Word of big woman

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Adult games

In the distant future, evolution played a cruel joke with men, making them small and fragile, unlike women who became big and strong. In a new world, women began to occupy a dominant position in society, occupying all influential positions and standing at the head of all large companies, and eventually they began to rule the whole world. Our hero is a young twenty-five-year-old guy named Brian, who was forced to work as a cleaner at the hotel after graduating from an engineering university. On his first working day, his boss, Miss Hutson, gave him a clear idea that if he wants to stay on this job for a long time, then he must fulfill any wishes of their clients, as well as the management of the hotel. Brian will have a hard time, but he will cope and prove that he deserves this job — caressing the wife of multi-millionaire Miss Jefferson, helping the tax inspector and the famous actress Miss Donovan, and also fuck accountant Miss Margaret and his boss Miss Hutson.


Zashono Academy: Where 100% of the girls who graduate float without holding their breath.

«Well, there’s a surprise. Even more absurdly huge tits.»

A setting in which practically every known female character, excluding the occasional Token Pettanko, is unquestionably big-breasted. Whether they be skinny, average, muscular or chubby, female characters have larger-than-average breasts seemingly by default. This is especially evident when there is a wide range of body types, but they all have one… excuse us, two common features.

This can be a software limitation in Video Games where everyone looks familiar because they all use the same model. If one female NPC has large breasts, all female NPCs have them. If it’s a 3D game on a 5th-generation console, it may even be a technical limitation, as those consoles tend to go for all or nothing, due to polygon count. Also particularly common in MMORPGs.

This is not just about a cast with a lot of large-breasted women. This is where roughly 90% of the female cast shown has large knockers, making it seem like this body type is the norm rather than a slightly uncommon occurrence (as in Real Life).

Usually occurs as a result of Author Appeal. This can be a major source of A-Cup Angst for the 10% that are not well-endowed. Rarely combined with D-Cup Distress. May overlap with World of Action Girls. Its Spear Counterpart is World of Muscle Men.

A Sister Trope to Most Common Superpower. See also Only One Female Mold.


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    Anime & Manga 

  • In Bleach, while there are exceptions such as Rukia and Soifon, the rest of the female cast: Orihime, Yoruichi, Rangiku, adult Nel, Isane, Kūkaku, Harribel, Kirio (slim form) and Ichigo�s mother Masaki are very well-endowed. Even a tomboy like Tatsuki is drawn to be decently perky, particularly post Time Skip.
  • In Black Lagoon, Revy, with an E-cup, is considered to have a medium bust based on The Official Breast Comparision Chart.
  • As befitting the premise, a majority of the female cast (aside from Chiaki) in Breasts Are My Favorite Things in the World! are well-endowed. Given that Chiaki is a huge breasts fanatic, this is a plus for her.
  • In DEAD Tube the main named girls are all very well endowed, and their assets will often be the focus of many panels, with them either being the source of Fanservice or Squick by being on focus even when they die on gruesome manners, all of this supported by the hands of a former hentai mangaka.
  • Divergence Eve: Despite being very dramatic and nearly devoid of comedy or mention of them, the entire female cast (with the exception of the flat-chested android) have very large breasts that begin bouncing with every turn.
  • Dragon Ball: Played straight in the original Dragon Ball where you have curvy and well endowed girls like Bulma, Launch and Ranfan walking around, but it became a Downplayed Trope in Z. Well in the manga at least, the anime had Marron and even Android 18�s bust got somewhat enlarged in Buu Saga Filler. Dragon Ball Super similarly makes most of the female characters busty, even Bulma has now got a noticeably big bust that she lacked in Z. Super also introduces Caulifa, Kale, Kefla, Vados, Future Mai, Android 21, Bonyu and Cheelai who are very well endowed.
  • Eiken, source of our page image, doesn’t care whether the female characters are adults, teenagers, or elementary school-aged.note  Instead, it throws massive tits on most of them. Hell, they go so far as to change boob size mid-scene in the name of fanservice. And this is actually one of the tamer works by its author; his other stuff tend to make this series’ busty characters look small.
  • Fairy Tail: Aside from the prepubescent Wendy and the average-breasted Levy, every female character has very large breasts. Oddly enough, at one point Levy was drawn to have large breasts.
  • Freezing: Nearly all the Pandoras are extremely well-endowed, with the main protagonist Satellizer el Bridget being the largest of all. Most fights result in Clothing Damage which the Pandoras can conveniently restore in mid-battle. One of the super-buxom Pandora, Elizabeth, spends most of her time out of uniform completely naked, even amongst company.
  • In Gangsta. only four female characters aren�t rocking a D-Cup or C-Cup at the very least, those women being Veronica (who�s likely dead), Nina, Loretta (who are both young girls) and Connie (much to her shame). The rest of the time you�ve got ladies like Alex and Ginger who have massive breasts.
  • In Getsuyoubi no Tawawa, every girl that the main character comes across has breasts that are at least the size of their head. When Ai-chan finds a copy of the very anime that they are a part of inside his apartment, she even forbids him from watching it because of all the large breasts in it. The school festival episode does show that sizes vary, but the ones on the lower end of the scale (despite being pretty chesty) are more upset compared to the larger girls.
    • The original Twitter collection not only stars a whole town of buxom women, all of the major girls in the story are big-breasted as well.
  • Just about every female character in Godannar has large breasts, even some of the female shaped mechs are designed with huge chests.
  • High School D�D: Oh boy, where do we even begin? Aside from Asia and Koneko, basically all the girls in the Occult Research Club have at least a D-cup: out of all the recorded sizes, Akeno has the largest rack of them all at a whopping 102 cm/40″, which makes her at least an F-cup.
  • High School Of The Dead: Nearly every female, aside from Alice and Asami, has D-Cups or bigger. Though the sheer size of Shizuka’s breasts still manages to dwarf the rest of the cast.
  • Out of all the girls that hit the puberty in Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, there’re only two that can be considered modest chested.
  • Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal no Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii: ~DEEP~: All girls, not just ones with Keita, have a notably large bust size for what’s supposed to be early highschoolers.
  • All of the competitors in Keijo!!!!!!!! have either moderate or large breasts. The series justifies it by having them competing in a sport where women can only use their breasts and their butts to push each other into a pool of water. Having large breasts gives most girls a better leg up on the competition since those with small chests essentially have their available options cut in half.
  • Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka: Subtract Nazani, who isn’t a teen yet, and you’ll find that Sayako is just about the only girl with relatively small breasts.
  • Maken-ki!: The Tenbi students are divided between flat, average, and humongous cup sizes (lampshaded in the center three panels, here). But the addition of the Venus unit and the series’ female villains, tips the scales so that the majority of the female cast averages at E-Cup and above.
  • My Hero Academia: More apparent in the anime than the manga but every main female character (with the sole exception of poor Kyoka Jiro), is pretty well off in the chest department. If they aren�t super busty like Momo, Midnight, and Mt. Lady are, then they�re at the least perky like in the cases of Ochaco, Mina, and even Tsuyu.
  • Negima! Magister Negi Magi: The residents of class 3-A (and Earth as a whole) have a wide range of chest sizes, but a couple of the smaller chested ones discuss how the women of the Magic World are almost all well-endowed.
  • One Piece didn’t really start out this way. But as things have progressed the chests of the two female crew members, Nami and Robin, have gotten more emphasis and female characters tend to be a bit bigger in the chests than they used to be. On the other hand, there are also many female characters whose whole bodies are large enough to make their large breasts seem normal.
  • Not in the original Web Comic by ONE, but in the Hotter and Sexier One-Punch Man manga illustrated by Yusuke Murata every female character (with a few exceptions e.g Tatsumaki, Swim, Pink Honert and Zenko) have decent sized breasts or very well endowed like Fubuki, Mizuki and Tanktop Girl. This extends to the villains like Mosquito Girl, Do-S and Psykos.
  • Any girl over the age of 13 in Psychic Academy is going to be a C cup at the very smallest.
  • Queen’s Blade: Excluding Ymir and Nowa, the cast ranges from D-Cup and above. And the animators have seen to it that you’ll see plenty of them, since the characters all wear next-to-no clothing. So the rampant Clothing Damage ensures you’ll be looking at fully exposed breasts nearly every episode. Nanael, being one of the most average-size breasted girls in the series, often lampshades it.
  • Samurai Gun has an Anachronism Stew of Steampunk technology in medieval Japan, apparently including breast-enhancement surgery as every female character or Victim of the Week has big tits.
  • In Sekirei, the vast majority of female Sekirei have very large breasts. This is in contrast to all of the human female characters in the series who all have flat to average bust sizes. Lampshaded amusingly when Benitsubasa, seeking Musubi, asks young Kuu over the phone to speak to the «big-breasted woman». This does exactly nothing to narrow things down for Kuu.
  • Triage X, from the same artist of Highschool of the Dead. Practically every female also has a very large chest.
  • The world of Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, with the exception of a selected few petite characters. Arisugawa is the only one with ridiculously large breasts, however — the others’ sizes are big, but realistic.
  • Cool-Kyou Shinsha tends to use really large breasts as a sign of the supernatural (when they aren’t just using it for Author Appeal) so any series with a large concentration of supernatural entities (like the dragons in Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid or the Youkai in Mononoke Sharing) will apply. This does not apply to The ‘Verse as a whole.
  • For a manga about surviving the horrors of giant insects, practically all the females in The Island of Giant Insects have large breasts. Even Mami, whose clothes simply hid them.
  • Pretty much every female character in The Dark Queen and I Strike Back, human and inhuman alike, has large breasts. The exceptions are mainly those who are still young and Fleonell (in her weakened form; whenever she returns to her true form, she’s one of the bustiest in the cast).

