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Self-confidence is a key component of success. In fact, the lack of self-confidence is something many people point to when they feel like they aren’t succeeding in their relationships, career, or at life in general. It’s for this reason that I felt compelled to create this particular post on self confidence books.

Because let’s admit it.  At one time or another we’ve all blamed ourselves and our lack of confidence for why something didn’t go as planned in our life.

It could have been that date that didn’t go so well, the botched job interview, or even that business deal that fell through.  Whatever the case may be, most of the time a lack of confidence is the culprit.

We say to ourselves, “I just don’t have enough confidence.”

But that’s not true.  It’s not true, because confidence is not something you have, rather, it is something you create.


Top Books on Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind, a feeling, and a way of being that can be created at will. So, in a way, it’s a choice.

When you come to understand this, you’ll be able to turn on your confidence at a moment’s notice.  And when you know how to do this, you’ll start finding more of the success you seek.

Now I can tell you this truth over and over again until I am blue in the face, but, it will never be real to you until you’ve deeply ingrained this fact into your own mind.

And the best way to ingrain this fact into your own mind, is to become a student of confidence.

No, you don’t have to sign up for college courses to become a student of confidence.

To become a student of confidence all you have to do is… read.  You must read and study books on the subject of confidence.

Simple right?  So where should you start?

Start Here

Start with this list.  I’ve pulled together a list of the best books on building self-confidence that I’ve ever come across.  No doubt, there are hundreds of books on confidence, but let’s be honest, who (aside from Ph.D. students) has the time to read hundreds of books on a single topic?

Exactly, hardly anyone!

So, if you want to master confidence and improve your self-esteem,  just read a handful of the following books recommended on confidence and you should be good to go.  You don’t have to read hundreds of books on confidence to learn the fundamentals.  Trust me, this handful of books will do the trick.

Every book provides something different, yet, every single one also confirms what I just said…

Which is, that how confident you become is completely up to you, because confidence is all in your head.

So, behold the 20 Books you must read if you ever wish to master self-confidence:

20 Best Books on Building Self-Confidence

self confidence books

[Full Disclosure: Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission.]

1. Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway

‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ is a classic book by the late Dr. Susan Jeffers.  In this book, Susan Jeffers offers up solid advice for overcoming the paralysis and inaction that stems from being fearful and lacking confidence.  Susan Jeffers pulls her knowledge from many years of research, and lecturing on the topic of transforming fear, indecision, and even anger into power, action, and extreme confidence.

The book contains a handful of practical insights and exercises that you can immediately implement to help you come to the realization that confidence is something to be nurtured and cultivated, much like a muscle.

This book is both an eye-opener and a solid book to begin with on your journey towards building your confidence.

Feel the Fear Confidence Book

2. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Fear, doubt, and worry can be debilitating.  Possessing just one of these problems can indeed stop the best of us from reaching the heights of success we seek.  How so?  Because fear and doubt kills self-confidence.  And if success demands anything, it demands self-confidence.

This book is comprised of many recipes Mr. Carnegie pulled together from night classes he would teach to adult students on how to overcome worry.

‘How to Start Worrying and Start Living’ is a cure for anyone who wishes to eliminate the debilitating effects of fear and worry from their lives, so they fortify their confidence and get on with succeeding in their life.

Stop Worrying Start Living Confidently

3. Unstoppable Confidence

This book touches on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to help you get out of your comfort zone and master your self-confidence.    If you are unfamiliar with NLP, it is basically a scientific approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy that delivers practical ways in which you can change the way you think, view past events, and approach your life.

Much of this book uses ideas and concepts that Tony Robbins suggests for improving self-confidence, and they’ll work for you too.  ‘Unstoppable Confidence’ can teach you how to harness confidence levels that will make you, well…unstoppable.

Unstoppable Confidence Book

4. Think and Grow Rich

‘Think and Grow Rich’ is so much more than a confidence book, it is a success book.  However, the author, Napoleon Hill, understood that success requires a strong foundation built on self-confidence.

