Word more than special

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The past years with Trotec are more than special to me as we have grown together this whole time-

professionally, personally but


importantly as a family.

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Прошедшие годы, проведенные вместе с Trotec, имеют более чем особое значение для меня, потому что все это время мы росли

вместе как в профессиональном, так и личном плане.

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The film»Iron Man»appeared on the screens of cinemas of the world in the distant 2008 already and

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Фильм« Железный человек» вышел на экраны кинотеатров мира в далеком уже 2008 году и

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На депозиты свыше$ 2000 действует особое правило начисления бонуса.

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The United Nations Bookshop successfully organized more than 20 special events, including.

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Книжный магазин Организации Объединенных Наций успешно провел более 20 специальных мероприятий, включая девять встреч с авторами публикаций.

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customers with professional and fast service.

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Больше, чем 230 специальных дистрибьюторов в области Восточной Азии предоставляют клиентам профессиональное

и быстрое обслуживание.

It also participated in more than 45 special NGO meetings in support of United Nations objectives.

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Сообщество также участвовало более чем в 45 специальных заседаниях НПО в поддержку целей Организации Объединенных Наций.

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In 2003, the State Monitoring Committee received more than 6,800 special forms relating to currency transactions.

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В 2003 году в Комитет государственного контроля поступило более 6800 специальных формуляров по валютным операциям.

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Please note that for reservations of more than 4 rooms special conditions may apply.

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При бронировании более 4 номеров могут действовать особые условия.

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В Шымкенте проживает более 9, 000 детей с особыми образовательными потребностями.

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providing qualified advice and support to women affected by violence.

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К этому необходимо добавить более 750 специальных консультационных служб,

которые предоставляют квалифицированные советы и поддержку женщинам- жертвам насилия.

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Please note that for the group bookings(more than 5 rooms) special prepayment policies apply.

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Обратите внимание, что при групповом бронировании( более 5 номеров) действует специальный порядок внесения предоплаты.

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By the data of the International Labour Organ- ization,

in the world there are more than 3500 special economic zones of different types.

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По данным Международной организации труда в мире насчитывается свыше 3500 специальных экономических зон различных типов.

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For longer storage of more than 2 years, special measures are required please contact the manufacturer.

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При длительном хранении более 2 лет требуются особые меры по этому вопросу проконсультируйтесь с заводом.

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For longer storage of more than 2 years, special measures are required please contact the manufacturer.

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При хранении более 2 лет, необходимы особые меры пожалуйста, получите консультации завода.

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Please note for reservations of more than 6 rooms/groups special conditions apply.

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Обратите внимание, что при бронировании более 6 номеров/ групп действуют особые условия проживания.

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In addition, the courts established more than 4,000 special requirements regarding the conduct of perpetrators of administrative offences,

as against over 3,000 in 2011.

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Вместе с тем, по административным правонарушениям судами установлено более 4 тысяч особых требований к поведению правонарушителей в 2011 году-

свыше 3 тысяч.

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Member of the Tunisian delegation to more than 20 regular, special and extraordinary sessions of the General Assembly.

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Член делегации Туниса на более 20 очередных, специальных и чрезвычайных сессиях Генеральной Ассамблеи.

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The decision of the General Assembly that no more than five special conferences should be held in a given year

and that no

more than



conference should be convened at the same time should be strictly implemented.

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Следует обеспечить неукоснительное соблюдение решения Генеральной Ассамблеи о том, что в течение одного года следует проводить не более пяти специальных конференций и что в одно и то же время не следует созывать более одной специальной конференции;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The decision of the General Assembly that no more than five special conferences should take place in a given year

and that no

more than



conference should be convened at the same time should be strictly implemented.

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Следует обеспечить неукоснительное соблюдение решения Генеральной Ассамблеи о том, что в течение одного года следует проводить не более пяти специальных конференций и что в одно и то же время не следует созывать более одной специальной конференции.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The duration of the work in


working hours is, however, subject to the following restrictions:(a) it may not normally exceed 10 hours a day; and(b)

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В то же время в отношении продолжительности работы в сверхурочные часы предусматриваются следующие ограничения: a продолжительность рабочего времени не может превышать 10 часов в день; b каждый из работников может отработать не более 10 сверхурочных часов в неделю и не более 100 сверхурочных часов в год.

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More than 15


projects with glossy magazines.

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Более 15 спецпроектов с глянцевыми изданиями;

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Больше десяти часов дополнительных материалов.

The company cooperates with more than 130


purpose vehicle manufacturers.

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С компанией сотрудничают более 130 заводов изготовителей спецтехники.

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Between them, more than 30 years of


effects and appearance.

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На двоих у них, более 30 лет опыта в области спецэффектов.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

более особенной, чем

лучше, чем

He claims that achievement is more special than the NBA champion.

Он заявил, что эта победа для него оказалась важнее, чем чемпионаты НБА.

There is nothing more special than the trust and unconditional love of the little ones in our lives.

Нет ничего лучше, чем безусловная и бескорыстная любовь наших деток.

So there are a few updates that make it feel a bit more special than the standard car.

I think this win will be more special than the others.

That means you have to make your website more special than the rest of them.

А это значит, что вам необходимо сделать сайт лучше, чем у других.

But he was no more special than the other bishops.

Earlier algomenoreya it considered more special than the disease.

We are no more special than the Greeks.

Well, what could be more special than the glee club’s funeral?

There is nothing more special than the high school years.

He is special, but not any more special than the others.

You are, genetically, no more special than the rest of humanity… which some of you like to call «mongrel» humans.

Вы генетически не более особенны, чем всё остальное человечество… которое некоторые из вас называют «беспородными» людьми.

There is nothing more ordinary and more special than the human body.

Нам кажется, что нет ничего привычнее и обыденнее, чем собственное тело.

