Word numbers in english for

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Numbers 11-20



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Find the correct result.

random number 1-50

Numbers 1-50

Numbers 11-20


Know Your Number

Numbers memory game (1º ano)

Choose the right number (1º ano)

Numbers 1-20 Train game


Random wheel

Guess Numbers of Things




Is It 7?

0-12 Wheel

0-12 Wheel
Random wheel


Where's the Spider? (Number Naming Fluency: 0-10)

Los números

Compare Numbers 1-20



board games/ video games

Los numeros 1 - 100

Even Or Odd

Number 1-40

The Number Test! (REVERSE)

Ordering Numbers 1-15




Match up

Basic Review


Comparing Numbers 1-5

Counting 1-10 Halloween

数字 Numbers 11-99

数字 Numbers 11-99


How Many? (1-5)

数字 - Numbers

数字 — Numbers
Random wheel

Chinese numbers

Numbers in English 10s

More or Less 1-5

Christmas Comparing Numbers 1-10


Match up

English as a Foreign Language

February Subitize 1-15


Copy of Student wheel

Copy of Student wheel
Random wheel


Communication idioms

Even numbers

Even numbers

Even and odd numbers

How often do you...?

Numbers within 100: Smallest to Greatest

Present Progressive verbs w/pronouns

Problems in meetigs

1-15 Subitizing Cards (Winter)



Numbers 1-10 Crossword (English Answers)

Numbers in English 11-20


Ordinal Numbers




English Vocabulary Word List — Numbers 1 to 20

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Learn how to spell and say the English words for cardinal numbers 1-20. A free online English lesson with audio. Image Credit: Pixabay

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  • Numbers 1-20

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  • Ordinal Numbers

We use numbers to count things. Numbers we use to count things are called cardinal numbers.

Here are the English words for the numbers 1-10.

Click on the words to hear them spoken. Listen, and say the words out loud.


Spelling  and saying the English word for the number 1. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Learn how to spell and say the English word for the number 2. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Cardinal numbers in English - learn how to spell and say the word for the number 3. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Numbers in English - learn how to spell and pronounce the word for the number 4. Listen to hear the word spoken with a male North American accent, and repeat.


English words for numbers - learn how to pronounce the English word for the number 5. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Say and spell the word for the cardinal number 6 in English. Read, listen, and repeat.


Spelling and pronouncing the English word for the number 7. Listen to hear the word pronounced with a North American accent.


Cardinal numbers - learn the English word for the number 8. Listen to hear it pronounced with a male North American accent.


English words for counting things - Learn how to say and spell the English word for the number 9. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.nine


Cardinal numbers - spelling and pronouncing the English word for the number 10. Listen to this word spoken with a North American accent.ten

Here are the English words for the numbers 11-20.

Click on the words to hear them spoken. Listen, and say the words out loud.


Spelling the English word for the number 11. Listen to the pronunciation of this word (North American accent).


Cardinal numbers - learn to spell and write the English word for the number 12. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Cardinal numbers in English - the number 13. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


English words for cardinal numbers - the number 14. Listen to hear the word spoken with a male North American accent, and repeat.


Learn the English word for the cardinal number 15. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


Say and spell the word for the number 16 in English. Read, listen, and repeat.


Spelling and pronouncing English words for cardinal numbers - the number 17. Listen to hear the word pronounced with a North American accent.


Learn the English word for the cardinal number 18. Click on the word to hear it pronounced with a male North American accent.


Learn how to spell and pronounce the English word for the cardinal number 19. Listen to hear the word spoken with a North American accent.


English words for cardinal numbers - the number 20. Click on the word to hear how it is pronounced by a North American speaker.

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Numbers in English

English Numbers

Numbers in English are one of the first things a student will learn when they begin studying the language. We use numbers all the time every day to talk about the time, quantities of items, dates and days of the month, temperature and measurements.

English numbers are normally treated as adjectives because they give more information about the nouns of the sentence. Numbers can also be nouns if they stand alone and do not modify another noun. For example:

Number as adjective: ‘There are five students in the class’

Number as noun: ‘We went to Greece in 2016


Cardinal and ordinal numbers in English

English numbers in general are split into two groups: cardinal numbers (e.g. one, two three) and ordinal numbers (e.g. first, second, third).

Cardinal numbers are used to talk about the quantity of items (e.g. there are six apples in the bag), while ordinal numbers are used to talk about the distribution or order of items (e.g. ‘her apartment was on the third floor’).

Ordinal numbers - shapes


  • There are four shapes in the row
  • The yellow circle is the second shape from the left
  • The green arrow is the fourth shape in the row
  • The red triangle is the first shape in the row
  • The pink star is the second shape from the right
  • The pink star is the third shape from the left
  • The yellow circle is the third shape from the right


Numbers in English

Here is a list of numbers in English with the digital format in the first column, the cardinal format in the second column and the ordinal format in the third column:

Number Cardinal Ordinal
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-first
22 twenty-two twenty-second
23 twenty-three twenty-third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty-five twenty-fifth
26 twenty-six twenty-sixth
27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtieth
31 thirty-one thirty-first
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1,000 one thousand, a thousand thousandth
1,500 one thousand five hundred, or fifteen hundred one thousand five hundredth, or fifteen hundredth
100,000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1,000,000 one million millionth
  • Be careful with the number 13 and the number 15. While all the other ‘teen’ numbers in English simply add the word ‘teen’ to the regular number (e.g. four-teen, six-teen, seven-teen, nine-teen) 13 uses ‘thir’ and 15 uses ‘fif’. For an added complication, the number 18 only has one ‘t’ (eighteen).


English Numbers in ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’

A song that makes good use of cardinal and ordinal numbers in English is the Christmas carol, The 12 Days of Christmas.

Throughout the song, the singer tells of gifts they received from a loved one on each day of the festive season and keeps a cumulative total of each gift. Each verse therefore gets longer and longer as the song continues using more and more English numbers as the list of presents grows longer! The lyrics begin:

On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me
a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the Second day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the Third day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

The following verses follow the same pattern with a new gift added each time. The singer repeats all the earlier gifts with their respective numbers, so each verse is one line longer than the previous verse. The subsequent gifts are:

Fourth day:  Calling Birds
Fifth day:  Gold Rings
Sixth day:  Geese a-Laying
Seventh day:  Swans a-Swimming
Eighth day:  8 Maids a-Milking
Ninth day:  Ladies Dancing
Tenth day:  Lords a-Leaping
Eleventh day:  Pipers Piping
Twelfth day:  Drummers Drumming

Here is a fun video of the full song, complete with lyrics:

Examples of Numbers in English

Some examples of how to use cardinal and ordinal numbers in English:

There are thirty-five pupils in the English class

Thirteen is an unlucky number in Western culture

Eight is a lucky number in Chinese culture

He failed his driving test for the third time

There are a hundred-and-one dalmations in the Disney film

She was the fifth person to win seven gold medals

I visited France for the eighth time last year

Seventy-two thousand people entered the competition to win a holiday

Expressing zero in English

The amount of nothing or zero can be expressed in many different ways in English. This depends on the context of the sentence.

It can be expressed as: zero, nothing, nought, o, nil.

In sport, we usually say ‘nil’ For example the score was 4-0 (four-nil). However in tennis it is uniquely expressed as ‘love’ (four games to love).

‘O’, pronounced ‘oh’ as in the letter O, is used when talking about times, years, phone numbers (in Britain) and decimals (in Britain)

‘Nought’ is used to talk about the number itself in Britain (but not in America, where zero is used) and phone numbers (Britain)

‘Zero’ is used to talk about the number itself, phone numbers and decimals. Zero is used more often in America, while in Britain we often use ‘o’.


Numbers for money in English

Using English numbers when talking about money requires special treatment. The largest denomination number comes first followed by the currency and finally the smaller denomination number, which can also be followed by the currency.

In everyday speech, people tend to miss out naming the currency if it is obvious which currency they are talking about, especially the smaller denominations (e.g. the pence or cents).

Notice that the decimal point that separates the numbers (e.g. the pounds and pence or dollars and cents) is not pronounced. In English this is written as a decimal point, not a comma like it is in some other European countries, such as Spain.

amount of Money pronounced
£20 twenty pounds (sterling)
$45 forty-five (American) dollars
€250 two hundred and fifty euros
£50.75 fifty pounds, seventy-five pence (‘fifty pounds seventy-five’)
€84.61 eighty-four euros, sixty-one cents (‘eighty-four, sixty-one’)
$103.25 a hundred and three dollars, twenty-five cents

Decimals in English

Decimals in English are written with a full stop (a ‘decimal point’) and this point is spoken aloud when reading the numbers. So you would pronounce 7.5 as ‘seven point five’.

For decimals that are less than 1, such as 0.5, some people pronounce the 0 as ‘nought’ (e.g.  nought point five) while some people do not pronounce the 0 and say simply ‘point five’.

0.25 (nought) point two five
0.5 (nought) point five
0.75 point seven five
0.05 point zero five / point o five (Britain)
1.834 one point eight three four
4.91 four point nine one

Fractions in English

Fractions in English are expressed with the ‘numerator’ on the top and the ‘denominator’ on the bottom, separated by a line, which indicates the top number is a fraction of the bottom number.

The top number (numerator) is a cardinal number and the bottom number (denominator) is an ordinal number. The bottom number is pluralised if the top number is bigger than 1.

The exceptions to these rules are when the bottom number is 2 or 4. If the bottom number is 2, this is called a half (not a ‘second’) and if the bottom number is a 4, this is called a quarter (not a ‘fourth’).

Of course, in mathematics, some fractions are the same as others. For example, 3/6 (three sixths) is the same as 1/2 (one half) because three is exactly half of six.

