Word names for boys

300 Wonderful Word Names From Dictionary, For Boys And Girls

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There are some unique English words that have a beautiful sound and meaning to them. Perhaps, that’s why many parents prefer using these words to name their babies. So, here we bring you a list of word names for boys and girls you can refer to for naming your baby. This exhaustive list has names, some of which are evergreen and some long-forgotten yet relevant even today. So, take a plunge into the ocean of unique baby names after enchanting plants, famous cities, words with deep meanings, and more.

1. Alfa

The name Alfa has a Greek origin and means “beginning.”

2. Anchor

The name Anchor has an English origin, and it means “stability.”

3. Anthem

The name Anthem does not just mean an old or patriotic song. It is actually defined as an uplifting or inspiring song.

4. Arrow

It is a unisex baby name of English origin, and it means “a dart fired from a bow.” Arrow is also a famous US television series, which is based on the comic hero, Green Arrow.

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Arrow is also used as a surname throughout England and Scotland. It originates from the French region named Artois.

5. Ash

According to Greek mythology, the word Ash is derived from an ash tree. A few other variations of this name are Asher or Ashton.

6. Baker

The word baker is not just associated with someone who bakes, but it is also a famous surname of Old English origin.

7. Bay

It originally meant someone with reddish-brown hair. But in Vietnamese, it means “born on Saturday.”

8. Bear

This name has its roots in Old German and Old French, and means “to be as brave and strong as a bear.”

9. Beta

The name Beta has a Greek origin and can be found in The Bible’s Old Testament. It means “the oath of God.”

10. Bill

Bill is a very well-known old school name with an English origin, and it means “with a gilded helmet.”

11. Birch

The name Birch has an Old English origin and means “shining” or “bright” or refers to the Birch tree.

12. Blaze

The meaning of Blaze in Latin means “fire.” Although it is a unisex name, it is most preferred to name baby boys.

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Its French version, ‘Blaise,’ was most notably borne by the famous French Mathematician Blaise Pascal.

13. Blue

The color Blue is associated with the sky and the sea, and means “shining.”

14. Brave

The word Brave has been used a lot of times in history. This English word means “courageous” or “strong enough to face any fear.”

15. Brent

It comes from Old English and means “a high place” or “the holy one.” It is a masculine name, which gives a kind, attractive, and fun-loving personality to the bearer.

16. Bright

Bright is an adorable name, and it means “full of hope” or “the exalted one.”

17. Brio

The name Brio is packed with a lot of energy. The Italian origin name means “zest” or “vivacity.”

18. Caliber

It is originally derived from the Arabic word “qalib,” meaning a “casting mold.”

19. Canyon

The word Canyon comes from Spanish and means “a long tube.” The English meaning of the name is “a large ravine.”

20. Cash

The name cash is associated with prosperity. It comes from Old French and means “custodian of wealth.”

21. Chandler

Chandler comes from the Old French word “Chandelier.” You must remember the surname Chandler Bing, from the famous television show “friends.”

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Chandler is also the name of a suburb of Phoenix in Arizona, noteworthy for its annual Ostrich Festival.

22. Chase

Chase means to “catch” or “seize.” It also means a hunter and comes from Old English.

23. Chord

The name Chord has musical connotations to it, and it means “to play in total harmony.”

24. Chosen

The name Chosen represents a bright and very nice person. It can also mean “the chosen one from God.”

25. Clay

Clay is a very common name used by the characters of many movies and television shows. It has an English origin and leans strongly towards boys.

26. Colt

Colt denotes enthusiasm

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The Old English name Colt means “a young horse.” It defines a person with enthusiasm and liveliness.

27. Concord

It comes from the Latin word Concorde, meaning “hearts together” or “harmony.”

28. Copper

In the early days, Copper was mined from the island of Cyprus, and ancient Romans used to call the island copper. It also refers to the Roman Goddess Venus.

29. Cove

The word cove means a sheltered area in the hills, valleys, or mountains.

30. Credence

Credence is a unisex name and comes from the Latin word “credere,” meaning “to believe.”

31. Crew

The name Crew comes from English and means a group of people. It also represents unity, bond, and closeness.

32. Cruz

The word Cruz has Spanish and Portuguese origins. It is a Christian name derived from the word cross.

33. Dare

A unique name that is quite popular among parents who wish their boy to have a strong personality.

34. Day

It is a short and sweet name that represents charm and brightness.

35. Dean

It is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, which means “valley.”

36. Diver

Diver refers to someone who goes to deep oceans for exploration. It represents someone who has a strong exploratory nature.

37. Dodge

The name has an English origin and is commonly used to name boys. It is also the name of a famous car manufacturer.

38. Drummer

It is a unique name with musical connotations to it. The name is more popular as a middle name.

39. Duke

The name Duke comes from Latin and means “nobility” or “leader.”

40. Dune

The English name Dune means “a mountain of sand,” and is also used to refer to a brown-skinned soldier.

41. Elm

Elm is a common middle name and refers to someone strong and positive. It also refers to the Elm Tree.

42. Endeavor

It represents someone with a strong personality. The name comes from Middle English and means “to make an effort.”

43. Ever

The name Ever has its roots in the Old Scandinavian language and means “wild as a boar.”

44. Falcon

Falcon is a very common boys’ name of Latin origin. It refers to a bird from the hawk family.

45. Flint

The name Flint has an Old English origin, and it means “a stream.”

46. Foster

Foster is a very popular name and surname in North America. You might also have heard of the famous comedian Foster Brooks.

47. Frost

The name has its origin in the Old Scandinavian language and refers to winter. It makes for an ideal name for a baby born in the winter.

48. Gable

The word has an Old Norse origin and refers to a triangular hill. It also means “bright” or “God” in Old German.

49. Garnet

Garnet is associated with the color red and is the name of a precious stone similar to ruby.

50. Gather

The name Gather means “to assemble,” “to collect,” or “bring together.” It represents unity and bond.

51. Golden

Golden refers to someone who is special and precious. It is a popular unisex name in many parts of the world.

52. Hale

It is a unique name with an Old English origin. It means “hollow” or “recess.”

53. Harbor

Harbor refers to a place where ships standby for shelter. This name creates a sense of protectiveness and trust.

54. Hardy

Hardy is a popular first name and surname of Old French origin. It means “bold and courageous.”

55. Harper

The meaning of Harper is “a harp player.” It is a unique unisex name.

56. Hart

The Old English name Hart means “to be strong” or “brave.”

57. Harvest

The word has its origin in Old English and means “autumn.”

58. Hawk

Hawk is a strong bird that thrives in the wild. The name Hawk creates a sense of vitality and strength.

59. Hero

The name Hero has a Greek origin, and means “the bravest one of all the people.”

60. Hunter

Hunter is a very common surname and first name. It has an Old English origin and signifies strength.

61. Jasper

The name has a Persian origin and originally referred to someone who worked as a treasurer.

62. Jordan

Jordan is a biblical name and of Hebrew origin. It means “flowing down.” According to the Bible the river Jordan is also known as the river of judgment.

63. Judge

It is a unique name for a boy and means “a person who makes the decision.”

64. Justice

Justice is a unisex name, which is predominantly given to boys. It refers to being righteous and upright.

65. Keen

The name has its origin in Old Norse and means “to be proud and wise.”

66. Kin

Kin has a Japanese origin and means “golden.”

67. Kindred

Kindred means a group of people, family, or clan. It also refers to a strong bond or relationship between people.

68. King

The name King comes from Old English and a strong name for a boy.

69. Knight

It was a popular name during medieval times and “noble,” “upright,” or “a warrior.”

70. Leaf

Leaf is a short and sweet English name and refers to someone dear or beloved.

71. Legacy

The name Legacy is of English origin and means “an inheritance.”

72. Link

Link is a modern English name, which is mostly used by parents considering boy names. It is also another form of the name Lincoln.

73. Lion

The Lion is the king of the jungle. The masculine name represents someone who is a ruler, fierce, strong, and brave.

74. Loden

The name likely has a Norwegian origin and means “someone who is focused.”

75. London

It is the name of the famous city of Roman origin. It is also popular as a middle name.

76. Lynx

The name has a Latin origin and refers to a wildcat. It also represents someone with brightness and luminescence similar to those found in a cat’s eyes.

77. March

It is the name of the third month in the Gregorian calendar. It also makes for a strong masculine name for a boy.

78. Mark

It is a contraction of the Latin name Marcus, which comes from Mars, a Roman God.

79. Miles

The name Miles has both Irish and German Origins. It means a “servant” or “soldier.”

80. Moss

The biblical name Moss is of English origin, and it means “the descendant of Moses.”

81. Navy

It is a unique name that refers to a fleet of ships. The name has a Latin origin.

82. Noble

Noble has a Latin origin and means “aristocratic” or “elite.”

83. North

It is a different name for a boy and refers to the northern direction. The name has an Old Norse origin.

84. Oak

It refers to the oak tree. The oak tree is a symbol of strength, solidity, and longevity.

85. Ocean

The boy’s name Ocean comes from Latin and Greek and refers to a large and majestic water body.

86. Pace

It is a short and sweet name for your boy. Pace has an Old French origin and it was a popular name during medieval times.

87. Page

It comes from Middle English and originally referred to a young boy training to be a knight.

88. Painter

The name Painter means someone who paints, and it is of English origin. This name creates a sense of creativity and imagination.

89. Parrish

The Christian name Parrish refers to an area defined by religion. It is a common surname and is also used as a first or middle name.

90. Pascal

Pascal is a common Christian name and means “the one who is born on Easter day.”

91. Pilot

Pilot comes from Greek and refers to someone who operates and steers a boat, aircraft, or any other automobile.

92. Pioneer

Pioneer comes from Old French and refers to someone who is first at doing something or the first to attain achievement.

93. Prosper

The name Prosper has been used by several saints in the past. It means “favorable” or “fortunate” and has a Latin origin.

94. Quest

Quest is a common unisex name. It means “a long search for something precious.” It represents someone who can overcome all hardships.

95. Race

Race refers to a running competition. This name represents someone who is competitive, popular, and striving.

96. Racer

It is a unique and modern name for a boy and refers to a participant in a race.

97. Rally

The word has multiple meanings, but as a name, it is shortened form of Ralph, which has a Scandinavian origin and means a “counselor.”

98. Ranger

The name has a French origin and means “forest guardian.”

99. Raven

It is the name of a bird. The name Raven symbolizes affection, fertility, and wisdom.

100. Ray

Ray refers to a ray of light or a ray of sunshine. It also means “a wise protector.”

101. Reason

The name Reason is derived from Old French and refers to a rational person.

102. Red

The name comes from Old English and Old Norse. It is a gender-neutral name and has a modern touch to it.

103. Reed

It is related to the name Red and comes from Old English. It was originally used as a nickname and is also used as a last name.

104. Reef

It refers to a ridge of rocks or other materials, usually within the water. The name comes from Old Dutch.

105. Resolute

Resolute is quite a unique name and means “to have determination and firmness.”

106. Revel

It is a simple and sweet name, which means “to rejoice” or “have joy.”

107. Revere

Revere is a common boy’s name and comes from Latin. It means “to admire” or “reverence.”

108. Rich

Rich, Word names

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It has an English origin and refers to someone wealthy or a brave ruler.

109. Rise

It has an Old German origin and means “to elevate” or “move upwards.”

110. Rob

It is a contraction of Robert, which comes from German and means “bright,” “shining,” or “fame.”

111. Rocket

Rocket is a different name for your boy and it has an Italian origin. It gives its bearer a heroic aura.

112. Rocky

It is a cognate of Rocco, which comes German and means “rest.” The name is a popular first name and nickname in many parts of the world.

113. Roman

It is a cognate of romance, which means passionate affection. It is also associated with the Roman Empire.

114. Rome

It is a Latin name derived from the name Rome, the capital of Italy.

115. Russet

It refers to a reddish-brown color. The name represents someone who is fierce, brave, and strong.

116. Rusty

It is a common name of American origin and was originally used as a nickname for a person with reddish hair.

117. Rye

The name is likely related to the Irish word “Ri,” which means “King.”

118. Sailor

The name Sailor is of German origin, and is a unisex baby name.

119. Sea

The word comes from Old Norse and refers to a water body close to or enclosed by land.

120. Seven

It is a unique name for your little one and refers to the number seven.

121. Shelter

Shelter is a unique name of American origin. The name represents someone who is protective, safe, and warm.

122. Sydney

The name Sydney comes from Old English and means “wide island.” It is also the name of a famous Australian city.

123. Sincere

The meaning of Sincere is “honest.” This name is popular in many parts of the world, especially North America.

124. Slate

The name was originally an occupational name for a person who mined the slate rock. The name makes for a unique name these days.

125. Solace

The word comes from Latin and represents someone who exudes a sense of comfort and calmness.

126. Solo

It comes from the Latin word “solus,” meaning “alone.” The name Solo brings back the nostalgic name of Han Solo from the “Star Wars” movie.

127. Steel

It is the name of the iron alloy known for its incredible durability. The name Steel represents someone strong and resolute.

128. Sterling

It is a toponymic name referring to someone originally from the Scottish city of Stirling.

129. Stone

Stone has an English origin and is a common name in the British Isles. The name represents someone strong and resolute.

130. Storm

It makes for a unique name for your little one. Storm has its origin in Old Norse.

131. Story

Story is a unisex American name and it means “a tale.”

132. Summit

The name comes from Old French and refers to the apex or the highest part of a hill.

133. Timber

Timber refers to a type of wood. The name was likely an occupational name for someone who worked in processing or cutting timber.

134. Tony

It is a contraction of Anthony, which comes from the Greek word “anthos,” meaning “flower.”

135. Trace

The name likely has a Greek origin and refers to someone who is brave or the one with a pleasant personality.

136. Track

The name comes from Old Norse and means “a path.” The name represents someone who has natural leadership skills and is a path creator.

137. Trail

The name has its origin in Old English. Trail gives a sense of the mountains, nature, or outdoors.

138. Trek

Trek has its origin in Old Dutch and refers to a long and difficult journey. It is also a common nickname and surname.

139. Trip

It refers to a short journey and is a common nickname in many parts of the world. It is also sometimes used to refer to a child who was born third.

140. True

True means “genuine,” “real,” or “faithful.” It makes for a short and sweet name for your little boy.

141. Trust

The name has its origin in Old English. It means “loyal,” “faithful,” or “reliable.”

142. Truth

The word comes from the Old Norse word “tryggth,” which means “faith.” The strong name gives the bearer a sense of trust and faith.

143. Valor

This medieval Latin name means “strong,” “brave” or “bold.”

144. Water

The name Water has spiritual connotations and represents “birth and fertility.” It also represents life, making it an awesome name for your baby boy.

145. Wilder

It is a toponymic name that originally referred to someone who lived in the wild or near a forest. It is also a common surname.

146. Winter

Winter refers to the coldest season of the year, and also signifies the time before the arrival of spring.

147. Wise

Wise refers to someone who is prudent and with astute skills of judgment. The word has its origin in Old English and Old Norse.

148. Wolf

Wolf is one of the most striking animals in the spiritual realm. They are ambiguous, loyal, strong, and united. Thus, it makes for a strong masculine name for your boy.

149. Woods

Woods is a common English name and surname, and originally referred to someone who lived near the woods or the forest.

150. Zen

This name has a Chinese origin and refers to meditation. The name has a modern and traditional tone to it.

Word Names For Girls

151. Amber

Amber is an elegant feminine name. It is of English origin and refers to the beautiful orange-colored tree resin.

152. Amazon

According to Ancient Greek mythology, Amazon was a tribe of female warriors. This name refers to a strong and independent woman.

153. Amethyst

The name Amethyst refers to a precious purple jewel. It is of Greek origin and makes for an ideal name for your precious daughter.

154. Angel

Angel is a common Christian girl name and means “a messenger of God.”

155. April

The name April has a Latin origin and means “to open.” It makes for a unique name for a girl born in the month of April.