Among Judith’s friends there was one more special than the others.

Cars are like children: It’s hard to say that any one is more special than the other.

«Машины похожи на детей: трудно сказать, что какая-то из них выделяется сильнее.

This is what makes EuroLeague more special than the NBA.

The only thing special about you Is you think you’re more special than the rest of us.

I think it’s a lot more special than the success of the singles, because this reflects the work I’ve put in over the years and the word of mouth I’ve helped create, B.o.B recently told MTV News about his nominations.

Я думаю, что это гораздо больше, чем успех песен, так как это характеризует всю мою работу, в которую вкладывался в течение многих лет,» — недавно сказал В.о.В для новостей MTV о своей кандидатуре.

This video gives us the opportunity to show what makes the Final Edition a bit more special than the standard car, beyond the limited availability and its importance in regards to the V12 engine.

Опубликованное в сети видео демонстрирует, что делает Final Edition немного более особенным, чем стандартное исполнение, помимо лимитированностии и его V12.

This crane is a bit more special than the ones you are used to, because it can lift some very heavy things. So you can use it to construct some incredible things.

Этот кран является немного более особенным, чем те, к которым вы привыкли, потому что это может поднять некоторые очень тяжелые вещи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 23. Точных совпадений: 23. Затраченное время: 201 мс


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  • #1

Can you use «special» as both a comparative and a superlative? For example,

(1) John is more special than Bill.

(2) Mary is the most special person in our group.

Is it grammatically wrong to say: more special and most special? Thank you very much.

    • #2

    Welcome to the forum, newlearner.

    Both sentences are grammatically correct.

    I suppose you know that the first implies that Bill is also special, and the second implies that there are special people in the group besides Mary.

    How does the adjective special differ from other similar words?

    Some common synonyms of special are especial, individual, particular, and specific. While all these words mean «of or relating to one thing or class,» special stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own.

    When would especial be a good substitute for special?

    The meanings of especial and special largely overlap; however, especial may add implications of preeminence or preference.

    a matter of especial importance

    When is it sensible to use individual instead of special?

    While the synonyms individual and special are close in meaning, individual implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group.

    valued each individual opinion

    When is particular a more appropriate choice than special?

    In some situations, the words particular and special are roughly equivalent. However, particular stresses the distinctness of something as an individual.

    a ballet step of particular difficulty

    When can specific be used instead of special?

    Although the words specific and special have much in common, specific implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species.

    children with specific nutritional needs

    Comparison of adjectives in English

    when is it written more and when is most

    In English, adjectives change only by degrees of comparison, while without any changes in relation to gender, number and case. The forms of the degrees of comparison express the intensity of a given quality in a particular object, person, phenomenon.

    Therefore, according to the degrees of comparison, only those adjectives that denote signs that change in degrees of intensity change.

    For example, it is possible for the adjective big to form degrees of comparison (the subject can be more or less large), but the formation of degrees of comparison in the adjective daily is inconceivable, because there can be no more or less daily phenomena.

    There are three degrees of comparison:

    1. Polishing (or neutral), denoting the quality (property) of an object, person or phenomenon beyond comparison with another object, person or phenomenon, that is, the use of an adjective in its neutral form without expressing the enhancement of quality (property):

      long — long, big — large, useful — useful.

    2. Comparative — denotes a greater degree of a given quality or property in one or another object, person or phenomenon in comparison with the same quality in some other object, person or phenomenon (or in the same object, person or phenomenon at another time):

      longer— longer, bigger — more, more useful — more useful.

    3. Superb — denotes the highest degree of manifestation of quality (property) in one or another object, person or phenomenon among all homogeneous objects, persons or phenomena that have the same quality (or in the same object, person or phenomenon at another time):

      (the) longest is the longest, the biggest is the biggest, the most useful is the most useful.

    Features of education

    The comparative degree of monosyllabic (as a rule) and some disyllabic adjectives is formed by adding the suffix to the positive form —er, and the superlative is the suffix —is.

    large — larger — largis
    big bigger Biggest

    The two-syllable adjectives that form the degrees of comparison according to this general rule include adjectives ending in -le, -er, -ow, and some others.

    simple — simpler — simplest
    simple — simpler — simplest

    clever — cleverer — cleverest
    smart — smarter — smartest

    narrow — narrower — narrowest
    narrow — narrower — narrowest

    Spelling rules

    • In monosyllabic adjectives ending in one consonant with the preceding short vowel, this final consonant is doubled. big — bigger — biggis hot — hotter — hottest hottest — hottest — hottest
    • For adjectives ending in a consonant y (or -glass), in the comparative and superlative degree, the letter y changes to i and the ending is added accordingly -R и -is… dry — drier — driest dry — drier — driest happy — happier — happiest happy — happier — happiest
    • For adjectives ending in a dumb vowel e, this final vowel (dumb e) is dropped and the ending is added accordingly -R и -is: large — larger — largest large — largest — largest white — whiter — whitest white — whiter — whitest
    • In most disyllabic and all polysyllabic adjectives, the comparative degree is formed by adding to the positive form of the adverb more, and to the excellent — adverbs bridge: interesting — more interesting — most interesting interesting — more interesting (more interesting) — the most interesting (most interesting) difficult — more difficult — bridge difficult difficult — harder (more difficult) — most difficult


    1. In this way, degrees of comparison and some monosyllabic adjectives are formed, for example:

      kind — more kind — bridge child
      kind — kinder — the kindest

    2. The degrees of comparison of some monosyllabic and disyllabic adjectives can be formed in both the first and second ways. Parallel forms of such adjectives are sometimes used for stylistic purposes. For example:

      kind — kinder (more kind) — kindest (most kind) happy — happier (more happy) — happiest (most happy)

      clever — cleverer (more clever) — cleverest (most clever)

