Word of advice for friends

Words Of Advice To My Best Friend

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I know that there are nights where you go to text me for advice at some ungodly hour, and I’ve fallen asleep. I know that sometimes it upsets you, I know that sometimes it causes you to do things you regret, and honestly I’m sorry for all of that. For the nights that the phone keeps going to voicemail, and the texts go unanswered until morning, here are words of advice I always want you to remember.

Stop apologizing when you aren’t wrong

I know you’re just trying to make things better. I know you have an overwhelming urge to patch things up with people as soon as you can. But for your sake, you can’t apologize every time there’s a fight and you aren’t the one to blame. When someone has wronged you, do not apologize for feeling wronged. You let them realize what a mistake they made. If he/she is really your friend, they’ll apologize for making you feel so poorly, and if they’re not, then you don’t need them. You are giving the same people the right to come back and hurt you again and again.

Don’t feed into your bad feelings and fears

This one is probably the toughest one to follow; even I have trouble taking my own advice in this department. I know what it’s like to have these nasty thoughts and anxieties every once and a while, but you are stronger than that. When these feelings come on, distract yourself. Watch TV, write, sing, or blow up my phone…do something that isn’t self-destructive or that will make you feel worse. You’ve got this. I know you do.

Be careful who you give your heart to

This isn’t just romantic. It goes for everyone you meet. I know that sometimes you may give too much people who don’t deserve it. I know sometimes you trust people, who then turn out to not have your best interest at heart. I know that this is just in your nature. You’re a good person with a big heart, but sometimes you need to take a moment and think about who has hurt you before, and who will hurt you again. Before you go telling that girl about what happened tonight with the guy you’re seeing, think about if she has spread rumors about you before. Before you go out of your way to help that guy for the 4 billionth time, think long and hard about if he’s just using you. Please, save yourself from people who treat you poorly.

Don’t give boys the power to hurt you

We are at an age where we are looking for love, in a hookup culture that almost forbids it. Finding a diamond-in-the-rough during this period of time may seem exhausting. Sometimes things don’t work out; the supposed «good guys» turn out to be the worst guys for you. I know you are quick to fall for people, and that is not always a bad thing…but please don’t give your all right away. The minute you give a guy you’ve just met the power to hurt you, they start to abuse it. It’s a sad reality that I myself have faced so many times. My dad always told me that the best thing a girl can do is say «no» sometimes. Trust me, the minute you tell a guy no, your world changes. If you say no and they’re interested in YOU as a person and not just a sexual conquest, they will keep trying to see you. If not, then it’s not your loss…it’s theirs.

You Have The Power To Change

This is a broad one. You have the power to change your day, your mood, yourself…but you also have the power to change larger things like your surroundings, your life-path, and the people you associate with. Basically, what I’m saying is that if you don’t like something, you can change it. Most things are temporary if you want them to be. If today is a bad day, you have the power to do something that changes your mood. If you don’t want to be home, you can take a road trip to hang out with me. You have the ability to make things the way that you want them to be, even if that seems a little unbelievable. You can change the person you are, the book your reading, the place you live. The power is yours!!! Go out there and take it!!!

I know that this doesn’t cover everything. But any other problem you have, you can always blow up my phone—I’ll wake up eventually. Just remember that no matter what happens, I love you so much and I only want the best for you! I hope this list helps you, even if it’s just a little.

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Looking for some good advice for friends? Here’s 100 helpful hints that represent a summary of some of the best life advice I’ve ever received from my friends.

(In full disclosure, I’m not a young lady anymore. I am now a woman in my 40s, old enough to know better, but still young enough to make stupid mistakes. I have three kids now, and I am working on putting a divorce behind me. My friends are people who have now been around me for 20 years or more, which is strange to type and look at).

I have learned just as much or more from my friends about living, life, parenting, work, and the world. Here are a bunch of the gems I have picked up from them.

The obvious ones

There’s a lot of advice that you receive from friends that you should already know, that should make you say “duh.” But it never hurts anything to hear it again, and then again, and then again and again and again.

  • Stay true to yourself
  • Do what you love, not what you are told to love
  • Create a world and a life that is right for you
  • Choose your friends wisely
  • Be picky about your mentors

It is great when people want to help you. But make sure before you start a professional mentorship relationship with someone, that you actually want or need the help they have to give.

man and a woman sitting looking at a laptop with a window behind them

A portion of your mentor’s reputation will pass to you. This is true for his or her past, and then future achievements and mistakes. Be very picky about who you choose to associate with, as this can make or break your career.

