Word more than proud

Предложения с «more than proud»

Your father would be more than proud of you.

Твой отец очень гордился бы тобой.

I am more than proud of my current position as Rosa’s friend.

Я более чем горжусь моей нынешней должностью друга Розы.

Your father would have been more than proud .

Ваш отец не просто гордился бы вами.

And when people say to me, There’s a backlash against refugees, what I say to them is, No, there’s a polarization, and at the moment, those who are fearful are making more noise than those who are proud .

И когда люди говорят мне: «Но ведь многие против беженцев», я им на это отвечаю: «Нет, это разделение мнений, и на данном этапе те, кому страшно, шумят сильнее, чем те, кто гордится ».

Standing there that night, I take a deep breath and look at Deah and tell him, I have never been more proud of you than I am in this moment.

В тот вечер, стоя рядом, я сделала глубокий вдох, посмотрела на Диа и сказала: Я никогда не была так горда тобой, как сейчас.

You helped me be somebody that I was more proud of.

Ты помогал мне быть человеком, которым я гордилась .

Jamie Scott, hug your dad for all of us because he just made it to the NBA, and we couldn’t be more proud .

Джейми Скотт, обними папу за всех нас, потому что он только что попал в НБА, и мы им очень гордимся .

But Palestinians have shown over the years that they are a proud people who will not cave in just because the other side is militarily or politically more powerful.

Но палестинцы на протяжении нескольких лет показали, что они — гордый народ, который не уступит только потому, что другая сторона является более мощной в военном или политическом отношении.

Building a better America would also permit more Americans to lead prosperous, proud , secure, and bountiful lives.

Если мы сделаем Америку лучше, многие американцы смогут жить в полной безопасности, в достатке и изобилии, процветать и гордиться своей жизнью.

“I’m extremely proud of Siri and the impact it’s had on the world, but in many ways it could have been more,” Cheyer says.

«Я очень горжусь Siri и тем влиянием, которое она оказала на мир, но во многих отношениях это влияние можно было бы расширить, — говорит Чейер.

Ukrainians have a lot more to be proud of than many appreciate, and they may find that this pride itself can be a stepping-stone to success.

У украинцев есть гораздо больше поводов для национальной гордости , чем они сами думают, и они могут понять, что эта гордость сама по себе может стать первым шагом к успеху.

That sounds ill-natured: but she was so proud it became really impossible to pity her distresses, till she should be chastened into more humility.

Нехорошо, вы скажете, но Кэтрин была так горда — просто невозможно бывало ее пожалеть в ее горестях, пока не заставишь ее хоть немного смириться.

Heathcliff, I’m proud to show you, at last, somebody that dotes on you more than myself.

Хитклиф, я горда , что могу наконец показать тебе особу, которая любит тебя безрассудней, чем я.

If a crowned king on a throne had spoken condescendingly to him, he could hardly have looked more proud of the honor conferred than he looks now.

Если бы король на престоле заговорил с ним снисходительно, едва ли он мог бы более гордиться этой честью.

Well then, I would fling away restraint and modesty, I would not be proud any more.

Что ж, раз так, я забуду о гордости , отброшу сдержанность и скромность.

What’s more, you were proud of psychohistory as a concept, proud of having thought of it.

Важнее то, что ты очень гордился своим открытием — психоисторией… Гордился ею, как концепцией…

It is a great deal more natural than one could wish, that a young man, brought up by those who are proud , luxurious, and selfish, should be proud , luxurious, and selfish too.

Вполне естественно, к сожалению, когда молодой человек, воспитанный спесивыми, изнеженными роскошью эгоистами, сам вырастает спесивым, изнеженным роскошью эгоистом.

Tired out but proud , the animals walked round and round their masterpiece, which appeared even more beautiful in their eyes than when it had been built the first time.

Изнемогая от гордости , животные гуляли вокруг этого творения, которое в их глазах выглядело еще более прекрасным, чем когда они только приступали к строительству.

