Words can have many meanings
Many words can have more than one meaning; in these vocabulary worksheets, students match different definitions of the same word to the word’s usage in different sentences.
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This fun worksheet helps kids practice using a dictionary to research words with multiple meanings. How many meanings of «right» can they think of? How many does the dictionary have? Young writers will put their new understanding into practice by using the different definitions of «right» in sentences of their own and illustrating the word’s different meanings by drawing pictures.
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Last updated date: 14th Apr 2023
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When teaching kids English, you need to always start with the basics. What are the basics of learning English? Is sentence formation the basis of learning English? Well, yes. But kids also need to understand what they read in books or listen to. Of course, it does not happen overnight. But sight words are something that can come to your rescue.
Simply because if you look at the sight words examples, you can see that sight words for kids do not have any image. They are just words that kids need to recognise and remember. In simple words, sight words help kids understand the text they read.
What Is the Meaning of Sight Words?
Sight words for kids
What are the sight words? To understand how sight words work, sight words’ meaning is very important. Sight words’ sentences are very common. They appear very frequently in every text. Though these words do not provide any particular image like others, they have high frequency, so readers need to memorise the words after seeing them.
For example, if you read the word ‘bright’ on a page, you can automatically get an image that talks about something clear and shiny.
So, what are sight words? The words like ‘I’, ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘a’ are the sight words. You can understand their contribution if you ask your kids to read at least a page daily. By learning the sight words, kids gain confidence in reading and understanding the sentences of an unknown text. The sight words have some characteristics, which are as follows:
You can see sight words’ examples very often in a text. You can see them in every line of text.
There is a huge sight words list, and if you follow the list, you can see that the sight words do not follow the traditional way of spelling. This means their sounds do not match up with their letters.
Imagine the sight words’ sentences. Try to find ‘the’, ‘or’, ‘and’ in a sentence. Can you form a concrete image of these words? No right? Because as we have said before, these words do not carry any image with them like the rest.
Whether you follow sight words for kids or sight words’ meaning, you can see that adjectives, common verbs, and conjunctions are commonly used as sight words. These words help convey a special meaning of the sentence despite carrying no special meaning individually.
List of Some Sight Words
There are at least 300 sight words in the English language. However, if your children are beginners, they will most likely deal with 100 sight words in whatever text they read or write.
A: an, are, and, about, after.
B: But, been.
C: Called, could, can.
D: Down, done, did.
F: From, form, for, first.
H: He, his, had, have.
I: In, is, it.
K: Know
L: Like
M: More, many, much, may, most
N: Not, now
O: Or, out, of, other
S: Said she
T: The, these, this, then, they
U: Up
W: Was, will, would, water.
Y: Your, you, yours.
These are some basic sight words your kids can encounter while reading something.
How to Help Kids Learn Sight Words?
Sight word examples
Though sight words are very common and easily found, if kids get a little help, they can learn the use of the words faster. Since sight words with sentences are very common, here are some tips that can help you to teach kids the words sooner.
The first thing you can do to teach kids how to memorise sight words is to expose them to more reading and listen to different texts daily. You can easily spend at least an hour with your kids reading something. If you keep reading them some stories daily, they can have many sight words. If you can do it multiple times every day, they are likely to hear at least 1 million or more than 1 million sight words daily.
You can also teach them the sight words on the roads or in stores. On roads, you can see signboards, and in the stores, you can see many boards writing about different products. You can ask them to read them repeatedly. This practice can help them learn sight words with sentences.
One of the best ways to teach sign words to kids is to emphasise the sentences that have sight words. When you read a story or passage to your kids, emphasise the lines and read them aloud, so they understand their meaning.
You can help them use their senses by playing with them with sign words. For example, you can provide some fill-in-the-blanks exercises on a page and ask them to fill the gaps. This is a great way to teach them what sight words are and why these words are so important to form a sentence.
Some Sight Words Phrases and Sentences to Help Kids Learn the Use of Sight Words
Sight Words Phrases
Come down here
My mother is there
A blue bear
Pretty please
Little flower girl
My birthday cake
Mountains without sun
Sometimes it’s late
Upon your word
Some Examples of Sight Words Sentences
He will go up the hill.
It was a long day.
I ate an egg.
The boat has a bell.
It was a long day.
Sight words carry a lot of weight in the English language without carrying any meaning individually. In simple words, a sentence cannot form a meaning without using sight words. You can see sight words’ presence in every sentence now and then.
That is why you must teach kids the meaning of the sight words and their uses. One of the most common ways to teach kids the uses of sight words is to read them stories, poetry and different passages. This repetition can help them learn about sight words much faster.
One of the best and most efficient ways to
learn new words quickly and build up your vocabulary is to see how they are used in a sentence.
Learning words by seeing how they are used in a sentence is called
learning vocabulary in context. It is considered much more efficient than just memorizing the word and its meanings. It’s also much more interesting.
When you learn vocabulary in context, you look at the word and its meaning, then read or hear a sentence that uses that word. This helps you internalize the meaning of the word and can also help you see how to use that word to make your own sentences. So, you are not just improving your vocabulary, you are also
picking up grammar tips as well.