    Comic Books 

  • DC and Marvel only avert this when it comes to their younger female characters who usually aren�t rivalling Pamela Anderson in the chest department like most of their casts. For example Marvel has Kitty Pryde and Jubilee who were purposefully kept flat-chested compared to their older female teammates and only really averted this till much later. DC usually tends to keep Supergirl small breasted to reflect her youthfulness and to contrast with Power Girl.
  • The C.H.I.X. one-shot from Image Comics, which was a spoof of the Stripperific Audience-Alienating Era of comics.
  • ElfQuest, at least where the elves are concerned. Dewshine is pretty much the only exception. The humans, at least, are more modestly built. This also applies to the trolls, but in a Fan Disservice way.
  • In The Metabarons, the planet of Ulkmar-Eight-Moon is a literal example. The females of the local proto-anthropoid species all have huge breasts.
  • In Sin City, as per Frank Miller style, every single attractive female character has Baywatch level breast size and their bodies tend to be drawn identically as well.
  • In the Den comics, nearly all the female characters, especially the women who were brought from Earth, make up this trope.
  • Every female character, whether protagonist or antagonist, in Grimm Fairy Tales and its spin-offs.
  • In Invincible every adult female character has got a D-Cup, including half a dozen alien women. At one point In-Universe The Hero Mark notes that his girlfriend Eve has got bigger breasts which is head scratching since Eve was busty since day one.
  • You’d be hard press to find anyone in Lady Death who isn’t above a D cup.


  • The films of Russ Meyer, whose article here is spearheaded by the quote «I always had a tremendous interest in big tits.»
  • Enforced, so to say, by the host of German TV’s «Schlefaz»note , when they aired the Vampirella movie. Notwithstanding the fact that most fans find the Talisa Soto character flat anyway, they reiterated on the booby theme and even showed archived material of Vampirella/cosplay…with ridiculously photoshopped megaknockers. (It’s to fear it wasn’t ridiculously enough for the target group to notice.)

    Live-Action TV 

  • Saturday Night Live featured a skit set on the Planet of the Enormous Hooters. The queen exiled a woman (played by Dolly Parton)note  for her pitifully undersized breasts:

    «Look! Her breasts are so small. They look like melons!»

  • One episode of Seinfeld had Elaine aghast at the fact all of the women who worked in a restaurant had large breasts, and assumed that the owner was hiring them for their bodies. Turns out, it was a family business, and the servers were his daughters.
  • A common trait shared by women in The New Mike Hammer. Every episode featured the «Hammer-ettes»; busty women in low tops and push-up bras emphasizing their ample cleavage, who’d exchange a Double Entendre or two with Stacy Keach.