She had shown a proud impatience more than once before, and had rather endured that fierce affection than accepted or returned it.

Она уже и прежде не раз выказывала раздражение и скорее терпела эту неистовую нежность, чем отвечала на нее взаимностью.

You’re proud never to have let yourself be harmed by those you despise- -but no base of human pride could be more petty and contemptible.

А потом вы умрете… и будешь горда , тем, что не дала ничему презренному себя запятнать. Есть ли на свете более дешевая, более вульгарная причина для гордости ?

Willie grows even more precocious, and Father is so proud of you.

Уилли растет на глазах, а папа очень горд тобой.

That was absolutely lovely, although I’m sure if Nurse Noakes were here, she would say the donkeys would be a little bit more proud .

Это было прекрасно, хотя я уверена, что если бы сестра Нокс была здесь, она бы сказала, что ослики должны быть чуть более горделивыми .

I could not be more proud to pass the baton off to you.

Я так горд передать тебе эту эстафету.

All right, go on being proud and don’t complain any more.

Ну, и продолжай в том же духе и не шуми.

Would it make you feel better if I told you that I have never felt more proud of my future husband than I did watching you up there today?

Тебе полегчает, если я скажу, что никогда так не гордилась своим будущим мужем, как сегодня во время твоего выступления?

I have never been more proud than I am at this moment.

Я никогда не быль столь горд, как в это мгновение.

More than anything else, I’d like to say how proud Camille and I are to have our family gathered around us.

И более всего я хочу признаться, как мы с Камилл горды тем, что вся наша семья в полном сборе.

I’m happy and more than a little proud to report… that AGS is way ahead of the competition in this area.

Я с радостью и гордостью сообщаю вам… что AGS значительно обошла своих конкурентов в этой области.

I don’t think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men.

Я не думаю, что кто — то должен гордиться тем, что погибло гораздо больше детей и женщин, чем вооруженных мужчин.

I believe that 444½ reviews is something you should be proud of much more then any amount of barnstars… — Dmitrij D.

Я считаю, что 444½ отзывов — это то, чем вы должны гордиться гораздо больше, чем любым количеством barnstars… — Дмитрий Дмитриевич.

Reigns more or less supreme in every heart; The Proud to gain it, toils on toils endure;.

Царствует более или менее Верховно в каждом сердце; гордый , чтобы получить его, трудится на трудах терпит;.

But then he became noticeably more concealed and proud .

Но потом он стал заметно более скрытным и гордым .

It’s about being proud of who you are and where you come from, and more than that, building yourself up so you have a reason to be proud .

Речь идет о том, чтобы гордиться тем, кто вы есть и откуда вы пришли, и более того, строить себя так, чтобы у вас была причина гордиться .

Let them imitate the Lord, who at the very time of His passion was not more proud , but more humble.

Пусть они подражают Господу, который во время своих страстей был не более горд, но более смирен.

I am proud to say that it didn’t take more than a second to remember it was April Fool’s.

Я с гордостью могу сказать, что мне не потребовалось больше секунды, чтобы вспомнить, что это было первое апреля.

Consumers feel proud , special, honoured, even more valuable as individuals if they can afford to buy brands that can enhance their mianzi.

Потребители чувствуют себя гордыми , особенными, почетными, даже более ценными как личности, если они могут позволить себе покупать бренды, которые могут улучшить их mianzi.

The’ll be more than happy to tell you about how proud we are of the greatest place in this very universe.

Они будут более чем счастливы рассказать вам о том, как мы гордимся величайшим местом в этой самой Вселенной.

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Your father would be more than proud of you.

It’s something to be more than proud of.

I am more than proud of my current position as Rosa’s friend.

Charles has been part of our family since 2016, and we are more than proud of the results we are achieving with our Academy.