In this post, we’re going to show you 50 words with their meanings and sentences. We’re also going to provide you
with a PDF file of the words and their meanings and the example sentences at the end of this post.
1. Accommodate
This is a verb that means that you gave consideration to someone. It’s often used to say that you agreed to a request.
The shopkeeper accommodated Jack’s request to buy a toothbrush, even if he was already closing up.
2. Advantageous
This is an adjective that means that you gave or were given an advantage. It is
a synonym for favorable.
They specifically looked for a hostel near the train station as it would be advantageous for their travel plans.
3. Absolve
This verb is used to say that you have forgiven someone or decided that they are not guilty
After listening to their story, the policeman absolved them and turned their attention to the truck driver.
4. Antidote
An antidote is a noun that means something that will relieve or counteract the negative effects of something. It’s commonly used to talk about a cure for poison.
A stroll in the sunny park was the perfect antidote to Mark’s bad mood.
5. Boredom
You can use this noun to say that you, or someone else, are very disinterested in what is happening or about the current state of affairs. Most of the time, people who are suffering from boredom need to try something new.
Boredom drove me to finally pursue my dream of
learning Russian.
6. Broach
You can
use this verb if you want to say that someone introduced a topic into the conversation.
The teacher broached the subject about different
swear words in Chinese.
7. Clannish
This adjective is used to describe a group of people who are very close and as such rather closed off or standoffish towards others.
Their clannish behavior makes it hard to approach them to ask for help.
8. Competence
This noun is used to indicate that someone is considered capable of
doing a good job.
Fred’s competence as an engineer led to his being entrusted with several projects for the organization.
9. Compassion
This is a noun that is used to describe acting with kindness or pity.
Show some compassion for those left homeless by the fire and donate some clothes you no longer use.
10. Consider
This is a verb that means to think carefully about a decision you need to make.
Before deciding what language to learn, you need to consider what language is
important for your career.
11. Cull
This is a noun that means to reduce the population of a group of animals by killing a select few.
The farmer will cull sickly chickens in the hope of saving the flock.
12. Dauntless
This adjective is used to describe a person or a person’s actions that are considered bold or brave. It also implies that they are persistent in the face of danger or people advising them to change their minds.
The most famous explorers in history needed to be dauntless in the face of the unknown.
13. Dreary
The adjective is used to describe a situation or a person that is gloomy or cheerless.
Dark clouds and the hint of rain cast a dreary light over the beach.
14. Evident
This adjective is used to say that something is clear, easily seen, or understood.
Bert’s eagerness to learn is evident in the way he keeps asking for
new lists of idioms and their meanings.
15. Flurry
This noun is a synonym for the commotion. It means that a lot of activity is taking place.
The news that their mother was on the way home caused a flurry of activity as the children put away their toys.
16. Fickle
You can use this adjective to indicate that someone changes their mind often.
Mark was very fickle when we were younger; he first wanted to be a doctor, then an actor, before he decided to just go to culinary school.
17. Fictitious
This word is an adjective that describes something that is imaginary. A character in a fiction book is fictitious.
I know he is a fictitious character, but I would love to find my own Mr. Darcy.
18. Irate
You use this adjective when you want to say that someone is angry and irritated.
Polly was irate that John and his friends insisted on playing loud music as she tried to study.
19. Gambol
You can use this verb if you want to say that someone or something is running and jumping around in a playful manner.
Watching the children gambol with their new puppy really lifted my spirits.
20. Grotesque
You can use this adjective to say that you think something is very ugly and odd-looking.
The gargoyles on medieval cathedrals were deliberately carved to be as grotesque as possible.
21. Jubilant
This adjective is used to imply that someone is extremely, visibly happy about something.
Henry and Paul were so jubilant over their football team winning they were dancing in the street.
22. Justifiable
When you use this adjective, you are saying that someone’s actions were reasonable or acceptable.
Given the fact that she needed to take her cat to the vet this morning, it was justifiable that Karen was later to our lunch.
23. Laud
This is a verb that means that someone is praising someone else in a public setting.
The mayor lauded the efforts of the city’s firemen in quickly putting out the blaze.
24. Laconic
This is an adjective that means brief. It’s usually meant to describe a short answer to a question. A laconic person is someone who can be referred to by
the idiom “man of few words”.
The always laconic Pedro just said “yes” to the proposal.
25. Mammoth
This adjective is used to describe something that is very, very big. Synonyms for this word are huge and enormous.
The huge burger also came with a mammoth heap of fries.
26. Meddlesome
This adjective is used to describe behavior that is considered interfering or intrusive. The English idiom “stick their nose in” describes a meddlesome person.
The problem with a small town is the many meddlesome neighbors.
27. Misstep
People use this verb when they want to say someone misjudged the situation and did the wrong thing.
Mary made a misstep when she mentioned the professor’s ex-wife.
28. Obtuse
This adjective is basically a synonym for stupid. Someone who is obtuse doesn’t seem to comprehend what is happening around them.
Bobby is so obtuse he didn’t understand that Fred was making fun of him.
29. Officious
This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is overeager and offering unwanted help.
Allan and Betty just wanted to browse, but the officious salesperson trailing them around made them uncomfortable.
