Все в тебе меня заводит.
  • I think of you as more than a friend. – Я думаю о тебе больше, чем как о подруге.
    I love you more and more every day. – Я люблю тебя больше и каждый день.
  • I’ve had a crush on you for a long time. – Я увлечен тобой долгое время.
  • I just wouldn’t feel complete without you. – Без тебя я не чувствовал себя полноценным.
  • I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you. – Я не могу поверить насколько сильно я влюбился в тебя.
  • I cherish you above anything else in my life. – Я дорожу тобой больше всего в моей жизни.
  • Every time I see you, you leave me breathless. – Каждый раз, когда я вижу тебя, у меня перехватывает дыхание.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into a room. – Ты заставляешь петь мою душу, когда входишь в комнату.
  • I can’t believe how perfectly we were made for each other. – Я не могу поверить насколько идеально мы подходим друг другу.
  • You are the sunshine in my day and the moonlight of my nights. – Ты солнечный свет в моем дне и лунный в моих ночах. 
  • I’m so excited that we have so much time to be with each other. – Я так рад, что у нас есть столько времени, чтобы быть вместе.
    I will never love another person with as much intensity as I love you. – Я никогда не буду любить кого-то другого так же сильно, как я люблю тебя.
    How did you become the utterly amazing person that you are? – Как ты стала такой чрезвычайно потрясающей личностью какой ты есть?
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you. – Я даже не хочу думать о том, какой была бы жизнь без тебя.
  • Everything you do in my life adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy. – Все, что ты делаешь в моей жизни, добавляет в нее счастье, вычитает грусть и умножает мою радость.
  • When I wake up, I’m smiling, because it’s another day with you. – Когда я просыпаюсь, я улыбаюсь, потому что это еще один день с тобой.

Работа на дому
Когда вы оба дома, отсылайте друг другу сообщения с текстом (желательно на
английском, конечно) и картинками по телефону. Будьте смелее, ничего если
они будут слегка грязноваты. Зачем тянуть? Напишите сообщение прямо сейчас!
+ 100 к карме!

Фразы для легкого флирта 

Эти фразы выражают ваши эмоции без лишней серьезности.

  • Love ya! – Люблю тебя!
  • You’re so awesome. – Ты такая отпадная.
  • We make a good team. – Мы отличная команда.
  • You suck less than most people. – Ты не такой отстой, как большинство людей.
  • I’d totally shave my legs for you. – Я бы точно побрила ноги ради тебя.
  • You just made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants.  – Ты так рассмешила меня, я чуть не обмочил штаны.
  • Your sense of humor is fantastic. And by that I mean you laugh at my jokes. Which is fantastic. – У тебя фантастическое чувство юмора. Под этим, я подразумеваю тот факт, что ты смеешься над моими шутками. Что есть фантастично.
  • I really like that you understand my sarcasm, because it’s an advanced level and not everyone get it. – Мне правда нравится, что ты понимаешь мой сарказм, потому что он на продвинутом уровне и не все его догоняют.
  • Sometimes you’re the most difficult person to deal with. But other than that, I think you’re pretty perfect. – Иногда ты самый сложный человек на земле. Но в другое время, я думаю ты вполне идеален.
  • If ninjas captured you, I would spend all of my free time training to be a stellar ninja. Which might take some time, since I am very far from being that, but I want you to know that I would eventually save you. – Если бы тебя похитили ниндзя, я бы тратил все свое свободное время, чтобы стать безупречным ниндзей. Что может занять некоторое время, потому что я очень далек от такого ниндзи, но я хочу чтобы ты знала, что я в конечном итоге спасу тебя.

get fancy – примерять одежду и хвастаться перед друг другом, чудить, оригинальничать, выкидывать фокусы

Страстные фразы

В случае «пожара» — разбить стекло и использовать следующие фразы. 

  • I want you. – Я хочу тебя.
  • Let’s get it on. – Давай сделаем это.
  • I love your body. – Я люблю твое тело.
  • I’m burning for you. – Я горю для тебя.
  • You’re so effing hot. – Блин! Как же ты горяча! 
  • You’ve got what I need. – У тебя есть то, что мне надо.
  • I love watching you workout. – Я люблю смотреть, как ты делаешь упражнения.
  • I love to &#%$ you (because you don’t have to use «making love» all the time). – Я люблю тр**** тебя (потому что не стоит постоянно говорить «занимать любовью»).
  • I &#%$ing love you. – Я ***** люблю тебя! (когда накипело)
  • You make me burn with desire. – Ты заставляешь меня гореть желанием.

Опасные фразы

Следующие выражения довольно опасны в роли серьезных заявлений. Но можете
смело шутить или написать их в любовном письме.

  • I idolize you. – Я боготворю тебя.
  • I worship you. – Я поклонюясь тебе.
  • We’re soul mates. – Мы родственные души.
  • You’re my goddess. – Ты моя богиня.
  • I’m crazy about you. – Я без ума от тебя.
  • You’re my everything. – Ты все для меня.
  • I can’t live without you. – Я не могу жить без тебя.
  • We were meant to be together. – Нам было суждено быть вместе.
  • I can’t bear to be apart from you. – Быть без тебя невыносимо.

Поцелуй по расписанию
Придумайте традицию. Например, можно целоваться в определенное время и определенный день в неделю. Это может быть особенное время для вас по той или иной причине.

Фразы для отношений

Эти фразы пригодятся для описания вашего статуса в отношениях, или
того, куда бы вы хотели их направить.

  • I can’t get over you. – Я не могу наглядеться на тебя.
  • I want to take this slow. – Я бы не хотел торопить события.
  • This is more than a crush. – Это больше, чем увлечение.
  • I’m ready to take it to the next level. – Я готов перейти на следующий уровень.
  • I think I wanna have your baby! – Я думаю, я хочу от тебя ребенка.
  • I hate everybody today, but you — you I can stand. – Я ненавижу всех сегодня, но ты — тебя я могу вынести.
  • I’m more in love with you today than I was yesterday. – Я влюблен в тебя сегодня больше, чем вчера.
  • I love it when we talk, and I love it when we don’t. – Я люблю, когда мы общаемся, и когда не общаемся.
  • You look even better now than when I met you. – Ты выглядишь даже лучше, чем когда я встретил тебя.
  • Whatever you have to do today, I’m glad to be doing it with you. – Что бы тебе не пришлось делать сегодня, я рад, что занимаюсь этим вместе с тобой.
  • You look great today. How did I know? Well, you look great everyday. – Ты выглядишь отлично сегодня. Как я узнал? Ну, ты выглядишь отлично каждый день.
  • If I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I’d pick the moment I met you. – Если бы я мог выбрать один самый лучший и светлый момент в жизни, сохранить его свежим и ярким, из всех дней, что я прожил, я бы выбрал тот, когда встретил тебя.
  • At this very moment, my thoughts of you have me smiling. You do that for me … did you know that? – В этот самый момент, мои мысли о тебе засталяют меня улыбаться. Ты делаешь это для меня… ты знала об этом?
  • A piece of my heart is always missing when you’re not with me. – Частички моего сердца всегда не хватает, когда ты не со мной.
  • I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing. It’s too late for that now. – Никогда в жизни я бы не хотел иметь того, потерю чего я не смог бы пережить. Теперь уже слишком поздно.
  • Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with all of the longing and excitement I feel when I think of you. – Иногда мне кажется, что мое сердце разорвется от всей тоски и волнения, которые я ощущаю, думая о тебе.
  • They say you only fall in love once, but that can’t be true… Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. – Говорят, что влюбляешься всего один раз, но это не может быть правдой… Каждый раз, смотря на тебя, я влюбляюсь снова.

Во тьме
Закройте своей половинке глаза повязкой или очками для сна. Говорите приятные слова шепотом. Комплименты будут звучать куда приятнее и значительнее. Также можно параллельно поиграть в игру. Возьмите несколько предметов вроде кубика льда, кисточки, шелковой вуали или чесалки для спины и дотрагивайтесь ими до любимого человка. Задача: угадать, что это за предемет.

Холодные и строгие фразы

Эти фразы еще менее эмоциональны. Они всегда пригодятся для объективного
выражения своих чувств.

  • I’m physically attracted to you. – Я испытываю к тебе физическое влечение.
  • You are the object of my affection. – Ты являешься объектом моей привязанности.
  • We have a good chemistry. – Между нами хорошая химия.
  • I feel affectionate towards you. – Я испытываю нежность по отношению к тебе.
  • I care for you deeply. – Ты мне не безразлична.

150 фраз для признания в любви на английском, изображение 2

Старомодные фразы

Эти фразочки уже запылились и давно вышли из моды, но вы все еще можете
иногда услышать их от людей.

  • You’re my best girl.  Ты моя самая лучшая девушка.
  • I’m sweet on you.  Я влюблен в тебя.
  • Do you want to go steady?  Ты хочешь серьезных отношений?
  • Will you go with me?  Ты согласишься пойти со мной на ужин?
  • I’m enamored with you.  Я очарован тобой.
  • I’m mad about you.  Я с ума по тебе схожу.
  • I hereby declare my love and affection towards you.  Настоящим хочу донести мою любовь и привязанность по отношению к тебе.
  • Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you. – Красные розы, синие фиалки, сладкий сахар и ты тоже.

read also

Читай также

Future Simple — правила и примеры употребления


Любви все возрасты покорны. Надеемся, вы нашли для себя что-то интересное и готовы дарить моменты нежности и удовольствия дорогим вам людям. Но самое главное, не забывайте выстрелить в них из пушки любви раскаленной английской фразой! Love and be loved, guys! <3

Stay classy!

Englishdom #вдохновляемвыучить


The need for companionship runs deep. The desire for a hand to hold even as we grow old alters the way we lead our daily lives. The longing to find a person who embraces us completely—and whom we can embrace completely—burns within our hearts like an illuminated candle…until we meet that person and everything becomes so clear in the light of a roaring fire.

A Couple Running Along a Beach

But then we find ourselves tongue-tied! What do we say to win this person’s heart? And what about in English?

What you need, in this case, are some quick and easy-to-use love phrases in English.

Proper communication is key in any relationship. And this can be difficult in an unfamiliar country, speaking a language that’s not your own! If you struggle to find love or keep the romance alive in your relationship with an English speaker, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to English love phrases that you can start using when the time is right. In addition, I’ll provide you with other words and terms you should know about romance in the United States and information about American dating culture. 

Ready? Let’s get started.

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Table of Contents

  1. Words and Phrases About Love & Romance
  2. Terms of Endearment
  3. Confess Your Affection
  4. Fall in Deeper
  5. Take it One Step Further
  6. A Handful of Love Quotes to Brighten Your Day
  7. Romance and Dating in American Culture
  8. Final Thoughts

1. Words and Phrases About Love & Romance

A Man and Woman Putting Their Foreheads Together in Understanding

Do you think these two are “soulmates”?

There are a lot of English love idioms and phrases, as well as specific words you’ll hear often in the context of romantic relationships. I won’t even try to cover all of them here, but I will introduce some of the ones you’ll see in this article. You can find several more on Grammar.YourDictionary.com.