As such, the book provides a handful of potent insights and formulas that can help you gain the confidence you’ll need to start growing more successful, and yes even richer in your life.

This book is a must read for every person.  If you practice his self-confidence formula alone, you can dramatically improve your confidence in no time at all.

Think and Grow Confident

5. How to Talk to Anyone

Many people are confident in just about everything they do.  But for some people, when it comes to talking to people, they clam up, get anxious, and come across as less than self-assured.

If you’ve ever felt a lack of confidence when communicating with colleagues, strangers, or the opposite sex, this book can help you with crushing those feelings of uncertainty. Not only does this book educate on the nuances of confidence, but it gives you practical and effective tactics that you can employ immediately that will make you appear poised and self-assured, even if you’re not 100% there mentally. In other words, this book will help you fake it till you make it.

Having confidence when speaking with people is one of the most important skills you could acquire for successfully navigating your way to the top of your career.  So, if you know your confidence lacks in the ‘people department’ then you must read this book.

How to Talk to Anyone with Confidence

6. The Magic of Thinking Big

David Schwartz Ph.D. has created a masterful book with ‘The Magic of Thinking Big’, which is why over 6 million copies of the book have been sold.

In this book, Dr. Schwartz touches on many key areas that we all need to improve on to start succeeding in life.  Much of the book revolves around improving how you think about situations, people, and your future.  It deals with how to improve you attitude and perspectives, which in turn will help you to start taking the action necessary to reach your BIG goals.

Chapters 3 ‘Build Confidence and Destroy Fear’, Chapter 10 ‘Get the Action Habit’, Chapter 11 ‘How to Turn Defeat into Victory’, and Chapter 13 ‘How to Think Like a Leader’ are the most effective chapters for building your self-confidence.

All in all, this is one of my favorite self confidence books, and its probably the one confidence building book you can’t afford to miss.

Magic of Thinking Big

7. How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking

Dale Carnegie has created the perfect toolset for helping people dial into their confidence at will.  This book contains multiple confidence boosting tips that will help you acquire poise, increase your memory, improve the delivery of your message, and appear more charming to everyone you interact with.

This book was created to teach people how to overcome their fears of public speaking; however, the strategies he provides to help you increase your confidence to speak in front of large audiences can also be applied towards overcoming other confidence issues in other areas of your life.

How you ask?  Because when you master public speaking, you simultaneously wipe out your timidity and gain the courage and assurance to deal with people.  In short, confidence gained in one department will help you gain the confidence you may need in others.

How to Develop Self-Confidence Book

8. You Are a Badass

‘You Are a Badass’ by Jen Sincero, is not specifically geared towards improving confidence; however, it covers a wide range of self-improvement topics that when combined, can help you strengthen your over all sense of self, and with that, your confidence.

Within the book there is a chapter specifically for confidence, titled, ‘Fear Is For Suckers’.  This chapter provides some great perspectives on fear and confidence that can help you significantly boost your confidence.

You Are a Badass

9. Presence

Amy Cuddy is the famous TED talk professor who first acquainted us with power poses and using our physiology to increase our confidence levels.

Well, she helps deliver a similar message in this book, and she does it with detail and backs it all up with solid research.

When you read this book, be prepared to learn about the power of your personal story, how to overcome impostor syndrome, and how to utilize you posture to level up your confidence.

As a student of confidence, this is one book you won’t want to miss.

Best Confidence Books

10. The Confidence Gap

This book is a great confidence book to compliment the others already mentioned.  This book does what it says, it fills the confidence gap.

How does it do this?  Well, it does this by giving the readers a different perspective on dealing with their confidence or lack thereof.  Russ Harris offers a novel solution to confidence by encouraging you to form a different relationship with your confidence, instead of trying to force yourself to overcome your confidence limitations.

In this book you will learn about the power of mindfulness and some techniques for keeping your negative thoughts and feelings at bay so your confidence levels can soar.

This book is certainly worth the read and it will truly help fill some of the confidence gaps we all face.