If both numbers are the same, this is a ‘whole’. For example 4/4 is four quarters, which is equal to one whole.

FRaction Pronounced
1/4 one quarter / a quarter
1/2 one half / a half
3/4 three quarters
2/5 two fifths
7/8 seven eighths
5/6 five sixths

Percentages in English

Percentages in English are pronounced exactly as they look. Percentages are written with the % symbol, which is pronounced ‘percent’ (meaning per hundred).

percentage Pronounced
1% one percent
30% thirty percent
45% forty-five percent
100% one hundred percent
500% five hundred percent
10.5% ten point five percent
83.74% eighty-three point seven four percent

Measurements in English

Measurements are simple in English because you only need to read out the number followed by the unit of measurement. For example, five metres sixty-three centimetres.

Notice that British English spelling uses the ‘re’ ending, while American English spelling uses ‘er’ at the end of the words for ‘metre’ and kilometre’.

Imperial and metric measurements

In Britain, we often use imperial measurements (e.g. pounds and ounces for weight, and feet and miles for distance), whereas in America, they usually only use the metric measurements (e.g. grams and kilograms for weight and kilometres and metres for distance). For example, the road signs in Britain will use miles not km.

Measurement pronounced
75km seventy-five kilometers
60km/h sixty kilomatres per hour
25mph twenty-five miles per hour
6ft six feet
2in two inches
30cm thirty centimetres
5ml five mililitres
4tbsp four tablespoons
2tsp two teaspoons
1.2kg one point two kilograms
2.5lbs two point five pounds / two and a half pounds
6oz six ounces

Temperature in English

When we use English numbers to talk about temperature, the numbers are always combined with the unit Fahrenheit or Centigrade (Celsius). If the temperature is above zero degrees it is pronounced simply as the number. If the temperature is below zero degrees the word ‘minus’ is pronounced before the number.

We use the symbol ⁰ followed by the temperature scale to express temperature. So ⁰C expresses ‘degrees Celsius’ and ⁰F expresses ‘degrees Fahrenheit’.

These days, Celsius is used much more often than Fahrenheit, so we don’t always mention the scale in speech. It tends to be obvious which scale is being used from the numbers given. (For reference, 32⁰F is equal to 0⁰C).

For example:

20⁰C   twenty degrees Celsius

-5⁰C  minus five degrees Celsius

70⁰F  seventy degree Fahrenheit

-3⁰C  minus three

0⁰C   zero degrees

Years and Dates in English

Using numbers in English when talking about dates is always an important area of study for students as it is very useful in a day-to-day context.

Reading dates with years in a foreign language can feel intimidating because they can be long, big numbers. In English, we usually say a date as two numbers. So 1980 would be ‘nineteen eighty’.

After the year 2000 we say either twenty to start the number or we also say two-thousand and then say ‘and’ before the last part of the date. So 2017 can be ‘twenty seventeen’ or ‘two-thousand and seventeen’.

When using English numbers for dates, we also often say the year before the date to make it clear, especially if it is a millennium or a year before one thousand.


For talking about dates in English, we say the ordinal number followed by ‘of’ and the month, followed by the year.

For example: 3rd September 1959 would be pronounced ‘the third of September nineteen fifty-nine’. We don’t write the word ‘of’ and sometimes we write the cardinal number not the ordinal. For example: 3 September 1959, or just use the numbers 03/09/1959 or 3/9/59.


BC and AD with dates

For years before the year 0, we add the suffix BC (which means ‘before Christ’), pronounced as the letters of the alphabet.

The years after 0 all have the suffix AD (Anno Domini, which is Latin for ‘in the year of our Lord’) but we almost never write or say this when we talk about years unless for clarity, for example sometimes a film might use the suffix AD if talking about a year in the future.

Year Pronounced
2017 twenty seventeen / two thousand and seventeen
2008 two thousand and eight
2000 (the year) two thousand
1939 nineteen thirty-nine
1901 nineteen o one
1900 nineteen hundred
1200 twelve hundred
1768 seventeen sixty-eight
1056 ten fifty six
358 (the year) three hundred and fifty-eight
800 BC eight hundred BC
3000 BC three thousand BC

Share your thoughts on using numbers in English 

What do you find most difficult about using numbers in English?

Are English numbers used in the same way as numbers in your own native language?

Are there any areas where you find expressing number in English confusing?

Let us know your thoughts on English numbers in the comments.


Numbers are a mathematical way of representing quantity. They can be used to count, measure, and label objects. That is why you need to understand the figures for proficient English. Whether you are a student or a professional you need to count, calculate or express the quantity of items. Numbers in English are the basic vocabulary to use while speaking the amount of something. If your field of interest requires calculation or mathematics, then this web page is a good place to start learning English numbers.

Table of Contents

  • ⬤ What are the numbers in English?
  • ⬤ Numbers as Pictures with pronunciations
  • ⬤ How to write big numbers in English
  • ⬤ Games to play
  • ⬤ How to say the numbers
  • ⬤ Numbers exercises
  • ⬤ Worksheets

What are the numbers in English?

In English we have two basic groups of numbers: cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.

  • Cardinal numbers: These are the numbers that say the amount of something. You can get these numbers by asking “How many”.
    Examples: 2 apples, 9 students, 23 days etc.
  • Ordinal numbers: These are the numbers that say the the position in a list.
    Examples: 1st lesson, 6th week, 14th candidate etc.
  • Some numbers are even, which means they are divisible by two, and some numbers are odd, which means they are not divisible by two.

Numbers as Pictures with pronunciations

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Numbers 1-20

  • 1 one
  • 2 two
  • 3 three
  • 4 four
  • 5 five
  • 6 six
  • 7 seven
  • 8 eight
  • 9 nine
  • 10 ten
  • 11 eleven
  • 12 twelve
  • 13 thirteen
  • 14 fourteen
  • 15 fifteen
  • 16 sixteen
  • 17 seventeen
  • 18 eighteen
  • 19 nineteen
  • 20 twenty

How to write big numbers in English

49 fortynine
67 sixtyseven
352 three hundred and fiftytwo
5841 five thousand eight hundred and fortyone
1115 one thousand one hundred and fifteen

Ordinal numbers

1st the first
2nd the second
3rd the third
4th the fourth
5th the fifth
6th the sixth
7th the seventh
8th the eighth
9th the ninth
10th the tenth

11th the eleventh
12th the twelfth
13th the thirteenth
14th the fourteenth
15th the fifteenth
16th the sixteenth
17th the seventeenth
18th the eighteenth
19th the nineteenth
20th the twentieth 21st the twenty-first

❯❯ Maths vocabulary

Games to play

Numbers Flashcards

Flip cards exercise

Numbers Jigsaw puzzle game

jigsaw puzzle image

How to say the numbers

1/8 One eighth
1/5 One fifth
1/4 One quarter / one fourths
3/4 Three quarters
1/3 One third
2/3 Two thirds
1/2 One half

In American English fractional numbers are expressed like these:
1/8 One over eight
1/5 One over five
1/4 One over four
1/3 One over three
2/3 Two over three
1/2 One over two

How to say operations

We use the names of the operations below in English.
+ Plus (And)
– Minus (Take away)
x Multiplied by (Times)
÷ Divided by
= Equals (Is)
. Point
% Percent

1 + 5 = 6 one plus five equals six
4 – 3 = 1 four minus three equals one
3*2= 6 three times two equals six
6/3=2 six divided by three equals two
10% ten percent

How to say decimal numbers

2.95 – two point nine five
1.34 – one point three four
0.5 – point five
0.75 – point seven five
0.01 – point zero one
0.8569 point eight five six nine

Numbers exercises

test image


Numbers worksheets
Numbers word scramble game worksheet

Word scramble game worksheet jpg image

Word scramble game worksheet pdf

Numbers word search puzzle worksheet

Word search puzzle worksheet jpg image

Word search puzzle worksheet pdf

External resource links:
You can also click here to watch a video about numbers or here to see more information about numbers on WikiPedia.

English numbers with transcription and Russian pronunciation: learning to memorize quickly and easily

как говорить цифры на английском

The topic of English numbers is quite complex, since the formation of English numbers is different from the education of Russians. There are rules, but there are exceptions, while both have peculiarities. How to pronounce numbers in English and use them in speech? Let’s find out. Forward for new knowledge!

Rules for the formation of numbers in English

In general, numbers in English can be divided into:

  • Simple
  • Derivatives
  • Composite

It is very simple to understand what number kim is. Simple ones consist of one word (for example, two, six, nine). Derivatives consist of one word, but they have the suffixes -teen (13 to 19) or -ty (tens from 20 to 90). Compounds, as their name implies, consist of several numbers.

Features of the formation of numbers from 1 to 12

Numbers in English from 1 to 12 are simple quantitative numbers, that is, they indicate the number of objects and consist of one word. The spelling of English numbers must be remembered. All other English numbers are formed on the basis of their top ten.

The table below shows the numbers from 1 to 12 with transcription, Russian pronunciation and examples:

1 one [wʌn] one
2 Two [ˈTuː] that
3 three [θriː] sri
4 four [fɔː] for
5 five [faɪv] files
6 six [seks] syks
7 seven [ˈSevn̩] s’even
8 eight [eɪt] ayt
9 nine [naɪn] nines
10 th [ten] ten
11 eleven [ɪˈlevn̩] il’evan
12 twelve [twelve] tu’elv

How to form derivative numbers?

These numbers are derived from the above and are formed using the -teen suffix to the numbers 3-9. That is, you need to learn the stem to which you add the suffix and you will get a new number. The pronunciation of numbers in English with this suffix is ​​usually made with stress on the suffix (but if it is used without additional words).