Like If you “like” someone, it means that you have feelings for them, but not necessarily serious feelings. We can even use this term platonically between friends of the same or opposite sex. 
Love If you “love” someone, it means that you have serious feelings for them and care about them. We can use this term with both family and romantic partners. 
Adore If you “adore” someone, it means that you find them cute or admirable for some reason. The word “adore” is often used to show affection (e.g. “I adore you.”). This term is primarily used in romantic relationships. 
Cherish If you “cherish” someone, it means that you care about them, appreciate them, and hold them in high regard. This term is primarily used in romantic relationships.
Treasure If you “treasure” someone, it means that you think highly of them, see their value, and care for them deeply. This term is primarily used in romantic relationships.

Fall in love When you “fall in love,” it means that you develop romantic feelings for someone.
In love with When you’re “in love with” someone, it means that you have romantic feelings for them.
Have feelings for When you “have feelings for” someone, this refers to romantic feelings.

Get together When you “get together” with someone, it means that you spent time with or go on a casual date with someone. 
Go out When you “go out,” it means that you have a date with someone, usually in a public area like a restaurant or movie theater.
Are you free? If you ask someone “Are you free?” it means that you want to know if they’re doing anything during a specified time. If they’re not, you may ask them out for a date. Synonymously, you might ask, “Are you available?” although this sounds slightly more formal. 

Soulmate Your “soulmate” is the person you’re destined to be with, the person who knows and understands your soul. 
Love of my life If someone is the “love of your life,” it means that you love them more than any other person, and will for the rest of your life.
Better half Your “better half” is the person who not only completes you, but also represents the better qualities of the relationship. 

2. Terms of Endearment

A Man Showing His Girlfriend Something on His Phone

Honey, did you see this funny video yet?

A term of endearment is a word that’s used in place of someone’s name to show affection. In the case of romantic couples, these words often have a sweet or suggestive nature. Here are some of the most popular endearment terms, what they mean, and how to use them.

Description Example
Honey / Hon / Hun “Honey” (or Hon / Hun for short) is a popular endearment term. By calling the other person “Honey,” you’re referring to the fact that you find them sweet.  Honey, could you take out the trash, please?”

“Wait a minute,


Description Example
Baby  “Baby” is a little less common, but still frequently used among some couples. It’s used almost like a diminutive, to refer to the other person in a “small” way. It can be used to show that you will take care of that person, though it can also have a more suggestive connotation. Baby, are you okay? Do you need to talk about it?”

Description Example
Babe This is a shortened version of “Baby,” and the two terms can be used interchangeably. “Babe” tends to be a little more intimate. Babe, are you almost ready? We have to go.”

Description Example
Bae “Bae” (pronounced like “bay”) is mainly used by the younger generations. It stands for “Before Anyone Else,” referring to how important the other person is to you. It also sounds similar to “Babe,” which may account for its fast-growing popularity.  “Dinner’s ready, Bae.”

Description Example
Hubby “Hubby” is an affectionate term used to refer to one’s husband. It’s normally used when talking about one’s husband to others. “My hubby is the best. He brought me flowers and chocolate yesterday.”

Description Example
Sweetie “Sweetie” is an endearment term used to show that you find the other person to be sweet or cute. “Oh, Sweetie, thank you so much for the gift!”

Description Example
Darling “Darling” is used to show the other person that they’re precious or dear to you. It’s considered a bit more classy and traditional than many of the other endearment terms on this list. It can be used with or without the person’s name, depending on the context. “Linda, Darling, you look lovely today.”

“Where are you going,


Description Example
Dear “Dear” is another term that expresses how precious the other person is to you.  Dear, have you paid the electric bill yet?”

Description Example
(My) love Calling someone “my love” is a very romantic and tender way to show that you cherish the other person. “George, my love, you’ve been gone so long.”

Description Example
(My) amour  If you don’t know, amour is the French word for “love.” Many people find this version of “my love” even more romantic (because everything is more romantic in French or Italian). This version also has more a sexual connotation, and can be used to refer to lovers who are having an affair. My amour, I can never live without you.”

Description Example
Sexy When you call your partner “Sexy” it means that you find them attractive, especially to the point that they’re irresistible. This is often used between couples who have been together a while, and is considered a cute endearment term that can also have a sexual connotation.  “Hey Sexy, where have you been all my life?”

Description Example
Shortened version of first name Many couples also refer to each other with a shortened version of their first name. For example, if a woman’s name is Cheryl, her S.O. may call her Cher. If a man’s name is Robert, his S.O.may call him Rob or Robbie.  Cher, could you hand me the notepad please?”

Robbie! You’re looking handsome tonight.”

Keep in mind that endearment terms are not limited to those above. Couples can use any affectionate terms with each other, depending on their relationship, their history together, and a number of other factors. 

3. Confess Your Affection

So, you find yourself attracted to a new coworker, a schoolmate, or some other person you’ve recently met. How can you get their attention and let them know how you feel?

Generally speaking, it’s important not to come across as aggressive, pushy, or needy. In the United States, most people value their space and privacy, and flirting or asking someone out in an overt way can really make an American uncomfortable. 

Below are several English love phrases you can use to get the person’s attention, flirt with them, and eventually ask them out on a date.

Getting His / Her Attention

A Man and Woman Flirting while Working on a Laptop

I thought you did well on your presentation.

One of the best ways to get a man or woman’s attention is to offer them genuine compliments. If you don’t know the person well, you should make sure your compliments aren’t too personal or suggestive (though you can compliment their appearance as long as you’re respectful). 

I love your ___. I love your jacket.
I love your attitude.

You have a beautiful / handsome ___, you know? You have a beautiful smile, you know?
You have a handsome face, you know?

I thought you did well ____. I thought you did well on your presentation.
I thought you did well in the bowling tournament.

You’re such a ___ person. You’re such a cool person.
You’re such a sweet person.

Pick-Up Lines

A Man Flirting with a Woman from Outside a Window

Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?

A pick-up line is a sentence someone says to indicate they like someone or want to go out with them. It’s important to note that most pick-up lines are silly and noncommittal. They’re often cleverly worded, but used far too often to really mean anything. 

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? This indicates that someone is so beautiful or so kind that they must be an angel.

Do you have a name, or can I call you mine? This is a play on words. In English, we can call someone “ours” if we are in a serious relationship with them. In this pick-up line, the speaker uses “mine” as a placeholder for the other person’s name to indicate they “want” the other person.

I thought happiness started with an H, but mine starts with U (you).  This is another play on words. The word “happiness” begins with the letter H, but the beginning of the speaker’s happiness begins with the other person (in this case “you” or U).

Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside? This phrase indicates that the speaker thinks the other person is attractive. In English, we consider someone “beautiful on the inside” if they are a good person. So this phrase is like saying: “You’re very beautiful / handsome. Are you also a good person?” Normally, a man says this to a woman.

If being in love was illegal, would you be my partner in crime? A “partner in crime” is someone who helps another person commit a crime, usually on an ongoing basis. This phrase is like asking if the other person is also in love with you.

What are you doing for the rest of your life? Because I want to spend it with you. This is a cheesy way to let someone know you like them, and maybe even love them. 

If you feel like making your English study time a little more fun today, you can head over to Pickup-Lines.net, where you’ll find tons of pickup lines in different categories. Great practice for understanding English wordplay and humor! You’re welcome. 😉

Asking Someone Out

A Man and Woman Having a Romantic Date at a Restaurant

You’ve gotten their attention…now, can you capture their heart? Here are some different ways you can ask them to go out on a date with you. 

    → If they say yes, you’ll want to know these Common English Phrases You’ll Need for a Date and The 10 Most Romantic Ideas for a Date in English! 

Would you go out with me? This is a straightforward (but still polite) way of asking someone if they want to go on a date with you.

Would you like to have dinner with me? This is a slightly more specific way of asking someone on a date. It lets the other person know the activity you have in mind, making it easier for them to make a comfortable decision. You can replace “have dinner” with any other activity (“see a movie” / “walk” / etc.).

Are you free this weekend / evening? You can ask the person this question to hint that you would like to do something with them if they’re free. This is a set phrase, and it allows you to ask someone out in a light manner while allowing that person an easy way out if they’re not interested.

I would like to get to know you better. This phrase is a bit more serious in nature, indicating that you’re considering a relationship with that person. It’s a way of asking if they would like to go out with you, especially on a long-term basis.

I would like to spend more time with you. This phrase can be used similarly as the one above, though there’s a greater emphasis on “time” being important. 

Could we get together sometime? This is a basic phrase you can use to ask someone out in a generic manner. You could be asking for a romantic date or a more casual outing to get to know each other better. Either way, it indicates that you like the other person.

Can I have your number? In the United States, it’s fairly common to ask people for their phone number if you want to contact them again in the future. In the context of dating, asking for someone’s number is a way of showing that you’re interested in them and want to continue talking (and planning more dates). 

Are you on ___ (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? Nowadays, asking for someone’s social media information is more common than asking for their phone number, especially among younger people. Asking this has the same meaning as asking for their number: you want to stay connected.

Did you have a wonderful first (or second) date? Then you may want to let the other person know that you enjoy spending time with them, and that you definitely have feelings for them. 

Did your date not go so well? There are a couple of polite ways you can let them know that, too. 

I had a great time last night.  This is a great phrase to use the day after a date. It shows that you appreciate their time, and that you would like to spend more time with them.

I enjoy spending time with you. You can use this phrase to let the other person know that you enjoy their company and being with them.

I would like to do that again sometime. This is a straightforward way of letting the other person know that you would like to go on another date with them.

I’m sorry, but I didn’t really feel a connection. You can use this phrase to politely let the other person know that you’re not interested in future dates. Saying “I’m sorry” softens the blow and lets the other person know you respect them and their feelings. By saying you “didn’t really feel a connection” you’re letting them know you appreciate their time, but don’t see a future together.

I enjoyed spending time with you, but I don’t think we’re right for each other. You can use this phrase interchangeably with the one above.

Telling How You Feel

A Smiling Couple Holding Hands while Standing against a Wall

I think of you as more than a friend.

If you’ve had a few dates now and have gotten to really know each other, it may be time to start expressing how you feel. Here are some phrases you can use to let the other person know you like them.

I (really) like you. Telling someone this means that you have romantic feelings for them.

I have feelings for you. Like the phrase above, this one means that you have romantic feelings for the other person. Using the word “feelings” here gives it a more romantic feeling than only saying “like.”

I think of you as more than a friend. This phrase is a bit of a cliche. You can use this phrase when letting a friend know that you have romantic feelings for them, especially if you’ve been friends for a while.

I’m falling for you. / I’ve fallen for you. When you “fall” for someone, it means that you fall in love with them. In this context, it indicates that not only do you have feelings for them, but you’re starting to become infatuated with them.

I think I’m in love with you. If you’ve been seeing someone for a while, this phrase would be appropriate to use if you have strong feelings for them. Using “I think” at the beginning softens the impact of saying that you’re in love with them, so there’s no pressure for them to say the same thing to you. 

I can’t get over you. If you “can’t get over” someone, it means that you’re always thinking about them, wanting them, and wishing they were with you. 