I can personally attest via my own experience that being choosy about a mentor matters. I had a mentor who seemed really great on the surface, but behind and scenes (and around the community), this person did not have a good reputation and it actually hurt me and my career to be associated with him.

It is one of the reasons why I no longer work in the field that I used to. My own reputation, which I previously considered to be impeccable, was actually quite tainted and make it hard for me to find a position that I really wanted with companies that I respected.

  • Learn every day, and never stop
  • Establish positive habits
  • Don’t make decisions when you are angry
  • Only pack what you can carry yourself
  • Don’t be afraid of vulnerability

Vulnerability is a tough thing to show. It takes a lot of courage to let other people know what you are not as confident as you seem, as smart, as talented, or as experienced as others think you are. But here is the thing. None of us are perfect.

And when someone is confident enough to show us their vulnerabilities (without turning it into a soul-bearing, over-sharing reality show), people respond to them.

People are more likely to trust someone who is real, open, and honest.

People do not trust like they used to. The internet has made it easier for the bad guys to take advantage of the old, poor, desperate, and weak.

All of your potential friends, partners, and customers, they all walk around the world with their guard up. One way to really connect with someone who has their guard up is to let your guard down first. This will encourage them to do the same.

  • Don’t make promises when you are happy
  • Don’t blame others for something you want to improve
  • Don’t give up what you want most for what you want right now
  • Never made someone a priority who only makes you an option
  • Try not to take things personally, no one thinks as much about you as you do

One of the hardest things to do in all of life it to take small hurts and get past them. When your ego is bruised, whether it is rightly earned or not, the experience can grow into an oozing sore that you cannot overcome.

man standing in the road looking up

But while you continue to brood over the incident, everyone else in the world has moved on. It is better to handle whatever it was that you have taken personally, and then find a way to learn from it, and move on from it so that it does not hold you back.

  • Be persistent, especially when knowledge and ability aren’t enough
  • Life is scary, get used to it
  • Happiness is a choice and everything else is perspective
  • When it is all over, it’ll feel like it never happened
  • Only you are responsible for your mistakes

The heart of all mistakes that happen to you is YOU.

You can’t control other people. But you can control who you allow into your life. Ultimately, when you go back far enough from a mistake, you will see a decision you made that is a link in the chain to whatever happened.

99.99% of the time, YOU are part of the problem. And even you truly aren’t, it is still better to treat the problem as if you were part of it, so that you can better take part in fixing it or overcoming it.

  • Your parents are the only ones who really care
  • Always assume someone is watching you (even if they aren’t, but your behavior will always be above reproach)
  • Make a list of your top priorities, then delete half of them and focus on what is left
  • Everyone is temporary
  • You are more than your flaws

Flaws are easier to focus on. I would say that most of us spend more time thinking about what is wrong with us, than what is right with us. Shifting your mindset to what is good and positive about yourself can have a dramatic impact upon your confidence and success in the world. You must realize that you are MORE than your flaws. So much more.

  • We all break rules for someone
  • No one is worth losing yourself for
  • Read
  • Shake hands firmly
  • Don’t expect life to be fair
two woman looking at the water pointing

It just isn’t fair, ladies and gentlemen, no matter how much I wish that it was. Life should be fair. People should be equal. Everyone should have food, water, clean air to breath, and safe place to sleep.

If you expect life to be fair, you will struggle when it isn’t. Instead, realize now that life isn’t fair, and prepare to meet the challenges of inequity as they come.

  • Sing in the shower
  • Look people in the eye
  • Whatever happens, happens
  • reputation fades, work on your personality
  • Don’t take life too seriously

If you can’t get over yourself and the things that happen in life, you will miss much of what life has to offer.

  • One single smile can change a life
  • Put down your phone
  • Keep the child within you alive
  • Be polite
  • Observe the people around you

Most of us walk around head down, looking at phones or lost in a world of music. If you take time to observe those around you, you might see wonder in action. Or you might see terribleness. Either way, you need to see the world that you live in, in order to have the best possible chance of making your way through it successfully.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Plan your day
  • Sit in silence for a few minutes every day
  • Drink lots of water
  • Learn to say NO

Take control of your life.

Yes, you can say NO if you want. You do not owe people your time, love, or your life. You may have reasons to say YES, but make sure those reasons are yours, and not theirs.

  • Learn to say YES
  • Better done than perfect
  • Express your feelings
  • Go outside every day
  • Develop a growth mindset

To be successful in life, you must be able to grow. If you do not look at the things in your life with an eye towards growing and changing, you cannot grow and change. Period. It won’t just happen to you.

