Word nearest in meaning

A vote was passed in town meeting that the new Church should be located «on the nearest convenientest spot to the centre,» but the words _nearest, convenientest_, were a cause of furious contention. ❋ Various (N/A)

King who serves, and is nearest of kin to us, is also _nearest of kin to ❋ Unknown (1897)

For them to miss out on the title nearest challengers Glamorgan have to win their final two games against Surrey and Derbyshire, and even then Sussex would only need three points from their remaining match at Worcester next week to be crowned champions. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The phrase nearest and dearest carried him back in time and reminded him of the deer. ❋ Ann Beattie (2010)

For Surrey to miss out on the title nearest challengers Glamorgan have to win their final two games against Surrey and Derbyshire, and even then Sussex would only need three points from their remaining match at Worcester next week to be crowned champions. ❋ Unknown (2010)

So I called the nearest police station to Utøya, in Hønefoss. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Keep America safe; dispose of Teatards in nearest dumpster. ❋ Unknown (2010)

She said she called the nearest hospital a few hours after he was taken away. ❋ Anne Canadeo (2011)

This was despite the fact that the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, made clear in March last year that unaccompanied children who arrived in Britain «should be referred to the nearest local authority on arrival to ensure that they receive the same standard of care and support as any other child in need». ❋ Unknown (2012)

He called the nearest field office for reinforcements, then turned back to the caldera. ❋ Alayna Williams (2010)

Then she called the nearest Burger King that was independently owned off the interstate, which is seven miles away, and it was almost a dollar difference. ❋ Unknown (2010)

There are plenty of ways to obtain samples of these exquisite Caron fragrances — either call the nearest Caron boutique to you there is one in Paris and another one in New York and they might be able to ship samples to your country. ❋ Ayala Sender (2008)

But I know an offer that is too good to be true when I see one, so I called my nearest ASDA first and had an hilarious chat with a guy in the wines and spirits department. ❋ ROB McGIBBON (2007)

«[Excuse me] [sirs], [do you] know where the nearest cock suck is?!?» ❋ Tronner69 (2017)

The nearest italian acording to my [nearest italian radius] is 1 mile
Accedentally puts [pineapple on pizza]
Every [italians] on a 10 mile radius : so you had chosen DEATH ❋ Your Local FBI Agent (2021)

Boy: should [Hillary Clinton] be arrested for [uranium] one?
mother : I don’t know what uranium one is and drop it off the nearest cliff with your Hillary Clinton obsession. It’s not your business to [arrest] anyone. ❋ Sexydimma (2017)

Person one: *types in Urban [Dictionary]: where is the nearest supermarket*
Person two: are you [fucking retarded] this isnt fucking google [you piece] of shit this is a [dictionary] ❋ RobloxProSmokeWeedEveryday420x (2017)

Last Updated: February 11, 2022 | Author: Diana Compton

What are words nearest in meaning?

Synonyms are words that are similar to another word or have a related meaning. They can be lifesavers when you want to avoid repeating the same word over and over. Sometimes the word you have in mind might not be the most appropriate word, which is why finding the right synonym can come in handy.

What type of word is nearest?

Nearest meaning

  • Near. adverb. …
  • Least distant from; closest to. The planet nearest the sun. preposition. …
  • Closest to, superlative form of near: most near. adjective.
  • Closest to. preposition.

Some common synonyms of start are begin, commence, inaugurate, initiate, and usher in. While all these words mean “to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,” start, opposed to stop, applies especially to first actions, steps, or stages.

What is the nearest in antonyms?

antonyms for nearest

  • distant.
  • far.
  • remote.
  • away.
  • far-off.
  • faraway.

Which means synonym?

What is another word for which means?

meaning that the corollary being that
which conveys which determines
which expresses which implies
which indicates which insinuates
which intimates which portends

What is another word for where?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for where, like: in which, anywhere, at which place?, in what place?, in what direction?, at which point, wherever, in whatever place, as-far-as, whither and to-what-end.

What is a fancy word for mean?

unkind, nasty, spiteful, foul, malicious, malevolent, despicable, contemptible, obnoxious, vile, odious, loathsome, disagreeable, unpleasant, unfriendly, uncharitable, shabby, unfair, callous, cruel, vicious, base, low.