  • I’m a Behemoth, an S-Ranked Monster, but Mistaken for a Cat, I Live as an Elf Girl’s Pet: All the females are quite well endowed with Aria having the biggest breasts, much to Tama’s delight.
  • With the exception of Lina, every female character of age in Slayers sports about D-cups. Even Amelia (not yet of age) is working her way up there going by later depictions.


  • Every single woman in Captain Fantastic is depicted with large breasts and skin-tight shirts, the better to show off their nipples.
  • Similarly, the women of Evel Knievel all wear tight white T-shirts that accentuate their large breasts.
  • Truck Stop is all about the sexy service attendants, their ample bosoms, and their very tight tank tops.

    Professional Wrestling 

  • Before the mid-1990s wrestlers with racks the size of Misty Blue, Luna Vachon or Jacqueline were rare but from then onward it became fairly common for wrestles to take time off to get breast implants. The industry as a whole did not quite become a buxom world, but TNA and especially WWE did. Women’s Extreme Wrestling, which was built on Fanservice, had a c cup locker room average. While large by athlete standards, it was not «extreme» enough for TNA and WWE, as several WEW alumni such as Traci Brooks, ODB and Angel Williams had to «upgrade» to D or Double D just to get noticed by them. Alexis Laree got on TNA’s pay per views without surgery but had to bite the bullet just to get out of WWE’s developmental. Madusa, famous for the many times her nose was broken in Zenjo, managed to make it all the way to the WWF women’s title belt before another «fracture» took her off TV long enough to gain 30 lbs in the chest. Jessie McKay was famed for already having the «diva» look, but it turned out she needed implants too.