156. Art

It comes from the Latin word “artem.” It is often associated with someone who is creative and imaginative.

157. Ash

Ash is a short form of the common name Ashley. This easy-to-pronounce name also refers to the Ash tree.

158. Aurora

According to Roman mythology, Aurora is the Goddess of dawn and sunrise. It makes for a lovely and unique name for your little girl.

159. Autumn

It is the name of the season and originates from Latin. This name is a popular feminine name in North America.

160. Barb

It is a contraction of the name Barbara, which has its origin in Greek.

161. Blessing

The name represents someone who has been a divine gift. Blessing has an English origin and is a common feminine name.

162. Bliss

Bliss has its origin in Old English and means “intense happiness,” “joy,” or “cheer.”

163. Bluma

The unique name comes from the Yiddish word “blum,” which means “flower.”

164. Bravery

Bravery means “to be strong and powerful,” and it makes for a strong name for your baby girl.

165. Breeze

Breeze refers to a gentle and calm current of air. It makes for a sweet and soulful name for a baby girl.

166. Brie

It originates from the Irish word “brigh,” which means “powerful” or “strong.” It is a popular name in North America.

167. Brooke

Brooke is a variant of Brook, which is a toponymic English name referring to someone who lived by a brook or a stream.

168. Cadence

Cadence has its origins in Italy

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Cadence originates from Italian and means “beat” or “rhythm.”

169. Camellia

It is derived from the name of the Camellia flower, which is known for its awe-inspiring beauty and resplendence.

170. Cameo

This unisex name has its roots in Italian and French, and means “skin.”

171. Candy

Candy is a shorter form of the name Candice, which is a popular American first name.

172. Carol

It is a contraction of Caroline, which comes from German. The name refers to a person with a strong will.

173. Cashmere

Cashmere is a type of wool from a Kashmir goat. It makes for a unique and modern name for a baby girl.

174. Cayenne

It comes from the name of Cayenne pepper and makes for a modern feminine name.

175. Chanel

Chanel has a French origin and is a toponymic name that referred to someone who lived by a channel or canal.

176. Charisma

The name Charisma means “charm,” and it has its origin in Greek and Latin. The name represents someone with a kind and graceful personality.

177. Charity

Charity comes from Old English and means “kindness,” “benevolence,” or “love.”

178. Chastity

The name comes from Latin and means “innocent and pure.”

179. Cherish

Cherish means “to treasure” or “to care for,” and it has its origin in French and English.

180. Cherry

It refers to the bright red fruit known for its tart flavor. It makes for an adorable name for your baby girl.

181. Christian

Christian is a common unisex name and is popular in many parts of Europe and the British Isles.

182. Christmas

Although it is a unique name, Christmas has been a popular choice in recent times. It brings out the joy and warmth of the season.

183. Cloud

The name cloud gives us an airy and cozy feeling. Even though it is a unisex name, it is more commonly given to girls.

184. Cookie

The name cookie refers to a sweet biscuit. It is of English origin.

185. Coral

A coral refers to a marine creature known for its beautiful and colorful reef formation in the sea and oceans. It makes for an awesome name for your precious little girl.

186. Crystal

Crystal is a common name and is of Greek origin. It represents someone who is pure and honest.

187. Dahlia

It comes from the name of the colorful flower, which denotes dignity and elegance. The name has its origin in the Swedish language.

188. Dawn

It refers to the moment the sun rises. The word Dawn comes from Old English and signifies the beauty of the sunrise.

189. Day

It is a short and sweet name for your precious little girl. It comes from Old English.

190. Desire

It means “to long for something,” and the name comes from Latin.

191. Destiny

Destiny is a popular American name and means “fate.”

192. Diamond

Diamond is a type of gem known for its high value and brilliance. It is an ideal name for your precious daughter.

193. Dolly

Dolly is the shorter form of the name Dorothy, which means “a gift of God.”

194. Dream

Dream is a serene name, which has been commonly used by famous personalities in recent times. It creates a sense of joy and is a mystical feminine name.

195. East

East is a modern first name, which is trendy and easy to pronounce. It has its origin in Old English.

196. Ebony

It comes from the name of the Ebony tree, which is known for its deep black wood. The name is associated with the beauty of dark color.

197. Eleven

The word comes from Middle English and refers to the number 11.

198. Emerald

It refers to the green-colored precious gem. The name has its origin in Greek.

199. Era

It comes from Latin and refers to a phase in time or an epoch. It makes for a modern name for your baby girl.

200. Eve

According to the Bible, Eve was the first woman on Earth. The word Eve comes from Hebrew and means “to breathe.”

201. Faith

The word comes from Latin and means “belief,” “trust,” and “confidence.” This feminine name can also be associated with faith in God.

202. Fantasia

The unique and modern name is the Italian word for “fantasy.”

203. Feather

The name Feather symbolizes lightness, freeness, and purity. It is a common name of American origin.

204. Fire

The name Fire is associated with fierceness and strength. It is a unique and bold name for your strong baby girl.

205. Flair

Flair refers to a person’s natural aptitude. The name has its origin in Old French.

206. Flame

Flame is another interpretation of the word fire. It also denotes fierceness, boldness, and strength.

207. Flora

The name comes from Flora, the Roman Goddess of plants and flowers. It makes for a traditional yet modern name for your baby girl.

208. Fuchsia

Fuchsia refers to a type of flower known for its beautiful shape and attractive colors. The name comes from German.

209. Glen

It is a unisex name and a variant of Glenn, which comes from the Gaelic language and means “valley.” The name also symbolizes happiness and joy.

210. Glimmer

The name glimmer means “to sparkle.” It denotes brightness, hope, and purity.

211. Glory

The sweet name for a baby girl comes from Latin and means “praise and worship.”

212. Grace

Grace is a very common Christian name, and means “a blessing.”

213. Hale

Hale is an Anglo-Saxon name, and comes from “haelaeh,” which means “a hero.”

214. Halo

Halo has its origin in Greek and Latin and refers to the disk made of light seen around a celestial object. It also refers to an aura, especially the one around an angel or a holy person.

215. Harmony

The word harmony means “a beautiful musical combination of chords.” It is a very common feminine name.

216. Hazel

Hazel is of English origin and refers to the Hazelnut tree. The name denotes authority and protection.

217. Heather

Heather is an evergreen flowering plant found in several parts of Europe. It denotes healing, success, and growth.

218. Heaven

Heaven means “home of the Gods,” and symbolizes purity and spirituality.

219. History

The word has a Greek and Latin origin and refers to a study of the past. The name symbolizes knowledge and intelligence.

220. Holly

Holly has its origin in English and refers to the Holly tree. It is a perfect name for a baby girl born during spring or winter.

221. Honesty

The word honesty denotes virtue, honor, integrity, and purity. The name has its origin in Middle English.

222. Honey

The Old English name refers to the sweet nectar. It is quite popular as first name and a nickname.

223. Hope

This beautiful and simple feminine name means “desire for fulfilment.”

224. Horizon

Horizon, Word names

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The name Horizon means “apparent edge of the land.” It is popular in parts of North America.

225. Infinity

Infinity is referred to as never ending. This name can denote the endless love you have for your baby girl.

226. Ivy

Ivy is derived from the Ivy plant, which symbolises faithfulness and fidelity.

227. Ivory

Ivory means “white” or “pale,” and represents someone with purity and innocence.

228. Jade

Jade is an ornamental stone used for making jewelry and showpieces. The stone symbolizes clarity and modesty.

229. Jewel

Jewel refers to any precious gem or stone. It makes for an ideal and different name for your precious girl.

230. Journey

The word Journey has its origin in Old French and Latin. A new journey begins when you have a baby, making it an ideal name for your daughter.

231. Joy

Joy is a common name and means “immense happiness” or “delight.”

232. June

It comes from the month of June, which is named after the Roman Goddess Juno.

233. Juniper

It comes from the name of the Juniper tree, which is cultivated for its berries and timber. The name of the tree comes from Latin.

234. Justice

The name Justice means “doing right,” and has become a common name for girls in recent times.

235. Kale

Kale is derived from the Germanic name Karl, which means a “warrior” or “hero.”

236. Culture

Culture makes for a sophisticated name for a baby girl, and it comes from Old Latin.

237. Lane

Lane means “a roadway” or “a path,” and it is a gender-neutral name. It is of American origin.

238. Liberty

Liberty means “freedom” or “right to exercise free will.” The name comes from Latin.

239. Lilac

Lilac is a beautiful shrub bearing a pale purple flower. The flower denotes happiness, love, tranquillity, and passion.

240. Lily

Lilly is a very common feminine name and is derived from the name of the Lily flower. The flower symbolizes rebirth, purity, and passion.

241. Love

Love is another word for affection and is derived from Old English. It makes for a common first and middle name.

242. Lucky

Lucky means “fortunate,” and is perhaps the finest name to give your baby girl.

243. May

May is yet another month’s name, which is also used as a name of a girl. It is derived from the name of the Greek Goddess, Maia.

244. Melody

Melody refers to a song or a pleasant music, and the name has its origin in Greek.

245. Mercy

Mercy has an English origin and means “compassion and virtue.”

246. Merry

Merry is one of the classic names for babies born on or around Christmas. It means “light-hearted and happy.”

247. Miracle

Miracle is a common girl’s name from Latin, and it means “marvel” or “wonder.”

248. Misty

The name misty means “full of mist.” It denotes a sweet and charming person.

249. Moxie

It is a name of American origin and means “free-spirited, energetic, and attractive.” It is a retro name still used by many people.

250. Nature

The word nature refers to the elements of the natural world. It is popular in many parts of North America.

251. North

It refers to the northern direction and has its origin in Old Norse. North is a name associated with purity and strength.

252. Ode

The name Ode means “a poem,” and it is also used for naming boys.

253. Olive

The name Olive is associated with the Olive tree. The olive branch is a symbol of peace and wealth.

254. Opera

Opera is a form of musical presentation usually in a grand theater. It is also a popular feminine name.

255. Panni

It is a variant of the name Anna, which comes from Hebrew and means “favor” or “grace.”

256. Patience

It was a popular name during medieval times. Patience means “calmness, endurance, and forbearance.”

257. Peace

The name peace means “tranquillity.” It is a unisex name, which is popular in many parts of North America.

258. Peach

It comes from the name of the Peach fruit and has its origin in English, German, and French. The name denotes a person who is sweet and adorable.

259. Pearl

It comes from the name of the precious jewel. The name denotes modesty and innocence.

260. Penny

Penny is the short form of Penelope, which means “weaver,” and has a Greek origin.

261. Pepper

The name Pepper means a “spicy berry.” It is a quirky and cute name for your little girl.

262. Petal

Petal refers to the individual components of a flower. The name denotes the softness and delicateness of a flower petal.

263. Phoenix

The name Phoenix means “dark red.” It symbolizes immortality and rebirth.

264. Pixie

Pixie is another word for fairy. It is also associated with being free-spirited, cheerful, and mischievous.

265. Poppy

The name poppy refers to the red flower of the poppy plant. It is a common first and middle name.

266. Promise

The name promise is an uplifting word, and it means “assurance” or “vow.”

267. Prudence

Prudence was a popular name during medieval times, and it comes from Latin. It means “good judgment, consciousness, and wisdom.”

268. Queen

The name Queen is of English origin and is used to denote an empress or any female sovereign.

269. Quill

It is derived from the name Aquila, which means “eagle” in Latin. The name represents someone who is strong and bold.

270. Rhythm

The name rhythm means “a flow of music,” and it makes for a special name for your daughter.

271. Rose

Rose is a very common name and comes from the name of the rose flower. Rose denotes grace, passion, and love.

272. Rosemary

Rosemary is a symbol of peace

Image: Shutterstock

It refers to the Rosemary herb, whose name means “dew of the sea” in Latin. The name symbolizes peace and remembrance.

273. Ruby

Ruby is a bright red gemstone. It is considered a birthstone for the month of July and is an ideal name for July babies.

274. Rue

Rue is the name of a herb and its name originates from Greek.

275. Saga

Saga refers to an epic story and the name comes from Old Norse.

276. Sage

It refers to an incredibly wise and sagacious person. It also refers to a herb called Sage, which is from the mint family.

277. Sandy

Sandy is a feminine form of Alexander, which comes from Greek and means “defender.”

278. Savvy

Savvy is the short form of the name Savannah, which refers to an open grassland with a few trees.

279. Scarlet

Scarlet refers to a type of cloth or a brilliant red color. The name symbolizes courage, passion, and joy.

280. Shadow

Shadow refers to the image casted when a body blocks light. The word has its origin in Middle English.

281. Silver

Silver is a precious metal, which symbolizes charm, spirituality, and wealth.

282. Snow

Snow refers to frozen rain and it comes from Old English. It is a perfect name for a winter baby girl.

283. Star

Star refers to the many luminous celestial bodies. It is an ideal name for a baby girl born in Christmas or winter.

284. Storm

The meaning of storm is “tempest,” and it comes from Old English.

285. Sue

It is a contraction of Susan or Susanna, which comes Hebrew and means “Lily.”

286. Sugar

It is a popular American first name and nickname, and symbolizes someone who is sweet.

287. Symphony

Symphony means “a musical piece for an orchestra.” It is a unique feminine name.

288. Tansy

It refers to a flowering plant and its name originates from Late Latin.

289. Tawny

Tawny means “golden brown,” and it comes from Old French.

290. Trace

The unique name has its roots in the Greek word “theros,” which means “summer.” It makes an ideal name for a baby girl born in summer.

291. Treasure

The name treasure is of Latin origin and refers to anything or anyone who is highly valued.

292. Trinity

Trinity refers to the holy trinity of the Christian faith. The Latin meaning of Trinity is “triad.”

293. Tulip

Tulip is yet another flower name, which makes a perfect baby girl name. Tulip symbolizes perfect love.

294. Unique

It comes from Latin and means “the only one.” Your baby is special to you, making this name apt for her.

295. Valley

The name Valley means “between the mountains.” It comes from Old French and Latin.

296. Velvet

Velvet is a soft fabric and also refers to the bluish-purple color. The name velvet denotes luxury.

297. Violet

Violet is a popular American name. It is a royal color and symbolizes sovereignty.

298. Virtue

Virtue is a feminine name with a Latin origin, meaning “strength.” It is associated with uprightness, excellence, and bravery.

299. Whimsy

The meaning of whimsy is fancy, playful, and extravagant. It makes for an adorable and quirky name for your little one.

300. Wonder

The name wonder means “surprising” or “amazing.” It has an Old English origin and is quite a unique name for your baby girl.

1. What are the benefits of giving a child a word name?

Even if a particular word is common, using it as a name can make your child stand out. Also, the name can be easy to remember for anyone. Some parents could choose a word name because they associate the word with some pleasant memory. For instance, if the mother’s favorite brand is Chanel, she could name her daughter after it because it makes her happy and excited.

2. Are there any potential drawbacks to giving a child a word name?

Some words or names could have alternate meanings, prompting insensitive individuals to pass snide remarks. For instance, the name Amazon is beautiful for a girl, but it is also the name of an e-commerce company, which could be used to tease a child.

3. What is the history behind the popularity of word names?

Like any other name, there is no way to know the origin of word names or how they caught up with people. However, in prehistoric times, the names of people were descriptive. So perhaps word names also originated from the same thought. For instance, if a mother found her daughter sweet, she must have named her ‘Sugar,’ hoping everyone found her child endearing.

4. What distinguishes a name that is a word from a name that is not?

A word name stands out because of its easy recall value and, in most cases, simple pronunciation. Names, such as June, Blue, and Day are easy to remember and pronounce.

5. Can a word name influence how a person is perceived?

No. People with the sweetest of names could be harboring harmful intentions, while people with tough names could be completely mellow personalities. A person can only be judged by their words and actions and nothing else.

You would always want to give your child a unique name so that they stand out from the crowd. These word names inspired by various things might not be seen in use commonly but have been around for quite some time. Names including Lily, Patience, Velvet, or Sugar might not be as commonly used as names as they are in the form of words. So choose a unique word name for your baby that reflects your feelings and their personality.