    3. To express degrees of comparison, indicating a decrease in quality or property, the adverb is used in a comparative degree less, and in the excellent one — least.

      interesting — less interesting — least interesting
      interesting — less interesting — least interesting

    Table of the formation of degrees of comparison according to general rules

    Monosyllabic adjectives Strengthening the quality and properties of an item Positive degree comparative Superior degree
    short — short light — light simple — simple shorter — shorter lighter — lighter simpler — easier shortest — shortest lightest — lightest simplest — easiest
    Polysyllabic adjectives useful important important more useful — more useful, more useful more important — more important, more important most useful — most useful, most important — most important, most important
    Reducing the quality and properties of an item useful important important less useful — less useful less important — less important least useful — least important — least important
    • The degrees of comparison for some adjectives are formed from other roots (just like some adjectives in Russian):

    Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superior Degree

    good — good better — better best — the best, the best
    bad — bad worse — worse worst — worst, worst
    little — small less — less least — the smallest, smallest
    far — far farther — more distant, more, distant further — further (in order), additional farthest — the farthest (furthest) furthest — the farthest (farthest)
    late — late later — later latter — last (of the two mentioned) latest — latest, most recent (in time) last — (most) last (in order), last (in time)
    old — old older — older (by age, years) elder — older (of two brothers, sisters in the family) oldest — the oldest (by age, years) eldest — (the oldest) (of three or more brothers, sisters in the family)
    • Superlative adjectives defining or replacing a noun are used with the definite article the… Naroch is the largest lake in Belarus. Naroch is the largest lake in Belarus. He is the cleverest student in our group. He is the smartest student in our group.


    1. bridge it is also used with adjectives to express not the highest degree of quality of the object, but simply a very high degree of quality. In such cases, the indefinite article is used, and the word bridge conveyed by the meanings: «very», «very», «quite», «extremely»:

      This is a most interesting film. It’s a very (very) interesting movie.

    2. bridge also used with the preposition of before a noun to express the meaning of «majority» or «most», in which case it is used without an article.

      Most of the students go in for sports. Most of the students are involved in sports.

    Read also: Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs

    A common question in English is a question that is used to get an answer to what the speaker is asking or asking. The answer to this question begins with yes or no, or it can be limited to only those words. General questions are spoken in an ascending tone.

    Source: https://catchenglish.ru/grammatika/stepeni-sravneniya-prilagatelnykh.html

    Prepositions of place in, on, at in English

    when is it written more and when is most

    There are a lot of place prepositions in English, but the most multifunctional of them are in, on и at.

    Use of the preposition «In»

    in a room — in the room

    in a box — in a box

    There is an armchair in the corner. — Вa corner there is a chair.

    • in a city, country or continent:

    in London — in London

    in the USA — in the USA

    in Europe — in Europe

    in the street — on the street

    in Oxford Street — to Oxford Street

    • in a pond (when we talk about swimming):

    in a pool — in the pool

    in a river — in the river

    in the sea — at sea

    What can you see in the picture? — What do you see on picture?

    Who are these people in the photograph? — Who are these people on Photo?

    I’ve read about the festival in this magazine. — I read about the festival в this magazine.

    Peter is in bed. He is ill. — Peter в bed. He is sick.

    • By car / taxi: in a car / in to taxi
    • On the front / back seat of the car: in the front / in the back

    I sat inthefront [of our car]. — I like to ride in the front seat [our car].

    • With the following expressions:

    In hospital — in the hospital:

    John has broken his leg, so he is in hospital. — John broke his leg, so he в hospital.

    In prison — in prison:

    Alan has robbed a bank and he is in prison now. — Alan robbed a bank, and now he’s in jail.

    Use of the preposition «On»

    on a table — on table

    on a sofa — on couch

    on the left — left

    on the right — right

    • in public transport:

    He goes to work on the train. — He commutes to work on train.

    • by radio / TV / Internet

    I’ve seen him on TV. — I saw him on TV.

    I read the news on the Internet. — I read news on the Internet.

    My mother is listening to a program on the radio. — My mom listens to the program on the radio.

    We live on the 5th floor. — We live on sixth floor (Britain). We live on fifth floor (America).

    There is a picture on the wall. — On the a picture hangs on the wall.

    I sat on the floor. — I sat down on sex.

    There is a dirty mark on the ceiling. — On the the ceiling is a dirty stain.

    London in on the Thames. — London is worth on Thames.

    Portsmouth is on the south coast of England. — Portsmouth is located on south coast of England.

     I met him onmy way home. — I met him on the way to home.

    Buy everything that is on the list… — Buy everything вlist of.

    There are really good dishes on the menu. — Вmenu there are very good dishes.

    • On the front / back of letters, photographs, etc .: onthefront, ontheback

    I wrote the date on the back of the photograph. — I wrote the date oninverseside Photo.

    Use of the preposition «At»

    • near some place:

    I met her at the bus stop… — I met her onbusstop.

    Turn left onto at the traffic lights / at the round about… — Believe left ontraffic light / circularmovement.

    Please leave your key at the reception desk… — Please leave the key onrackRegistration..

    There is a small shop at the corner of a street. — On thea corner there is a small shop.

    * You can also use the preposition here on.

    Please write your name at the top

    Source: https://www.start2study.ru/english-grammar/prepositions-of-place/

    Learning English

    when is it written more and when is most

    Adjectives in English do not change by person, number and case. Qualitative adjectives vary in degree of comparison. As in Russian, there are three degrees of comparison in English: a positive, comparative и excellent

    Positive degree

    The positive degree is the main form of adjectives that indicates the presence of a given trait or quality.

    This is an interesting book. — It’s an interesting book.