    Video Games 

  • Excluding the teen and child characters, most of the female cast in the Ace Attorney games tend to be rather well-endowed.
  • In Age of Conan it used to be impossible to create female characters with anything smaller than a D cup. Thankfully, more recent updates have allowed you to reduce the size. Also, a cosmetic cash-shop item is available that temporarily enlarges breasts.
  • You wouldn�t expect it from a cutesy game like Baku Baku Animal, but pretty much every woman in the game sports fairly huge breasts. The one exception being the underaged Polly.
  • In Br�tal Legend some girls wear Stripperiffic outfits, some are Token Wholesome, but one thing they all have in common are their impressive cup sizes.
  • City of Heroes: In keeping with its Comic Book origins, Most Common Superpower is enforced, with a C/D cup the smallest any female character can be.
  • The cast of Dead or Alive is predominantly female and stacked to the point that the «Xtreme Beach Volleyball» games were made purely for the sake of focusing on their assets. It wasn’t until the fifth game that they introduced a girl who’s merely average-sized…and they followed that up by bringing in a girl with the biggest breasts of the entire cast, and making the two of them friends.
  • Devil May Cry originally didn�t invoke this much, Trish and Lucia were moderately endowed while Lady only shows her sizeable bust in her alternate costume. Devil May Cry 4 however plays it straight and exaggerates it as Trish, Lady and Kyrie have all got D-Cups and the former two even have Jiggle Physics. Devil May Cry 5 tones this down thanks to the life-like characters models, Trish and Lady while still curvy are now more realistically endowed.
  • Rather infamously in the Devil Survivor universe, C cup and above are so normal anyone below that is either a child or a very rare exception to the rule, at least if you’re human. Demons have only slightly more leeway, but the same rule still applies if they are capable of having humanoid cleavage.
  • Just like Devil Survivor, there are only 1 or 2 human characters in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth that are below a C cup. That the same guy is behind the character designs of both games helps.
  • Donkey Kong 64 has this in spades, with Tiny Kong being the only exception since she’s a young girl.
  • All human females in Dragon Age II are big-breasted.
    • Hilariously, in Varric’s embellished narration the breasts of the main character’s sister are even larger than in the game proper.
  • In Dragon’s Crown, almost all females are C cup and beyond. The only exceptions are the fairy race, children and a few quick and agile characters such as the Elf and a few others. Heck even one Dragonkin male gets in on the act, his artwork makes his pects look very feminine and protrudingly large.
  • It is so prominent in Endless Frontier, that a significant percentage of the dialogue are boob jokes and you can count the flatties on one hand. The buxom robot girls have functions that show off more boob (while T-elos even has a function whose only purpose is to squish her breasts together, KOS-MOS has a function that reveals her cleavage), the buxom mermaid gets annoyed when someone even comes close to eclipsing her, the B-cup fox girl is going to get some milk on the way home and Princess Knockers herself is the main love interest. Haken is one happy man. In the sequel, the party is joined with a badass martial artist and an elven princess who’s just as busty as the aforementioned Princess Knockers.
  • EverQuest all features women who have, according to the female model designer who created them, «Heroic builds». What this means is that every mammalian race has the racial size equivalent of D-cups. The only exceptions are the races who don’t have breasts in the first place.
  • In Final Fantasy VII apart from Yuffie, Marlene (who�s a little girl) and Elena (whose bulky suit hides her figure) most women in Gaia, especially Tifa and Scarlet are quite well endowed. Not to mention the summon Shiva. The remake tones it down somewhat, but Tifa is still pretty well endowed for modern Final Fantasy standards, Aerith has got a figure seen when she�s wearing her red dress, Jessie has a literal chestplate and Shiva remains buxom as ever. Even Yuffie isn�t as flat as she used to be as seen in Intergrade.
  • All female Selkies in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 1 are very well-endowed. Inverted with their relatives the Clavats, whose females are almost universally flat.
  • Female Draphs in Granblue Fantasy are significantly short (second after the Harvin race) but have large breasts.
  • Every single named female character in Heiwaboke Crisis who has a full-body illustration is ridiculously large-breasted. The player characters are no exception.
  • Jak and Daxter‘s stylized character models showcase this. Emphasized by the fact that nearly every female character wears a top that bares her midriff as well. Tess even keeps both features when turned into an ottsel. Major exceptions include elderly characters like Onin and the first game’s Bird Lady and possibly Seem.
  • Jazz Jackrabbit falls under this considering every main female to include Princess Eva and Lori Jackrabbit is defined by having a rather ample bust.
  • Most of the female characters in King’s Raid are quite busty, with the exceptions being because (a) they’re children, (b) they belong to a race of childish-looking characters, or (c) they are artificial girls created by artificial or magical means. Zig-zagged by Lewisia (who starts off in her child form, but regains her adult form upon upgrading her, which includes an ample bosom) and Cleo (who has a small chest, but the game gives her a lot of Jiggle Physics, and the animated adaptation gave her larger breasts).
  • In Maximo: Ghosts to Glory both Sophia and the witches who help Maximo all sport incredibly large breasts. Carried on in the sequel, with even the less endowed inventor Tinker being at least a D-cup. The only aversion in either game is the Demon Queen, who doesn�t have ANY kind of bosom.
  • In Metal Gear you�d be hard pressed to find any adult women in the series who couldn�t hold a pencil between their cleavage. From Meryl, Sniper Wolf, Fortune, Eva, The Boss, Raging Raven, Naomi and Quiet to Courtney and Mistral from Spin-Off Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
  • A majority of the women in Metal Slug are extremely busty, especially Fio whose already impressive bust has gotten noticeably larger with almost each game.
  • Mortal Kombat:
    • While this hasn’t been true throughout the series, it is certainly true as of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, and continues to be the case for the games after. Such as Mortal Kombat 9.
    • Starting in Mortal Kombat X and its sequel, this trope is subverted and downplayed as the female characters are less sexualised. Sonya, Kitana, Jade etc are still pretty well endowed but thanks to Adaptational Modesty their breasts are no longer empathised. The exceptions are Mileena and Sindel who are still rocking a bare midriff and Navel-Deep Neckline respectively as per the Evil Is Sexy norm.
  • Resident Evil is definitely heading down this direction with some of its later games, with more and more buxom female characters in the games. Though the remakes of RE2 and RE3 have toned this down with its female characters due to the realistic graphics, Claire and Ada from RE2make have gone from decently busty to just moderately perky under their jackets whilst in RE3make Jill�s breasts are no longer threatening to burst out of her tube top, now fitting modesty into her tank top. Although RE3make Jill does have Jiggle Physics. Played straight in Resident Evil Village with Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters, all of whom are well endowed.
  • The Soul Series games have almost all buxom female characters on the cast. Ivy Valentine and Taki are especially well-known for their generous busts. This was less true of the earlier games, but ever since 3 and especially 4, the series has become a solid example of the trope. GamesRadar did a hilarious article noting how every female in the game, even non-fighters, were ridiculously well-endowed.
  • Smite gives almost every female character a substantial bust. This is a rare Justified example given a majority of the females in the game are deities, further justified by some of them being goddesses of beauty, life, and fertility.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Female Player Character and NPCs only have four models, tall or short, and average build or buxom. This becomes painfully noticeable when you encounter a young teen who just has a shrunken version of the average build, making her look disturbingly well-developed for a child her age.
  • Planescape: Torment has almost every female character wear little more than a bra. Fall-From-Grace, a chaste succubus, is one of the very few characters not to have extremely large, mostly uncovered breasts.
  • The normal Super Robot Wars: Original Generation universe may apply as a lesser variation as most adult females have a least a small C cup (if not bigger) and the supposed «flat chested» character, Ibis, is around a large B cup. The various pilot suits (save for Ibis’) highlights such figures.
  • League of Legends: according to developer commentary, it’s hard to design characters who look female in gameplay without giving them…let’s go with «generous» bust sizes. («Huge», «ridiculous», «excessive» and «absurd» also work as descriptions.) For context, typical viewing angle and distance is a little more than 3/4 vertical and far enough that even on HD monitors, most characters are a couple of inches tall.
    • This was more prominent at the start, though. Nowadays, the trope remains in play with most of the female cast still being above-average in bust size; but with better graphics technology available, new female characters can now be given much more variance in their bust size and some older characters who used to be extremely busty have been considerably toned down (i.e. Sivir, Katarina), though a few do still attain a big bust (i.e. Ashe and Akali).
  • Senran Kagura gives its mostly teenage cast remarkably sizable busts with only few exceptions; one is outright flat, and a couple of others are merely nicely sized. Conversations suggest this is specific to the cast, and to some extent other female ninja; offered explanations include genetics (the clan founders seem to have had specific tastes in mates and luck finding them) and the rumored secret techniques for packing energy into the chest to fulfill the Boobs of Steel trope. This last one is probably a joke even in-series, but the prerequisite magic and inclination to use it that way exists — one character is flat in her normal form but generously gifted in her transformed state.
  • The Shantae franchise skirted this trope for a while, then It fully embraced it in Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse. You�d be hard pressed to find any female character in the games since who isn�t incredibly busty. This includes the titular half-genie heroine who is actually one of the least endowed characters, but is still quite gifted in breast size. Even the ancient statues you find on islands depict highly endowed women.
  • Shing!: Both the female player characters and the female npc’s have very attractive frames and busts.
  • Street Fighter used to have female warriors of different sizes and shapes but as of Street Fighter V every female character has now got a large set of breasts with complimentary Jiggle Physics. This includes Sakura as She’s All Grown Up and Chun-Li who was better known for her big lovely thighs but now has big boobs to match.
  • In Sword of Chaos, the players, NPCs, and monsters exhibit this trait, including red harpies and female centaurs.
  • The H Games by the developer 62studio have this for almost all of the succubi, with a few exceptions like the Nekomata. And these games feature «breasts each the size of their owner’s head» being not only common, but far from the biggest size.
  • Most of the female characters in Summertime Saga are very well-endowed. When a character does have a small bust, it’s usually a plot point.

    Visual Novels 

  • Umineko: When They Cry gives most of the female cast rather large cup sizes, and Ryukishi has admitted that he does like big breasts on women. However, Word of God has also stated that Shannon’s breasts, which are probably some of the biggest in the series, are actually fake.
  • Very unsurprisingly, the Funbag Fantasy series. Of the 20+ named female characters across the series, a grand total of two do not have enormous breasts. They also happen to be the only two who cannot be romanced by their game’s protagonist, though they are friends and reliable allies.