You’re the object of my affection. This is a classier phrase, most often said by a man to a woman (though not always). When someone is the “object of your affection” it means that you give affection to them, or that they receive affection from you. It basically means that you cherish and care for them.

You can find even more romantic words to whisper in your partner’s ear in our list of 15 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day! 

4. Fall in Deeper

A Man Holding His Girlfriend while Watching Autumn Leaves at a Park

We were made for each other.

You’re past the initial dating phase and have moved into a serious long-term relationship with someone. You can’t believe how lucky you are to have found this person, and to have them share your feelings. But what can you say to let them know how much you love them? Here are some cute English phrases to express love:

    ★ I love you.
    ★ You mean the world to me.
    ★ You are my everything.
    ★ I feel lucky to be with you.
    ★ We were made for each other.
    ★ We were meant to be.
    ★ You’re my soulmate.
    ★ You’re the love of my life.
    ★ I miss you (a lot, so much, already).
    ★ I can’t stop thinking about you.
    ★ You make life worth living.
    ★ You are my sunshine.
    ★ You are the light of my life.
    ★ I’ll always want you / need you.
    ★ There’s no one else I’d rather be with.
    ★ You’ll never know how much I love you.
    ★ I treasure / cherish you.
    ★ You’re my better half.
    ★ I can’t wait to see you again.
    ★ You make me (want to be) a better person (or man / woman).
    ★ I love you more than words can say.
    ★ I can’t imagine my life without you.

5. Take it One Step Further

You’re both madly in love, spend all of your free time together, and continue to develop your relationship into something deep and meaningful. But it’s not enough. You think it’s time to take some positive steps forward in your relationship, and want to discuss this with your partner. Here are some phrases for common life situations you can use!

Meeting the Parents

A Couple Entering a Family Home for a Holiday

In the United States, most people see it as polite to meet your partner’s parents, especially before you take any huge steps forward in the relationship. 

    → First, you might want to review the Must-Know English Terms for Family Members.

I think it’s time you meet my parents. This is a gentle way of approaching the topic. Saying “I think” at the beginning makes it sound more like a gentle suggestion than a demand. 

Have you met my parents yet? Asking if your partner has met your parents yet is an even gentler way of approaching the topic. 

Would you like to have dinner with me and my parents? You can use this phrase as an invitation for your partner to get to know your parents over dinner. 

I would like to meet your parents. You can use this phrase if you want to meet your partner’s parents. Do keep in mind that not all Americans are close with their parents, so it’s possible that your partner won’t want to introduce you.

Moving In Together

Several Moving Boxes Packed with Belongings

Many couples in the U.S. decide to move in together before getting married, and most people consider this a positive step forward if the relationship is going well. This is a major life decision, though, so make sure you approach the topic gently and respectfully. 

Do you think it’s time to move in together? You can say this if you’ve been dating the person for a while, and want to know their thoughts on moving in together at this point in your relationship.

Would you move in with me? This is a more straightforward way of asking someone to move in with you.

What do you think about living together? This question is a great way of asking for the other person’s opinion while expressing yours at the same time.

What would you say to moving in together? This phrase is similar to the one above.

Getting Married

A Man Proposing to His Girlfriend on a Bridge

If you know you’ve found the one, there may come a day when you want to propose and ask them to marry you. Here are some common phrases you can use during your marriage proposal. 

    → Check out our list of Marriage Proposal Lines in English for more ideas, and sweep your love off their feet!

Would you marry me? / Will you marry me? This is the most common way to ask someone to marry you. 

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This phrase indicates that you’re serious about your relationship and will love them forever.

I want to grow old with you. This phrase has a similar meaning as the one above, though there’s a greater emphasis on “growing old.” It means that you’ll stay with them for your entire life, and love them even in old age.

I wish I could give you everything, but I hope this ring is enough. This is a cheesy way of proposing. It means that you love the person so much that you want to give them everything, but because that’s impossible, you give them all of yourself and your life (as the ring symbolizes marriage and eternal love). 

I never want to be without you. This phrase shows that you always want to be with the other person, and that you never want to be in their absence.

Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife / husband? This phrase indicates that you not only want to marry them, but that it would be an honor to you if they said yes. It shows affection and respect for the person you’re proposing to.

Starting a Family

A Couple Playing with Their Child in the Ocean

Whether or not to have children is a huge decision that couples need to make, and it often requires a long and respectful discussion. I can’t guide you through the entire discussion, but I can offer you some opening lines. 

I want to raise a family with you. This simple statement is a great way to open a conversation about having children. 

I want you to be the mother / father of my children. This phrase is a little more intimate. It indicates that you know your partner well and trust them to be a good parent for your children.

There is no one else I would rather have be the mother / father of my children. This one is even more intimate, and there’s more emphasis on the fact that this person is the only person you would want to raise children with. 

In case you do both agree to start a family and raise children, you’ll need these Common English Phrases to Know About Having a Baby! 

6. A Handful of Love Quotes to Brighten Your Day

A Woman Smelling Flowers

Life is the flower for which love is the honey.

How would you describe love or romance? Here are some words on the topic from a variety of legendary figures. Do you agree with them?

    ★ Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. – Alfred Lord Tennyson
    ★ Life is the flower for which love is the honey. – Victor Hugo
    ★ I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
    ★ The course of true love never did run smooth. – William Shakespeare
    ★ At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. – Plato
    ★ Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
    ★ Love is blind. – Geoffrey Chaucer
    ★ Love is suffering. One side always loves more. – Catherine Deneuve
    ★ Passion is momentary; love is enduring. – John Wooden
    ★ To witness two lovers is a spectacle for the gods. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We’ve collected additional love quotes in our list of the top English Quotes About Love and in our recent blog article about The Best English Quotes for Every Occasion!

7. Romance and Dating in American Culture

A Man Surprising His Girlfriend with Flowers

To close, I did want to bring up a few key elements about romance and dating in American culture. (If you’re curious about dating in England, you can read this interesting U.S. dating vs. England dating article from BBCAmerica!) Let’s get to it.

    Dating culture in the U.S. varies based on region

As with many other aspects of American culture, dating traditions and ideals vary from region to region, and even from state to state. In more conservative regions, dating is taken more seriously and is often seen as the first step toward marriage. In more liberal regions, dating is taken less seriously in this regard and focuses more on the happiness of each individual in a relationship.

    There are nationwide similarities, though.

Throughout the country, popular date ideas include: having a nice dinner, going out for drinks, seeing a movie, and doing outdoor recreational activities (like hiking or kayaking). Additionally, most Americans find certain things particularly romantic when in a dating relationship: men buying women flowers and chocolate (or vice-versa), candlelit dinners, expensive wines, love notes, and doing small but meaningful things for each other.

    It’s okay for women to ask men on a date.

While it’s still more common for a man to ask a woman, it’s becoming increasingly common for a woman to ask a man. A lot of it depends on the region and the individuals themselves. 

    It can be hard to know what a date is.

Oftentimes, when one person is asked to go and do something fun with another person, they’re unsure of whether to consider it a date or not. In the U.S., it’s common for a man and a woman to have a platonic (non-romantic) relationship, in which they go out and do things together as friends. To avoid confusion, it’s best to make it clear from the beginning whether the activity is meant to be a date or not.

    Dating relationships aren’t necessarily exclusive.

This is especially true at the very beginning of a relationship (e.g. if you’ve only had one or two dates with the person). Younger Americans, in particular, may be “dating” more than one person for a little while, in order to speed up the process of finding the best candidate. Of course, if you do see your relationship lasting long-term, it may be a good idea to have a discussion with your partner about exclusivity to make sure you’re on the same page. Normally, once a relationship has been established, couples choose to be exclusive (only date each other). 

Final Thoughts

With all of the English love phrases, endearment terms, and other romantic words from this article, you should be much more prepared to woo your future lover. Which of these love phrases is your favorite, and why? Let us know in the comments!

The world of dating and romance is complicated already, and even more so when you’re trying to find love in an unfamiliar culture. Before you plunge headfirst into romance, it may be a good idea to get settled in your new home. EnglishClass101.com has just the resources for you:

  • How to Find a Job in the USA
  • Top 5 Things You Need to Know About American Society
  • Top 5 Pop Culture Things/Icons You Need to Know About in the USA

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100 способов признаться в любви на английском

Вы не можете перестать думать о человеке, краснеете каждый раз, когда он или она заговаривает с вами, фантазируете о совместном будущем… Поздравляем: вы влюбились. Как только вы признаетесь в этом, следующий шаг — рассказать объекту влюбленности о своих чувствах. Сделать это непросто, и чтобы облегчить вам эту задачу, мы собрали всевозможные способы признаться в любви на английском в одном месте.

Опишите свои чувства одним словом

Ниже мы привели список английских слов, которые вы можете использовать в романтических отношениях, будь то разговор с любимым человеком или о нем. Большинство из них это прилагательные, т. е. они помогают описать человека, о котором вы говорите, и подходят для построения предложения «You are ______ / Ты _______».

Просто признайтесь в любви на английском

И ответьте взаимностью, если захотите. Самые простые варианты сказать «Я люблю» на английском:

I love you too — Я тоже тебя люблю

I love you so much — Я так сильно тебя люблю

I love you more — Я люблю тебя еще больше

I love you very much — Я очень тебя люблю

I love you baby — Я люблю тебя, крошка

I love you my love — Я тебя люблю, любовь моя

I love you forever — Я люблю тебя навсегда

I will always love you — Я всегда буду любить тебя

I still love you — Я все еще люблю тебя

I really love you — Я действительно тебя люблю

I love you and I miss you — Я люблю тебя и скучаю

I love all of you — Я люблю все в тебе.

Выбирайте варианты сказать «Я люблю» разными способами

Сказать I love you — самый простой и очевидный способ признаться в своих чувствах. Однако разнообразие, новизна помогают дольше сохранить чувства на пике, и слова, которыми вы говорите об этих чувствах, тоже играют роль. Поможем разнообразить вашу лексику на тему любви.

I’m in love with you

«Я влюблен в тебя» — эта фраза более эмоциональна, чем простое I love you, и сказать ее можно только в романтических отношениях, в то время как I love you будет уместно и в общении с друзьями, родственниками.

You’re the love of my life

«Ты — любовь всей моей жизни» — серьезное заявление, которое означает, что вы хотите быть с этим человеком навсегда, и больше никого не будет.

I’m madly in love with you

«Я безумно люблю тебя» — эта фраза говорит о том, что вы не просто любите объект признания, но и не можете выбросить его из головы.

I love you to the moon and back

«Я бесконечно люблю тебя» — что может быть романтичнее, чем смотреть на луну? Возможно, только признание партнеру, что вы любите его «до луны и обратно».

I’m head over heels for you

«Я без ума от тебя» — означает, что вы целиком и полностью влюблены и не можете думать ни о чем и ни о ком другом.

I love you from the bottom of my heart

«Я люблю тебя всем сердцем» — это выражение обычно является признаком крепких отношений. Это более серьезное выражение, чем «Я без ума от тебя».

We are meant for each other

«Мы созданы друг для друга» — фраза означает, что вы очень хорошо подходите друг другу и хорошо ладите.

I’ve totally fallen for you

«Я полностью влюбился в тебя» — говорит о том, что вы влюбились в человека до глубины души.