  • Be present
  • Admit when you are wrong
  • Be grateful
  • Feel the fear and do it anyway
  • Take care of your family

Your mother and father brought you into this world. You may not be close to them, but without them, you would not exist. Do not forget that.

  • Go about your life cheerfully
  • Believe in love
  • Don’t laugh at other people’s dreams
  • Get off social media
  • Work hard

This seems like it should be a no brainer, but life takes work. Hard work. Do you want more than a tiny apartment and reality television? You must go out and DO something about it.

  • Listen to others, nature, and the wind
  • Never give up before life gives up on you
  • Your own dream is worth fighting for, and only you will fight for it
  • Life only begins when you start appreciating yourself
  • Believe and trust in yourself

When it comes time to act, you can take in all the information and advice in the world, but YOU ultimately have to make a decision that YOU believe is the right call. You can’t blame the information or the advice. You decide what information to rely upon, and you decide whose advice is good or not.

At the end of the day, you must trust that you know enough and are ready to live your life each day. And part of this is being prepared to accept the consequences of your decisions.

group of two holding up a third at a party

Become Fine With Failing

A big part of believing in yourself is being prepared to fail, and having a plan for moving on from a decision that turns out to be wrong. If you can’t believe in yourself, then you can’t grow or move on with your life.

  • Take photos and video of your parents, partner, and children
  • When it comes to health, you pay now or pay later. Pay more now to eat nutritious food, and take the time to exercise, or you’ll pay later with your medical bills
  • Babies cannot be spoiled with too much love
  • Carry a book at all times, so that if you have to wait, you can read a book (and learn, enriching yourself, building knowledge and language) instead of surfing your phone mindlessly
  • Write thank you notes

People are lazy. Social media and email makes it so that you can send a quick note around the world in a few seconds. A handwritten thank you note is decadent. It means that someone stopped everything they are doing to take the time to write something on a card or paper that they had to find, and then to package it up, find a stamp, and mail it. This is an extraordinary amount of effort, and particularly impactful in this day and age.

  • Embrace your past
  • Learn to see your troubles as blessings
  • Avoid gossiping
  • Stop judging
  • Invest in yourself

You cannot ever stop investing yourself. You’ll spend money on games, beer, gambling, animals, gadgets and doo-dads, but few people spend money to grow themselves. You must continue to grow and learn to make the most of life.

Don’t be afraid to buy courses to learn new things. Ignore people who tell you that you are crazy to pay money to go to seminars to hear people speak about self-help and growth.

  • Act decisively
  • Never lose hope
  • Be humble and stay humble
  • Realize that unconditional love does not exist
  • Develop strong relationships with people other than your spouse

Spouses do come and go, unfortunately. It is a part of life, and not always because of divorce. Heck, you can even be married and feel alone. Your friends, family, coworker, and colleagues can be a source of support and knowledge that your spouse cannot.

  • Be honest with yourself
  • Think before you speak
  • Practice what you learn
  • Surround yourself with the kind of people you want to become
  • Worrying accomplishes nothing

Truly, worrying does nothing to help you.

If you are worried about something, use that energy as a launching pad towards resolving the worry. Otherwise move on and do something else.

  • If it seems too good to be true, it is
  • Better to make the mistake now than later
  • People come and go
  • Don’t get trapped by your STUFF
  • Understand that people need recognition and appreciation

Empathy is so KEY in this day and age. People are being trained by the internet and social media to receive recognition and praise for just about everything. Knowing and understanding this can help you make the most of your relationships, and also manage your employees and customers.

  • Avoid credit card debt
  • Don’t lend money to friends
  • If you lend money, don’t lend more than you can afford to lose
  • Volunteer when no one else does
  • Travel alone

Solo travel is one of the best things a person can do for their personal growth. When you travel with your friends or family, you can avoid stepping outside of your comfort zone. This inhibits growth that you might otherwise experience on a trip.

  • Miracles happen every day
  • Talk to strangers
  • Tell people your name, and ask for theirs
  • Safeguard your reputation
  • Build your personal brand

People out in the world should know who you are, and know that you are a good, trustworthy person. I don’t say this meaning that you should go out into the world with an advertising campaign or a billboard. I just mean that you should try very hard to connect with everyone you come into contact with, and leave them with a good reason to remember your face in connection with something positive.

woman hugging another person smiling

Introduce yourself whenever you can, even when people wouldn’t normally.