  • When your superheroine comic is titled Busty Bird, you can expect there to be a lot of women with oversized breasts.
  • Girl Genius. Every single woman — including robots built to look female — has a huge chest. There is just a handful of exceptions (other than children, of course): Doctor Sun’s grand-daughter (who would be considered pretty well-stacked in any other work), the Bifauxnen monster hunter Grantz, Rivet, and the grad student Miss Baumhund.
  • In Las Lindas two-thirds of the cast sport D-cups and above. Even background characters are usually pretty busty.
  • This is the case with female drow in Drowtales. It’s easier to list the females who aren’t buxom, Quain’tana chief among them, which may in fact be Fridge Brilliance since it emphasizes her infertility, which is a major crux of the plot.
  • Heartcore is a justified example. Most of the cast are succubi after all.
  • El Goonish Shive eventually lampshaded it.
    • Ironically, though, it’s actually an aversion. (Well, maybe not if you count the men.)
    • Lampshaded again by Grace.
  • How I Became Yours gives every girl a rack that would make Pam Anderson proud. Except for Mai, because she’s evil.
  • The premium comic from The Bestoryclub Welcome to Chastity. Thanks to A curse the town is filled with so many absurdly busty women (The phrase 80% boob and 20% girl is used at least once) that they had to invent their own scale for bra sizes, with ‘as big as your head’ being considered a C-cup, and a normal set of double D’s considered a puny A-cup that not even a training bra is small enough to fit right.
  • The entire R-rated webcomic Bloomin’ Faeries! is a justified example. The titular faeries, who are themselves E-cup or larger when adult, aren’t called «Bloomin'» for nothing. They gleefully change both men and women into buxom females and the humans have to deal with it.
  • Virtually every comic featured on the Palcomix website will have the female characters drawn with a D-cup or larger.
  • Inverted in By the Book. All the female characters assets are invested into the posterior.
  • In Exiern one character tells the tale of an ancient seamstress sorceress who supposedly cast a spell over the land making all women grow into a similar busty build like her own. However, it is possible that this is a purposefully misleading story taught by the misogynistic Church of Rem.
  • Spoofed in The Non-Adventures of Wonderella when the Godhead decides to relaunch the comic, which includes (among other things) «MAMMOTH MAMMARIES». Not just for Wonderella — for everybody, including the cowboy T. Rex and the Gohead itself, which is a featurelessnote  sphere of light.
  • Both played straight and Inverted in Unbreakable Iron Ranger where every woman has both huge breasts and huge hips. However, given that this is a comic where almost every character is a cyborg, magical creature, mutant, or superhuman; it is hardly the strangest thing about them.

    Western Animation 

  • Heavy Metal features all buxom women.
    • The South Park episode homage («Major Boobage») even had boobs in the buildings & weapons!
  • Korgoth of Barbaria. All of the (four) women featured in the pilot, without exception, have enormous breasts of roughly uniform proportion, in the D-cup range. They are also all, again without exception, young in their late-teens and early-twenties and are scantily-clad. If they are not scantily-clad, then they are wearing tight gowns that leave little to the imagination. The schism betwen the sexes is further heightened by the fact that all the men — who seem to greatly outnumber the women in this crapsack realm — are without ANY exception, absolutely repulsive to look upon.
    • In the opening scene, there is a bar fight where Korgoth flings a mook across the room. Where does he land? Face-first in the center of the serving wench’s generous and well-endowed cleavage.
  • In Spaceballs: The Animated Series, every woman has large, bouncy breasts. This includes Princess Vespa and Commander Zircon, who were noticeably smaller in the original movie.
  • Almost all the female superheroes in Justice League are quite busty, like Wonder Woman, Black Canary, and Huntress. Vixen is amazingly beautiful even by their standards, as she’s the only one with a Navel-Deep Neckline.

Big Woman - Miraa May, Stefflon Don

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни Big Woman, исполнителя — Miraa May.
Дата выпуска: 25.01.2022
Возрастные ограничения: 18+
Язык песни: Английский