What do you mean by antonym?

Definition of antonym

: a word of opposite meaning The usual antonym of good is bad.

What is an antonym for speak?

Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.



adv. near·er, near·est

1. To, at, or within a short distance or interval in space or time: moved the table nearer to the wall; as graduation draws near.

2. Just about; almost; nearly: was near exhausted from the climb.

3. With or in a close relationship: It turns out we are near related.

adj. nearer, nearest

1. Close in time, space, position, or degree: near neighbors; near equals.

2. Closely related by kinship or association; intimate: a near relative; a near and dear friend. See Synonyms at close.


a. Nearly occurring but not actually happening: a near victory; a near disaster.

b. Just barely avoided: a near hit by the incendiary bomb.


a. Closely corresponding to or resembling an original: a near likeness.

b. Closely resembling the genuine article: a dress of near satin; near silver beads.


a. Closer of two or more: Take the near street and then turn right.

b. Being on the left side of an animal or vehicle.

c. Being the animal or vehicle on the left.

6. Short and direct: the nearest route to town.

7. Archaic Stingy; parsimonious.


Close to: an inn near London.

v. neared, near·ing, nears


To come close or closer to: The plane neared the terminal.


To draw near or nearer; approach: as the holiday nears.

[Middle English ner, from Old English nēar, from comparative of nēah, close, near.]

near′ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adv. 1. nearest — (superlative of `near’ or `close’) within the shortest distance; «that was the time he came nearest to death»

superlative — an exaggerated expression (usually of praise); «the critics lavished superlatives on it»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Mentioned in

  • adaxial
  • adjacent
  • aftermost
  • airside
  • Alpha Centauri
  • approach end of runway
  • ATM
  • Auchenium
  • base
  • best end
  • bottom dead centre
  • bridgehead
  • Bulge hoop
  • buy
  • Calais
  • Centaurus
  • chemist
  • class mark
  • close support area

References in classic literature

Distribution of fresh-water productions — On the inhabitants of oceanic islands — Absence of Batrachians and of terrestrial Mammals — On the relation of the inhabitants of islands to those of the nearest mainland — On colonisation from the nearest source with subsequent modification — Summary of the last and present chapters.

One of them offered to run to the nearest doctor; another asked if he should fetch the police.

above all, For the resurrection of deep-buried faith In Truth — in Virtue — in Humanity — Of all who, on Despair’s unhallowed bed Lying down to die, have suddenly arisen At thy soft-murmured words, «Let there be light!» At the soft-murmured words that were fulfilled In the seraphic glancing of thine eyes — Of all who owe thee most — whose gratitude Nearest resembles worship — oh, remember The truest — the most fervently devoted, And think that these weak lines are written by him — By him who, as he pens them, thrills to think His spirit is communing with an angel’s.

The Herd-boy was very much delighted over his stroke of good fortune, and, hiding the magic loaf in his bag, he hurried off to the nearest village to buy himself something to eat, and then returned to his sheep.

The nearest tree lay several yards to his left—the lion could be upon him before he had covered half the distance, and that the beast intended to charge none could doubt who looked upon him now.

Our guide, in front of us, answers that it will end in the ponies finding their way certainly to the nearest village or the nearest house.

Much in the same manner ought that oligarchy to be established which is next in order: but as to that which is most opposite to a pure democracy, and approaches nearest to a dynasty and a tyranny, as it is of all others the worst, so it requires the greatest care and caution to preserve it: for as bodies of sound and healthy constitutions and ships which are well manned and well found for sailing can bear many injuries without perishing, while a diseased body or a leaky ship with an indifferent crew cannot support the [1321a] least shock; so the worst-established governments want most looking after.

Stripped of their lighter timbers, both vessels have been used for the construction of huts, erected on the nearest land.

Well, among other things she told me that, whereas you are not a kinsman of mine, that she is my nearest relative; that you have no right whatever to enter into family relations with us; and that it is wrong and shameful for me to be living upon your earnings and charity.

«We’ll leave it here, where it will be safe enough, and tramp on to the nearest Indian village.

The usual hurried, feverish toil in the claim was suspended; the pick and shovel were left sticking in the richest «pay gravel;» the toiling millionaires themselves, ragged, dirty, and perspiring, lay panting under the nearest shade, where the pipes went out listlessly, and conversation sank to monosyllables.

