Word не открывает документы на сетевом диске

Всем привет! Как-то столкнулся с интересной штукой. Свежеустановленный пакет Microsoft Office ни в какую не хотел открывать файлы, расположенные на сетевых дисках. Программы Word и Excel просто сворачивались без признаков ошибок. Локальные файлы открывались без проблем. Настройки программ были по умолчанию и у других пользователей все работало. Пришлось за разгадкой лезть в Интернет. Решение найдено, но оно достаточно нетривиальное.


Откройте проводник Windows, затем перейдите в папку C: Users % username% AppData Local Microsoft и переименуйте папку Office во что-нибудь другое (например, OfficeOld).

Вот оно! решение столь сложной проблемы оказалось весьма простым. Просто переименовал папку и все заработало, какие только махинации не перепробовал до этого…

Спасибо за помощь: https://www.cyberforum.ru/ms-word/thread1865215.html

Возникает проблема при открытии файлов в программах из состава MS Offce при условии, что они открываются с сетевого ресурса. При открытии появляется сообщение «Нельзя открыть <путь и имя файла>» с кнопкой OK.
Интересно ещё и то, что если скопировать файл на локальный диск, то он прекрасно открывается.
Антивирусник был исключён из кандидатов проблемы удалением. Переустановка Office’а не помогает.
Настройки безопасности в Office я проверял. Сеть работает исправно (скопировать же файл можно да и другие приложения открывают файлы по сети без вопросов). Сами файлы не повреждены (они же открываются с HDD).

Хочется понять от чего такая проблема и как её исправить.

P.S.: Переустановку Windows не предлагать

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Откройте проводник Windows, затем перейдите в папку C: Users % username% AppData Local Microsoft и переименуйте папку Office во что-нибудь другое (например, OfficeOld). Должно помочь

Может, длинное имя пути? Вы из проводника открываете или из файлового менеджера? Попробуйте подмоннтировать диск через net use. Если откроется, значит проблема скорее всего в имени пути, если нет, значит, какие-то настройки безопасности: типо по сети не открывать файлы..

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Минуточку внимания

да дело не в правах вообще и в частности.
есть дибильная и упоротая вещь в офисе начиная с 2013 — это центр безопасности. накой она нужна, если только портит нервы людям. (майкрософт портит всегда и все, к чему прикасается, это уже факт)
именно из-за неё нельзя открыть файл по сети. ни один предложенный способ, от якобы всяких людей, которые называют себя знатоками, — не помог.
пока еще не пробовал метод с иностранного форума, правда на английском все написано, но итак все понятно.:

Step 1: Log onto workstation as an Administrator
Have affected User log off, then log onto the workstation as an Administrator. Open Windows Explorer, then navigate to the C:Users%username%AppDataLocalMicrosoft folder, and rename the Office folder to something else (like OfficeOld).

Step 2: Then have affected User log back on to the workstation
Log off the Administrator, then have affected user log back on. After logging onto the workstation, have the user open a document off of a shared network drive. Microsoft Office will likely inform you the profile is corrupt, but will then create a new one, and open the document normally.

The issue should now be resolved. If you have problems deleting or renaming the office folder, make sure that the user is logged off (don’t just switch users). This can also be an issue for Office365 as well as Office 2013. Good Luck!

во всяком случае у людей, которые там отписывались — все заработало. насколько оно рабочее в действительности — я не знаю. пока не на чем проверить. (т.к. я дома, а проблема с невозжностью открыть любой документ по сети вордом или экселем у меня на работе).

Не открывает Word Excel в сетевой папке window


lazarsr » 26 апр 2022, 16:28

Нашел решение, может кому пригодится.
sudo sed -i ‘s/%U/%F/’ /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*
Эта команда в свойствах ярлыков (Exec=*** %U) изменяет U на F, после этого файлы по сети будут открываться нормально. Это старый косяк Libre Office, но его упорно не хотят фиксить. Есть еще один, иногда при открытии файлов по сети с последующим редактированием, если нажать кнопку закрыть, то Libre Office может не выдать приглашения сохранить данные и все ваши изменения будут безвозратно потеряны. Кто-то еще мне говорил, что иногда даже при сохранении File->Save может не сохраниться, но сам такого пока не наблюдал. А вообще юзайте хот-кей для сохранения документов: Ctrl+S, это тоже самое что и File->Save.

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  • Question

  • Hi,

    If I try to open a word document using a mapped drive e.g «Z», Word goes to the select template page. No error message is displayed. No MS Office event is created when the file fails to open. 

    I can open the file locally from the desktop.

    I can open the file using the network address e.g. \MYBOOKLIVE.

    \MYBOOKLIVE is a trusted location in Word 2013 and «Allowed Trusted Locations on my network is checked».

    How do I open the file using the mapped drive?


All replies

  • Have you ever tried to delete and remap the drive? If not yet, I would suggest you to do so.

    How many users are having the same issues? Why asking this is that sometimes a corrupted user profile will also cause this issue. So you probably want to check this with a new user profile..


  • I tried to disconnecting and reconnecting the drive. It does not help.

    There is only a single user on the computer. I’ll try a new user profile.

  • Hello Allan,

    Although  \MYBOOKLIVE is a trusted location, is Z: so as well? Office tends to be overcareful …

    Best regards George

  • I am also having this issue. When I try to make my mapped drive, in my case it is the S: drive, the trust center does not allow me to make that drive trusted. I also tried to make a specific folder on that drive trusted with the same denial. When I copy
    a specific document to a local drive, like the desktop, then I can open the document. Another computer on the network running the same Windows 8.1 OS and same version of Microsoft Office products does not have this issue. On that computer, I can save and open
    documents directly from the mapped network folder.