Infographic: Word Names For Boys And Girls

There is an ocean of words out there with beautiful meanings, which can make the perfect name for your little one. These may be the ones we use often or those we are not familiar with. So, if you want to give a name from the dictionary that has meaningful significance, dive in.

playing with words to find the perfect name (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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There are so many word names for boys to choose from that you’re sure to find something that fits your needs. Many word names are both recognizable and a little unusual as names, so your son gets the benefits of a unique name without being too far off the beaten path.

Why Choose a Word Name for a Boy?

You may be wondering what makes something a word name since all names are technically words. A word name is a name that is borrowed from some other lexical category. That means that it’s already an established word we use elsewhere, and we take it and turn it into a name.

Choosing one of these word names provides your son with a unique name that’s also full of the positive connotations of the word in question. Each of these names comes packed with meaning and associations, so choosing one that fits your son’s style and arms him with the qualities you want is often the best way to pick. On this page, you’ll find lists of word names for boys and hand-picked names organized by topic to help make your search easy and fun.

Top 100 Word Names for Boys

If you’re looking for a recognizable word name for your son, this is the list for you. Here, you’ll find the most popular and trendy word names for boys.

  1. Maverick
  2. Roman
  3. Axel
  4. Hunter
  5. River
  6. Legend
  7. August
  8. Chase
  9. Archer
  10. Atlas
  11. Ace
  12. Max
  13. King
  14. Phoenix
  15. Cash
  16. Lane
  17. Crew
  18. Orion
  19. Gunner
  20. Chance
  21. Prince
  22. Tanner
  23. Wilder
  24. Royal
  25. Stetson
  26. Marshall
  27. Sterling
  28. Major
  29. Sage
  30. Porter
  31. Baker
  32. Saint
  33. Eden
  34. Cannon
  35. Shepherd
  36. Gage
  37. Ledger
  38. Sincere
  39. Reign
  40. Justice
  41. Duke
  42. Creed
  43. Legacy
  44. Ocean
  45. Trace
  46. Blaze
  47. Dash
  48. Seven
  49. Fisher
  50. Rocky
  51. Geo
  52. Trip
  53. Booker
  54. Lucky
  55. Mars
  56. Canyon
  57. Scout
  58. Zephyr
  59. Rush
  60. Indy
  61. Denim
  62. Marvel
  63. Hero
  64. Ranger
  65. Stone
  66. Haven
  67. True
  68. Jet
  69. Kit
  70. Maxim
  71. Lake
  72. Slate
  73. Rain
  74. Garrison
  75. Baron
  76. Blue
  77. Zen
  78. Journey
  79. Noble
  80. Rebel
  81. Champ
  82. Storm
  83. Sky
  84. Bishop
  85. Ransom
  86. Blade
  87. Blessing
  88. Link
  89. Lyric
  90. Knight
  91. Pharaoh
  92. Hawk
  93. Valor
  94. Chip
  95. Coy
  96. Gauge
  97. Genesis
  98. Alpha
  99. Cloud
  100. Destiny

See Top 5,000 Boy Names

Cool Word Names for Boys

Plenty of words from the world around us are cool, sophisticated, and interesting. Pick one of these cool word names for your son.

  1. Boomer
  2. Buzz
  3. Carver
  4. Cruise
  5. Dutch
  6. East
  7. Eleven
  8. Exodus
  9. Fort
  10. Free
  11. Harbour
  12. Hunt
  13. Huxley
  14. Hyperion
  15. Indi
  16. Jazz
  17. Jock
  18. Judge
  19. Kaiser
  20. Luxe
  21. Marshal
  22. Master
  23. Matrix
  24. Merit
  25. Merritt
  26. Nirvana
  27. Oracle
  28. Pace
  29. Rider
  30. Shea
  31. Starr
  32. Style
  33. Temple
  34. Thor
  35. Tru
  36. Truett
  37. Valkyrie
  38. Ventura
  39. Viking
  40. Vitale
  41. Wrangler
  42. Xeon
  43. Xeres

See more Cool Boy Names

Cute Word Names for Boys

If you’re looking for a word name that will come across as adorable and likable, this list has you covered. Find a cute word name for your baby boy here.

  1. Angel
  2. Art
  3. Babe
  4. Beau
  5. Cap
  6. Chapel
  7. Christian
  8. Chuck
  9. Cord
  10. Curry
  11. Daily
  12. Davenport
  13. December nn Dec
  14. Disco
  15. Domino
  16. Gable
  17. Gent
  18. Gentry
  19. Happy
  20. Hermes
  21. Junior
  22. Kingsley
  23. Knightley
  24. Lionstar
  25. Lucius
  26. Lux
  27. Miles
  28. Myth
  29. Ohm
  30. Page
  31. Paisley
  32. Park
  33. Poet
  34. Price
  35. Rig
  36. Satchel
  37. Scooter
  38. Serenity
  39. Sire
  40. Skip
  41. Story
  42. Street
  43. Sunday
  44. Sweet
  45. Teddy
  46. Young
  47. Zest

See more Cute Boy Names

Modern Word Names for Boys

Choosing a word name for your son is within itself a pretty modern act, but these modern word names for boys are particularly contemporary.

  1. Arch
  2. Banks
  3. Baptist
  4. Bless
  5. Booth
  6. Bridge
  7. Buddy
  8. Buster
  9. Case
  10. Chill
  11. Dart
  12. Deacon
  13. Deuce
  14. Dream
  15. Drew
  16. Ender
  17. Ever
  18. Grant
  19. Griffin
  20. Guy
  21. Hall
  22. Heaven
  23. Job
  24. Kid
  25. Kip
  26. Lance
  27. Law
  28. Love
  29. Loyal
  30. March
  31. Mayor
  32. Merlin
  33. Miracle
  34. Neo
  35. Pax
  36. Pierce
  37. Power
  38. Promise
  39. Prophet
  40. Psalm
  41. Quarto
  42. Rein
  43. Royalty
  44. Rune
  45. Sir
  46. Smith
  47. Son
  48. Stark
  49. Striker
  50. Taurus
  51. Trey
  52. Tripp
  53. Tuck
  54. Tucker
  55. Urban
  56. Van
  57. Walker
  58. Ward
  59. Warner

See more Modern Boy Names

Nature-inspired Word Names for Boys

Nature provides us with so much inspiration and joy, and choosing one of these nature-based word names for your son will provide him with a sense of power, connection, and strength.

  1. Arrow
  2. Basil
  3. Bean
  4. Berry
  5. Bing
  6. Bramble
  7. Cinder
  8. Clay
  9. Coriander
  10. Day
  11. Deep
  12. Den
  13. Ember
  14. Fin
  15. Finn
  16. Fire
  17. Flame
  18. Harvest
  19. Herb
  20. Horizon
  21. Jett
  22. Kale
  23. Land
  24. Marsh
  25. Meadow
  26. Midnight
  27. Moss
  28. Night
  29. North
  30. Polar
  31. Quake
  32. Ridge
  33. Rusty
  34. Rye
  35. Saber
  36. Shade
  37. Shadow
  38. Southern
  39. Sundown
  40. Talon
  41. Tao
  42. Thorn
  43. Vine
  44. Warren
  45. West

See more Nature Names for Boys

City-inspired Word Names for Boys

Naming a child after a place is a way to provide a sense of connection and worldliness. These city word names would make a great choice for your baby boy if you want him to seem sophisticated and knowledgeable.

  1. Austin
  2. Baylor
  3. Benson
  4. Boston
  5. Bristol
  6. Brixton
  7. Bronx
  8. Cairo
  9. Camden
  10. Carson
  11. Caspian
  12. Chandler
  13. Chicago
  14. Cody
  15. Cruz
  16. Cuba
  17. Dakota
  18. Dallas
  19. Dawson
  20. Dayton
  21. Delmar
  22. Denver
  23. Derby
  24. Devon
  25. Diego
  26. Dillon
  27. Easton
  28. Eugene
  29. Fife
  30. Francisco
  31. French
  32. Harlem
  33. Hollywood
  34. Houston
  35. Hudson
  36. Indiana
  37. Jackson
  38. Jericho
  39. Jordan
  40. Kent
  41. Kingston
  42. Kodiak nn Kodi
  43. Leighton
  44. Leland
  45. Lincoln
  46. Logan
  47. London
  48. Madison
  49. Memphis
  50. Milan
  51. Montana
  52. Nordic
  53. Olympus
  54. Orlando
  55. Paris
  56. Parker
  57. Portland
  58. Preston
  59. Princeton
  60. Rome
  61. Salvador
  62. Santiago
  63. Sutton
  64. Tennessee
  65. Trenton
  66. Troy
  67. Vail
  68. Washington
  69. Weston
  70. Yosemite
  71. Zaire
  72. Zion

See more City Names for Boys

Virtue related Word Names for Boys

Many words around us reflect our value in purity and virtue. Give your son one of these virtue word names to send him into the world with a sense of confidence in himself and his values.

  1. Able
  2. Brave
  3. Bravery
  4. Bravo
  5. Bright
  6. Chivalry
  7. Clement
  8. Concord
  9. Constant
  10. Cotton
  11. Courage
  12. Devine
  13. Divine
  14. Early
  15. Earnest
  16. Elan
  17. Emery
  18. Epic
  19. Epiphany
  20. Ernest
  21. Eternity
  22. Fidelity
  23. Forever
  24. Freedom
  25. Freeman
  26. Gamble
  27. Gracie
  28. Hale
  29. Hardy
  30. Hazard
  31. Independence nn Indy
  32. Innocent
  33. Joy
  34. Keen
  35. Knightly
  36. Knowledge
  37. Lore
  38. Lucious
  39. Luck
  40. Majesty
  41. Memory
  42. Messiah
  43. Modest
  44. Mystery
  45. Nobel
  46. Praise
  47. Precious
  48. Prosper
  49. Proverb
  50. Purpose
  51. Reason
  52. Revere
  53. Righteous
  54. Rumor
  55. Savage
  56. Savior
  57. Savvy
  58. Search
  59. Seeley
  60. Sly
  61. Strong
  62. Theory
  63. Trinity
  64. Truth
  65. Unity
  66. Valentine
  67. Victor
  68. Wisdom
  69. Wit
  70. Witt
  71. Worth
  72. Worthy
  73. Zeal
  74. Zenith

See more Virtue Names for Boys

Animal-inspired Word Names for Boys

Animals are often seen as majestic, powerful, and inspirational, and borrowing a name from the animal kingdom can give your son a sense of purpose and connection to nature.

  1. Badger
  2. Bass
  3. Bear
  4. Bronco
  5. Buck
  6. Buffalo
  7. Bug
  8. Bull
  9. Colt
  10. Coyote
  11. Cub
  12. Dingo
  13. Elk
  14. Firefly
  15. Fox
  16. Gecko
  17. Hart
  18. Jaguar
  19. Leopard
  20. Lion
  21. Lynx
  22. Marlin
  23. Mink
  24. Moose
  25. Newt
  26. Orca
  27. Otter
  28. Palomino
  29. Panther
  30. Pike
  31. Ram
  32. Rook
  33. Rooster
  34. Sabre
  35. Salmon
  36. Scorpion
  37. Seal
  38. Spider
  39. Tiger
  40. Viper
  41. Vulcan
  42. Wolf
  43. Wolfe

See more Animal Names for Boys

Badass Word Names for Boys

If you want the world to know that your son is a strong force who can take care of himself, these badass word names will do the trick.

  1. Banner
  2. Biff
  3. Boss
  4. Braven
  5. Breaker
  6. Brick
  7. Cable
  8. Cache
  9. Cage
  10. Champion
  11. Chief
  12. Conquer
  13. Conqueror
  14. Count
  15. Crash
  16. Curt
  17. Dagger
  18. Danger
  19. Diesel
  20. Dodge
  21. Elite
  22. Enigma
  23. Flair
  24. Flip
  25. Gore
  26. Gun
  27. Harsh
  28. Havoc
  29. Imagine
  30. Ion
  31. Jubilee
  32. Kayo
  33. Kush
  34. Kutter
  35. Martial
  36. Mayhem
  37. Maze
  38. Midas
  39. Nightfall
  40. Pistol
  41. Powers
  42. Rad
  43. Requiem
  44. Revolution
  45. Riot
  46. Rip
  47. Rocket
  48. Rowdy
  49. Saga
  50. Samurai
  51. Sequester
  52. Six
  53. Sojourner
  54. Sonic
  55. Spark
  56. Spike
  57. Steel
  58. Steele
  59. Stonewall
  60. Tag
  61. Tower
  62. Trigger
  63. Vex
  64. Warrior
  65. Wrecker
  66. Xenon
  67. Zeppelin

See more Badass Boy Names

Occupation Names for Boys

It was once very traditional to give a name based on occupation, and giving a job-based name in modern times is a great way to pay homage to those old traditions. Choose one of these occupational word names for your son.

  1. Admiral
  2. Alabaster
  3. Brewer
  4. Brewster
  5. Calvert
  6. Captain
  7. Centurion
  8. Commodore
  9. Cowboy
  10. Dean
  11. Doc
  12. Earl
  13. Emperor
  14. Falkner
  15. Farrier
  16. Lieutenant
  17. Lord
  18. Mariner
  19. Mason
  20. Masterman
  21. Mercer
  22. Palmer
  23. Parson
  24. Pastor
  25. Pilot
  26. Priest
  27. Procter
  28. Roper
  29. Sailor
  30. Sawyer
  31. Sergeant
  32. Sheikh
  33. Skipper
  34. Spire
  35. Squire
  36. Sultan
  37. Taylor
  38. Thatcher
  39. Trader
  40. Wrangler

Star and Space related Word Names for Boys

Gazing upon the night sky has inspired artists and scientists alike, and looking up into the night sky makes us feel the immense potential of the universe. Give your son one of these star word names to tap into that powerful force.

  1. Apache
  2. Apollo
  3. Aquarius
  4. Aria
  5. Aries
  6. Astro
  7. Aurora
  8. Axis
  9. Comet
  10. Cosmo
  11. Crescent
  12. Delta
  13. Eclipse
  14. Equinox
  15. Galaxy
  16. Gemini
  17. Halcyon
  18. Halo
  19. Iris
  20. Jupiter
  21. Light
  22. Luna
  23. Mercury
  24. Meridian
  25. Meteor
  26. Moon
  27. Neon
  28. Neptune
  29. Nova
  30. Orbit
  31. Origin
  32. Polaris
  33. Sagittarius
  34. Saturn
  35. Scorpius
  36. Sirius
  37. Skye
  38. Sol
  39. Solaris
  40. Solstice
  41. Star
  42. Sunshine
  43. Titan
  44. Titus
  45. Venus
  46. Zodiac

See more Star and Space Names for Boys

Bird related Word Names for Boys

Birds are powerful, graceful, and inspirational. Choosing a bird word name for your son connects him to their majesty and strength.

  1. Bird
  2. Byrd
  3. Cardinal
  4. Condor
  5. Crane
  6. Crow
  7. Dove
  8. Drake
  9. Eagle
  10. Falcon
  11. Falconer
  12. Finch
  13. Golden
  14. Gul
  15. Harrier
  16. Hawke
  17. Heron
  18. Jay
  19. Kestrel
  20. Lark
  21. Martin
  22. Monarch
  23. Paradise
  24. Peregrine
  25. Piper
  26. Raven
  27. Robin
  28. Sparrow
  29. Starling
  30. Swift
  31. Teal
  32. Wren

See more Bird Names for Boys

Tree related Word Names for Boys

Trees are a source of beauty and awe, and we’ve given many of them powerful names. Choose one of these tree-inspired word names for your son to connect him to nature and give him powerful roots.