30. Opulence
This is a noun that denotes a show of wealth or abundance.
The opulence of the grand hotel had them staring around in awe.
31. Overt
This adjective is used to say that something is obvious. It is a synonym for apparent.
There were no overt signs that Zoe had heard Dan and Ben talking about her.
32. Pallid
This adjective is used to describe someone who is pale and white. It’s usually meant to say that someone looks unhealthy.
After coming home from the hospital, friends were concerned about how pallid John still looked.
33. Paragon
A paragon is someone who is considered a perfect example. This noun is a synonym for model.
Superheroes were originally meant to be paragons of humanity.
34. Pariah
This is a noun that is used to describe someone who is a social outcast or who is being shunned by the majority of their social group.
After Ben was caught trying to pass off Mandy’s work as his own, he became the office pariah.
35. Perfunctory
This adjective is used to describe how someone performs a dull and routine task. Someone performs their duty perfunctory if they do it and do it properly but have little interest in it.
Alice was a perfunctory employee; she accomplished her tasks and went home.
36. Precocious
This adjective is usually used when describing children. It means that someone displays behavior that is advanced for their age.
Sally was always precocious; she was reading Shakespeare by age seven.
37. Propensity
This is a noun that is used to say that someone has a natural inclination or preference for something.
While Sam is very smart, he has a propensity to be dismissive of others’ opinions.
38. Quandary
This is a noun that means a difficult situation or decision.
Having to decide between his job and an
opportunity to study abroad had Harry in a quandary.
39. Querulous
This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is fretful or has a habit of whining or complaining.
While Mindy loved working at the nursing home, Mr. Santos strained her patients with his querulous questions about meals.
40. Ransack
When you use the verb ransack you are saying that someone was searching for something so frantically, that they made a huge mess.
I ransacked my room looking for my phone and it turned out to be behind the sofa cushions.
41. Rebuke
This is a verb that means to scold or criticize someone.
Seeing how hurt Peter was at Alice’s words, Lucy rebuked her friend.
42. Revelry
This is a noun to denote a feeling of festivity or celebration.
The revelry of the town festival is something you don’t want to miss.
43. Rift
A rift is a division or a gap. You can use this noun to say that two people disagreed about something and it ruined their relationship.
The rift between Tom and Nick happened when they found themselves competing for the same job.
44. Simpleton
This noun is used for someone who is not very bright or who has a low mental capacity.
He’s a simpleton and doesn’t really understand why people laugh at him.
45. Spurious
The use of this adjective implies that something is false or counterfeit.
Politicians make a lot of spurious promises during the campaign trail.
46. Strain
When someone or something is under strain, they cannot meet the demands of the situation. This noun means that the resources available are just barely meeting the need or are on the verge of running out.
Between losing her job and her mortgage, having to pay for car repairs really strained Jenny’s budget.
47. Teem
You can use this verb to say that something is full or overflowing.
The bar was teeming with language learners hoping to practice their conversational skills.
48. Tout
This verb means that someone is praising or promoting a person or a product.
Much of my makeup collection consists of products touted by my favorite beauty bloggers.
49. Tranquil
This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is at peace or to say that the mood is peaceful.
The tranquil mood of the quiet beach was just what I needed to destress after a tough week.
50. Unscathed
This adjective describes someone or something that was untouched or unhurt by a bad situation like an accident.
While Kyle had a small cut on his forehead, Lindsey was unscathed by the accident.
Here is a PDF of these 50 words with meaning and sentences that you can download, print, and study at your leisure.
If you really want to learn how to use these words in daily conversation, however, we suggest you take this list and go through the words with an online native English language speaking tutor.
A good tutor can provide you with other examples of how to use these words properly and help you work on your pronunciation and accent.