For example, say you are at a restaurant, and you’ve talked to the waiter a bit. If he hasn’t introduced himself, ask him his name, and then tell him yours, and shake his hand. Maybe you ask him a little about himself during the meal, and wish him well at the end.

When I do this, I occasionally realize that we might know some of the same people, or that I have heard of someone who needs a skill that he has. It is a joy to be able to help someone out simply by connecting them to each other. And you leave the interaction regardless looking as though you are a caring human being (which you are).

You never know when you might run into that person again, and next time, that person might not be your waiter.

Actually, funny story that I just thought of. When I was in my early 20s, I dated a young man who worked at a local watering hole. He had a good friend who also worked at said watering hole, who I talked to regularly when I went to visit my boyfriend. When I broke up with said boyfriend, I stopped going to the watering hole, and then lost contact with the friend.

The next time I saw this individual was when I was in the hospital, in labor with my third baby. He actually helped deliver her. (So he saw me naked and all of my lady parts….oh yeah, and all the indignities of giving birth).

Man, what if I had been a huge jerk to this guy? I’m sure he would have still provided the care I needed, but it would have been so much more awkward!

Keep those friends close

As you get older, it becomes harder and harder to maintain those close and wonderful friendships you made, especially as kids enter the picture. You will be tempted to put those relationships on the back burner, but I implore you, make time for them!

It doesn’t have to be much effort, but exert something to keep those life lines alive! One day you are going to be an empty nester, in need of companionship and entertainment, and this remains true whether or not you have a romantic partner.

Much of this advice applies to your children too

As I was re-reading this before publishing it, I realized that much of this is information and advice that would be so applicable to young and older teens to learn. Don’t be afraid to take what you’ve learned here and turn it into lessons for your growing children. I know I am!

Wrap Up

Do you have some good advice to share that isn’t listed here? Leave it in the comments for everyone to enjoy!

But before you go, check out another article you might like:

  • Teaching Resilience to Kids with the Narnia books
  • Can Breastfeeding Cause Dry Skin?
  • Convincing Your Parents To Buy You Something Expensive
  • Parent’s Guide to Hiring a Nanny For the First Time
  • Adopting a HIV Positive Child

Emily Anderson is a mother of three children, all under the age of 10. Located in the Pacific Northwest of the US, Emily is a mom and part-time blogger, jumping in front of the computer when the kids are sleeping. She started this blog in April of 2019 and is proud that the blog is now paying for itself. If you want to know about her journey as a blogger, check out out her personal digital journal or her post about failing her way to blogging success.


Dear Alice,

In your letter you ask to help you to change your habits and start economizing. I think, I can give you some advice.

First of all, you need to cut back on unnecessary spending. Avoid buying double latte coffee every morning on your way to work. It would be better if you get up a little bit earlier and prepare breakfast yourself. Omlette or porridge with a cup of coffee will provide you with good energy till lunchtime.

Next step is creating a budget for yourself and sticking to it. Think over how much money is coming in and how much of it is spent on unhealthy and expensive food during lunchtime.

The last advice I want to give you is being content with the simple things in life. Is it necessary to spend a lot of money in expensive restaurants? How about cooking a nutritious dinner rather than going out to the restaurant for food. Invite your friends to your place, try homemade food, turn on the music, dance and talk.

I hope I could help you. Good luck!

All the best,


Дорогая Алиса,

В своем письме ты просишь помочь тебе изменить твои привычки и начать экономить. Думаю, я могу тебе дать совет. В первую очередь, тебе необходимо перестать тратить деньги на ненужные вещи. Старайся не покупать двойной кофе Латте утром по дороге на работу. Будет лучше, если ты встанешь пораньше и приготовишь завтрак сама. Омлет или каша с чашкой кофе обеспечит тебе энергию до самого обеда.

Следующий шаг – это создание собственного бюджета и следование ему. Подумай, сколько денег приходит и какая часть этих денег тратится на нездоровую и дорогую еду во время обеда.

Последний совет, который я хочу тебе дать – это понимать смысл всего окружающего в твоей жизни. Зачем тратить деньги в дорогих ресторанах? Как насчет того, чтобы приготовить ужин дома, чем пойти в ресторан? Пригласи своих друзей домой, угости их домашней пищей, включите музыку, потанцуйте и пообщайтесь.

Я надеюсь, что смогла чем-то помочь тебе. Удачи!

Всего наилучшего,



Everyone needs some inspiration. On this page we present you a large collection of encouraging messages for friends that will lift spirit up for starting a new day on a positive note. These inspirational words can also help you to go through some hard times, give you strength to overcome difficulties and move on.