  1. Alder
  2. Almond
  3. Apple
  4. Ash
  5. Aspen
  6. Bamboo
  7. Bay
  8. Beech
  9. Birch
  10. Branch
  11. Briar
  12. Burl
  13. Cayenne
  14. Cedar
  15. Deforest
  16. Elm
  17. Everglade
  18. Evergreen
  19. Forest
  20. Forrest
  21. Forrester
  22. Glade
  23. Gray
  24. Heath
  25. Holly
  26. Huckleberry
  27. Juniper
  28. Laurel
  29. Leaf
  30. Linden
  31. Lotus
  32. Oak
  33. Olive
  34. Pepper
  35. Perry
  36. Pine
  37. Quince
  38. Rowan
  39. Sequoia
  40. Timber
  41. Valley
  42. Willow
  43. Woody

See more Tree Names for Boys

Water-inspired Word Names for Boys

There are few forces as powerful in the world as water, and we’ve given meaningful names to bodies of water and precipitation. Choose one of these water word names for your son to tap into that meaning.

  1. Anchor
  2. Aqua
  3. Beach
  4. Beacon
  5. Beck
  6. Brook
  7. Cliff
  8. Coast
  9. Cove
  10. Creek
  11. Dune
  12. Eddie
  13. Eddy
  14. Fjord
  15. Fleet
  16. Ford
  17. Harbor
  18. Hydro
  19. Keel
  20. Marin
  21. Marine
  22. Oasis
  23. Pacific
  24. Reef
  25. Rivers
  26. Sandy
  27. Sea
  28. Shell
  29. Shore
  30. Tide
  31. Tiller
  32. Wake
  33. Wells

See more Water Names for Boys

Music related Names for Boys

Music has long been a source of inspiration, joy, and creativity. Giving your son one of these music word names will connect him to an age-old tradition of art and meaning.

  1. Anthem
  2. Audio
  3. Ballad
  4. Banjo
  5. Bard
  6. Beat
  7. Blues
  8. Cadence
  9. Canon
  10. Chord
  11. Clarion
  12. Clarion
  13. Country
  14. Drum
  15. Drummer
  16. Echo
  17. Fade
  18. Harmony
  19. Harper
  20. Jack
  21. Jam
  22. Juke
  23. Liberty
  24. Madrigal
  25. Melody
  26. Octave
  27. Ode
  28. Rhyme
  29. Rhythm
  30. Rock
  31. Rocker
  32. Sequence
  33. Solo
  34. Song
  35. Soul
  36. Tempo
  37. Theme
  38. Tone
  39. Verse
  40. Vesper

See more Music Names for Boys

Outdoor Word Names for Boys

The great outdoors calls to us and provides us with a sense of purpose and clarity. These outdoor word names will give your son a sense of power and a connection to the world around him.

  1. Alp
  2. Andes
  3. Axe
  4. Beretta
  5. Boulder
  6. Bow
  7. Bowman
  8. Buckshot
  9. Cairn
  10. Caliber
  11. Dale
  12. Desert
  13. Edge
  14. Explorer
  15. Field
  16. Glacier
  17. Highlander
  18. Hill
  19. Hills
  20. Huntley
  21. Lew
  22. Lionheart
  23. Longbow
  24. Native
  25. Peak
  26. Pioneer
  27. Quarry
  28. Quest
  29. Rainier
  30. Rodeo
  31. Ryder
  32. Shooter
  33. Spartan
  34. Summit
  35. Tomahawk
  36. Tor
  37. Track
  38. Tracker
  39. Trail
  40. Trapper
  41. Traveler
  42. Traveller
  43. Trek
  44. Tundra
  45. Wade
  46. Wild
  47. Xplorer

See more Outdoor Boy Names

Color related Word Names for Boys

Many colors make excellent names, and they have the added benefit of providing their own meaning and connotation to your son. Choose one of these color names to send the message that your son is creative, artsy, and fun.

  1. Aquamarine
  2. Azure
  3. Cobalt
  4. Cyan
  5. Grey
  6. Hazel
  7. Indigo
  8. Ivory
  9. Lemon
  10. Navy
  11. Noir
  12. Palomino
  13. Red
  14. Rose
  15. Ruby
  16. Russet

See more Color Names for Boys

Gemstone related Word Names for Boys

Gemstones are highly valued because of their beauty and rarity. Choosing one of these gemstone names for your son fills him with a sense of competence and meaning.

  1. Alexandrite
  2. Bronze
  3. Carmine
  4. Carnelian
  5. Cartier
  6. Coal
  7. Copper
  8. Dior
  9. Flint
  10. Garnet
  11. Gold
  12. Goldie
  13. Granite
  14. Gypsum
  15. Jade
  16. Jasper
  17. Jewel
  18. Malachite
  19. Mica
  20. Onyx
  21. Opal
  22. Peridot
  23. Quartz
  24. Shale
  25. Silver
  26. Smoky
  27. Topaz

See more Gemstone Names for Boys

Weather-inspired Word Names for Boys

We’ve given many weather phenomena some remarkable names of strength and beauty, and you can pass along that power to your son with one of these weather-inspired word names.

  1. Air
  2. Alpine
  3. Autumn
  4. Blizzard
  5. Bolt
  6. Breeze
  7. Chaser
  8. Cirrus
  9. Dew
  10. Dusk
  11. Evening
  12. Flash
  13. Flurry
  14. Frost
  15. Frosty
  16. Gale
  17. Hail
  18. Haze
  19. Hurricane
  20. Ice
  21. Mistral
  22. Rainbow
  23. Rainy
  24. Ray
  25. Sirocco
  26. Snow
  27. Spring
  28. Squall
  29. Stormy
  30. Summer
  31. Sun
  32. Sunny
  33. Tempest
  34. Thunder
  35. Tornado
  36. Winter

See more Weather Names for Boys

Car related Names for Boys

We’ve often given cars names that are associated with power, skill, and boldness. Giving your son one of these car word names will forever associate him with those positive qualities.

  1. Ajax
  2. Aston
  3. Avenger
  4. Axle
  5. Bentley
  6. Cam
  7. Charger
  8. Cherokee
  9. Cooper
  10. Countach
  11. Cruze
  12. Denali
  13. Evoque
  14. Invicta
  15. Lexus
  16. Marino
  17. Marquis
  18. Miller
  19. Odyssey
  20. Omega
  21. Patriot
  22. Patrol
  23. Race
  24. Racer
  25. Raider
  26. Rally
  27. Raptor
  28. Rod
  29. Rogue
  30. Sable
  31. Spirit
  32. Spyder
  33. Turbo
  34. Vanquish
  35. Victory
  36. Volt

See more Car Names for Boys

Smart Word Names for Boys

Words from science and math can give the impression of intelligence and wisdom. Pick one of these smart word names for your son to provide him with positive impressions of capability.

  1. Abacus
  2. Atom
  3. Beta
  4. Century
  5. Chess
  6. Cos
  7. Cypher
  8. Data
  9. Eight
  10. Even
  11. First
  12. Four
  13. Gene
  14. Kilo
  15. Laser
  16. Nine
  17. Novel
  18. One
  19. Pixel
  20. Prism
  21. Prize
  22. Quad
  23. Quant
  24. Quint
  25. Science
  26. Tan
  27. Three
  28. Two
  29. Vector

See more Smart Boy Names

Flower and Botanical Names related Word Names for Boys

The flower and botanical world is full of interesting, beautiful, and meaningful names. We give plants and flowers a lot of positive meanings, and borrowing a name from the floral world passes those connotations along to your son.

  1. Acer
  2. Asher
  3. Aster
  4. Barley
  5. Bergen
  6. Bud
  7. Budd
  8. Burr
  9. Cosmos
  10. Cypress
  11. Garland
  12. Glen
  13. Grove
  14. Grover
  15. Harlequin
  16. Hawthorne
  17. Hedge
  18. Hickory
  19. Koa
  20. Larkspur
  21. Lupin
  22. Mace
  23. Oakes
  24. Oakley
  25. Oleander
  26. Pip
  27. Reed
  28. Rice
  29. Solidaster
  30. Sorrel
  31. Spruce
  32. Sumac
  33. Thorne
  34. Thyme
  35. Woods
  36. Yarrow

See more Flower Names for Boys

More Lists:

  • See all Boy Name Categories ~ Start Here
  • Gender-Neutral Names
  • Unique Boy Names
  • Attitude Boy Names
  • Last Names as First Names for Boys
  • Uncommon Boy Names
  • Stylish Boy Names
  • Different Boy Names
  • Latest Boy Names
  • Baby Name Generator

Famous Celebrity Boys with Word Names

We often turn to celebrities for inspiration, and seeing what names they’ve given their children can provide a sense of trends. Many celebrities have chosen word names for their sons.

Kristen White and Preston Brust chose the powerful name of Legend Wilde for their son, but choosing two word names, the couple gave their son a sense of purpose and meaning.

Christmas Abbott and Benjamin Bunn picked a name that helps fill their son with values and purpose when they chose Loyal Atticus.

Eva Longoria and José “Pepe” Bastón chose a city name for their son Santiago. The name gives their son a sense of connection and sophistication.

Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney wanted their son to have a name that’s a little mischievous and full of potential. They chose the word name Maverick.

Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson went with a unique and cute word name for their son Boomer.

These baby boy word names are inspired by descriptions, verbs, adjectives and just beautiful words. Choose a word boy name for your little linguist.

Updated: January 28, 2023

Logophiles are sure to love this list of 150+ word baby names for boys!

When looking for a magnificent moniker for your little one, word names are the way to go.

Not only are word-themed and linguistic names a strong choice, but they ensure a unique name for your baby boy.

Most parents rifle through an array of popular baby name lists only to find the same epithets over and over.

If you really want to land on the perfect name for your little boy, you need to look past these common designations and search for the actual connotations!

Related: 106 Adorable Alliterative Baby Names You’ll Want to Steal

The dictionary currently holds 171,476 words, giving you plenty of choices to choose from, but where do you start?

Different Types of Names: Occupational, Virtues, Objects and Ideas

Occupational surnames have been around for centuries. Carter, Taylor, Mason and Hunter are just the tipping point of the titles that were tied to a person’s profession in the days of yore.

Unsurprisingly, these popular baby names are prevalent to this day, making them a fine choice.

You may also want a descriptive virtue name that indicates who you want your child to grow up to be — Noble, Ernest, Saint and Valor are all good virtue names for boys.

Names of beautiful things in nature or different objects or ideas are also exciting boy name options. From flowers to fauna to bodies of water, these titles bring about images of serenity, peacefulness and beauty.

With so many wonderful words to pick from, we have narrowed down some exceptional name choices for you to peruse.

Adjective Names For Boys

  1. Able — A Hebrew name that means “breath.»
  2. Christian — This Greek name means “anointed.»
  3. Clement — Of Latin origins, this name means “merciful.»
  4. Coy — A French name that means “modest.»
  5. Earnest — Of Old German origins, this virtue name means “vigorous.»
  6. Frank — An Old French name meaning “free men.»
  7. Keen — Of Gaelic origins, this adorable baby boy name means “brave.»
  8. Lucky — This is an American name that means “fortune” or “light.»
  9. Major — A Latin name meaning “greater.»
  10. Noble — This is a Latin name that translates to “honorable one.»
  11. Rich — An English name meaning “rich and powerful ruler” and an American name meaning “leader.»
  12. Rocky — This is an Old English name that means “rock fortress.»
  13. Roman — Of Hebrew origins, this name means “strong” and “powerful.»
  14. Rowdy — This adorable moniker for a little boy has American origins and means “spirited.»’
  15. Rusty — Of French origins, this name means “red-haired” or fox-like.»
  16. Vitale — This is a Russian, Italian and Latin name meaning “life.»

Boy Names That Are Verbs

Boy Verb Names

  1. Chase — An Old French name that means “hunter.»
  2. Chuck — Of Old English origins, this name means “manly.»
  3. Dash — This is an English name for someone who lived near an ash tree.
  4. Drew — A Greek name meaning “courageous.»
  5. Flip — Of Spanish origins, this name means “friend or lover of horses.»
  6. Foster — This is an Old French name that means “forest keeper.»
  7. Grant — A Scottish name meaning “large” or “big.»
  8. Harry — This is an Old English and Old German name that means “army ruler” or “commander.»
  9. Pace — A French and English name that means “born at Easter.»
  10. Peter — Of Latin origins, this name means “rock” or “stone.»
  11. Pierce — A Latin and English name that means “rock” or “stone.»
  12. Rush — Meaning “red-haired”, this name has French origins.
  13. Trace — This is an Irish name meaning “battler” and a Latin name meaning “courageous.»
  14. Trip — Of English origins, this name means “traveler.»
  15. Wade — An American name meaning “campy.»
  16. Wilder — This English and German name meaning “wild” or “untamed.»

Noun/Real Word Names For Boys From A to D

  1. Ace — This is a Latin name meaning “unity.»
  2. Archer — An English name that means “bowman.»
  3. Art — Of Welsh origins, this name means “bear hero.»
  4. Ash — An Old English unisex name that means “ash tree.»
  5. Atlas — This is the Greek name of the mythical titan who supported the earth on his back.
  6. August — A Latin name meaning “exhaled.»
  7. Austin — This place name also has Latin origins and it means “useful.»
  8. Axel — This is an Old German name that means “father of peace” and a Swedish name that means “divine source of life.»
  9. Basil — An Arabic name meaning “brave” and a Czechoslovakian name meaning “kingly.»
  10. Bazaar — Of Persian origins, this name means “marketplace.»
  11. Bear — An English and German name meaning “bear.»
  12. Bishop — Of English and Greek origins, this name means “bishop” or “overseer.»
  13. Blade — Another English name that translates to “knife”, “sword”, or “glory.»
  14. Blaze — A Latin name that means “one who stammers.»
  15. Booker — This is an Old English name that translates to “beech tree.»
  16. Booth — Of Old English origins, this name means “hut.»
  17. Brick — An Irish name that means “swift.»
  18. Bronze — This is an Italian name meaning “a metal” or “yellowish to copper brown.»
  19. Brooks — Of Old English origin, this name means “brook” or “stream.»
  20. Buck — An Old English name meaning “meadow of deer.»
  21. Bud — This is another Old English name that means “herald” as well as a German name that means “to puff up.»
  22. Burr — A Swedish name that means “youth.»
  23. Butch — Of American origins, this name means “manly.»
  24. Cannon — An Old French name that means “cannon” and an Old English name that means “knowing.»
  25. Canyon — This is a Spanish name that means “footpath.»
  26. Carter — Of Old English origins, this name means “cart driver.»
  27. Carver — This is another Old English name that means “a carver of wood.»
  28. Case — Of English origins, this name means “maker or boxes or chests.»
  29. Cash — A Latin name that means “vain.»
  30. Cedar — Of English origins, this name means “cedar tree.»
  31. Chance — This is a French name that means “chief secretary.»
  32. Chandler — Of French origins, this name means “candle maker” and can be a great option for both boys and girls.
  33. Chip — An Old English name meaning “manly.»
  34. Clay — Of German origins, this name means “adhere” or “mortal.»
  35. Cliff — A Hebrew name that means “faithful” or “bold.»
  36. Colt — This is a Latin word for “lame.»
  37. Concord — Of Latin origins, this name means “peace” or “harmony.»
  38. Creed — An Old English name meaning “doctrine” or “belief.»
  39. Crew — Of Latin origins, this name means “chariot” or “run.»
  40. Deacon — A Greek name for “messenger.»
  41. Drake — This is a Latin name for “dragon” and a German name for “male swan.»
  42. Duke — This is a Celtic name meaning “leader of the seas.»
  43. Dune — An English word for “brown.»