Шарль является частью нашей семьи с 2016 года, и мы чрезвычайно гордимся результатами, которых достиг выпускник нашей Академии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Похожие слова: more than proud

  • That you should be proud of it — Что вы должны гордиться этим
  • I shall be most proud and pleased — Я буду очень горд и доволен
  • I shall be proud to wear it — Я буду горд носить его
  • are being proud — которые гордясь
  • i am so very proud of you — Я так горжусь тобой
  • proud to recognize — с гордостью признать
  • proud to present you — с гордостью представляем вам
  • proud to know you — горд знать, что вы
  • proud to provide — самолюбивы обеспечить
  • proud to inform — С гордостью сообщаем
  • we are very proud — мы очень гордимся тем,
  • proud people — гордые люди
  • proud to launch — с гордостью запуска
  • proud to release — горд выпустить
  • am proud to be part — Я горд быть частью
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: more than proud

    We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.

    Мы гордимся тем, что снова сражаемся бок о бок с мужчинами.

    A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.

    Человек может быть горд, но не тщеславен. Гордыня больше связана с нашим мнением о себе, тщеславие-с тем, что мы хотим, чтобы о нас думали другие.

    “I’m extremely proud of Siri and the impact it’s had on the world, but in many ways it could have been more,” Cheyer says.

    “Я очень горжусь Siri и тем влиянием, которое она оказала на мир, но во многих отношениях это могло бы быть больше”, — говорит Чейер.

    All right, go on being proud and don’t complain any more.»

    Хорошо, продолжайте гордиться и больше не

    Disdaining the more philosophic inclinations of his father, Commodus was extremely proud of his physical prowess.

    Презирая более философские наклонности своего отца, Коммод чрезвычайно гордился своим физическим мастерством.

    He has much more hair than last time.

    У него гораздо больше волос, чем в прошлый раз.

    In one study, they told us they would probably cheat the next time instead of studying more if they failed a test.

    В одном исследовании они сказали нам, что, вероятно, будут обманывать в следующий раз вместо того, чтобы изучать больше, если они провалят тест.

    I think it’s more important to discuss possible solutions.

    Я думаю, что гораздо важнее обсудить возможные решения.

    Pay us more and better anchored, Decico more time to wood Instead we strive to remove the coal.

    Плати нам больше и лучше якорь, Децико больше времени на дрова, вместо этого мы стремимся убрать уголь.

    I don’t want to hear any more of your stupid jokes.

    Я не хочу больше слышать твои глупые шутки.

    I have two recommendations, either of which I can feel more strongly about based purely on the size of my fee.

    У меня есть две рекомендации, к каждой из которых я могу относиться более серьезно, основываясь исключительно на размере моего гонорара.

    To reach it more quickly we will combine the techniques.

    Чтобы достичь его быстрее, мы будем комбинировать техники.

    But I want to hear more than just perfect technique.

    Но я хочу услышать больше, чем просто совершенную технику.

    Allison specializes in a more… unconventional branch of criminology.

    Эллисон специализируется в более… нетрадиционной области криминологии.

    Tom was very sad when Mary told him she wanted nothing more to do with him.

    Том очень расстроился, когда Мэри сказала ему, что больше не хочет иметь с ним ничего общего.

    The financial sector employs 3,000 lobbyists, more than five for each member of Congress.

    В финансовом секторе работают 3000 лоббистов, более пяти на каждого члена конгресса.

    Some are more than 4,000 miles from the nearest continent.

    Некоторые из них находятся более чем в 4000 милях от ближайшего континента.

    We Found a More Rewarding Career.

    Мы нашли более плодотворную карьеру.

    And especially if the partner draws attention to itself, they choose more.

    И особенно если партнер обращает на себя внимание, они выбирают больше.

    Looked first to the courts and the legislatures to try to get them to do something to make the system make more sense.

    Сначала я обратился к судам и законодательным органам, чтобы попытаться заставить их сделать что-то, чтобы сделать систему более разумной.

    But you should still expect more of your schizophrenic episodes.

    Но вы все равно должны ожидать большего от ваших шизофренических эпизодов.

    Can you tell us more about this, uh, gardener?

    Не могли бы вы рассказать нам побольше об этом садовнике?