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Big Woman


Keep it one hunna, I’ll call my gunnas
Watch ’em run up, now I flex, yeah
Don’t disrespect, you a neek just like my ex, yeah
Hmm, your man was talking to the set
But we don’t rate that boy, we treat that boy just like a pet, yeah
Come spend that money don’t be tight, are you alright?
Control your bitch, she’s getting hype, it’s not polite
It’s no surprise I like to fight
Don’t play with me when it’s Henny time
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
But if you’re my friend then you can get me lit
Know I’m confident when I roll in my ends
If you really real then you cannot pretend
Me and my girls ready for anything, yeah-yeah
Big woman, big woman
I’ma shower baby, daddy keep me cooking
Got me cooking in the kitchen, got me filthy looking
And I show him ’round my city, when we roll, we juggin’
Who that gyal?
I’m your Mudda
B-I-G, bigger than Papa
Gyal get smoked like grabba
Them hot but you know say me hotter
One man to mi ting yeah mi don’t need another
Them girls dash out, call them slapper
I’m just me, I’m just Steff
Won’t get leave and mi can’t get tek
16 shots fo ya if you man enough
Mi nah inna nuttin’, if you sittin don’t talk?
You must take time, no you don’t want rush
Turn off the night light, put on the handcuff
Mi breast dem stiff, yeah mi two breast firm
Want it hard and mi want it burn
Grab my neck till you feel concern
Cos me nah waaan a nerd
Big woman, big woman
I’ma shower baby, daddy keep me cooking
Got me cooking in the kitchen, got me filthy looking
And I show him ’round my city, when we roll we juggin’
Man talk shit ’cause they know they can’t fuck me
5.2 on me, I’m comfy
High cost ya dig?
Stretch your legs ’cause the coup’s too big, ooh
On my wrist I got the AP floody
New Diors and my soles all bloody
Hold up wait, check the weight
Price went up and I’m on the way
House with gates, big cheques, digits near enough figure 8
Expensive wife, expensive life, of course I have some expensive taste
Roll with tugs, guard the safe, try a ting, they aim straight for face
99 times, gunshot when I roll for mines
Big woman, big woman
I’ma shower baby, daddy keep me cooking
Got me cooking in the kitchen, got me filthy looking
And I show him ’round my city, when we roll we juggin’
Big woman, big woman
I’ma shower baby, daddy keep me cooking
Got me cooking in the kitchen, got me filthy looking
And I show him ’round my city, when we roll we juggin’
Quickly realize before you miss me
Diamonds on me, can’t see when they diss me
I’m fully booked and busy
I’m not gone quit, baby
Just watch me win
Держи одну хунну, я позвоню своим гуннам
Смотри, как они бегут, теперь я сгибаюсь, да
Не проявляй неуважения, ты такая же, как моя бывшая, да
Хм, твой мужчина разговаривал со съемочной группой
Но мы не оцениваем этого мальчика, мы относимся к нему как к домашнему животному, да
Потратьте эти деньги, не стесняйтесь, вы в порядке?
Управляй своей сукой, она получает шумиху, это невежливо
Неудивительно, что я люблю драться
Не играй со мной, когда пришло время Хенни
Да-да, да-да
Но если ты мой друг, ты можешь меня зажечь
Знай, что я уверен, когда сворачиваю свои концы
Если ты действительно настоящий, ты не можешь притворяться
Я и мои девочки готовы ко всему, да-да
Большая женщина, большая женщина
Я приму душ, детка, папа заставит меня готовить
Заставил меня готовить на кухне, я выгляжу грязно
И я показываю ему свой город, когда мы катаемся, мы жонглируем
Кто эта гьял?
Я твой Мудда
B-I-G, больше, чем папа
Гьял курят, как грабба
Они горячие, но ты знаешь, скажи мне горячее
Один человек, чтобы митинговать, да, мне не нужен другой
Эти девушки выбегают, называйте их шлепками
Я просто я, я просто Стефф
Не уйду, и я не могу получить тек
16 выстрелов для тебя, если ты достаточно мужчина
Mi nah inna nuttin ‘, если ты сидишь и не разговариваешь?
Вам нужно время, нет, вы не хотите спешить
Выключите ночник, наденьте наручники
Моя грудь дем жесткая, да моя две груди твердые
Хочу, чтобы это было тяжело, и я хочу, чтобы это сгорело
Хватай меня за шею, пока не почувствуешь беспокойство
Потому что я нах вааан ботаник
Большая женщина, большая женщина
Я приму душ, детка, папа заставит меня готовить
Заставил меня готовить на кухне, я выгляжу грязно
И я показываю ему свой город, когда мы катаемся, мы жонглируем
Человек говорит дерьмо, потому что они знают, что не могут трахнуть меня.
5.2 на мне, мне удобно
Высокая стоимость, понимаешь?
Вытяните ноги, потому что переворот слишком большой, ох
На моем запястье я получил наводнение AP
Новые Diors и мои подошвы все в крови
Подожди, подожди, проверь вес
Цена выросла, и я уже в пути
Дом с воротами, большие чеки, цифры достаточно близки к восьмерке
Дорогая жена, дорогая жизнь, конечно у меня дорогой вкус
Катись с буксирами, охраняй сейф, попробуй тинг, они целятся прямо в лицо
99 раз, выстрел, когда я бросаюсь на мины
Большая женщина, большая женщина
Я приму душ, детка, папа заставит меня готовить
Заставил меня готовить на кухне, я выгляжу грязно
И я показываю ему свой город, когда мы катаемся, мы жонглируем
Большая женщина, большая женщина
Я приму душ, детка, папа заставит меня готовить
Заставил меня готовить на кухне, я выгляжу грязно
И я показываю ему свой город, когда мы катаемся, мы жонглируем
Быстро осознай, прежде чем скучать по мне.
Бриллианты на мне, не вижу, когда они меня оскорбляют.
Я полностью забронирован и занят
Я не ушел, детка
Просто смотри, как я выигрываю

Рейтинг перевода: 5

/5 |
Голосов: 1

Другие песни исполнителя:

Название Год
16 Shots 2017
Royalty ft. Stefflon Don, Vybz Kartel, Ky-Mani Marley 2019
Instruction ft. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don 2019
Blessed ft. Miraa May, Donae’o 2020
Rendezvous ft. Miraa May 2019
Bum Bum Tam Tam ft. Future, J. Balvin, Stefflon Don 2017
Sad 2018
Best Friend ft. Doja Cat, Stefflon Don 2021
Think That 2019
47 ft. MIST, Sidhu Moose Wala, Stefflon Don 2019
Fashion Killa (Papapapa) ft. Stefflon Don 2016
Make Room 2018
Look What You Made Me Do ft. Stefflon Don 2017
Angles ft. JME 2019
Boasty ft. Stefflon Don, Wiley, Idris Elba 2019
I Don’t Want Ya (Didi) 2018
Calypso ft. Stefflon Don 2019
No Shame 2019
She Knows How to Love Me ft. Stefflon Don, Jess Glynne 2018
Same Team ft. Stefflon Don 2018

Тексты песен исполнителя: Miraa May
Тексты песен исполнителя: Stefflon Don

I received a letter from an Everyday Feminism reader asking for a moratorium on descriptors like “curvy” and “BBW” and requesting that I exclusively use the word “fat” in my articles.

The reader wrote: ”’Curvy’ is for milquetoast Lane Bryant customers and the regressive ‘Real Women Have Curves’ mentality. ‘Curvy’ is not empowering. It is minimizing the fat experience. The word ‘curvy’ alienates all of the fat- and body-positive people who have worked so hard to get where we are.” [Reprinted with the author’s permission.]

I saw the validity of this request and promised I would seriously consider it.

I always keep my promises.

My personal use of the word fat began very gradually.

I look at old journal entries or blog entries I wrote and see that the word “fat” pops up here and there, but I started using the word “fat” to refer to myself consistently probably just about three years ago when I started meeting people in fat activist communities.

I found myself drawn to the radical nature of the word, and I felt like it was the word that had been used most often to silence me and hurt me.

The word fat – and using that word to refer to my body – became a path to healing and embodiment.

And now it’s a word that feels like home.

So, when I received this e-mail, I couldn’t put my finger on why, at first, something didn’t feel right about the idea of a moratorium.

So I explored this feeling through conversations with women I know and asked four of them what words they loved when it came to describing their big bodies.

And here’s what we came up with.

Big Beautiful Woman (BBW)

The first person I thought of when I starting thinking about this article was Tigress Osborn.

She wrote a chapter for my new anthology, Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion. She is a diversity educator, a woman of color, the founder of Full Figure Entertainment, and one of the most radically fat-positive people I have ever met.