Confidence Book

11. The Power of Self-Confidence

Brian Tracy is a seasoned sales/business guru who knows a thing or two about success.  Truth is, it is hard to lose with Brian Tracy in your corner.  He’s pushed out countless resources ranging from self-discipline, to time-management, to self-confidence.

And in just about all of his resources, you’ll hear him mention the importance of your inner-game, of your mindset and how you feel about yourself.

Without a doubt, this book will help you understand why it is so essential to have faith in your abilities and believe in yourself.

Read this book and build the unshakable confidence you know deep down in your heart you are capable of wielding.

Power of Self Confidence Book

Comfort is the kiss of death to success.  And in this book, you will learn why.

As such, you’ll find plenty of admonishments in this book to step outside of your comfort zone, and in so doing, dramatically strengthen your confidence levels.

If you are okay with real-talk, truth, and zero punches being pulled, you will enjoy this book.  Beware though, this is not a PG book.  It will speak to you as an adult, so be prepared for a good push.

Best Confidence Books

13. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

This book will wake you up to what true confidence is all about.  Author, Nathaniel Branden provides firm answers to questions we all have related to our confidence and self-esteem.

If you’re looking for answers, you’ll find them here.  You’ll learn what self-esteem really is, you’ll learn why it is so important to cultivate it, how you can increase your own self-esteem levels, and what role our external environment (other people) plays in our confidence levels.

Without a doubt, you’ll be sure to find many ‘Aha!’ moments in this book, and a solid foundation to building up your self-esteem, and with it, your confidence.

Best Confidence Books

Related: Become an Extrovert, Even If Shy

14. Unleash The Warrior Within

‘Unleash The Warrior Within’ is authored by former Navy SEAL Richard Machowicz.  And as you’d suspect, he provides tons of confidence boosting strategies that he acquired from his time in the military.

Richard has you break down your fears into smaller, bite sized components, making them much easier to attack.  He also spends time educating his readers on the importance of mindset.

As a fan of the warrior ethos, I enjoy how the author combats those areas of our lives that can hold us back and keep us from doing what we need to do most to achieve our goals.   If you want more confidence, read this book, you can’t go wrong.

Unleash the Warrior

15. Psycho-Cybernetics

Don’t let the name of this book scare you.  It may sound daunting and super scientific, but rest assured that the material contained within it will be easy to digest and better yet, easy to implement towards building up your self-confidence.

The author of the book, Maxwell Maltz holds a Ph.D. and lays out his years of his experience and observation on how powerful self-image is when it comes to helping us achieve the results we are after. 

You’ll learn about the power of perception, self-esteem, and how large a role our self-image can play in our ability to achieve. In addition to this, you’ll learn some powerful strategies you can employ to immediately and positively impact your confidence levels.  So, If you’re looking for a time tested book on confidence that is based in science, this is a book everyone should read.

Confidence Books

16.  The Power of Positive Thinking

I know what your thinking, what does positive thinking have to do with Confidence.  But here me out.  This book, with out a doubt belongs in this selection of the best books on confidence because of the wisdom provided chapter after chapter by the late great Norman Vincent Peale specifically for helping its readers lead a more positive and confident life.

Now, just as a heads up, the wisdom provided in this great book does have religious undertones too them; however, this is exactly where much of the power of this book comes in to play.  So, if you are not religious, or don’t care for biblical references you can skip this book and read all the others, BUT, I assure you, you’ll be cutting yourself short if you do so.  If you’ve read all the confidence books in the world, and yet you still feel like you are coming up short in the confidence department, well then you’ll definitely want to invest in this book.  It WILL help your conquer your confidence and self-esteem challenges and instill in you the faith to conquer your internal/external fears.

Confidence Books

17.  Negative Self-Talk and How to Change It

This is a great book to add to your library of books that can help you boost your confidence levels.  The premise of the books revolves around what negative self-talk is, why you should work to minimize the amount of it you do, and how to go about doing so.

It really is a great tool/book to consider for helping you build your confidence because of the important role our self-talk plays in how we feel about ourselves.  Essentially, lots of negative self-talk leads to feeling less confident and less negative self-talk essentially leads to feeling more confident.