Noun/Real Word Names For Boys From E to J

Boy Noun Names E to J

  1. Earl — Of Old English origins, this name means “nobleman.»
  2. Exodus — This is a biblical name that means “departure.»
  3. Finch — Of English origins, this name means “small bird.»
  4. Fisher — A Middle English name meaning “fisherman.» This can serve as a unique middle name for your baby boy!
  5. Flint — Of English origins, this name means “hard, quartz rock.»
  6. Ford — This is an Old English name that means “river crossing.»
  7. Forest — An Old French name that translates to “out of the woods.»
  8. Gage — This is a French name that means “pledge.»
  9. Gentry — Of British origins, this name means “nobility.»
  10. Glen — This is an Irish name meaning “secluded wooded valley.»
  11. Gray — An Old English name that means “to shine.»
  12. Griffin — Of Welsh origins, this name means “red” or “ruddy.»
  13. Herb — This is a German name that means “shining army.»
  14. Huckleberry — An American name meaning “sweet berry.»
  15. Hunter — Of Old English origins, this name means to “search.»
  16. Jack — Of Hebrew origins, this name means “the supplanter” or “God’s grace.”
  17. Jerk — This Scandinavian name means “ruler.» Contrary to the American pronunciation of this word, the “j” has a “y” sound in this title.
  18. Jet — An English name meaning “hard, black mineral.» You can also choose the alternative spelling — Jett.

Noun/Real Word Names For Boys From K to P

  1. Kaiser — This is a Greek name meaning “long-haired” or “hairy.»
  2. Key — An African American name meaning “beautiful mind.»
  3. King — This Old English name means “ruler.»
  4. Kunal — This flower name means “lotus” in Sanskrit and “son of emperor Ashok” in Hindu.
  5. Lark — This is an English name meaning “a bird.»
  6. Leaf — Meaning “beloved”, this is a unique name with Old Norse origins.
  7. Ledger — An English name meaning “spear tribe.»
  8. Legend — This is an English name that translates to “story about the past.»
  9. Link — An Old English name that means “home by the pond.»
  10. Mark — This is an Italian and Spanish name meaning “warring.»
  11. Marlin — Of Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Welsh origins, this name means “sea”, “falcon”, or “sea hill.»
  12. Mason — A French name meaning “stoneworker.»
  13. Maverick — Of American origins, this name means “wildly independent.»
  14. Max — A Gaelic name that means “son of the wise leader.»
  15. Miles — This is an Irish name that means “servant”, a German name meaning “soldier” and an English name meaning “merciful.»
  16. Moss — A Hebrew name that means “drawn out of the water.»
  17. Onyx — Of Greek origins, this name means “dark black” or “precious stone.»
  18. Parker — An Old English name that means “cultivated land.»
  19. Phoenix — This is a Greek name that means “mystical bird” and “dark red.»
  20. Preacher — Of English and Old French origins, this name means “preacher.»
  21. Price — An Old Welsh name meaning “urgent one.»
  22. Psalm — This gender-neutral name has English origins and means «song” or “to pluck.»

Noun/Real Word Names For Boys From Q to Z

Boy Noun Names P to Z

  1. Quill — Of Irish origins, this male name means “cub.»
  2. Ranger — A French name that means “dweller in the field.»
  3. Ray — This is a Hebrew name that means “little lamb” as well as a Scottish name that means “grace.»
  4. Reed — An Old English name meaning “red-haired.»
  5. Rider — This is an Old English name that means “horseman.»
  6. Ridge — Of English origins, this name means “from the ridge.»
  7. River — An English name that means “river” or “by the riverbank.»
  8. Saint — This is a Latin name that means “holy.»
  9. Sawyer — A Middle English name meaning “woodsman.»
  10. Scooter — Of American origins, this name translates to “person from Scotland.»
  11. Shadow — This is an English name meaning “mystique.»
  12. Shepherd — Of Old English origins, this name unsurprisingly means “one who herds sheep.»
  13. Silver — Yet another English name that means “white.»
  14. Skipper — This name also has English origins and means “master of a ship.»
  15. Slate — Meaning “a fine-grained rock”, this name has English origins.
  16. Steel — From the Old English surname Steele, this title refers to a steel or iron worker.
  17. Sterling — Meaning “genuine” or “valued”, this name also has English origins.
  18. Stetson — This English moniker means “cowboy hat.»
  19. Stone — An American name meaning “rock” or “stone.»
  20. Tag — Of Irish origins, this name means “handsome.»
  21. Tailor — This is a Middle English name that means “tailor.»
  22. Talon — Of English origins, this name means “claw.»
  23. Tanner — Another English name that means “leather worker.»
  24. Teddy — A Greek name meaning “gift of God.»
  25. Titan — Of Greek origins, this name means “of the giants.»
  26. Valor — This is a Latin name that means “boldness” or “bravery.»
  27. Van — An American name meaning “quiet.»
  28. Victor — This is a Latin name meaning “victor” or “conquerer.»
  29. Walker — An English name that means “distinctive.»
  30. Ward — Of English origins, this name means “gatekeeper.»
  31. Warren — This is a German name that also means “gatekeeper” or “watchman.»
  32. West — This Old English name means “westerly direction.»
  33. Wit — A German name meaning “blond.»
  34. Wren — This bird name has Welsh origins and it means “chief.»
  35. Zenith — An English name that means “top” or “peak.»
  36. Zeppelin — This German name means “airship.»

Pun & Wordplay Names For Boys

For the folks who like a bit of wordplay, consider combining word names on the list to make for clever titles for your little boy. “Major Legend”, “Noble Preacher”, “Rich King” and “Gray Steel” are just a few of the many creative ways you can give their name a little more meaning.

Remember that it is always important to consider the initials and full meaning of your baby’s name — you want the first, middle and last names to meld together magically so don’t settle until you find the perfect combination for your little dude!

For more baby boy name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:

  • 150 Evil Names for Boys with Villainous Meanings
  • Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S.
  • Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S.

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About the author

Heidi Butler

About Heidi

Heidi is an experienced journalist who worked in the television news industry for a decade, where she gave local forecasts as an award-winning meteorologist, was a reporter, hosted a lifestyle show, and contributed to a weekl

Last month we looked at the newest word names for girls. From Alannis Morrisette’s Onyx Solace to Nicky Hilton Rothschild’s Lily–Grace, word names are everywhere – both the traditional and the unexpected.

This week the same is true, but now we’re looking at baby boy names.

A trio of high profile parents has taken their children’s names straight from the dictionary. Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green made a bold choice for their third son together. A few days later, Terrence Howard and Mira Pak announced an even more daring name. And Holly Madison, mom to daughter Rainbow, also chose a word name for her new son with husband Pasquale Rotella.

Here are the nine kinds of word names for boys we’re hearing in 2016:

Heroic Names – Terrence Howard and Mira Pak named their first son Qirin, inspired by a mythical creature. Now Qirin’s little brother is Hero. Easy to say and spell, this bold word name fits in with picks like Emile Hirsch’s Valor and Benjamin Bratt’s Mateo Bravery.

Preppy Nature Names – After Holly Madison named her firstborn Rainbow, we knew that she and Pasquale Rotella would find something equally intriguing for their son. They went with Forest, a nature name that feels surprisingly restrained. Forest fits in with buttoned-down noun names like Shepherd, Wilder, and Field.

Modern Nature Names Then there’s the given name of Megan Fox and Bryan Austin Green’s youngest son, Journey River. River is a modern nature name, seldom heard before the 1990s. Kelly Clarkson named her daughter River; Keri Russell gave the name to a son. Another intriguing modern nature name from earlier in the year? Jena Malone’s Ode Mountain.

Spiritual NamesJourney made our list of Modern Virtue Names, and now it’s the names of the latest Fox–Green family member. Megan and Brian clearly like meaningful names. Big brother is Bodhi, from a Sanskrit word meaning enlightenment. Other names in this category include Eden, Messiah, Zion, and Zen.

The Unconventional –ers – Olympian Michael Phelps’ baby Boomer has become an Instagram star. Thandie Newton’s youngest is son Booker. And Love & Hip Hop alum Nya Lee named her daughter Winner earlier. Other unusual heard-in-Hollywood names include Racer (Robert Rodriguez and Elizabeth Avellan), Breaker (designers Robert and Cortney Novogratz), and Wilder (Simon Helberg and Jocelyn Towne). Are they surnames? Are they nouns? Yes.

The Royals – 2016 is the year of Reign. Nick Carter and Lauren Kitt welcomed Odin Reign earlier this year, just a few months after One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson introduced his son, Freddie Reign. Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick started the Reign trend when they chose the name for their son in late 2014. Plenty of other regal names have appeared in celebrity birth announcements, too.

The Wild West Teen Mom’s Maci Bookout named her third son Maverick, a cowboy name that has become a fast-rising favorite in recent years. Fellow cast member Mackenzie Douthit is set to welcome son Broncs any day now, inspired by husband Josh McKee’s love of rodeo. These word names blend right in with cowboy cool favorites like Colton and Wyatt.

Clocks and Calendars – Jack Huston and Shannon Click chose two noun names for son Cypress Night earlier this year. Nicole Richie and Joel Madden welcomed Sparrow James Midnight in 2009. Other word names with similar inspiration include August and the other months, as well as Winter, which works for a daughter or a son.

Unisex – Margaret is a girl’s name, while William is a boy. But most noun names work for boys and girls alike. A few recent celebrity birth announcements that reinforce that idea include: Story, son of Soleil Moon Frye and Jason Goldberg; Bobby Cannavale and Rose Byrne’s Rocco Robin; Tess and Nick Holliday’s Bowie Juniper, and Oscar Holly, son of Robin Tunney and Nicky Marmet.

What are your favorite word names for boys?

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Get ready to find your new favorite British boy name, and learn all you need to know about it for your new little gentleman.


A unique but cool name, we love Ackerley for a baby boy and hope to see it grow in popularity over the coming years. Ackerley is most commonly seen as a surname, but would make a strong name for a man thanks to its impressive bite and stylish spelling. Ackerley holds the charming, nature-inspired meaning of “oak meadow,” adding to its sturdy, noble aura.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Oak meadow
  • Variations: Ackley, Acker
  • Namesakes: J.R. Ackerley, a noted British writer and editor.

Cool, Unique, Nature-inspired


Alder is a cool, rustic name for a beautiful little baby. Yet, with the wizened meaning of “old,” the name will suit him perfectly as he ages up! Also, Alder can be a name inspired by the beauty of the outdoors, after the majestic alder tree. Alders are said to be great protectors, and mythology dictates they may even be home to families of fairies! The trees are a great choice for back-garden planting, so a beautiful idea would be to plant an alder tree for your baby Alder and watch them grow “old” together!

  • Origin: British, English
  • Meaning: Old, or alder tree

Nature-inspired, Cool


Alfred is a traditional and masculine name of Old English origin. Thanks to its timelessly sweet nicknames of Alfie and Freddie, Alfred has remained ever-popular in English-speaking countries. The name is derived from Old English, carrying the mystically wise meaning of “elf counsel.” Alfie is a hugely popular boy’s name in Britain at the moment, used independently despite being derived from Alfred, thanks to its soft, sweet, and chirpy sound.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Elf counsel
  • Variations: Freddie, Alfie, Alfredo
  • Namesakes: Alfred the Great, a 9th-century English king. Alfred Hitchcock, an English film director. Alfred Lord Tennyson, a British poet.
  • Popularity: Alfred entered the top 100 most popular boys names in the UK in 2019 but is surprisingly not as popular as its nickname Alfie, which remains a firm choice for parents!

Magical, Traditional, Popular


Alvin is a sweet and chirpy given name for a little boy and. With the meaning of “noble friend,” the name Alvin brings an amicable, honest, and loving spirit to those who hear it. Like most “A-” names, Alvin is strong but with a gorgeous lilt to be desired. If you choose this name for your new little one, just be ready for any potential “chipmunk” jokes which may come your way!

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Noble friend
  • Variations: Alwin, Adalwin

Cool, Fun


Handsome, traditional, and an all-around winner of a name, Arthur is a brilliant choice to consider for your new little boy. The tales of the great King Arthur have dominated British legend since as early as the 9th-century, from his leadership of the Knights of the Round Table to his romance with Gwenevere, even linking in to the magical myths of the enchantress Nimue. Not only do these legends create quite an honorable and just name for a little boy, but Arthur also sounds impressively wise, honest, and noble – a fantastic choice for your glorious new son.

  • Origin: British, Celtic
  • Meaning: Bear
  • Variations: Artie, Arturo
  • Namesakes: King Arthur, the legendary king of Britain. Arthur Guinness, an Irish brewer, founder of the Guinness beer company. Arthur Miller, an American playwright.

Cool, Traditional, Popular


Although Ashley sounds cool and modern as a unisex given name, its origins actually date back to Old English, where it was derived from the elements “æsc” and “leah,” meaning “ash tree” and “meadow,” respectively. This charming meaning is great if you’re hoping for a name inspired by nature, combining the freedom and adventure of a meadow with the strength and purity of an ash tree. Although Ashley (and its spelling variants Ashleigh and Ashlee) is a commonly-used feminine name now, it originated as a male name and is sure to be admired if you choose to give it to your sweet baby boy.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Ash tree meadow
  • Variations: Ash, Asher, Ashleigh

Cool, Nature-inspired, Popular


As well as being a cool, earthy surname taken from the pure and protective ash tree, Ashton is a great choice of name for an awesome little kid. Across the UK, there are many different towns named Ashton, including Ashton-under-Lyne in Greater Manchester, home of the Ashton Canal. Locational baby names are especially sentimental to those who choose them, and Ashton is certainly one of the more masculine, slick options out there.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Town of the ash tree
  • Variations: Ash, Ashley
  • Namesakes: Ashton Kutcher, an American actor.

Nature-inspired, Cool, Locational


Aubrey is a delightfully sweet choice of name, traditionally for boys but now for both genders. Aubrey is derived from the Germanic name Alberich, which holds the intriguing meaning of “king of the elves.” Magical, mighty, and creative – have you ever heard a more awesome meaning? In 1973, the music group Bread released a song named Aubrey, which was definitely about a female bearing the name, but is still a cool namesake to bear!

  • Origin: English, Germanic
  • Meaning: King of the elves
  • Variations: Awbery, Alberich

Sweet, Magical


Despite sounding fun and friendly as a given name, Bailey carries a hefty, no-nonsense meaning which gives it a certain respectable toughness. Bailey is derived from the Old English occupational term of “bailiff,” which is the title given to a debt collector or law enforcer. Thankfully, this stricter meaning is softened by the sweetness of the name Bailey, making it a lovely but strong choice for any little girl or boy.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Bailiff

Strong, Handsome


Barclay is a wonderful name for a proper little gentleman! The name is derived from Old English, carrying the light, airy meaning of “birch tree meadow,” and is also known as a clan name of Scottish origin. If you like Barclay but would rather your son sounds less like he was named after a UK banking organization, you could try spelling it Barkley or use the perhaps more-Americanized version of Berkeley.

  • Origin: Scottish, English
  • Meaning: Birch tree meadow
  • Variations: Berkeley, Barkley

Nature-inspired, Cool


Fun and friendly, Barry is an honest and likable name for a man. It has a couple of interpreted meanings, the first being “fair-haired,” from the Gaelic Fionnbharr, or the second being “spear,” from the Irish Berach. Although it sounds like a nickname in itself, Barry is often heard familiarly as Bazza, but its longer forms, such as Barrington or Barnabas, are strong choices too. If you are Welsh, you’ll know of the gem of Barry and Barry Island, the coastal hotspots in Glamorgan, South Wales.

  • Origin: Gaelic, Irish, British
  • Meaning: Fair-haired, or spear
  • Variations: Barnabas, Barron, Barrington

Fun, Short


Baxter is a hip, smart, and sophisticated-sounding name for a boy, with origins you may be surprised at! Baxter actually began life as an English occupational surname, given to someone who worked as a baker. However, “Bakster” was originally the feminine form of the name, with “Baker” being masculine! Of course, “baker” is stuck and is used to determine bread or cake-making individuals of either gender, and Baxter is now used as a more masculine, awesome-sounding first name.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Baker

Cool, Unique, Strong


Beckett is a sharp but sweet surname and masculine given name of English origin. It holds two possible meanings, equally as cute, with the first being “by the little brook” and the second being “beehive.” Whether your little baby has all the peace and freshness of a babbling brook or is full of sweetness and honey, Beckett is a marvelous and earthy name to choose for him.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Little brook, or beehive

Cool, Nature-inspired


Blade may be more of an unconventional choice of name for a little guy, but it’s certainly one to consider for your new baby warrior. Perhaps most popularly known as the name of a character from Marvel Comics, Blade is also featured in various fictional works, including video games, fantasy franchises, and more. Etymologically, Blade can refer to a sharp cutting edge, but may also come from the lesser-threatening Old English word “blæd,” meaning “leaf of a plant.”