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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
Word Meaning
Lecture # 6
Grigoryeva M. -
2 слайд
Word Meaning
Approaches to word meaning
Meaning and Notion (понятие)
Types of word meaning
Types of morpheme meaning
3 слайд
Each word has two aspects:
the outer aspect
( its sound form)
catthe inner aspect
(its meaning)
long-legged, fury animal with sharp teeth
and claws -
4 слайд
Sound and meaning do not always constitute a constant unit even in the same language
EX a temple
a part of a human head
a large church -
5 слайд
Semantics (Semasiology)
Is a branch of lexicology which studies the
meaning of words and word equivalents -
6 слайд
Approaches to Word Meaning
The Referential (analytical) approachThe Functional (contextual) approach
Operational (information-oriented) approach
7 слайд
The Referential (analytical) approach
formulates the essence of meaning by establishing the interdependence between words and things or concepts they denotedistinguishes between three components closely connected with meaning:
the sound-form of the linguistic sign,
the concept
the actual referent -
8 слайд
Basic Triangle
concept (thought, reference) – the thought of the object that singles out its essential features
referent – object denoted by the word, part of reality
sound-form (symbol, sign) – linguistic sign
concept – flowersound-form referent
[rәuz] -
9 слайд
In what way does meaning correlate with
each element of the triangle ?In what relation does meaning stand to
each of them? -
10 слайд
Meaning and Sound-form
are not identical
EX. dove — [dΛv] English sound-forms
[golub’] Russian BUT
[taube] German
the same meaning -
11 слайд
Meaning and Sound-form
nearly identical sound-forms have different meanings in different languages
EX. [kot] Russian – a male cat
[kot] English – a small bed for a childidentical sound-forms have different meanings (‘homonyms)
EX. knight [nait]
night [nait] -
12 слайд
Meaning and Sound-form
even considerable changes in sound-form do not affect the meaningEX Old English lufian [luvian] – love [l Λ v]
13 слайд
Meaning and Concept
concept is a category of human cognitionconcept is abstract and reflects the most common and typical features of different objects and phenomena in the world
meanings of words are different in different languages
14 слайд
Meaning and Concept
identical concepts may have different semantic structures in different languagesEX. concept “a building for human habitation” –
English Russian
HOUSE ДОМ+ in Russian ДОМ
“fixed residence of family or household”
In English HOME -
15 слайд
Meaning and Referent
one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by more than one word of a different meaning
tiger -
16 слайд
is not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –
the sound form,
the concept
the referentBUT
is closely connected with them. -
17 слайд
Functional Approach
studies the functions of a word in speech
meaning of a word is studied through relations of it with other linguistic units
EX. to move (we move, move a chair)
movement (movement of smth, slow movement)The distriution ( the position of the word in relation to
others) of the verb to move and a noun movement is
different as they belong to different classes of words and
their meanings are different -
18 слайд
Operational approach
is centered on defining meaning through its role in
the process of communicationEX John came at 6
Beside the direct meaning the sentence may imply that:
He was late
He failed to keep his promise
He was punctual as usual
He came but he didn’t want toThe implication depends on the concrete situation
19 слайд
Lexical Meaning and Notion
Notion denotes the reflection in the mind of real objectsNotion is a unit of thinking
Lexical meaning is the realization of a notion by means of a definite language system
Word is a language unit -
20 слайд
Lexical Meaning and Notion
Notions are international especially with the nations of the same cultural levelMeanings are nationally limited
EX GO (E) —- ИДТИ(R)
“To move”
BUT !!!
To GO by bus (E)
ЕХАТЬ (R)EX Man -мужчина, человек
Она – хороший человек (R)
She is a good person (E) -
21 слайд
Types of Meaning
Types of meaninggrammatical
lexical meaning
connotational -
22 слайд
Grammatical Meaning
component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different wordsEX. girls, winters, toys, tables –
grammatical meaning of pluralityasked, thought, walked –
meaning of past tense -
23 слайд
Lexico-grammatical meaning
(part –of- speech meaning)
is revealed in the classification of lexical items into:
major word classes (N, V, Adj, Adv)
minor ones (artc, prep, conj)words of one lexico-grammatical class have the same paradigm
24 слайд
Lexical Meaning
is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributionsEX . Go – goes — went
lexical meaning – process of movement -
25 слайд
Group the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical or part-of –speech meaning
Boy’s, nearest, at, beautiful,
think, man, drift, wrote,
tremendous, ship’s, the most beautiful,
table, near, for, went, friend’s,
handsome, thinking, boy,
nearer, thought, boys,
lamp, go, during. -
26 слайд
The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s
The degree of comparison of adj: nearest, the most beautiful
The tense of verbs: wrote, went, thoughtLexical
Think, thinking, thought
Went, go
Boy’s, boy, boys
Nearest, near, nearer
At, for, during (“time”)
Beautiful, the most beautifulPart-of-speech
Nouns—verbs—adj—-prep -
27 слайд
Aspects of Lexical meaning
The denotational aspectThe connotational aspect
The pragmatic aspect
28 слайд
Denotational Meaning
“denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”establishes the correlation between the name and the object
makes communication possibleEX booklet
“a small thin book that gives info about smth” -
29 слайд
Explain denotational meaningA lion-hunter
To have a heart like a lion
To feel like a lion
To roar like a lion
To be thrown to the lions
The lion’s share
To put your head in lion’s mouth -
30 слайд
A lion-hunter
A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests
To have a heart like a lion
To have great courage
To feel like a lion
To be in the best of health
To roar like a lion
To shout very loudly
To be thrown to the lions
To be criticized strongly or treated badly
The lion’s share
Much more than one’s share
To put your head in lion’s mouth -
31 слайд
Connotational Meaning
reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about
it is optional – a word either has it or notConnotation gives additional information and includes:
The emotive charge EX Daddy (for father)
Intensity EX to adore (for to love)
Imagery EX to wade through a book
“ to walk with an effort” -
32 слайд
Give possible interpretation of the sentencesShe failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
He was longing to begin to be generous.
She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles. -
33 слайд
Give possible interpretation of the sentences
She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
(pain—dissatisfaction that makes her suffer)
Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
(make loud sharp sound—-the behavior that implies that the person is frightened)
He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
(to go at slow speed—was suffering or was ill)
The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
(to move smth towards oneself— to try to attract smb’s attention)
He was longing to begin to be generous.
(to start doing— hadn’t been generous before)
She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles.