As such, this is a worthy book to own to help you get a handle on your negative inner voice, and as a result, positively improve your confidence levels.

Negative Self Talk Book on Confidence

18. The 5 Second Rule

Mel Robbins brings a whole new definition to confidence in this book. She’ll help dispel the myth the confidence is merely a lack of belief in yourself, but rather, it’s the willingness or unwillingness to try.

Without a doubt, you’ll walk away from this book realizing that confidence is related to action. And you’ll begin to realize that confidence doesn’t start with belief, but rather, confidence starts with action. And since Mel’s book is primarily about action, we could not deny adding her book to our invaluable list of books on confidence.

So, use this book to push yourself to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears.

5 Second Rule Book for Confidence

19. Daring Greatly

Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly is the wake up call we all need. She doesn’t pull any punches and definitely tells it like it is in this book. Which is why it made the cut for our no B.S. list of self-confidence books. The biggest take away you’ll get from this book is that it is okay to be vulnerable. Her book provides a great combination of solid research and casual storytelling that will help you ease into being more being more vulnerable. And the more vulnerable you allow yourself to be, the more confident you’ll become as you come to realize you can handle whatever it is life is happening to throw your way.

So, if you’re looking for a book to dare you to step outside of your comfort zone, to be bigger than your anxieties, and to get you living and leading more confidently, then this book is a must read.

Daringly Greatly Confidence Book

20. Never Finished

This last book is not your typical confidence book. It doesn’t give you tips or strategies to specifically zero-in on your confidence. In fact, Goggins states it himself in the book, it’s not a self-help book. But, what this book does do, is it helps you reframe your thinking.

‘Never Finished’ provides insight after insight to help you see yourself in a different light. It also includes stories that demonstrate that you are more than you are, and that you can do more than you’ve done. All in all, the lessons within this book will improve your mental strength and ultimately help you become aware of your true potential.

So give this book a read if you’re serious about building up your confidence, because there’s nothing more confident than a mentally strong person who believes in their abilities and their limitless potential.

Bonus Confidence Resource

‘Go Fearless’ is a synthesis of the best confidence building strategies from many of the self confidence books just mentioned.  After going from outgoing and confident to feeling shy and withdrawn for many years, I set out to re-discover the confidence and fearlessness I had in my youth.  After learning how to bounce back into the outgoing and confident person I knew I was capable of being, I decided to share what I learned.

This resource does not waste your time with drawn out stories or background, it gives you exactly what you need to know, NOW, so you can get started on building your confidence ASAP.

If there were ever a shortcut to learning how to master self-confidence, this would be it.  It’s a confidence building tool, and a true call to action. And the best thing about it, is it’s free.

So, if you’re looking for a no B.S. guide to help you start living your life with confidence, go read this free resource and ‘Become Fearless’!  Your future self will thank you for it.

Final Words on These Self Confidence Books

There you have it, the 20 best books you can read to get started on mastering the one thing that can make all the difference in how much success you’ll find in your life; confidence.

After you’ve read these books for self-confidence, you’ll realize that having a sense of confidence is nothing but a sense of power within yourself, a sense of certainty that you can pull off just about anything.

Read these books and you’ll finally come to understand what confidence really is, and you’ll learn that you have the power to create it at any moment in time.

To Your Success!


PS – If you’ve enjoyed this collection of confidence books, then you’ll most likely also enjoy this piece on ‘The 7 Ways to Gain Instant Confidence’.

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To keep love burning takes a lot of hard work and commitment. As a lover, learn to keep the circle of your love valuable and make it your priority.

Love is a beautiful thing and so it should be cherished with the utmost care, shared with a true heart and received happily. I realized that when the day seems sour and loses taste, I receive the motivation and inspiration from those who love me.

When you get filled inside, geared up to start a new day by the one you love, it brings an uncontrollable excitement that gives you strength and power to progress. We also need some love inspirations to light up the day and give a bright smile.

Use the power of love and inspire someone today. Here are 100 inspiring love words and inspiring love messages.’