  • 13 thirteen — thirteen [ˌOɜːˈtiːn]
  • 14 fourteen — fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
  • 15 fifteen — fifteen [ˌfɪfˈtiːn]
  • 16 sixteen — sixteen [sɪkˈstiːn]
  • 17 seventeen — seventeen [ˌsevnˈtiːn]
  • 18 eighteen — eighteen [ˌeɪˈtiːn]
  • 19 nineteen — nineteen [ˌnaɪnˈtiːn]

The stress of these numbers will fall off the suffix.

And do not confuse cardinal numbers with ordinal numbers!

On a note! Remember that there are exceptions to every rule. In this case, the numerals 13 and 15 will be the exceptions. Their root three and five will have a modified form:

3 three — 13 thirteen 5 five — 15 fifteen

Not threeteen / fiveteen !!!

We take dozens. They are very similar to the numbers 13 through 19, but they have an important difference. Add -ty instead of a teenage ending.

  • 20 twenty — twen + ty [ˈtwenti]
  • 30 thirty — thir + ty [ˈOɜːti]
  • 40 forty — for + ty [ˈfɔːti]
  • 50 fifty — fif + ty [ˈfɪfti]
  • 60 sixty — six + ty [ˈsɪksti]
  • 70 seventy — seven + ty [ˈsevnti]
  • 80 eighty — eigh + ty [ˈeɪti]
  • 90 ninety — nine + ty [ˈnaɪnti]

The stress of these numbers will fall on the root.

Some exceptions:

  • The number 20 changes radically. Instead of twoty — twenty.
  • The number 40 changes radically. Instead of fourty — forty.

The numbers 30, 50, 80 change radically in the same way as in the second ten.

Numbers from 100 onwards

You ask: «How are large numbers or numbers read and written in English?» Very simple, it only takes 4 new words:

100 Hundred [‘hʌndrəd] One hundred / one hundred
1.000 Explore Thousand is committed to offsetting XNUMX% of their annual carbon emissions to give back to the planet. [‘θauz (ə) nd] One thousand
1,000,000 Million [‘miljən] Million
1,000,000,000 Billion [‘biljən] Billion

The names of numbers over a hundred are formed by adding more simple «representatives» of the series:

  • from one hundred to one thousand: one hundred twenty five — 125 — one hundred (and) twenty-five, five hundred sixty seven — 567 — five hundred (and) sixty-seven;
  • from a thousand to a million: two thousand eight hundred — 2,800 — two thousand eight hundred or twenty eight hundred, nine thousand two hundred forty-five — 9,245 — nine thousand two hundred and forty-five;
  • over a million: seven and a half million — 7,500,000 — seven million five hundred thousand.


For simplicity’s sake, native speakers convert thousands into hundreds. For example, the number 1500 is easier to say as “fifteen hundred” (which literally translates as “fifteen hundred”).

Ordinal numbers

With the help of such numbers, we determine the order of objects, counting them. We use them most often when we talk about dates (September XNUMXst, August XNUMXth, July XNUMXrd, etc.), floors, etc.

  • First — first
  • Second — second
  • Third — third
  • Fourth — fourth
  • Fifth — fifth
  • Sixth — sixth
  • Seventh — seventh
  • Eighth — eighth
  • Ninth — ninth (we omit the letter «e»)
  • Tenth — tenth
  • Eleventh — eleventh
  • Twelfth — twelfth («v» becomes «f»)
  • Thirteenth — thirteenth
  • Fourteenth — fourteenth
  • Fifteenth — fifteenth
  • Sixteenth — sixteenth
  • Seventeenth — seventeenth
  • Eighteenth — eighteenth
  • Nineteenth — nineteenth
  • The twentieth is twentieth (and here the letter «y» (as in all tens up to the 90th) turns into «ie»)
  • Thirtieth — thirtieth
  • Fortieth — fortieth
  • Fiftieth — fiftieth
  • Sixtieth — sixtieth
  • Seventieth — seventieth
  • Eightieth — eightieth
  • Ninetieth — ninetieth
  • Sixty-eighth — sixty-eighth (in two-syllable digits, only the last one changes to an ordinal)
  • Thirty-first — thirty-first
  • Twenty-second — twenty-second
  • Hundredth
  • One hundred and first
  • Thousandth — thousandth

Years and dates in English are not spoken in whole numbers like we Russians, but in two parts. For example, we will say 1954 as 19-54, 1776 as 17-76, and so on.

How are numbers and numbers written in English

Here are some facts-recommendations regarding the spelling of numbers:

  • In a large number, where there are 4 digits or more, a comma is separated every three digits: 3,490; 456,679; 123,456,789 and so on.
  • If you come across a separator in the form of a point, then we are talking about decimal fractions: 1.5 — one and a half — one point five.
  • The words hundred, thousand, million and billion are used strictly in the singular: 511 — five hundred and eleven, 3,948 — three thousand nine hundred and forty-eight.

On that note, I conclude my lesson on numbers! Start small and gradually develop your abilities. If you wish, you will succeed! I wish you every success on your way to mastering English!

Source: https://tutorblog.ru/drugoe/anglijskie-tsifry-s-transkriptsiej-i-russkim-proiznosheniem-uchimsya-zapominat-prosto-i-bystro.html

как говорить цифры на английском
Numbers in English with transcription in the table from 1 to 10:

Digit / Number Word with transcription
1 one [wʌn]
2 two [tuː]
3 three [θriː]
4 four [fɔː]
5 five [faɪv]
6 six [seks]
7 seven [‘sev (ə) n]
8 eight [eɪt]
9 nine [naɪn]
10 ten[ten]

If you do not know English transcription and you need Russian transcription, listen to how numbers and numbers are read in English:
/audio/english-vocabulary-numbers.mp3 Download mp3

The number 0 is written like this: nought [nɔːt], zero [‘zɪərəu]

Numbers 11 to Million

More numbers in English from 11 to 20 and from 21 to 100:

11 eleven [ɪ’lev (ə) n]
12 twelve [twelv]
13 thirteen [θɜː’tiːn]
14 fourteen [ˌfɔː’tiːn]
15 fifteen [ˌfɪf’tiːn] (note: “f”, not “v”)
16 sixteen [ˌsɪk’stiːn]
17 seventeen [ˌsev (ə) n’tiːn]
18 eighteen [ˌeɪ’tiːn] (only one «t»)
19 nineteen [ˌnaɪn’tiːn]
20 twenty [‘twentɪ]
21 twenty-one [ˌtwentɪ’wʌn] (numbers from 21 to 99 are hyphenated in words)
30 thirty [‘θɜːtɪ]
40 forty [‘fɔːtɪ] (no letter “u”)
50 fifty [‘fɪftɪ] (note: “f”, not “v”)
60 sixty [‘sɪkstɪ]
70 seventy [‘sev (ə) ntɪ]
80 eighty [‘eɪtɪ] (only one «t»)
90 ninety [‘naɪntɪ] (there is a letter “e”)
100 one hundred [wʌn] [‘hʌndrəd], [-rɪd]
101 one hundred and one
200 two hundred (the word hundred remains in the singular, regardless of the number in front of it)
1000 one thousand [wʌn] [‘θauz (ə) nd] (also true for thousands: two thousand)
1,000,000 one million [wʌn] [‘mɪljən] (also true for a million: two million)

Cardinal and ordinal numbers

There are two types of numerals:

  • quantitative (cardinal)
  • ordinal (ordinal)

Everything is clear with the first group. Quantitative (cardinal) numerals are our one, two, three one hundred (one, two, three hundred).

But ordinal (ordinal) numerals are a bit tricky. Pointing to the order of the position or course of action (first, second, third hundredth), they are formed according to a certain rule, which was not without exceptions. Let’s consider the rule.

To form an ordinal number, it is necessary to add the ending -TH to the cardinal number.

If “four” is oven, then the «fourth» will be the fourth. «Six — sixth» — «six — thesixth ”.

Pay attention! Ordinal numbers are used with the article “The“.

And what about the exceptions? They are words «First, second, third, fifth»that need to be learned by heart:

1 — the first
2 second
3 third
5 fifth

Ordinal numbers will be useful to us in order to name the date of your birth. (birthday).

Mu birthday is on the second (tenth, seventeenth) of May (January, June).

Use “on» to indicate the day and «Of» before the month name. By the way, historically, the names of calendar months are written with a capital letter. Remember this!

Ordinal numbers in English

Number Word
1st the first [ðiː] [fɜːst]
2nd the second [ðiː] [‘sek (ə) nd]
3rd the third [ðiː] [θɜːd]
4th the fourth [ðiː] [fɔːθ]
5th the fifth [ðiː] [fɪfθ]
6th the sixth [ðiː] [sɪksθ]
7th the seventh [ðiː] [‘sev (ə) nθ]
8th the eighth
9th the ninth
10th tenth
11th the eleventh
12th the twelfth
13th the third
14th the fourteenth
15th the fifteenth
16th the sixteenth
17th the seventeenth
18th the eighteenth
19th the nineteenth
20th the twentieth
21st the twenty-first
30th the third
40th the fortune
50th the fiftieth
60th the sixtieth
70th the seventies
80th the eightieth
90th the ninetieth
100th the hundredth
101st the hundred and first
1000th the thousandth

Source: https://englishtexts.ru/english-grammar/english-numerals

Counting up to 20 in English with pronunciation and transcription

как говорить цифры на английском

Knowing how to count in English is as important as speaking. In any tourist country, all sellers, taxi drivers, service personnel in a hotel have an account of up to 20. Are you worse than that? In general, you understand what’s what. To learn how to count to a million in English, you only need to learn 31 words. But everything is in order. In this article, we will learn how to count to 20.