    Do you like white miso more than red miso? Then, have you tried combined miso?

    Вам нравится белое мисо больше, чем красное мисо? Тогда, вы пробовали комбинированное мисо?

    The Indian is more submissive towards the ruling race then the American Negro to his master.

    Индеец более покорен господствующей расе, чем американский негр своему господину.

    More importantly, nothing that ties Jimmy and Paul to Poh Boy.

    И что еще важнее, ничего такого, что связывало бы Джимми и пола с пох-боем.

    Some of the more accurate theodolites can display angles as small as one second of arc, which is equal to a circle being divided up into 1,296,000 uniform parts.

    Некоторые из более точных теодолитов могут отображать углы, равные одной секунде дуги, что равно окружности, разделенной на 1 296 000 однородных частей.

    You really should’ve been a little more polite.

    Тебе действительно следовало быть немного вежливее.

    So the more bills you find in a given area, the closer you are to the counterfeiters?

    Значит, чем больше купюр вы находите в данной местности, тем ближе вы к фальшивомонетчикам?

    And as it would seem, the only thing more costly than our defeats are our victories.

    И, казалось бы, единственное, что дороже наших поражений, — это наши победы.

    More is always better than less, Mike.

    Больше всегда лучше, чем меньше, Майк.

    In the future, we do more with less, and we continue to grow qualitatively, not quantitatively.

    В будущем мы делаем больше с меньшими затратами и продолжаем расти качественно, а не количественно.

    It seems more natural, if you ask me, if anything about this game could be natural.

    Это кажется более естественным, если вы спросите меня, может ли что-нибудь в этой игре быть естественным.

    Cheer up John. There are more fish in the sea.

    Поднимите настроение, Джон. В море больше рыбы.

    Tom is very likely to be injured if he isn’t more careful.

    Том, скорее всего, будет ранен, если не будет более осторожен.

    Salmon would be more elegant than chicken.

    Лосось был бы более элегантным, чем курица.

    Have you ever wondered, “what is the comparative of ‘proud’?” or “ Is prouder a word?”

    This page examines the comparative and superlative forms of “proud” and shows the terms in context.

    The correct grammatical comparative form of “proud” is “prouder” because it is a one-syllable word. However, as with other adjectives such as “clever”, it is acceptable in widespread use to use “more proud.” The word “more” also appears in terms such as “couldn’t be prouder/more proud.”

    Prouder or More Proud

    If you are writing a standard text in AP Style, then it is better to use the version found in the Oxford Dictionary, which is “prouder.”

    You can also see in the Oxford entry that the superlative form of “proud” is “proudest”, although people also often use “most proud.”

    The Google Ngram shows that “proudest” has always been more common, although “more proud” has increased in popularity in recent years.

    Prouder or More Proud usage

    Here are a few examples that show how the two terms can be used interchangeably:

    • I couldn’t be prouder of my son for his results.
    • She couldn’t have been more proud after finishing her PhD.
    • John was prouder than he had ever been of Mary for finishing her master’s degree.
    • I felt more proud when I passed my driving test than when I graduated.


    According to the Oxford Dictionary, the correct comparative form of “proud” is “prouder.”

    The Google Ngram above also shows that “prouder” has always been the most common comparative form worldwide.

    Here are some examples of “prouder” in a sentence:

    • I couldn’t be prouder of you for finishing the course.
    • I left the ceremony feeling prouder than ever.

    More Proud

    The term “more proud” is an alternative comparative form of “proud.” It is found in some dictionaries, such as the Britannica, but “technically” is not as correct as “prouder” because “proud” only has one syllable.

    However, as the Google Ngram above shows, “more proud” has been used for a long time and is acceptable under most circumstances.

    Here are some examples of “more proud” in a sentence:

    • We couldn’t have been more proud of you for what you achieved.
    • You should be more proud of your achievements. Don’t be so humble!
    • I couldn’t be more proud of my staff for their hard work and dedication.

    Proudest or Most Proud?