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Blade (a sharp edge for cutting) or a leaf of a plant

Unique, Cool


Blake is a great name for both girls and boys, carrying an air of sophistication and class alongside its modern-sounding, stylish aura. A particularly cool feature of this name is that it holds two juxtaposing meanings, as it could have derived from the Old English nickname “blaac,” meaning “fair,” or “blac,” meaning “dark.” Whether dark or fair, we love this sweet name for your kiddo, and we’re sure everyone else will admire it too.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Fair, or dark
  • Variations: Blakeley
  • Namesakes: William Blake, a Romantic-Era English poet and visionary. Blake Shelton, an American singer. Blake Lively, an American actress.

Cool, Strong


Thanks to the British writer Ian Fleming, who penned his series of spy novels in 1953, the name Bond will forever be associated with the slick, suave British fictional icon of James Bond, star of not just the books but also countless large-scale movies. A common surname being adopted as a cool, masculine given name, Bond comes from Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning “farmer.” Classic, British, powerful, and bold, we love the name bond for a badass little man.

  • Origin: British, Anglo-Saxon
  • Meaning: Farmer
  • Namesakes: James Bond, the fictional British spy.

Cool, Short, Strong


Bradley is a cool and fresh name for a little boy, derived from Old English and carrying the meaning of “broad meadow.” Bradley is also a common surname, but with the potential to hold the nickname Brad, it is very popular as a given name. Bradley sounds playful, free, and inquisitive, and we love this choice of name for an awesome little chap.

  • Origin: English, Irish
  • Meaning: Broad meadow
  • Namesakes: Bradley Cooper, an American actor. Brad Pitt, an American actor. Bradley Wiggins, a British professional cyclist.
  • Popularity: Bradley has been in the US top 1000 most popular boys names since 1900, peaking in the 1970s-80s, during which time it held strong in the top 100.

Nature-inspired, Cool


Brian is a strong and confident name for a little boy, rooted in Irish and Breton origins with the meaning of “high” or “noble.” The name is associated with the legendary Irish warrior-king Brian Boru, known for defending Ireland from the Viking invasions of the 11th-century. The other common and perhaps more modern-appearing spelling of the name would be Bryan, which may also be transformed into Byron or Bryant for a bit of added flair to the name.

  • Origin: Irish, Breton
  • Meaning: High, noble
  • Variations: Bryan, Byron, Bryant
  • Namesakes: Brian Boru, a legendary Irish King. Brian May, an English musician and founding member of the band Queen. Brian Warner, an American singer known professionally as Marilyn Manson.

Traditional, Short, Sweet


Cadan is a strong and confident name for your masculine little warrior and not one you’ll hear too commonly. Cadan is of Cornish origin, carrying the feisty meaning of “battle” from the word “cad.” Cadan will traditionally be pronounced “ca-dan” but may be softened to “kay-dan” by those unfamiliar with the name.

  • Origin: Cornish
  • Meaning: Battle
  • Pronunciation: ca-dan, or kay-dan

Strong, Unique


Cameron is an English and Scottish given name and surname, said to have been derived from the meaning “crooked nose” in Gaelic. A funny meaning for such a popular name, we perhaps suggest you overlook this meaning and choose Cameron for its sweet, stylish, and cheery sound instead.

  • Origin: English, Scottish
  • Meaning: Crooked Nose
  • Variations: Kamran, Camren, Camryn

Sweet, Popular, Cool


Carter is a stylish and slick name for a little boy, derived from the English occupational surname for a person who transported goods using a cart. Not the most common occupation in today’s modernized society, but thankfully the name has lived on. Notable bearers of Carter as a surname include Jimmy, the 39th President of the United States, and Shawn Corey, known more widely as Jay-Z. As a given name, Carter G. Woodson was an American historian, remembered as the “father of Black history,” and credited with founding Black History Month.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Transporter of goods
  • Namesakes: Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States. Carter Beauford, an American drummer. Carter G. Woodson, an American historian and author.

Strong, Cool


Forget four-leaf clovers, horseshoes and red envelopes – bestow luck upon your little boy by blessing him with the name Chance! If you believe in fate and fortune, you’ll love the name Chance, especially for your new little miracle. Chance is of Middle English origin, and our fingers are crossed that you will choose it for your new son!

  • Origin: Middle English
  • Meaning: Good fortune
  • Namesakes: Chance the Rapper, a Canadian hip-hop artist. Chance M. Vought, an American aviation pioneer and engineer.

Sweet, Cool


Charles is a masculine name as strong as they come, with countless notable namesakes to give the title a depth most honorable for any child to live up to. There have been men of nobility named Charles in multiple European countries, including Spain, Sweden, Monaco, and Romania, not forgetting Charles, Prince of Wales – the current heir to the British throne. In fact, there are notable Charles’ in many honorable fields, including Dickens, De Gaulle, Darwin, and Baudelaire. In terms of its etymology, Charles is derived from a Germanic boy’s name meaning “free man,” giving the name even more of a limitless, joyful, and opportunistic feel to it. If you choose this name for your little boy, his possibilities are endless!

  • Origin: English, Germanic
  • Meaning: Free man
  • Variations: Charlie, Carlos, Carl
  • Namesakes: Charles, Prince of Wales, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, heir to the British throne. Charles Dickens, a classic English novelist. Charles Darwin, a British scientist.

Popular, Strong, Traditional


The English city of Chester gets its name from the Latin “castrum,” which holds the meaning of “encampment” or “fortress” – particularly fitting since it is one of the best-preserved walled cities in the country. This meaning makes Chester sound strong and reliable as a British name for boys and would be especially meaningful if given to him as a nod to his place of birth. There are multiple UK cities that bear a form of “chester” as a suffix in their name, including Manchester or Colchester!

  • Origin: Old English, Latin
  • Meaning: Fortress
  • Variations: Cheston
  • Namesakes: Chester Bennington, an American singer-songwriter. Chester A. Arthur, the 21st President of the United States of America.

Locational, Cool


Christopher is one of those names which has held up in popularity and appreciation, despite having been around since the 10th century. Christopher is derived from a Greek name meaning “bearer of Christ,” offering the name a religious and traditional beauty to it. One of the most attractive qualities to Christopher as a name is that there are countless variations that can be spun from it – from nicknames such as Chris, Topher, or Kit to altered forms like Christian or Cristoph. If you are using the name in honor of a family namesake, this gives you plenty of room to play around and choose a form personal to you whilst still keeping the beauty and power of this fantastically handsome name.

  • Origin: English, Greek
  • Meaning: Bearer of Christ
  • Variations: Chris, Cristoph, Kester, Topher, Christian
  • Namesakes: Saint Christopher, a 3rd-century saint. Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator. Christopher “Chris” Martin, an English singer-songwriter and co-founder of the band Coldplay.

Traditional, Popular, Handsome


Traditionally, Clinton was an Old English locational surname used for people who hail from the towns of Glympton or Glinton in Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire, respectively. This, of course, makes the name rather specific. Yet thanks to politics and history, Clinton has evolved into a rather stylish given name. Most recently, it has been Bill and Hillary Clinton who have thrust this name into the spotlight, although this could lead to a divide in popularity depending on political preference. You could always shorten the name to the smart Clint, as in Eastwood, for toughness.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From the towns of Glympton or Glinton
  • Variations: Clint
  • Namesakes: Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States. General Sir Henry Clinton, a British general during the American Revolutionary War.

Locational, Stylish


Dane is a cool, stylish name of English origin, with two known meanings behind it. The first of these meanings is “from the valley,” interpreted from the Old English “denu,” meaning “valley,” making a strong choice for a baby born between a hilly or mountainous region. Alternatively, Dane has historically been used for people hailing from Denmark, so would be an especially firm choice for a little boy born with Danish heritage!

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From the valley, or from Denmark

Locational, Cool, Short


Any fans of classic English literature will attest that the name Darcy is perfectly swoon-worthy, thanks to Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice. In this novel, it was the moody but romantic character of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy that cemented this name as a British favorite, full of mystery only heightened by the name’s intriguing meaning of “dark one.” Darcy is also rooted in French, having derived from the family name d’Arcy, referring to those with heritage in the Arcy region of France. Whichever way you look at it, Darcy is a romantic, intellectual, and alluring choice of name for an honorable man.

  • Origin: English, French, Irish
  • Meaning: Dark one, or from Arcy, France

Handsome, Locational


Darwin has “evolved” into quite a cool name for smart little boys! Get it? It is derived from the Old English given name Deorwine, which means the lovely “dear friend.” For some reason, Deorwine has dropped off everyone’s radar, but its variant Darwin is hugely cool and clever, thanks to the namesake of Charles Darwin, the naturalist known for his contributions to human history and science.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Dear friend
  • Variations: Darwen, Deorwine
  • Namesakes: Charles Darwin, an English scientist.

Cool, Sweet


Devon is a dreamy, easygoing name for a cool little boy. It is taken from the southwestern county in England, famed for its sandy shores, popular tourism, and the local’s tendency to put the cream, then jam, on their scones. If you hail from this region, Devon makes for a wonderfully meaningful name, or perhaps you have fond memories of beachy vacations in that area which you’d like to live on through your son. Alternatively, Devon may be considered a variation on the popular name Devin, which is said to have derived from the Latin word for “divine.”

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From the English county of Devon
  • Variations: Devin

Locational, Cool, Stylish


A soft, chirpy, and cuddly-sounding name, Dudley is a cozy choice for a little boy. The given name was derived in conjunction with the town of Dudley, located in the West Midlands of England, making it a meaningful locational name if you’re from this area, or just a fun reason to visit the town if you choose the name for your son. In British history, Dudley was borne by a 16th-century noble family, giving the name an aura of power and regality.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From Dudley

Strong, Locational, Sweet


Dating all the way back to Saxon times, an “Earl” has been a rank of nobility in the UK. Although giving the name to your son won’t give him any official noble status, Earl has become a rather trendy name for a little boy – sounding both proper and powerful amongst his peers. The American sitcom My Name is Earl may have lessened the classiness of the name somewhat, but over in the UK, we think the name carries a particular sense of charm and a stature most admirable.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Earl, nobleman

Strong, Unique, Cool


Edgar may not be the most commonly-chosen name for baby boys these days, but if you’re looking for something to make your son sound sophisticated and proper, this could be a strong contender! Edgar is derived from the Anglo-Saxon Eadgar, with “ead” meaning “rich, fortune” and “gar” meaning “spear.” This strong and prosperous meaning will hopefully carry true to any bearer of the name.

  • Origin: English, Anglo-Saxon
  • Meaning: Fortune and spear
  • Variations: Eadgar
  • Namesakes: Edgar Allan Poe, an American author. Edgar the Peaceful, king of England from 959-975.

Traditional, Strong


A regal name that has been popular and used ever since medieval times, Edward is a choice you simply can’t go wrong with. A timeless classic, Edward has been borne by countless kings, noblemen, politicians, and intellectuals – too many to name, but with such a rich and honorable collective history to live up to. Edward carries the handsome meaning of “wealthy guardian,” which complements its regal, rich-sounding connotations. Edward is also timelessly popular thanks to its nickname potential – as Ed, Eddie, Ned, and even Woody, can all be derived from this charming name.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Wealthy guardian
  • Variations: Ed, Eddie, Eduardo
  • Popularity: Edward is a very popular name in the US. It ranked within the top 10 most popular names from 1900 through 1930 and has remained in the top 200 ever since!

Strong, Popular, Traditional


Elliot is a lovely and charming name for a boy, which in fact stems from the same root as the names Elias and Elijah. These names carry the beautiful meaning of “the Lord is my God,” making it a brilliant option for if you want a religious name that’s a bit different to the more-traditional biblical choices. You are able to play around with the number of “l” and “t”s in the spelling of the name to make it more personal, but Elliot is perhaps the best go-to choice for a lovely name indeed.

  • Origin: English, Scottish
  • Meaning: The Lord is my God
  • Variations: Elliott, Elias, Elijah
  • Namesakes: Elliott Carter, an American composer. Elliot Page, a Canadian actor.

Cool, Handsome, Strong


Possibly derived from the traditional masculine names Elias or Elisud, Ellis is a charming, modern-sounding, unisex name of English and Welsh origin. Carrying the honorable meaning of “benevolent,” Ellis sounds instantly likable and proper, as well as being a short, stylish choice that will age with your precious son well.

  • Origin: English, Welsh
  • Meaning: Benevolent

Short, Cool, Stylish


As if the legendary musician Elton John wasn’t a cool enough reason to choose this name for your son, Elton simply oozes class, style, and wit. There are a handful of villages dotted throughout the UK named Elton, whose etymology is said to have been derived from the Old English name Ella, plus the element “tun,” meaning “town.” As a locational name, Elton is strong and homely, but wherever you are in the world, this name sounds classy enough to be admired by all.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From Elton, or Ella’s town
  • Namesakes: Elton John, a British musician.

Locational, Cool


Emmet is a cool and stylish name of English and Hebrew origin, carrying the honorable meaning of “truth.” Emmet may be the masculine form of the pretty, feminine name Emma, making it a particularly lovely choice to use in honor of an Emma in the family. Emmet is slick-sounding and sophisticated, perfect for a little boy with a smart head on his shoulders.

  • Origin: English, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Truth
  • Variations: Emmett

Popular, Cool, Handsome


Finley is an adorably sweet unisex name and a great choice if you are looking for a softer, more modern-sounding title. The name is derived from the Gaelic Fionnlagh, which translates to the feisty meaning of “white warrior.” This meaning gives Finley an aura of strength and purity, which is certain to be admired. Finley may also be shortened to the handsome nickname Finn, which is also a popular choice for a boy.

  • Origin: Gaelic, British
  • Meaning: White warrior
  • Variations: Finn, Finlay, Fionnlagh

Sweet, Strong, Cool


Floyd is a smart variation on Lloyd, which was in turn derived from the Welsh “llwyd,” meaning “gray.” Not only does Floyd make a confident masculine name, but it also carries the association to the hugely popular English rock band Pink Floyd, known for their countless progressive rock hits such as “Another Brick in the Wall,” “Wish You Were Here,” and “Comfortably Numb.” For music lovers, Floyd is an especially cool British male name, which also sounds sophisticated and charming in its own right.

  • Origin: Welsh, British
  • Meaning: Gray, gray-haired
  • Variations: Lloyd
  • Namesakes: Floyd Mayweather Jr., an American boxing champion.

Cool, Short


Ford is a slick, stylish choice of given name for a baby born, having originated as an Old English surname, either in reference to British places named Ford or in reference to someone who lives near a natural shallow ford. The name is often associated with strength, power, and industrialism, thanks to its bearers as a surname such as Gerald Ford, the 38th President of the United States, Harrison Ford, the noted actor from movies such as the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, and Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. As a given name, Ford has fewer impressive namesakes. But, with a name like Ford, your son will no doubt be inspired to achieve great things for himself!

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: By the ford

Short, Cool, Strong


George is derived from the Greek word for “farmer.” Yet, despite this modest meaning, the name has become one of the most popular, well-used, and mighty names in the English language since medieval times. Borne by countless kings, noblemen, saints, and US presidents over the years, George carries a stature of regality, fairness, and wisdom. In 2013, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge named their firstborn George, who is currently third in line of succession to the British throne.

  • Origin: English, Greek
  • Meaning: Farmer
  • Namesakes: George Washinton, the first President of the United States. George Michael, an English singer-songwriter. George Clooney, an American actor.
  • Popularity: George is one of the most popular names in the UK, having ranked in the top 20 most-used names since 1996, according to ONS records.