In Russian, to learn numbers, you need to know over 100 words. In the English account, the same rules apply, but it is worth mentioning a couple of important points that will greatly facilitate the process of studying numbers and numbers for you:

  • In English, unlike Russian, numbers are not inclined by gender. If we have «two thousand», but «two million», then here it is the same that «two thousand», that «twо million»
  • They do not incline by cases, that is, the endings do not change. Instead of «thousand — thousand-thousand-thousand», for the whole simple word «thousand»
  • Also, instead of «1 million — 2 million — 5 million» it all comes down to using one word «million» and no additional endings
  • There are no personal names for hundreds. Instead of “two hundred” there will be “two hundred”, instead of “six hundred,” the Englishman will say “six hundred,” and so on.
  • And fifthly, there are much fewer exceptions in the English account.

Well, now let’s move on from theory directly to practice: The numbers from one to ten are the basis of the basics!

Counting up to 20 in English with transcription

Numerous numbers are based on basic numbers — from 1 to 9, you can also include 0 and 10. These numbers you just have to learn by heart:

Numeral English Transfer English transcription Transcription in Russian letters
1 One One [wan] [wan]
2 Two Two [tu:] [that]
3 Three Three [θri:] [shit]
4 Oven Four [fo:] [ph]
5 Five Five [faiv] [five]
6 Six Шесть [six] [syks]
7 Seven Seven [sevn] [sevn]
8 Eight Eight [eit] [she]
9 Nine Nine [nain] [nine]
10 Ten Ten [ten] [teng]

Further, the following numbers 11 and 12 are the very few exceptions from the first 20. They will also have to be remembered. Then everything is much easier. From 13 to 19 numbers are formed in the same way «digit (from 3 to 9) + teen». For example, six + teen = sixteen. Just like in Russian thirteen, fifteen. This is -teen is -teen. The number is written together, but it is read with an emphasis on the last syllable.

Numeral English Transfer English transcription Transcription in Russian letters
10 Ten Ten [ten] [teng]
11 Eleven Eleven [i’levn] [ilavn]
12 Twelve Twelve [twelve] [tuelv]
13 Thirteen Thirteen [‘θə: tin] [shochin]
14 Fourteen Fourteen [‘fo: tin] [photin]
15 Fifteen Fifteen [‘fi: ftin] [Fiftin]
16 Sixteen Sixteen [‘sikstin] [sykstin]
17 Seventeen Seventeen [‘sevntin] [sevntin]
18 Eighteen Eighteen [‘eitin] [eitin]
19 Nineteen Nineteen [‘naintin] [ninthin]
20 Twenty Twenty [‘twenti] [tuenti]

There are also minor changes here. They are not noticeable in pronunciation, but in writing it is worth paying attention to the changes in the root:

  • 13: the spelling «three» is mutated to «thir»
  • 15: in the second syllable «five» v changes to f, and the letter «e» disappears
  • 18: when adding the suffix «teen» to «eight», the appearing letter t is not duplicated, but replaced by a single one

In fact, the ending «teen» is a full-fledged word meaning age from 13 to 19 years.

It should be borne in mind that Russian pronunciation (transcription) is only an approximate sound, the specifics of the sound of English numbers cannot be 100% conveyed.

How to teach a child to count in English?

Once you start teaching your children English, it also needs to be taught and counted. Be sure to do this through play to instill in him a love and desire to learn the language. Here are some ways to teach your child to count in English:

  • Buy or download number cards from the internet. It is better if on each of them it will be written in letters and with pronunciation. Place the pictures on the floor. Say a number in English, and let the child bring you the necessary card or point to it
  • The previous game, only an adult already calls the number in his native language, and the child takes a card with a number and calls it in a foreign language
  • Take the ball. Stand in front of you, and throwing the ball into the child’s hands call the numeral in a foreign language, and the child, returning the toy to you, says it in his own
  • Game «Who has more.» Turn the cards over with the numbers down, and at the same time with the baby pull out one picture at a time. Speak the number in English. Whoever has more gets both cards. And so on until the end. The winner is the one with the highest amount
  • Ask the child to draw numbers, give them human features — eyes, pens, and their name will be the name of the number
  • Use fun counting counters that kids can easily remember
  • Another option is the game «Crocodile», but instead of words, the child must turn into a number
  • You can also ask your kid to draw a number that you sound in the air.

As you can see, there are many options, the main thing is the desire to learn yourself and teach your child. Good luck!

Learn to count to 1 to 20

Source: https://englishfull.ru/uroki/schitat-na-anglijskom.html

Numbers in English | English grammar | EF

Cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are adjectives denoting quantity. Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) indicate the order by count.

Quantitative Ordinal Number

1 one first
2 Two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine nineth
10 th tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve Twelfth
13 thirteen third
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteen
20 Twenty twentieth
21 twenty one twenty first
22 twenty-two twenty second
23 twenty three twenty third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty five twenty-fifth
26 twenty six twenty-sixth
27 twenty seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirtytieth
31 thirty one thirty-first
40 forty fortune
50 fifty fifteenth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1,000 one thousand thousandth
1,500 one thousand five hundred or fifteen hundred one thousand five hundredth
100,000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1,000,000 one million millionth

Reading decimal places

When we read decimal places aloud in English, we pronounce the decimal point as “point,” then pronounce the next digit separately. Money is not counted in this way.

Writing Pronunciation

0.5 point five
0.25 point two five
0.73 point seven three
0.05 point zero five
0.6529 point six five two nine
2.95 two point nine five

Reading beats

In English, fractions are read using a cardinal number to indicate the numerator and an ordinal number to indicate the denominator. Moreover, if the numerator is greater than 1, then we put the ordinal (denominator) in the plural. This applies to all numbers except 2, which is pronounced «half» when it is the denominator, and «halves» when there are more than one.

Writing Pronunciation

1/3 one third
3/4 three fourths
5/6 five sixths
1/2 one half
3/2 three halves

Percentage pronunciation

Reading percentages out loud in English is pretty easy. Just say the number and add the word «percent».

Writing Pronunciation

5% five percent
25% twenty-five percent
36.25% thirty-six point two five percent
100% one hundred percent
400% four hundred percent

Reading sums of money

To read monetary amounts, first read the whole number, then add the name of the currency. If it is a decimal point, read it as an integer, and if coins have their own name in a particular currency, add it at the end. Note that normal decimal places are not read this way. These rules apply only to reading currencies.

Writing Pronunciation

$25 twenty-five dollars
€52 fifty-two euros
140 ₤ one hundred and forty pounds
$ 43.25 forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (shortened to «forty-three twenty-five» in everyday speech)
12.66€ twelve euros sixty-six
₤ 10.50 ten pounds fifty

Measurement pronunciation

Just say the number followed by the measure, often written as an abbreviation.

Writing Pronunciation

60m six meters
25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour
11ft eleven feet
2L two litres
3tbsp three tablespoons
1tsp one teaspoon

Pronunciation of times

Reading tenses in English is relatively difficult. Usually, when the year has four digits, the first two are read as one number, and then the other two as another integer. There are several exceptions to this rule.

Years up to the first 100 years of the millennium can be read as whole numbers, even if they have four digits, or they can be read as two-digit numbers. Millenniums are always read as whole numbers, as it would be too difficult to read them otherwise. New ages are read as integers in the hundreds.

We do not use the word «thousand», at least not when we read dates for the last 1000 years.

Years with only 3 digits can be pronounced as a three-digit number, or as a single-digit number followed by two-digit years. Years in which there are only two digits are read as one number. Before you say the number of the year, you can add “the year” at the beginning to make it easier to understand, and you can also use two-digit and three-digit years in the same way. Years before 0 are always written with the acronym BC (BC), and it is pronounced like two letters of the alphabet.

Curiously, using the same rules we read street names and addresses.

Writing Pronunciation

2014 twenty fourteen or two thousand fourteen
2008 two thousand eight
2000 two thousand
1944 nineteen forty-four
1908 nineteen o eight
1900 Nineteen hundred
1600 sixteen hundred
1256 twelve fifty-six
1006 ten o six
866 eight hundred sixty-six or eight sixty-six
25 twenty five
3000 BC three thousand BC
3250 BC thirty-two fifty BC

How to pronounce 0

There are several ways to pronounce the number 0, depending on the context. Unfortunately, the use of these options differs in different English-speaking countries. These pronunciation rules apply to American English.

Pronunciation Use

zero The number itself: in fractions, percentages and phone numbers, and in other expressions.
o (the letter name) Reading dates, addresses, times and temperatures
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nought Not used in the USA

Source: https://www.ef.ru/angliyskie-resursy/angliyskaya-grammatika/chisla-v-angliyskom/

Cardinal numbers in English

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There are numbers and numbers in any language, so this topic is not considered difficult to understand. The numerals of each language have their own characteristics, which may not be in the native language. Therefore, while studying this part of speech, it is necessary to remember the names of numbers and numbers, as well as the cases of their correct use.

Numbers in English

In English, there are 10 figures: from 0 to 9. Various combinations of these “numbers” form “numbers”. These ten numbers in English with transcription are as follows:

  • 0 — zero / ‘ziərəu /;
  • 1 — one / wʌn /;
  • 2 — two / tu: /;
  • 3 — three / θri: /;
  • 4 — four / fɔ: /;
  • 5 — five / faiv /;
  • 6 — six / siks /;
  • 7 — seven / ‘sev (ə) n /;
  • 8 — eight / eit /;
  • 9 — nine / nain /.