You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me

«Ты лучшее, что когда-либо случалось со мной» — очень милая фраза, которую можно сказать тому, кого любишь.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you

«Я хочу провести с тобой остаток своей жизни» — обычно так говорят, когда делают кому-то предложение о замужестве / женитьбе.


Да, это сочетание буквы тоже означает I love you. Это всего лишь аббревиатура, характерная для интернет- или СМС-общения. Из этой же серии:

  • I <3 U;
  • iluvu;
  • iluvya;
  • ilvu.

Получив подобное сообщение, не пугайтесь: вам всего лишь признались в любви.

Используйте интересные фразы для выражения полноты ваших чувств


Способов сказать о своей любви много. Иногда это можно сделать, даже не используя само слово love, но выбрав такие выражения, которые намного лучше передадут ваше отношение.

You make my heart warm and happyYou’re the light of my lifeI will support you through the good times and the badYou are the only one on my mindI love you more than any word can sayYou make everything feel possibleYou are the person I want to spend my life withAs long as I have you in my life, I’ll be okayI will always be here for youYou are incredibleYou mean so much to meI’ve got a crush on youYou are the object of my affectionI’m out of breath for youYou are the light of my lifeYou are my sunshineI’m lost without youYou make my heart skip a bitYou rock my worldТы согреваешь мое сердце и радуешьТы свет моей жизниЯ поддержу тебя в хорошие и плохие временаТы единственный, кто у меня на умеЯ люблю тебя сильнее, чем любое слово может передатьТы заставляешь чувствовать так, что все возможноТы человек, с которым я хочу провести свою жизньПока ты есть в моей жизни, я буду в порядкеЯ всегда буду рядом с тобойТы потрясающаяТы так много значишь для меняЯ без ума от тебяТы объект моей привязанностиЯ задыхаюсь от тебяТы свет моей жизниТы мое солнцеБез тебя я потерянТы заставляешь мое сердце учащенно битьсяТы сотрясаешь мой мир

Иногда о своих чувствах хочется рассказать особенно красиво, чтобы выразить всю силу своих эмоций. И тогда вам пригодятся следующие фразы:

You are my other half, my better half. Without you, I am just half a soul. — Ты моя вторая половина, моя лучшая половина. Без тебя я всего лишь половина души.

You are my sunshine. You brighten my day, my life, and my soul. — Ты мое солнце. Ты украшаешь мой день, мою жизнь и мою душу.

I just can’t bear to be apart from you. It makes me go crazy! Come back soon. — Я просто не могу быть в разлуке с тобой. Это сводит меня с ума! Возвращайся скорее.

You make me want to be a better person. Your goodness makes me go weak in the knees! — Ты заставляешь меня хотеть быть лучше. От твоей доброты у меня подгибаются колени!

Sometimes, I feel that my heart will burst from all of the love I feel for you. — Иногда я чувствую, что мое сердце разорвется от всей любви, которую я испытываю к тебе.

«True love stories never have endings» (Richard Bach). — «Настоящие истории любви никогда не заканчиваются» (Ричард Бах).

«I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone» (J.R.R. Tolkien). — «Лучше я проведу с тобой одну жизнь, чем проживу в одиночестве все века этого мира» (Дж. Р. Р. Толкин).

«All you need is love» (Paul McCartney). — «Все, что вам нужно, — это любовь» (Пол Маккартни).

«Life is the flower for which love is the honey» (Victor Hugo). — «Жизнь — это цветок, для которого любовь — мед» (Виктор Гюго).

«We are most alive when we’re in love» (John Updike). — «Мы наиболее живы, когда влюблены» (Джон Апдайк).

Любите и будьте любимы!

1. “I love you.” — Я люблю тебя.
2. “I adore you.” — Я обожаю тебя.
3. “I’m totally into you.” — Я по уши влюблен(лена) в тебя.
4. “I love you from the bottom of my heart.” — Я люблю тебя всем сердцем.
5. “You mean so much to me.” — Ты для меня многое значишь.
6. “I’m yours.” — Я твой(я).
7. “You complete me.” — Ты меня дополняешь.
8. “I’m in love with you.” — Я влюблен(лена) в тебя.
9. “There is no other.” — Ты для меня единственный(ая).
10. “You’re my ideal woman.” — Ты — мой идеал женщины.


11. “You’re my Prince Charming.” — Ты мой прекрасный принц.
12. “You’re my angel.” — Ты мой ангел.
13. “You’re my princess.” — Ты моя принцесса.
14. “You’re incredible.”— Ты невероятный(ая).
15. “You’re my baby.” — Ты моя детка.
16. “You’re my king.” — Ты мой король.
17. “You’re mine.” — Ты мой(я).
18. “You’re amazing.” — Ты потрясающий(ая).


Если вы хотите убедить его/ее ответить на ваши чувства…
19. “We’re perfect for each other.” — Мы созданы друг для друга.
20. “We’re a good match.” — Мы подходим друг другу.
21. “You can’t deny what’s between us.” — Очевидно, что у нас чувства друг к другу.
22. “We’re meant for each other.” — Нас свела судьба.
23. “We complete each other.” — Мы друг друга дополняем.


Если вы всегда мечтали побывать на месте героя любовного романа…
24. “I’m infatuated with you.” — Ты вскружил(а) мне голову.
25. “You’re my lover.” — Ты моя любовь.
26. “You’re captivating.” — Ты пленил(а) меня.
27. “I’m addicted to you.” — Я от тебя без ума.
28. “You’re perfect.” — Ты само совершенство.
29. “I’ve totally fallen for you.” — Я по уши влюбился(ась) в тебя.

Первый шаг

Если вы хотите рассказать о зарождающихся чувствах…
30. “I’ve got a thing for you.” — Я испытываю особые чувства к тебе.
31. “I have feelings for you.” — У меня есть чувства к тебе.
32. “I feel something for you.” — Я что-то к тебе чувствую.
33. “I’m drawn to you.” — Меня к тебе влечет.
34. “I think of you as more than a friend.” — Ты для меня больше, чем друг.
35. “I’ve got a crush on you.” — Я на тебя запал(а).
36. “I’ve had a crush on you for a long time.” — Я уже давно на тебя запал(а).
37. “I think I’m in love with you.” — Мне кажется, я в тебя влюбился(ась).
38. “I think you’re the one.” — Я думаю, что ты та (тот), кого я искал(а).

Веселый флирт

Если вы не хотите, чтобы ваши слова прозвучали чересчур серьезно…
39. “Love ya!” — Люблю тебя!
40. “We make a good team.” — Из нас вышла бы неплохая команда!
41. “You’re so awesome.” — Ты просто нечто!, Ты потрясающий(-ая)!
42. “I’d like for us to get together.” — Хочу, чтобы ты был(а) со мной.

Пыл страсти

Если вы хотите добавить огня…
43. “You’ve got what I need.” — Ты мне нужна.
44. “I want you.” — Я хочу тебя.
45. “Let’s get it on.” — Давай сделаем это (Давай займемся любовью)
46. “I must have you.” — Ты должен(на) быть моим(ей).
47. “You make me burn with desire.” — Я горю от желания.
48. “I’m burning for you.” — Я весь(вся) горю.
49. “I need you.” — Ты нужен(на) мне.

Громкие слова

Если вы не против слегка преувеличить (возможно, в шутку)…
50. “I worship you.” — Я тебя боготворю.
51. “I’m crazy about you.” — Я с ума по тебе схожу.
52. “We’re soul mates.” — Мы родственные души.
53. “You make me want to be a better man.” — Ты разбудил(а) во мне желание стать лучше.
54. “We were meant to be together.” — Мы предназначены друг другу судьбой.
55. “I can’t live without you.” — Я не могу жить без тебя.
56. “You’re my goddess.” — Ты моя богиня.
57. “I can’t bear to be apart from you.” — Я не могу вынести разлуки с тобой.
58. “I idolize you.” — Я на тебя молюсь.
59. “You’re my everything.” — Ты для меня все.

Поэзия любви

Если вы сели писать стихи или любовное письмо…
60. “I’m smitten with you.” — Я пленен тобой.
61. “I yearn for you.” — Я тоскую без тебя.
62. “You turn me inside out.” — Ты перевернул(а) мне душу.
63. “You’ve put a spell on me.” — Ты меня околдовал(а).
64. “I’m under your spell.” — Я во власти твоих чар.
65. “My heart calls out for you.” — Мое сердце взывает к тебе.
66. “You make me feel young again.” — С тобой я снова чувствую себя молодым.

Испытание временем

Если вы уже давно вместе…
67. “You’re my sweetie.” — Ты мой(я) сладкий(ая).
68. “You’re my sunshine.” — Ты мое солнце.
69. “You’re my other half.” — Ты моя вторая половинка.
70. “You’re my darling.” — Ты мой(я) дорогой(ая).
71. “I’m devoted to you.” — Я предан тебе.

Разбор полетов

Если вы хотите прояснить кое-что в ваших отношениях…
72. “I want to take this slow.” — Давай не будем торопиться.
73. “This is more than a crush.” — Это больше, чем просто увлечение.
74. “I can’t get over you.” — Я не могу тебя забыть.
75. “I’m ready to take it to the next level.” — Я хочу перевести наши отношения на новый уровень.
76. “I think I wanna have your baby!” — Думаю, я хочу от тебя детей!

Клевые словечки

Если вы из тех людей, кто использует сленг…
77. “I’m hooked on you.” — Я от тебя торчу.
78. “I’m all about you.” — Я тащусь от тебя.
79. “I’m down with you.” — Я в отпаде от тебя.
80. “You’re my man.” — Ты мой мужчина.
81. “You’re my girl.” — Ты моя девочка.

Спокойствие, только спокойствие!..

Если вы не склонны к бурному проявлению эмоций…
82. “I’m rather partial to you.” — Я к тебе неравнодушен(на).
83. “You’re not bad.” — А ты ничего.
84. “I kinda like you.” — Ты мне симпатичен(на).
85. “I’m fond of you.” — Ты мне очень нравишься.
86. “I have a soft spot for you.” — Я питаю к тебе слабость.

Научная строгость

Если вы хотите просто объективно описать свои чувства…
87. “I’m physically attracted to you.” — Ты привлекаешь меня физически.
88. “You are the object of my affection.” — Ты предмет моей привязанности.
89. “We have a good chemistry.” — Мы неплохо совместимы.
90. “I feel affectionate toward you.” — Я к тебе привязан(а).
91. “I care for you deeply.” — Я к тебе глубоко неравнодушен (неравнодушна).

Старомодно? Ничуть!

Если вы не боитесь использовать выражения, которые уже устарели…
92. “You’re my best girl.” — Ты моя возлюбленная.
93. “I’m sweet on you.” — Я мечтаю о тебе.
94. “Do you want to go steady?” — Ты хочешь со мной дружить?
95. “Will you go with me?” — Ты будешь со мной встречаться?
96. “Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you.” — «Розы красные, фиалки синие, сахар сладок — как и ты, моя милая».
​(цитата из любовной поэзии)
97. “I’m enamored with you.” — Я в плену любви.
98. “I’m mad about you.” — Я теряю от тебя голову.
99. “I hereby declare my love and affection toward you.” — Настоящим я провозглашаю свою любовь и привязанность к тебе.