Popular, Strong, Traditional


Grayson is a strong, confident name for a little boy, derived from Middle English and carrying the meaning of “son of the steward.” Grayson is a pure, stony name, more unique than its rhyming Jason but somehow sounding much more serious. Although etymologically unrelated, Grayson sounds sweetly similar to the ever-popular feminine name Grace, making them adorable choices for complimentary sibling names.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Son of the steward
  • Variations: Gray

Cool, Strong


As well as being a colloquial, familiar term for a man, Guy makes a strong name for a cool chap. It is short and to-the-point enough to sound practical and masculine whilst still being stylish enough to suit an awesome little dude. In England, the name is perhaps best associated with Guy Fawkes, an English Catholic involved with the infamous Gunpowder Plot of 1605. This failed act of treason might have added a touch of political rebellion to the name, although there have been many noblemen and even saints who have borne the name too, perhaps deserving more limelight.

  • Origin: English, French
  • Meaning: Man, guide
  • Variations: Guido
  • Namesakes: Saint Vitus (also known as Saint Guy), an early Christian saint and martyr. Guy Fawkes, an English historical figure known for his involvement in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Guy Fieri, an American celebrity chef.

Short, Cool


Harold is an impressively strong and mighty name for a boy, perfect if you like the nickname Harry but are looking for something a bit meatier. Harold is derived from Old English, carrying the feisty and powerful meaning of “army ruler,” making it perfect for any little leader.

  • Origin: English, Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Army ruler
  • Variations: Harry, Haroldo, Harrod

Strong, Traditional


With a literal meaning of “son of Harry,” Harrison is a wonderful option if your new little boy has a Harry in his family! Harrison is a fresh and modern-sounding name for a boy, with presidential namesakes and that stylish surname-turned-given-name flair that’s always so popular. Of course, Harry makes a great alternative, or you could opt for the smart variant, Harris.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Son of Harry
  • Variations: Harry, Harris
  • Namesakes: Harrison Ford, an American actor. Sir Harrison Birtwistle, a British composer. William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States.

Handsome, Cool


As well as being a nickname form of names such as Harold and Harrison, Harry is a medieval English form of the name Henry, from which it carries the strong, reliable meaning of “home ruler.” Harry is a timeless classic of a name, sounding playful and honest and loved by all. Harry will always be an iconic name thanks to J.K. Rowling’s creation of Harry Potter, the title figure in the bestselling franchise of books, movies, and more. Bring a bit of the Wizarding World into your family, and choose Harry as the name for your son.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Home ruler
  • Variations: Henry, Harrison, Harold
  • Namesakes: Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States. Harry Houdini, a Hungarian-born American escapologist and stunt performer. Harry Potter, the fictional title character in J.K. Rowling’s best-selling Harry Potter series of novels.
  • Popularity: Harry is a very popular name in the US, which has been cemented in the top 1000 most popular names since 1900. It was at its most popular between 1900 and 1919, during which time it featured in the top 20 masculine names.

Popular, Cool, Traditional


Harvey is a sweet and sensitive masculine name brought over to England following the Norman Conquest. Harvey holds the strong, reliable meaning of “battle-worthy,” giving the name some bite, and is also a commonly-heard surname. Did you know that the iconic smiley graphic feature was originally designed by an American artist named Harvey Ball in the 1900s? That’s a cool fact about the name Harvey certain to put a smile on anyone’s face!

  • Origin: English, Breton
  • Meaning: Battle-worthy
  • Namesakes: Saint Hervé, a 6th-century patron saint of the blind. Harvey Fierstein, an American actor and playwright. Harvey Mason Jr., an American songwriter and record producer.
  • Popularity: In the US, Harvey was at its most popular during the early 1900s, peaking at rank 72 in the charts in 1906, but has clung to the top 1000 most popular names list ever since.

Handsome, Sweet, Cool


A chirpy and playful name with many a powerful namesake behind it, Henry is a great name for your little boy. Henry is derived from a Germanic name meaning “home ruler,” giving the name a strong, masculine feel to it, which is only emphasized by the long line of kings and noblemen who have borne the name over the years. Despite these robust connotations, Henry still manages to be a fun, amicable name, certain to be liked and admired by all those who hear it.

  • Origin: English, Germanic
  • Meaning: Home ruler
  • Variations: Hendry, Harry
  • Namesakes: Henry VIII, infamous 16th-century King of England. Henry James, a British author. Henry Ford, an American automobile manufacturer.

Sweet, Fun


It’s hard to resist a name that means “cheerful,” especially when it’s one as bubbly and upbeat as Hilary! Although Hilary is perhaps better recognized as a feminine name in modern times, the name began life as a masculine name, derived in medieval times from the Latin “Hilarius.” Hilarius isn’t a name we’d recommend, however, as its humorous sound may lead to people thinking it’s a joke – so stick to Hilary for a stylish, easy-going option.

  • Origin: English, Latin
  • Meaning: Cheerful
  • Variations: Hillary, Hilarius, Ellery

Fun, Cool


Thanks to actors including Grant, Bonneville, and Laurie, Hugh has become well-recognized as a particularly charming British name. Despite being so short, Hugh has an air of sophistication to it, yet its meaning of “heart, mind, spirit” adds a grace of purity and passion. Huey is a familiar diminutive of Hugh, but you could also opt for the sweet Hugo as a lovely alternative.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Heart, mind, spirit
  • Variations: Huey, Hugo
  • Namesakes: Hugh Grant, an English actor. Hugh Jackman, an Australian actor. Hugh Cornwell, an English musician known for being part of the band the Stranglers.

Handsome, Short


Hunter is a stylish and earthy given name, taken from the Old English occupational surname for a person who hunts. Hunter is also a Scottish clan name and would make a particularly cool and meaningful given name if used as a tribute to a family surname. Although hunting is a controversial sport drawing conflicting ethical opinions, we like to think the name Hunter is independent enough from its roots to still work as a trendy, amicable name for a sweet little boy, irrespective of whether he lives up to its occupation or not.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Hunter
  • Namesakes: Hunter S. Thompson, an American writer. Hunter Hayes, an American singer-songwriter. Hunter Doherty Adams, known as Patch Adams, an American activist, comedian, and physician.

Cool, Stylish


Jack is one of those timelessly classic names, which manages to be informal and familiar, yet traditional and smart all at the same time. Jack – believe it or not – is actually derived from the name John, yet manages to be even more consistently popular in the UK in recent years. Jack has frequently been used as a colloquial term for “man” or “lad,” giving the name somewhat of a boyish charm, always up for adventure and exploration. If you choose this name for your little boy, he is unlikely to be the only Jack at school, but the choice is so cool and simple we doubt he’ll even mind.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: God is Gracious
  • Variations: Jackson, John
  • Namesakes: Jack Kerouac, an American novelist. Jack Nicholson, an American actor. Jack Frost, the personification of winter, according to folklore.
  • Popularity: Jack is a hugely popular name in the UK, having dominated the popularity charts steadily from the mid-1990s and remaining in the top 10 most used names through 2019.

Popular, Traditional, Short


The Cornish form of the names Jacob and James, Jago makes an awesome name for a cool little dude. Although it still carries the same traditional, biblical sentiment and meaning as these names, Jago sounds modern and stylish, with a totally unique lilt and attitude to it that can’t be found anywhere else. Short, fun, and friendly, Jago is a superb choice for a little boy.

  • Origin: Cornish
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Pronunciation: JAY-go
  • Variations: Jacob, James

Cool, Short, Unique


As well as being a variant on the name Jack, Jake is a commonly-used nickname of the timelessly popular Latin boy name Jacob, which has gone on to become a popular choice independently of each of these variations. On its own, Jake is fun, chirpy, and amicable yet carries the biblical sentiment from its original form of Jacob.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Variations: Jacob, Jack
  • Popularity: Jake on its own is a very popular name in the US, but not as popular as Jacob, which was the single most-used name in the US from 1999 through 2012!

Cool, Short, Fun


Jasper is an especially stylish and unique given name for a boy and one which glows with dazzling mystique! In English, Jasper is a variety of semi-precious quartz, reddish-brown in color and symbolically believed to possess warm, healing energy. The name for this gem was derived from the Old French word “jaspre,” meaning “speckled stone.” As a given name, Jasper may be better considered to be of Persian origin, meaning “treasurer.” It is said that one of the three wise men who visited the baby Jesus during the nativity was named Jasper, which gives the name even more of a wise, philosophical draw.

  • Origin: English, Persian
  • Meaning: Named after the gemstone Jasper, or treasurer

Cool, Unique, Stylish


Kent is a common English surname, turned sophisticated and charming given name for any proper little British boy. There is a county in the South East of England named Kent, whose name is said to have derived from elements translating to “coastal region” or “land on the edge,” which would make sense to those viewing the county on a map of the UK. Stylish, nickname-proof, and unique, we love Kent as a royal given name for your adorable new son.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From Kent

Locational, Short, Cool


Kit is a smart, sassy nickname derived from Christopher, a Greek-rooted name meaning “bearer of Christ.” However, Kit is so cool that it is perfectly usable as an independent name for a stylish guy. Although Kit may be asked what his name is short for, you know that his peers aren’t going to shorten the name into any unappealing nicknames. All in all, Kit is an awesome name to consider for your son. Just perhaps don’t call his sister Kat!

  • Origin: English, Greek
  • Meaning: Bearer of Christ
  • Variations: Christopher
  • Namesakes: Kit Harington, a British actor. Christopher “Kit” Marlowe, an Elizabethan-era English playwright.

Cool, Short


Popular, smart, and timelessly cool, Kyle is a great choice of name for your little man. Kyle is derived from the Gaelic word “caol,” carrying the meaning of “narrow” or “straight,” giving the name a sense of directness and logic.

  • Origin: Gaelic, English
  • Meaning: Narrow, straight
  • Variations: Kye, Kiley
  • Namesakes: Kyle MacLachlan, an American actor. Kyle Walker, an English footballer.
  • Popularity: In the US, Kyle is a very popular name, having ranked in the top 100 most used names from the 1970s to the 2000s.

Cool, Short, Popular


Landon is a stylish name of English origin, holding the strong, sturdy meaning of “long hill.” However, it’s usage is vastly higher in the US, where it is a largely popular name, especially in modern times. A sophisticated alternative would be Langdon, but both of which are equally as handsome, as well as being nickname-proof and manly.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Long hill
  • Variations: Langdon
  • Popularity: Landon has shot to popularity in the US since the 2000s, reaching as high as the 33rd most-used name in 2010 and staying in the top 100 most popular names since 2003.

Cool, Stylish, Handsome


Lewis is an English variant on the name Louis, which in turn is a French variation on the Germanic name Ludwig. A popular name that is simple yet sweet, Lewis holds the strong meaning of “renowned warrior.” Both Lewis and Louis are commonly-used spellings and may be shortened to the casual Lou or Louie.

  • Origin: English, French
  • Meaning: Renowned warrior
  • Variations: Louis, Louie, Ludwig
  • Namesakes: Lewis Carroll, an English writer. Lewis Hamilton, a British Formula One racing driver.

Strong, Handsome


We can see why Liam has ranked as the top most popular boy name in the US for four years in a row – it’s so cute and romantic! Liam holds the honorable meaning of “strong protector,” which adds an aura of wisdom and nurture to the beautiful name. Liam may be used as a nickname for William but works perfectly well as an independent, fresh choice.

  • Origin: Irish, British
  • Meaning: Strong protector, guardian
  • Variations: William, Uilliam
  • Namesakes: Liam Neeson, an Irish actor. Liam Gallagher, an English rock singer of the band Oasis. Liam Hemsworth, an Australian actor.
  • Popularity: Liam is a super popular name, having been the most popular in the US from 2017 right through 2020!

Popular, Short


A name most presidential indeed, Lincoln is a popular surname and given name for smart, honest little boys. The name originated from the East Midland county of Lincolnshire in the UK, yet was popularized in the UK thanks to Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. Strong, noble, and earthy, Lincoln makes a great choice of name for your little leader.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Town by the pool
  • Namesakes: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln Perry, an American comedian and actor.
  • Popularity: Lincoln has shot to popularity in the US over the last two decades, having entered the 2000s at rank 711 on the baby name charts, yet climbing all the way to its peak at rank 40 by 2020.

Stylish, Cool, Locational


Lloyd is a cool surname and masculine given name, with spelling so unique but attractive that it is certain to stand out. Lloyd is derived from the Welsh word “llwyd,” meaning “gray,” offering the name the sweet meaning of “gray-haired.” Although it is unlikely your baby will be born with this particular feature, we love the cool, wise connotations this meaning brings, and we are sure others will approve of the choice too.

  • Origin: Welsh, English
  • Meaning: Gray-haired
  • Namesakes: Lloyd, an American R&B artist. Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, a Nobel Prize-winning British physiologist. Andrew Lloyd Webber, an English composer.

Short, Cool, Unique


A strong, handsome, and pure name for a man, Luke is a wonderful choice to consider. Although the name is traditional, most notably born by Luke the Evangelist, the author of the third gospel in the New Testament, Luke’s short, snappy spelling and sound make it a timelessly accessible choice of name. Any Star Wars fan would be envious of the name Luke, but you could always mix it up a bit by opting for Lucas, Luca, or Lucien, as softer alternatives.

  • Origin: English, Greek
  • Meaning: Light
  • Variations: Luca, Lucas, Lucien
  • Namesakes: Luke the Evangelist, author of the Gospel of Luke. Luke Skywalker, the fictional protagonist of the Star Wars original trilogy.
  • Popularity: Luke is a very popular name in the US, having been comfortably within the top 500 most-used boys names for most of the last century. It has been within the top 100 since 1992, peaking at rank 28 between 2014 and 2015.

Strong, Traditional, Handsome


Lyndon is a handsome and sophisticated name of English origin, which carries the meaning of “linden tree hill.” The linden tree – or lime tree – is symbolic throughout folklore from various cultures, often seen as sacred and the restorer of truth and peace. The 36th President of the United States bore the name Lyndon, giving the stylish name even more power and nobility.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From the linden tree hill
  • Variations: Linden
  • Namesakes: Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th President of the United States.

Nature-inspired, Strong, Unique


A sophisticated and proper-sounding British name for boys, Marlowe is a great choice for your little boy. Despite being traditional and of Old English origin, Marlowe sounds modern and stylish and isn’t often heard as a given name. The name is perhaps best associated with Christopher “Kit” Marlowe, an Elizabethan-era English playwright, who was said to have influenced William Shakespeare himself!

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Remnants of the lake
  • Variations: Marlo, Marley
  • Namesakes: Christopher Marlowe, an Elizabethan-era English playwright and poet.

Cool, Stylish


Nelson is an admirable English surname-turned-first name, holding the traditional meaning of “son of Neil.” Even if his parents aren’t bearers of this name, we certainly think Nelson should be on your list of potential names for your little boy. From its smart-sounding lilt to the honorable namesakes of Horatio Nelson and Nelson Mandela, this powerful name is one to be treasured.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Son of Neil
  • Namesakes: Horatio Nelson, a British Admiral. Nelson Mandela, a South African politician and activist.

Cool, Stylish, Handsome


A pure name for a little boy, Noah is best associated with the biblical Ark builder from the Old Testament. From its Hebrew origin, Noah carries the peaceful and hopeful meaning of “rest,” a sentiment reflected beautifully in the name’s soft, gracious sound.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Rest
  • Popularity: In the UK, Noah has been comfortably in the top 100 most popular names since the early 2000s, breaking into the top 10 in the mid-2010s.

Traditional, Handsome, Short


Despite the origins of the name Oliver not being British, it is so popular in the UK that it would be remiss not to consider it a British boy’s name. Along with its female counterpart Olivia, Oliver has dominated the top of the UK name popularity charts in recent years, having held the top spot for baby boys since 2015. And we can see why – Oliver is such a cool, slick, strong name, with a classic British stage musical of the same name to add to the appeal. In terms of its meaning, Oliver may be interpreted as Latin in reference to the olive tree, or perhaps as the Old French form of the Germanic name Alfhar, carrying the magically feisty meaning of “elf army.”