Now let’s see what numbers we can form using numbers.

Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100

As in Russian, in English there are numerals with which we count something. They are called «quantitative» (cardinal numbers), answer the question «how much?»: One — one, two — two. And there are also numbers that are responsible for the order of something when counting. These numbers are called «ordinal numbers» and answer the question «which one?»: First — the first, second — the second.

  • We advise you to study the article on ordinal numbers in our blog separately.

These are the numbers you can find in English.

1 — one 13 — thirteen 30 — thirty
2 — two 14 — fourteen 40 — forty
3 — three 15 — fifteen 50 — fifty
4 — four 16 — sixteen 60 — sixty
5 — five 17 — seventeen 70 — seventy
6 — six 18 — eighteen 80 — eighty
7 — seven 19 — nineteen 90 — ninety
8 — eight 20 — twenty 100 — one hundred
9 — nine 21 — twenty-one
10 — ten 22 — twenty-two
11 — eleven 23 — twenty-three
12 — twelve 24 — twenty-four

See how native speaker Ronnie pronounces these numbers in English. Try to repeat after her to get used to the correct pronunciation and stress in these words.

Cardinal numbers in English are:

  1. Simple: one (1), three (3), hundred (100), thousand (1000).
  2. Derivatives, that is, those that have the suffixes -teen and -ty: seventeen (17), fifty (50).
  3. Compounds that include two or more words: eight hundred (800), five hundred and forty-three (543), six thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine (6399).

Cardinal numbers from 100 to

And this is how cardinal numbers over a hundred are formed.

101 — one hundred and one
102 — one hundred and two
200 — two hundred
300 — three hundred
1000 — one thousand
1001 — one thousand and one
1346 — one thousand, three hundred and forty-six
3000 — three thousand
10 — ten thousand
100 000 — one hundred thousand
1 — one million
1 — one milliard (more common in England) and one billion (more common in the USA)

Let’s try to do the impossible and write down such a number in words 1 623 457?

1,623,457 = One million, six hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-seven.

According to the classical rules of English, when we write numbers in words, then after each «three» digits we must put a comma (1,346 — one thousand, three hundred and forty-six), but in modern English writing may not separate every thousandth place with a comma.

When we write down compound quantitative numbers in digits, then every three digits are separated by a comma: 6,485 or 15,394. But in decimal fractions we use a point — 2.5 or 4.46.

And in the Russian language, everything is quite the opposite: we use the comma with fractions, and the period — in the digits.

Features of the use of cardinal numbers in English

Let’s talk about some of the features of the use of cardinal numbers.

  1. Look at the numbers 13 through 19. See the pattern? Yes, these numbers are formed with the suffix -teen from the first ten. Watch out for small spelling changes in 13 (thirteen) and 15 (fifteen). Pronounce these numbers correctly: the stress will be on this suffix -teen.
  2. Numbers expressing tens are also formed. We work with the first ten numbers and the -ty suffix. And notice, there is a hyphen between tens and subsequent ones (fifty-five, sixty-three, ninety-one).
  3. If you were careful, you must have noticed that the numerals hundred, thousand and million do not have a plural when they are preceded by another numeral: seven hundred, five thousand, nine million. However, if we are talking about some indefinite number and a noun follows the numeral, then the ending -s is possible.

    millions of people

Source: https://engblog.ru/cardinal-numbers

English numbers with transcription and Russian pronunciation

The topic of English numbers is quite complex, since the formation of English numbers is different from the education of Russians. There are rules, but there are exceptions, while both have peculiarities. Consider the English numbers with transcription and Russian pronunciation, give vivid examples and focus on the exception. Forward for new knowledge!

Numbers in English are formed in different ways. Numbers from 1 to 10 have some rules of formation, from 13 to 20 — others. Tens, hundreds and thousands also have educational features.

Features of the formation of numbers from 1 to 12

The table below shows the numbers from 1 to 12 with transcription, Russian pronunciation and examples:

1 one [wʌn] one
2 Two [ˈTuː] that
3 three [θriː] sri
4 four [fɔː] for
5 five [faɪv] files
6 six [seks] syks
7 seven [ˈSevn̩] s’even
8 eight [eɪt] ayt
9 nine [naɪn] nines
10 th [ten] ten
11 eleven [ɪˈlevn̩] il’evan
12 twelve [twelve] tu’elv
  • We wanted one cake, two bananas ang eight apples => We wanted one cake, two bananas and eight apples.
  • We need to buy avocado fot this recipe. Or better two ones => For this recipe we have to buy an avocado. Or two is better.
  • Three kilos of meat, four big tomatoes, five eggplants and garlic will made this evening much more better. I will prepare very delicious dish by my own recipe! => Three kilograms of meat, four large tomatoes, five eggplants and garlic will make the evening much better. I will cook a very tasty dish according to my own recipe!
  • Eleven foxes and twelve wolves were seen on this week at this place => Eleven foxes and twelve wolves were seen this week at this place.

Features of the formation of numbers from 13 to 20

13 thirteen [θɜː’tiːn] sert’in
14 fourteen [ˌFɔː’tiːn] fort’in
15 fifteen [ˌFɪf’tiːn] lift’in
16 sixteen [ˌSɪk’stiːn] sykst’in
17 seventeen [ˌSev (ə) n’tiːn] sevent’in
18 eighteen [ˌEɪ’tiːn] eyt’in
19 nineteen [ˌNaɪn’tiːn] night’in

The table shows that numbers from 13 to 19 (inclusive) are written according to the same rules, a particle is added to the cardinal number (one, two, three) –Teen… And do not confuse cardinal numbers with ordinal numbers! Ordinal numbers in English are formed in a completely different way!

On a note! Remember that there are exceptions to every rule. In this case, the numerals 13 and 15 will be the exceptions. Their root three and five will have a modified form:

  • Three => thirteen
  • Five => fifteen.

Not threeteen / fiveteen !!!

Some examples:

  • Seventeen girls were seen at this part while only eight boys came. — Seventeen girls were seen at the party, while only eight guys came.
  • Seventeen pieces of cake were given to all those children. “All these children were given seventeen slices of pie.
  • There is a lot of fish in this river. Nineteen kinds were known 5 years ago. — There are many fish in this river. Nineteen species were known five years ago.

Dozens of English numbers

20 Twenty [ˈTwenti] tu’enti
30 thirty [ˈΘɜːti] S’horty
40 forty [ˈFɔːti] f’orti
50 fifty [ˈFɪfti] f’ifty
60 sixty [ˈSɪksti] s’ixti
70 seventy [ˈSevnti] s’evanti
80 eighty [ˈEɪti] ‘hey
90 ninety [ˈNaɪnti] n’inty

The table clearly shows that tens of numbers are formed using a particle (suffix)  –Ty… These numbers are derivatives of cardinal ones, only the -ty suffix needs to be added.

Important! Remember that when the digits 20,30, 40, 50 and XNUMX are formed, the root of the quantitative digits that serve as the basis for the formation of tens will change:

  • two — 20 twenty [ˈtwenti]
  • three — 30 thirty [ˈθɜːti]
  • four — 40 forty [ˈfɔːti]
  • five — 50 fifty [ˈfɪfti]

And one more nuance: the number 80 [ˈeɪti] is characterized by the absence of a repetition of the letter t: eight (eight) = eighty (eight + ty = eightty).


  • Thirty exotic animals were needed to make the idea of ​​the movie complete => Thirty exotic animals were needed to make the idea of ​​the movie complete.
  • Sixty soldiers will come on parade in front of the palace => Sixty soldiers will come to the parade in front of the palace.
  • Fifty of them knew the road but only thirty agreed to follow us => Fifty of them knew the road, but only thirty agreed to follow us.

As for the stress of the numerals, which are formed with -ty, then everything is simple — the stress will always be on the first syllable.

Information: it so happens that it is difficult for beginner students to separate the numbers from -ty and -teen in colloquial speech. And here the stress will come to the rescue — if it is on the first syllable, then 100% we are dealing with dozens of numbers.

Basics: how numbers are formed in English

When studying the formation of English numbers, it is important to remember that numbers from 1 to 12 are simple cardinal numbers. Their task is to indicate the number of items. Such numbers consist of one word. It is very important to remember the spelling of the first twelve digits, since they are marching for the formation of all other digits — from thirteen to a billion.

How are the numbers that are formed by adding the particle –teen pronounced? Here you need to be very careful => the pronunciation of numerals (English numbers) will have two stresses: on the first and second syllables. In this case, we immediately note that the stress will not be equal in strength. One of them will be secondary and the other will be primary.

For example, how is the word thirteen pronounced? From the transcription [ˌθɜːˈtiːn] it can be seen that the word has two stresses. The lower dash indicates the secondary stress, the upper one the primary. The same goes for fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn] and fifteen [ˌfɪfˈtiːn]. There are also two accents here — main and additional.

What to do in order not to be mistaken with the pronunciation? To do this, you must always look at the transcription. Each numeral, like any other word, should be studied according to the following scheme: transcription — translation — the presence of several meanings.

Pay attention! In some dictionaries, the stress of numerals is determined by the presence (absence) of a noun after it. For example, if a numeral is next to a noun, then the stress falls on the first syllable =>

  • fifteen rivers [ˈfɪftiːn ˈrɪvər z]
  • sixteen cats [ˈsɪkstiːn ˈkæts]

But! If the numeral is in a sentence separately, without a noun, then the stress falls on the second syllable (on the suffix -teen):

  • fifteen [fɪfˈtiːn]
  • sixteen [sɪksˈtiːn]


  • Fifteen cats were sold this week => Fifteen cats were sold this week
  • How many cats were sold this week? — Fifteen (accented with –teen) => How many cats were sold this week? — Fifteen.