    The standard superlative form of “proud” is “proudest” because “proud” only has one syllable. However, as with “more proud”, it has become acceptable on most occasions to use “most proud.”

    The time when you should avoid using “most proud” is in academic or formal writing. However, for any other purpose, it is relatively standard to see or hear the term “most proud”  both in the UK and US.

    Here are a few examples of how “proudest” and “most proud” can be used interchangeably:

    • She is the proudest mom on her street.
    • I felt like the most proud dad in the world when my son made the football team.


    The correct comparative of “proud” is “prouder”, and the correct superlative is “proudest.”

    However, the terms “more proud” and “most proud” can also be found in dictionaries and are acceptable under most circumstances except in formal writing.

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    1. Some common synonyms of proud are arrogant, disdainful, haughty, insolent, lordly, overbearing, and supercilious.

    subsequently, What is another word for being proud of someone? “A society where everyone can be proud of his or her heritage while defending the land we have chosen to live in is not an impossible dream.”

    What is another word for be proud of?

    exult glory in
    revel in pride yourself on
    preen oneself on feel proud of
    feel proud about flatter oneself on
    feel satisfaction at exult in

    How do you say proud moment? Synonyms for Proudest moment

    1. greatest moment. n.
    2. best moment.
    3. best part.
    4. best time.
    5. better time.
    6. biggest moment.
    7. finer moments.
    8. finest hour.

    What is the adjective of proud?

    proud /ˈpraʊd/ adjective. prouder; proudest.

    What does I’m so proud of you mean? When someone tells you that they are proud of you, not only are they impressed by something you did and who you are, but they also want others to know it.

    What is the verb of proud?

    Pride also acts as a verb meaning “be proud of.” You might pride yourself on being punctual, or pride yourself on always having a daring, trendsetting haircut.

    adjective, proud·er, proud·est. feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself (often followed by of, an infinitive, or a clause). having, proceeding from, or showing a high opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, or superiority.

    What makes you proud and why?

    Every time someone needs help and encouragement, you’re there by their side, giving them exactly what they need – and this alone is something worth being proud of. We live in a selfish world and when you show acts of kindness and compassion, you show others that there are hope and love amidst the darkness.

    How do you use proudest in a sentence?

    Proudest In A Sentence

    1. This was the proudest moment of the day.
    2. This is the proudest moment of my life!
    3. It is the proudest moment of my life.
    4. I was the proudest man alive when they accepted me.
    5. He said that this was the proudest moment of his life.
    6. Lesseps the proudest day of a useful life.

    How do you write positive comments for students?

    The student:

    1. is a conscientious, hard-working student.
    2. works independently.
    3. is a self-motivated student.
    4. consistently completes homework assignments.
    5. puts forth their best effort into homework assignments.
    6. exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
    7. readily grasps new concepts and ideas.

    How would you describe a good student?

    A good student is the one who can work in a group, motivate others and yield productive output. Being positive, helpful, cooperative and friendly are all the traits of a good student. Such students become great team players and leaders when they grow up.

    How would you describe your students strength?

    One student may be particularly strong in curiosity, love of learning, and perseverance, while another may be strongest in kindness, humility, and fairness; yet another could have zest, social-emotional intelligence, and teamwork as top strengths.

    What teachers should say to students?

    50 Things You Can Say To Encourage A Child

    • Thumbs up.
    • You’re on the right track now.
    • You’ve worked so hard on that.
    • I heard you say how you feel. That’s great,
    • Oh, that turned out very well.
    • That’s coming along nicely.
    • I’m proud of the way you worked today.
    • You’ve just about got it.

    How do you make a positive comment?

    Positive feedback you can give “I’m really happy with your determination to finish this project. I know it wasn’t easy, but I knew you could do it. Your helpful attitude makes it clear that you can continue to take on new challenges and grow with the company. Thank you for your extra effort.”

    How do teachers describe students?

    A good student will always be on time and present. They will advocate for themselves and others. They will be prepared for class and be resilient in their quest for learning as much as possible instead of just securing the correct answer.

