Word nice in japanese

There are some Japanese words that, once you’ve learned then, will seem to appear all the time! We are going to go over some of those words today and you will learn how to say nice in Japanese.

The interesting this about this word is that there are a couple of different ways to say it, and they primarily depend on the context of the situation, and what you are saying is “nice,” be that a person, an idea, etc.

Let’s hop right into it and start learning.

How to Say “That’s Nice” in Japanese

In English, we will often use the phrase “that’s nice” when referring to pretty much anything that has good or desirable qualities. This could be a person, and idea, a situation, or something else.

The Japanese word that you would typically want to use in these same sort of situations would be いい (ii) along with some sort of ending particle to help convey the specific nuance that you are feeling.

  • それはいいね。That’s nice (isn’t it?).
  • いいじゃん! Niiice!

This word 「いい」 is one of the most common ones that you will encounter in Japanese, but it has a couple of tricky aspects to it for the beginner student.

The first of which is that it will sometimes use its kanji which looks like this: 良い.

Now here’s the thing, usually when it has this kanji 良い it will usually (but not always) change phonetically to よい instead of いい. The reason for this is because よい is the original way to pronounce it, but over time it has changed to just いい for most situations.

This is important to know because いい falls into the category of i-adjectives, which I’m sure you know follow specific patterns when you inflect them to the negative or past tense.

Here’s the main thing to keep in mind: when you inflect いい you have to actually inflect よい instead. Here’s a breakdown of the primary four:

  • いい = good
  • よくない = not good
  • よかった = was good
  • よくなかった = was not good

良かった in particular is a very common word that literally means “it was good” but actually gets used a lot of the times to mean things like “thank goodness!” or “that’s great!” and such.

As a final note on いい, there is another super common phrase which is いいじゃないか and it can cause some confusion if you’re not familiar with it.

On the surface, it looks like it’s saying something along the lines of “is (it) not nice?” but it’s actually just a colloquial way of saying “it’s good!” or “it’s fine!” or “that’s nice!”

How to Say a Person is Nice in Japanese

So based off of the above information, you would probably assume that いい人 (ii hito) means “nice person” in Japanese, and you would be correct, but there are some other more common ways that people express this idea.

いい人 feels more like saying someone is a “good person” and so that’s the particular flavor of “nice” that it brings when talking about people. But what about when you want to highlight that a person is the kind or gentle type of nice?

In those situations you would want to use either 親切 (shisetsu) or 優しい (yasashii). They are a na-adjective and an i-adjective respectively, so be sure to brush up on your basic Japanese grammar so that you know how to use them properly.

Another word that you can use in this type of way is 素敵 (suteki) which is like saying that something is “lovely” in Japanese.

“Yoshiko” is a lovely (nice) name.

These are some good words to learn and memorize so that you can give sincere compliments in Japanese when you admire something that another person owns, or has accomplished.

Just like what Abraham Lincoln said, “Everyone likes a compliment.”

And finally, if you want to say that someone’s clothing “looks nice on them” then you will use the verb 似合う (niau) which means “to suit, to match, to look good/nice” and such.

How does it look (on me)?

Oh… It looks good (on you)!

How to Say the Weather is Nice in Japanese

So what should you do when you want to start a conversation with someone in Japanese, but you’re not sure of a good opening line? It’s an oldie, but a goodie: talk about the weather!

The Japanese word for “weather” is 天気 (tenki) and you can simply put the first word you learned in front of it to say:

  • いい天気ですね。
    Nice weather, isn’t it?
  • はい。昨日の天気も良かったです。
    Yes. Yesterday’s weather was nice too.

Another word you could use in this situation is 涼しい (suzushii) which means “nice and cool” and is often used to describe the breeze.

How to Say Your Food is Nice in Japanese

In Japanese, when you want to talk about food being really good, you will typically use one of two words:

  1. 美味しい (oishii)
  2. うまい (umai)

Both words can be used to mean “nice, delicious, good” when talking about your food. The primary difference that I’ve noticed between these two words is that 美味しい is used more often by women and children and うまい by men.

I just thought that I would throw this section in the lesson in case you wanted to compliment your host for the dinner that they prepared. But I won’t overwhelm you by jumping into a lesson on food at this point.