One hundred, a thousand, a million: is there a difference?

First of all, it should be noted that before the numerals hundred (one hundred), thousand (one thousand) and million (million) there will always be either the word one or the indefinite article a (in the meaning of « one »).

  • a / one hundred => Wan h’andrid [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]
  • a / one thousand => One S’auzand [a (one) thousand]
  • one million => One million.
  • One hundred and twenty => one hundred twenty
  • One hundred singers => one hundred singers
  • One hundred thirty eight cars => one hundred thirty eight cars.

But! The rest of the cardinal numbers are characterized by the absence of an article! =>

  • Five dresses => Five dresses.
  • Eight balls => Eight balls.

Important! The numerals hundred, thousand, and million do not have the -s ending, which denotes the plural.

  • Two hundred => two hundred
  • Five hundred => five hundred
  • Nine hundred => nine hundred, etc.

If we are talking about thousands, then the same rule applies here:

  • one thousand (one thousand) — one thousand or a thousand
  • five thousand — five thousand
  • seven thousand — seven thousand.

Millions are generated by the same principle:

  • million (one million) — one million or a million
  • seven million — seven million
  • nine million — nine million.

But! English would not be so fun to learn if there were no exceptions. But what about without them? Students will be interested to know that the ending -s in millions, thousands and hundreds is still used. When does this happen? When the measures denote an indefinite number of these very millions, thousands and hundreds.


Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/anglijskie-tsifry-s-transkriptsiej-i-russkim-proiznosheniem/

Dates, phone numbers and prices in English

Even if you speak English well, you may feel insecure when dealing with numbers.

Today we will look at how to correctly name phone numbers and account numbers, how to talk about dates and prices in English, so as not to make mistakes.

Phone numbers

Probably most often we have to deal with a situation when we need to dictate a number. Phone numbers in English are read completely differently than in Russian. In Russian, we can pronounce the area code or operator code by numbers, but in the number itself we very rarely say each number, and we combine the numbers into tens and hundreds:

098 629 550 441 — Zero ninety eight, six hundred twenty nine, five hundred fifty, four hundred forty one.

In English, all the digits of the number are pronounced separately, and zero is most often read as oh / oʊ /. The same numbers standing next to each other are united by the word double:

33 — double three NOT thirty three 88 — double eight NOT eighty eight

00 — double oh

All digits of the number are pronounced in groups of three. The intonation rises after each group of numbers (as in the listing), and at the end, a descending tone is used:

098 629 550 441 — oh nine eight, six two nine, double five oh, double four one

If in a combination of three digits there are two zeros at the end, then we can say this:

500 — five hundred
100 — one hundred

When reading numbers of bank and credit cards and similar number series, the numbers are read in groups of four with ascending intonation, each number being named separately (as in telephone numbers):

2047 5290 5402 9327 — two oh four seven, five two nine oh, five four oh two, nine three two seven.

In the passport data, where both numbers and letters are present, the letters are called by their alphabetical names, and the numbers — each separately.


In prices, the currency icon stands up to the price itself, and is pronounced at the end in the singular or plural (if the amount is round):

€ 1 — one Euro £ 30 — thirty pounds

$ 100 — one hundred dollars

If the amount is represented by a decimal fraction, then you can indicate the currency after the whole number. Reading follows the same rules as reading decimal fractions, but the word point is not pronounced… If the whole is plural, then the currency noun is also plural:

$ 1.75 — one (dollar) seventy five € 5.55 — five (Euros) fifty five £ 7 — seven (pounds) thirty nine

$ 89.99 — eighty nine (dollars) ninety nine


When reading dates, ordinal numbers are used with the definite article the, the month is preceded by the preposition of:

May 1 — the first of May July 22 — the twenty-second of July

December 4 — the fourth of December

In American English (AmE), the month is read and written first, not the number, and the definite article the is not used:

9/12 — September twelfth 12/26 — December twenty sixth

5/30 — May thirtieth

If a specific year is called, then the four-digit number is divided into two groups up to two, and each is pronounced separately, zero is oh (not zero):

1485 — fourteen eighty five 1604 — sixteen oh four

1919 — nineteen nineteen

The numbers in the years from 2000 to 2009 are not divided into groups of two, they are read like ordinary numbers:

2003 — two thousand and three
2008 — two thousand and eight

Years after 2009 have two reading options:

2010 — twenty ten / two thousand and ten
2012 — twenty twelve / two thousand and twelve

When they talk about decades, the cardinal number is used in the plural with the article the:

the 30th — the thirties
the 90th — the nineties

Source: https://enginform.com/article/dati-telefonnie-nomera

«One, two, three, four, five» or numbers in English

What a new English learner cannot do without? What should your child learn for school? Without which you can’t even tell what time it is now? Of course, no numbers. It is quite easy to learn numbers in English. You can memorize them with the help of interesting color pictures, you can sing like a song, you can memorize them like a tongue twister — space for imagination and creativity!

How to name numbers in English

Let’s list the main numbers in English:

  • 0 — zero — zero;
  • 1 — one — one;
  • 2 — two — two;
  • 3 — three — three;
  • 4 — four — four;
  • 5 — five — five;
  • 6 — six — six;
  • 7 — seven — seven;
  • 8 — eight — eight;
  • 9 — nine — nine.

The following numbers do not lend themselves to the general rules of education:

  • 10 — ten — ten;
  • 11 — eleven — eleven;
  • 12 — twelve — twelve;
  • 100 — hundred — one hundred;
  • 1000 — thousand — thousand.

How to pronounce them correctly in English?

You can correctly pronounce the numbers, and all other words of the English language, only if you know the transcription. Transcription is a special recording of a word the way it is pronounced (for example, the Russian word «draw» can be transcribed as [risavatsa]). And learning English numbers with transcription is much easier than without it.

This is how English numbers are read:

  • 0 — zero — [‘ziərəu];
  • 1 — one — [wʌn];
  • 2 — two — [tu:];
  • 3 — three — [θri:];
  • 4 — four — [fɔ:];
  • 5 — five — [faiv];
  • 6 — six. — [siks];
  • 7 — seven — [‘sev (ə) n];
  • 8 — eight — [eit];
  • 9 — nine — [nain];
  • 10 — ten — [ten];
  • 11 — eleven — [i’lev (ə) n];
  • 12 — twelve — [twelv];
  • 100 — hundred — [hʌndred];
  • 1000 — thousand — [θʌuzend].

But what if you don’t know how the transcription is read? For those who are just going to learn English from scratch, numbers with Russian transcription are very useful:

  • 0 — zero — [zirou];
  • 1 — one — [yuan];
  • 2 — two — [that];
  • 3 — three — [sri];
  • 4 — four — [pho];
  • 5 — five — [five];
  • 6 — six — [sixx];
  • 7 — seven — [seven];
  • 8 — eight — [yut];
  • 9 — nine — [nine];
  • 10 — ten — [ten];
  • 11 — eleven — [ileven];
  • 12 — twelve — [twelve];
  • 100 — hundred — [handred];
  • 1000 — thousand — [southend].

All possible numbers, the largest imaginable, are just combinations of nine numbers, from zero to nine. The numbers are formed according to special rules.

Rules for the formation of numbers in English

In general, numbers in English can be divided into: • simple; • derivatives;

• composite.

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/one-two-three-four-five-ili-cifry-na-anglijskom-yazyke.html

English numbers. Invoice in English. English numerals

To begin with, we give a table of English numbers from zero to twenty. Why exactly up to twenty? Is this some kind of special method of learning English numbers? No, just learn first to at least twenty. ))

Numeral Number name in English English numeral transcription Approximate pronunciation of an English number in Russian Name of an English digit in Russian
zero [´ziərəu] ´zierow zero
1 one [wʌn] one one
2 Two [tu:] that:* two
3 three [θri:] sri: ** three
4 four [fɔ:] pho: four
5 five [faiv] files five
6 six [six] syks six
7 seven [sevn] sevn seven
8 eight [eit] ayt eight
9 nine [nain] nines nine
10 th [ten] ten ten
11 eleven [i´levn] i’levn eleven
12 twelve [twelve] tuelv twelve
13 thirteen [θə: ´ti: n] sho’ti: n ** thirteen
14 fourteen [fɔ: ´ti: n] fot: n fourteen
15 fifteen [fif´ti: n] fifty: n fifteen
16 sixteen [six´ti: n] syx’ti: n sixteen
17 seventeen sevn´ti: n sevn’ti: n seventeen
18 eighteen [ei´ti: n] hey: n eighteen
19 nineteen [nain´ti: n] find: n nineteen
20 Twenty [´twenti] tu’enti twenty

* — a colon denotes a long sound

** — interdental s (stick the tip of your tongue between your teeth and «blow» on your tongue)

Note. The numeral «zero» is pronounced «oh» [ou] in cases where all numbers, including «zero», must be pronounced separately. For example, when they call a room number in a hotel: Her room number is two-oh-three (203). When pronouncing decimal fractions, the numeral zero is read as nought [nɔ: t], the dividing point (the Russian version is a comma) is point, eg 0.8 = nought point eight.

2. Counting from twenty to twenty nine

In order to form numbers from 20 to 29 we use the same principle as in Russian, first — tens, then — units. For example, what is twenty-two in English? That’s right, twenty-two. Very easy.

The only thing you should pay attention to is that the numbers, consisting of two digits, the first of which denotes tens, are written in English with a hyphen.

In the table below, as an example, numerals are given from 21 to 29, according to the same principle, any quantitative names numerals from 21 to 99.