  • I’ll give that a try George.

    Thanks for the tip.


  • I can’t trust Z: in Excel. It always changes the drive letter back to the network address.

    As I have spent too much time on this, I’ve just given up trying to resolve it. The easiest remedy is to create a shortcut on the desktop using the network address and then open the documents that way. That works just fine.

  • Anyone found a solution ?

    I have the same problem.

    In my case, a third party application generates the XLS directly in the mapped drive and opens it immeditely after. Of course I get the error.

    Thanks in advance

  • Same problem here. The problem occurred after swapping hard drives and using Windows Drive Image Backup to populate the new C: drive.

    • Edited by

      Friday, January 1, 2016 9:11 PM

  • I am also having this issue with one user on one specific machine.
    Initially I tried un-installing and re-installing Office and this seemed to work.
    However, when Microsoft Updates were installed the issue occurred again.
    This led me to believe it might be a Microsoft Update but because I re-installed the application the updates all installed at the same time so it’s difficult to see which one it might be.

    Has anyone else found a potential solution to this yet?

  • I have resolved the issue for the user:

    1. Uninstalled Office Standard 2013
    2. Removed:- 
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice
    3. Reinstalled Office Standard 2013
    4. Installed all updates

    • Proposed as answer by
      Monday, April 4, 2016 3:06 PM

  • I have resolved the issue for the user:

    1. Uninstalled Office Standard 2013
    2. Removed:- 
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice
    3. Reinstalled Office Standard 2013
    4. Installed all updates

    This worked for me. Thank you!

    • Proposed as answer by
      Tuesday, March 28, 2017 3:13 PM

  • After swapping hard drives with an image I am facing the same problem.

    I can open all local files, but none of Excel and Word files on a network drive.

    I have tried to uninstall Office 2013 Home & Business with the removal fix tool, and I installed it again, but no luck.

    Tried playing with DDL ckecks and hardware acceleration checks in the options, but no improvement.

    Tried unmapping and mapping again the remote folder.

    Has any solution been found for this issue?

    Thank you very much!

  • I have resolved the issue for the user:

    1. Uninstalled Office Standard 2013
    2. Removed:- 
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice
    3. Reinstalled Office Standard 2013
    4. Installed all updates

    I was able to resolve the issue by just deleting the folders in step 2 and also the word and excel folders in roaming. I did not uninstall/reinstall office. Thank you!

    • Edited by
      Monday, November 13, 2017 4:22 PM

  • I got the same issue after upgrading a hdd to a cloned ssd, and trying to open Excel/Word files located on a networked drive. Excel/Word would just go back to the select a template page. What preferences and/or settings do you lose by deleting these folders
    in Step 2?

  • Just only Removed:- 
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice

    • Proposed as answer by
      Vidas Sadauskas
      Saturday, March 7, 2020 11:08 PM

  • I did not reinstall Office… Just removed the following two folders:

    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice

    Seems to work!…. Thanks

  • You guys are GENIUS! I just spent from 9pm to 3:30am dealing with the same issue with Windows Office Costumer Support, at the end I was desperate and found your solution. I was still chatting with MS support and ask tem to follow the instructions…. they
    refused. Then I just did it myself…… IT WORKS!  They made me uninstall ms office and I lost my Outlook settings (signatures, accounts, calendars, etc). Seriously, today’s generation working for Microsoft is mindless and cannot see beyond the flow
    chart they put in front of their noses; what a shame.

  • I have resolved the issue for the user:

    1. Uninstalled Office Standard 2013
    2. Removed:- 
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice
    3. Reinstalled Office Standard 2013
    4. Installed all updates

    GENIUS! Tons of good karma are on your way.

  • Thanks, worked for me the second time. 

  • Just only Removed:- 
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice

    Yes, that’s all I had to do here and it worked perfectly.

  • I did not reinstall Office… Just removed the following two folders:

    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice

    Seems to work!…. Thanks

    I had the exact same issue.

    For me deleting
    C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice only already solved the issue.

    Wel, actually I just RENAMED the folder. By doing this I am able to retain all info in case this would not be the solution.

    I renamed 
    C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice

    C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice1

    Before renaming I closed all Office applications.

    Directly after renaming the issue was solved.

    • Edited by
      Thursday, November 1, 2018 8:42 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Keith Langmead
      Wednesday, January 2, 2019 5:04 PM

  • I dont remove it, i just renamed the folder and it works.

    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice


    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataLocalMicrosoftOffice1
    — C:Users%User Folder%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftOffice1

  • Hello, I ran into a similar problem where my excel files on mapped/network drives opened up blank but did not have the same problem on local folders. 

    I was able to narrow the culprit down to the .FSF files in my office AppData local folder (shown below). So to fix it, I simply deleted all .FSF files in the below folder.


    • Edited by
      Obi Odumodu
      Friday, March 1, 2019 5:37 PM

  • Same problem here. Worked with this solution! Thanks a lot. I Had 2 days dealing with this problem!!!

  • Great find Obi  -thank you for posting.  Pretty sure this has saved me a lot of time and trouble.

  • I did less on an RDS Host.
    I went straight to the user’s AppData folder. 


    I renamed Office to Office.old.

    Logged the user in again and all worked.

    I hope this does not continue to happen with users. (UGH)

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