That being said, check out this article to learn what to say before a meal in Japanese!

Loan Words for Nice that Sometimes Get Used

Alright, we have reached the final section for this article. I wanted to go over some loan words for “nice” in Japanese because of course there are some!

The English word “nice” has a Japanese counterpart which is ナイス.

This word gets used in a lot of set phrases that the younger generations use, such as:

ナイスショット = nice shot. This word gets yelled after someone has made a goal in sports, or perhaps taken out an enemy in a shooter type video game.

ナイスチョイス = nice choice. Probably more common in the game show arena than in real life, but hey… you never know.

ナイスバディ = nice (looking) body. When you just aren’t sure how to compliment a girl or guy, this tried and trusted line has never failed… Did I say “never failed”? I think I meant never suceeded, lol!

ナイスジョーク = nice joke. Basically this final section summed up!

Alright, that’s all for today!

Do you know of any other Japanese words for “nice”? Let me know with a comment below! Thanks!

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The cockroach says, «Nice place.»

ゴキブリはこう言うでしょう 良い場所だね

Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters.

常識を持つ良い人は 魅力的な主人公にはなりません

Nice legal trickery… good thing it won’t work anymore!

もう働かせない素晴らしい法的詐欺の… よい事! そう…

Nice thing about getting rescued by Italians…

Nice weather added to our pleasure.


Evan Williams: Nice. Thanks.

エヴァン ウィリアムズ: 良いね。ありがとう。

Sincerely, Dave Toronto, Canada Hello Dave, Nice letter… Nice rant!

Dave カナダ・トロント ハロー、デイヴ、 いいお便りをありがとう…

Nice waitresses, quiet and comfy atmosphere…

優しい店員さんと静かで居心地のいい空間… 。

Nice apartment in a small building for rent |

賃貸料のための小さな建物にすてきなアパート |

Nice weather is for the weak character!


Nice pairing with mango and aromatic fennel.


Nice tries to resume the result.


Nice confirmed the evolution of terrorism transformed into brands.


Lazio breaks Nice and full-fledged lead alone in the group


Nice and relaxing for the entire family.


Nice ending for an enormous player.

«Nice Toss» affects play.


Nice ice-cold beer in the cupholder.

カップホルダーには 冷えたうまいビールがある

Nice of you to drop in.

昨夜 私の狼たちを助けてくれた そうね

That was generally me. Nice(!


No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain Nice

Results: 14300. Exact: 14300. Elapsed time: 112 ms.

Why do Japanese say nice?

What does ‘naisu’ (ナイス) mean in Japanese? The word ‘naisu’ (ナイス) is a transliteration of the English word ‘nice. ‘ Although it can technically be used as an adjective meaning ‘nice,’ ナイス is more commonly used as an interjection to say someone did a good job with something, or that something turned out well.

What is Sugoi in Japanese?

“すごい” (sugoi) is a compliment that Japanese people often use. It is used anytime when you are impressed by the other person’s attitude and behavior, or when you think “This is good!” It is an expression that you feel intuitively rather than thinking.

What is Yasashii?

Yasashii is a Japanese word meaning gentle or kind.

What is daisuki in English?

Daisuki (大好き / だいすき) means ‘really like‘ or ‘like a lot’. The kanji 大 (dai) means big. And 好き (suki) means like, as we already saw above. So daisuki literally means ‘big like’…

Is Sugoi a Na or I?

Today, we’re going to answer these questions. Sugoi (great, wow, amazing, etc.) is an i-adjective that can also be converted into an adverb. It’s most often written in hiragana, but it’s not uncommon to see it written using kanji as well.

What Ikigai means?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your ‘reason for being. ‘ ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss. It’s what brings you joy and inspires you to get out of bed every day.

Does Jin mean God in Japanese?

Ten (天) means sky and jin (神) means god or deity.

What does Doki Doki mean?

“Doki doki” is a Japanese onomatopoeia for a heart beating quickly, usually with anticipation or excitement.

What is the prettiest Japanese word?

Kawairashii. Kawairashii is a pretty word to say that’s also the Japanese word you’d use to describe someone or something as being pretty. It also means lovely.