Numeral Number name in English English numeral transcription Approximate pronunciation of an English number in Russian Name of an English digit in Russian
21 twenty one [ˈ twentɪ ˈwʌn] ˈTuenti one twenty-one
22 twenty-two [ˈTwentɪ ˈtu:] tuenti tu: * twenty two
23 twenty three [ˈ twentɪ ˈθri:] tuenti sree * twenty three
24 twenty-four [ˈTwentɪ ˈfɔ:] tuenti pho: twenty four
25 twenty five [ˈTwentɪ ˈfaɪv] Tuenti Five twenty five
26 twenty six [ˈTwentɪ ˈsɪks] Tuenti Syks twenty six
27 twenty seven [ˈTwentɪ ˈsevn] Tuenti Sevn twenty seven
28 twenty-eight [ˈTwentɪ ˈeɪt] tuenti sheyt twenty eight
29 twenty nine [ˈTwentɪ ˈnaɪn] Tuenti Nine twenty nine

* — a colon denotes a long sound

** — interdental s (stick the tip of your tongue between your teeth and «blow» on your tongue)

3. Counting from thirty to ninety 

Now we give a table of numerals denoting «tens»:

Numeral Number name in English English numeral transcription Approximate pronunciation of an English number in Russian Name of an English digit in Russian
30 thirty ˈΘɜ: tɪ ‘syo: ti ** thirty
40 forty ˈFɔ: tɪ ‘pho: ti * forty
50 fifty ˈFɪftɪ ‘fifty fifty
60 sixty ˈSɪkstɪ ‘syksti sixty
70 seventy ˈSevntɪ ‘sevnty seventy
80 eighty ˈEɪtɪ ‘shey eighty
90 ninety ˈNaɪntɪ ‘findy ninety

* — a colon denotes a long sound

** — interdental s (stick the tip of your tongue between your teeth and «blow» on your tongue)

Let me remind you that now you can already independently form numbers from 21 to 99… First we write tens, then ones, put a hyphen between them. What is seventy nine in English? That’s right, seventy-nine.

Account from one hundred to one hundred thousand

 Before tens (in British English), add the union and (even when tens are indicated by zero: 108 = a hundred and eight). Also, do not forget to put a hyphen between tens and ones.

Numeral Number name in English English numeral transcription Approximate pronunciation of an English number in Russian Name of an English digit in Russian
100 a hundred / one hundred ə ˈhʌndrɪd / wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd e ˈhandrid / uan ˈhandrid one hundred
101 one hundred and one / a hundred and one wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ənd wʌn / ə ˈhʌndrɪd əndwʌn one handried and one one hundred one
113 one hundred and thirteen / a hundred and thirteen wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ənd θɜ: ˈti: n * / əˈhʌndrɪd əndθɜ: ˈti: n * wang ˈhandrid and syo: ˈti: n * / e ˈhandrid and syo: ˈti: n * one hundred thirteen
125 one hundred and twenty-five / a hundred and twenty five wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ənd ˈtwentɪ faɪv / ə ˈhʌndrɪd əndˈtwentɪ faɪv  one handrid enduenti five  one hundred twenty five
136 one hundred and thirty-six / a hundred and thirty-six wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ənd ˈθɜ: tɪ sɪks / əˈhʌndrɪd əndˈθɜ: tɪ sɪks one ˈhandrid and ˈsø: ti * syks / eˈhandrid and ˈsø: ti * syks one hundred thirty six
109 one hundred and nine / a hundred and nine wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ənd naɪn / əˈhʌndrɪd əndnaɪn one handried and nine one hundred and nine
200 two hundred tu: ˈhʌndrɪd tu: * ˈhandrid two hundred
300 three hundred θri: ˈhʌndrɪd cree: * ˈhandrid three hundred
400 four hundred fɔ:ˈhʌndrɪd pho: * ˈhandrid four hundred
500 five hundred faɪvˈhʌndrɪd five ˈhandrid five hundred
600 six hundred sɪksˈhʌndrɪd syks ˈhandrid six hundred
700 seven hundred ˈSevnˈhʌndrɪd sevn ˈhandrid seven hundred
800 eight hundred eɪtˈhʌndrɪd eit ˈhandrid eight hundred
900 nine hundred naɪnˈhʌndrɪd Nine ˈhandrid nine hundreds
1000 a thousand / one thousand əˈθaʊzənd wʌnˈθaʊzənd e ˈsausend ** / one ˈsausend ** one thousand
1548 one thousand five hundred and forty-eight / a thousand five hundred and forty-eight wʌn ˈθaʊzənd faɪv ˈhʌndrɪd ənd ˈfɔ: tɪ eɪt / ə ˈθaʊzənd faɪvˈhʌndrɪd ənd ˈfɔ: tɪ eɪt one ˈsausend ** five handrid and fo: ti * ayt / e ˈsausend ** five handrid and fo: ti * ayt one thousand five hundred forty eight
2000 two thousand tu: ˈθaʊzənd tu: ˈsausend ** two thousand
3000 three thousand θri: ˈθaʊzənd sri * ˈsauzand ** three thousand
4000 four thousand fɔ: ˈθaʊzənd pho: ˈsausend ** four thousand
5000 five thousand faɪvˈθaʊzənd five ˈsausend ** five thousand
6000 six thousand sɪksˈθaʊzənd syks ˈsausend ** six thousand
7000 seven thousand ˈSevn ˈθaʊzənd sevn ˈsauzand ** seven thousand
8000 eight thousand eɪtˈθaʊzənd eyt ˈsauzand ** eight thousand
9000 nine thousand naɪnˈθaʊzənd Nine ˈsausend * nine thousand
10000 ten thousand ten ˈθaʊzənd ten ˈsauzand ** ten thousand
89999 eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine ˈEɪtɪ naɪn ˈθaʊzənd naɪn ˈhʌndrɪd əndˈnaɪntɪ naɪn ayne nayn ˈsausend ** nyne ˈhandrid and nainty nyne Eighty nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine
100000 a hundred thousand / one hundred thousand ə ˈhʌndrɪd ˈθaʊzənd / wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ˈθaʊzənd e ˈhandrid ˈsauzand ** / uan ˈhandrid ˈsauzand ** one hundred thousand

* — a colon denotes a long sound

** — interdental s (stick the tip of your tongue between your teeth and «blow» on your tongue)

Congratulations!!! Following the rules described above, you can now easily form any number from 0 to 100000.

I.A. Murzinova

Pronunciation of all English sounds

How to write numbers correctly in words in English (online translator of numbers to words)

English alphabet

Song about numbers for children in English (video)

Sound online game for memorizing English numbers

Website map

Source: http://englishhobby.ru/advice_for_beginners/numerals/

Numbers and numbers in English, or these numbers are not with us! ⋆ Blog Speakingo

English numbers and numbers are the basis! Let’s discuss them in a fun, leisurely way and take turns, so that they will be remembered by us once and for all!

Can you count? Count on yourself! Especially when it comes to numbers in English, where misunderstanding can cost us dear!

Numbers in English from 1 to 10

Well, there is no particular philosophy here. You just need to memorize the numbers in English. It is best to create associations, which helps the brain to remember — we talk about this in the first lessons of the online English course Speakingo, where, in fact, we learn English numbers.

1 — one
2 — two
3 — three
4 — four
5 — five
6 — six
7 — seven
8 — eight
9 — nine
10 — ten

And below is the psychedelic repetition of numbers 1 through 13 from Sesame Street.

Source: https://speakingo.com/ru/cifry-chisla-na-anglijskom-nomera-digit-number/

Cardinal and ordinal numbers in English

You might think that it makes no sense to study numerals in English. Indeed, it is easier to write the necessary numbers on a piece of paper and just show them to an English-speaking friend (and to any other friend who passed the numbers at school).

But what to do if a situation arises when there is no piece of paper at hand or there is no way at all to draw something on the sand / napkin / other surfaces. For example, when you speak to a business partner on the phone or call the automated call center at London Airport.

And in general, knowledge of numbers in English will not be superfluous.

You didn’t think, when you learned the English alphabet, about its need, but you took it for granted. Moreover, this process is simple and interesting.

Numbers in English (quantitative numerators)

• What is easiest to memorize? Rhymed poetry. The British seem to have specially invented numbers that are easy to rhyme. Meaning quantitative numerals. That is, those with which you can count objects. We take numbers from 1 to 12 and memorize simple rhymes:

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

We repeat this mantra 10 times and consider that the first stage has been passed.

• The second step is to learn the cardinal numbers from 13 to 19. If we were talking about a person’s age, then many would call people from 13 to 19 years old teenagers. And it is no coincidence. It’s just that at the end of each of these numbers there is the same ending. teen… And here is the confirmation:


• Let’s go further? We take dozens. They are very similar to the numbers 13 through 19, but they have an important difference. Instead of a teenage ending, we add –Ty.


• Do you think it will be more difficult further? Don’t even hope. How do we speak Russian 21? The same in English:

twenty one

Fine, fine. Have noticed. Yes, a hyphen is placed between ten and one. But otherwise, everything is the same. Take a look:

Thirty-four, fifty-seven, eighty-two.

• Let’s not waste time on trifles. And let’s move on to more impressive numbers.

Hundred — 100
Thousand — 1000
Million — 1000000

If this is not enough for us, then we can make 200 (two hundred) or 3000 (three thousand), or even immediately 5000000 (five million).

It is surprising that the British did not complicate anything here. Note that a hundred, a thousand, a million are not plural. Everything is in one.

• Still, let’s try something more complicated. Let’s look at composite numbers. For example, 387. We place bets, gentlemen, who will pronounce this number how? And now the correct answer is:

three hundred AND eighty-seven.