(colour— a labourer involved into physical work ,constant contact with water) -
34 слайд
The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning
the situation in which the word is uttered,
the social circumstances (formal, informal, etc.),
social relationships between the interlocutors (polite, rough, etc.),
the type and purpose of communication (poetic, official, etc.)EX horse (neutral)
steed (poetic)
nag (slang)
gee-gee (baby language) -
35 слайд
State what image underline the meaningI heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
They seized on the idea.
Bill, chasing some skirt again?
I saw him dive into a small pub.
Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
He only married her for her dough. -
36 слайд
State what image underline the meaning
I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
(to understand completely)
You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
(to behave humbly in order to win favour)
They seized on the idea.
(to be eager to take and use)
Bill, chasing some skirt again?
(a girl)
I saw him dive into a small pub.
(to enter suddenly)
Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
(to blame smb unfairly)
He only married her for her dough.
(money) -
37 слайд
Types of Morpheme Meaning
distributional -
38 слайд
Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
root-morphemes that are homonymous to words possess lexical meaning
EX. boy – boyhood – boyishaffixes have lexical meaning of a more generalized character
EX. –er “agent, doer of an action” -
39 слайд
Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
has denotational and connotational components
EX. –ly, -like, -ish –
denotational meaning of similiarity
womanly , womanishconnotational component –
-ly (positive evaluation), -ish (deragotary) женственный — женоподобный -
40 слайд
Differential Meaning
a semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others containing identical morphemesEX. cranberry, blackberry, gooseberry
41 слайд
Functional Meaning
found only in derivational affixes
a semantic component which serves to
refer the word to the certain part of speechEX. just, adj. – justice, n.
42 слайд
Distributional Meaning
the meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphemes making up the word
found in words containing more than one morpheme
different arrangement of the same morphemes would make the word meaningless
EX. sing- + -er =singer,
-er + sing- = ? -
43 слайд
denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composition and structural pattern of the word on the one hand, and its meaning on the othercan be phonetical
semantic -
44 слайд
Phonetical Motivation
when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up the word and those produced by animals, objects, etc.EX. sizzle, boom, splash, cuckoo
45 слайд
Morphological Motivation
when there is a direct connection between the structure of a word and its meaning
EX. finger-ring – ring-finger,A direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes
EX think –rethink “thinking again” -
46 слайд
Semantic Motivation
based on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of the same wordEX a watchdog –
”a dog kept for watching property”a watchdog –
“a watchful human guardian” (semantic motivation) -
48 слайд
Analyze the meaning of the words.
Define the type of motivation
a) morphologically motivated
b) semantically motivatedDriver
piggish -
49 слайд
Analyze the meaning of the words.
Define the type of motivation
a) morphologically motivated
b) semantically motivated
Someone who drives a vehicle
morphologically motivated
The part of a piece of furniture such as a table
semantically motivated
A piece of equipment shaped like a box, used in gymnastics
semantically motivated -
50 слайд
Emotions or behavior preventing people from feeling close
semantically motivated
Made by hand, not machine
morphologically motivated
Not taking enough care
morphologically motivated
semantically motivated -
51 слайд
I heard what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind
“do down to the bottom”
‘to be accepted by mind” semantic motivationWhy are you trying to pin the blame on me?
“fasten smth somewhere using a pin” –
”to blame smb” semantic motivationI was following the man when he dived into a pub.
“jump into deep water” –
”to enter into suddenly” semantic motivationYou should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that
“to move along on hands and knees close to the ground” –
“to behave very humbly in order to win favor” semantic motivation
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Sentence structure is the course of action of words in a sentence. A sentence is composed of words such as things, verbs, descriptive words and qualifiers.
Using an assortment of words once you talk to your child will offer assistance for your child to learn modern words. Verbs activity words like “dance”, “fall”, and “pour” are particularly vital for building sentences.
Other important words are:
The subject is often referred to as a noun or things that perform actions.
Example: The dog jumped.
The subject of this sentence is the thing, dog since it is jumping.
Example: Goats and buffaloes sleep.
The subjects of this sentence are nouns, goats and buffaloes. Usually called a compound subject since there’s more than one subject performing the same activity.
The object is often referred to as the nouns that receive the action.
Example: She is eating rice and dal.
The objects which are receiving the action in this sentence are the nouns, rice and dal.
Example: The child ate chips.
The object of this sentence is the noun, chips because the child is eating the chips. The chips are receiving the action.
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Five Basic Sentence Structures
- Subject-Verb (S-V)
- The dog plays.
- Akshay laughs.
- Khushi sleeps.
- Subject-Verb-Object (S-V-O)
- The boy bathes the cat.
- I eat bananas.
- Rahul throws the ball.
- Subject-Verb-Adjective (S-V-Adj)
- Mehak is beautiful.
- They are nice.
- I am hungry.
- Subject-Verb-Adverb (S-V-Adv)
- Yesha laughs loudly.
- The bird flies high.
- Flowers are everywhere.
- Subject-Verb-Noun (S-V-N)
- I am the principal.
- My Daddy is a fisherman.
- The girl is a student.
A simple sentence is a sentence that usually consists of just one independent clause. A simple sentence doesn’t have dependent clauses.