    The positive degree of adjectives can be used when comparing two or more persons or objects in the following cases:

    • When comparing the same qualities. For this, the structures are used as, which corresponds to the Russian construction is the same as
    • When pointing to unequal qualities. For this, the structures are used not as as / not so as, which corresponds to the Russian construction not the same as


    The comparative degree of adjectives is used to indicate a greater or lesser severity of a sign or quality in one object or person in relation to another.

    For monosyllabic adjectives and two-syllable adjectives ending in -e, -y, -er, -ow, the comparative form is formed by adding the suffix -er.

    small small — smaller smaller
    simple is simple — simpler is simpler
    pretty handsome — prettier prettier
    narrow narrow — narrower already

    The rest of the adjectives form a comparative degree of comparison with the words more more or less less, which is placed before the adjective.

    interesting interesting — more (less) interesting more (less) interesting
    importnant important — more (less) important more (less) important

    For monosyllabic adjectives and two-syllable adjectives ending in -e, -y, -er, -ow, the superlative is formed by adding the suffix -est.

    small small — smallest smallest
    simple simple — simplest is the simplest
    pretty beautiful — prettiest the most beautiful
    narrow narrow — narrowest narrowest

    The rest of the adjectives form a superlative degree of comparison with the words most most or least least, which is placed before the adjective.

    interesting interesting — most (least) interesting most (least) interesting
    importnant important — most (least) important most (least) important

    When adding the suffixes -er or -est, the following spelling rules apply:

    • if the adjective ends with the letter -e, then it drops out when adding suffixes -er or -est simple (simple) — simpler — simplest
    • if the adjective ends in a consonant followed by a y, then the final y changes to i when the suffixes -er or -est are added easy — easier — easiest
    • if the adjective ends in a short vowel followed by a consonant, then the final consonant is doubled by adding the suffixes -er or -est big (big) — bigger — biggest


    The exceptions to the general rule of education of the comparative and superlative degree are the forms of the adjectives good good, bad bad, little small, little, much / many many, far distant

    Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superior Degree

    good better best
    little less least
    much / many more bridge
    far further / farther furthest / farthest

    Source: http://www.study-languages-online.com/ru/en/english-adjective-comparative.html

    Better and Best: Proper Use of Comparative and Superlatives — Enago Academy


    Adjectives are words that describe another word. Comparative degrees are simply adjectives used to compare two things in terms of a certain overall quality.

    They take three forms: positive, comparative, and excellent.

    The positive adjective is used without comparison, the comparative is used to compare one thing to another, and the superlative is used to compare one thing to a group. The following sentences provide examples of each form:

    Positive: My horse is smart.

    Comparison: My horse is smarter than his horse.

    Superlative: My horse is the smartest horse in the barn.

    From the italicized adjectives in the examples above, you can see that each form of smart is different. The comparative form uses the suffix -er and is followed by than; the excellent form uses the -est suffix.

    You can also compare without changing the form of the adjective by using as in a sentence. By using as, you are showing equivalence.

    My horse is as smart as his horse.

    Greek food might be as tasty as Italian food.

    Is that all it takes? Do we just add one of these suffixes (and prepositions) to an adjective to make a comparison? Given that English can be complex and the rules can be confusing, you can assume the answer is no, and you’d be right. There are several rules for comparison.

    Related: Are you having difficulty with language and grammar in your dissertation? Check out these helpful resources now!

    Formation of comparative and superlatives

    It is not uncommon for both native and non-native English speakers to make comparison mistakes; however, some of the more common uses have rules that can help.

    In most cases, comparative and superlative degrees depend on the original form of the adjective used.

    For example, the comparative form will differ when the original form has more than one syllable, ends in one vowel followed by a consonant, or has an unpronounceable «e» at the end. Below is a list of general rules.

    • Monosyllabic word: Add suffixes -er and -est (smart, smarter, smartest).
    • Two syllables: Usually the suffixes -er and -est are added, but there are exceptions.
    • Two syllables with a negative prefix: These words can take any form as long as the spelling is not inconvenient to pronounce (unhappier or more unhappy).
    • Three or more syllables: Use more and most with the same adjective form (annoying, more annoying, most annoying).
    • Single vowel followed by a single consonant: Double the last consonant and add the suffix (red, redder, reddest).
    • Ends with unpronounceable -e: omit the e and add the suffix (lame, lamer, lamest).
    • The -y ending: replace y with i and add the suffix (happy, happier, happiest).
    • The ending -er: do not change the word forms. Use more or most (eager, more eager, most eager) instead.
    • An adjective participle: These are words ending in -ing, -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, or -ne. Use more or most; do not add the suffix (tired, more tired, most tired).
    • Incorrect adjective: such adjectives have completely different forms (good, better, best). A dictionary will help with this, but mainly you should try to memorize as much as possible.
    • Adverbs ending in -ly: adverbs used to change a verb (for example, ran quickly) are also used comparatively; also use more and most (quickly, more quickly, most quickly).

    These are examples of higher degrees of comparison (that is, showing that something is better or better than anything), but there are also lower degree comparisons. In these cases, no suffixes are added.

    His horse is less smart than

    He has lesser horse skills than others.

    His horse is the least smart horse on the property.

    Adjectives that do not form degrees of comparison

    Some words cannot be compared using suffixes, prepositions, or other means of comparison. These words describe an absolute condition. For example, an animal cannot be «more or less pregnant.» She is either pregnant or not. If something is impossible, it cannot be more or less impossible; if something is fatal, it cannot be more or less fatal, and so on.

    Exceptions and changes to the rules

    As mentioned, some one- and two-syllable words do not correspond to the rules for the formation of comparative and superlative degrees. In these cases, it is correct to use more and most. For example, the words fierce and sane do not accept a suffix. Likewise, the comparative degrees alive and distinct, both adjectives of two syllables, become more alive or most distinct. It would be wrong and awkward to add the -er or -est suffixes to these words.