Words of encouragement for friends

Words of encouragement for friends

Remember, the world is your home and the sky is the limit. With good approach, nothing is impossible. Hoping that your journey will be filled with wonderful adventures, love. Enjoy every second of it. 


Lailah Gifty Akita once said: “Never be afraid to travel on a new path”. Bring these wise words with you as you’re approaching a new journey that may be once in a lifetime and you won’t regret it! 


I know you’re tired. I can tell that you feel like giving up, but what I also know is that you’ve been through too much to give up right now. I will always be there for you if you need support. Let’s do this together. 


Just wanted to remind you that you’re not alone. Whatever you do, wherever you are, I’m always ready to help you and ease your pain. Your problems are my problems, and we will get through this together. 


There is always a way out, buddy. Everybody feels helpless sometimes, but I can assure you that there’re so many options that you don’t see yet. I will help you to get through this situation, don’t you worry about a thing. 

Encouraging quotes for friends

Encouraging quotes for friends

Everyone feels like giving up sometimes, it’s okay to feel that way. Being tired of fighting is not a crime, and I know that you have the power to overcome this and finish what you started. 


Your every scar tells a story about your victory. Your journey is hard, and sometimes you get wounded, but every wound brings you closer to your goal. I will heal you, buddy. Just don’t give up. 


Yes, you’ve lost this fight, but the war is not over. The most important thing I want you to know is that you’re not fighting alone. I will always be there for you, buddy. Keep your head up. 


Stop wasting your potential on overthinking. Try to control your nerves and keep fighting even if you don’t feel like you can win. It takes a lot of courage, but I know that you have the right amount of it. 


Being anxious about what’s going to happen tomorrow doesn’t make any sense. Nobody knows what tomorrow brings, therefore, there’s no need to worry about it. I’m with you, buddy.  

Messages of encouragement to a friend

Messages of encouragement to a friend

There’s nothing wrong in being scared of the unknow. Our future is unpredictable. What you can do is keep holding on and live your life. If it feels right – it is. I believe in you, mate. Stay strong.


I know you can do anything. You are the most smart and ambitious person I know, so basically nothing can stop you. You will reach your every goal, and your achievements will be legendary. Love ya!


If you need a little bit of self-confidence boost, you can count on me, buddy. You are absolutely, unbelievably incredible, and I will do anything to make you believe in yourself. There’s a great future waiting for you.


It’s hard for me to find the right words to describe the way I feel about you, but I just want you to know that every part of my soul believes that you are the best thing the Universe has ever created. You can do anything. Stop thinking and start doing.


I can’t stand it when you say that you’re nor capable of something. I adore you, mate. You are my role model. I would never look up to someone who is not capable of anything. You are a star! Shine on you crazy diamond!

matched content

Words of support for friends

Words of support for friends

You’ve always been my biggest inspiration. Your moral code is amazing, and the fact that you stick to it through all these years makes me the proudest friend in the world. You can do literally anything. Stay strong. 


Being your friends is such a blessing. You are the most talented and unique person I know, and being able to see you becoming everything you’ve ever wanted to be is amazing. Keep your head up, bud.


I’m so lucky to have you as my best friend. You motivate me and encourage me to be a better version of myself, I notice it and appreciate it so very much. You are my role model, buddy. 


What am I without you? You’ve always been my biggest support and inspiration, everything you do amazes me. I know your future is great and bright, and I can’t wait to see you shine like you should. 


You are my guiding light, mate. The best thing that has ever happened to me, everything I need. I know you will achieve your every goal, and I will be extremely proud of you, as usual. Never give up!

Short encouraging quotes

Short encouraging quotes

I always believe in you. No matter what you do, no matter where you are. You are the smartest, the most talented, the wisest person I know, therefore you can do anything. Godspeed, fella. 


I’ve always admired you. I know you can do anything if you try hard enough, and nothing can stop you from being the best. There’s nothing holding you back. I believe in you, buddy!


I know that sometimes you feel down. But there’s no need to. You are amazing in each and every way, you have the kindest soul and the brightest mind. I know you can do anything, buddy. 


Nothing is impossible for you, am I right? You’ve always been the smartest human being in the room, and I have no doubt that you will always be. Believe in yourself like I believe in you, and everything is going to be great.


I adore you. I have never met someone this intelligent. Also, you have the kindest heart, and that’s what I love the most about you. Everything will be fine if your heart is full of light. Therefore, you have nothing to worry about.

Encouraging sayings for friends

Encouraging sayings for friends

You are my one and only inspiration, mate. I have never met someone as smart and creative as you are, and it makes me feel so special because you chose me to be your friend. You’re gonna handle everything. 