    How would you describe your students strengths?

    One student may be particularly strong in curiosity, love of learning, and perseverance, while another may be strongest in kindness, humility, and fairness; yet another could have zest, social-emotional intelligence, and teamwork as top strengths.

    What’s another word for being proud?

    Some common synonyms of proud are arrogant, disdainful, haughty, insolent, lordly, overbearing, and supercilious.

    How do you describe feeling proud?

    1 : having great self-respect or dignity He is too proud to beg. 2 : having a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction especially with a person’s own achievements or with someone else’s achievements : very pleased They were proud of their clever child. 3 : having or showing a feeling of being better than others : haughty.

    What’s a word for positive attitude?

    In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for positive thinking, like: bright outlook, pollyannaism, bullishness, optimism, positive attitude, rosy outlook, enthusiasm, silver-lining, great expectations, hopefulness and cheerfulness.

    How do you use proud in a sentence?

    How to use Proud in a sentence

    1. She was proud of him. …
    2. How sad that she would be too proud to have fun. …
    3. How proud mamma will be of her brave boy! …
    4. Pearl is a very proud mother-dog now. …
    5. That clinic was his baby and he was proud of it. …
    6. He was so proud of it. …
    7. This made him very proud of his skill.

    What is an example of proud?

    The definition of proud is having self-pride, being arrogant, or feeling great joy and honor. An example of proud is the honorable head of a happy family. An example of proud is a person who won’t admit they are wrong after being proven so. An example of proud is a father holding his baby for the first time.

    What is the adjective of very proud?

    adjective, proud·er, proud·est. feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself (often followed by of, an infinitive, or a clause). having, proceeding from, or showing a high opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, or superiority.

    How do you make every student feel valued?

    Belonging in the classroom means ensuring that all students feel welcomed, comfortable, and part of the school family. Start of newsletter promotion.

    Your Weekly Eureka Moment

    1. Shine a light on each student. …
    2. Foster student identity building. …
    3. Always leave one desk empty. …
    4. Make sure that each child feels chosen.

    How can a teacher make a student feel special?

    With a good teaching strategy, you can make every student feel welcomed and engaged.

    1. Be Consistent. To make every student feel equally supported, you must first make sure you’re not treating some students better or worse than others. …
    2. Be Inclusive. …
    3. Be Fair. …
    4. Be Available. …
    5. Be Aware.

    How do you encourage students with words?

    50 Things You Can Say To Encourage A Child

    1. Thumbs up.
    2. You’re on the right track now.
    3. You’ve worked so hard on that.
    4. I heard you say how you feel. That’s great,
    5. Oh, that turned out very well.
    6. That’s coming along nicely.
    7. I’m proud of the way you worked today.
    8. You’ve just about got it.

    How do you show your students you believe in them?

    Here are some ways to express it.

    1. Stop Using Rewards. Rewards are not needed if you believe in a student. …
    2. Encourage Effort More Than Achievement. …
    3. Give Second, Third and Fourth Chances. …
    4. Don’t Say “You Failed” – Say “You Haven’t Done It Yet” …
    5. Increase Opportunities to Learn.

    How do you show students you care?

    Here are 10 quick and easy ways to show your students that you care as much about who they are as you do about their letter grades:

    1. Greet your students every morning. …
    2. Acknowledge their presence. …
    3. Presume competence. …
    4. Provide appropriate learning materials. …
    5. Make reference to things that are relevant in their lives.

    How do you grow positive relationships with students?

    6 Easy Ways to Build Relationships with Your Students

    1. Spend 1-On-1 Time with a Student. …
    2. Look for Something to Comment On. …
    3. Develop an Interest in Their Interests. …
    4. Share Your Stories. …
    5. Have a Sense of Humor. …
    6. Attend Student Events.

    How do you motivate students to learn hard?

    Break it down Think about everything you need to do to study and write each piece down. Then, break it down into small chunks you can tackle one at a time. Don’t focus on learning it all right now, just think about what you can do in this moment.

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