Most Inspiring Love Words from the Heart

Inspire your lover with the type of creative words you send to him or her. Here are romantic inspirational love words you can send to your love and you will be glad you did.

1. I love you and I’m proud to say it, not because I have pride but I’m sure that I love the one my heart wants.

2. If I could show you how my heart dances at your appearance, you’d be shocked. You’re simply the right music to the tune of my heart.

3. I don’t want to ask myself so many questions because I get all my answers in you and from you.

4. I know you’ve never realized how much you’ve taught me, but I’m really motivated by your words of courage, hope and love. I want to love you forever.

5. I’m glad I have no chance of giving excuses because I had, I would have excused a beautiful life and true love. I pray excuses to have no way. Love you so much.

6. I don’t just want to show you designs or analyze words, I just wish you could open my future and see the position I’ve placed you. You’re valuable to me. I admire you.

7. Being addicted to you is what I want forever. You’ve been the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.

8. sometimes, I look at myself without inspiration and encouragement, I would be dying inside but you saturated my world with lots of encouragement and inspired my heart to success.

9. I take a trip back to history, not for bad memories but, to count how blessed I’ve been all these years living with bundles of goodness in human form. I cherish you, love.

10. Every day, I’m grateful. All I wanted was you, all I want is you and all I’ll always want is you.

11. Being with you every step of the way has made my way brighter and brighter. You’re the perfect light I need to guide my paths.

12. Since the day I made you the focus of my attention, I’ve gotten it right. You’ve gotten my focus gazed on a successful goal. You’re special.

13. You’ve watered my whole heart and patiently waited for harvest. Don’t ever leave, be the gardener of my heart forever.

14. You’re my haven of Joy. I’m addicted to your blessedness. Love you dearly.

15. If everyone has someone like you, it would solve so many problems. You’re one in a million and I envy every bit of love and care you show.

16. I never knew just a little smile would make a day and a little laughter would clear doubts until I met you. You’re honoured, my lovely.

17. Everyone now wants to associate with me because my life is meaningful. It’s because you came in. I’m glad I have you forever. Much love.

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18. When I’m with you, I feel complete, fulfilled, inspired, motivated and full of life. You’re everything I need and I’m happy.

19. Your personality is special and adorable. I cherish you and never want to let go.

20. If I have to wish every day, all I’ll wish is that our love never dies.

21. For the first time, I felt something within me so real. It was true love. You caused an irreplaceable change in my life. Love you always.

22. I just found out you are irresistible, you’re also palatable and loveable. Thanks for fixing my life in its best position.

23. How else can I appreciate and tell you how wonderful you are? You’re priceless and I’ll hold you, dear.

24. I’ve come to the realization that I’m madly in love and it’s what I want. I love you.

25. I never knew love could be a very beautiful gift a human can have until I experienced it. Thanks for showing me, true love.

26. You’re the most amazing person I’ve met in my whole life. I wondered where you’ve been all my life. I’m so excited that I achieved my dreams with the most precious human I value.

27. You flow into my subconscious every single time. It’s so interesting how your love has engulfed me. You’re the most important to me right now. Thanks for everything.

28. I’ve experienced happiness, joy, tears, sorrow, hatred and pain with you, still, I choose you. I’ll choose you again and again. You’re the best.

29. It’s hard to go a day successful without hearing your voice. It speaks peace to my soul. You mean the world to me.

30. I’ll never get tired of appreciating you because your presence in my life speaks more meaning. You’re always in my heart.

31. Don’t let anyone poison your heart, I’m always thinking and praying that you always excel. Much love.

32. All I want to live for is you and all I want to work for is to give you a happy life. Love you always.

33. Living by your side forever is where I want to be. I love you dearly.

34. If I’m able to raise my head and tell others the meaning of true love, is because you’ve shown me. You remain in my heart always.

35. I just want to grow old with you, be with you always till the end of time. You’re my world.

36. If people say I’m crazy, I know I’m crazily in love and it doesn’t matter.

37. I’m always glad anytime I think of you and the happiness within me swells the more I see your face.

38. If I have to plant my heart, I’ll plant in your garden for I know it will yield fruits in its time. Love you so much.