Below are Examples of Simple Sentences
- I cannot drink warm milk.
- A day without sunshine is like night.
- I love playing.
- My favourite cartoon is Ninja Hattori.
Also Read: 100 Action Words in English: For Kindergarten to Class 1
Small Sentences for Kindergarten
- The pig is pink.
- Look at the cat.
- I live in a house.
- The apple is red.
- I have 5 flowers.
- The ball is green.
- I like to play.
- The jar has a lid.
- The swan is white.
- The van is blue.
Also Read: Rhyming Words for Kids: Everything You Want to Know
10 Simple English Sentences for Kids Along with Pictures
I’m eating doughnuts.
The sun is hot.
He is my dad.
I see the bus.
I have a bat.
My crayon colour is Red.
The girl has long hair.
This is an ant.
Earth has one moon.
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20 Daily Use Small English Sentences For Kids
- How about a hug?
- Sit up straight.
- Don’t be angry.
- Study here.
- Go to the bath.
- Speak softly.
- Don’t cry again.
- Stop talking.
- Have food.
- Watch carefully.
- Don’t tell her.
- Wait for me.
- Give it back.
- Bolt the door.
- Clean up.
- Walk slowly.
- Don’t go.
- Have your breakfast.
- Don’t cry again.
- Wake up
Also Read Is Learning Dependent on Cognitive Development? Guide to Better Development
Understanding sentences is essential because it offers details that make the listener understand and you communicate freely. It is the framework that expresses the exact sense of interaction between two people. Thus, remove mistakes from your speaking and reward your kids with direct communication with the help of the daily used sentences above. Introduce your kids to Simple English Sentences and prepare them for the future. By using some of these simple sentences in your kids daily routine, you can build your child’s vocabulary and ability to communicate fluently.
Hopefully, you found this article helpful. You can share your view with us by commenting in the below box.
200 Simple English Sentences For Kids With Hindi Meaning
What Is Sentences?
A set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
(200 Simple English Sentences For Kids With Hindi Meaning)
- हिलो मत- Don’t move.
- चुपचाप खड़े रहो- Stand still.
- बिल्कुल अभी- Right away.
- अपने पैर मत घसीटो- Don’t drag your feet.
- नहाने का समय हो रहा है- It is time to take a bath.
- ऐसे चेहरे मत बनाओ- Don’t make faces.
- अपने जूते पहनो- Put on your shoes.
- तमीज से बात करो- Behave yourself.
- अपने कपड़े बदल लो- Change your clothes.
- आपको चप्पल कहाँ है- Where are your slippers?
- अपनी चप्पल पहन लो- Wear your slippers.
- मेरे लिए पानी लेकर आओ- Please bring me a glass of water.
- खाना चबाकर खाओ- Chew your foods.
- नाखून मत काटो- Don’t bite your nails.
- हिलो मत- Don’t move.
- क्या तुम एक जगह नहीं बैठ सकते?- Can’t you sit still?
- अपने कॉपी की पेज मत फाड़ो- Don’t tear your pages.
- मैम ने क्या कहा- What did your mam say?
- ये कहाँ से उठाया- Where did you pick it from?
- चोट लग गयी क्या- Did you heart yourself?
- क्या खेल रहे हो- What are you playing?
- क्या आपको मच्छर ने काटा- Did mosquito bite you?
- स्विच को हाथ मत लगाओ- Don’t touch the switch.
- धीरे बोलो- Speak slowly.
- टॉफी किसने दी- Who gave you the candy?
- जुबान मत लड़ाओ- Don’t argue.
- पापा को काम करने दो- Let papa work.
- क्या ढूंढ रहे हो- What are you looking for?
- शोर मत मचाओ- Don’t make a noise.
- स्कूल के लिए तैयार हो जाओ- Get ready for school.
- आज स्कूल में क्या हुआ- What happened at school today?
- मैम ने कुछ कहा- Did mam say anything?
- अपनी डायरी लेकर आओ- Bring your dairy.
- टीचर डाँटेगी- Teacher will scold you.
- पापा से पूछो- Ask your papa.
- पेट भर गया क्या- Are you full?
- अपने दांत अच्छे से साफ करो- Brush your teeth properly.
- कुल्ला कर लो- Rinse your mouth.
- मेरे पास आओ- Come to me.
- अपने पापा के पास जाओ- Go to your papa.
- इसको खो मत देना- Don’t lose it.
- इसको तोड़ मत देना- Don’t break it.
- नाक में उंगली मत डालो- Don’t put a finger in your nose.
- अपनी नाके साफ करो- Blow your nose.
- छींकते समय अपनी नाक ढंक लो- Cover your nose while sneezing.
- आपको वॉशरूम जाना है- Do you want to go to the washroom?
- चलो बाहर घूमने चलते हैं- Let’s go outside.
- शरारती मत बनो- Don’t be naughty.
- मुझे तंग मत करो- Don’t disturb me.
- आप मेरी बात नहीं मानते हैं- You don’t listen to me.
- क्या आपने अपने हाथ धोये- Did you wash your hands?
- इसको उठाओ और कूड़ादान में डालो- Pick it up and flow in the dustbin.