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Having the right words to use is important in many situations. One of the situations for which having the right words can be important is when talking to or about romantic love. These romantic words and phrases can include things you might call your loved one or things you might talk about concerning your loved one.

The following lists address different ways you can talk to or about your romantic loved one in English. They cover casual and intimate words, phrases, and nicknames. They also include words and phrases to discuss female, male, or gender-neutral partners.

List of Romantic Words and Sweet Phrases

The following is a list of English words you can use in romance, whether talking to the person you love or about them. Most of these are adjectives, which are words that describe a noun, and would fit in a sentence construction of, “You are _______.” These tend to be more intimate or emotional than the words in the next section.

  • A dream
  • A prize
  • A treasure
  • Adorable
  • Affectionate
  • Alluring
  • Amazing
  • Beguiling
  • Beloved
  • Captivating
  • Cherished
  • Considerate
  • Cute
  • Dazzling
  • Delightful
  • Dreamy
  • Enchanting
  • Exquisite
  • Fine (can mean just okay, but can also mean very attractive)
  • Fulfilling
  • Generous
  • Gentle
  • Genuine
  • Giving
  • Heaven
  • Hugable
  • Intoxicating
  • Just perfect
  • Kissable
  • Lovable
  • Magnetic
  • Mesmerizing
  • My favorite person
  • My reason for living
  • Needed
  • Open
  • Perfect
  • Quite a catch
  • Radiant
  • Ravishing
  • Romantic
  • Seductive
  • Sexy
  • Touchable
  • Unparallelled
  • Very loved
  • Wonderful

List of Sweet Words and Phrases to Describe Someone You Love

This list is English words you can use to talk about your loved one. They tell who the person is to you, why you like the person, or how the person looks. These are words you might use to talk about a new love interest when you’re talking to a friend.

  • A blessing
  • A delight
  • A dreamboat
  • A fairytale
  • Attentive
  • Attractive
  • Beautiful
  • Caring
  • Charming
  • Committed
  • Compassionate
  • Cuddly
  • Dedicated
  • Devoted
  • Easy to love
  • Enamored
  • Eye candy
  • Fantastic
  • Fit (can mean in shape, or can mean attractive)
  • Flirty
  • Foxy
  • Glamorous
  • Gorgeous
  • Handsome
  • Hot
  • Indispensable
  • Jumpable
  • Life-changing
  • Lucious
  • Magical
  • My better half
  • My boyfriend
  • My date
  • My dream come true
  • My everything
  • My girlfriend
  • My husband
  • My partner
  • My soulmate
  • My spouse
  • My wife
  • Passionate
  • Pretty
  • Responsive
  • Sensual
  • Smooth-talker
  • Tender
  • The love of my life
  • The one I yearn for
  • You complete me

List of Romantic Nicknames

These words are ones you would use to replace your loved one’s name when talking to or about the person in a romantic way. They are primarily romantic nicknames, though a small handful can also be used to refer fondly to children rather than to romantic partners. In addition to these, you can consider using a variation on their name that’s unique to you. Generally, it’s good to discuss different nicknames before using them.

  • Angel
  • Babe
  • Baby
  • Bae
  • Beautiful
  • Boo
  • Bright eyes
  • Cookie
  • Cutie
  • Darling
  • Dear
  • Dearest
  • Doll
  • Handsome
  • Hon
  • Honey
  • Honey bunny
  • Hot lips
  • Hot stuff
  • Light of my life
  • Lovely
  • Lover
  • Muffin
  • My king
  • My love
  • My queen
  • Peaches
  • Precious
  • Sexy
  • Snookums
  • Sugar
  • Sugar britches
  • Sugar lips
  • Sunshine
  • Sweetheart

Romantic Words Image

Romantic Words List

Romantic WordsPin

Last Updated on May 19, 2021

Here’s the thing about romantic love — it’s hard to put into words. But fortunately, these inspirational love quotes will make finding new ways to say «I love you» a whole lot easier.

When you fall in love, you want the other person to be happy, and being part of their happiness can inspire you to accomplish some of the most amazing feats you’ll ever undertake. Loving and being loved can make you feel more fulfilled than you’ve ever been.

And yet, while true love can get your creative juices flowing, many of us struggle to express exactly what we feel.

RELATED: 101 Romantic Quotes For People Who Are In Love

Inspirational quotes about love can help explain those butterflies you get in your stomach, that warm fuzzy feeling in your head, and the way your heart skips a million beats in your chest. Share them with your true love, and watch the magic happen.

100 Inspirational Love Quotes To Say, «I Love You»

1. «I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.» — Angelita Lim

Love is blind to imperfections.

2. «I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.»

How love feels.

3. «The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.» — Victor Hugo

Love brings happiness.

4. «All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love.» — Leo Tolstoy

What you learn from love.

5. «I’m much more me when I’m with you.»

Why love matters.

6. «It’s a very dangerous state. You are inclined to recklessness and kind of tune out the rest of your life and everything that’s been important to you. It’s actually not all that pleasurable. I don’t know who the hell wants to get in a situation where you can’t bear an hour without somebody’s company.» — Colin Firth

Why love hurts.

7. «The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.» — Helen Keller

How love colors your world.

8. «To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.» — T. Tolis

Love is giving.

9. «In order to be happy oneself it is necessary to make at least one other person happy.» — Theodor Reik

Love is unselfish.

10. «Maybe the only vow we ever need to offer the one we love is this: I will never, not for a sliver of a second, make you feel alone.» — Tyler Knott Gregson

All there is to say.

11. «There’s no substitute for a great love who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.'» — Tom Hanks

Love does not judge.

12. «Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.» — Lao-Tzu

Love is strength.

13. «I have decided to stick to love; hate is too great a burden to bear.» — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love brings joy.

14. «Where there is love there is life.» — Mahatma Gandhi

Where love lies.

15. «If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.»

When their happiness means everything.

16. «I can’t promise to fix all your problems, but I can promise you won’t have to face them all alone.»

When you know you won’t have to fight your battles alone.

17. «So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.» — Pablo Coelho

When the universe brought you together.

18. «At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.» ― Plato

How love is poetic.

19. «His love roared louder than her demons.»

Love makes all the negative thoughts disappear.

20. «One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.» ― Sophocles

Love is freedom.

RELATED: 40 ‘I Love You’ Quotes That Will Make You Believe In Love Again

21. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” — «Moulin Rouge»

There is no greater lesson in life than love.

22. «The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.» — Nicholas Sparks, «The Notebook»

How love works.

23. «You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.» ― Jodi Picoult, «My Sister’s Keeper»

When love is real.

24. «And remember, as it was written, to love another person is to see the face of God.» — Victor Hugo, «Les Miserables»

Where love is, God is.

25. «I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.» — J.R.R. Tolkien, «Lord of The Rings»

Love without end.

26. «If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.» — A. A. Milne, «Winnie the Pooh»

Love means togetherness.

27. «If I know what love is, it is because of you.» — Herman Hesse, «Narcissus and Goldmund»

Love is a teacher.

28. «Don’t forget I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.» — Anna (Julia Roberts) to William (Hugh Grant) in «Notting Hill»

Love is vulnerable.

29. «When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.» — Harry (Billy Crystal) in «When Harry Met Sally»

Love is crazy, mad, wonderful.

30. «You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.» — Jane Austen’s «Pride & Prejudice»

Love is magical.

RELATED: 40 Best Love Quotes From Books to Make Your Heart Happy

31. «Once I knew you I never wanted to know anyone else.» — Leo Christopher

I knew you
I never wanted
to know anyone else.

— Leo Christopher (@Leo_Words) June 9, 2015

It only takes one.

32. «Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.» — Bette Davis

Why love hurts.

33. «Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.» — H. L. Mencken

How love works.

34. «I never want to stop making memories with you.» — Pierre Jeanty

When love means all your favorite memories are with each other.

35. «You can’t rush something you want to last forever.»

Love cannot be rushed.

36. «We were together. I forget the rest.» — Walt Whitman

When love makes everything else disappear.

37. «P.S. I love you.» — Cecelia Ahern

When you can’t help but write love letters.

38. «I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars.» — J.M. Storm

When your love is bigger than this Earth.

39. «Love you more.»

When it’s impossible to love anyone as much.

40. «Saw your worst and I stayed.»

When you stick around when things get tough.

41. «I looked at him as a friend until I realized I loved him.»

When your love is your best friend.

42. «Darling, you are all I ever wanted love to be.»

When your love is everything you’ve ever wanted.

43. «You are what I need in my life. You are my one.»

When you don’t want to live without your love.

44. «The first time you touched me, I knew I was born to be yours.»

When your love was meant to be.

45. «I’ll never have enough of your lips.»

When love’s kisses are addictive.

RELATED: 40 Sweet Love Quotes That Will Make You Believe In Love

46. «The greatest thing you’ll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return.» — Nat King Cole, «Nature Boy»

Why love is important.

47.»And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.» — Sir Paul McCartney, «The End» (by The Beatles)

Love is give and take.

48. «All of me loves all of you.» — John Legend, «All of Me»

Love is everything.

49. «However far away, I will always love you. However long I stay, I will always love you. Whatever words I say, I will always love you. I will always love you.» — The Cure, «Lovesong»

When your love will last forever, no matter what.

50. «You and me together, through the days and nights. I don’t worry ’cause everything’s gonna be alright.» — Alicia Keys, «No One»

True love keeps you safe.

51. «It was always you.» — Maroon 5, «It Was Always You»

When love remains true.

52. «And when you’re needing your space to do some navigating, I’ll be here patiently waiting to see what you find.» — Jason Mraz, «I Won’t Give Up»

Because love is patient.

53. «Before the day I met you, life was so unkind. But you’re the key to my peace of mind.» — Aretha Franklin, «(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman»

Love can bring you peace like you’ve never known.

54. «I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.» — Ben Folds, «The Luckiest»

When no words can describe your love.

55. «You give me the most gorgeous sleep that I’ve ever had.» — No Doubt, «Underneath It All»

Love makes you sleep sweet.

RELATED: 72 Best Romantic Love Song Lyrics To Share With Your Love

56. «All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.» — Charles Schulz

Love is silly.

57. «If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go.»

When your love is just as weird as you.

58. «Because I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you.»

Because love makes everything beautiful.

59. «I still haven’t figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do.» — William C. Hannan

When love makes you infatuated with every little thing they do.

60. «In French, you don’t say ‘I miss you.’ You say ‘Tu me manques’, which means ‘you are missing from me.’ I love that.»

When you’re missing your other half.

61. «Real love doesn’t meet you at your best. It meets you in your mess.»

Love is for better or worse.

62. «Your voice is my favorite sound.»

When you can listen to him talk for hours.

63. «I am totally completely eye-popping seriously groundbreaking passionately deliciously in love with you.»

When you’re madly in love and don’t care who knows it.

64. «You’re pretty much my most favorite of all time in the history of ever.»

When love is defined by your person.

65. «I remember the first day I ever looking into your eyes and felt my entire world flip.»