39. Even as the storms disturb the waters, yet it remains. You’ve proven true, faithful and real to me. Thanks so much.

40. You’ve made the cost of love worth waiting for. You’re awesome.

41. My mornings, noons and night, I want it under your light to keep glowing and never go dim. Cherish you forever.

42. At a glimpse, you made my life alright. You’re wonderful.

43. Every negative perish at your beholding. You’re a rare blessing. Thank you.

44. Every day I desired someone who would be real and true, you walked right in and honoured me. I’ll give you all and stay with you always.

45. I’ll kiss you a hundred, million and forever for you brighten my world.

46. If I travel a hundred miles, I’ll still need you around for you sweeten my world.

47. I can go a thousand miles just to tell you how much I love and need you in my life.

48. You don’t occupy my heart because you are my heart. Yes, that’s just how extensive my love is towards you.

49. With you, I always want a next time, another time and every time. I love you.

50. If every second would play records, I want all records to feature you.

51. You made me unleash the real me and explore from the depths of my heart. I value you dearly.

52. In your arms, I find peace and comfort. You’re perfect. Much love.

53. With you, I can say love has laughter, openness, values and excitement. I love you.

54. You give me joy I can’t fathom. You give me contentment I hold dear. You give me all I need and I’m honoured. Thank you.

55. Even if the world stops giving you what’s best, I’ll always give you the best. I love you unconditionally.

56. Your smile gives me the ladder that leads me to success. Your words give me the shed from evil. You’re a wonderful creature.

57. You make me feel strong even when everything is wrong. You’ve planted an everlasting impression of true love that will live on in my heart.

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58. If I should count five people who are special to me, you’d not be an exception. You’re one person who matters most to me.

59. The memories I have about you is unforgettable. I always think, what if I hadn’t met you.? You stir up the little child in me. I cherish you.

60. All that matters to me is that your happiness never dies. Cry on my shoulder if you want but never leave by my arms. I care about you.

61. I admire all the characters you possess. I love you more each time.

62. Every minute with you matters to me because I find my purpose fulfilling anytime I’m with you. You’re charming.

63. I fell in love without thinking twice. I desired you not knowing your imperfections. You’re a significant star in my life. I love you.

64. No matter how they throw the stones at me, just let me tell you, I’ll never let you out of my side. You’re precious to me.

65. Your values can’t be bought with money or wealth. You’re strong and loving. I’ll keep you in my heart forever. Sweet Words to Make Her Happy

66. Anytime the breeze blows and keeps the day cool, I remember how you blew into my life and kept me peaceful. Thanks, I love you.

67. Others may have their own light shining bright but I’ve never seen the one that outshines yours. You’re my angel.

68. Your beauty and intelligence marvel me that I wonder how I found love with you. You made love worth living. Much love.

69. Everything you have, I love it just the way it is. You’ll always remain essential to me.

70. You’re the only one who knows how to fix my wrong, admire my rights and stir my courage. I don’t want to miss you. You’re all I need.

71. I thank God I waited to tread the right path where I found you.

72. I want to be your favourite, your bestie, your all and your amazing, always. I love you

73. I pray the guardian angel keeps you safe for me always. Love you.

74. You give me the confidence no one has ever given me. All I want is to be by your side and flourish. You’re my inspiration.

75. I’m happy I can always count on you. You made my journey of love very interesting though sometimes it gets boring. I love you.

76. Anything you want, I’ll give you. Anywhere you go, I’ll follow. Thanks for making me complete.

77. Your face looks so bright with those smiles you give me. Your voice smoothens my heart. You’re too loving.

78. I always look forward to seeing you because you’re filled with new adventures which gladden me always.

79. I bless God that I never bypassed my dream of being with you, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity of experiencing a fulfilled life.

80. You make every day worth living for. I see every reason to live with you. I see every reason to love you and I see every reason to keep you forever.

81. The most memorable day, a minute I’d never forget and a day engraved on the tables of my heart, is the day I met you. You mean the world to me.