But in her chapter, she wrote specifically about why she likes the descriptor BBW:

“I like to use the word fat because it’s unapologetic and political. But I like BBW because it’s the term that first introduced me to the idea that fat women could consider themselves beautiful and say so with pride.

“I have learned, after all these years, to include myself in that vision of big beauty instead of seeing it as something other women could be, but that I never would be.”

For many women, “beautiful” is a charged word.

It brings to mind oppressive ideals (and scenes from Mean Girls).

Many feminists (myself included) have a complicated relationship with the B-word, but when I listen to Tigress, I remember how using that word began to change the way I saw myself and my body.

In fact, “Hello, beautiful” was the way my friends and I greeted each other as we started down our path to becoming body positive in college.

I love the way that there’s history there for Tigress, too.

There is something powerful about re-envisioning and laying claim to a word that’s been used to exclude so many women – especially big women – for so long.


Rachel (aka The Near-Sighted Owl) was my next destination.

I will be meeting Rachel in a little over two weeks for the first time, but am in love with her blog, her fashion, and her brilliance.

Here’s her two cents on why she prefers the f-word:

Describing myself as fat is empowering. Fat is not a negative word to me. It is my identity and a neutral description (like tall or brunette). Not about putting a pretty bow on it or sugarcoating or hiding behind words like curvy or chubby.

“There is a fat movement of fantastic and inspiring women. We have fat fashion, fat blogs, fat activism, fat books, literally everything you can think of that creates a space for fat people.

“Fat is a feminist word. It has been reclaimed and transformed from an insult. I love the word fat. It gives me strength and courage. Such a simple three-letter word. We have fat or adipose tissue.

“As kids, we knew the word fat. Santa was fat, our neighbor was fat, and mom was fat, but she didn’t like using that word. We got older and girls at school start using the word to defame their competition. It was a word we whispered when it wasn’t being hurtfully shouted. It was a dirty word.

“Saying you’re fat is just saying you have more visible fat than a thin person does. Calling someone fat is only body shaming when you think being fat is shameful.”

Changing your relationship to the word “fat” can be a challenge.

As Rachel mentioned (and I’m sure you know), fat is a word not spoken in “polite” company. It’s been used to scare and silence people for decades.

The word fat is a powerful little word.

Fat has the power to make me feel sexy (when whispered in my ear by a lover), bad-ass (when I invoke it), indignant (when someone tries to use to scare me and I’m feeling brave) or incredibly vulnerable (when someone uses it to hurt me and I don’t have it in me to fight back).

Membership Body 2

Nowadays, it’s my word of choice in terms of how I identify my body, but that took a lot of time – and many re-readings of Miss Piggy’s Guide to Life.


I hopped on Facebook and asked women to tell me what body descriptors they preferred and why, and my friend Elizabeth wrote that she likes plush (or plushy):

“I love this word. In part, because I can’t think of a single negative connotation associated with it.

“Plush is soft and cuddly like a plush stuffed animal. Plush is deep, thick, and comforting, like plush carpet. Plush is used to describe surroundings that are rich and elegant, if not a bit overindulgent or decadent.

“I am a plushy girl. I am soft, cuddly, deep, comforting, elegant, and maybe a bit decadent.”

Mmmm… decadent!

Though I’ve never used the word plush to describe my body, I might need to start.

I am an unapologetic hedonist, and Elizabeth’s words resonate with the part of me that feels the need for daily doses of oysters and champagne aboard USS Plushy Pants.


I asked Chrystal of Curvy Girl Lingerie in San Jose, California what she loves so much about that word, to the point that she would name her livelihood after it. Brilliantly, she said:

“My whole life, I have identified as a ‘fat girl’ or ‘big girl.’ I have been bigger than your average bear since the third grade.

“I am 45 now, so I have had a long time to get used to the word fat. I find ‘overweight’ to be so judgy. Over what weight?

“The word fat does not offend me anymore. And I even kind of really like the word ‘fat’ when there is lots of love behind it. ‘I love your fat ass’ sounds really hot to me in the right romantic situation. But ‘Fat Girl Lingerie’ felt like it had the potential to offend and trigger too many people.

“When I was trying to invent the name of my store, Curvy Girl Lingerie, I just fell in love with the word.

“The definition of ‘curve’ is ‘a line or outline that gradually deviates from being straight for some or all of its length.’ I thought that definition sounded like the perfect metaphor for what I was creating.

“Fat, voluptuous, plump, and curvy bodies ‘deviate’ from the typical body you constantly see on the cover of magazines or in other pop media. And my store ‘deviates’ by serving those wonderfully beautiful, fat, rubenesque, chunky, plump, thick, phat women who are sexy and hot as hell.

“I think even if you do not have any clue what we do when you drive by my store, when you see the words ‘Curvy Girl.’ you get a pretty clear picture of who we are and who we serve.”

Chrystal said something I’d never thought about: Curves really are radical deviations.

The first time I ever went into Chrystal’s shop, I felt the joy of seeing lingerie in my size and sharing physical space with other curvy women shopping for vibrators and high heels covered in cupcakes.

Curvy is a sexy word that makes me think of all the deviant lines under my clothes.

AndI see Chrystal taking this word and using it to make space for women to feel sexy at every size.

I’m Tired of How Intolerant the Body Love Movement Is!

Or: Why We Need to Make Room for Identities Beside “Fat”

In a conversation with two fat friends over a large bowl of spiked punch at Forbidden Island in Alameda, one of them said something that forced me to stop and think about my own fat positive politics.

She said, “I’m tired of how intolerant the body love movement is.”


I asked her to continue, and she said that mandatory self-love – with all the language and the expectations – was too much to ask from most women, especially single moms (like her) struggling to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.

And that, my friend, is how I got schooled.

Calling oneself fat is a radical, courageous, and highly political move.

It takes guts to use that word, but it also takes a lot more than guts sometimes.

Building my fat identity has involved a lot of time and plenty of income: time to read fat positive blogs and books, time to spend with other fat-identified people who support me emotionally, disposable income to attend conferences, graduate school and a core sense that I can safely call myself fat and act on my radical fat politics because I don’t depend on anyone but myself for income and I have all the emotional support I need.