Is Tokidoki Japanese?

tokidoki, which translates to “sometimes” in Japanese, is an internationally recognized and iconic lifestyle brand based on the vision of Italian artist Simone Legno and his partners, serial entrepreneurs Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold.

What does domo domo mean in Japanese?

DOMO means “very”. It’s especially helpful when stressing appreciation or making an apology. When you buy something at a store, store clerk would say “DOMO ARIGATOU”, meaning thank you “very much”. You can also use DOMO as a greeting like “hello”. And just saying DOMO can mean a casual way of “thank you” like thanks.

What does Nako mean in Japanese?

From Japanese 菜 (na) meaning “vegetables, greens”, 南 (na) meaning “south” combined with 子 (ko) or 児 (ko) both meaning “child”. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name. Home » Submitted Names. About · Help · Copyright · Terms · Privacy · Contact.

What is Nemui?

sleepy. Learn Japanese vocabulary: 眠い 【ねむい】(nemui). Meaning: sleepy; drowsy; somnolent.

What Moshi Moshi means?

Moshi moshi, or もしもし, is a common Japanese phrase that Japanese people use when picking up the phone. It’s a casual greeting used for friends and family, like a “hello”, but in fact means something entirely different! In English, it literally means something more like, “to say to say”, or “I speak I speak”.

How do you say bye in Japanese?

How do you reply to konichiwa?

Fellow Japanese customers will reply with silence, but if this makes you feel awkward, a reply of “ohayo gozaimasu” (good morning) or “konnichiwa” (good day) or “konbanwa” (good evening).

What is Oyasuminasai?


good night. In a casual way, you can say OYASUMI.

Why do Japanese say hello twice?

Ghosts have a long history in Japanese culture – they are called 妖怪 (youkai). According to the historian, saying ‘Moshi Moshi’ twice was the way to prove you were not a ghost. Apparently ghosts can only say ‘Moshi’ once! So, what happens if a ghost calls out to you…’Moshi’…and you turn around to answer..?

What does Ara Ara mean in Japanese?

What does ‘Ara Ara’ mean? ‘Ara Ara’ is a term that actually has a few different definitions, including ‘oh my’, ‘oh no’ and ‘hmm’. It’s usually used by females to express some sort of surprise or amusement, sometimes in response to a man.

Do Japanese say no?

The word for ‘no’ in Japanese is いいえ (iie) or the more familiar いや (iya). But to say or hear ‘no’ is generally uncomfortable for the Japanese. A negative response is often reformulated into a negative question where the verb’s negative form is used.

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JTB nice gift, JCB gift card, DC gift card.

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With a nice pass, over to Reed, coming across center-ice.

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You killed that nice lady’s husband, didn’t you?

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What do you think the most

expensive bottle of wine in the world costs? Nice.

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I have such nice friends to say such nice things about me.

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Bottle of wine in the world costs? What do you think the most expensive Nice.

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Most of them dream of a nice wife and many children.

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Lie and say something nice, or be quiet.”.

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I’m not that nice. It’s just, I have a lot of things.

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Iketani being a nice guy, so he can’t say no.

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That’s nice, but where is your father?”.

The appearance of this hotel is very nice.

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Their low price was nice.

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Nice collection of birds!

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They are not nice animals.

Why do you say that? He’s super nice to you.

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I have a lot of things… I’m not that nice.

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On the upper chest of

men this Libra tattoo looks very nice.

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Bertrand Zobrist.- American billionaire, that must be nice.

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Hence, automatically the person will start feeling nice about you.

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Many aspects of life in

Seychelles make the stay here very nice.

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There are many, nice stores and restaurants.

The shower room was nice too.

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Maybe that’s the reason he was so nice and courteous.

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No offense, you don’t strike me as a nice person.

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Results: 11039,
Time: 0.0658





1. 良い 良い

Japanese word «nice»(良い) occurs in sets:

Personality adjectives in Japanese

2. すてきな すてきな

Japanese word «nice»(すてきな) occurs in sets:

🍙日本語 な-adjectives

3. yasashii

Japanese word «nice»(yasashii) occurs in sets:

Japanese vocabulary

4. 優しい

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