When you knew immediately this love was special.

66. «I just wanna see you. Hold you. Hug you. Touch you. Kiss you. Cuddle with you. Love you.»

When you feel like being lovey-dovey.

67. «You’re all my heart ever talks about.»

When all you do is talk about your love.

68. «I love you. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible. But I want to spend every irritating minute with you.»

When you even love how much they bug you.

69. «You are my favorite notification.»

When love lights up your phone.

70. «We fight, we kiss, we hug, we text, we talk, we argue, we laugh, we smile, we love … That’s us.»

When your relationship isn’t perfect, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.

RELATED: 99 Best Cute Love Quotes For Him Or Her To Make Your True Love Smile

71. «I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.»

Love is a choice.

72. «I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you’d been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since I met you, you’ve never left.»

How you love like crazy.

73. «I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.» — Leo Christopher

Love grows and grows.

74. «Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.»

Love is life.

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75. «We are shaped and fashioned by those we love.» — Geothe

When love finds you

76. «When love is not madness it is not love.» ― Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Love is wild and crazy.

77. «Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.» ― Paulo Coelho

Love is untamed.

78. «Love is so short, forgetting is so long.» ― Pablo Neruda

How love should be.

79. «I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and love you longer.»

How love begins.

80. «You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.» — Julia Roberts

Love is unselfish.

81. «I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day, or sleep well what I am really saying is I love you. I love you so damn much that it is starting to steal other words’ meanings.»

Love is the little things.

82. «You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.» — Oscar Wilde

How love lasts.

83. «‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.» — Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Love is worth it.

84. «When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us, I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come between us. I love you the most.»

How love changes over time.

85. «I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you.»

Love is unconditional.

86. «There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless.» — Leo Christopher

Love makes you lose your mind a little.

87. «She knew she loved him when ‘home’ went from being a place to being a person.» — E. Leventhal

Love feels like coming home.

88. «Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you.»

Loves accepts you and all of your flaws.

89. «Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.» — J.D. Salinger

When you share the same sense of humor.

90. «If you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me.»

When it’s the little things that matter most.

91. «How strange to dream of you even when I am wide awake.» — d.j.

When you found the person of your dreams.

92. «Sometimes, someone comes into your life, so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise, and changes your life forever.»

When your life will never be the same because love is in it.

93. «And suddenly all the love songs were about you.»

When every love song reminds you of your love.

94. «If I did anything right in my life, it was when I gave my heart to you.»

When love is the best decision you’ve made.

95. «I love that you are my person and I am yours, that whatever door we come to, we will open it together.» — A.R. Asher

When you go through life together.

96. «I was, and I remain, utterly and completely and totally in love with you.» — J.R. Ward

When you’ll be in love forever.

97. «And when I loved you, I realized, I have never truly loved anyone. I realized, I never will truly love anyone the way I love you.»

When your love is one of a kind.

98. «I fall more deeply in love with you, every single day.»

When your love only grows deeper over time.

99. «It’s not being in love that makes me happy. It is the person that I am in love with that does.»

When your love is the only one you’ll ever want.

100. «I love you, idiot.» — «Gilmore Girls»

When you’re simply in love.

RELATED: 25 Quotes That Remind You What It Was Like To Fall Madly In Love

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YourTango brings our community of readers, writers, thought leaders, and the world’s leading relationship and mental health experts together to connect and engage where it matters most: the heart.

We’re coming up to Valentine’s day on February 14th in the U.S. This holiday celebrates love and romance, so today’s lesson will teach you 20 essential words and phrases for talking about love and relationships.

I’ve divided today’s vocabulary into three groups – starting a romantic relationship, being in a relationship, and ending a relationship.

When you want to expand your vocabulary, it’s very effective to learn groups of words like we’re doing today. This keeps the vocabulary more organized in your mind, and then it’s much easier to talk about the topic.

You can continue learning this way inside my Vocabulary Builder Courses, which will teach you hundreds of common and extremely useful English words!

Beginning a relationship

Have a crush on someone

To “have a crush on someone” means you feel romantically attracted to that person. Often people keep their “crushes” a secret because they are afraid that the feelings aren’t mutual (that the other person doesn’t have the same feelings).

Example: I have a crush on a girl in my English class. She’s beautiful, smart, and funny – but I’m too shy to talk to her!

Flirt with someone

When you “flirt with someone,” you do things and say things that show you are interested in that person romantically. Another informal phrase is “hit on someone” – it doesn’t mean to hit the person violently; it means to flirt!

Example: Did you see the guy who was flirting with Jenny? He bought her a drink, talked to her all night, and asked for her phone number.

Ask someone out

When you “ask someone out,” you invite them to do something with you in a romantic context – for example, seeing a movie or having dinner in a restaurant.

Example: Peter finally asked me out! We’re going to the theater together on Friday night.

Fall in love

When you “fall in love,” you start having romantic feelings about another person.

Example: I think I’m falling in love with Melissa. I can’t stop thinking about her!

Love at first sight

Some people believe in “love at first sight” – when you fall in love with a person in the first moment you see or meet him or her.

Example: I knew Mary would become my wife from the moment I first saw her at the party. It was love at first sight!

Learn English Words - Married

In a relationship


“Date” is both a noun and a verb.

As a noun, it means a romantic activity that two people do together.

Example: My date with Peter last Friday was wonderful. I really enjoyed his company at the theater.

As a verb, it means “in a relationship with”

Example: I heard that your brother is dating a model. Is it true?

Going out with

“Going out with” is another informal way to say “in a relationship”

Example: Did you know that Mark is going out with Andrea?

Stand someone up

When you “stand someone up,” you agree to go on a date with the person, but then you don’t go (and you don’t call or give any explanation). It’s considered rude to do this.

Example: I was planning to have dinner with Barbara, but she stood me up. I waited for her at the restaurant for three hours, but she never came.


When you “hug” someone, you put your arms around them:

Learn English Words - Hug


You use your lips to “kiss” someone:

Learn English Words - Kiss


When you propose to someone, you ask the person to marry you. In English, most people propose with the words, “Will you marry me?”

Example: John proposed to Sarah on the beach at sunset.


When a person is “engaged,” it means they have agreed to marry someone.

Example: Did you hear? John and Sarah are engaged! They’re planning a June wedding.

It’s common for women who are engaged to wear an engagement ring:

Learn English Words - Engaged

Engagement rings often have a diamond.

Fiancé / Fiancée

A man who is engaged is called a fiancé, and a woman is called a fiancée.

Example: My fiancée has already sent out the wedding invitations.

Note: Fiancé and fiancée are always used with a possessive such as “my” “his” and “her.” So we don’t say “She’s a fiancée.” We say “She’s engaged.”

Get married

When two people make the commitment to stay together as husband and wife.

Example: We got married in 1972, so we’ve been together for more than 30 years!

Note: Click here to learn about the difference between commonly confused words “marriage,” “wedding,” and “married”

Note: On the day of the wedding ceremony, the woman is called the bride and the man is called the groom


When a recently-married husband and wife travel or take some vacation time to be together.

Example: They went to Costa Rica for their honeymoon.


The date on which the husband and wife got married. Many couples celebrate this date every year by going out to dinner or exchanging gifts or flowers.

Example: My parents’ wedding anniversary is May 22nd.

Note: Anniversary is different from “birthday.” Birthday is the celebration of the day you were born; anniversary is the celebration of the day you were married.

Learn English Words - Breakup

Ending a relationship

Break up / Split up

These words mean “end a relationship” – it can be a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship or a husband/wife relationship.

Example 1: Jerry and Amanda split up because he wanted to have children and she didn’t.

Example 2: I think I’m going to break up with my boyfriend. We just don’t have much in common.


To be “separated” means that a husband and wife are not living together, but are not officially divorced.

Example: I heard that Sandra and her husband are separated at the moment. I hope they can work out their problems.


To “divorce” means that a man and woman formally and legally end their marriage.

Example: “I divorced my husband after he became an alcoholic.”


Add ex- to describe people you had relationships with in the past: ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend.

Example: I’m not friends with my ex-boyfriend because our relationship ended pretty badly.

Note: Some people say only “ex” without saying husband, wife, etc. For example, “My ex won’t stop calling me! I wish she would stop!”

Из статьи вы узнаете, как пригласить на свидание, признаться в любви и сделать предложение по-английски.

17 разговорных фраз о любви и отношениях

Предлагаем вам выучить современные разговорные выражения, которые используют жители англоязычных странах, говоря об отношениях: описывают силу чувств, делают предложение или, наоборот, признаются в измене и расстаются.

  1. To be/fall head over heels in love ― быть влюбленным, влюбиться по уши

    Andrew is head over heels in love with his new girlfriend. ― Эндрю по уши влюблен в свою новую девушку.
    And I fell head over heels in love. ― И я влюбился по уши.

  2. Puppy love ― краткая/недолгая влюбленность детей или подростков

    Their romantic relationship is just puppy love of two teenagers. ― Их романтические отношения ― это просто влюбленность двух подростков.
    They were still in their puppy love stage. ― Они до сих пор на этапе подростковой влюбленности.

  3. To ask smb out ― пригласить кого-либо на свидание

    I think you should ask her out sometime. ― Я думаю, тебе следует как-нибудь пригласить ее на свидание.
    If you want to see me again, you just have to ask me out. ― Если ты снова захочешь меня увидеть, тебе нужно просто позвать меня на свидание.

  4. To take smb out ― сходить с кем-либо на свидание (и, как правило, заплатить за него)

    Mike asked Monica if he could take her out tomorrow. ― Майк спросил у Моники, может ли он завтра сходить с ней на свидание.
    All right, let’s take her out. ― Хорошо, давай сходим с ней на свидание.

  5. A blind date ― свидание вслепую

    Leo met Diana on a blind date and proposed in two months. ― Лео познакомился с Дианой на свидании вслепую и через два месяца сделал ей предложение.
    Monica told me you had a blind date. ― Моника рассказала, что у тебя было свидание вслепую.

  6. A double date ― свидание двумя парами, двойное свидание

    I and Anna yesterday went out on a double date and it turned out to be a great evening. ― Вчера мы с Анной отправились на свидание двумя парами, и этот вечер оказался отличным.
    You know, I never had a double date before. ― Знаешь, я никогда не ходила на двойное свидание.

  7. To be an item ― быть парой

    Brad and Angelina are not an item anymore. ― Бред и Анджелина больше не пара.
    Are you guys an item now? ― Ребята, а вы сейчас пара?

  8. A match made in heaven ― союз, заключенный на небесах

    Their couple is adorable ― I think that they are a match made in heaven. ― Их пара очаровательна, я думаю, их союз заключен на небесах.
    There was a match made in heaven. ― Это был союз, заключенный на небесах.

  9. Хотите говорить свободно на английском и понимать своего собеседника? Тогда записывайтесь на интенсивный разговорный курс.

  10. To pop the question ― сделать предложение

    They have been dating for six years ― hasn’t Alex popped the question yet? ― Они встречаются шесть лет, Алекс до сих пор не сделал предложение?
    I just need to figure out the right time to pop the question. ― Мне просто нужно выбрать удачное время, чтобы сделать предложение.