I’m not saying that everyone comes to the word “fat” through considerable expenditure, but what I am saying is that the most radical members of movements often have considerable advantages including time and money.

I have become so accustomed to calling myself fat – and fat being a word that I associate with pride and joy – that at times, I forget how radical (and scary) an act it truly is.

And I think that when we make room for only the most radical people or the most radical vocabulary, we leave many people behind.

So, in regards to the e-mail, I realized that a moratorium didn’t feel right because it limits me and the women I write about from identifying in ways that feel good (and safe) to them.

And so, concerned reader, in response to your request for a moratorium, I hope you’ll understand that I must respectfully decline.

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Virgie Tovar, MA is a Contributing Writer for Everyday Feminism and the editor of the book, Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion. Virgie is one of the nation’s leading experts and lecturers in the areas of fat discrimination and body image. She lives in San Francisco. Find her online at www.virgietovar.com.

icon forward

There’s this big woman who is causing me a



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You have never had a really big woman, have you, doc?

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She’s the most beautiful big woman I have ever seen.

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Hey, big woman, you made a bad boy out of me♪.

Even though I can bench-press 200 pounds, a big woman sits on my chest.

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Даже если

я могу отжать лежа вес в 90 кг, когда большая женщина садиться мне на грудь.

I thought of us standing in line at Thrill Village,

Jean and Alan Parker, a big woman with dark patches of sweat around the armpits of her sundress, and her little boy.

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Я представил нас, стоящих в очереди в парке ужасов,

Джина и Алан Паркер, большую женщину с маленькими темными заплатками подмышками ее кофты, и ее маленького мальчика.

In the terms of a»Hanoch Levin of Israeli painting,» Sasha Okun

does not shy away from teasing the»big woman,» while portraying her also as the omnipotent ruler

of men a kind of spirit he intuited from the character»Big-Tuches» lit.

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В качестве» Ханоха Левина израильского искусства»,

Саша Окунь не перестает подразнивать» Большую Женщину«, в то же время показывая ее доминирование над мужчиной

Солнечный дух из» Яакоби и Левенталя» 1972г.

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There is quite wonderful fashion for little or big women.

A nice layered

style with the soft bangs is good for a bigger woman like this.

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Такая слоистая прическа с мягкими прядями особенно хороша для крупных женщин.

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One- if he’s secretly got a thing for big women, like Lenny Henry has for Dawn French.

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Первая- у него тайная склонность к крупным девушкам, как у Ленни Хенри к Даун Френч.

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That ain’t the first time you been sucker-punched by a big woman.

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The mother was a plump big woman, evidently of a high income.

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Мать была весьма упитанной, крупного телосложения женщиной, явно не малого достатка.

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My grandmother was a big woman, Annie(I never called her Annie,

of course), and my grandad was a little guy.

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Моя бабушка Энни( конечно, я никогда не звал ее по имени)

была крупной женщиной, а дедушка по сравнению с ней выглядел совсем маленьким.

A big woman with massive arms bare almost to her shoulders

was rushing about on the stage dramatically shouting and gesticulating, sitting down and jumping up again.

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Крупная, казавшаяся даже громоздкой женщина с массивными руками,

обнаженными почти до самых плеч, резко выкрикивая и жестикулируя, металась по эстраде, то садясь, то снова вскакивая.

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I would paint paintings of big women, if I could paint.

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We could go with the obvious stufferoo- that you’re a child trapped in the body of a


trapped in the body of a man,

trapped in the body of a bigger woman, trapped in the body of a Kong!

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С самых очевидных вещей: ты ребенок, заточенный в тело


заточенной в тело мужчины,

Some manufacturers are catering to bigger women, but many of them have refused to expand their lines.

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Некоторые производители, обслуживающих больше женщин, но многие из них отказались расширять свои линии.

Known as Atria, it is the result of a merger between the country’s two biggest women‘s rights institute, Equality and Aletta.

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Образование института» Атриа» является результатом слияния двух крупнейших институтов прав женщин в стране— Института равенства и Института Алетта.

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Results: 885,
Time: 0.0226





If you want to know how tall you’ll be, take a look at your adult relatives. My whole family is small, and I stopped growing at 5 feet 2 inches. My tall friends, on the other hand, have lanky limbs, just like their parents do. Usually, they have grandparents and great-grandparents who were tall, too.

Looking much farther back in time, a new analysis of a Stone Age skeleton reveals the largest female ancestor ever discovered. Her size says a lot about the conditions under which she lived 260,000 years ago, say researchers from of the University of Delaware, Peking University, and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

The skeleton’s bones also give insights into the changes that our ancestors have undergone over many thousands of years.

A new analysis of a partial Stone Age skeleton, including this skull, identifies it as coming from the biggest known female among human ancestors.

Karen Rosenberg/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Scientists discovered the skeleton 22 years ago in northwest China. Called the Jinniushan specimen, the extensive remains include a skull with lots of teeth on its upper jaw, six vertebrae (spine bones), two left ribs, a left-forearm bone, and the left half of the pelvis.

The left arm bone of the biggest known female among human ancestors.

Karen Rosenberg/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Some researchers had previously proposed that the Jinniushan specimen was male because it had a large, thick-boned skull. The shape of the pelvis, however, indicates that the skeleton belonged to a female, according to the new analysis.

The woman was about 5 feet, 5-1/2 inches tall and weighed 173 pounds. This may not sound overly large by today’s standards. However, the largest Stone Age female known before this discovery weighed 163 pounds. Her skeleton had come from a 100,000-year-old Neandertal site in France. No others have even come close.

Like modern humans (called Homo sapiens), the Jinniushan woman was in the Homo genus. Her species is still unknown.

Her build—a large, wide body with short arms and legs—was probably an adaptation for surviving in a cold climate, the scientists say. Native people who live in Arctic regions today have similar shapes, which are good for keeping in body heat.

People who lived during the middle of the Stone Age, like the Jinniushan woman, may have been especially in need of a physical buffer against cold weather, the scientists say, because they probably lacked good shelters, clothes, and warm stone hearths.—E. Sohn

Going Deeper:

Bower, Bruce. 2006. Big woman with a distant past: Stone Age gal embodies humanity’s cold shifts. Science News 169(Feb. 25):116. Available at http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20060225/fob3.asp .

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