    Also, sometimes the rules of the English language change according to accepted or common usage. What may have been a strict rule at one point cannot still apply if native speakers prefer one form to another. For example, it would be nice to add a suffix to the word tender; however, it can also sound terrible. In this case, more or most is usually added before the adjective.

    Correct use is important when writing a scientific paper

    Given that researchers come from all over the world and that international journals are published in English, every effort should be made to ensure that correct English is used.

    Comparative language is used in all studies when comparing groups of subjects. In addition, the results of the study are also often compared with those of other studies. Using correct comparative and superior adjectives is essential for the reader to interpret your results correctly. When in doubt, consult a good dictionary for correct usage.

    Source: https://www.enago.ru/academy/better-vs-best-using-comparatives-and-superlatives-correctly/

    Exceptions to the degree of comparison of adjectives in English: rules and tables

    Qualitative adjectives in English have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and excellent.

    1. A positive degree (The Positive Degree) denotes the quality of an item beyond comparison with any other item with the same quality.
    2. The Comparative Degree indicates the presence of a greater degree of quality in one item compared to another item with the same quality. When comparing, the conjunction than is often used.
    3. The superlative degree (The Superlative Degree) indicates the highest degree of quality in this or that item among all other homogeneous items with the same quality.

    Positive degree

    A positive degree indicates quality. She is the adjective itself:

    • full, polite, profound, noble, beautiful.

    Superior degree

    The superlative degree of adjective comparison indicates the greatest manifestation of quality. This degree also has a simple and compound form similar to the comparative degree. In most cases, the article the is placed before adjectives in superlative degree.

    The simple form is formed by adding the ending — est:

    • full — the fullest
    • deep — the deepest
    • polite — politest (polite is the most polite)
    • happy — the happiest
    • silly -the silliest
    • big -the biggest
    • The complex form of superlative degree of comparison is formed by adding the word most:
    • beautiful — the most beautiful
    • curious — the most curious

    Here are examples of use superlatives in sentences.

    • Bob is the cleverest man I’ve ever met.
    • Molly is the most attentive girl in her class.
    • Lack of money is our biggest problem.
    • Yours is the silliest joke I’ve ever heard.

    Setting the article before adjectives

    The comparative degree has another important rule: any adjective in the superlative degree, whether it was created by means of an analytical construction, or a synthetic one, always has the definite article «the» in front of it.

    This rule works because any defining word in most cases denotes a noun that comes immediately after it.

    If there is no noun, then the use of a definite article is still an integral action, since the adjective in any case implies a person or object:

    • My grandfather is the oldest man in his village — my grandfather is the oldest in his village.
    • It was a very expensive restaurant, the most expensive which I saw.

    As you can see from the second part of the second example, the excellent comparative degree of an adjective must have a definite article even without the presence of a noun following. In the example, the noun is not spelled, but it is implied: the most expensive (restaurant) that I have seen.

    Exclusion words

    The comparative degree of an adjective works in a slightly different way for a group of fairly common words that use their own unique ways of changing. There are few such words, so memorizing their forms will not take much time, but you need to know them. Conventionally, such words can be called «irregular adjectives.»

    These include words such as «bad» — bad (worse — worst), «little» — little (less — least), «a lot» — muchmany (more — most), «good» good (better — best). An interesting fact is that such definitions are «incorrect» in a number of other languages, where their comparative adjectives also do not obey the general rules.

    Don’t get confused with the words little and small. In both cases, the comparative degree translates as «less», but in the version with little it is less, and in the version with small — smaller:

    • I have less powers than you — I have less powers than you.
    • I`m smaller than my brother — I’m smaller than my brother.

    The comparative degree of the adjective, which is translated into Russian as «more», also deserves special attention:

    • You have more money than he — you have more money than he.
    • My brother is bigger than you — my brother is bigger than you.

    As you can see, these words are quite common, and everyone came across them in one way or another.

    Special adjectives

    And in English there is a list of adjectives that can be used with both suffixes and with the words more / most, less / least.

    Able Capable
    Angry Evil
    Clever Smart
    common General
    Cruel Cruel
    Friendly Friendly
    Gentle Tender
    Handsome Beautiful
    Narrow Narrow
    Pleasant Pleasant
    politics Polite
    Quiet Quiet
    Serious Serious
    Simple Simple
    Sour Sour

    Source: https://tutorblog.ru/glagoly/isklyucheniya-v-stepeni-sravneniya-prilagatelnyh-v-anglijskom-yazyke-pravila-i-tablitsy.html

    THE and the zero article

    In the second lesson, we will look at situations in which the definite article should be used and those in which the article is not needed.

    Definite article used in the following cases:

    1. Uniqueness

    Only the definite article is used with objects, creatures and phenomena that are unique in their kind.

    • Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. A country can only have one capital, so a definite article is placed before the word «capital».
    • What is the biggest country in the world? Which country is the largest in the world? There is only one largest country, so the definite article is used. Peace is also unique.

    2. Dogs — the dogs

    In plural indefinite article not usedsince its original value is one

    The definite article can be used with plural nouns.

    If we are talking about a subject or people in general, then the article is not put.

    • Mary is afraid of dogs. — Mary is afraid of dogs. (Dogs in general, not a specific group of dogs.)
    • Everybody loves small children. — Everyone loves small children. (Children in general, not a specific group of children.)

    If we are talking about a specific group of objects or people, then a definite article is put.

    • We took the children to the zoo. — We took the kids to the zoo. (A specific group of children, probably the speaker’s children)
    • The people I work with are very friendly. — The people I work with are very friendly. (This refers to a specific group of people — those with whom the speaker works)

    3. School — the school

    With words school, college, university, hospital, prison, church and some other article not used, if we are talking about a common idea, about a common purpose for which these institutions are used.

    If we are talking about a specific building, then the definite article is used.