  11. To get hitched ― пожениться

    The young couple got hitched without telling their parents. ― Молодая пара поженилась, не сказав ничего родителям.
    I want to get hitched to you. ― Я хочу жениться на тебе.

  12. To tie the knot ― выйти замуж, жениться

    They decided to tie the knot on the bank of a beautiful blue-watered lake. ― Они решили пожениться на берегу красивого озера с голубой водой.
    Are you going to tie the knot? ― Вы собираетесь пожениться?

  13. To settle down ― остепениться

    My parents would want their son to settle down, get married, and have kids. ― Мои родители хотят, чтобы их сын остепенился: женился и завел детей.
    You need to settle down, like your sister. ― Тебе пора остепениться, как сделала твоя сестра.

  14. To hook up ― начать отношения, проводить время вместе. Также может быть использовано в значении «‎заниматься сексом»‎ часто без обязательств.

    I’m so glad we hooked up. ― Я рада, что мы провели время вместе.
    You wanna hook up? ― Ты хочешь начать отношения?

  15. To cheat on someone ― изменять кому-либо

    What would you do if you got to know that your wife cheated on you? ― Что бы ты сделал, если бы узнал, что твоя жена изменила тебе?
    Have you ever cheated on your wife? ― Ты когда-нибудь изменял жене?

  16. To drift apart ― разойтись, отдалиться друг от друга

    John and Helen never argued seriously ― they just drifted apart. ― Джон и Хелен никогда серьезно не ссорились, они просто отдалились друг от друга.
    What happened? You just drift apart? ― Что произошло? Вы просто разошлись?

  17. To break up, to split up ― расстаться

    I’ve just broken up with my boyfriend. ― Я только что рассталась с парнем.
    Break up? ― Расстаться?

    The couple splitted up as a result of long separations. ― Пара рассталась в результате длительных разлук.
    So you two split up? ― Так вы двое разошлись?

  18. To make up ― помириться

    My parents made up after a serious argument. ― Мои родители помирились после серьезной ссоры.
    Did you guys make up? ― Ребята, вы помирились?

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August 19, 2022

Every February 14th, the world goes a little crazy.

February 14th, of course, is Valentine’s Day, a holiday that many people around the world celebrate. It’s a day when people who are in love spend time together, give each other gifts or give each other valentines, which are little cards with nice and sometimes romantic messages.

But there are also a lot of people who don’t like Valentine’s Day. Maybe those people think the holiday is silly or too commercial. Commercial means that it’s all about buying and selling things—and it’s true that many people are buying gifts, candies and cards. Maybe they think it’s just a holiday that chocolate factories invented to sell more boxes of chocolate. Or maybe they had a bad relationship in the past, and Valentine’s Day reminds them of that.

Well, I have good news—if you love Valentine’s Day, or if you just love love, this post has some great vocabulary that you might hear around this time of year, and you can use these words to talk about the holiday and about love.

And even if you don’t like Valentine’s Day, I have also included a few words for you too, my friend!

This post will be divided into four sections, to represent the four main phases of a relationship. Each word will have an explanation and an example of how to use the word.

We will focus today mainly on English vocabulary words, and not as much on phrases, but you can find more phrases here if you’re interested in them.

Before we get into this vocabulary, though, we should take a quick look at a few forms of the word “love.”

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Phase 1: Understanding Love

1. Love (verb, noun)

Love is most commonly a verb, an action that you perform. English speakers use love to talk about more than people. We love our dogs, we love friends, we love music and anything else that makes us happy. This is important to know, because many other languages only use the word that means “love” for very serious romantic relationships.

Example: I love pizza.

It can also be a noun, describing the feeling of love that you have for someone.

Example: Love is a mystery.

2. Lovely (adjective)

You may also hear people use the word lovely. Lovely is actually a synonym for words like “nice” or “very good.” It’s not really about expressing romantic love. Lovely is anything that’s positive, pleasant or happy.

Example: We had a lovely time at the beach. The weather was perfect and nobody got a sunburn.

3. Loving (adjective)

Finally, if you want to describe something with an adjective form of the word “love,” you can say loving. This can describe someone’s personality. If a person loves other people, and gives a lot of love, care and affection to others, you could call him or her loving.

Example: My grandmother is a very loving person.

4. Loved (adjective)

If a person or thing receives love, then you can say it is loved.

Example: My grandmother has 16 grandchildren who spend a lot of time with her. She is very loved.

Loved is often used combined with “best-” or “most-,” such as “best-loved” or “most-loved”:

Example: Soccer is one of the most-loved sports in the world. 

Now that we’ve covered that, let’s look at some other words that people can use when they’re trying to find somebody to love.

Phase 2: Looking for Love

“There are many fish in the sea.”

That’s a phrase that you might hear if you’re looking for romance. The phrase compares the world to an ocean or sea, it compares people to fish. This phrase is supposed to make you feel better if you’re not in a relationship because there are many more “fish” (representing single men/women) out there that you can catch.

Personally, I don’t like fish, so that phrase always seemed silly to me.

Still, there’s some truth to that phrase: If you want to be in a relationship, you sometimes just have to keep trying. There are lots of people in the world. Just go out there and try to meet more people.

When you do go out there, the following are some words that you might hear English speakers use when talking about love and Valentine’s Day.

5. Single (adjective)

This is a little different in English than in some other languages.

If you say that you’re single in English, then that means that you don’t have any sort of relationship at the time—no husband or wife, and no boyfriend or girlfriend.

Example: It’s hard to find love in this city—it seems like there are no good single men or women. Everyone is already “taken.”

Taken means that the person is already in a relationship with someone.

Example: Thank you for the invitation to dinner, but I can’t go out with you—I have a boyfriend, I’m taken.

6. Unmarried (adjective)

This is similar to single in some ways, but not always. Unmarried is more of a technical or legal term that simply means you’re not married.

You can be in a relationship (like with a boyfriend or girlfriend) and still be unmarried.

Example: I didn’t really enjoy the party. Everyone there was married and with their spouse, so I felt left out—I was the only unmarried person there. I would have felt more comfortable if my girlfriend had been there, but she was out of town.

7. Dating (verb)

The verb “to date” is very common—it means that two people are in a romantic relationship. It might mean that things are casual if the people have been dating for only a couple of weeks. However, it’s possible to date for many months or years and have a serious relationship too.

Example: John and Mary have been dating for two years.

Example: I’m not dating anyone at the moment. I’ve been too busy with work to think about love.

8. A player (noun)

The word “player” is usually used with games and sports. People who play these games and sports are “the players,” for example, there are football players and basketball players.

Some people apparently see love and flirting as a game or even a sport, because sometimes a person like this is described as being “a player.”

In a romantic or flirting context, a player is a person who likes to flirt or who has many romances. But generally a player isn’t serious about relationships—he or she just likes to play the game of love.

Example: John was flirting with Mary at the bar. Mary’s friend Tina tried to warn her about him. When Mary asked what the problem was, Tina told her that she had heard that John was a player, so Mary should be careful with him.

9. To flirt (verb)

One of the first words you might hear when talking about love is the action “to flirt.” Flirting means to talk romantically to someone to make them interested in you.

Example: Dan flirts with Julia every time he sees her in the office. I’m sure he’s interested in dating her.

10. To hit on someone (verb)

A common synonym for “to flirt” is the phrasal verb “to hit on.” It’s actually not related to physically hitting someone, thankfully! When a man is hitting on a woman, for example, it means that he is flirting a lot and being somewhat aggressive. Hitting on someone is often seen as aggressive, impolite or rude.

Example: There is a famous video of a woman walking down the streets of New York. While she was walking, random men constantly hit on her by calling her names, whistling or making comments about her appearance. She didn’t seem impressed.

11. To pick up someone (verb)

This is another phrase that’s a little bit humorous.

If you’re at a bar and flirting with someone, you can say that you’re trying to pick that person up. In other words, you’re trying to make that person give you his or her phone number or agree to meet with you again later.

There are even some phrases that are called “pick up lines,” which are the phrases (“lines”) that people say when flirting. These pick up lines are also humorous or not serious, and many are so stupid that you just have to laugh at them.

Example: Ronald must be the luckiest guy in the world. He tried to pick up Jenny by saying that she was so beautiful that he couldn’t look directly at her. Believe it or not, she actually gave him her phone number!

12. To mingle (verb)

To mingle means to be social and talk to other people, usually about unimportant things (also called “making small talk”).

It’s often used at parties or other social situations. To mingle, you should walk around and talk to quite a few different people for a short amount of time, with the goal of meeting and interacting with multiple new people.

A person who likes to mingle is often described as outgoing or extroverted, and people who don’t like to mingle are often described as shy or introverted.

Example: I’ve been single for too long, so I think I’m going to Roger’s party. Maybe I can meet someone. I’m single and ready to mingle!

13. To hook up (verb)

Depending on the context, this can have different meanings. Be careful, since some of the meanings of this phrase might not always be appropriate for the situation you’re talking about!

If a person hooks up with another person, it means that they usually do something together. It might be something like meeting together or going out on a date, but it can also be something physical, like kissing or even sex.

You might hear others use this phrase, but if you’re not sure if it’s appropriate for your situation, then you may want to avoid using it.

Example: I recently read an article in a magazine about the “hook up culture” at universities. Apparently, a lot of young people are using cell phone apps to find people to hook up with.

Phase 3: Falling in Love

So, after you meet somebody that you’re romantically interested in, you may want to start a relationship with him or her. During that time, you’ll (hopefully!) fall in love with each other. When that happens, you can use these words and phrases.

14. A couple (noun)

A couple is two of something. It can also be used to indicate a small number, but not necessarily two, like in the phrase I have only talked to Anna a couple of times. You probably don’t know exactly how many times you have talked to Anna, but you know it wasn’t many times.

It can also be used to talk about two people who are in a romantic relationship.

Example: I didn’t know how to get to the bus stop, so I asked a friendly couple sitting on a bench for directions.

15. A date (noun)

A date is a romantic activity where two people go out and do something. A really typical date is to go see a movie and/or to go out to eat dinner.

Note that many English students confuse this with other similar words for activities, like a meeting (usually used for a group of people in a business situation) or an appointment (used for an individual meeting, like with a doctor).

Example: Alan really liked Deborah, but their first date was a disaster. He spilled his wine on her, and later she got food poisoning. I don’t think there will be a second date.

16. A blind date (noun phrase)

A blind date is when two people go out on a date, but they don’t know each other before. This is often because they have mutual friends who believe they would make a good couple. If that’s the case, you can say that the friends set them up, or in other words, the friends helped to organize the date.

These days, blind dates are less common, maybe because of social media. You can always look somebody up on Facebook before you meet them to see if you’ll like them. Still, blind dates are very common in movies and TV shows!

Example: Betty couldn’t believe that her friends set her up on a blind date with Carl. They had nothing in common, and she discovered that Carl was already married!

17. Love at first sight (noun phrase)

This is a common phrase that’s probably easy to understand. If you fall in love with someone at first sight, it means that the very first time you see that person, you feel love.

Example: The first time Romeo saw Juliet, he knew that she was the girl for him. It was love at first sight.