82. I feel others pretend to be happy when they find love. I now know why they can’t help it. I’m glad you believed in me and swept all my ill thoughts.

83. I’m glad I can write my love story with you that the whole world would read and know how precious you mean to me.

84. I trust you to my bones. I’m excited every day I found the right one to place my trust.

85. You’ve made me understand life. You’ve made me understand trust. You’ve made me understand happiness and you’ve made me real. Thanks, much love.

86. The thought of you gives me strength to move on from day to day. I can’t go a day without thinking of you.

87. Because of you, I’m ready to face what love has in store. With you, I can go on. I bless the day I met you.

88. One person that keeps me up at night is you. I don’t mind staying awake all night praying for you to go higher.

89. I’m happy I choose the right asset to invest on. With you, I’m sure of beautiful years ahead.

90. I always try to look for the right words to tell you, but, I found you’re the exact words.

91. I don’t want to choose the options of staying or leaving you because they are no options. I want to live with you forever.

92. I found it difficult to achieve together with others but since you engulfed me, I’ve achieved so much more together. You’re the best experience and I appreciate you.

93. In you, I found the right answers to so many questions. In you, I saw brightness in my world. You’re all I need.

94. You’re the sunshine in my world which gives me confidence for a new day.

95. You make every day the best day for me. I’m honoured to have you for a lifetime

96. I don’t have to worry my thoughts because, with your company words, I get solutions.

97. You’re with me and for me. I’ll go all the way with you.

98. I don’t think I can ever get enough of you because every day and every time with you is a time to learn new things.

99. My life is heaven with you. You never give me any reason to feel sad. I bless the day I found true love.

100. Others have given up on my bad nature but you cleaned up my mess, accepted my flaws and made my bad good.

 Love is being stupid together — Любовь — это дурачиться вместе. Пол Валери

Love is a game that two can play and both win — Любовь — это игра, в которую могут играть двое, причем оба — выигрывать. Ева Габор

To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction — Любовь — это не смотреть друг на друга, а смотреть вместе в одном направлении. Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. — Любовь — это непреодолимое желание быть непреодолимо желаемым. Роберт Фрост

Love: Two minds without a single thought. — Любовь — это два разума без единой мысли. Филипп Барри

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell. — Любовь — это пламя. Но ты никогда не можешь предсказать, согреет ли она твое сердце или сожжет твой дом. Джоан Крауфорд

If you wish to be loved, love! — Если хочешь быть любимым — люби! Сенека

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. — Под влиянием любви каждый становится поэтом. Платон

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. — Искренняя любовь кого-либо к тебе дает тебе силы, а твоя искренняя любовь к кому-либо — смелость. Лао Цзы

Fortune and love favor the brave. — Удача и любовь предпочитают смелых. Овидий

As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words. — Пытаться потушить пламя любви словами — все равно что разжигать огонь снегом. Уильям Шекспир

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. — Полюбить самого себя — начало романа длиной в жизнь. Оскар Уайлд

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary. — Никогда не люби никого, кто обращается с тобой, будто ты обычный. Оскар Уайлд

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. — Храни любовь в своем сердце. Жизнь без любви — это сад без солнца, все цветы в котором увяли. Оскар Уайлд

The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love. — Единственное, чего никогда не бывает достаточно — это любовь. И единственное, чему мы никогда не отдаем достаточно — это тоже любовь. Генри Миллер

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. — Способ полюбить что-либо — это осознать, что ты можешь этого лишиться. Гилберт Честерон

Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.- Незрелая любовь говорит: «Я люблю тебя, потому что нуждаюсь в тебе». Зрелая любовь говорит: «Я нуждаюсь в тебе, потому что люблю тебя». Эрих Фромм

Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship — never. — Дружба часто заканчивается любовью. Любовь дружбой — никогда. Чарльз Калеб Колтон

To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return. — Храбрость — это любить безоговорочно, ничего не ожидая взамен. Мадонна

A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love. — Малейшей капли надежды достаточно для рождения любви. Стендаль

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