Never stop dreaming, fella. You have the greatest mind and the biggest heart, just don’t be afraid to use it. There are books written about people like you. I believe in you, always have and always will.


I can’t even explain how proud of you I am. With every day I admire you even more, I don’t think there is anything you cannot do. You’re amazing and I love you, fella. Keep doing what you’re doing. 


Go big or go home, am I right? You always choose the first option. You are the strongest person I know, and there is nothing that can stop you from winning. I admire you with every little piece of my soul. 


I know you’re trying so hard to reach your goals, and I can sure you that karma sees it all. You will be rewarded sooner or later, and I will be there to be happy for and with you. You can do anything, and I believe in you.

Encouraging messages for friends

Encouraging messages for friends

The only way to survive during hard times is to face it with no fear. You should know that it’s absolutely normal to have hard times and be ready to fight for your happiness.


Hard work is very exhausting, but it doesn’t matter how many days or nights you’ll spend doing your work, because after you succeed you’ll rest on your laurels for many-many days!


Depression is a thing almost everyone goes through, so don’t be afraid to ask someone for help. The golden rule for people suffering depression is to stay open and tell your troubles to your friends and family.


Surely, you are not able to change your destination during one day, but you are able to change the direction.


Good days come suddenly, when we don’t expect them to come. And it what makes us doubly happy. So don’t despair and you’ll see that bad times will end very soon. Just a little patience.

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Words of encouragement for friends

The hardest part is to start. But when you start, this would grow easier for you to move on day by day.


Life gives hard times only when it’s sure you will cope with them. So you should feel like a blessed person, because life thinks you’re strong enough. Show it that you are.


Why should you stay in this depression? You have to move on no matter what. Negative won’t lead you to anything good, so you should try to turn it into a positive. It’s better to make an effort and move on.


If you don’t see any light, it just means that it’s somewhere ahead and you’ll reach it very soon. Just keep going!


If you think that your life is not fair, because it doesn’t help you to achieve a satisfying result in you work, just wait a little. It tests you to see if you deserve it. Prove you’re worth it, never give up!

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Encouraging quotes for friends

Everything has its price. And you’ll never know true happiness if you give up without even making an effort. Keep going and you’ll see that it wasn’t all for nothing.


If you don’t see light at the end of the tunnel, it’s not the end of the world – it’s just hard times. You will handle it, just a little patience and faith.


Moving on is a path to happiness. If someone left you, fine, let them leave and make room for something better. The best is yet to come!


Every time when it seems to you that there are no reasons for keep going, just look around. The world gives you many beautiful reasons to fight for your life and every single day. Keep going!


Hard work is worth your sweat and every injury, because it gives you experience, teaches you a lesson and eventually all your expended efforts will be justified. Just wait a little bit.

Fight for your dreams, never let anyone break you down by saying that you can‘t do something.


Depression is something you have in your mind, but you can change it. Just smile to your life and it will eventually get tired of hurting you!


The key word in “hard times” is “times”, because time has a way to slip through the fingers like sand. It flies very fast, so don’t be afraid that these hard times are here for long.


People are often afraid of moving on, they think it’s too difficult. But the truth is that when you move on things get a whole lot better, so never be afraid!


Even when you think that you have nothing to live for, you still have something to live and fight for. It’s your future self, your dreams, your friends and family. They are worth living for, aren’t they?

Not a single person can start a new beginning, but you can always start today and create another ending.


Sometimes we lose faith and inspiration. Sometimes it’s really hard to keep going when there’s no motivation, no reasons for it. But despite it all, we still should try to do everything that is possible to conquer our happiness. Keep going!


Bad days happen to everyone. There’s nothing you can do, so just let it out, make some tea, meet with your friends or simply relax. Everything will be okay.


They say an ability to work hard distinguishes a man from other animals. Indeed, only we can be devoted to our work so much and to invest so much energy and time in what we do. Carry on!


Everything in life comes and goes, that’s why you need to let it go and move on. When one leaves, another comes. It’s a simple and eternal law of life and you have to learn it.

Don’t worry that you had a bad day. Even a hundred of bad days is worth waiting for a good and happy day. Happiness is always worth waiting for it.


Hard work is a thing which either makes you stronger or breaks you. If you work hard enough and don’t give up despite all failures, you will see that it all was worth the effort.


Bad days come to go, but good days come to stay in our memory forever. Smile is the best weapon against bad luck, so smile at the world and one day it will get tired of hurting you.