TOWARD three o’clock in the afternoon Captain Wragge stopped at the nearest station to Ossory which the railway passed in its course through Essex.

Dictionary browser

  • near beer
  • near beginner
  • Near East
  • near gale
  • Near horse
  • Near Islands
  • near miss
  • near miss (aircraft)
  • near money
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  • near real time
  • near real-time
  • near rhyme
  • Near the wind
  • near thing
  • near vision
  • near-blind
  • nearby
  • Nearctic
  • near-death experience
  • near-Earth asteroid
  • near-Earth comet
  • near-Earth object
  • nearer
  • nearest
  • Nearhand
  • near-infrared radiation
  • nearing
  • Near-legged
  • nearly
  • nearly-new
  • near-market
  • near-market research
  • nearness
  • near-nudity
  • near-point
  • near-red radiation
  • nearshore
  • nearside
  • nearsighted
  • near-sighted
  • nearsightedness
  • near-sightedness
  • near-term
  • nearthrosis
  • neat
  • neat line
  • Neat work
  • neaten
  • neath

Full browser

  • Nearby Month
  • Nearbys
  • Nearchos
  • Nearchus
  • Nearctic
  • Nearctic
  • Nearctic ecozone
  • Nearctic ecozone
  • Nearctic fauna
  • Nearctic Region
  • Nearctic zoogeographic region
  • Neardenthal
  • Neardenthal
  • Neardenthal
  • Neardenthal
  • neared
  • neared
  • neared
  • neared
  • nearer
  • nearer
  • nearer
  • nearer
  • nearer the church, farther from God
  • nearer the church, the farther from God
  • nearer the knuckle
  • nearerly
  • nearerly
  • nearest
  • Nearest Active Downstream Neighbor
  • Nearest Active Upstream Neighbor
  • Nearest and Dearest
  • Nearest and Dearest
  • Nearest and Dearest
  • nearest approach
  • Nearest Codeword Problem
  • Nearest Codeword Problem with Pre-Processing
  • Nearest Collision Intercept
  • Nearest Common Node Rerouting
  • Nearest Event Not Done Yet
  • Nearest Grid Point
  • Nearest International Airport
  • Nearest Landing Field
  • Nearest Major City
  • Nearest month
  • Nearest neighbor
  • Nearest neighbor
  • Nearest Neighbor Concurrent Processor
  • Nearest Neighbor Encoding/Encoder
  • Nearest Neighbor Estimate
  • Nearest Neighbor Filter
  • nearest neighbor frequency
  • Nearest Neighbor in Delay Space
  • Nearest neighbor interpolation
  • Nearest Neighbor Kalman Filter
  • nearest neighbor method
  • nearest neighbor method
  • nearest neighbor method
  • nearest neighbor method

  • Defenition of the word nearest

    • (superlative of `near’ or `close’) within the shortest distance; «that was the time he came nearest to death»
    • (superlative of `near’ or `nigh’) most near
    • (superlative of `near» or `nigh») most near
    • (superlative of `near» or `close») within the shortest distance; «that was the time he came nearest to death»
    • (superlative of `near’ or `close’) within the shortest distance

Synonyms for the word nearest

    • adjacent
    • adjoining
    • bordering
    • close
    • closest
    • near
    • nearby
    • next
    • next-door
    • nighest

Similar words in the nearest

    • close
    • near
    • nearest

See other words

    • What is to hand
    • The definition of virtually
    • The interpretation of the word in the vicinity
    • What is meant by distastefully
    • The lexical meaning in the vicinity of
    • The dictionary meaning of the word in the neighborhood of
    • The grammatical meaning of the word in the neighborhood
    • Meaning of the word draw up to
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word in front of
    • The origin of the word nearsighted
    • Synonym for the word nears
    • Antonyms for the word nearsightedness
    • Homonyms for the word therefrom
    • Hyponyms for the word thereby
    • Holonyms for the word thereabout
    • Hypernyms for the word fit to be seen
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word well turned-out
    • Translation of the word in other languages well-dressed

Definitions of nearest

  1. adverb

    (superlative of `near’ or `close’) within the shortest distance

    “that was the time he came
    nearest to death”


    closest, nighest

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