- सही ढंग से रखना- Out them in order.
- अपना होमवर्क खत्म करो- Finish your homework.
- इसे हाथ मत लगाओ- Don’t touch it.
- पेज मत फाड़ो- Don’t tear the page.
- अपने जूते का फीता बांधो- Tie your shoelaces.
- टीवी देखना बन्द करो- Stop watching TV.
- मोबाइल में गेम खेलना बन्द करो- Stop playing game on mobile.
- अपना खाना जल्दी खत्म करो- Finish your food quickly.
- अपने नाखून मत काटो- Don’t bite your nails.
- अपने मुह में उंगली मत डालो- Don’t put your finger in your mouth.
- एक घूँट भी नहीं- Not a sip.
- एक टुकड़ा भी नहीं- Not a bite.
- छिलका फर्स पर मत फेंको- Don’t drop the peels on the floor.
- अपने खिलौने जगह पर रखो- Keep your toys in place.
- आप बहुत समझदार बच्चे हो- You are very smart kids.
- आपको आइसक्रीम ज्यादा पसंद है या चॉकलेट- You like ice cream more or a chocolate.
- आप बहुत टीवी देखते हैं- You watch TV a lot.
- कभी हार मत मानो- Never give up.
- मेरा विश्वास करो- Believe me.
- चुप रहो- Shut up.
- इसे लिख लो- Write it.
- झगड़ा मत करो- Don’t fight.
- मेरे हाथ गन्दे है- My hands are dirty.
- मुझे प्यास लगी है- I’m thirsty.
- मुझे भूख लगी है- I’m hungry.
- मैं आपसे गुस्सा हूँ- I’m angry with you.
- फिर हम खेलेंगे- Then we will play.
- झूठ मत बोलो- Don’t lie.
- आपने क्या खाया- What did you eat?
- मुझे परेशान मत करो- Don’t disturb me.
- आलसी मत बनों- Don’t be lazy.
- कूदो मत- Don’t jump.
- तुम गिर जाओगे- You fall down.
- आपको पता है- Do you know?
- ढंग से पेश आओ- Behave properly.
- एक तरफ हट जाओ- Move aside.
- थोड़ा हटो- Move a bit.
- उन्हें सही ढंग से रखो- Put them in correctly.
- अपनी नाक साफ करो- Clean your nose.
- ये आसान है- Thai is easy.
- अब तुम कोशिश करो- Now you try.
- वापस जाओ- Go back.
- आप बहुत गन्दे हो- You are very bad.
- आप बहुत अच्छे हो- You are very good.
- आप चुप क्यों है- Why are you silent?
- आप जवाब क्यों नहीं दे रहे हैं- Why are you answering?
- क्या आप बीमार हो- Are you sick?
- ये वाला- This one.
- वो वाला- That one.
- इसे करो- Do it.
- इसे जल्दी करो- Do it fast.
- नहा लो- Take bath.
- जाकर खेलो- Go and play.
- बाए बोलो- Say goodbye.
- बहन को बाए बोलो- Say goodbye to uncle.
- सीधे खड़े रहो- Stand still.
- हिलो मत- Don’t move.
- ऊपर जाओ- Go up stairs.
- नीचे आओ- Come down stairs.
- इधर देखो- Look here.
- मेरी तरफ देखो- Look at me.
- इसे लो-Take it.
- और कुछ- Anything else.
- और कुछ नहीं- Nothing else.
- ध्यान से- Be careful.
- अभी- Right now.
- क्या हुआ- What happened?
- इसे चखो- Taste it.
- मुझे दो- Give me.
- ये क्या है- What is this?
- एक निवाला खा लो- Take a bite.
- टेस्ट करो- Test it.
- एक घूँट पी लो- Take a sip.
- इस ज्यूस का एक घूँट पी लो- Take a sip of this juice.
- अपनी किताबें बैग में रखो- Put your books in the bag.
- कभी नहीं- Never.
- इसे साफ करो- Clean it.
- कोई बात नहीं- Never mind.
- इसे दुहराओ- Repeat it.
- मेरे बाद दुहराओ- Repeat after me.
- फिर से कोशिश करो- Try again.
- उठ जाओ- Get up.
- जाग जाओ- Wake up.
- खुश रहो- Be happy.
- चलो एक गेम खेलते हैं- Let’s play a game.
- अंदर आओ- Come in.
- तैयार हो जाओ- Get ready.
- कोई खास- Anything special?
- कुछ खास- Something special.
- रो मत- Don’t cry.
- चिल्लाओ मत- Don’t shout.
- जाकर पढ़ो- Go study.
- सब्र करो- Have patience.
- दिखाओ मुझे- Show me.
- मेरी बात सुनो- Listen to me.
- मैं जानता हूँ- I know.
- कोई बात नहीं- Never mind/ No problem.
- खड़े हो जाओ- Stand up.
- बैठ जाओ- Sit down.
- इसे खाओ- It eat.
- धीरे चलो- Walk slowly.
- यहाँ आओ- Come here.
- जोर से बोलो- Speak loudly.
- शांत रहो- Keep quite.
- समझा करो- Please understand.