You shouldn’t stop fighting no matter how many obstacles there are on your way. If you really wish something try to get it your best. Keep going!


We go through hard times not because life wants to punish us. The real reason is that life loves us so much that wants to make us stronger and wiser. Hard times are not a curse – it’s a gift.

Bad days are like rainy days. They come and eventually go, and after that sunny days come. Never give up and wait for the sun to come!


Depression is a thing you can’t control, it may hit you at 3AM or it may hit you at 3PM when you’re with your friends in the middle of a joke. But whatever happens, you should never ever give up. Fight until you are finally happy!


The happiest people are those who look at things wisely. Don’t be a hostage to the situation, don’t let it make you feel miserable – control it yourself, move on!


We all are people and from time to time we get tired. We start to get the urge to give everything up, but we should keep in mind that it’s just a life’s trick and we should resist the temptation to give up. Just keep going and everything will be okay.


Never give up on hard work, never leave work half done. Yes, it may be hard, but you can take a break and get back to work when you’re rested. Just don’t give up on it, you’ve been working so hard, don’t let it go to waist…

Only fools don’t go through hard times. Clever people always face obstacles on their way. And the way they deal with them, shows how strong they are.


Yes, you have every right to spend some time crying and longing, but don’t take too long, move on. Otherwise you can miss all the good things that will come into your life while you’re upset.


Life is wise and gives hard times to the strongest people, because life knows that others are already crawling on their knees. You can do it, keep it up!


I know that you had a bad day, but you just have to deal with it. Make some coffee, relax and just read a book or turn your favourite music on. Everything is going to be fine.


Never give up on yourself, even if you think that your life is over. Luck will come and pain will go away, it just needs a little time!

Depression is a phase on the path of becoming a happy person, so don’t be afraid. Sometimes we really need to go into a cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly, after all.


You have to remember that bad day is not the end of the world, because tomorrow is another day and it may be the best day of your life!


Even if you think your life is over, just stop for a second and think about tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow will be the day when your life will change and you will become happier. Never give up, because every time when you’re about to, a miracle might happen.


Never forget the reason why you started all this work. Remember that everything will pay off in the end, even if you think it won’t. I know that sometimes it’s hard to stand up after you fell down, but trust it’s all worth it.


Only the weak give up. The strong keep going and you, my friend, are truly strong. Don’t despair if something goes wrong – it will make you only stronger.

When life gets tough there’s only one thing you have to remember: keep going! This is the only way to handle all difficulties. Be strong.


Never doubt a friend who has gone through the same thing. He knows how it goes and how to help you, because friends are people who can help you with any sort of depression.


Sometimes hard work can be way too hard, but it is always worth the effort. I know sometimes you want to give up, but every time you’re about to just remember how it started. It’ll give you strength.


I know you’re desperate now, but you have to move on, even if the future is uncertain right now. Trust me, there will be a bright future waiting for you.


Hard times hit everyone, but only the strongest survive. I know you are strong and I know you can do it!

A bad day is a little nuisance, but not a horrible tragedy. Everyone has rainy days, but the sunny days make up for them, so make sure you have more sunny than rainy days! It’s all in your hands.


Hard work is worth every second of your life, because it always pays off, even if you think it doesn’t. By working hard, you are not going to lose, you will only just win and gain experience. Keep working and never give up!


Moving on is just another part of life you have to do. It doesn’t matter whether you broke up with someone or someone special left you, you have to move on.


Just as bicycle can stand on the ground only when it moves, we, people, also remain viable only when we keep going. Carry on no matter what and eventually you’ll find your own way.


Some have hard times and some have harder times, but everyone eventually gets out of their misery and just get happy. You have to fight and eventually you will be happy too!

Everyone has to move on, whether you like it or not. As they say, when one door closes, another opens.


Imagine you are the sky and depression is like clouds. They come and go, but you will still be here… Remember it’s only a bad day or week, not a bad life. You will get through this!


Everyone has hard times, and everyone has their own battles, so never judge someone for what they did, you might just not know why they did it.


Keep in mind that it is going to be okay, even if you think the world is against you, or that luck is never on your side, trust me, you will survive, because as they say, “A flower grows every time it rains”.


Everyone has bad days, bad weeks or even months, but it’s okay. Just wait a little bit and you’ll see that bad times are always followed by good times. Everything will work out.

There is an old saying, “Hard work never killed nobody”. You should know that the more you work the more experience you have. Never ever give up, especially when you’re almost there!


Sometimes the worst periods of our life put us into a direct path to the greatest times of our life.