  • Origin: Latin, French, Germanic
  • Meaning: Elf army, or olive tree
  • Popularity: Oliver is the single most popular name in the UK at the moment, having been at the top of the baby boy name charts from 2015-2020, and counting!

Popular, Cool, Nature-inspired


Oscar is an adorable choice of name for a little boy, with an especially wholesome meaning bound to be beloved by anyone inspired by fauna. Derived from the Irish elements “os” (meaning “deer,”) and “car” (meaning “friend,”) Oscar holds the meaning of “friend of deer. However, Oscar is such a sweet and amicable name, we wouldn’t be surprised if he was the friend of all other species’ too! From Oscar comes the fluffy nickname Ozzie, and you can sharpen the name by spelling it Oskar for some unique sass, too.

  • Origin: English, Irish, Gaelic
  • Meaning: Friend of deer
  • Variations: Oskar, Osgar

Sweet, Animals


Parker started out as an Old English occupational surname meaning “park keeper,” but has evolved into a cool, modern-sounding given name for adventurous little boys. Everyone loves a day in the park, with park keep sounding like a dream job for many, so we love the earthy, fresh, and nature-inspired style to the name Parker, who sounds ready to go exploring.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Park keeper

Cool, Nature-inspired


Meaning “pear tree,” Perry is a fresh, earthy, and modern-sounding name to give to your happy little boy. In the UK, perry is an alcoholic beverage most popular in the Three Counties, similar to cider but made with pears instead of apples. If your baby is born “on the first day of Christmas,” then “pear tree” is an especially humorous meaning to have.

  • Origin: English, Welsh
  • Meaning: Pear tree

Nature-inspired, Cool


Philip is a strong name of Greek origin, carrying the adorable, amicable meaning of “friend of horses.” The name has been borne by countless kings and noblemen across the world, religious figures, rulers, and more, but perhaps most notably by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip served as the consort and husband to Queen Elizabeth II up until his passing in 2021 and will be remembered for many things, not least his unique personality, faithful service to his country, and loyalty to the Queen.

  • Origin: Greek, English
  • Meaning: Friend of horses
  • Variations: Phillip, Felipe, Phil
  • Namesakes: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Philip Pullman, an English writer.

Strong, Popular, Traditional


If you have “Great Expectations” for your little boy, Pip is a brilliant name to consider for him! The main character in Charles Dickens’ classic novel was named Philip Pirrip, known as Pip, making this a strong literary name for fans of English literature. Short and sweet, Pip sounds nice and friendly to those who hear it. Did you know that the dots on domino tiles are called pips? That’ll be a fun fact to tell Pip during a family games night as he grows older.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Lover of horses
  • Variations: Philip, Pippin, Piper

Short, Sweet


Preston is a cool, admirable choice of name for an awesome little lad, derived from Old English elements which translate the meaning of “priest’s town.” A common surname-turned-first-name, Preston is hip and fresh and may be used as a locational name, thanks to the countless towns, settlements and cities named Preston throughout England, the UK, and Australia. Perhaps the most noted Preston in Britain is the city in Lancashire, in the north of England. If you have family ties around this region, it could be a great tribute name to pass on to your little boy!

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Priest’s town

Locational, Cool


Ralphie is a gorgeous British name for a boy and definitely one to consider if you’re hoping for something unique. Ralphie is a pet form of Ralph, which is derived from the Norman Radulf, carrying the meaning of “wolf counsel.” However, in a similar way to how Alfie overtook Alfred in terms of popularity, Ralphie has become a strong contender for cute baby names, sounding simultaneously sweet and playful. Plus, Ralphie can be shortened back to Ralph as he ages, if he prefers.

  • Origin: English, Norse
  • Meaning: Wolf counsel
  • Variations: Ralph
  • Popularity: Ralph has been steadily increasing in popularity in the UK since 2004, having cracked into the top 100 names in 2016.

Strong, Sweet


Randall is a medieval surname and masculine given name, which holds the meaning of shield-wolf. This feisty meaning offers an aura of protection to Randall, who sounds ready to go on an adventure through a forest somewhere. Randolph is a strong variant of the name but be prepared for the nickname Randy to be used.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Shield wolf
  • Variations: Randolph, Randy

Unique, Strong


As well as being a common surname, Ripley is a cool, unisex given name, made to sound especially badass thanks to Sigourney Weaver’s leading character of Ripley in the sci-fi/horror movie series Alien. Its origins come from the Old English elements “ripel” and “leah,” meaning “strip of land” and “clearing, lea,” respectively. There are a handful of places named Ripley throughout the US and UK, making it a fun locational name, but independently Ripley still sounds chirpy, adventurous, and sweet.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: A strip of land clearing

Fun, Cool, Locational


Everyone has heard of Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw from British folklore, who stole from the rich to give to the poor. His unique, feisty, and passionate morals are often adapted into films and media, and naturally, Robin has evolved into quite a cool name for a little boy. Robin may have originated as a diminutive of Robert, carrying the shining meaning of “bright fame,” and its feminine equivalent in spelling would be Robyn. However, we also like the idea of using the bird as a namesake, as these adorable little red-breasted robins are especially adored during the Christmas season, making Robin a joyful name for a winter-born baby.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Robin bird, or bright fame
  • Variations: Robert, Robyn
  • Namesakes: Robin Hood, the heroic English outlaw of legend.

Animals, Sweet


A royal name fit for any leader of the pack, Rory is a “r-awesome” choice to consider for your little king. Rory was derived from its variant Ruairi and the Gaelic elements “ruadh” and “righ,” which together form the meaning of “red-haired king.” Even if your baby isn’t born with fiery locks, you should definitely still consider Rory as a beautiful name for your little cub – full of chiefly energy and life.

  • Origin: English, Gaelic
  • Meaning: Red-haired king
  • Variations: Ruairi

Sweet, Short, Cool


Derived from the Gaelic word “ros,” Ross is a strong, masculine, and earthy given name, as well as being a common family name tracing back to the Scottish Highlands. There is actually a northern region in Scotland named Ross, ruled in the 12th-century by the Earl of Ross, however, the name is perhaps better associated today with the character on the US sitcom Friends. Short, snappy, and smart, Ross is an awesome name for a cool little dude.

  • Origin: Gaelic, Scottish, English
  • Meaning: Headland

Nature-inspired, Short, Strong


If you like the style of Ryan but would prefer something a tad more earthy-sounding and traditional, consider Rylan as a strong masculine name. Rylan and it’s variant Ryland come from the Old English meaning “land of rye,” or perhaps “island meadow.” Rural, easygoing, and heartfelt, Rylan is a handsome name for your little chap.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Land of rye, or island meadow
  • Variations: Ryland, Ryan

Sweet, Handsome


Smart, cool, and practical, Scott is an awesome name for a stylish little boy. The name began as a surname traditionally given to people from Scotland or to those who spoke Scottish Gaelic, taken from the Latin “scoti.” Even though the name sounds cool enough independently from this meaning, we can’t help but think Scott is an especially perfect choice for a baby born of Scottish heritage or as a nod to family ancestry from the north.

  • Origin: English, Scottish
  • Meaning: One from Scotland
  • Variations: Scottie

Short, Cool, Locational


Sheldon is a traditional Old English masculine name meaning “from the steep-sided valley.” Likewise to its similar variation, Shelton, Sheldon is a name born by a handful of towns and villages throughout the UK and US, making it a sweet locational name for if you hail from one of these regions. Sheldon sounds strong on its own but will sound considerably more magical if shortened to Shelly.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: From the steep valley
  • Variations: Shelton

Unique, Traditional


Once an old-fashioned boy’s name and now a stylish unisex option, Sidney is a great choice for your fun-loving little boy. Although perhaps best associated with the iconic city in Australia (there spelled Sydney), Sidney is said to have derived from the Old English elements “sid” and “ieg,” offering the name the earthy meaning of “wide, watered land.” Sidney is likely to be shortened to Sid, which could be cute, but perhaps refrain from spelling it Cyd to avoid unnecessary confusion.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Wide, watered land
  • Variations: Sydney, Sid

Cool, Fun


Stanley is a sophisticated and slick name for a boy. It is derived from an Old English name for various places, thanks to its meaning of “stone clearing” from its elements “stan” (“stone,”) and “leigh” (“clearing, meadow”). There is a popular children’s book series by author Jeff Brown named Flat Stanley, about a boy who is squashed flat in his sleep by a falling bulletin board but makes the most of it by going on all sorts of fascinating adventures. If you choose the name Stanley for your son, be prepared to avoid hanging any large boards or frames above his bed, just to be on the safe side.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Stone clearing
  • Variations: Stan
  • Namesakes: Stanley Kubrick, an American film director and screenwriter. Sir Henry Morton Stanley, a Welsh-American journalist and explorer.

Cool, Nature-inspired, Handsome


Stuart, and its alternative form Stewart, is a strong, confident, and regal name of Scottish and English origin. Stuart began as an occupational surname for a steward or an administrator of an estate and has grown to become a commonly-used masculine given name, as well as a family name. In the UK, its usage is heightened thanks to the House of Stuart, the royal family which ruled first Scotland, then England, and later Great Britain between 1371 and 1714.

  • Origin: Scottish, English, French
  • Meaning: Steward
  • Variations: Stewart

Strong, Traditional


Theo is an adorable and popular English boys name. Theo began as a shortened form of Theodore but has been steadily more popular in use in the UK since the start of the 2000s. Both names carry the precious meaning of “gift of God,” derived from Greek.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Gift of God
  • Variations: Theodore
  • Popularity: Theo is a very popular name in the UK, having ranked in the top 100 names since 2006.

Popular, Sweet


Toby is a perfectly lovely name for a sweet little boy, sounding smart but playful at the same time. Toby is the English and shortened form of the biblical boy’s name Tobias, both of which carry the heavenly meaning of “God is good.” Other forms of the name include Tobin or Tobiah, which are also cute, but you really can’t go wrong with the classic Toby.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: God is good
  • Variations: Tobias, Tobin
  • Popularity: In the US, Toby peaked in popularity during the 1970s, reaching rank 190 in 1975. It has gradually dropped in popularity since then, falling out of the top 1000 names after 2019.

Sweet, Strong, Cool


Todd is a blunt but stylish name of Middle English origin. It carries the meaning of “fox,” which evokes a curious, cunning, and adventurous aura which we absolutely love. Interestingly, the 1981 Walt Disney animated classic The Fox and the Hound features an eponymous fox named Todd, too! Todd is also an English surname and can be found spelled with just the one “d” or even an “e” on the end.

  • Origin: Middle English
  • Meaning: Fox

Animals, Short, Cool


Trent is a cool, masculine name, which is best associated with the River Trent, which flows through Britain. Known for its tendency to flood quite dramatically, the Trent flows through central England from Staffordshire, through the cities of Stoke-on-Trent and Nottingham. If you have a sentimental association with this river, perhaps from growing up on its banks, Trent could be a particularly meaningful choice of name for you and your family. If not, Trent is still modern-sounding, badass, and slick for a name whilst still sounding classy and traditional.

  • Origin: British
  • Meaning: The flooder
  • Namesakes: Trent Reznor, an American musician. Trent Williams, an American football player.

Locational, Short, Cool


Trevor is a smart name of Welsh origin, derived from the elements “tref” and “fawr,” meaning “village, homestead” and “large, big,” respectively. Whether you live in a “big village” or not, we love Trevor for its timeless, gentlemanly nature, and strong standing as a classically British name.

  • Origin: Welsh, British
  • Meaning: From the big village

Traditional, Sweet


Tucker is a sweet and chirpy name for a little boy and one which still manages to sound cool and modern despite the long-gone original meaning behind it. Thanks to the industrial revolution, the process of “tucking” is now rarely practiced, but Tucker lived on as an occupational surname-turned-given-name to remind us of its roots. Tucking, also known as “fulling,” is the process of removing dirt and other impurities from wool, also making it thicker and ready to use in clothes-making. This is done by effectively pounding at the fabric, and so was named from the Old English verb “tucian,” meaning “to offend” or “to torment.” Of course, you can give Tucker a similar history lesson when he’s old enough to ask what his name means, or you can just tell him that it sounded so cute-as-a-button that you simply had to choose it for him!

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: One who works as a fuller, or to torment

Cool, Sweet


Is there a better name for your new little love than Valentine? Of course, this handsome, confident name is best associated with Saint Valentine, the 3rd-century Roman saint who is remembered each February 14th in a celebration of courtly romance. Valentine is derived from the Latin word “valens,” which holds the powerful meaning of “strong” and “healthy,” glorious virtues to bestow upon your little cherub.

  • Origin: English, Latin
  • Meaning: Strong, healthy
  • Variations: Valentino, Valerius
  • Namesakes: Saint Valentine, a 3rd-century Roman saint.

Sweet, Strong


Wilbur is a rather old-fashioned-sounding name for a boy, but certainly one to consider. The name holds the amusing meaning of “wild boar,” having been derived from the Middle English nickname Wildbor, but we think this animal-inspired meaning adds a sense of cuteness, feistiness, and adventure to the name. Wilbur is also considered to be of Old German origin, where it holds the shining meaning of “resolute.” Either way, Wilbur is a strong, confident name and certainly one to be worn with pride.

  • Origin: English, German
  • Meaning: Wild boar, or resolute

Traditional, Unique


Wilfred is a name that is very rarely heard amongst young boys in modern times, but was a very popular name back in the 19th century, being strong and proper. Wilfred is derived from Old English and carries the sweet meaning of “desiring peace.” We’d love to say that choosing this name for your little boy would make him a quiet, tranquil baby, but unfortunately, this isn’t something we can guarantee! From Wilfred, you can use nicknames such as Will and Fred or even the smushy Wilf, which seems to soften the name considerably.

  • Origin: Old English, Germanic
  • Meaning: One who desires peace
  • Variations: Wilf, Wilfried, Wilfrith
  • Namesakes: Wilfred Owen, a British poet of the First World War.

Traditional, Strong


William is an absolute classic of a boy’s name, borne by countless noblemen and geniuses in their fields since the middle ages. William is derived from the Germanic Wilhelm, carrying the sturdy meaning of “strong protector,” so perfect for your new little sidekick. In Great Britain, William is certainly a regal name, thanks to the Duke of Cambridge, second in line to the throne. William is also an adaptable name, with foreign-language variations such as Guillermo or Villem and countless nicknames including Will, Liam, Willie, or Lee. William’s style and strength as a name is reflected in its concrete popularity, and you can’t go wrong by choosing it for your precious little boy.

  • Origin: English, Germanic
  • Meaning: Strong protector
  • Variations: Wilhelm, Guillermo
  • Namesakes: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, member of the British royal family. William Shakespeare, an English playwright. Bill Gates, an American businessman and co-founder of Microsoft.
  • Popularity: William is a hugely popular name, having ranked in the top 20 most used boy’s names in the US since 1900!

Traditional, Strong, Popular


Winston is a bold and traditional name of Old English origin, perhaps best associated with Churchill, the British Prime Minister who served during World War II. Winston evokes strength, power, and wisdom, all sturdy sentiments for a little boy. Winston may be shortened to the fluffy nickname Winnie, but we prefer the breezy, cool, Wynn.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Wine’s town
  • Variations: Wynn, Winnie
  • Namesakes: Winston Churchill. Winston Duke, a Tobagonian actor.

Traditional, Cool, Strong


Short and unique, Wren is an undeniably cool-sounding name and a perfect, flighty choice for an animal-inspired name. A wren is a small and adorable songbird, and its sweet and lively nature is beautifully reflected in this name. Wren is an uncommonly-heard choice of name in America but is considerably more popular for females than males.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Wren (the small songbird)
  • Popularity: Wren is a rare name in the US, having never ranked in the top 1000 most popular boys names. As a girl’s name, it did enter the charts in 2013 and has risen in popularity since.

Animals, Short, Sweet

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