- भूलना मत- Don’t forget.
- मैं भूल गया- I forgot.
- शर्माओ मत- Don’t by shy.
- जाकर टेबल लगा दो- Set the table.
- बहुत अच्छा- Very good.
- सो जाओ- Go to bed.
- मुझे बताओ- Tell me.
- चोट कैसे लगी- How did you get heart?
- ठंडा पानी मत पियो- Don’t drink cold water.
- आइसक्रीम मत खाओ- Don’t eat icecream.
- मेरा हाथ पकड़ो- Hold my hand.
- बाहर मत खेलो- Don’t play outside.Website:- https://www.englishlovers.in
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Multiple Meaning Word Lists in Developmental Order
Functional – bat, bowl, can, cold, face, fall, fit, foot, hand, hit, light, mean, park,pet, pitcher, play, punch, ring, rock, roll, run, saw, star, stick, top, trip
Early Elementary – back, bank, bark, bend, block, board, bomb, border, box, bright, brush, cap, capital, change, character, check, checker, clear, count, cover, cycle, degree, direction, draw, drill, even, fall, fire, freeze, force, head, inch, iron, key, kind, letter, lie, line, match, mind, model, motion, mouse, odd, order, past, period, place, point, pole, power, present, property, right, rose, ruler, safe, scale, seal, season, second, shake, ship, side, solid, solution, space, spring, stamp, staple, state, story, stuff, table, tense, track, turn, watch, wave, work
Late Elementary – act, angle, atmosphere, bitter, cast, charge, country, court, credit, current, depression, draft, due, edge, film, flood, friction, front, fuse, gum, interest, judge, negative, lean, matter, motion, organ, party, plane, plot, produce, product, raise, rate, reason, report, school, screen, sense, settle, shock, spell, source, staff, stand, staple, state, tip, wage, volume
Secondary – base, bass, chance, channel, coast, constitution, content, crop, division, formula, gravity, interest, issue, lounge, market, tissue, operation, pitch, process, program, view, value, volume, waste
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(1) Basic Multiple Meaning Word Nonsense Sentences Doc PDF; (2) Multiple Meaning Word Description Grid Doc PDF; (3) Multiple Meaning Pictures Doc PDF; (4) Word Dice six sided basic Doc PDF; (5) Word Dice six sided basic 2 Doc PDF; (6)Word Dice – six and eight sided – template Doc PDF
Multiple Meaning Word Comprehension Strips
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(1) Basic Multiple Meaning Words 1 odt pdf; (2) Basic Multiple Meaning Words 2 odt pdf; (3) Basic Multiple Meaning Words 3 odt pdf; (4)Basic Multiple Meaning Words 4 odt pdf; (5) Later Developing Multiple Meaning Words 1 odt pdf; (6) Later Developing Multiple Meaning Words 2 odt pdf
Word and Sentence Searches
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(1) Basic Multiple Meaning Word Search Doc PDF; (2) Later Developing Multiple Meaning Words Word Search Doc PDF; (3) Multiple Meaning Sentence Search Doc PDF
Other Worksheets and Activities
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Documents – Click on Doc or PDF to download worksheets in preferred format.
(1) Later Developing Multiple Meaning Word Nonsense Sentences Doc PDF ; (2) Later Dev Search and Find 1 Doc PDF; (3) Later Dev Search and Find 2 Doc PDF; (4) Matching Cards 1 Doc PDF; (5) Matching Cards 2 Doc PDF
Background Information
These are words that have different meanings depending upon their usage in a sentence. Excessive time in understanding multiple meaning words can provide a delay in understanding that disrupts either reading fluency or oral language comprehension. Much of semantic ambiguity involves multiple meaning words.
Many standardized tests assess words with multiple meanings in their vocabulary sections. Language used by textbooks and teachers are rife with ambiguity, as is much of the humor used in social language (Spector, 2007). Familiar, frequently used words tend to have more meanings than less frequent words. For example, one study found that 72% of the most frequently occurring 9,000 words contained multiple meanings (Johnson and Pearson, 1984). Other research has demonstrated the significance of context in acquiring and testing multiple meaning words. Many factors contribute to the difficulty understanding these words, including context, a child’s previous experience with the words in that context, and the degree of meaning overlap between the words’ meanings (Johnson et al., 1997).
Practice with multiple meaning words accomplishes several things:
1) encourages metalinguistic skills, such as thinking about why certain words have certain labels
2) kills two birds with one stone – learn two words for the price of one
3) prepares for common sections of standardized vocabulary tests
4) provides bridge for working with context
Sometimes words that can be used as verbs or nouns are called multiple meaning words (for example, open, dance, and layer). These words aren’t typically confused for one another. When hearing “The door was opened.” a listener doesn’t typically confuse the possible noun or verb meanings of “opened.” Assessments with multiple meaning words include the LPT, OWLS, and TOLD-I.
Goal Suggestions
Eugene will identify another meaning of functional multiple meaning words when given one meaning.
Charlotte will identify two meanings of age appropriate multiple meaning words.
Dayton will provide one definition of age appropriate multiple meaning words when given another definition.
Pierre will provide two definitions of age appropriate multiple meaning words.