    • Jane is at school now. — Jane is at school now. (Jane is a student. She is in a school. This is not a specific school, but a school as an institution where children study.)
    • Jane’s mother came to the school to speak to her daughter’s teacher. — Jane’s mom came to school to talk to her daughter’s teacher. (Jane’s mom doesn’t go to school. She came to the specific school her daughter goes to.)

    4. The radio — television

    In expressions with the word «radio» — the radio always uses the definite article.

    The word television has two meanings — television and television.

    Television in the meaning of «television» is used without an article.

    Television in the meaning of «television» is used with articles.

    Important! The expression «to watch television» is translated into English as «to watch television», i.e. literally «watch television». We do not look at the TV itself, but we watch programs that are broadcast on TV.

    5. The cinema, the theater

    In expressions go to the cinema, go to the theater always used certain article.

    • Do you often go to the cinema? — Do you often go to the cinema?
    • We are going to the theater tonight. — We’re going to the theater tonight.

    6. The sea — at sea

    Typically, the definite article is used with the word sea.

    • I swimming in the sea. — I like to swim in the sea.
    • I would to live near the sea. — I would like to live next to the sea.

    The expression at sea is an exception to this rule.

    • We were at sea for three weeks. — We were at sea for three weeks.
    • Ken is a seaman, he is at sea now. — Ken is a sailor, he is at sea now.

    7. Space — the space

    The English word space has two meanings: «space» and «space».

    Space in the meaning of «space» is used without article.

    • Would you to travel in space? — Would you like to go into space?

    Space in the meaning of «space» is used with the definite article.

    • She tried to park the car, but the space was too small. “She tried to park the car, but there was not enough space.

    8. Bed — the bed

    In expressions go to bed, stay in bed the article is not used.

    • It’s time to go to bed. — Time to go to bed.
    • You should stay in bed. “You should stay in bed.

    In expressions with a word bed, in which a specific type of furniture is meant, the definite article is used.

    • She sat down on the bed. She sat down on the bed.

    Source: https://polyglotmobile.ru/poliglot-angliyskie-artikli/the-i-nulevoy-artikl/

    Comparative degree of adjectives in English. Comparative degree

    First, let’s briefly talk about the positive degree. The positive is a simple form of the adjective: smart, funny, soft. You see this form in dictionaries. For example: brave (brave), new (new), cold (cold).

    The comparative degree is used when comparing the characteristics of two or more objects, persons. Words like «faster», «higher», «stronger» are comparative adjectives. How to form it?

    1. For short adjectives (consist of one or two syllables), add the ending -er: cheap (cheap) — cheaper (cheaper), narrow (narrow) — narrower (narrower), long (long) — longer (longer).
      • If the adjective ends in -e, then we just add -r: close (close) — closer (closer).
      • If the adjective ends in -y, then -y changes to -i: lucky (luckier), easy (simple) — easier (easier).
      • If the adjective ends with a vowel + consonant combination, then the final consonant is doubled: big (big) — bigger (more), hot (hot) — hotter (hotter).
    2. The comparative degree of long adjectives (more than 2 syllables) is formed using the words more (more) and less (less): expensive (expensive) — more expensive (more expensive), serious (serious) — less serious (less serious), comfortable ( comfortable) — more comfortable.

    Excellent adjectives in English. Superlative degree

    If for a comparative degree you need two objects to compare characteristics, then for an excellent one you need several objects, among which we will single out one «best». To complete this degree, we do the following:

    1. We add the ending -est to short adjectives: thin (thin) — the thinnest (the thinnest), fast (fast) — the fastest (the fastest). At the same time, adjectives on -e, -y and on a consonant letter obey the same rules as in the formation of a comparative degree: the simplest (the simplest), the busiest (the busiest).
    2. We use long adjectives with the words most and least: talented (talented) — the most talented (most talented), interesting (interesting) — the least interesting (least interesting).

    In the formation of this degree, it is imperative to use the article the, as written in the above examples.

    Exception adjectives

    There are also adjectives, the degree of comparison of which is not formed according to the general rule. These adjectives, like their forms, should be known by heart.

    • Good — better — the best.
    • Bad — worse — the worst.
    • Little — less — the least.
    • Many / much — more — the most.
    • Old — older — the oldest.
    • Old — elder — the eldest — about family members.
    • Late — later — the latest / last.
    • Late — the latter — the last (late — the second of the two listed — the last in order).
    • Near — nearer — the nearest.
    • Near — nearer — next / the next.
    • Far — farther — the farthest.
    • Far — further — the furthest

    We suggest that you study the table with the degrees of comparison.

    Adjective Comparative Positive Comparative Excellent

    Short, 1-2 syllables Adjectivecheapbighappy + ercheaperbiggerhappier

    Source: https://engblog.ru/comparison-of-adjectives

    Much and many. Usage rules

    Details Karina Galchenko Category: BEGINNER — ELEMENTARY

    : 03 June 2019


    : 4/5

    How not to get confused using much and many? Just pay attention to the rules of use, because it is no coincidence that the English came up with two words with the same meaning. They are not interchangeable: in some cases, you only need much, and in others, you only need many. It all depends on the word itself, which will refer to much or many. Let’s figure out what’s what!

    As you know, nouns are divided into countable (you can count) and uncountable (you cannot count), and this is what depends on. rules for using much and many… It is necessary to remember once and for all that many is «friends» only with countable nouns, and much — with uncountable ones.


    many children — many children

    much water — a lot of water

    But that’s not all about much and many. The rules for using these words suggest that they are best avoided in positive sentences. That is, much and many in English should be used in negations and questions. There are exceptions when these words are part of the subject.


    do you have many friends here? — Do you have many friends here? (many + countable noun).

    I don’t much sugar in my tea. — I don’t like a lot of sugar in tea (much + uncountable noun).

    Many people speak English. — Many people speak English (many is part of the subject — many people).