You cannot change the past,
So leave behind all your mistakes,
And everything that made you cry,
But don’t forget to learn the lesson.


If you wake up in the morning, look outside and see rain, clouds, darkness and it all makes you think how bad your life is, do not despair. It’s not a bad life, it’s just a bad day. You’ll get through this and everything is going to be okay very soon.


Every time when you’re about to give up, just remember what a long way you have come. You can’t give it all up halfway. Keep going and you’ll see that something you seek will wait you round the next corner.

Life is like a book and every new day is a new page,
One page can be sad, but the next one will be happy,
So don‘t worry, just turn the page and enjoy your life!


Don‘t believe anyone who tells you are weak, cause everyone has a great reserve of inner strength.


Things will get better! Some days are stormy, but it cannot rain forever!


Some people achieve in life much more than the others. How can they do that? They can, because they have a strong belief that they can. If you wish to succeed, your desire to win has to be greater than your fear to lose.


Time flies… It was the bad news. And the good news is: „You are the pilot!“.

Nobody is rich enough to buy his own past,
Therefore do your best to enjoy every moment of your life so that you won‘t regret about anything.


Don‘t waste your time looking back at your past, just learn your lessons and go forward for the new opportunities in life. Sometimes all you need is to relax, take a deep breath, let go all your worries and live in the current moment.


It‘s amazing when you find out that you still can surprise yourself. It makes you wonder what else are you capable of.


Life is full of surprises. It happens that you lose, but somehow you win.


Cry as hard as you need, but when you stop crying,
make sure that you‘ll never shed a tear for the same reason again.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Совет другу/ A Piece of Advice For My Friend с переводом на русский язык.

A Piece of Advice For My Friend Совет другу
What can be better than a piece of advice from a friend when you have a problem? When we do not know what to do we always ask a friend that can have a look at our problem from his perspective and may see the way to solve it that we couldn’t think of. В сложной ситуации, что может быть лучше дружеского совета? Когда мы не знаем, как поступить, мы всегда обращаемся к товарищу, который может посмотреть на проблему со стороны и увидеть те пути ее решения, которые, возможно, сейчас недоступны для нашего восприятия.
I’m happy to use my friends’ ideas and I have never regretted it. My friends often ask me to help and if I’m sure I know what should be done then I tell them what they should do. Я с радостью пользуюсь советами своих друзей и еще ни разу не пожалел об этом. Мои знакомые также часто обращаются ко мне за помощью, и, если я чувствую уверенность в своей правоте, то я тоже могу посоветовать им, как лучше поступить.
Once I gave an advice to my friend Artem and still remembers it and he is grateful for it. Artem is 3 years younger than me and I always felt like I should protect and help him. I had to do it pretty often because when other boys and me were playing together, the boys used mock Artem because he was younger and he couldn’t run as fast or ride his bike as good as they could. Так, один раз я дал совет своему другу Артему, который тот с благодарностью вспоминает и по сегодняшний день. Артем младше меня на три года, поэтому я всегда чувствовал необходимость защищать и оберегать его. А делать это мне приходилось довольно часто, поскольку, когда мы вместе с другими мальчишками моего возраста играли на площадке, те часто дразнили Артема за то, что он самый маленький и оттого медленно бегает или плохо катается на велосипеде.
My friend felt very offended because of it and usually started crying and did’t want to play with us. So other boys started to make even more jokes. Once I was trying to make Atrem calm down and explained to him that he shouldn’t have paid any attention to those boys and just continued to play like nothing had happen, be stronger than that and have dignity. Мой друг, в свою очередь, очень сильно обижался на такие слова, сразу же начинал плакать и отказывался играть в игры с нами. Из-за этого другие мальчишки смеялись над ним еще сильнее. Как-то, успокаивая Артема, я сказал, что ему следует попробовать не обращать внимания на слова ребят и как ни в чем не бывало продолжать игру, так как нужно быть сильнее всего этого и иметь чувство собственного достоинства.
Artem listened to me and really started to ignore the mocking. After some time boys noticed that he didn’t care anymore and accepted him as a friend. That’s how I help my friend to find his place in our «street squad» and now Atrem laughs at all those resentment. Артем прислушался к моему совету и постепенно действительно стал спокойнее реагировать на колкости в свой адрес. Со временем ребята, видя, что он больше не обижается, совсем перестали его дразнить и окончательно приняли в компанию. Вот так мой совет помог другу найти свое место в нашей «дворовой банде», и теперь Артем со смехом вспоминает свои прежние переживания и обиды.

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