18. Puppy love (noun phrase)

A puppy is actually the name for a baby dog, so this one may seem like a strange way to talk about love.

But if you say that someone is experiencing puppy love, then you probably think that the love isn’t true or isn’t serious. It might just be a strong, temporary emotion, but you don’t think it will last a long time.

Example: Many people say that teenagers in love are just experiencing puppy love. But if you ask the teenagers, they’ll often say that it’s real and that their love will last forever.

19. Baby (noun)

Numbers 19-22 are all names that people in relationships call their partners. These types of names are called “pet names,” “nicknames” or “terms of endearment.”

I’ll include an example with number 19, but you can substitute 20, 21 or 22 and it will mean the same thing.

Of course, there are many more nicknames that people give to their partners or the people they love (a popular one here in Costa Rica is gordito, meaning “fat little one”!), but these are some of the most common romantic ones in English.

Baby is extremely common in English. Another common version of baby is babe.

Frank:Hey, baby, do you know where the car keys are?”
Helen: “I’m not sure, babe, I think you had them last.”

20. Honey (noun)

Honey is the food that bees make. It’s naturally sweet (tasting), so I suppose that it makes sense to say this to someone who is sweet (in their personality).

21. Darling (noun)

Darling means that something is very valuable or precious to you. You may call someone you love darling or my darling. 

22. Sweetie (noun)

Sweetie is just a way of making sweet (an adjective) into a noun, so you can say it to someone you think is sweet.

23. Committed (adjective)

When two people are together for a long time, you can say that they’re committed. This means that they’re dedicated to each other.

You can also say that a person is committed to an activity, like doing a job or doing exercise, for example.

The noun form of this word is commitment.

Example: Many older couples say that the key to staying committed to your partner is to not stress out or worry about unimportant things.

24. Engaged (adjective)

When two people decide to get married, then you can say that they’re engaged. Usually this is after one person proposes marriage to the other person (see #30).

The noun form of this word is engagement.

Example: Did you hear the news? Jack and Diane finally got engaged! They had been dating for about 10 years, and many people were wondering if they would ever get married.

25. To swipe (verb)

This is a word that’s commonly used when talking about dating apps like Tinder. I had to actually do some research for this word, since I didn’t have any personal experience!

If you swipe something on your phone, it means that you put your finger on your phone’s screen and then move your finger in one direction.

If you’re using a dating app like Tinder, then this app will show you pictures of people who you might be interested in romantically.

If you’re interested, you swipe your finger to the right. If you’re not interested, you swipe to the left. Then, if the other person is also interested, then he/she will swipe to the right also. If you both swipe right, then the app will let you contact each other.

This all sounds very complicated, and it makes me happy that I got married before smartphones became popular!

Example: Ingrid was using her Tinder app at the bar. All of the guys looked like players, so after she had swiped left about 15 times, she gave up and went home.

26. To ask out (verb)

If you ask someone out, then you ask him or her to go on a date with you. Usually this phrase is just used for the first time you invite someone to go on a date.

Example: Greg was nervous to ask Lena out, but finally he got the courage and did it. She said she would be happy to go out with him, and now they’ve been dating for two months.

27. To go (out) on a date (verb)

This phrase is very similar to the next one. They’re both used to describe the situation when two people are on a date. It can be for the first date, or for any additional dates.

Example: This weekend is Valentine’s Day, so it might not be the best time to go out on a date. I think all of the restaurants will be completely full. Do you just want to stay at home?

28. To go out (verb)

As we saw in number 27, this can usually mean to go on a date. But it can also be used to just leave your house and do something fun. If you want to go out, but you don’t like the other person romantically, you can say you’ll go out to the cinema (or wherever else), but you’ll go just as friends.

29. To fall in love (verb)

We quickly mentioned this in number 17. If you fall in love with someone, it means that you start to love that person. Sometimes it’s a long process, and sometimes it happens in one instant.

Example: Romeo and Juliet fell in love immediately the first time they saw each other.

30. To propose (verb)

Do you remember seeing this one in number 24? The verb propose is similar to “suggest,” but it often means that one person is proposing marriage to the other. Usually the formal way to ask this question is “will you marry me?”

Example: Tom proposed to Rebecca while they were walking on the beach. He got down on one knee, gave her a ring and asked her “will you marry me?”.

31. To get engaged (verb)

When one person proposes to another and they decide to get married, then you can say that they got engaged. If you remember from number 24, this means that the two people have committed to getting married in the future.

Example: Pete and Shelly got engaged on the same day that she got a new job—it was a busy day!

32. To get married (verb)

This is the action that happens on the day of a wedding. Before that day, you can say that the people in the couple are a fiancé (male) or fiancée (female), which means they’re engaged. After that day you can say that they’re married.

Example: They got married in the Caribbean. It was called a “destination wedding,” because everyone had to travel to participate in the wedding.

Phase 4: Settling Down

After a couple is together for a while, they often get married or move in together, and then a new phase of their lives begins. Here are some helpful words to talk about that time.

33. To settle (for something) (verb)

The verb settle is a bit difficult to define, since it can have different meanings.

If you settle for something, it means that you accept something that isn’t as good as it could or should be. In other words, you’re probably lowering your standards or not being as demanding as you should be.

Example: After John and Sara got married, they wanted to buy a house. They couldn’t afford their dream house, so they settled for a cheaper house that was not as beautiful.

34. To settle (down) (verb)

This is another away to use the verb settle.

If you say that someone is settling down, it means that he or she is starting a calmer, more “domestic” part of his or her life. Usually typical parts of that process are to find a partner, get married, buy a house, have children, etc.

Example: Veronica was ready to settle down, but Victor said he wasn’t. He said that he wanted to date a few other women to be sure that Veronica was the right one. Veronica decided that she wouldn’t settle for a man who was not ready to commit to her, and she broke up with him.

35. Wedding (noun)

If you remember from number 32, this is the name for the event that happens when two people get married. A wedding day often includes a ceremony (in a church or at a courthouse, for example) and a celebration (also called a reception).

Example: Some people say that if it rains on your wedding day, it’s a sign of good luck to come in the future.

36. Bride (noun)

Remember, we saw that there’s a special name for people who are engaged: fiancé or fiancée.

But there are also special names that are used basically for just one day: The wedding day. A bride is the name for a woman on her wedding day. Before the wedding day, she’s a fiancée or a girlfriend. After the wedding day, she is a wife.

37. Groom (noun)

This is the male equivalent of a bride. A groom is the name for a man on his wedding day. Before, he’s a fiancé and after, he’s a husband.

38. Gown (noun)

Brides and grooms often wear special clothes for their weddings, and the clothing has special names, also.

gown is another name for a fancy or very special dress, so a wedding gown is what a bride usually wears for her wedding. This can also be called a wedding dress.

39. Tuxedo (noun)

A tuxedo (also called a “tux”) is a special suit that a man wears for a very formal occasion. Many men get married wearing a tuxedo, but not all of them.

If you want to see many examples of tuxedos and gowns, be sure to watch The Academy Awards, also known as The Oscars, on February 28th!

Example: We went to a very unusual wedding last weekend. There were no gowns or tuxes. Instead, the bride wore a bikini and the groom wore surf shorts!

40. Honeymoon (noun)

After the wedding, it’s very common for the newly-married husband and wife to take a special trip to celebrate their new life together. This trip is called a honeymoon.

Example: We were considering having a very fancy, expensive wedding. But instead we decided to have a small, simple wedding. We had more money to spend on a wonderful honeymoon!

41. Spouse (noun)

What can you call the people you love when you’re talking about them to other people? Numbers 41-43 are some of the most common generic options.

A spouse is a generic word for a husband or a wife. It doesn’t matter if it’s used to describe a man or a woman, but it does describe someone who is married.

42. Significant other (noun phrase)

If you’re generally describing people who are not married, but who are in relationships, you can say that they are significant others.

43. Partner (noun)

A similar word to significant other is partner, but that can also get confusing, since it can also be used for business partners or people who work together in a group.

Example: The company had a wonderful Christmas party. Employees were asked to invite their spouses or significant others. If they didn’t have a partner, they could even invite a friend.

44. Love handles (noun phrase)

Numbers 44-47 are four common signs that a person, especially a man, is settling down. They’re funny words, but you’ll hear them frequently.

Supposedly, when people get married or settle down, they stop trying to impress others in order to get dates. They don’t work as hard to maintain their physical appearance. At least, that’s the theory.

The phrase love handles is a cute way to describe the fat that appears on the side of a person’s stomach or abdomen.

45. Spare tire (noun phrase)

The phrase spare tire describes a similar phenomenon, but it covers a person’s whole belly (stomach). It’s called that because it looks like an extra (spare) tire for a car!

46. Beer belly (noun phrase)

You can also say that a person with a spare tire has a beer belly. This is basically the same thing, but it can often be more in the front, and stick out more. Obviously, the idea here is that the man has been drinking too much beer, which is high in calories.

47. Dad bod (noun phrase)

Finally, there’s a relatively new phrase used to describe what happens to a man’s body after he has a child: Dad bod. “Bod” is an abbreviation for “body,” and so the term “dad bod” describes a man who was possibly physically fit in the past, but who doesn’t have time to exercise now because he has children.

I can personally confirm that dad bod is real, and so can reputable magazines like Popular Science and TIME.

Example: Ryan didn’t drink much, so he was able to avoid getting a beer belly or a spare tire after he got married. However, after he and his wife had their first child, he quickly developed a dad bod since he no longer had time to exercise.

Well, those are all the words you need to know about love, right?

Not so fast.

Unfortunately, there are times when love doesn’t last forever. Like I mentioned in the introduction, there are many people who actually hate Valentine’s Day for one reason or another.

I want to keep this post happy and positive, especially since I think there are many positive aspects about Valentine’s Day.

If you agree and you’re in love, that’s great! I’m happy for you. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and that you and your lover live happily ever after. You can feel free to stop reading now.

Are all the happy people in love gone? Okay, then here’s the final “bonus” section:

Phase 5: When Love Ends

If you are sick and tired of love, then continue reading the next section because it’s just for you.

Of course we all want to have a happy ending to our love stories, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. Here are a few phrases to help you talk about those sad times.

48. A broken heart (noun)

A broken heart is just what it sounds like: when something bad happens (like a relationship ending), and you feel like your heart doesn’t work right anymore.

You will often hear this as an adjective, brokenhearted, or a verb phrase, to break (someone’s) heart.

Example: Bill was brokenhearted when his girlfriend moved to France, but after a few days of feeling sad, he started to feel better.

49. To break up with someone (verb)

This phrase is used to describe what happens when two people end their relationship.

If only one person does the action, you can say that he or she broke up with the other person. And if both people agree that it’s better to stop the relationship, you can say they broke up.

Example: Tammy said that she and her boyfriend had broken up. But in reality, I think he broke up with her because she wasn’t interested in the relationship.

Finally, if you do break up and feel brokenhearted, you may hear someone say this next expression.

50. It’s better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

This phrase is based on a quotation by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It means that even though love is difficult sometimes, it’s still an important part of life. Even if you have problems in love, you can still look on the positive side: At least you experienced love.

And with that idea, I wish you a happy, lovely, loving Valentine’s Day!

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