    Rules for the use of many much a lot of

    If your positive proposal cannot do without «a lot», then pay attention to rules for using many much a lot of… It is believed that a lot of is well suited for approval. By the way, you can use it in absolutely any context. Even if you suddenly wondered what would work for a given sentence, a lot of will always help out, since it can be used for both countable and uncountable nouns.


    There are a lot of people in this room. — There are many people in this room (a lot of + countable noun).

    I have a lot of work today. — I have a lot of work today (a lot of + uncountable noun).

    Do i have a lot of mistakes in the test? — Do I have a lot of mistakes in the test? (interrogative sentence).

    They don’t have a lot of information. — They don’t have a lot of information (negative proposal).

    Rules for using many much a lot of refer specifically to nouns, you cannot use these words with verbs. But what to do when it is important to «enhance» the meaning of an action? Here a lot will do (without the preposition of).


    We see our parents a lot… — We see our parents a lot (meaning «see each other often»)

    Do you practice this language a lot? — Do you practice this language a lot?

    Drinking how much how many

    Concerning how much how many, then here, too, everything depends on the noun that will follow this or that question phrase. How much should be combined with uncountable nouns, and how many with countable nouns.


    How much milk do you have to buy? — How much milk do you need to buy? (how much + uncountable noun)

    How many roses did he present her? — How many roses did he give her? (how many + countable noun)

    Finally, I would like to note that with the words years, weeks, days it is better to use many rather than a lot of.


    I have known Mary for many years. — I have known Mary for many years.

    Best wishes to you!

    Source: http://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/29-beginner-elementary/367-much-i-many-pravila-upotrebleniya.html

    Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

    It is clear where the confusion can arise between the words many and much: in Russian they have the same meaning. Both words convey the idea of ​​plurality and indicate a large number of those objects to which they refer.

    What, then, is the difference between them? And when is many used, and when is much? In order not to confuse these two words with each other, you need to remember small rules.

    Countable and uncountable nouns

    The words much and many each refer to the object that follows it. The choice of one of these two words depends on the type of the subsequent noun.

    All nouns can be divided into two groups: countable and uncountable. The division into these two classes is based on the ability to count objects. Let’s look at this principle with an example: take the word chair.

    It has both singular and plural forms: chair — chairs. If we imagine a set of chairs, we can count how many items it contains: one chair, two chairs, and so on.

    If we take another noun, for example, snow (snow), then we will not be able to count what elements a lot of snow consists of.

    Nouns of the first type that behave like chair are called countable, and nouns of the second type, like snow, are called uncountable.

    Many and much: the rule of thumb

    How much and many have to do with this? The most direct: the category of calculability of a noun determines which of these words will be used. Let’s turn to the examples we are already familiar with. Chair is a countable item, so many will be used with it. Snow is an uncountable noun, which means that if we want to convey the idea of ​​a large number, we will use much with it.

    I need many chairs for the party — I need many chairs for the holiday.
    There is much snow in the city — There is a lot of snow in the city.

    Thus, for many or much, the rule can be deduced: many appears with countable nouns, and much with uncountable nouns.

    Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/muchmany

    Introduction to English adjectives

    As in Russian, English adjectives tell about the signs of an object or phenomenon (or qualities of a person).

    In a nutshell, an adjective is a word that clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe the size, shape, age, color, origin, or material from which the item is made.

    It’s a big table. This is a large table. (the size)
    It’s a round table. This is a round table. (the form)
    It’s an old table. This is an old table. (age)
    It’s a brown table. This is a brown table. (Colour)
    It’s an English table. This is an English table. (origin)
    It’s a wooden table. This is a wooden table. (material)
    It’s a lovely table. This is a beautiful table. (opinion)
    It’s a broken table. This is a broken table. (observation)
    It’s a coffee table. This is a coffee table. (purpose)


    In the case of a destination, the word of another part of speech usually acts as an adjective:

    coffee tableconference hallhunting cabinbaseball player —- coffee table meeting room hunting hut baseball player

    How do you recognize an adjective?

    Often English adjectives end with one of the following suffixes:

    -able / -ible — adorable, invisible, responsible, uncomfortable

    -al — educational, gradual, illegal, nocturnal, viral

    -an — American, Mexican, urban

    -ar — cellular, popular, spectacular, vulgar

    -ent — intelligent, potent, silent, violent

    -ful — harmful (harmful), powerful (powerful), grateful (grateful), thoughtful (thoughtful)

    -ic / -ical — athletic, energetic, magical, scientific

    -ine — canine (canine), equine (equine), feminine (feminine), masculine (masculine)

    -ile — agile (agile), fragile (fragile), docile (obedient), fertile (fertile)

    -ive — informative, native, talkative

    -less — careless, endless, homeless, timeless

    -ous — cautious, dangerous, enormous, precious

    -some — awesome, handsome, lonesome, wholesome

    Remember, however, that things are not so simple in English! Many adjectives end in -y, -ary, and -ate — but many nouns and adverbs also end in -y, many nouns end in -ary, and many nouns and verbs end in -ate. Be careful!

    Where to put the adjective?

    An adjective can come before a noun. Then that’s the definition.

    Human Subject
    Mandy is a smart girl. Mandy is a smart girl. This is an expensive car. This is an expensive car.

    The adjective can come after the verb to be. Then it’s part of the predicate.

    Human Subject
    The girl is smart. The girl is smart. This car is expensive. This car is expensive.

    Adjectives can appear after the following verbs: appear (to appear), become (to become), feel (to feel), get (to receive), go (to go), keep (to store), turn (to turn, to become).

    We use adjectives when we talk about how an object looks, smells, sounds, or tastes. In English, these are adjectives, not adverbs! (Read about the difference between adjectives and adverbs in a dedicated article.)

    Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/znakomstvo-s-anglijskimi-prilagatelnymi

    Three degrees of comparison

    1. Positive degree (The Positive Degree) denotes the quality of an object beyond comparison with any other object with the same quality.
    2. Comparative (The Comparative Degree) indicates the presence of a greater degree of quality in one object in comparison with another object with the same quality. When comparing, the conjunction than is often used.
    3. Superlative degree (The superlative degree) indicates the highest degree of quality in this or that object among all other homogeneous objects that have the same quality.

    English essay writing, finished essays

    A foreign language essay requires high-quality content and a good organizational structure, as well as competent language design.

    Writing an essay in English is one of the most challenging tasks when passing the unified state exam. In terms of complexity, only listening can compete with him. Therefore, the training in writing an essay should be especially intensified and intense.

    Since 2012, the time allotted for the entire foreign language exam has been increased to 180 minutes. Since the rest of the exam tasks have not been changed, we recommend that you spend the extra time on the writing part (80 minutes). Moreover, the plan for the tasks is being clarified, which can facilitate the task of writing.

    Like writing a letter in English, the essay is included in part C. In task C2 in the USE in English, you need to write an essay with elements of reasoning on this statement. This task will not be difficult if you follow the tips below from 5-ege.ru.

    Use a formal writing style

    • do not use abbreviations (do notcan’tI’mit’s),
    • do not use parentheses or exclamation marks — this is characteristic of an informal writing style;
    • don’t start sentences with words andbut or Also; in spoken language, you can use them, but avoid it in the composition;
    • do not use introductory words typical for informal style (wellto tell the truth and others);
    • avoid too simple sentences; combine them into complex ones using logical means of communication.

    — in detail about writing an essay

    Divide the text into meaningful paragraphs in accordance with the plan proposed in the assignment.

    1. In the first paragraph, state the problemthat you will be discussing, but do not repeat the topic of the essay word for word. Imagine that your reader does not know what this is about, and try to explain the problem to him in other words.
    2. Highlight the positive and negative sides of the problem, think about reasonable arguments supporting both points of view. Remember that you must express not only your point of view, but also the opposite. Also, be sure to explain why you disagree with the other point of view. Try to maintain a balance between paragraphs.
    3. Use linking wordsto help the reader follow the logic of your reasoning. Remember that introductory words are separated by commas.
    4. In the last paragraph, draw a general conclusion on this issue. You can also finally formulate your opinion or suggest ways to solve this problem.

    Structure by parts

    • Title — The title of the essay, which reflects the theme of the story.
    • Introduction — 2-4 short sentences that cover the topic of the essay.
    • The main part — 2-3 paragraphs, which describe the essence of the essay.

      Expand the topic as fully and competently as possible, give reasons and reason for them.

    • Conclusion — 2-4 sentences that summarize. General conclusion on the topic.

    In the main part of the essay, all paragraphs begin with an introductory sentence (Topic Sentence) — an introduction.

    Further, Topic Sentence is developed and confirmed.

    The length of the essay should be 200-250 words. At the same time, the article is also a word, so do not get too carried away with the development of ideas, try to stay within the given framework.

    Essay clichés

    Expressions of opinion:

    • I agree / disagree
    • In my opinion, / From my point of view, / As far as I am concerned,
    • I believe that / It seems to me that
    • I am in favor of / I am against the idea of
    • According to
    • Some people say that
    • It is said / believed that
    • There is no doubt that
    • It cannot be denied that
    • It goes without saying that
    • We must admit that

    Argument presentation:

    • The main argument against / in favor is
    • First of all, I would consider
    • The first thing I would consider is
    • To begin with, / To start with,
    • Despite the fact that / In spite of the fact that
    • On the one hand, / On the other hand,
    • Besides, / In addition,
    • What is more, / Moreover, / More than that,
    • Finally,
    • However, /, though
    • Although
    • Nevertheless,

    Logic connectives:

    • for this reason
    • therefore / that is why
    • thus sth happened because of / as a result of / owing to / due to / as a consequence of


    • For example
    • Par exemple
    • such as


    • to sum up,
    • To conclude, I would argue that
    • On this basis, I can conclude that
    • In conclusion, I would stress that
    • All in all, I believe that

    One language for the whole planet. Pros and cons

    No doubt that learning languages ​​takes up a lot of time. That is why some people think that it would be better to have only one language on our planet. But will it be really beneficial for mankind?

    In my opinion, the reduction of the number of languages ​​is a disaster because it will totally destroy our great cultural heritage.

    With each loss of a language comes a loss of a culture, a loss of a way of life that deserves to be protected and treated as valuable.

    I also believe that leaving one language for communication will greatly reduce the linguistic of our planet, which is the key to our survival. What is more, it will be rather difficult to choose which language to use and it may even lead to wars.

    Many people think that if we have only one language, communication will become easier and there will be no need to learn foreign languages. I cannot agree with them because knowledge of foreign languages ​​makes a person educated and well rounded. You cannot broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture. Besides, people are a lot more helpful if you speak their language.

    In conclusion, I would argue that we should try our best to preserve the linguistic diversity of our planet. I think that larger cultures should have a respect for minority languages, but first of all the younger generation must want to preserve their native language.

    Animals in the zoo. What do you think about it. Is it fair

    There are a lot of zoos in the world and millions of people visit them every year. But are zoos harmful or helpful to animals which are caged there?

    I strongly believe that we should not keep animals in zoos because captivity is not natural for them and it is a constant stress to a wild animal. Keeping animals in zoos harms them by denying them freedom of movement and association. What is more, zoos are prisons for animals as they live in small cages and do not get necessary food. In addition, animals become very aggressive and unpredictable as they get older and often attack zoo keepers and other people.

    Source: https://5-ege.ru/napisanie-sochineniya-po-anglijskomu-yazyku/

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