The only difference from the Russian is the appearance of the union “and” between hundreds and tens.

What about 5234? We place our bets again. Correct answer:

Five thousand two hundred and thirty-four.

Ordinal numerators

• Cardinal numbers did a good job as a warm-up. It’s time to move on to ordinal in English. That is, to those numerals that denote the order of objects: first, second, third twenty-fourth, the calculation is over!

And here one little surprise awaits us. All ordinal numbers are obtained in the same way: the article is simply added to them the front and th at the end of a word. And all the cases.

the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
the ninth
the forty-seventh

But English wouldn’t be so interesting if it weren’t for the exceptions to the rule. And, of course, these exceptions are the most commonly used numerals.

the first
the third

Who has not guessed yet, this is the very first, second and third.

• For dessert. A little more theory for the most curious. This is no longer as necessary as knowledge of cardinal and ordinal numbers, but it will help you show yourself to be very educated in the environment of English-speaking interlocutors.

Phone number. How do you say in Russian 155-28-43? Yeah: one hundred fifty five, twenty eight, forty three. And in English you will call each number in turn. And a little nuance: when there are 2 identical digits in a row, you need to say double and name the number. In this example: one double five two eight four three.

Year. For example, 1843. In Russian: one thousand eight hundred and forty-third. That is, as a number, and even ordinal. And the British are not bastard. Their years are pronounced in dozens at once: eighteen forty-three. That is, also numbers, but quantitative, without any –Th.


Source: https://iloveenglish.ru/theory/anglijskaya_grammatika/chislitelnie_kolichestvennie_i_poryadkovie

Numbers in English: rules of education, reading, memorization

Редакция Updated Nov 6, 2018

We are faced with numbers every day. House number, phone number, number of people who viewed your Stories, but not all of us know how to pronounce these cryptic numbers. It’s time to find out and finally learn them.

How to pronounce numbers in English correctly?

To pronounce the number correctly, you need to know the transcription.

How to form compound numbers?

Formula of education: number of hundreds + and + number of tens and units.


84 — eighty-four;

256 — two hundred and fifty-six;

569 — five hundred and sixty-nine.

Note that two-digit numbers are hyphenated (eighty-two, fourty-six).

Numbers up to twenty, tens up to 100, 1000, 1000000

We have already covered the numbers from 1 to 12. It’s time to study tens, hundreds, thousands and millions.

  • 13 — thirteen;
  • 14 — fourteen;
  • 15 — fifteen;
  • 16 — sixteen;
  • 17 — seventeen;
  • 18 — eighteen;
  • 19 — nineteen.

It is important to remember that three in 13 and five in 15 will change slightly in spelling and pronunciation.

Tens are formed using the -ty suffix:

  • 20 — twenty (two becomes twen + ty);
  • 30 — thirty (three becomes thir + ty);
  • 40 — fourty;
  • 50 — fifty (five becomes fif + ty);
  • 60 — sixty;
  • 70 — seventy;
  • 80 — eighty;
  • 90 — ninety.

100 in English is hundred. It is always preceded by an indefinite article a, but if it is a composite number (115, 178), then we put one.

My father gave me a hundred dollars. — My dad gave me a hundred dollars.

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/grammar/numbers

Numbers and numbers in English, learning to memorize quickly and easily, pronunciation, transcription

To be able to count correctly and competently in English is no less important than learning to speak it. Practically in any country of the world (especially in tourist zones) sellers, waiters, service personnel and so on, one way or another, know how the numbers in English will be. Are you in any way worse than them? To be able to freely count up to a million, it is enough to know only thirty-one words.

And in order to know the English numbers from 1 to 100, for example, there should be no problems at all. Indeed, for comparison, in order to at least know the numbers in Russian, you need to learn more than a hundred words. In fact, the rules for joining unambiguous into two-digit and three-digit are the same. Only English is even easier in this regard.

Because numbers in English obey some rules that seriously simplify the whole process:

  1. Here, the numerals by gender are not inclined. If in our Russian one can say “two thousand” and “two million”, then in this case it will be “two thousand” and “twо million”.
  2. Also, numeral words do not change the endings. For example, if we want to say one million, four million or ten million, in English it will be “million” in all cases.
  3. There is no separate name for hundreds (for example, as in Russian two hundred, three hundred, and so on). It’s simple, two hundred, three hundred.
  4. In English, the number of exceptions is several times smaller than in Russian.

Many people try to memorize English numbers from 1 to 10 at the beginning. But in this case it will be better to study up to thirteen at once. The fact is that 11, 12 are exceptions and you need to know them.

It is best to learn English numbers with transcription and Russian pronunciation. Only there it will be possible to learn to speak as correctly as possible.

Counting up to 10 in English:

Usually in order to learn the first 10 problems do not arise. Almost everyone knows how to say one, two, eight in English and nine in English. But eleven in English and twelve you just need to remember. Thirteen will also refer to exceptions — thirteen. The main thing to remember is thirteen how to write correctly. After all, this number, although it obeys the general rules, still refers to the exceptions.

It is easier further. The numbers from 1 to 20 are simply repeated. But in the second ten, teen is added to the single digits. For example, eitin is 18. And so you can take any number from 13 to 20. Sixteen, Seventeen.

Then it remains to remember how dozens and their translation into this language will be.

Then there are hundreds. The principle is the same. They just take the first ones and add a hundred to them. For example, one hundred, two hundred, and so on.

The principle is the same with thousands. (thousand). We add the second part to the number in the form of thousand (fausend). For example 32, in English it would be thirty-two thousand (Fyoti tu fauzend).
It turns out that in order to count to one hundred thousand, you need to learn the first 13 digits, as well as how there will be tens, hundreds and thousands. On average, this will take no more than half an hour.

Numbers in English

As in our Russian language, there are two varieties of numerals, namely ordinal and quantitative. Ordinal ones are just One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and so on.

Quantitative ones are those that answer the question «what». To form numerals, «th» is added to the usual ones at the end of the word. The only exceptions are the first, second and third.


Ordinal must correspond to the question «which one?» It’s worth mentioning the exceptions right away. In English, the simplest numbers such as the first, second, third, and fifth are an exception. The following table shows how they are written.

There is a single rule on the basis of which absolutely all numerals in English are formed. All of them are formed by the article «The». Here the ending «th» must be added to all the numerals.

There are two rules of numerals that you must remember when using them.

Composite numerals such as twenty-one ( translated means 21) the «twenty» part remains unchanged, and «one» becomes the ordinal «first». In these cases, it is not required to display the article.

In some numbers, such as twenty and thirty, the letter y goes into i… To it is additionally added e… Only then add the above th.

If you learn and follow these two simple rules. Then you will know how numbers are written in English. With the right approach, it will be easy for kids to learn too.

When it is required to say about the exercise number, house address, page in a book or bus, we have the right to use not only ordinal numbers, but also quantitative ones.

When using ordinal numbers, the number must come before the noun. The article is added to the noun «The».

Fractional numbers, in contrast to our usual Russian, are often denoted with a dot. For example, 17.99. English speakers use a comma to indicate large fractional digits. From right to left, they separate three digits. For example, 74, 024, 199.

There are some rules for pronunciation and notation. When a number is designated as 4.254, it is pronounced four point two five four. And if we have the number 0.63, then in the American version it sounds like zero point sixty three. The British pronunciation is slightly different, so they say sixty threehundredths. In international circulation, the second variation is used more. Here is a table of the simplest fractions.

Decimal digits and fractions

As mentioned above, you need to remember that in decimal fractions there is always a point, not a comma. To learn fractions, you need to attach the fractional part to the whole. The words point or decimal serve as a concatenation method. You can see an example below.

If the integer part is zero, then it can be omitted. By remembering these simple rules, you can very easily learn to count in this melodic language.

Watch a tutorial video on the topic:

Part 1

and continuation

If you still have questions about the article, please ask them in the comments below.

Source: https://englishhome.ru/materialy/tsifry-i-chisla-na-anglijskom-uchimsya-zapominat-prosto-i-bystro-proiznoshenie-transkriptsiya.html

Some features of the use of numerals in English

Most fractions in English use both cardinal and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are used in the numerator of the fraction, and ordinal numbers are used in the denominator.

For example: 1/9 — one ninth 1/5 — one fifth 1/6 — one sixth 1/4 — one quarter = a quarter

1/2 — one half = a half

If the numerator is greater than one, then the denominator is plural:

3/5 — three fifths
4/7 — four sevenths
6/9 — six ninths

Integers and fractional numbers in a numeral are connected by a union and:

5 2/7 — five and two sevenths

To express complex fractions, the word is often used over:

125/421 — one hundred and twenty five over four hundred and twenty one

Decimals are read as follows:

6.44 — six point forty four
0.35 — naught three five = zero three five

If a fraction is followed by a noun, it is placed in the singular form, and the preposition is used in front of it of:

4/5 meter — four fifths of a meter

If a noun follows a numeral consisting of a whole and a fractional part, then it is put in the plural form:

45 3/6 tons — forty five and three sixths tons (45 and three sixth tons)

Using numerals in arithmetic

Arithmetic signs are read as follows:

Sign Reads like
+ plus
= is
x multiplied by
: divided by

For example: 25 + 45 = 70 — Twenty five plus forty five is seventy. 16-4 = 12 — Sixteen minus four is twelve. 3 × 8 = 24 — Three multiplied by eight it twenty four.

40: 9 = 5 — Forty divided by nine is five.

Using numerals to indicate a telephone number in English

Each digit in the phone number is pronounced separately:

2456738 — two four five six seven three eight

Source: http://www.correctenglish.ru/theory/grammar/numerals-specifics/

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